Demon List Version II beta 8-11-04 compiled by Terry Thayer
[email protected] ~ Color Key ~ Entries in black are from, by Reverend Satrinah Nagash Entries in orange are by S. Connolly Entries in dark blue are from Usenet's alt.magick FAQ: REFERENCE -- "DEMONS" File, by “reficul” and Paul Harvey, with a few notes by Bryan J. Maloney Entries in dark green are from The Satanic Bible, by Anton Szandor LaVey Entries in violet are from Entries in teal are from Entries in grey are from the Necronomicon Spellbook, edited by “Simon.” Entries in lavender are from The Goetia, compiled and translated by S.L. “MacGregor” Mathers, with editing and additional material by Aleister Crowley Entries in turquoise are from the Grimoirium Verum, translated by Plangiere, Jesuit Dominicane Entries in bright green are from the Grimoirium Imperium, by John Dee Entries in brown are from Power Home.html, by High Priest Dann Tehuti Entries in dark red italics are my own notes. All biblical references are from NIV. ~ A ~ Aamon – One of Astaroth's assistants. He knows past and future, giving that knowledge to those who had made a pact with Satan. According to some authors he has forty legions of demons under his command, having the title of prince. There is no agreement on how to depict him, being sometimes portrayed as an owl-headed man, and sometimes as a wolf-headed man with snake tail. Although some demonologists have associated his name with the Egyptian god Ammon, it is more plausible its derivation from the Semitic god Baal Hammon, also worshipped in some areas of northern Egypt that had been in contact with Semitic tribes.