» NEW YORIL HERALD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1873.-TRI1*LE SHEET. r uity EKAL ESTATE WALK. WESTCHESTER COUSTT PROPERTY PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITY FOR ARiljMKMK^iTn. ABIPBKMEIfTH. AJOTTBMiinBirra. | FftR FOR SAL.K AND TO RENT. SALE OR TO KENT. Central. theatre. THEATRE. THOMPSON TBOUPB. KAT RK, TRKMONT (TWKNTY.POURTH WARD AS KENT-AT N 45 MINliTK KitOM BoweryWrn. B. Prelign Manager. OLYMPICTWO PERFORMANCES THIS DAY yEW~LYCBCTIi~TH hioh stoop brown full FAfWAIO, Til.* a urday evening, of the iAte Pechter's, Fourteenth street And Sixth Avenue, little * AT lot* on Wanhlnprlon avenue, hit;!) andANnoxed),CTo New York. Hou»c. Earn and IAcres; 13 rooms; Ail Immediate on Kant KilXv-sixfh near benefit OK SUCCESS Avertn\ndsomeatone Huum f>r tale, low, depot; very cheap; owner moatsrtl. improvements. Apply at'All sixth avenue. street, between j.'Xiinrton and Fourth uvrnuet. Inquire POTTER URos., Kordham, N. Y. GEORGE FRANCE. by the world-famed "Peerless Queen of Burlesque," W. L. M AN8KI.L I the premises, IX) K*»t Kirtv-fixth »tr< at The Brent Sensation ol the day, MIES LYDIA THOMPSON YONKRK8.TWO HOUSES TO KRT REAL ESTATE TO BDDHAWOE. MARIviih KOH IJ KB. ATI'I OPENING NIOnV. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER U. firm a.vis mauiwn KllRNISIIEJ) Pronounrod the rami realtatic dramatic NEW (The postponement made necessary oy toe elaborate* .ON AND ADJOINING cheap:near inon'li; also live intensely I ... MAMMOTH COMPANY to lease, untarnished, to AT depot; only $51 per NOKOET THE HALB of LiEE'S l.li.ltl.s AND sHAOES ever presented.picturein the OrientalnE.B, of ness oi the stage setting. Tickets tor Monday good for mnuiMi elegant Dwellings unfurnished llounce and a number tor sale cheap. Burlesque and no on, or the money will be refunded If private fa millet. V. K. STEVENSON. Jr.. H Flue street. JAMES YOU MAN.-.. Aaenl, Yonkers. DON'T of . BLOWING UP OK THE OUTLAW'S CAVE HINBAD THE SAILOR, Thursday, first claw Houses and Site* A Locomotive dashing through a Unrest on Kire.The SINBAD THE SAILOR, the ticket* are presented at the box oftlco on Monday NOTHKK HAROAIX..ONE OF TUB HANDSOMK hki«'K iioiisk to At Terrific Struggle end Leap into a Roiling (/'attractof " Tuesday.) on kuknihiii:i> on Real H ater.Fearful Rain Storm. NUn.EBY Mr. MAN3BLL has the honor to announce the three grorv Houses Lexington avenue, heloir Aoomkortabuylet. at Tarrvtinvn nn. Unr ir.un ritv live minutes' Nynck, (lie Hudson, «1TKES Sixtieth must he told; at great sacrifice; talk SATURDAY, September 13.1S73. Preceded by the glorious comedy called the DANC1NO AWSSf" OPENS AT 01 the season on the date heretofore mentioned. direct; walk lroni depot; rcnt$6U per month. HI1EEP Si KAl.HR BOY QUAKERb, 1>£. TUB NEW TUKATKli. Inaumtratiou quick. B. KM 05# Sixth avenue. Haps, Ac. J. MAI HEW.SON A SON. SKATER, Beaerred Seats $1. In New York.**. LIONEL FROEHLICH, Third avenue, corner Fiftieth tt BKRbON, (S< i' Auction column.) No. 4 1'tnu street. New York. In preparation, and will be produced on the 22<1. the QUARTETS, "Really the most handsome theatre New York storv, entitled LITTLE SUNSHINE, LOCAL HITS, EVENINO. Herald. balk.at a bargain, two desirable liltoWN in which MissWeeklyEttie lleuderson will SPLENDID in form and solendld In decoration.**. II E A P IloUSK, ON MURRAY HILL. NEAR frame in on 169th street, STORY rtTOKK HOUSB appear. SCENERY, Open at 7%; begin at 8. "Bxqul9ite uvenue; a to suit a lour For Dwellings, good repair, !i near Prospect Park, Brooklyn, some OOKOKOUS COSTUMES. Over at Times. ACFilth bargain "bear;" story Melrose ; lota50x100 cacli. Apply at 232 West Forty-eighth IilXCHANGB.FOUR(enuunibered), 10X o'clock. ever here before. high stoop brown stone. WILLIAMS & co., 11 1'ine si. lots (free and clear) and some cash for New Yor* opera iiou-f. (beoins y to h> AUDIENCES CROWDED SECURE YOUR SEATS. "surpassesf anything attempted street K. BAKER, ;t7 Chambers Toneoielit.GrandMr. augustin daly Sole Lessee and Manager. World. first four story brown strect.__ MUSEUM. KLISK "One of the most beautiful places of amusement on tha bumant dkass BALK.AT TAlMtYTOWN, N. Y. l'f MILES oreat london HOLT Confluent.Express. stone Dwelling, near Dr. Hall's new church, for a SO ACB3S, N. J HM! the sensation. WOOD'S HPECIAL BILL FOR An FOlltrom depot und steamboat landing, splendid 11UH »ATUKUAJ. "Most sumptuous, luxurious and el£?ant".Telegram. tale very cheap if applied lor tmmediately. Beat, with 12 acres ol Und, largo dwelling house I3ARM,llrleli I.ohm-on IJDIh street i SEPTEMBER IS, 1873, theatre in tha t*. H. OKADY. 827 aixth avenue. ice andCountryTenement 1'roperly the BOTH "Without exception the most elegant laundry, 1>j stories high; carriage, (turtushed); f>7 acres, WestchesterI*'!;"' wandering at and cltjr.Commercial. two horses, car Residence, ,, AFTERNOON, 2, EVENING, at8. on all sides.".MaU. sale.or will take one or two small houses; barn, ehickery, ponds, riversummer Frame Cottage and 2% Lota. l£>tli street 2*1*)' jew, Last appearauccs of the Celebrated Comedienne i'asto and enterprise displayed riuges, stock and garden implements; magnificent Homes on 7tb street 2\I*I0 gorgeous and in admirable taste.".Star. For.Houses, for a tour ttory brown atone House, on and inland views: terms very easy. to HOPKINS Miss KUHB HOLT, "Simply in the assuranca or Apply French Hut House, unfinished ei'ery evening and saturday matinee. Miss KL1SE HOLT. Mr Murisell feels warranted offering Maditon avenue, . Mortgage*. A CARKINOTON, Twenty-second street, between First class brown stone House 5 that the quality ol the representations will be worthy tha WILLIAM OKI'., i'.lui and franklin street* and Fifth avenue. 3ll,iW0 The performances will commence with the charming of the house. It has beeu suid, with much BroadwayFirst class brown stone HousF.36,0 H) Characters by the dramatic z of magnificence i powerful comedy, in acts, the . MS..,.., ,H.. d... I, I It,. class houses for sale cheap. First class brown stone House tO.Ofl company. Including. LITTLE TilEASURE, JKKSEY HUDSOl* Firs'class brown stone Mr. O. L. FOX, Gertrude HOLT now and ma/uitlceut Lyceum Theatre wiU afford the FirstOn West 33d sr., between 5th and Oih avs. CITY, HOBOKEN, llousa...t "'-'"J TUB II. IIA MImKLISX FIRST OPPORTUNITY FOR GENU INK CRITICISM On West 37th tt., between 5th anUBlh avs. CITY AND RRUGKN ItKAh ESTATE. Hoed Tenement Houses 30,(WO U. IIK1N8, ami will conclude with Eugene Sue's own dramatization First class brown stone House86,000 FRANK HARDENBERG,' oi ins world-iamea entitled from an art standard, this season." It is Mr. MansclPs On Madison av., between 34th and 42d sts., and other WANDERING MARIE novel, ambition to show tiiat the enterprise now raterrod to i choice localities. J. ROMAINE BROWN, For Male. Uesidenuo, 106 acres, Westchester 160,U00 GORDON, THE WANDEKINU JEW, a. c. i.oomi.; a MARV CARR. Mr. E. EDDY such commendation. ________ doserrcs No. I,'-'SO Broadway, comer Thirty third street oo.. MM Broadway. JKW. KAN NY Dagobert THURSDAY, AND DURING THE WEEK, QALLIDAY'S hall, in jkrsey city, for sale.. HKYWOOD, supported by strength of the entire company. NOTRE DAME, PLUS ULTRA..WILL BE OPENED THIS KeplerThis very valnahle piece of is now oflcrcd SAI.K OK EXCHANGE.-THREE HIOIl STOOP W. J. JENNINGS, MONDAY EVENING. Sept. 16. FIRST TIME Property three i CHARLES a Romantic and Spectacular Drama, in three acta, dav for public Inspection the new and elegant tor saie at a great sai-riflce. The building is I2« feet 9 FOR story brown stone Houses, on a nice blocs LECLERCQ, of the popular emotional drama, in 6 acts, entitled at the New a NE ENtireinches on Warren street, 88 feet oil York street and 87 lect near Central Pari., lor sale, or would exchange for otic Ac., Ac., Ac. BEN McCULLOUOIl, for production Lyccuui by commended palatial private Residence No. 2ti Went. Filtv-iwcoiid Home In Act S. RUN OK 300 NIGHTS IN LONDON. street ; four story and basement, brown stone, U-'xfoxloO, 9 inches on Gregory street ; the northwest line is 01 lect large In good location; noa .canon of one can be in which the eminent young American actor, THE CAST. hardwood trimmed, cabinet handsome mirrors, ai op and the north Hue is 94 tcet deep. The building had InnnedlateT.y ; value. $00,000. Address A. It. JOI1.NS, Tito Carnival Fustlvltica Mr. OLIVER DOUD BYRON, work, Mmc. IvAiUI LANMKR'H Quasimodo, the Bell of Notre Dame, _ electric Ac. Or to C. W. colors the entire property and consists of u basement box Its. Post office. Troupe of will sustain bis original character. Ringer Mr. t. c. Kin* bells, burglar alarms, apply under the whole.; the ttrst story to be converted-into BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN will execute a VAN DOllKN, 61U Sixth avenue. new eccentric His original character and first appearance In America.) stores, the second story to he converted into dwellings; 8ALE OR EXCHANGE.FOR OfTY.PROPERTY. anil VTIBLO'S GARDEN. NIBLO'S GARDEN. Claude Notre the third und lourtli stories comprise a inuguillcc nt tjfOKa splendid Property at oiio of l'uterson dctiots; over BKVKL OF IMPS. IN TWO PERFORMANCES TO-DAY. Frollo, Archdeacon of Dame, rpwo FULL I.otb on fourth avenue, near Little KAY TeMPLETON will as Mr. Charles Wlieatleigh A rifty-tlfth street, for sale, at $12.UUU eacn, worm with siippc( rooms, committee rooms, kiteheu, ballroom,Ac.: 21) lots, wiih tine Mnnsion anil grounds, cash value. appear TWO PERFORMANCES TO-DAY. Captain Phoebus, of the King's Archers, the Uftli story to he u>ed as a workshop, making six GEO.
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