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th bh, v Unvrt

Intrdtn trl, nd n thr tp. vr, h dvtd nl t p t th rlr rn phlphr h npt f fr lnt: r, tr, rth, nd fr, rtr nd h rln. t rprnl, prhp, th thht t hv t rn th th Gr phlphr d f fr "rd" lnt bnt. Epdl bt 440 .C., hld fr n nt A tpl rnt r. Arttl (8422 .C. prntd fll (. ddd t th npt tht th Ardn t Arttl, th prprt f btn r IE b f th trl rld th rlt f th ltn prn f rtn fndn pr ttr, hh hd nl ptntl xt tl prprt. h Arttln t r n ntl prd b dtrn thrfr n "fr." fr h dd nt rnd nt th ht drn n hp nl, bt ll ht ll lnt bt AI EA tht nfrrd pn bd th n btrt nptn f t pf prprt. In rtn ntrr prprt r Cld t plt nfttn, "lt," pll ld Mt fr v r t th "fr n, htn, drn, nd lnt," r, tr, rth, tn, hh b nd fr hh r dtn ntd n fr bntn: WAE hd fr n nthr drn nd ht (fr, ht b thr "lt." In nd tr (r, tr Figure 1. h fr lnt rprntd n lt h lnt, n lt nd ld (tr, nd ld nd ll htr nd htr f htr b. prdnt vr th drn (rth (. . thr: n rth, drn n Arttl nd h fllr blvd tht ll btn tr, ld n r, fldt, nd n fr, ht. n f th r pd f th fr lntl tt f ttr fr lnt nhnbl. h p nt n nd th ll td n htr f htr b nthr thrh th d f tht lt hh th (,2. Indd thr n htr f htr b p n n. h fr n b r thrh prbl n dpth nd brth t tht f rtntn (, th d f ht r n b tr thrh th h dvtd 0 p t th rl htr, fll d d f fldt, nd n. Anthr xpl ftn ntd b thnd f rfrn. rt bt th td t h tht ttr pd f th fr l Gr phlphr, bt dn, nt, , nt th flln. If tr n ntnr b 110 Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 25, Number 2 (2000) jected to , it becomes (vapor) and (the dis- fire to be the primary physical substance, from which solved residue remaining). other substances sprung, and into which they merged (5): This legacy of Greek held sway during the All things are an exchange for Fire, and Fire for all Medieval and Early Modern eras in west- things, even as waves for and gold for waves. ern Europe; but beginning in the seventeenth century, a The very existence of Fire depends on this strife and number of natural began to challenge the tension. Aristotelian view of . Johann Baptista van Further, he mentions that regarded justice as Helmont (1580-1644) argued that all substances, except the balance or equilibrium that prevailed between con- air, were ultimately derived from . To demonstrate tending forces. It characterized the "ever living Fire, this he made his quantitative experiment with a small with measures of its kindling, and measures going out." willow tree, an experiment that took five years, and he Justice, therefore, was maintained by identity in differ- concluded that the tree had grown entirely from the water ence and unity in diversity, and in that respect was that he had supplied to it during this long period. His symbolised by Fire. Thus Fire became the crucible, or theory had one great patron, (1642-1727) rather the principle of constant change, in which oppo- who accepted it and referred to it in the Principia (Lon- sites meet and from which they emerge. don, 1687). Helmont's most significant work was, how- ever, his recognition of the material of what he called , a generic name that he used for those prod- Orn ucts of chemical reactions that had been previously re- garded as merely spirituous and immaterial. He ex- The origin of the Four Element theory, however, seems plained to that the many familiar and destruc- to be Persian and not Greek. It was the Persian tive explosions that shattered their glass apparatus when Zarathustra (600-583 B.C.) whose name was corrupted they experimented on reactions in sealed or closed ves- by Greek writers to about two centuries be- sels were due to the release of "a wild spirit" or "gas." fore . This Zoroastrian concept of four elements In a simple way he observed differences between gas has a different perspective which makes more sense than from various sources but, as he did not isolate any gas, the Aristotalian. According to this prophet, air, water, (7-11). his distinctions were not precise; and he sometimes con- earth, and fire are "sacred" elements fused one gas with another. He had, however, advanced and animals need air to breathe, water to drink, fire to the of his time by demonstrating that these cook food, and earth to grow plants for their survival. substances were material. Earth, air, and water are to be kept free from defilement. To till the field and raise cattle are parts of one's reli- In 1661 (1627-1691) published The gious requirements. Rain water when it falls in abun- Sceptical Chymist, a book in which he discussed the cri- dance to irrigate the fields is a blessing from God. When teria by which one can decide whether a substance is or it is scarce, famine may result. In a country like is not a . He concluded that the four (Persia) where earthquakes are frequent, their damage Aristotelian elements and three principles commonly not only causes panic and loss of lives but it can be in- accepted in his time cannot be real chemical elements terpreted as a warning message from an angry God. since they can neither compose nor be extracted from substances. The theory, however, was so influential that Fire, on the other hand, had a more complex sig- even Joseph Black (1728-1799) was still teaching his nificance. It is the symbol of divinity. It is not wor- classes that water was transmutable into earth. shipped as thought by many writers who describe a Zo- roastrian (Fig. 2). It is fed daily by the attendant The works of Aristotle and the other Greek phi- priests with pieces of sandalwood. The worshipers come losophers are numerous, and the books commenting on individually at any time they wish. Inside the entrance these works are extensive. Few of these commentary each follower washes the uncovered parts of his body, works, however, trace the influence of the oriental recites a prayer, and then, removing his shoes, proceeds thought in general and the Persian in particular, on the barefooted through the inner hall to the threshold of the philosophy of the Greeks. It also seems that the Theory fire chamber, where he gives the priest his offering of of Four Elements is only a minor contribution by the sandalwood and money and receives in return a handful Greeks as compared to their other philosophical con- of ashes from the sacred urn, which he rubs on his fore- cepts (4). Afnan (5, 6) for example, devotes only a few head and eyelids. Bowing toward the fire, he offers lines to fire. He mentions that Heraclitus considered Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 25, Number 2 (2000) 11]

prayers and then retreats slowly backward to his shoes We cannot but marvel at the that fire is neces- and returns home. These four elements, therefore, have sary for almost every operation. It takes the sands of nothing to do with the chemical elements. the earth and melts them, now into glass, now into , or minium or one or other , or some sub- According to Vuibert (12), Magism was the reli- stance useful to the painter or physician. By fire gion of the various Scythic tribes which inhabited the minerals are disintegrated and produced: in mountain range of Armenia, Azerbijan, Kurdistan, and fire is iron born and by fire is it subdued: by fire gold Luristan. Its chief objects of worship were air, water, is purified: by fire stones are burned for the binding earth, and fire. It was to these elements, to the actual together of the walls of houses ...Fire is the immea- surable, uncontrollable element, concerning which it material things themselves, that adoration was paid. Fire, is hard to say whether it consumes more or produces as the most subtle and ethereal principle, was held in more. the highest reverence. On fire altars, erected in on top of lofty mountains, the sacred flame was ever trn kept burning. To a large degree, Magism supplanted the original creed of . The According to Zoroaster there is one god Mazda was characterized by a belief in a divinely authorized or the "Wise Spirit" and one evil (). Fire had priesthood. Its priests seem to have held their office by the "Wise Spirit." The result of this dualistic concep- hereditary succession. They claimed not only a sacred tion of the is a continuous warfare going on and mediatorial character, but also prophetic between the two hostile camps. All creatures, even veg- powers. They ex- etables, belong to one or plained omens, ex- another of these camps. pounded dreams, All dangerous, noxious, and predicted future poisonous animals and events. Their dress plants are evil by their was imposing, their very nature. This war- ceremonial magnifi- fare will go on to the cent, and their influ- end of time when the ence over people and triumphs and the kings unbound. Evil is annihilated. Ac- They were not only cording to Zoroaster's the keepers of sacred teachings, a general res- things, the learned of urrection will take place the people, the phi- at the end of the present losophers and ser- world. The good and vants of God, but evil will then be sub- also astrologers. No jected to an ordeal of transaction of impor- fire and molten . tance took place r 2. A Zoroasterian priest attending to fire in a temple (11) By this fiery test the evil without or against will be made known by their advice. An unspecified number of these wise men their terrible burning, but the righteous will find the fire came to to worship the newborn when kindly and the molten metal harmless. The world's his- they saw his in the east. They offered him gold, tory is therefore nothing but the story of the contest be- frankincense, and myrrh, the most treasured commodi- tween which shall endure for 12,000 years, ties at that time. The Magi were also mentioned by divided into four equal periods of 3,000 years. The fi- . Incidentally, the word "" is derived nal aim of Zoroaster's system is to assure world perfec- from the Magi and is related to superstition. The region tion by the individual's adoption of the right path. where the Magi lived was an ancient metallurgical cen- ter, famous for using fire to melt rocks to produce cop- A curious practice, however, arose in the disposal per, bronze, iron, and gold. of the dead. No bodies could be burned, buried, or thrown into the water, as thereby defilement to the air, (23-79 A.D.) wrote the following state- soil, and water would result. They were consigned to ment about fire (13):

2 ll. t. Ch., OUME 2, br 2 (2000

Arb nrd r n 66 A.., th vrthr th rln f rtr. d nl f fllr f th prpht r fnd n Irn, nl n th nnt t f Yzd. Mn fllr pd t b, hr th r nn th r. h frt hlr t th ln nd th n tnt f th rd b f th r nn t E rp n rnhn, Antl d rrn, h nt t Ind n 4 fr th prp. On h rtrn n h bl t v t th rld th frt trnl tn f th Avt, th rd b f th rtrn. Figure . r f Sln hr r n trn rbln btn r trn nd d nd Chrtnt. Ahr Mzd, th Spr lr th th ttrbt f nprn, hh pl lld "r f Sln" r "h." h r hll pt n hh th rp r ld n trnt, nd rtv pr hh h pl thrh th ntrl nlr, hr th r dvrd b vl h "l Sprt" th th bt f nl nd rhnl tnt Yhvh nd h tr (. . h rlt n th trppn f th r n h d, t th Old nfd nfttn n th Gpl. S Ahrn rptbl flh fr th bn f th dd tht n rnd n f Stn. hr r l l prlll d tntn f th l. t th Mh, th rrrtn f th dd, nd v rtr hhl vnrtd n ntt. r rltn lf. rtr rvd h l n th "Mn th Grt (448 .C., h rnd fr 2 t 48 tn f th l Cnn On," dd M .C., nd h r r ll fllr f th n Sn. hr r x prd f rtn n th Avt prpht. h Gr nd n r h prd l th x d n Gn nd nl hn pr, b ht th hrd f h nd h rln. h v Mh nd Mhn, l Ad nd Ev. h dl dnd b th nr rfrn t h n th xtnt f th bl h t ntrprt n th dvttn ltrtr nd b th ft tht lt rprtdl pr ntr. Sh, , nd pht r rlld b th thr vntd, hrtl ftr th dth f Srt, fr n n n th Avt. Slrt n rtl dtl r n t r t td rtrn frt hnd b th t nd hv bn tdd t lnth. h lrr nbr f br f th Wr f Sprt th r n 6 .C. rtr l ntnd b th Eptn lh t (2000 A.... Whl rtrn th ntnl rln f r, t prd t Ar n, Cppd, nd th ntr r Et. Cb frt, thn r, nd ltr rx, trnd t rld n t. h rhd nt Ept nd thn trd E rp. rx nvdd Gr, nd prhp nl th d tr f Sl prvntd rtr fth fr b n jr rln f th Wtrn Wrld. In 8 .C. th rn Kn Cr ptrd bln. h xld n tht lnd b bhdnzzr drtl ndr th zrnt f th rtrn ntl th rn pr fll ndr Alxndr th Grt n 0 .C. h l f th rd b ttrbtd b th fllr f rtr t th nvn n 0 .C. f Alxndr, h brnd th pl lbrr t rpl. Wth th Snd th n tnl rln rtrd, nd th prthd b trnl rnzd th nltd pr. h hd f Figure 4. h npt f fr lnt lltrtd b th hrrh nxt n pr t th n. Whn th th lh rtt Crpj vn d (2 Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 25, Number 2 (2000) 113


The alchemists believed that water, on being heated, was converted at least in part into earth. This was the result of the that on boiling water some residue was always formed (from impurities in solution). This problem faced Lavoisier when he was asked to improve the supply of drinking water to Paris. At that time no chemical method for ascertaining the purity of water was available, and the only way was to determine the den- sity of water by hydrometer. After studying all that had been published on the conversion of water into the earth Lavoisier concluded that it was not satisfactory and de- cided that further experiment was necessary. From October 24, 1768 to February 1, 1769 he heated a known mass of water, as pure as could be obtained by repeated Figure 5. The four elements as illustrated in Mylius, , in a weighed sealed glass vessel, the Philosophia Reformata, Frankfurt 1622 (14) alchemist's pelican, in which a liquid could be continu- ously distilled in itself. At the end of this 100-day ex- critics trace these analogies to the influence exerted on periment, the total weight of the unopened vessel and Judiaism by Zoroastrianism during the period of exile, its contents was the same as it was at the beginning. He if not earlier. On the other hand, the contrary view is also advocated. Perhaps also fire in the form of a burn- ing candle and water blessed by the Christian priest are two rituals in the church that may be traced back to the time of Zoroaster.

The Four Elements in Art and

The concept of four elements survived for at least two thousand years. Seventeenth-century engravings attest to the influence of this theory. For example, the Flem- ish artist Crispijn van de Passe (1564-1637) depicts al- legorical figures in decorative scenes symbolizing the four elements (Fig. 4). Fire (ignis) holds brands and a burning coal. Water (agua) wields a flowing pitcher while behind her a fisherman plies his trade; Earth (terra) carries a cornucopia of the Earth's fruits while a hunter pursues its beasts. Air (aer) strides across the clouds, birds flying around him, the four winds blowing. Fig- ure 5 shows the four elements as illustrated in a 1622 engraving (14). Each element was given a symbol based on a triangle; the alchemists used these symbols until the reform of Lavoisier and Berzelius. Figures 6 and 7 are representations of the elements from Michelspecher's book dated 1654, while Figure 8 shows pointing to a pair of scales in perfect equilibrium on Figure 6. Engraving dated 1654 from Cabala, which are being weighed water and fire, from a book Speculum artis et matura in alchymica by S. published in 1617 (15). This may be an indirect refer- Michelspecher showing the seven steps leading to the ence to the Zoroastrian faith: the balance between the Phílosopher's Stone, some alchemical symbols, and the good and the evil. four elements ignis, aeris, agua, and terra (15) 114 Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 25, Number 2 (2000)

Figure 7. Another engraving from the same book in Figure 6 showing the four elements Feuer, Lufft, Waser, and Erdt (in Old German) and the four properties = hot (heiss), dry (trucken), cold (kalt), and wet (feucht) (15) thn hd th pln ftr pnn t nd prn dv fr lltn vr tr, tht lld h th ntnt nt nthr vl. S rth hd bn t llt frd fr dffrnt pr h frd. vr, h fnd tht th ht f th pl frnttn, lntn f ltn, htn f d, n hd drd b n nt nrl l t th t. , hvr, ntrtd n th ntt f r ht f th rth btnd. thrfr nldd fxd n ld btn, nt n pbl dffrn n tht th rth hd bn prdd b th rv tn th r tlf. f th tr n th l, nt b th nvrn f tr r rnd tr fr bt t thnd nt rth. h rftd th thr hld fr ntr r. h thr f phltn ntrdd n th nd ptd b n f h ntprr. vntnth ntr t xpln t frtn: btn h td b vn lnt, hn M (. 64 brn b t ntn th btbl prnpl 6, nd brt "phltn" hh lb (60 td th rtd n th fr f xtn f dffrnt nd fl. h thr f r. l td tht bndnd, hvr, rltd n h f l hndrd r ltr hn l ndbtdl n xn dvrd vnd pt rrdn nd th phnnn f th nfrt f r, n btn xplnd n nrl flld b vr n n th nvr prr vl xdtn pr, nd rltnhp. h df th th bn drn flt f lltn htr. vr, n n rnbl pr tt "rth" tll nd drd td f r. rd n lnt tht It th Énlh blt nnt be decomposed to Stphn l (66 simple components ntl h brvd tht plnt phr v (8 82 n 80 nnnd brb r thrh thr Figure 8. Roger Bacon (1214-1294) pointing to a pair of lv. nvntd th scales in perfect equilibrium on which are being weighed th dvr f th l pnt trh, pl water and fire. From Symbole auneae mensae by M. Maier, l b ltrt lthh 1617 (15) Buil. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 25, Number 2 (2000) 115

he failed to decompose alumina, the earth obtained from . . rn, h lvn Wrld, MMllln, clay. Charles Martin Hall (1863-1914) and Paul Héroult Yr, 26, 2 (1863-1914) finally decomposed this earth in 1886 by 0. . . , Mn. ln, MMlln, ndn 0, passing an electric current in a molten solution of alu- 4262. mina in cryolite. . . Wtr, p nd Ct f th Wrld, Wt A, nn, Gnv, , 224. The concept of four elements (air, water, earth, and 2. A. . . brt, Annt tr, hn Mrph & C., fire) consistently mentioned in ltr, M, 8, 606. books as due to Greek philosophers, is shown to have a . ln, tr tr, rvrd Unvrt r, C much older origin and a different meaning. About two brd, MA, 2. 4. . E. pp, Mttr, f Sn brr, Inrp centuries before Aristotle, the Persian rtd, Yr, 6. Zoroaster described these four elements as "sacred," i.e., . A. l, Alh. h Gldn Art, Gr In essential for the survival of all living beings and there- trntnl, , (trnltd fr Itln. fore should be venerated and kept free from any con- tamination. As useful as the concept of the four ele- rthr dn ments was to the Ancients, these material entities have A. W. W. n, rtr, h rpht f Annt Irn, nothing to do with the modern concept of "chemical el- Clb Unvrt r, Yr, 8. ements". While lost in the mists of time, this theoreti- . . Mltn, Erl rtrn, Cntbl, ndn, cal remained central to our understanding of . . . C. vr, rtrn trn f tr f, the material world and chemical change to the seven- Cl b Unvrt r, Yr, 2. teenth century. It is recommended that authors of chem- É. E. rtzfld, rtr nd Wrld, rntn Unvr istry textbooks or history of chemistry books, when t r, rntn, , 4. mentioning the Theory of Four Elements, should stress .C. hnr, h n nd lht f rtrn, its Persian origin and should mention it as the "Theory Wdnfld & ln, ndn, 6. of the Four Srd Elements," as it has nothing to do M. , A tr f rtrn, É.. rll, dn, with hl elements. This will eliminate confusion h thrlnd, , 2 vl. to the reader and also provide a philosophical concept W.W. Mlndr, Ed., An Intrdtn t Annt Irnn that is related to our modern views regarding the envi- ln, Unvrt f Mnnt r, Mnnpl, MI, ronment. 8. M. , Éd., xtl Sr fr th Std f rtrn , rn & bl , t, , 84.

EEECES A OES AOU E AUO . . . rtntn, A tr f Chtr, Mlln, ndn, 0, l. . Fathi Habashi is Professor of Extractive at 2. . W. Mllr, Cprhnv rt n Inrn nd hrtl Chtr, nn, ndn, 2, l. Laval University in Quebec City, Canada G1K 7P4. He , 2. holds a B.Sc. degree in Chemical from the , É. . lrd, Alh, A. ln , University of Cairo, a Dr. techn. Degree in Inorganic rndrth, Mddlx, UK, . Chemical Technology from Vienna, and Dr. Sc. hnr 4. M. . Wt, Erl Gr hlph nd th Ornt, from Saint Petersburg Mining Institute. He was Clrndn r, Oxfrd, . guest professor at a number of foreign universities and . . M. Afnn, rtr Infln n Anxr, th consultant to the United Nations Development Program. Gr rdn, nd Srt, hlphl brr, He is the author of rnpl f Éxtrtv Mtllr Yr, 6. in 4 volumes, of which the first two were translated in 6. . M. Afnn, rtr Infln n Gr hht, hlphl brr, Yr, 6, 6. Russian and Chinese and the American Chemical Soci- . A. . . nd . C. Crtll, "Avt," n Cth ety audiocourse Mtllrl Chtr and edited the l Enlpd, h Énlpd r, Yr, four-volume ndb f Extrtv Mtllr. 0, l. 2, 6. 8. Ann, h Enlpd Arn, Arn Crprtn, Yr, Ch, 48, l. 2, 2 4.