Li*An- Irap Jtays

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Li*An- Irap Jtays V ----- ——t.- ' ; ' I • ’ 1 1 ^ m AW m Good nil(lorning li* a n -- G o ni r a p jta y s^ a J S nla llf iim e Today’s forecastBst: Sunny with highs;hs near 80 degrees, pology _Lows 37 to 42 dcgicgrces. Light west Judgejiroj)pslastNo])rth chargee CIAn(lominee ofjBfers an ap( w in d s ............................... ■"and'U:S.' intelllgcnceim isn ce coloncl wwho engineered the'divcreireion of Knlghl-RidtoNcvWCWSS^MI ^ 'l ■ Knight Ridder News Service seen to changc, or confront'ont irrclcvancc and Iranian iirrirms sales profils to thc Nicarc arag u an growing sentimentt for' "their promptly pronounced hihimself WASHINGTOIrON — Robert M. Gates. i WASHINGTON — A\ ffederal judfec Contras, ; dismantlement." exonerated — fully, completectcly." President Bush’sl’s nominee as director of > Monday dism issed all chichorgcs against "totally cx No'npminecc fofor.tbcpost ever President Bush said hehi was Central Intelligenc;ence, all but took cOliver North in the'lnin-CoC o n m i , has issued such a call for •‘very pleased" at thc result.jlt. the Boy Scout’s’s (crccd Monday, ■ ■ B P 0affair, calling into qucstic ch an g c. Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind.,D promising to run.un.o trustworthy, No ban prosecution effort that hasa s >c o st Gotcs took: a0 v e rb a l b o a tin g E one of the leaders of thehe 1987 loyal, helpful, thrifty,thr brave and taxpayers $27 million. from senators> whwho criticizcd his Members of thchc Twin Falls City i congressional invesligatiorion, said clean CIA. The dismissal jeopardizedz ed th c ' failure to remenmember dctoils of Council seem unwilli/illing to prohibit two • he did not regret thc dcciscision to In the firstst 'day of his Iran-Contra conviction o f fofot rm er ' in the 1986 Iran- city policemcn fromDm o w n in g th e ir o w n J ndcxter confirmatibn hearcarings before thc 7 his conduct in i --Mational Sccurity odviser J grant North and Poind r,-thc-ClAJs-W orst--------- ........... " s c c u r i ty service;------- ------------— Scnate-intclligcn tLl^ ^ M S |-Contra-affair,.th - PJ o i n d e x te r ,- w h o - w a s NN o o r rth 's i ^ u n i t y . jcnce-com m itteerferjES scandal in a genejcncration. “The hearings wcrc•c m orc Gales, 47, also piepledged to revomp ssuperior on the W hite HaH o u s e H c ogized for his irnportant than the trial,'ll,” said “thc role, mission:ion, priorities and sstaff. And it nused doubtss ala b o u t “misjudgmcnts''Its" and his failure Hamilton. "The policy consid-c« structure of American No store tthc wisdom of Congress in to fin d o u t m oore rc iab o u t th e C IA ’s orations involved in the hchearings intelligence" inn llthe wake of the time in almost a year, jgranting immunity to bothth im e n i lates role -in the seascandal. And hc F o r I h e se co n d timi exceeded the importancinee of a Cold War. O a ty Council bas turned sso that they could testif;tify at North pledged neverver to repeat the the Twin Fidls City I criminal prosecution." “Thc old vcrilcritics thot have down a request by developers for a ttelevised public hearings. juntry’s notional-security secrecy and deceptionn oof Iron-Contro, re unable to keep Hamllto[ton said thc public was entiintitled lo guided this coun zoning change thntt wwould allow them to North’s prosecutors wcrc i 15 yeors, ond thus, its which Gates callcd “a‘a fforeign-policy )ny from tainting know dcta:tails ofthe Reagon administristration's policy for 45 U build a conveniencecc 5store near a church tthc congressional testimony vice, have disoppcarcd in on catastrophe." C o n u u ai«aid plan and related dealingngs with intelligence scrvici in F alls. • -------- - . ttheir case.— ...........— .......... ' in northeastern Twin 1 historical instant,int," Gates said. “Thc CIA P l e a sse e ssee GATES/A2 ______ ^ P » g » B 1 N orth, lhc hard-driving, MarineMn lieutenant Iran. _________ _ t .. • . 1. *. -^Jest-a-lot►t-of-fun I draws 115^-year termi Nixon suspendeided liome The National LiLeague suspended in S03IX case, neturns h Braves outfielderler Otis Nixon for B progrom, a review; violating its drug rule:Tiles. B y A m y D a v is if, oftcr 120 doysinthe pr lt-thc-cour^8hould: -----------------P a 9 »A 6 -------------- — "Times-Ncws writ(T ite r ------------------------- ----------------board-detcrm incs-that-th reduce the sentence and1 thethc judge agrees, so decide to keep TWIN FALL!LLS - A Twin-Falls man1 The panel moy also ( Big Sky 1-2 ; for another 60 days convicted of moinolesting o l2-year-old girl1 Phillips in the program for The Associatedi PPress I-AA collegc w a s se n ten c ed to 15 years in prison withoutt fo r fu rth e r stu d y . Nevada and Idaho in Vlonte Carlson had: football poll lists' N( parole-Monday,ly, then was allowed to goD Defense Attomey Mor th c to p tw o places. r the sex offendcre’ ' h o m e . suggested probation or th P a g e A S appropriate scntcncc, W.. Thomas G. PlPhillips, 52, moy have to3 program olone as the appi _ „ wait up to fourjr rmonths before hc goes to3 f o r h is c lie n t irison sentence was • prison becausese of overcrowding at thce But Meehl soid o prise Icpreciatc from the' P North Idaho CoCorrectionol Institution inn essential as to “not depi Cottonwood, saidmid 5th District Judge Danielil se rio u s n e s s o f t h e c rime .” ;he sentence was ; . M c c h l, w ho hanuidcd d down the sentence. He added that the society ond to deter .. Phillips was?as convicted in May ofif necessary to protect soci lore crime..... g th e sa m e c r i m e . .......... Crime and moi sexually abusinging the 12-ycar-old giri. Thee - o th e rs f rv m co m m ittin g thi ond Phillips hod Nothing seems m:mysterious about this • gtrl testified thatM t Phillips had touchcd herrr . C a r l s o n s a i d h e an< I - ' . S ntence. _ _____ year’s Family C h^ ^ e l lineup ~ except_____ ,under her shirtirt iwhile she was visiting alU a n tic ip a te d a p ris o n se n ten e------- “W c"wereprepnrcd-fbil-fbHhts-bccause-of ------ ; the premier of “Fatfi•atfierDowImg.” T nesl - Phiiiips’ Momonroe 'Street“ home."Tlle~ •ime ond society's ^ ■ • sleulh'exlraordinaircirc is set to air Monday fondling was inlinterrupted, she said, whenn the noture of the crimi lit ." h e said, throug Friday. Phillips’ daughteih te r c a m e hom e, present ottiwdc toward it." P » g « 3 red Phillips to serve time in a Ehiring the sentencinglg CCarlson said that o s ’ program at Cottonwooda ^ l'5-y«r penalty wosrtob toi stfiBTbecausc— n evidence presented in thc,the jury triol showed i a l i e a d I sent to thc penitentiary in starlit nights al that Phillips touched the girl’s breast for Vacation crmses^ aalong the Mississippi )t opens up in that program,1. less than o second. on thc Delta QueJueen steam boat arc lillips w ill reirtolh-arhom;e c'------ “I*m-not-trying to belittelialc that crime, but -------J--------fttlracting-touma«o ts- in 1nrg /> n iim h e fS .______ iona-UTurByTep^ffrTC-pafotg-te-^rr«eifirin{rT5Tciff3^!f rr:rhcavy,’''CarIson P a c k ag e d e als a rc avavi aila b le . kly and avoid contact withh ~ s a id . • P a g e 4 T the age of 18, unless in theIC Phillips’ famiJy_wasIS e m o tio n a l d u r in g le c h ild ’s p aren t, thc sentencing. HisI dodaughter Tammy ison sentence may bc rcduced P le>ase a s < see H0ME/A2 iesigns stoored Going the dist£stance et bomb d( In a n e ra o f hasteiste, some local people show the impoftancancc of hanging on for )n-secureccomputerr ffles th c lo n g h a u l, to diay’9 a y ’ ed ito rial sa y s. P a g * A ID »dPR SS information and wasI acaccessible thrfiugh phone lines, held the bom>omb plans for nearly A Green backc* e r replies Colo. — Gaps in computerer a week before thc errorTor was discovered, the Rocky Elats nucleorar The mistake occurred scvise v eral ye are ag o . In a responsele to a Tiines-Newa ant allowed, among otherer “For a week, all thce b<bombs used by thc editorial, & Greensen Party spokesman storage of top-secret bomblb United States were ont on unclassified Vax. asserts that his moveovemcnt can become an n unsecured computer for a II was unbelievable," hefie &said. important force. JuiJudging the Greens in Other times, workers:ra itransferred bomb :conomic terms is a conventional eco 3 o fllc ia ls havo-sincc Btar tcd-a■a—dato-from-secured compumputcrs-to.unsecurcd mistake, Michael SuSullivan w ritesr ........ — ~ — ram to .improve computercr computers, including petpersonal computers, P a g « A 1 0 ; documents obtained by The[le C o u rtn e y sa id .
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