(Ns-Tp430m) by Tomislav Prokopec Part III: Cosmic Inflation
1 Lecture notes on Cosmology (ns-tp430m) by Tomislav Prokopec Part III: Cosmic Inflation In this and in the subsequent chapters we use natural units, that is we set to unity the Planck constant, ~ = 1, the speed of light, c = 1, and the Boltzmann constant, kB = 1. We do however maintain a dimensionful gravitational constant, and define the reduced Planck mass and the Planck mass as, M = (8πG )−1=2 2:4 1018 GeV ; m = (G )−1=2 1:23 1019 GeV : (1) P N ' × P N ' × Cosmic inflation is a period of an accelerated expansion that is believed to have occured in an early epoch of the Universe, roughly speaking at an energy scale, E 1016 GeV, for which the Hubble I ∼ parameter, H E2=M 1013 GeV. I ∼ I P ∼ The dynamics of a homogeneous expanding Universe with the line element, ds2 = dt2 a2d~x 2 (2) − is governed by the FLRW equation, a¨ 4πG Λ = N (ρ + 3 ) + ; (3) a − 3 P 3 from which it follows that an accelerated expansion, a¨ > 0, is realised either when the active gravitational energy density is negative, ρ = ρ + 3 < 0 ; (4) active P or when there is a positive cosmological term, Λ > 0. While we have no idea how to realise Λ in labo- ratory, a negative gravitational mass could be created by a scalar matter with a nonvanishing potential energy. Indeed, from the energy density and pressure in a scalar field in an isotropic background, 1 1 ρ = '_ 2 + ( ')2 + V (') ' 2 2 r 1 1 = '_ 2 + ( ')2 V (') (5) P' 2 6 r − we see that ρ = 2'_ 2 + ( ')2 2V (') ; (6) active r − can be negative, provided the potential energy is greater than twice the kinetic plus gradient energy, V > '_ 2 + ( ')2, = @~=a.
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