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Extensions of Remarks 16674 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 19, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HUD ANNOUNCES RESEARCH PROJ­ fectiveness and possible improvement in ther, though Mac still had much to do, and ECT DESIGNED TO TAILOR PRO­ HUD programs. the ability to do it, a lot of grain had been GRAMS TO NEEDS OF SMALL The end product of this study will include garnered. I know of little of his successful three reports, devoted mainly to ( 1) an railroad work. I saw hlm as a conservationist TOWNS analysis of the basic characteristics, capa­ and a legislator. bilities, and perceived problems of the small We first met as members of the now dis­ HON. JOE L. EVINS communities selected for study; (2) a state­ banded Bannock County Sportsmens Associa­ ment of the problems and needs of the se­ tion. We both shifted to the South End OF TENNESSEE lected small communities as analyzed by the Idaho Rod & Gun Club, ably organized and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES research teams; and (3) an analysis of Fed­ still competently led by Bill Reynolds. Thursday, June 19, 1969 eral resources, both current and potential, Mac was a born-and-bred natural re­ for meeting the needs and problems· of small sources booster. He was a natural for State Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, communities. Senator. During his two sessions, he did as I am pleased to report that the Depart­ The study also will investigate the possi­ much for conservation as anyone could do. ment of Housing and Urban Develop­ bility of developing a broadly based small I can be plenty critical of politicians. "Horse ment appears to be devoting more of its community profi~e for use by HUD in fur­ trading" is inevitable, but can get disagree­ ther studies of small communities. Recom­ able. Mac was a sharp trader. He kept no resources to programs and policies de­ mendations will be made on the feasibility spavined mounts. Though his Irish wit was signed to assist our smaller communities of using a standardized profile form for con­ charming, his stance was solid as the moun- in achieving growth and progress. tinuing studies, the types of information ' tains he protected. And his stature matched This effort is directly related to the which should be included based upon this re­ his mountains. He made no legislative blun­ solution of the problems of our larger search effort, and the ways in which existing ders as I saw them. And _I watched! cities and metropolitan areas because, information can be supplemented through His friends, his Legislature, and his Idaho as we all know, the lack of economic de­ these techniques. will miss Tom McAteer. Repeat, his work velopment and employment opportuni­ The study will be supervised by HUD's was not done, but he accomplished more Office of Small Town .Services. This office was than most of us can in the time that he ties in our small town and rural areas created to sharpen HUD's focus on less popu­ had. It was rewarding to work for 20 years have helped to create the outmigration lous communities and to improve the de­ With a gentleman of such high caliber. which has intensified the problems in our livery of program information and technical Idaho's renewable natural resources are her cities. assistance to small town officials. It also has most valuable possessions. Mac's influence In this connection HUD has just an­ the responsibility for recognizing and ana­ on them will remain long after he and the nounced a $150,000 research project de­ lyzing needs of small cities and coordinating rest of us are fO!l'gotten. And he will not be Federal, State, local and private efforts to forgotten for a long time. signed to determine how HUD programs meet those needs. can be made more effective in our smaller communities. Because of the interest of my col­ leagues and the American people in this PROFESSIONALPAYANDCONTINUA­ matter of rural-w·ban balance, I place DEATH OF TOM McATEER, IDAHO TION BONlJSES FOR JUDGE AD­ a copy of the press release concerning STATE SENATOR VOCATES IN THE UNIFORMED this research project in the RECORD: SERVICES BETTER DELIVERY OF HUD PROGRAMS TO SMALL TOWNS Is OBJECT OF STUDY HON. FRANK CHURCH OF mAHO HON. ROBERT H. MOLLOHAN . How Federal urban programs should be OF WEST VmGINIA modified to support desir.a.ble improvements IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in community life in small towns is the goal Thursday, June 19, 1969 . .. o! a $150,000 research effort announced today Thursday, June 19, 1969.. by Secretary George Romney o! the U.S. De­ Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, I have partment of Housing and Urban Develop- just lost, and the State of Idaho has Mr. MOLLOHAN. Mr. Speaker, I have ment. · lost, a fine and good friend. He was Tom today introduced legislation authorizing The research will be carried out by the McAteer, a State senator from Bannock professional pay and continuation Jacobs Company, Inc., of Chicago, Ill., a bonuses for judge advocates in the uni­ management consultant firm specializing in County-a railroad man, a sp<>rtsman, all aspects of public administration and fi­ and a courageous conservationist. form services. nance. The firm will study the physical, so­ I have wanted, for a long time, to sa­ In doing so, I want to note that reten­ cial, economic and governmental needs of lute his work and his fine Irish integrity. tion of military attorneys has been dras­ small communities and make recommenda­ Now-when he is gone-r come to the tically low in the Armed Forces for a _tions for adapting or developing HUD and task and find that our mutual friend, number of years and, as a consequence, other Federal programs to effectively meet Pierre Pulling, has captured in words the ·services are woefully undermanned ·such needs. what I have long felt about Tom. in the middle grades, that is, senior In announcing the one-year contract, Sec­ captains, majors, and junior lieutenant retary Romney said that "properly designed Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ programs of assistance, geared specifically to sent to have printed in the RECORD this colonels. If this trend continues--and small communities, could result in substan­ eloquent tribute by Pierre Pulling to this there is no reason to expect it will not-­ tial benefits both to present residents and important man, published in the Inter­ the Armed Forces will, in the near future, to those members of our rapidly increasing mountain Observer of June 14, 1969. be staffed with the judge advocate de­ and shifting population who would be at­ There being no objection, the- article partments consisting almost exclusively tracted by the presence of econmnic, physi­ of very junior officers. To illustrate this, cal and social improvements in small-town was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, America." as follows: 62 percent of the Army's current judge Secretary Romney noted that there are a TOM MCATEER advocate manning consists, of lawyers variety of unmet needs among communities (By Pierre Pulling) with less than 3 years of legal experience. with populations under 50,000 which have The sudden death of Pocatello's Sen. I should further point out that the Mili­ not received adequate attention from other Thomas McAteer was a jolt. It was not tary J:u$tice .Act of 1968, which becomes governmental levels. reaJ.ly surprising. Mac had been a strong effective August 1, 1969, requires 744 "Until now," he said, "no systematic study man, and still seemed to be strong. But.he more experienced lawyers in the services rela.ting the small town in the United States had had a heart condition for some time, to implement it in accord with the con­ and the means to gain the most .effective and everyone knows about strong men with gressional mandate. You will note that I benefits from HUD and other Federal pro­ weak hearts. They go out fast when they grams has been undertaken." go. said 744 additional experienced lawyers, The Jacobs Company will employ the sys­ There is a faint silver lining under the those in the grades which I have already tems analysis expertise of the Planning Re­ cloud. Mac was an enthusiastic field sports­ pointed out as beiilg woefuily under­ ~arch Corporation to assure a comprehen­ Inan, and he was on a fishing trip at the manned and for which there currently sive, indepth analysis of the -small commu­ drop-out. It's the way most of us would seems to be no near-term possibility of nlty, its problems and its needs, and the ef- choose when we must Cross The Bar. Fur- alleviating without additional in,centives. June 19, '1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16675 With regard to the bill I am introduc­ There being no objection, the state­ in Paris, where they have been content so far to keep the peace talks bogged down in ing, I invite my colleagues' attention to ment and editorial were ordered to be a tiresome dialectic. They might also re­ the remarks in the RECORD by Mr. OLSEN printed in the RECORD, as follows: spond on the battlefield. Military sources in of Montana un May 27, 1969. Ir.. them, he WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS IN VIETNAM Saigon expect a new enemy offensive, per­ graphically outlined the great disparity Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, when Presi­ haps by the end of the month. If the ;Com­ between the pay of uniformed attorneys dent Nixon announced the withdrawal munists earnestly desire peace, then let it to that of their civil service and civilian of 25,000 troops from Vietnam, I supported begin here.
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