» NEW YORIL HERALD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1873.-TRI1*LE SHEET. r uity EKAL ESTATE WALK. WESTCHESTER COUSTT PROPERTY PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITY FOR ARiljMKMK^iTn. ABIPBKMEIfTH. AJOTTBMiinBirra. | FftR FOR SAL.K AND TO RENT. SALE OR TO KENT. Central. theatre. THEATRE. THOMPSON TBOUPB. KAT RK, TRKMONT (TWKNTY.POURTH WARD AS KENT-AT N 45 MINliTK KitOM BoweryWrn. B. Prelign Manager. OLYMPICTWO PERFORMANCES THIS DAY yEW~LYCBCTIi~TH hioh stoop brown full FAfWAIO, Til.* a urday evening, of the iAte Pechter's, Fourteenth street And Sixth Avenue, little * AT lot* on Wanhlnprlon avenue, hit;!) andANnoxed),CTo New York. Hou»c. Earn and IAcres; 13 rooms; Ail Immediate on Kant KilXv-sixfh near benefit OK SUCCESS Avertn\ndsomeatone Huum f>r tale, low, depot; very cheap; owner moatsrtl. improvements. Apply at'All sixth avenue. . . street, between j.'Xiinrton and Fourth uvrnuet. Inquire POTTER URos., Kordham, N. Y. GEORGE FRANCE. by the world-famed "Peerless Queen of Burlesque," W. L. M AN8KI.L I the premises, IX) K*»t Kirtv-fixth »tr< at The Brent Sensation ol the day, MIES LYDIA THOMPSON YONKRK8.TWO HOUSES TO KRT REAL ESTATE TO BDDHAWOE. MARIviih KOH IJ KB. ATI'I OPENING NIOnV. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER U. firm a.vis mauiwn KllRNISIIEJ) Pronounrod the rami realtatic dramatic NEW (The postponement made necessary oy toe elaborate* .ON AND ADJOINING cheap:near inon'li; also live intensely I ... MAMMOTH COMPANY to lease, untarnished, to AT depot; only $51 per NOKOET THE HALB of LiEE'S l.li.ltl.s AND sHAOES ever presented.picturein the OrientalnE.B, of ness oi the stage setting. Tickets tor Monday good for mnuiMi elegant Dwellings unfurnished llounce and a number tor sale cheap. Burlesque and no on, or the money will be refunded If private fa millet. V. K. STEVENSON. Jr.. H Flue street. JAMES YOU MAN.-.. Aaenl, Yonkers. DON'T of . BLOWING UP OK THE OUTLAW'S CAVE HINBAD THE SAILOR, Thursday, first claw Houses and Site* A Locomotive dashing through a Unrest on Kire.The SINBAD THE SAILOR, the ticket* are presented at the box oftlco on Monday NOTHKK HAROAIX..ONE OF TUB HANDSOMK hki«'K iioiisk to At Terrific Struggle end Leap into a Roiling (/'attractof " Tuesday.) on kuknihiii:i> on Real H ater.Fearful Rain Storm. NUn.EBY Mr. MAN3BLL has the honor to announce the three grorv Houses Lexington avenue, heloir Aoomkortabuylet. at Tarrvtinvn nn. Unr ir.un ritv live minutes' Nynck, (lie Hudson, «1TKES Sixtieth must he told; at great sacrifice; talk SATURDAY, September 13.1S73. Preceded by the glorious comedy called the DANC1NO AWSSf" OPENS AT 01 the season on the date heretofore mentioned. direct; walk lroni depot; rcnt$6U per month. HI1EEP Si KAl.HR BOY QUAKERb, 1>£. TUB NEW TUKATKli. Inaumtratiou quick. B. KM 05# Sixth avenue. Haps, Ac. J. MAI HEW.SON A SON. SKATER, Beaerred Seats $1. In New York.**. LIONEL FROEHLICH, Third avenue, corner Fiftieth tt BKRbON, (S< i' Auction column.) No. 4 1'tnu street. New York. In preparation, and will be produced on the 22<1. the QUARTETS, "Really the most handsome theatre New York storv, entitled LITTLE SUNSHINE, LOCAL HITS, EVENINO. Herald. balk.at a bargain, two desirable liltoWN in which MissWeeklyEttie lleuderson will SPLENDID in form and solendld In decoration.**. II E A P IloUSK, ON MURRAY HILL. NEAR frame in on 169th street, STORY rtTOKK HOUSB appear. SCENERY, Open at 7%; begin at 8. "Bxqul9ite uvenue; a to suit a lour For Dwellings, good repair, !i near Prospect Park, Brooklyn, some OOKOKOUS COSTUMES. Over at Times. ACFilth bargain "bear;" story Melrose ; lota50x100 cacli. Apply at 232 West Forty-eighth IilXCHANGB.FOUR(enuunibered), 10X o'clock. ever here before. high stoop brown stone. WILLIAMS & co., 11 1'ine si. lots (free and clear) and some cash for New Yor* opera iiou-f. (beoins y to h> AUDIENCES CROWDED SECURE YOUR SEATS. "surpassesf anything attempted street K. BAKER, ;t7 Chambers Toneoielit.GrandMr. augustin daly Sole Lessee and Manager. World. first four story brown strect.__ MUSEUM. KLISK "One of the most beautiful places of amusement on tha bumant dkass BALK.AT TAlMtYTOWN, N. Y. l'f MILES oreat london HOLT Confluent.Express. stone Dwelling, near Dr. Hall's new church, for a SO ACB3S, N. J HM! the sensation. WOOD'S HPECIAL BILL FOR An FOlltrom depot und steamboat landing, splendid 11UH »ATUKUAJ. "Most sumptuous, luxurious and el£?ant".Telegram. tale very cheap if applied lor tmmediately. Beat, with 12 acres ol Und, largo dwelling house I3ARM,llrleli I.ohm-on IJDIh street i SEPTEMBER IS, 1873, theatre in tha t*. H. OKADY. 827 aixth avenue. ice andCountryTenement 1'roperly the BOTH "Without exception the most elegant laundry, 1>j stories high; carriage, (turtushed); f>7 acres, WestchesterI*'!;"' wandering at and cltjr.Commercial. two horses, car Residence, ,, AFTERNOON, 2, EVENING, at8. on all sides.".MaU. sale.or will take one or two small houses; barn, ehickery, ponds, riversummer Frame Cottage and 2% Lota. l£>tli street 2*1*)' jew, Last appearauccs of the Celebrated Comedienne i'asto and enterprise displayed riuges, stock and garden implements; magnificent Homes on 7tb street 2\I*I0 gorgeous and in admirable taste.".Star. For.Houses, for a tour ttory brown atone House, on and inland views: terms very easy. to HOPKINS Miss KUHB HOLT, "Simply in the assuranca or Apply French Hut House, unfinished ei'ery evening and saturday matinee. Miss KL1SE HOLT. Mr Murisell feels warranted offering Maditon avenue, . Mortgage*. A CARKINOTON, Twenty-second street, between First class brown stone House 5 that the quality ol the representations will be worthy tha WILLIAM OKI'., i'.lui and franklin street* and Fifth avenue. 3ll,iW0 The performances will commence with the charming of the house. It has beeu suid, with much BroadwayFirst class brown stone HousF.36,0 H) Characters by the dramatic z of magnificence i powerful comedy, in acts, the . MS..,.., ,H.. d... I, I It,. class houses for sale cheap. First class brown stone House tO.Ofl company. Including. LITTLE TilEASURE, JKKSEY HUDSOl* Firs'class brown stone Mr. O. L. FOX, Gertrude HOLT now and ma/uitlceut Lyceum Theatre wiU afford the FirstOn West 33d sr., between 5th and Oih avs. CITY, HOBOKEN, llousa...t "'-'"J TUB II. IIA MImKLISX FIRST OPPORTUNITY FOR GENU INK CRITICISM On West 37th tt., between 5th anUBlh avs. CITY AND RRUGKN ItKAh ESTATE. Hoed Tenement Houses 30,(WO U. IIK1N8, ami will conclude with Eugene Sue's own dramatization First class brown stone House86,000 FRANK HARDENBERG,' oi ins world-iamea entitled from an art standard, this season." It is Mr. MansclPs On Madison av., between 34th and 42d sts., and other WANDERING MARIE novel, ambition to show tiiat the enterprise now raterrod to i choice localities. J. ROMAINE BROWN, For Male. Uesidenuo, 106 acres, Westchester 160,U00 GORDON, THE WANDEKINU JEW, a. c. i.oomi.; a MARV CARR. Mr. E. EDDY such commendation. ______doserrcs No. I,'-'SO , comer Thirty third street oo.. MM Broadway. JKW. KAN NY Dagobert THURSDAY, AND DURING THE WEEK, QALLIDAY'S hall, in jkrsey city, for sale.. HKYWOOD, supported by strength of the entire company. NOTRE DAME, PLUS ULTRA..WILL BE OPENED THIS KeplerThis very valnahle piece of is now oflcrcd SAI.K OK EXCHANGE.-THREE HIOIl STOOP W. J. JENNINGS, MONDAY EVENING. Sept. 16. FIRST TIME Property three i CHARLES a Romantic and Spectacular Drama, in three acta, dav for public Inspection the new and elegant tor saie at a great sai-riflce. The building is I2« feet 9 FOR story brown stone Houses, on a nice blocs LECLERCQ, of the popular emotional drama, in 6 acts, entitled at the New a NE ENtireinches on Warren street, 88 feet oil York street and 87 lect near Central Pari., lor sale, or would exchange for otic Ac., Ac., Ac. BEN McCULLOUOIl, for production Lyccuui by commended palatial private Residence No. 2ti Went. Filtv-iwcoiid Home In Act S. RUN OK 300 NIGHTS IN LONDON. street ; four story and basement, brown stone, U-'xfoxloO, 9 inches on Gregory street ; the northwest line is 01 lect large In good location; noa .canon of one can be in which the eminent young American actor, THE CAST. hardwood trimmed, cabinet handsome mirrors, ai op and the north Hue is 94 tcet deep. The building had InnnedlateT.y ; value. $00,000. Address A. It. JOI1.NS, Tito Carnival Fustlvltica Mr. OLIVER DOUD BYRON, work, Mmc. IvAiUI LANMKR'H Quasimodo, the Bell of Notre Dame, _ electric Ac. Or to C. W. colors the entire property and consists of u basement box Its. Post office. Troupe of will sustain bis original character. Ringer Mr. t. c. Kin* bells, burglar alarms, apply under the whole.; the ttrst story to be converted-into BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN will execute a VAN DOllKN, 61U Sixth avenue. new eccentric His original character and first appearance In America.) stores, the second story to he converted into dwellings; 8ALE OR EXCHANGE.FOR OfTY.PROPERTY. anil VTIBLO'S GARDEN. NIBLO'S GARDEN. Claude Notre the third und lourtli stories comprise a inuguillcc nt tjfOKa splendid Property at oiio of l'uterson dctiots; over BKVKL OF IMPS. IN TWO PERFORMANCES TO-DAY. Frollo, Archdeacon of Dame, rpwo FULL I.otb on fourth avenue, near Little KAY TeMPLETON will as Mr. Charles Wlieatleigh A rifty-tlfth street, for sale, at $12.UUU eacn, worm with siippc( rooms, committee rooms, kiteheu, ballroom,Ac.: 21) lots, wiih tine Mnnsion anil grounds, cash value. appear TWO PERFORMANCES TO-DAY. Captain Phoebus, of the King's Archers, the Uftli story to he u>ed as a workshop, making six GEO. C. KNOW A CO.. 20(J Broadway, room 6. "FOLLY." with songs, and the AFTERNOON AT 1 :.'t0. BVENINW AT 7:46. Mr. $10,000; terms to suit stories in all. The ballroom and oilier rooms connected CALIFORNIA QUARTET FAVORITEwill AFTERNOON 1:30. KVKNINU AT 7:16. Henry Dalton PHALON & SLOAN. 31 East Seventeenlh street und AT (His first appearance In the Onitod States.) with the same are all completed, except painting SALE OR EXCHANGE..FOR NKW YORK. appear.NIBLO'S OF BLACK CROOK Jehan Frollo. a Student... Mr. Oreville basement brown furnishing, and ibe partitions are to be erected lor the BtOR1'rcoklyn or Newark improved Property, u beautiful NIBLO'S TWO MILLIONS BLA K CROOK (Uls llrst three story and stores. and dwellings on second floor. The estimated Residence near N. Every niglit, the Farce of A REGULAR FIX. OIIOOK appearance.; stone Houses, on Eightieth street, near Fourth Morristowu, J.: house, stable, NIBLO'S PEOPLE BLACK Ortngolre, a Poet Mr. sol Smith Three small amount ot cash cost or com pic ting mil tarnishing the building will be nod tine garden; unencumbered; price $17,0X1.icehouse NIBLO'S IJAVE WITNESSED THIS BLA. K CROOK the King Mr. Dan Leeson line locution; at low prices: avenue;from $20,(10) to S2S.OUO. The estimated annual rental of Address K. McLAUKXE, C9 West SATURDAY NIOIIT, NIBLO'S GORGEOUS SPECTACLE BLACK CROOK Clopiu, Gypsy required. J. O. WILSON, 1.467 Third avenue^ the when is $20,ms). The of Broadway. September 13, (His llrst appearance here lu lourtcen years.) building, completed, price THE WANDKRINU JEW NIBLO'S AT BLACK CROOK Esmeralda, a Gypsy Girl Miss Jeffreys Lewis deep roomy high stoop the whole property ts$ls0.bRANDEnDUCHES3E. niblo's black crook MATINEE Caricaturist. MATINEH ForFifty-seventh where trom 20 to 40 acres constitute a good farm when niblo's a corps de MATINEB class Residence, finished all through in hardwood and From this a OF EVERY 90 anil 50c. ballet, black ckook MATINEE cabinet flnl h; this is one of the most houses partlv planted to fruit. locality greater Prices.$1. $1 $2: Family Circle, niblo's consisting ok black crook MATINEE THE DISSOLVING STATUE. MATINEB complete quantity and variety of fruit aro sent to market than WANTED..MERCHANDISEwanted in exchange for BrooklynDES0RIPtionimproved Matinee prices.SI and $1 SO; Family Circle, BOc. niblo's two hundred How tn the market; terms to nun purchaser. Apply on trom any other ot area in the Culteit states. and New Jersey improved and unimproved property. black,crook MATINEE MATINEB > or to F. ZITTEL, 1,020 Third avenue. place equal Address for three liorald office. niblo's young ladies. black crook MATINEE JOHN HAKT, MATINEB [promises, It is In the midst of a thriving community, with good days, HOWARD, /TQ CT.NEW METROPOLITAN THEATRE, niblo's magnificently black crook MATINEE FRANK KERNES, MATINEB SALE. roads, stores, schools and tnanuiactories. Female l)DO BROADWAY. 685 BROADWAY, niblo's costumed. black MATINKB ."IPOB of families and others can procure good workmembersat trr ANTED.IN EXCHANGE For. REAL ESTATE, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. crook MATINEE JOHN WILD, J? A FINE KA8T THIRTIETH STBEBT PROPERTY. straw shoe button work jt Merchandise, desirable goods. Hardware, R. BUTLER niblo's black crook MATINEE MATINEB The owner ot a fine three brown sewing, work, making, clothing Pianos, W. Manager 7. W. niblo's charming black crook MATINEE Miss ADA W itAT, MATINEB story high stoop and other branches, Many English, Irish and Scotch Pry Goods, Groceries or framed Pictures. Address J. THE POPULAR NOVELTY TUEATRE OF NEW YORK. grand mustc, stone House on Thirtieth street, near Second avenue, farmers have settled and arc Got B., box 147 Post office, New York. niblo's marches. black crook. MATINEE Miss JENNIE HUGHES, MAl INEB offers It lor sale at a very low price and on prosperous. your An Immense bill this afternoon and evening. niblo's dance of all nations. black MATINEE Miss KITTY O'NEIL MATINEB very easy away trom sin and temptation. Numbers m families MATINEE ® .MATINEE the crook1 terms; a splendid chance for a down town business man from the of New York are locating. AT MATINEE niblo's whole forming black crook MATINEE at MATINBB to hoy a fine home very cheap. Address W. fc. K., box vicinity gardeners REAL ESTATE WANTED. MATINEE T 2% O'CLOCK. T niblo's an entertainment black crook MATINEE MATINEE MATINBB 169 Herald Uptown Branch office. for farming and business purposes, is one ofVineland,the MATINEE <£> -4> MATINEE niblo's wonderful, black crook MATINEE TO-DAY. MATINEB most prosperous places in the country. Farming is more HILLS CEMETERY LOTS WANTED. Bring all the children to see niblo's delightful, black crook MATINEE MATINEB profitable than at the West, on account ot the markets. ) State location and Addrcas JOHN TEA MEHAY, THE DEVIL'S DOCTOR, MF.HAY, l"I7»OR SALE.THE CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE Apply to JOHN B. PAGE, lltt Park place, two doors trom C1YPRB8S price. RE, ME HAY, THE GREAT WIZARD of the AGE, MEHAY. niblo's beautiful, black crook MATINEE MATINEB J? for the money on Lexington avenue, corner West street. New York. Papers containing full 74 Broadway. Williamsburg;. YANKEE LOCKE, T11E GREAT COMEDIAN. niblo's entrancing. black crook MATINEE MATINEB street, brown stone, come and see ; also one on SixtyfirstMaai will be went tree of ItYMAN IN A FIX. niblo's never black crook MATINEE MATINEB avenue; one on Fifth avenue and 129th street, $20,000;en charge. information OF LOTS WANTED.BY A RESPONSIBLE ADD REGULAR niblo's to be foroottbn. blaffk crook In a M138 BELLE IIOWITT, 1,000others; all prices. Apply to JOHN FKTTRETCH, red bank, n. j..to let, a first class PLOTbuilder. Rood location. In New York or Brooklyn, SAM RICKEY and MASTER HARNEY in their niblo's matinee to-day black crook ALLACK'S. 1,038 Third avenue. At Store and Dwelling, in Ute business centre of the with builder's loan; also a splendid Place in the country sketch of BAD WHISKEY. niblo'8 (saturday). at 1 so. black crook five minutes' Hn old to exchange tor city Lots. Principals only address original niblo's matinee today black ckook LAST NIGHTS OF sale.the three story high stoop town, walk ot the station, BUILDER, Herald office. ALL TnK IMMENSE COMPANY WILL APPEAR. niblo's (saturday). jo. black crook Mr. 8HEIL BARRY No. 145 East street. store tor millinery and dry goods. Inquire ofestablishedISAAC AJlcrnoon, doors open at 1. Evening, at 7M. a.t_1 ForHouse Twenty-ninth Inquire at CPUS, Rod Bank. Boa office seen red in 161 Bast Twenty-ninth street, or of J. W. CLELAN D, No. SMALL HOU8E, CENTRAL LOCATION open daily. sSeats inadvance. garden. regular matinee. THE COLLEEN BAWN. 66 Water street. beautiful place of residence.in an WANTED-Apreferred; price not to exceed $10.1)00. Address C. this day (saturday) at 1«. and B. II., Herald Uptown Branch office. of music. nilsson. theNiblo'sblack crook. the black crook. ONLY COLLEEN BAWN MATINEB, and lot for sale oheap-fikty-third A excellent neighborhood, with Grocery Store ut a AcademyTHE STRAKOSCU GRAND ITALIAN OPERA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. convenient distance, will be sold, with the Good Will of IN OOOD A AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Housestreet, near Third avenue; improved neighborhood; tlm hiKinn ii' wjtfnr in Mm limiin nnil iras cnmnlptp BROOKLYN, LOCATION, will commence on garden. the black crook. In course of preparation. terms to suit. Apply to J. W. IIICKLY, 42 East terras .-onsv. MELVILLE E. South WANTED.INmoderate sizn house, with all improvements; will regular matinee, Mr. CHARLES GAYLEK'H LOCAL DRAMA. street Apply to MEAD, half cash or lots In tree and MONDAY EVENING. September 29, 1873. Niblo's tlU,5U0;iigbteeuth Conn. Norwalk.pay exchange Newtown, The comnanv will comurlse the following artists:. to-day (8aturday) at 1%. OUST AND DIAMONDS. clear. O. CODLING k_SON, 114 and 1,872 Broaiway. Madame CHRISTINE NILSSON. Mr. 8HIEL BARRY PROPERTY, SEVENTH WARD, FULL LOT. GENTLEMAN'S,FURNISHED RESIDENCE-BENT Mile. OHTAVA TORRIaNI, her first appearance. theatre. jefferson. AS MOONEY MICK. STORErenting to two tenants at S1.303. w ill be exchanged A low to May 1, every modern Improvement; stahlo FARM. WITH GOOD BUILDINGS, ON Mile. hor first j^ooth's New Scenery, for small Dwelling south ot" Fiftieth street and WANTED-Athe line of Hudson River, tor a sea MARESI, uppearance. & end New Music private and extensive grounds, treat abundance and variety brick residence and captain's Ave Miss ANNIE LOUISE GARY. f J. BOOTH Sole Lessee Manager by BAKES, PHAIR. 591 Third avenae. oi trait; location and view unsurpussed: eight minutes seat; spacious outhouses;countrySignor CAMPANINi, bis first appearance. New PropertiM, from Torapkiusville; ten minutes trom New Brighton, minutes from depot: twenty daily trains; near Oyster M. VICTOR CAPOUL. matinee and a d>in ftnn WILL buy the CHEAPEST house Statcn Island, lerrtes; flagged walks. Bay. L. I. Address WIDOW, Central Park, L. I. HKNPKATELLI, his first appearance. to-day (saturday, sept. is), at 1 :*l POWERFUL CAST. In hew York; four story and basement W. A. COLLINS, 28 Phie street. SignorSi. his first joseph jefferson SATURDAY MATINEE. t>rick;25 feet front; well rented; on TUiriicth street, TO BUY.A HOUSE, BETWEEN 124TH MAURBL, appearance. near Third avenue. PllALoN A streets and Fifth Signor DKl PUENTE, his first appearance. SLOAN, HANDSOMELY, FULLY FURNISHED PRIVATE WANTEDand 183d and Sixth avenues; price Signor NANNBTTI, his first appearance. RIP VAN*"WINKLE. ANNOUNCEMENT. 31 East Seventeenth street A Residence to let at Bergen Point, in a healthy, moderate. Address, with particulars, HOUSE, box, 585 Signor SCOLARA. J^XTRA location ; bouse large; modern improvements;beautifuldue Post office. Musical Director and Condactor Signor MUZIO saturday evening, sept. is, second time of WALLACE'S. grounds; immediate possession. Address box 5,614 Post SUBSCRIPTION FOR THIRTY NIGHTS) $120. the new magdalen. West Side. office, New York. -TO PURCHASE.AN ENGLISH BOXES AND <25 PER NIGHT. ONLY COL'LEEN BAWN MATINEE, House, order, 20 to 25 feet on or $20 IT A BARGAIN.HOUSE NO. 11 VAN NEST WANTED good wide,BASBmentThe box office now open at the Academy ol Music. Seats mm- be secured six days in advanco at the box . PLACE, capitalists, machinists and near Filth avenue. Address, with dimension, price, office of the theatre or its Branch Ticket Office, at the SATURDAY, SEPT. IS. xl unaries su-ocl, new, wun ail improvements; mir. location and an box 102 Herald a cjnm ok music. rat.vtnt season rora and llxtures. to JAlkiiiti M. Attrntion,shipbuilders Valuable Wharf Property and Marine interview, E, C., Uptown music store of 0. H. Ditson A Co., 711 Broadway. carpets gas ' Apply Railway, Nowport landing, N. J.; CO acres. IS houses, in Branch office. J± OPENING NIGHT, TUESDAY, Sept. 16. at 8 o'clock. MR. 8HEIL BARRY. No. 1yt Pine street TAYLOR,eluding store and marine shops, supplying SO boats, BIO NO It TOMMASO SALVINI, MAGOIE MITCHELL, October 6.1373. Saturday, sept. is. $40,000 per annum; great bargain. TO PURCHASE ON THE EAST SIDE, THE ILLUSTRIOUS ITALIAN TRAGEDIAN. MR. BARRY AS MILES NA COPALEEN. BARGAIN.»15.:00.-FOUR 8T0RV DOUBLE RICHARDSON, 818 Walnut street, Philadelphia. WANTEDNorth of 111th st, three small houses, with all 'The best living actor.".Robert Browning. SQUARE THEATRE. MATINKE SATURDAY, SEPT. 13. A House, 25x60x100; good order; rentedTENerocntlor modern improvements. Apply at 114 oFl.372 Broadway, "TUE GREATEST OTHELLO THE WORLD HAS "JJNION BIA11.VB& AT WALuAvA , over $2,100; also 71 other tenement Houses, paving 13 to in new jersey farms. GEO. CODLING A BON. EYER matinee at wallace'! 16percent WALTER W. MONTAGUE, Eighth avenue SEEN.".Charlotte Cusbman. barry and COLLEEN bawn. and street. Bargains90 acres. Middle!)ush. Stock and Tools $8,000 Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Twenty-flrat j list acres, Ken In vs ton, splendid Buildings 20,ilU) &C. Mr. MAURICE ORAU has tho honor to announce the 90 acres, English (own. fine Fruit Farm 9,900 PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, arrival ol Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER PARK GARDEN.THEODORE THOMAS. 8ALE-THE FOUR STORY BROWN STONE 34 Mil* SJGNOR TOMMASO THEODORE THOMAS' FORhigh stoop Houae 328 West Thirty-fourth street, acres. Six Run, very cheap 2,800 7K OCTAVE AGRAFFE SALVINI CENTRALUNRIVALLED SUMMER NIGHTS' CONCERTS. 20others to J. S. 39 Nassau st. . and his Dramatic Company, 32x80x88.9; In perfect order; newly frescoed this spring; I exchange. FEKuUSON, A.$200-MAGNIFICINTrosewood overstrung iron frame (ftoldsmifh) complete ft ft tor THIS EVENING, atS. furnished the stool, Ac.; carved case anil legs; latest COMPRISING FORTY ARTISTS, V V Programme (Saturday) Sept. 13, elegantly throughout; always occupied by | RESIDENCE FOR SALE.JUST OUT OF guaranteed. Pianoforte;engaged expreaaly lor his American tour, which will be TO-DAY, AT 1:30, Overture, "Bal Masque" Auber owner, who sells only on account of leaving the city to and the ol New N. fully improvements; ou O First Matinee O Waltz, "Thousand and One Nights" Strauss be sola with or without the Furniture. Apply on the COUNTRYoverlooking city Brunswick, J.; GOLDSMITH'S, 20 Bleecker street near Bowery. inaugurated "Prometheus" Becthovefo about 97 acres; plenty ol fruit; about two acres in TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 16. K Finale, premises. two in raspberries, two in blackberries; strawberries,peach PIANO WITH ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, when will lie unacted Tor the drat time in tuia country THE BELLES OF THE K Kucnstler Festzug Liszt orchard, trees and the Italian version of E KITCHEN B Overture, "Midsummer Night's Dream"....Mendelsohn sale-twelve lots on tentu avenue, orchard, pear apple orchard; cherry A carved legs, Ac.; Organ, 7 stops, Ac., to Be sold at a tragedy, Andante Cantabile, In C Mozart between and Fiftieth terms vines in quantity; hot and cold water, range, sacrifice; owners want the ra-n. At warcrooms ot Shak8^oare^a 8 u and of a 8 Symphony For Forty-ninth streets; Kaneller, stationary washtubs. furnaces, heater; perfectly PEBK A SON, 127 Bleecker street WILKINS M1CAWBER. Scherzo. Symphony Svendson easy. Apply to jam EH O'DUNOU UK, 88 Front street. healthy; good schools, college and churches oi all Slgnor TOMMASO BALVINI n* OTHELLO. Selections. First act "Lohengrin" Wagner society excellent: new depot in denominations;GRAND PIANO FOR RENT.-PIAN08 AND Biguor ALEHSANDRO SALVINI as LAGO. Overturedi Hallo .' A. H. Sullivan TTtOR SALE-SEVERAL FIRST CLASS BROWN STONE tu ot Address 337 Post New ISOLINA PIAMONTI as "Ave MarlA" Schubert X Houses in between and sight place. box office.anticipationA Prince A Co. Organs for sale or rent Slgnora DESDEMONA. r TO-NIOHT.V ATT 8. v Fiity-clghth street, Eighth Brunswick, N. J. R T. A Music FIFTH Waltz, "Vienna Temper" Straus Ninth avenues; will be sold cheap or traded for other GORDON SON, Publishers, name a "March of Gretner with some cash. of WILLIAM 13 East Fourteenth street near Filth avenue. In presenting the of so great celebrity to the O PERFORMANCE O Victory" city property, Inquire forget sale American Mr. Gran feels that little need be in .. Admission 50 cents. Packages, containing 12 tickets, MoQBATH. owner, 430 West street the public tuild OF THE BELLESK K Fifty-seventh jjon't HAINES advance or the merits wnich have made the artist eml« OF THE KITCHEN $4, at the usual places. first class Houses and Sites BROS., ncnt throughout Europe and won for him such honors as E and E Every THURSDAY EVBNINQ Grand Extra CONCERT. balb-on eighty-seventh street, webt AT 27 Union square, have been attained in art none of his illustrious Forof Boulevard, frame Ilouse (10 rooms, in good order) at the nalncs Piano; by g MICAWBER. s garden theatre. and two street to Nvack, on the Hudson, first class in every every instrument and, in calling special attention to this event,countrymen,the lots; graded, flagged, Ac.; cheap 1S73. respect; guaranteed Director takes in that it will .... SUNDAY, Sept 14. SACRED CONCERT. prompt buyer, at 402 West Fifty-tourth street. SATURDAY, September IS, to give satisfaction. pride anticipating prove to ft ft TerraceDEB TROUBAJDOUR Maps, Ac. J. MATliEWsON A SON, on reasonable terms. be, without exception, the (II Trovutore). (see Auction column.) No. 4 Pine street. New York. For sale very MUST MEMORABLE IN OUR ART HISTORY. WEDNESDAY Mine. LICUTMAY as ELEONORE. sale at a bargain.lispenard street A lew Pianos, wiiioh have been used a little, but good EVENINO, October I.Opening of the Miss Oarfunkel, Mr. Lehman, Mr. Palfeger, Mr. Welnlich. FobProperty; lot 28x94, with three story Building; or villa site kuk sale.eigut as new, at an THE TRAGEDY OF Full Chorus and Orchestra. will be leased. Apply to A. JOURNEAV, 51 Lispeuard st acres, exceedingly low price for cash. OTHELLO, Second Comedy Season at this theatre and production of SO 25cents extra. Elegantfine elevation, unarming prospect, desirable Gall and examine before purchasing elsewhere. which has been selected b«r Signor SALVINI lor his Admissiou, cents; reserved, all trains; uueiiuallrd for first class neighborhood; to thp American nubile, will be producedintroductionwttn an entirely new Drama of g.-pat interest, written ex- executors op tne late hr. john ray Address J. W. ATWATER, RiversideImprovements.station, entirely new scenery, costumes and appointments MINSTRELS..TWENTY-THIRD STREET, offer for sale the property Nos. 47 and 47H WEBER. CHICKERTNG AND between Sizth and Seventh avenues, near Booth'* The Conn. as tuider his immediate parmm.il supervision),(prepared.and proMly tor the company by Mr. G. F. Rowc. BRYANT'S street, opposite Waverley place, includingChristopherthe A.BTEINWAY,Hazelton Pianos, good new, with every with the lollowing most powerful cast Bakery, with a business of 20 years'standing. For PARK LOTS..DAILY EXCURSIONS TO sold lor want of niAocy; great bargains. improvement, ttnion square theatre. ThBRHuANT RE-OPENING, CROWDED HOUSES. inquire ol Mr. JACOB 8. TOWN8END, No.particulars23 store 43!) J. BIDDLK, 10 Waverlev place, near Rroadway. SALVINI First since his return from Europe of Grove street. FLUSniXUthis beautttul property from Third avenuo, Othello ....SlgnorTOMMASO U SPECIAL. ENGAGEMENT OF THE EMINENT appearance DAN BRYANT. at 12:45 o'clock. Ladies unaccompanied shown every FEW SECOND HAND LITTLE I ago Slgnor ALEBSANDRO SALVINI COMEDIAN, courtesy. Kree excursions Dy a special train at 2 o'clock PIANOS, BUT Desdemona Slgnora ISOLINA PIAMONTI Mr. GEORGE FAWCETT Will appear in a new character scene, from Hunter's Point each to accommodate those A used, will be sold very cheiAn for cash, on Emilia A. HOFFMAN ROWE, OLD BLACK JOB ! flliacellancotia. Sunday and to rent at JOHN MAlfON'S tactorv. cornerinstalments, Slgnora who will appear In liis great original Impersonation of IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE EXCELSIOR who cannot go during the week. No music, no free Fortieth street and First avenue, office 224 East Cassio Slgnor A COLONELLO Mlcawber (tor a limited number of nights) in the Newly TROUPE. L'lnoi tiiAic r3,800; price $35,000; ku.OUO caab payable $10 monthly (without interest). A liberal PIANO MAKERS, No. l> Great Jones street,COOPERATIVEMontono Blgnor G. PK8ARO 1V1 OPENING NIGHT. wanted. JAMES K. EDWARDS, to cash buyers. Maps free. Apply for ticketsdiscountto near Broadway. Herald Signor L. CARACCIOLO 1873. francisco minstrbls. BENJAMIN W. store 439 Third A BUFFI SATURDAY, September i3, HOOLEY'8 OPERA HOUSE, BROOKLYN. 69 West Twenty-third street HITCHCOCK, avenue, DECKER A BROS. FOUR FOUND Messenger Slgnor OTHELLO, San Success. Hundreds Turned New York. 75* OCTAVE First officer i...Signor P. BONOINI with a powerful cast Immense Away Nightly. the sale A Pianoforte, richly carved rosewood cose, has all Second officer A. MANCINI MONDAY, Sliri. 8. AND KVKKY C.VKN1NU, of hale, a bargain.a marble quarry, with guarantee from maker; will sell atImprovements,a The Orchestra under the direction ot Professor G. pastor's opera 201 bowery. AN ENTIRE OUANOE OP PROGRAMME. Remember situated near the town of Baltimore sacrifice; a beautiful square Pianoforte $»). Call this house, TlIE GREAT ORIGINAL AND ONLY first class Houses and Sites, For Cockeysville, or CONTERNO.Tony GRAND REOPENING, at Nyack, on ttic Hudson, county, and 18 miles from Baltimore city, with all the day Sunday, private residence, 2lu West 21st st, near monday, 8rpt. is. BIRCH, WAMBOLD AND BACKUHl Saturday, September 13. appliances for active operation In complete order, 7th avenue. Prices.Parquet and Balcony, $3 and S3 50, according NEWLY REFITTED, CHASTE AND elegant. Box Office open. Seats secured. Maps, Ac. (Sec Auction Column.) of a new first class patent steam Sawmill, withconsisting to location; Boxes, $16, Sit! and $10. TONY PASTOR, i and haliTsixteenth street, j. MATI1EWSON a RON. six gangs of saws: steam Cranes, steam Cutters, with all RICHLY CARVED WEBER PIANO.NEARLY Scats can be secured to-day at Schirmcr's, 701 and 114 TONY PASTOR, BIS GREAT THREE DOORS VEST OP BROADWAY. No. 4 Pine street. New York. the necessary tools, tenement Houses, Blacksmith Shop, A new, cneap: Uallet A Davis', Chlckcring and other Broadway, and at the box office ol the Academy. TONY PASTOR. TROUPE. Robinson Males, Harness, Ac., with railway to the quarry. The new and second band Pianos for rent or sale, on miss ella wrsner. EVERY DAY AT 3. EVENING AT 8. principal portion ot the stone used in the ereciton of the low. BERRY A CO., 7H9 Broadway.Instalments, OF Ml'SIO AND ART, MISS ELLA WESNER. UNIVERSAL PRAISE. UNIVERSAL PRAISBL brookLys property for hale new Ctt.v Hall tn Baltimore city was tarnished by this CIARD..UNIVERSITYtered by special act of Legislature, 92 ClintonCHAR.yplace; JENNIE ENGEL. JENNIE ENGEL. AND A PRONOUNGBD SUCCESS OK AMD TO LET. quarry, the owners of which were also the contractors PARLOR, GRAND SQUARE BRILLIANT TONE, synopsis of charter mailed Dee. deleiianty and HENGeek. THE ROYAL MARIONETTES, of that building, and the complotion or tbeir contract A 7U octave rosewood Pianotortc, nearly new; cost O. R. Gross, Secretary. J. J. WATSON, President FREEMAN SISTERS. in their wonderful antics of branch opfice.brooklyn. and a change ot business are the reasons for now otTering *8715, for $226 cash; has box tor shipping; i'wlor "Suits, JOHN. THE FIELDINGS. MAOGIE. THE FANTOCCINI, jjerald tills property for sale at a great sacrifice. Parties Paintings, Bronzes, chamber, library, dining Furniture lyric hall. GEO. 8. KNIGHT. GEORGE THATCHER. ORIGINAL OHRI8TY MINSTRELS, advertisements for the new york herald to pnrchase will please apply to M. A. SISSON AdesiringCO., a sacrifice. 1(M East Twenty.fifth street, near Fourth ar. Trenor'sSixth avenue, Forty-second street, Reservoir square. BILLY BARRY, F. OIRASD, FANMY FORDHAM. concluding with the Kfltry fantomime of " Marble Contract#rs. New City Hall building, Baltimore, Lyric ilall U beautifully located And easily accessible AND THE GREAT STAR COMBINATION. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, received at our branch opfice, Ma.. In peraon or by letter. 7>* OCTAVE ROSEWOOD from allparts ot' the ettv, and Is now the IN AN ENTIRELY NEW OPENING BILL. with grand scenic dUnlar. AMAGNIFICBNTparlor grand, made order, tour round corners,PIANOtortc,ONLY FIRST CLASS BALLROOM UP TOWN. TONY PASTOR'S OWN TROUPE. TRANSFORMATION SCENE, in the long island savings bank building, TOR SALE.AT RAMSEYfi, NEW JERSEY, ON THE city maker, used five months, Itiily guaranteed, cost All the rooms are SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED, NEPTUNE'S FLIGHT TO TUB ENCHANTED ISLE. f T?*4a 17 a llvnllH rw.lA# 4entn Mntv Voel- ll/noe.i^r $1,200, for $300; embroidered cloti Cover, Stool, Music FRESCOED und richly embellished with corner op pulton av. and boerum St. Stand; Gmad Marie ARTISTICALLYj matinees tuesday and saturday. Scale of prices.Reserved solas in parterre, tl; Ground, about H(W feet railroad front,. with private superb Drawing RoomSuits, Duchess, immense mirrors and costly oil paintings. Ladies admitted free on Friday evenings. choirs, 75c.; general admission, 50c.; childrenreserved witch, with Buildings; I large three story brick Antoinette styles, covered silk nrooade; Etagcres, a hoantltul STAUE, with SCENERY when required. Seats he secured from 10 A M. to 4 P. m. opfice open from 8 a. m. till 9 p. m. Store and Barns. Outbuildings, Lumber. Bookcase, Chamber, Bluing Room Furniture, at half Bent per night *60. Rooms opeu day and may daily price. alway^balf Dwelling, cost; leaving 38 Cabinets, evening. Coal and Lime Douse; business established over property family city. West 15th St.. course. a mbrican Institute. , on sunday from 3 till 9 p. m. 20 years; will be sold together or in different plots, near aili av, MR. C. E. A. to suit Reasonable and terms easy. DANCING AC:AI>BM1R8. Galaxy McGEACHY, DIRECTOR. forty-second CARRIERS' purchaser. price 4 AND AGENTS' DEPARTMENT, Cause of selling, ill health of one or the tlrmt For further hcalf. 75* octave large round H. RIYER8' BROOKLYN CHURCH OF THE particulars call on or address J. Y. DATER A SON, Anewcornered brilliant toned rosewood Pianoforte tor DANCINO ACADEMY, DISCIPLES. exhibition NO. 7 FRONT STREET, BROOKLYN. fN. J.) Post office. sale, used 8 months, cost $1,000 cash, for $279, including C~ 175 State street, corner of Court.Class and for Madison avenue, corner Forty-flith street, Ramsey* Stool, Cover, Music Cabinet, box for shipping; and are now forming. Send tor a circular. Enclosebeginners F (Rev. Geo. II. llepworth's), a is now open. FIRST CLASS HOUSE, PCRNISHED, SALE.BEFORE OCTOBER 1, OR NEVER AT and Bedroom Suit* less than half UKORGfc J. cOLk iSIni IX)RGround, near Kulrmount Park, Philadelphia, directly 8 Utrton square. B P. M. Twenty-third street (under ;; 3 AgenU opposite Centennial Buildings. Address W. D. J., ilcrald Union anil 114 Hrmidwav. Wo. Wlllougbby itrcet,Brooklyn. office. "ptANOS..SECOND HAND PIANOS IN THOROUGH for rockaway beach, Sunday, aqnaro. Brentuno's. ADMISSION 50C., SECURED SEATS 8L OK THE X order, or sundry milkers, ror saw at low prices; also Ahoy It.Steamer NEVKRSINK, In placeseptembcrof KAHN'8 GRAND MUSEUM AND for IjlOB BALE.OWE BEST BUU/THOOSKS IN CHICKKRINU A No. 11 Kast leaves Pock at 9:10 A. M. I POLtTECllNIC sale at J Brooklyn, on Monroe street, between Nostrand" xud SALE CHEAP.15,000 ACRES OF OAK TIMBE"lt Pianos to Kent, by SONS, AMKKICLri, slip and 16 P. DR.institute.Kehuiit, remodelled, and wltti ft.UUU iresh iiall A SONS', 7t'l broadway. work IjiORLsnds in CaLell county, Western Virginia, near Iho Fourteenth street, between Broadway and Fifth avenue. M.; Christopher street North River, ft A. M. and 1 AO P. now onen to the at tSW Marcy avenoes, built by day's , plumbins extra Ohio 9:15 A. M. and 2 P. attractions, public, Broadway, two story, basement and cellar, brick stone River, and witlun easy hauling distance of M.r pier No. 5, North River. M.; nearly tbc Grand Central Hotel. Models of every and guitar taught perfectly in finish; and Ohio luuln ad. Parties desiringchesaleakcto dock, Brooklyn, 9:10 A. M. and 1 P. M. Roturning,Martin's oppositeor the Hoop; all improvements; terms easy. purchase really O * BALL A CO., 1ft BAST FOURTEENTH STREET.. M. ft P. M. portion hnman iramc, breathing Meehauical Banjon Single quarter, by HENRY C. DOBsoN. Hi Fonrtli R CORNELf,. M Oonrt street. an get full information from W. A LEGGAT, An assortment of upright and square Pianos and leaves tha Bjach at II A. and Figures, Ac .Ac., altogether comprising tbe moat avenue. Song am Dance, Jig and Ciog for fbm . 101 Dancing Fttth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Parlor Organs ol seven different inanuiacturers. at and Instructive exhibition In the world. entertainingstage, by John ruLLKR. OR LEASE FOR rates, on instalments and for rent. LEE, PLEASANT VALLEY AND SHADY SIDE 50c. Sclantltlc lectures free to visitors FOR SAliE FAtTOJtrKS.-r,20 T AKF. SRriVT II AN rise UP rvievPDv bl-.t tivc reasonablefjtortsteamers leave from Spring street at 10 A. dully; Admission. HE PILGRIM. Lota, with bulkhead water front: prices low ; terms Ll P dally M., LOTH to a a. 8CHIKFPELIN. 170 William street. acres, on a beautiful lair A few hours irom ilew rrw\ PIANOS AND OROANS, NEW AND SECOND 2, 5:10ami 7 P. M., landing at Twenty-third street ten JOHN DREW'S ARCH STRLRT THEATRE, T~ BAIN HALL, Great Junes street. easy. Apply York; photograph. C. If. OLlVr.fi, No. I fork place. oi minutes lator. Sunday tlmo from Spring street, 9 JO, iil Pa..The Between Broadway and Every Evening at JUU liand, nrsi class makers, will be sold at lower Mbs.Philadelphia, ladles and gentlemen nluht o'clock. Wednesday Bowery.on.I x.innl.,. il.tiu, mi~J .an LBT.Ft'RNIHUBD ROUSE NO. 78 HENRY prices, for cash or instalments or for rent. In eltv or 11A.M., 1,2 and 2:30 I*. M. landing at Twenty-third for the ensuing season will please report at theengaged terries N UOKACK WATERS A 481 street Fare 15 cents. on 15, P M. Piety Paintings, valued at SlUQOOO. Tableaux, TOstreet, near Wall street and Fulton Apply to station VALLEY, J.. ONE MINUTE KROM country, by SON. Broadway. theatre, Monday morning, September preparatory Maine, Lectures,, Ac. Ac. LIMPLKY Ml'RBAT, No 4 Pine street. New York. OKANUK .Three desirable llnnse* for sale; 1 (new), tlian ever offered before in New York. Agents wanted excursion across the bay to to opening on Monday, September 22. , $7.ax>; 1 iwon, »s,Wi; I (twoacre* Land), SI7.S0O. Pnr New C1IAS. H. MORTON, Stage Manager._ particulars and puses A. ~ Grand and Red Bank, Jersey.-The lastmenlandsand YORK MU8KUM OP ANATOMY, 618 LET-NEAR HENRY STREET, BROOKLYN, A apply to BALDWIN, 9.1 Liberty 1 leaves sub-cellar with all street. clothino. commodious steamboat sea bird pier 35, foot of A 8SOCIATION HALL. PEPPER A TOBIN. NBW between Houston and Bleeoker streets..EveryBBOAOway, TO two story and basement House, _..r Franklin street, North Rl*er. on Sunday. 14th insL, at one should visit the wonderful museum: it Is full of modern Im roenta, Including gas fixtures; will reut I P. M. -tx liiii'.kaki nunr.at. mkuvycr every, prose of JOHN F. VALLEY. N. J.-FL'RNLslIF.D ONE H. ROSENTHAL'S, 231 TT1IRD AVENUE. NEAR ft A. M returning leaves Red Bank at t September 15,17 and 19, at 8 P. M. thine people should sea and understand, Lecture* daily, low to a responsible party. Inquire minute HOUSE, ^ on The of Murrlaire." Those unabfe 7 Manbasset near street. OBANU.K from station , lomarr. water, bathroom, Ac.; AT Nineteenth street, ladles and gentlemen will obtain Philosophy parties No. place, Rapelyaa NELSON. price >liJt)per montif. A. BALDWIN. 91 lull value of cast off Clothing, Carpets, ac., by calling or excursion to the fishino bankh, oh Prof. J. H. PEPPER and Prof. T.~~W. TOBIN, to attend these Important lectures can nave them Liberty street^ Ladles attended to Sunday, September 14..The large end commodious post tree, on Hi cents, addresslnr addressing. by Mrs. Rosenthal. Last leave foot or | receiptor OP by forwarded. WKNTCIIKSTKK COUBTTf PKoiPEHTY THREE MINUTES FROM MONTROSE jtramer monitor will Eighth street, Kan J (or the London Royal Polytechnic Institution), SECRETARY NK.v YORK MUSEUM ANATOMY,