ZLttcljftcnr lEuQuCrcr: TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. accurate judgment of its operation, there is I cial privileges, under the construction they tfresOrettt’ff JHeasaac- reason to to the PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY MORNING, every believe that it will prove high- gave Treaty for the cession of Louisi- SENATE. 1 beneficial. The trade authorized ana. By Washington, Dec. 6. ly thereby HENRY ADAMS. Maine. North-Carolina. has Should this This at 12 o’clock, the President of the United employed, to the 30th September last, Treaty receive the sanc- John Bedford day, proper ^ERMS. Holme*, Brown, Stales, by hii Private Secretary, communicated to the upwards of 30,000 tons of American, and 15,- tion, n source of irritation will be Peleg Sprague. Willie P. Mnngum. two stopped, * Houses of Congress the following 000 tons of outward that has for so To village and single mail subscriber* 2 dollars per New-Hampshire. South-Carolina. foreign shipping in the many years, in some degree, before Ibe of six month*. : year, payable expiration Samuel Belt, Robert Y. Hay ne, MESSAGE voyages ; and, in the inward, nearly an equal alienated from each other, two nations, who To of number over 50 companies any six, $1 per Isaac Hill. Stephen D. Miller. Fellow Citizens the Senate, amount of American, and 20,000 only of for- from interest, as well as the remembrance of year, payable as above. To companies less than six, Vermont. of Georgia. : have resulted to 75 as before. 25 cents will and House eign tonnage. Advantages, too, early associations, ought cherish the most $1 per year, payable 10* Horatio Sey mour, George M. Troup, of Representatives Iroin of these when to our interests from the state of relations—an will be deducted each prices payment Samuel Prentiss. John Forsyth. The representation ot ibc people has been agricultural friendly encouragement bn is made in advance. These are exclusive of the trade between Canada and our Territories for in prices Massachusetts. Kentucky. renewed for the 22d time since the constitu- given perseverance the demands of jus- mail or for stage charge transportation. Daniel Webster, George M. Bibb, and States bordering on the St.Lawrence and tice, by this new proof, that, if No papers will he discontinued tinlii all Nathaniel tion they formed has been in force. For near steadily pursu- arrearages Silsltee. Henry Clny. the Lakes, which than ed, will be listened to—and admonition are paid, except at the discretion nf the editor. Rhode-Jsland. Tennessee. half a the chief who have may provejnore equi- they * century, magistrates he Notice of a wish to discontinue must be before valent to the loss sustained the discrimina- will offered lo those Powers, if which given Ashttr Bobbins, Felix Grundy, been chosen have made their an- by any, the of the successively tion made to favor the trade of the northern be inclined to evade expiration year. Nehemiah R. Knight. Hugh L. White. nual communications of the state of the nation may them, that they will Advertising. One square, three insertions, $1, Connecticut. Ohio. colonies West never be to its with the Indies. abandoned. Above all, a jost confi- and the same proportion for two or more A. representatives. Generally, these com- squares.— Samuel Foot, Benjamin Ruggles, After our transition from the state of colo- dence will be in our fellow Half a 75 cents. Continuance over three weeks munications have been of the most inspired citizens, square Gideon Tomlinson. Thomas Erring. gratifying that 20 week. A liberal deduction made for nies to that of an independent nation, many their Government will exert all the percent per New- York. Indiana. nature, testifying an advance in all the im- pow- continued or 12 were to be settled be- ers with which have advertisement* G monilif. Charles E. Dudley, Robert Hanna, of the points found necessary they invested it, in sup- and provements social and all securities of Administrator*’ Executors’ Notices, $1 00 William L. Mnrcy. William Hendricks. tween tis and Great Britain, Among them port of their just claims upon foreign Commissioner*’ Notices, 1 25 political life. But and as nations; Netc-Jersey. Illinois. frequently, justly, was the demarcation of boundaries, not des- at the same time that the frank All communications roust be post-paid. Maltlon Dickerson, Elias K. Kane, you have been railed on to be grateful for the acknowledg- cribed with sufficient in the Treaty ment and provision for the of those Theodore Frelinglinysen. John M. Robinson. bounties of Providence, at few periods have precision payment Louisiana. of Peace. Some of the lines that divide the which were addressed to your al- Pennsylvania. they been more abundantly or extensively be- equity, Isaac D. Barnard, Josiali S. Johnston, States and Territories of the U. States from though unsupported by affords a CONSUMPTION! stowed than at the if ever, legal proof, William Wilkins. George A. Waggamnn. present—rarely, the British Provinces, have been definitively practical illustration of our submission to the Asthma ! and Catarrh ! Delaware. Alabama. have we had reason (o greater congratulate fixed. us divine rule of TN that train of diseases which seem to That,however,which separates from doing to others what we desire Ion? grow Arnold Naudnin, Willinm It. King, each other on the continued and increasing A with the of civilized CONSUMP- Gabriel Moore. the Provinces of Canada and New-Brunswick they should do unto us. growth society, John M. Clayton. of our TION takes the lead in its prosperity beloved country. relentless inroads upon hu- Marylatfd. . to the North and the East, was still in dispute Sweden and Denmark having made com- man life: this dreadful disorder is overcome Agriculture, the first and most important yet easily Samuel Smith, Powhatan Ellis, when I came into office. But I found arrange- pensation for the irregularities committed I in its earlier stages. It is only when that it F. Chambers. Poindexter. occupation of man, has the la- by neglected Ezekiel George compensated ments made for its over which I their or in their arrives at so settlement,. vessels, ports, to the the terrific maturity which often baffles . Missouri. bors of the husbandman with plentiful crons perfect E> tile of professional science. An obstinate John H. Benton, had no control. The commissioners who had satisfaction of the concerned; and sagacity Tyler, Thomas of all the varied products of our extensive parties K coho'.i is the forerunner of the Litlletoo W. Tazewell. Alexander Buckner. been under the of the renewed the Treaties customary pulmonary ManufactureshaVe been appointed provisions having of Commerce S consumption. Improper neglect in the timely adinin- country. established, entered \ Treaty of Ghent .having been unable to agree, into with them, our political and com- *, istration of simple and salutary remedies, is sure to be in which the funds of the capitalist find a pro- a convention was made with Great Britain mercial relations with those Powers a dreadful succession of symp- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. fitable and hy continue reproved by consumptive investment, which give employ- be toms; of the breast; nnd bloody my immediate in office, with the to on*the most oppression greenish Maine. Daniel Jenifer, ment and subsistence to a numerous and in- predecessor friendly footing. spittle: ulcerated lungs and hectic fever; shrivelled advice and consent ofthe which it With our differences to SjATj John Anderson, John of industrious and dexterous Senate, hy Spain, up the (id extremities, nnd general emnriation of the whole body: Spencefr creasing body ** Leonard Jarvis, John L. Kerr, was agreed that the points of difference that February, 1819, were settled the of fe- ^prostration of strength; flushed cheeks; swollen feet mechanics. The laborer is rewarded by Treaty Cornelius Geo. C. by high have arisen in the settlement of the of that but at a an,| ami at last, in full of the mental Holland, Washington, boundary Washington date; legs; possession Rufus Delaware. wages, in the construction of works of inter- subsequent faculties, and while hope stilj whispers her flattering M'lntyre, line between the American and British domi- period, our commerce with the states, former- Evans, John J. Miligan. nal improvement; which are with cold extremities, and a premature death. George extending ns described in article of the colonies of on tale, James nions, the 5th ly Spain, the continenffef For the various singes of this complaint, one of the Bales, Virginia. unprecedented rapidity. Science is steadily Edward Mark Alexander, treaty of Ghent, shall he referred, as therein America, was annoyed and inter- most approved remedies ever yet discovered is Knvanaugh. penetrating the recesses of nature, and disclo- frequently New Robert Allen, to seme or state, her and armed Hampshire. her while the provided, friendly sovereign rupted by public private ships; Dr. Relfe’s Asthmatic Pills. John Rroadheud, Wm. S. Archer, sing sec.ret9, ingenuity of free who shall he invited tu investigate, and make They captured many of onr vessels prosecu- This nnd sale nnd Thomas Chandler, N. H. Claiborne, minds is subjecting the elements to the power exceedingly powerful, yet equally a decision upon such points of difference ting a lawful commerce, and sold them and innocent preparation, has effected thorough and rapid, Joseph Hammons, Robert it. Craig, of man, and making each new conquest auxi- Thomas and the King of the Netherlands having, their cargoes ; and, at one time, to our de- cures upon patients supposed to have been far advan- Henry Hubbard, Davenport, to his comfort. our mails, whose by W. Cha*. C. liary By the late mands for restoration and ced in a confirmed Consumption, nnd who have exhi John Weeks, Johnson, President and his Britannic indemnity, oppos- M. Win. F. speed is regularly increased, and whose routes Majesty, bited the appearances which usually indicate a fata- Joseph Harper. Gordon, been designated as such friendly sovereign, it ed the allegation, that they were taken in the termnation of the disorder. I Rhode Island. William M’Coy, are every year extended, the communication became my duty to carry, with good faith, violation of a blockade of all the ports of those Dr. Relfe’s Pills have also obtained the highest cha- Tristram Burges, John M. l’alton, of public and business is intelligence private the so made into full effect. To this states. This blockade was racter as a Pectoral Medicine, the most un- Dutee J. Fierce. John J. Roane, agreement declaratory only, nflhrding rendered frequent and safe—the intercourse and the relief to those under the common Massachusetts. Andrew Stevenson, end I caused all the measures to he taken inadequacy of the force to maintain it, expected labouring between distant cities, which it re- occasioned acrid humors the H. A. S. Dearborn, John Y. Mason, formerly which were to a full of was so that this Cough, by irritating * necessary exposition manifest, allegation was va- on the which Isaac C. John S. Barbour, weeks to is now effected in throat,or by deductions lungs—symptoms Bates, quired accomplish, our case to the and nom- ried to a of trade in Thomas J. Sovereign Arbiter ; charge contraband of war. deprive the sufferer of sleep, and gradually introduce Rufus Choate, Buuldin, a few days; and by the construction of rail- in John Richard inated to hisenurt This, its turn, was also found untenable; the long trnin of Pulmonary affections. The Pills ap- Davis, Coke, jr. roads, arid the of steam we as^flinister Plenipotentiary W. application power, a citizen of the State most inte- and the minister whom I sent the promote easy expectoration, very Edward Everett, Joseph Chinn, distinguished with instruc- pease cough, F. have a reasonable prospect that the extreme relieve, nnd often entirely cure, the most John Quincy Adams, Charles Mercer, rested in the and who had been one tions to press for the that was doe essentially of our will be so much question, reparation cases. Common Colds are Nathan Lewis Maxwell, parts country approxi- our obstinate and distressing Appleton, of the agents previously employed for settling to injured fellow citizens, has transmitted a Grennell, Thomas Newton. and those most isolated the obsta- usually removed by the Pills in few hours. George jr. mated, by an answer G. the On the 10th day of January to his demand, by which the In ihe harassing andsiiffocating complaint oftheAsth- Joseph Kendall, Philip Doddridge, cles of nature rendered so accessible as to re- controversy. cap- tures are declared to the Pills immediate relief. mitigate John Reed, William Armstrong. last, his Majesty the King of the Netherlands have been legal, and are ma, give They North Carolina. move an apprehension, sometimes entertain- the complaint, and generally effect a radical cure, in George N. Briggs, delivered to the Plenipotentiaries of the Uni- justified, because the independence of the Two vacancies. Daniel L. Barringer, ed, that the extent of the Union would those Asthmatic atlaeks characterized hy difficulty of great and of Great his written States of America never been ac- Samuel P. Carson, ted States, Britain, having breathing, tightness and stricture across the breast and Vermont. endanger its permanent existence. Wm. W. Connor, on the case referred to him. The pa- knowledged by Spain, she had a right to pro- in the lungs, oppressive flatulences, wheezing, cough- Cahoon, Henry If, from the view of our opinion Cauchlin satisfactory agri- in relation to the will be commu- hibit trade with them under the old costiveness, and many other asthmat- Horace Everett, Bethitnr, pers subject colonial ing, hoarseness, James J. culture, manufactures, and internal improve- ic Jonathan Hunt, M'Kay, nicated, Ivy a special Message, to the proper laws. This ground of defence was contra- symptoms. Thomas H. Hall. ments, we turn to the state of our As the Pills require in ordinary cases no confine- William Slade, navigation branch of the Government, with the not to those which had been for- One Abraham Rencher, and trade with and between perfect dictory, only ment, they may he administered with confidence and vacancy. foreign nations, such but to Connecticut. Robert Potter, confidence that its wisdom will adopt merly alledged, the uniform practice safety to all ages and classes of people. Unexampled the states, we shall scarcely find less cause for a Win. B. Shepherd, measures as will secure an amicable settle- and established laws of and had been success has hitherto attended their administration in Noyes Barber, has nations; W. A. It. gratulntion. A beneficent Providence abandoned great variety of cases; and the Proprietor enn refer to Wm. Ellsworth, Shepherd, ment of the controversy, without infringing by Spain herself in the convention W. , for their exercise and encourage- a multitude, which testify to their efficacy in reviving J. Huntington, provided, constitutional of the States imme- which had granted to British sub- John Branch, an any right indemnity the emaciated victim from the bed of disease, nnd re- Ralph I. Ingersoll, ment. extensive coast, indented by rapa- for L. Lewis Williams. interested. jects captures, made at the same time, un- storing him to the blessings of accustomed health and William Storm, cious noble rivers, inland seas, with a diately South Carolina. bays, der the same circumstances, and for the same activity. Ebenezer Young. of material for It affords me satisfaction to inform j’on New- York. James B lair, country productive every ship with those thnt made direction, to allegations of which we complain. THE BENEFICIAL EFFECTS John A. Thomas R. Mitchell, and every for gainful suggestions, by my Collier, building, commodity I however indulge the hope that further re- Gamaliel H. John M. Felder, and filled with a the d’Affairs of his Britannic Resulting from the administraion of Dr. Relfe's ( Bnrstow, commerce, population active, Charge Majesty flection will lead to other Rates William have had their desired views, and feel con- Asthmatic and Pills, exhibited Cooke, Drayton, intelligent, well-informed, and tearless of dan- to this Government, Consumptive William Babcock, Robert W. Barnwell, fident that when his Catholic shall are not and effect in the release of certain Majesty in the following cases: John Dickson. Warren R. Davis, ger. These advantages neglected; producing be convinced of tile of were for justice the claim, his A M. D. nnd writes: an been to commer- American citizens, who imprisoned Physician, Druggist, recently G. H. Wheeler, George M’Duffie, impulse has lately given desire to are well of preserve friendly relations between “The Asthmatic Pills (Relfe’s) invariably P. L. Tracy, J. R- Griffin, cial enterprise, which fills our ship-yards with setting up the authority of the State Maine, of those who use them.” Wm. T. Nuckolls, the the two countries, which it is my earnest en- spoken by Fred. Whittlesey, new' all the arts and at a in the under wns three nf- constructions, encourages place disputed Territory Mrs.-, of Boston, years seriously E. H. Pendleton, Georgia. of his deavor to maintain, will induce him to accede as in the side, branches of connected tvith them, actual jurisdiction Britannic Majesty. flicted with consumptive symptoms, pain John W. Tavlor, Daniel Newman, industry to our demand. I have therefftte almost cough, of blood, general de- | Thomas H. Foster, crowds tile wharves of our cities with vessels, From this, and the assurances I have receiv- despatched perpetual spitting Samuel J. Wilkin, a with this state, unable to sit up, authorities to a- messenger instructions to our hility, &c. In distressing Wm. G. Angel, Richard H. Wi Ids, and covers the most distant seas with our ed, ofthe desire of the local special to case nnd not to live many days, she wns advised Samuel James M. the Minister bring the once more to his expecting Beardsley, Wayne, canvass. void any cause of collision, I have best to take Dr.Relfe’s Asthmatic Pills, and also Dr.Jehb’s John J. G. Lamar, consideration ; to the end that if, which I can- Bergen, llenry me that a will he Liniment to be to her side, which she did, and Let ui be grateful ror these blessings to hopes good understanding kept applied John C. Broadhendf, Wiley Thompson, Anal not bring myself to beliere, the same decision, to the astonishment of every one, in n short time she One beneficent who has conferred them,and up until it is confirmed by the disposition Joseph Bouck, vaenney. Being that cannot but be deemed an de- was restored to health. of the unfriendly perfectly Charles Davan, Kentucky. who suffers us to a reasonable hope of subject. A ol was afflicted with indulge nial of should be in, the mat- Lady Framingham, severely U. F. Doubleday, Henry Daniel, while we The amicable relation* which now subsist justice, persisted and on tak- their continuance and extension, cough, spitting of blood, general debility, William Hogan, Nathan Gaither, States and Great ter may, before your adjournment, be laid be- one the means which be between the United Britain, ing two bottles of these Pills, and box of Dr.Relfe’s Michael Hoffman, R. M. Johnson, neglect not by they may fore you,-the constitutional of what is wns restored to health. of His the intercourse between their citi- judges Anti-bilious Pills, perfec’t John King, John Adair, preserved. If we may dare to increasing to be done in this who had suffered judge proper when negotiation for re- An elderly person vicinity, G. Y. Lansing, Joseph Lecotnple, future the manner in which his zens, and the rapid obliteration of unfriendly a most nslhnin, bad tried designs, by dress of fails. much for years by distressing James Lent, Chittenden Lvnn, he has made to which former events injury recommended, which nt times past favors have been bestowed, prejudices naturally- almost every thing only F. G. Jewett, Charles A. Wickliflc, 1 he conclusion or a for a more violent re- to on the ri"—concurred to pri s^ntthisnsa fit pe- treaty indemnity gave temporary relief, and usually Job Pierson, Albert G. Hawes, our national prosperity depend pre- gave made use of the for renew our endeavors to a- with France seemed to a favorable turn of her complaint, lias recently Nathaniel Pitcher, Chilton Allnn, servation of our liberties; our national force riod ing provide present above Pills with more beneficial effects than any thing Tlmtnas A. the recurrence of causes of to renew our claims of a similar Nathan Soule, Marsliall, on our federal union, and our individual hap- gainst irritation, opportunity she lias everused before. Edward C. Reed, R. P. Letcher. which, in the event of war between Great nature on other Powers; and particularly in at bad been troubled with a on the maintenance of|uir State rights A Young Lady M-, Erasing Root, Christ. Tompkins. piness case more to rack and hn- we at Britain and other would inevita- the of those upon bad cough, so violent as nl times C. P. White, Tennessee. and wise institutions. If are prosperous any power, Naples, especial- very as n wns our Animated the in the course of former With -'rass her exceedingly; consumption fenred, (as C. C. Chambreleng, Thomas D. Arnold, home, and abroad, it is because we bly endanger peace. by ly negotiations was iro- respected her mother bad died of that complaint)—she G. C. John Bell, to sincerest desire to avoid such a state of that power our failure to induce France to cured Verplanck, are free, united, industrious, and obedient thing*, relieved, and subsequently entirely Aaron Ward, John Blair, render us was as an a- mediately we continue we and to secure, under all used argument Dr. Relfe’s Asthmatic Pills. Daniel Wnrrlwell. William Hall, the laws. .While so, shall, by peacefully possible justice by oO cents the Hnd honor of the us. The desires of the merchants who Price f 1 for whole boxes of 30 pills, and New Jersey. J. C. Isacks, the blessing of Heaven, go on in the happy circumstances, rights gainst were the sufferers have therefore for half do.ot 12 pills, with directions. Lewis Condicl, James K. Polk, career we have begun, and which has brought country, I hare given such instructions to the principal unleta on the outside printed Cave Johnson, been acceded and a mission has been insti- None genuine signed Silas Conflict, us, in the short of our exist- Minister lately sent to the Court of London, to, T. KIDDER, immedt- James period political wrapper bv the sole proprietor, Richard M. Cooper, Smndifer, ns tuted for the of for For ence, from a of three to thirteen will evince that desire; and if met by a cor- special purpose obtaining ate successor to the lute Dr. W. T. Conway. mIo, Thomas M. Hughes, Wm. Fitzgerald, population colonies to which we cannot them a too with all the other “Conway Medicines,” at Ins Count- James F. Randolph, Ohio. millions; from thirteen separate respondent disposition, reparation already long delayed. Kidder’s Store, to will an end to causes of This measure been resolved it was ing Room. Nn.99, next door to J. Drug Dane Southard. James Finley, twenty-four United States; from weakness doubt, put collision, having on, and Hanover streets, near Concert Wm. W. Irwin. to tend to in execution without for the corner of Court Pennsylvania. strength ; from a rank scarcely marked in the which, without advantage either, put waiting Boston; bis special appointment, by Harmar William Russell, two of Hall, nm{ by Denny, scale of to a in their re- estrange from each other, nations who meeting Congress, because the state of Eu- Robert Allison, John Thompson, nations, high place Samuel Buel and Lee if Beckwith, Litchfield; have motive to rope created an of events that John Banks, H. H. Levitt, | every preserve,not only peace, apprehension South Farms; Daniel Norton, spect. have E. Cowles, Klnlberos Cooke, is one that has resulted, but an intercourse of the most amicable na- might rendered our ineffect- Preston T. M. M’Ksnnan, This last advantage | application Canaan; Judson if Whittlesey, N. ; Heister, Wm. Creighton, jr. ture. ual. WiJJiam in a degree, horn the principles which Taylor, David Potts, , great Our Dr. Humphrey, Salisbury; George jr. our intercourse with In Message at the of the last demands upon the Government oft he John G. William Kennon, have guided foreign pow- my opening Pitkin Watmougli, Two Sicilies are of a New Milford; if Swift, Norfolk. we assumed an station session of I a confident nature: The sell Andrew Stewart, Win. Stanberry, ers, since have equal Congress, expressed peculiar discount to those who buy to again. on Large Thos. H. Crawford, Joseph Vanco, them: and hence, the annual account that the of our claims upon injuries which they are founded are not December amnng hope justice | 23___e5wlyC9_ Richard Boulter, Samuel F. Vinton, which the Executive renders to the country, France, urged as they were with perseverence denied, nor are the atrocity and perftdy under James Ford, Elisha Whittlesey. which those were of menner in which that branch of his du- and ability by our Minister there, would injuries perpetrated at- John C. Butcher, Ijouisiana. the signal Summer Arrangement. and be This has been tempted to be extenuated. The sole Peter Ihrie.jr. Edward D. White, ties has been fulfilled,' proves instructive finally acknowledged. hope ground on which been John Gtlmore, Philemon Thomas, realized. A Treaty has been signed which indemnity has refused is the al- H. A. Bullard. salutary. the llenry Horn, and wise of our Govern- will immediately he laid before the Senate ledged illegality of tenure by which the Alabama. The pacific policy Adam King, of the for its and which, monarch who made the seizures held his Dizon H. Lewis, ment kept us in a state neutrality during approbation: containing Henry King, that must crotvu. This defence, unfounded in H. A. Clement C. Clay, wars that have, at different periods since our stipulations require Legislative acts, always Muhlenhurg, of the law of nations.—now uni- Joel K. Mann, Samuel W. Mardis. political existence, been carried on by other have the concurrence of both houses before any principle Samuel A. Smith, Indiana. while it it can be carried into effect. it, the j vcrsully abandoned, even by those powers up- Ratliff Powers; but this policy, gave activity By P. Boone, a on whom the for acts of Danbu- Stephens, our commerce, it in the French Government engage to pay sum responsibility L itchfield, New-Milford, Lewis Dewart, John Carr, and extent to exposed past if not to that which may rulers bore the most heavily, will unquestion- Joel B. Sutherland, Jona'han M’Carty. same to injuries from belligerent which, quite equal and New-Yobk proportion be- be his Sicilian ; ry, Norwalk, -McCoy. Illinois. nations. Hence have arisen claims of indem- he found due to our citizens, will yet, it is ably given up by Majesty Duncan. be deemed whose counsels'* iil receive an impulse from Maryland. Joseph nity for those injuries. England, France, lieved, under all circumstances, Bern. C. Howard, those interested. offer that high sense of honoi and regard to justice William H. Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Naples, satisfactory by _ The. Mail J. T. H. Worthington, Aehlejr. Spain. which are said to characterize ana I feel Stage, had in n or of a sum, instead of the satisfaction of him; in Litchfield, on George E. Milcliell, Mississippi. and lately Portugal, all, greater gross Parks’ Hotel, -Plummar. each individual claim, was because the fullest confidence that the talents of the at B. I. Semmes, les» degree, infringed our neutral rights. De- accepted, and Saturdays, a citizen commissioned for that will LEAVESTuesdays, Thursdays Francis Thomas, were made all.-— alternatives were, rigorous exac- purpose arrives in mands for upon the only 8 A. M., at Danbury, and reparation stated to be due on before him the claims of our lodges Delegates from the Territories■ have bad ia all, and continue to have in tion of the whole amount place just injur- Norwalk in time for to They ed citizens in such a as next day passengers E. on the nature each claim, which in some instances, light will enable me, Fart Michigan—Austin Wing. # some cases, a leading influence might, take the steam boat for New-York. Arkansas—Ambrose H. Seiver. in others overrated before to annonnee that of our relations with the on whom bo by design, your adjournment, to than other M. While. powers exaggerated through New-Fork,'leu by any Florid*—Joseph errtir, and which therefore it would they have been adjusted and secured. Pre- they^ were made. through route n_1_1 *A •_ and to have cise to the effect of the from Litchfield. Of the claims itis unneces- have been both ungracious unjust instructions, bringing Returnino—Takes the Norwalk and New upon cngiann have been than to that the insisted on, nr a settlement by a mixed com- negotiation to a speedy issue, giv- witness was sary to speak, further say, passengers at Danbury for Litchfield, Testimony.—A to which the French en and will be fork Equivocal state of to which their prosecution and mission, negotiators obeyed. mm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 last week to testify before the things and which in In the late blockade of Tereeira»some of the called upon denial rise has been succeeded by ar- were very averse, experience M- and arrives in Litchfield 4 P. M. the of gam several of our ves- A. by county court, concerning reputation of mutual good feeling other cases had shown to be dilatory, and of- Portuguese fleet captured seats, in Litchfield, apply at the Bar of rangements productive sels and committed other excesses for which another witness for veracity.—“Why, relations between the two coun- ten wholly inadequate to the end. A com- ■ and amicable (s’ Hotel. “ to tell sum is on our was demandtd ; and I was on tho a said I hardly know what you. which it is will not be paratively small stipulated part reparation be, tries, hoped interrupt- an to and and to to the extinction of all claims French point of despatching armed force, pro- r __f sometimes jests jokes, ed. One of these is that relating go by arrangements vent recurrence of a similar violence, him but when he un- which was communi- citizens on our Government; and a reduction any agd then I don’t believe ; to the Colonial Trade, our on our Cotton and their Wines has citizens In the prosecution of for a fact, I be- cated to at the last session; and al- of duties protect nUNTINU dertakes to tell any thing Congress their lawful commerce, when official assur- JUU whieh it has i been on, as a consideration for the re-1 him about os much as I do the rest of though the short period during agreed OF A 1.1. KINDS lieve of an claim for commer- ances, on which I rolied, made the of been in force will apt enable me to form an | nunciation important sailing done at this office. my neighbors."'—Mass, paper.