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AZTEC ARCHITECTURE -Part 1 by MANUEL AGUILAR-MORENO, Ph.D AZTEC ARCHITECTURE -Part 1 by MANUEL AGUILAR-MORENO, Ph.D. PHOTOGRAPHY: FERNANDO GONZLEZ Y GONZLEZ AND MANUEL AGUILAR-MORENO, Ph.D. DRAWINGS: LLUVIA ARRAS, FONDA PORTALES, ANNELYS PÉREZ, RICHARD PERRY AND MARIA RAMOS. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Symb lism TYPES OF ARCHITECTURE General C nstructi n f Pyramid-Temples Temples Types f pyramids R und Pyramids T,in Stair Pyramids Shrines -Ad rat ri s) Early Capital Cities City-State Capitals Ballc urts A.ueducts and Dams Mar/ets Gardens BUILDING MATERIALS AND TECHNI0UES THE PRECINCT OF TENOCHTITLAN Intr ducti n Urbanism Cerem nial Pla1a -Interi r f the Sacred Precinct2 The Great Temple Myths Symb li1ed in the Great Temple C nstructi n Stages F und in the Archae l gical E4cavati ns f the Great Temple C nstructi n Phase I C nstructi n Phase II C nstructi n Phase III C nstructi n Phase I6 C nstructi n Phase 6 C nstructi n Phase 6I C nstructi n Phase 6II Emper r7s Palaces H mes f the Inhabitants Chinampas Ballc urts Temple utside the Sacred Precinct OTHER CITIES Tenayuca The Pyramid 8all f Serpents T mb-Altar Sta. Cecilia Acatitlan The Pyramid Te pan1 lc Tlatel lc The Temple f the Calendar Temple f Ehecatl-0uet1alc atl Sacred 8ell Priests7 Residency The Mar/etplace Tet1c t1inc Civic M numents Shrines Hue4 tla The 8all La C munidad -The C mmunity2 La Estancia -The Hacienda2 Santa Maria Gr up San Marc s Santiag The Ehecatl- 0uet1alc atl Building Tep 1tlan The Pyramid-Temple f Tep 1tlan Cali4tlahuaca Temple f Ehecatl-0uet1alc atl The Tlal c Cluster The Calmecac Gr up Ballc urt C atetelc Malinalc Temple I -Cuauhcalli2 9 Temple f the Eagle and :aguar Knights Temple II Temple III Temple I6 Temple 6 Temple 6I Figures Bibli graphy INTRODUCTION Az ec archi ec ure reflec s he values and civiliza ion of an e.pire, and s ud0in1 Az ec archi ec ure is ins ru.en al in unders andin1 he his or0 of he Az ecs, includin1 heir .i1ra ion across Me2ico and heir re-enac .en of reli1ious ri uals. Az ec archi ec ure can be bes described as .onu.en al. I s purpose was o .anifes power, while a he sa.e i.e adherin1 o s ron1 reli1ious beliefs. This is eviden in he desi1n of he e.ples, shrines, palaces, and ever0da0 The capi al ci 0 of he Az ec E.pire was Tenoch i l5n, loca ed in presen da0 Me2ico Ci 0. Tenoch i l5n was an overwhel.in1, .onu.en al ci 0 ha was buil on op of s.all islands and .arsh lands. I was he hird lar1es ci 0 in he world, af er Cons an inople and Paris, housin1 200,000 inhabi an s a i s hei1h . Tenoch i l5n was he ci 0 where he .os i.pressive and .onu.en al Az ec archi ec ure was o be found. Af er he Spanish con8ues , he ci 0 was loo ed, orn down, and i s .a erials were used o build presen da0 Me2ico Ci 0. Fro. archaeolo1ical and various his orical docu.en s, such as Spanish Chronicles and codices wri en b0 friars, Indians and o her his orians, he e2 en and si1nificance of he Az ec archi ec ure can be deciphered. Al hou1h Tenoch i l5n was he .os i.pressive of he Az ec ci ies, here were o her ci ies and archaeolo1ical si es ha represen ed Az ec archi ec ure, dail0 life and ri ual. The Az ecs had a lon1 .i1ra ion his or0, durin1 which i.e he0 spli several The people who founded Tenoch i l5n, however, re.ained uni ed and devo ed he.selves o he worship of Hui zilopoch li, he sun and war 1od. 9ecause he Az ecs .i1ra ed for several hundred 0ears and spli several, he0 adop ed various 1ods, cus o.s, archi ec ural s 0les, and echni8ues. The final .i1ra or0 spli occurred in Coa epec :near Tula), where Hui zilopoch li, one of he .os i.por an Az ec dei ies, was born. Half of he Grea Te.ple of Tenoch i l5n was buil in his honor. The Grea Te.ple of Tenoch i l5n con ains he his or0 of Hui zilopoch li in sculp ure :see sec ion below: Grea Te.ple for .ore de ails). The Grea Te.ple was he sacred place where he Az ecs worshiped Hui zilopoch li and sacrificed bein1s in order o appease hi.. To full0 unders and Az ec archi ec ure, an e2 ensive e2a.ina ion of Az ec cos.olo10, .0 holo10 and cul ure is re8uired because .os Az ec s ruc ures were reli1iousl0 char1ed. This is eviden in he various e.ples and shrines ha were buil in order o worship Az ec dei ies and offer sacrifices. :See Chap er 6: Reli1ion, Cos.olo10 and M0 holo10 for .ore de ails). Az ec archi ec ure was heavil0 influenced b0 he Tol ecs of Colhuacan, he Tepanecs of A zcapo zalco, and he Acolhuas of Te zcoco. 9ecause he Az ec e.pire was buil hrou1h con8ues , he Az ecs had o find wa0s o in e1ra e various do.ina ed e hnic 1roups. Thus, he Az ecs relied on heir archi ec ure and ar work o pro.o e heir worldview. The .assive s ruc ures reflec ed he .ili ar0 .i1h of he e.pire. The Az ecs were well or1anized and had s ron1 infras ruc ures and s0s e.s ha .obilized people and .a erial resources in order o build lar1e edifices ha .e he needs of heir popula ion. Tenoch i l5n, he capi al ci 0, s0.bolized Az ec power. Az ec archi ec ure, bein1 si.ilar o ha of o her Mesoa.erican cul ures, possessed an inna e sense of order and s0..e r0. Geo.e ric desi1ns and sweepin1 lines were represen a ions of reli1ious ene s and he power of he s a e. In addi ion, he Az ecs used bas-reliefs, walls, plazas, and pla for.s, as .edia o represen heir 1ods and ideals. Durin1 various epochs of heir e.pire, he Az ecs added new echni8ues and .a erials o heir s ruc ures. E2a.ples of Az ec .onu.en ali 0 and 1randeur are seen a he Grea Te.ple, where 8,000 people could fi in o i s plaza, and he .arke of Tla elolco ha housed 20,000 people on .arke da0s. Az ec archi ec ural adap a ion and in1enui 0 can be seen a Malinalco :see sec ion below), where a e.ple was cu ou of he rock and was in e1ra ed in o a .oun ain. Symbolism Az ec archi ec ure is deepl0 e.bedded wi h s0.bolis.. The cardinal poin s are reli1ious s0.bols for he four direc ions and corners of he ear h. The0 are reli1ious en i ies ha have divine pa rons, colors, da0s, and 0ear si1ns which var0 accordin1 o differen his orical versions. For he Az ecs, Nor h was represen ed b0 he color black and ruled b0 Tezca lipoca, 1od of fa e, des in0 and ni1h ; i was he re1ion called Mic, .eanin1 he place of dea h, and i s associa ed s0.bol was a flin knife. Sou h was charac erized b0 he color blue and ruled b0 Hui zilopoch li, he solar 1od and war dei 0; his was he re1ion called Hui z, he re1ion of horns, and i s s0.bol was he rabbi . Eas was associa ed wi h he color red and ruled b0 Tona iuh, he sun 1od, Xipec To ec, he 1od of fer ili 0 and ve1e a ion, and Ca.a2 li-Mi2coa l, he 1od of hun in1; i was he re1ion called Tlapallan, .eanin1 he place of red color and also Tlapcopa, he place of li1h ; i s s0.bol was a reed. Wes was represen ed b0 he color whi e and ruled b0 Que zalcoa l, he 1od of wind, Venus, and wisdo.. The Wes , where he sun 1oes down in o he land of ni1h and he dead, was he re1ion called Cihua, .eanin1 he place of he wo.en, where he Cihuateteo :deified wo.en who have died in childbir h) escor ed he sun each evenin1 af er his Aourne0 across he sk0; i s s0.bol was a house. These 1ods of he four direc ions are responsible for fire, sun, he wa ers, ear h, .an, he place of he dead, and i.e. The0 .ain ain e8uilibriu. on ear h. The Az ecs were aware of he above si1nificance, and for ha reason, heir Ci 0 of Tenoch i l5n and i s s ruc ures, specificall0 he Grea Te.ple, followed hose cos.olo1ical pa erns BFi1. 6CD. I can be clearl0 seen in he Codex Mendoza wi h he Cere.onial Precinc of Tenoch i l5n a he cen er wi h four sec ors e.ana in1 fro. i orien ed o he four cardinal poin s. The Az ecs wished o .ain ain e8uilibriu.
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