SH 1-00! 0 I/MI Q> vT/-. |i0 |MU<« DUlJ. Mosdir t»r»iw» ITMur. MUrrt u S*«m« ClUf Mttur RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1961 7c PER COPY SSe PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 138 injlr Pott OWw at **t auk. H. J.. uid.r u* Act «t M»rci & U7H BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Case Backs Mitchell ?Texas Tower' In Race for Governor Move a Boost For Labor Folds at Sea; Secretary WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Clifford P. Case, R NJ, today warmly endorsed 28 Feared Lost Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell's candidacy for the Republican gubernatorial nomin- ation in New Jersey. AF Site The move, anticipated for more Coast Guard Plans than a week was apparently in- tended to give Mitchell a boost in what is ihaping up at * four Battered way primary fight for the nomin Chain of Sea Towers James P. Mitchell CUtter* P. Cut ation. Case's endorsement could bring NEW YORK - Texas low- the legs into position and se- into the Mitchell camp many Re- ers like the one reportedly cure them to the edge of the destroyed in heavy ;>t>as last continental shelf 180 feet below By Storm publican leaderl who thus far PRESTON HOUSE HIE —Firemen battled for two hours Campaign Is Started have remained neutral or were night will eventually replace the surface. l«it night to bring under control a blaie which caused «n the existing chain of Coast undecided which candidate to When completed, the $20-mil- BARNEGAT (AP) — Bat- back. estimated $20,000 damage to th« Prtston Houto on th« Guard lightships along the lion structure was one of a Eastern seaboard. series along the East Coast tered by a howling winter The senator's prestige reached •ttato of Mrs. Geratdine L. Thompson, Newman Springs' By Little Silver Man an all-time high Nov. 8 when he The plan, described as "long- designed to give the nation ex- storm, an Air Force radar Re)., Lincroft. Hera, volunteers from Middlotown Fir* tra, precious seconds with a NEWARK (AP) — Secretary of Labor James P. won re-election to a »ix year range," will begin with tower tower collapsed and disap- term by a record 332,000-vote Co. battlo fir*. installations in place of light- warning in event of enemy at- Mitchell, the latest of four announced candidates for majority. ships off the Massachusetts' tack. peared with 28 men aboard the Republican gubernatorial nomination, was losing Mitchell announced his tandi- coast. n heavy seas about 80 no time today in getting his campaign in high gear. dacy for the nomination Satur- First Towers iles southeast of here last day. Case reportedly did much A spokesman for the Third Mitchell announced his candidacy Saturday and Fire In Lincroft ight. of the spade work lining up sup- Coast Guard District here said White St. Rescue ships and aircraft spent all day yesterday touring South Jersey lining up port for Mitchell prior to public funds have been appropriated •aced to the scene, but found entry into the race. for the initial towers and con- IO survivors from the six-story- support for the April 18 struction will begin soon. Other Candidates Routs 5 Families ligh structure that was part of primary. He said that because of the Addition :he Air Force's early warning The other candidates for the LINCROFT — Fire of underter- Community and Belford Inde- depth of, water off the Jersey system. Driving Mitchell joins three state nomination so far are state Sens. mined origi.i last night, destroyed pendent Fire Companies, also an coast lightships like Amurose A mattress, a life ring, -<ii oil senators in the race: Sen' Walter Jones, Bergen County, about a third of the three-story swered the alarm. and Scotland will be among Wayne Dumont, Warren County, Preston house on the estate of All told, two rooms were de- slick and debris were the only the last ships replaced. Favored poignant clues to the tragedy. (Another Story P|. 1) and Charles Sandman, Cape May Mrs. Geraldine L. Thompson, stroyed while six rooms had dam- The spokesman added that County. Newman Springs Rd., causing an age to the walls and floor, There RED BANK — The Community The first hint that -.be 14 Air Difficult the manned-towers -vouH b« Force men and 14 civilian work- In his statement, Case referred estimated $20,000 in damage. also was smoke and water dam- Chamber of Commerce is contin ate Majority Leader Walter H. less expensive to maintain. Two inches of snow followed to Mitchell as a man of hi-?h in- According to Fire Chief Harlan age throughout the entire build uing to press for the extension ers were in trouble aboard the Jones of Bergen, Wayne Dumont The towers are trians-ular structure—called a Texas Tower freezing rain which fell on the tegrity and outstanding ability Hogan, the blaze which started on ing. platforms supported on three of White St. across Broad St. Jr. of Warren and Charles W. Chamber members met with —came at 7:15 p.m., when a Shore area last night, making Sandman of Cape May. "Jim Mitchell is a sure win the ground floor, forced evacua- concrete pilings which extend driving conditions hazardous to- ner," Case said. "We couid, I tion of two of five families in the borough officials at a luncheon in Navy ship picked up a distress The three welcomed Mitchell's below the ocean surface and signal. day. think, find no one with a building. Three other families Ice Forces he Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, entry 'into the race and an' are embedded in rock. The vessel, the "Takl-17," a William D. Martin, U. S. weath broader or more justified ap- were not at home. Same Conditions Friday for further discussions oi nounced they were staying and peal to all the people of New the proposal. Navy ship that supplied the tow- er observer in Long Branch, laid would make a fight of it. John Flockhart of the Lincroft Emergency The "Texas Tower" report- er, was only 12 miles away when 1961's first snowfall started about Jersey, regardless of party." Fire Company was treated in edly destroyed in a storm last Mayor George A. Gray, whi Mitchell said in a statement Both Case and Mitchell are re- previously had said the borougl it received the "May Day" or 8:45 p.m. and ended at 2 a.m. from Washington that if elected Riverview Hospital for smoke night met its end is a victim SOS. today. garded as leaders of 'he Repub- poisoning and released. of the same weather tondi- was giving no consideration tc governor he would seek accele- Landing For 10 suspenseful minutes, the High Tides lican party liberal wing. tions in which it was born extending White St., last nighi rated economic growth, industrial According to Chief Hogan, the MIDDLETOWN — Police re- ship—fighting high winds and 35- The wintry weather, complete fire was spotted by James Spen- three years ago. said he was willing to tak( stability and a high standard of Teit of Statement ported today that a helicopter another look, at the chamber foot waves — maintained radar with strong winds and high living for all New Jerseyani. Tht text of Case's statement: cer, an occupant of one of the from the Lakehurst Naval Air Five ocean-going tugs car- tides, was expected ta clear to- proposals. and radio contact with the High Praise "I am delighted by the decision apartments. Station was forced to make an ried the radar-carrying defense doomed tower. Suddenly, the day. He and his wife, plus a baby structure's triple legs, platform Asked More Information Mitchell, a 60-year-old labor of Secretary of Labor James P. hind the Bayview School, Leon- tower's radar image disappeared. High seas' poured over the sea sitter and the three.children of ardville Rd. - and miscellaneous parts to the He said the borough had re- management consultant, won Mitchell to seek the Republican quested more information from .Then silence. wall in Sea Bright. Ocean Ave. another couple, Mr. and Mrs According to police, the pilot lonely spot 80 miles off New high praise from the nation's la nomination for governor of New the chamber on just what woul In the South Beach area was Spencer Miller, were routed by of the craft was forced down be- York. Two Life Boats . bor leaders for his work during iersey. be included in the extension of closed. the fire. Mr. and Mrs. Miller emergency landing yesterday be- They arrived on the spot on At that point, the vessel ra- (See MITCHELL, Pg. 2) (See CASE Page 2) White St. Mr. Martin said the official were not at home. cause the windshield became coat- a Wednesday, slammed by high dioed that the tower .had "appar- forecast was for cloudy today Chief Hogan said most of the ed with ice. winds and tossed about by tow- "What they had presented wai ently collapsed and had disap- hardly enough on which we could with temperatures in the Ms; damage was in the first floor After clearing the ice, the pi ering waves. (See TOWER, Pg. 2) predicate a decision," the mayor clearing tonight with a low in apartment of Miss Patricia Rear lot took off again for his destina- For four days they stood by, added. the 20s and mostly fair to- Negroes Return don. tion, Floyd Bennett Field, on and on the fifth day—a Sunday morrow. When firemen arrived on the Long Island —they finally were able to drop Three buildings which housed Leg Broken.
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