On Campus SUMMER 2018 YOUTH PROGRAMS Register Online Today! Frederick.edu/QuickEnroll 301.846.2661 •
[email protected] Summer Classes for Kids of All Ages! Little Guys & Gals Business & Finance for Entrepreneurial Kids Language Sampler . 2 Business Planning for Teens & Tweens . 7 Music for Munchkins . 2 Money Smart Tweens . 7 Princess Academy . 2 Health, Fitness & Safety Spanish for Kids . 2 Emergency Preparedness, Now! . 8 Weather Bugs . 2 Empower Yourself: Personal Safety, CPR and Smart Thinking . 8 Arts, Music & Culinary Delights Fencing Academy . 8 3-D Comic Book Creations: Creatures to Take Home Hoops for Fitness and Fun . 8 That You Don’t Have to Feed! . 3 Safe Sitter Babysitting Training . 9 Advanced Digital Photography . .. 5 Social Media & Cyberspace Surfing: Click Smart, Click Safe . .. 8 Advanced Duct Tape Art . 3 Survive! . .. 8 Adventures in Clay . 5 TeamWorks: Cooperative Games and Team Building Fun .. 9 Animal Art Attack! . .. 4 Winter Wonderland: Skate and ‘Cool’ Crafts .. 9 Art History Comes Alive! . 4 Yoyo Mania: Waaaay More Than Just Walking the Dog! . 9 Awesome Appetizers and Sensational Snacks . .. 7 LEGO®, Technology, Robotics & MORE! Batik for Beginners . 4 Battle Robots .. 12 Beginning Watercolor. 4 May the Force Be With You: Faraway Empires, Starfighters Build the Beat: Electronic Music Creation . 6 and Wookiees . 13 Clay-Mation Movie Magic . 5 Robotic Creations for Middle School Students. 12 Creating Comics . 3 Robotic Creations with Motorized Kits . 12 Design And Sew Like A Professional . 6 Robot Races. 12 Design and Sew: American Girl Doll Creations . 6 Space Exploration: Create and Explore! . 13 Design and Sew: Totes, Bags and Bag Making Basics.