ENGELSE TAAL EN CULTUUR Teacher who will receive this document: R. De Vries Title of document: Cake and Critique: ‘power’ full ingredients Name of course: BA THESIS Taalkunde Date of submission:15 June 2016 The work submitted here is the sole responsibility of the undersigned, who has neither committed plagiarism nor colluded in its production. Name of student: Minouck Jonkers Student number: s4106520 Jonkers, s4106520/1 Cake and critique: ‘power’ full ingredients A comparison of power and politeness between the British judges of The Great British Bake Off and the Dutch judges of Heel Holland Bakt Bachelor Thesis Minouck Jonkers (s4106520)
[email protected] Supervisor: dr. R. de Vries Second reader: dr. J. Geenen 15 June 2016 Engelse Taal en Cultuur Radboud University Nijmegen Jonkers, s4106520/2 Table of content 1. Introducing the judges ..................................................................................................3 2. Abstract .........................................................................................................................4 3. Introduction ...................................................................................................................5 4. Theoretical background ................................................................................................8 4.1 About the Bake Off format .............................................................................8 4.2 Critical discourse analysis ...............................................................................9