Volume V, Washington City, Dc, June 27,1875. Number 17. the Capital
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THE G API TAL* VOLUME V, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., JUNE 27,1875. NUMBER 17. THE CAPITAL, THE ancients never hailed the disappearance there I am sure no other opinion than that It was,a Georgetown Female Seminary. of a comet which they feared portended the de- perfect success could have been given. The hop was The annual commencement exercises of this insti- LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. struction of the world with a warmer sense of held in the gymnasium,"or, as better known to many, tution, Miss S. A. Lipscomb, principal, took place in PUBLISHED WEEKLY The Irish Creedmoor. relief and gratitude than the average American the old Fort Severn. The floor was perfect for danc- the new school building on Thursday evening last, ing, the decorations splendid, and in fact nothing and were, as usual, of a most interesting character. DUBLIN, June 26.—Colonel Gildersleeve, Captain BY THE recognizes the close of the Beecher-Tilton case. more could have been done to make the entertain- of the American rifle team, has received- a letter Nothing in the collected trials of criminal cases The graduates were nine in number, Viz: Misses CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, ment more satisfactory. And when, at an early Loulie L. Miller, Alice N. Sawyer, Carrie M. Taylor, from the Lloyds of London, offering a fifty-guinea parallels this cause for the grossnesb of its details hour, the last couple left, we could not help saying : Jessie McDermot, Hettle C. bath ell, Hattle O. cup to be contested for -at Wienblendon by the Eng- 927 D Street, Washington, D. C. and the moral filthiness of its general character. Would that it had but commenced. How many Fracker, Ella Beall, Mary L. White and Coortenay lish, Irish, Scotch and American eights at the time The jury, like the public, will probably disagree young hearts were made happy we cannot state, but H, Wallace. The first five received diplomas for the ofthe;Elcho challenge shield match. The Amer- icans have signified their acceptance of the offer, in its verdict. Two men,"however, who once if we judge by the number of vows madenwhlch, full course, the last four for a partial coarse. Miss DUX> PIATT and BEN. G. LOVEJOY. Editor«. and will compete for the cup. The discipline and enjoyed the confidence of the community in however, we accidentally overheard, I expect that Carrie Taylor delivered the salutatory, and Miss there were at least twenty. Poor giris, I do Indeed harmony of the American team Is admirable. which they dwelt, have had their inmost Loulie Miller the valedictory, both of whleh were TERMS.—£2.50 per year (Including postage) in ad- pity you, f»r those young aspirants with their tune- productions of much merit, reflecting credit upon The impression is gaining ground that the Ameri- vance. thoughts opened to the " microscopic scrutiny " ful voices, their bright battons, handsome fi^ares their young, fair and talented, authors. Miss Jessie cans will win the international match. The lord may- Clubs: Ten copies to one address, $30 in advance, with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, 83ft in of the public. and bright faces, will, on their far-away cruises, &ee McDermot delivered the medal essay—" The Law of or of London and party will arrive here on Monday some pretty girl with whom they wll 1 fall in love as advance, with'one copy free. In proportion as they have become better Compensation." This essay was a literary gem, and next. They will be welcomed by the lord mayor quickly as they did with you. True, indeed, be the and corporation of Dublin. In the afternoon they known they have sunk in the estimation of those, showed its gifted young authoress possessed talent THE CA PIT AI. ' ' 1 saying: "A sailor has a sweetheart In every port." far more valuable than gold in medals or any other will witness a review in Phoenix Park, and In the Can always be found on sale at the news stands whose good opinion is worth having. They But they deserve all, for hard is a sailor's life, and evening will attend the Gaiety Theater in state. in the following cities and watering places: form. The other graduates contributed their full AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York. have wrestled together and they have thrown we wish them all the enjoyment that this world share to the entertainment, either in brilliant essays NEW YORK NEWS COMPANY, - • " each other in the struggle. They are both in affords. The young engineers are a fine set of fel- or fine vocal and instrumental music. Mining Troubles. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. *.'.'. lows, and will, we doubt not, be an honor to their HAZELTON, PA., June 20 —There is a disposition the mire; to touch them would be contam- Our space forbids a more extended notice, but we corps. apparent on the part of many miners to go to worlc NEW YORK HOTEL, " ination. The countenance of blind and jealous cannot close this without saying a few words, as a on the operators' terms, and the flrst practical step ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, " The slopps-of-war Constellation and Alert are ly- partisans cannot compensate for the loss of tbe just tribute, to the enterprise, perseverance and in- towards a resumption in the Lehigh region has been ASTOR, HOUSE, " ing out in the stream awaiting the arrival "on board CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Philadelphia. welcome which they both once received in all domitable will of the accomplished principal of the taken to-day. At a meeting of Germnn miners held PARKER HOUSE, Boston. of the cadets, who will soon start on their summer Georgetown Female Seminary, Miss S. A. Lips- here this evening a large majority voted to go to J. B. HAWLEY, Cincinnati, Ohio. circles. Mr. Beecher probably docs not regret cruise. The former we have alt heard of long ere WILL GRAY. St. Louis. Missouri. comb. This institution was established by Miss work. Another promising feature is the fact thai his weaknesses more than Mr. Tilton regretB that this, but the latter is one of the new vessels recently PALMER HOUSE. Chicago. Lipscomb in 1871, in the face of discouraging sur- A. Pardee & Go. have posted notices saying that as C. H. QUIMBY, Wheeling, West Virginia. he ever undertook to expose them. built and lately launched. She Is of a beautiful C. F. JOHNSTON, Richmond,IVirginla. roundings at the time, and a record of failures of many of their employés have expressed a desire to go model,and In point of speed compares most favorably J. T. ELLYSON, " The verdict can have little influence over a Protestant scheois as a precedent, tbe Convent of to work, they invite all such miners to call at their C. C. HALEY, New Orleans,Louisiana. with the fastest men o -war. And now adieu. More the Visitation being the only Institution of the kind W SCOTT GLORB, Louisville, Kentucky. public opinion which has set down Mr. Beecher office and sign the agreement for wages, and when a anon. Ju ANITA. J. A. HOY'S, Detroit, Michigan. as the weakest of men and Mr. Tilton as the that had ever flourished for any length of time, but sufficient number have so done the works will be- C. C. ItlGIITER, Charleston, South Carolina. by an energy seldom vouchsafed a woman, and a ca- WHITE SC BAUER, San Francisco, California. THE navy has been undergoing a lively time dur- started at once, meanest of husbands. pacity and ability surpassed by none, Miss Lipscomb J. T. Cox, Alexandria, Virginia. ing the past week, and the dolphins of our marine CONGRESS HALL, Cape May, N. J. has had .the satisfaction of seeing her school rapidly deep show their true color in the trouble. The Sara Base Ball. COLUMBIA HOUSE, " , s- Increasing from year to year, until at the present WEST END HOTEL, Long Branch. N. J. IT MAY not be proper to anticipate the conclu- nac is wrecked, and the next news that reaches us is ST. LOUIS, June 26.—In the games to-day the score- GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR.SL'RINGS, West Va. time she sees her fondest hopes realized in a semi- sion ofa court martial, but the losi of the Sa- from the South Atlantic station, and pertains to the stood : Harlfords, 8; St. Louis Reds, 0. i And at all the hotels and news stands in Baltimore. nary, which stands second to none in this District, ranac to a landsman's eye seems inexcusable. yellow fever on the steamer Lancaster. Captain St. Louis Browns, 9; Washington, 3. erected and built np by her genius and efforts alone. CONTENTS OF INSIDE. Roe, the commanding officer of the Lancaster, re- PHILADELPHIA, June 26.—Four thousand people We hope, indeed, that a satisfactory explana- The Rev. W. W. Williams distributed thehonorsand PAGE 2.—"Fast Girls," by B. G. L. ports her arrival at Bahia, Brazil, on the 9th of May, witnessed the game between the Athletics and. tion may be ofl'ered. The facts, as reported to conferred the diplomas, and the Rev. J. E. Cathell PAGE 3.—Scraps. having left Rio on the 221 of April en route to the Boston. JIall made.a clean home run, and Flsler, date, are such as indicate a personal responsi- distributed the spelling and French prizes, which PAGE 6.—" The Press Excureion:" United States. The yellow fever broke out on the Graver and Force batted magnificently. McVey bility resting between the commanders and the closed the exercises. made a three-base-hit in the ninth inning, and scored PAGE 7.—Roberts to gaccharlna.