Eye on Africa Cites Cop17 the World Wildlife Conference Date of Issue: 24 September 2016

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Eye on Africa Cites Cop17 the World Wildlife Conference Date of Issue: 24 September 2016 FASCINATION PHILATELIC BULLETIN No. 120 EYE ON AFRICA CITES COP17 THE WORLD WILDLIFE CONFERENCE DATE OF ISSUE: 24 SEPTEMBER 2016 UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS DATE OF ISSUE: 24 OCTOBER 2016 SPECIAL EVENT SHEETS AND ANNUAL COLLECTION FOLDERS 2016 LETTER FROM THE CHIEF Dear Collectors, I recently returned from Bangkok, Thailand, for the 32nd Asian International Stamp Exhibition, where UNPA had issued for the first time ever a 3 stamp mini-sheet with three currencies, US dollar, Swiss franc and euro. The stamp sheet was very well received by collectors and sold out within weeks. If you did not have a chance to purchase this stamp sheet, UNPA will be issuing another three stamp mini-sheet in December for the 33rd Asian International Stamp Exhibition in Nanning, P.R. China. The stamps will feature the “Monkey King” character of the popular Chinese novel “Journey to the West” by well-known artist Li Yuzhong. Thanawat Amnajanan Chief United Nations Postal Administration UNPA has been working with CITES on our Endangered Species stamp series for over 20 years. As the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (or CoP17) is being held in Johannesburg, South Africa this year; the UNPA has on 24 September issued three special “Eye on Africa” mini-sheets, featuring 12 endangered species from the Africa continent, to commemorate this world event. UNPA will also be issuing its 2016 Annual Collection folder, as well as other special event sheets to commemorate the On 24 October 2016, UNPA plans to celebrate the United Nations CTBTO 20th Anniversary of the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, M.S. Day with the issuance of the UN Sustainable Development Subbulakshmi Birth Centenary and Fiftieth Anniversary of Goals stamp sheets and booklets. These 17 important goals, Performance at the UN and World Post Day 2016. adopted by the United Nations, are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to end poverty, fight inequalities, We hope that you enjoy adding these products to your collection. tackle climate change and ensure health and education for all. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions. Things you should know UNITED NATIONS STAMPS WHEN ORDERING BY MAIL CONTACT UNPA USED FOR MAILING The item numbers used in this Fascination To place an order or to contact United Nations stamps in United States dollar identify the products and should be written on our office in New York: denominations are valid for postage only the order form in the Item Number column. Call toll-free: 1 800 234 UNPA (8672) if mailed at United Nations Headquarters The next column asks for a description of each For Canadian customers: 1 212 963 7684 in New York. Stamps in Swiss franc item as a cross reference. In this space, you Fax: 1 917 367 1400 denominations are valid for postage only if may also indicate any specific requests, e.g., E-mail: [email protected] mailed at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, special marginal inscription (M.I.) positions. Or write to: Switzerland. Stamps in euro denominations Fill in the price in the appropriate column. United Nations Postal Administration are valid for postage only if mailed at the Multiply the price by the number required of P.O. Box 5900 Grand Central Station Vienna International Centre, Austria. that particular item and enter the resulting New York, NY 10163-5900, USA figure in the Amount column on the order PRICES To contact our European offices: form. Total your order and indicate whether Stamps are sold at face value. UN/Geneva Call: +43 1 126060 4032 registration of the order is requested. Add and UN/Vienna stamps are sold at USD Fax: +43 1 26060 5825 postage and handling charges. Enclose your equivalent rates, rounded up to the nearest E-mail: [email protected] remittance and mail to the indicated address. cent. The USD equivalents of the euro and Or write to: Swiss franc denomination stamps are subject The new-issue stamps, stationery or other Postverwaltung der Vereinten Nationen to fluctuating exchange rates. philatelic items have been pre-printed on the Postfach 900 order form for your convenience. SALES AND EXCHANGES Internationales Zentrum Wien Every effort is made to provide UNPA custo- All items listed in the Philatelic Products 1400 Wien – Vereinte Nationen, Österreich mers with materials of the highest philatelic Currently Available section of this Fascination Customers in P.R. China, may also quality. Therefore, all sales are final and no may be ordered on this form, subject to place an order with our new exchange or refund will be made except where availability of stock. Asia liaison office in Beijing: stamps are received in damaged condition. Please allow at least four weeks for delivery. Call: +8610-85320960 REGISTRATION THRESHOLD E-mail: [email protected] For faster service in processing your orders, UNPA changed the registration threshold Or write to: please visit the UNPA website: unstamps.org amount effective 15 July 2014. Orders valued United Nations Postal Administration at $200.00 and above are automatically 2 Liang Ma He Nan Lu, Postage stamps and stamp-related products registered. purchased from the United Nations Postal Beijing 100600, P.R. China Administration are not subject to sales tax. 2 unstamps.org IN THIS ISSUE 2017 PROGRAMME OF ISSUES (Tentative and subject to theme, date and denomination changes) COMMEMORATIVE ISSUES 3 February FLAG SERIES $1.15 (4 designs per sheet – 2 sheets of 8 stamps) 3 March WORLD WILDLIFE DAY – ENDANGERED SPECIES (CITES (4 designs per sheet – 3 sheets of 16 stamps) $1.15, CHF 1,50, € 0,80 EYE ON AFRICA, CITES COP17, 4 3 Maximum Cards the World Wildlife Conference 2017 Endangered Species Collection Folder Limited Edition Silk Cover UN Sustainable Development Goals 6 13 april Special Event Sheets NATIONAL COSTUMES AND DANCES (6 mini-sheets of 6 stamps) CTBTO – 20th Anniversary 8 47¢, $1.15, CHF 1,00, CHF 1,50, € 0,68, € 0,80 of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 5 June 33rd Asian International Stamp 8 WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY Exhibition at Nanning, P.R. China (sheets of 20 stamps) 47¢, $1.15, CHF 1,00, CHF 2,00, € 0,68, € 1,70 M.S. Subbulakshmi Birth Centenary 8 Souvenir Sheets and Fiftieth Anniversary of $1.15, CHF 2,00, € 1,70 Performance at the United Nations 1 July World Post Day 9 WORLD HERITAGE (UNESCO) – CANADA 150 (sheet of 20 stamps) Annual Collection Folders 2016 9 47¢, $1.15, CHF 1,00, CHF 1,50, € 0,80, € 1,70 Prestige Booklets Stamp shows 9 21 SepteMber Products Available 10 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE (sheets of 20 stamps) 47¢, $1.15, CHF 1,00, CHF 2,00, € 0,68, € 0,80 Souvenir Card 16 OctOber WORLD FOOD DAY News & (sheets of 20 stamps) Noteworthy 47¢, $1.15, CHF 1,00, CHF 2,00, € 0,68, € 1,70 2017 UNPA ANNUAL COLLECTION FOLDER SPECIAL EVENT SHEETS UNPA at the 32nd Asian International Stamp Exhibition 13 January (AISE) in Bangkok, Thailand CHINESE LUNAR CALENDAR YEAR OF THE ROOSTER NY special event sheet of 10 stamps – $1.15 UNPA Chief, Mr. Thanawat Amnajanan, along with our guest of honour, Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, Under Secretary General and 21 June Executive Secretary of the UN Economics and Social Commission for INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA Asia and the Pacific (or ESCAP) unveiling the first ever special event NY special event sheet of 10 stamps – $1.15 mini-sheet with stamps denominating in three different currencies photos: ESCAP Photo/Suwat Chancharoensuk, AGE Fotostock AGE Chancharoensuk, Photo/Suwat ESCAP photos: (US dollar, Swiss franc and euros). EYE ON AFRICA – CITES COP17 THE WORLD WILDLIFE CONFERENCE Item No. 310.4502 ($) / No. 510.4503 (CHF) / No. 710.4504 (€) JOHANNESBURG 2016 JOHANNESBURG 2016 EYE ON EYE ON Conférence mondiale AFRICA COP 17 World Wildlife Conference AFRICA COP 17 sur les espèces sauvages EYE ON AFRICA UN UN EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA ONU ONU EYE ON AFRICA COP17 2016 2016 COP17 COP17 2016 2016 COP17 Addax White rhino Grue royale Mantella madagascariensis $1.15 $1.15 CHF 2,00 CHF 2,00 EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA COP17 COP17 COP17 COP17 African lion Disa uniflora Gorille des montagnes Avonia quinaria UN UN ONU ONU $1.15 2016 2016 $1.15 CHF 2,00 2016 2016 CHF 2,00 UN ©2016 ONU ©2016 2016 2016 EYE ON JOHANNESBURG 2016 AFRICA COP 17 Artenschutzkonferenz The designs EYE ON AFRICA UN UN EYE ON AFRICA COP17 2016 2016 COP17 Nilkrokodil Kapgeier New York: Addax (Addax nasomaculatus) White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) African lion (Panthera leo) Disa uniflora Geneva: Grey crowned crane (Balearica regulorum) €1,70 €1,70 Madagascan mantella (Mantella madagascariensis) Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei) EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA Avonia quinaria COP17 COP17 Vienna: Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) Steppenschuppentier Mystacidium capense Cape vulture (Gyps coprotheres) Cape pangolin (Smutsia temminckii) Mystacidium capense UN UN €1,70 2016 2016 €1,70 UN ©2016 2016 JOHANNESBURG 2016 JOHANNESBURG 2016 EYE ON EYE ON Conférence mondiale AFRICA COP 17 World Wildlife Conference AFRICA COP 17 sur les espèces sauvages EYE ON AFRICA UN UN EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA ONU ONU EYE ON AFRICA COP17 2016 2016 COP17 COP17 2016 2016 COP17 Addax White rhino Grue royale Mantella madagascariensis $1.15 $1.15 CHF 2,00 CHF 2,00 EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA EYE ON AFRICA COP17 COP17 COP17 COP17 African lion Disa uniflora Gorille des montagnes Avonia quinaria UN UN ONU ONU FIRST DAY COVER $1.15 2016 2016 $1.15 CHF 2,00 2016 2016 CHF 2,00 Item No.
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    adustroaliawn conin auctieiosns AUCTION 336 This auction has NO room participation. Live bidding online at: auctions.downies.com AUCTION DATES Monday 18th May 2020 Commencing 9am Tuesday 19th May 2020 Commencing 9am Wednesday 20th May 2020 Commencing 9am Thursday 21st May 2020 Commencing 9am Important Information... Mail bidders Mail Prices realised All absentee bids (mail, fax, email) bids must Downies ACA A provisional Prices Realised list be received in this office by1pm, Friday, PO Box 3131 for Auction 336 will be available at 15th May 2020. We cannot guarantee the Nunawading Vic 3131 www.downies.com/auctions from execution of bids received after this time. Australia noon Friday 22nd May. Invoices and/or goods will be shipped as soon Telephone +61 (0) 3 8677 8800 as practicable after the auction. Delivery of lots Fax +61 (0) 3 8677 8899 will be subject to the receipt of cleared funds. Email [email protected] Website www.downies.com/auctions Bid online: auctions.downies.com 1 WELCOME TO SALE 336 Welcome to Downies Australian Coin Auctions Sale 336! As with so many businesses, and the Australian community in general, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented Downies with many challenges – specifically, in preparing Sale 336. The health and safety of our employees and our clients is paramount, and we have worked very hard to both safeguard the welfare of all and create an auction of which we can be proud. As a consequence, we have had to make unprecedented modifications to the way Sale 336 will be run. For example, the sale will be held without room participation.
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