Department of Statistics & Centre for Advanced Studies Savitribai Phule
Department of Statistics & Centre for Advanced Studies Savitribai Phule Pune University Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007, India NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Recent Advancements in Statistics and Their Applications to Society (March 23-25, 2017) This National Conference will bring together statisticians from diverse sectors who will address the recent advancements in the fields of Statistics, Biostatistics, Applied Statistics, Probability, and their application areas to fulfill the needs of the society, nation and world at large. The researchers, professionals, educators and students from academia, industries, government, and research institutes will discuss the latest developments and challenges in statistical methods and application. We are organizing this conference in the honor of Professor David D. Hanagal who is retiring on April 30, 2017 after 29 years of dedicated, valuable and fruitful service in the Department of Statistics & Centre for Advanced Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University. On this occasion, there will be felicitation function for Professor David D. Hanagal on 24th March 2017 around 5 pm. All are invited to attend this felicitation function. The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to: Reliability theory, Survival analysis, Statistical Inference, Inference in stochastic processes, Statistical computing, Biostatistics, Industrial Statistics, Actuarial, Financial Statistics, Data Mining, Probability Theory, Decision Theory, Design of Experiments, Distribution Theory, Econometrics, Multivariate Analysis, Neural
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