Yokogawa Advanced

Mark Carter & Niels Huttenhuis Consulting Director for Business Development Business Manager Development May 2020 | Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation Yokogawa electric cooperation

As a company, our goal is to contribute to society through broad-ranging activities in the areas of measurement, control, and information.

Individually, We aim to combine good citizenship with courage to innovate

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 1 Yokogawa Advanced Solutions & Innovation

 Advanced Control  Alarm Management & Rationalisation  Control of Work  Cybersecurity Yokogawa RAP Ltd  Digitalisation & IIOT   (Functional) Safety Management  Supply Chain Management

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 2 RAP Clients & Locations

30 Countries UK Europe 20,000+ Users

The Americas Asia & Middle East 26 Languages 10mil+ Permits

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 3 RAP Modules

| PTW & Options


GIS Risk Assessment / JHA Barcoding & Permit to Utilities & Offline Work Infrastructure

Turnaround Reporting


| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 4 The Causes of Accidents (HSE, UK)

Data derived from: Underlying Causes of Offshore Incidents ◼ Underlying causes of accidents (The Dirty Dozen) FP/09/21 The Causes of Major Incidents and ◆ Inadequate / risk assessment How to Improve Risk Control and Health and Safety Management: A Review of the ◆ Poor management practices e.g. inadequate supervision Existing Literature HSL/2006/117 ◆ and stress, mental fatigue ◆ Inadequate safety management systems especially Permit to Work ◆ Failure to learn lessons from previous incidents ◆ Communication and reporting issues e.g. between shifts, between personnel ◆ Inadequate reporting systems ◆ Complacency ◆ Violations/ non-compliance behaviour ◆ Inadequate training and lack of competency ◆ Modification/ updates to equipment ◆ Inadequate/ insufficient / erroneous maintenance

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 5 The Causes of Accidents (HSE, UK)

◼ Underlying causes of accidents (The Dirty Dozen) ◆ Inadequate hazard analysis / risk assessment ◆ Poor management practices e.g. inadequate supervision ◆ Pressure and stress, mental fatigue ◆ Inadequate safety management systems especially Permit to Work ◆ Failure to learn lessons from previous incidents ◆ Communication and reporting issues e.g. between shifts, between personnel ◆ Inadequate reporting systems ◆ Complacency ◆ Violations/ non-compliance behaviour ◆ Inadequate training and lack of competency ◆ Modification/ updates to equipment RAP can eliminate ◆ Inadequate/ insufficient / erroneous maintenance

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 6 The Causes of Accidents (HSE, UK)

◼ Underlying causes of accidents (The Dirty Dozen) ◆ Inadequate hazard analysis / risk assessment ◆ Poor management practices e.g. inadequate supervision ◆ Pressure and stress, mental fatigue ◆ Inadequate safety management systems especially Permit to Work ◆ Failure to learn lessons from previous incidents ◆ Communication and reporting issues e.g. between shifts, between personnel ◆ Inadequate reporting systems ◆ Complacency ◆ Violations/ non-compliance behaviour ◆ Inadequate training and lack of competency ◆ Modification/ updates to equipment RAP can eliminate ◆ Inadequate/ insufficient / erroneous maintenance RAP can help

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 7 What is RAP (Risk Assessment Process)?

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 8 How is it normally done?

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 9 Risk Assessment in RAP

Risk Assessment ✓ ✓ Controls ✓ Risk Level RAP Standards ✓ Mandatory Controls ✓ Gas Tests • More than a replacement ✓ PPE Competence for paper ✓ Training ✓ Experience Others • Risk assessment at its ✓ Exclusion Zones heart ✓ Messaging ✓ SIMOPS ✓ Documentation • Built for learning Compliance THE ICON ✓ Regulations ✓ Company Standards ✓ Site / Local Policies

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 10 The Power of Knowledge

Best Practice Experience

Common Learning Sense


Area, Site and Legislation Company Standards

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 11 Some screens in RAP Using the knowledge base

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 12 First, configuration……

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 13 Set up the maintenance workplace from the available icons – choose the ones that apply to you

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 14 Select each icon and configure it according to your methods and procedures (controls, authorisations, PPE, …..etc)

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 15 Set up the ‘selectable’ risk assessment for your chosen icons

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 16 Now you’ve set up the knowledge base, you can use the system

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 17 Create your jobs according to area, equipment or pull them in from your MMS system

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 18 Risk assess each task according to the icons that describe it…….

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 19 …….in any language

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 20 Case Studies

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 21 Chemical Production Plant

• Replaced inefficient paper-based systems • Online PTW and Isolation systems • Improved Maintenance efficiency and increased production • Estimated $500k improvement per annum Site: Louisiana • Larger benefits for scheduled Old paper-based permit and Turnarounds isolation systems inefficient Costly maintenance practises, especially Turnarounds

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 22 Steel Plant

• Standardizing on PTW across all geographic sites • RAP is multilingual allowing cross- country implementation • RAP very flexible so adding Process and Site specific items is simple • Increased efficiency and decreased Site: UK downtime Old inefficient paper-based • Electronic PtW supported by Permit-to-work (PTW) systems Several sites – required Insurance provider as a means of upgrade and standardization demonstrating safe work practices

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 23 Energy

• Utilised RAP PtWCloud - a fully managed Software as a Service (SaaS) platform • Covered multiple processes and equipment including Wind Turbines, tanks and Jetties • Increased efficiency and decreased Site: NL downtime Needed fast PTW & Isolation systems implementation Multiple processes

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 24 Chemical Plant

• Combined sites • Top-tier COMAH site - toxic, corrosive, flammable chemicals • Largest Turnaround - reduced by a number of days due to preparation with RAP • Huge savings in time and

Site: UK accelerated production 12 Units in 3 Operating Areas ~ 5 Shifts @ 21 Operating staff per shift 6 Permit issuers on Days

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 25 Benefits

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 26 Overall Benefits


Efficient Working Compliance as Routine Learning • Better Work Practices • All risks covered • ‘Close the Loop’ • Improved Turnarounds • Authorisations complete • Make it Stick • Integration of Systems • Track and record all events • Instant fix • Focus on Risk • Any Language • Standard Setting • CHANGE CULTURES | Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 27 Efficiency Gains

Reduced Increased Faster approvals Identification of Automated application time “Tool time” process work conflicts distribution to all relevant staff

– Reduced manual – Automated cross- – Reduced manual – Check permits – Added to operator entry checking entry issued in the same logbooks production area – Links to MMS – Automated form – Electronic distribution – Added to shift- completion – Mobile technology handover reports – Better focus of skills = – Emailing to key staff More time on the job

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28 Implementation

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 29 RAP Implementation Roadmap Key Points

Kick-off Base-system Workshop Ev aluation Roll-out Meeting setup and FAT

Awareness Master data UAT / Pilot Modifications sessions collection

(6 – 9 months typically)

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 30 Summary

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 31 Summary of Benefits

Implemented Integration with in over ERP and MMS 145 locations worldwide systems

75% Enhanced Step reduction in accidents compliance and incidents

ONE Permit Implemented ONE Copy in over ONE Way of 30 countries Work. worldwide

Over Improved Safety IMPROVED 25 languages Culture SAFETY worldwide PERFORMANCE Process Alignment Increased and Simplified Efficiencies and Work Practices Cost Savings

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 32 Thank you for your attention

The names of corporations, organizations, products and logos herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation and their respective holders.

| Yokogawa RAP Limited | 2020 | © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 33