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Hillary and (Getty images) ∧∧

Hillary’s New Political Group Has∧ Little To Show Except Soliciting Donations In First Four Months

PETER HASSON Associate Editor 11:01 PM 09/17/2017

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In the four months since officially launched her new political group, Onward Together, the group has done little besides soliciting donations from Clinton supporters.

When Clinton went public with her group on May 15 she said the group would be partnering with five left-wing political groups: Indivisible, Swing Left, Color of Change, Emerge America and Run for Something.

But four months later, it’s unclear what the group’s donors have to show for their money. Onward Together’s website still has just two tabs: one explaining the group’s mission and one asking supporters for donations.

An email signed by Clinton asking supporters for money last week excused her group’s lack of action. “You may not have heard much about the work we’re doing at Onward Together,” Clinton wrote. “That’s because we’re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we’re supporting. We’re not the story: they are.” She closed the email by asking supporters to commit to a recurring monthly donation. The Daily Caller reached out to all five political groups, asking them to confirm that Onward Together has, in fact, been funding and supporting their groups. Only one group responded to the TheDC’s repeated requests: Indivisible, the Soros-backed “resistance” group.

“Onward Together has not given any financial support to us,” Helen Kalla, an Indivisible spokesperson, wrote in an email.

Kalla added that Clinton’s group has “been amplifying and highlighting our work through their digital networks,” which she explained has consisted of “retweeting [Indivisible], and they’ve highlighted our work via their emails to their list too.”

Onward Together fundraising email, signed by Hillary Clinton

None of the other four groups would confirm that Onward Together has supported their work, either financially or otherwise.

Onward Together did not return an email seeking comment. Do You Think Onward Together Will As a 501(c)4 “social welfare” organization, Eventually Partner With Those Five Onward Together isn’t required to reveal the Groups? identity of its donors, something the group has confirmed it will not be doing. Yes No

As a presidential candidate, Clinton railed Login with your social identity to vote against “dark money” groups like Onward Sign in with LinkedIn Log In Sign in Together.

Clinton transferred $800,000 from her failed 2016 presidential campaign to Onward Completing this poll entitles you to Daily Caller news updates free Together shortly before announcing the of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. group’s launch in May, documents the campaign filed with the FEC reveal.

Clinton has stayed busy promoting her book, “What Happened,” which attempts to excuse her failed campaign. The book is currently a #1 bestseller on Amazon. (RELATED: Hillary’s New Book Conveniently Ignores One Of The Campaign’s Biggest Scandals)


Tags: Hillary Clinton, Indivisible, Onward Together, What Happened

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