Curriculum Guide for Go in Schools

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Curriculum Guide for Go in Schools Curriculum Guide 1 Curriculum Guide for Go In Schools by Gordon E. Castanza, Ed. D. October 19, 2011 Published By: Rittenberg Consulting Group 7806 108th St. NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332 253-853-4831 © 2005 by Gordon E. Castanza, Ed. D. Curriculum Guide 2 Table of Contents Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose and Rationale..................................................................................................................... 5 About this curriculum guide ................................................................................................... 7 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 9 Building Go Instructor Capacity ........................................................................................... 10 Developing Relationships and Communicating with the Community ................................. 10 Using Resources Effectively ................................................................................................. 11 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 11 Major Trends and Issues ........................................................................................................... 13 Stages of Go Curriculum Development ................................................................................ 13 Benefits for the school and your students ............................................................................. 15 Procedures for Go Curriculum Development, Integration, and Alignment .......................... 16 About the author ................................................................................................................... 16 Go Curriculum Resources ......................................................................................................... 17 Electronic Resources ............................................................................................................. 17 Print Resources ..................................................................................................................... 18 The Curriculum ......................................................................................................................... 22 Beginning Curriculum .......................................................................................................... 22 Advanced Curriculum ........................................................................................................... 24 Basic Equipment & Teaching Materials ............................................................................... 26 Nice Things to Have ............................................................................................................. 27 Organizing a School Go Club ....................................................................................................... 29 Curriculum Scope & Sequence for Teaching Go In Schools ....................................................... 38 Magic Formulæ ............................................................................................................................. 41 Trends In Go Instruction ............................................................................................................... 43 Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 44 Model Lesson Plan .................................................................................................................... 44 Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 46 State of Washington Essential Academic Learning Requirements ........................................... 46 The Arts ................................................................................................................................ 46 Communication ..................................................................................................................... 51 Health and Fitness ................................................................................................................. 58 Mathematics .......................................................................................................................... 64 Reading ................................................................................................................................. 76 Science .................................................................................................................................. 77 Social Studies ........................................................................................................................ 88 Writing ................................................................................................................................ 108 Appendix C ................................................................................................................................. 117 State of Alaska Student Content Standards ............................................................................ 117 Arts ...................................................................................................................................... 117 English/Language Arts........................................................................................................ 119 Geography ........................................................................................................................... 122 Government and Citizenship............................................................................................... 125 © 2005 by Gordon E. Castanza, Ed. D. Curriculum Guide 3 History................................................................................................................................. 128 Mathematics ........................................................................................................................ 130 Mathematics Performance Standards .................................................................................. 132 Content Standard A2: Measurement ................................................................................... 133 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................... 143 Science ................................................................................................................................ 151 Skills For A Healthy Life .................................................................................................... 154 Technology ......................................................................................................................... 156 World Languages ................................................................................................................ 158 Appendix D ................................................................................................................................. 160 Standards for Alaska‘s Teachers ............................................................................................. 160 Appendix E ................................................................................................................................. 163 Standards for Alaska‘s Schools .............................................................................................. 163 Appendix F.................................................................................................................................. 164 Alaska‘s Standards for Culturally-Responsive Schools ......................................................... 164 Cultural Standards for Students .......................................................................................... 164 Cultural Standards for Educators ........................................................................................ 165 Cultural Standards for Curriculum ...................................................................................... 167 Cultural Standards for Schools ........................................................................................... 168 Appendix G ................................................................................................................................. 171 Washington State Pedagogy Assessment................................................................................ 171 Appendix H ................................................................................................................................. 182 Bloom‘s Taxonomy ................................................................................................................ 182 Appendix I .................................................................................................................................. 183 Dimensions of Thinking Model .............................................................................................. 183 Developmental Relationships in Thinking.............................................................................
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