May 13, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E837 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

OFFICER DANIEL FAULKNER CHIL- double exports over the next five years to sup- Community Theatre, leased the theater from DREN OF FALLEN HEROES port two million American jobs. Given the re- the City of and remodeled it for SCHOLARSHIP ACT gion’s innovative technology base and strong continued use. On December 2, 1937, the ren- international business community, Northern ovated Old Globe opened with a production of SPEECH OF Virginia especially stands to benefit from the John Van Druten’s ‘‘The Distaff Side.’’ In the HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ NEI. cast was a young actor named Craig Noel. His Bode, which is located in Virginia’s 11th entrance was the beginning of a long and fruit- OF PENNSYLVANIA Congressional District, specializes in DNA col- ful relationship with the Old Globe. Craig IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lection and analysis. It provides services to Noel’s presence as an actor, director, and ar- Wednesday, May 12, 2010 law enforcement agencies in all 50 states and tistic leader guided the theater’s growth Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, I strong- more than 30 countries worldwide. It also pro- through decades of artistic development and ly support the families of the brave men and vides critical assistance in identifying victims community outreach. The loyalty and dedica- women who fight every day to keep our com- of mass disasters and missing persons. In ad- tion with which he served San Diego and the munities safe and that is why I believe the Of- dition, Bode has been a partner in helping to Old Globe is unparalleled. ficer Daniel Faulkner Children of Fallen He- reduce human trafficking. Last year, the com- Sadly, on March 8, 1978, an arson fire de- roes Scholarship Act is such an important pany was awarded the Virginia Governor’s stroyed the Old Globe. I remember watching piece of legislation. Award for Excellence in International Trade by the news coverage with a heavy heart and Inspired by the heroic service of Philadel- Governor Tim Kaine. then rushing to view the actual destruction the phia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, this legis- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join following day. I also vividly recall Craig Noel’s lation would offer financial assistance for high- me in congratulating Bode Technology Group passion and leadership to literally raise the er education to the children of police officers, on this honor and for its leadership on export theater from the ashes. Craig was pivotal in firefighters, and other first responders who activities. the reconstruction of the theater. He started a made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. f fundraising campaign and the people of San Officer Faulkner’s own life was tragically cut IN RECOGNITION OF THE LIFE Diego donated more than $6 million dollars, short when he was murdered performing a AND LEGACY OF CRAIG NOEL which was a lot of money in those days given simple traffic stop. the economic conditions people were facing. Officer Faulkner is one example of the In 1982, the new Old Globe re-opened with a countless first responders who put themselves HON. SUSAN A. DAVIS production of Shakespeare’s ‘‘As You Like It.’’ OF into harm’s way every day. Tragically, since On Nov. 15, 2007, Craig Noel was awarded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2006, seven police officers from my district the . This honor is the have died in the line of duty: Officer John Thursday, May 13, 2010 highest award given to artists and arts patrons Pawlowski, Officer Gary Skerski, Officer Mrs. DAVIS of California. Madam Speaker, by the Government, and is Chuck Cassidy, Officer Isabel Nazario, Ser- I rise today to recognize an icon in the theater awarded by the President to those who ‘‘are geant Patrick McDonald, Sergeant Tim Simp- community and a treasured member of the deserving of special recognition by reason of son and Officer Stephen Liczbinski. These San Diego family. On April 3, 2010, Craig their outstanding contributions to the excel- men and women selflessly risk everything so Noel, the Founding Director of the Old Globe lence, growth, support and availability of the the rest of us may live in peace and safety. Theatre, passed away after 94 full years of arts in the United States.’’ Craig Noel was This Act will help the children of fallen heroes life. truly deserving of this acknowledgement. His to be all they can be. It is yet another way for Craig Noel was a tenacious, witty, and nurturing spirit and supportive presence were us to honor their service and their sacrifice. warm-hearted man with a tireless commitment an inspiration to everyone with whom he This legislation is one way to meet our to the arts. San Diego is forever in debt to this worked. shared debt of gratitude to our police officers, talented man. He told a reporter in 2005, ‘‘I While we grieve the loss of Craig Noel, we firefighters, and other first responders, to their had a vision. I wanted to make San Diego a take comfort in the legacy he has left behind. families and to their children. theater town.’’ And that he did. You cannot walk the grounds of the Old Globe f Without Craig Noel, the San Diego arts without feeling and seeing his strong hand of community would not be the flourishing cre- influence. On May 24th, the Old Globe The- RECOGNIZING THE BODE TECH- ative environment it is today. In addition to his atre is holding a public memorial in his honor. NOLOGY, GROUP, INC. OF directorial and artistic contributions, Craig Noel At that time, the Globe’s lower courtyard will LORTON, VIRGINIA FOR RECEIV- was a World War II veteran. While serving in be renamed the Craig Noel Garden. I am con- ING THE PRESIDENT’S ‘‘E’’ the Army, he directed the Ernie Pyle Theater fident his legacy will live on for generations to AWARD for service members in Tokyo. come. When Craig returned to San Diego, his work f HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY as Artistic Director took the Old Globe to IN RECOGNITION OF JOHN J. OF VIRGINIA heightened levels of excellence. During his FLYNN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES distinguished seven decades with the theater, Craig Noel staged over 225 productions of all Thursday, May 13, 2010 styles and periods. These performances en- HON. RUSS CARNAHAN Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- gaged and entertained theatergoers of all OF MISSOURI er, I rise today to recognize The Bode Tech- ages and backgrounds. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nology Group, Inc., of Lorton, Virginia. The The Old Globe is nestled within Balboa Thursday, May 13, 2010 Bode Technology Group received the Presi- Park, the nation’s largest urban cultural park. dent’s ‘‘E’’ Award today in recognition of its The theater itself is actually one of the oldest Mr. CARNAHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to achievements in supporting export growth in nonprofit theaters in the country. Modeled congratulate retiring President of the Inter- the U.S. business community. The ‘‘E’’ Award after Shakespeare’s Old Globe in London, San national Union of Bricklayers and Allied is the highest honor the Federal Government Diego’s Old Globe was built in 1935 to present Craftworkers, John J. Flynn, for his lifetime of can give to a U.S. company or organization for abridged versions of Shakespeare’s plays dur- service to the St. Louis and International union exporting or facilitating export activity. ing the California Pacific International Expo- community. The recognition of Bode for this honor high- sition. As President, Flynn understood the priorities lights the importance of the President’s Na- After the exposition ended in 1937, a non- of the International Union and consistently tional Export Initiative (NEI), which aims to profit production corporation, the San Diego worked to support and improve employment,

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:47 May 14, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13MY8.001 E13MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2010 training and educational opportunities for BAC Training Council for the National League of women all face a high risk of contracting dis- contractors. Moreover he supervised the Inter- Cities. Mr. Ammerman finished his City Coun- eases. As the representative of a district that national Unions programs and ensured that all cil service in June of 2002. is home to large African American and Latino activities were in accordance with policies es- Mr. Ammerman’s commitment to community populations, as well as the largest Cambodian tablished by the International Unions conven- service is unyielding. He served as Philan- population in the country, I understand the tions and constitution. thropy Chair and active member of the Board crucial importance of improving public aware- For more than 60 years, Flynn used the dis- of Directors for the Orlando Regional ness about women’s health and the unique cipline and persistence that he learned during HealthCare Foundation. He is a trained volun- health challenges for minority women. his early years as a boxer to help him become teer with the Neo Natal Unit for 22 years at Thanks to the historic passage of health a true advocate for the members of the Inter- Arnold Palmer Hospital for Women and Chil- care reform, we have taken a giant step in the national Union of Bricklayers and Allied dren. He serves as a teacher at the First Pres- right direction for women’s health. All Ameri- Craftworkers and all workers. byterian Church. Additionally, Mr. Ammerman cans will have access to affordable, quality Although he has been honored with numer- is a member of the Florida Citrus Sports Asso- care and no longer will women be discrimi- ous awards for his service, no award can ac- ciation, the Greater Orlando Leadership Foun- nated against by insurance companies. We curately reflect the tremendous impact he has dation, a graduate of Leadership Orlando and owe it to all women in this country—now and had made on the union movement. I am Leadership Florida, as well as the Dr. Phillips in future generations—to continue this effort to pleased to congratulate John Flynn for his life- Foundation Grant Review committee. His increase awareness regarding women’s time of service and unwavering dedication to other involvements include past National Ad- health. the labor community. I wish John and his wife, missions Chairman/Society of Industrial & Of- I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Joyce, the very best. fice Parks Realtors and past President of the porting H. Con. Res 268. f Central Florida Chapter of the National Asso- f ciation of Industrial/Office Parks (NAIOP). RECOGNIZING THE HONOREES OF HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS Madam Speaker, during Military Apprecia- OF MR. DON AMMERMAN THE 63RD ANNUAL ANNANDALE tion Month, it is my honor to recognize this re- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE markable public servant whose dedication to AWARDS BANQUET HON. ALAN GRAYSON our country and community can be shown OF FLORIDA through his great achievements in the State of HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Florida. Commissioner Ammerman has been OF VIRGINIA working for the people of Florida since 1972 Thursday, May 13, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and I applaud his civic and military accom- Mr. GRAYSON. Madam Speaker, I rise plishments in our central Florida community, Thursday, May 13, 2010 today in honor of National Military Appreciation our great State and our Nation. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- Month. This month, I would like to recognize f er, I rise today to recognize the honorees of a phenomenal service member from central the 63rd Annual Annandale Chamber of Com- Florida who is making a distinguished con- NATIONAL WOMEN’S HEALTH merce Awards Banquet. tribution to my district, the great State of Flor- WEEK The Annandale Chamber of Commerce is a ida, and to our Nation as a whole. Today, I thriving volunteer organization with more than SPEECH OF honor former Orlando City Council Commis- 200 active members. The members represent sioner Don Ammerman. HON. LAURA RICHARDSON businesses, industries and professionals who Mr. Ammerman graduated from Indiana Uni- OF CALIFORNIA work together to maintain a favorable business versity with a BS in Real Estate & Marketing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES climate while improving the quality of life for all and an MBA in Real Estate Marketing/Fi- Tuesday, May 11, 2010 residents. nance. He is a recipient of two Ford Founda- Each year, the Annandale Chamber of tion Grants for overseas study while in grad- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Commerce honors a few select individuals uate school. He also completed the John F. today as a cosponsor of H. Con. Res. 268, who have distinguished themselves as Kennedy School of Government for senior Ex- which supports the goals and ideals of Na- exemplars of the community. It is my honor to ecutives in State and Local Government at tional Women’s Health Week and requests recognize these fine recipients and the con- Harvard University. that the President of the United States issue tributions that they have made to the commu- Mr. Don Ammerman began his military ca- a proclamation calling upon the people of the nity: reer in 1968 at Fort Jackson in South Carolina United States and interested groups to ob- Student Achievement Award for Falls and from there served with the 83rd ARCOM serve National Women’s Health Week with ap- Church High School: Dennis Nolasco. Dennis in Columbus, Ohio. He completed his service propriate ceremonies and activities. This is an is a marketing student who was instrumental in the reserves in Orlando in 1974. He was important measure that will increase public in the development and promotion of the hand selected by the U.S. Navy Academy to awareness of the critical issue of women’s School’s Jaguar Joe Coffee Project. Dennis serve as a Blue and Gold Admissions officer health. has an outstanding work ethic and serves as at Annapolis. His dedication to our country I thank Chairman TOWNS for his leadership an effective role model to his peers. After and our military is shown through his volun- in bringing this bill to the floor. I would also graduation from Falls Church High School, teering spirit. Mr. Ammerman continues to like to thank the sponsor of this legislation, Dennis plans to major in finance or business mentor hopeful academy members by offering Congressman HINCHEY, for his dedication to administration at George Mason University. young adults with aspirations of attending an ensuring that women’s health is a national pri- Student Achievement Award for Annandale academy his guidance and support. Currently, ority. High School: Emma Dorothy Whitmyre. Emma Mr. Ammerman serves as a board member for Mr. Speaker, it is important that our nation is an International Baccalaureate Diploma can- the 8th District Veterans Advisory Board and adopt a heightened focus on the issue of didate and has served as president of both the Military Academy Nominations Board. women’s health. Women of all backgrounds National Honor Society and the Jewish Culture Mr. Ammerman has contributed greatly to should be encouraged to reduce their risk of Club. Emma has a strong commitment to so- the central Florida community. He has served common diseases through preventative meas- cial action. She volunteers at a homeless shel- on the municipal Planning Board (1983–1989, ures, such as engaging in regular exercise, ter, tutors, and runs a winter coat drive for 2 terms as Chairman), Chairman of the Or- eating a nutritious diet, and visiting a those who are less fortunate. This fall, Emma lando Growth Management/Concurrency Im- healthcare specialist to receive regular check- will be attending New York University where plementation Committee and Chairman of the ups and preventative screenings. These she plans on majoring in anthropology or psy- 1991 Orlando Redistricting Committee. Mr. healthy habits begin at a young age and so chology. Ammerman successfully ran for the office of we must stress the importance of preventative Student Achievement Award for Northern District 1 City Commissioner. Mr. Ammerman health measures to children in homes and Virginia Community College: Jacquelyn also served as a Board Member of the Great- schools across the country. Shanahan. Jackie, as she is known by her er Orlando Aviation Authority and he is a past Unfortunately, there is a high prevalence of friends and family, has nobly served our na- member and Chairman of the Sunshine State disease and health complications among mi- tion in the United States Marine Corps. She Governmental Finance Commission for 20 nority women. African-American women, recently received the Liberal Arts Division aca- years. Nationally, he served on the Leadership Asian-American women, and American Indian demic award and has completed the Honors

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