Germany's Policy Vis-À-Vis German Minority in Romania

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Germany's Policy Vis-À-Vis German Minority in Romania T.C. TURKISH- GERMAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES EUROPE AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT GERMANY’S POLICY VIS-À-VIS GERMAN MINORITY IN ROMANIA MASTER’S THESIS Yunus MAZI ADVISOR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes BAYRAKLI İSTANBUL, January 2021 T.C. TURKISH- GERMAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES EUROPE AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT GERMANY’S POLICY VIS-À-VIS GERMAN MINORITY IN ROMANIA MASTER’S THESIS Yunus MAZI 188101023 ADVISOR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes BAYRAKLI İSTANBUL, January 2021 I hereby declare that this thesis is an original work. I also declare that I have acted in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct at all stages of the work including preparation, data collection and analysis. I have cited and referenced all the information that is not original to this work. Name - Surname Yunus MAZI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Enes Bayraklı. Besides my master's thesis, he has taught me how to work academically for the past two years. I would also like to thank Dr. Hüseyin Alptekin and Dr. Osman Nuri Özalp for their constructive criticism about my master's thesis. Furthermore, I would like to thank Kazım Keskin, Zeliha Eliaçık, Oğuz Güngörmez, Hacı Mehmet Boyraz, Léonard Faytre and Aslıhan Alkanat. Besides the academic input I learned from them, I also built a special friendly relationship with them. A special thanks goes to Burak Özdemir. He supported me with a lot of patience in the crucial last phase of my research to complete the thesis. In addition, I would also like to thank my other friends who have always motivated me to successfully complete my thesis. I especially thank my family. They gave me a lot of hope to complete this research even in difficult times during the master's thesis. Thanks to them, I have always seen the light at the end of the tunnel. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO ÖZET ............................................................................................................ i ENGLISH ABSTRACT ............................................................................. ii LIST OF ABBREVATION ....................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................... vii 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND LITERATURE REVIEW . 3 2.1. DEFINITION OF ETHNICITY, IDENTITY AND ETHNIC MINORITY .. 3 2.2. MINORITIES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ................................... 11 2.3. DEFINITION OF THE TERM DIASPORA .................................................. 13 2.4. DIASPORA IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ....................................... 17 3. METHODOLOGY OF QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH DESIGN .............................................................................. 25 4. GERMAN MINORITIES IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA ............................................................................ 28 5. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE GERMAN- ROMANIANS IN ROMANIA ................................................................. 32 6. GERMAN-ROMANIAN RELATIONS ............................................. 43 7. INSTITUTIONS AND FOUNDATIONS AS ‘BRIDGE’ IN GERMAN-ROMANIAN RELATIONS ................................................. 47 7.1. GERMANY’S MINORITY POLICY TOWARDS GERMAN-ROMANIAN MINORITY IN ROMANIA ..................................................................................... 48 7.2. GERMANY’S INSTITUTIONS AND FOUNDATIONS IN ROMANIA .... 50 7.3. GERMAN INSTITUTIONS AND FOUNDATIONS IN ROMANIA ........... 57 7.4. ESTABLISHED INSTITUTIONS AND FOUNDATIONS OF GERMAN MINORITY IN ROMANIA ..................................................................................... 68 7.5. GERMAN-ROMANIAN NEWSPAPERS IN ROMANIA ............................ 80 7.6. ESTABLISHED INSTITUTIONS AND FOUNDATIONS OF GERMAN- ROMANIAN MINORITY IN GERMANY ............................................................ 82 8. ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 87 9. CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 100 10. REFLECTION AND OUTLOOK .................................................. 104 LIST OF REFERENCES ....................................................................... 105 ÖZET Almanya’nın Romanya’daki Alman Azınlığa Karşı Politikası Bu tez, temel olarak Almanya’nın Romanya’daki azınlık politikasına dair bulgular sunmaktadır. Araştırma bunu yaparken Alman azınlığa odaklanmakta ve bu azınlığın Alman-Rumen ilişkilerinde ne ölçüde rol oynadığını değerlendirmektedir. Alman azınlıkla ilgili olarak araştırmadaki temel bakış açısı Alman azınlığın bu iki ülke arasında köprü işlevi gördüğü üzerinedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada hangi Alman şirketlerinin, vakıflarının ve eğitim kurumlarının Romanya’da aktif olduğu da incelenmektedir. Bu kapsamda, diğer Rumen kurumlar, vakıflar ve siyasi partilerle kurdukları faaliyetler ve ağ da dikkate alınmıştır. Bunların yanı sıra, tezde uluslararası ilişkilerde azınlık çalışmalarındaki çeşitli kavramlar teorik birer temel olarak kullanılmış ve Romanya’daki Almanların iki taraf arasında nasıl bir köprü işlevi kurduğunu anlamak için diaspora kavramına odaklanılmıştır. Yöntem olarak ise çeşitli Alman-Rumen vakıflarından farklı uzmanlarla görüşülerek ampirik bir saha çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın bulguları, Almanya’nın Romanya’daki azınlık politikası yoluyla Romanya devletiyle yakın ilişkiler kurabildiğini göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda Romanya’daki Alman vakıflarının ve kurumlarının faaliyetleri Almanya’nın azınlık politikası açısından Romanya’da geniş bir ağ oluşturulması bakımından önem arz etmektedir. Ayrıca Alman- Rumen kültürünün korunması, komünizm sonrası dönemden itibaren Almanya tarafından güçlü bir şekilde desteklenmiştir. Buna ilaveten, siyasi açıdan bakıldığında Alman’daki bazı siyasi vakıfların Romanya’da ayrıcalıklı bir rolünün olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Zira bu vakıflar, Romanya’da uzun vadede önemli pozisyonlara gelmesi muhtemel politikacıların ve akademisyenlerin eğitiminde kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Azınlık Politikası, Diaspora, Alman-Rumen İlişkileri. Tarih: Ocak 2021 i ENGLISH ABSTRACT Germany’s Policy Vis-à-vis German Minority in Romania This thesis presents mainly the findings of Germany’s minority policy in Romania. In doing so, the research concentrates on the German minority and considers the extent to which this minority plays a role in German-Romanian relations. Regarding the German minority, the main aspect is on its bridge function between these two countries. In addition, this study looks at which German companies, foundations and educational institutions are active. Within this scope, the activities and the network they have built up with other Romanian institutes, foundations and political parties have been considered. Furthermore, several concepts in the field of minority studies in international relations are used in this thesis as a theoretical basis and the concept of diaspora is discussed in details in order to better understand the bridge function of the Germans of Romania. As a method, an empirical fieldwork was conducted in which different experts from various German- Romanian foundations were interviewed. The outcome of this research shows that through its minority policy in Romania, Germany is able to establish close relations with the Romanian state. In this context, the activities of German foundations and institutions are important tools for Germany’s minority policy in order to build up a large network in Romania. Also, the preservation of German- Romanian culture is strongly supported by Germany from the post-communist period onwards. Additionally, from a political point of view the German political foundations have had a privileged role. These political foundations play a particularly critical role in the education of potential politicians and academics who can take important positions in the Romanian politics in the long term. Key Words: Minority Policy, Diaspora, German-Romanian Relations. Date: January 2021 ii LIST OF ABBREVATION AHK : German-Romanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Außenhandelskammer) APD : Association Pro Democratia BMI : Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern) BMZ : Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) CDU : Christian Democratic Union of Germany (Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands) CSU : Christian Social Union in Bavaria (Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern) DAAD : German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) DAS : German School Abroad (Deutsche Auslandsschule) DED : German Development Service (Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst) DFDR : Democratic Forum of the Germans in Romania (Demokratisches Forum der Deutschen in Rumänien) DGA : Romanian Anti-Corruption Directorate DJO : German Youth in Europe (Deutsche Jugend in Europa) DPS : German profile schools (Deutsch-Profil-Schulen) DSD : German Language Diploma iii (Deutsches Sprachdiplom) EAS : Evangelical Academy of Transylvania (Evangelische Akademie Siebenbürgen) EPP : European People’s Party EU : European Union FDP : Free Democratic Party (Freie Demokratische Partei) FES : Friederich-Ebert
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