2020 / 07 1113 MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA EDITOR’S WORD SINCE DECEMBER 1912 PETIT ECHO Society of the This seventh issue of the 2020 Petit Echo Missionaries of Africa 2020 / 07 n° 1113 brings together the fruits of the Jubilee Year 10 ISSUES YEARLY PUBLISHED BY that we closed in December 2019. Confreres, THE GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE SOCIETY Editorial Board especially Provincials, tell us about the graces Francis Barnes, Asst. Gen. received during preparations, celebrations and André Simonart, Sec. Gen. Patient Bahati after the official closing of the 150th An- Freddy Kyombo niversary celebrations of our foundation. Editor Freddy Kyombo Wherever possible, Missionary Sisters of
[email protected] Our Lady of Africa and Missionaries of Africa Translations met from the very beginning of the Jubilee Jean-Paul Guibila Steve Ofonikot journey to “tune their violins”, to allow them- Jean-Pierre Sauge selves to be reconciled by and with God in Administrative Secretary order to produce “a symphony” that pleased Addresses and Dispatch Odon Kipili Him and honored their Founder. Wherever
[email protected] they were, the celebrations expressed the Editorial Services deep joy of Mission and an awareness of the Guy Theunis Dominique Arnauld importance of daily actions as well as of the Correspondents commitment of each missionary to the service Provincial/Sector Secretaries of the Gospel. We had the joy of appreciating Msola, Rome Internet the graces that the Lord poured out on the Philippe Docq particular Churches of Africa starting out
[email protected] from our predecessors and continues to do so Archives Photographs provided by the through each one of us.