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I/MI Q> vT/-. |i0 |MU<« DUlJ. Mosdir t»r»iw» ITMur. MUrrt u S*«m« ClUf Mttur RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1961 7c PER COPY SSe PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 138 injlr Pott OWw at **t auk. H. J.. uid.r u* Act «t M»rci & U7H BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Case Backs Mitchell ?Texas Tower' In Race for Governor Move a Boost For Labor Folds at Sea; Secretary WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Clifford P. Case, R NJ, today warmly endorsed 28 Feared Lost Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell's candidacy for the Republican gubernatorial nomin- ation in New Jersey. AF Site The move, anticipated for more Coast Guard Plans than a week was apparently in- tended to give Mitchell a boost in what is ihaping up at * four Battered way primary fight for the nomin Chain of Sea Towers James P. Mitchell CUtter* P. Cut ation. Case's endorsement could bring NEW YORK - Texas low- the legs into position and se- into the Mitchell camp many Re- ers like the one reportedly cure them to the edge of the destroyed in heavy ;>t>as last continental shelf 180 feet below By Storm publican leaderl who thus far PRESTON HOUSE HIE —Firemen battled for two hours Campaign Is Started have remained neutral or were night will eventually replace the surface. l«it night to bring under control a blaie which caused «n the existing chain of Coast undecided which candidate to When completed, the $20-mil- BARNEGAT (AP) — Bat- back. estimated $20,000 damage to th« Prtston Houto on th« Guard lightships along the lion structure was one of a Eastern seaboard. series along the East Coast tered by a howling winter The senator's prestige reached •ttato of Mrs. Geratdine L. Thompson, Newman Springs' By Little Silver Man an all-time high Nov. 8 when he The plan, described as "long- designed to give the nation ex- storm, an Air Force radar Re)., Lincroft. Hera, volunteers from Middlotown Fir* tra, precious seconds with a NEWARK (AP) — Secretary of Labor James P. won re-election to a »ix year range," will begin with tower tower collapsed and disap- term by a record 332,000-vote Co. battlo fir*. installations in place of light- warning in event of enemy at- Mitchell, the latest of four announced candidates for majority. ships off the Massachusetts' tack. peared with 28 men aboard the Republican gubernatorial nomination, was losing Mitchell announced his tandi- coast. n heavy seas about 80 no time today in getting his campaign in high gear. dacy for the nomination Satur- First Towers iles southeast of here last day. Case reportedly did much A spokesman for the Third Mitchell announced his candidacy Saturday and Fire In Lincroft ight. of the spade work lining up sup- Coast Guard District here said White St. Rescue ships and aircraft spent all day yesterday touring South Jersey lining up port for Mitchell prior to public funds have been appropriated •aced to the scene, but found entry into the race. for the initial towers and con- IO survivors from the six-story- support for the April 18 struction will begin soon. Other Candidates Routs 5 Families ligh structure that was part of primary. He said that because of the Addition :he Air Force's early warning The other candidates for the LINCROFT — Fire of underter- Community and Belford Inde- depth of, water off the Jersey system. Driving Mitchell joins three state nomination so far are state Sens. mined origi.i last night, destroyed pendent Fire Companies, also an coast lightships like Amurose A mattress, a life ring, - Commerce hopes, White St. •ear old Louise Hayes, daughter Speed limit Reduced Chief Hogan said that freezing day under a court order a federal eral thousand acres, was under would continue into the Wallace of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hayes, State police reported the New temperatures, sleet and snow Goes to Capitol Hill Today judge said must not be frustrated constant watch by Georgia Bu- t. parking lot. S3 Brinkerhoff Ave., was report- Jersey Turnpike had reduced it« somewhat hampered "the efforts by violence and disorder. reau of Investigation agents WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi • recovery during the coming Six-Hour Fire ed in fair condition in Fitkin ipeed limit to 35 miles an hour. of the volunteers. cruising in unmarked cars. FBI dent Eisenhower's final, fiscal months. The area involved was the Hospital, Neptune, today after The Garden Stite Parkway was An armed prowler created ex He said a team of women from agents were on hand to check on blueprint for the nation goes to For the current year, C.sen- scene of a six-hour fire which suffering a broken right leg Satur- Icy in spots. citement last night when he ap both the Middletown and Lincroft Saturday'* fog, followed by the peared at a dormitory and told any violation of federal law. City Capitol Hill today. hower will tell Congress that a gutted Prown's and Sherman's i«y- and county authorities warned Fire Company auxiliaries had to stores last August. freezing rain and snow yester- a guard he was looking for the use telephones to alert members The bulky White House docu- slim surplus still is in prospect Police said the accident took day, was parr of a low pressure Negro girl enrolled in the school. that law violators would get im ment will predict a surplus of despite a sharp revenue drop Before the ashes were cold, place when the child was cross- mediate prosecution. of those, squads because the system which moved up from the Police were told he drew a gun about $1.5 billion for the 1962 occasioned by the business »itua there was discussion about the ing the street at the South St.- whistles on both fire houses were : Tennessee Valley, Mr. Martin when asked to identify himself, Sheriff Huff of Clarke frozen. fiscal year which beg ns next tion. A year ago. the President possibility of extending White St. incoln PI. intersection and was laid. However, borough officials have lit by a car driven by Constance relieved the guard of his gun County issued an appeal for The building is 60 years old July 1. Eisenhower will call for foresaw a $4.2 billion sjrplm this The fog on Saturday was been cool to the proposition. ,1acMullcn, Rt. 33, Millhurst. and fled. The incident occurred everyone to stay away from pos and has 24 rooms. spending (80.9 billion and esti- year. blamed for several multiple car At present, the only through about 9:30 p.m. sible trouble areas. "If you are The other two families living mate revenues at $82.3 billion. The President's message was Officer Richard M. Hibbs is- accidents in northern New Jer east-west arteries in the central A thorough search of the cam there, you are breaking the law in the building are Col. and Mrs. What's more, it will forecast scheduled to be read ta the sued a careless driving charge ley and closed major airports for business district are Front St. at pus was made but the man, de- by contributing to a crowd and Frank Kidwell and Mr. and Mrs. an almost immediate snd !o the House at noon by a ;!erk; the .0 the driver. periods up to 12 hours. the northern end of Broad St., scribed as short, stocky and hindering action of officers who Robert Zellcr. They too, were business slump and a gradual Senate was in recess today. Eis- A hearing was set for Jan. 28 and Harding Rd. and Reckless before Magistrate Alexander Lev- Rail and bus traffic was re about 35 or 40 years old, eluded are trying to get agitators," not at home when the fire broke enhower is not presenting any ported running on schedule today (See CHAMBER, Pg. 2) huk. detection. Huff said. out. of his annual messagas to Con- despite the treacherous road con- gress in person this year. His ditions. The Negro students, Charlaync (See GEORGIA Pg. 2) Firemen from the River Plaza, Kennedy State of the Union message was Nearly a Repeat A. Hunter, 18, and Hamilton E. sent to Congress .last Tnursday. The Week-end weather was Holmes, 19, of Atlanta, were sus Gives Post his economic message will go to Many Problems nearly a repeat of the conditions pended after last Wednesday's which prevailed Jan. 15, 1960. It campus disorder was quelled by Picketing Spreads Capitol Hill Wednesday. was rainy and foggy that day, tear gas. To Burkhardt The new budget will reflect the policies Eisenhower would Face Lawmakers Today in Trenton with an average temperature U. S. District Judge W. A. PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP)— want to pursue were he remain- of 39 degrees. Bootle ordered the two read- N. Y. Central System Affected Robert J. Burkhardt, one of the TRENTON (AP) - The New list of GOP policy bills. Without Record hiRhs and lows for Jan. mitted and enjoined school and first New Jersey politicians to ing in office. It was understood Jersey Senate and Assembly to- Crane, the Republicans and Dem- IS were set in 1943 when the state officials from again remov- NEW YORK (AP) - A portion not a commuter train and does support President-elect John F. that at least two major legisla- day settled down to the trying ocrats are split evenly, 10-10, and mercury reached 62 degrees, and ing them on the ground that un- of the New York Central Sys not reach the station until 11:20 Kennedy, was named to serve the tive requests would be included: task of whipping a legislative pro- no controversial policy measures In 1912 when the thermometer ruly demonstrations endanger tern's Harlem Division commuter a. m. new administration as assistant 1. An increase in postal lates. gram into shape amid the hurly will be attempted until his return. read two degrees. their personal safety. service was knocked out this The Central spokesman said postmaster general for facilities. an item which Congress short- burly of election year politics. The task of majority leader morning as striking tug and fer- the Hudson Division, the main Kennedy named Burkhardt to circuited in 1959 and 1960. The Assembly was due to meet Walter H. Jones, R-Bergen, is not Area Reinforced ryboat workers spread their line, was not affected by the he $2O,0OO-a-year post Saturday. 2. A continuation, and a possi- at 11 a.m. and the Senate at 2 expected to be eased by his fight picketing operations to one of Earlier the jurist barred state tieup. Burkhardt, 44, of Titusville, ble increase, in the iempnrary p.m. Both houses were expected for the Republican gubernatorial 3 Holdup the Central's passenger yards. officials from cutting off funds First word of the picketing ac- N. J., resigned as'executive di- federal gasoline tax of 4 cents a to spend most of their time in nomination. Two other GOP Sen- for the university as required by The Central announced that tivity reached Central officials rector of the New Jersey state gallon. This is scheduled to drop committee meetings and party ators, Wayne Dumont Jr, of War- Men Sought state law for integrated schools. there would be no Manhattan- from a local sheriff, who re- Democratic Committee to assist to 3 cents after June 30. caucuses, trying to agree on ren and Charles W. Sandman of Hours in advance of the re- bound service' from points be- portedly stopped a carload of Cape May, are seeking the same MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Pol- in Kennedy's successful cam According to Eisenhower's which problems to tackle first. entry of the two students state tween Dover Plains and Valhalla, pickets for a traffic violation, paign. He is now serving as Dlan. favorable action on cither prize and Sen. Richard R. Stout ice today are still searching for police in the area were reinforced N. Y., because of pickets at the the spokesman said. The lawmakers face a host of has been endorsed by his county three Negro men who Friday ixecutive director of the arrange- request would keep i'ie budget problems left over from previous by patrolmen from other sec- Putnam, N. Y., junction yard. The picketing was extended the organization. night robbed the owner of the ments committee for the inau- in balance. years, with Assembly rcapportion- tions. Some 80 state troopers Other runs apparently were not day after a new plea for speedy liiration. President-elect John F. Ken- Important Alterations Hollywood Liquor Store, 82 Lower affected. ment, increases in jobless bene- Main St., of JI50. were reported on hand for the settlement of the harbor strike Last May, when Gov. Robert nedy, who takes office on Fri- The Democratic Senate con- The Central reported the pick' was made by city and state of- fits, iimits on harness racing, fi- Acting Police Chief J, Edgar new effort to integrate the uni- B. Meyner had bound New Jer- day, will not give Congress a tingent also numbers potential eting was another, step in the dis- ficials. nancing for state aid to educ»- gubernatorial contenders among TVllkinson said the trio escaped sey's delegation to the Demo- complete budget of his own In tion, and middle income house pute between 660 tug and ferry Robert O. Boyd, a member of cratic national convention to sup- stead, he will suggest cranes in its rank:.. tn a blue Buick or Oldsmobile. boat workers and 11 railroads ing near the top of the list. One pulled n ,38-caliber revol- INDEX the National Mediation Board, port him as a favorite son can- the Eisenhower plan on a piece- The Assembly hopes to make using the harbor. Many of last year's bills have an important alteration in its fer on the owner, Christian Lud Page meets today with representatives didate, Burkhardt urged the gov- meal basis. A Central spokesman said the of the three striking" VnionS and ernor to withdraw in favor of For the current year, so:rie of already been resubmitted by rules one of the first items of *rs, one waited outside the store, Amusements 12 pickets appeared shortly before the 11 struck railroads that op- Kennedy. Eisenhower's closest advisers their sponsors. None of them were business. For many years the ind the third waited in the car, Births 2 formally introduced at the open- ihc chief said. 4 a. m. and trainmen reporting erate in the" harbor. He expressed pleasure at the have said there is little Kennedy rules have been interpreted to re- Bridge „ _..!« for duty on passenger trains oper- ing of the 1961 session last week, Mr. Wilkinson said Mr. Luders City Labor Commissioner Har- appointment and said he was can do to change the budget pic- quire passage of bills by a major- Classified 17 ating out of the yard refused to old A. Felix and G^or^e Mos- looking forward to working with ture. And they have conceded so none can be passed unless the ity of all of the members au- »dgcd toward the door and ran Comics „...!« legislators declare an emergency. into the street yelling for help, cross the lines. kowitz, chairman of 'he state :he new postmaster general, J. that the federal accounts mlcht thorized by law, or 31 out of the Crossword Puzzle _.H Dover Plains is 27 miles from Mediation Board, asked Boyd idward Day. still slip into the red despi'c the Annual Message 60-member house, But two resig- riie robber did not fire at him, Editorials I but opened tho cash register, took Grand Central Tcrmirial, and Val- yesterday to urge unions and Burkhardt was born in Chicago President's optimistic forecast. Gov. Robert B. Meyner, in his nations have left the Assembly Herblock • the money and left, the chief halla is 25 miles from Grand management to intensify their and became active in Democratic In the Kennedy camp, :t was annual message, called for action with a membership of only 33 reported. Kllly Kelly 8 Central. peace efforts. parly politics in Illinois, New understood that a budget deficit on several new proposals, includ- Democrats and 25 Republicans Movie Timetable _.12 and two more Democratic resig- The getaway car was last seen Normal Service The 600 tugboat and ferryboat York and Washington. in the current year is regarded ing increased purchases of public Obituaries 2 No pickets were at the Cen- crewmen of HID 11 railroads He was brought to New Jersey as a virtual certainty. pnrklands. But the governor's of- nations arc expected in the next heading toward the Garden State few weeks. Parkway. Old Times ; _._ « tral's North White Plains Yard, struck last Monday midnight in rom Washington in 1953 to help Of the eight budgets which fice snid none of the new admin- Sylvia Porter 6 so points south of Valhalla were a contract dispute, flic chief rebuild Ihc Democratic party Eiscnhowei1 has prcsontcci, three istration bills would be rendy for Assemblyman Frederick H. Homemade Clam Chowder Rndlo-Tclevlslon 12 to be serviced as normal. Issue Is the size of tugboat crews, there. Thnl yenr, Meyner was produced deficits totaling 5-10.4 Introduction today. llauser, D-lludson, will propose, $1 per quart. Delivered, Tues- Social ..8-9 The only train expected to pass now mostly five men. The rail- elected governor nnd Burkhardt billion and. three produced sur- The Senate Republican major- changing the rules to require days and Fridays, Mrs. Norman George Sokolsky _ fi along the Dover Plains to Val- roads contend they should have became his executive secretary, pluses amounting to $4.4 billion ity, reduced by the illness of Sen. only a majority of the mem. ers Fcevey, RD 2, Box •ISO, Nep- Sports 14-15 halla run was n morning train the right to abolish jobs Ihuy He lives in Titusville with his The fate of his final two budgets Robert C. Crane, R-Union, WHS qualified to vole — 30 under pres- tune. PR 4-04US.—Advertisement W. S. White „ 6 /ruin Chatham, N, Y. This consider excessive. wife and four children. remains to be seen. expected to try to decide on a ent conditions. OBITVAMIES Axrtor h Wounded Dm Congo Caroline Wenrikowaki Theodoro- AP)—Btluba warriors attacked Walsh Brakeney, 72, of 55 Peters witz, 66, of Freehold-Lakewood i a hospital at Luena and severely Mr. Hamilton was a pharma- PI. died Saturday in Riverview Message Is Rd., died Saturday at home, wounded a Belgian doctor, the cist here H years and was theHospital, where she had been a Born in. Poland, she had lived United Nations reported today. owner of the Corner Drug Store. patient three weak*. here for 20 years. Her husband The UN Command said Con- Relayed By He had served as postmaster Mrs. Brakeney was born in is Anthony Theodorowitz. golese also opened fire on Mo- several years ago. New York City, daughter of the roccan soldiers of the United late P. Harry and Frances Surviving also are two sons, Area Man He was graduated in 1911 from John Theodor of this place and Nations stationed in the same the Atlantic College of Pharma- Thompson Walsh, and had lived MIDDLETOWN — Richard William A. Theodor of New Katanga town. • The Moroccans cy, Atlanta, Ga. here 49 years. Her late husband, returaed fire but •no casualities Dae, Jr., a leca! analmr ra«e P. Earl Brakeney, a retired York; four sisters, Mrs. May Mil- Also a former member of Bor- were reported. Both attacks took eperater, wae tartnuneatal Frl- stock broker, died in December ler of St. Petersburg, Fla., Mrs. ough Council, Mr. Hamilton was place yesterday. day la relaylag * Message 193S. Helen Cornelius of New York, an exempt fireman, a member The UN spokesman here said frem Baptlet nisetMarice la Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Mrs. Jean Lydon of Philadelphia, of the National Retail Druggists' the pro-Lumumba troops who Ike Coage (• the head ef their Harold F. Walsh of St. Albans, and Mrs, Lottie Ballerin of Long Association and a member of marched into the neighboring seelety la the United States. N.Y., a nephew and a niece. Island, H. Y.; three brothers, Tennent Council, Junior Order of trust territory of Ruanda-Urundi A large arimber ef Baptist The funeral will be tomorrow Felix Werney and John Werni- United American Mechanics here. last week had captured 12 Bel-millenaries yesterday were at 10 a. m. in the Worden kowski, both of Long Island, and Surviving are his wife, Mrs. gian' soldiers and that three of reported la have heea seized Funeral Home. Rev. Stanley E. Roman Wernikowski of St. Pe- Martha P. Hamilton; four daugh- them later died of wounds. The by Ceageteee treat* while try- Mugridge, pastor of the Baptist tersburg, and aix grandchildren. ters, Mrs. Rebecca Taitt of Elk- nine surviving Belgians were re- big te leave the Afrleaa caw- Church, will officiate. Burial The funeral service will be held toa, Md., Mrs. Adele Welch of ported transferred to Stanleyville, try. will be ht Fair View Cemetery. at 2:M p. m. at Ihe James F. Wilmington, Del., Mr*. Vera the' rtbel headquarters in Orien- Mr. DM picked wp a bread- Hiffins Memorial Home, Free- Jones and Mrs. Edna Hamilton, tal Province, and the UN re-caat ay Ernie T. Brlee, el the OB0RGE LOGAN hold, with Rev. Bernard McK. KIWANIS PRESIDENT—Fred M. King, second from left, 43 Grange Ave., Fair H«- both of this place, and a grand- ported "they did not appear to MbwtoMry greap, what waa la KEANSBURG — George Lo- Garltck, rector of St. Peter's son, - James Cunningham, this »en, receives gavel at president of the Red tank Kiwanis Club from the outgoing have been well treated." It was eeataet with F. 0. Richards, gan, a7, S7 Beacon Light Ave., Episcopal Church. Freehold, of- place. ' president, Dr. Sydney' M. Kramer. Looking on are Joseph Mendrts, left, lieutenant assumed they were beaten up praaldaat el the Ceaeervatlve died in Eaat Orange Veterans ficiating. Burial wiH follow in Old Funeral service will be tomor- governor of the Kiwanis district, and Roland Pierson, a charter member of the club. during the journey to Stanley- Baartlet Feretga MiaaleM Se- Hospital Friday. Temet Cemetery. ville. clety ta Wheatea, III. row at 2 p. m. at the Hamilton He waa born in East Newark, home with Rev. Thomas Wright Other officers are Dr. William Mergenthaler, first vice president; Benjamin Ashin, The UN is seekinp. their release. Th» wieaaag* cancerned evac- and lived in Kearny for 45 years JOHN J. MULLIGAN of Sanford Memorial Methodist second vice president; Edward Shkoda, treasurer; Edward Wengland, secretary, and White refugees fleeing from Mtlea ef Conga ilatieM by the before moving here If years ago. BRIELLE - John J. Mulligan, Church officiating. Burial will be race violence waged by the He formerly waa employed for 17M, of 124 Scott Rd, died in Point Edson Oberlander, Edward Carroll and Henry A. Stevenson, directors. in Old Tennent Cemetery. Lumumbists in Kivu have been During the broadcast, Mr. yeara by Du Pont de Nemours Pleasant Hospital Friday after pouring into a refuge set up byRichards was cat off aad was A Co., Keamy, until he retired a short illness. MRS. LAURA B. LAMB the United Nations at Goma. makfe to hear the mesaage three years ago. He owned his He was born iit Atlantic High- Mitchell Tower The UN Command today was frem the ttmtp la Africa. Mr. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. — Mrs. own ice and coal business in lands, ton of the late John J. tryin to btain th of Dae waa aMe ta get the mes-Laura B. Lamb, 81, of 74 Pat-the l»Mi. . (Continued) Births (Continued^ i * ° * '"""« and Sarah Curry Mulligan, and sage, however, aad relayed K terson Ave., Shrewsbury, died (Continued) |sjx Amwican mMonarin ,nd Surviving are his wife, Mrs. had lived in Weitfield before the past eight years as labo; U the niiswd sullen. suddenly yesterday at Niagara Elizabeth Coyne Logan; two lecretary. There were two life ooats «tj their families wh» were arrested moving here three years ago. Riverview the tower and searchers hope sur- while trying to get out of Kivu Mr. Da« h a member'«f the Falls General Hospital. sons, Howard Logan of Middle- He was an exempt member of He was born in Elizabeth, bui vivors were ablee to escape. White refugees said the mis-Store Emergency Net ef ham She was born in Middletown, town and George Logan ' of now lives in Little Silver. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flynn, 40, 'IT" 7/'"ft™ '.",. < the Atlantic Highlands Fire De- rvipuunnrvipuunnrf Brf Middletown son ' "irerart carr(er iiVasp, at-isionanesac- sionarles,, tneitheir wwivei s and 17 chil- radie eaerateri. N.J., daughter of the late Charles Keansburg, three daughters, partment; a past president of the Even before he officially jn Dogwooogwood RRd.d , MiddletowMiddletownn , son, , ,tr yer«.|dr«i-.» persons Friday. jcompani(id d by tw{) de O in all—were and Mary A. Patterson VanKlrk. Mrs. Olive Mueller of Belleville, Brielle Home Owners Associa- nounced his candidacy, Presiden •was about 80 miles from the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bull, 59 seized by Congolese troops while Mrs. Lamb lived with her dautli- Mr*. Doris Kirk of Keansburg, Eisenhower contributed $100 to mr. wiu IYIIS. nuiuiu uuu, •>,.. MRS. LESLIE KITCHELL tion; the Downtown Athletic s ene he bl f| trying to cross the Ruzizi River ter, Mrs. William B Fesler, for and Miss Geraldine Logan at Club, New York, and of St. Denis the Mitchell campaign at hiMaids a Ter., Middletown, daugh-i ? - ' R a"°P took MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Agnes ter, Friday. charge of rescue attempts as!into Ihe Belgian""trusrterritory the past 20 years. She was visit- home; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Catholic Church, Manasquan. last Cabinet meeting Friday. :. Kitchell, 63, of 28 Cprn La., Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Moore, Coast Guard cutters aid other;of Ruandaurundi Saturday. ing another daughter, Mrs. WPark. s of Kearny, and five New Jersey Republican Reps ships joined the search. died Saturd in Ivv Mr. Mulligan was a graduate of 85 Seventh St., Belford, son, Sat- The American's re~po~rtedlV were «y House Nur- Frank Harwood of this place, grandchildren. William T. Cahill, Florence P s n H me a ter New York University School of urday. Two"Coast Guard rlanes andistopped at the frontier "bridge ' * ° , , »J<">g illness, when stricken. The funeral was this morning Dwyer, Peter Frelinffhuygen Jr Business Administration. He re- Mr. and Mrs. John Tydings, 53 helicopters from the Wasp man-jleading to the Ruanda town of Mrs. Kitcnell was born in North Mrs. Lamb was a lifelong resi- at the John D. Crane & Sons and James C. Auchincloss also tired two years ago after serv- David Ter., Middletown, son, f aged to take to the air early to- iShangugu. put in Congolese army Arlington, and had lived here dent of the shore area. She wasFuneral Home, 241 Kearny Ave., endorsed him. ing for 25 years as vice presi- urday. [day when visibility - diminished!trucks, and driven to Bukavu. the eight years. She was a member one of the oldest members of Kearny. Cahill escorted Mitchell on hi: e ai Metn0 sl dent of the Lehigh Valley Coal Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roehrich, by driving snow and sleet—lifted!provincial capital controlled by °' ™ * ? , £ J" the Red Bank Methodist Church first day of campaigning yester- Cgmrchhurch ; OrderOrder oof f Easterst€ rn stStarar . Sale Co., New York. 5 Annapolis Dr., Hazlet, daugh- somewhat and snow turned tojfollowers of deposep d Premier] , . , F« . . ' and was a member of the Red day, taking him from Delawan I Newark, and the American Le- BERT BRENNER I Before he joined the coal firm, ter, Saturday, Patrice Lumumbmumba Bank Chapter of Sons and Daugh-1 Township in Camden County, to n WEST LONG BRANCH - ' j Mr. Mulligan was president of the Mr. and Mrs. Don Helthall, 599 But flares dropped into dark I (Th(The missionariei s apparently B'° Auxiliary in Kearny ters of Liberty. Her husband, Woodbury and Woodstown and Brenner, 47, of 14 Mathilda Ter., Liberty National Bank and Trust Broadway, Long Branch, son, storm-tossed waves showed only.are members of the Berean mis-! Suravrnf are her husband Les- Frank J. Lamb, died in 1943. Camden. lle died in Monmouth Medical Cen- a,., New York. At that time he Saturday. a few traces of the £0 million\™n, an interdenominational! KHchc 1; a daughter, Mrs. Ed- Surviving, besides her daugh- ter. Long Branch, Wednesday.. On the tour, Mitchell conferred ward V| w y n ters, are a son. Norman E. Lamb was the youngest bank president Mr, and Mrs, Serafino Centrel- tower. The Wasp reported find- group with headquarters in St. I,, «'« °! * ° j. ' ?? ' Mr. Brenner was a partner in with leaders from Camden, Sal Ja K teh of of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; a sister, in New York City. la, 8 Linden Dr., Red Bank, son, ing "a large amount of debris" Louis. Mrs. C. Reuben Lindquist.! y J e" Wayne Township; The Bootery, Broad St., Red •m, Cumberland, Gloucester, w< 5 Mrs. Emma Vernell of Red Bank; Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Saturday. about nine miles from ihe 'oweri wife of the Berean president, saidj< > J"^" ' ^Malcolm s^ Bank, which was destroyed by Mercer and Burlington counties d SaC a nephew, six grandchildren, and Ella Mulligan; four sons, John J. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Frazer, site. in St. Louis the trouo has 13 " ° T ° V fire Dec. 2.1. •II of them so far uncommitted A six qreat-grardchildren. and Richard Mulligan in Califor- Mieleville Trailer Court, 6 Ave. Ironically, the towsr was .... , *" ™d '« children, in th-eitu **tw,n0 slster„(.,„« „ ; MrMr<. (•-.. He was born in Jersey City, in the primary contest. Co w s s ters Mrs ra nia, William Mulligan of Massa- C, West Keansburg, daughter, der repair because of another j «So orr Ruanda-UrundRuanda-Urundii. TheirTheir!! ! » l . s. ' s/ ..* Sara Burleen ofj ThThe funerfunerai l will be Wednesday; son of Mr and Mrs> MorHs Bren; ;ttnios t|ace andMrs pequa, L. 1., ind Kevin Mulligan 'No Way DUnayed' Saturday. storm—Hurricane Donna—when i'xact whereabouts was not' P ' - Margaret!at 2 p.m. in(he Worden Funeral ner of Brooklyn, and lived "I am pleased by the warmth Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Jenkins, tragedy struck. The hurricane known,, she said IBonenberger of Whittier, Calif.;!Hom. e Red Bank. Rev. W. Gor- an fiv e about^jwo^years. He _was a jcolVette" Wojnar" ofTa wai'i, 'and of the reception that I received 25 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Hazlet, last September had severely (In Wheaton, ill., an official of; j, . Rrandchi_ldren._ ! don Lowden, pastor of the Metho- (he The funera W _.membe_ .r. of .th - e Knight... .s. .o f ^^ Corry Axford of Santa Bar- at all of the meetings today," he twin sons, Saturday. damaged the( 8.0O0-ton tower Conservative Baotist Foreign' ' "H be tomorrowjdjst Church, will officiate. Burial Miss ions Boar at 2 m in the Scott Pythias, Brooklyn. said in Camden. "All I can hope Mr, and Mrs. Richard Conk, forcing the Aiir rForce to evacu- . d said a memberj P - Funeral j will be in Fair View Cemetery, bara, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Gor- Home Surviving are his wife, Mrs. is that each day is as successful 516 River Rd., Fair Haven, son, ate most of the 90-man comple- of his group. Dr. R. H. Bothwell, ' Be'f°«l. with Rev. Iverson j Middletown. don LeMessurier of Richmond Granam Gertrude Brenner; three sons, as this one has been." Saturday. ment. had arranged for the Berean mis- > assistant pastor of thej Hills, N. Y., and 16 grandchil- Red Bank Jerry, Norman and Robert Bren- dren. Jones, who is supported by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carlstrom, Concrete Pilings jsionaries to leave Kivu. Theonlv! Methodist Church, of-1 JACOB LINK familic ficiat nerr,> all at home; two brothers. powerful Bergen and four other 277 Bay Ave., Highlands, daugh- But for that, the tragedy could : s known to have been in , ^- Burial will be in Shore-; BELFORD - Jacob Link, 74. ^ '" The Mechan Funeral Home, land ofRed county organizations, expressed ter, Saturday. have been worse. ;the party, he said, were Rev. \ Memorial Gardens, Hazlet. Spring Lake Heights, is in d Mrs oi Kea charge of arrangements. confidence at his ultimate nomin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Venerus, Only the small Air Force and ^ ;Pau, l Hurlburt of; WILLIAM E. VALLANCE ation. 3 Arthur PI., New Monmouth, workman contingent remained. !Whea,"- and Rev. and Mrs.' EAST KEANSBURG — William |£™~T | a sister. Mrs. Selma Alweis "I am in no way dismayed by en ctn of MRS. SARAH JOHNSON son, yesterday. The tower's platform and su-'[; ", 7«' <" Stream, L. 1. the appearance of Mr. Mitchel' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Grause per-structure, which rose BO feet !N.. YY. Oth;;/knowknownn *& ^% ' . | Bo7nBornI in NewarkNewark, , hhe ewa was ,th the £ f . . , LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Sarah A ve d d Fniity ln M o! 70 Grant Ct., as a candidate," he said. 4 Second St., Rumson, son, yesiabov- e the sea, had rested nn jKivu, he said, are Dr Bothwell: I . ': "L °nmouth|son of the tatP ri,nrg(1 ,nrtElj ,. The funeral was Thursday injjohnMBi «, Dumont said the nomination terday. three concrete pilinjs embedded lvI ldlca C Ien Ml ( 1 M mori Ch a| the Monmouth County |Revwho . havaned Mrsno permanen. James tKruettner,! U.S. ad-i Mri . Vallanc' ,f e was a residen... t.iahetMrh. KeunLink z waLinks . a retired ma-!! Brooklyn^r !? . BBuria? l wa" s .in Knoll. * '- died in the thould go to someone on theMr. and Mrs. Robert Wyatt, 7 in rock 180 feet below the sur-who have no permanent U.S. ad-iuu Welfare House, Freehold, Friday. here3here 30 ears He was a retireretired chinist foreman for J. Howard wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, itate level. Marsand Dr., Hazlet, daughter,!face. ddress ; RevR . and Mrs E. J Kile!! u y She was born in Virginia and machinisma hmistt for "Anyone who comes in from yesterday. of Grenada, Minn.;' Rev.' andi ^ 1°/ '^Pennsylvania Smith, Inc. was a member of the Second I But Hurricane Donna had dam- Railroad. Mr. a! the national scene will not beMr, and Mrs. Edward Gerwer,jaged underwater bracings andMrs. William Battishill of War- was Also surviving are a sister,! | Baptist Church here. memb or (>f e Sn s and au h •ble to familiarize himself with 52 Seventh St., Belford, son, yes-forced an evacuation. ren.Mich., and Mrs. Ruth Uhlin-! ,,AA '^^ " JPJP?.jMrs?. -jMrs. AnnAnnaa AllgayeAllgayerr ooff Newark. Newark.! LOS ANGELES, Calif.-Nicho- .survivin.survivingg araree two'sistert s Mrs ger off MentoneMt . CliCalif.f ) I ters of America Star of i d'" C Sassano^52 i.former resl|M £ • the needs of New Jersey In such terday. The tower, named in' Texas- ters of America. Star of Bays.deBnd severa, otner nieces and;'" C Sassano^52, i.former resl-|Marie W(£d f B rf t short time," he said. Mr. and Mrs. James Amend, type oil well rigs, had been con- HERBERT E. JENKINS CouncilSurvivin, hereg ar. e a daughter, Mrs.: neohevs mass wi,| be'iidenn Lot osf Angele Long sBranch Hospita, Nl .Jan J.. .died; 9. Mr, Fmma „..,,, ".,^/V",, Sandman said Case was "try-RFD Colts Neck, daughter, yes- structed in South Portland, Y rrtand,! SSEA BRIGHT-HerberBRIGHT-Herbertt EE.. JenJen-- RoberRobertt RungRungee ooff PorPortt MonmouthMonmouth;; \ "\JJ$\T TT am t 'inH Loe swa Angeles a Worls Hospitad Wal rJa IIn 9vet - ^ Rockwell. 'ng to steamroller the nomina- terday. a , Maine, and lurnedover to thejkinsi , 6161. off New York City, and: five sisters, Mrs. Mable Redman!!" M^ •«• of the late Vincent and I "«l*- ;ion for Mitchell from Washing- Monmoulh Medical Center «ev RobeVt T Rose Sassano of Long Branch. I - ;on." Mr. and Mrs. George Mancini, |A.r Force m 1957 The structure, this place, formerly of Indian-!of Ogdensburg, N. Y., Mrs. Ml-]^™"^ funeral S a apolisis, died n(ofa a hea hear tattac attackk Jan.jchael Foley of Glens Falls, N.Y., Bulman, pastor. Burial will be in i are four sisters. Mr,. , ( "I have no intention of with- 642 Jersey Ave., Union BeachJlanti: ' Z,;*Lc alon°"llg the EasL\ t. *CoastI*\", wa:s 8?P°! whil:e on a .busines«s trip t o^.\cU^mey Cal-! Mrs. Flossi ofe Bruckne G.ens Fallsr of ,Niagar N.Y.,™°a n p drawing for Mitchell or anyone daughter, Friday. jdesigncd to give warning in event St. Mary's Cemetery, East Or- ifornia. He was born in Indian-!Falls, N.Y.. and Mrs. Ethel Hii- ange, under direction of the Ryan tlse at the present time," he Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Nelson, of enemy attack. apolis, the son of Otto and Hes- ley and Mrs. Grace Perrine, both 231 Alpern Ave., Elberon, son, Funeral Home. son, all of Long Branch, and Tdded. It was one of three tower? op- ter Jenkins. of Lilly Dale, N.Y., and four der the of the F.. LeoLeon Saturday. Mrs. Catherine Parks of Ohio; Jones is endorsed by, in addi- erated by the 4604th Squadron, Mr. Jenkins was a member of grandchildren. Harris Funeral Home, Asbury Mr. and Mrs. George Bryne, MRS. HATTIE D. WEIGEL and four brothers, Joseph and Park. 'Jon to Bergen, the leadership of stationed at Otis Air Force Base, North Methodist Church of In- The funeral was this morning 373 Atlantic St., Keyport, daugh- HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Hattie B. Victor Sassano of Long Branch, ?assaic, Hudson, Middlesex and Cataumet, Mass. dianapolis. He was a U.S. Marine!in the Scott Funeral Home. Bel- :er, Saturday. Wegel 74, died yesterday in herLouis Sassano of Farmingdale, WALTER GALE Somerset counties. The civilian workers, aboard jn World War I and attended!ford, with Rev. William R. Hodg- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loven- home, 47 Atlantic St. N. J., and Frank Sassano of Dumont is endorsed by Warren Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loven-tne tower to repair s'.ors'orm dam-!Purdudam|pd e UniversityUii , wherh e he was dond , pastor o.f" thhe BelforBlf d MMethoh - «« LONG BRANCH—Walter Gale, was born in New-Ohio. of ind Sussex. Sandman is en M W afiC> Were empl ed bv r Rich _ „, „ _ . „ | -->. 222 Monmouth Ave., died f'\ £ H M °°B , H l|ge, ere employe°y d bv J. Rich^mTmteroT^Jm^ChVfrater^dTs'a member of Sijjma Chi frater-jdist t ChurchChurch, , officiatingofficTatin.g BBurialLu ™ an ark and had lived here 13 years. y Funeri Home - lorsed by his home county of Beachwood, daughter, Sa urday. |Steers, contracting engineers ofnjty He was affiliated with Rus-!was in Fair View Cemeterv. fc M w ,W ..i. °°u' ' - >" 1"« Monmouth County Welfare Mr and MrsMrs. Dommick Luca-jjNNeew York CityCitCityy. . «„ AiAssociatt f Bih She was the daughter of the late j LonR Branch, was in charge of; House Freehold Vr\*L ?ape May. «„ Associates, of Brightwatera/ Charles and Rebecca Trainorjthe private funeral service ellllll , GreeG n GGrov e RRd.d, Wayside,Wd! Th! e names of the tower occu-iLong Island CharlM and Rebecca Trainor'th* nrivaf* funeral Mrvir* vT. ' r-.i. ruaay. Mitchell's home county, Mon- iL Ild ALBERT G. HILLER Curtiss. : . on, Saturday. pants were withheld temporarily! He is survived by his wife, Mr. Gale was born in Balti- /nouth, endorsed Sen. Richard R. RUMSON — Albert G. Hitler, She was a member of the MRS. MILLIE M. ROBEDEE stout, an unannounced candidate. by the Air Force jnd the con-fLucille Bailey Jenkins, twoi57, of Maplewood Ave., retired liamorem , anMd.d Mar, soyn Joneof ths eGale late Wil. He- Daughters of America here. UNION BEACH — Mrs. Millie A withdrawal by Stout would struction company. daughters, Mrs. Robert G. Ches-IU.S. Army master sergeant, died had lived here 50 years. Surviving are two daughters, M. Robedee, 83, of 109 Poole Ave., free the county leader* to recon- jley of Farmington, Mich., and!yesterday in Patterson Army Hos- Surviving are a son William Mrs. Harriett Albrecht of this died Saturday in Riverview Hos- sider their stand. Chamber Mrs. Allan Kwartler of Yonkersjpital, Fort Monmouth. Gale, a daughter, Mrs. Lorena place and Mrs. Christine Carew pital. : The other 12 counties are still (Continued) iPftlipp fW N. Y.; a sister, Mrs. Chester F. Born in Conshohocken, Pa., heof Riverside Heights; a brother, Hester, both of Long Branch; uncommitted. Bailey, and three grandchildren. attended school in Chester, Pa., grandchildren, and five at the midway point of'* ««*^ VJdl William Curtis* of Westwood, and Monmouth, daughter of the late ] and enlisted in the Army in 1920. great-grandchildren. ROCCO D. SPANO four grandchildren. Peter and Eleanor Bennett Robe- He retired in 1953 at West Point, A requiem mass was offered Mayor Gray indicated that a'lg Daillflp.mou oinf Parsip-ii-arsip-;GranGrantt Ho(eHOtei, | iLononf.g BranchBranch.. W. Flock Funeral Highlands, ofiiciating. Burial will Lila M. Robedee of this place, a "A strong state government is the chamber to present figures,borough police car, on its way pany and the late Andrew Spano., surviving 'are his wife Mrs Home. on how much the borough mighty accident, was] Mr. Spano operated a storm i, b || Hiller a daughter Miss be in Fair Vew Cemetery. brother, Charles Heyer of Key- essential to meet ihe needs of tne scene of an Msabella e ee Hiller; a daughter, Miss lose in assessments bv extendint g ^1 nlae1 :ina_ „ t. Car aShu ..!JOr— am ~-> Wind...:-->-..W . in=—!,_.:-_• """"-">- "»«••• « ™«' • port, and two grandchildren. i HARRY J WILKINS people of our state and tothe road, and how much might .._ ... at home; two. MISS ELSIE BANNISTER 1 p much SilHopf e Rd^ . an,dT Corregido" r Rd.^i^°i busines' s here' . ° ««»-«»»iRotrt A H.n.r. The funera will be tomorrow! MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - enable New Jersey w do its fulljbe gained by such a move. ., , , .brothersbrothers, Charles Hiller and Jo-Jo-!KEYPORT — Miss Elsie Ban Saturday morning. ! Hee was a membem r of St. Rose „, . at 1:30 p.m. in Ihe Bedle Funeral i Harry J. Wilkins 47 of v Lake s h Hj|| fcoth chest Pa nister, 74, of 39 Kearney St., part in maintaining the strengti.j Hudson Ave Included Police Chief James Herringiof LimI ftYl^al CatholiI Gfh/\ll^c ChurchI nni>nli. ' . and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Home. Keyport, with Rev. Nor-1 Blvd., died suddenly Saturday of the nation. died in her home Friday. man R. Riley, pastor of St. Johns j "Jim Mitchell is a man of hieh1 In the over-a" P'cture of ex-JSa'd the patr0' car' drlvcn by C3'{es hlS mOther' he 1S sur'i Vincent and Mrs. Myrtle Hall, night at the Driftwood Motel, She was born in Newark, Methodist Church, Hazlet, offici- iBJj,Tf^nT«1!t»n^n»»hii.l I tending White St. there also is Patrolman Edward Holden, was vived by his wife, Mrs. Ann V.' , of ch , Absecon. Integrity and.outstanding ability.| B ..^ , headed mirth un Hop,. Rd. when Spano; three sons, Richard, Roc- s" v es w'Tl be held Thursday daughter of the late Stacey B. ating. Burial will be in Green He is a proven administrator plami(; |lnprovenlei) l0 r i(; Mr. Wilkins. born in Cliffwood, and Jennie Ryder Bannister, and Grove Cemetery, Keyport. Hudson Ave.," Francis J. Bolduc, jit was hit by a car driven byjco and Charles Spano, all at at 2 p m jn ^e Old Cadet Chan- and was employed as an engi- with broad experience n govern- had lived here more than 30 executive vice president of the; Florence McGee, 390 Pine Brook'home; two brothers, Nicholas neer. ment. He will, I am confident, »l. West Point. Burial will be inyears. Until her rec?nt retire ANDREW J. FOWLER make a vigorous and outstand- chamber, said yesterday. jRd., Eatontown, coming out ofiSpano of Cartcret and Josephfh'e Post Cemetery at West Point NEW CASTLE, Del. - Andrew Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Co r re idor Rd lief ment Miss Bannister had been ing governor who will strengthen Among those attending Friday's! . . » . u 9! HernnB|Spano of Isclin and two sisters,jun(|cr thc direction of Hoaan-S employed by Prudential Lii'e In- J. Fowler, 40, of 10008 133d Dorothy Fritzinger Wilkins; a said dauf h er Mrs Immeasurably the cause of good session were Mr. Bolduc, Mayorj Patrolman Holden was using Mrs. Rose Kowalsky.oy f Harrisonn: p,,nnera| HomC| Highland Falls, surance Co., Newark. Ave.. Ozone Park, N. Y., died ? ' ' ' Theodore N. LeLeff - the car's siren. M tawan: ion government in our state. , Gray, Edward RConway, cham- n d Maly Marchese of There are no immediate sur- here Thursday. ^ZJ ? » " She was issued a summons forParsippanyi . ..,-*?™-.. N.Y. V^ZJJ w lns Jr? » - ""ry "Jim Mitchell is i sure win- her President; Robert de la Reus-L ?, ! vivors. He was born in Rockawav, - i« .. - "_' Morgan;a sis- sil ailln ter, Mrs. Vioia Sweeney, and a ner. We could I think find no 'e, chairman of the chamber'si' R to yield the right of way; A requiem mass will be of- JOSF.PH BYRNES The funeral was this morning Beach, L. I., son of the late An- brother, William Wilkins, both of »ne with a broader or more justl-ParWns and traffic committee,.! returnable Jan. 23 before; fcrod Wcdnesdav at 3 a.m. by PORT MONMOUTH — Joseph in the Adams Memorial Home, drew and Julia Dcvaney Fowler, Ma stratP New York City fied appeal to all the neocle of and Councilmen Peter W. Falvo,! B' Marvin E. Schaefer.Rev. Paul S. Hammond, curate Byrnes, 49. ot' 9 Willow St.. died Red Bank. Rev. W. Gordon and was a retired master ser- One Car Left nf St. Rose of Lima Church. Bur- •IIU was « ICMICU iiiaaicr scf- -p. ,, _; New Jersey, regardless of! John Warren, Jr., and Thomas F. Saturday in East Orange Veter- Lowden, pastor of the Red Bank n The police car, a 10,59 model ial will bp in St. Rose of Lima 1 Bed e P neral party." Oakley. ans Hospital. Methodist Church, officiated. anseantd th. He Koreae servend War in Worl. d War Hi...iawan?*, is !in charg" e """">•of arrange M»«-- Mr^Bolduc said "nobody turnedj^hj'^.jraveled 71.(100 miles.jCemetery under the direction of 1 ments. Mitchell, of Little Silver, N.J.,1 --•• ., — , , , . , .. . i.. ^ Mr. Byrnes was born in Jer-Burial was in Fairmount Ceme- Surviving is a brother, Army dow was duel 0 be tra will leave his cabinet job J an, | it n cold, but nobody was ex- j *() in for n'the Freeman Funeral Home. sey City, sor of the late James tery, Newark. Capt. Walter H. Folwer of Nep- !0, the day President-elect Ken- 'remely receptive" to the cham- new "r sometime this year.j JOHN SENUSII ^nrt Manarct Finn Byrnes. tune. N. J. Chief Herring said. The ! MARLBORO TOWNSHIP - An nedy asumes office. jber's plans. A resident here II years, he JOHN M. SWIRBITOWICZ Weather The funeral will be tomorrow 80-year-nld township man was was put out of service, leaving! was employed as a maintenance HAZLET — John M. Swirbito- ! New Jersey — Cloudy today at 8 a. m. in the Damiann Fu- Tound dead in a sitting txisil'on 'the borough with one patrol car, wicz, 77, of 14 Franciscan Way, VISIT RESEARCH CENTER I with snow ending over the • - -,, at thc Public. Library, neral Home, Long Branch, N. a woods near his Hast School 1980 model. prse ulv died Saturday in Monmouth Med- RUMSON - Forty-three j , . treme north portion this morn- ' y - Burial will be in Beverly, N. J.Rd. home here Saturday. hlS I: ,. ui.,1. :...!.- i«- •-- • He« mawast a I veteran of Worid War ical Center. dents of the eleventh grtde chem- j the .10s in most National Cemetery. According to Dr. Herbert 1 was to an accident on Newman Mr. Swirbitowicz was born in Istry class at Rumson-Fair Haven Knapp, assistant county physi- Poland, He was a member of STRAN1ERO INFANT Regional High School, under thej can, John Senush was found by Holy Family Catholic Church, KEANSBURG — Diane Stra- direction of faculty advisers, a neighbor, Mrs. Theresa Sakelis, j Union Beach. He was the husniero- , two-day-nld infant daugh- Rita Walter and Mr. Francis ( Dr. Knapp said that death w,*",ff. language department at Long dents said they believe a hardjvehicle and Mrs. Dominczak was natural sciences at New York ^at'iolic Church. Now Mnnmonth. Kolv Family Church bv Rev. Jo- Private funeral services were r 'la-lnntifl Htm mm" nvrr its; Branch High School, recently at- con.' of I!) or 20 segregationist qivrn a ticket -for careless University March 11. by Rev. Robert T. Bulinan, pas- seph G. Fox, pastor. Burinl wi|' held this morning in the Scott 'Mi'iry '."I'ILS vnii rvi>r tir;ir nff, tended the annual meeting of thestudents sparkod the disorder. A driving. Both are returnable They a're Hugh Wilson, Nor- tor. Burial wil! be in St. Joseph's he in Pequest Cemetery, Great Funeral Home, Belford Burial you rtlcl Ui-o yciirn npd. American Association of Teach- dozen identified with the notions Feb. 8 before Red Rank Anmi ('. Mnrn'ir man Eckstein, Robert Morris, Cemetery, Koypori, itiidnr direc- Meadows, hy the Day Funeral was in Fair View Cemetery, Mid- Killlli Mnyi'i- )rs of Trench in Philadelphia. action have been suspended. Magistrate John V, Cruwcll. Charles Gibus and Jean Way. tion of thc Ryan Funeral Home. Home, Keyport, dletown. ' l.cnln WrMfhtlnrf l.r.ncr ilornfr, Jr. Teenagetv Hear RED MNK HECUTtX Of 20.29-Year.OM Driven RUMSON - More than 100 for Safety; and Patrolman John student representatives and facul- Shea, Rumson Police Department ty advisers from 12 area high and chairman of the juvenile di- schools attended the second Mon- vision of the force. mouth County Teen-Age Safety Group reports were submitted Conference last week at Rumson- by student chairmen, Ronald Po- Fair Haven Regional High dell, Red Bank High School; School. Davis Lincoln, Rumson-Fair The students heard keynote Haven Regional High School; speaker William J. Ford give a Ann Flaherty, Asbury Park High strong indictment of drivers in School, and Eugenia McAuiiffe, the , 20-29-year-old' age group Red Bank Catholic High School. through the use of statistics. Dr. Nathaniel O. Schneider, di- Mr. Ford, state supervisor of rector of the school and college public safety education, declared, division, New Jersey State Safe- "Teenagers can do much toward ty Council, told the students that lifting restrictions on young driv- the great majority of today's ers by practicing safety behind teenagers are far more respon- the wheel." He said that 46 per sive toward driver safety educa- cent of all accidents in New Jer- tion than teenagers were a dec- sey last year involved people in ade ago. the 20-29 year old group. Edward V. Trenski, Middletown Elmer J. Noll, Chairman of the Township High School faculty Monmouth County Traffic Safety advisor, was the permanent Committee, told the delegates chairman of the conferences; "A pleasure car cm become a Mrs. Ethel Robinson, Rumson- colfin on wheels." Fair Haven Regional High School FIRE COMPANY OFFICERS — Norrhiide Engina Company of New Shrewsbury in- PRESENTATIONS — Red Bank Councilman John Warren, Jr., presents ax-captain'i Five discussion groupa talked was the hostess in charge of ar- stalled iti new officart at a dinnar Saturday in tha Airport Inn. Robert Vog'el, second over, "Licensing Improvement;" rangements, and Kenneth May, badge to Harry Soden, left, and 20-y«ar pin to Bordan Weleott at annual dinner of "Drinking and Driving," "Pub- Red. Bank High School, was the from laft, outgoing chitf, here extends congratulation! to his successor, Russell Pan- Red Bank's Union Hoie Company in Willowbrook Inn, Fair Haven, Saturday night. lic Relations for Teenage' Driv- student chairman. Schools which dall. Walter Huhn, left, is outgoing president, and Julius Lanvi, right, naw praiidant Looking on, right, is Saverio Melina, president of the company. ers," "Insurance," and "Action were represented were Asbury of tha company. Programs in the Schools." The Park, Keyport, Long Branch, guest consultants were Charles Manasquan, Middletown Town- Scout Building Donath, insurance consultant; ship, Neptune, Red Bank, Red Form PTA PTA Forum Budd Krayer and Max Winget, Bank. Catholic, Rumson-Fair Cox Heads Group Elects state Division of Motor Vehicles; Haven Regional, St. Rose, Star Mitchell Praised Set Tonight C. Stewart Mead, educational of the Sea Academy and Wall For Keyport BELFORD - The Belford consultant from the Foundation Township. Fire Police Meyner Cites His Appeal to Voters Scouting Building Association EATONTOWN — An open fo- High School held its yearly election in the rum with a selected panel is set NEWARK (AP) - Gov. Robert :o put new restrictions on the for tonight's meeting of the Me- Of County B. Meyner says Labor Secretary Port of New York Authority Scout Building and the following COLTS NECK - Thomas H. KEYPORT — Mrs. Jack Gold were elected: morial School Parent-Teacher As- Demo Units Arithmetic James P. Mitchell is "a very should hava-high priority. Minor- berg, Hazlet, was elected and in Cox, Neptune, has been ejected Frank Miller, president; Wil- sociation st 8 o'clock in the fine and able public servant" who ity Leader Joseph W. Cowgill, D- •tilled as president of the Key- school. president of the Monmouth Coun- would have strong vote-getting Camden, called' for "an end to port High School Parent-Teacher liam Sefcik, vice president; Rich- Merge In To Be PTA ty Fire Police Association. ard Smithson, second vice presi- Questions will be answered re- appeal as a candidate for gover- bickering" between the two par- Association at its organization garding school activities. Typical Other officers named at the an- nor of New Jersey this year. es. meeting in the high school. dent, Mrs. William Sefcik. re- nual election in the Atlantic cording secretary, and Mrs. Mil questions will be: What price half At. Highlands Study Topic The Democratic governor sized In response to questions, Mey- Four vice presidents were elect- sessions? Do the children have Township Fire Co. headquarters up the Republican Cabinet mem- ner said that as far as he knew ed to represent the areas sending dred Kaiser, corresponding secre- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS -The SHREWSBURY - "Arithmetic here were: Edward T. Porter, tary. enough essay and compositions? ber yesterday on Meyner's week- President-elect John F. Kennedy students to the school. They are: Why isn't penmanship stressed Atlantic Highlands Democratic in Our School" will be the sub- vice president; Carl J. Blurick, ly radio-television program, "Re- consulted no local democratic Mrs. James Piazza, Keyport; A committee was formed to Men's Club and Women's Club ject for discussion at Thursday secretary: George H. Hallinan, conduct a food and cake sale Fri- more? What do teachers think o port to the People. leaders in making top-level ap- Mrs. Kathleen Beceiro, Holmdel;.. PTA? Do you agree with group- have decided to merge into one night's Parent-Teacher Associa financial secretary, and J. Gro- The program was taped before poinments' in his new adminis- Mrs Edward Barth, Raritan day, Jan. 27, at the Keyport Auc- organization. 'Jo:: meeting in the Fern Ross vcr Carter, treasurer. tion. Mrs. Frank Miller, chair- ing and what is the effect on so- Mitchell announced his candidacy tration. Township,' and Mrs. Norman cial development? Should there The new group will be called Auditorium. Mrs. Julia Wash- Raymond McGirr was elected for the Republican nomination 'I think this has applied Cook, Union Beach. man, is assisted by Mrs. Richard the Atlantic Highlands Democrat- burne, Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, and trustee for three years, Smithson, Mrs. Robert Ring, Mrs. be more dicipline in the class- Saturday. thoughout the country," Meyner Also elected were Mrs. Mary ic Club. Curtis Bradley will be in charge Brown and Mrs. Sefcik. room? Meyner said that starting last said. Bellay, recording secretary; Mrs. At Wednesday night's meeting Mayor Robert S. McTague of the program. termed the merger, "a move to- week he was keeping all an- Katherine Crossley, correspond- of the executive board at the Mrs. Melvin Zeisel, president, nounced candidates for governor ing secretary; Mrs. William Rich- home of Mrs. George Sauerwein ward greater party solidarity." expressed the hope at Thursday The new organization has off this program to avoid the 3 Children mond, treasurer, and Mrs. Har- Five Invested 350 Pine St., it was announced night's executive board meeting equal time problem. This will old Bottger, publicity chairman. that the study group will meet named Jerome Greenburg, act- that "fathers as well as mothers ing president, pending election of most affect the Sen. Majority Mrs. Harry Fornarotto, presi- tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the will attend what promises to be Leader, Sen. Walter H. Jones, Die When dent of the Monmouth County By Brownies school library. Mr Chartier, the a full slate of officers on Jin. a most interesting program." 20. chief rival in the April 18 pri- PTA Council, and Mrs. Goldberg guidance director, will lead a dis- The week's PTA activities also mary contest. presided at the meeting, held to NEW SHREWSBURY - Five cussion on the subject "Educa- A constitution and by-laws include a magic show by Edward Ice Breaks girls were invested into two Assembly Minority Leader Ray- organize the PTA. Mrs. Frank tional Psychology for the Pre- committee headed by Ronald L. Patterson on Friday at 3:15 p. m. NEWARK (AP) - Three chil- Brownie troops over the holidays. Horan, has been named to mond E. Bowkley, R-Hunterdon, Hayden and Mrs. A. Edwin Adolescent." All PTA members in the school. described the state tax system dren died over the week-end Burge, officers of Monmouth Judy Slubowsky was invpsted are invited. draft a constitution for the new The annual card party will be when they fell through the iee into Troop 227. Christine Kirk, group. and reapportionment of the As- County Council, assisted as advis Those present at the board held Friday, Feb. 10, in the Pres- sembly as the two most import, while playing near the Delaware- ers. Roberta Robison, Joan Steeger meeting were Miss Patricia Roh- The membership will vote on byterian Church house. Raritan Canal. , and Dana Ovestrud were invested the new constitution on Jan. 20 ant problems facing the 1961 Leg- By-laws were prepared, dis rey, president; Mrs. Culbert Me- Reports were heard from the islature. A fourth person was killed in a cussed and approved. Mrs. For- into Troop 248. The ceremony A five-man nominating commit- membership committee, which Gay, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Heinlein, Assembly Speaker LeRoy J. D hit-and-run traffic accident. narotto assisted in the prepara took place at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Frank Osgood, Mrs. Ray- tee has been selected to recom has completed its drive, and John Thompson, leader of Troop Aloca, D-Essex, disagreed. Heavy fog caused a number of tion and revison of the by-laws. mond Truex, Jr., Mrs. Raymond mend a slate of officers for the from Mrs. Philip Genovese, who multiple car accidents Saturday George D. Search, high school 227. Jan. 20th meeting. reported on the success of the "I wasn't elected to pass on the Clawson, Mrs. Ralph Keevil, Mrs. demise of my constituents," he but no fatalities were reported. principal, expressed confidence Nine members of Troop 227 Sauerwein, and Maj. Frank Members of the committee are recent book fair. Plans for futur The victims: thtt the association would be suc- received thr'ec-ycar pins. They Thomas A. DeGenito, Jr., Mrs parent education study groups said, referring to reapportion- Secan. inent. "Besides, I haven't re- South Bound Brook—Two girls cessful. Teacher and parent par are Gaylp Balaban. Janet Cura- Raymond Keilt, William Osborne were also discussed. and a boy playing on the frozen ticipation was reported excellent. talo, Dottie-Jean Heggie, Debbie Mrs. Jerry R. Rich and Mrs. ceived a single letter favoring this proposal." Essex County Delaware-Raritan Canal drowned Serving on the nominating com- Kapcll. Nancy Knauff, Beth Mor- John J. Byrne. Thomas H. Cox Saturday when the ice cracked mittee were Mrs. Dorothy Wyc- ris, Robin Steckhahn, Judy stands to lose seats under any Kiwanis Club proposed reapportionment bill. and they feel into 10 to 12 feet koff, Everett Sawyer and George Thompson and JoAnn Walwark. Ike's Papers Delegates to the New Jersey of water. A fourth child was res- Sullivan, members of the faculty; Members of Troop 248 received Synagogue Youth State Fire Police Association are D'Aloia said he would give top cued by a policeman. Mrs. James Piazza of Keyport, two-year pins. They are Madelyn Installs Slate Henry White, Ozzie Sickles, Jul priority to bills to relieve the Groups to Install commuter problem and increase Dead were 6-year-old Ann Ma- Mrs. Katherine Crossley, Mrs. Ambrosino, Judith Distel, Diane KEYPORT,— New officers o To Library ius Langi, Milo J. Morton and rie Maurer, Joseph Russo, 8, and Mary Flis of Hazelt, and Mrs. Hencsy, Betty Ann Larkin, Con- Robert Hathaway. Alternates unemployment benefits. the Kiwanis Club were installed LONG BRANCH - Newly WASHINGTON (AP) - The his sister Betty Lou, 6, all South Harold Bottger, Union Beach, tent Peckham, Connie McMullin, are John-Robert Lowing, Anton Senate President Thomas J Tuesday night by Joseph Men- elected officers of the local chap- first shipment of President Fisen- Bound Brook. parents representing the com- Susan Dolan, Michele Tryon and Hodik, William Fulton, Stanley Hillery, R-Morris, said legislation drcs, lieutenant-governor, when ter of the National Conference of hower's papers is on the way to Patrolman Paul Bohay rescued munities sending students to the Prudence Kline. Bigger and Matthew Danza. the group met in Ye Cottage Inn. Synagogue Youth have been in- the still unfinished Eisenhower the fourth child, Bernd Hoffman, high school. The two troops have worked to- Delegates to the Monmouth Milton Gale succeeded Warren stalled at Congregation Brothers Library at Abilene, Kan. 13. Meetings are scheduled for the gether on projects. At Chris'mas of Israel. County Firemen's Association are W. Messerschmidt as president Franklin Floete, retiring ad- Natural Gas A man washing a car near the fourth Thursday of each month Troop 248 made stockings and Rev. Norman R. Riley, pastor of Officer of three groups within Nelson Palmer; Cecil P. Benjam- scene'called police when the ice In the high school cafeteria. The the two troops filled them, the conference are: ministrator of General Services, in and Harvey Waddington. St. John's Methodist Church, is has announced that the contents cracked. first meeting will be Jan. 26. All serving a family of 10. Young Adults: Marilyn Teitel- Delegates to the New Jersey first vice president: Edwin F. of 2,000 file drawers of papers Earnings Up Salem—Samuel King, 49, Man- parents of high school students The joint Christmas party was O'Hanlon, second vice president; baum, president; Ira Rubin, first State Advisory Council are Mr. accumulated at the White House ASBURY PARK - The annua ning Township, was killed Sat- are welcome. held at the home of Mrs. Har- Edward E. Florian, treasurer, vice president; Howard Arthur, Bigger, Mr. McGirr and Mr. Ben urday when he was. struck by a over eight years are being trans- report of the New Jersey Na- rison F. Tryon, leader of Troop and Mr. Messerschmidt, secre- second vice president; Karen jamin. car on Hawkes Bridge Rd. near ported to Abilene in trailers tural Gas Co. for fiscal I960, 248. tary. Mr. Gale, first vice presi Comora, treasurer; Clifford Plans are under way for the here. under guard. showing gains in all phases of GQP Club Appoints dent last year, is an executive in Weiss, recording secretary and 1961 fire police training school operations, ha.s been mailed to Police said King was the vic- Nominating Group the Keyport Hardware Co. Susan Bellman, corresponding There are also books ?nd other for new members of fire police. tim of a hit-and-run accident. He secretary. materials in the first shipment. Announcement will be made by the company's 5,371 stockholders. CLIFFWOOD BEACH — The 1.5-Year Pins D. Downs, Harry Hughson, J was pronounced dead on arrival Youth of the Orthodox Union: Papers currently needed by the letter and through the newspa- The reports shows that earn- at Salem Hospital. Federated Womens' Republican Directors installed were George D. Downs, Harry Hughson, J. Daniel Kolb, president; Robert President will go to his office in pers when time and meeting ings increased from $1.50 to $1.54 Club has appointed Mrs. Harry Are Presented Kravetz, first vice president; Gettysburg, Pa., and will be de place have been decided. a share. Net income went up $.2 Dehler, Mrs. Edward Malcolm Leon Schanck, Jr., and Charles F. Straub, Jr Directors for two Paul Stein, second vice president: posited later in the library. Four new members were ac- per cent to -$1,516,923. CoastaJiers Guard and Mrs. Irene Baker on the UNION BEACH - At a re- cepted at the Jan. 12 meeting. One of the highlights of the cent meeting of the Union Gar- years are James Mauro, So Paula Guttenplan, treasurer, and Floete said it will be some Wins Second Place nominating committee. time before the Eisenhower They are Peder J. Gisleson, comoany's year was passing the dens Chemical Fire Company, Opatasky and Louis S. Rosenthal Kay Lowenthil, secretary. CLIFFWOOD - The Guadal- New members welcomed were Junior Orthodox Youth: Mar- papers will be available for re- Henry. J. Carter, Harry A. Gib- 50,000 mark in heating customers. Mrs. Frank Lucardell, Mrs. Her- pins for 15 years of service were lin and Alfred E. Pound, all of An increase of 15.1 per cent dur- canal Coastaliers color guard presented to James Tracey and BACK FROM CRUISE lene Harris, president; Alan search by scholars. bert Daley, Mrs. Frank Cardelfe ( He noted that the iihrary's Little Silver. ing the year cave the company a competed in the color guard com- George Mancini. BOSTON — Seaman Charles E Sigel, vice president; Cary Rub petition sponsored by West Cath- and Miss Beatrice Cardelfe. man, treasurer; Arline Gold, sec- completion is scheduled for The next meeting of the associ- total of 50,270 heating customers. Mrs. Malcolm was named Mr. Tracey entered the com- Burden, son of Mr. and Mrs. El- ation will be held Thursday, Feb. The report points out there were olic High School, Philadelphia. pany in May 1945. He has held mer Burden of 56 Woodside Dr., retary; and Warren Goode, ser- October. Floete added 'hat even chairman of a stove demonstra- after completion of the library, 9, at 8:30 p.m. at the Colts Neck 6,507 heating customers in 1950, The guard won second place the office of first engineer and is Riverside Heights, and Stewards- geant-at-arms among the 17 units competing. tion. Rabbi Raphael G. Grossman it will take considerable time fire house. and the 10-year gain represents Plans were discussed for a cov- now serving his seventh term as man Herman L. Credle, son of an increase of 672 per cent. Their next appearance will be treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Credle of 14 and Seymour Lapidus, chairman for archival processing of'the nod dish supper to be given in papers. JOINS HOSE COMPANY The number of customers in in a contest in Delaware Feb. 11. Mr. Mancini joined the com- Drummond Ave., Red Bank, re- of the youth activities committee, The color guard is part of the March to honor new officers be- Floete announced the desig- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - creased 5,489 to 134,717, or a gain pany in June 1945. He has served turned to Boston last month were the installing officers. Coastaliers Junior Drum and ing installed. Mrs. Fred Dominck nation of Robert R. Bolton, now George Bergstresser, Memorial of 4.2 per cent and sales increased as president, vice president, fire aboard the guided missile heavy Bugle Corps sponsored by the la in charge. on the staff of the archivist of Pkwy., was accepted into the by 10.9 per cent to 11,035.000.000 commissioner and a fire police- cruiser USS Boston after a four PRODUCTION MARK Veterans of Foreign Wars, Guad- the United States here, to serve Robert B. Mantell Hose Co. of cubic feet. The report states that man for five years. He is an month cruise in the North Atlan- COLTS NECK — Morrisdon alcanal Post of Matawan Town- It pays to advertise in The as acting director of the Abilene the local Fire Department at a sales went up in all categories exempt fireman. tic and Mediterranean. Brandy Teresa, owned by Doug- ship. Register.—Advertisement. las T. Newbold^ Morrisdon Library. meeting in the fire house Mon- bv the following percentages: res- Farms, has completed an official day night. idential 9.09; commercial, 13.46, The library and its grounds DISTRICT COMMODORE production record, according to were presented to the federal Plans were made for a dinner and industrial 15.58. the Holstein-Friesian Association. government as a gift iast year in honor of Chief Paul Muir, to The company exceeded the NEW YORK - Charles E. Lev- Brandy produced 12,317 pounds of when the President of feted to be held Feb. 11. $40,000,000 mark in plant invest- itan, Metedeconk, was installed milk and 537 pounds of butterfat donate his papers and other Martin Mortenson, Leslie An- ment by spending $3,322,667 for as district commodore of the in 365 days on twice daily milk- and other materials to the tonides and Sam Vasto were ap- construction. At the end of the northern area of the Third Coast ng as a three-year-old. government. pointed to serve on the annual fiscal year the plant investment Guard District Auxiliary yester- baseball trip committee. of the company was $41,691,665. day. LOCAL SECURITIES The following bid and asked quotations, from the National Asso- ciation of Securities Dealers, Inc., do not represent actual transac- tions. They are a guide to the range within which these securities could have been sold (indicated by the "bid") or bought (indicated by the "asked") at the time of compilation. BANKS a Div. Bid Asked Allcnhurst Nat'I .50 95 Asbury Pk.-Manasquan Nat'I 1.30 36 Asbury Pk., Ocean Grove 2.50 55 Belmar-Wall Nat'I 2.00 58 Central Jersey Bank .60 Farmers & Merchants 1.00 48 First Nat'I, Bradley Beach 1.25 50 First Nat'I. Freehold (XX) 13 Kcansburg-Middletown 12.00 375 Long Branch Trust 18.00 525 Malawan Bank .30 9 Merchants Trust .70 211,4 2314 Monmouth County Nat'I .12 5 5'/* New Jersey Trust l.OO 42 Peoples Nat'I, Keyport 3.00 70 Sea Bright Nat'I .75 . 48 INDUSTRIAL Brockway Glass Electronics Associates XXX) 28'A Hanson VW-M • . . 4'/2 4% Haydn Industries 1/16 3/16 Laird & Company OW BW Monmouth Park '.45 8'4 3 HONORARY MEMBERS — Alan N. Schoonmakor, left, of 41 Shadowlalce Dr., River N. J. Natural Gas .!)0 28% 2»'4 FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN — Walter Man, confer, president of the Hoel and Toe N. -I. Natural Gas Pfd. UO 21 •n Plaia, proiidont of tho Monmouth Collogo Student Council, and Ernest Dragos, Ave- Trad Electronics .01'/ .02 Sports Car Club, prosonts a check to Dr. Frod T. Newman, chairman of the Crippled nel, contor, sonior class prosidont, rocoivo honorary momborships in tho Monmouth U. S. Homes and Development Corp. OW BW Kiddios Committoo of the Rod Bank Elks. Edmund J. Hanlon, exalted rulor of tha •Plus stock dividend, (xxx) 2 percent stock div. 1958; Many Good Vl A bed cover is mint corduroy. Tht total budget, which now The post voted to purchase nursery features • combination they are in use. an investment since it can be goe* for public adoption at tht four-drawer markers for unmarked graves. Stert CIOMS Saturday. Jan. 21 chest, chifferobe. 'Emily Malino, well-known de- The same bed is used in the used later as a rug in a teen Feb. 7 election, totals Sl,Sp9,6M, The committee will see that the chest, and crib. A handsome—and signer in the juvenile furnishings room setting for the 10-year-old ager's room. an increase of $124,570 over th< markers are placed when re-|| completely different — child's field, showed eight simple set- youngster and is covered with a current spending schedule. ceived. chair has a seat about five inches tings, including a series of rooms, sea-blue fabric. Pale blue green Nine table settings by Janice from the floor and a high curved adaptable to • growing child. and a green striped fabric is at Gerton are inspired by children. The total amount to be raised Joseph Piney, commander, ap-|| and shaped back. Another item the windows. Holed wall board A cheerful breakfast table for by local taxation is $1,181,225. pointed Donald Miller chairman BARNETT'S 5 & 10 An infant's room is in bright The present figure is $1,081,296. of a committee to obtain signers built along the same lines ii a sea-blue, white, deeper blue. between the windows holds a doll the entire family is decorated in FAIR HAVEN SHOTTING CENTER combination table, chair and toy Shades begin halfway down the collection. Chests are white used sunny yellow and bronze-green. Board Auditor Armour S. Hul- of a petition to have the World box. against a green wall. A "dinner at 6, children can sart said the average Increase War II and Korean Veterans' bo- windows; the upper sections are per $100 assessed valuation nus question placed on the ballot. Accessory pieces are in the gay house designs painted on The same chests stained in a mix" company dinner, using natural wood are used in the hyacinth and olive color schemes, among the seven participating bright colors which seem to have cloth. Above the crib hangs a communities would be 34 cents. mobile of colorful discs. Modern, teenage setting. The room is now has both child and adult appeal, been taken over as accents in Mr. Hulsart gave the following estimated increases in the tax rate and the 1M1-62 figures: Community InertMt IM14J Atlantic , 4 .21 ai.14 Ut Mornnotfth CoMfracflM fW* of your «tflc Farmlngdatt - U J.T1 rneholit - .<* J.7T fart* « ottrocHvo oitra room-or rooms. Our Fnehold Towniblp .41 4.H Howtll _ .« 4.M cost it lowtr than you might ifctak—workmo»- Htnaltpan .tr t.24 Marlboro «T 1.51 •hip «*4 mtoriak Hit ftawt. CoH MW o*d All figures are based on $100 tor froo ottimoio. assessed valuation, he said. When the budget was intro- duced at a meeting on Dec. 22, Superintendent Kenneth M. Fris- bie explained main reasons for the increase were teacher salar- ABTyp. ies plus the additional staff mem- Improvtmtnts bers needed to take care of an expected increased student en- • Dormers • Room AddlOni rollment of 200, which would • Roofing-Siding bring the total enrollment to 2,- • Porch Enclosures 200 students next year. • Modem Kitchen • Modern Bathroom • PIumbing-Hestlng* • Masonry Awards Are • Garage—Breexf way VERSATILE NURSERY . . .Paul McCobb's room, designed to CHILD'S WONDERLAND Lambskin wall covering, Alice grow up with the child, has low chair and tables with high ta Wonderland decorations and simply designed table and chain Presented NO DOWN are combined In Larry Peabody'a nursery. curved Mela, decorative toy basket UNION BEACH — Cub Scout PAYMENT Pack 56 met recently in Ameri- It adds up! More and more Funeral Sedan can Legion Hall and welcomed First Poymtnt April r >eople use The Register ads each Garden Club two new Bobcats. To 20 Yton To Pay FLUHRTS^KIDS ssue because results come fas- They are George Trampler, Jr. er.—Advertisement. Thieves Nabbed and Donald Wotton. NEW YORK (AP) — Three Sets Plans The attendance flag was pre- NEVES WITH DOFALSE TEETH men were taken Into custody at sented to Den 9, Mrs. Mary Stiles SAVE DURING OUR JANUARY SALE ou$ FUR. OIL SHIVER, the Weehawken, N. I., end of For Year leader, and den 5, Mrs. Richard IT iff SUCH Reek, Slide or Slip? the Lincoln Tunnel Thursday Reznak. FASTEETH, an Improved powder charged with stealing a 1961 UNION BEACH - The Roo Den 5 received the Honor flag. A COMPORT GIVER to be •prlnkled on upper or lower and Branch Garden Club held its pl»te», bold* f«l» ttetb more firmly four-door, seven-passenger Cad- Awards went to Donald Keefe, MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. n place. Do not slide, slip or rotk. illac, part of a funeral cortege first meeting of the year last Richard Reznak, Mark Riccardi, *- gummy, gooey, pssty taste or on the lower East Side. week in the Harris Gardens fire Dennis Kline, Thomas BreiningJI HIGHWAY 3J AT HEADDONS CORNER MlDDLETOWN . .jling.FASTEETH Is alkaline (non- House. icld). Does not sour. ChecksJjjUte Police said the rented sedan Glendus Bender and William II SHADYSIDE 1-5060 odor breath". Get FASTEETH at Program co-chairmen, Mrs, Thornton. PROSPECT 51333 Irug counters everywhere. was stolen from in front of 1 St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, Richard Spencer and Mrs. Wal Co' Eifh. | Mott and Prince St., during a ter Martin, presented a program It pays to advertise in The requiem mass. for the year to include speakers Register.—Advertisement. SELF SERVICE The theft was discovered at five of the regular meetings. just before the close of the Mrs. Leo Lammen, arrange- WASH mass when the funeral chauf- ments chairman, announced th Don't shiver and shale*. feurs prepared to drive the choice of arrangements for each mourners to St. John's Ceme- month throughout the year, Keep warm . . . with our tery, Queens. Plans also were outlined by regular delivery service. 15' Police reported that as the Mrs. Haroid Simmons, chairman Pick up that phone • and sedan approached the Manhat- of horticulture, and Mrs. Ten • SOFT WATER Eyck Ronson, chariman of social call today. • 18 NORGE MACHINES tan end of the tunnel a Port Authority patrolman, suspicious entertainment. A flower show in DRY. 10c of the three men In the ve- September and bus trips in May hicle, tried to stop the car. and August are among the events. W. A. FLUHR, INC, Port Authority police said the Mrs. William Howell, ways and LAUNDERAMA sedan swept past the patrol- means chairman, has planned FUEL OIL 114 MONMOUTH ST. man and sped west through the white elephant sale for the Feb- IURNIR SALES • SIRVICE Across from Railroad Station tunnel toward New Jersey. ruary meeting. She said there RED RANK A description of the car and would be plant sales at monthly meetings. Phone SH 1-6100 • OPEN 24 HOURS occupants was sent to the Wee- hawken end of the runnel, and The newly-formed lending li- White Road and the Railroad • PARKING AT THE police there stopped the car brary, which will consist of gar- LITTLE SILVER CORNER and took the occupants Into den books and magazines belong- custody. ing to members, will be in charge of Mrs. Harold Bottger. Mrs. Bernard Dress, Mrs. Mar- tin, Mrs. Norman Nielsen, Mrs, Spencer and Miss Edith Rich ards were selected to form the "Dottie Bahrenburg Committee." The committee is to see that Mrs, Elmer Bahrenburg, Hazier, medical patient in Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch, will be constantly remembered by the club. The arrangement theme, "Sa lute to New President," was HAVE YOU CALLED judged by Earl Benton and Mrs & Richards. First place winner •'•! was Mrs. Martin, and second place, Mrs. Thurlow Harris. Harold J. Russeil, Hazlet, guest, was introduced to the group. Refreshments were served by SH 1-1110 Mrs. John Calandra, Mrs. Wi fred Gosford, Mrs. William ... then jot it down for future reference! Thompson and Mrs. William Wit taker. It's the new night service number of THE REGISTER CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT! NOW...FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Keyport Miss Patricia Eccteston and Frances Luccauilli were gradu- ated yesterday from the Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Cul- ture, Newark. The graduation was held in ,the grand ballroom 24 HOUR of the Essex House, Newark. Mrs. John Foster, Beers St., Is a surgical patient in Riverview When CLASSIFIED SERVICE Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harris, Second St., will leave next week Selling . . . Buying ... Renting ... Use to make their home in Venice, .cant The Register Classified for fast results. Fla. Mrs. Van Walker, Belford, . leave Dial our new night number between former resident here, entertained 5:30 P. M. and 8:00 A. M. daily . . . at bridge Tuesday. Attending home.., / were Miss Jane Walker, Mrs All day Saturday and Sunday! William Hitchcock, Mrs. Murray Todd, Mrs. Daniel Sherman, Mrs Daniel Barnett, Mrs. James Ac DURING BUSINESS HOURS DIAL SH I -0010 kcrson and Mrs. Russell Scobey, it's so easy to shop by phone! AND ASK FOR CLASSIFIED Mr. William Ormerod, Washing ton St. is on a business trip to RED BANK Columbus, Ohio. When a bad cold... bad weather... any of 101 things... keeps you from Warren Younfi, 24 West First St., has been cited by Hercules getting out—just turn to your phone. It gets the job done. REGISTER CLASSIFIED Powder Co., Parlin, for comple- tion of 20 years of service. "The Marketplace of Modern Families" And the handy Yellow Pages make it easy — to find any store, any item, any Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso ladcrnsa, brand you want. Quite a shopping combination! Typical, though, of Beers St., are on a trip to Cali- fornia. today's phone service—high in value, low in cost. „ ^ rJWr m American smoke .(8!) billion NEW JERSEY BELL fl cigarettes a year. The total is ^I^kJ cctL'd to lie 515 billion by J!)C5. ^^L^j ^aBMI ftsssst Saaaaa aT By PTA Board Moving Day Dr, W f, m # H0LMML - Hit ttwtftm MIDDUBTOWN — Tfc* Apple- board of tht Township Parent Vim will be ajttrfctitoej «/> every brook Agency has announced the to bulM • ranch home. dated with Clark Coatrotltr Co- family in the township to explain WASHINGTON (AP) - Any remodeled the house in 1954 to a Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Stan- Mr, and Mrs. J. Bruce Gordon, Teacher Association met last American citizen who hat plod- 14-room air-conditioned home and following sales of homes and lots week in the Elementary School, the plan. in the Oak Hill Development, ley, Middletown, have purchased Sudbury, Mass., a split-level on The next general meeting will ded through the topsy-turvy tur- now have about 500 acres of land lot and plan to build a split- Pelican Rd. Mr. Gordon is an Hazlet. moil of moving knows what'! around it. Middletown-Lincroft Rd. be tomorrow. Speaker will be Dr. level home. Mr. Stanley is an executive with Herbert F. Cluthe Mrs. Russell Lagattuta, recrea- William Ellis, who will discuss been going ou at the White House. HUM Storage Space Mr. and Mrs. Holland N. Breed Caldwell, ranch home on Heron electronics engineer with United and Co., Newark. tion chairman, reported 60 teen' health and education. Third Trucks have been coming and The Eisenhowers made a spe- Electronics. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Mul-agers attended a canteen dance going for more than a week car- Rd. Mr. Breed is associated with grade mothers will be hostesses. cial trip up there Jan. 4 to look Mr. and Mm. Robert E. Mc- cahy, Parlin, have purchased a last month. Members of the can-School board members have been rying away boxes, crates, more over the storage space. the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company. Donnell, Red Bank, a ranch home lot in Oak Hill and plan to build teen collected a food basket at invited to speak. boxes, more cratei. Fortunately, Mrs. Eisenhower Christmas time and it was given Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simyd, on Kingfisher Dr. Mr. McDonnell a contemporary ranch. Mr. Mul- The next executive board mee It'i been a gradual process. doesn't have to worry about a sales and portfolio analyst cahy is the proprietor of Sunrise to 'a needy family. ing will be Feb. 8 in the. El But by this afternoon, the per packing pots and pans at the Livingston, also a ranch house on Heron Rd. Mr. Szmyd is an engi with McDonnell and Company, Dairy in Hillside. PTA volunteers have assisted mentary School. toml belongings, except for White House, diihes or a lot of New York City. 12 hours with the dental program clothes, of President and Mrs. neer with Western Eelectric. furniture. Mrs. Wallace Taylor, chairman One out of four psychologisi Eisenhower were expected to be The government furnishes the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Wa- Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Har- rison, Jr., Red Bank, a split Stagecoach of a special committee to publi- in the United States are womei gone from their home of the past White House completely, even to ters, Madison have purchased a no.l specialist eight years. lot on which they plan to build level home on Pelican Rd. Mr. HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Televi- linens. But the Eisenhowers had Harrison is an executive with When the Eisenhowers leave their own personal treasures and a l'/i story Colonial home. Mr. sion star Clint Walker will drive Waters is with Bell Laboratories Community Associates of New a stagecoach at the head of the their front door just before noon, trinkets in the second and third York City. in storage! they leave to return no more as in Murray Hill, and is to be Nevada delegation in the inau- floor living quarters. gural parade at Washington, residents. John F. Kennedy and What to bring to those personal transferred to the Holmdel Divi- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Palm of sion. Friday. NOTICE! hia wife move into the White living quarters now Is the prob- Matawan, a ranch home on Peli- House that afternoon. lem of young Mrs. Jacqueline Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam G. Reieh- can Rd. Mr. Palm is personnel Walker, who plays in the MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Moving is difficult for any Kennedy. ert, Jr., Cedar Grave, will build director of International Smelting "Cheyenne" series, once was a American. She has • date with the moving a two-story Colonial on Quail Ct. and Refining Co., Perth Amboy. deputy sheriff in Us Vegas. Sen. Mr. Relchert is associated with For an American President, it men at the Kennedy home in the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brennan, Allan Bible, D-Nev. invited him the N. J. Bell Telephone Co BUS SERVICE Is a gigantic task, almost like Georgetown'toction of Washing- Middletown, a ranch home on to ride in the parade. moving history. ton the first thing Monday after Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Cum- Lt. Col. John Eisenhower has the inaugural week-end. ing Middletown, also plan to build been supervising the exodus for Mm. Kennedy has to decide a two-story Colonial on Kingfish- UNCROFT to N. Y. C. his parents. The General Serv- what furnishings and belongings er Dr. Mr. Cunting is asociated with the Atlantic Mutual Insur- ROM LfNCROFT: Leave fnm Swimming River Road ices Administration is doing the go to the White House, what goes •ad Newman Springs Road at ... moving. into storage and what goes to the ance Co., New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Abrams, •:M A. M. and7:M A. M. There are papers to be sorted country home they have leased at Sea Cliff, L. I. will shortly oc- Exp. via Parkway ANDERSON BROS, me and boxed-this for the Eisen- Middleburg, Va. cupy their two-story Colonial on Mate Offiet • vYsvtfcwsM hower Museum at Abilene, Kan., For now, the White House is Kingfisher Dr. Mr. Abrams ROM N.Y.C.: Leave from Greyhound Terminal at this for the new office to be open- getting that look that comes when 1 Thirty-fourth Street Sl-53 MedMik St. Red lout owner of the Eskin Corp., East ed at Gettysburg, Pa., that for people are moving away. 1:8 P. M. and 9:45 P. M. Brunswick. the national records. Like any other home in the Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Peck- TEL. SH 1-0030 wjm Gifts land, there've been boxes in the Nr Nrtfctr MMMttM-. SH 1-0215 worth, Metuchen, have purchased There are gifts—things like a corridors, thr bookcases in the •rawa* OMIM *»* WarattaitM a ranch house on Stork Ct., and CO 4-2222 golf bag shaped like the Wash offices are empty, and there are T*L •>••*»*«< IM4I will occupy it in early Spring. VSS BMNLIV AVCNUE ington monument, a silver punch dusty outlines on the walls where •UY M TRIP BOOKS AND SAVE! Mr. Peckworth is a field repre- MMM.KV at ACM bowl from Burma, a stone Budd- somebody's favorite pictures sentative for Martin-Dale-Hub- ha from Cambodia, oriental rugs, hung. costs li •*, 1 •• C. S. Bfkwan bell, Inc., Summit. Asbury hit and New York Transit Corp. a 100-year-old cowbell. M.MNY 91* •sv I m Eisenhower has said there "are Mr. an Mrs. James A. Car- ROMOKE Ut UNDER ROLLO MANAGEMENT 18,000 gifts he has received in Mule Barn roll, North Arlington, have pur- 1 mm. union Hit Iran AiDury *wk LAKI AVL ASIURY PARK, N. J. eight years of being President chased a ranch house on Mallard which are being sent to the AM MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — The lene museum. They're going by last mule barn In Memphis—once truck. Some items already have the world's biggest mule market gone there and others have been —is being converted to the cattle sent to the Smithsonian Institu- trade. tion. Zimbo, the baby elephant, Wade H. Tribble, who heads was quickly sent to the National the barn firm, said the demand Zoo after its arrival some time for mules had dwindled to the •go. vanishing point. Farmers nowa- Some gifts were personal ones days prefer tractors. meant just for the Gettysburg Things used to be different, and country home awaiting the Ei- not so long ago, either. As late as senhowers. These include cattle, 1943, the Memphis market was horses, a flagpole, • fancy $1,- handling 10,000 mules a month. 000 tractor-cultivator and even a But yesterday there were only putting green. six mules at the big barn and The Eisenhowers bought their half of them were "eanners"— farm In 1950, the first home this destined tor a dogfood plant in Army couple ever owned. They Illinois.

runi.ic NOTICE Nolle. Is hereby tlven to the leial voters or th. School District of th.ll Borough of Ked Hank In the County of Monmouth and th. Stat. of New I MONEY DOWN FREE DELIVERY /NO EXTRAS Jersey, that a Public Meetlni will be held at the R*d Bank Hl|h School. I HaMlni! Road, from "^o'clock until » o'clock P.M. on th. avenlnc el January 14 1961 for the purpole of conductim a Public Hearlnf on th. lollowlns buditet for the school year 1WI4>. A copy of the proposed bud|et will b. on til. and open to th. public betw.en th. hours of 9 A.M. and 1 P.M. Monday throurh Friday from January It to January :i, ISM ml Ilia Sceretary'i oinc.ll MONTHS TO PAY FREE SERVICE ^LAY-AWAY PLAN Administration Bulldlns. 8S Branch ."

SCHOOL "lS«l«l B«r< •« MMSUM •! **4 Baati, Coaur tt MaamMlk General Electric 198M9 1N041 \U\-t1 (Actual) (Estimated) (Estlmalsil) APARTMINT SIZE ENROLLMENTS Seethe Itesld.nt Av. Daily Enroll. 1,001.J 1.870 1,120 ADD: ADE—Tuition Pupils Rec'd mo.l 1.00J «71 DISHWASHER Total Averas. Dally Enroll. . 1,731.3 2.173 1,811 SOURCES OP KEVEM7E REFRIGERATOR iM»ao ittMi isti-ta CURRENT EXPENSE (Actual) (Anticipated) (Antlclpattd) Appropriation Baianc. , 138,15(1.42 $ S Local Tax L«vy .. 715,590.90 93O,?:»0O tI3.4N.78 State Aid ~~ _...—..-._ 100.6SO.00 iat.373.OO "107,118.00 Federal Aid 27.200.01 3.7O0.0O 7.S5O.O0 Tuition „ .. _-_—.. 501.152.5'J SS7.45J.OO S1S.32S.O0 Miscellaneous Rerenu. . 1,428.52 9,000.00 •"4.6J0.O0 (A) TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE ..|l.491.a)i. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY S 1M.390.H I 58,130.00 S g.HOOO h jumune Musmsi DEBT SERVICE ALL-NEW 1961 Appropriation Balance . •! (13.746.81) S 3.0*1.11 {••••S.Sll.U TELEVISION Balance Appropriated Local Tax Levy 4W.782.9S 37.1I7.M 17,110.47 TELEVISION State Aid —-... 31,415.00 21,894.02189400 JO.7M.0JO7M00 ADMIRAL 23" 21" Wood Console TOTAL DEBT •ERVICX TABLE MODEL TOTAL REVENUE- 124b. ALL ACCOUNTS • Reflect! Actual Appropriation Balance July 1. IBM •• Includei 3.800.00 Anticipated Under Law A125 lOO 00 ••• National Defenie Education Act Fund! Included •••• surplus of 6-3O-60 In Improvement Authorization FILTER-FLU ArrnorRUTioNs CURRENT EXPENSE ADMINISTRATION 1M9-«O 196011 1M1-U Eipendllurei Appropriation! Appropriation) UdwOn WOtAl IUCTMC Salarlea „..—....._..•...—„.-. S 3K.S82.SJ s4,W4.0O 43,012.00 Contracted Servlcea l.IiO.OO 3.K0.00 S.SM.00 AH Other Eipcnst: 5.3:9.57 5.S70.0O 5.SS0.M INSTRUCTION Salaries .... _ ~— J 984.359.32 11,080,811.00 Teitbooks - - 1MH.01 30,000.00 IS.TIT.OO IJbrarlei * Audio Vlaual Mat 7,875.41 10,650.00 11,911.75 Teaching Supplies 58.8M.19 32.500.00 11.140.00 PORTABLE WISHES HaAWT All Other Expense! . . 5,810.(8 7,700.00 12.204.00 ATTENDANCE AND AM-FM HEALTH SERVICES 12-*. LOAD- Salaries—Attendance _—$ 1,001.00 I 4,100.00 1100.00 mg^^ t^Mm llaul All Other Expenses—Attendance 32.48 300.00 300.00 8alarlei-Health 11,321.75 35,100,00 11,200.00 MBI1 M mOff All Other Expense—Health -.. 3,800.00 1.750.00 STEREO TRANSPORTATION 1,986.8» TABLE RADIO •alarlei _ _ _i 1 f 1,130.00 f l.JJO.OO Contracted Services and 2.173.00 Public Carrier! ._ 10,300.00 t.TH.00 Replacement Dlst. Owned Buses T.t43.SO 1,600.00 Insurance Pupil Transportation . 2A.00 170.00 All Other Expense!—Oper. 4t Main. .. 5 JO. SI 400.00 95 95 400.00 OPERATION Salaries -I 64,701.7* | 72,662.00 77.3SO.00 Heat ...„.._. —....-. -...... ».._..•...... - 14.4SI.ea. 20,000.00 10.000.00 VtlHtlej ! - - - 19,833.41 15,700.00 Supplies - - - - 4.402.82 6,900,00 :o,nco.oo All Other Expenses „ 1.140 00 S.O0O.O0 MAINTENANCE •00.00 Bnlarlcs f 6.109,So I 5.(00.00 MOO.OOll Contracted Services 43.610.00 22.M0.O0 Replacement (Purchase) of Equipment 11,253.89 9.500.00 9,965.00 I All Other Expense! — - 8.830.17 9,000.00 5,«O0.00l| OpMttst at ftv Water Lmll Rtmom FIXED CHAROES Employee Retirement Contrl, _ | 38.882.20 33.002.00 33,300.00 IM. S#M Soss Sewnl Insurance A Judgment! .. — 20,735.03 1 16,930.00 1 19.790.00 2 TRANSISTOR EXPENDITURES TO OTHER DISTRICTS rulllon 1 1,479.00 B.OOO.M S.000.00 SUNBEAM * SUNDRY ACCOUNTS s FOOD SERVICES RADIO Expenditures to Cover Deficit! -.—..-.I 3,421.75 1 410000 I S.500.M Sftam and Dry Iron STUDENT BODV ACTIVITIES galartci _ ...... _.~«...S 11,061.73 I 16,000.00 1 11,000.00 Other Expcnsa ~ 4,133.8] 5,600.00 8,030.00 Bxpendlturei to Cover Deficits 4,030,08 (,000.00 1,000.00 fwmm W$t9 wm HMUffMt a%ltofflltfC BMICI 95 (Al TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES tiTMt.MI.87 tt,M»,23«.OO H.34I.7M.75 ttmmr. Water Saw (or Small LotdK 95 MODOWHtAYMiHT- Autonstlc C|da SKtctor; CoKJ Wster CAPITAL OUTLAY ajftef .... _ . S I 33,000,00 S 17,500.00 Wild Tradtl No rorsMt TM Man* 1*41'. Wain; lllumlMtod Control.; AN ForMliln Building! - 29,t47.M 2,000.00 VpH3 Yaon le, Ivy NOW mi ~ U± Wissbiitot Tttfc; Mtt-orMttch Equipment .. .« 79,063.63 11,230.00 6,4(0.00 fwf In T0 v9f% wNh H* nNMi (B) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY «• OXCC TomQ NU Y1AR mVKi AT NO tXIRA COST HEBT SERVICE 'flnclpal ..,_,«._ ....,....._...... •.. ...I 40,000.00 I 1 40.000.00 fnterest ... 29,360,00 24,412.90 33,463.00 (C) TOTAL DEBT gERVICB .._,. S «9,360.OO g4.412.9O S S3.4H.VOO TOTALS (ium of A to F Inc.) IIJi3fl.r12J.ll9 ll,«43,m,9fl Sl.eUI.141.78 MONMOUTH CURRENT OPERATING APPROPRIATION BALANCES JUNE 30. I960 A Current Expenses f 13t,(1<3.43 COUNTY'S _i Capital Outlay 8,091.14 C D«bt 8«rvioa ..._. LARGIST TOTAL BALANCBS JUNE JO, 1M0 ....I HS.Jj13.3i TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND SALIS BALANCES JUNE 30. ltW, .Sl.897,043,27 IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS and JULY I, 1SU to JUNE 30, ISM Unexpended Improvement Authorizations July 1,1W& S 308.96I.S9 SERVICI TOTAL REVENUES AND BEalNNINO BAkANCB I J0J.JflS.N3 IMPROVEMENT AUT1IO1UZATION BXPENDITUIIEB Orqanliatlon Hulldlnm I 203,046.31 Tntsl Improvement Authorization KxpemlltllEfs 50 HIGHWAY 35. EATONTOWN 508 MAIN ST.. ASBURY PARK KE 1-0400 Unexpended Improvement Au.norlzatlon June 30, lOfiO OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. LI 2-0400 OWN ? A.M. TO 9 P.M. fR 4-0400 TOTAL RXI'RNDITURICa AND KNDJNO BALANCE }Aii|irn|nlntcJ«,\ 10 J to Debt Hcrvlc» In lMl-Bl T_1 1 CH0KCH0P, • r

—-^^ +^^^m^m ^m ^m*m^^^^ M m . fh hUm Sixths ;$ H. tMk mi Hmtf Oag By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY THOMAS IRVING BROWN, Publisher IKS-lKt The roaring Twenties were not particularly roar- JAMES J. HOGAN, E*tor M. HAROLD KELLY. Gcaeral Maugcr ing. One might say that as a result of Prohibition and W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Productioa Muagcr its concomitants, it was a loose moral period during Member of the AtMcialed PreM which many of the mores and habits of the Nineteenth Ik* ut Fr«u M «nmlfd ticiuiiviiy to Uu uit for rrpublicttlot of HI u» loetl Hn pnntM u mil M all AP mwi dlipitchet. Century were shaken off. One hears these days the Member Audit Bureau ol Circulation phrase, "the fabulous Sixties." Th« Red B>nk Ri«Mtr aaiumci no flnancltl respomlbllltlM for Irpoirtphlcal arrort la aAvirtlM- Thus far, little else in the Sixties atanta bin will reprint without chars*, that P3rt of an advertisement IB which tht trpoirapbical arror oo- aon. Advtrtliira will plain notify tht management Immediately of any trror which may occur. has been fabulous or in fact very dif- Thla atwapiper auumea n» mponilbllltlci for ilalemanta of oplnlona la lattart from lta raadtra, ferent from the Fifties or for that mat- ter the Forties. However, there are dis- •ubicrtpllon Prlcei in Adranca On* ytar 115.00: ill montni MM ail copy at counltr. 7 ccnta •IDfia copy by nail, » canla tinctions to be noted. MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1961 I know, for instance, that there are about 100 Conservative Clubs on campuses from coast to coast. They go New Word Needed SOKOLSKY by different names, as, for instance, "Young Americans for Freedom." These are young Is "juvenile delinquency" an im- at home.and reaching out to envelop people who probably will have to take the abuse and proper term? FBI Chief John Edgar community and general areas of so- ridicule that young Communists did in the Twenties Hoover offers pointed reasons as to ciety. School, church and organiza- and Thirties, but they are equally dedicated even if why this "all-inclusive, pampering, tional efforts are needed to brace up their programs are not altogether clear in their own minds. Being individualists, they are not readily ab- palliative phrase" should be dis- lessons learned at home. Beyond them await the arms of the law and sorbed by other men's ideas or interpretations, and carded. Crime is crime and it can- having rebelled against the compulsive confoitnity of the courts and prisons. not be covered with a gauze veil or, their environment, they seek for independent state- like dust, merely brushed under the Mr. Hoover cites the example ments of ideas. of a judge who mildly released two rug to be forgotten, he suggests. Among the extreme, perhaps exhibitionistic, indi- young thugs who quickly joined oth- The Federal Bureau of Investiga- vidualists are the Beats, as they prefer to call them- ers to form a "snarling wolfpack" selves. Of these, there are two kinds, the genuine and tion executive points directly at a that visciously attacked two families the pseudo. The genuine rebel against the mores of big blot across our national picture in a Midwestern city. Both husbands their society, even to avoiding cleanliness or orderly to say: "This is an era where teen- were beaten, stabbed and robbed; Yoir Money's Worth* living, or advertised clothes styles or cosmetics; the age terrorism has become so com- both mothers brutally assaulted. pseudo do the same, but exaggeratedly so. The genuine WILLIAM attempt to do real work at whatever may be their pro- monplace that the American public Only after this gang was rounded has virtually built up a shock re- Facts on Dollar Crisis ficiency; the pseudo are usually either bums who live up did the court deal harshly with on others or rich kids out for a thrill. The pseudos end sistance to viscious murders, rapes, S. WHITE them, meting out sentences to terms By SYLVIA PORTER Up W th heroin The enuine Beats are m stics who assaults, robberies and, in fact, the WASHINGTON-On of Wash- ' - g y of from 50 to 65 years with recom- ington's most frequent questionsiare influenced by Zen Buddhism and by such writers entire spectrum of atrocious crimes The most urgent foreign economic problem Presi —How would the quiet, leather- as Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard and Sartre and who are mendation against parole. dent-elect Kennedy will face when he takes over this committed by young people.' thin and usually gentle Mike doing really significant work in music and art. They "Bestial actions by teenagers," Friday will be the deepening crisis of our dollar and Mansfield of Montana fare as the are now moving into their 40's and are not to be ig- Mr. Hoover could have gone fur- said Mr. Hoover, "demand harsh gold—but you're the exception among us if you thor- new Senate Democratic leader? —is a question no longer. nored. Of course, the pseudos make the whole thing ther to say that the condition is not oughly grasp the facts behind this crisis. punishment." Within two weeks of coming to look ridiculous, as they always do about everything. one concerning only the American He spoke out as a realist in You know that foreign creditors the leadership long held by Vice are draining our gold reserve at a President-elect Lyndon Johnson, The conservative trend in youth can be exag- public, but which has spread a dark noting that while "there are stil pace which endangers our dollar's Mansfield has already been to gerated by those who are wishful about it, as perhaps shadow across the face of the earth, the wars and returned in triumph. among us muddleheaded sentimen- value. You know that the reason gold I am. But one need only spend time with young people in the "have" and "have not" coun- talists who would wrap teenage The only Senator who has is flowing out is that we have been served in all three fighting serv- to discover the consistency of a trend. At the beginning tries alike. Young criminals are an brigands in the protective cocoon of running a huge deficit in our balance ices—Army, Navy, Marines—he of this century, sex was discovered as something that international as well as an internal the term 'juvenile delinquency,' of payments—meaning we're sending has now proved equally combat- was written about in books and could be discussed in worthy in the cockpit of the Sen- menace to modern society. The FBI that somewhere "there must be a much more money abroad than we're ate. the parlor. Young folks were reading Ibsen, Sudermann, chief contends that "depredations of line drawn." He would like to ban- earning abroad. But why are we send- Hauptmann, Shaw, Brieux, Havelock Ellis, Krafft-Eb- PORTER ing ore, why has our deficit suddenly He has had to meet head-on, ing, etc., Sex revolt marked the young intellectual. A young criminals start at home" and ish "juvenile delinquency" as a m at the very moment of his pro- become an acute problem? motion to the leadership, the currently forgotten book, Elsie Clews Parsons' study says that what they do can more catch-all description "forever from nastiest of all possible Senate To make the crisis clear to myself, I've worked of the family, made a profound impression. The family accurately be attributed to "adult fights, a fight over the filibuster our language." The term should be out the following summary, and I trust it will clarify rule. A new captain confronting was marked as a restriction upon progress. delinquency." "youthful criminality," he insists. the problem for you too. The figures are at an annual an old source of trouble within Senate ranks, he has now in stout In the Sixties, the kids know all about sex and The duty of parents to rear chil- Mr. Hoover is very right in this rate and are based on data from the Department of patience led the Senate !o the conversation concerning it is a bore. One does not sit dren in a way that they will respect stand. No one attempts to fondle an Commerce and the Chase Manhattan Bank. only responsible solution. around talking about a biological inevitability. Freud We are taking in from exports of goods and serv- The issue has been referred to law and the rights of other people unruly tiger. No one should give chil and Jung are relegated to the experts who have really ices $28 billion. the Rules Committee, where it cannot be denied. Social order de- dren comfort for viscious behavior, belongs. That committee will passed them by. The youngsters are more concerned Our exports are near a record, arc way up from make an unemotional and orderly about the atom and its sanity or insanity. Will they pends upon social behavior, starting either. It does not make sense. examination of an immensely 1959, primarily due to our stepped-up sales abroad of all be killed or will they produce genetically modified aircraft, steel, other metals. complicated business. In due time there will be a recommen- offspring? We're paying for commercial imports of goods and dation back to the Senate for EVENTS OF YEARS AGO services $20.5 billion. moderate and reasonable reforms Whereas for a few decades, religion ceased to have This includes not only the imports you se? on to preserve the ancient tradition much attraction for the young, except esthetically or From The Riglittr's File* of free debate, but to erect safe- every side but also dollars which Americans traveling guards against its abuse. as a cradle habit, religion in the Sixties moves forward N Yean Ago and were uprooting the lawn and coach map of 1777 to form the abroad spend. The senior Republicans, Dirk- as an essential for the whole man and the more con- otherwise disporting in an un- most complete and original se The Red Bank Lodge of For- This leaves a surplus on our commercial account sen of Illinois, Bridges of New servative religious expressions show the greatest gains. ruly manner. Getting the porkers of maps of the battle in existence, •sters elected its 1911 slate of of- back, into their yard proved a of ... $7.5 billion. MaTsachusetts^mnnf Zm'Lvi Mysticism, in some form, seems to appeal strongly to ficers. They were Louis J. Tet- Massachusetts among them, have strenuous undertaking which ley, past chief ranger; L. J. Van- 25 Years Ago Our trade balance has improved superbly since riqhtly and courageously .assisted students of the physical sciences which astonishes the duzen, chief ranger; Samuel J. taxed" not only the strength, 1959. There's nothing to sneeze at in a surplus of this Mansfield in the victory he has elders who would expect such minds to be atheistic. patience and strategy of their The Sport Maid Coats and Suits won. It is a victory of many Picot, vice chief ranger; Leon N. Inc., leased the first floor of the magnitude! But this surplus disappears into a sea of So the social scientists tend to say that the family Is Pennington, orator; Frank House, owner but also of two of his side?—for Mansfield himself; for neighbors, Roger McCormack and Smock Building at 62 White St. red ink when against this balance, you must set these the Senate as an institution; for the soundest unit of society, a revolt against an ear- •enior woodward; John Valen- Red Bank, for the manufacture tine, court deputy; Albert Davis, John Cook. huge items: a basic right of dissent going in- lier rebellion. of ladies' sport coats and suits finitely beyond the civil rights is- Junior woodward; J. Musloe, jun- Officials of the company said Two Simcoe maps of the Battle Net outflow of short-term private investment . . . sue which so preoccupies the! ior bedle; John Denise, senior that after several conferences Free marriage, which is the outstanding devclop- of Monmouth have been donated $2 billion. ultra-liberals. bedle; George F. Spinning, fi with the Chamber of Commerce to the Monmouth County Histori- 'ment of the early 20th Century, marked the rejection nancial secretary; Harry Watts, they decided that Red Bank was The job has been a thankless cal Association by Bertram H. This drain has skyrocketed. Here is included the of parental supervision. Free marriage means that the recording secretary; Alonzo Sed the most desirable location for one. For men who stand for Borden of Rumson in memory of money flowing out because foreigners are taking ad- lock, treasurer; A. L. Davi- their plant. calm reason amidst extremisms mates select each other without parental intervention. ion and Edward Denise, trustees, his wife, Mrs. Mary Owen Bor- vantage of our much lower short-term interest rates are rarely saluted for their oains. don. The maps were made by to Prior to this period, it was usual for parents to arrange and Mr. Davison and William Senator w. Warren Barbour, borrow dollars in our markets for use abroad. Here The ultra-liberals, led by Demo- marriages, often to the satisfaction of a family rather Wagner, financial committee. Lt. Co! John Graves Simcoe formerj*umsonjnayor; Congress-jis the outflow of "hot money" seeking to earn the cratic Senators DoiiTlas of Illin who commanded a partisan corp; ois and Clark of Pennsylvania man William H. than the individuals concerned. (Tories) called the Queen'! „.- !«>..!.„ u sntnhin. Mats•- higher rates on top-grade, short-term securities obtain- and Republican Senator Javits ol The Sea Bright Council passed wan ; William M. Smith, assist-j"'*. '"u" "" "^ But the Twentieth Century produced an exag- Rangers, during the Revolution. aDle ln New York, had returned here de- • resolution for warrants to be ant county superintendent of Other great The maps were hung in the money centers. manding restrictions on debate gerated increase in divorces and broken homes which drawn for (12 each to firemen in schools, and Howard Dare White, Freehold Museum alongsid Net outflow of long-term private investment . . . so extreme as to end two cen- good standing as pay for their assistant commissioner of educa- the youngsters have come to resent and to which they Lafayette's map of the same bat $1.6.billion. turies of the Senate's distinction work during the past year. There tie and a New Jersey stat tion, were among the guest speak- attribute many of their own maladies. The bioken •re 59 firemen in the borough. ers at the dedication of the new This represents long-term money going abroad as as the world's greatest and only home has become a symbol of evil. Youngsters are $200,000 high school in Rumson. truly deliberative bodv. U.S. corporations acquire subsidiaries and affiliates Not again, under the gag on!nowadays amateur sociologists and psychiatrists and Horse-pulled snowplows opened The War Department has ad- abroad, as our industry emigrates to get wage and tax debate by a maion'ty-of-on^their conversations concerning broken homes and their Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank CARMICHAEL vised Sen. A. Harry Moure that advantages. This outflow hasn't risen much, though. which the ultra-liberals were de- erring parents would astonish oldsters if they could to traffic only three days after the damage to the New Jersey manding, could the Senate have the road was made impassable Coast during the November Military expenditures abroad . . . $2.8 billion. been certain to stand long against listen to them. The next generation wants to marry for by drifting snow. Aaron Arm- storms was not of such diastrous Here is the financial load we're carrying for the the passions of momentarily in- keeps and wants large families. strong, the road overseer, had a magnitude as to warrant special free world's defense, and it's the biggest single dram in flamed majorities. Not again, for force of men at work on the road federal aid. Damage to coastal illustrations, could it have been boon after the storm had ended. structures was estimated at $1,- this entire group. depended on' to halt an angry 150,900. Government grants . . . $1.8 billion. plan to oack the Supreme Court, "It Must Be Fine To Have A College Education" The bowling team of Bray's as it did under Franklin Roose- Government loans and credits . . . $0.8 billion. ! Grocery store defeated the Dore- More than 1,001) children, each 1 velt, or to "draft strikin" rP 'rr>"d mus Bros. Store team on the bringing an article of food as Our government grants—meaning 'foreign aid—are workers, as it did under Harry on the Sheridan Hotel alleys the price of admission, attended running slightly below previous levels while our loans Truman. three straight games. The play- he matinee performance at the and credits are up. And the job has been a hard ers on the winning team were Carlton Theater. Red Bank fire- Joseph, James and George Gray, one. For Mansfield had to con- men distributed the food to needy Private remittances $0.6 billion. James Pittenger and Cad Little. front the easy argument of eager "amilies in the borough. The other bowlers were George Here you find the outflow of dollars when a U.S. reformers-very similar in nhil- Ackerman, Alfred Carhart, Allen family sends contributions and gifts to relatives abroad, osophy to that of the prohibition- Hesketh, James Lane and William P. Scott was re-elected to aid Israel, etc. ists — that because enme fili- Thomas Mitchell. to his eighth term as president busters were bad all filibusters of the Middletown Fire Co. Oth Unrecorded transactions . . . $1.3 billion. should be abolished. er officers elected were: Lew- In this catch-all category can be found some "hot And he had to confront the Daniel H. Sanford and Miller is Reuther, vice president; David superficial but attractive argu- Hopper, crack New York checker Simpson, secretary; Richard Na- money" flowing abroad to earn higher short-term in- ment that since a simple, maior- players, were at the Red Bank gel, treasurer; Rudolph Riskamm terest; dollars leaving our country when foreigners 'tv isi "good enough" to dec! a YMCA hall for exhibition matches and Obadiah Hallenbake, trus- sell U.S. securities; the outflow which follows when President it is good enough to Willis Bilderbeck, principal of tees; Walter Patterson, captain; halt all Senate debate. (Of course the Belford school, and Forman Mr. Riskmann, first lieutenant; two foreign nations finance their trade by borrowing hat argument forgets that a Cossaboom, principal of the At- Roy Gibbons, second lieutenant; here; transfers of funds by American corporations to ^resident does not moke the law. lantic Highlands school, each won Charles Wise, third lieutenant; us the Senate dr>"s: that (""-'"'n a game from the New Yorkers, Arthur Soden engineer; Charles their subsidiaries. This category dramatizes one of the and Alfred Griffiths won two Vernell, assistant, engineer, and most spectacular "leaks" in our international accounts. games and drew one. Charles Thomas Field, Richard Nagel and They above seven drains add up to a total outflow speech, are hovnnd the r^ach of Croft played two draw games. John Gill, fire police. ;m» mere mulnrllv; and that; the of public and private capital of $10.9 billion—which Senntp itself cannot impeach a Deacon James E. Griggs was turns the $7.5 billion surplus in our commercial trans- President or confirm a treaty ex- ccnl by two-thirds vote.) occupying his usual seat in a The Byzantines anticipated actions to an annual deficit of $3.4 billion. front pew of the New Monmouth modern rocket warfare with a Bui, apd this is the main point, Baptist Church recently when a device employing a mixture of Now the dimensions and details of the dollar and Mansfield has come through it whispered summons sent him petroleum and saltpetre, gold crisis come LhroiiRh. all—and come through it alone, hurrying home. While the deacon! le never appealed to Vice Pres- To halt the outflow of funds, tin; gap bclvveen our ident-elect Johnson, his old ''hief Was listening to the sermon two,' The geographic center uf New of his hoj;s, which are said to be! IOVPI of interest rates and those of other kinds must n the Senate, or to President- Jersey is located in Ynnlville, led Kennedy for help. '!e asked the largest and finest in Middle I Mercer County five miles south- bo narrowed, somr> of our spending IK: .slashed. •own Township, had broken loose 6—Monday, Jan. 16. I%1 them, on the contrary, to stay east of the Mule capital. 'So raise our income, our exports musPbe expanded. trictly out of tho fight. Test of Balance SARATOGA fffUNGf K,V, (AT) - Mlr< «M tfactan »t- tcmataf1 today (e 4«ttrmia« trs, whether an 11-year-old celleae student here for an ice skating WASHINGTON —Keeping his balance while in motion will be meet died of exposure or under as much of a task for President-elect Kennedy as anything facing olent c!rc»mstances. him these next four years. The cut, bruised, partly clothed For him standing still would be equivalent to failure. He has body of Robert Matthews of North to move. He promised it in the campaign. Arlington, N.J was found yester- In trying to get things done, Kennedy will encounter a thous- day in a downtown park, near a and frustrations. The test of his balance will come in how well he teen-age club from which he wasavoids letting his judgment get twisted by exasperation and im- ejected Saturday night for drink- patience. ing, police said. He will learn the agoniting dif- Dr. Joseph Leibowitz, a corn- ference between 14 yean in Con- Roosevelt had almost subserv- ner's physician, said the probable gress and four in the White ient support from Congress cause of death was exposure. The House. the crisis days of the early New temperature was IS In Congress his was not a posi- Deal. He began to lose it as the and the body had begun to freeze. tion of leadership, even though ense of emergency got lost in However, Police Chief Robert he had both a state and national the sense of recovery in the late Flanagan said that he wasresponsibility. Most of the pro-1930s. "not ruling out foul play in thegrams he voted on were not his Truman had firm support in ast." own. the closing days of the war but But, despite cuts on the fore- after that practically nothing but He could approve or disap- W-E-D-D-l-N-G A-N-N-I-V-E-R-S-A-R-.Y head, a hand and an elbow, and prove while knowing he would cat and dog fights with Congress. scratches on his buttocks and not be singled out for particular Even when his own Democrats thighs, Flanagan said Matthews praise or blame since he washad control he suffered repeated when it opens its winter 'erm had not been beaten. acting as part of a group. rebuffs. Do-It-Yourself Monday, Jan. 23. UNIVBtSITV Of GEORGIA students read a statement patted out on campus at State police were analyzing vi- Opea ta Crltclsm Eisenhower, working for most Registration will be held from tal organs. of his eight years with a Con- Course Set 7 to 9 p.m. in the high school Athens, Ga., which threatened expulsion of all ttudtntt participating in riots or dem- And in trying to penuade oth- er members of the House or gress run by Democrats, got a cafeteria today and Thursday. lot of his programs through but onitrations. Left to right: lob Coffey, Curt Allison, Frances Daniel, Emory Lavender, ELECTRICIANS MEETING Senate to his way of thinking, he RED BANK — A practical The home improvement course endured a lot of disappointments. course in making home improve- is being co-ordinated by John F. Janice Mathcws and Parry Gentry. Federal, ttate and local officials joined in moves MIDDLETOWN — The month- had the luxury of knowing that any failure on his part had to Went lo Eitreme ments will be offered by the RedMoses, Red Bank High School t« prevent violence when two Negroes return to the university. The two students, ly meeting of the Bayshore Elec- Roosevelt, frustrated and exas- Bank Community Adult School industrial arts teacher. trical Association will be held to- be shared by those on his tide suspended after rock-throwing demonstrators were routed by tear gas Jan. 11, were at the moment. perated by opposition in Congress, morrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Har- went to the extreme of trying to •rdered readmitted by a federal judga byJan. 16. (APWirephoto) mony Bowl, Rt. 35. He will not have that luxury any more. Hit now ii the primary purge fellow Democrats and en- responsibility for teeing that his large the Supreme Court. promised programs get through He created antagonism which Congress or are approved by al-undoubtedly worked against him. Political Stick lies and, sometimei, by enemies. The fiery Truman was truly ex- He will be open to criticism. asperated — and showed it — by Just as his immediate predeces- the road-blocks thrown up by Held in Store for Kennedy Aides sors were: Presidents Roosevelt, Republicans, particually the late Truman and Eisenhower. Sen. Robert A. Tart. His pitched WASHINGTON (AP).— Senate indicates he will have a major battles with them were famous Republicans are talking softly to voice in future policy decisions, and very often unproductive. President-elect John F. Kennedy' they will chalk him up as a tar- Eisenhower, the opposite of appointees but they are storing get for future attacks. Hazlet Truman, remained calm, friendly and non-personal with Congress. Sporti .port Pandleton plaids from J. KrieM. a political stick behind the door Some Grilling Mrs. Eugene Pant, (treat for possible use against them la- But there were times when he Named for undersecretary of River, L. I., recently visited rel- ter. probably could have accomplished state, Bowles seems headed for atives and friends here. At least four nominees will get some grilling about his views on more if he had fought harder. polite treatment from Republi- Red China. Most of the Repub- With these examples before Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roselle him, Kennedy knows the great cans when they go before Senate licans are dead set against any- of Brookside Trailer Park, Rt. committees in public hearings thing that might open the way trick in a successful presidency 35, spent a few days at Jackson is in somehow creating a mini- this week. | for diplomatic relations with the Heights, L. I. These include Adlai E. Steven- Peiping government, even in the mum of personal antagonism LION'S son, twice the Democratic presi- distant future. while fighting for and getting Mr. and Mrs. William M. dential nominee, and Chester what he wants. OFFERS YOU ALL THESE Like Stevenson, Bowles can ex- Friedlander, Bethany P.d.. hive Can he do it? He's been un- Bowles, who headed the 1960,pect to become a GOP target returned after spending the holi- FINE SERVICES! usually well-balanced so far. But Democratic national platform in the new administration. days at Sea Isle, Ga, • DRY CLEANING • RUG CLIANINft dra/ting committee. The Republicans are expected his troubles haven't begun. • LAUNDRY • PILLOW RENOVATION In an appearance before the) to vote almost solidly for Robert Airman Harvey Hier, Jr., who Senate Foreign Relations Com-;F. Kennedy, the ' President's is stationed at Lockbourne Air • FUR STORAGE • FUR REPAIRS mittee Wednesday, Stevenson can brother, as attorney general. Sen. Force Base, Ohio, recently pent Guess Who CALL SH 7-2801 FOR FREE PICK-UP aad DELIVERY expect Republican questioning Gordon Allott, R-Colo., has an- a few days with his Barents, Mr. M-71 WHITE STREET RED BANK about what part he may play in nounced he will oppose confirma- and Mrs. Harvey Hyer and lam the formulation on foreign policy tion because he said Kennedy ily, Holmdel Rd. In his new job of ambassador to'has no practical experience as ACCIDENT VICTIM —Mis. Barbara Kende, 20, of 5 the United Nations. ' wi r SI AftnCD ! i ' *^ ^ * " driven by Alexander M. McDowell, 19, COTTON IN CHORUS DLAWEK !wo"ld be ccrtai" t0 be sreeted of 121 Harvard Rd.. Fair Haven. McDowell, who police OvS A with a great outcry from GOP MISENHE1MER, N. C.-Davidj ranks. said iold them his brakes failed, received a summons for Cotton, ton of Mr. and Mri. Roy caralass driving. Miss Kende was alto fraated in River- E. Cotton. 315 Prospect Ave., Lit- MAKIRRITATIOE YOU NERVOUSN 1 The Republicans Tave little in- tle Silver, is a member of the ThauunaiaranawalKamlntho»mucht•„„..__ -u« • t r-j . J n view Hospital and ralaated. str*ni»r »nn »»tt»r thrr on r»»i b» formation about J. Edward Day, Pfeiffer College Male Chorus aafliaatlni ordinary Kidney or Bladder which starts its mid-winter tour costs so little.. f I/rlutlom. TTitM ttrltitlom often occur named for postmaster ceneral,! afiar 32, ana mar mikt rot) time andwho airs his views before the I Thursday. means so much ,,,,„ Hill MM larlc 'Found Guilty Cotton, a sociology major, sings "ifht Senate Post Office Committee to-,"l"Oll tl«H^*» ; _J baritone in the chorus. He it a NITON... M< MCMNNr...nV fa?h«"ii.adK^;.'aicVa;h;;ndr.;i!°'>'- „ o . •. „ il lr l arc 1960 graduate of Red Bank High I aw. MUM uu tm A*»i «»• aflai IMV lei * ami a !S^^.!ltP.^*A.i!l J!^ iL ,!'l"1; Pey generally pleased with j^CIlteilCHlif i; nNE WAssaul YORK - t RoberCast Cree - School. is J. ml in Ie appment of Robert S. Me- o '•, means, 40, of 9 Woodbrook Dr., «id^««db/atYr^ti,u: real ^*!&%. * ^NamT™'^^ of Roberta/Me,T lOUflTodaVV |Matawan, charged with assault- land have no public objections to *' jln8 « New York policeman, was Luther H Hodoes as secretary NEW YORK (AP) - Manhat ! convicted in • Special Sessions WHIN BUYING of commerce. ' |Un Borough President Hulan E.jCourt Thursday. Nearly all Republicans are be- Ja<* was called into court today Tne Matawan man was arrest- ing counted now as supportingfor sentencing on his conviction ed Sept. 26 and accused of punch- ALUMINUM Kennedy's nomination of Robert of violating the city charter and ing, kicking and wrestling Pa- C. Weaver. Negro vice chairman conspiracy in a $4,400 apartment trolman Edward Loftus of the WINDOWS of New York City's housing and remodeling dual. 15th Precinct. The officer had [redevelopment board, as federal Sentencing brinsbrings automati^ c ...... called to I housing administrator. loss of his $25,OO0-a-v.*ar post-iflsP.el a <«'»turbance at the Hotel Sens. Jacob K. Javits and Ken-jhighest municipal sf'fic• e ^ ,h! Lexington. too ALUMINUM DOORS Cremeans is scheduled to be Ineth B. Keating, New York Re-!natinn held by a Negro. _. . , ,. , , , . . sentenced this month. Tht Prtpaf ipuclicans, announced over thei The job would be forfeited un- ' ! week-end they will fipht for Wea-less the judge unexpectedly set INSTALLATION ver's confirmation. It is being op- the conviction aside. It would! Mainstay Distribute* posed by Sen. A. Willis Robert- it ^ if Jack got a stay Annual Dividends son, D-Va., chairman of the Sen-j~f of the sentence pend- ate Banking Committee which|. RED BANK - Stewart Cook, Most Important! will consider the nomination. ing his planned appeal. president of Mainstay Federal General sessions judge Joseph Savings and Loan Association, 3S CaM wlaaa M« drafla can let tkraatk s poorly lattallr* window A. Sarafite could «ive the 55Monmout- h St., this week an- •r *—r. Oar crew of aklllra nark, year-old Jack up to tr.ree years mta will laalall your wladima or Arnone Named nounced distribution of $213,757 In icara praterl* la laivra mtilniam in jail and fines totaling $1,500. dividends to its members. afflelrary, All »»rk caaraairrtf. Bar roar alnrm window* and rianra Board Attorney Jack was found guilty by a In announcing the dividends,' at Pmwn'a and 1*1 nt laalall Ihrm. UNION BEACH - Fred Var- jury Dec. 6 on two counts of; Mr. Cook said, "A continued high lese. Planning Board chairman, violating the conflict-of-interest!level of home repayment on has appointed John P. Arnone,; provisions of the city charterischedule and a complete repay 24B Broad St., Red Bank, asiand one count of conspiracy to ment before schedule of many PROWN'S jobstruct justice by £\>i'm% inves- board attorney for 1961. loans constitute the best measure TCMTOIMBV LOCATION Mr. Arnonc was appointed at tigating authorities l false storyjof soundness." • MOADST. REDIANK meeting of the board Tucsda about the H400 deal. I nightg . He also will serve as a The case grew out of Jack's! Mihl Eartliquakp acceptance of $4,400 worth ofj SH 1-7500 torney to thh e Zoning Board off Ad j A... mild. work on his Harlem apartment' Tn? p fel^.t i~n downtow nI Tok^ - paid for bv Sidney .1. Ungar, ai «!«<** resl estate operator theh n doing!>,di 0 ffor one lV)?ut.e tod«y- but n0 business with the city. Both menl famaSe or ln'urles wcre reP°r" have contended that the money was a legitimate loan from one The tremor struck at 4:20 p.m. old friend to another, which both (2:20 a.m. EST). Officials said expected to be repaid. The pros- it was centered in the Pacific ecution contended that a loan off Chiba pcnninsula east of under such circumstances was aTokyo. charter violation. No words can aptly describe the Your Jack was first tried on the TO VISIT SCHOOL charges last summer, and the RUMSON - Miss Beatrice Pat- matchless beauty of Cooper's trial ended in a hung jury on terson, taveling enrollment coun- Contemporary galleries of bedrooms, upholstered July 7. selor for Cazenovia Junior Col-' lege, Cazenovia. N.Y., will visit j living rooms, dining rooms, accessories Jack, a Democrat, suspended Rumson-Fair Haven Regional j furniture himself from his post t'cfore the and individual pieces, offering the High School Tuesday morning,! first trial. He has bc2n free in i Jan. 24. newest concepts in Contemporary bail. will gleam I She will interview students in- design and elegance. They must be It adds up, More and n^ftg? * %£?£ £*£: seen to be fully appreciated. like new people use The Register ads each!curricula olfcred at Cawnoviaj WHEN CLEANED OUR PROFESSIONAL issue because results come fas-!and student life at the college. SPARK.L.INE WAY 3-PC. SIT 21.95 Science Shrinks Piles Raftlari; 34.9S—i«di»idoal pricaa al pcoportianata larini*. New Way Without Surgery ROUTE 35, OAKHURST RLWIMINt TO* VOUR SAGCINO CHAIRS AND SOFAS One mile south of Eatontown Circle. BaBar*a tlba « nptirtif ri«bl la you ham* S« |p 7 Q£ ooper Near Garden Slate Parkway Exit 105. »r .»ica. Cliilri, , 9.95 Stops Itch—Relieves Pain N»« Y.rk, N. V. (Special) - For the IO thorough that luffertri mad* Open daily rill • P.M. I Woll-ta-waH carpatinf cleaned, Sole Sc to,. H. first time science has found n new nstoniBhini; stntcnienti like "PtUi [ontemporory Tues. and Sat. till 6 P.M. hpnlitiR nututance with the nslnn- hsve erased to bt > probleml" ishine ability to shrink hemnr- The secret it a new healing tub- rhnids, stop ilrhlnc nnd relieve itnnce (Rio-Dyne*)—dltcoverjr of Other COOPER Slorts in Roselle and Newark Call OSborne 1-2500 or Ktllogg 1-2400 pnin— without eurRcry. n world-farnaus rciearch institute. China II >a ytur Bambarjar account. In enso nftcr ense, while pently Thii substance ii now available rrlirvlns pnin, actu«l reduction In lnce. under the n»t|ie Preparation H* Paramya, Manl* Parh, Nawark, Olalnflald, Mairlitown Host nmnzing of nil-results were At all drug counter!. m Student Married Her Professor M Ronald ServiceWork mum warn - Gtvm to mmfm *r*"*r AP Newtfcatw* Modestly, she'd rather Ulk aH the time he give* to • fob. RED BANK - Miai Suzanne tfcer, the bride won • Mlm/fk about her husband than herself. "He feels free to come tnd go . Cope, director of the Counci jorie Aon Dickenon, daughter of gown of Chantilly lace over whit* Attractive, blue-eyed Vir- Of the next secretary of ktate, as he needs." f Volunteers of the Phiiadelphii Mr. and Mrs. James Dickerson, satin designed with a maadaria ginia Rusk is the friendly, Dean Rusk, she says: But you can tell, from the sens- area, was guest speaker at lai collar, tout-pointed deem and 202 Parker St., South Amboy, and chapel-length train. Her elbow- unassuming kind of woman "He's easy going, but I can ible yet flattering way she eek's meeting of the Junioi flare up, especially with the draws her brown hair back into Service League. Walter Volker, Jr., ton of Mr. length veil of illusion fell from • who makes you feel im- sequin and pearl crowa aad children now and then." a flat bun, that there's no non- Miss Cope, a native of Okla and Mn. Volker, 194 Norwood she carried a white prayer mediately at ease. And her She seems the most under- sense about her. oma, graduated from the Okla Ave., Laurence Harbor, were book adorned with white orchids. feeling of affection and pride in standing of wives as she ex- She was born Virginia Foisie omi College for Women and th married Saturday in 'he First in Boston in 1915 ("the date Miss Patricia King, Laurenc* her family is contagious. plains that she's tolerant abou diversity of Oklahoma with ad- Methodist Church, South Amboy. doesn't bother me a bit"). She itional studies at the Univerjit; Rev. George B. Ogden per- Harbor, was the maid °* bonor was taken to Seattle as a baby Southern California and the formed the double ring cere- and Miss Peggy Lou Dickerson, and grew up there. Her father, South Amboy, sister of the bride, 'ennsylvania School of Social mony. now semi-retired and living in ork. was the bridesmaid. They wor« Berkeley, Calif., was active in She was with the YWCA fo street-length gowns of orchid taf- been overwhelming. The commit- waterfront labor relations for 2 years in Michigan, Minnesota, feta styled with cap stoevei and tee is now getting staging re- management in Seattle. ew York, Maryland, New Jer- square necklines. Circular will quests from elementary schools On a scholarship she attended During the war years she covered their matching crownt due to the success of the show Mills College, a girls' school in ras director of a USO Club in and they carried white fur muffs in high schools Mrs. Yorke has Oakland, Calif., majoring in both .tlintic City. Since IMC, Miss accented with a nosegiy of vio- been asked to speak at the Par- geography and history. One of lope has been director of the lets. ent Teacher's Association meet- her professors was a young, pre- ouncil on Volunteers, Health and Pamela and Sandra English, maturely balding Rhodes Scholar ings at both River Street and Keyport, nieces of the bride- elfare Council of Philadelphia Mechanic Street Schools on the named Dean Rusk. She was an nd has been president of the groom, were the flower girls. excellent student in his political art show. She also has received Their floor-length town* of orchid Association of Volunteer Bureaus many complimentary letters from science class, and his apprecia- America. taffeta had puff sleeves and tion grew from academic to both students and teachers. square neckline*. They wor« Miss Cope said there are cur- personal. A year after her 1936 A thank you note was received matching crowns and carried ently 45 million volunteers in the graduation they were married. from the executive director of miniature fur muffs. IS. and GO million during World Rusk continued at Mills ("Peo- Welfare Council for the League's William Dimsey. Laurence far II. 45 per cent are house help with the council's Christmas Harbor, was the best man and ple used to commiserate with ives, 30 per cent employees on him for teaching in a girls' mailing. Ronald Snyder, Union, cousin of eek-ends; 20 percent students the bride, was the usher. school, but he enjoyed it very ind five per cent retired persons. Mrs. Donald Lawes, house com- much," she says) until he was mittee chairman, asked for dona A reception followed in Buck Mrs. Thomas Morton, Chil Smith's Restaraunt, after which called into service in December, Iren's Theatre chairman, said tions of furniture for the new of- 1940. That was soon after their the couple left for Roanoke, Va. ie latest production of Chil- fice. Needed are desks, chairs, first child was born. and lamps. For traveling, the bride arora a Iren's Theatre will be a historical green wool jersey sheath dreis The complete family now in- Mrs. Donald English, represent myth based on Revolutionary with green coat, brown acces- cludes David, 20, who is major- ative for the sustaining group, days in Freehold for added local sories and a corsage of whit* ing in economics at the Uni- announced that the group held a Ronald P. Riddle color. Written by league member orchids. versity of California; Richard luncheon at the Rumson Country Irs. Donald English in collabor- When they return, the couple (Richie) 14, Peggy 11. NEW YORK - In Libbate, of this city. Misses Bar :ion with Mrs. Emery Winger- Club. diet's Catholic Church at a nup- will reside on Stevens Ave., South Mrs. Rusk made a home er, the play has been entitled The league gave its annual tial mass Saturday, Miss Patri- Amboy. Washington when her husband bridesmaids. The attendants all Belinda's Adventure." Christmas party at Marlboro Dec. returned from military duty in cia Ann Victory, daughter of Mr. wore full-skirted dresses of claret The play will be directed by Both were graduated from 28. Five cottages participated in Sayreville High School. Tha bridt the China-Burma — India theater and Mrs. John Victory of this red velveteen and Dior bow head- Irs. Lee Kiem, a former tele- the party. Mrs. Walter Lancton city, became the bride of Ronald is employed as a secretary by and entered government service pieces. They carried cascade bou- ision producer. Dress rehearsal was in charge. in the State and War depart- Philip Riddle, son of Mr. and quets of while chrysanthemums. ill be Jan. 28 at the Forestdale Philip Carey & Co., Perth' Am- ments. Now she again faces the Mrs. Philip Riddle of 18 Bay Paul Hintelmann, Jr. of Wana Mrs. John Bell, Thrift Shop boy. She is a Past Worthy Ad- •chool in Rumson at 1:30 and chairman, announced there will task of finding a house in the St., Rumson, N. J. The play will then be presented visor of the Rainbow for Girls, capital. Frank. J. Kruse, be a "Snow Ball" with Mrs. South Amboy. all local schools. Frank Gilbertson as chairman, N. J., and Vin- The bridegroom is a member More Moving at the double ring ceremony. The league's radio show Feb. 4 in the club house. A roast cent Austin, New York. of the Army Reserve Corps and "I have no idea where we will reception was held in the Birch Wednesday was titled "Satellite beef dinner will be catered and is employed by National Lead NO NONSENSE — Mrs. Dean Ruilc impr»ntd her politi- live," she says cheerfully. 'And Brook Inn, Westchester County. The bride attended Fordham ommunication" with R. P. Jut there will be live music. Co., Sayreville. cal seitnce professor and won his heart. She majored in I don't know what we will do Mr. Victory gave his daughter University and is employed by an, publications department a with t h e Scarsdale house." in marriage. She wore the Fleishn-.ann Distilling Corp., ell Laboratories as guest speak Mrs. Robert Yeager, Preven- geography and history at Mills College, Oakland, Calif., They've lived in Scarsdale, sleeved princess style gown of Mrs. Robert L. Dalton, Jr. torium chairman, said 75 Christ- mas bags were filled by Leaguers Cadet to March and married the new Secretary of State a year after suburb of New York City, since peau de soie with chapel-length The bridegroom, an alumus o iterviewed Mr. Jutson. The next Rusk became president of the train. Her fingertip veil was at- how will be Feb. 8. Mrs and distributed for the holidays. graduation. Fordham University, is associa At Inauguration Rockefeller Foundation nine tached to a crown of orange blos- ted with United States Gypsum, homas P. Key is in charge of The league is continuing to take years ago. soms and she carried lis program children to Asbury Park shopping KINGS POINT, N.Y. - Cadet She is active in village affairs missal with a Mrs. Douglas Yorke, traveling and acting as special visitors Allan H. Dreibelbls, son of Mr. cascade of white The couple will reside in Fort once a month for those young- Kitty Kelly: and Mills alumnae activities; she roses and ivy. Lee, N. J., after a wedding trip rt show chairman, reports that and Mrs. Harvey C. DreibelMs. gardens and would like to get Maid of honor was Miss Ruth to San Juan, Puerto Rico! response to the exhibit has sters whose families cannot see Harmony Hill Rd.. Colts Neck. back to the oil painting she did them. will march in the Inauguration Competition in Romance for a couple of summers. Her Mrs. Lancton reported that the Day parade in Washington, D.C., chief reading, she says, is de- resocialization club for former Friday. signed to keep up with what's Engagements Announced mental patients "B r i d g e w a y Cadet Dreibelbis is a student Has This Girl Confused going on, such as periodicals House," went well. at the United States Merchant and newspapers. Mrs. Thomas Key, reporting iMarlne, Academy at Kings Point, Dear Kitty: When he does, you'll need no He W1 be advice. In clothes, she likes simple on the children's shelter, ap- " graduated on July 31 I am desperate. From high tailored things, but has an eye pealed for all kinds of clothing and W1" tecelve • c°»st Gulrd liccns e tchool through college I went A man who signed himself for something "a little differ- for both boys and girls from in- u •» «"ird officer m the steady with one boy. We planned "Just Another Loney Guy" asked ent." Basic beiges, taupes and fancy to.16 years of age. Under- Merchant Marine a Bachelor of to marry after he finished two if it is possible to fall in love black are her favorite colors. wear is particularly needed, she Science degree and a commission said, as are constructive toys and as.!l!518n ln the US' Nav" Re" years service in the Army. after 50. I replied that love knows no age limit. books, shoes, and hair-ribbons. Christmas Eve I long-distanced "Eligible Grandma" read this To Open The admissions committee an- him. A buddy answered; my boy and came back with the snappy nounced the following have ac- Originals Slated friend was out. Was I Virginia? retort that "Just Another Lonely cepted invitations to provisional No, I wasn't. That really got Guy must know within himself Sanitary membership: Mrs. Robert Pea- For Bamberger'i me down. I started dating an- whether he would or could fall in cock, Mrs. John Howard, Mrs. other boy. He wants me to marry love. After all, he is 50! I think William O'l.eary, Mrs. Albert NEWARK — Copies of original him. Now my first boy friend it is more a hestinancy to take Landfill Metzger, Mrs Richard Bennett, designs from spring fashion open- Is back and also wants to marry the second marital step, wanting MARLBORO — The Township •Irs. Edwin Stewart, Mrs. Mar- ings in Paris and Rome will be me. The second one has bought to be sure of congeniality and Committee Thursday night took n White, Mrs. Robert Gorman, in Bamberger's Monmouth by the diamond and I'm under a companionship. Meeting the right action to open its new Roberts- Urs. Richard Kramer, all of Mar. 17. doctor's care. one is difficult, especially for the ville Rd. sanitary landfill project Rumson; Mrs. John Rathman Bamberger's dress buyer Les- I'm quite sure both boys love woman. In looking around wher- Feb. 1. Mrs. Clifford Heaslip Jr., New ter Salmonsohn and Saul Stolboff, me in their own way; the first ever I go, I find most men mar- The committee also acted to Shrewsbury, Mrs. John Mulroy, coat and suit buyer, left by plsne selfishly, the second possessively. ried or not not the right age." close the present dump site on Mrs. E. B. Shaw Mrs. Joan Dil- Friday for Europe. They will My twin sister thinks I should Dear Eligible Grandma: the property of the late David lon, Fair Haven; Mrs. Donald purchase original designs fmm marry the first one; my father's There are still plenty of fish Towler, Texas Rd., effective Jan. Castleman, Mrs. George Strong, Givenchy, Balanciaga, Pierre Cardin, Sim'onetta, Capucci and choice is the second. Mother left in the sea! Save up your 31. Miss Miriam Frank Marlon Galatro Miss Geraldlne Scalone Mrs. John Quinn, Little Silver; thinks the second would make money, invest in a self-improve- Mayor Charles T. McCue said Mrs. Bassett Starr Winmill, Riv- Fabiani, to be copied for Bam- berger stores the better husband. ment course, some becoming the new landfill on the Alfred LEVITTOWN, PA. - Mr. and RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. BLACKWOOD — Mr. and Mrs. rside Heights, and Mrs. Lewis I've prayed so much to not clothes and a ticket to waters Storer property will be open Mrs. Cecil Frank of Levittown John Galatro Sr., 38 Washington G. M. Scalone, 25 Sherwood Dr., A. Kens, Elberon every Friday and Saturday from announce the engagement of their LONG IRANCH hurt anyone but myself. My doc- where the fishing is good, pre- St., announce the engagement ofjann°unce the engagement of their The February meeting at the tor has helped me but I'm still ferably an off-the-beaten path a.m. to 5 p.m. daughter, Miss Miriam Lieba lubhouse will be preceded by NURSES REGISTRY •fraid to make a life-time de- resort such as Brighton, in Eng- Frank t0 Dr Harr B their daughter, Miss Marion! daughter Miss Geraldine Scalone, covered dish luncheon. Mrs. H. He added there will be someonei ' - y - Hoffman, t0 • Registered nurse* cision. land; Majorca, off the coast of in attendance at the site on the son of Mr- a"d Mrs. Samuel Hof- Galatro, to Anthony Ponturiero, | "Laurence B. Valant, son of E. Rowe is chairman. Mrs. Frank • Licensed practical nurses Mr I've never begged anyone's Spain; or Tahiti. days the project is in operation. fman, 33 Washington St., Red son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony | - and Mrs. Joseph B. Valant, . Singer new director of the wel- (Home duly and hospital duly) Bank. 240 help before, but I'm begging you Mr. Storer will receive $20 for Ponturiero of Millburn. • i Silverside Ave., Little Silver. 'are council, will be guest speak- PHONE CA 2-S371 Confidential: Dear Mrs. M.: Go Miss Frank is a student at er. for a reply to this letter.—A. each day the landfill is open. Miss Scalone and Mr. Valant ahead and lead your own life— Temple University, Philadelphia. Miss Galatro was graduated Dear A.: I doubt if you love The committee has been work- are graduates of Red Bank High rather make it. Don't rely for Serving with the Army at Fort from Red Bank High School and either boy. If you did, there ing on this project since the state School. Miss Scalone is a stu- support on a man who tells you Board of Health ruled that each Bragg, N. C, Dr. Hoffman is a Wilfred Beauty Academy, New- would be no question in your dent at the Philadelphia Museum to get out and stay out. Send township mus' close open dumps. first lieutenent in the Dental ark, and is employed at La Modi mind of which to choose. If College of Art. a stamped, self-addressed en- At the request of Committee Corps. Beauty Salon. WOMEN'S the first boy. cooled once, he Mr. Valant attended Princeton will do so again. Competition velope for my leaflet "Divorce." man Joseph Lanzaro, the commit- He is a graduate of Red Bank Mr. Ponturiero, a graduate ol WORLD tee will consider applications for High School, attended the Uni- Millburn High School and Syra University and is serving in the is acting as a shut in the arm Marine Corps at Camp LeJeune, A column for and about women Send your problem to Kitty the one available trailer park li- versity of Buffalo, and was gra- cuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., by Morey LaRue's famous for both contestants. Stop being N. C. so serious. Love lightly until Kelly. Enclose a stamped, self- cense at its next meeting. duated from the University of is the proprietor of The Barda Homemaker Representative the right boy comes along. addressed" envelope and address Mayor McCue made the follow- Pennsylvania School of Dentis- Shop. her in care of the Red Bank ing appointments: try. He is a member of the By BETTY BEST Register. Helpful leaflets avail- Committeeman Lanzaro, Asses- American Dental Association. , Auxiliary Hears able. sor George Wendel, and former An August wedding is planned. Talk by Conover How to Clean Leather Furniture — Use saddle soap on a clean, Councilman Lindsey LeMoins, Lincroft Club wet cloth. Work up a good lather. While the leather is still wet, SHERMAN'S planning board, and Frank Diller, RED BANK — Stanley Cono wipe off with a dry cloth, add a light coat of saddle soap and let Hadassah board of adjustment. Dr. Sprung ver, commander of the Shrews dry. For a nice gloss, buff with a soft, dry cloth. You can also The committee also took under Plans Film bury Post, American Legion, wai apply wax or special leather preservative for added protection. consideration the request of the he, speaker at a meeting of thi FOR Sponsors Planning Board to increase the Speaker For auxiliary in the post home. Baking Tip — If you want that double-crust fruit pie to have an salary of its secretary and zon- On Wines Mrs. J. E. Boskey won the a extra good-looking glaze, I suggest that you brush the top with egg Draperies 4th Dance ing officer. I.INCROFT — Members of the tendance award and a specia yolk beaten with a couple of teaspoons of milk — then bake as Bnai Brith Lincroft Woman's Club will see award was presented to Mrs usual. I am confident you will be delighted with the pleasant re- LONG BRANCH — The Long RED BANK — Dr. Stanley R. Slipcovers I a film and hear a talk on the Mary Leighton. sults! Branch chapter of Hadassah will Cornelius Heads Sprung, child psychologist, will Bedspreads selection of wines at a meeting Mrs. John Hammond was hos sponsor the fourth in a series be the guest speaker at a meet- tomorrow af 8:15 p.m. in the Lin- Bonanza Of Bargains — Homemakers who know and demand qual- of monthly dances Saturday in ess for the evening. Upholstering Floral Group ing of the Bnai Brith of Red croft Fire House. ity recognize it in Morey LaRue's superior Sanitone dry cleaning. the Jewish Community Center. Bank on Jan. 24. The auxiliary will meet agai Michael Ciancaglini, represent- Window Shades Plans were made at a meeting NAVES1NK — Wilbert H. Cor The group will meet in their on Mar. 9. They like the way Morey LaRue's dry cleaning gets out all the dirt ative of the Wine Advisory Board, at the home of Mrs. Leon Gordon, nelius, 275 Linda PI., Belford, new quarters at the Beth Shalom keeps fabrics new-looking longer! They also like Morey LaRue's — Table Pads will be the speaker. Hadassah vice president and co- was elected president of the Mid- Synagogue. now through January 28th — extra special bonanza of bargalnsl Shop-at-Home Service chairman of the dance. Jersey chapter of the American Mrs. Richard Pisani and Mrs. Sweaters and Sport Shirts, only 37c each. Ladies Coats (no fur), Phone SH 1-8345 Dr. Sprung is chief psychologist Those present were Nathan Rhododendron Society. at the Mental Health Clinic in Edward Gieseke have been DID YOU Men's Overcoats and Men's Topcoats only $1.19 each or 2 for $1.98. Sherman's Feldman, series chairman; Mrs. Laurence E. Manning, 102 Port- Trenton and is on the staffs of named co-chairmen of the mem- Children's Clothes (up to size 12) 35% off the regular price. land Rd., Highlands, was named Home Decorators Robert Mintz, chapter president; Monmouth College; Stevens Insti< bership committoe, and Mrs. Blankets and Pillows, a mere 98c each. And Rugs, regularly 9c vice president; Mrs. Carl Luen- Harry De Samper will serve as eU Broad St. Shrewsbury Mrs. William Franks, bulletin tuts of Technology, Hoboken; a square foot, only 7c a square foot. I'm certain you'll want to editor; Mrs. Martin Meisner, au- enschloss, 11 Brook Ten, Fai Federation Day chairman. *H <•>**8 Monmou h Junior College and The meeting was opened by!Mrs. Howe selected an ensemble The art department is sponsor- of National Organizations of the chairman, introduced the speak- joint meeting of the Long Branch Rutgers University. Except for 1960 White House Committee for er, who joined the college staff A covered aish supper will be the retiring president, Foster j of eggshell brocade, and a hat of ing a bus trip and theater party chapter of Hadassah and the served. wartime service as a Navy avia Lassen. Mr. Koelsch, up on as-j moss green velvet leaves. She Children and Youth; Fellow of in 1957. tor, he has served in various Saturday, April 22, to attend "Fi- Long Branch section of the Na- First President suming office, greeted four new wore eggshell accessories and a orelto." Mrs. Elwood F. Searles the American Association on Men- Five new members were intro- sales capacities since that time. tional Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Joblin is former president members, Mr. and Mrs. William corsage of chartreuse cymbidi- Is chairman. jtal Deficiency, the American duced: Mrs. W. Karl Herrick, His experience includes a five- Orthopsychiatrlc Association, and and Mrs. William Jackson, Little of a Hadassah chapter in Brook- Hospador, Oak La., and Mr. and ums. The welfare department, under Mrs. Joblin will discuss the new year stay in RCA's western of- Mrs. Joseph A. the American Sociological Asso- Silver: Mrs. F A. Wilhelm, Port- lyn, N. Y., and later became fice In Log Angeles, Calif. Barnett, Edge- A reception followed in Coby's the chairmanship of Mrs. W. Gil- ciation; a trustee of the James first regional president when the water Dr. Restaurant, Rt. 9, South Afnboy. aupeck; Mrs Charles Lind Olin, As a veteran of almost 19 years bert Hanson, is sponsoring a Foster Foundation, Ann Arbor, Shrewsbury, and Mrs, William T. chapter was reorganized into a A tie vote for recording secre- For the wedding trip, the bride demonstration at Crown Kitch- Michigan; member of the Com- Montclair region. with RCA and a father of five tary was resolved with the elec- wore a red wool dress and egg- Sandlass, Red Bank. children, Mr. Leahy will draw on ens, Middletown, at 1:30 p. m. mittee on Child Welfare of the She was one of Hadassah's 32 tion of Mrs. John Falco. shell cashmere coat with mink April 11. Hostesses were Mrs. Richard his experience to speak on en- National Council of Churches and Brounley and Mrs. Donald E. Publication delegates to the World Zionist tertainment in television for chil- Robert LaMura, local attorney, collar arid black accessories. Mrs. William Peters, Osk Hill, a member of the Committee on Cheney, chairmen, assisted by Congress in Israel in 1951 and dren. was guest speaker. He discussed The couple will reside at 221 was voted a new member. She Interagency Relations, Council Mrs. John Caulkins, Mrs. J. P. visited Israel again last year as feasibility of building a swim- Cottrell Rd. will be installed at the next meet-lfor Exceptional Children, a member of the Hadassah Pil- At last week's PTA executive Cosgrove, Mrs. M. Kahrs Dry- Cites Two ming pool and club house on the, The bride was graduated from ing, Feb. 2, in the home of Mrs.' In 194* he went to Germany fors, Mrs. Robert Edmonstone, grimage to the dedication of the board meeting, Mrs. Dirk Van lakefront property. After explain- Aubrey Smith, 35 Alexander Dr.,!for the Secretary of the Army Hadassah-H e b r e w University Nest, head of the pre-school study Matawan High School and Mid- Mrs. Charles Hawes, Mrs LONG BRANCH - Two Mon- ing the legal aspects, Mr. La- dlesex County Technical High River Plaza. The program will | and in 1950 for the State Depart- Charles Hilton, Mrs. Ernest John- mouth County educators are in- Medical Center. group, announced a program Mura answered questions. include an auction. Iment to serve as consultant on She is a former member of the meeting for Tuesday, Jan. 24, at School, Woodbridge. She is a son, Mrs. Joseph Mount, Mrs. eluded in the current edition of Members then decided both practical nurse. The art department will meet child welfare problems in U.S. Oc-Carl Mueller, Mrs. James Noe, "Montclair Proudly Presents," a National Service Committee and 8:15 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Dr Victor Witek scho0 plans could be successfully car- The bridegroom attended Perth Thursday at 8 p.m. in the home cupied Zone. From 15)51 to 1957 he Mrs. John Osborn, Mrs. R. J. directory of alumni of Montclair has served on the administration II - . ' Phy«i- ried out. A vote will be taken at served as executive director of ciani wi|i| speaker.- Amboy Vocational High School of Mrs. Worth B. Cunningham. Runyon, Mrs. Louis A. Saparito, State College who are "making committee of the Greater New!! . ll °e W k the next meeting to determine Assisting hostesses at the meet- the Child Study Association of Mrs Harry Welden and Mrs. outstanding contributions" in York Bond Drive. Saturday, Jan. 28, the Mae Des- and is employed by Bur-Cro Co., America, an agency devoted to which of the projects will be ini- Cheesequake. He served four Ing, attended by 20 members. Douglas Wright. Flower arrange- New Jersey and throughout the Final plans for tomorrow's pro- mond Children's Theatre will pre- tiated. were Mrs, Cunningham and Mrs. parent education and the study ment was by Mrs. Joseph A. Za- United States. gram were made at a meeting sent "Daniel Boone and the In years in the Navy and is a mem- Marshall McDowell. of parent child relationships. in the home of Mrs. Robert MinU, dian Princess" in the school aud- Prizes for Christmas home dec- ber of the Cheesequake Volunteer loom. Receptionist was Mrs. Har- William H. Meskill, superin- lan E. Cecil. Presiding at the ... - | local Hadassah president. itorium. Mrs. John F. Bertelsen orating in the development were Fire Co. tendent of g is chairman of this major fund- awarded to Mr. and Mrs. John tea table were Mrs. E. Richard Branrh .nrandf n , ,, * 2? \ Those present were Mrs. Daniel Weaver and Mrs. George H. Mer- Orach, and Dr John F. Kin- Llchtcnstein. program vice pres- faising protect Goetz, Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Mrs. Van Deusen Elected P Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert rill. neyJr, superintendent oRum-|ident; Mrs. Da*id Tobis and Mrs. Walter Pressman, legisla- son-Fair Haven Region*! High Knapp, all of Beechwood Ter. Garden Club The monthly dessert bridge Mrs. Martin Meisner, hospitality tion, stated that her committee School, have been cited for their and decorations: and Mrs. Mor is firming plans for the Board Mrs. John Faley and William Hospital Board President will be held this afternoon at professional accomplishments. I in the club house. Mrs. A. V. ris Radler, public relations. of Education candidates' meetin Siegfried were appointed to ex- Sees Films ALLENW00D — Mrs. George helping to establish an occupa- plore fund raising ideas for the Jones ia chairman. Mr. Meskill, who received his| . to be held Tuesday, Jan. 31, In LITTLE SILVER — A film, L. Van Deusen, Wanamassa, was tional therapy program at the the school. lakefront improvement program. The garden department will B.A. and M.A. degrees from||.'unera| Directors the elected president of the board of hospital which has proved bene-J '"" -,*""*! "Swamps Transformed," at 1 p.m. A film Montclair State Collegeg, , has] > The PTA teas for parents am Refreshments were served dur-Istory of the Sterling Forest in managers of Allcnwood Hospital jficial to the patients. y Mrs. served as a teacher, assistant j Hoar Stale Officers teachers at the conferences will ing the social hour which luffern, N. Y., was shown at at its annual meeting. | Allenwnod Hospital, since it . Ben- high school principal, be continued. Mrs. Kenneth Van followed. Thursday's meeting of the Gar- Mrs. Van Deusen has been a>as founded in 1921, has been sistanitt t superintendenid t of anschoold as-s WANAMASSA — The monthly Pelt, chairman, announced that a jamin den Club. Also shown was the member of the board for 13 years; served by two presidents. Mrs. at Fair Lawn. | dinner meeting of the Monmouth flyer, "Needs for Teas," has been Canadian film, "World in a Lewis s "Horticulture" and Ocean County Funeral Di- circulated to the parents. Martha Circle and has served as first vicepresi-j - Thompson, Lincroft, A buffet supper for members Was Principal Marsh" by the British American dent for the past five years. She .was the first President and rectors' Association was held Mrs. David Linden, chairman land guest lss will be served Sun- Prior to assuming his present Wednesday night at Paul'* Edge Elects Officers Oil Company. has served on many of the board!served for 30 years. Mrs. Henry d * ,9 ',' 5 to 7 p.m. duties, he was principal of Long of mental health, gave a report watert, with William P. Walton, NEW SHREWSBURY — Mrs Five garden club members committees knd was activeJnJE. Ackerson, ^Keyport, h« Mrs. II. Wenner SpSpoer< l and Mrs on a mental health article t'nat Branch High School, and ha: Jr., of Asbury Park, at host. Mr have been appointed by Mayor - - --— b"cn president "*•"*•" Harold E. DeMing are chairmen. served at educational director will appear in the PTA bulletin Robert Reed. 20 Meredith Dr., i Other officers elected were Dr. Walton, president, gave the in- the new chairman of the Martli P. Paul Campi to serve on the The next meeting will be held for the New Jeraey Standard Oil She also reported on recent state borough's Beautification Commit- Allied Officers Madeline Kahrs, Red Bank, first vocation. legislation which helps school Circle of the Luther Memoria Feb I at 1 p.m. and will feature Company ia Aniba, where he tee. Appointed were Mrs. Benja- To Address PTA vice president, and Dr. David W. a membership tea. Mrs/ Walter was high school director con Jamea C. Day, Sr, Keyport, systems in their work to initiate Women's Society. MCreight, Marlboro, second vice secretary - treasurer, submitted or expand their psychology pro- Other new officers are Mrs, min A. Crate, Mrs. Jerome G. S. Bowker is chairman. Guest ceraed with supervisory training, Drew. Mrs. Daniel Huebner, Mrs. OCKANPORT — Capt. Karl president. speaker will be Col. Raymond administration and the scholar hif reports. Introduced at guests gram needs. Hugh Wallace of Hazlet, vice Borcheller, Fathers' Night chair- Committee chairman appointed were D. Joseph Lopez and How- chairman; and Mrs. Arthur Bit- Theodore D. Parsons and Mrs. R. Tourtilolot. His topic will ship foundation. Gerardus H. Wynkoop. The group man, is in charge of a program j were: "Americanism." ard L. Ely, both of Asbury Park. ter. Hazlet, treasurer. to be presented at the Parent- \ Mrs. Harry R. Brindle, occupa- Dr. Kinney, who also received Brar V. Riewerts of Bergen The circle's next regular rneet- will meet with Councilman Ray- Teacher Association meeting tional therapy, Mrs. Louis F. A1- his B.A. and M.A. degrees from field, president of the N. J. State GOP Unit ng will be Feb. 8 in the home of mond E. Garrison initially Jan. Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. in the bright, finance; Mrs. Henry E. Gue»t Speaker Montclair, wai awarded his doc- Funeral Directors' Association, Mrs. Albert Kooistra, 30 Throck- 27. school. Ackerson, Jr., personnel; Dr. Me- tor of education decree by New and Silvio J. Failla, of Hoboken, To Elect morton St., West Long Branch. There will be a flower arrange- Allied officer students aiiemiiiiKJCrcight, budget: Dr. Kahrs, med- York University. Prior to his secretary of the state association, ment workshop for members the Signal School at Fort Mon-jical, and Mrs. Charles E. Spring- becoming superintendent, he spoke on state matters of interest TO BUILD LABS Thursday at 10 a.m. in borough mouth will speak about the pub-1 horn, public relations, served as principal of the to the local organization. Mr. New Officers hall. Mrs. Arthur H. Huson will Rumson • Fair Haven Regional WASHINGTON-The Communi- lie schools in their native coun-l Riewerts announced that there LINCROFT — The Lincroft- >e instructor. High School and the Rumson cations Commission today au- tries. | are SS7 members of the state as- Everett Republican Club will thorized ITT Laboratories at The next meeting will be held High School, He has been a 1 Guest officers speaking will bej PTA to Hear sociation. hold its annua election of officers Nutley, N. J., to build and oper- Thursday, Feb. 2. Guest speaker, Maj. Louis Nitti, Argentina; Maj. teacher and admlnli'rative as- The next .meeting will be Feb. 23. James Wells, of Nutswamp Rd., sistant to the superintendent and ate an exoerimental space radio Maximo Meyer-Thor, Spain; Budqet Details Wednesday, Feb. 8, with Robert The club will hold an installa- station. The laboratories, oper- Middletown, will speak abouf Capt. Dominique Bacs, Belgium. MIDDLETOWN - Members of orinclpal at Glen Ridge High C. Neary, Jr., of Manasquan, as tion dinner for the new officers azalas and rhodoendron. School. Currently president of ated by International Telephone There also will be a presenta-jthe Middletown Township Board! host. in March. No date has been set & Telegraph Corp., will use the tion of the Board of Education! of Education will discuss the pro- j the Monmouth County Super- Others attending'were W. Da- for the affair visors Roundtable, Dr. Kinney station to bounce signals off the candidates: Rictiard Morgan,]posed school budget at a meet-i vid DeRoche of Lakewood; Wil- A nominating committee head- moon and passive earth satellites INVENTORY' Mrs. Jane Thomas, Albert Wei-jing of the Middletown Village j also it a member of the National liam H. Freeman, Freehold; Wil- ed by Bertram H. Walters will Education Association, the New —non-radio-equipped satellites- - gel, Charles Frampton and Wil-jParent • Teacher Association! liam H. Posten, Jr., Elmer Gaw- recommend an officer slate at as part of its research into space tiam Thompson. i Thursday, in the school. j Jersey Education Association ler, and John P. Condon, all of the Jan. 26 meeting of the club. and the New Jersey Superintend- communications theory. The Nut- Mothers of fourth graders will Slides will be used to imple-; Atlantic Highlands; H. Lawrence The organization has voted to ley station will both send and ; ent's Association. SALE be hostesses. iment arguments in favor of Scott, Sr, and H. Lawrence affiliate with the Monmouth Coun- receive the signals adoption of the budget. | The Rumson-Fair Haven Re- Scott, Jr., Belford; Robert E. ty Federation of Republican Wo- On The illustrated talk on "Alaska" I gional High School superintend- Nicholson, Eatontown; Marvin S. men. Mrs. Alan Stess was named Card Party by Mrs. Kenneth Keller, which i ent w»t awarded the Rohwec Campbell, Tomt River; George representative to the county KEANSBURG - The Rosary ALL KNITWEAR was to have been the principal Prize by the Montclair Slate Col- P. Hoffman. West Keansburg; group. and Altar Society of St. Ann's Imports, Salta.'Klmberly, topic of this meeting, will be post- lege Social Studies Honorary So- Daniel A. Rcilly, and J. Henry Alton L. Flanders will be the Catholic Church will hold a card poned until March 16. I ciety as an outstanding graduate Dancler. Belmar; Joseph R. Ely, chairman of the installation din- party Wednesday at S p.m. in the Goldworn. Glengyle A silver collection in observa-i of that group. Edward E. Jackson, and Richard ner, and will be master of cere- school hall.. Also tion of Founders' Day will bej Rev. Lloyd Neve C. Hoidal. Asbury Park; and monies. I taken at this month's meeting. j Harry C. F. Worden, Red Bank. Chris Pelligrinelli will handle All Day-time and Cocktail Candidates for the forthcomin RED BANK — Rev. Lloyd R.jMail arrangements; Mr. Walters, tick- HAIR PROBLEMS! Clothes, Sweaters, Bags Board of Education elections will I Neve, of Sleepy Eye, Minn., and, # Postnirn Aid Drive ets; Peter Bushauer, publicity; meet the combined PTAs andjKurume. Japan, spoke_ yesterday j |J|'|VC I llOllCS I Mrs. Harry Neuberger, speakers, Come to Mld's Hair Clinic general public Jan. 30 and Feb. at Holy Trinity Evangelical i " " ' ~ j The men who probably walk |an d williarn Heidt, entertainment. PERMANENT WAVE GUARANTEED S at 8 p.m. in Middletown Town- Lutheran Church. KEYPORT — Miss Bettv Louimore lnan anyone else in Mon-i LIZ AMBROSE ship High School. His visit was sponsored by the;Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. moMh County carried a message Four hundred and twenty-four fO W. Front St., Red lank There was no December PTA circles of the United Lutheran j Ivin Morse. 210 West Front St.. of hope today from the 1961 New towns in the State of New Jersey Phone SH 14800 1121 Third Ave., Spring Lake meeting helc' at the Village Church Women. I was amone volunteers from March of Dimes for many of jhave official planning boards School. Executive board members Rev. Mr. Neve and his family Union Junior College who man- their neighbors who cannot walk « attended their annual Christmas have returned to this c.iuntry for ned telephones Saturday and yes- at all. dinner at the Union House in Red a year's leave from Ms pos* as tnrdav at the Park Hotel Annex, Local postmen began delivery! iBank. a missionary in rural areas of Plninficld, for the 1961 Cerebral Friday of more than 100,000 en-jf Palsv telethon broadcast on WOR Japan. velopes that will allow Monmouth DRY CLEANING SPECIAL Walsh Appointed TV (channel 9). County residents to contribute by | More The U.IC students worked in mail during January to the ef- ON ALL MEN'S AND WOMEN'S WEARABLES To Plant Staff Pmt Named Manager three-hour shifts from 10:30 p.m. forts of The National Foundation than Just Saturday p.m. yesterday. to prevent the crippling diseases a Bottle of UNION BEACH - Joseph E Of D. Kallman They were among persons of birth defects, arthritis and pol- Walsh, 16 Craig St. Hazlet, has JERSEY CITY — Nat E. Hoi- who manned the 100 telephones atlio. Milk : been appointed to the manage- man has been appointed as gener- the New Jersey headquarters. ment staff of the local plant of al manager of D. Kaltman and Pledges received in the drive adds More and more International Flavors and Fra- Puritan Co., wholesale druggists, it was will be used for the program of people use The Register ads each jgranccs, Inc., as supervisor of ac- announced today by Claude service of Cerebral Palsy Assoc- issue becai :e results come fas- MILK CG. counting and auditing operations. Giroux, president and chairman iation of New Jersey. ter.—Advertisement. Mr. Walsh is a graduate of Mc- of the board. SHadysId* 7-Oal* Gill University, Montreal, Can- Mr. Holmnn, formerly division ada. He was one of the original PLUS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: manager of the South Jersey organizers of the Marc HIM Civic Division, has been a vice presi- Association. SLIP COVERS pLu dent of the company since 1957. ATTENTION! He was originally employed by DRAPES r^ * D. Kaltman & Co. in 1941. CURTAINS The firm maintains operating STORE FIXTURES BLANKETS divisions in Freehold, Atlantic City, Jersey City, Paramus and YANK0 Wcstchester-Brotix, New York. FOR SALE Deduct 15% off your dry RID IANN CAN II SIEN cleaning budget when you Pinlaril Klri-lccl MONDAY NITE (Jan. 16lh) 7 to 9 P.M. bring your order, or call GETTYSBURG, Pa. — William TUESDAY NITE (JAN. 17th) 7 to 9 P.M. for pick-up service. 6-FOOT BLAZER SCARFS Pinliird, son of Mrs. Louise Pin WEDNESDAY NITE (JAN. 18th) 7 to * P.M. tard, 81 Conovcr PL, Middletowi Phone SH 1-2828 SALE EXPIRES JANUARY 28 |.9O Township, N, J,, has been elector Reg. 2.9S recording secretary of Alpha Ph Oinefin, national service fraterni DRY CLEANING 10 color combination!. ty, at Gettysburg College, Pintan and LAUNDRY i Hiudiiulu of Middletown Towr BARNETT'S 5 & UNION IMPERIAL All-wool, Wide and long! ship High School, is a senk 'l.Moi'int; in husiiu'ss adminislr FAIR HAVEN SHOPPING CENTER 500 BROAD ST. SH 1-2228 SHREWSBURY linn. What He Ordered Sfoatra'f Inauguration Outfit If Approved Ion* Trtre WM fetfnictef to Contestants Havea Regional, Sttr of tht Cea •V 1AMES BACON Loper's longtime business part- HOLMDEL - A *etcb plat for request a variance from the Zon- • 25-house subdivision was ap- LONG BRANCH - Six Long Academy, Saint Rose High School HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Frank ner, commented, however: Int Board of Adjustment to lo- Branch High School students and Wall Township High Schools. Sinatra hit uttered his first— "Don designs furniture, houses, proved by the Township Commit- cate a trailer on his proposed were selected to represent the and final—words about that pub- men'f haberdashery—anything. recreation lite, on Palmer Ave. The house* will be constructed school it the forthcoming Speech COLEMAN HONORED licized inauguration wardrobe de- He'i a designer, period, and an off Middle Rd. Arts Festival, Mrs. Harrison J. LONG BRANCH - Michael L. iigntd by Don Lopcr. [old '"end of Frank's. Frank's on one-acre lots by Joseph Scalzo Mr- Tetro expl*iae3 the trailer Merrill, director of the festival, Coleman, a I960 graduate of Long Frank iayi he likes the clothes wardrobe is classic, correct and on property formerly owned by would be temporarily used to ~ ~ Pearce, off McCampbell announced this week. Branch High School, has been in- and will wear them. legitimate in every detail." house a watchman as a precau- The Long Branch students, win cluded in a special honori cil- "This is the story of my life," Included in the wardrobe is an tion against continued damage Preliminary approval for the ners at competitive try-outs, wil cului subject which if being of- Sinatra said in a phone call from Inverness cape for wear from trespasser!, meet students from high schools fered this year for the first time Washington to this reporter. "I white tie and tails. subdiviiion was granted by the It was announced uncollected throughout Monmouth County at by the department of mathemat- buy some new clothes and it be- Triggers Report Planning Board last week. taxes totaling $1(6 were cancel- ics at Masachusetts Institute of comes a big crisis. I never once Nightclub comics may have Final action on the subdivision led because of error in assess- the Speech Arts Festival Jan. 23 opened my mouth to anyone. triggered the report that Frank will be taken by the Township ment, and change of residence. at Long Branch High School. Technology, the college an- nounced recently. "I like the clothes and I will was displeased with his clothes. Committee following final approv- State approval was received for Talks Set wear them to whatever affair for- Joe E. Lewis wired the al by the Planning Board. an emergency appropriation of The local winners and their al- mal attire is called for." singer: Associate Township Attorney $4,500 to cover snow removal ternates are: Jay Teran, sopho- Prompt Service! Some published reports quoted "Have heard about your new James R. Minogue was instructed work and road equipment pur- more, and James Maskasky, sen- a spokesman for Sinatra as say-Don Loper wardrobe. Save the to prepare an ordinance dealing chase. ior, who will offer prepared talks ing he was miffed at Loper for first dance for me." with the widening of Crawfords on "What Youth Hopes From the giving out details of the ward- Phil Silvers ad libbed a similar Corner Rd., near Bell Laborator- New President;" Robert C. Blank robe. These reports also said Sin- joke from the stage of his Broad- ies, and to set up funds in theSchool Benefit and Adrienne Kaplan, freshmen, atra would not wear the clothes way hit, "Do Re Mi" while Frank capital improvement fund for this who will present prepared because he was angry. was in the audience. purpose in this year's budget. Dance Slated ipeechei on 'Self-discipline: The What He Ordered "And nobody laughed harder Eatemenrt Secured iger, and Fred Link, speech Rules On by the American Printing House The purchase of a % ton pick meeting Thursday at the Lincroft RED BANK-The first volume for the Blind, and the non-profit up truck was approved by theInn. Dr. Stanley Sprung, psy- Fatal Accident of a 20-volume Braille edition of price is $616.25 plus approxi- committee. It will be purchased chologist for the local schools, Five Appeals the World Book Encyclopedia will mately $45 in postage and insur- from John and Gibbf Motor Co., will be guest speaker. be on exhibit at the Red Bank NIW VOBH STOCB IXCHAN8I CMICAOO MAM OF TUN TRENTON - The state Civil ance. Matawan, for $1,675. Attending the meeting were Public Library for two weeks Service Commission Thursday re- Driver Loses Action was dismissed on theMrs. Eric W. Luster, Mrs. Geo. starting today. During January, every World versed three and upheld two dis- Book-Childcraft representative creation of a second voting dis- A. Finn, Mrs. Harold Sherman, trict. It was reported that no EISELE ft KING, LIBAIRE, STOUT I CO. missals in cases ranging from a His License The exhibition was arranged and manager has been asked by Mrs. Vincent Roache, Jr. meter reader, whose job was through Mrs, Dorothy Stoll, his company to make a contribu- complaints were received from Mrs. Rusiell Mrs. AtMlIlt* MlWtlf *f TRENTON-Richard J. Glinski, abolished, to an off-duty cop, who World Book regional manager for tion to the printing house each the 1,343 voters against the oneDavid M. Leavy, Mn. Fred AMIBICAN STOCa tXCHANaa 26, of 130 South Seventh Ave., accidentally shot two tavern pa- Monmouth and Ocean Counties. time he sells a set of the regular voting place. Pickerell, Mrs. John Russell and Long Branch, has had his license BMIN orncii •• BROABWAV. NW reaa CITT trons. This is the first time an ency- edition. Committeeman Alfred C. Poole Mrs. Richard Ferial. revoked for a year for being The three dismissal decisions clopedia has ever been published involved in a fatal accident. There are more than 50,000 reversed by the commission re- in Braille, and is the largest sin- He was one of six Monmouth representatives and managers in turned Edward McKenna of Jer- gle Braille publication ever un- the organization, located through- 103 IAST MONT STRUT MD IANK. N. J. aey City, Anthony P. Andriolo bf County drivers whose license dertaken. revocations under the point sys out the world, and they are di- CtarlM I. *•*•!•. Up. Orange and Harry Bock of West A total of $115,000 has been tern were announced by Ned J. vided into 81 divisions. Through New York to their jobs. donated to finance the project— Parsekian, acting motor vehicle their efforts a Braille set will be Job Abolished $60,000 by the Field Foundation, director. placed in each of these 81 di- STOCKS BONDS McKenna was fired as a Jer- Inc., and $55,500 by Field Enter- visions. The others are: Edwin Scholl, •ey City street light inspector in prises Educational Corporation. IH0.UIM ABOUT OUR INVItTOR'l CLUI 24, of 1 Center St., Rumson, eight Students and adults alike were 1957 when the job was abolished, Publication is being done at the months; Philip A. Lewis, 30, of invited to see the history-making •ruck omtm but the commission ruled a year American Printing House for the 36 Garden PI., New Shrewsbury, volume. n. i. Htw Brauwtcft. N. I. ftnklif, U L later that he was entitled to re- Blind on a non-profit basis. four months; Warren C. Evans, The entire running text of the N. 4. Nt» Inn, Cau. BUftkMk. N. J. turn to his former post as a me- It adds up! More and more ter reader at $3,360 a year. 20, of 929 VanCourt Ave., El196- 0 ink-print edition, plus some PMtrM. tt. t. Mua, Ita. Kwwmtt. CMS. beron, and Douglas C. Lawrence, tables and other materials I in- people use The Register ads each IMI Intlmr. NTO WiUrtdrr, Omm. ttm AMay. H. t. However, McKenna was ad- issae bee: results come fas- vised by the bureau that he 21, of Neptune, three months cluded. mxm» (tou each, and Joseph Azzolina,. 34,, ter.—Advertisement. would receive only the minimum Printed in ink type, the 1960 of 75 Her Dr., Middletown, one starting salary, and not the sal- month. ary he was getting just before his Twelve drivers lost their promotion to street lighting in- licenses for 30 days for convic- •pector. tions under the 60-70 speed pro- McKenna refused to go back gram. and appealed again to the com- They are: Vincent E. O'Neill, mission. It said he should have 35 of 75 Foster St., River Plaza; gone back to work before appeal- Irving C. Johnson, 22, of 69 ing, but was still entitled to the Winding Way, Little Silver; job at the last salary lie was Robert N. Norton, of Bellevut paid for it instead of the mini- Ave., Rumson; Rose M. Jones, mum starting salary. 22, of 261 Seabreeze Ave., East Andriolo was restored to the Kcansburg; Rocco L. DePeoIa, Job of head account clerk in the 46, of 592 Overton Ave., and Orange water bureau. George Rescigno, 20, of 324 The commission directed the Chelsea Ave., Long Branch; eity to pay Andriolo his back sal- YOU It Michael Mitchell, 20, of 17 Park ary to July 29, 1959. La., Fair Haven; Thomas 'Bad Faith* Dadourian, 20, of Belmar; Robert It said his demotion by James M. Mattox, 39, or Main St., A. Chrjstiano. director of the De- Tennent; Robert A. MacTaggart, partment of Public Works, to the 44, of Allentown; Matthew J. FilMD US job of principal account clerk Lukasiewicz, 28, of 4 June Ter., "was the result of bad faith. New Monmouth, and Robert C. The post of head account clerk Schulz, 32, of Brick Township. pays $1,020 a year more than the lower ranking job. The Civil Service Commission m iN THE (aid Christiano apparently was New not concerned about Andriolo holding the job of head account clerk until he realized Andriolo Shrewsbury was abjout to get permanent civil Mr. and Mrs. William W. Fair service status, when he started and son Robert, 24 Alden La., YEltOW casting about for an excuse-to spent the recent holidays in Flor- demote Andriolo. ida. They vacationed at West Bock, a West New York fire- Palm Beach and visited their man, was dismissed on charges other son, William, Jr, a stu- of tardiness, after pleading guil- dent at Miami University. PAGES ty because he had been led into t false sense of security, the com John P. Hcggie, and daughters, mission said. 92 Willow Rd., spent last month The commission also stated that in St. Petersburg, Fla., with his Bock was called before a depart- parents. mental hearing by a notice say Ing he faced only suspension Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ras- from duty. mussen, 19 Reeds Rd., have re- The commission ordered Bock Turned from a recent holiday in suspended from Oct. 6, 1959, un Bermuda. While there they stayed Delivery Ml Jan. 9, 1961. at the Inverurie. Patrons Shot The dismissals upheld by the Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Pickerell Supplier commission involved Robert F. and children, 296 Riveredge Rd., Morton, Newark, who was fired spent the week-end at the Tray- as cottage officer at the Menlo more, Atlantic City. Park Diagnostic Center, and John F. Moriarty, Jr;, a Newark Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bental patrolman whose gun went off Wilde. 246 Riveredce Rd. have accidentally in a bar, wounding returned from a 12-day holiday two patrons. at the Sun Dial Motel, St. Peters- The commission said Morton burg Beach, Fla. VacaMoning was fired June 13. It said he hadwith them were five of their a record of "inexcusable absen- children, Judy, Jim, Nuncy, teeism and tardiness" and theMarcia and Linda. commission had no alternative but to uphold the institution's ac- Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rath- tion. man, 86 Cloverdale Ci*., enter- The commission said Moriarty tained at cocktails Saturday was off duty Oct. 23, 1959, when evening. Among their quests the shooting incident occurred in were Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Axt, the People's Tavern, 20 Van Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Vechten St., Newark. ard Williams, Middletown; Mr. "There is no question the gunand Mrs. Robert Y^qer, Lin- was discharged accidentally," the croft; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fox, commission said. But it added West Allenhurst; Mrs. Joan Dil- that there was a dispute over lon, Fair Haven; Maj. and Mrs. whether another bar patron was Andrew G. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. touching it when it fired. Charles W. Stockton, Mr. and Moriarty said he was trying Mrs. Albert L. Diano, Mr. and to take the gun from its holster Mrs. Harvey G. Miller, Mr and and put it in his pants pocket. Mrs. Clifford L. H-aslip. Jr. He was wearing civilian clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Knauf.', If he is an established businessman-ready The commission said it did notMr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hill, consider this action to be exer- Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Bar- to serve you locally-you'll find him fast in cising the proper care and dili- ton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph YEUOW gence, adding, "The hearing Herrmann and Dr. and Mrs. commissioners cannot condone Charles Schult, New Shrewsbury. the careless handling of a load- the Yellow Pages. You can rely on the Yellow ed revolver while seated at a bar CHURCH BUILDING PEAK PAGES It must be borne in mind that WASHINGTON (AP) - Ex- Pages to tell you who sells, makes, rents, appellant (Moriarty) had been off penditures for church construc- duly at least 10 hours without tion in this country, )he Depart- lieep, had eaten only one meal ment of Commerce estimates, to- repairs, moves, delivers, or does anything. r ind had consumed at least eight talled $i,(M. ),oon,ooo jn inno, ex- glasses of beer. ceeding a billion dollars fnr the Moriarty was fired April 26, first lime. The 1959 total was 1960. $917 million. rT©fl|#

35"Wof" c SH I'll 10 NI6HT Section Two RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1961 7c PER COPY Mew Jersey Rebels Advance News Briefs Castro Hunts TRENTON - Dr. J. Harry On Laos Fronts Adams, superintendent of schools in Elizabeth, will become head Rebel Bands VIENTIANE, Laos (AP)-Rebel Vieng Friday. The squadron re- of the state Division of of Civil capture of the key staging base ported destroying a rebel truck Rights Feb. 1. He will bear the By Robert Berrellez up an area troublesome to Castro but heavy fog prevented deter- title of assistant commissioner of Ta Vieng dealt a major blow HAVANA (AP)-Between 10,000 slnce ne took P°wer- mining other damage. of education, a post with a salary One of the over the week-end to government and 15,000 militiamen, unleashed hundreds of civilians plans to attack Communist forces Departure of some security po- ange of $12,603 to $16,383 a e vacuted from tne Prime Minister Fidel Castro ! t mountains, in to the north. lice and troops from Vientiane 'ear. He will succeed Dr. John the south-central Las Villas prov- southward to Savannakhet P. Milligan, who resigned last in a major offensive, have sur Soldiers and civilians began rounded growing rebel bands op- ince, said the militiamen were digging trenches in Vientiane and sparked rumors that the govern- October to become chief educa- shelling an area where the rebels tion adviser in Equador for the erating in the rugged Escambray Luang Prabang as the new Red ment was planning to evacuate Mountains of South Central Cuba, were believed concentrated and offensive posed a threat to both the capital, but most officials de- International Co-operation Admin- according to reliable reports. would move in after the mortar cities. nied any such move. istration. The civil rights division It could not be determined if and artillery bombardment. Premier Boun Oum struck back is in charge of enforcing New Castro claimed last fall that all Two Fronts "ersey's laws against discrimina- the offensive was part of a na- with the four T6 training planes Reports that the rebels were tion-wide drive to fulfill Castro's rebel activity in the mountains received from the United States tion because of race, creed or was smashed. There have been advancing on two important nationality. pledge to wipe out all rebel ac- making rocket and machinegun ronts caused apprehension in the tivity in Cuba this year, or persistent—but unconfirmed—re- attacks on the pro-Communist vital government bases of Pak merely a one-shot attack to clean ports that 300 to 1,000 insurgents forces who drove 1,000 to 1,500 sane and Tha Thorn and travelers NEWARK - A Newark po- :ontinued to operate in the government troops from Ta said defense forces massed there liceman responding to a* emer- jungle-like area und«r the com- last week for a drive to the north gency call breathed life lnt» • mand of ex-Army Maj. Evelio against Red-held Xieng Khouan? new-born baby yesterday. Pa- Look-Alike' Duque and former Capt. Ramon "•erez. Six Injured province appeared in a state of trolman Chaster Popech was confusion. summoned to the home of Wes- Ordinance No Information Ta Vieng and Tha Thorn, U ley Glasgow after his' wife, There was no official word on the reported offensive. Military In Six-Car miles eastward had been set up FORMER MAYOR HONORED — Assessor Fr.d Quinn, former Freehold mayor, seat, Joan, gave birth to an appar- as staging areas for the prom ently still-born son. Popech re- Trial Bound headquarters in Cicnfuegos, in Accident ised government thrust against ed canter, was honored at a testimonial dinner Saturday hight at the Jewish Commun- vived 'the infant with mouth-to- FREEHOLD _ The Raritan :he mountain foothills, indicated Xieng Khouang, the Plaine Dcs ity Center. Helping him celebrate the affair, were Mrs. Quinn and Mayor Barton Cat- mouth artificial respiration un- Township "look-alike" house- a.n. offensiv. „e was under way but -eferreeferredd all questions to Havana MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP—Six Jarres, and its strategic air strip, lahan. Standing, left to right, are M. Raymond McGowan, Freehold Borough Attorney, til an emergency squad arrived building ordinance will go to trial [ •" questions to Havana persons were injured last night which the rebels seized last with oxygen. Mrs. Glasgow, SI, earl«rly next monthmonth. headquarters. A spokesman there in a two-phase, six-car accident month. matter of ceremonies, and county Judge Elvin R. Simmill, the principal speaker. wai reported in fair condition Superior Court Judge J. Ed- >aid he had no information. on Rt. 33. It was unofficially reported that In Martland Medical Center. ward Knight condemned this Fri- r State police at the Tennent bar- Red China, meanwhile, came The baby, Patrick, was kept on day. 0 to 90 persons were seized in racks are searching for one of out in support of Cambodia's the serious list. The judge made the ruling aft- ^ienfuegos on charges of links the vehicles involved in the first proposal for a 14-nation parley to er dismissing a motion for a lith rebel activity. Hundreds of part of the accident. seek an end to the Laotian con- Former Mayor Honored ruling on the case by Fern Build- peasants in the area were re- Trooper William Gray said a PATERSON — Eleven persons ported evacuated 36 miles south- flict. Radio Peiping said Foreign were left homeless yesterday ers, Union developers of Stone- car driven east on Rt. 33 by Minister Chen Yi had asked Brit hurst Park. east to "El Nicho," a big coffee Charles Canada, 21; of Fort Mon when a fire raged through a two- plantation, before the offensive ain and Russia, co-chairmen of 400 in Freehold Attend Affair for Fred Quinn story brick apartment at 506-512 Judge Knight said he would mouth, went out of control and the 1954 Geneva conference on began Friday, Park Ave. Four firemen were have to have a trial in order to crossed into the westbound lane. Indochina, to call such a session FREEHOLD — Former Mayor a "belated tribute" and cited Mr. Mrs. Quinn was presented with make, a decision. Castro's troops reportedly are It was hit by an auto driven by soon. Fred Quinn was honored at a Quinn for his "loyalty, honesty a bouquet of red roses by Mrs. treated for smoke poisoning. commanded by Maj. Dermidio Joseph Weber, 37, of Mercerville. testimonial dinner Saturday night. and efficiency," having worked Callahan. Stores were on the first floor Legal Queitlon Escalona, recently transferred to Mr. Weber's wife, Mrs. Rose International Mediation More than 400 persons attended with the honored guest for many and apartments on the second William Kaufman, attorney for Las Villas after commanding the Earlier in the day, Mayor Cal- floor. Police said a drug store Weber, was thrown from the car Six top Laotian ambassadors the event held in the Jewish Com- years in the County Court where lahan officiated at ceremonies the developers, had argued that army in westernmost Pinar Del and sprained her wrist. were to fly to Luang Prabang to- munity Center here. Mr. Quinn, at one time, was a and a beauty salon were badly the constitutionality of the or- Rio Province. dedicating a new street in the damaged. Patrolman Edward So- A third car, driven by Joseph day to brief King Savang Vathana Borough Attorney M. Raymond court clerk, dinance was strictly a legal ques- If Escalona has managed to borough to be known as Quinn lesky was walking his beat when Raleigh, 23, of 78 Washington St., on international proposals to McGowan was master of cere- Engraved Watch tion that could be decided by an surround a large rebel force, it Blvd. he saw smoke coming from the Rumson, stopped near the scene solve the crisis. monies. County Judge Elvin R. Mayor Barton Callahan, who :xamination of the ordinance. would be the first time Castro's One envoy said the government The new street is in the rear building and turned in an alarm troops have pulled off this feat. as Mr. Weber went to tend to Simmill was the principal spcak- proposed the affair, presented of the Hall of Records. The attorney said also it was his wife. is ready to "accept international the former mayor with an en- legal question as to whether his Government forces have chased The fourth car, police said, mediation at any time." Judge Simmill called the event graved watch. Among those attending were MOUNT EPHRAIM - A 12- clients had the right to complete rebels in many areas of Cuba, slammed into Mr. Weber's car The Peiping broadcast accused Superior Court Judges J. Edward year-old boy was shot and the remaining 28 houses in the from Santiago to Pinar Del Rio. and Mr. Raleigh's vehicle, and the United States of actively sup- Knight and Theodore Labrecque; wounded critically yesterday development as originally de But when Castro's troops concen- banged into Mr. Weber's left leg porting Premier Prince Boun county Judge Edward J. Ascher; while visiting a friend. The po- signed. trated in one area, the rebels The driver then drove from the Oum's pro-Western government To Reconsider Cost Assemblymen Alfred N. Beadle- lice said Clinton O'Neill of seemed to crop up in another. scene. and attempting to expand the ston and Clifton T. Barkalow; Mount Ephratm was playing at Vary Style In Havana, the Castro regime A short distance from the four- Civil war. former and present borough of- the home of Steven Smith, IS, The township's ordinance com continued to crack down on ac- car crash, Samuel Terrell, 43, of The broadcast declared that ficials, as well as the mayor and when a .22 caliber pistol Smith pels builders to vary the style cused counter-revolftionaries. Prosperity St., Freehold, saw the U.S. actions were subjecting Red Of Lincroft Tract committeemen of Freehold Town- was holding discharged. O'Neill and dimensions of neighboring Prison Terms accident and started to slow China's security to "an increas- ship, and the mayors of Howel was hit In the chest. The po- homes and developments. Thirty-three men, one of them down. His auto skidded headon ingly greater threat." MIDDLETOWN — The Town- full market value the GSA has and Marlboro Townships. lice said Smith was unloading Township Attorney Lawrence a North American, were sen- hip Committee will meet in set en the property. into an castbound car driven by Was Athlete the pistol when it went off. A. Carton, Jr., Middletown, in op- tenced to prison terms of ninfr conference later this week to re- Herbert Zimelis. president of posing Mr. Kaufman's motion to 30 years on charges they were Otis Whited, 55, of 67 South Clin In his youth Mr. Quinn wa«.M ton PI., New Shrewsbury. consider the possibility of pur- Laurie Builders, • Inc., said he Friday, said the court must de- involved in various plots against all-round athlete at 'Freehold PLAINFIELD-AbOit $4.5 mil Jessie Watson, 47, of Prosperi Salvationist chasing the 60-acre Tort Mon- would like to build approximately cide whether "aesthetic zoning," the government. mouth training area off Newman 80 homes on the land. He said High School from which lie was lion in severance benefits wil which the ordinance advocates, The North American, identified ty St., a passenger in Terrell's graduated in 19)9. be paid to employees of Mack car, was thrown from the auto Dinner Springs Rd. and Normandy Rd. he would probably build split is a reasonable exercise of mu only as Robert John Gentile, was in Lincroft. level, colonial and two-story He later became a - standou Trucks, Inc., who do not relo- nlcipal power. sentenced to 30 years on charges She suffered four broken ribs and cate in Hagerstnwn, Md., where a possible broken collarbone and According to Mayor John T. homes in the $25,000 category, if pitcher and third , baseman for Fern Builders had constructed he plotted to kidnap Cuban Pres- Lawley, Jr., the main problem he GSA awards the land to him. the Freehold team in the. county the company is building t new 32 houses before the ordinance ident Osvaldo Dorticos. was admitted to Fitkin Hospital Tonight plant, the company has an- Neptune. She is in fair condition facing the township is th?t of Mr. Zimelis termed the.prop- Firemen's Baseball League. was adopted June 30, but the Gentile entered Cuba with RED BANK — The annual financing t h e purchase for erty ideal for residential build- He began his public service ca nounced. The company empioys township refused permits for the faked papers and under instruc- today. several thousand persons here Also injured, besides Mr. and meeting of the Salvation Army recreational purposes. in);. He said would have to be reer in 1919 as a school teacher. balance unless the builders met tions from "the Yankee military Mrs. Weber and Jessie Watson Advisory Board will be held to- The committee had termed the taken to determine if sewers He taught at the Marlboro and the requirements of the new or intelligence service," the govern- were Michael Weber, 7, who had night at 7 o'clock in Westminster $82,500 price "too high" wl'en it would be needed. Freehold Township schools for • UNDEN-A 21-year-old Cran- dinance. ment charged. Gentile was de- a bruised forehead; Mr. Whited hall of the Presbyterian Church. originally considered the pro- His plans would have to be nine years. ford man, spotted an imply po- scribed as a World War II expert who had multiple bruises, and his Maj. Andrew Miller, director of posal. At that time officials felt approved by the Planning Board. In 1928, he was appointed lice patrol car and unhesitat- in weapons and explosives. Ho wife, Mrs. Frances Whited, 40, public relations of (he Salvation that with more pressing de- He said he did not know when full-time court clerk and 'was ingly got In It and drove off— Blood Needed was arrested with 11 other per- who had multiple cuts and Army in New York City, will be mands, the township might not he would have plans ready for justice of the peace for - 18'/ but It was the wrong move. sons at the home of Domingo the guest speaker. The Asbury 2 RED BANK - Stanley H. Gomez Rojas, owner of a phar- bruises. They were treated at the be in a financial position to ac- submission to the planners. The years, beginning this service in James MacOonald was seized Park Citadel Band of the Sal- Conover, post commander of maceutical laboratory. scene and sent home. quire the land. builder noted that a decision on 1931. 28 minutes later driving down vation Army will be featured. In the American Legion, Shrews- All 33 men were convicted dur- The property was put up for the sale would not be macie for Rt. 1 by police. He refused to charge of the program « William Board Member bury Post, has put out a re- ing seven trials befort two mili- public auction Friday oy the at least 30 days. take a sobriety test and was A. Fluhr, advisory board chair- quest for donors for the post tary tribunals in La Cabana for- 3-Hour Blaze General Services Administration. The land has 2,600 feet of Mr. Quinn served two years as charged with being disorderly. blood bank to replace blood for man. rontage on Normandy Rd, It a member of the. Board ot Edu- tress. Twelve persons were ac- Would Build The police car was left un- Frank Mitchell, who Is a med- Maj. Miller's father, Col. has sandy soil ann\ much of the cation here and left that post in guarded when two pelrnlmen quitted. Destroys House Laurie Builders Inc., Plainfield, ical patient at Rlvervlew Hos- Two American newsmen were Ralph I. Miller, owns a houje on ract is heavily woodud: 1946 for the mayor's chair. He were inside the Coast Cafe, «1 pital. Donors to the bank may LONG BRANCH-An unoccu- offered to buy the tract for $150,- arrested and held six hours yes- Oldfield PI. and plans on retir- Mayor Lawley said the area served three two-year terms be- Broadway, answerlnc a burular submit at Monmouth Medical pied three-story house on Cooper 000. The firm was one of 21 that terday. They were Richard Val- ing here. Maj. Miller was re- would make an ideal Park. He fore retiring. alarm Saturday. Police said $21 Center, Long Branch, or at Ave. was destroyed by fire which bid on the land. eriani of the Associated Press cently assigned to New York fol- also noted that adequate recrea- In 1956 he was named borough was taken from the cafe. Rlverview Hospital, today from kept all nine city fire companies Mayor Lawley said the town- and James Wallace of the Wall lowing an outstanding appoint- tional areas are fast dwindling assessor, a post he still holds. S to 7 p.m. at the scene three hours last ment he fulfilled in Cincinnati. ship "still has a month in which Street Journal. in the township. HARRIMAN. N. Y.-Peter Han- night. Ohio. to buy the land for $81,500—the His record of public service led A 354-signature petition from sen. 58, of 242 Warren St., Jer- Fire Chief Donald VanBrunt Capt. Geoffrey Clay, local com- price the GSA offered the town- Lincroft residents was submitted the Veterans of Foreign Wars to sey City, N. J., was one of five said the fire apparently started manding officer, will present the ship. He said the township does last Wednesday night asking the award him i t s good citizen in a stairwell on the first floor annual report for 1960, outlining not have to match the high bid township to purchase t'.ie iand. medal. persons injured Saturday when New Cardinals and that the cause is under in- he work done in Northeastern figure of $150,000. Residents feel that the area He was a member of the Free- six cars and two trucks smashed vestigation. There was no dam- Monmouth County over the past Half Price would be ideal for recreational hold Fire Company for 32 years together on the fog-shrouded New Four Are Named by Pope John age estimate. year. The $82,500 figure is half the purposes and that there is little and is an honorary life membei York State Thruway. He was treated at a hospital and re- land now available ior such use. of the New Jersey State Fire- VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope men's Relief Association, a char leased. the word peace is frequently Mayor Lawley said the com lohn XXIII today created four abused and used to feed rivalry mittee would meet as soon as ter and honorary life member ol f GARFIELD - A 40-year-oid new cardinals of the Roman and discord. But he said that possible to consider he purchase. the Freehold Lions Club, a mem Catholic Church and at the same ber of the Monmouth County As- father of six burned to death despite current situations, he Washington Party Kick Friday as he tried desperately time made an impassioned plea nourished "serene Christian op- sessors Association and the New for peace in the world. Jersey State Association of Tax to rescue three of his sleeoing timism." Middletown Assessors. children from an upstairs bed- Those elected to the college of The Pope said that he hoped Democrats — and Republicans — Will Celebrate room in their burning house. :ardinals—high senate body of and prayed that when '.he "egiti- He Is a past grand knight One of the children also per- :he church — were Archbishops mate aspirations" of peoples for WASHINGTON (AP) - If ever party given by Mr. and Mrs. their wives and military aides Fall Victim's the Freehold Knights of Colum there was a week for Democrats Rowland Boyd of McKinney, will attend a special luncheon in ished in the fire. Dfad were oseph E.. Ritter of St. Louis, liberty and independence are at- bus and past exalted ruler of th< Frank Coburn, a Sunday-School Mo., Jose Humberto Quintero of :ained, that "the richest will aid to celebrate, this is it. On Fri- Tex., for Rayburn and his two the House office building Friday Freehold Elks Club. day, one of their own, John F. sisters, Mrs. W. A. Thomas of immediately following the swear Service Set teacher and World War II v«t- Caracas, Venezuela, Luis Concha the poorest, the strongest will eran, and his daughter Nancy, Kennedy, will be inaugurated Dallas and Mrs. S. E. Bartley of ing-in ceremonies. MIDDLETOWN—Funeral serv- :ordoba of Bogota, Colombia, sustain the weakest, and the President, ending eight years of Bonham, Tex. The states not represented will four. Three other children - and Msgr. Giuseppe Fen'etto, an most advanced will »xtend a ices will be held tomorrow at Suffers Broken Billy, 14; John, 11, and Rosalie, Republican federal rule. be Georgia, Mississippi, Mon- 10 a.m. in the Pfleger Funeral Italian member of the Vatican hand to the least developed, and Throughout the week, Washing- 10—were hospitalized. Wily and Curia and the secretary of the all finally feel themselves lo be And the Democrats mean to ton will be on a party kick with tana, New York, Utah and Wy- Home, New Monmouth, for John oming. Knee in Crash Rosalie were in critical condi- Pontifical Commission for Latin brothers because all are sons of celebrate, starting tonight with a scores of dances, receptions, din- B. Rickard, 34, of 12 Suffolk La., tion. Coburn's wife, Irlna, M, Following the luncheon, the America. the same Father who is in reception for one of their vener- ners and private celebrations. who fell to his death Friday EATONTOWN - Edward L. fled to safety with Betty Jane, governors will be able to watch The close connection of all four heaven." able leaders, 79-year-old House Kennedy himself is coming while working on the Dwight Mor- six. Judy Lynn, five months, the inaugural parade on televi- Maclntyrc, 26, of Neptune, is in of the new cardinals wiMv the Prayerful Message Speaker Sam Rayburn. back from Palm Beach tomorrow row High School, Englewood. and John. Coburn, who was sion until each must go to his fair condition today in Fitkin Americas resulted in tie occa 'We have mentioned the word The Republicans, however, and will put in an appearance at Rev. Frederick McQuade, pas- wounded in World War II and car to ride in the parade. Hospital, Neptune, with a sion being dubbed unofficially peace," said Pope John. "A won't be entirely left out in the a party his sister, Mrs. Jean tor of Christ Episcopal Church, walked with a noticeable limp, Among the 200 to 250 guests at "the American consistory." prayerful message of peace is cold. The soon-to-be "outs" cut Kennedy Smith, is giving for the will officiate. Burial will be in broken knee he suffered in a had returned to his iob at a cast of the inaugural gala. the luncheon will be former Crest Haven Cemetery, Clifton. two-car crash at Rt. 35 and Rt. Pope John announced their ele- what we wish to address 'o the into a week of partying for the Teterboro paner company only whole world on the threshold of President and Mrs. Harry S Mr. Rickard fell while rolling vation to the college in in allo- new "ins" with a "Transition The gala is a star-studded eve- 537 Saturday night. last'week after being out of his new year." ning of entertainment being pro- Truman, their daughter Marga- wire mesh on the ceiling of the cution made in a secret consist- Ball" tonight in honor of the out- State Trooper Charles Daniels work several months. The pope said that it was a duced by Frank Sinatra and Ken- ret, and her husband Clifton new high school auditorium. Pol- ory at the Vatican Palace's Con going Republican Eisenhower all- of the Shrewsbury barracks re- 'matter of great regret" that nedy's brother-in-law, actor Pe- Daniel. ' ice said he died of internal in- sistorial Hall. Twenty-nine rardl- ministration. What started out as ported a car driven north on Rt. he "unanimous and vorld-wide ter Lawford. Top talent from Television of another sort juries. He was dead on arrival M1LLBURN - BiifjUrs ran- nals—mostly members of the a modest affair has gotten unex- 35 by Haywood Killings, 22, of desire of all the nations for peace Broadway- and Hollywood, taking closed circuit TV used by the at Englewood Hospital. sacked the home of Charles Fay, Vatican Curia—heard the Pope. pected response from Republi- Co. 1, Fort Monmouth, was mak- does not succeed in conquering part in the event, will be guests Army as a battlefield communi He was employed by the J. B. 216 Glen Ave., and escaped with Official Notification cans. ing a left turn onto Rt. 537 when the widespread fear and tensions of the Smiths, who have expanded cations technique, will keep the Evrell Co., Hacksensack. $3,300 in furs and an undeter- Immediately after the pro They hope to muster 15,000 to it collided with Maclntyrc's which the disagreements can car- t h e facilities of their small parade moving on schedule. Mr. Rickarrl was born in Jer- mined amount of jewelry today, nouncement of the names M the vehicle, which had entered the ry forward to consequences of dance until midnight to a 13-piece OeOtgetown home by setting up Eight ground cameras, placed sey City, son of Mrs. E. Godley police reported. No one was home new cardinals, papal messengers intersection from the opposite reat seriousness. orchestra. a heated tent in their garden. at strategic points along the 214- Rickard and the late John D. at the time of the robbery. left the Vatican to bring officia' direction. "The brief and partial breaks Ball Chairman Lyman Brown- Fashion experts arc predicting mile parade route, will feed pic Rickard. notification of their elevation — Killings was issued summonses in the international hoiijon,' he field explains: "There are some Washington l« in for a boom in lures to a monitor. At this point He was a veteran of World War NEWARK — Revenue Directo he "biglietti"—to the new cardi- for making an improper turn said, "only emphasize ti'e general people who have some reserva- elegant formal wear, sparked by the parade chalrmnn will be able II;, a member of Christ Episco John R. Burnett says Newark nals. tions about attending certain to direct action to keep all units pal Church, here; treasurer of the and failing to have his vehicle real estate ratables have -each'c Cardinal Ritter received his disappointments." Kennedy's decision to bring back inspected. They are returnable functions this month, but do, the high silk hat for his inaugura- and equipment moving smoothly Cherry Tree Republican Club, their highest point in 20 vears biglietto at the pontifical North The pope referred brlef'.v to the nevertheless, want- to take part Visitors to Washington this and adjutant of the Leonardo Jan. 26 before Magistrate Peter Burnett said the present fipure American College on Rome's forthcoming Ecumenical Council tion. Capital shops arc featuring Edwardsen. In n ball to hnvc fun and say formal clothes — their windows week will have more time to at Post, American Legion. of $593,098,400, represents »n In Janlculum Hill, surrounded by of the Roman Catholic Church- goodbye to their many friends," filled with ball gowns—and hnb- tend four major tourist attrac Also surviving arc his wife, crease of almost $20 million ove; American prelates and students to be convened In about a year— Texnns, including Vice Presi- crdashers arc pushing white tics tions—the Washington Monument Mrs. Florence Craft Rickard; a Shirley Brauman of Union, Mrs. the 1960 figure. of the college. and said that it would aim at dent-elect and Mrs. Lyndon B. nnd cutaways. the Lincoln and Jefferson Me- son, Scott Rickard, and a daug-h Pnris Thomas nf Tnms River, The two South American oardi being "a service rendered to Johnson, arc expected to domi- morials and the Lincoln Museum tor, Miss Sherry Rickard, both and Mrs. Beverly Frcehley of CHICAGO — The I.ulhera nals received theirs -tt tho /inntifi- truth, an act of charity and an nate the Rnyburn reception to Not Represented 'From tomorrow through Friday at home; two brothers. Jay Rick- Erie, Pa. Church Men of America have re cal Latin-American College in example of peace solemnly pro- which sonic 250 persons have The governors of 44 states, the four Spots will be open froiv ard of the U.S. Navy, Norfolk, The Leonardo Post, American elected Dr. H. Frederick Klland Rome. claimed to all nations by this bticn invited. Soft music and a American Snmoa, Guam, Puerto !) a. m. until 11 p. m. They or Vn., anrl Arthur Rickard of Lau- Legion, will hold services at the cr of East Orange, N. J., prcci Pope John in his alluuutlun supremo sec, which Is t'no cen- sumptuous buffet will mark the Rico and the Virgin islands, dinarily close earlier in the clay rel Mel.; and three sisters, Mrs. funeral home tonight at 8 o'clock. dent. told the assembled cardinals that ter of Catholic unity." V,y. : A >>

Everybody's Yean W* MAI HUMmtY

By CYNIHIA UMWV j portrait was shown by perrois- m "The Fa He Won't Talk • sion of Pablo Picasso." Pathwavs to Art more attention—even thosjfh going to show his travel films TONIGHT (II) This Man Dawton •:«•— Science Corner three weeks in December when 1»:H- (2) Hennesey rice Chevalier. He appeared In The show provides his firsl he learns there is more to the "Cash on Delivery" 11:9»- (2) I Love Lucy the mice don't migrate, and one number, plugged his new acting workout on Broadway. Un offer than meets the eye. Enid 4:01- (2) Brighter Day (4) Barbara Stanwyck (4) Price is Right Collingwood already Albert autobiography, confessed his til the assignment, Silbcrshe Markey and Dnrn Meranda nor- (4) Make Room for (5) Walter Wincheil File (7) Morning Court Schweitzer for one of those." age, sang a couple ol short Daddy (») Science Fiction has concentrated on television tray the two aunts who chart (11) Music Wherever "Did Collingwood . . .?" (One tongs, and disappeared. Host assignments — as a director fo Buddy's course in life. About par (5) Douglas Fairbanks Theater You Go 1 (7) American Bandstand (11) Boxing has to persist with Bickus. ) Richard Rodgers turned up CBS. Among his series assign- for family situation comedies. 11:1»— (9) News and Wether ".. . Come? Of course he did, (II) Abbott and Costello 10: Jt- (2) June Ally son every now and then to reminisce ments there have been "The IlilS— (9> Almanac Newsreel and Henny was wearing her new warmly about his fellow com- Brighter Day" and "Look Up and I:M - CBS - (Ch. 2) — An-4:15- (2) Secret Storm (4) Berle Jackpot 11:29- (9) Winky Dink 4:Jf- (2) Edge of Night (5) Big Story Don Loper gown with '.he "nilse poser and describe the period— Live." dy Griffith Show — It could only (II) Exploring Science in the right leg (for the micro- those popular IIMs which hard- haopen In Mayberry. a town ore- (4) Here's Hollywood (7) Peter Gunn 11:25— (5) News iS) Mr. District Attorney (9)—Movie—Adventure "hone battery, and I was scar- ly need describing now. A full-grown electric eel cansided over by sheriff Andy Tay- 11:39- (2) Clear Horizon (II) Laurel and Hardy "The Prince of ing my blue bar mitzvnh suit The program, incidentally, car- discharge up to 600 volts of elec- lor. Seems a traveling shoe sales- (4) Concentration (U) Women's Cluh Thieves" (which they mutilated by slicking ried the classiest credit of thetricity. It can produce electricity man is believed to lie a talent (5) Romper Room 4:55—(11> Spunky and Tadpole (13) Playback ja microphone button through the season: "The Gertrude Stein for long periods without tiring. scout in disguise. So 'he whole (7) Love That Bob! 5:00- (2) Life of Rilev 10:33—(13) Movie—Comedy i lapel." town, from the sheriff to aunt (9) Marriage I Mathematics Bee (Frances Bavier), audition (4) Movie—Western "The Gunfighter" 11:49—(II) Our Number System themselves for footwear. A fewj "Brimstone" 10:4S—(11) Movie—Drama WUG* i "Wait a minute! According to RADIO more Andy Griffiths on TV and (5) I Led Three Lives "Time Without Pity' jmy figures, your nxncTw mmr> I to $6,000. and you said tn nnn." WABC 771 WNEW 1131 the "South will rise again!" (») Mischief Makers \l:H- (2) News WCBS Kt WOR (11) Bozo the Clown (4) News MOVIE TIMETABLE i Ultra-cozy! Brave winter's (I'm a stickler for fa-t«.) 718 (chills brightly in this fluffy-i "Sure. I forgot to 'ell you tlrt WHTC 1419 WPAT 10:00 - NBC - (Ch. 4) - Bar (U) O. Henrv Playhouse (5) News RED BANK WNBC H* WQXR 15M 5:25— Clutch Cargo (7) News looped cap and mitten set. Hennv fell in love W'i'n "n'i-'"-. bara Stanwyck Show — Miss Carlton—Mountai. ., .. . . n Road, 2:00, ; Fashion loves LOOPS! Howjwood, and it cost us f 10!) H""-« AFTERNOON 7IIS—WOR Capital Clone-Up Stanwyck this week il a dress S:30— (2) Movie—Science Fic- (11) News 8:35; 1 IS: -WABC Charlie Gre»r »'«•—WNBC Wayne Howell show tion. "Destination I1:H— (5) Movie—Drama g.JS, naming Mar 3:45; 7:00; smart,y thcy contrast with shc|i;to so to a marriaqe" WCBS News WOR Carlton Kr«drick« designer who makes an un- 10:20. WHTB Monmouth-Ocean TlSS—WABC News: Chuck oleasant appraisal of herself. Moon" "The Winslow Boy" jstitches in this easy-crochet set.! "And you mean uv'rc rr>v-r NeWa Summary Dunaway When a sketch is stolen, she (5) Texas Rangers 11:11- (2) Weather EATONTOWN Pattern 628: directions small, "Oing to see this tw".nant s-"n WNBC Newa: Jim Lowe OiOO—WCBt World Tonight (7) Rin Tin Tin (4) Weather Drive-In—Flaming Star 7:05' medium, large included. opera on the air?" WOS) Newa. John Scott WNBC Ntwa: Wayne directs her suspicions at those f.'BS ta:lS—WOB The Fltr.geralda who have loyally surrounded her (S) Movie—Adventure (7) Weather 10:25; The Secret Of The Purple' Send 35 cents (coins) for this' "Well, you may. I hear WCBS Lenny Rom Reef 9:00. pattern—add 10 cents for cachimav run off thce Iffto-'or- ns a ttiae—WHTO County Aient [or many years. There's no "The Bandits of 11: IS- (2) Movie—Drama StllO— WCBS Allen Gray &1 ] Corsica" "The Accused" pattern for lst-class mailing, j replacement for 'Lassie' next WHTB Newa; £5* "y truth to the rumor '.hat Barbara HAZLET pts Stanwyck is on an "anything-you- (ll> Three Stooges (4) Jack Paar jSend to the Red Bank Register, Kelaxing Mtlftic , WOR ...*~*'!'SportCullouu,.vuMs »"hn «* EMot Loew's Drive-In — Seven Ncedlecraft Dept., P. O. Box 161. "Backus, desnite all of vour It.SS—WABCNe»»; Farrell Smilh; BUS—WABC NewsNews ; Ch"hudki (IS) Studio 99'/2 (7) Movie—Drama can-do-I-can-do-better" Wck with Thieves 7:05: 11:10; Magnifi-,Old Chelsea Station, New York troubles and impending hr.nk WNBC Kmphanli Loretta Young. iioo—west New. "•« NVw.Tllob H.ymH.ymee . cent Seven 9:00. 111, N. Y. Print plainly paltrrnruntcv. vou are lonkins good." WOR News; UN RevieR w WMTO Headline*. KKI WCBt News; World Of Hollywood ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS i number, name, address and zone. "Thank you. You knew, of Prices, Music JUST 0FF THE WNBCN.w.; Jim Io». i.i .> p n n PRESS! Srnd.cnursp, that I collansed te~i fall WOR Neva Legion Plans 111*—WCBt Man and \Vif« Atlantic— r-ay ur uie cm; w for m|r exciting| ncw m«i*j.ftor shooting the first five Jim illS—WCBS Bol. Dixon CNe w : Bob Tribute to Gable KliYPORT Necdlecraft Catalog. Over 125 Backus shows, but I'm okay now. WOR Carlton Frederick! 255 " Haynm Annual Dinner llSO— WHTB News; Strand—Sons & Lovers 7:09; designs to crochet, knit, sew, I've learned how to n'lax. Dur- Relaxinf Music LEONARDO — Post 338,' HOLLYWOOD, (AP) — Jnhnjance on this matter. When 9; 16 ' ernbroider, quilt, weave — fash-iing the dav I faint a lot." lilt—WABCNevrn: Farrdl Smith 5; cV WNBC Kmphasia American Legion, will hold its an-Huston had just put the finish- people talk about her, they «re'LONG BRANCH ions, home furni " v (Some day I've fnt to do an tieo—WCBt News: Woman'i iual Past Commander's Dinner ing touches OP his two-hour trib- generally trlking about them-' i Sifts, bazar hits. Plus FREE— interview in depth with this man Report on s; Bob Hayrnea Baronet—Sons & Lovers 3:50; instructions for six smaa veil'and find out what Jim Backus Washington March 25, at 8 p.m., in the lele- -utee to Clark Gable. selves. They don't really know : WNTO Headline.. Music tint ~Xiii* Starlight Salute gion hall, Rt. 35. ' | The director had viewed thejher." 7:00; 10:30; Wild River 2:00; caps. Hurry, send 25 cents now!' -; reallv like.) WMStCNews; Jim Low* 8:45. WOR Neva, I.*a Smilh Itltt John Kellerman is chairman ofi final version of "The Misfits" He cited the remark of another •llS—WCBt Hob Dixon 11141 he affair. land made a few minor changes, director, Bil'y Wilder, also be- ASBURY PARK WOR galen Drake Mill -WABC Nens: Happinm atlO—WMTB News; u,^_. Exchange At a recent meeting of the post,!Then it was sent to the labs tojleaguered by Marilyn's lateness Lyric-World Of Suiie Wong WALTER READE Relaxing Music ia:os -WNBC New.; Ail Night In Victor Kelly, county vice com-j rush prints for mass release next! and faulty memory. Wilder told BUS—WABC New«; Jack Carney 7:20; 9:40. WNBC Emphaaii mander, and Eugene Allen, coun- month. His work finally behind :of an aunt in the old country Mayfair—Butterfield 8 2:45; 7:-! a:M—WCBS Ne»»: Martha ty service officer, spoke on Amer- him, he relaxed over marinated; who was always on time and had 15; 9:30. ! Wrisht Anderson canism and the Legion's service {herring and a beer and talkedja photographic memory —"but WMTO Headline*. Mlltin St. James—Goliath And The; WNBC News; Jim Lowe nnroouth-Otean organization. about what turned out to be the:she couldn't do the part as well j WOR News: l.yle Van News Sumary Dragon 3:15; 7:00; 9:50; Last; HIS—WOR Arlen* Francis The post heard reports from most publicized film in recent as Marilyn." Site—WNTOK'fxi: ! Walter Parsells, senior vice com- years. About Gable, Huston said: "I I Woman On Earth 2: (HI; 8:30. | Kelnxing Music TODAY AND TOMORROW aitS—WABC New»; .lack Carney nlander, on membership and! "i think Clark is great in it,"-had known Clark for a number;- WNBC Emphasis dues; Charles Dodge, on the said Huston, a man with a lone,of years, but never very well.| t 10:30 in the morning because 4l*0—WCBS News: Information a rentrnl post's Americanism drive: Ed- weathered face and grey skull I had the impression of him as|of Marilyn, and he was always WHTB Closing .Stock ward Roden, junior vice com- cap of hair, "He like the part.jhaving a kind of implacability,jthere at 10. He worked until 6, Report; Music WNBC News: Art I'oid mander, on the organization ofjHe thought it was the best heeven a lethargy. I discovered in but would have stayed later if WOR News; John Wingittt the post's Boy Scout Troop. lhad in 20 years. working with him that this was:We needed him. He was in his 41 IS—WCBS Kenneth Hanshart onlv a fac WOR Radio New oVrk WOR "" '" Music Harry Karl reported that the! Mnnrm. Eicellent ai'e. best shape in years and seemed 4tlO—WHTO Monmouth-OcFin post's drill team needs four men. J set Eager To Please extremely happy in his marriage. News .Summary (Sign Ofr .i:ir, p.m.) Now he is one u s hard g send the dril' team r fhe "Underneath he was very R ; ' P™"* «||S—WABCNews; .lack Carney I felt "arnest. even eager to please. t0 get used t0 " WNBC Emphasis tional Convention in ^ BlOO—WCBS News: KitleliRhti U Whenever he had a call, he was WNBC News: Art Fmd year. nomlna{e± FAST COLOR b»oe U« „.'?, WOR News; John Scott -WCBS RELIABLE L OtlS—WCBS Kenneth ll.nuhait WNTO I SERVICE WOR Radio New York i: BlSS—WABC News WNBC .' on all models EVENING • Homt BlOO—WABC .lack Carnev ul WH aue WCBS News into the post. that much. So next year he can ' " -' '" a misunaer- WNBC News; Sports be nominated. standing about whether he was Radio WOR New: I.vie Van callct1 for OllS—WABC News: Eri Silverman "Marilyn (Monroe) is excel-, • rehearsal. His wife • Phono WCBS Sports: [loh Cooka Girl Scouts Take lent in it, and Monty Clift is had t0 f|y from >Reno to Los WNBC Art Ford An • Hi-Pi WHJO HMrf NursiiiK Course fantastic. Yes I am very happy Ke'« to see the baby doctor WOR News; John Wingate CNew c and he wa Authorized OlIO—WCBS News; Itusinesi £3!1 Ne » with the picture. One of my "ted to go with her; TV" *» Art ford KEANSBURG - Twelve local ADMIRAL Weekdays 2-7-fl WABC John T';,lr tl*nnrt» best? I usually only feel that^!lc was morc exitce|leUr don't have to tell you my person- TONITE AND TOMORROW Nllfc H#< H flmm mudez, Geraldine Biscus, Mar- roe. Would he work again with TltO—WCBt News: Fd Joyn 11140— WCB "*' *"** ' garite Fernandez, Nancy Jane- her? gag l business.' WNBC Morgan Fe»ttj Thcrcs t nt lh WOR News: sko, Betty Martin, Mildren Ros- '•'•I don't think there's much 1 ''Th ? time, every- Gabriel Heater lllSS—WM sing, Darlene Walling, Barbara can add to the vast literature .thing went smoothly. We started Wyckoff, Katherine Till, and Mrs.about Marilyn," he said evasively. Joseph Biscus "I can't cure the world's ignor- Anti-Amplifiers NEW YORK (AP) - George Abbott, veteran Broadway stager Someone scorns any increased use of am- plifying equipment in legimate theaters. celebratingi Dragon' "If they can't hear 'em, get a 'Last Woman on Earth' new company," is the Abbott slo- Send your best in person by phone. It makes gan concerning audience ability a tremendous hit. Costs little. A 3 min. station • hear pui fuimcr.s. • "MtU.MT call to Pittsburgh from Atlantic City-for ex- Centrally located In Eatontown-New Shrewsbury In "Fiorcllo," Alibolt permits| "THE WORLD OF "SONS & LOVICRS" ample, only 75* after 6 PM. 10% tax not SUZIE \VON(i" "WILD RIVKR" Monmouth-Ocean News Summaries af iuse of mii'rnphn'iP in ono scene ' 7jA.M., 12 Noon, 4:20 P.M. |only because the action takes] Included. SHOWS DAILr AT 2 - 7 • 9 P.M. place in a broadcasting station. CONTINUOUS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY nt INK mm com wm nun mnnw ate Taxes Teticher eeting Topic To Receive t League Israel Scroll KEYPORT-At the conclusion ITLE SILVER-Mrs. Francis of evening services Friday, Jan. Hopkins, Highland Park, will 20, at the United Hebrew con- •ess the League of Women gregation Synagogue, Miss B. ;rs, Red Bank Region, tomor- Doiotliy Cohen, Broad St., leader at 8:15 p.m. in the home of in Bayshore community and re- . Warren Sawyer, 129 Rumligiou- s affairs, will be presented Rd. with a scroll of honor expressing Before yoa can ibop at A&P — A&P bas to shop possible values. But the one thing they never lose er topic will be state taxes, he appreciation of the State of 1 rs. Hopkins is chairman of srael Bond Organization for you! Simple as that sounds, it's a job that sight of is: quality . It has to be there or it isn't e taxes for the League of Miss Cohen, who teaches a spe- bought by A&P! And to make doubly sure you're nen Voters of New Jersey. cial class in the Grammar School, takes a lot of doing. And to do it best, A&P has is a former president of thehas been chairman of the Bay- a staff of buyers — specialist! in every market completely satisfied—A&P guarantees everything B league. shore area bond campaign for lans for the meeting were dis- more than 10 years, and is be- — who are constantly on the lookout for the best sold on a money-back basis! Come see, you'll Save! sed at a recent meeting of ng honored for a decade of work league's board of directors toward the economic develop- he home of Mrs. Max Singer, ment of Israel. i Shrewsbury, Zimel Resnick, Asbury Park Buy Your favorite Kind! rs. Lloyd Peskoe, New community leader and pioneer ; "Supw-Right" Qyolity wsbury, president, said (hair- Zionist, will also be featured on | i of each committee will be the program. ed to report at Tuesday's The bond issue is the central iting. source of investment capital for CHICKEN PARTS Israel's program of economic de- Publications Chairman velopment, j LAMB SHOULDERS [rs. Peskoe announced the ap- Miss Cohen spent several ltment of Mrs. James Parker, months touring the Orient and Red Bank, who w.ll be pub-has been frequent visitor Cmblntlci Pxkige LEGS 49: BREASTS 59: tions chairman, and Mrs. Rob- Israel. Fishman, Fair Haven, date- SbtiMer Chops art Stewlig Laab k chairman. BACKS and NECKS 10f WINGS [rs. Walter Schwarz, Little 291 er, was appointed finance Ader Heads imittee chairman. Members of committee will be Mrs. SinAid Squad , Mrs. Culbert McGay, Eat "Sup«r.Righr" Quality - SMOKED "Sup«rRight" Quality - RIB )wn, and Mrs. Joseph Bryan, UNION BEACH — George Ad- •anport. er was re-elected president of the he resignation of Mrs. Eufirs- t aid squad last week in the e Badgley, Little Silver, as squad building. irman of the Red Bank High Other officers are George Sap- II. ool study committee was ac-pah, vice president; Albert Niola, BEEF TONGUES 491 LAMB CHOPS 79 treasurer; Albert Cowling, finan- ted with regret. Suptr-liflht Brand—Tep Quality Irs. Badgley is seeking elec- cial secretary; Patrick Havens, SHOtTCUT (RrstCrtsPrlertdgWr) recording secretary; William Ha- i to the Little Silver Board lib. Education, League policy re vens, captain; George Anderson, OF Regular OVH- lugir-Carid res that during a member's assistant captain; Walter Chom- Itytt 69: Rniy SLICED BACON Pkf. 59 ic, first lieutenant; William 79 .ire on the board of direc ;, she may not run far or serve Brown, second lieutenant, and an elected office. trustees, Mr. Chomic, three •MfCbuek c liMless c years, William Havens, two years liuli Ik. STEWING VEAL 69Ib. Two Meetings CALIFORNIA ROAST and Edward Brandigan, one 69 Irs. Harold Sutcliffe, Rumson year. C llMltSI C nbership chairman, said she Committee chairman appointed Shirt Cut is to conduct orientation were Mr. Chomic, dance; Mr. RIB STEAKS 89 Ib. VEAL ROAST SlnaMir 69 Ib. etings Thursday in the home Cowling, drive; Calvin Garrison, Vlrs. Richard Zeldin, Fairfield sick, and John Mclnness, build- C € , New Shrewsbury, at 10 a.m.;ing and George Wirth, insurance. Fnsfcly Brutd Ib. ! Jan. 24 at 8:30 p.m. in the The 19G0 report was given by GROUND BEEF 49 Ib. LEG o> RUMP OF VEAL 59 ne of Mrs. Robert Schulman, William Havens, captain. He son Ave.. New Shrewshury. sakl the squad answered a total C C frs. S. M. Hoffman, Red Bank, | of 533 calls. Man hours contrib- Ib. assist Mrs. Sutcliffe. uted totaled 3.264. SIRLOIN STEAKS 95 Ib. FRESH SPARE RIBS 59 Irs. Peskoe said preliminary Of this amount. 480 man hours S OKED is are being made for awere given during Hurricane C C ?ue-sponsored trip to the State Donna. Ib. PORK BUTTS 1Ineless Ib. ;islature Feb. 27. I Both ambulances travlcd a to- PORTERHOUSE STEAK 99 79 !on-!eaguers members will be tal of 10.3S3 miles, ited to attend. C FRESI C he next board meeting will be Some oil workers in Venezuela Ib. PORK SHOULDERS (Cllil) 43:Ib. wear shirts of chain mail to pro- POT ROAST •«•«-»«* ). 6 in Mrs. Sutcliffe's home, 79 tect them from Indian arrows. Ridge Rd., Rumson. C SMOKED C LEGAL NOTICE^ -LEGAL" NOTICI Ib. PORK SHOULDERS (Cilif) Ib. Minn: BONELESS SOUP BEEF 49 45 Nolire If hereby Rlvfn Hint thn Hoard of KMurntlon of the Monnmuth Hf- isl High School Plftrlct will holil a public hrarSnc on lhp proponed luirlRpt C Ihr school year 1961-6:, as here «ot forlh. si 7:IS o'clock P. M. on Mon- C , January 23, 1%1. In \hp school w Jfr«rv. STEWING BEEF — 79 89 Sitri builKPt will be on file and open tr« t!ie public lielvcen the hours S:00 M. and 4:00 P. M. from January Kill to January "Sril, 1!>61 Inclusive C ppt Saturday and Sunday, nt the offior or the Secretary of the Hoard of C Cntir icatlon 72 Tlunclcmorlon A'.mip. EiUnninwn, N J. Cits RALPH T. KEEVIL,. Ib. PORK CHOPS -4* 95 Secretary. TOP SIRLOIN ROAST 99 SCHOOL DISTRICT BlIXiKT STATEMENT toil SrilOltl. YFAR CiaUr l!»l «! C c somrt;s or IIKVKME SMOKED HAM SLICESClltl 99Ib. 1MM0 1M0SI 19B1M BEEF SHORT RIBS 49 UTtENT EXPENSE iroprlatlon nulance , rAcluaK (Anticipated) (Antlclrated) ance Appropriated .. ... % 4.419.f>l | 9 Ib. an ppprd fl.oiooo •ill TaT t LLevy Sl.JMOO 45 4:5.00 SIS.030 00 ISMlttl LIVER BEEF 45; k AU1 _... LAMB ib. 1(H) 6IS.W FLANK STEAKS 99 TOTAL Cl'RRENT EXPEN'SES ...% 55.741.ill $ . Ib. PITAI. 01'Tt.AY REAOY-TO-COOK «r IWERWURJT iropnntlnn Hnlancn _ ^ $ 2.771.K6 f ••mi. OO, uric* Appropriated _ 18 ti 22 lbs. a! Tax Levy 15.000.00 9.300.(10 13.500.00 LARGE TURKEYS 49 SLICEI 41 ill! TOTAL CAPITAL OCTLAY _ « 17.774.:« 8 ll.SIKl.tM % ia.5dO.OH Ib. Super- MEAT BT SEHVK'K ~ Fir Boiling LINK ance Appropriated I 11.00000 I oo C Rigbt 11b. pkg. .il Tax Levy 7:!, 750.00 ji^.ssto no FRESH PLATE BEEF llHll SAUSAGE 43 11b. pk le Alii 25 13.437.O0 69 cellfinroiifl r.evenur Ib. (C) TOTAL DEBT SEJIVICE J R3.7.V1.OO 1160.337.00 Tip ir littM C SHOULDER c TAL REVENUE ALL ACOOl'NTS . ...S MAKJI H51.SS5.OO JMfl.50.Vnil ROUND ROAST IINIIM 99 Ib. LAMB CHOPS 79Ib. AITROI-RIATKOS RRENT EXPENSE Fir Stewing C MINISTRATION Expenditures Appropriations Appropriations •r Braising aries J 21,731.>7 1:7,2:10.00 J3I.505O0 — THIS WEEK SAVE He! BREAST OF LAMB Ib. itractetl Services 6O0.IM l.l'i«O.OII 3..1IW.00 15 Oilier Expenses „ „. 3 5"7 1)7 7.320.OO 9.100.O0 ITUL"CT1ON C arles : % ,*16.00 | 11.000.00 S325.675.Oli itboqki 1 _ 1.V4II0.00 raries & Audio Visua M: t 1» l» 400.00 4.200.00 NECK o> SHANK OF Ib. idling Supplies BLUEBERRY PIE 12.600.011 LAMB 25 OtlHT Expenses "lJ.Tg 1.800.00 I.tOO.OO TENDANCE AND HEALTH SERVICES Just wait until you taste this juicy, flaky- C aries—Attendance J $ fioo.oo Other Expenses—Attendance 400.00 crusted pie. You'll agree with us—it's as good Fucy iirles —Health ,. 300.00 H.U'0.00 HALIBUT STEAKS Ib. Other Expense-Health 5 00 200.00 as any you've ever eaten. A terrific value! A.NSPORTATIO.N 700.00 55 itracled Services and Public Carrier! .| K RATION S 60.500.00 Jant Parktr JIM P»rkir—largt Slit afirs % :KM «00 00 it meted Se rvlces „ I 19.000.00 Code* it - i.v.:; 250.00 :oo.oo Cak. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! lltlc.i - _ 71S.7S l.SGII.OO !>..riim.oo Apple Raisin 37c Angel Food Cake 45c iplles _ 75.CC I5n.nn Other Expenses 100.01) ilNTENANCK arics , _ 100.00 5.3M.00 largt ilracted Services 15.00 100.00 200.00 Other Expenses 194!) Outstanding Grocery Buys.' CAULIFLOWER % bill 29. iployee. Retirement Contrllmtwn $ 365 .13 4T.0.00 1.770.00 urnnce A Jiiitcments •J77.HO .Wi.00 6.000.00 Hal n( Unil * MiilMlncs 1,30(1.00 l.'JOO.OO PENOITl'IiEH TO OTHER DISTP.1CTS c linn - _ % • I 95.MI5.00 fir NIHIY ACfDfNTS CAMPBELL'S '7 4 4* I ANIlEKIIlaCl) SweetariJuicy IU 19* OH SERVICES artrs $ 700.00 I'llKNT BODY ACTIVITIES arles J | tt.7riO.O0 IIM. ler ^ipn? 19.OS3.00 KCIAI. SCHOOLS HEINZ BEANS ."£?:». 4NN 47* FRESH TOMATOES r w, 19 BNINO SCHOOLS lit Eduenllon s .moo (Al TOTAL CriiRENT EXPENSES ... « <0.^SS.)i,1 fi7R.on IIK PITAI. Ol'TLAV DEL MONTE S 2 MM J 12.500.00 » 13,000.00 43c GRAPEFRUIT nlpinent I 1.31 LOO 3 T 29« i Hi TOTAL CAPITAL Ot-'TLAY » 1..11l.tiO $ 12.500.00 t 13.500.00 PANCAKE 2 It. 11T 8BIIV1RB nclpal • $ 75.000.00 AUNT JEMIMA MIX but 2,!Hi:l.l!) 83.750.00 65.327.(10 35c PASCAL CELERY 2s29« (C TOTAL IlEnT SEHV1CE ..% '.' S 83.750,00 Jifil).327.00 Rigular tr 18 n. Fiae TAI.S (Sums (it A to C lnc.l 5 II.MIIH SI5l.fiWi.IW SS39.!HW.OO QUAKER OATS QuIek-CMkiif Flevirii RltENT OPEIIATINO APPItOPRlATlON HALANCKS Jl.'.NE 30, l!)60 19c YELLOW TURNIPS 5.1 •iirrent Ex|ien*en * 15.350.2B Vipllnl Outlny 10.462.fiS THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. V 1BI1T BEHViCK 20,350.1)8 cirtin 1 ttm cirttn 1 dezie I'AL BALANCES JUNK 10. 1M0 < 5:. 1 tin fin Exceptional Value! LAME UXEE TAl. KXPKNIHTI-RKS AND nALANCBH Jl'NB .'10 Hlfill .< !Hi,S:i:i ,'ll BROWN and WHITt # V'lTE IE8H0M IMI'IIIIVKMKM' (I IIICIll/ATKINS Markets Select Ouallty * Fresh Gride A July I. lll.11> lei •lime :«>, Illllll WILDMERE BRAND SUNNYBMOK BRAND HXTKNliHIllM fill) VK.MKNT A I'TIIOI! I /.ATIONS AMERICA'S DIPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT SINCE 1859 jn.v i, infill - 53 57 I'AL ItKVUNUJ'JB ANI> IlKCil.VNINO HALANCK I'UOVKMKNT AIJTIIURIZATION KXI'GNDITrllKri Pricei effectiv* through Tuesday, January 17th in Super Market! and Self-Service stores only. HulMiiinii St. l-5.ltO."».H2 I'AI, I.MPItOVKMKNT Al.'TIKJltlZATIO.N Rout* 35. EATONTOWN KXI'KNIllTI'HKK • Highway 36, PORT MONMOUTH HXPKNIlBIl 1MPIIOVK.MENT AirTIIOHlZATIO.NH 121 Monmouth Street, RED BANK JUNK 311, Illllll lMl.«l'i.U' Tuesduya and Thursdays 'Hi 9 p. in. Complete Liquor Department in This Store. Fridays Until 10 n. in. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Until 9 p. m. I'AL EXI'KNinTIIIUOa ,\NI> KNIllNO RALANCH $1.(115.177.11 Open Man. and Ihurs. 'til 9 p. m. Fridays Until 10 p. m. Mon., Wed., Tliurs. 'til 9 p. m.; Fridays '111 10 p. m. Prospect Ave. & Church St., LITTLE SILVER The Nmiunls net fnrlh 111 lIHfl iidvprtl.Hemenl ennftirm to tfin revised 159 Newman Springs Rd., SHREWSBURY rt of nreoinitn mlopleil hy Iho Stnlr Ilurinl of Kdm'uUmi June, 4. l!l.'iri, as Highway 36, KEANSBURG Popular Brands of Beer and Ale in This Supermarket tep lotvnrd Nntlonnl unlliinully In the. fln.inulul nccuunllnK '«ir Incnl and Fridays Until 10 p. m. i school j)y,ileiii.^. Open Mondays, Tucsduys, Wed., Thurs. 'til 9 p. in. Open Mondays, Tucsdnys, Wednesdays, Thursdays , I?..!.!....- Until A n m • Prlflnvc Until 10 I), ill. nt Shrewsbury Ave. T ,,

Shore Unitas Runs, Pitches West All-Stars) conference Lombardi, Shaw Join in Praise CLASS A Friday Night'i Results Long Branch SI, Ntptuac H For Running QBJohnny Unitas To A 35-31 Win Over East Squad Freehold Regional 75, Red Bank II LOS ANGELES (AP) — I Said Shaw: "I'm going into Hornung, except for kicking all 1 STANDINGS Coaches Vince Lomhardi nf the;the corrugated box business. the West points after touchdown, w L Ave. LOS ANGELES (AP)—Johnny|ball. Unitas, relying mostly onjthat John Reger of Pitsburgh in-:over from there and llornung's i victory West and Buck Shaw|Maybe the first one , talld wi..^ ta ni< 1 Ml **" Unitanitass, barely stealing the show the running of halfback Jon Ar-tercepted on the E»3t M. Hc:kick made it 14-3. * ~? >f the vanquished East vaster- \e one „„_ OBg BrMCn 1 have from the retiring Norm Van nett of Los Angeles and fullback carried it to the West 18. Plum, who had taken oveer fofori!kr ""' diy were united in —•-•-• »Of': i!k 1 .N7 said Paul llornung's .played him," Lombardi said, Brocklin, hit Lennie Moore on jTaylor of Green Bay, 'hrew only M Yard Scoring Play ,Van Brocklin at the start of hc, Johnny Unitas after I he llt!i an- < | Ahii *P k 2 .SM was a recurrence ol an!"but you hate to bring a boy all two long and decisive pass two passes in the series and com- Unitas got off his oB-yard scor-.second period, got Die Ea>;t its,.. h*.j nual Pro Bowl game involving 1 plays yesterday as the West de- pleted one, a 17-yarder to Ar- ! Regional I 2 .SM old shoulder injury. Lombardi the way out here and not use ing throw to Moore early n thelfirst touchdown when he made j Middi":r " [said it didn't appear too serious.|him. We used everybody.' feated" the East, 35-:U, in the nett. Taylor sliced ov;r from the second quarter. Moore, running connections with Randle on a 51 ; ° Township I 2 .MMStars. All-Star Pro Bowl game. h for the touchdown. slant pattern from right tojyard pass play. Randle won CLASS B "The running of Unitas was the Unitas. voted the player of Bobby Walston booted a 22- left, was nearly nailed by Jimscramble for the ball with Ed NORTHERN DIVISION lifference between two evenly this annual national football yard field goal for the East iate Hill of St. Louis as he caught Meador of Los Angeles at thej Friday Night's Results matched squads," the two league All-Star event i"or the the opening period after the ball, but broke away to thegoal. Matawan 35, Runusa-Falr Havencoaches declared as if in chorus But each made the r.ratein^nt in i lecond straight year, passed for Unitas got caught in a heavy right and dashed down the side-! Van Brocklin and teammate Regional SI 218 yards and helped set up therush and threw a wobbly pass line to the 1. Taylor took the ball (McDonald got together on • 46- separate dressing room inter- West's final touchdown with a —-Jyard scoring pass late in the Manasqnan 71, Atlantic Highlands views. 25-yard run. period, McDonald running a i Keyport 11, Hefhuu It "I've only seen Unitas run, The game drew a crowd of 62,- down-and-in pattern and taking STANDINGS better one other time," said, 971 in balmy, 85-degree weather. the ball with nn one nuar him. iv i * Lombardi. "And that had to be .Unitas threw one 44-yard scor- But, with only 40 seconds left j Keyport s t i IMwhen he gained 138 vards against | ing pass to Moore, his Baltimore in the half, Unitas and Moore j Maiawan I I imt mv Green Bay Packers." j teammate, and hit the mercurial united again on a pass good for I 7 '•": Shiw said he tried to adjust Colt halfback again on a 66- JManBSquan against the Baltimore quarter-\ yarder that put the West in po- back's running but admitted lition for another score. dogging on the play—hurled him-f Hoffman ""• * ••• Unitas was a hard .nan to stop.! But Van Brocklin, who quarter- self at Unitas. but the quick- l^au I * 'Trr "He's i lot of quarterback,"! backed Philadelphia to the I960 footed quarterback elurled Mwhim" said Shaw, "whether he's throw-: NFL championship, hardly fin- Snd £;ot the ball away perfectly. CLASS B inc or running." : ished his magnificent 11-year 76 Yard Drive bv West SOUTHERN DIVISION Unitas carried the ^all only! pro career in disgrace. I The West pulled farther ahead. five times for an avenge of 10,8! The Dutchman, who has said 128 I", with a 76-yard drive parly Point Pleasant Beach 12, South- yards per try, but as Shaw ex- repeatedly this would be his last ern Regional 17 plained: ' ,in the third period. Taylor ; game, tied a pro bowl record by the key gain, running 2? Ukewood M, Brick Townshi.p 41 "It wasn't how many times hc pitching three touchdown passes. on a pitchout play, and dived! », Central Regional carried the ball, but what he; Altogether, Van Brocklin threw accomplished when 'e did. He over from the one for his third I : for 288 yards, completing 17 of touchdown. STANDINGS iran the West out of holes each 38. Unitas hit on 10 nf 18. But the East resnonded, W L Ave. Itjme. He> the difference." Taylor Sets Record quickly, scoring nn Van Brock-' 0 1.900 Shaw was well-pleased with the POWER IOAT DRIVER HONORED - John R. Schedel. Jim Taylor, Green Bay's driv- 1 l.MI throwing and signal-calling of right, Secaucus, is congratulated by Red Barber, noted ing fullback, set a pro bowl rec- 1 .W7 his quarterback Norm Van ord by scoring three touchdowns, _ ...... , k iport* commentator, after hii election,to the I960 Gulf itouchdown on a 20-yard dash in Brick Township 1 | ,]|t 1 Brocklin. Van threw three touch- .^ . . , all on runs of two yards or less. • the fourth period after Un'tas Southern Regional .. 0 2 «M D Van Brocktin's targets on his Central Regional • 2 .Ht down passes to tie i pro r>owl; M*nne Kacing Mall ot tame during the organization t | hid set up the play with a 25- record set last year *-y Umtas. : awards breakfait Saturday in New York. Schedel was touchdown pitches wore Tommy i yard run. McDonald and Pete Rezlaff, both m l 1 One f 5 f fh counfr s Van Brocklin again brought «Jrtor toth *Shw anVvan ° ' ° « V' °"*"*nding powerboat driv- of Philadelphia, a n Plum got off the East's longest W—Taylor, 2-run iMormniK kick*,' •coring throw when he hit E Waliton. Fa-:!; W-T»ylor. 1-run iHornunp kick': E -Handlr M-pa»« I Defeat Under Way To Sayreville, 72-53 Randle with a 51-yardjr. from Van Hroeklln iWaUton klcKi: Wi RED BANK — Red Dank Green Bay's Paul Hornung, —Moore. 44-|tnss frmn I'Mitm iMurn-i THIS IS NO FIGHT — Jack Rtardon, right, Monmouth unR klclo; W— Taylor. l-plunce Horn- who broke an all time NFL unf kick': E—P.ptTlaff. 41-pass from YMCA's Nut League got Off to| SAYREVILLE — It was a darkiouarter when racking up a Van Brocklin iWablon klrki: W— a late start this year with thejnight when Red Bank Catholic 27-17. record last season by scoring College, appears to ba squaring off at Eric Swomon, Arnett, 20-run tHornunj: kick'". K- Ranrtl*. 36-piisa from Van Brocklin S. River young cagers shooting hot bas-JHigh lost to Sayreville. 72-53, The C'aseys were still in the 1T6 points, suffered an injury late No. 32, King's College, but ha isn't, he't watching team- i Wanton klcki. In the second period and came in K\ST HOI ketball in the Y's gym in t*e in- Friday, but there was a bright,thick of the fight carlv in the mate Walt Micchelcr gat off a shot in Saturday's game 2IS First Pmv:n IS augural of the league last week, spot for Coach Don Czok 'n thejthirii quarter when ' snavinc •fter that only to place kick. It 101 Yar.laj. MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP - appeared to be his right arm that •t Asbury Park. Carl Olien of King's ii attempting to Passing Going into the final quarter The Butternuts, led byKaplan'siway Frank Pezutti played fnr the;down Sayrcville's margin to 20-15 10-21 32 points, rolled over Hazelnuts, jCaseys in the defeat. was hurt. block shot but it short of reach to the ball. Monmouth Pasjfa Into By trailing, 39-31, Middletown Town- 3JM4. Then Mandy rr.ckcri up The West scored in a 67-yard ship High School exploded to 94-44. in me highest scoring Pezutti. a first year varsity five in a row to get tho Bombers drive the first time it got theCollege won 110-86. pull out a 62-51 victory over game of three played. eager, turned in a neat scoring started. South River on the Lions' court Three other cagers hit double job for Czok when .scoring 20 Sayreville and Mamly turned Fridav night. figure- s for the Butternut., s wit,,h points, all on field goals. |on the steam in the final session 1 111 8 24 Maro 2 Eric Donath, the Casey dc- to take prompt care of the Green Freehold Regional Upsets Red Bank The Lions started to shoot thej *"™ "J " ., ' ? r ]' gats to its offensive drive in thlane d Dnschpr 12 marker*. God- fensive man who did a remark-;and Gold team Keyport anleskid , DnschrHopwoor d1 2an marunrd C'arsk Clowerde second-quarter and then stepped able job guarding Bill Mandy, After being held in i low score high men for the Hazelnuts with Basketball down harder each aeriod. The Sayreville's star, also camejin the first half, Mandy opened Bucs, 75-60 in Loop Tilt 13. 11 and 10 points respectively. Basketball leagues iponsored fourth chapter wai the payoff through on the offensive end i>f:Up in the second to crab srorinR In other games the Coconuts the game by scoring 19 points.!honors with 31 poinis. Peznttl RED BANK — Coach Bil up a 75-60 victory here Friday by the Red Bank Parks and when the Lions roared to a Records trimmed the Peanuts, 39-22. andHowever, the great pl.iy of these wa5 next in line wi,i, j,is ,f)_ foI. night. 21-12 stanza for the victory. "Waskie" Sweel's Red Bank Recreation Committee not under Walnuts won over ChesUuts, two Caseys just wasn't jnniiph;|owe(i by Donath's 1!) Don Olhverther and Richie Alex Osnato, who had '7 points High School basketballeis had way last week in the High School 51-25. punch to stop a classy Sayie- Refj Bank had ano(ncr nliscr. just started to roll this season Kane teamed to score 53 points for the night, led the attack in land River Street gyms. the fourth with his play. Osnato Rabourdin was top tanat.a forjVjlle team. ab|e ,,ig|,t at the foul mak- when along came Freehold Re- which was only seven points less the Coconuts with 22 i/iints.i The win was the eighth against j g | f IT attempts 11th Win B. LEAGUE (Freshmen 4 n on v scvon n gional and knocked the Bucs ofl than the Red Bank squad. t !one foul sho1 Griffen sparked the Walnuts with;two losses for the Bombers. Sayreviile' converted" IS t,f 30 their feet. The Colonials racked Freehold pulled the upset vic- Sophomores) - a 30 point production. while Red Bank Ca;liolic'n rec- shots. : tory in the fourth quarter when SOUTH AMBOY — Keyport Fri- Th. UrMm ,, ,. . „. South River started off bv Tomorrow evening the Butter- \ | split even at •!••! Sal Hsposito led me Casey B Ves defcated he Cubs Tomo g ort 5 now the Colonials went wild to outda- y night won their 11th of the. ,? ™ racking up a 15-9 margin in the 1 1 tne rst amc 1!) 25 nuts and Walnuts will clash on Coach Czok's men stuck .layvecs with 20 poin's but stiil score Red Bank by 19 points, year and third victory in Shorel" " S ' - - Ed;firstovc r quartet0 addr but the Lijns took the Y's court. Monmouth Loses 30-U. The win was the first for Conference B Northern Division Buohano and John Brandon! margins in each of prettv close in'the early stac*; his performance was not the rcmainin ones with the Colonials, while Red Bank with a 72-59 pasting of Hoffman shared scoring honors for thei g the lost its first name in Shore Con- on the losers' court. Braves with 14 h ' ' being the profitable one. ! In th First Home ference competition. Keyport holds the conference' ,hila". th ., ,'"' e second quarter the Lions h e for the Cubs J lrr B The Bucs took a 17-14 first lead with a 3-0 mark while Mat- " - >' ™"-; ended the half with a 24-23 lead awan is a game behind at 2-0cos. a led the scoring with 8 j after pushing up a 15-8 quarter. Came to Dix quarter lead but couldn't hold Casevs took the edge. 16-13. in 1 I that margin. Freehold racked Matawan has won 20 straight point;. jln the third quarter Middletown 10 2 22 17 s ? 4 < r: FORT MONMOUTH — Fort " ;the third quarter, but the Bomb- » i it up an 18-13 advantage in the games in division play. Dix continued its ma?tery over The second game sax the Colts The Linns are now 3-7 the! ers started bombing IT that final second quarter for a 32-30 half- The loss for the Governors wasjdefeat the Giants, 34-21. William o F r n F Fort Monmouth as th>! Infantry i o time lead. Red Bank went out their fifth against one win. jReisen was high scorer for thecampaign. MonUnaro fl O 0 Burros basketball team defeated Roger Barry backed UD Osnato Ntziiro 1J 1 21 ! the Signaleers. 74-64, last week front again in the third after Keyport pulled from a 12-11 de-IColts with 12 points while J 19-13 margin in the third per- at the Post Field House. j outside and six poin* iod, then the explosion in the went on to score the. last six losers. 0 0 0 r . M 10 IB IT- .M Led by ex-Wagner College fourth took place. points of the period and gain! C LEAGUE (12-14 years) jcharitv lane. . 13 n 15 :T i: Lonnie West's 27 points, Dix Walt Sudinkovich and Andy :i «II i>»- i F Zcl.rmv Ollwerther proved to be thethe lead they never lost. The C League started last week 74-52 Victory The Raiders racked up mar- Dustal were the big gun? forjw,,nul, IS|, bombshell in the fourth when the at River Street with six teams in;South River with 16 and 14 points I-. F P I o, BELMAR—St. Rose of Belmar pearances while the Monmouth 5-9 Colonial poured in 13 of hisgins of 26-21 and 15-5 in the third rsit'rlni 11V Tr»n»ry ARE YOU READY cagers had their six-game win- action. In the first ^ame the'respectively. DPmnrld 12 1' Hrdnvn J .'.idumped St. Mary's of South Am- 28 points for the night. Kane made and fourth periods, respectively, Flamingos defeated the Knicks.i Middletown took the JV game. r.rirfPTi 11! « 30 ' Dorornk ning streak broken. It also was before the Governor subs out- Pnvi-mir»rt » - 11 ' Thompson ^ - VI boy. 74-52. here yesterday aft- the Signalmen's first setback at himself useful on the court .by 24-17. Henry Holmes led the scor- i6-3fi, with .lack Roman leading Mitlflla 1 1 3 i Stobft n fl 0 ernoon. FOR. SNOW...? tossing in a neat 25-point package scored the Raiders 21-14, in the ! r.nclln nit' Z-.icl:Tm»!i o n n home this season after winning ing for the winners with 10 points the wav with 14 points. D.S.e'rlfd 0 O 0 | V»nK|»H j 1 5 Hie Purple Ruses look the in the victory. final stanza. while Dan Ciaglia and Larry «™th riwr nil six straight. F P "jearly lead and .vere never Red Bank had four men in Jim Wilson again combined Clay shared scoring honors for i Rn,._- " Ii' I ' st»«ar4 19 n si 10 s:5|heai<"»>ii c 17' r.rnhsm n : |St. Rose held only a 70-21 lead, mcnt wilson hit on 10 field Steelers in overtime, 21-16.' r,*"," I '_' \ I Avfr Bowling 4 A 1' Last night's triumph was Dixstil' l wasn't good enough to"b"eati oal - fi 2 II ' Rurry 'the game opened up in the third Freehold. iR attempts for 20 points while Johnny Morris was high scorer I si-xt^r 0 fl I) .ffulin r> n i Tiir IVY M:A(.I:I: 'when St. Rose broke loose lor a 17th in a row over a Moniunuth Jackson had lfl five 1 Ich 4 n fi w 1. team. The lead changed hands severali . coming from for the Victors while Oorir Wrrnir'i IlawXi * Uarku 17 '27-11 score. In the itrial session the fl 14 f times in the third quarter. At charity lane. Larry O'Ncil Taylor had 7 poinis for the Rii|]11| ,„ MrOtilr'-"* Ofilc both clubs scored 17 pcinis. The issue was decided early as and Uon s 16 12-5- :imrr Flyins "A" ,r.o Prepare NOW With A the victors jumped off to a 12-1one time Red Bank had a 49-45 Buhler were also in lOSerS. ' MyMI'tmi 0 15 17 ;i— 6 Mnprml::t Inn The final game saw the Globe- Won * |.>tne Mitomatlc IJflnhi Ed Gerlacki, Steve Day. Bob lead and it was almost six*min- lead and again lost it. Once Oll- double figures for the Raiders, In7.:pl Phirmacy Vergil and Ronnie Hlatky hit each eager bagging 11. Trotters defeat the Fahons, 23-! Princeton's soccer team ended Tick TocU rienners :.i utes before Al* Moore got Monwerthe- r and Kane caught fire in tliklr:i Brook Grinding double figures for the winners, MEYER Snow Plow 15. James Wilson scored si Harvard's two year reign as Iv mouth's first field goal. Mon- the fourth they started scoring Bob Poetsch tallied 10 points •on Bar ?1 1 ~< Gerlacki led the parade with lfl or points to lead the Globe-Trotters! League soccer champion wher ) Lrr linkorr 'Jd - M mouth did get back in rontcntion from the outside and connected' the Governors in the final per- '.MO Club Konny 1/u' '.1 wnts. Vergh tossed ;n 17. Day with one-hand push tosses to getjiod to tie Wilson for high scoring while Larry Yarbrough scored 7 the Tigers scored a 1-0 victory •nne Brlnkman cofi. rtnii Poling 'ji and a Jeep Truck as they drew within three points, •at l.amann .fi:;, Millie Rnpp rt connected for 15 and Hlatky 26-23, but Dix spurted to a 42-31back into the game and go on I honors with 20. Eugene Lopez points for the losers. over the Crusaders. nncnr Normmi 1102, Marian Pn-ls Cftl scored 11 markers. Clear snow quickly from halftime advantage. West had 17 to take it with ease. jwas the only other Hoffman eager Joe .Tankowski was the only points at the intermission while Four men hitting double figures!'11 double figures with 15. driveways, service areas 1 double-figure scorer tor St. Bill Telaskey of George Washing- for Red Bank were Al Gatta and The Raiders made it a clean Marv's with 1!) tallies. ami parking lots with a ton U. chipped in with M. jEddie Winrow with 1G each. Bill!sweep for the evening as the MHO' 4-Whccl-Drivc 'Jeep' Monmouths slow start seemed Smith connected with 14 and Bill!little Raiders downed the Govern !•' I' 7 II I tuck—with snowbladc. the difference'as the SignalmenJFalvo tossed in 10 points, eight ors by a 42-38 count, •; I ; outscored Dix. 33 to 32, in the;coming from the foul line. 'Koypon 021^ _ 1 Hoffman ,) 0 II I lie extra traction ot n F P ii P P 4-whecl drive, plus full second half. Gary Jones sparked Red O'Nnl :i .'i II . Rnrk 0 0 0 Al Cohill, with 21 points, and lG:jayvc',s as ,hcy racked WIlNoii 10 o ?o : Tonrv 0 1 I control of the blade, with up a Poland 3 a II | I.opp'z e 3 is by Phil Bisselle, were high Jacltson 7 5 19 Pnetju:h 9 2 2IP Meyer I/.lcctrolift, gives the losers, who dropped their' is. win over Freehold's see- Riihli-r » 1111 W»rn»ll 3 n fi, ont llevas f) O fl ' Kormnfln 4 0 (' maximum efficiency. third game in twelve Mart;. tr.-.-ii.,i,i iii.c u-.i Itnnk llilll Jiiiifiiironr 0 0 II Macalli-B II -i 'i Fl. Mon. («'• II. Nil ("4i ij'v p 0 F P liolh'hurc 0 2 2: Drill 3 3 9 Wllin..Koild'i lii|til miknill O F P <'• F PiJ.BriMhr- I) n 0 ' liatln 4 S IS l.cnnrtrdls 0 0 0 1 l.ansp It tl il Moore 2 1 5 flute* :: 1 7 I, Hrinllr- ( 1 to ! Kalvn 1 « 10 Stultz 0 0 0 1 Jnman 0 II II; 4'Hfltrl dntl Vlklcltt f'.rn; r vv n llrown 0 0 0! McCarthy 0 0 0: HoImM *«.*'. f. . " -• A '<••"' 1° •'' 25 Kiatiky 2 0 1 'lomc in fiirn tK'niumlmlinii today S fi 1« I Wr«l Tl I 7 «'lnn 7 S 16 notlill 8 IS 51 I MrSnmam.l 1 n H;Fii'liin;in Rhthorty I l ,T i Anpleyar I 11 'J lloffm«n 12 31 5 21—SO Monmouth Lo'trlion O n 0 ! Savapf n t 1 Pprry Oil' Hirry J, „ j OfMciala-Hanalian A Karlo. Pro Hockey .Tohnton o 0 u | Tnn«py 7 l lr.j ' KillnKton .tssri( IATKI) I'ltK.SS r»rt"r(|lit fi 'I 1- I Mnn'arrpn It o fi Cootr Motors Tunney » < i r.irr i n ; Pro Baikotlmll Thompion 0 f) '0 ' Gorman fl 1 I 17 7.'i ASMICIATKII I'HK.-S -• • 1 _ ... . Kn>flif.1.1 Liberty 2-2414 26 1J BI T. * 711 l>.l ll,mk IIIVISIII.V Officials—Ln Kuclifi A Millfr. n;fici,-ii« SIM W I. I'll. Hwy. #35, Eatontown :i: 1:1 .111 ,.M IS .Ml 3 (I mi. N. Enlonlown Circle) Ill :'l .14! 12 Vurk li:il .:lll IK WF>TKRN DIVISION ir 1. Tit. fi.n. FRANK PORTER'S General UnHnnull •;•.' 5n .1411 in, , HHroll 18 M .1119 III'/, RED BANK TIRE CO. GENERAL I l/is An«pli'> . IK IK .till II S. Royal Air Ride OPEN FRI. 'TIL 10 P.M. -nliinUy', MIA Hi suit. I'hllndrliihln lid, n»stnn 111 JUST ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY — The coaching board of itrategy of the Chicago SHREWSBURY AVE. " , ' '"••. I'lnrlniull 111 SI. I.011U \M, Drtrnll I III Cubs, with one more coach yet to be named by owner Phil Wrigley'i experiment, 35 SHREWSBURY siiiiilnv'k llraulli n Hi, NPIV Vi>rk HI gather, in Chicago with Wrigley for early discuiiion of plans. A manager will not One Mile So. of Airport MM' nil, riilladrliihla I I.I and up ill I'll. si. l, 1:; be named until lator, rtrrorrflnrj to Wrigloy. Sojtcd, loft to right, are Alvin Tappe, I Ini'liuinll IIMI, I.,1, Km, I,., nn SH 7-3404 Harry Craft, Wrigley and Vedio Himsi. Standing, left to right, are Rip Collins, Gold- is\\k uiic io HoU, Verlon Walker and Charlie Grimm. Coaches will alternate bossing minor .Miiinlnv, .l.-iii. Id, league teams, too, U. S. ROYAL I TfftES "••••; "Si* Rutgers Cannon BUMHTM m>9ASKucmtM *•*» 'id, * Zebu, 774 Frank Budd Wins SWarf To Boom Agftio at Football Games Ow tt the monk, gtomomif comftUtim* la theUpstts In Knights of lolumbug Meet FREEHOLD-! ft a UttUi late • tana, fwr4 n*rch, w»* pur- ASBUftY PARK - The Blue yachting world if under way at the moment The arriving, but John Bateman, chased on behalf of the club Bishops of Asbury Park High BOSTON CAP) - Olympic Rutgers football coach, finally by Donald C. Hembling of Rum- Saturday night jumped out to a, F rank Budd of Villanovi, and Al Southern Ocean Racing Conference series:, more fa- 1 Neptune is about to ge his cannon. son, a 1940 Rutgers graduate. 41-28 first-half lead, but had to bury Park, N. J., whipped to i miliarly ' known as the Southern Circuit or just the No, Rutger's football team is The presentation will be made battle it out late in the game to, slick 5.3 victory in the 50-yari not going to start a war. by Herman Crystal of Interlak- down New Brunswick, 77-68, on i dash Saturday night in th Circuit, started Jan. 14 with a new event, the St. Pe- LONG BRANCH — Gary Gold But the long-lost Little Brass en,-Rutgers 1930. the winner' court here. i Knights of Columbus track mee tersburg-Fort Lauderdale Race, and will wind up the berg and Tommy Kerwin Friday Cannon, symbol of Middle Three No More Hunts Phil Peterson, high man in the and in the ptccess dethroned di night led the Green Wave of football supremacy which "dis- The cannon will replace the game with 22 points, paced the fending champion Paul Winder o week of Jan. 28-Feb. 3 with three more races. Long Branch into a first place appeared" several yean ago original "Brats Cannon" which Bishops' big first half. After Pet- Morgan State before a 10,500 Boi while in the hands of Lehigh, Sailors from all over North America maKe an tie in the Shore Conference A also was donated by Rutgers, erson hit for five markers as ton Garden ci'cmd. is being replaced. and was kept by the winner Division with a 51-46 upset vie the Bishops opened up in a 14-11 Budd was in mid-season forn annual pilgrimage south to take part in the Circuit, tory over Neptune on the win The Monmouth County Rut- of the Middle Three each year. first period lead, he came back gers Club has decided silence and in Ihp first h*at he wa some on their own boats, others as crews, and it al- ners' court. Lehigh took possession of it in the second stanza to hit for caught in 5.2, which goes on the has reigned supreme after Rut- from Lafayette in 1056, but 11 more of his 22. Goldberg taltied 23 points and gers touchdowns long enough books as a meet record. ways collects an array of seagoing stars. Men who are the «-€ Kerwin dumped in 16 when Rutgers won the title in Bruce Nelson and Bill Afford and has purchased a cannon to 1958, the cannon could not be sparked the Zebras throughout lie won both his heals goinj used to commanding their own boats as experienced as the Wave handed the Fliers be fired after Rutfier* scores. a>'ay and it was obvious Winde: their first conference loss after found. the game with Afford ending up Club Meeting The Monmouth club alumni had a major problem on hi: racing skippers fill in as crew for the only limes in two wins. The Branchers' won high scorer for the' Zebras with hands. was their second against one loss The new noise-maker will be are not certain whether or 18 points. their career, and the concentration of talent is over- presented to Bateman tomorrow not Rutgers should part with In the final, Budd was off wit) and, combined with Freehold Reg The Bishops now hold a re- the gun and left Winder in hli powering. ional'a 7540 upset over Red Bank, night at the monthly meeting the cannon if it loses the title spectable 6-3 mark while the loss of the club in the. American wake. The margin of victory wa: placet the conference in a three- it has won,three years in a drops the Zebras qnes game below Hotel. row. almost a yard—spectacular in i way tie for the lead. the .500 mark with a 4-5 record. short race of this kind. The meeting will start at 7 "We're not interested in go- Thi Branchers broke a 23-23 The Bishops made it three for o'clock. Ing on another cannon hunt," three during the afternoon and Frank Budd Winder, for his part, barelj halftime tie behind the scoring The fire piece, secured after Crystal said. ibeat out Ed Collymore of th( of Goldberg and Kerwin in the evening as their unbeaten frosh squad, behind Mike Gallagher's jQuantico Marines. Larry Smitl third period to move out to a jof Tufts was fourth. 40-37 lead going into the final 16 points, downed Roosevelt Jun- ior High of New Brunswick, 57- Piners Romp 1 Bill Johnson of Maryland, thi stanza. Carlo Manna and Kerwin Midnight is Closing Time IIC4A outdoor hurdles champion each tallied three points at the 32, and the Bishop jayvees de- feated the little Zebras, 66-47. 'captured the 45-yard hurdles ii outset of the final period to move Over Green j5.7 seconds. His entire margii the Wave out to a nine-point lead For Monmouth's Big Races of about a stride was gained a 46-37. The Fliers came back to ;the gun. outscore Long Branch, 9-5, in OCEANPORT — MidnighJ to- Williams Sparks Dragons, 8649 [ Tom Blodgett of Harvard wai the remainder of the period, but night marks the final closing of right behind Johnson all the way the lead was too big. LAKEWOOD — High-scoring Monmouth Park's $100,000 guar Equals 60 Yd.Culls With 31 Lakewood High Friday night re- but couldn't gain an inch. Miki The Branchers moved out to anteed-gross Sapling for 2-year- mained unbeaten in Shore Con- and Bill Fllppin of YawemNai olds and Sorority for 2-year-old POINT PLEASANT BEACH - Herman of New York was thin a 14-8 first period lead behind Roger Williams continuing his on-ference B Southern Division play Goldberg's nine points, but the fillies. Both events, at six fur Dash Mark with an 86-49 victory over Brick and Bill Flippin of Yale fourth longs, are to be run during the MOUNT _ PLEASANT, • Mich. slaught on the baskets, scored 31 Fliera came roaring back in the points Friday night to lead Point Township on the winners' court.' Hulking school teacher Bol coming summer meeting. (AP) — AI Washington, a soeedy Backus second period to gain a 19-16 Pleasant Beach in a 82-37 thrash- Tuesday night the Piners i shattered his own mee lead on four points each by Nate Over 1,100 young colti and Northern Michigan freshman, romped, 107-39, for their first winlrecord by heaving the 35-poum fillies from many of America's equalled the fastest 60-yard dash njs of Southern Regional. Beauford and Henry Moore. The Point racked up margins in in conference play. The Piners, weight 67 feel, 3 inches. Branchers rallied to tie it at leading stables—such aa Ctlumet ever run Saturday with a six- now averaging 96.5 points a game, Backus set the meet record o Farm, Brookmeade Stable, Hasty seconds flat clocking in a dual every quarter with the second the half. 23-all. half being most productive. In have shown fans why they arej „. „ The Fliers made their biggest House Farm, Maine Chance meet with Central Michigan. the favorite for the B Division ti- His effort, although outstand Farm, C. V. Whitney and Alfred the last two quarters the Gulls threat to pull the game out with Washington was clicked by scored more points than Regional tle. ng, was substantially under thi G. Vanderbilt—have already been three of five timers with hitting 1 feet 2'/2 inches Hal Connollj less than two minutes remain- named to the Sapling and So- did in four, 54 points. In the Over all, the Piners have a 7-4 ing in the game. With the Wave the tape in :06.0 and credited record while the Green Dragons' ccomplished last winter in th< rority. Monmouth Park officials third the margin was 25-11 and in AAU meet in New York's Madi in front, 49-40, Al Kern dumped with equalling the indoor -.coord he fourth it was 29-10. loss was their second of the are hopeful that by final dosing time in winning the event. son Square Garden. On that oc in a pair of baskets and Beauford time, some 1.400 horses will be The Gulls' junior varisty was season after starting off to a hit from underneath to make it The race was run on an indoor 61 mark. asion Backus was second witl for the complementary just as hot, scoring a 78-25 win a G8-2% effort. dirt track. World records can- over Regional's reserves The game was a bit closer than events. scoring with a pair of fouls to not be established indoors, but Southern Itra" <*I7> I IM: rieaaai the score indicates. The Piners Gary Gubncr, a freshman a Miss Patrice Jacobs' Hail to r, V P I n p r ice the contest. meet directors said they prob- Dannelly 7 1 15 I K 'My 2 2 « led by only nine at the half, 39- lew York University, .betteret Reason won the 1960 running of ably would apply for an Ameri- Rmlth Wllllama 11 » 31 30, and 58-43 going into the final the K. of C. mark in the shot pu Beauford led the Fliers in the The Sapling and was eventually Wiltshire Mlisttt 0 0 (i scoring column with 15, while can record for Washington, of ConMlit Asav 2 1 s period. The Piners took off in with a toss of 56-10Vj. The pre voted the 2-year-old champion of Elizabeth, N. J. Whcatnn 1 ii SeyrrIM noc vious mark was 53-6 by Ken Ban Moore was the only other Flier anmcr 0 o Wright 0 0 n the final stanza, outscoring the country. Mrs. Ada L. Rice's j '.Vnoil 1 o •2 I riiaitwick 4 3 11 Brick, 28-6. turn of Manhattan in this tami eager to hit double figures with Apatontheback won the 1960 4 II • ! Hnrvelt 0 0 n enclosure back in 1957. 55>FOOT YAWL HILA1IA, from Macafawe Bay, Mich., 10. Walter Holland and Kern each i Til Mill 0 n ' Mnokson 1 0 2 Marty Engel paced the winners Sorority and also received strong j Hart " 0 ! TronkU 0 o II Mike Herman, competing unat shown driving toward Nauau, Bahamas "in typical South- chipped in with nine. Indians Niu Paaola 2 0 4 with 25 markers, five corning support In the post-season voting tached, won the broad lump a The Branchers took ' the jay- for divisional honors. from the charity line. Ken Hicks ern Circuit conditions, is < contendtr in this year's 17 3 37 | hit 10 of 12 shots in the first 23-l>/4. vees encounter, also by a. close Both Miss Jscobs and Mrs Eagles, 5047 Southern Ttejt. 10 H 11 in"—17 competition. margin, 42-41. Bob Davis was high Pt Plmmint is 10 M 19—g:half to end up with 20 at the Rice received purses in excess of Officials—lyickenmeyer ft Klien. half, but injured his ankle in the ATLANTIC HIGHLAND* man in the game, leading the $60,000 for their horses' vic- BERKELEY TOWNSHIP - BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGIE Boats from every major sailing area are usually third period, forcing him to sit W L, losers with 16. tories, each breeder received Toms River High held off a last P.. Mct:ue Plumblnj; M 17 ( out the remainder of the game. Petragllft Golf Balea 32 if In the fleet, and the cosmopolitan makeup of the crews >>ptun* dm substantial awards for hiving period rally by Central Regional LS. Five Wins Siegfried Hardwar* 30 21 cj F P Friday night to down the Eagles, Maano Milles was the third Pin- Ixjon'a Bar 2fl 22 creates a valuable exchange of experience, know-how 4 I 9 Mnnna 3 1 7 bred the winners, and both re- Crates Beverages 28 23 Hallrrlon OOO Kina. 1 l :i ceived trophies specially design 50-47, and remain in the first er to hit double figures with 16 Al Wolle & Sons .27 J4 and friendship. The distance racing fraternity has be- Besuford 5 )1S Kerwin 4 A 16 ed by the famed jewelers, Car- spot in the Shore Conference B In Overtime Rrlrk Tup. (49) I I^krnnml <««, Geo. Koepppl ft Son 2S 5ft M % o in Goldberg (1 F P fl F P Hnusor's insurance _._ ..._ 24 27 come a well-knit group, with friendships that transcend ooo Conklin ooo tier of New York. The-owners SoutherSh n DDivision with 2-0 LITTLE SILVER - Little Sil- O'Ncil » 2|(] Bvarrt Thp Brookn Agpney . 23 ifl oil AUton 1 0 2 mark. Lakewood is tied for the MurURh 1 0 I! 1 Milieu JullL'.in Boor* «bcp :i r*i regional and national barriers, largely through the 119 Furrow j -J 5 of this year's winners will receive ver Grammar School defcatPd Blfnb'dir 4 19 1 En?."! 0 0 0 Wrlji-.t lead with the Indians, aiso hold- 13 1 McKi-lvey White CryBtal '_!!.'.!~'.~""~.'.™.'.1« 31 "_^_-jsimilar prizes and honor* on Fair Haven, 45-43, here last Van"' 4 3 1111 I MioHickKp 10 II medium of the Southern Circuit. ; 600 Serlea — Kon Carhart J44. II 17 12 46 « is ii' »-5« "Sapling Day" and "Sorority ing a perfect 2-0 record week, but in order to do so, Hubbarfl 0 0 n r,alnr» 1 4 201—643: RUM McCue 188. 235. 199-* Neplun* _ league play. Neuman Mannlk 0 2 2(10 Club — Ed Waltt 204. Bill D«i Sometimes this heavy load of talent on each Lona Branch i4 B 17 ii—si Day." The presentations will JLitle Silver had to go into two Applpsate 10 1 Molnar 0 o reaux 205. Toots Aumack 206, Ru Offlclala—Zubrr A Schank. again be made against I Sfcwwrtmy (M> both for its racing and for the attractions of Havana's Tigers." 60-20. a F P ' ft F P Atlantic Hlaalamli ' .Miiu.ia.iuui OJ> Cafry (1 ft • I Clayton « 0 12 bright lights at the finish. Noriiin .1 0 10 I Kearney 1 1 3 a v p bn 5 0 4 1 Hunrath * O a Rally to Win League Tilt Fort Lauderdale as a terminus of the race Czrki .1 .1 B Frey 4 7 1 'In 113 1 Maclcwlca » 0 t« O'Krrra T I S2 Clark 4 5 13 Ifr 113 1 Steel 4 K a Adjust brakes nuttkin i o :• J'w'akl 3 59 ren ft 0 n I Edmunrti S 0 ft Peterson scoring six points and Mnri _*J.l I i from St. Pete does not quite have Havana's exotic Oprlach » :: i.iu.iiby ft• O o0 Vauthn ft o s ! Ja rra t n 2 ASBURY PARK — Matawan © Mini 1 3 .1 R.Gadiby 7 3 1f> Slma 4 0 8 Magee five. Weeian 0 3 1 McCormlck OOO High rolled in the second and appeal, and the 403-mile course is tougher. Its Hvlman OOO A.M*yer 0 O a 3 30 i 31 1 «3 The Huskies upped the lead in necessary Willlama OOO n.Mtyer .1 5 » OriiclaU—Miller k Rmlow. third periods Friday night at the third period behind Magce's last half is all in the Gulf Stream, which can be I BcavtUa .12 >'. .Shre'bary (4tv I B.H.C.R. (471 he Convention Hall here to de- seven points while Mike Witkow Scientifically IB 24 S3 | :.i :6 7; G V P Q F P an extremely rugged place to race. Atlantic Hlihlamli !• 11 1.1 19—«2 4 1 11 VonOhn 2 1 S eat a stubborn Rumson-Fair Ha sky dumped in four. Manaaquan _.1J 1» U 31 n I 7 HlKKlna 3 0 « Peterson hit for nine Nassau in the Bahamas fills the role of supplying Offlclala—Loblonda k rhlr.pi. 4 2 111 Fo* • 1 13 ven Regional five, 55-50. Pa'IIIauan • t 17 I W.Hoffman 3 o Huskie's 12 last period points to Precision foreign atmosphere for the series, as the 184-mile Mi- 12 4' R.Hoffman O The win for the Huskies was run'njliam » i 17 their .second in Shore Conference tie Magee for high scoring honors balance ami-Nassau Race Jan. 30 is now its climax. No less Sliay 0 0 with 15 St. Rolse Trims Rchltilt OOO B Northern Division against no •ont wheels PAYDAY an authority than Carleton Mitchell, three-times Ber- Glnlgan OOO losses. The Huskies have a 20 Bill Barny and Pete Schanck t Sammon 0 0 0 paced the Bulldogs with 11 each. TERMS muda Race winner and three times SORC winner, calls game win streak going in the B Wall Township vTilf' s II Division. Kcyport High holds the The Huskies also took the It the world's most interesting and challenging ocean WALL TOWNSHIP — St. Rose Oftlclall—Miller A Bre.ilow division lead with a 3-0 mark. vce tilt with Vince Wildman lead- STANDINGS ing Matawan with 17. Don Lar- race. The Fort Lauderdale Race, the Miami-Nassau of Belmar spotted Wall Town- Bhrewiibury w The Huskies held a 15-point 1Q61 JANUARY 2 rabee also had 17 for Rumson. and two shorter one-day contests, the Upton Cup ofl ship an 8-6 lead at the end of N>w Shrewsbury i lead going into the final stanza, the first period,, but went on to rtumunn „ _ i Runi«on (50) I Mfttfttraa DeMolay 0 43-28, but the Bulldogs came roar- ii F P I Miami Jan. 28 and the Nassau Cup off Nassau Feb. 3 defeat the Knights, 56-42, on the ing back in the final period to Si I 11 I Petcnon Pitcher Pedro Ramos of the 2 3 7 Mil (iff are the point races by which the coveted SORC cham losers' court. outscore Matawan, 22-12, but the I.umlln 1 4 fl I rolllna Bob Verga tallied the Purple I960 Washington Senators han- rally fell short. H.irvey n 0 n | Unwle pionship is decided, with points prorated according to dled 60 chance? without making 3 ;> II i Witkoihy Roses' six points in their first After the teams battled to a (l T, 3 Orpgnry MUFFLERS the length of the race. This department will be a crew an error. Pnulspn 2 1 A Wllrlman period effort. Verga went on to 9-9 tie in the first period, the Munr^r 1 1 .1 Wcutead Reunion 10 2 1 Flynn member on the 55-foot yawl Hilaria from the Great spark the Roses with four more Huskies outscored the Bulldogs, points in the second period to 0 n o i Lakes in the final three races, and we are looking for LADIES DAY 17-9, to bolt into a 26-18 lead at islFoo | 20 IS .... lead the team to a 22-19 first half the half. Rollie Peterson and Ter- a 9 10 22—5(1 some exciting racing. lead. s II 17 IJ 12—39 ry Magee sparked the period, Vmi"iaia —Miller * Luhalpll. The Roses upped the lead to five points going into the final stanza, outscoring the Knights, FREE! 13-11, in the third period. GOING TO NEWARK? St. Rose iced the game in the ONE 25-LI. IAG TRIUMPH final period when they outscorcd Wall, 21-12, to win going away. The St. Rose jayvees were also DOG MEAL victorious as they downed the WITH EACH 50-LI. IAG OF little Knights, 48-26. TRIUMPH KII1LEO SI. Hoi* (Ml Will (III O F P 0 K P (Irrlackl 4 2 1(1 H.Pr/y'nkl 1 0 3 M*y«r 0 0 II Brunfiaic 0 4 4 Pay ft I 17 Walliak not DOG BISCUIT »'6* II Inky 1 6 s Becli Varna II 1 17 J.MIIIa .1OS P.Smith 0 o a Veron 3 I T Maple Ay* at White St rjllrnv r» n ft (Vllnn nell 3 1 .1 rier.l1 o (i o 4 i IJ | CaaaaMa «akMlyU Petni'co n II 0 . ' aa(¥aat .' C«U RED BANK—SH 7*5700 FRED D. WIKOFF CO. It'll.ilrln : o 4 "Now watch, everybody SHodyslde 1.05*7 RED BANK TEL. SH 1-0554 Id in <•' — here comes the bit 1 1000 ASUUKY AVE.-I'K 5-8700 t. Role «, i«. n :i—«« f— fiaaalata UUrmatlaa I'all • 1111 li-42 BORO BUSES AS BURY PARK was telling you about!" Olliclnln-Cirlona Oarbt, MIMOS (M ym bav« prtMmt «f i T •-Games inusual nature, send them to S- Vessel Jeorge, c/o this newspaper—he's U-Rockfis* 10-Affirm»tlY« Il-Amcrlon 11-Wlthout end if an unusual nature himself.) •Will 1«-Con]unctlon sraaa aua aaaa Il-A >Ut« ll-Burma Obbr.) tribesman BQS amass sas Dear George: U-Ftrntl* <«« 20-Consuma aa aaaaasa is I am a typical teen-ager with 17-Apportlons :2-Wtdd«d aaanaa aaaaaa 1»-Befor» 25-Frult seed me bothersome problem. Each 11-Ms.l* *tl««P 27-Cry of cow light my wildest desire is to turn JJ-Orgtn of 29-Dlna htaring 30-Graln off the TV and record player, 32-Equolity 48-Sunburn 69-Llkelj settle down with a good light over It-Obstruct 34-Oreek lett«r fO-River In fcU-P.egret M-Latln for 36-Flsp Germany (1-Poaed for my left shoulder and do my "Jounny" 37-Poem Il-Polnt it-Sheili portrait homework, and extra study, for S9-Cordefl clota feathera el-Bererag* hours. By WALT DISNEY M-Fieh (Efl 40-Tltlc of |3-(jreenland MICKEY MOUSE 15-neciare respect aettlement <7-A continent My father, however, keeps giv- I6-Pr« position 43-Belgiin 15-Young girl (abbr.) li-Colorful •eaport ing me the key to the family car, AWSTKTrWT BOWLIN' OVER birds »7-Compaa» 19-Indefinite NEW BOWLING 46-Plec* of cut point article handling me a couple of five-dol- THINK l'U. PROP THERE "THIS 41-SyraboI for timber CXSRANP CENTEKTHEV AFTERNOON tellurium lar bills and telling me to go out BUILT NEXT 41-FUM POOR! 44-Unlt of and have a good time. Portugu«M I'm almost ashamed to admit What has happened to the old- currency 4S-B. HI it. but I have started deceiving fashioned way of treating sore 47-Choicett my parents. I drive away, but muscles and minor sprains with «-Church bench JI-European sneak back dewn the alley and warm, wet compresses? capital nto the back door, creep up- M-Hlndu Years ago there were no infra- cymbafi stairs until midnight and then I red lamps, ultrasonic machines •t-Lalr act like I jusl came in. How can I8-Obt*tn«4 and antispasmodic drugs to relax Il-Placea for this problem be worked out? combat the muscles. Peonle hid to relv •J-Oca»n Worried Sick on other wavs of getting relief «4-Not» ef «cala «5-Pla? on Dear Worried Sick: Hot wet towels nften gave prompt word* Never deceive your father. gratifying relief. ••-Rational fl-Narrow. Leave the homework tor him to There is nothing wrong with flat board do and go have a bill. Your modern methods which some- W-Spread for By CROCKETT JOHNSON drying problem will clear up rapidly times do get almost miraculous IARNABY Tl-Hfavenly (Of course, by then you'll have results, but neither is there any- body Tl-Abstract new problems.) thing wrong with trying hot, wet fwonrfoaoorormy Whtn your dad roodi H to beini compresses perhaps as an aux report tonight, Blhn. Mr. Cornom and o»ory body DOWN Dear George: iliary treatment at home while A lait touch or f wo— he'ff bo on important man 1-Look fliedly I started your sideways think the more up-to-date methods are in th* company, Bornoby— |.Preposition ing. But I walk sideways now being used at the doctor's offic> I-Cuinlon 4-St.IT of Uf» It's perfect for crowded subways Place a bath towel In hot wa and buses. ter and wring it out this way. Put Y*s,ind»*d. Dear Sideways: East must play low since to pui it in a larger dry towl and wring —If nothing We always try to cater to up the ace would give declare out the excess moisture by twist got* wrong. three diamond tricks and his con- clients who don't know whether ing the ends of the outer towel. Bridge tract. South wins with the king of they're going or coming. Wcl If the inner towel is moist bu diamonds and switches to spades come to the club. not dripping wet, the warmth If an opponent promptly take will do no harm and it may help. the ace of spades, South ha The moist towel, after being Column nint tricks. If the spade trick Church Croup applied to the body, is covered When I misplay • hand, one of is refused, South can lead another with a piece of wax paper or my pet excuse! is: "It wai a diamond from dummy to make plastic sheeting to prevent heal By ED DODD •heer guess, and this was my sure that he can reach his nine Plans Dinner loss by evaporation. This is then MARK TRAIL turn to guess wrong." If you say tricks. covered by a dry towel. MATAWAN - The Men's Club I'M DOCTOR LAWRENCE WHITFIELQ this with just the right air of Dally Question These compresses should OF THE INSTITUTE OF NUTRlTtONAL good sportsmanship you can get of the First Presbyterian Church SeSEARCH...! UNDERSTAND VOUVC Partner opens with one dia- will hold its annual Father and left on for about 20 minutes and •way with many a boner. repeated several times a ilay. For TAKING THIS MAN TO South won the first trick with mond, and you bid one spade, Son dinner Wednesday at 6:30 WASHINGTON... He jumps to 2 NT, and it ii p.m. in Fellowship Hall. specific conditions your doctor the jack of hearts and led a will give you further instructions apade, forcing out East's ace. once more up to you. You hold The meal will be prepared and Back came a heart, and West Spades-A 10 9 4, Hearts-9 6 5, served by the Women's Club. A Cleared the suit. Diamonds—8, Clubs—7 6 5 3 2, magic show will be the feature Butler County, Mo., was named What do you say? for William O. Butler of Ken Unfortunately for South, the of the affair. Answer: Pass. You didn't havi Tickets may be obtained from tucky, candidate for vice pres tpades failed to break, so he had ident in 1948. to try the diamonds in his search the values for your first responsi acting Police Chief J. Edgar for a ninth trick. West took the but took a risk in the hope of Wilkinson, Gerard Ave., Mata ace of diamonds and ran the improving the contract. Now you wan Township; Edmund West The first Indian reservation on hearts, defeating the contract. must get out while the getting is Broad St.; Roland Vincent, 42 the continent was established a good. Knoll Ter., Hazlet, or Gordon what is now Indian Mills, Bur "I had to guess which ace to Magee, Wyckoff St. knock out," South remarked rue- lington County, in 1758. fully. "If I'd started the diamond By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRANDAI.L Instead of the spades, I'd have Minister By Ceean made the contract." "ASTRO-GUIDE" Everybody wis sympathetic, For Tufttday, January 17 •nd nobody pointed out that And Rabbi guesswork wasn't at all involved, Present—For You and South couldn't lose his contract il he started the diamonds, regard- To Speak Yours • • • Consult experts be- less of how the missing aces fore taking an important step, were distributed. SHREWSBURY — A ministe and get legal advice if contracts and a rabbi will speak on the Goes to Dummy topic, "Learning to Live Togeth- are involved. This is «n espe- After winning the first trick er," Sunday, at 6:30 p.m. in the cially good day for business with the jack of hearts, South Presbyterian Church, here. matters so whatever you tickle goes to dummy with a club to Dr. Jesse W. Stitt and Rabbi should work out very well. the ten and returns a low dia- rving J. Block, both of New mond. The king of diamonds York, will be guest speakers at You'll derive a great deal of self* forces out West's ace, and West program sponsored by the satisfaction from your accom- cannot afford to return a heart. Women's Association and th plishments and financial reward. Any other return gives South Men's Club of the church. ur use By WALT KELLY time to develop the spades for a The families of Monmouth Re- Pair • • • 9 °* mechanical Future • • • Here's one we can POGO total of 10 tricks. form Temple, which uses facili- energy, it is estimated, has mul- hardly wait for! A machine for For the* sake of argument, as- ties of the Shrewsbury Presbyter tiplied IBS times in 100 years. home use will some day be avail sume that East has the ace of ian Church for worship, havi Machines now do 99 per cent of the work in this country, while able to "deolorize" foods. The diamonds. Whtn dummy leads a been invited to the program, a machine will remove most of the low diamond at the third trick, ;uests of church families. in the 1850's only about 35 per cent was done by machines, and fattening properties without the rest by humans and animals. affecting the taste.

Tfi« Day Under Your Sign ARIES (BomM.rch 31 to April 19) LIBRA. (5tpt.J3roOcf.IJ) This ii no time to rest on your Iiurclf. A turn of evrnti yml hldn'^ eontent' DOHT foW There'i too much in the wind! l^atfd may bring excitement into your TAURUS [April 20 to M.y 20) life! nu&iness and work lire accented during SCORPIO (Oct. 33 fa Nov. 31) day, but you'll have inn *t night. Avoid pfople »lto put vou vndrr ft rrrvoits strain. Be blunt if neceisar}'! GEMINI [May 21 fo June 21) Uon't get caugM ur» in an activity that SAGIHARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 211 will intrrfcre with business. \Ve!cr>mr ne»v» uiil bolster your morale. To If >nu feel like celebratinR, why not? CANCER (Jun»?2 to July 21) CAPRICORN (D«.22)o Jin. 20) By ALLEN SUNDERS and KEN ERNST costs so little... Your mname altitude nurifr rrtstnt Keep your viti ibout you a* imiieor.e MARY WORTH (linnets may be warranted 1 i* apt to try to put you on the de. means so much THAT YOUNG WOMAN ON THE POOR GIRL 15 PROBABLY yL LEO (July 22 fo Aug. 2!) FRANTIC!-- LET'* SEE NOW— ) A situation which ii i potential unurce AQUARIUS (J«n. 31 «o F*d. l?)_ THE BU* ••• KARLOTTA A KARUSlt-.-MlbT HAVE HERE IT l5!...K.K.rV,P.LI5U!--H0W > •HTWOK.. of emotional tension enmei to light. Be very cautious in financial dealing! SACK FORTUNATE THAT THE BU5 DRIVER IN HER DROPPED THIS WHEN SHE r VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept. 22) e«;

Because they never learned how really to study, and an REVEREND By BILL O'MALLEY a result got poor grades in school, sonic people go through life thinking they are stupid. SCOMINfrAUMj, Actually they may be quite bright or even potentially AL?I HEAR YOU HAVE brilliant. A University of Southern California professor has $OME NEW POWER TOOLS, proved that failure in school is often just a bad halft- one that can be eliminated and replaced with good hahits that bring success. How to establish such good hahits is explained by Prof. Leslie J. .\a?on in clear and simple language that anyone can understand in a 15-part series starting Monday in this newspaper. It's called "Yon CAN Get Better Grades," and it's required reading both for students and for parents with hoys and girls in school.


. And parents will want to «tnd for Or. Noion's 52-pogo booklet, "You CAN Got BttMr Oradoi." Iff a complete guido on proptr ttudy habit* thai can be a valuablo aid during a child's formatlvo school y*ar«. Sec details on tho baokUt

STARTS MONDAY, JAN. 30 IN THIS NEWSPAPER fomm FlMNITUtE $TO« WO STATION FOt LfAtE ftJCESI r *nM general vti v rn thrte-bay »taUon In Ph 1960 Report MsWeg V* S»fis»«r« t. O. Sag 1U Mtf». filing to learn Varllyping. Advertising N. J, Call HL'nter €-7000. Buy the WAREHOUSE *»y- H OCKANPOUT - picm rt background desirable. Apply Graph BREEDS wo-fj^firoorn apartrnrnt. Walk to bas#. Ycariy CMtracI Rate* M Request c Art Center. 62 White St., Red Bank U'BLET — Established buclnpss on The budget buyers way. . . •hMren wrlcomrrl. <:all OS 1-147K. MATAWAN — The borough Mmimua Uwrima Tkrs*. Llm iH 1-1743. ijraar. Street, Red Bank. Sacrifice rent- THREK KI'P.NISHED - Roomi anrt First Aid Squad has issued its H. Good I'-Jific. lop location. Call PK 5 • Damaged hath. Mpal for coupl*. 170. Rlgbl to classify, sdit or reject «ny sdvsrtiiimtnt Is rtstrvsi) BX OPERATOR — Part-tlmp, ^-11 >1«1 or PR 6-6029 evenlnRs. • Samples yearly report, listing December by Torn Retime, r. mild dev4slop Into full time. Cell BH 1 SUCCESS! FOUR ROOMS - L'nlurnlahfii. Com- as the heaviest month of the year Wt will not b« responsible for srroti, unlsss tusj art dsticte4 1700. ROFJTABLE DKPc; STORK for sal**. Clone-out pleloly privatf. M5. bstors tils second Insertion. ITENOGRAPHER, part or full time tore in excellent traffic location, Vol Living room suitci Irom & FJVK ROOMS - l.'nfurnlahwl. All utili- with 60 calls. me In excess of $VM),WH Hipli prun: Sectionals . " J(J ties iupi>lleij. Adulta prfrcrrirj. tiriO pfr N'9 cancellations win ba accepted or changes mads In tdvertiss. Unto eKperlpnre and whether have cm potential for qualified owner pliarmn Jack Miller was voted to menu ons hour after receipt at office. nd typewriter. BOK 5. Deal. N. J. Hltle-a-way suites " Mi month. AT 1-MX). ac- The great forward motion of l. Attractive per cent lease can hf Bedroom suites "50 ,,—Th~Jtive membership. PART-TIME PERMANENT negotiated. Small down payment re DIADUNE 5:00 P.M. 0«y Itfw* FHblicatiw. 'atlonal concern has iome opening* i luirrtl Financing arraiiCP'l if ver-n HowMra AKcnry, 91 E. Front S't Km•! Five hundred and ninety calls ur F.Prt Bank office. No exnericnc OUTFIT No. 48361 Take over RRankk . BH 1S7IX1-S700I. CLASSIFIER IMSri.AV our Mutual Fundt Division sary. Write "pRiro STORE," Box 511 iwere made during the year. They iecPB8ary. Houri 1-5 or 5-9. SII 7-40^0. Rp(i Bank. . unpaid balance SHREWSBTT.Y— rnfurnlshcvi, ejrreS • :M A.M. Day klors r«»IIe»tlea wlla prixil l»» aaji keforo •LERK-TYPJSTS, oppnlnpd for t\v< • 8 pc. iiide-a-way suite Rroaci Stre<*l location, one block to included 57 emergency and acci- pabllwtloa. Irli for women), lluit be accurate •' hn created openings for • 9 pc. bedroom group school, bus fiassfs ctc.ui. Nire In' lles with Home typing and clrriru MORTGAGES' • S pc. dinette rooms, tile liatli, oil hest and hot walpri Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1-0525 'xperience. Steady employment, Ifbrra Plus cabinet supplier!. 7.V> Rroaci St. Shrewsbury nrjrjtioni ; 235 transportation; 72 fires; ipnelitH. ftood worKtng runrlltion*>. An and call 8M 7-1876, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or!c nd 28 drills. There ily peraonnrl departnimit, General Ce renewed refrigerator Sll 7-31171 alter rive. t" - NIGHTS, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 'fimtc* Hi vision of Inrhana Genern CASH NOW ATLANTIC i7folTLAND8~r'CTouTfo7^,iw«r< 99S ambulance hours; 2,970 !orp.. Crow's MI"] Rd., Keaibey, N. J Firm. Second, Third Mnrtsagei • 171 TEN MEN Home Improvement Loans $2 weekly wnmenis in fine residential section.jmin houri and 12,044 miles Dial SH 1-1110 REGISTERED NITRSE -- ra7f~tirriV One Day Service 10 Third Avt. AT I-05SCJ. Calli on prlvats telephone! are toll-free in 08 1-0525 from ths >«• hours in evening, or week e traveled. 15 Deposit Delivers Anything At FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT; nswTv following stations: I.Owen 6. COlfai <. 7S7 (Keansburgi WHItney I. 'hnne AT 1-0440. AMERICAN FUNDING riecorated. Unfurnished. Heat and hot Three members were cited for Calls on prlvats telephones' art toll-Ires to Sii 1-0010 irom tns ^ WKLL ESTABLISHED company, Jo (OR WOMEN) SHadyilile 1-4702 THRIFT WAREHOUSE water supplied. Avallahle now. Bunny answering the most calls during followlnf stations: ATlantlc Hlghmnds 1. CApltal 3 and t. Liberty J. :ated a few ml leu north of Red Rank Our Pcraona! Represontatlvs Will Brook ApartmentB. 124 Wyckoff Rd., Hlihiands 3. OSborn. |, RUsnson 1. Ki Brlgnt >, and IHadrslds 1 itedf a part and a full-time clerk- Call At Ynur Home Kntnntnn'n. SH 7-0100 or LI 2-37«l. the year. Lawrence Walker, Jr., lyplat, State aie and eKperlence. Write We Say Yea Where Others Fall and ». 1 OUTFIT No. 73208 Cancelled TiiRErE~Rob"MS^r'nfurnl«hed private leads with 211; Jack Miller, 210. •Confclentioua' Box 511, Red Rank. Never out of warehouse! entranre. tile hath. Heat and hot water. TEAR OUT. THIS AD. and mail wltli • LIVING IN No pen. 22 Oltlfleld PI. SII 7-4775. and William Hulsart, 175. name, addrtaa for M( box of flom • 9 pc. living room group ANHOUNCIM1NT5 •OATS t ACCISSORIES icedi and cosmetics for Free Trial to INSTtUCTION • 10 pc. bedroom group Theodore Spiecker, newly- tMt In. your home. Tell your friend • China cabinet, table, i chairs eiected president, announced hit LOST AND FOUND OWENS CRUISERS. make money. Rush name. Blair, Dept Plui 9x12 wool rug COMMERCIAL RENTALS 783BA5. Lynchburg. Va. committee chairmen at • meet- Lo'lT—Boxer, tan, pointed nose. An- MONMOUTH, PREPARE TODAY FOR Take- over unpaid balance swers to name of "Duke." Vicinity of IILVERTON SKIFFS MO EXPERIENCE necennary. Run 111 HJQIIWAY OFFICE ing Monday night. Mtrtdletown. Reward, gll T-2'206. Wp have on display mors models tin. :!• ihop-by-mall club. Two houra week TOMORROW IN. 1274 Air condltbned • receDtlon room and Theodore Phelan, Jr., and LOST—BLACK saddle shnuliler big. will be seen HI tils New York Boa en week*. Knrn *5fi or more In famou S3 weekly private office-aeparate entrance - utili- lunior Baraar ur Caramel Simp. Red Shnw, Including the new W Owens product!. Club nhopplng saveg you ELECTRONICS ties lncluded-parking area. One-or tWo- Rensselaer Cartan will serve on Bsnk. Liberal reward. «H 1-1BUS. Also on display 23' Sllverton Jerse 'riendi money. Write tminy for free 276 MIDDLESEX year leaie HARRY A KEARNEY A Skiff, completely equipped includlni paft catalnc. No obligation. Popnl Just think — Commercial Tradea CO.. P.t. V,, .Middletown. OS 1-060(1. the publicity committee; Timothy V-R 1S5 h.p. motor, (or at low si |3, Club Plan. Dcpt. C 815. Lynbrook. N. Y Institute can now train you at THRIFT Hussey and Robert Woolley, sick; 21)5. FACTORY LOFT TRAVEL - TRANSPORTATION Get our prices before you buy. fOV CAN make more money nnd hav home as an ' WAREHOUSE For rent Frank Cordasco, Rensselaer Car- LEAVING for Florida In about 10 days. Open Ssturdays and Sundays. i better futuri* In the electronic field. 12.000 sq. ft. Call 81! 7-1100. tan, Irving Nusbaum, William tee our ad under Instruction. Commer- COUNTIES ELECTRONICS 7-11 East Front Street Mature, congenial lady would like to FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS fa) Trartei Inatitute. BruRE FOR RENT Hauser and Salver Hughes, wish- take couple. New car. WH «-47U before ft. Da Normsndls Ave, TECHNICIAN On White SL 10 a.m. Fair Haven SH 7-901 BM KEYPUNCH OPERATOR — We Keyport, N. J. Call SH 7-1100 ing well and bubble banks; John ave an opening for a girl wlio tia If you're looking for a high Income for a wirier range of Jobs In rme of IFFICE SPACE—With real estate bro- Nixon and Harold Holmes, civil BARGAIN - Any boat you warn aken a course in IBM keypunching t< potential and If you have a car and today's most profitable opportunity for appointment, dial CO 4-3022 rer. |1S monthly. 17 Linden PI., Red own. Low bank ratea. Financing ax A-ork with regular IBM operator, 'i'hl a finely-developed instinct for nelllnn fields. defense; Clarence Stultz, Robert AUTOMOTIVE rangementa completed In ons call a: ;lrl will work part time keypunching you may be one or the, ten people 3a nk. SH 1-6220 or CA 2-9S.H. AUTOS AND TRUCKS any of out offices. TUB UONUOUT," ind the balance of IIPT time in RPneral wanted by BaeliP A Cn. AUTOMATION Free Storage Free Delivery Colot, Frank Martin, Renssalaer COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. SH accountIna; work. Steady employment, Cartan. Albert Janwich and Theo- inno Rood working condition.*. Apply pprnon He clmnce ti move ui- aril AND INDUSTRIAL Store Hours: Monday thru Sat- HOUSES FOR RENT CRIBP WEATHER SPECIALS nel departrnpnt, General Ceramic* Pi full-time P.rglstereri Jlppr dore Spiecker, ways and means; 19*0 PLYMOUTH fnur-iioor lutiuriian INSURANCE —Marine, outboarda vision of Indiana fJenerat Corp., Crow' tative of an old, established ELECTRONICS urday 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. 19!» PLYMOUTH four-door auliurbsn forms, Kolston Waterbury, Realtor, Mill Rd.. Keaibey, N. J. respected firm. RENTALS Martin, and Lawrence Gilbreath, 1859 FORD Country Squire sines. mi. 18 W. Front Bt.. SH 7-3S0O. training helps you get ready. Other Thursday & Friday evenings Many homes and apartments, furnlahsd 1»5» CHEVROLET two-door six-cylinder ,VOMEN"~PART TIMC-Pewy Newton training programs include, radio. or unfurnished. Phone for sppolntment delegates to the Parade Commis- sutmrbsn J!>' fcOBEL 115 lip. Chrysler marine. h«a openlngt fnr beauty advisors. Work TV. communications, radar, auto- 'til 9:00 P. M. AT I.IHII K. A. Oehlhaui Real El sion; Paul Hussey, Richard Lewis 19M pE 8OTO four-uoor hardtop Older boat, •acellent condition, 1-11 or your own hourf, PR 4-0420. 81 mation, Instruments and Controls. tale, Hwy 36, nelt to Blue * White 1957 PLYMOUTH nine-pssscnger subur- shore, gallsy, liesd. Rigged for dee •7«M. 7*7-1105. CO 4-M4R. Training Program PIANOS — 8av« RU0 or more off list Bus Terminal, T^onardo. and Arthur Nixon, alternates to ban lea. Beit niter over I2.UU0. SH 7-lnl price on brand new 88 note Spinet the Parade Commission; Law- REAL OPPORTUNITY — pnog. Ten year guarantee. Come see IVIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - 1M7 FORD Country Sedan USED BOATS 1957 CHRYSLER four-door sedan EXCELLENT JOBS — and save. We service what we sell, Furnished and unfurnished. Immed rence Walker, Sr., Robert Phelan. ]f»57 BUICK two-door hardtop 24' Cruller, Cray motor ...I 59 HELP WANTED-MALE Starting On Tenzers Music more. 306 Main St., ate occupancy. Samuel Telcher Agency, Lawrence Walker, Jr., Arthur IBM CHRYSLER Sedan 23' Oweni. '89, VI power, nlcs GOOD PAY and « l.akewood. FO 3-21D0. Ocaanport Avs., Oceanport. Call or dial condition -...1263 LI 2-3500 or LI 2-3S01. Nixon, Robert Woolley and Jack 22' Owens, 100 h.p., nice condition 1209! PROMISING FUTURE I'ROFITABI.K HOBBY ENGINEERS - January 30th MAKK PLASTIC FLOWERS RLIMHON — r'lne location. Kour roomi Miller, refreshments; Harry Maurice Schwartz 21' Chrli Craft 1149! Free. Placement Service. Local TATE GARDEN * GUT SHOP plus large screened porch. Call RU 1 23' Cruls-Along, nice condition 12001 1332. alter 6 p. m. Clune and Lawrence Walker, Sr., 31' Baltzer, Twin Chrysleri _.$75n) Interviews will be, held at the HWY 35 LI 2.(1847 EATONTOWN & Sons 122' Owens, hurrlcsne dsmaxed ...... $ 401 We want ten career rtprenentatives F>X^2O HEATHKIT TRANgMITTER — OAKHURST, four bedrooms, two baths, Theodore Phelan, Jr., Frank DIRECT FACTORY DEALKRS for Several Oulbosrds to aell Mutual Fund program* In the HOTEL Never uaed. •arage. NEPTUNE, eight-room split, utilities. PLYMOUTH, VALIANT, IMPERIAL. >, baths. LI 2-1626. FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS TELEPHONE prosperous and receptive suburban CA 90426 CHRYSLER. New Jersey markets. Mutual Fund ex BERKELEY-CARTERET L1NCROFT — Center hall. 21* hatln. ft. DeNormandie Ave. perl nice is not roquirprl. John Nixon and Lawrence Ml Welt Front Street Red Bank Fair Ilivin 811 7-30 OUTSIDE PLANT ASBURY PARK split level. ', acre lot. Phone BH 1-4001. SHadyslds 7-07S7 We deman'l top-nolch people. In ALTENBURG Available after January 19. Walker, Jr., were named as dele- cable split-ing and/or tnntallalions. Saturday. January 21 from 10 t.m. OPEN N I a II T S return, we. offer: to 8 p.m. — every hour mi the SIX-ROOM house. 17 Ralph St., High- gates to the Monmouth County Aerial and I.'nderground lands. Near school and bus. Call HI 3- 19J2 CHEVROLET — Four-door, good •USINISS NOTICES 1. A proven sales program. hour. Write telling us what time PIANO HOUSE Association. Their alternates are eondltion. Reasonable. Inquire: Cant. you will appear for your qualifying Chsrlln Halt anil Tackla. Port Hon- OAKPKNTRY and maaon work. AUli INSIDE PLANT 2. Liberal nalary wjiilt- in Irainlnp Interview. Do it Rent A Piano , FOUR-ROOM corner bungslow In Andrew Diodato and Lawrence mouth. Highway 3t. recrtatlon roomi. add it ions, cabine ione. monthi then an outstandinp j Oceanport. L'nfurnished. uil heat. Step-by-ntep officea compensation schedule. | TODAY $12 ptr Month Gilbreath. 1552 8TUDEBAKER « — Fourdoor work, tiorm doori, window*. LO 6-437 Clean. $100 Includes electric and water. sedan. In operating rnmlltlon. Beit of- Call day or nip lit [or fr?* eititnat* Senior Bwitchmfn-Inspectors 3. Leidi from advertising campaigns j KNABB, MASOMHA.MUN, SO1IMDR, Adults. LI 2-2444. Theodore Phelan, Jr., Jonathan COMMERCIAL tsr over ISO. AT 1-3456-J. KOK TREE WORK, C*O tret aervlr t. rienerntii profit ilia ring phm. Eioui CAB'.K NELSON. EVKHETT. STECK. 31X-RO0M house with garage. Dan Hedglin and Richard Lewis were Topping, trlnimlns, -, removal. Call L Cookmsn Ave, & Main HI., Asnury Pa. Lawrence. 9'J I.nwrence Ave., Keans- 195» FOltD F-80O truck trsctnr. Ket up 2-4229 fur tree ealtmales, Full Insurance life, medical * xurgtrai benefit". TRADES INSTITUTE >urg. Phone 7S7-0317. named delegates to the 11th Dis- fnr houie trailer moving.. 1700. HI 3- HIGH SALARIES ! ! Oi>en dally till » Sat. till 5:30 coverage. J 5. TIIP hacking of Hache k Co, J 3176-M. P.O. Box 203 ATLANTIC IllaHLANUR — Immediate rict of the Stata Council. Their ODD JOliS — Palnttrijt. paper ha I'.EQUIREMKNTS: Cif.ifn. « yrars I Hm(f - f>tatillsht.'i1. widely . known! Clifton, N\ J.| PR 5-9301 upancy. Comlnrtably furnished three- THUNDERBIRU CONVERTIBLE - gR sinck exchange firm, servicing In- alternates are William Hulsari, repaln, etc. Winter ratea, Call cnb't xpltclnif and/or In9'.al!.it >.n?. nedroom log cabin hom« off Scenic Fully equipped, leather upholitery. sir SH 7-O2S7. \t*«t merit client« nation-wide ami TALK PILLOW TALK l>rlve. HuRe fireplace, Beautiful view conditioning elc. Equal lo new. Hacrl- HEIX)CAT1ON NECESSARY abroad, with over SQ years experi- fUAMAlU Frank Cordasco and James Mar- EATONTOWN f New York iliyllne. Available until doe, WE S-209O or OI 6S(00 ODD JOBS — Hauling, land clearing, ence in securities. MERCHANDISE une 15. Reduced winter rental. Chil- in. painting, window*, rellars cleaned. CALL COLLECT OP. WP.ITE: MASSAGE EQUIPMENT — For rent 1953~IiUfCK — 8uper rour-d*oor~atitlon Chuck Harding. SH 7-137R, ren and pets welcome. Phone for ap- wacon. Excellent condltlnu. Good tires, Mr.. L. SCHWARTZ FOR SALE r sale. Free delivery. SOUTH JERSEY ointment. AT 1-O48S. William Hulsart and Jonathan SURGICAL. SH 7-'J614. motor, power steering. $395. c*all nrter WOOD — And kindling for aale. Raae- For appnlnlrnT.t. call: BIX.ROOM DUPLEX — Three bed Hedglin will serve on the board 7 p.m. 8H 7-«3»5. menta. attics rlcaned. Traea moved. Hickory 1-4400, Ext. 4 Cement work. Light hauling. 811 7-1 frill. SLENDERIZING TREATMENTS-Auto rooms. 110 Newman 8prln|s Rd. Avail of fire officers. 1951 UK SOTcT^— Four-door, Ftrfdome RED BANK accident victim must sacrifice 48 con- able January 15. Asking $100. Ayers rmverfhte. Rsillo, heater, power steer- INCOMK TAX ItETt'KNS prepared HAMMOND tracted Slcndcrella treatments. Best of- Trufolo Agency. 811 1-3IM. Inc. $.17.V 19 Park Ave., Rumion, or rompjetely. Eleventh year In area. IT. PR fi-0913 or CA 3-1474. 1 CAPEHART CORP. 1 45 TRAILER — Two hedrooms. kitch- The letter "e" occurs most nussTj Margery Trovato. OS MM9. As * lor LEE P. BRUW.V ORGAN STUDIO 2 RCA TABLE MODEL TV. S65. In- en, full bath. Living room with convert' CARPENTKR WORK - Alterattona, 87-46 123d St., Richmond Hill IB. N. Y. quire Service Department. Eatontown Itile couch. CO 4-4483 or CO 4-4M.1. frequently in the English lan- oEL AIRE-Four- hlork ceilinai, paneled roo mi. 787- of ASBURY PARK TV. Hwv :15, Eatontown. LI 2-0100. tinnr jicdan. Enrellrnt runnlnc cor.dl UNFURNISHED — Four-room bungs guage. The lent frequent ii "q." «3A« YOU CAN MAKE more money and All Modeli on Display Rt-'GS. NEW from Armstrong woolen low, .bath, nesr bus, East Keansburg. linn, (our good tires, priced for quick have a better future In the electronic mills In original wrappings, ftollds ant 787-0675. tow! n |JS5. » Wootlrldge Ave . MlOdls- field, flee our ad under Instruction. HAMMOND EXTRAVOICE * 69! tweeds with nnn-skld foam ruhbei . OS 1-224S Commfrctal Trades Iimtitute. BACHE & COWl/RLITXEP. . -SPINET, BLOND _..$ 89! buck*. Tt-iiiiic savinja, private Itarr.s, EATONTOWN — Unfurnished, three HOUSES FOR SALE PilaiTon »«T^K5iTrVr Wl'llLlTZUIl 2 IN 1 WITH bedroom house. Newly decorated, con nd braken. J^CK) or bent oftpr. IMfLOYMINT Membrra New Yurk Stook Exchange SE •2-n.M'.l. ami other Icwling exchanges. SPEAKKP.. MAHOGANY > I2S enientlv located. LI 2-2400, between RM 7-lf'lO. _JHELP WANTED-FEMALE NOTICE WUHLITZER CONSOLE OHOAN, (! E~VACUUM CLFiANER — EiceT and 8:30. MAUOflANY 11345 lent condition. Reasonable. .1 * filial* .•£ '^ »' OIJVVo. my .11, ii' IVII • EXPEniENCKD — Fountain gtrl want- 36 WALL ST.. NEW YORK S, N. Y, BRAND NEW four-bedroom house lo n >ow tirrsLM. Phon\N —e Btaifkafter , Sradio p.m., , heateHI 3-r* Men to work for recently opened el**c HAMMOND M3— P.U 1-1403 BERG Hh f S HI 3 ed. Apply In person. Howard .'ohnson cited in Middletown close to Red Bsnk. Hmtaurant Hwy. 3ft Mlddletown. trlcal appliance factory branch. Sal- SPINET OHUAN. WALNUT . $ DM Near schools, stores and transportation, VETERANS _ _J ary $104. Tremendom training pro SALESMAN KOK BOATS n:id outboard THOMAS ORGAN ...... | 395 Immediate occupancy, $135 per month, -V-"l condition, WANTED in Middletown home. Wuinan (ram. tnoturs. Automobile vxririlencc! may be SALES AND SERVICE MERCHANDISE WANTED IIARRV A. KEARNEY A CO., Rt. 39, S7T*. fur three morning*! a weelt. Light hnus,- 1 1 Hlildletown. OI 10ao0. NO DOWN PAYMENT OH 1-3*27 Pepping and getting Uttla hoy off to CALL SH 1-4019 n.:iii/ui. m< i-ii: . . RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION PIANOS - Hlrteit prices patd. a Ten '• W' I'OHSt'HB~COI"PF]~rlHil~EliliMV Rftiool. I.I 1-332-i aak for Mrs. Roie. MAN with clerical ability to work part- Open Daily Till » — Saturday Till 9:30 rrr im Mai* It.. Lakswooe) or FOI BUNGALOW — Llvtnr room, dlnlni $62 Per Month an p rrplacemeu(«. 1120(1. Cal O8 1- time In automobile njjciicy. Must have COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. croft 3.21'JO room, kitchen, two bedroom*, bath. What kind ol a ysar Is II joint to b«? 3717 _^ EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER^WiTl I'AHTTIME SOLICITOR, relire.1 ii liinvers_ license. Applr y by letter to Furnished or unfurnlthcrf. |M. Th# If ynu'ra a carry-ov#r tsnant from i960 jhnndl* recelvaMea and payable*. Typ- lookms to supplement income. Salary 1'Clerical." llox ftu. rte.l PR 5-9300 I1GHEST CASH PRICKS PA1I>-Foi Downtrn Afenry. 91 E. Front St., Red it will ba another bad ons. Own your lV>n" ~HEh All! i'lievroTrt. "Two-door, ! ing necessary, nookkeeping machine and commls.Hion. Complete line of hulld-j — entira oi part contents ot homes and Bank. SII 1-1700. own homf. Its this Immacuiata two-' poworgllile. radio and hrnter. Kxcel- optional. Write 'EB' Boi 511, Red estates. Furniture, antiques, orients ing productsl . Call Mrs. Ranker,, PFl S-l SALESMEN (THREE) CASH REGISTERS - N'e* and uwl HOUSE - - Thr*« rooms, bath, unfur bedroom older horns with tares kitch- lerii condition. OM eicutlve car. ft.841 Bank. li7uii i!rai!i^immr rues, paintInte. etc FRIEDMAN UAL en, btstment, sttlc, hot water steam fnr quirk nnle. CO 4-767*. a hulldiiiR mnterlals manufacturer many models, reasonable, Ke sell. .KlttES PR 43143 SvenjnES CA 2-74S2 nlshfd. R#irmonnhl*. cits ht»t. Atlantfe HOU8EWOKKER — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN for active vants to hire three men for local fac- rant, repair Talco Cash Register Co HfRhUndH. AT 1-lflSO-J. heat, only $io a yaar for tales, garaga Fwo nAMiTLEii cnbss "COUNTRY, Monday through Friday. Fair Haven. oldcs with (sod location. Real Estate tory branch. Must be neat in :ippe;ir- OA 211411 ANTIQUE FOUR-POSTER — Double snd utility room. Includlnj comblna- white. Mandnrd. iJKe new. Can be ri* Own transportation. $23 weekly. Phone eiperlenca not necessary, but you/must nnce and have car, (local travel only). bed. Call ion storm sssh and doors, tiectric ' nance*!. Call CO 4-10SS. SH l-ruil!! after 6 p.m. know how lo sell. Writs particulars toiOnlOl y thosth e seeklnkl s permanent position TVI'EWHITEIIS. ADDING machines. OS 1-3472 *sn(*, rsfrlgvtator and vanstlan blinds. "Bllate" Bos 811. Red Bank. N. J. with desire fnr advancement as norm as AN inalU's iu>w or used. Gunranterd. WANTED TO RENT [CENSUS TAKKRS FOR new city di- Low as SJl. Serpicoa. 101 Monmouth OLD FURNITURE - Antiques, china $8,990 Full Prict MOBILE HOMES rectory, flood wrlten and ipeltera need St. Next to theater. SH 7-0IS5. Klasswarc. arl objects and bric-a- GARAflE OR BARN n««rt«d for Itor ippiv, Write "iviisim," B»x 311 Km brac. Immedlst* cash for snythlnf; and ag«. Call IBM POtmE DECKER Pacemaker 'Bank. STOP IN nmt flee (lie Ubuloiu new everything. Ruacll's. 29 East Front SL OS 1-2787 Non-Vet $270 Down hriiise trailer $70" and tnke over tiny- Kincman Blcctronic Organ a! our Fur- SH 11691 - THKKK KXI'KHIKNCKD Waltreane*. niture ihuw roomi. BUKUGK A SON WANTED IN RED BANK — Reipon Monmouth County Offica m#nta nf 15No fee churned.* | St.*. Write fully to 'Tenant,' Boi Ml lary wltli referetuvs. Good aalary. Conlact Mr. Sanford. Montmrnery i DALMATIAN - Purebred. Just on. Heri Bank. THE BERG AGENCY O|J Fu ;\Vrlte Bo» 6S. 8pa Bright. Wards. Katontown. Ll 2-2442. I PM» tsi iV •"" - ">' inoculated, affectionate. YOUNG EXECUTIVE deffrei three or "Perionauzcd lervic*" MERCEDES WlENEKAI, HOUSKWORK'm ~- Coulu WANTED-Male • Female Uill sell to good home. Call before [four bedroom home preferably located 'lop lalary for experlenred help. Call who can take cure nt spwmit mneh;nr» BRING YOUR ROLLERS! ... l.u l-lilll. 'near 'schools ami Monmouth Shopping OS I -1000 i KIT . 1BSH. ami jirfssing machinrs. Stfady. ymr- BEAGLK — I1) year m»\t. 8hntil«l Center. Forward all Information to BENZ rounii raRpi for man who Muahfics. Scalloped & Frlnped tnnke good hunting doj or pet. LI 2- Montgomery W/trd A Co.. ,Monmouth Rt. No. JS Ulddlttewn. N. J. EXPERIENCED DAY WORKER - Irvlnp Llcht Co.; 1001 Sfconrt Avr. WINDOW SHADES S'lonninE Centpr, Eainntnwn Circle. L>ally ••• aaturday-lunday 10-7 Wednesday ami Friday. Ironing and Aibtiry P;irh. EARN Eatontown, N. J. or phone LI 2-2l.W. cleaning. Cttli after 5. ST. 1-MM. Put On Whlls Vou \Vnit ! _ BEAUTIFUL. COLONIAL PH1RT PRESSER* — Experienced and ELECTROLVX CORPORATION $199 AKC UBOISTERED German Shepherd j Sales Service EXTRA [Hips. Champion blood lines. SH 1- xcellent location in established srea. dopendnhle. Toi> aal.try. Full time em- MEN wanted. S*|IM and rnirr Me- lea. FURNISHED ROOMS Lot 175x150 u-itri large trees. Beauti- ployment. Modern equipment. SH 1-1*08 chanical background helpful. 50^ Pros C.E.KMAN SHEPHERD — Puppy, fe- ful snd spacious living room, formal liprl Avr.. L!itl« Silver Shopplne Cen tnnle. pedipreeil. 10 neclts, tinriic mor* FURNISHED ROOMS PAIVI'-TIMK SECRETAIIY—For work tfr. SH I-'JOTO. . ! MONEY PROWN'S important than price. OS 1*267!). Csll lining room, ultra-morlern kitchen, ! JAMES DAVISON I SON l*i KHITISI.'I. I*rt*(.T mn-rlfl womainvlm TEMPOKAP.Y LOCATION SH 7-3»na en, three bedrooms and bath, full could work nccanlnnnl afternoon! a BAI.RSMAN— Eiperlence'trTeTaTl .fur* j 9 Broai) St.. licj Dank, SH 1-750O issement. Steam heat. Garaaje. Rea- i T/A Murphy Davison, Inc. work Write t'> "Altfrnonns" Unx Ml. nftun*. Liberal company lit-ncfitn. Apply In Your Spare Time FUI'.N'ISHEI) nnoM for rent In a nlca sonable taxes and priced at Just S22,- Red Bunk. Personnel, Montgomery VVurd, Katon- • S4~i'TEc£i^Tt;7u7lNr,~sTLVER almosi REAL ESTATE FOR RENT house. Gentleman preferrrd. 27 Spring 900. State JIwv. 9 Freehold 1 town. St.. K«! Bank. Phone SH ?-3jt enrnt. appraised at Sl.lMtl, KOl.'K KOOMS nnd bath, second floor, FI!RNIS!IEn ROOM — With kllclien lay^ AT 1-X.08. KILL CHARtlE HOOKKEEPKR-Gen 1 FINE INTERIOR and exte7ior~painT sell J600. Call between 6-S p.m. SH 1- unfurnished. Modern Improvement. !. privileges. Near bus line, town. 23 ADDING MACHINES — Typewrltern : EXPERT MKNDING — China, f lim. eral ledgel elperlence. Patd vacation. 17.14. (H'ntrntly locnted In Red Bunk. (75 South St. SH 1-7081. TlL>DLKTOWN — Rare opportunity of . sold renlei! repaired. Serpifos, 101 silver retlnlshlnf and plating. Therm- ing, itecoratlnK. and paper hanglnR. l'"ricndly Nuriulindlngs. Must have own nirchasing a home on a 4'j Gl aa- Rstlmatea olleerfnlly given. W. W. lr lc l month. Adulta only. Call 911 l-50o6 SM A \j7~VrSSTsH E l> ROOM ^ 47 umptlon. A 6S' ranch, three bedroom*, Mnnmotilh SI., lied Hsnk. SH 7-("SV "« liuclti'ts. I'hliia * Glass Simp. 147 Stiles. Ill 3-:,1V>. l!l*!™" j l 7 after 7 p. tn. : H,.,,:,,, s, ,d nsnk. mi --460Q. WAVF.P.I.Y PL»rE. RED BANK. ivinj; room, dining room, recreation % R (•ART-TIME RECJiEATToN FSRES LUMBER SPECIALS! H ooii). l1^ Imtlii, attached garage. Cor- Tt>R—Experience nccessnry. Renl chal- THUEETROOMS and hath unfurnished. Appliance Repairs Pet Suppllei lenge for the right person. Semi 2*1—i' -». ^2c each Modern improvpinentti, aecond door. WARN!, sunny rnrner room, adjacent to ler property, approximately \ acre. Floor Waxing to Kalr llaien lierrfjitlim Coiu Cfnilrnlly Incntcd In Red Hunk. 'SCO hath with shower. 7.1 Maple Ave.. Red ;aii a(t«r 1 p.m. os l-i:u&o, APPLIANCE REPAIR and instiills- iiioLEN^MlIXEK — I.)ry~ar7i'l~fro?i'ri BornttKh Hall^Kair Haven. month. Adulta only. Call SH 1-S036 Rank. jX(_7' ..,._ „ 43c after 7 p.m. OUR-HBDROOM two story, laran*. tlon. Residential and commercial wir- j. TANNAMILL — Floor waYlniTand fish foods to order hy mail or ap- nclosed purcli. modern throughout. ing. Allen Electric. SH 7-IW12. Janatorlal service, fnmmi'rclal, resi- — Male nr female for ROOM * ROARD for elderly person. polnlment. Call AT 1-lOi.V l>oi-lT~nboM8 and~bTururTfurni8lieiE Also will give cnnvnleMcent care. Call 113.300, Call AT 10087. dential. I/iw rales. 7S7-2779. shop In llazlct. CO 4-5BOH or OS 1- Modern improvomenta. ground (lour, SAVE ON FUEL BILLS ('e nt rally Incut rd In Red Bank. |!>5 SH 7-M30 for details. .'IVK I'.OOMS AND BATH — lini Auctioneer Plumbing t: Heating month. Adults on'y. Call SH t-5U:i6 a ti- ater heat. 913.000. Inquire Dixie Lee Furniture Repair VISIT OUl: CUMl'LETE er 7 p. m. bakery. 7S7-1W74. H. o. COATS — An rssenlial Auctlnn -- ItKl'.MP.S. SERVICE * Malntennnre WEATHER STRIPPING REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r u 11 liE iteflnlshtrl, repaired. 21-honr service, seven rinys. Martin J. SITUATIONS WANTED, Female rHREB~KbQMS AND HATH - riv UTTLB SILVKR — lively three-b»d- 4ttnr«laBl aarvlr>* "anvivhere 28S '" ' I\CI ini»uru, leimuru. DKPAHTMENT fttrnlshoil. Convenient to downtown Hed room ranch. Select Fox 11111 iection. MrOillre. Inc.. SH 7-,17t!7. WILL 1IBLP WITH PARTIES, dinners HOUSES FOR SALE ' ?rlnciPBlf only. ^5.1H)0. Sll L-6;i5u. ur other occaaluna Babysitting also lUnk. $PO per month Includes nl) utili- IIKrit housekeeplnr. Onll SH I-SSS1. PRESTO BAGS ties. 811 1-Otl.'. rllRKKBKDKOOM RANCH with larg* Radio-Tclevliion Repair KATONTOiVN — S^Brnid St.. Three DEEP AND PROTECTED -ccreHtlou room. Gl mortgage pay- Fuel Oil - Heating kil.lAUl.U WOMAN Wlstius lo take- $1.95 bag of six ;iiul four louTiiJt, (urnlnl)p(l. SI 10 per nent $S9.50 Including laics. CA 2-0214. Auto and Truck Rental A C. RADIO * TELEVISION Cn — Mrs ol children in her home. IS' imiiith. All utilttirx Included. Close to MOORING -,—,— | FUEL OIL, A HEATING—Call 811 1- 12.1 Shrewsbury Ave. SII 1-476S. SERV- M..tile Ave .SH 7-JCT!) W,\\ Hoard •AIC HILL, M1DDLETOWN — fuatom- ICE WHILE YOU WAIT. Knr Mmtinnuth. Sre nr I'Hll Mrs. IJiivin. mtlt home on out* acre woodfd lot. Two S— Item a new car or truck. I-ow lWI0 o|| t),||v,rv |,,c se.rvlcs * WOMAN ivlslies lo mind children fn SAWDUST At your back door. New ranch ear* old. Seven rooma. Us baths. s Mnple Avf.. lied Rank HII i- BMrt , jjertiert St.. Red Rank. Her hoius by day or week. Llncrofl PR 4-KH. Dally 7 a.m.-lO P rn. TMUKE furnished rooms, bath. Com* boasting 21' living room with log Three hedrooma, two-car garage, full Roofing, Siding and Insulation area. I'linne SU l-ritinil. Large burlap bag, 75c plett'Iy private, utilities included. Coil* jaseinunt with unfiniahed room and Home Improvements NimsE'S All) —~EjpJrSnceil~ ref- pi*-, nun SH 7-O76:;. burning fireplace. Dining room jath, patio. Owner transferred, fc'9.- Awnings — Canopies fnsulntlnn * SldliiR Corp. Certified erenceB. Cnll ("A !i Xms. K p.m. D»o. os i-nys, Jolins-Manvllle contractor, PR 3-«4V - • DepcMitlnTilc*. Cof7ipn7i"lnuT~cir ft :'M. latest in kitchens. Three bed- [ngei for |f),200. Nearly new three-hed- Kree I'stlmnti's. Stnnilard Awning < o.. oTsoN CO. INC7- RnofiiiB.siilirig"* room Cape Cod between TUe 35 and H1£ltlver ltd.. Kalr Haveti.SH I-IWWI. mit-\nslde._RlI 1-4H1, SII_7-»J»K licht holiscwiirli and plain cooKlnj,-. LUMBER COMPANY rooms, two baths. 16' family VV(1RK1N(1 MAN'S rontrnctor—Alter- Insulation. Installed mid ^u.iranti't'd Write to1 "Plain." riox Sll. lied Hunk. I;EO BANK M. Rsrltan. Ashing $10,900. dehlhaul for 10 years. PR ISI17O5—AT I-05411. Sycamore Avenue Little Silver Uti'K(\ four or flve-riHiin. two* tied room Heal Estate. 7B7-S065 ations, additions, painting, tnasnnry. apnrtincnts. Conijilrte lilt oh en, spneloua room, two-car garage. All this nil Ihnle little Jobs. LO ti-1714. WO > 1 AN ~\YIS 1 IKS (At Th» n.iilroni.j Boating Supplies nws wniiK. clniots, all cnnvenlenceH. Adultt. Sprint- for $33,000. J'TfLEI SILVKR — lively three-benN Tel. Answering Service PLEASE CALL SII 1-11.12 vit>w Gurdftis, '.'«,1, Apt. B. Spring St., •oon) ranch. Selert Kox Hill section. NKVEI! SINK wTTll NAVBSASli! SH 1-7800 Principals only. 125.900. til 1-C3S0. Niivi'iiinil Marine Snles Co., Ocean Insurance TIED TO VOUK telephone?"~LfTus iVHO CAN APKOUn to pans thla on« KMJ.Y AMKIUCAN woul, hnnliiMl. (Mn- U NFL' K N liHRP ivfQ' bed room apart- WALKER & WALKER Ave., Sea Bright. SE Mini. AL1.STATK INSl'RANCE CO.—Anlo. anavver (or you! 24 hour service. Ten- ment. S110. Many furnUlipd winter ren ip? A three-heel room home, in Mcellent phona Answerlm ««rvlce. gll 1-471X1, SITUATIONS WANTED, Male Inn rtium nig, Nrvrr usnd. JEK), Other undltlon. located In MiiMlftown, FIIA accident, home, fire Insurance, Low sines OA ^-j477R. t;th from SK.V KHa Wiltshire Agency, rates. Call )olm P. Mcllugh, Agent. MAN will do flour clean.ii|, nail rleim* 14SO Oct'iin Ave.. Sea Brlcht. SR 3-0001. REALTORS ,ayn you enn have it for 1,100 down, $«O Building Contractor Ill' l-lllfll. SIU VXTAlN7 ninntlt includes all. Full price, |9,onn. Tile Ceramic Inir. ilt'a.iuiiabh- \nu-in UK I) HANK—I*o ur rnnmfl unfurnlHhfti. Highway 35 Shrewsbury AUHV A. KEARNET A CO., Rt. 35, AT Mfl5l stottls, mirrored hack h;ir. dcrp (ryrr. I! t C BflLUEUS srtillp, stainlrss hnml. nu'itt alii'pr, s»s Uff location, nlcply decorstn). SH IlildlPtown. OS I-0AO0. Hperlnllzlnr In alumlmini sidtnK pins MEAT MANAOKR Vr-vkit ti""illnii'"ln n H 1 SHadyside 1-5212 Kitchen Remodeling nP stuvf, ri-iriR'T.itnr. UcuiMinahli'. Mil- -L lJL J/ ™- rTmEEBErmooMnTNrHTrrrji cninplele hllllillnf; service nnd remod- — New work, enclosures, all accessor- Rcil Hank vicinlly. KX]HMIPIH'PII tn hnn- li'r's Sta!io!it«ry. ' li(i.*i Hniaii\vi\y, Kunj; t'i:" IIOOMS — Kurninheil, knotty nllnB. Cl> 4-1II7D or CO 4-11.1?. KITCHEN CAHINETS-Kormlca link •tic PIT wcrk himinrsK. Wrilr Rrani'h, '*A L'-'jriSI. pltic kllolu'd, bnih wltli Htuiivpr, con- Open 7 Days slrahle location. Attached Kflraie, full ies, floors. WHIIS, celling. Decorative It Acker IH,, MlilillRtoivn. ssr-ment snd porch, excellent cnmil-s tops, built-in ovens anil ranges, com- tiles to your order. Paul's Tiling Serv- ltl ltLJ]Aj;533H f 1"lliKtf11KI.)ItlIOM 11ANf; 11~(;iTinjiii^- ALL TVPK improvements snd npw plete remodeling. Financing arranged ice. CO 4.Vi:i4. linn Call OS MKR. «orli flimrnntecd. Klti'lieim. dormers. Re«s I Klli'hcns, 7ST-IM17N. VENETIAN BLINDS Attract Ive four- ly nlr conditioned. Flnlalied rerrration J. Cndwaltnder. Since IHM. Ill' 1-II4M Plnntlii t;\pi\ nylon nml, Red llatik. Mnilrrn itmiii with Imlll In liar. All utllltlo. Tree Service FINANCIAL y:..w \aiut> Uitclien. ConvenleiH hi schools, ahop^ Modern science kitchen, 's acre pint .rrim. Can iirt.sumo I1- ppr cent mort- LOTS AND ACREAGE DrRTKFA.NO CONSTHI'fJTION-New Odd Jobs pliiR. Av.ilUhle Match 1. Sli 1-0127. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MKsmABf.KllANTlSOArEII — CorniT homes, alterallons. repnlrs. time pay- i-ral csre of Irrcs \'2\ Hi-lslmw Ave., NOW $2.99 T1IHKK r.()O.\i I'lthtrnlulled npart- ments. I'linne LI ^(IK.".! —7S7lM!i:fi. CKLLAKH, forages cleaned! Trees MUltlLB SKnVICKrSTATlON^fnr l.-ii.ir1 itHMit. S7.'i ner innnth, flf Monmoiith NTTUJI'T l.nrKr Vix-roi>in much lul Atlantic' Illclilnmls, centrally ici- removed. Untiling. Appliance*, Kntoilliuvn. Ll S-'JI27. All Hizrs Id MY', white acre. 'Jir kitchen with rstVil. Wrlto "LOT" Wnxjtll. K'.1',??.!^. r [•Vuiit StriM't ami Clubr t'mirl, llnl Sti-M. i\,.,\ Hnnk. ('nil Sll 1-KW3 or NEW IIOMKR, alteintloiis, repairs. furniture moved. CA 'J-77. i7 Hank. P.pu.snimhli! ivni. Limtcfl invt-.-t- Nnw at new itMMpurary IIHMIIHII, hri'aiifuHt nrpii. dinlnc nuini. IIVIIIK HlKllMl iiunllly work. For esllinnli'S mom. Kxcellenl ojipni-tmiitv. !••!. rail PKtiWN'S E* HltUAM ST, niiiiii with iH'nullful country view, fuy- U (TlTr 11A UMN (T~^~K veil Ing's" and Vacuum Cleaner Repair KIKKT KljOOlt apart men t. Two ned- er, three twin size bedrooms, full hane call Herbert £l(mirauch. nil I frjdl. weeli-enda. lleasonsble rates. Call i[\ a-WHii. utter 7 call fill 7-BtHH. fU.l) HANK HH ITniK) i-Kiiins. 108 Newtnau BiirliiRH Rd. Avnll- REAL ESTATE WANTED ELECTHOLUX ni'lit. (inutile KninKc UNcellrnt coin Oeorse Hnrdrn, HII 1-7777. 1 aiAJOI~dilTc7rM"|»ANY Tins unrvtpp nhle immedltilelv Nu utilities. J85, nutliic nnd schonl tinder $.10,000. I1KI) BANK ALUMINUM PnoDl'CTB Hales Hervlci Supplies VICTORIAN TIlliKK IMKCK Hcdrooin Avers-Tnifoln AKt'imy. SH 1-1'H3H. i.TsT v"• hmisci In iradp. en i'o'ir Klrctrnlus. r.ill PP. RDfifll. oi|i)lpniPiit only. Onoil nppnrliinlly for tiffdlt'pdlnl SPHI*. Call Kit t-fi*7ri i-nt «'|||, nrlvnic tinth "II Mnti- tllato tjctiir'tir.ry, \o\v «Jo«v it paymcr.t. ',VP flnanrr. ive iri""'*"'' ""'• "c*«l nl all ViTiiler. dmifatnr! iaunt. •illim. Sll IV. 17 Itarltan olllcs, CO »• • Irihi. iivu liiiv.! .ui'.i, [';,id S3I3 _ _ SMPTIfl TANKS, 'try «ell« serviced. I'ARI.'lV ifl.VHR— I'MIntItK Jinrl "iler- •I'ltLl'li Miili|K.S~iml Inrluili ml ••iiulp. Li'.-unliig ami fliiiiiu'la! n.t.M^tnnco If if. K'i'Mitfir patlfi linnt ilnrli. SH l-'''!!lft. l''(.i.'II~llo"oM'"a|iarUm'iii, all tit lilt Im. LaechliiK flelil ndded nscklion work, ornllnt. (.ieneral contrncllnK. Frre enl. Pnrlnhle nrlillni;, Atlantic' Weld- f,llli'r>rl. KM1 ('Urn! oppnrhltilt V 'ur m,1- Hinnll down |mvin«Mit, ?Vi .*i'l per ninnth. MMAU." IIOMK' "•' "IN r:>:n HANK aiiiKPi s, nvclii'strn. Ptr., Jl rnrli. tSi, I'.fJO HANK TIUfT-t>nlrn<">m npiiri- 1 c. ||. Wilson. HII IISIH. eillmslrs. Call SH 1

:. nnd plmnnRrnpli maud, '?.V Sll 1-S9W. Aiitnmntlc liral. ^V AT 1-:WS7-J. Kntontown. 'itA -V'rVf'i^}:1A-JJ&':.'^ ;H —•

m, mn, tmm H, •W ## iwb*>wl****IH*Pr|a Ht Rawaiav'Mf Nevea \wmm 9tm, di*4 D#e, #, fcaammtif htr prof-iMtyarttwl -r— Chur<* iiuhe V %•; Mark .. ****, n. m turn » Mr*, Horbtn 9 Utw)< **n#* erty and buildings on Belknap r ducted nominations and elections wit YOU fee ME dertf A hon, Claire B Oeward, Compton a *&**, fnmk i. Watt, U, Fir* AM Ctmrm | La., Rumson: Marilyn Reynolds, La., Rumson, and $1,000 to St. The residue of the estate goes to SHREWSBURY - A 10-week for offices for the Youth Govern daughter ol Mt. and Mrs. Jack TALKING TO!! George's-by-the-River Episcopal Rees, Lally R. Smith. Agnes P. Daggett, Mary McCann and Jean his sister, Cecelia N. Dougherty. advanced first aid course has ment Day to he held at Freehold, C. Morgan, Oakes Rd, Little Sil- Church of Rumson and $300 to H. Trowbridee, and $200 each to Helen A. Place, Highlands, who been successfully completed by Feb. 1. Candidates were nominat- ver and Courtney Irwln, daugh- St. Mary's Guild of that church, Anna Boutakoff, Helen Brown, died Nov. IS, left her estate to a six men and women. The course ed by the Student Council from ter of Mr and Mrs Gordon C in a will probated this week by Helen Mochaitis, Jane Clements, niece, Edythe G. Kelly. was sponsored by the Monmouth the entire membership of the jun- Irwin, 99 Forrest Ave., Fair Surrogate Edward C. Broege. Anne O'Hare, William Jeffrey, Lena Limper, Highlands, who County Red Cross Chapter. ior class. Haven. Mrs. Compton was the widow of and Paul and Madeline Peterson. died Dec. 29, and Josephine Ur- Alfred G. Schebe'l, volunteer The following students were Youth Government Day is spon- Dr. William Penn Compton. The residue of the estate is to niasz Middletown, who died Nov. instructor, has issued certificates elected to office: sored by the American Legion, 29, left their estates to their hus its auxiliary and the Board of Other bequests included: $5,000 be divided among cousins, Ade- to Mrs. G. T. Buntin, Mrs. H. Sheriff, Patricia Browne, bands. Freeholders. to her maid, Ann Coogan; $3,- Iaid A. Hering, Helen M. Harriot H. Taylor, and Harold Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamil- Antona Pocos, Freehold, who 000 to her sister-in-law, Eliza- and Katherine G. Trowbridge. Jr, Eatontown; Joseph Embley, ton Browne, Broadmoor Dr., died Aug. 3; Jacob Bloom, Red Spring Lake Heights; and Wil Egypt exported 150,000 tons of beth C. Rees; $1,000 each to ves- Other Wills Rumson; surrogate, Susan Mun- Bank, who died Dec. 2,1; Floyd liam Gatta and Charles Livesey, grain annually to Rome in the trymen of the Church of the Res- Idoff O. Johnson, Rumson, who t;er, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. died Dec. 25, left boats and fish- E. Brady, Fair Haven, who died Englishtown. ' Leslie H. Thomas, Shrewsbury days of the Roman empire. urrection, New York, and the ves- Dec. 18; William B. Brower, Mon-

C 1«$1, Kim r«tar» a/idiote. Inc., World ritht. Mnid, GRAND

The balance of the funds re- ceived during the period came Rutgers Gets from industry, alumni and foun dation sources in the form of $957,667 gifts, $15,234, and scholarship and fellowship aid, $12,060. DISCOUNT CENTERS Largest single grant awarded In Gifts, Grants to the State University in the last NEW BRUNSWICK — Gifts two months was a previously-an and grants in the amount of nounced award of $185,900 from $957,667, including nearly one-half the National Science Foundation million dollars for training teach- to support an institute for high er* of mathematics and science, school teachers of mathematics were received by Rutgers Uni- during the academic year 1961-62. versity in November and Decem- ber, it was announced today by GYMNASTIC BIROS Dr. Mason W. Gross, university SYRACUSE, N. Y. (AP) - The president. Bird brothers, senior Albert and The National Science Founda- sophomore John of Jersey City, tion awarded Rutgers $561,050, N. J., are members of the Syra- ELECTRIC OUTLETS FUSHUGHT ~ NWuBITS M NUSHER.SANOER during the two-month period, in- cuse University gym team. Both II" WOOD LEVEL IFinsisNt • ZlNfcjmfM- *' • MaJMHttNiNl W cluding $438,050 in support of six are 5-foot-6 and weigh 140 pounds. Ml HI Nit! tsrin, FfifttuMl H|M! bfiMtir-iiON lK.fttstfttlK.Mj! pUHPi MM IIFEH ! teacher training programs. Al Bird is 23, John 20. Both com- Three grants, totaling $341,227, pete all-around. were received from the U. S. Public Health Service. The Office of Naval Research and the Week's Sewing Buy Squibb Institute for Medical Re- •earch also awarded Rutgers grants in support of fundamental Printed Pattern research.

U. S. COINS MING PUSH Mill _ VISE GRIP WRENCH MAGNIFYING SET FASTEN!* SCREWDMVIR^ 7BLADEH0LESAW JMsaitkUliUhr 66' SC4DERMGIR0N e 10" tin, CliMltf - M. i Sam! kli» fir ill DO' RranWtraUMLl 66' HIGH PRICES tkntM fiiiUI *' Hli-Htl Many colni Including tboit found In your change, bring hlgn pre- mlumi. Tha new 1961 tdllton of1 the Handbook of U.S. Coin. (Illui-1 t'Vtti) deicrlbel and lltta the, price* that dealer! pay lor every ( coin ever minted.

(pint 15c pottel. ail ku4llng> MONMOUTH STAMP AND COIN SHOP m MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK \


COMM. SQUARE SCREWDRIVERS EXTENSION CORD., ANGLE WRENCH WHtlmlttfitratr, tt< lit.Mt.»S»fMt»W|, 66' e Uft..ifhHT*itT 66' -aaiUfa S»KkSfNfkSt«ll! faixei jaw!


Wa carry a compUta See how scallops curve pretty tin* of famous brand DRAFTING SET TROWEL SET TAP WRENCH SET neckline interest on this slim- • Ctasiss,ri!iifpii, 9 pitcas. iKlaaas patty Rfi< »" PUER cameras and accessor- ming sheath and its companion w insir.liiltiii! kiifiaaJscnNrl 66' • MulMiiia.tiiHr, 66' • slip jsiit m