Money and the Sovereignty of the State
021(< $1'7+( 629(5(,*17<2)7+(67$7( Robert A. Mundell Columbia University ,1752'8&7,21 3$57,7<3(62)629(5(,*17< 3ROLF\6RYHUHLJQW\DQG/HJDO6RYHUHLJQW\ 7KH6RYHUHLJQW\,VVXH (DUO\&RQFHSWVRI0RQHWDU\6RYHUHLJQW\ 7KH&DVHRIWKH0L[HG0RQH\V 3$57,,$0(5,&$1(;3(5,(1&( /DZIXO0RQH\LQ&RORQLDO$PHULFD 6SOLW0RQHWDU\6RYHUHLJQW\ 7KH*UHDW/HJDO7HQGHU&RQWURYHUV\ 'HYDOXDWLRQDQGWKH*ROG&ODXVH 3$57,,,629(5(,*17<$1'021(7$5<81,216 7\SHVRI&XUUHQF\$UHDV 7KUHH$SSURDFKHVWR0RQHWDU\8QLRQ $Q$OWHUQDWLYH$SSURDFKWR0RQHWDU\8QLRQ $)LQDO&RPPHQW Paper prepared for the International Economic Association Conference in Trento, September 4-7, 1997. ,1752'8&7,21 Monetary integration involves a consideration of two quite different types or dimensions of sovereignty. One is “policy sovereignty” and the other, “legal sovereignty.” Policy sovereignty refers to the ability to conduct policy independent of commitments to other countries. Legal sovereignty refers to the ability of a state to make its own laws without limitations imposed by any outside authority. Both concepts need to be considered in plans for monetary unions. What are the implications of a change in legal sovereignty when the national currencies of some of the oldest states in the world abandon national sovereignty, and what will they receive in exchange? In the middle of the last century, Johns Stuart Mill recognized but deplored the sentiment that made nations so attached to their own currencies: “So much of barbarism still remains in the transactions of the most civilized nations, that almost all independent countries choose to assert their nationality by having, to their own inconvenience and that of their neighbours, a peculiar currency of their own.”1 Has the world--or Europe--changed to such an extent that the national populations are now prepared to scrap those hallmarks of sovereignty that have existed for thousands of years? What is the nature of the sentiment that makes national currencies so difficult to give up? Some idea of this can be got from British or English history, whose currency goes back at least thirteen centuries.
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