Prelom 01.Indd

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Prelom 01.Indd 1 Izdavač/Publisher: Državna komisija za saradnju Bosne i Hercegovine s UNESCO-m National Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina for UNESCO Glavni i odgovorni urednik/Editor-In-Chief dr.sci. Adil Osmanović Redakcija/ Editorial Team: Biljana Čamur Veselinović Aida Durić Amira Redžić Ibrahim Spahić Tanja Đaković Slobodan Nagradić Gorana Krtalić Tehnički urednik/Technical editor Jelena Džomba Lektor/Proofreading Branka Petković Prevod/ Translation Jelena Lugonja Dijana Milićević Štampa/Printed by Svjetlost štampa 2 godina članstva Bosne i Hercegovine u UNESCO-u godina ~lanstva Bosne i Hercegovine u UNESKU 25 Years of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Membership in UNESCO Sarajevo/Sarajevo, 2018. 3 4 Uvodna riječ Introduction Bosna i Hercegovina ove godine obilježava 25 godina This year, Bosnia and Herzegovina marksthe 25 th- članstva u UNESCO-u - Organizaciji Ujedinjenih nacija anniversary of membership in UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural Organi- za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu. Ovu izuzetno važnu zation. This very important anniversary was marked godišnjicu obilježili smo nizom događaja organizovanih by a series of events organized under the patronage pod pokroviteljstvom Državne komisije za saradnju of the National Commission for Cooperation between Bosne i Hercegovine s UNESCO-m. Bosnia and Herzegovina and UNESCO. Bosna i Hercegovina kontinuirano sarađuje sa Bosnia and Herzegovina is continuously cooperating UNESCO-m s ciljem ostvarivanja osnovne misije, with UNESCO with a view to achieving its primary a koja ima za cilj da doprinese izgradnji mira, mission, which aims to contribute to the building of iskorjenjivanju siromaštva, obezbjeđivanju održivog peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable develop- razvoja i interkulturnog dijaloga. Državna komisija ment, and intercultural dialogue. The National Com- za saradnju Bosne i Hercegovine mission for Cooperation between s UNESCO-m djeluje u pravcu Bosnia and Herzegovina and UNESCO works to contribute koji doprinosi da glavni ciljevi to the implementation of UNES- UNESCO-a budu implementirani i CO’s main goals, as well as all u našoj zemlji, kao i svi relevantni relevant UNESCO legal instru- pravni instrumenti UNESCO-a koje ments ratifi ed by Bosnia and je Bosna i Herecgovina ratifi kovala. Herzegovina. The United Na- Organizacija Ujedinjenih naroda tions Educational, Scientifi c and za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu Cultural Organization (UNES- (UNESCO) specijalizovana je CO) is a specialized United Na- organizacija u sastavu Ujedinjenih tions agency that was founded naroda, utemeljena 1945. godine. in 1945. The main objective of Glavni cilj je doprinos miru i UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security by promot- sigurnosti promovišući saradnju ing collaboration among the na- među narodima u oblastima tions through education, science obrazovanja, nauke i kulture s ciljem and culture in order to further unapređenja opšteg poštovanja universal respect for justice, the pravde, vladavine zakona, ljudskih rule of law, human rights, and prava i osnovnih sloboda. fundamental freedoms. 5 U Bosni i Hercegovini u toku su reforme u oblasti There are ongoing educational reforms in Bosnia and obrazovanja s ciljem izgradnje savremenog Herzegovina with the aim of building a modern edu- obrazovnog sistema koji će odgovoriti zahtjevima cational system that will respond to the demands of globalizacije, uz vođenje računa o poštovanju, globalization, while paying attention to the respect, pro- zaštiti i promociji različitosti. Prioriteti koji se tection, and promotion of diversity. The priorities that implementiraju odnose se na jačanje institucionalnih are being implemented relate to strengthening of in- kapaciteta, izgadnju infrastrukture, povezivanje stitutional capacities, building of infrastructure, linking visokog obrazovanja sa naučnoistraživačkim of higher education and scientifi c research, rejuvena- radom, podmlađivanje nastavno-naučnog kadra, tion of scientifi c and teaching staff, providing a lifelong obezbjeđivanje cjeloživotnog učenja i „Obrazovanja learning opportunities and “Education for All“. za sve“. In the fi eld of science, we are working on the renewal U oblasti nauke radimo na obnovi i izgradnji naučne and building of scientifi c infrastructure in our country infrastrukture u našoj zemlji i svjesni da samo kroz and we are aware that greater results in this fi eld can uvezivanje u globalne naučnoistraživačke mreže mogu be achieved only through joining the global scientifi c se postići veći rezultati na ovom polju. Promocija research network. Promotion of scientifi c and techno- naučnog i tehnološkog obrazovanja, izgradnja logical education, building social awareness about the opportunities offered by science and technology, build- društvene svijesti o prilikama koje nudi nauka i ing capacities for formulating scientifi c, technological, tehnologija, izgradnja kapaciteta za formulisanje and innovation policies, regional and international co- naučne, tehnološke i inovacione politike, regionalna i operation in key areas of science and technology, are međunarodna saradnja u ključnim oblastima nauke i just some of our priorities. tehnologije, samo su neki od naših prioriteta. Opredijeljeni smo za provođenje politike uklanjanja We are committed to implementing the policy for re- barijera slobodnog kretanja znanja, jačanje m obilnosti moving barriers to free movement of knowledge, istraživača, studenata, naučnika, predavača. strengthening the mobility of researchers, students, sci- entists, lecturers. Bosna i Hercegovina je ratifi kovala Međunarodnu konvenciju o borbi protiv dopinga u sportu. Bosnia and Herzegovina has ratifi ed the International Opredijeljeni smo za međunarodnu saradnju koja ima Convention Against Doping in Sport. We are commit- za cilj zajedničko djelovanje u borbi protiv dopinga ted to international cooperation aimed at joint action in u sportu i razvoj sporta. Cilj nam je da sport bude u the fi ght against doping in sport, and sport development. službi razvoja čovjeka radi stvaranja zdravog društva Our goal is for sport to be in the service of man’s de- koje se bavi očuvanjem ljudskog dostojanstva. velopment to create a healthy society that is concerned with the preservation of human dignity. U oblasti kulture BiH je ratifi kovala sve UNESCO In the fi eld of culture, BiH ratifi ed all UNESCO Con- konvencije. Vodimo računa o tome da kulturna ventions. We pay attention to the fact that cultural rights 6 prava predstavljaju sastavni dio ljudskih prava koja are an integral part of human rights, which are univer- su univerzalna, nedjeljiva i međusobno zavisna. Ona sal, indivisible and interdependent. They are at the cen- se nalaze u središtu savremene debate o identitetu, ter of contemporary debate on identity, social cohesion, društvenoj koheziji i razvoju ekonomije zasnovane na and the development of a knowledge-based economy. znanju. Poštovanje raznolikosti kultura, tolerancija, Respect for cultural diversity, tolerance, dialogue,and dijalog i saradnja u duhu međusobnog povjerenja i cooperation, in the spirit of mutual trust and under- razumijevanja, najbolja su garancija međunarodnog standing, are the best guarantee of international peace mira i bezbjednosti. and security. Iskoristiću priliku da istaknem zajednički projekat I take this opportunity to highlight the joint project of Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Hrvatske i Crne Gore upis Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Mon- stećaka - srednjovjekovnih nadgrobnih spomenika tenegro to inscribe Stećci - Medieval Tombstones na Listu svjetske kulturne baštine UNESCO-a, Graveyards on the UNESCO World Heritage List, as kao primjer regionalne saradnje. Ponosni smo da je an example of regional cooperation. We are proud that Bosna i Hercegovina inicirala i vodila uspješno ovaj Bosnia and Herzegovina initiated and successfully led projekat. Izuzetnom saradnjom na ovom projektu this project. Through excellent cooperation on this proj- pokazali smo da je kulturno nasljeđe nešto što nas ect we have shown that the cultural heritage is some- thing that particularly connects us and where we can posebno povezuje i gdje možemo ostvarivati snažnu achieve strong cooperation and promotion of both the saradnju i promociju i zemlje i regije. country and the region. Bosnia and Herzegovina was elected member of the Bosna i Hercegovina izabrana je za članicu Komiteta World Heritage Committee for the period 2017-2021 za svjetsku baštinu za period 2017-2021. što which represents the crown of our work and coopera- predstavlja krunu našeg dosadašnjeg rada i saradnje tion with UNESCO to date. s UNESCO-m. The role of UNESCO is particularly important in the Uloga UNESCO-a posebno je značajna na polju fi eld of communication and dialogue between different ostvarivanja komunikacije i dijaloga između različitih cultures and religions, since only through intercultural kultura i religija jer samo kroz međukulturalni dijalog dialogue it is possible to build long-lasting peace and moguće je graditi dugotrajni mir i stabilnost. Upravo stability. It is precisely the UNESCO mission that helps misija UNESCO-a pomaže da kroz međusobno to achieve a better future through mutual understand- razumjevanje i toleranciju, te poštovanje različitosti, ing, tolerance, and respect for diversity, and coopera- gradi se bolja budućnost, a saradnja na polju tion in the fi eld of education, science, and culture is the obrazovanja, nauke i kulture predstavlja temelje very base of this objective. The UNESCO Constitution tog cilja. U Ustavu UNESCO-a stojida:
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