Lichens and Allied Fungi of Southeast Alaska
LICHENOGRAPHlA THOMSONIANA: NORTH AMERICAN LICHENOLOGY IN HONOR OF JOHN W. THOMSON. Eds: M. G. GLENN, R. C. HARRIS, R. DIRIG & M. S. COLE. MYCOTAXON, LTD., ITHACA, NY. 1998. LICHENS AND ALLIED FUNGI OF SOUTHEAST ALASKA LINDA H. GEISER Siuslaw National Forest, P.O. Box 1148, Corvallis, Oregon 97339, USA KAREN L. DlLLMAN Tongass National Forest/Stikine Area, P.O. Box 309, Petersburg, Alaska 99833, USA CHISKA C. DERR Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, 42218 N.E. Yale Bridge Road, Amboy, Washington 98601, USA MARY C. STENSVOLD Alaska Region, USDA Forest Service, 204 Siginaka Way, Sitka, Alaska 99835, USA ABSTRACT A checklist of 508 lichen and allied fungal species with regional habitat, distribution and abundance information has been compiled for southeastern Alaska. The lichen flora of this region is a rich mixture of Pacific Northwest temperate rain forest and Arctic components, and is enhanced by topographic and habitat variations within the region. Great expanses of old-growth forests and excellent air quality provide habitat for many lichens elsewhere rare or imperiled. New to Alaska are: Biatora cuprea, Biatoropsis usnearum, Calicium adaequatum, Candelaria concolor, Cetraria islandica ssp. orientalis, Chaenotheca brunneola, Chaenothecopsis pusilla, Cladonia dahliana, Cystocoleus ebeneus, Erioderma sorediatum, Gyalidea hyalinescens, Hydrotheria venosa, Hypocenomyce sorophora, Ionaspis lacustris, Lecanora cateilea, Lecidea albofuscescens, Leptogium brebissonii, Mycoblastus caesius, Nephroma occultum, N. sylvae-veteris, Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa, Usnea chaetophora, U. cornuta, and U. fragilescens. New to the US are: Calicium lenticulare, Heterodermia sitchensis, Leptogium subtile, and Tremella hypogymniae. INTRODUCTION For this special volume of papers we present an updated checklist of lichens and their habitats in the southeastern region of Alaska, a state long favored by Dr.
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