
“There is no Deity except ; Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is The Messenger of Allah”


“The Almighty God Certainly HAS BEEN, IS and WILL CONTINUE to Send Infinite Love and Affection to His Beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) along with his Special Angels who are Directed by the Almighty God to Continuously Salute with Respect, Dignity and Honor to the Beloved Holy Prophet for His Kind Attention. The Almighty God again Commanding to the True Believers to Pay Respect with Dignity and Honor for Their Forgiveness and Mercy from the Beloved Holy Prophet of and Mankind.” - (Al‐ Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:56)

“Those who dies in the Path of Almighty God, Nobody shall have the doubt to think that they are dead but in fact they are NOT dead but Alive and very Close to Almighty, Even Their every needs even food are being sent by Almighty, but people among you will not understand.” - (Al‐Quran Surah Al-Imran 3:169)

“Be Careful of the Friends of Almighty God, They do not worry about anything or anybody.” - (Al‐Quran, Surah Yunus 10:62)

“Those who dies or pass away in the Path of Almighty God, nobody shall think about Them as They are dead, But people can not understand Them.” - (Al‐Quran, Surah Baqarah 2:154)

Author: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) 2

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam’s Millennium Prophecy Statement Authentic History of The World Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) with Reemergence of Jesus Christ (A) To Co-Create Heaven on Earth

Published by:

Millennium Trade Link USA Corporation

Library of Congress, Cataloging in Publication Data

Copyright@ 2019 by

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam

Editor: Mr. Rafiq Ahmed, Executive Assistant to His Eminency Dr. M N Alam Chief Operation Officer of Millennium Trade Link USA Corporation Associate Editor & Compiler: Golam Rabbani, Executive Assistant to His Eminency Dr. M N Alam Vice-President Millennium Trade Link USA Corporation

ISBN# 97805-786-2640-6

3rd Edition: December 2019 USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East & Asia

Email: [email protected]

World Spiritual Assembly, New York USA President & Author: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA)


Notes from the Author:

Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is the crown of all the Prophets and Beloved Prophet of Almighty God. He was the first one that Allah the Almighty Created from his own light (Nur). The whole Universe along with the Sun, Moon, Earth and 18000 planets were created including First Man Adam (PBUH)’s life was also given from the Light of Nur-e-Nabi, Safi-UlMajnabeen, Awaleen, Akherin, RahmatullilAlameen & Nurri Min Nurr-Allah. He WILL be Attorney General for the MERCY of WHOLE Creation & Mankind at the Court of the Almighty God on Judgment day.

All true believers believe that mankind in the present has come into existence through the first man and woman, Prophet Adam (PBUH) and Eve (PBUH). The complete code of life bestowed by God, The Almighty, for the auspicious, righteous mode of living of Adam (PBUH) and Eve (PBUH) is called Islam. Islam is the code of life for all mankind, prescribed by God, The Almighty, and communicated through His Chosen Prophets. Since Prophet Adam (PBUH), more than one hundred twenty four thousand prophets have been chosen to serve innumerable communities in different times. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was the First & Last Prophet for the Mankind and the Viceroy of God the Almighty for all creation.

Therefore, Islam is the first, last and only religion, and in essence it is the scientific and practical philosophy of life. The Glorious Quran is the Complete Code of Human life and God’s creation. The basic tenet of Islam is to surrender absolutely to God, and to conduct life in accordance with the provisions of The Holy Al-Quran and the prescriptions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) & Ahle- Bayet, and to inevitably get protection and happiness in this life and the next.

At the Historic battle of Karbala in one tent there were 22000 misguided munafiq follower of Yazid and another there were only 82 true descendants of Ahle-Bayet by the leadership of Hazrat Hussein (PBUH). But Yazid’s Munafiq army had killed all 81 member of Ahle-Bayet except Hazrat Zainul Abideen (PBUH).


Currently there are 73 sects in Islam, which was already Prophesized in Authentic Hadiths by Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), and was acknowledged by the Fourth Caliph Hazrat Ali (PBUH) in Prophets Lifetime. Prophet also stated that, “All of the sects of Islam will eventually proceed to hell fire except One that will lead him and his descendants (Ahle-Bayet) with the proper guideline of Holy Quran”. Currently the Saudi Monarchy and their associates along with some fanatic groups of Jewish and Christians had been working along to sponsor Wahabism, Selafism, Tablighi and Jamaat-e-Islami sects along with so-called Muslim terrorist group Al-Quida, ISIS, Hejbut Tahrir and Jabat Al-Nasra, whom directly destroying the backbone of Real Truth of Islam.

The Author and Editors of this book is not at all follower of Sunni, Shia or any other sect but a divine follower of the path of Ahle-Bayet and representing the virtues and values of Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) with the guideline of Holy Quran. But it may be mentioned here that, there are several references had been used from Sunni & Shia Scholars but which was later revised by His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam 43rd Direct descendant from the Prophet of Islam.

Out of approximately six billion people in the world it is surprising that more than five billions do not admit Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as the Last Prophet chosen by God the Almighty, for the Mankind, nor do they accept the Holy Al-Quran as a divine revelation. Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) is the sole demonstrator and exhibitor of the righteous path for all mankind and creation also should be seen as omnipresent. It may be relevant to mentioned that, those five millions of Muslim may come from the 22000 Yazidi Munafiq followers of the Battle of Karbala, on the other hand the true and devoted Muslim followers in Islam had came from the survived blood of Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen Ibn Hussein (PBUH) from the Historic battle of Karbala.

But that shouldn’t sadden us, if one do gets the opportunity to realize that us Human beings are the crowned creations of Almighty God but yet without the revealed knowledge of Almighty God, We are completely blind, which was sent by one hundred twenty four thousand Prophets Since Prophet Adam (PBUH), to serve innumerable communities in different times, which undoubtedly proves Satan the enemy of Allah as well as us Mankind actively working since the creation of Adam & Eve. Just as the Almighty sent several thousands of Prophets to reveal the bright knowledge but when humans drowns their self into pride, greed, jealousy and luxury and becomes visible mirror image of satan and starts activities against the Almighty and his messengers.


After the destruction of 1st civilization by Nuh (PBUH) biblical flood it was the People of Aad & Samood of 2nd Civilization (Current Civilization) that started worshiping of statues instead of Oneness of God, also proclaimed they were the only righteous Superior than anyone, eventually they were destroyed by the curse of Almighty God in the time of Prophet Hud & Prophet Shueb for not accepting the God’s messages. Thereafter it was the capital of the world at around 1800BC, which was Babylon, present day Baghdad. Babylon once was the best of best developed city of the World, but unfortunately, the people of Babylon refused to follow the God of Abraham and Abraham’s message because of their arrogance and belief of being the Superior among all. So Almighty God punished them and Babylon was destroyed.

Also in the time of The Grandson of Genghis Khan, Hulagu Khan, sieged Baghdad, the capital of the world at the time, in 1258, there were 90,000 to 1,000,000 peoples killed by the Mongols. The Abbassiya Caliph Mustasim Billah was captured and starved to death in his own treasures room, who was the descendant of Yazidi Munafiq follower, whom that betrayed Grand Son of Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) The Mongol conquests led to ~60,000,000 deaths total. Later on, in 1401, Timurlane, captured Baghdad, killing 20,000 more people. Timur ordered that every soldier should bring 2 human heads to him. Timurlane’s conquest led to the death of 20,000,000 people. In World War I, Which lasted almost 3 years (1914-1918), and 10,000,000 – 30,000,000+ people were killed. Mostafa Kamal Ataturk was the key player, very swiftly took over Ottoman Empire with the help of British Military force and destroyed the Caliphate ship of Islam even though the Calipha-E-Rashidun were the only real Caliphs of Islam. World War II lasted 6 years (1939-1945), killing 40,000,000 – 72,000,000 people. Hitler was declared an enemy of the world by the Allies. Hitler killed 6 million Jews alone. If you went back to the lineage of those Jewish peoples you would have found the blood of the betrayer who created several conspiracies against the Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) in and their descendants still creating conspiracies to diminish and eliminate the real truth of Islam.

A point to be noted, The author of this book is not an enemy of any religion, not even having any personal grounds to publish such real fact but for the spread of the real truth which is “The human being is the crowned creation of Almighty God. And Abraham’s descendants, The Jews, Christians, and , are cousin brothers” in accordance to the Holy Quran, except idol and fire worshipers.

After the departure of the Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (Peace Be Upon Him) from this world to heaven in 632 A.D., those who were closest to him 6 passed on his teachings to the sincere seekers of the next generation, who in turn became the perfected guides, or Shaykhs, for the generation after them. This process has continued down to our present time by the Mercy of Allah. In this way, every authentic Sufi guide has a chain of teachers which leads directly back to the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (Peace Be Upon Him). The Fourth Caliph of Islam Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu Talib (PBUH), is the Grand Sufi Master of all Sufis. He is also the Supreme Authority of . Such a chain of teachers is known in Sufism as a “Silsilah” or a “Shajarah” (Sufi Order). In the English language, each of these “tariqahs” is known as a ‘Sufi Order’.

In 12th Century When One of the most influential Great Islamic Scholar and Greatest Sufi Saint Imam Al-Gazali passed away, the fanatic Muslim groups in Baghdad, Iraq, Tehran, the Sunni and Shia complex, completely destroyed by the Abbassiya Caliph the real books of Sufism written by Imam Al-Gazali, which is why the True path of Islam “Sufism” could not spread around the world.

Currently, All Sufi masters and founder of Sufi orders as well as leader of the toriqas has been declared abandoned by the Saudi Monarchy and British Empire. After a crucial research by the British Empire realized one crucial fact that there will not be any other Prophets that will come but the teachings of Sufism should also be destroyed in order to completely eliminate the Real Islam. The descendants of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) were completely thrown out and killed from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Holy city and Medina with the help of British Empire. They also destroyed the Holy grave of Prophet’s first wife Hazrat Khadija-tul-Kobra (SA) in Mecca (Jannat-ul-Moallah in holy city Mecca) as well as the Jannat-ul-Baqi the graves of Prophet’s beloved daughter Hazrat Fatima (SA) grave/Dome along with 3rd Caliph Osman (RA), Shaheeds of Battle of Ohud including Great Hamza’s grave along with several thousand Holy graves/Holy Dome of companions of Prophet. Finally, they tried to destroy the Prophet’s Holy Dome in Medina, but they could not succeed at all, because there are 70,000 angels are protecting and saluting as safeguard from the Almighty Allah to his Beloved Prophet accordance of Holy Quran Surah Ahzab verse# 56. It should be noted that, those individuals who tried to destroy the Prophet’s Holy dome by the order of Saudi Monarchy’s Kings and his associates like Selafi and Wahabi sects since 1920, they were all miraculously killed by Python snakes, which led them to stop at last. But they started a different way of conspiracy. A point needs to be added, these so-called Selafi and Wahabi Sectarian groups are directly sponsored by Saudi Monarchy are not Muslim, They are direct descendants of Satan.


“The current World’s situation and the economic circumstances along with climate’s conditions are very unstable. The third world war is knocking the surface of the earth. The climate of the planet is changing unlike any other period in the history of the civilization. Billions of people are hungry, dying without food or medicine, all around the world. Unfortunately, the United Nations does not look into them. The World Federation, The United Nation’s Charters and it’s functions are completely paralyzed. The Single Super Power USA along other associate super powers, playing effective role to destroy the UN’s aims and objectives. The leaders of many nations around the world are very unpatriotic, pathetic and ambitious for their own interest. Many nations are led through the illegal military government, and others are playing the role of so called Democracy and Communism, but they have not succeeded to establish international security and peace.

Natural disasters are also threatening the planet. In accordance of the and predictions of His Eminency Dr. M. N. Alam, indicated the current situations of the World and the solution. The single superpower, the United States of America, is facing the greatest economic crisis in its history. The current President of USA Donald J. Trump’s administration is also at risk to lose its credibility. His Eminency also indicates that the 45th President of the United States of America will not succeed with his ambitious election commitment and goals because he is surrendering to the pressure of political elements and entities. The issues of Russia, North Korea, Iran, China and the Middle East, have also given a dangerous pressure to the Trump’s administration. The previous administration of Obama encouraged and accepted Gay and lesbian by approving their marriages, which has not been officially accepted in America since its independence. In accordance to the world history, the descendants of Prophet Lot (PBUH), in the time of Prophet Abraham (PBUH) were completely destroyed and lost their existence in the Dead Sea (Near Israel) area because of open homosexuality by Almighty God. This is a violation of human nature and Almighty God’s order. His Eminency Dr. Alam is afraid about what will happen to the single superpower, the USA In the time of this lunatic leader Trump.

To the honorable heads of state, heads of government, kings, emperors, distinguished religious leaders, intellectuals and scientists; I am disclosing valuable information concerning the future. It is the age of science and the era of utmost improvement in human civilization. It is known from history that this is the second human civilization on Earth. At the time of the Prophet Noah (PBUH), the culture, developed science and education of the first civilization vanished away from the Earth by flood and earthquake. It is also known that four thousand years ago the Atlantic Ocean was once 8 the shape of a continent with different nations, where many cultures lived. According to historical findings, under the Atlantic Ocean there is a lost city called “The Atlantis” (as a continent) collapsed in consequence of universal cataclysm and earthquakes resulting into an ocean. Therefore, we see how tremendous the history of mankind is. Archaeologists and scientists are discovering innumerable relics of human civilization and history through digging and searching the soil. Many aspects of our current civilization is likely to be wiped away completely from the Earth after the year 2020 AD. Human beings will build up the third civilization as indicated in The Sacred Holy Al-Quran, The Tawrat, and The Zabur, The Bible (Ingil), The Kalki Puran (Hindu Sacred Text) and others.


FINAL MESSAGE: From the 43rd direct descendant of the last Prophet of mankind, Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him), His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Sheikh Mohammad Nurul Alam, President World Spiritual Assembly, New York, USA. (His Eminency Dr. M.N. Alam has been supporting the United Nations since 1985 and United Nations General Assembly designated his Organization DCB, as a United Nations Peace Messenger Organization in 1986.)

All concerned are requested to be ready to face and overcome about the current situation of the World and future of the World. The human being is the crowned creation of Almighty God. The Jews, Christians, and Muslims, are cousin brothers in accordance to the Holy Quran. The Muslims, constantly prays for peace for the descendants of Abraham (PBUH) everyday in their five times prayer since 1400 years ago (Durud Sharif (part), “Allah Humma Sawlle Ala, Saye Dena Mohammadio .., Kama Sallaita Ala Ibrahima Wala Ale Ibrahim, Innaka Hamidum Majid .., Ref, This is a part of Muslims five times prayer, in accordance of Holy Quran & Authentic Hadith), So Why are they fighting with each other? Because of the fanatic belief and malpractice of reality of theology, Muslims, Jews, and Christians do not understand the Prophet Abraham’s ideology. No one shall dominate in a War or Fight. The fanaticism 9 of “So-Called: Muslims, Christians & Jews also Political Dilemma” must stop to avoid the WWIII. The World federation of the United Nations still exists, but they are only talking about peace. They have their own agenda for international security and peace, but no one abides. For that reason, the UN Security Council Resolution since WWII has been disregarded by the disputed nations. The single superpower, the United States of America has been playing their own role by their own way, without following the UN Charter and UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was reported to me and confirmed that, Western Media is taking advantage to destroy the backbone of real Islamic Ideology, which establishes Peace & Prosperity towards mankind since 1400 years ago, “Islam does not approve fanaticism or terrorism”. Subsequently, some sects of Islam in the name so-called “Jihad” encouraged by misguided political groups and patron by Russia, USA and other powerful nations to carry out terrorism activities to diminish the Islam from its course. I am challenging and warning, to whom, those who are engaged in such activities to stop immediately otherwise the consequences shall be paid by the Almighty God. My prayer is that all human beings, the crowned creation of God, May Allah, the Almighty bless them, bless America, and bless United Nations and other countries victimized by manmade disasters. “AMEEN”.

- His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) 43rd Direct Descendant From The Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) of Islam President, World Spiritual Assembly, New York, USA Author & Researcher of “Millennium Prophecy Statement, Heralds A Golden Age And Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) & Reemergence of Jesus Christ (A)” Email: [email protected], Tel# 609-233-8164 Https://WorldSpiritualAssembly.Org

Figure 1: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA)


Table of Contents The Millennium Prophecy, Heralds a Golden Age ...... 17 Proclaimed by His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M.N. Alam to the Heads of State and World Leaders ...... 17 Statements of the Union of Concerned Scientists Point to the Validity of Millennium Prophecy: ...... 20 Background History Of Sufi Prophecy, Heritage And Record: ...... 20 The Pioneer Spokesmen of Authentic Prophecies, 800 Years ago: ..... 23 Hazrat Shah Sufi Nyamatullah (RA): ...... 23 The Red Heifer or The Perfect Red Cow ...... 24 Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Proclamation of “Gazwa E Hind” .. 25 The Creator And His Creations ...... 30 The Creator’s First Creation: ...... 32 The Light (NUR) of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (Peace Be Upon Him) ...... 32 Adam and Eve ...... 37 Prophet Adom (PBUH) and Hawa (PBUH) ...... 37 Iblish/Satan ...... 39 The Devil, Iblish or Azazil ...... 39 The Kingdom of Satan, Deoband, UP, India, with his Billions of Followers ...... 41 Prophets Of Almighty God ...... 45 First Civilization Started with Prophet Adam (PBUH) ...... 45 Prophet Noah (PBUH), Founder of the 2nd Human Civilization (After the Biblical flood) which will be completely annihilated any moment from now by the World War-III ...... 51 Prophet Noah (PBUH) ...... 52 Prophet Noah (A) Founder of 2nd Civilization ...... 59 Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) (PBUH) ...... 68 Prophet Lut (PBUH) Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah ...... 80 Prophet Ishmael (Ismail) (PBUH) ...... 85 Prophet Ishaq / Isaac (PBUH) ...... 88 Prophet Musa (Moses) & Harun (Aaron) (PBUT) ...... 91 Mother Mary (Maryam) (PBUH) The Spiritual Gift of Almighty God .... 105 The Birth of Jesus (PBUH) from Virgin Mary (PBUH) ...... 108 Mary’s Names and Titles in Islam According to Holy Quran ...... 110


Jesus Christ (Hazrat Isa (PBUH)) is NOT son of God ...... 112 Origin & Legacy of Sufism ...... 122 Islam & Sufism ...... 124 Purpose of Islam ...... 124 An Ancient Religion ...... 124 Unique Virtues Of Islam ...... 125 Sufism and the Modern World ...... 126 Hazrat Ghauthul-Al-Azam Muhyuddeen Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) ...... 130 He is Hassani and Hussaini: ...... 130 He Reached the Status of Siddiqeen: ...... 131 , and Haqeeqi Ma’rifa ...... 132 Azkaar, Salawaat and Qasida ...... 134 through Sufi Saints ...... 136 His Daily Life and Teachings of Imam ...... 137 Qasaid on the Shaykh: ...... 139 Sultan-ul-Hind Garib-e-Newaz The Great Sufi Saint of the Asian Continent Hazrat Khawaja Mainuddin Chisty (RA) ...... 142 Life of Sufi ...... 143 Sufi ...... 143 Regulation and Practices ...... 144 Training In Sufism ...... 145 Stages Of Mysticism ...... 145 Basis Of Sufism ...... 146 Brief ...... 146 Sufism In 12th Century ...... 147 Doctrine Of Sufism And Its Need ...... 147 Ulema – Sufi Clash ...... 150 Sufism Triumphed ...... 152 Sufism Defined ...... 154 Ma’Arifat (Spirituality) ...... 154 Philosophy Of Sufism ...... 155 Shariat And Tariqat ...... 156 Hazrat Shah Sufi Bahauddin Naqshband (RA) Founder of Naqshabandi Sufi Order ...... 156 The Spiritual Inheritors of the Prophet ...... 157 12

Brief details of the Imam of the Tariqat Hazrat Shah Baha’uddin Naqshband (RA) ...... 159 Hazrat Mujjaddid Alf - Sani (RA) Mujadadia Tariqa, Sirhind Punjabi ..... 162 Most Influential & Greatest of All Scholars A Great Sufi Saint Hazrat Imam Al-Gazzali (RA) ...... 164 Atomism ...... 172 Cosmology and Astronomy ...... 173 Biology and Medicine ...... 174 Cosmology ...... 175 Logic ...... 175 Psychology ...... 176 Islamic World ...... 178 Europe...... 179 Nuclear Catastrophe Will Occur (A prediction by scholars) ...... 180 Prophecies in Other Holy Books about Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH): ... 181 Emperor Namrud's Dream:...... 182 A Prediction by Jamshed, the Disciple of Persian Pastor Zeurthurst: ... 182 The Kolkee Puran: Sacred Book of the Hindu Religion: ...... 182 A Discussion On Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in Light of The Holy Quran and Of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)by Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Dr. M N ALAM (MA) (Islamic Researcher and Scholar) ...... 184 On describing Imam Mahdi's (PBUH) Character, Dixon Writes: ...... 187 The World Before and After the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) ...... 188 Situation Before Nuclear War ...... 191 Prior Indication of Destroying the Present Civilization Mentioned in the Bible: ...... 192 The Foresight of the Last Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH): ...... 193 The Prophecies are as follows: ...... 195 Dome of The Rock ...... 196 The Events to Take Place Before and after The Birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) as Foretold by Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) ...... 197 The Predictions of Hazrat Shah Sufi Dr. M N Alam (MA) ...... 198 The Classification of Signs ...... 201 Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall arrive after the Third World War: ...... 202 The Promised Mahdi (PBUH) and The Present Middle East: ...... 204 Position of the Middle East from an Economic Point Of View: ...... 204 CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF JERUSALEM...... 205 13

Table 3: Millennium Proclaimation ...... 220 THE PREDICTION OF THE ADVENT OF THE PROPHET MOHAMMAD (SM) (PBUH): (In other religious texts) ...... 227 The Vedas and the Puranas: ...... 227 In Buddhist Texts ...... 228 In Persian Religious Texts: ...... 229 In The Original Tawrat, Received by Prophet Moses from God: ...... 229 The Original Bible (Old Testament): ...... 230 The condition of various nations and races of the world at the time of Prophet Mohammad’s (SM) (PBUH) birth: ...... 232 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE JEWS: ...... 235 Jews, Zionism and The State of Israel ...... 238 THE CHRISTIANS:...... 239 THE ARABS: ...... 240 THE GREATEST AND THE LAST PROPHET HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (SM) (PBUH) ...... 240 KING NEJASH () OF ABISSYNIA: ...... 245 King Nejash: ...... 247 The First Migration to : ...... 249 How Nejash Treated the Immigrants? ...... 251 Their Relation after Islam achieved Victory: ...... 252 The Letter Exchanges between King Nejash and the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH): ...... 252 THE LAST SPEECH OF PROPHET MOHAMMAD (SM) (PBUH): ...... 256 Eternal Rest ...... 262 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF QURANIC CONSTITUTION: ...... 263 Conspiracies, which have started Immediate after Prophet’s Eternal Rest From Earth to Heaven...... 264 HISTORY OF MUSLIM RULERS & CALIPHAS AT A GLANCE: ...... 267 Abu Bakar was Misguided by Umar To be The First Caliph of So-Called Calipha – E – Rashidun ...... 274 Immoral & Suspicious Activities of Umar, So-Called Second Caliph & Agent of Abu-Sufiyan ibn Harb ibn Ummaiya ...... 275 Authentic History of Ayesha So-Called “Mother of Muslim Ummah” .. 281 The Divorced Wife of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)...... 281 HAZRAT ALI Ibn ABU TAALIB (RA) ...... 289


THE MIGRATION OF 'ALI IBN ABEE TAALIB (RA) FROM MECCA TO MEDINA ...... 289 The Conspiracies at the Time of Holy Quran Compilation with The Great Hazrat Ali (RA) ...... 293 This transcript of Holy Quran which compiled by Imam Ali (PBUH) had the following unique specifications: ...... 296 The Conspiracies against Islam & Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his Direct Descendants ...... 301 Birth and Childhood of Imam Hassan (PBUH) ...... 303 Awareness and Courtesy of Imam Hassan (PBUH): ...... 304 Piety and Purity of Imam Hassan (PBUH): ...... 304 The Fortitude and Forbearance of Imam Hassan (PBUH): ...... 305 Imam Hassan's (RA) Caliphate: ...... 306 The Conspiracies of Muawiyah: ...... 307 Muawiyah in reply to the Imam Hassan (PBUH) wrote: ...... 308 War Begins: ...... 309 Disobeying the Imam Hassan (PBUH): ...... 309 Imam Hassan's (PBUH) Grief: ...... 310 The Rioter Khawarij: ...... 311 Why Imam Hassan (PBUH) accepted the Truce? ...... 312 A part of the truce treaty is as under: ‐ ...... 313 The Breaking of the Pact: ...... 313 Finally Muawiyah Decided to make Yazid his successor: ...... 313 The dishonest hand poisoned the Imam's Utensil (food): ...... 314 Imam Hussain (PBUH) ...... 315 The Love of the Prophet (PBUH) ...... 315 Hussain (PBUH) the Best Helper of his Father and Brother ...... 316 The Rule of Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufiyan ...... 316 Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan ...... 323 Imam Hussain (PBUH) besieged at Karbala: ...... 325 Water supply to Imam Hussain's camp cut off: ...... 326 Enemy decides to attack: ...... 327 Hussain (PBUH) Against Yazid (Kullu Jahnnami) ...... 327 The Invitation of Kufis ...... 328 Termination of the Imam's Representative's Affair ...... 329 Hazrat Hussain (PBUH)’s Mission ...... 330


The face of Hussain and his Companions on the Ashoora Day ...... 330 Why Hussain (PBUH) Should not be forgotten? ...... 333 Hussain (PBUH) in the Hearts of Friends ...... 334 What day is the Ashoora? ...... 335 Who was the Winner of the Karbala Movement? ...... 337 Brief Sayings of the Imam Hussain (PBUH) ...... 338 Childhood wish of Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (PBUH) ...... 339 Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH): ...... 339 UMMAYADS, the first Muslim dynasty (661‐750) ...... 341 Friends of Iblish Caliph al Mamun & Associate in Crime AL FARGHANI, Chief Astrological and Astronomical Advisor along With So-Called Sahih Bukhari Hadith Writer Imam Abu Abdullah Al-Bukhari ...... 344 Internal Strife When & How Al-Mamun Murdered Islam’s Imams ...... 344 Wars with Byzantine Romans ...... 345 Al‐Ma'mun's Reign ...... 346 Al‐Ma'mun's Ending ...... 347 Death ...... 347 “So Called Imam, The Notorious Bukhari (194 ‐256) Hijri” ...... 348 His Early Years ...... 348 Primary Education and Interest in Hadîth ...... 350 His False Proclamation of Memory...... 352 MUSTAFA KAMAL PASHA ...... 355 A Small Description of the Rulers of the Monarchy in Saudi Arabia: ...... 356 A Conspiracy Led by British Empire ...... 361 His Eminency’s Fight Against Enemies of Islam ...... 365 Direct followers of GREAT Shaitan (Iblis) and descendant of Yazid ibn Muawiyah as follows: ...... 377 List of World Leaders Whom are Tyrant and will be Curbed Down by the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and Jesus Christ (PBUH) ...... 381


The Millennium Prophecy, Heralds a Golden Age

Proclaimed by His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M.N. Alam to the Heads of State and World Leaders

To the honorable heads of state, heads of government, kings, emperors, distinguished religious leaders, intellectuals and scientists; I am disclosing valuable information concerning the future. It is the age of science and the era of utmost improvement in human civilization. It is known from history that this is the second human civilization on Earth. At the time of the Prophet Noah (PBUH), the culture, developed science and education of the first civilization vanished away from the Earth by flood and earthquake. It is also known that four thousand years ago the Atlantic Ocean was once the shape of a continent with different nations, where many cultures lived. According to historical findings, under the Atlantic Ocean there is a lost city called “The Atlantis” (as a continent) collapsed in consequence of universal cataclysm and earthquakes resulting into an ocean. Therefore, we see how tremendous the history of mankind is. Archaeologists and scientists are discovering innumerable relics of human civilization and history through digging and searching the soil. Many aspects of our current civilization is likely to be wiped away completely from the Earth after the year 2020 AD. Human beings will build up the third civilization as indicated in The Sacred Holy Al-Quran, The Tawrat, and The Zabur, The Bible (Ingil), The Kalki Puran (Hindu Sacred Text) and others.

The present civilization will end after the global year 2020, after the occurrence of a third world war if man does not heed his inner voice. This inner spiritual urging is given expression by the modern prophet His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA). A new civilization will begin by the permanent peace messenger of Almighty God, the great Imam Mahdi (PBUH) who will come from a region in the Arabian Desert. As desired by God, Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa (PBUH)) is to establish a world government based in Jerusalem creating heaven on earth after the year 2020.

This statement refers to the great transformation, which will occur at the time of the New Millennium. Similar prophecies concerning this period are the subject of most of the world's religions, as well as of astrologers and modern western prophets like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Jean Dixon. This statement is made here as an appeal to the Heads of State, as well as 17 to the people of the planet, to make every effort to bring peace to the planet and to prepare ourselves spiritually for the great events, which are about to occur in our lifetime.

According to the Holy Quran and the leaders of the Sufi Orders, the course of human history and the present conditions are leading to the Third World War and the destruction of the planet. This will result in the dawning of an entirely different system of human values and organizations. According to Sufi cosmology, civilization began with Adam (PBUH) the first man. Biblical floods and earthquakes destroyed this civilization at the time of the Prophet Noah (PBUH) about four thousand years ago. This gave rise to the second and present civilization, which may come to an end unless humanity heeds its inner voice, given expression by the Modern Prophet His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam.

The present civilization, which is based on military might, economic exploitation and the dependence of the industrialized world on cheap crude oil will pave the way for the Third World War. Other factors contributing to the war are the fragmentation of the Soviet Union and the resultant economic chaos there, and the impoverishment of Africa and Asia. The economic pressure that a unified Europe will place on the United States and the competition for diminishing natural resources will also create pressure.

Incomparable and beyond imagination, the Third World War will cause famine and drought worldwide. The nations of the West will face economic crisis and political instability. There will be no rest in the landscapes or cities like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, including other thirty states of USA, Tokyo, Beijing, Rome, Addis-Ababa, Johannesburg, Sana, Mount Himalaya of Nepal, New Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Asham, Tripura of India, Bangkok of Thailand, Dhaka, Khulna, Chittagong, of Bangladesh, Tel- abib of Israel, Jakarta, East Temor of Indonesia, Some territories of Russia, Cairo of Egypt, Riyad (Najd) of Saudi Arabia and some areas of also many other cities, lands, mountains of the World. Natural disasters caused by man-made behavior will also add to the destruction. The prophecy holds that three quarters of all living beings and natural resources will be destroyed by this probable war.

His Eminency Dr. M N Alam’s Proclamation is that, In the course of the war, the descendants of Abraham (the Jews, Christians and Muslims) will fight with each other, but none shall dominate. The Earth will be laid to waste in their struggle. A point to be noted, His Eminency Dr. M N Alam is 18 not an enemy of any religion, not even having any personal grounds to publish such real fact but for the spread of the real truth which is “The human being is the crowned creation of Almighty God. And Abraham’s descendants, The Jews, Christians, and Muslims, are cousin brothers” in accordance to the Holy Quran.

The war will come to an end after the destruction of the oil supply and technological infrastructure. At this time, when humanity is facing extinction, a self-proclaimed king and god named King Dajjal will appear in the area of the Red Sea. He will declare himself the custodian of heaven and make war on all who do not accept him as their god. While this situation is occurring, after 2020 a spiritual being called the Great Imam Mahdi (PBUH), an inhabitant of the Arabian Desert, and a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), will be proclaimed as universal leader in the Holy City Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This will occur after the year 2020. On the same year, Jesus Christ (Nabi Isha) (PBUH) is expecting to appear from the blue sky in the city of , capital of Syria, in the minaret of Holy Ummayad . Jesus Christ (Nabi Isha) (PBUH) will expel King Dajjal. With the co-leadership of great Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and Jesus Christ (Nabi Isha) (PBUH) heaven on earth will be created for all beings. The people of the Earth will be unified into one Nation, having one Government, and worshipping one God.

The Great Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will establish this New World order in Jerusalem, the unified center of world harmony and peace. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will then lead humanity into the Golden Age, unifying Heaven and Earth. There will no longer be any destructive intent, or any need for weapons of mass destruction. After the year 2032 Jesus Christ (Nabi Isha) (PBUH), will lead the New World Government approximately until or after December 2052. The people of the Earth will be unified in a confederation of governments. All will accept the Great Imam Mahdi (PBUH) as the universal leader. The mindless power struggle will vanish under his spiritual leadership. This period of peace and joy will last until little after 2052.

After the year 2052 another world leader named King Jahjah will come to power to continue the spiritual legacy. He will lead until 2102. At this time a leader from Africa will emerge and thereafter descendants of his dynasty will lead for the next 900 years. During this time confusion and chaos will again come about. Eventually, the Holy Mosque at Holy Mecca will be destroyed and the spiritual strength of Pure Islam will gradually decline and 7000 years of human civilization may come to an end on the planet 19

Earth. Humanity can have an alternative future, however, if it heeds in time the Holy Voice. The Prince of Peace, the Merciful Source of life, the one living God in his infinite love, speaks to mankind through the voice of the prophets. If humanity heeds the warnings of its inner voice, given expression by the modern prophets, to cease its inhuman behavior, to care for the environment, to respect all life as an expression of Divine intention, only then humanity will sustain spiritual grace and dwell in the house of the Lord for ever more. This too can be our "Destiny."

This gigantic task of research on the Millennium Prophecy statement from the Holy Al-Quran, Old Testament of The Bible, religious research books and opinion of the concerned intellectuals, is also based on astrology, astronomy, geography and philosophy. Included are also the interfaith opinions of the religious personalities of the world from the major religious groups. Natural disasters in North America and Europe, as well as many man-made disasters prefigure many of the realizations of the Prophecy. Former UN Secretary General Dr. Kofi Annan has advised the Millennium Prophecy should be forwarded to the US Mission in NY and taken into the General Assembly and Security Council Agenda. Statements of the Union of Concerned Scientists Point to the Validity of Millennium Prophecy: Prominent World scientists have warned humanity that we must take certain actions on behalf of our planet, if widespread human misery is to be avoided in the new Millennium. These 1,600 senior scientists, including 102 Nobel Laureates, target resource management, population control, poverty, sexual equality and maintaining ecological balance of Earth's systems as the five critical areas requiring attention. They tell us that a new attitude of gratitude and responsibility is required by us, if we are to create a harmonious balance between humanity and our environment. The Union of Concerned Scientists is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Background History Of Sufi Prophecy, Heritage And Record: On the in the sixth century, the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) preached the religion of humanity to establish permanent peace on the surface of the planet Earth. After re-entering the Holy City of Mecca with the prophet's new vision for mankind, the prophet predicted Sufi Prophecy in presence of 100,000 of his followers. According to Sufi 20 cosmology, it has been predicted that a child would be born in the Arabian Desert around the year 1962. The prediction cited that the child would be born, resembling Prophet Mohammad, in a farmer's house, and will be born within the prophet's family, and His father's name would be Abdullah and his mother's name Aminah. The prophet also indicated that there would be two occurrences after the year 2020; the miraculous reappearance of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and the enlightening arrival of the new messenger of God, Imam Mahdi (PBUH). The child would lead humanity together with Jesus Christ (PBUH) to co-create Heaven on Earth.

This Sufi legacy has been predicted innumerable times before, first by The Great Ali (PBUH) of the seventh century, fourth Calipha of Islam at Kufa, Iraq, during the ninth century by the Great Sufi Saint Abdul Qader Jilani (RA). In the eleventh century, the Sufi Master Sheikh Nyamatulah (RA), of India, predicted the details of the prophecy in his fifty-four Persian Poems. Sheikh Mujadded Alf - Sani (RA), another Sufi Master at Sher-Hind, West Punjab, India, was detained by Mogul Emperor in the sixteenth century for his prediction.

The forty-third spiritual successor from the prophet of Islam, Chief Calipha and custodian of Dayera Sharif, of the seven hundred years old Sufi Dynasty and President of the World Spiritual Assembly, Sheikh Shah Sufi Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam, confirmed this prediction as being true in the Earth Summit & Global Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 3rd 1992. Through his twenty-five years research of mathematics, astronomy, astrology, theology, science, Sufi cosmology and the exploration of one hundred Eighty six countries, the prophecy has been rationalized and affirmed by the presentation of the Ex-Executive Director, Seshadri Gupta of India. This Prophecy was proclaimed in the Earth Summit and Global Forum at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 3rd, 1992, for the sole reason of safeguarding human society. It was recorded on radio, television and with other competent authorities.

Originally brought forth in the early 1980s, just as the nuclear arms-race gathered geometric momentum, and as mans strident hostility grew ever louder and less rational, the prophecy pointed to the extreme, yet very real, possibility of mans annihilation. Initially, much abuse was heaped on the well-meaning seer who is the 43rd spiritual successor of The Prophet of Islam. Derision greeted his "extremist" views, first expressed to a wide audience at the Global Environment Summit at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has also expressed his views in over seven hundred other conferences,

21 symposiums and in many noted international organizations and meetings held at the five continents of the world.

It is not easy to wake a sleeping giant to a wider reality, particularly if he is asleep, to the fact that he is trapped in a naïve and hostile illusion. And it follows that when it is necessary to awaken, the sound of the alarm is always perhaps somewhat jarring to a sleeping man. It may be mentioned here that The Prophet Noah(PBUH) warned his followers, sons and wife till the last moment before the biblical flood of Mount Sana of Yemen, but they refused to attend to his words even then.

Dr. T.H. Rampa, a Tibetan with supernatural powers, has written a profound thesis on the Tibetans religion mythological data entitled "Chapter of Life", in which he mentions that near the year 2020 a world religious leader will be heralded. With his arrival, the world’s state will change entirely and enter into a new era of development through his leadership. People will be able to communicate from far distances not only among each other, but also with animals. They will also be able to foresee the future with help of supernatural powers. A revolution in religious rejuvenation in man and woman will also occur. Dr. T. H. Rampa further stated on page 138 of his thesis, that on February 5th, 1962 the Milky Way’s celestial bodies will fall into a sixteenth position. Eventually, on or after May 5th 2020 these same bodies (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn) will fall into the same position. This phenomenon will bring about a great change in civilization, as we know it. He also states that after the 5th day of May 2020 A.D., the history of mankind will enter a new age where peace will reign.

This humble and gifted spiritual personality from Asia, having spent his lifetime studying the wide-sweep of forces, both within and without, that seem to propel man along the path toward his destiny, recognized that it would take a "shock", an extreme event, to alter mans course. "If we continue the way we are going", says the spiritual being and seer Dr. M. N. Alam, "We will end up where we are headed", and that, he points out, is in mutual destruction, the end of our contemporary civilization.

The Prophets fundamental message is a simple one: That we must awaken our gratitude for the extraordinary privilege that it is to be heir to the possibility of what being human is. And that out of the awareness, our gratitude must lead us to take responsibility for a harmonious balance between man and environment, between man and man. He suggests to us that only if we step beyond our naïve antagonism can we avert the 22 consequences of the course we are on. Specifically, we must recognize our unity and lay aside hostility between national boundaries and religious schism. We must manage our populations, our ecology and our resources while we bring about equality and eliminate poverty. The Pioneer Spokesmen of the Authentic Prophecies before 800 Years ago:

Hazrat Shah Sufi Nyamatullah (RA): The historical prophecies in verse of Hazrat Shah Nyamatullah about the imminent THIRD WORLD WAR (WWIII) and the coming of the Imam Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him).

A Brief Account of the Life and Prophecies of Hazrat Shah Nyamatullah:

Hazrat Shah Nyamatullah was born during the rule of the Sultan Raju Khan Turkman. His father was the venerable Mir Sayed Ataullah, and he was born in the city of Naranwal in Kashmir; this is why he is renowned everywhere as Saint of Kashmir and Shah-E-Hamdan; although originally he was Persian from Isfahan, currently Iran.

By the Grace of God the Almighty, Hazrat Shah Nyamatullah began to speak fluently even before he was weaned from his mother’s breast. His respected father, who loved learning, left this world when he was just a child. His father was a notable personage in Sultan Raju Khans court and upon hearing about his death, the Sultans wife Yateem took on the responsibility of bringing him up and educating him. She arranged to have him tutored together with her sons. Only at the age of thirteen, Hazrat Shah Nyamatullah became well versed in the spiritual instructions as well as in archery, swordsmanship and other aspects of warfare. But he was always disinterested in everyday life. He received his first spiritual orders from the contemporary Hazrat Sheikh Mohammad. To gain further knowledge, he became a disciple of the very learned Hazrat Hakim Jibrail Daulatabadi, who, impressed with his student’s powers, had his daughter married to him.

Hazrat Shah Nyamatullah then went to Ferozepur and received his spiritual powers from his spiritual teacher; spending sixteen years in hardship there People began to hear of his many extraordinary and fabulous words there; at particular times he would make certain pronouncements which could have only come from someone blessed with The Almighty Gods spiritual 23 and special powers. For this reason, he came to be known as Shah-E- Hamdan of Kashmir.

His most notable composition is a translation of The Holy Quran in Farsi; the number of words in the translation equals exactly the number present in the original Holy Quran. Of his many predictions composed in prose and verse, none of the prose versions are extant today, and only some of the prophecies in verse have survived.

The predictions he made over eight hundred years ago, in his fifty six poems in Farsi, have been proven to be true from the rule of Timurlane, the First and the Second World Wars and other world historical events. Additionally, His Eminency Dr. Shah Sheik Sufi M.N. Alam has based much of the work in his “Millennium Prophecy Statement” on the predictions made by Hazrat Sheik Nyamatullah in his Farsi poems. The Red Heifer or The Perfect Red Cow

According to the Temple Institute a Jewish Organization’s End Times prophecy, they are awaiting a birth of a “Red Heifer” or the perfect Red Cow; for it they claim it’s the sign to start the construction of the Third Temple at the Temple Mount area where the “Rock of the Dome” is located. This rock is located near Masjidul Aqsa in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. By the grace of Allah, the almighty, the rock had been floating for 4000 years until its descent. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had performed the journey to heaven (Meraj) from this rock, as it accompanied him until he reached space. In 1988 His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M. N. Alam saw the rock with his own eyes when he went to visit the Al Aqsa Mosque as a representative of the United Nations.

The Israeli government under the Zionist hypocrite Jews rule had been waiting for their so-called promised Messiah, The Anti-Christ or Dajjal. The current US President Donald J Trump also had been working very hard with those Zionist hypocrite Jews and misusing the Single Super Power United State Authority. His illegal declaration of the Holy City “Jerusalem” in 2018 as the Capital of Israel has triggered tremendous bloodshed against the innocent Palestinians by the active cooperation of Israeli IDF forces. In August 2019, the Temple Institute has announced again such news in press

24 release, that the 2000 years of Prophecy is being fulfilled by the birth of a “Red Heifer” or the Perfect red cow. Accordingly on Nov 19, 2019, the Trump administration declared the illegal settlements in West Banks are not “Illegal” according to International Court. Hence, the Israeli IDF forces continued their bloodshed on the Innocent Palestinians; recently they killed over 800 innocent Children amongst thousands more casualties.

According to Surah Baqarah of Holy Quran and the Old Testament of Tawrah and Bible, There is no mention of Such “Red Heifer” or Perfect Red Cow to claim the arrival of So-called Messiah. The hypocrite Zionists Jews is exercising their malpractice knowledge to deceive innocent Jews and Christians to believe their So-called False Messiah (The Anti-Christ Or Dajjal) will arrive to save them. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) & Jesus Christ (PBUH) are the final Messiah of Jewish, Christians and Muslims. His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam, alarming the Citizens of the world, The Arrival of Imam Mahdi with Reemergence of Jesus Christ is just days away, along with the Third World War is knocking the door. Soon, The False Messiah (The Anti-Christ Or Dajjal) as well as Donald J. Trump along with his associates like Benjamin Netaniyanhu, Putin, Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi will be wiped away by the Arrival of Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ.

Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Proclamation of “Gazwa E Hind”

1400 Years ago Great Prophet of Mankind, Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Prophecy of “Gazwa E Hind” was stated in front of many of his prominent Sahabahs and munafiqs. Such The following is mentioned by Hazrat Shubban “Two groups amongst my Ummah would be whom Allah has freed from fire; one group would fight against India & the Second would be that who would accompany Imam Mahdi & Isa Ibn-e-Maryam (PBUH)”. Also Imam Nesai reported on “Al- Sunan Al Mujtaba’ &‘Al Sunan Al Kubra” that, “Munafiq Abu Hurairah, whom narrated 6000 false hadiths had said, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) promised us of Ghazwa-e-Hind. If I get a chance to participate in it, I would spend all my energy & wealth for it. If I get killed, I would be considered among the greatest martyrs. And if I come back alive, then I would be a freed”, This statement is fabricated by 25

Munafiq Abu Huraira but as a matter of fact, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) did prophesied about the “Gazwa E Hind”.

Coincidentally, After the British rule ended over South Asian Subcontinent it gave birth to Pakistan and India with unsettled geographical territories such as Kashmir. According to a famous Sufi Saint of Kashmir “Shah Niyamatullah RA “The War between Indian and Pakistan shall start between from Eid Ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr” but he did not mention which particular year. Consequently, the current Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi whom is declared follower of Hitlar’s RSS group has revoked Article 370 and 35A, which nullifies Kashmir as the Independent territory. Narendra Modi along with his partner Benjamin Netanyanhu is actively working to kill innocent Muslims in Kashmir and all over India as humble Jewish Agent. The recent biased judgment on “Babri Mashjid” is also another evidence that Narendra Modi actively working against the Muslims of India.

Single super Power USA along with Russia, China and India are working actively against the Myanmar’s Rohingya peoples; since they live on very rich and resourceful land on the coast of Bay of in Myanmar. After the British rule, the abovementioned super powers had constantly waged genocide against the Rohingyas.

The current Communist Chinese government is trying to act as a super power in the Asian region with the direct assistance from Russia to expel the local Population of Uyghur Muslims from Xinjiang region of China; Xinjiang is filled with heavy minerals such as Iron, Copper, Uranium and other minerals. China along with Russia is committing a gross violation of Human Rights in Xinjiang Region and other areas against the Uyghur Muslims. It has been reported in several news media outlets that, China had been secretly forming concentration camps since 2014 to force the Uyghur Muslims into China’s communist ideology. Xi Jinping’s Communist Chinese government had killed several thousands of Uyghur Muslims and also profiting huge amount of money by selling their Body Organs to Israel and European Countries. His Eminency is alarming the final Warning against the Communist Chinese government to stop their genocide against

26 the Uyghur Muslims; else they will face the ultimate punishment by the Arrival of Imam & Jesus Christ (PBUH).

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam has declared that Narendra Modi, Benjamin Netanyanhu and Xi Jinping along with their God Fathers will be wiped clean by Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Proclamation of “Gazwa E Hind” as well as with the arrival of Imam Mahdi and reemergence of Jesus Christ, Kashmir along with India, Palestine and Rohingya’s of Myanmar also Uyghur Muslims of China will be free from all oppression and tyrant rulers.

The vision of the "Millennium Prophecy Statement" of His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) can now be recognized as a clarion call to man to awaken from his dream of the naïve voice of antagonism. This enlightened seer can be heard as the voice of mankind’s call to reason.

This humble and gifted spiritual personality from Asia, having spent his lifetime studying the wide-sweep of forces, both within and without, that seem to propel man along the path toward his destiny, recognized that it would take a "shock", an extreme event, to alter mans course. "If we continue the way we are going", says the spiritual being and seer His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M. N. Alam (MA), "We will end up where we are headed", and that, he points out, is in mutual destruction, the end of our contemporary civilization.

The Prophets fundamental message is a simple one: That we must awaken our gratitude for the extraordinary privilege that it is to be heir to the possibility of what being human is. And that out of the awareness, our gratitude must lead us to take responsibility for a harmonious balance between man and environment, between man and man. He suggests to us that only if we step beyond our naïve antagonism can we avert the consequences of the course we are on. Specifically, we must recognize our unity and lay aside hostility between national boundaries and religious schism. We must manage our populations, our ecology and our resources while we bring about equality and eliminate poverty.

Great Prophet of Mankind Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH), Prophesied about the fanaticism in Islam along with the invention of various sectarian movements. Prophet also stated that, “All of the sects of Islam will

27 eventually proceed to hell fire except One that will lead him and his descendants (Ahle-Bayet) with the proper guideline of Holy Quran”. The Saudi Monarchy and their associates from UAE along with some fanatic Jewish and Christian groups had been working together to sponsor Wahabism, Selafism, Tablighi and Jamaat-e-Islami sects, which are directly contributing to the creation of the so-called Muslim terrorist groups like Al-Queda, ISIS, Hejbut Tahrir and Jabat Al-Nasra, whom are directly destroying the backbone of Real Truth of Islam. In Islam there are no “Extremist” ideologies, Islam resembles Peace, which will be upheld with the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) (THE GREATEST TRUE MESSIAH) & Jesus Christ (PBUH).

In 1926, The British Empire patronized the Current Saudi Monarchy to establish the So-Called Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Najd with Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, inhabitant of Najd, whom were dessert robbers but became a So-Called Royal King. Subsequently, they threw out Ottoman Empire from Holy City Mecca and Medina and took over the Two Holy . Since The 1920s, the legacies of Saudi Monarchy have established Wahabi and Selafi ideologies, which had been working against the True Islam. The Grand Mufti of Kingdom Saudi Arabia Abdul Rahman ibn Abdullah Al ash- Sheikh along with his forefather Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Al Najdi from Najd, Saudi Arabia is the leader of Selafi and Wahabi movement. These hypocrites are not just mentally blind but also physically handicapped. The Current Prince of Saudi Monarchy, Mohammad Bin Salman is working ambitiously to bring about a modern change to Saudi Arabia under the disguise of bringing a total destruction. His ruthless plans have caused tremendous devastation in Yemen and Syria which have led to the killing of Thousands of innocent Yemenis and Syrians also displaced millions as agent of Israel and patron by US President Donald Trump. This Millennium Prophecy statement will act as his final warning to bring about a change to his immoral actions in Yemen, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

It is confirmed that, Saudi Royal King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz along with his son Mohammad Bin Salman are not at all Muslim nor do they represent any faction of Islam. It is also confirmed, that Mohammad Bin Salman is directly working for the Interest of Benjamin Netanyanhu of Israel and 28

Donald Trump of USA. The Young generations of Arabian Peninsula already have awaken up to the immoral actions of Saudi Monarchy. It’s only matter of days to bring about a complete annihilation of Saudi Monarchy along with their accomplices UAE, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, , Bahrain and other Middle-East rulers will also face the same fate of punishment by the arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), which is validated by the Young “Arab Spring” Movement.

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam is inviting the President of and OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and The Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr. Mohammad Mahathir to prepare for the work of Imam Mahdi’s World Peace Mission. The current World Situation is a direct threat to Islam and True identity of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) as well as his legacy, Therefore It is your outmost duty to work together to uphold the dignity of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) to pave the way for the arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) & Jesus Christ (PBUH) for the establishment of Ultimate Peace. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and New Muslim United Nations, World Federation will play an effective role to be organizing the Muslim Army to work and support for the World Peace Mission of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and International Security to eliminate all the Super Powers along with their superiority and attitude.

In 1917 After the First World War the United Kingdom has declared the support for “Independent Jewish State” in Palestine with the Belfour Declaration. Again in May 14th of 1948 The UK contributed with other Super Powers to establish the State of Israel on the land of Palestine. The United Kingdom’s involvement in the establishment of Saudi Arabia and Israel led to their complete destruction as a Kingdom around the World. Since 1945, The United Nations has been completely paralyzed and does not play any effective role for the International Peace and Security. This World Federation (UN) is only working for the interest of Israel and USA along with other Super Powers. All of these conspiracies must be paid with severe Punishment by the regime of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Millions of Muslims are suffering in India by the oppressive ruler of Narendra Modi. These oppressed rulers have no care for United Nations Charters or Resolutions. There are Billions of sufferers around the globe, especially


Palestinians, Syrians, Yemenis, Kashmiris of India, Rohingyas of Myanmar and Uyghurs of China; All the sufferers around the globe will be free of oppressed and tyrant rulers also will have the Ultimate Safety and Security by the Imam Mahdi’s World Peace Mission.

The Creator And His Creations

God, The Almighty, is the Creator of the vast universe, the Protector, Preserver and the Master of our life and death. We need to be informed of and understand the mutual relationship between The Creator and His Creation; otherwise the true identity of the Creator can never be realized.

The Almighty is the Creator and the universe is His immensely complete creation. God is Eternal. This truth is universally accepted. However, there is considerable disagreement as to the reality of the universe. The Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato have stated that: only the Absolute Idea is true, and the universe is an illusion or a mirage; it has no foundation in reality and will disappear like a dream. Only the Absolute Idea and the soul will endure. Needless to say, if the universe is a lie, so is the mankind. According to the doctrine of Platonic philosophy, mankind has no existence in reality and will dissolve into the Absolute Reality. This philosophy fills man’s mind with a sense of despair, doom, and eternal hopelessness. Man can no longer find any desire or attraction for everyday existence, and tends to become apathetic and disinterested in all aspects of life like a saint. If man’s existence, individuality and personal identity completely disappear after death, what need is there for life, family, warfare? The theory of finality of death makes men either disinclined to work and take action or totally materialistic and hedonistic believers in the singular, all‐ consuming importance of their present life on earth. Without the possibility of an afterlife, without hope for an eternal life, without fear of the consequences of one’s actions— men’s thoughts become overcast and informed by a strange belief and unsettling sense of life.

Although the Holy words preached by Christ represented true monotheism, later , influenced by Platonic nihilism, gradually veered to a religion of denouncement and detachment. Consequently, before the arrival of The Promised Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him), such spiritual doctrine of belief prevailed in European and Western Society.


Indian philosophy too contained a similar conception of Maya or Illusion, a form of atheism where God did not exist. Only in Vedic philosophy God or Brahma was delineated, but even there, as in Platonic philosophy, an undercurrent of fear and doom prevailed. That Brahma is the Truth and that the universe is a lie are the fundamental concepts of the Vedas. Thus the Platonic concept of nihilism and the Vedic beliefs of Maya or Illusion differed little, and in each philosophy, absolute reality was considered to be the only truth. Absolute reality can be proven to be the only truth in two different ways: either by assuming that the universe is not true or an illusion, or that it is permeated with the Brahma. Vedic philosophy eschews the later tenet. According to the Vedas, the universe is infused with Brahma and life is Shiva. In other words, everything in the perceptible world is a part of Brahma, and he who contains all and becomes the Ultimate One, is the Brahma. This belief, called Pantheism in English, states that "Aham Brahmi" ("I am Brahma"), "Shoha‐aang" ("He is I") or "Ayamtma Brahma" ("This Self is Brahma").

Buddhism too is similar in that Nirvana or Mahaprasthana is the ultimate goal, and human life is replete with sadness and sorrow, conflict and war, disease and death. To act is to encounter and commit sin, and the consequence of man’s actions is to return and be reborn repeatedly, and become part of an eternal cycle of sorrow. Life is then an inescapable curse, and to be released from its binding chains, one has to achieve the Great Death or Nirvana, beyond which there is no return. This is the exegesis or the creed put forward by the Buddhist philosophy of Nirvana. It goes without saying, that this too is a philosophy and religion of nihilism, and in it, one can still hear the strains of death.

It can be seen therefore, that neither Christianity nor Hinduism nor Buddhism has given any palpable value to life, and instead they have given primacy to death. That the universe is a fabrication, and with death human life is either terminated or fused into the Brahma, was the religious beliefs extant in the pre‐Islamic world. Man was not yet informed of his independent, self‐ determining existence or of his right to eternal life.


The Creator’s First Creation:

The Light (NUR) of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (Peace Be Upon Him)

The Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (Peace Be Upon Him) brought forward a philosophy of life announcing a new dictum: "God the Almighty is the Truth undoubtedly, but His Creation, this universe is not a lie; this world is our workplace. Human life is not an illusion or a dream; it is real and is the truth. Yet it is not the whole truth because at the finality of this life, we have an afterlife. Only when we can combine the two, we are able to comprehend the whole truth. We have an afterlife; we shall not cease with death nor shall we be usurped and infused into God." Islam then gave the world a bold, new and striking philosophy of the universe and a unique truth of existence. The glorious Al‐Quran (Holy Book of Muslims) is the complete code of life for the human beings, which acts for believer or nonbeliever.

The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the Promised Prophet; that is, it was preordained that God The Almighty would send Him to Earth. Each artistic creation is first brought into existence in the mind of the artist and is expressed outwardly much later. This too was held to be true for the advent of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). He was the center point of all creations. Consequently, His glorious form was formulated first in the thoughts of The Almighty. This glorious form is the "The Light of Mohammad" and that is the reason why God created the light of Mohammad (PBUH).


"Aualla Ma Khallakallahu Nuri" ‐‐‐‐ Al Hadiths

The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) has said: "At first what God The Almighty created was the light." It can be said without question that The Promised Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was born before the start of creation. His meditated representation cast an imperceptible shadow from moon to moon, star to star, planet to planet, and man to man. One singular and immense curiosity arose everywhere in nature and in the heart of the universe: where, when, and how will this meditated form appear in this vast universe? (Al Quran, Surah Yasin & Ar‐Rahman)

The meaning of the coming of the Promised Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) has to be understood in this way: that the coming of The Promised Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) was predetermined by the laws of nature. That which is inevitable according to the laws of nature is necessarily promised before its arrival. That The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) will appear on this earth was not unknown to the world; Prophet Adam, Prophet Moses, Prophet Noah and Prophet Jesus had all presaged the coming of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) according to all the Prophet’s given scripture. In many of the ancient religious texts—such as the Vedas, the Puranas, the Jindabesta, the Torah, the Digha‐Nikaya, the Jabur, the Injil—the advent of The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) has been predicted. When God felt the desire to create, a predetermined glorious thought must have come forth and manifested itself. This imagination is known as Nuri Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) or The Light of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). This Light is the reason behind the creation of all objects in the visible and material world.

The plan and design for the creation of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) existed before creation, because The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the center point of the primary purpose of creation. Therefore, He was created first from the glorious light of God. This was very natural. In other words, it can be said that the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was born before all creation. Just as an artist gives expression to the design in his imagination step by step, so did God give expression to the thoughts of His primary creation gradually. This is the reason why Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had to appear last. All else was created first for the manifestation of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) who is the principal reason for all creation.


Without Him, God may not have created anything.

God the Almighty Himself has stated in the Holy Quran: “Without You, I may not have created the sky or the stars.”

However, a picture can never achieve the ideal of excellence if only the principal design is presented by itself; it requires a background, a setting. If one draws a beautiful picture on an empty canvas, surely it will not be very pleasing. It has to be set against a background of light and dark, a chiaroscuro where the cataracts flowing from the mountains will dance, the flowers in the garden will be smiling, the bird Koel and Papia will be singing, where the open blue sky will reign glorious overhead, the full moon and the stars will twinkle through the clouds. The principle design has to be dressed in a similar manner in its beauty and sense, in its hues and fragrance. God too had done the same.

Almighty God did not at first manifest the primary objective of His creation, but created everywhere its background. Above was the vast, blue sky dressed in billions of stars and planets, below a beauteous earth carpeted with soft green grass; elsewhere, there were rivers and rivulets, enormous lakes, and mountain ranges touching the sky. Thus He arranged the scenery exquisitely and at last expressed the picture of His mediation and thought, The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

The moon and the sun, the sky and the wind, the mountains and the rivers, the birds and the beasts all understood for whom the vast universe was being so beautifully ornamented and arranged, and whose hues were coloring their inner and outer selves. All of creation was waiting for the coming of the ever wished for, yet to appear Guest. Thoughts of Him, dreams of Him awoke in their eyes, and His footsteps resounded in the secret chambers of the corners of their being. Just as, before a flower blooms, the dream of the flower awakens in each branch, each leaf of a tree, so had thoughts of Him, His shadow, His form, His compassion awakened everywhere in the universe, even before He appeared. The sun and the rain, the light and the wind, surrender all the powers and treasures of their being to the flowering tree to help it blossom. Just as the bird bulbul waits silently in the garden in expectation of the flower, so had the universe and nature waited for the coming of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). Everyone knew that He would appear. In the Vedas, the Puranas, the Jabur and the Torah there were clear signals of His coming:


The Prophets Adam, Moses, and Christ had announced the prophetic words of His advent. Thus He was born before appearing on Earth. He came before he was coming. That is why the rays of His glorious light were playing on Earth and in the sky.

A Point His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M N Alam wanted to make for those whom had been criticizing Almighty Allah’s Beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) the following question should be asked to theirselves, “If the Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is the Light of Allah, and Allah created such a Universe for his beloved Prophet, WHY WOULD THERE BE ANY NEED OF PROPHET’S CHEST BEING CUT OPEN TO PURIFY IT?” Starting from the time Prophet passed away the enemies of Islam fused with fanatic Jews and Christians had been trying to diminish Islam from its root course. Needless to say, Islam was and is as well as will continue to be fast growing religion in the world, this fact also passed thru the Fanatic Jewish and Christian follower’s mind and did not hesitate to affair into it. Apparently, those fanatic Jewish, Christian as well as Islam followers had been able to put a slow poison to paralyze the root of Islam by misinterpreting many of the verses of the Holy Quran.

From time to time, Abbassiya Caliph Al- Mamun’s reign when Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Nessaye, Abu Dawud fabricated Hadiths stated, Prophet Mohammad’s chest was cut open and cleansed with Wisdom and ZamZam Water and replaced by Angel Gibrael, which is absolutely false and fabricated. Along with the misinterpretation of Surah Ahzab’s Verse 56 a crucial fact of Holy Quran, Where Allah admits, “Him and His Direct Special Angels are continuously saluting the Great Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)” and misinterpreted meanings states, “Allah and His Special Angels are blessing the beloved Prophet?” How can that be, if Great Prophet already got a title “Rahmatullil Alameen” This misinterpretation not only changed the main root of Islam but also left millions and millions of people’s faith left ashtray.

Currently, the Saudi Monarchy sponsoring Selafi, Ohabi, Najdi, Tabhligi still camouflaging abovementioned misinterpretation of Verse of Surah Ahzab along many other hadiths and verses of Holy Quran. His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M N Alam 43rd Direct Descendant from the Prophet of Islam, states very strongly, “Those who will hinder to even think Prophet Mohammad’s (SM) (PBUH) virtues and values as well as his importance in Islam are doubtable or questionable than even if you are among the

35 believer, YOU Must retake your Oath of Shadah, if not they will not be considered good Muslim” In Accordance of Holy Quran Surah Al-Qalam.

The corrected Meaning of Verse 56 Surah Ahzab, “Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim” “The Almighty God certainly has been, is and will continue to send infinite love and affection to his beloved prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) along with his special angels who are directed by the Almighty God to continuously salute with respect, dignity and honor to the beloved Holy Prophet for His kind attention. The Almighty God again commanding to the true believers to pay respect with dignity and honor for their forgiveness and mercy from the beloved Holy Prophet of Islam and Mankind”. (Al‐ Quran Surah Al Ahzab, 33:56)

Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is the crown of all the Prophets and beloved Prophet of Almighty God. He was the first one that Allah the Almighty Created from his own light (Nur). The whole Universe along with the Sun, Moon, Earth and 18000 planets were created including First Man Adam (PBUH)’s life was also given from the Light of Nur-e-Nabi, Safi- Ul-Majnabeen, Awaleen, Akherin, RahmatullilAlameen & Nurri Min Nurrullah. He WILL be Attorney General for the MERCY of WHOLE Creation & Mankind at the Court of the Almighty God on Judgment day.


Adam and Eve Prophet Adom (PBUH) and Hawa (PBUH)

Figure 2: Adam & Eve Living in the Eden Garden In Heaven (Perception)

Figure 3: Eve with her beloved Husband Adam (PBUH) after punishment by the Almighty God in Heaven (Perception)

Figure 4: Gandam (Apple) tree in Heaven (Perception)

The Almighty God Prohibited Eve to go near this tree but devil made a long time plan to take Eve to the Apple tree and feed her, She immediately lost her dignity & honor as the crown and Expelled with Adam to Earth 37

Figure 5: After Exile from Heaven, Eve had a Bodyguard the Heavenly Bird Peacock (Perception) in Current Day Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, this bird stayed 360 Years with Eve

Figure 6: The friend of Devil, the Evil Sneak of Heaven (Serpent) (Perception)



Figure 7: Perception The Devil / Satan The Devil, Iblish or Azazil In Accordance of Holy Quran, this Satan is created from fire, it can run within the veins of Human Being to misguide and destroy them. When Almighty God ordered him to Salute Adam (PBUH), he refused and therefore, he was cursed /punished by the Almighty God and got the title Iblish/Satan, his real name was Azazil.

And surely, I created Adam (From the light of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)) and then gave him the shape of a human being, then Almighty God directed to the faithful angels

“Pay respect to the first man Adam by saluting him” and all the angels saluted Adam, except Azazil, Chief of Angels, Allah got angry and asked: “What prevented you (Azazil) that you did not carry out my order?” Iblish said: “I am superior to Adam. You created me from fire, and created him from clay.” (The Holy Quran, Surah 7:11-12).

Then the Almighty God seized and suspended all of Azazil’s power than he became the King of Devils. Iblish asking O’ my Lord give my remuneration and award for carrying out your order for you millions of years. Almighty


God asked him, “What Do you Want?” Iblish/Devil replied, “O, My Lord give me my life till day of judgment so, I can misguide the Children of Adam and sent them to hell.” Almighty God granted his appeal, God says, “I give you the last chance according to you prayer, you may stay with your devil Ideology till the Day of Judgment, but you can’t succeed.” The smart King of Devil now became very jealous and made a plan to misguide the first women in Heaven Mrs. Adam or Eve, and even succeeded because the women are greedy and harmful. Almighty God angry and expelled Adam, Eve and King of Devil to Earth. The Satan was expelled from Heaven to Deoband India, therefore, Satan build up 310 million idols children of Devils which are worshiped by Hindu’s in the Indian Sub-Continent.

Figure 8: Adam’s Peak (Mountain of Adam), in Sri Lanka

Sri Pada, popularly known in English as Adam’s Peak, is a conical mountain 7,360 feet above sea level, soaring clear above the surrounding mountain ranges. However, the altitude is no damper to the thousands of pilgrims who climb the mountain in endless procession during this time of year. It is not only a Buddhist pilgrimage but also considered sacred by the followers of the four major faiths in the world – Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Muslims, descendants of Adam. To Buddhists, the imprint at the summit of the mountain is the hallowed footprint of the Buddha, hence the name “Sri Pada”. To the Hindus, the footprint is that of God Shiva. From the Deoband Madrasa, Which is the Headquarters of Devil, Directly controlling all fanatic Muslim sects, Wahabi, Tabligue, Ahley Hadis and Kadians.


Figure 9: Historic Field of Arafat, Holy Mecca, KSA

Mount Arafat: Jable-E-Rahmat. 5 miles from the Holy City Mecca. Eve was very ambitious and greedy and followed Satan’s advice, accordingly God got angry with them, and expelled all of them from the Heaven. Satan was not granted mercy but First women Eve and Adam had been granted mercy (at Able-E-Rah mat) by the Almighty God, in reference of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), after been separated for 360 years,-In accordance of Holy Quran.

The Kingdom of Satan, Deoband, UP, India, with his Billions of Followers


Figure 10: The king of Devil/Satan, In his Kingdom (Satan was expelled from Heaven to Deoband), The Deoband Madrasa, Deoband, UP, India. Because of direct influence of Satan there are millions of fanatic Muslim and Kafer (Hindu, who worship 330 million idols) all over the world.

History of Satan “Iblis” in the Heaven & Earth

Satan is the traditional opponent of God and humanity in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Scripture and literature the role of the opponent is given many names, such as Apolyon, Beelzebub, Semihazah, Azazel, Belial, Iblis and Sammael. Nicknames include the Tempter, Evil One, Father of Lies, and Prince of Darkness. But in the New Testament it is Satan, with its Greek equivalent diabolos (the Devil), which came to dominate, displacing or demoting other names and figures.

In the Hebrew Bible, Satan plays only a minor role as an ambiguous figure in the heavenly court. In Job his function is described as a kind of public prosecutor for God, suggesting his role as adversary may have been in terms of jurisprudence. The transformation of Satan from subordinate official to independent adversary and rebellious angel occurred during the Jewish apocalyptic movement, which came under the influence of the dual cosmologies of the ancient Middle East. The New Testament, grown from the same soil, speaks of Satan as the author of all evil (Luke 10:19), the personal tempter of Jesus (Matt. 4), and the rebel cast to earth together with his angels (Rev. 12:7-9). But these and many other passages in the Bible said to allude to Satan were shaped into coherent theological narratives only over time, often in response to Christian heresies.

In intellectual circles in the West today the tendency is to de-mythologize Satan. Certain scholars argue that by the time the Old Testament book of First Chronicles was completed Satan had been transformed from an angel who questioned God to a being dedicated to subverting God. It has been further argued that this changing concept of Satan paralleled a process of demonizing one’s opponents and attributing evil motives them. The Essence sect in the late centuries BC portrayed other Jewish sects who disagreed with them as allied with the forces of darkness and themselves as “sons of light”. Early Christians adopted this approach and demonized Jews who did not acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. In later centuries pagans and fellow Christians who had opposing beliefs were characterized by Christians as evil and to be opposed or eradicated. 42

In Islam, Satan is also known as Azazil, Iblish or the evil jinn who in refusing to bow to Adam disobeyed God and became “one of the disbelievers.” Azazil prayed so eagerly that he was raised up into the first heaven, or according to one narration, he worshipped so much in the first heaven that he was raised up through all the seven heavens and above them. He worshipped on the earth, he worshipped on the heavens, until Adam (A.S) was brought into existence. Then the Lord ordered all the angels to bow down before Adam (A.S) and all the angels obeyed except Iblish.

From Hassan Al Basri (R.A): Iblis worshiped above the seven heavens for more than 70,000 years, until he was raised to the station of Ridwan which is very high station, Ridwan being the guardian of Paradise. Iblis was the guardian of Paradise for 1000 years. Once he read an inscription on the gates of paradise, and it read: There is a servant among the most highly favored servants of the Almighty Lord and for a long time he will be obedient and serve his Lord well; there will come a day, however, on which he will oppose his Lord and disobey, and he will be driven from His gates and be cursed. Iblis, who was then still called Azazil, read and wondered at this prediction. How can that be. He asked, that one of the closest servants to the Lord should grow disobedient to the Lord of the Worlds and be driven from His Holy Nearness? Oh Lord, he pleaded. Give me permission to curse that rebellious one, whoever he may be. The Lord gave him permission, and Iblis showered curses upon that future sinner for one thousand years, knowing not that it was to be himself. Western Media with the influence of fanatic Jews & Christian worked tirelessly to make propaganda and paralyzing the truth of Islamic Ideology, which establishes Peace & Prosperity towards mankind since 1400 years ago, “Islam does not approve fanaticism or terrorism”.

Subsequently, some sects of Islam in the name so-called “Jihad” encouraged by misguided political groups and patron by USA, Israel, Russia and other powerful nations to carry out terrorism activities to diminish the Islam from its course. There is a conflict of opinion between people as to whether Iblis was of the Angels or of the Jinn, but in accordance of Holy Quran, “It is confirmed, he was one of the Ordinary Jinn, but by the recommendations of the Four crown angels (Jibrael A:, Ajrael A:, Israfil A:, Mikaeel A:), Almighty God allowed and appointed him as the crown and commander of all Angels but he disobeyed the Almighty God’s order to pay respect to the first man Adam (A:) in heaven, So Almighty God threw him out the heavens and he became the great king of Satan (Devil). He was

43 expelled from Heaven and got thrown out to the Earth’s Indian territory Of Uttar Prodesh location “DeoBand Madrasha Compound (So-called fanatic religious Islamic Institute). It should be noted that, Millions of students graduates from this type of so-called Islamic Institute and graduated as fanatic Islamic Community leader around the whole India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and African Region also Especially Kingdom of Saudi Arabia along with whole Middle Eastern Region. They introduce their group as following sects of Islam: Abdul Wahab Najdi, Abdullah Bin Bazz of Saudi Arabia, Wahabi group of Saudi Arabia, Qadiani, Ahmadia and Jamaete Islami Group of Pakistan, Deobandi & Qawami Madrasha group of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh, Dr. Bari & Dr. Elyias Ali’s Ahle Hadith Group of Bangladesh (Salafe Group), Tabligue Jamat along with Wahabi and so-called Sunni Group of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Hafezzi, Pirzi, Sadar Shab’s followers along with Hat Hajari and Patia Madrasha Group of Bangladesh, so-called intellectual and writer Salman Rushdi Bombay, India, So- called Islamic leader Zakir Naik, (Mollah) Abul Kalam Azad, Principle Kamal Uddin Jaffri, Delowar Hossein Syedi, Ahmed Shafi, Junaid Babu Nogori, Mizanur Rahman Azhari, Tareq Monowar, Prof. Golam Azom, Motiur Rahman Nizami of Jamat E Islam Bangladesh.

In this respect there are two kinds of people in the world, those who follow the commandants of God, and those who are susceptible to the beguilement of Satan. There has always been a mighty struggle between the followers of Satan and the believers of God ever since the creation of Adam in which the latter have always vanquished the former.


Prophets Of Almighty God There were one Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Prophets of Almighty God represented their nations on Earth since Adam (PBUH). Prophet Adam proclaimed his mission on Earth in Mount Jable‐E‐ Rahmat at Arafat, Holy Mecca, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. A List of the Renowned Prophets (Peach be upon Them) are given below: (In Accordance of Holy Quran, Old Testament of Bible, Tawrah and the Author of the Book His Eminency Dr. M. N. Alam).

Table 1: List of Renowned Prophets (PBUH) According to Holy Tawrah, Bible & Glorious Quran

Adam (PBUH) Shish (Sheth) (PBUH) Nuh (Noah) (PBUH) Idris (Enoch) (PBUH) Hud (PBUH) Saleh (PBUH) Dhu'l‐kifl (Ezekiel) (PBUH) Lut (Lot) (PBUH) Dawud (David) (PBUH) Ibrahim (Abraham) (PBUH) Sulaiman (Solomon) (PBUH) Isma’il (Ishmael) (PBUH) Ilias(Elias)(PBUH) Ishaq (Isaac) (PBUH) Al-Yusa (Elisha) (PBUH) Ya’qub (Jacob) (PBUH) Yunus (Jonah)(PBUH) Yousef (Joseph) (PBUH) Zakariyya (Zechariah)(PBUH) Shu’aib (PBUH) Yahya (John)(PBUH) Zulkifl (Dulkifl) (PBUH) Isa (Jesus Chris)(PBUH) Musa (Moses)(PBUH) Harun (Aaron) (PBUH) Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)

First Civilization Started with Prophet Adam (PBUH) In The Holy Al‐Quran, once, God The Almighty proclaimed to His angels: "Was Kala Rabbuka lilmala‐ekati, inni jayelun filardy Caliphah". That is: "Ye angels! I shall create on earth one to represent myself." The Angels answered: "Kalu ajjalufiha maiufsidu fiha wayasfikuddi ma‐a‐wa nahanu nusabbihu bihamdika ma‐la‐ta‐lamun." That is: "Oh Lord! Will You be creating a race that will cause problems and complications? What need is there when we are here to sing Your praise?"


Hearing the words of the Angels, God said: "Oh my angels! you do not know what I know. You are not aware of the true reason why I wish to create a new representative of myself." On hearing His words, the angels fell silent. Of the eighteen thousand creations, man is the best, and that is why the Mankind is called "Ashraful makhlukat" or “the greatest creation”.

God has said in The Holy Al‐Quran: "Lakkad khalaknall in Sana fee ahsaney taqvim". That is: "When I created man, I endowed him with great beauty." Once Hazrat Jaber asked The Promised Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him): "Whom did God The Merciful create first?" In answer The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "Aua Lu ma khalakallahu nuri". That is: "At first He created my light." Then the moon, the sun, the planets, the stars, the sky the land, the mountains, the oceans, the beasts, the birds, the insects and other creatures all were fashioned from the light of The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). It is said in The Holy Al‐Quran: "Wa ma khalaqtul jinnah wal insa illah lia’budun." That is: "I have created only the jinn‐spirits and men to praise me." The jinn‐spirits created from the light of The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are not equal to men. Jinn (Spirits), Fairies, demons, behemoths insects are all beneath man. In his appearance, his nature, his manner and behavior, his demeanor and carriage, his wisdom and intelligence, his education and learning, his food and liberation, his dress and habits and even in his praise for the Almighty.

Man is superior, for this reason, he has been titled "Ashraful Makhlukat" that is "the greatest creation". Thereafter, on the dictates of God, The Angel of Death Azrail gathered soil from different parts of the earth. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas pioneer spokesmen of Prophet Mohammad PBUH has said that The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) avowed that Prophet Adam was created of soil from different nations: his head from the soil of the Holy Kaabah / Mecca, his breast from the soil of Dohana, his back, stomach, and hand parts from the soil of India, and his feet from the soil of the West but the light came from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). God the Almighty has said in The Holy Al‐Quran: "Wala iannah khalaknahumin kablo mi nares samum." That is: "I created the race of jinn‐ spirits from fire, and they disobeyed my words, and became engulfed in sin."


Then He annihilated most them with the force of destruction. Only one jinn‐ spirit, a beautiful young boy, was allowed a place in Heaven with Gods orders. This boy was called Azazil. After he served for a thousand years, Azazil was appointed head of all the angels, and he gave them instructions in appropriate rules in Heaven. At that time he was known as "Moalleymul malaeka" or the leader of the angels. For one thousand years, he was supremely dutiful and worshipful towards God.

God, after creating Prophet Adam as superior to all, announced to the angels: "Prophet Adam is the best of you all, therefore salute him". After listening to His command, the angels and all of creation, except Azazil, began to salute Prophet Adam. Azazil was consumed with pride and refused to salute Prophet Adam. Then Azazil’s glorious form disappeared and he assumed an extremely ugly and unpleasant appearance.

Then God asked of Azazil: "Azazil why do you not follow my commands and salute Prophet Adam?" In response Azazil said: "You created me from burning fire and Prophet Adam from soil. Therefore he can never be superior to me and that is why I cannot salute and respect him." Hearing this, The Almighty said: "You are a cursed sinner. Leave the confines of Heaven at once! There is no place for you here. My curse will fall on you till Judgment Day." From then Azazil’s name became Iblis or Accursed and The King of Devils. In the Holy Al‐ Quran, Azazil is referred to as Iblis or Satan. Azazil, in return for his lifetime of service and devotion, asked and was granted from God, to be able to live till the Day of Judgment and to enter and pass freely within the blood flowing in Prophet Adams and his relatives veins in order to misguide them and take them with him to Hell. Iblis was then banished from Heaven, and Prophet Adam lived there in great happiness.

After creating Prophet Adam, The Almighty situated him in a particular site in Heaven. For some reason, Satan’s influence cast its shadow in a corner of Prophet Adam’s heart; thereafter, following God’s commands, the Angel Jibrail erased this influence from inside Prophet Adam, and buried it underground somewhere in Heaven. Later, a tree grew from this spot and was known as the “Gandham” or the apple tree. Prophet Adam continued to live in bliss in Heaven. Yet even living with such happiness, he was 47 experiencing a loss of something in his being; he could not bear his loneliness. Every day he was feeling increasingly saddened. For this reason God said to Prophet Adam: "Oh Adam! Live in great happiness with your wife Eve in Heaven and partake of all the fruits at will. But beware! Do not touch the fruits of the gandham tree; in fact do not even go near it."

Azazil was drowning in a sea of plans to have Prophet Adam cast out from Heaven. To further his purpose, he waited a thousand years in front of the gate of Heaven in great sadness, and tried to find any means of entering Heaven. Peacocks and serpent‐snakes were created by The Almighty to be companions of Prophet Adam and his wife Eve in Heaven. One day when he saw a peacock standing near the gate, the sinner Iblis called upon the bird and said: "Take me inside Heaven just once and I will be eternally grateful to you." Hearing Ibliss words, the peacock said: "I do not have the means to help you enter Heaven but I have a friend, a serpent, whose powers are limitless. I will tell him about you." In time, the peacock related everything to the serpent (snake). The serpent came near the gate and swallowing Iblis in the caverns of his mouth, took him inside the gates of Heaven.

Thereafter, Satan tried repeatedly to persuade Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of the apple tree, but they were totally unwilling to disobey the commands of God. At last Iblis said: "Hear me! I truly wish you well. I came here to give you honest advice, and to keep you from suffering any sorrow or pain. But it is regrettable that you cannot perceive my true nature and intentions you are unfortunately doomed to bear much grief." After a great deal of cajoling, Eve was first lead to eat the fruit of the forbidden apple tree, and then she persuaded Adam to do the same. After eating the fruit of the apple tree, they became naked and urinated blood feeling extreme pain. They lost their happiness and peace in Heaven. The Ud and Ajir trees helped them hide the shame of their nakedness with leaves; Prophet Adam used three and his wife Eve five leaves.

Almighty God became extremely angry and expelled Prophet Adam and his wife Eve from Heaven, removing all their spiritual power and status. Then God said: "Oh Adam! Did I not forbid you to eat the fruit of this tree? I told you that Satan is your great enemy. But you fell into his deceitful trap and 48 disobeyed me. Therefore you are no longer fit to live in Heaven. Go to Earth at once." Then following Gods command, The Angel Jibrail (Gabriel) ejected Prophet Adam, his wife Eve, Satan, the serpent and the peacock from Heaven and cast them on Earth. Prophet Adam began to live in the Isle of Saran in Sri Lanka; Angel Jibrail abandoned Eve in Khorashan inside Persia, Satan in Deoband inside India, the peacock in Sistan inside Persia, and the serpent in Ispahan in Persia. Prophet Adam and his wife Eve, separated from each other, wept for three hundred and sixty years. When banishing Prophet Adam to Earth, God the Merciful had told him: "Oh Adam, do not be troubled. To help your descendants, I will send many Prophets through the ages who will preach my words and admonitions. Those who will have faith in My Holy Book and My Prophets, and will live according to my commandments, will have nothing to fear from Satan." Prophet Adam, in one hand living without all the comforts and joys of Heaven, and on the other hand, being overwhelmed by the pain of separation from his wife, roamed and traveled about without any sense of direction for three hundred and sixty years. One day he was standing front of the Jobole Rahmat Stone seven kilometers from the Holy city Mecca, He raised both his hands to God, and taking the Holy Name of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him), which he saw on top of the Gate of heaven during their stay in heaven “La Ela Ha Ellalla hu Mohammadur Rasolullah”, means God is one & Mohammad is his beloved Prophet (SM), (PBUH) in accordance of the Holy Quran, entreated God to forgive his acts. Hearing his cries, God, in His Infinite Mercy granted Prophet Adam his wish. Then Prophet Adam saw his wife Eve coming towards him. He immediately proceeded to go towards her, and when they saw each other they began to weep. The place where they met is called Arafat in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Then, following Gods dictates, Angel Jibrail asked them both to continue to live in India's Saran Isle, and instructed Prophet Adam, in farming and agriculture. Prophet Adam had three hundred and sixty pairs of children. Of his children, only Prophet Shish was born as an only child, and did not have a twin sibling. The eldest son and daughter were called Kabil and Aklima respectively. Of the second pair, the son was called Habil and the daughter Gaja or Gaj Bibi. Aklima was very beautiful, but Gaja was less attractive. It was customary at that time for the eldest son to marry the second daughter, and the second son to marry the eldest daughter. 49

That is, the son of one birth was to marry the daughter of another birth; siblings of the same birth were forbidden to marry, in accordance of the Prophet Adam’s Civilization, the first men on earth. In time, when Kabil, Habil, Aklima and Gaja came of age, Prophet Adam planned to marry Gaja with Kabil, and Habil with Aklima. But Kabil refused to marry Gaja creating a great deal of dissension and strain within the family. Prophet Adam said "You will each sacrifice a lamb to God; he, whose offering will be accepted, will marry Aklima." Following Gods and their father Prophet Adam’s instruction, they both did the same, but God accepted Habil's offering. Kabil, burning with jealousy, murdered Habil secretly at the foot of a mountain and buried him there.

At that time, there were not so many rivers and oceans. All the places from Ceylon in the Indian Sub‐Continent to Arafat in Saudi Arabia where Prophet Adam had set foot became villages; all the places where he had rested became cities. At the age of one thousand he fell ill. He said to Prophet Shish "You too are a Prophet; if you entreat God, He may send fruits from Heaven for me." After both father and son prayed to God, He sent to Prophet Adam many fruits from Heaven, arranged in a gold plate, and carried by a beautiful fairy name Johara from Heaven. With Gods command, Johora was married to Prophet Shish. This fairy Johara spoke which is the language of Heaven in accordance to The Holy Al‐ Quran, and consequently, their sons and daughter too began to speak Arabic, their mother’s language. Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was born in the family of the descendants of Prophet Shish in Saudi Arabia. Moments before his death, Prophet Adam gathered his sons and said: "Oh my descendants! The time is coming near for me to leave this earth. After my death Prophet Shish will be my representative." After this, Prophet Adam breathed his last (Inna lillauheh wainna elayheh rajeun). His Holy Sepulcher is situated under the largest Mosque in Meena near Arafat in present day Saudi Arabia. The tomb of his wife Eve is in the Government graveyard in the port city Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.


Prophet Noah (PBUH), Founder of the 2nd Human Civilization (After the Biblical flood) which will be completely annihilated any moment from now by the World War-III

Figure 11A: According archaeologist this is where Noah’s Ark hit the edge of land

2nd Civilization Started from Noah’s (PBUH) Three Sons:

According to the historian Ibn Khaledun of Egypt, Prophet Noah is the tenth descendant of Prophet Adam. Over four thousand years ago, in the time of Prophet Noah (PBUH), the first civilization was destroyed by biblical floods, giving rise to the second civilization on Earth created by Prophet Noah’s (PBUH) three sons.

Table 2: Below is the list of the descendants of Prophet Adam (PBUH) to Prophet Noah (PBUH)

Prophet Adam (PBUH)

Shish (PBUH)

Anuchh Anu

Canan Caen

Mahaeen Mahalayel


Idraba Idris Yarbu

Ukhnukh Ukhnu

Mutawamlakh Mutashlakh

Lamak Lamakh

Noah (PBUH)

Prophet Noah (PBUH)

At that time, the entire earth was not inhabited by men, but only a limited area near Abyssinia, Mesopotamia and Arabia. For this reason, Almighty God had created a flood in this area and not all over the world. Archaeologists have discovered significant geological strata in these areas. The fact that this was not found anywhere else is proof of the flood. The limiting borders of this flood were from Egypt to Sindh and from the Caucasus to the Arabian Sea. Noah had three sons Yafez, Sam and Ham. Either by mutual consent or because of disagreements, they had gone to three separate regions. Three descendants of Yafez had gone to Middle Eastern Asia and South Eastern Europe; Hams descendants went to Africa; Sam’s descendants remained in their ancestral land Arabia and its neighboring regions.

In summary, the most ancient of human civilizations, the Semitic civilization started its victorious course from Egypt to the Sindh and from the Caucasus to The Arabian Sea. According to the Indian historian Sachin Babu West Bengal, the flower of mankind progress bloomed at the west from the Sahara desert and The Mediterranean Sea, in the east from the Himalayan Mountains to Rajputanas Thar desert, in the north from the European Balkan and Caucasus mountains to the Hindukush ranges.

From Sam came the Semitic civilization that spread from the Blue Nile to the Sindh Rivers, and then to Asia Minor settling permanently in the fertile areas. Some of the inhabitants in the Sinai (Egypt) area of Arabia became nomads, but they were not as fierce and as violent as the nomads in the Gobi, Caucasus area. In time, these settlers had developed the Iranian, Samarian, Pharaoh and the Dravidian civilizations around the Euphrates 52 and Tigris, the Blue Nile, the Sindh and the Ganges rivers, respectively. Sam had five sons named Arfakshaz, Laos, Iram, Dasoj and Gelim.

Many of the Prophets and national leaders were born into Arfakshajs lineage. Salek was Arfakshajs son, and his son was Atbir. Atbir had two sons Falig and Akhtan. Many Prophets and several noted Israeli Prophets were born in Falig's branch. In time Akhtan or Kahatans son Abufir went to the Sindh and established the Dravidian civilization on the banks of the Ganges. Abufir was the seventh descendant of Prophet Noah; therefore the Dravidian civilization is a principal branch of the Semitic civilization. Abufir’s brother Sabar's son Emperor Homaer established the civilization known as the Samarian civilization. The conflict and the alliance between Queen Bilkis of the Sabas faction and Prophet Solomon are chronicled in The Holy Al‐Quran. The descendant of Jasim who was the most renowned son of Laos, a son of Sam, was the ancient founder of the Egyptian Pharaoh dynasty. The Berber civilization of Cannan and Syria also originated from them.

The region and the civilization that the descendants of Sam’s son Iram or Irman occupied and developed were called the Iran and Iranian civilization respectively. Modern historians have designated them as the Ilami or the Aadi civilization. Members of the Ilami‐Aad group were the first people to erect the grand Mausoleums in the world. Emperor Saddad was born into the Aad lineage, and he was inspired to build the city of Iram in beauty comparable to Heaven. The Prophet Hud was a Prophet of this dynasty. Irams son Kachhed and his son Chhamud were the ancestors of the Samud dynasty, chronicled in The Holy Al‐Quran. They had established an independent kingdom in a place called Wadiul Kora inside Hejjaj in between modern day Saudi Arabia and Syria. They had built a beautiful palace on the mountains to be used as their winter residence. Their Prophet was the Prophet Saleh. Sam’s grandson Laos’s son Asim had built the first grand mausoleum in the world. He was the ancestor of the Asim dynasty. Abufir’s brother had established a settlement in the “Hejurars” area in Egypt and the Prophet Shoeb, noted in The Holy Al‐Quran, came from amongst them. When Abufir came to the Sindh region of India, he was the first to introduce everything from the tax to all other aspects of Arab civilization; they were the people who had settled in regions flooded by the river Ganges. The language of Abufir’s brother Abir is known as the Iranian language. Kahatans eldest son Abufir’s brother Yarab went to Arabia from Yemen and originated the Arabic race and the Arabic language. Hehad also instituted his brother Jurham as the ruler of that 53 area. At that time the word Dar meant place of domicile. Abufir on returning to India had named that area after his brother Abir’s name Dar Abir. The Dravidian civilization originated from this Dar Abir.

We return now to the initial discussion on the origin of the Aryan civilization. Prophet Noah’s eldest son Yafiz had seven sons: Kaimur, Yunan, Magog, Tubal, Musk, Madrata and Tiras. These descendants of Noah established settlements in the forest and desert areas. Perhaps for this reason, they became fierce and nomadic races. The Turkish race and Turkey originated from Turk, a son of Amur or Kaimur. They were called the Hittites or the Hitti in European languages. Later they conquered the land of Iran, established by Irma, a grandson of Sam, and called themselves Iranians. A branch of this group crossed the Hindukush Mountains into India and called them Khsatryas or Aryan Hindus. Another branch traveled to Europe and their descendants, the Goths, Franks, Vandals, Almands and the Teutons established settlements in various localities. From the Goths came the Portuguese, from the Franks the French, from the Almand the Germans and from the Teutons the English race.

The Tartars originated from Agragar, the most renowned son of Turk, and the Mongols who spread to the vast region inside China and Russia called Mongolia came from Magog. The descendants of Magog's son, Agog, called Yaguti of Yaguta, settled all over China. A group of these people went to Europe and called themselves Magog or Agog. Because the Arabic alphabet has no g sound, they were called Yajuj or Majus in the language of the Holy Al‐ Quran. According to the Indian scholar Maulana Abul Kalam Azad of India, the Aryans are their descendants. Additionally, according to The Holy Al‐Quran, the Yajuj‐Majus appear in various dynasties as the Aad, the Samud, the Saddad, and the Pharaohs, and even in the not too brief history of the prophets which has been transcribed by historians around the world. By examining various incidences from different times, it has been established that Moscow came from Musk, the noted son of Yafez and the Russian race originated from Rosh, a son of Musk. Similarly Madain or Medea and its inhabitants came from Madratra; this has been described in the Abestha. The Magogs were the people of Syria and Babylon, who were called Majoos or fire worshippers in Arabic. In 600 AD, the Iranian Emperor Khorem or Sahbah conquered Medea and spread the Semitic civilization there. Khorem or Shabah was crowned with the title Emperor Zulkannai for uniting the two parts of Iran. He had transformed these neglected and mistreated people to creations greatest race. Khorej also melded together the Zorastrian religion of truth and the native fire 54 worshiping sects. Ancient Greece and the Greek race originated from Yunan, and Tiraks only son Khorejs descendants came to Khorastan of Persia. Tubal’s descendants settled the Tuli area north of the Black Sea, and from there went to Spain, Morocco and Algeria.

There is no dearth of evidence that ancient India was the land of the Dravidians who are specifically mentioned in the religious texts of the Aryans. There is also no doubt that India was named Bharat by the Aryans. Therefore, this is unquestionably the Dar‐Abir of the Dravidian Kingdom, named by Abufir for his brother Abir. There is still an area called Dravir in India. The Dravidians settled in the fertile land around the edges of rivers and oceans. They chose the fertile land around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the Arabian Sea. Perhaps for this reason, despite some dissimilarity, there are many for uniting the two parts of Iran. He had transformed these neglected and mistreated people to creations greatest race. Khorej also melded together the Zorastrian religion of truth and the native fire worshiping sects. Ancient Greece and the Greek race originated from Yunan, and Tiraks only son Khorejs descendants came to Khorastan of Persia. Tubal’s descendants settled the Tuli area north of the Black Sea, and from there went to Spain, Morocco and Algeria.

There is no dearth of evidence that ancient India was the land of the Dravidians who are specifically mentioned in the religious texts of the Aryans. There is also no doubt that India was named Bharat by the Aryans. Therefore, this is unquestionably the Dar‐Abir of the Dravidian Kingdom, named by Abufir for his brother Abir. There is still an area called Dravir in India. The Dravidians settled in the fertile land around the edges of rivers and oceans. They chose the fertile land around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the Arabian Sea. Perhaps for this reason, despite some dissimilarity, there are many physical similarities between the people of Sindh, Madras and Colombo. The Indo and the Kirat races attacked Mongolian the Dravidians and tried to usurp their land. They were, however, unsuccessful and were forced to settle in the uninhabited forest, mountain and desert areas of the vast regions of India. There are also no doubt they were a sub‐branch of the Yajud‐Majus lineage because they came from Mongolia and southeastern Asia. According to the Indian scholar Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the Aryans entered India twice, and they came there as Khsatryas and Aryans. It can be gleaned from historical accounts that the Khatryas descended from the Turks, and the Aryans, from the Mongols. These two groups first settled in Iran, and then in India. It was perhaps more adventitious for them to keep secret of their real 55 ancestry and claim to have come from Iran. Lately there are rumors of internal strife between them. Thereafter, the Mongolians, taking the name of Arya or Aryans from Iran, together with the Khastryas, conquered the lands of Sindh and Punjab from the Dravidians although they could not keep it for long.

History is its most evident proof. After researching the origins of various ethnic groups in India, one can safely conclude that the Dravidians were her most ancient and most civilized inhabitants.

According to the Indian historian Ramesh Chandra Majumder, Dravidians— that is the Bengali race—came from the Semitic lineage and spoke the Semitic languages. Additionally, according to him, coinage was used in Bengal four to five thousand years before the birth of Christ. Furthermore, in ancient texts, two coins, the dinar and the rupak are mentioned. Possibly, gold coins were called dinar and silver ones rupak; one dinar was worth ninety six rupaks. Needless to say, interestingly, only Arab currencies are called dinar today. Further proof of the origin of the Bengali script is found in the edicts of Emperor Ashoka which are written from right to left, a distinct characteristic of Semitic script.

History has borne witness that the Bengalis are a religious people. The Bengalis were never able to live without religion in the past and still cannot do so. They have never succumbed to any force imposed on them. Only that which they have accepted willingly has established itself in their being. Not only did they not acquiesce to forced rule, they completely rejected it. Those who have wholeheartedly accepted this characteristic of the Bengalis were the only ones to be able to establish themselves in Bengal. Banga is the Dravidians designated land because it is a gift from the river Ganga (Ganges). Initially the land was called Ganga Desh (country) and then Banga Desh. Because its inhabitants erected large dams called by that name to protect their, fields, farms and homes, they came to be known as , and later Bengal became Bengali. The present Bangladesh is a part of the undivided Bengal of the Indian‐sub continent. Dr. Malik khan of Pakistan, Secretary General of The World Muslim Congress, has stated that the Bengalis created Pakistan from India, and not the Khans, Punjabis and the Pathans.

In summary, the Bengalis have never cringed from answering the call in defense of truth. For this, even when deceived repeatedly in their search

56 for justice, they have never and they will never waver from their path. They will always fight for truth, God Willing.

Aryans had tried to impose their false religion on the Bengalis, but the Bengalis revolted against this injustice and are still doing so. Bengalis are eternally grateful for their limitless blessings from God, and are always in search for the Infinite. From ancient times, politics, society, literature, and in fact every aspect of their lives has been informed by religious piety. Therefore, injustice and lies have no foothold in the conscience of the truthful and religious Bengalis. Those who were continually driven away by the Aryans, Nushads and the Kurats all over India, have not only found their religious home in Bengal, but have become victorious there. Therefore it will not be unfitting to call Bengal the focal center of India and one of Asia’s great regions. According to the predictions eight hundred years ago, of the Great Sufi Saint, Sheik Nyamatullah of Kashmir, Bengal will be the most influential and historical place at time of the emergence of The Imam Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him) and Jesus Christ from Heaven. According to the Islamic scholar, Dr. Malik Khan, the leading personage will be a descendant of Gokhran and the last word of his name will have Khan; according to the Great Sufi Nyamatullah’s prophecy, Bengal will be led under him, and untruth and injustice will be replaced by truth and justice in the time of The Imam Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him) and Jesus Christ. Detailed information about this can be found in Dr. Sufi Alam’s Millennium Prophecy chapter. The above has been a brief summary of the origin of mankind.

Figure 11B: Noah’s Ark has been found on the Turkish‐Iranian border, 32 kilometres from Mount Ararat, according to the leader of a team of scientists that has been investigating the site for six years. 57

The Turkish government is so convinced by the findings that, after years of intransigence, it has designated the site one of special archaeological interest and agreed to its excavation next summer.

The remote site contains a buried, ship‐like object, resting an altitude of 2,300 metres. At 170 metres long and 45 metres wide, it conforms almost exactly to the 300 cubit by 50 cubit boat that God told Noah to build, according to Genesis 6 in the Bible.

On surrounding terrain, the American and Middle Eastern scientists have identified huge stones with holes carved at one end, which they believe are “drogue‐stones,” dragged behind ships in the ancient world to stabilize them. Radar soundings indicate unusual levels of iron‐oxide distribution.

“It is a man‐made structure and for sure it is Noah’s Ark.” The site is directly below the mountain of Al Judi, named in the Koran as the Ark’s resting place.

David Fasold, an American shipwreck specialist with no religious affiliation, has led the investigation. He says subsurface radar surveys of the site have produced “very good pictures.” “The radar imagery at about 25 meters down from the stern is so clear that you can count the floorboards between the walls.”

He believes the team has found the fossilized remains of the upper deck and that the original reed substructure has disappeared. But the findings have infuriated the scores of Christian Ark‐hunters who travel to Turkey, convinced the Ark will only be found on Mount Ararat.

Fasold, who calls himself an “Arkologist,” also argues that it was not a great flood that pushed the Ark into the mountains. He says it was “an astronomical event causing a tectonic upheaval, a tidal bore causing gravitational pull in the ocean waters that forced the boat into the mountains.”

Prologue: The Quranic verse detailing about the resting place of the Noah’s Ark is found in Chapter Hud, verse 44 (Holy Quran 11:44). The verse says:


When the word went forth: “O earth! swallow up thy water and O sky! Withhold (thy rain)!” and the water abated and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi and the word went forth: “Away with those who do wrong!”

The 49th verse of the same Chapter says:

“Such are some of the stories of the Unseen which I have revealed unto you: before this neither you nor your people knew them. So persevere patiently: for the end is for those who are righteous”.

Prophet Noah (A) Founder of 2nd Civilization

He was Prophet Noah (A) Ibn Lamak, Ibn Mutawamlakh, Ibn Ukhnukh, Ibn Idraba Idris, Ibn Mahaeen, Ibn Canan, Ibn Anuchh, Ibn Shish, Ibn Adam the Father of Mankind (PBUH).

According to the history of the People of the Book, (refers to the Jews, and Christians, because they received Revealed Books, Taurat, Injeel and The old testimony of the Bible in Hebrew Language, based in Jerusalem, Egypt, and Yemen. These names are translated 'Torah, Psalms, and Gospels' respectively, but this Glorious books of God are missing the originality which are sent by the God. Similarly, by the fanatic Muslim in the time of Umayya and Abbasia ruler of Mecca by the influence of Jews and Christian misinterpreted the translation of the Glorious Quran. This is the voice of the Almighty by the beloved Prophet Mohammad (SM).

Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet (SM) (PBUH) said: "The period between Adam and Noah was ten centuries." Noah was born approximate 1056 years after Adam's creation (or after he left the Garden of Eden of Heaven). The reader should keep in mind, however that any statement or narratives taken from the People of the Book are not necessarily credible. (Genesis 5) For many generations Noah's people had been worshiping statues that they believed Gods. They believed that these Gods would bring them prosperity, protection from evil and provide them all their needs. They gave their God’s name as Waddan, Suwa'an, Yaghutha, Ya'auga, and Nasran, (These idols represent themselves with the devil’s power respectively, Devil power, mutability, beauty, brute strength, swiftness, sharp sight & insight), according to their calculation and thought these so‐called Gods possessed.)


Allah the Almighty revealed: "They (idolaters) have said: "You shall not leave your Gods nor shall you leave Wadd, nor Suwa, nor Yaghuth, nor Ya uq nor Nasr (names of the idols)." (CH 71:23 Holy Quran). Ibn Abbas and 4th Khalif Hazrat Ali (R) explained: "Following upon the death of those righteous men, Satan inspired their people to erect statues in the places where they used to sit. They did this, but these statues were not worshiped until the coming generations deviated from the righteous way of life. Then they worshiped them as their idols."

Historian Ibn Jarir narrated: "These were the righteous people who lived in the period between Adam and Noah and who had followers who held them as models. After their death, their friends who used to emulate them said: 'If we make statues of them, it will be more pleasing to us in our worship and will remind us of them.' So they built statues of them, and, after they had died and others came after them, Iblis (Satan) crept into their minds saying: 'Your forefathers used to worship them, and through that worship they got rain.' Accordingly, they worshiped them."

Their children learned about their so‐called God and custom of the worship by the full influence of Satan, the followers of Noah completely demoralized distressed and from the Will of God in the area of Yemen of the planet Earth.

The essence of this point is that every idol from those earlier mentioned was worshiped by a certain group of people. It was mentioned that people made picture sand as the ages passed they made these pictures into statues, so that their forms could be fully recognized; afterwards they were worshiped instead of Allah.

It was narrated that Umme Salmah and Umme Habibah in Medina told that Prophet Muhammad (SM) (PBUH) about the church called "Maria" which they had seen in the land of Abyssinia. They described its beauty and the pictures therein. He said: "Those are the people who build places of worship on the grave of every dead man who was righteous and then make therein those pictures. Those are the worst of creation unto Allah."

Worshiping anything other than Allah is a tragedy that results not only in the loss of freedom; its serious effect reaches man's mind and destroys it as well. Almighty Allah created man and his mind with its purpose set on achieving knowledge the most important of which is that Allah alone is the Creator and all the rest are worshipers (slaves). Therefore, disbelief in 60

Allah, or polytheism, results in the loss of freedom, the destruction of the mind, and the absence of a noble target in life. (By worshiping anything other than Allah, the Almighty man becomes enslaved to Satan).

Into this environment Allah sent Noah with His message to his people. Noah was the only intellectual not caught in the whirlpool of man's destruction which was caused by polytheism.

Allah the Merciful sent His messenger Prophet Noah (A) to guide his people. Noah was an excellent speaker and a very patient man. He pointed out to his people the mysteries of life and the wonders of the universe. He pointed out how the night is regularly followed by the day and that the balance between these opposites was designed by Allah the Almighty for our benefit. The night gives coolness and rest while the day gives warmth and life to the creation. The sun encourages growth, keeping all plants and animals alive, while the moon and stars assist in the reckoning of time, direction and seasons. He pointed out that the ownership of the heavens and the earth belongs only to the Divine Creator.

Therefore, he explained to this people, there cannot have been more than one deity. He clarified to them how the devil had deceived them for so long and that the time had come for this deceit to stop. Noah spoke to them of Allah's glorification of man, how HE had created him and provided him with sustenance and the blessings of a mind. He told them that idol worshiping was a suffocating injustice to the mind. He warned them not to worship anyone but Allah and described the terrible punishment Allah would inflict on them and nobody listen Prophet Noah (A). They voluntary opposed him and denied to follow his instruction.

Some people listened to him in silence. His words were a shock to their stagnating minds as it is a shock to a person who is asleep under a wall which is about to fall and who is vigorously awakened. This person may be alarmed and may even become angry although the aim was to save him.

Noah's people were divided into two groups after his warning. His words touched the hearts of the weak, the poor, and the miserable and soothed their wounds with its mercy. As for the rich, the strong, the mighty and the rulers they looked upon the warning with cold distrust. They believed they would be better off if things stayed as they were. Therefore they started their war of words against Noah.


First they accused Noah (A) of being only human like them. The chiefs of the disbelievers among his people said: "We see you but a man like ourselves." (Chapter 11, Chapter of Noah, Holy Quran) He however, had never said anything other than that. He asserted that, indeed, he was only a human being; Allah had sent a human messenger because the earth inhabited by human. If it had been inhabited by angels Allah would have sent an angelic messenger.

The contest between the polytheists and Noah continued. In the time of Noah the rulers of the Kingdom of Noah in Middle East had thought at first that Noah's call would soon fade away on its own. When they found that his call attracted the poor, the helpless and common laborers, they started to verbally attack and taunt him: 'You are only followed by the poor, the meek and the worthless. Allah the Almighty told us: "Indeed We sent Noah to his people (he said): "I have come to you as a plain Warner that you worship none but Allah, surely, I fear for you the torment of a painful Day." the chiefs of the disbelievers among his people said: "We see you but a man like ourselves, nor do we see any follow you but the meanest among us and they too followed you without thinking. And we do not see in you any merit above us in fact we think you are liars." (CH 11:25‐27).

Thus the conflict between Noah and the heads of his people intensified. The disbelievers tried to bargain: "Listen Noah, if you want us to believe in you, then dismiss your believers. They are meek and poor, while we are elite and rich; no faith can include us both." Noah listened to the heathens of his community and realized they were being obstinate. However, he was gentle in his response. He explained to his people that he could not dismiss the believers as they were not his guests but Allah's.

Noah appealed to them: "O my people! I ask of you no wealth for it, my reward is from none but Allah. I am not going to drive away those who have believed. Surely, they are going to meet their Lord, but I see that you are a people that are ignorant. O my people! Who will help me against Allah, if I drove them away? Will you not then give a thought? And I do not say to you that with me are the Treasures of Allah nor that I know the unseen, nor do I say I am an angel, and I do not say of those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will not bestow any good on them. Allah knows what is in their inner selves (regards to Belief). In that case, I should, indeed be one of the Zalimeen (wrongdoers, oppressors etc)." (Ch 11:29‐ 31 Holy Quran)


Noah refuted the arguments of the disbelievers with the noble knowledge of the prophets. It is the logic of intellect that rids itself of personal pride and interests.

The rulers were tired of Noah's arguments. Allah the Exalted related their attitude: They said: "O Noah! You have disputed with us and much have you prolonged the dispute with us, now bring upon us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful." He said: "Only Allah will bring it (the punishment) on you, if He will, and then you will escape not. And my advice will not profit you, even if I wish to give you counsel, if Allah's Will is to keep you astray. He is your Lord! And to Him you shall return." (Ch 11:32‐34 Holy Quran)

The battle continued; the arguments between the disbelievers and Noah became prolonged. When all the refutations of the disbelievers collapsed and they had no more to say, they began to be rude and insulted Allah's prophet: “The leaders of his people said: "Verily, we see you in plain error." (Ch 7:60 Quran)

Noah responded in the manner of the prophets: "O my people! There is no error in me, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists)! I convey unto you the Messages of my Lord and give sincere advice to you. And I know from Allah what you know not." (CH 7:61‐62 Quran)

Noah continued appealing to his people to believe in Allah hour after hour, day after day year after year. He admonished his people and called them to Allah day and night, in secret and openly. HE gave them examples, explained Allah's signs and illustrated Allah's ability in the formation of His creatures. But whenever he called them to Allah, they ran away from him. Whenever he urged them to ask Allah to forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears and became too proud to listen to the truth.

Allah the Almighty related what Noah faced: Verily, We sent Noah to his people saying: "Warn your people before there comes to them a painful torment."

He said: "O my people! Verily, I am a plain Warner to you, that you should worship Allah alone, be dutiful to Him and obey me, He (Allah) will forgive you of your sins and respite you to an appointed term. Verily, the term of Allah when it comes, cannot be delayed, if you but knew." 63

He said: "O my Lord! Verily, I have called my people night and day (secretly and openly to accept the doctrine of Monotheism), but all my calling added nothing but to their flight from the truth. Verily! Everytime I called unto them that You might forgive them, they thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, and persisted (in their refusal), and magnified themselves in pride. Then verily, I called to them openly (aloud); then verily, I proclaimed to them in public, and I have appealed to them in private, I said to them: 'Ask forgiveness from your Lord, Verily, He is Oft Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance, and give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers."

What is the matter with you, that you fear not Allah (His Punishment), and you hope not for reward from Allah or you believe not in His Oneness, While He has created you in different stages. (Ch 23:13‐14 Holy Quran)

Noah continued to call his people to believe in Allah for nine hundred fifty years. Allah the Almighty said: “Indeed We sent Noah to his people and he stayed among them a thousand years less fifty years (inviting them to believe in the Oneness of Allah (Monotheism) and discard the false gods and other deities)”. (Ch 29:14 Holy Quran)

It happened that every passing generation admonished the succeeding one not to believe Noah and to wage war against him. The father used to teach his child about the matter that was between himself and Noah and counsel him to reject his call when he reached adulthood. Their natural disposition rejected believing and following the truth.

Noah saw that the number of believers was not increasing, while that of the disbelievers was. He was sad for his people, but he never reached the point of despair.

There came a day when Allah revealed to Noah that no others would believe. Allah inspired him not to grieve for them at which point Noah prayed that the disbelievers be destroyed. He said: "My Lord! Leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth. If you leave them, they will mislead Your slaves and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers." (Ch 71:27 Holy Quran)

Allah accepted Noah's prayer. The case was closed, and He passed His judgment on the disbelievers in the form of a Biblical flood. Allah the 64

Exalted ordered His worshipper Noah to build an ark with His knowledge and instructions and with the help of angels. Almighty Allah commanded to Prophet Noah in response to his prayers: "And construct the ship under Our Eyes and with Our Inspiration and address Me not on behalf of those who did wrong; they are surely to be drowned." (Ch 11:37 Holy Quran)

Noah chose a place outside the city of Sana of Yemen, the highest mountain “Sofinatun NOAH” , far from the sea and completely in the rock of desert. HE collected woods and tools, and began to build the ark day and night. The people’s mockery continued: "O Noah! Does carpentry appeal to you more than prophet hood? Why are you building an ark so far from the sea? Are you going to drag it to the water or is the wind going to carry it for you?" Noah replied: "You will come to know who will be put to shame and suffer."

Allah the Almighty narrated: As he was constructing the ship, whenever the chiefs of his people passed by him, they made a mockery of him. He said: "If you mock at us, so do we mock at you likewise for your mocking. And you will know who it is on whom will come a torment that will cover him with disgrace and on whom will fall a lasting torment." (Ch 11:38‐39 Holy Quran)

The ship was constructed, and Noah sat waiting Allah's command. Allah revealed to him that when water miraculously gushed forth from the oven at Noah's house that would be the sign of the start of the flood, and the sign for Noah to act.

The terrible day arrived when the oven at Noah's house overflowed. Noah hurried to open the ark and summon the believers. He also took with him a pair, male and female, of every type of animal, bird and insect. Seeing him taking these creatures to the ark, the people laughed loudly: "Noah must have gone out of his head! What is he going to do with the animals?"

Almighty Allah narrated: So it was till then there came Our Command and the oven gushed forth (water like fountains from the earth). We said: "Embark therein, of each kind two (male and female), and your family, except him against whom the Word has already gone forth, and those who believe." And none believed him except a few. (Ch 11:40 Holy Quran)

Noah's wife was not a believer with him so she did not join him; neither did one of Noah's sons, who was secretly a disbeliever but had pretended 65 faith in front of Noah. Likewise most of the people were disbelievers and did not go on board.

The scholars hold different opinions on the number of those who were with Noah on the ship. Ibn Abbas stated that there were 80 believers while Ka ab al Ahbar held that there were 72 believers. Others claimed that there were 10 believers with Noah.

Water rose from the cracks in the earth; there was not a crack from which water did not rise, rain poured from the sky in quantities never seen before on earth. Water continued pouring from the sky rising from the cracks; hour after hour the level rose. The seas and waves invaded the land. The interior of the earth moved in a strange way, and the ocean floors lifted suddenly, flooding the dry land. The earth, for the first time was submerged.

Allah told the story thus: He (Noah) said: "Embark therein in the Name of Allah will be its moving course and its resting anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Forgiving, most Merciful." so it (the ship) sailed with them amidst the waves like mountains, and Noah called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart), "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers." The son replied, "I will betake myself to a mountain, it will save me from the water." Noah said: "This day there is no savior from the Decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy." And a wave came in between them so he (the son) was among the drowned.

It was said: "O Earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)." The water was diminished (made to subside) and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (the destruction of the people of Noah). And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi, in Turkey and it was said: "Away with the people who are Zalimeen (polytheists, and wrongdoing)!"

Noah called upon his Lord and said, "O my Lord! Verily, my son is of my family! Certainly, Your Promise is true, and You are the Most Just of the judges." HE said: "O Noah! Surely, he is not of your family; verily, his work is unrighteous, so ask not of Me that of which you have no knowledge! I admonish you, lest you be one of the ignorant."

Noah said: "O my Lord! I seek refuge with You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and have Mercy on me, I would indeed be one of the losers." 66

It was said: "O Noah! Come down (from the ship) with peace from Us and blessings on you and on the people owho are with you (and on some of their offspring), but (there will be other) people to whom We shall grant their pleasures (for a time), but in the end a painful torment will reach them from Us." (Ch 11:41‐48, Holy Quran) With the issue of the divine command, calm returned to earth, the water retreated, and the dry land shone once again in the rays of the sun. The flood had cleansed the earth of the disbelievers and polytheists.

Noah released the birds, and the beats which scattered over the earth. After that the believers disembarked. Noah put his forehead to the ground in prostration. The survivors kindled a fire and sat around it. Lighting a fire had been prohibited on board so as not to ignite the ship's wood and burn it up. None of them had eaten hot food during the entire period (forty days) of the flood. Following the disembarkation there was a day of fasting in thanks to Allah.

Allah's Apostle said, "Noah will be called on the Day of Resurrection and he will say, 'Labbaik and Sa'daik, O my Lord!' Allah will say, 'Did you convey the Message?' Noah will say, 'Yes.' His nation will then be asked, 'Did he convey the Message to you?' They will say, 'No Warner came to us.' Then Allah will say (to Noah), 'Who will bear witness in your favor?' He will say, 'Muhammad (SM) (SM) and his followers. So they (i.e. Muslims) will testify that he conveyed the Message. And the Apostle (Muhammad (SM)) will be a witness over you, and that is what is meant by the Statement of Allah.

"Thus we have made of you a just and the best nation that you may be witnesses over mankind and the Apostle (Muhammad (SM) (SM) will be a witness over yourselves. [Holy Qur'aan 2.143]

His Eminency Dr. Alam visited several times, Yemen’s City of Sana and Mountain of Sofinatun Noah to collect the authentic data about the Biblical flood at the time of Prophet Noah (A). Yemen is the land of prophets and peace loving Muslims, those who help and assisted at the time of Proclamation of Prophet Mohammad’s new religion 1400 years ago, Prophet prayed for the people of Yemen from the Rokon e‐ Yemen of Holy Kaabah for their prosperity and peace. Unfortunately, there is so many fanatic Muslim still occupied the territory of Yemen practicing effective rule in the name of so‐ called Jihad against the super power. His Eminency Dr. Alam several times warned them thru Grand Mufti of Yemen


Dr. Sheikh Ibrahim to stop the fanaticism and come back to the true Islamic peaceful Umbrella. Ameen, God Bless Yemen. Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) (PBUH)

Figure 12: Grave of Ibrahim (PBUH), Located in the city of AL Khalil, Israel

Some of the People of the Book stated that his name was Abraham Ibn Tarikh, Ibn Nahur, Ibn Sarough, Ibn Raghu, Ibn Phaligh, Ibn Aher, Ibn Shalih, Ibn Arfghshand, Ibn Sam, Ibn Noah.

They said that when Tarikh was seventy five years old, he had Abraham, Nahor (Nohour) and Haran. Haran had a son named Lot. They also said that Abraham was the middle child and that Haran died in the lifetime of his father in the land where he was born, the land of the Chaldeans (Al Kaldanieen), also known as Babylonia. At that time some people worshiped idols of stone and wood; others worshiped the planets, stars, sun and moon; still others worshiped their kings and rulers.

Abraham was born into that atmosphere, into a typical family of that ancient time. The head of the family was not even an ordinary idolater, but was one who totally rejected Allah and who used to make the idols with his own hands. Some traditions claimed that Abraham’s father died before his birth and he was raised by an uncle whom Abraham called father. Other traditions said that his father was alive and was named Azer.

Into that family Abraham was born, destined to stand against his own family, against the entire system of his community. In brief, he stood against all kinds of polytheism.

He was endowed with spiritual understanding from an early age. Allah enlightened his heart and mind gave him wisdom from childhood. Allah 68 the Almighty stated: Indeed We bestowed aforetime on Abraham his (portion of) guidance, and We were Well Acquainted with him (as to his Belief in the Oneness of Allah etc). (Ch 21:51, Holy Quran)

During his early childhood Abraham realized that his father made strange statues. One day, he asked him about what it was he made. His father replied that he made statues of gods. Abraham was astonished and he spontaneously rejected the idea. Being a child he played with such statues sitting on their backs as people sit on the backs of donkeys and mules.

One day his father saw him riding the statue of Mardukh and he became furious. He ordered his son not to play with it again.

Abraham asked: “What is this statue, father? It has big ears, bigger than ours.” His father answered: “It is Mardukh, the god of gods, son! These big ears show his deep knowledge.” This made Abraham laugh; he was only seven years old at that time.

Years passed and Abraham grew. Since his childhood his heart had been full of hatred for these idols. He could not understand how a sane person could make a statue and then worship what he had made. He noticed that these idols did not eat, drink or talk and they could not even turn themselves right side up if someone turned them upside down. How, then could people believe that such statues could harm or benefit them?

Abraham‘s people had a big temple full of idols, in the middle of which was a niche accommodating the biggest gods which was of different kinds, qualities and shapes. Abraham, who used to go to the temple with his father when he was a child, greatly despised all that wood and stone. What surprised him was the way his people behaved when they entered the temple; they bowed and started to cry, begging and imploring their gods for help as if the idols could hear or understand these requests!

At first, such a sight seemed funny to Abraham, but later he began to feel angry. Was it not astonishing that all those people could be deceived? What added to the problem was that his father wanted him to be a priest when he was grown. He wanted nothing more from his son that that he revere those statues, yet Abraham never stopped displaying his hatred and disdain of them.


One night Abraham left his house to go to a mountain. He walked alone in the dark until he chose a cave in the mountain where he sat resting his back against its wall. He looked at the sky. He had hardly seen it when he remembered he was looking a planets and stars which were worshiped by some people on earth. His young heart was filled with tremendous pain. He considered what was beyond the moon, the stars and the planets (i.e. Allah) and was astonished that these celestial bodies were worshiped by men when they had been created to worship and obey their Creator, appearing and disappearing at His command.

Therefore Abraham, addressed his people who worshiped celestial bodies as Almighty Allah revealed: Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he be one of those who have Faith and certainty. When the night covered him over with darkness he saw a star. He said: “This is my lord.” But when it set, he said: “I like not that those who set.” When he saw the moon rising up he said: “This is my lord.” but when it set he said: “Unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among the erring people.” When he saw the sun rising up he said: “This is my lord, This is greater.” But when it set, he said: “O my people! I am indeed free from all that you join as partners in worship with Allah. Verily, I have turned my face towards Him Who has created the heavens and the earth Hanifan (Islamic Monotheism, i.e. worshiping none but Allah Alone) and I am not of the Al Mushrikeen (those who worship others besides Allah).”

His people disputed with him. He said: “Do you dispute with me concerning Allah while HE has guided me and I fear not those whom you associate with Allah in worship. (Nothing can happen to me) except when my Lord (Allah) wills something. My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge all things. Will you not then remember?

“And how should I fear those whom you associate in worship with Allah (though they can neither benefit nor harm), while you fear not that you have joined in worship with Allah things for which HE has not sent down to you any authority. So which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know;” It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong, i.e. by worshiping others besides Allah), for them only there is security and they are the guided. And that was our proof which we gave Abraham against his people. We rise whom We will in degrees. Certainly your Lord is All Wise and All Knowing. (Ch 6:75‐83 Holy Quran).


In that debate, Abraham clarified to his people that these celestial bodies do not serve as deities and cannot be worshiped as partners with Allah the Almighty. Indeed these bodies are created things, fashioned, controlled, managed and made to serve. They appear sometimes and disappear at others, going out of sight from our world. However, Allah the Almighty does not lose sight of anything, and nothing can be hidden from Him. He is without end, everlasting without disappearance. There is no other deity but Allah.

Abraham made clear to them, first that the celestial bodies are unworthy of worship and second that they are among the signs of Allah. Almighty Allah commanded: And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate neither to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah who created them if you really worship Him. (Ch 41:37, Holy Quran)

Abraham’s reasoning helped to reveal the truth, and then the conflict between him and his people began for the worshipers of the stars and planets did not stand mute. They began arguing and threatening Abraham.

Abraham replied: “Do you dispute with me concerning Allah while HE has guided me, and I fear not those whom you associate with Allah in worship. (Nothing can happen to me except when my Lord (Allah) wills something. My Lord comprehends in His Knowledge all things. Will you not then remember? How should I fear those whom you associate in worship with Allah (though they can neither benefit nor harm), while you fear not that you have joined in worship with Allah things for which He has not sent down to you any authority. SO which of the two parties has more rights to be in security? If you but know! It is those who believe (In the Oneness of Allah and worship none but He Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong by worshiping others besides Allah), for them only there is security and they are the guided.” (Ch 6:80‐82, Holy Quran)

The curtains are drawn on the first category of the people, those who were worshiping celestial bodies. The next situation reveals the second group, those who were practicing idolatry. Allah gave Abraham (PBUH) the reasoning he needed the first time and every time he argued with his people. Almighty Allah declared: And that was Our Proof which We gave Abraham against his people. We raised whom We will in degrees. Certainly your Lord is All Wise, All Knowing. (Ch 6:83, Holy Quran)


Abraham did his best to make his people heedful to the belief in the oneness of Almighty Allah and to the worship of Him alone. He bade them to firmly renounce the worship of idols. HE said to his father and his people: “What are these images, to which you are devoted?” they said: “We found our fathers worshiping them.” He said: “Indeed you and your fathers have been in manifest error.” They said: “Have you brought us the truth, or are you one of those who play about?” He said: “Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who created them and of that I am of the witnesses.” (Ch 21:52‐56, Holy Quran)

All was finished between Abraham and his people and the struggle began. The most amazed and furious was his father (or his uncle who had raised him), for as it is well known, he not only worshiped idols but sculpted and sold them as well. Abraham felt that it was his duty as a good son to advise his father against this evil so that he could be saved from Allah’s punishment.

Being a wise son he did not make his father feel foolish, nor did he openly laugh at his conduct. He told him that he loved him, thereby hoping to generate fatherly love. Then he gently asked him why he worshiped lifeless idols who could not hear, see or protect him. Before his father could become angry he hastily added: “O my father! Verily! There has come to me of knowledge that which came not unto you. So follow me. I will guide you to a Straight Path. O my father! Worship not Satan. Verily! Satan has been a rebel against the Most Beneficent (Allah). O my father! Verily! I fear lest a torment from the Most Beneficent (Allah) overtake you as that you become a companion of Satan (in the Hellfire).”

He (the father) said: “Do you reject my gods, O Abraham? If you stop not this, I will indeed stone you. So get away from me safely before I punish you.” Abraham said: “Peace be on you! I will ask Forgiveness of my Lord for you. Verily! He is unto me, Ever Most Gracious. And I shall turn away from you and from those whom you invoke besides Allah.” (Ch 19:43‐48, Holy Quran)

His father’s harsh treatment did not stop Abraham from delivering the message of truth. Angry and sad to see people prostate before idols, he was determined to stamp out these practices and went to the town to debate with the people knowing full well that he might suffer harm.


Like a wise doctor searching for the cause of a sickness so as to prescribe the proper cure, or like a judge who questioned the accused sharply so that he mighty detect the truth. Abraham asked them: “Do the idols see you when you prostrate before them? Do they benefit you in any way.” They quickly tried to defend their beliefs. They argued that they knew the idols were lifeless but that their forefathers had worshiped them; to them this was proof enough for their belief.

Abraham explained that their forefathers had been wrong. This angered them and they retorted: “Are you condemning our gods and our forefathers? Or are you just joking?”

Abraham showed no fear as he replied: “I am serious. I come to you with a true religion. I have been sent with guidance from our Lord Who alone is worthy of worship, Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and Who regulates all affairs of life, unlike the dumb idols which are just stone and wood.”

To convince them that the idols could not harm him, he challenged: “I have already condemned them; of they had any power they would have harmed me by now!”

Almighty Allah recounted: Recite to them the story of Abraham; When he said to his father and his people, “What do you worship?” They said: “We worship idols, and to them we are ever devoted.” He said: “Do they hear you when you call on them? OR do they benefit you or do they harm you?” They said: “Nay but we found our father doing so.”

He said: “Do you observe that which you been worshiping, You and your ancient fathers? Verily! They are enemies to me, save the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists); Who has created me and it is HE Who guides me and it is HE Who feeds me and gives me to drink. And when I am ill, it is He who cures me; and Who will cause me to die and then will bring me to life again and Who I hope will forgive me my faults on the Day of Resurrection.” (Ch 26:69‐82 Holy Quran).

In another surah The Almighty revealed: And remember Abraham when he said to his people: “Worship Allah Alone and fear Him that is better for you if you did but know. You worship besides Allah only idols and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship beside Allah have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from Allah Alone, you 73 will be brought back. And if you deny then nations before you have denied their Messengers. the duty of the Messenger is only to convey the Message plainly.”

See they not how Allah originates creation, and then will repent it. Verily, that is easy for Allah.

Say: “Travel in the land and see how Allah originated creation and then Allah will bring forth (resurrect) the creation of the Hereafter (i.e. resurrection after death) verily, Allah is Able to do all things.”

He punishes whom HE wills and shows mercy to whom He wills, and to Him you will be returned. And you cannot escape in the earth or in the heaven. And besides Allah you have neither any (Protector, or guardian) nor any Helper. And those who disbelieve in the Ayat (proofs, lessons, signs, evidences, verses, revelations etc) of Allah and the Meeting with Him, it is they who have no hope of My Mercy, and it is they who will have a painful torment. (CH22:16‐23 Holy Quran)

He explained to them the beauty of Allah’s creation, His power and wisdom. Idol worship is detested by Allah for Allah is the Lord of the universe Who created mankind, guided him and provided him with food and drink and cured him when he was sick and Who will cause him to die and be raised up again. It was He to Whom Abraham prayed and who would forgive his sins on the Day of Judgment. However, they would not give up but clung fast to idolatry.

Abraham left his father’s house and abandoned his people and what they worshiped. He decide to do something about their state of disbelief, but did not reveal it. He knew that there was going to be a great celebration on the other bank of the river which would be attended by all the people. Abraham waited until the city was empty, then came out cautiously, directing his steps towards the temple. The streets leading to it were empty and the temple itself was deserted for the priests had also gone to the festival outside the city.

Abraham went there carrying a sharp axe. He looked at the stone and wood statues of the gods and at the food laid in front of them as offerings. He approached one of the statues and asked: “The food in front of you is getting cold. Why don’t you eat?” the statue kept silent and rigid. Abraham

74 asked all the other statues around him: “Will you not eat of the offering before you?” (Ch 37:91 Holy Quran)

He was mocking them for he knew they would not eat. He once again asked then: “What is the matter with you that you do not speak?” (Ch 37:92, Holy Quran)

He then raised his axe and started smashing the false gods worshiped by the people. He destroyed them all except one on whose neck he hung the axe. After this his anger subsides and he felt at peace. He left the temple. He had fulfilled his vow to show his people a practical proof of their foolishness in worshiping something other than all.

When the people returned, they were shocked to see their gods smashed to pieces, lying scattered all over the temple. They began to guess who had done that to their idols and Abraham’s name came to their minds.

Allah the Almighty said: they said: “Who has done this to our aliah (gods)? He must indeed be one of the wrongdoers.” They said: “We heard a young man talking against them who is called Abraham.” They said: “Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may testify.” they said: “Are you the one who has done this to our gods, O Abraham?” Abraham said: “nay, this one, the biggest of them (idols) did it, Ask them, if they can speak!”

So they turned to themselves and said: “Verily you are the Zalimun (polytheists, and wrongdoers).” Then they turned to themselves (their first thought and said): “Indeed you (Abraham) know well that these idols speak not?” Abraham said: “Do you then worship besides Allah, things that can neither profit you nor harm you? If upon you, and upon that which you worship besides Allah! Have you then no sense?” (Ch 21:59‐67 Holy Quran)

Furious, they demanded that Abraham be arrested and tried. Abraham did not resist. This was precisely what he had been aiming for, so that he could show them up in public for their foolish beliefs.

At the trial they asked him if he was responsible for breaking the idols. Smiling, he told them to ask the biggest idol which was still whole. He told them that he must be the culprit! They replied that he knew well that the idol could not speak or move which gave Abraham the chance to prove the foolishness of worshiping these lifeless objects. They then realized the 75 senselessness of their beliefs; however, their arrogance would not allow them to admit their foolishness. All they could do was to use their power of authority as tyrants usually do to punish Abraham. They kept him in chains and planned their revenge.

Anger was burning in their hearts. They decided to throw Abraham into the biggest fire they could build. All the citizens were ordered to gather wood as a service to their gods. Ignorant, sick women vowed that if they were cured they would donate so much wood to burn Abraham. For several days they collected fuel.

They dug a deep pit, filled it with firewood and ignited it. They brought a catapult with which to cast Abraham into the fire. Abraham was put on the catapult, his hands and feet were tied. The fire was ready with its flame reaching the sky. The people stood away from the pit because of the great heat. Then the chief priest gave his order to cast Abraham into the fire.

The angel Gabriel came near Abraham’s head and asked him: “O Abraham do you wish for anything?” Abraham replied: “Nothing from you.”

The catapult was shot and Abraham was cast into the fire. But his descent into the blaze was as descent on steps in a cool garden. The flames were still there, but they did not burn for Allah the Almighty had issued His command: “O fire! Be you coolness and safety for Abraham.” (Ch 21:69 Holy Quran)

The fire submitted to the will of Allah, becoming cool and safe for Abraham. It only burned his bonds, and he sat in the midst of the fire as if he were sitting in a garden. He glorified and praised Allah the Almighty, with a heart that contained only his love for Allah. There was not any vacant space therein for fear, awe, or worry. IT was filled with love only.

Fear and awe were dead, and the fire was turned into coolness, making the air pleasant. Those who love Allah as Abraham do did not fear. Allah declared: Those (believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said: “Verily! the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army), therefore, fear them.” but it only increased them in Faith, and they said: Allah Alone is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us.”


So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah. No harm touched them; and they followed the good Pleasure of Allah. Allah is the Owner of Great bounty. It is only Satan that suggests to you the fear of his Auliya (supporters and friends, polytheists, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)) so fear them not but fear Me if you are true believers.” (Ch 3:173‐175 Holy Quran)

The throng, the chiefs, and the priests were watching the fire from a distance. It was burning their faces and nearly suffocating them. It kept burning for such a long time that the disbelievers thought it would never be extinguished. When it did burn out, they were greatly amazed to find Abraham coming out of the pit untouched by the fire. Their faces were black from the smoke, but his was bright with the light and grace of Allah. The raging fire had become cool for Abraham and had only charred the ropes which held him. He walked out of the fire as if he were walking out of a garden. Cries of astonishment were heard from the heathens. They wanted to harm him, but We made them the worst losers. (Holy Quran, Ch 21:70)

This miracle shamed the tyrants, but it did not cool the flame of anger in their hearts. However after this event many of the people followed Abraham, although some kept their belief a secret for fear of harm or death at the hands of the rulers.

Abraham had established a definite reasoning against idolaters. Nothing was left for him except to reason against the people who proclaimed themselves gods.

When the king, Namrud, heard of Abraham’s safe exit from the fire he became very angry. He feared that the status of godhead he had proclaimed for himself was not challenged by an ordinary human being. He summoned Abraham to the palace and held a dialogue with him which Almighty Allah recounted: Have you not thought about him who disputed with Abraham about his Lord (Allah) because Allah had given him the kingdom? When Abraham said to him: “My Lord (Allah) is He Who gives life and causes death.” He said: “I give life and cause death.” Abraham said: “Verily, Allah causes the sun to rise from the east; then cause it you to rise from the west.” So the disbeliever was utterly defeated. Allah guides not the people who are Zalimeen (wrongdoers). (Ch 2:258 Holy Quran)


Abraham’s fame spread throughout the entire kingdom. People talked about how he had been saved from the blazing fire and how he had debated with the king and left him speechless. In the meantime, Abraham continued calling people to believe in Allah, exerting a great effort to guide his people to the right path. He tried every means to convince them. However in spite of his love and care for his people, they felt angry and deserted him. Only one woman and one man of his people shared his belief in Allah. The woman’s name was Sarah and she became his wife. The man’s name was Lot and he became a prophet.

When Abraham realized that no one else was going to believe in his call, he decided to emigrate. He left his people and traveled with his wife and Lot to a city called Ur, then another called Haran, and then to Palestine. Allah the Almighty told us: So Lut believed in him (Abraham’s message of Islamic Monotheism). He (Abraham) said: “I will emigrate for the sake of my Lord. Verily, He is the All Mighty, the All Wise.” (Ch 29:26, Holy Quran)

After Palestine, Abraham traveled to Egypt, calling people to believe in Allah wherever he traveled, judging fairly between people, and guiding them to truth and righteousness.

Companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) narrated that Abraham (PBUH) did not tell a lie except on three occasions, twice for the sake of Allah (Exalted and Almighty) when he said: “I am sick,” (when his people were holding a festival in honor of their gods, Abraham excused himself by saying he was sick. (Ch 37:89 Quran) and when he said: “(I have not done this but) the big idol has done it.” The (third was) that while Abraham and Sarah (his wife) were going (on a journey), they passed by (the territory of) a tyrant. Someone said to the tyrant: “This man (Abraham is accompanied by a very charming lady.” SO, he sent for Abraham and asked him about Sarah saying “Who is this lady?” Abraham said: “She is my sister.” Abraham went to Sarah said “O Sarah! There are no believers on the surface of the earth except you and me. This man asked me about you and I have told him that you are my sister do not contradict my statement.” The tyrant then called Sarah, and when she went to him, he tried to take a hold of her with his hand, but his hand got stiff and he was confounded. He asked Sarah: “Pray to Allah for me and I shall not harm you.” So, Sarah asked Allah to cure him and he got cured. He tried to take hold of her for the second time, but his hand got as stiff as or stiffer than before and he was more confounded. He again requested Sarah: “Pray to Allah for me, and I will not harm you.” Sarah asked Allah to again, and he became all 78 right. He then called one of his guards who had brought her and said: “You have not brought me a human being but have brought me a devil.” The tyrant then gave Hajar as a maid servant to Sarah. Abraham, gesturing with his hand, asked: “What has happened?” She replied: “Allah has spoiled the evil plot of the infidel or immoral person and gave me Hajar for service.” Companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) then addressed his listeners saying: “That Hajar was your mother, O Bani Ma is (Arab, the descendants of Ishmael, Hajar’s son).”

Abraham’s wife Sarah was sterile. She had been given an Egyptian woman Hajar, as a servant. Abraham had aged and his hair was gray and after many years spent in calling people to Allah. Sarah thought she and Abraham were lonely because she could not have a child. Therefore, she offered her husband her servant Hajar in marriage. Hajar gave birth to her first son Ishmael (isma’il) when Abraham was an old man.

Abraham lived on earth worshiping Allah and calling people to monotheism, but he was journeying to Allah, knowing that his days on earth were limited and that they would be followed by death and finally resurrection. The knowledge of life after death filled Abraham with peace and love and certitude.

One day he begged Allah to show him how He brought the dead back to life. Allah commanded Abraham to take four birds, cut them up and mingles their body parts, divide them into four portions and place them on top of four different hills, then call back the birds in Allah’s name. Abraham did as he was told. Immediately the mingled parts of the birds separated to join their original bodies in different places and the birds flew back to Abraham.

Almighty Allah revealed: Remember when Abraham said: “My Lord Show me how You give life to the dead.” Allah said: “Do you not believe?” Abraham said: “Yes I believe, but to be stronger in Faith.” HE said: “Take four birds, the cause them to incline towards you (then slaughter them, cut them into pieces) and then put a portion of them on every hill and call them they will come to you in haste. And know that Allah is All Mighty and All Wise.”(Ch 2:260 Holy Quran)


Prophet Lut (PBUH) Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah

Figure 13: Tomb of the Prophet Lut Figure 14: Cave of Prophet Lut (PBUH) (PBUH)

Figure 15: Grave of Prophet Lut (PBUH), The cave of Hazrat Lot (Lut) (Peace be upon him) is located just above the Eastern edge of the Dead Sea

Prophet Abraham (PBUH) left Egypt accompanied by his nephew Lut (PBUH), who then went to the city of Sodom (Sadum), which was on the western shore of the Dead Sea.

This city was filled with evil. Its residents waylaid, robbed and killed travelers. Another common evil among them was that men had sex with men instead of with women. This unnatural act later became known as sodomy (after the city of Sodom). It was practiced openly and unashamedly.

It was at the height of these crimes and sins that Allah revealed to Prophet Lut (PBUH) that he should summon the people to give up their indecent behavior, but they were so deeply sunk in their immoral habits that they were deaf to Lot’s preaching. Swamped in their unnatural desires, they

80 refused to listen, even when Lot warned them of Allah’s punishment. Instead, they threatened to drive him out of the city if he kept on preaching.

Allah the Almighty revealed: The people of Lot (those dwelt in the towns of Sodom in Palestine) belied the Messengers when their brother Lot said to them: “Will you not fear Allah and obey Him? Verily! I am a trustworthy Messenger to you. SO fear Allah, keep your duty to Him, and obey me. No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islamic Monotheism) my reward is only from the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists). Go you in unto the males of the Alamin (mankind), and leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!”

They said: “If you cease not, O Lot! Verily, you will be one of those who are driven out!” HE said: “I am indeed, of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury your (this evil) action (of sodomy). My Lord! Save me and my family from what they do.” SO We saved him and his family, all except an old woman (this wife) among those who remained behind. (Ch 26:160‐ 171 Holy Quran)

The doings of Lot’s people saddened his heart. Their unwholesome reputation spread throughout the land, while he struggled against them. As the years passed, he persisted in his mission but to no avail. No one responded to his call and believed except for the members of his family, and even in his household, not all the members believed. Lut’s wife, like Noah’s wife was a disbeliever. Allah the Almighty declared: Allah set forth an example for those who disbelieve the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were under two of Our righteous slaves, but they both betrayed their (husbands, by rejecting their doctrines) so they (Noah & Lut) benefited them (their respective wives) not, against Allah, and it was said: “Enter the Fire along with those who enter!” (Ch66:10 Holy Quran)

If home is the place of comfort and rest, then Lut found none, for he was tormented both inside and outside his home. His life was continuous torture and he suffered greatly, but he remained patient and steadfast with his people. The years rolled by, and still not one believed in him. Instead, they belittled his message and mockingly challenged him: “Bring Allah’s Torment upon us if you are one of the truthful!” (Ch 29:29 Holy Quran) 81

Overwhelmed with despair, Lot (PBUH) prayed to Allah to grant him victory and destroy the corrupt. Therefore, the angels left Abraham (PBUH) and headed for Sodom the town of Lut (PBUH). They reached the walls of the town in the afternoon. The first person who caught sight of them was Lot’s daughter, who was sitting beside the river, filling her jug with water. When she lifted her face and saw them, she was stunned that there could be men of such magnificent beauty on earth.

One of the tree men (angels) asked her: “O maiden, is there a place to rest?” Remembering the character of her people she replied, “Stay here and do not enter until I inform my father and return.” Leaving her jug by the river, she swiftly ran home. “O father!” she cried. “You are wanted by young men at the town gate and I have never before seen the like of their faces!” Lot (PBUH) felt distressed as he quickly ran to his guests. He asked them where they came from and where they were going.

They did not answer his questions. Instead they asked if he could host them. He started talking with them and impressed upon them the subject of his people’s nature. Lot was filled with turmoil; he wanted to convince his guests without offending them, not to spend the night there, yet at the same time he wanted to extend to them the expected hospitality normally accorded to guests. In vain he tried to make them understand the perilous situation. At last, therefore, he requested them to wait until the night fell, for then no one would see them.

When darkness fell on the town, Lot escorted his guest to his home. No one was aware of their presence. However, as soon as Lot’s wife saw them, she slipped out of the house quietly so that no one noticed her. Quickly, she ran to her people with the news and it spread to all the inhabitants like wildfire. The people rushed towards Lot quickly and excitedly. Lot was surprised by their discovery of his guests. and he wondered who could have informed them. The matter became clear, however, when he could not find his wife, anywhere, thus adding grief to his sorrow.

When Lot saw the mob approaching his house, he shut the door, but they kept on banging on it. He pleaded with them to leave the visitors alone and

82 fear Allah’s punishment. He urged them to seek sexual fulfillment with their wives, for that is what Allah had made lawful.

Lot’s people waited until he had finished his short sermon, and then they roared with laughter. Blinded by passion, they broke down the door. Lot became very angry, but he stood powerless before these violent people. He was unable to prevent the abuse of his guests, but he firmly stood his ground and continued to plead with the mob.

At that terrible moment, he wished he had the power to push them away from his guests. Seeing him in a state of helplessness, and grief the guests said: “Do not be anxious or frightened, Lot for we are angels, and these people will not harm you.”

Figure 16: Prophet Lut (PBUH) Cursed Wife, whom looked back to the burning city, when told not to, and she turned into stone by the will of Allah (SWT).

On hearing this, the mob was terrified and fled from Lot’s house, hurling threats at him as they left. The angels warned Prophet Lut (PBUH) to leave his house before sunrise, taking with him all his family except his wife.

Allah had decreed that the city of Sodom should perish. AN earthquake rocked the town. IT was as if a mighty power had lifted the entire city and flung it down in one jolt. A storm of stones rained on the city. Everyone and everything was destroyed, including Lot’s wife.

Allah the Almighty recounted this story: And tell them about the guests (angels) of Abraham. When they entered unto him, and said: “Salaaman (peace)!” Abraham said: “Indeed! We are afraid of you.”

They (the angels) said: “Do not be afraid! We give you glad tidings of a boy (son) possessing much knowledge and wisdom.” (Abraham) said: “Do you give me glad tidings (of a son) when old age has overtaken me? Of what 83 then is your news?” They (the angels) said: “We give you glad tidings in truth. SO be not of the despairing.”

Abraham said: “And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except those who are astray?” (Abraham again) said: “What then is the business on which you have come, O Messengers?” They (the angels) said: “We have been sent to a people who are Mujrimeen (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners). (All) except the family of Lot. Them all we are surely going to save (from destruction).”

Except his wife, of whom We have decreed that she shall be of the those who remain behind (she will be destroyed).

Then when the Messengers (the angels) came unto the family of Lot, he said: “Verily! You are people unknown to me.” They said: “Nay! we have come to you with that (torment) which they have been doubting. And we have brought to you the truth (the news of the destruction of your nation) and certainly, we tell the truth. Then travel in a part of the night with your family, and you go behind them in the rear, and let no one amongst you look back, but go on to where you are ordered.” And We made known this decree to him, that the root of those (sinners) was to be cut off in the early morning. The inhabitants of the city came rejoicing (at the news of the young men’s arrival). Lot said: “Verily! These are my guests, so shame me not. And fear Allah and disgrace me not.” They (people of the city) said: “Did we not forbid you to entertain (or protect) any of the Alamin (people, foreigners strangers etc) from us?” Lot said: “These (the girls of the nation) are my daughters to marry lawfully) if you must act so.”

Verily, by your life (O Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)), in their wild intoxication they were wandering blindly. So As Saliha (torment, awful cry etc) overtook them at the time of sunrise; and We turned (the towns of Sodom in Palestine) upside down and rained down on them stones of baked clay. Surely! In this are signs for those who see (or understand or learn the lessons from the Signs of Allah). And verily! They (the cities) are right on the highroad (from Mecca to Syria, i.e. the place where the Dead Sea is now). Surely! Therein is indeed a sign for the believers.” (Ch 15:51‐77 Holy Quran)

Allah the Exalted also declared: So we saved him and his family, all, except an old woman (his wife) among those who remained behind. Then afterward We destroyed the others. We rained on them a rain of torment. 84

How evil was the rain of those who had been warned. Verily, in this is indeed a sign yet most of them are not believers. Verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All Mighty, the Most Merciful. (Ch 26:170‐175 Holy Quran)

The book was closed on the people of Lot (PBUH). Their towns and names have been erased from the face of the earth. Gone are they from memory. One book was closed of the books of corruption. Lot (PBUH) proceeded towards Abraham (PBUH). HE visited him, and when he recounted the story of his people, he was surprised to learn that Abraham (PBUH) already knew. So it should be noted, Lut (PBUH) continued to invite people to Allah, as did Abraham (PBUH), the patient one who turned to Allah repentantly, and the two held firm to their mission. Prophet Ishmael (Ismail) (PBUH)

Figure 17: The water of Zam Zam gashing out, Holy Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia People do not have access to this site any more.

The patriarch Ibrahim (Abraham) Peace Be Upon Him, came down to the valley of MECCA surrounded by mountains, naked rocks and bare and rugged crags. Nothing to sustain life, neither water nor verdure, nor food grains, was to be found there. He had with him his wife Hajar (Hagar) and their son Isma’il (Ishmael) ‘alaihimus salaam. Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him had wandered through the deserts of Arabia in order to move away from the wide‐spread heathen cult of idol‐worship and to set up a centre for paying homage to the One and Only God where he could invite others to bow down before the Lord of the world. He wanted to lay the foundation of a lighthouse of guidance, a sanctuary of peace which should become the radiating center of true monotheism, faith and righteousness!

God blessed the sincerity of Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him and the dry valley of this wild country. Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him had left his wife and his infant son in this inhospitable territory. Here, in the midst of rugged hills, 85 the Master of all the worlds manifested His grace by causing water to issue forth from the earth which is called the well of Zamzam to this day. When Isma’il Peace Be Upon Him was a few years old, Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him went to visit his family in MECCA.

Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him now made up his mind to sacrifice Isma’il for the sake of God, for the Lord had commanded him in a dream: ‘Offer up thy son Isma’il’. Obedient to the Lord as he was, Ismail at once agreed to have his throat cut by his father. But, God saved Ismail Peace Be Upon Him, and instituted the ‘day of great sacrifice’, in order to commemorate the event for all times, since, he was destined to help Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him in his mission and become the progenitor of the last prophet Peace Be Upon Him as well as of the nation charged to disseminate the message of God and to struggle for it to the end of time. Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him came back to MECCA again and assisted by his son Isma’il, built the House of God. While the father and the son occupied themselves in the work, they also beseeched God to confer His grace; cause them to live as well as die in Islam; and help their progeny to keep a watch over their patrimony of monotheism, not only by protecting their mission against every risk or peril but also by becoming its standard‐bearers and preachers, braving every danger and sacrificing everything for its sake until their call reached the farthest corner of the world. They also supplicated God to raise up a prophet, amongst their offspring, who should renovate and revive the summons of Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him and bring to completion the task initiated by him.

“And when Ibrahim and Ismael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham prayed); Our Lord! Accept from us (this duty). Lord ! Thou, only Thou, art the Hearer, the Knower.”

“Our Lord, and make us submissive unto Thee and of our seed a nation submissive unto Thee, and show us our ways of worship, and relent toward us. Lord! Thou,’ only Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful.” “Our Lord! And raise up in their midst a messenger from among them who shall recite unto them Thy revelations, and shall instruct them in the Scripture and in wisdom and shall make them grow. Lord! Thou, only Thou, art the Mighty, the Wise.” *Holy Quran 2:127‐29+

The prayer sent up by Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him included the request that the House he was constructing might become a sanctuary of peace and God might keep his progeny away from idol worship. Ibrahim Peace Be 86

Upon Him held nothing more in abomination than idolatrousness, nor deemed anything more fraught with danger for his progeny, for he knew the fate of earlier idolatrous nations. He was aware how the great prophets of God Peace Be Upon Him had earlier struggled and fought this evil throughout their lives, but in no long time after their departure from the world their people were again misled into fetishism by devil’s advocates disguised as promoters of faith.

Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him had implored the Lord to bless his descendants with his own spirit of struggle against the evil of pantheism and iconolatry. He wanted his heirs to carry into their thoughts how he had to strive all his life for the sake of Truth and Faith; how he had to bid farewell to his hearth and home; realise why he had incurred the wrath of his idolatrous father; and appreciate the wisdom behind his making a selection of that valley, unbelievably bare with no scrap of soil, sheer from top to bottom and jagged and sharp for their habitation. He wanted them to understand why he had preferred that wilderness, holding no prospects of progress and civilisation, over verdant lands and flourishing towns and centres of trade, arts and commerce where one could easily meet one’s wishes.

Ibrahim Peace Be Upon Him had invoked the blessings of God on his sons so that they might be esteemed and adored by all the nations of the world; that the people of every nation and country might become attached to his children; that they should come from every nook and corner of the world to pay homage to his posterity and thus become a means of satisfying their needs in that barren country “And when Ibrahim said: My Lord! Make safe this territory, and preserve me and my sons from serving idols. “My Lord! Lord! They have led many of mankind astray. But whoso followeth me, he verily is of me. And whoso disobeyeth me still Thou art Forgiving, Merciful. “Our Lord! I have settled some of my posterity in an uncultivable valley near unto Thy holy House, our Lord! That they may establish proper worship; so incline some hearts of men that they may yearn toward them, and provide Thou them with fruits in order that they may be thankful.” *Holy Quran 14:35‐37+


Prophet Ishaq / Isaac (PBUH)

Figure 18: Tomb of Prophet Isaac (Ishaq) (PBUH)

A women’s joy is great and she becomes very happy when she gives birth to her first child especially when she has become old and was complaining of the bitterness of being deprived of children. Sarah, Abraham’s wife welcomed her first child Isaac with big joy and unlimited happiness. Isaac’s birth was not an ordinary event, but it had the mark of an outstanding event especially that the angels predicted it and mentioned at the same time his son Yacoob.

The outstanding feature of such an event lies in the fact that Sarah became pregnant after she reached old age and her hair became white. Between dream and reality, pain and despair, the glad news are achieved and the miracle happens: Isaac is born after several long years from the birth of his step brother Ishmael, son of Hajar who was the slave girl of Sarah, Hajar whom Abraham married in order to comply with his wife’s desire, Sarah.

Isaac (Peace be with him) grows up in the gardens of prophecy under the supervision of his father Abraham. “The faith of your father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims of old time…“

When Isaac reached manhood, so his father got him married to a woman who gave birth to several children, then she died. Isaac married after her a woman who is related to him and gave birth to Yacoob (Peace be with him). Abraham (Peace be with him) and his wife Sarah witness the life of their son in his childhood, his youth and his marriage and they live together in the same home and God confers upon them purity and serenity: “The mercy of Allah and his blessings be upon you, O people of the house.” (Holy Quran) 88

Years passed over and Isaac (Peace be with him) assumed the responsibility after Abraham’s death and he was entrusted with the continuation of his father’s mission. So Isaac followed the way of his father and was among God’s selected prophets, calling to the reality of faith in God and managing with justice, guiding people to the right course and filling his time with prayer and worship until he become old. And when he felt tired unable to bear the burden of worries, he called his son Yacoob and said to him: “God gave me a big gift when you were born, and he made you a person of good character and conferred upon you good qualities that constitute a strong evidence of his power: Are not cleanliness and purity evidences of the existence of the Creator? Moreover, God granted me a favor: He made you intelligent and sociable”.

Then Isaac kept silent for a while, and he continued: “Such qualities, advantages and virtue were among the reasons of my unhappiness since your youth… do not be astonished my son, I am not like other fathers who are happy when they see their sons enjoy good qualities…Moreover your qualities were the origin of my fear and unhappiness.” (Holy Quran, Sura Ibrahim)

Yacoob could no more bear what he is hearing, so he bowed to kiss his father’s hand and bowed on his father’s chest to fill it with tears saying: “I am ready to sacrifice my life for you o tender father! What sin did I commit so that I made your life uneasy and your mind worrying, Forgive me, oh my father! And tell me about my wrong deed in order to avoid and make you happy.” Isaac was upset to see his son suffer, so he pulled him towards his heart, holding his tears with his lips and tranquilizing him with gentle words saying to him: “You are relieving my distress and discarding my worries when you are near me. You are the tenderness that covers me and the hope that accompanies me…I did not weep for any of your deeds, but the cause lies in your elder brother who has bad intentions towards you and shows hostility to you… He feels secure because he is strong and has parents who support him, but who will help you if he uses violence and treachery against you? This is the reason of my suffering and it is still destroying me.”

“‐But I did nothing to make him hate me.” “‐Yes, my son but it is covetousness that tempted him and jealousy which is about to kill him.”


“‐In case my brother will do harm to me, I will extend to him the hand of brotherhood, a hand full of tenderness and affection”. “‐Oh my son! You are a good brother, but your life is in danger and for this reason I called you to come to me so that I will give you my last will in this life”. “‐Oh my father! I am at your order and you shall find me always obedient to you.” “‐Listen well to what I say to you”…

Yacoob listened while looking with sadness to his father who said: ” I have reached my last days and God made you a prophet; so I suggest that after my death, you go to Aramin Iraq; there you will find your uncle Laban, son of Betwil. You can marry one of his daughters and remain at his home for a certain time, then return to this land to continue the mission of your fathers and grandfathers: Guiding people towards agreement, helping the oppressed, punishing the unjust, spreading the flags of justice.”

“I ask the Most High God to safeguard you, I hope that you will lead a good life and have a pure posterity better than that of your brother.”

This was Isaac’s will as entrusted to his son Yacoob so that he will leave this life satisfied. As far as Yacoob is concerned, he was upset to realize the bad intentions of his brother against him and he was sad to learn that his father will leave this life in his last days…

Days passed over while Yacoob was hesitating to remain in his land or to prepare himself for going away. The father felt about the hesitation of his son, so he calls him and said: “‐Oh my son! It is the will of your father and I am sure you will respect such a will so why are you hesitating? Decide to go with the dawn and God will help you, and the angels will accompany you” “‐But oh my father!” “‐I know what you want to say, my son… Do not let me die deploring a hope that helped me to live.” When the sun rose the next day, Yacoob went away. People came to see his father Isaac who was happy, satisfied, as though his soul, clinging to a hidden secret, went to swim in an unknown settlement.

Such is the prophet’s life, it is full with pains and perseverance until it reaches the time when the prophet has to go to heavens, then he disappears from this world and settles in light and radiance.

This above information was extracted from: 90

Samih Atef El‐Zein. Isaac, Yacob, Yousef, Ayoub, Shouaib. Published by Dar Al‐Kitab Allubnani. Beirut, Lebanon, 1983. Prophet Musa (Moses) & Harun (Aaron) (PBUT)

Figure 19: Prophet Moses returned from Mountain Tur with 10 commandments, in Egypt (Imaginaery picture) Figure 20: Mount Tur / Mount Sinai in Egypt, Prophet Moses (PBUH) talk with Almighty God everyday, in accordance of Holy Quran & Tawrah. His grave near MT. Sinai, Egypt

Figure 21: Grave of Prophet Harun (PBUH) in Egypt

Harun (PBUH) was the son of Imran and the older brother of Prophet Musa (PBUH). He was appointed by Allah to help his brother Musa (PBUH) in the task of freeing the children of Israel from the pharaoh and teaching them the way of Allah. Harun (PBUH) accompanied his brother through the desert journeys till he died atop Mount Hoor. May peace be upon Harun.

The pharaoh who ruled Egypt was a tyrant who oppressed the descendants of Jacob (PBUH), known as the children of Israel (Bani Israel).


He used every means to demean and disgrace them. They were kept in bondage and forced to work for him for small wages or nothing. Under this system the people obeyed and worshiped the pharaoh, and the ruling class carried out his orders, thereby authorizing his tyranny and crazy whims.

The pharaoh wanted the people to obey him only, and to believe in the gods of his invention. Perhaps, during that time, there were many classes of people who did not believe in or practice polytheism; however, they kept this to themselves and outwardly did as they were expected to do, without revolting or revealing themselves to anyone.

Thus, successive dynasties came to Egypt and assumed that they were gods or their representative or spokesmen.

Years passed, and a despotic king, who was adored by the Egyptians, ruled Egypt. His king saw the children of Israel multiplying and prospering. He heard them talking about a vague vision that one of Israel’s sons would dethrone the pharaoh of Egypt. Perhaps this vision was only a daydream that persisted within the hearts of the persecuted minority, or perhaps it was a prophecy from their books.

Another tradition states that it was Pharaoh himself who had the vision. Ibn ‘Abbas narrated: “Pharaoh saw in his vision a fire, which came from Jerusalem and burned the houses of the Egyptians, and all Copts, and did not do harm to the children of Israel. When he woke up, he was horrified. He then gathered his priests and magicians and asked them about this vision. They said: “This means a boy will be born of them and the Egyptian people will perish at his hands.’ That is why Pharaoh commanded that all male children of the children of Israel be killed.”

Either way, this vision reached the ears of the Pharaoh. He then issued a decree to slay any male child that would be born to the children of Israel. This was carried out until the experts of economics said to Pharaoh: “The aged of the children of Israel die and the young are slaughtered. This will lead to their annihilation. As a result, Pharaoh will lose the manpower of those who work for him, those whom he enslaves, and their women whom he exploits. It is better to regulate this procedure by initiating the following policy: males should be slaughtered in one year but spared to live the next year.” Pharaoh found that solution to be safer economically.


Moses’s mother was pregnant with Aaron (PBUH) in a year that boys were spared; thus she gave birth to the child publicly and safely. During a year in which boys were to be slain, she gave birth to Moses (PBUH); thus his birth caused her much terror. She was afraid he would be slain, so she nursed him secretly. Allah the Almighty revealed: These are Verses of the manifest Book (that makes clear truth from falsehood, good from evil, etc.). I recite to you some of the news of Moses and Pharaoh in truth, for a people who believe (those who believe in this Holy Quran, and in the Oneness of Allah). Verily, Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people sects, weakening (oppressing) a group (children of Israel) among them, killing their sons, and letting their females live. Verily, he was of the Mufsideen (those who commit great sins and crimes, oppressors, tyrants, etc.).

And I wished to do a favor to those who were weak (and oppressed) in the land, and to make them rulers and to make them the inheritors, and to establish them in the land, and I let Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts receive from them that which they feared. And I inspired the mother of Moses, saying: “Suckle him (Moses), but when you fear for him, then cast him into the river and fear not, nor grieve. Verily! I shall bring him back to you, and shall make him one of (My) Messengers.” (Ch 28: 2‐7 Holy Quran).

No sooner had the divine revelation finished that she obeyed the sacred and merciful call. She was commanded to make a basket for Moses. She nursed him, put him into the basket, then went to the shore of the Nile and threw it into the water. Her mother’s heart, the most merciful one in the world, grieved as she threw her son into the Nile. However, she was aware that Allah was much more merciful to Moses than to her, that He loved him more than her. Allah was his Lord and the Lord of the Nile.

Hardly had the basket touched the water of the Nile than Allah issued His command to the waves to be calm and gentle while carrying the child would one day be a prophet. She instructed her daughter to follow the course of the basket and to report back to her. As the daughter followed the floating basket along the riverbank, she found herself right in the palace grounds and saw what was unfolding before her eyes.

The basket came to rest at the riverbank, which skirted the king’s palace. The palace servants found the basket with the baby and took it to the Pharaoh and his queen. When the queen beheld the lovely infant, Allah 93 instilled in her a strong love for this baby. Pharaoh’s wife was very different from Pharaoh. He was a disbeliever; she was a believer. He was cruel; she was merciful. He was a tyrant; she was delicate and goodhearted. She was sad because she was infertile and had hoped to have a son. Hardly had she held the baby than she kissed him.

Pharaoh was much amazed when he saw his wife hugging this baby to her breast. He was much astonished because his wife was weeping with joy, something he had never seen her do before. She requested her husband: “Let me keep the baby and let him be a son to us.”

Almighty Allah said; then the household of Pharaoh picked him up, that he might become for them an enemy and a cause of grief. Verily! Pharaoh, Haman, and their hosts were sinners. And the wife of Pharaoh said; “A comfort of the eye for me and for you. Kill him not, perhaps he maybe of a benefit to us, or we may adopt him as a son.” And they perceived not (the result of that). (Ch 28:9 Holy Quran)

The queen summoned a few wet nurses to suckle the baby Moses, but he would not take any of their breasts. The queen was distressed and sent for more wet nurses. Moses’s sister was also worried, as her baby brother was without milk for a long time. Seeing the queen’s anxiety, she blurted that she knew just the mother who would suckle the child affectionately. They asked her why she was following the floating basket. She said she did so out of curiosity. Her excuse sounded reasonable, so they believed her. They ordered her to rush and fetch the woman she was talking about. Her mother also was waiting with a heavy heart, worried about the fate of her baby. Just then her daughter rushed in with the good news. Her heart lifted and she lost no time in reaching the palace.

Allah the Almighty narrated: And the heart of the mother of Moses became empty (from every thought, except the thought of Moses). She was very near to disclose his (case, the child is her son), had We not strengthened her heart (with Faith), so that she might remain as one of the believers. And she said to his (Moses’s) sister: “Follow him.” So she (his sister) watched him from a far place secretly, while they perceived not.

And I had already forbidden (other) foster suckling mothers for him, until she (his sister came up and) said: “Shall I direct you to a household who will rear him for you, and sincerely they will look after him in a good manner?” So did I restore him to his mother, that she might be delighted, 94 and that she might not grieve, nor that she might know that the promise of Allah is true! But most of them know not. (Ch 28:10‐13, Holy Quran)

As the child was put to her breast, he immediately started suckling. Pharaoh was astonished and asked; “Who are you? This child has refused to take any other breast but yours.” Had she told the truth, Pharaoh would have known that the child was an Israelite and would have killed Moses instantly. However, Allah gave her inner strength and she replied: “I am a woman of sweet milk and sweet smell, and no child refuses me.” This answer satisfied Pharaoh.

Froward, she was appointed as Moses’s wet nurse. She continued to breast‐ feed him for a long time. When he was bigger and was weaned, she was allowed the privilege of visiting him. Moses was raised in the palace as a prince. And when he attained his full strength, and was perfect (in manhood), I bestowed on him Spokesman (Prophet-hood, right judgment of the affairs) and religious knowledge (of the religion of his forefathers, Abrahamic Monotheism). And thus do I reward the Muhsineen (good‐ doers).” (Ch 28:14 Holy Quran)

Allah had granted Moses (PBUH) good health, strength, knowledge, and wisdom. The weak and oppressed turned to him for protection and justice. One day in the main city, he saw two men fighting. One was an Israelite, who was being beaten by the other, an Egyptian. On seeing Moses, the Israelite begged him for help. Moses became involved in the dispute and, in a state of anger, struck a heavy blow on the Egyptian, who died on the spot. Upon realizing that he had killed a human being, Moses’s heart was filled with deep sorrow, and immediately he begged Allah for forgiveness.

He had not intended to kill the man. He pleaded with Almighty Allah to forgive him, and he felt a sense of peace filling his whole being. Thereafter Moses began to show more patience and sympathy towards people.

The next day he saw the same Israelite involved in another fight. Moses went to him and said: “You seem to be a quarrelsome fellow. You have a new quarrel with one person or another each day.” Fearing that Moses might strike him, the Israelite warned Moses: “Would you kill me as you killed the wretch yesterday?”

The Egyptian with whom the Israelite was fighting overheard this remark and reported Moses to the authorities. Soon thereafter, as Moses was 95 passing through the city, a man approached and alerted him: “O Moses, the chiefs have taken counsel against you. You are to be tried and killed. I would advise you to escape.”

Moses knew that the penalty for killing an Egyptian was death. Allah the Exalted recounted: And he entered the city at a time of unawareness of its people, and he found there two men fighting, one of his party (his religion, from the children of Israel), and the other of his foes. The man of his own party asked him for help against his foe, so Moses struck him with his fist and killed him. He said, “This is of Satan’s doing, verily, he is a plain misleading enemy.”

He said: “My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, so forgive me.” Then He forgave him. Verily, He is the Oft‐Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

He said: “My Lord! For that with which you have favored me, I will never more be a helper for the Mujrimeen (criminals, disobedient to 81 Allah, polytheists, sinners, etc.)!”

So he became afraid, looking about in the city (waiting as to what will be the result of his crime of killing), when behold, the man who had sought his help the day before, called for his help again. Moses said to him: “Verily, you are a plain misleader!” Then when he decided to seize the man who was an enemy to both of them, the man said: “O Moses! Is it your intention to kill me as you killed a man yesterday? Your aim is nothing but to become a tyrant in the land, and not to be one of those who do right.”

And there came a man running, from the farthest end of the city. He said: “O Moses! Verily, the chiefs are taking counsel together about you, to kill you, so escape. Truly, I am to you of those who give sincere advice.”

So he escaped from there, looking about in a state of fear. He said: “My Lord! Save me from the people who are Zalimeen (polytheists, and wrong‐ doers)!” (Ch 28:15‐21 Holy Quran)

Moses left Egypt in a hurry without going to Pharaoh’s palace or changing his clothes. Nor was he prepared for traveling. He did not have a beast of burden upon which to ride, and he was not in a caravan. Instead, he left as soon as the believer came and warned him of Pharaoh’s plans.


He traveled in the direction of the country of (PBUH), which was the nearest inhabited land between Syria and Egypt. His only companion in this hot desert was Allah, and his only provision was piety. There was not a single root to pick to lessen his hunger. The hot sand burned the soles of his feet. However, fearing pursuit by Pharaoh’s men, he forced himself to continue on. He traveled for eight nights, hiding during the day. After crossing the main desert, he reached a watering hole outside Madian where shepherds were watering their flocks.

No sooner had Moses reached the Madian than he threw himself under a tree to rest. He suffered from hunger and fatigue. The soles of his feet felt as if they were worn out from hard walking on sand and rocks and from the dust. He did not have any money to buy a new pair of sandals, nor to buy food or drink. Moses noticed a band of shepherds watering their sheep. He went to the spring, where he saw five young women preventing their sheep from mixing with the others.

Moses sensed that the women were in need of help. Forgetting his thirst, he drew nearer to them and asked if he could help them in any way.

The older sister said: “We are waiting until the shepherds finish watering their sheep, then we will water ours.”

Moses asked again: “Why are you waiting?” The younger one: “We cannot push men.”

Moses was surprised that women were shepherding, as only men were supposed to do it. It is hard and tiresome work, and one needs to be on the alert. Moses asked: “Why are you shepherding?”

The younger sister said: “Our father is an old man; his health is too poor for him to go outdoors for pasturing sheep.”

Moses (PBUH) said: “I will water the sheep for you.”

When Moses approached the water, he saw that the shepherds had put over the mouth of the spring an immense rock that could only be moved by ten men. Moses embraced the rock and lifted it out of the spring’s mouth, the veins of his neck and hands standing out as he did so. Moses was certainly strong. He watered their sheep and put the rock back in its place. 97

He returned to sit in the shade of the tree. At this moment he realized that he had forgotten to drink. His stomach was sunken because of hunger.

Almighty Allah described this event: And when he arrived at the water of Madian (Midyan) he found there a group of men watering their flocks, and besides them he found two women who were keeping back their flocks. He said: “What is the matter with you?” They said: “We cannot water (our flocks) until the shepherds take their flocks. And our father is a very old man.”

So he watered their flocks for them, then he turned back to shade, and said: “My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!” (Ch 28:22‐24 Holy Quran)

The young ladies returned home earlier than usual, which surprised their father. They related the incident at the spring which was the reason that they were back early. Their father sent one of his daughters to invite the stranger to his home. Bashfully, the woman approached Moses and delivered the message. “My father is grateful for what you have done for us. He invites you to our home so that he may thank you personally.”

Moses welcomed this invitation and accompanied the maiden to her father. Moses could see that they lived comfortably as a happy and peaceful household. He introduced himself and told the old man about the misfortune that he had befallen him and had compelled him to flee from Egypt. The old man comforted him: “Fear not, you have escaped from the wrong‐doers.”

Moses’s gentle behavior was noticed by the father and his daughters. Prophet The king man Prophet Shoib (PBUH) invited him to stay with them. Moses felt at home with this happy household, for they were friendly and feared Allah.

One of the daughters suggested to her father that he employ Moses, as he was strong and trustworthy. They needed someone like him, especially at the water hole, which was visited by ruffians. The father asked her how she could be sure of his trustworthiness in such a short time. She replied: “When I bade him to follow me to our home, he insisted that I walk behind him so he would not observe my form (to avoid sexual attraction).”


Prophet Shoib (PBUH) was pleased to hear this. He approached Moses and offered him to marry his oldest daughter. Accordingly, Prophet Moses got married to the elder daughter and lived happily in the kingdom of Prophet Shoib (PBUH) and later he came back to Egypt. This offer suited Moses well, for being a stranger in this country; he would soon have to search for shelter, and work. Moses married the Madianite’s daughter and looked after the old man’s animals for ten long years.

Time passed, and he lived in seclusion far from his family and his people. This period of ten years was of importance in his life. It was a period of major preparation. Certainly Moses’s mind was absorbed in the stars every night. He followed the sunrise and the sunset every day. He pondered on the plant and how it splits and soil and appears thereafter. He contemplated water and how the earth is revived by it and flourishes after its death.

Moses himself did not know the secret of the quick and sudden decision to return to Egypt. After all, he had fled from their ten years ago with a price on his head. Why should he go back now? Did he look forward to seeing his mother and brother? Did he think of visiting Pharaoh’s wife who had raised him and who loved him as if she were his mother?

No one knows what went through Moses’s mind when he returned to Egypt. All we know is that a mute obedience to Allah’s destinies impelled him to make a decision and he did. These supreme destinies steered his steps towards a matter of great importance.

Moses left Madian with his family and traveled through the desert until he reached Mount Sinai. There Moses discovered that he had lost his way. He sought Allah’s direction and was shown the right course. At nightfall they reached Mount Tur. Moses noticed a fire in the distance. “I shall fetch a firebrand to warm us.”

As he neared the fire, he heard a sonorous voice calling him: “O Moses, I am Allah, the Lord of the Universe.” Moses was bewildered and looked around. He again heard the strange voice. “And what is in you right hand, O Moses?”

Shivering, Moses answered: “This is my staff on which I lean, and with which I beat down branches for my sheep, and for which I find other uses.” (This question was asked so that Moses’ attention would focus on the staff 99 and to prepare him for the miracle which was to happen. This was the beginning of Moses’s mission as a prophet ‐PBUH).

The same voice commanded him: “Throw down your staff!” He did so, and at once the staff became a wriggling snake. Moses turned to run, but the voice again addressed him: “Fear not and grasp it; We shall return it to its former state.” The snake changed back into his staff. Moses’s fear subsided and was replaced by peace, for he realized that he was witnessing the Truth.

Next, Allah commanded him to thrust his hand into his robe at the armpit. When he pulled it out, the hand had a brilliant shine. Allah then commanded Moses; “You have two signs from Your Lord; go to Pharaoh and his chiefs, for they are an evil gang and have transgressed all bounds.”

However, Moses feared that he would be arrested by Pharaoh, so he turned to Allah saying: “My Lord! I have killed a man among them and I fear that they will kill me.”

Allah assured him of his safety and set his heart at rest.

Almighty Allah narrated this event: And has there come to you the story of Moses? When he saw a fire, he said to his family: “Wait! Verily, I have seen a fire, perhaps I can bring you some burning brand therefrom, or find some guidance at the fire.”

And when he came to it the fire, he was called by name: “O Moses! Verily! I am your Lord! So take off your shoes, you are in the sacred valley, Tuwa. And I have chosen you. So listen to that which is inspired to you. Verily! I am Allah! La ilaha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshiped but I), so worship Me, and offer prayers perfectly, for My Remembrance. Verily, the Hour is coming ‐ and My Will is to keep it hidden ‐ that every person may be rewarded for that which he strives. Therefore, let the one who believes not therein (in the Day of Resurrection, Reckoning, Paradise and Hell etc) but follows his own lusts, divert your therefrom lest you perish. And what is that in your right hand, O Moses?”

He said: “This is my stick, whereon I lean, and wherewith I beat down branches for my sheep and wherein I find other uses.” Allah said: “Cast it down, O Moses!”


He cast it down, and behold! It was a snake, moving quickly.

Allah said: “Grasp it, and fear not, We shall return it to its former state, and press your right hand to your left side, it will come forth white and shining, and without any disease as another sign, that We may show you some of Our Greater Signs.

“Go To Pharaoh! Verily! He has transgressed (all bounds in disbelief and disobedience, and has behaved as an arrogant, and as a tyrant).”

Moses said: “O my Lord! Open for me my chest (grant me self‐confidence, contentment, and boldness). And ease my task for me; and make loose the knot (the defect) from my tongue, (remove the incorrectness of my speech) that they understand my speech, and appoint for me a helper from my family, Aaron, my brother; increase my strength with him, and let him share my task (of conveying Allah’s Message and Prophet-hood), and we may glorify You much, and remember You much, Verily! You are of us Ever a Well‐Seer.”

Allah said: “You are granted your request, O Moses! And indeed I conferred a favor on you another time before. When I inspired your mother with that which I inspired, saying: “Put him (the child) into the Tabut (a box or a case or a chest) and put him into the river (Nile), and then the river shall cast it up on the bank, and there, an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his shall take him.’ And I endured you with love from Me, in order that you maybe brought up under My Eye, when your sister went and said; “Shall I show you one who will nurse him?’ So I restored you to your mother, that she might cool her eyes and she should not grieve. Then you did kill a man, but I saved you from a great distress and tried you with a heavy trial. Then you stayed a number of years with the people of Madian. Then you came here according to the term which I ordained (for you), O Moses!

“And I have Istana’tuka (chosen you for My Inspiration and My Message) for myself. Go you and your brother with My Ayat (proofs, lessons, verses, evidences, signs, revelations, etc), and do not, you both, slacken and become weak in My Remembrance.

“Go, both of you, to Pharaoh, verily, he has transgressed all bounds in disbelief and disobedience and behaved as an arrogant and as a tyrant.


And speak to him mildly; perhaps he may accept admonition or 86 fear Allah.”

They said: “Our Lord! Verily! We fear lest he should hasten to punish us or lest he should transgress all bounds against us.” He (Allah) said: “Fear not, Verily! I am with you both, Hearing and Seeing. So go you both to him, and say: “Verily, we are Messengers of your Lord, so let the children of Israel go with us, and torment them not; indeed, we have come with a sign from your Lord! And peace will be upon him who follows the guidance! Truly, it has been revealed to us that the torment will be for him who denies (believes not in the Oneness of Allah, and in His Messengers, etc), and turns away’ (from the truth, and obedience of Allah).” (Ch 20:9‐48 Holy Quran).

Moses (PBUH) and Aaron (PBUH) went together to Pharaoh and delivered their message. Moses spoke to him about Allah, His mercy and His Paradise and about the obligations of monotheism and His worship.

Pharaoh listened to Moses’ speech with disdain. He thought that Moses was crazy because he dared to question his supreme position. Then he raised his hand and asked: “What do you want?”

Moses answered: “I want you to send the children of Israel with us.”

Pharaoh asked: “Why should I send them, as they are my slaves?” Moses replied: “They are the slaves of Allah, Lord of the Worlds.”

Pharaoh then inquired sarcastically if his name was Moses. Moses said “Yes.”

“Are you not the Moses whom we picked up from the Nile as a helpless baby? Are you not the Moses whom we reared in this palace, who ate and drank from our provisions and whom our wealth showered with charity? Are you not the Moses who is a fugitive, the killer of an Egyptian man, if my memory does not betray me? It is said that killing is an act of disbelief. Therefore, you were a disbeliever when you killed. You are a fugitive from justice and you come to speak to me! What were you talking about Moses, I forgot?”

Moses knew that Pharaoh’s mentioning his past, his upbringing, and his receiving Pharaoh’s charity was Pharaoh’s way of threatening him. Moses 102 ignored his sarcasm and explained that he was not a disbeliever when he killed the Egyptian, he only went astray and Allah the Almighty had not yet given him the revelation at that time. He made Pharaoh understand that he fled from Egypt because he was afraid of their revenge upon him, even though the killing was an accident. He informed him that Allah had granted him forgiveness and made him one of the messengers.

Allah the Almighty revealed to us part of the dialogue between Moses (PBUH) and Pharaoh: Allah said: “Nay! Go you both with My Signs, Verily! I shall be with you, listening. And when you both come to Pharaoh, say: “We are the Messengers of the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists), and So allow the children of Israel to go with us.”

“Pharaoh said to Moses: “Did we not bring you up among us as a child? And you did dwell many years of your life with us. And you did your deed which you did (the crime of killing a man) and you are one of the ingrates.”

Moses said: “I did it then, (religious knowledge, right judgments of the affairs and Prophet-hood), and appointed me as one of the Messengers. And this is the past favor with which you reproach me, and that you have enslaved the children of Israel.”

Pharaoh said: “And what is the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists)?”

Moses replied: “Lord of the heavens, and the earth, and all that is between them, if you seek to be convinced with certainty.”

Pharaoh said to those around: “Do you not hear what he says?” Moses said: “Your Lord and the Lord of your ancient fathers!” Pharaoh said: “Verily, your Messenger who has been sent to you is a madman!”

Moses said: “Lord of the east, and the west, and all that is between them, if you did but understand!”

Pharaoh said: “If you choose an ilah (a god) other than me, I will certainly put you among the prisoners.”

Moses said: “Even if I bring you something manifest (and convincing).” Pharaoh said: “Bring it forth then, if you are of the truthful!” (Ch 26:16‐31 Holy Quran) 103

The degree of the conflict expressed in this dialogue reached its apex; thus, the tone of dialogue changed. Moses used a convincing intellectual argument against Pharaoh. However, Pharaoh escaped from the circle of dialogue based on the logic and began a dialogue of another type, a type which Moses could not bear to follow; a dialogue of menacing and threatening. Pharaoh deliberately adopted the style of the absolute ruler. He asked Moses how he dared to worship Allah! Did he not know that Pharaoh was a god?

After declaring his divinity, Pharaoh asked Moses how he dared to worship another god. The punishment for this crime was imprisonment. It was not permitted for anyone to worship anyone other than the Pharaoh. Moses understood that the intellectual arguments did not succeed. The calm dialogue was converted from sarcasm to mentioning charity, then to scorn, then to the threat of imprisonment. Moses said: “Even if I bring you something manifest and convincing.” Pharaoh said; “Bring it forth, then, if you are of the truthful!” So Moses threw his stick, and behold, it was a serpent, manifest. And he drew out his hand, and behold, it was white to all beholders! (Ch 26:30‐33 Holy Quran).


Mother Mary (Maryam) (PBUH) The Spiritual Gift of Almighty God

Figure 22: Flower of Mary (Maryam)‐(Rose De Jericho) Miracle of Almighty

Mary (“Maryam” in Arabic), the mother of Jesus, is considered the most righteous woman in Islam. She is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran ‐ her name is mentioned more than it is in the New Testament. The New Testament has misguided the people of this planet so many various ways it is untraceable. His Eminency Dr. Alam 43rd Direct descendant of Prophet (PBUH) states that, God does not give birth neither he can be born or be dead. (Surah Ikhlas) Hazrat Isa (PBUH) (Jesus Christ) is another spiritual Gift of Almighty Allah to the mankind of the planet Earth.

According to the Quran, Jesus (called ‘Isa in Arabic) was born miraculously by the will of God without a father. His mother is regarded as a chaste and virtuous woman and is a highly respected figure in Islam. The Quran states that Jesus was the result of a virgin birth, but that neither Mary nor her son was divine.

In the Quran, no other woman is given more attention than Mary (PBUH). The nineteenth Chapter (surah) of the Quran is named after her and is, to some extent, about her life. Of the Holy Quran’s 114 Chapter (surah), she is among only eight people who have a Chapter (surah) named after her (PBUH). In Islam, she is generally referred to as Maryam, Umm Isa (Mary, the mother of Jesus) PBUH. For Muslims she is a symbol of submission to


God and piety. Mary is one of the most highly‐regarded women in Islam; there are several verses in the Holy Quran praising her and confirming that she was an extremely chaste and pious woman. Other righteous women in Islam, although not mentioned by name in the Holy Quran, include: Bithiah (Asiyah in Arabic), foster mother of Prophet Musa (Moses); Khadijah (SA) wife of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH); and Fatima (SA), daughter of Mohammad (SM) (PBUH).

The birth of Mary According to the Holy Quran, Mary’s father was ‘Imran. The name which in Arabic means prosperity, not only links Mary to her direct father but also to her ancestor, Amram the father of Moses and of Aaron, whence the description “sister of Aaron” which the Quran likewise uses, is to show that Mary is of the same race as the two brother prophets, as commentators such as Al‐Ghazzali have stated. Mary’s mother, although unnamed, is identified as Hannah in Arabic or Saint Anne in Judeo‐ Christian tradition. The Immaculate Conception is not Islamic doctrine, however, as since Islam lacks the concept of original sin such a reference would be meaningless.

Mary’s story in the Quran, begins while she is still in her mother’s womb. The mother of Mary said, “O my Lord! I do dedicate into Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: So accept this of me: For Thou hearer and knower all things.” (Holy Quran 3:35). When Mary was delivered, she said, “O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child!” (Holy Quran 3:36). She had expected her baby to be a boy who would grow up to be a scholar or religious leader. Holy Quran 3:36 continues “…and God knew best what she brought forth — ‘And no wise is the male like the female. I have named her Maryam, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from Satan, the Rejected.'”

In Holy Quran 3:37, God states that He accepted Mary as her mother had asked. She was assigned into the care of a priest named Zacharias (Zakariya). “Every time that he entered (her) Mihrab to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said, ‘O Mary! Whence (comes) this to you?’ She said, ‘From God. For God provides sustenance to whom He pleases without measure.'” (Holy Quran 3:37).

The word Mihrab which first appears in Mary’s story is the reference to a place in the Temple of Jerusalem, which according to the Muslim tradition, was reserved for Mary. The association of ideas between Mary and Mihrab (prayer niche) in mosques in commonly found among Muslims: in many 106 mosques the verse of Zachariah and Mary is inscribed above the Mihrab, notably in and Sultan Ahmet Mosque in , which remained dedicated to Saint Mary even after the Byzantine era and under the Ottoman Empire.

Zacharias in Islam is not only regarded as a priest but as a prophet as well. Although his wife was barren and he was very old, God blesses Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth with John. John is known as “John the Baptist” in the Bible and as Yahya in the Holy Quran.

The Annunciation

(Remember) when the angels said: “O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allâh gives you the glad tidings of a Word (“Be!” ‐ and he was! i.e. ‘Isâ (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary)) from Him, his name will be the Messiah ‘Isâ (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), held in honor in this world and in the Hereafter, and will be one of those who are near to Allâh.” “He will speak to the people in the cradle and in manhood, and he will be one of the righteous.” She said: “O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me.” He said: “So (it will be) for Allâh creates what He wills. When He has decreed something, He says to it only: “Be!” ‐ and it is. And He (Allâh) will teach him (‘Isâ (Jesus)) the Book and Al‐Hikmah (i.e. the Sunnah, the faultless speech of the Prophets, wisdom), (and) the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel). And will make him (‘Isâ (Jesus)) a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, a figure like that of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allâh’s Mercy; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allâh’s Mercy. And I inform you of what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a sign for you, if you believe. And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Taurât (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allâh and obey me. Truly! Allâh is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (Alone). This is the Straight Path. And mention in the Book (the Qur’ân, O Mohammad (SM) (Peace Be Upon Him) the story of) Maryam (Mary), when she withdrew in seclusion from her family to a place facing east. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our Ruh (angel Jibrîl (Gabriel)) and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects. She said: “Verily! I seek refuge with the Most Gracious (Allâh) from you, if you do fear Allâh.” (The angel) said: “I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a 107 righteous son.” She said: “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?” He said: “So (it will be), your Lord said: ‘That is easy for Me (Allâh): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allâh), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allâh).’ “So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place (i.e. Bethlehem valley about 4–6 miles from Jerusalem). And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date‐palm. She said: “Would that I had died before this, and had been forgotten and out of sight!” Then (the babe ‘Iesa (Jesus) or Jibrîl (Gabriel)) cried unto her from below her, saying: “Grieve not: your Lord has provided a water stream under you. “And shake the trunk of date‐palm towards you; it will let fall fresh ripe‐dates upon you.” “So eat and drink and be glad. And if you see any human being, say: ‘Verily! I have vowed a fast unto the Most Gracious (Allâh) so I shall not speak to any human being this day.” The Birth of Jesus (PBUH) from Virgin Mary (PBUH)

The Holy Quran states that Jesus was the result of a virgin birth, but describes Mary and her son not as divine but as “honored servants” (21.26). To deny Jesus divinity, he is compared in Holy Quran (Chapter 3:59) with Adam who was created with neither father nor mother. Both Mary and Jesus are stated to “A proof of their humanity as tafsirs (translations) indicate. The most detailed account of the annunciation and birth of Jesus is provided in Chapter (Surah) 3 and 19 of Holy The Quran wherein it is written that God sent an angel 93 to announce that she could shortly expect to bear a son, despite being a virgin.

The Quran discusses Mary’s miraculous pregnancy as well. “Relate in the Book (the story of) Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent her Our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.” (Holy Quran 19:16‐17). After seeing the angel, she said: “I seek refuge from thee to (God) Most Gracious: (come not near) if thou dost fear God.” (Holy Quran 19:18). The angel Gabriel responded: “Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a pure son.” (Holy Quran 19:19). She asked: “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?” (Holy Quran 19:20). The Angel Gabriel said: “So (it will be): thy Lord saith, ‘That is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us.’ It is a matter (so) decreed.” (Holy Quran 19:21). Mary then becomes pregnant.


After conceiving Jesus, Mary went away with the baby to a distant place (Holy Quran 19:22). “And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm‐tree. She cried (in her anguish): ‘Ah! would that I had died before this! would that I had been a thing forgotten!'” (Holy Quran 19:23).

The Miracle of the Palm‐Tree The miracle of the palm‐tree which is mentioned in the Quran but not in the Bible is an important miracle for Muslims. In this narration, Mary finds herself behind a withered palm‐tree in the wilderness and she wishes if she had died before this. The voice of God cries out to her “shake the trunk of the palm‐tree toward thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee” (Holy Quran 19:25) The miracle is counterpart to the miracle of the Mihrab. In both instances, Mary is nourished by Allah, however, in the first case, the fruits come without her having to do anything other than remember God in the prayer‐niche. Where-as, in the second case, she must have participated in the miracle by shaking the tree. Ruzbihan Baqli, a commentator of the Quran has stated the two miracles are miracles of pure grace and active faith. In his commentary, he has also stated that Mary’s substance is the substance of original sanctity. According to some Muslims, Mary personifies clemency and Mercy; therefore, she is the human manifestation of the Basmalah.

Joseph, the magi, and manger are not mentioned in the Quranic narration. In Quran and Hadith, Allah was Mary’s only Provider. Muslims do not accept the virgin birth of Jesus as evidence of Jesus being God. The Quran states: “The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be.’ And he was.” (Holy Quran 3:59). (Remember) When the angels said O Mary! God Gives thee Good News of a son through a Word from Him! His name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honored in this world and in the next, and of those who Are Granted Nearness to God! (Holy Quran 3.45)

And he shall speak to the people in the cradle, and when of middle age, and he shall be of The Righteous (Holy Quran 3.46)

She said My Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me? He Said, That is as it shall be. God Creates what He Pleases. When He decrees a thing He says to it “Be” and it is! (Holy Quran 3.47) The Quran also declares that one of the reasons (amongst many listed) for the punishments of The‐God upon the People of the Book – “God has sealed


their hearts” (Holy Quran 4.155) – is for their “uttering a monstrous lie against Mary” (Holy Quran 4.156).

This is understood by some to refer to the accusations of wanton unchastely which was directed by some against Mary in her lifetime and which (Jewish sources consider to be anti‐Semitic) interpretations recorded in the Talmud. In fact the Quran includes Christians, Jews (including Karaites and Samaritans), and “Sabians” (a Quranic term interpreted to refer to the Mandaeans) among the People of the Book. Holy Quran Chapter 5 (Al‐Ma’ida) 116‐119 includes the Prophecy of the Judgment Day where “Jesus son of Mary” will be questioned by God as regards those who worship him and Mary, and that Jesus will deny them: And when God will say O Jesus, son of Mary, didst thou say to men: Take me and my mother for two gods beside God? He will answer Holy art Thou! I could never say that which I had no right. If I had said it, Thou wouldst have surely known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. It is Thou alone Who Art the Knower of all hidden things. I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me ‐ Worship God (Arabic: Allah), my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst take me up, Thou hast been the Watcher over them, and Thou art Witness over all things. If Thou punish them, they are Thy servants; and if Thou forgive them, Thou surely art the Mighty, the Wise.

God Will Say This is a Day when only The Truthful shall profit by their truthfulness. For them are Gardens beneath which streams flow; therein shall they abide forever. God Is well Pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him! That indeed is the Supreme Triumph!

Mary’s Names and Titles in Islam According to Holy Quran

 Qānitah: In Surah of the Banning (Holy Quran 66:12), Mary is called of the Qanitin. The Arabic term implies the meaning, not only of constant submission to Allah, but also absorption in prayer and invocation, meanings that coincides with the image of Mary spending her childhood in the Mihrab. In this way, Mary personifies prayer and contemplation in Islam.  Siddiqah: Mary is called Siddiqah twice in the Quran. (5:73‐75 62:12). The Arabic term means “She who accepts as true” or “She who has faith”. The term has also been translated “She who believes sincerely totally”.


 Sājidah: means “She who prostrates to Allah in worship”. The Quran states: “O Mary! Worship your Lord devoutly: prostrate yourself”(Holy Quran 3:43). While in Sujud, a Muslim is to praise Allah and glorify him. In this motion, which Muslims believe to be derived from Mariam nature, hands, knees and the forehead touch the ground together.  Rāki’ah: means “She who bows down to Allah in worship”. The Holy Quran states: “O Mary! Bow down in prayer with those men who bow down” The command was repeated by angels only to Mary, according to the Muslim view. Ruku’ in Muslim prayer Salat has been derived from Mary’s practice.  Tāhirah: means “She who was purified”. (Holy Quran 3:42) According to a Hadith, the devil did not touch Mary when she was born, therefore she did not cry.(Nisai 4:331)  Mustafia: means “She who was chosen”. The Holy Quran states: “O Mary! Allah has chosen you and purified you and again he has chosen you above all women of all nations of the worlds”(Holy Quran 3:42) According to the interpretations, the first election is intrinsic. Allah has chosen the virgin in herself and for herself, and the second time he has chosen her in regard to the world and for a divine plan.  Nur: One of the most important passages, both from the generally Islamic as well as from the specifically Maryami point of view, is the Verse of Light along with the tree verses that follow it. Mary has been called Nur (Light) and Umm Nur (the mother of one who was Light). The Verse of Light, also contains the virginal symbols of the crystal, the star, the blessed olive tree, and oil, which according to Muslims, refer to the purity of Mary.  Waliyah: There is among Muslims a divergence of opinion concerning whether Mary was a Prophetess (Nabiyah) or a Saint (Waliah). Most Muslims believe that prophecy is reserved for men only and that Mary was simply a saint. Even those who believe Mary was a prophetess, agree that she had no law‐giving function.  Sa’imah: means “She who fasts”. Mary is reported to fast one half of a year in Muslim tradition. The Holy Quran says God told Mary “And if any man sees you, say, I have vowed a fast to the Most Gracious, and this day I will enter into no talk with any human being”.  Ma’suma: means “She who never sinned”. According to the Holy Quran, Allah protected Mary from Satan.(Holy Quran 3:35‐36) Many other names of Mary can be found in various other books and religious collections. In Hadith, she has been referred to by names such as Batul and Adhraa


(Ascetic Virgin), Masturah (meaning veiled) and Marhumah (enveloped in Allah’s Mercy).*5+

Jesus Christ (Hazrat Isa (PBUH)) is NOT son of God Nor God has any Siblings. Jesus (PBUH) is another Spiritual Gift of Almighty through Mother Mary. YES the Almighty God shows us Miracle!

– His Eminency Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam, 43rd Direct Descendant from the Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH), Challenges peoples of this planet if anyone has any regards please do not hesitate to contact him [email protected]

Figure 23: Perception Of Hazrat Isa (PBUH) Jesus Christ (PBUH)

In many verses of the Glorious Holy Quran Allah the Exalted denied the claim of the Christians that He has a son. A delegation from Nagran came to the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). They began to talk about their claim about the Trinity, which is that Allah is three in one, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, with some disagreement among their sects. That is why Allah affirmed in many verses of the Holy Quran that Jesus is a slave of Allah, whom He molded in the womb of his mother like any other of His creatures, and that He created him without a father, as He created Adam without a father or a mother.

Allah the Almighty said: Allah chose Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham and the family of Imran above the Alamin (mankind and jinns)(of their times). Offspring, one of theo other, and Allah is All‐Hearer, All‐Knower.

Remember when the wife of Imran said: “O my Lord! I have vowed to You what (the child that) is in my womb to be dedicated for Your services (free from all worldly work; to serve Your Place of worship), so accept this, from me. Verily, You are the All‐Hearer, the All Knowing.”


Then when she delivered her (child Mary), she said: “O my Lord! I have delivered a female child,” and Allah knew better what she delivered, ‐ “and the male is not like the female, and I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge with You (Allah) for her and for her offspring from Satan, the outcast.”

So her Lord (Allah) accepted her with goodly acceptance. He made her grow in a good manner and put her under the care of Zechariah. Every time he entered Al‐Mihrab (a praying place or a private room), he found her supplied with sustenance. He said: “O Mary! From where have you got this?” She said: “From Allah. Verily, Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills, without limit.” (Ch 3:33‐37 Holy Quran)

Allah declared that He had elected Adam (PBUH) and the elite of his offspring who obey Allah. Then He specified the family of Abraham (PBUH), which includes the sons of Ishmael (PBUH), and the family of Imran, the father of Mary.

Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) Ibn Ishaaq stated that he was Imran Ibn Bashim, Ibn Amun, Ibn Misha, Ibn Hosqia, Ibn Ahriq, Ibn Mutham, Ibn Azazia, Ibn Amisa, Ibn Yamish, Ibn Ahrihu, Ibn Yazem, Ibn Yahfashat, Ibn Eisha, Ibn Iyam, Ibn Rahba am, Ibn David (Dawud).

Prophet Zakariyah’s (PBUH) wife’s sister had a daughter named Hannah. She was married to Imran, a leader of the Israelites. For many years, the couple remained childless. Whenever Hannah saw another woman with a child, her longing for a baby increased. Although years had passed, she never lost hope. She believed that one day Allah would bless her with a child, on whom she would shower all her motherly love.

She turned to the Lord of the heavens and the earth and pleaded with Him for a child. She would offer the child in the service of Allah’s house, in the temple of Jerusalem. Allah granted her request. When she learned that she was pregnant, she was the happiest woman alive, and thanked Allah for His gift. Her overjoyed husband Imran also thanked Allah for His mercy. However, while she was pregnant her husband passed away. Hannah wept bitterly. Alas, Imran did not live to see their child for whom they had so longed. She gave birth to a girl, and again turned to Allah in prayer: “O my Lord, I have delivered a female child,” and the male is not like the female, and I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge with You (Allah) for her and her offspring from Satan, the outcast.” (Ch 3:36 Holy Quran) 113

Hannah had a big problem in reference to her promise to Allah, for females were not accepted into the temple, and she was very worried. Her sister’s husband Zakariyah, comforted her, saying that Allah knew best what she had delivered and appreciated fully what she had offered in His service. She wrapped the baby in a shawl and handed it over to the temple elders. As the baby was a girl, the question of her guardianship posed a problem for the elders. This was a child of their late and beloved leader, and everyone was eager to take care of her. Zakariyah said to the elders: “I am the husband of her maternal aunt and her nearest relation in the temple; therefore, I will be more mindful of her than all of you.”

As it was their custom to draw lots to solve disagreements, they followed this course. Each one was given a reed to throw into the river. They had agreed that whoever’s reed remained afloat would be granted guardianship of the girl. All the reeds sank to the bottom except Zakariyah’s. With this sign, they all surrendered to the will of Allah and made him the guardian.

To ensure that no one had access to Mary, Zakariyah built a separate room for her in the temple. As she grew up, she spent her time in devotion to Allah. Zakariyah visited her daily to see to her needs, and so it continued for many years. One day, he was surprised to find fresh fruit, which was out of season in her room. As he was the only person who could enter her room, he asked her how the fruit got there. She replied that these provisions were from Allah, as He gives to whom He wills. Zakariyah understood by this that Allah had raised Mary’s status above that of other women.

Thereafter, Zakariyah spent more time with her, teaching and guiding her. Mary grew to be a devotee of Allah, glorifying Him day and night.

Ali Ibn Abi Talib narrated that the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) said: “The best of the world’s women is Mary (in her lifetime), and the best of the world’s women is Khadija (SA) (in her lifetime).” (Authentic Hadith)

Abu Musa Al‐Ashari also narrated that the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) said: “May among men attained perfection but among women none attained perfection except Mary the daughter of Imran, and Asiya the wife of Pharaoh, and the superiority of Khadija (SA) & Fatima (SA) to

114 other women is like the superiority of Tharid (an Arabic dish) to other meals.

“While Mary was praying in her temple, an angel in the form of a man appeared before her. Filled with terror, she tried to flee, praying: “Verily! I seek refuge with the Most Beneficent (Allah) from you, if you do fear Allah.”

The angel said: “I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son.”

She said: “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?”

He said: “So (it will be), your Lord said: “That is easy for me (Allah): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allah), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allah).'” (Ch 19:18‐21 Holy Quran)

The angel’s visit caused Mary great anxiety, which increased as the months went by. How could she face giving birth to a child without having a husband? Later, she felt life kicking inside her. With a heavy heart, she left the temple and went to Nazareth, the city in which she had been born where she settled in a simple farm house to avoid the public.

But fear and anxiety did not leave her. She was from a noble and pious family. Her father had not been an evil man nor was her mother an impure woman. How could she prevent tongues from wagging about her honor?

After some months, she could not bear the mental strain any longer. Burdened with a heavy womb, she left Nazareth, not knowing where to go to be away from this depressing atmosphere.

She had not gone far, when she was overtaken by the pains of childbirth. She saw down against a dry palm tree, and here she gave birth to a son. Looking at her beautiful baby, she was hurt that she had brought him into the world without a father. She exclaimed: “I wish I had died before this happened and had vanished into nothingness!”

Suddenly, she heard a voice nearby: “Grieve not, your Lord has placed a rivulet below, and shake the trunk of this tree, from which ripe dates will 115 fall. So eat and drink and regain the strength you have lost; and be of good cheer, for what you see is the power of Allah, Who made the dry palm tree regain life, in order to provide food for you.” For a while she was comforted by Allah’s miracle, for it was a sure sign of her innocence and purity.

She decided to return to the city. However, her fears also returned. What was she going to tell the people? The Holy Prophet felt his mother’s worry, So the baby began to speak: “If you meet any person say: ‘I have vowed to fast for The Beneficent and may not speak to any human today.'” With this miracle, Mary felt at ease.

As she had expected, her arrival in the city with a newborn baby in her arms aroused the curiosity of the people. They scolded her: “This is a terrible sin that you have committed.” She put her finger to her lips and pointed to the child. They asked: “How can we speak to a newborn baby?” To their total amazement, the child began to speak clearly: “I am Allah’s servant. Allah has given me the Book, and has made me a prophet, and has blessed me wherever I may be, and has enjoined on me prayers and alms‐ giving as long as I live. Allah has made me dutiful towards she who had borne me. He has not made me arrogant nor unblessed. Peace unto me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive.”

Most of the people realized that the baby was unique, for it Allah wills something, He merely says “Be” and it happens. Of course, there were some who regarded the baby’s speech as a strange trick, but at least Mary could now stay in Nazareth without being harassed.

Allah the Exalted revealed: And mention in the Book (the Holy Quran, O Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), the story of) Mary, when she withdrew in seclusion from her family to a place facing east. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our Ruh (angel Gabriel), and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects.

She said: “Verily! I seek refuge with the Most Beneficent (Allah) from you, if you do fear Allah.”

The angel said: “I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son.” She said: “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?” He said: “So (it will be), your Lord said: “That is easy for me (Allah): and (We wish) to appoint him as a 116 sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allah), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allah).'”

So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place (Bethlehem valley, about four to six miles from Jerusalem). And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said: “Would that I had died before this, and had been forgotten and out of sight!”

Then (the babe “Jesus” or Gabriel) cried unto her from below her, saying: “Grieve not! Your Lord has provided you a water stream under you; and shake the trunk of palm tree towards you, it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you. So eat and drink and be glad, and if you see any human being, say: ‘Verily! I have vowed a fast unto the Most Beneficent (Allah) so I shall not speak to any human being this day.'”

Then she brought him (the baby) to her people, carrying him. They said: “O Mary! Indeed you have brought a thing Fariyya (an unheard mighty thing). O sister (the like) of Aaron (not the brother of Moses, but he was another pious man at the time of Mary)! Your father was not a man who used to commit adultery, nor was your mother an unchaste woman.”

Then she pointed to him. They said: “How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?”

He (Jesus) said: “Verily! I am a slave of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet; and He has made me blessed whosesoever I be, and has enjoined me prayer, and Zakat, as long as I live, and dutiful to my mother, and made me not arrogant, unblessed. And Salam (peace) be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!”

Such is Jesus, son of Mary. (It is) a statement of truth, about which they doubt (or dispute). It befits not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son (this refers to the slander of Christians against Allah, by saying that Jesus is the son of Allah). Glorified (and exalted be He above all that they associate with Him). When He decrees a thing, He only says to it, “Be!” ‐ And it is.

Jesus said: “And verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That is the Straight Path. (Allah’s Religion of Islamic Monotheism which He did ordain for all of His Prophets).” Then the sects differed (the 117

Christians about Jesus), so woe unto the disbelievers (those who gave false witness saying that Jesus is the son of Allah) from the meeting of a great Day (the Day of Resurrection, when they will be thrown in the blazing Fire). How clearly will they (polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) see and hear, the Day when they will appear before Us! But the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong‐doers) today are in plain error. And warn them (O Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)) of the Day of grief and regrets, when the case has been decided, while now they are in a state of carelessness and they believe not. (Ch 19:16‐39 Holy Quran)

It was said that Joseph the Carpenter was greatly surprised when he knew the story, so he asked Mary: “Can a tree come to grow without a seed?” She said: “Yes, the one which Allah created for the first time.” He asked her again: “Is it possible to bear a child without a male partner?” She said: “Yes, Allah, created Adam without male or female!”

It was also said that, while pregnant, Mary went one day to her aunt, who reported that she felt as if she was pregnant. Mary in turn, said that she, too, was feeling as if she was pregnant. Then her aunt said: “I can see what is in my womb prostrating to what is in your womb.”

The Jewish priests felt this child Jesus was dangerous, for they felt that the people would turn their worship to Allah the Almighty Alone, displacing the existing Jewish tenets. Consequently, they would lose their authority over the people. Therefore, they kept the miracle of Jesus’s speech in infancy as a secret and accused Mary of a great misdeed.

As Jesus (PBUH) grew, the signs of prophet-hood began to increase. He could tell his friends what kind of supper waited for them at home and what they had hidden and where. When he was twelve years old, he accompanied his mother to Jerusalem. There he wandered into the temple and joined a crowd listening to the lecture of the Rabbis (Jewish priests). The audiences were all adults, but he was not afraid to sit with them. After listening intently, he asked questions and expressed his opinion. The learned rabbis were disturbed by the boy’s boldness and puzzled by the questions he asked, for they were unable to answer him. They tried to silence him, but he ignored their attempts and continued to express his views. Jesus became so involved in this exchange that he forgot he as expected back home.


In the meantime, his mother went home, thinking that he might have gone back with relatives or friends. When she arrived, she discovered that he was not there, so she returned to the city to look for him. At last she found him in the temple, sitting among the learned, conversing with them. He appeared to be quite at east, as if he had been doing this all his life. Mary got angry with him for causing her worry. He tried to assure her that all the arguing and debating with the learned had made him forgot the time.

Jesus grew up to manhood. It was Sabbath, a day of complete rest: no fire could be lit or extinguished nor could females plait their hair. Moses (PBUH) had commanded that Saturday be dedicated to the worship of Allah. However, the wisdom behind the Sabbath and its spirit had gone, and only the letter remained in the Jews’ hearts. Also, they thought that Sabbath was kept in heaven, and that the People of Israel had been chosen by Allah only to observe the Sabbath.

They made a hundred things unlawful on Saturday even self‐defense or calling a doctor to save a patient who was in bad condition. This is how their life was branded by such hypocrisy. Although the Pharisees were guardians of the law, they were ready to sell it when their interests were involved so as to obtain personal gains. There was, for example, a rule which prohibited a journey of more than one thousand yards on the Sabbath day. What do we expect of the Pharisees in this case? The day before, they transferred their food and drink from their homes two thousand yards away and erected a temporary house so that from they could travel a further thousand yards on the Sabbath day.

Jesus was on his way to the temple. Although it was the Sabbath, he reached out his hand to pick two pieces of fruit to feed a hungry child. This was considered to be a violation of the Sabbath law. He made a fire for the old women to keep themselves warm from the freezing air. Another violation, he went to the temple and looked around. There were twenty thousand Jewish priests registered there who earned their living from the temple. The rooms of the temple were full of them.

Jesus observed that the visitors were much fewer than the priests. Yet the temple was full of sheep and doves which were sold to the people to be offered as sacrifices. Every step in the temple cost the visitor money. They worshiped nothing but money. In the temple, the Pharisees and Sadducees acted as if it were a market place, and these two groups always disagreed on everything. Jesus followed the scene with his eyes and observed that 119 the poor people who could not afford the price of the sheep or dove were swept away like flies by the Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus was astonished. Why did the priests burn a lot of offerings inside the temple, while thousands of poor people were hungry outside it?

On this blessed night, the two noble prophets John (PBUH) and Zakariyah (PBUH) died, killed by the ruling authority. On the same night, the revelation descended upon Jesus (PBUH). Allah the Exalted commanded him to begin his call to the children of Israel. To Jesus, the life of ease was closed, and the page of worship and struggled was opened.

Like an opposing force, the message of Jesus came to denounce the practices of the Pharisees and to reinforce the Law of Moses. In the face of a materialistic age of luxury and worship of gold, Jesus called his people to a nobler life by word and deed. This exemplary life was the only way out of the wretchedness and diseases of his age. Jesus’s call, from the beginning, was marked by its complete uprightness and piety. It appealed to the soul, the inner being, and not be a closed system of rules laid down by society.

Jesus continued inviting the people to Almighty Allah. His call was based on the principle that there is no mediation between the Creator and His creatures. However, Jesus was in conflict with the Jews’ superficial interpretation of the Torah. He said that he did not come to abrogate the Torah, but to complete it by going to the spirit of its substance to arrive at its essence.

He made the Jews understand that the Ten Commandments have more value than they imagined. For instance, the fifth commandment does not only prohibit physical killing, but all forms of killing; physical, psychological, or spiritual. And the sixth commandment does not prohibit adultery only in the sense of unlawful physical contact between a man and a woman, but also prohibits all forms of unlawful relations or acts that might lead to adultery. The eye commits adultery when it looks at anything with passion.

Jesus was therefore in confrontation with the materialistic people. He told them to desist from hypocrisy, show and false praise. There was no need to hoard wealth in this life. They should not preoccupy themselves with the goods of this passing world; rather they must preoccupy themselves with the affairs of the coming world because it would be everlasting.


Jesus told them that caring for this world is a sin, not fit for pious worshippers. The disbelievers care for it because they do not know a better way. As for the believers, they know that their sustenance is with Allah, so they trust in Him and scorn this world.

Jesus continued to invite more people to worship the One and Only Lord, Who is without partner, just as he invited them to purify the heart and soul.

His teaching annoyed the priests, for every word of Jesus was a threat to them and their position, exposing their misdeeds.

The Roman occupiers had, at first, no intention of being involved in this religious discord of the Jews because it was an internal affair, and they saw that this dispute would distract the Jews from the question of the occupation.

However, the priests started to plot against Jesus. They wanted to embarrass him and to prove that he had come to destroy the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law provides that an adulteress be stoned to death. They brought him a Jewish adulteress and asked Jesus: “Does not the law stipulate the stoning of the adulteress?” Jesus answered: “Yes.” They said: “This woman is an adulteress.” Jesus looked at the woman and then at the priests. He knew that they were more sinful than she. They agreed that she should be killed according to Mosaic Law, and they understood that if he was going to apply Mosaic Law, he would be destroying his own rules of forgiveness and mercy.

Jesus understood their plan. He smiled and assented: “Whoever among you is sinless can stone her.” His voice rose in the middle of the Temple, making a new law on adultery, for the sinless to judge sin. There was none eligible; no mortal can judge sin, only Allah the Most Merciful.

As Jesus left the temple, the woman followed him. She took out a bottle of perfume from her garments, knelt before his feet and washed them with perfume and tears, and then dried his feet with her hair. Jesus turned to the woman and told her to stand up, adding: “O Lord, forgive her sins.” He let the priests understand that those who call people to Almighty Allah are not executioners. His call was based on mercy for the people, the aim of all divine calls.


Jesus continued to pray to Allah for mercy on his people and to teach his people to have mercy on one another and to believe in Allah. Jesus continued his mission, aided by divine miracles. Some Quranic commentators said that Jesus brought four people back from the dead: a friend of his named Al‐Azam, an old woman’s son, and a woman’s only daughter. These three had died during his lifetime. When the Jews saw this they said: “You only resurrect those who have died recently; perhaps they only fainted.” They asked him to bring back to life Sam the Ibn Noah.

When he asked them to show him his grave, the people accompanied him there. Jesus invoked Allah the Exalted to bring him back to life and behold, Sam the Ibn Noah came out from the grave gray‐haired. Jesus asked: “how did you get gray hair, when there was no aging in your time?” He answered: “O Spirit of Allah, I thought that the Day of Resurrection had come; from the fear of that day my hair turned gray.” Origin & Legacy of Sufism

The word “Tasawwuf” (the Arabic word for “Sufism”) was used by the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), he certainly used the word ‘’ or spiritual sincerity. Sufi Shaykhs have said that Sufism itself is nothing other than this sincerity, or the perfect following of the way of Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), both inner and outer as well as Ahle-Bayet (Family members of Great Prophet). Therefore, Tasawwuf, or Sufism, can in no way be divorced from the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Anyone who acts contrary to the principles of Islam cannot be considered a Sufi, in spite of their claims. Care must be taken when choosing a guide, for as Hasan al Basri, a Shaykh of the the 7th century said, "Association with the wicked produces suspicion of the good". After the departure of the Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) (SM) from this world to heaven in 632 A.D., those who were closest to him passed on his teachings to the sincere seekers of the next generation, who in turn became the perfected guides, or Shaykhs, for the generation after them. This process has continued down to our present time by the Mercy of Allah. In this way, every authentic Sufi guide has a chain of teachers which leads directly back to the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (Peace Be Upon Him). The Fourth Caliph of Islam Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu Talib (PBUH), is the Grand Sufi Master of all Sufis. He is also the Supreme Authority of Sufism. Such a chain of teachers is known in Sufism as a "Silsilah" or a “Shajarah" (Sufi Order).


In the English language, each of these “tariqahs” is known as a ‘Sufi Order’. Starting from Hazrat Ali (PBUH) the Sufism spread thru the following list of Imams who are direct descendants of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) thru Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (PBUH) Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib al Murtadha (PBUH)

Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib al Murtadha (PBUH) The First Imam and Father of Imams

Hazrat Hasan ibn Ali al Mujtaba (PBUH) The Second Imam Hazrat Hussein ibn Ali al Shaheed (PBUH) The Third Imam Hazrat Ali ibn Husayn al Zayn‐al‐Abedin (PBUH) The Fourth Imam Hazrat Mohammad ibn Ali al Baqir (PBUH) The Fifth Imam Hazrat Ja'far ibn Mohammad Al Sadiq (PBUH) The Sixth Imam Hazrat Musa ibn Ja'far Kazim (PBUH) The Seventh Imam Hazrat Ali ibn Musa al Ridha (PBUH) The Eight Imam Hazrat Mohammad ibn Ali Taqi (PBUH) The Ninth Imam Hazrat Ali ibn Mohammad Naqi (PBUH) The Tenth Imam Hazrat Hasan ibn Ali 'Askari (PBUH) The Eleventh Imam


Often, one of the Shaykhs may be so prominent, or become so well- known, that his students will identify themselves by saying they follow the way of such-and-such a Shaykh. The Arabic word for way is ‘tariqah’ (Spiritual Guide/Guardian). So for example, students of the great Shaykh, Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband (RA) founder of Naqshband sufi order, and his successors down to the present day are said to follow the tariqah. Similarly, Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) founder of Qaderia Sufi order, Hazrat Khawja Moinuddin Chishti (RA) founder of Chistia Sufi Order (tariqah), and Hazrat Abul Hasan to the Shadhili tariqah, and Hazrat Ahmed Faruqi Sirhindi Mujadded Alfe-Sani, founder of the Mujaddedi tariqah. Ultimately, all of these orders lead directly back to the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and their differences are mostly geographical and superficial.


Islam & Sufism

The pages of the history and all religious books of the world are full of the terrible stories of God's retribution upon those past rebellious generations of mankind who defied the teachings of His Prophets and apostles under the mischievous influence of Satan. There have also been numerous bloody wars between the forces of evil and good, Truth and falsehood, the followers of Satan and the devotees and believers of the Almighty God in which the latter few have always vanquished the over -whelming many. As stated above again and again God has sent His Prophets and apostles to all races and nations of the world in order to warn and keep them on the right path of Truth. As it happened, after their death people forgot their sacred lessons and became victims of Satan's treachery only to forfeit the pleasure of God and earn His retribution. This is a divine decree which no civilization or modern progress can change in spite of all our scientific and material advancement. Purpose of Islam The true purpose of religion is that human beings should follow the right path according to divine teachings. But before asking people to follow these teachings, it is first necessary to explain the teachings and whose teaching they are: secondly, about the one who is preaching them, and finally, the great benefit that will be derived by following them. These are the fundamentals on which religions are formed. To have a comparative study of Islam in the light of the teachings found in other sacred books, is to know what a comprehensive world religion Islam is pointing out also how the author of such a religion was decidedly the last great Prophet, there being consequently no further necessity at all for another Prophet to rise. Holy Quran is the final revealed Book of God and Mohammad is the last Prophet. An Ancient Religion As a matter of fact, Islam which means peace and which represents the Divine Code for a disciplined, contented and harmonious life of man on earth already existed in one or the other form long before the advent of the Holy Prophet Mohammad. It however needed a revival in an up to date form because due to individual and political intrigues, certain abuses had crept into it. The preceding generations had altered the true spirit and version of the former Holy Scriptures to suit their own selfish ends and 124 conveniences. Thus mutilating the original commandments of God and bringing an ugly slur on the fair name of Religion. These unauthorized intrusions and mutilations therefore necessitated up to date 'divine code' in its pristine glory and that is why a final and perfect religion in the form of Islam was revealed through the Holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad with the explicit warning that no more Prophets were to come after him. Islam is therefore, a perfect religion for all humanity and for all time, and not for the Muslims alone, whether the world accepts this divine claim or not.

Unlike the past, Islam is now preserved in its up to date perfection in the Holy Quran and because of the past generations proved themselves incapable of preserving the original commandments of God in theory and true perspective had, as stated above, tampered with them to suit their own intriguing conveniences, therefore the Almighty Allah promised in the Holy Quran to be its preserver Himself this time. One of the living instances of this jealous guardianship is that millions of Muslims easily commit this 'Book of God' to memory- a feature unique in its own way which is nothing short of a miracle. There is no instance in the living memory of mankind to show that any of the ancient religious books or any other kind of book of such a voluminous nature as the Holy Quran is, was ever committed to memory. This fact alone proves that God's original words have been preserved as He willed, and that there have been no tampering whatever with them after the death of the Holy Prophet Mohammad through whom the Holy Quran was delivered. Unique Virtues Of Islam There are many unique virtues of Islam and its holy Prophet as compared with his predecessors. While the preceding Prophets were endowed with only one 'divine' virtue to help them to make their mission successful, Prophet Mohammad had the exclusive distinction of possessing all those 'divine' virtues in him which were bestowed upon his predecessors individually. For instance, Prophet Mohammad was endowed with the exemplary patience granted to Prophet Ayub, the miraculous virtues possessed by the 'staff' given to Prophet Moses, the healing spell possessed by Prophet Jesus, the perfect human beauty bestowed upon Prophet Yusuf and the supreme faith owned by Prophet Abraham.

Further, no Prophet ever since the creation of Adam, had the unique distinction of being succeeded by illustration saints and divines among his 125 followers as the Prophet of Islam had a venerable line of religious teachers and saints who shunned all pomp and show of the material world in order to serve the cause of Islam and humanity selflessly and faithfully. Both morally and spiritually they were pictures of perfection and stood out alone in the multitude of intelligentsia, never deviating from the teachings of the Holy Quran or the tradition of the Prophet. Their one paramount aim of life was the selfless service of mankind, strictly in accordance with the teachings of the holy Quran both, in letter and spirit these holy teachers of Islam in the garb of Sufi continued to keep the banner of Islam flying for a period of nearly 900 years after the death of the holy Prophet Mohammad by their matchless zeal, abstemious character and amazing spiritual powers and it is due to this unique dedication to the service of mankind that there are today 90 crores of Muslims spreading all over the world whose 'faith' in their religion remains as staunch and unshakable as it has ever been in spite of all the political and social revolutions of the world ever since the death of Prophet Mohammad. Sufism and the Modern World • Sufism is a path of spiritual advancement. By a process of purification, Sufi practices allow light to enter our hearts and our faculties of perception. This may lead to the development of our innate spiritual and intuitive abilities, in the same way that when you open a window to a dark room light floods in and you can suddenly see more.

Thus the practice of Sufism leads to an expansion of consciousness - an increase in our self-awareness and our awareness of the universe we live in and completely surrender to Almighty God. The divine devotion with five times prayer towards Almighty Allah & Love for the Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) as well as towards Prophet’s family members (Ahle-Bayet), can earn the title of being true “Muslim” means who completely surrenders to Almighty Allah without any regards, in accordance of Holy Quran and Sufi Orders. We become less prone to acting and thinking in conditioned ways. This in turn leads to a self- transformation – a transformation in the way we conduct ourselves and interact with the world. We find peace and contentment and a growing awareness of a Higher Plan. Ultimately, the Sufi path brings us closer to the Supreme Reality, which is the Almighty God.


• According to the Sufi legacy, man is asleep. By this, they mean than the vast majority of us are oblivious to the realities of life and death, existence and God, and we live life as if in a dream or a metaphor. And yet the other side of sleep is wakefulness, and Sufi cosmology also teaches that mankind is equipped with subtle centres of consciousness which are largely unused, but which can gradually be awakened through practical guidance and sincere effort. Once awakened, these inner faculties of perception enable us to witness realities which previously appeared to us as obscure mysteries. It is possible to move into the light when previously we were in the dark. Sufism is the path of the gradual awakening of the heart, whereby we turn away from all that is illusory, and subsist in Reality. This was the condition that Hazrat Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) (SM) described when he said, "My eyes sleep but my heart does not sleep" (Authentic Hadith).

• Sufism is the spiritual aspect of Islam. Those who follow the Sufi path strive to follow both the inner and the outer aspects of Islam with ever- increasing sincerity. Indeed, another name for Sufism is simply Ihsan, or "sincerity".

• We live in an age when science and technology have brought mankind not only great material advances, but also a deep cynicism towards the religious and spiritual aspects of life. On the one hand, the success of the "scientific method" has set limitations on what are considered to be useful and practical fields of study. We are taught to believe that only that which the outer senses can perceive, and which the rational mind can analyze, are worthy of being called ‘the truth’. And on the other hand, it is very easy to become disillusioned with the various religions’ claims that they have access to absolute truth and goodness, when these claims are rarely actualized by experience.

• Yet human nature is such that questions regarding the deep mysteries of life continue to arise in individuals, and there will always be some for whom the thirst to find answers to these questions is so great that it will not easily be quenched by rationalistic philosophical constructs or by literal readings of religious texts.

• Sufism teaches that it is possible for us to see beyond the veils of darkness which enclothe our belief systems. One who sincerely devotes himself or herself to a program of Sufi training may eventually approach the state where one can "see things as they truly are", when one can 127

"worship Almighty God as though you can see Him", and when can truly realize that one is "in the world, but not of the world".

• For many people in the modern world it may seem that such teachings are alien to their culture or are a thing of the past - if indeed they ever existed! Others may instinctively recognize that their destiny lies in the unfolding of these teachings in their lives, but are faced with overwhelming difficulties in finding a trustworthy and authoritative teacher who can show them the way out of the darkness.

• One of the aims of the School of Sufi Teaching is to make tried and tested methods of gaining enlightenment accessible to people who are living ordinary lives in the modern world. The secret of life and its purpose is the attainment of self-knowledge and God realization, in accordance of Holy Quran. This is the birthright of every human being.

• To reunite ourselves with God we must first become aware of our own conditioning and wake up to the fact that we may be living our lives blindly as if in a dream.

• To awaken from this spell, we must activate the hidden powers that lie dormant within ourselves and make them operative in our daily lives. At First, Believing in Oneness of God and acknowledge all his messengers. Secondly, Establish proper respect towards Ahle-Bayet (Family members of Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)), within that belief you must perform five times prayer on time, by completely surrendering yourself to Almighty God without any regards of reward except Allah (Almighty God).

Finally The Sufi Orders have their Doa’s, in respect of Almighty Allah as well as perform Milaad or Duroods in loving respect towards the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). And after that there are special form of Meditation (muraqaba, Secret Practice) involving a process called 'Transmission' (nisbat). Through this practice of Meditation we can attain intuitive insight which enables us to begin to see all things in their true perspective.

It opens up a new way of thinking, freeing us from our anxieties and fears and in its place we gain a greater sense of happiness and tranquility. This freedom empowers us to experience positive feelings and thoughts towards ourselves and with it the power to love others. It will reveal the

128 powerful inter-relatedness of human existence and the universe and show us the way back to Almighty God.

The School of Sufi Teaching is a branch of a Sufi Order which has been present in India since the 12th century, and whose teachers (or Shaykhs) can be traced directly back to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

A few decades ago Hazrat Azad Rasool, the Shaykh of this Sufi Order, noticed that many people were visiting India seeking spiritual advancement and enlightenment, but often got side-tracked or found it difficult to meet a trustworthy and authoritative spiritual guide who could teach them the subtle intricacies of the spiritual path.

In order to address this problem, Hazrat Azad Rasool established the Institute of Search for Truth in New Delhi, India with the consent of his own Shaykh, Maulana Mohammad Saeed Khan (r.a.). This was in 1975.

The aim of the Institute of Search for Truth was the following:- to serve the needs of people from all backgrounds who are seeking the Truth and the spiritual advancement of the self, and who may benefit from authentic Sufi teachings.

This Institute, under the name of The School of Sufi Teaching, now has branches around the world, with students from countries as far afield as the USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, Poland, UK, Egypt, Tunisia, Ethiopia and South Africa. The aim of School of Sufi Teaching remains the same as the Institute of the Search for Truth:- to make authentic Sufi teachings available to sincere seekers around the world.


Hazrat Ghauthul-Al-Azam Muhyuddeen Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)

Figure 24: The Great Sufi Saint Founder of Qaderia Sufi Order “Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) from Baghdad, Iraq”

He is Hassani and Hussaini:

The most universally acclaimed saint of all times and the most celebrated, in all the aalameen (worlds), among jinn and men as well as among the arwaah (souls) and the malaika (angels), the beloved of AllahTa’ala who throughout history has been showered the titles of muhyudeen (reviver of faith), qutbRabbani and ghauth-al-a’zam (the greatest helper), Sayyidi wa Imami Shaykh-ul-AkbarAbu Mohammad Abdul Qadir Jilani, Radhu Allahu Anh was born in 470 A.H/1077 CE in Jilan, Persia. His father’s name was Abu Salih, a man of taqwa (piety) and a direct descendant of Hazrat Imam Hassan ibn Ali Rady Allahu Anh. His mother Ummul-Khair Fatima was a saintly daughter of a saintly father Shaykh Abdullah Sawma’ee who was a direct descendant of Hazrat Imam Hussain ibn Ali Rady Allahu Anh.

Thus Muhyudeen Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (PBUH) was both Hasani and Husaini, a descendant of the Holy Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam. For this reason, the Sindhis for example, lovingly call him “putarmithe mahboob jo” (the blessed son of the sweet beloved Holy Prophet), Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam.


Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum

He Reached the Status of Siddiqeen:

The Holy Prophet Mohammad Mustafa Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam is the last Prophet, there is no prophet after him. But people can still aspire to spiritual progress, acquire taqwa (piety) and saintliness and become Awliya Allah (friends of Allah). And the highest spiritual state after Ambiya (prophets), belongs to the Siddiqeen (the truthful) that is why the Holy Prophet taught us to make the dua: Allahummaj ‘alna min-as-Siddiqeen (O Allah make us among the truthful). Well, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh manifested to the world that he ranked among the siddiqeen at the ripe age of 18. At that age, his thirst for knowledge and eagerness for the company of the Awliya Allah took him to the city of Baghdad.

It is related that as he was about to leave home on this momentous journey, his widowed mother sewed forty gold coins inside his coat as part of his inheritance, and as parting advice told him to be forever truthful. The caravan with whom he was travelling had gone as far as Hamadan when it was attacked by a gang of robbers. In the course of their loot, one of the robbers asked him whether he had anything with him and he truthfully replied that he had forty gold coins sewn in his coat. The robber obviously thought he was joking and narrated this incident to his chief who decided to come and see this young man. When his coat was torn open, sure enough there were forty gold coins. The gang leader was astounded. He asked Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani as to why he revealed this when he could have very well kept it secret. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani told him that his mother had advised him not to lie and he was duty bound to obey his mother, Hearing this, the gang leader was overpowered with remorse, repented, accepted Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani as his Shaykh and so did all his followers and they went on to acquire awliayah (sainthood) themselves. This is how Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani came to be ranked among the Siddiqeen. Allahummaj ‘alna min-as-Siddiqeen, Aameen Yaa Rabbal ‘Aalameen.

Sayyid Hajji Abdul Raheem Bin Sayyid Muhammad Ismail Shirazi has captured the essence of this incident most beautifully in the following verses of his Urdu poem on the Gauth-al-A’zam:


“Choron pay tum nay kar kay tawajjoh Abdaal banaaya ‘aali shaan Yaa Gauth-al-A’zam ajab tumhaaree shaan”

Focusing your spiritual glance at the thieves You turned them into great saints O, the great helper, and your stature is truly astounding (Gulzare Tayyiba, vol 3, p 18)

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum

Sharia, Tariqa and Haqeeqi Ma’rifa

In matters of Shariah (sacred Muslim law), Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh followed the Hanbal Madh-hab (school of sacred Muslim law) but was an authority on the Shafi-i-Madh-hab as well, and a chief exponent of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal Jama’ah (the people who follow the Tasbih of the Holy Prophet and the Jama’ah of his blessed companions). The way to draw nearer to Allah Ta’ala is through additional voluntary prayers day and night, through constant remembrance (Zikr), unceasing salawaat (Durood) on the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam, Sunnah fasting, charity, zuhd (abstinence) and juhd (exertion in the way of Allah Ta’ala) as exemplified by the Holy Prophet himself. This then is the tariqa (spiritual path leading to Allah Ta’ala) which is rooted in sharia (sacred Muslim Law).

A Shaykh, musk-scented in shariah, tariqa and haqeeqi-ma’rifa (knowledge of Allah Ta’ala) is able to ascertain the spiritual level of a mureed (disciple) and can assign additional awraad and azkaar (voluntary prayers) to be performed to attain spiritual progress. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani learned tariqa at the hands of Shaykh Hammad Bin Muslim al-Dabbas, Rahmatullahi alaih. Traditionally when someone is appointed a Calipha of a Shaykh in tariqa, he is given a khirqa. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani was bestowed the khirqa by ShaykhQadi Abi Said al-Mukhrami, Rahmatullahi alaih.

The tariqa followed by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh came to be called after him the tariqa and it came to be universally accepted as a divinely-guided path to spiritual progress through zikr of Allah to polish one’s heart of all evil, to lead a virtuous life, to attain the love of the Holy Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam, the love of the Sahabah (companions) and the Ahle Bayt (the Prophet’s blessed household), the love of the awliya (saints), and to follow the sharia (sacred 132

Muslim law) according to the teachings of any one of the four Imams of madh-hab, that is Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi-i, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, may Allah Ta’ala be pleased with them all.

Any tariqa has a or spiritual chain linking the teachings of the Shaykh to the teachings of Rasulullah Sallallahu aliahi wa Sallam. The spiritual genealogy of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani RadyAllahu Anh is traced back to the Holy Prophet as follows:

Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, disciple of Shaykh Qadi Abi Said Ali Mubarak al-Mukhrami, disciple of Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Ahmad Qareshi al-Hankari, disciple of Shaykh Abu Farah Muhammad Yusuf Tartusi, disciple of Shaykh Raziuddin Abul Fazl Abdul Wahid Abdul Aziz, disciple of Shaykh Abu Bakr Abdullah Shibli, disciple of Shaykh Abul Qasim Junaid of Bagdad, disciple of Shaykh Abul Hasan Siri Saqti, disciple of Shaykh Maroof Al-Karkhi, disciple of Shaykh Sulaiman Dawood Tai, disciple of Shaykh Habib ul Ajami, disciple of Shaykh Hasan al-Basri, disciple of Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib, Calipha of Sayyidina Muhammad ibn Abdillah, Nurin-min-Nurillah, Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa baarik alaih.

The names in this silsila (spiritual chain) are given in the Tawassul of Qadiriyya in the kitab Abdul Qadir Fee Eedahit tasawwuf compiled by Nuriddeen ibn Shaykh Husain Mahmud al-Ghasani as well as in the biography of the Shaykh by Dr. Zahurul Hasan Sharib.

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum. Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum

Nasiha Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh taught Muslims and preached to non-Muslims in Baghdad. His Khutbas (sermons) and Nasiha (advice) have been compiled and handed down through centuries as classics of Muslim spirituality.

His major spiritual works in the field are:


1. Sirr al-asrar (The secret of secrets). 2. Futuh al-ghayb (Revelations of the Unseen). 3. Ghunyat al-talibeen (Wealth for Seekers). 4. Al-Fat’hu Rabbani (The Endowment of Divine Grace).

Besides the Holy Quran Kareem and Hadith Shareef, these are required minimum reading for someone who aspires to be an aalim (learned). As we read his masterpieces, we are struck by the fact that his style of expression is different from that of any other Shaykh, aalim or wali. He is so much saturated with the spiritual power of Tawheed that his exposition and its flow has a spiritually confident personality all its own so that anyone who reads his khutbas spontaneously admits that he is the -al-aqtaab, the Shaykh-ul-Mashaaikh, the Gauth-alA’zam and much more…. a Shaykh who epitomized mujaddidiyya (faith revival) and Awliyah (sainthood).

“Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum”

Azkaar, Salawaat and Qasida

The Qadiriyya tariqa is a tariqa of Zikrullah, remembrance of Allah. The plural of Zikr is azkaar. The azkaar and awraad (daily voluntary prayers) of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh have been compiled in many kitaabs (religious books), one of which is Fuyudhaatur-Rabbaniyya, compiled by al- Ismail Ibn Sayyid Muhammad Sa’eed Al-Qadiri. It gives the awraad and azkaar of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani for each day of the week as well as for various special occasions.

Then we have the salawaat (durood) on the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam recited by the Gauth-al-A’zam and we have to read Fuyudhaatur-Rabbaniyya as well as his major classics to appreciate how profuse Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani was in sending salawaat and salaam on the Holy Prophet, Allahumma salli wa sallim alaih. His most famous salaat is called As-Salatu Gauthiya after him while he also recited As-Salatul Kubra (The big salaat) and kibritil ahmar (the philosopher’s stone). Kibritil ahmar is given in both Fuyudhaatur-Rabbaniyya as well as in Miskaatus-Salawaat of Mawlana Muhammad Elias Burney. “The pholosopher’s stone” means something very rare to find.

His emphasis in immersing yourself in the Asma Allah-ul-Husna (the most Beautiful Names of Allah Ta’ala) until they run through your veins is 134 breathtaking. He has woven a qasida (hymn) of 63 verses around this Asma-ul-Husna whose opening verses are:

“Shara’tu Bi Tawheedil Ilahi Mubasmilaa Sa Akhtimu Bi-dh-dhikril Hameedi Mujammila Wa Ash-Hadu Annallah Laa Rabba Ghairuhu Tanazzaha ‘an Hasril Uquli Takammulaa”

(Transliteration from Fuyudhaatur-Rabbaniyya, p 52)

“I start the Tawheed of Allah with Bismillah. I will finish with the Zikr of Allah, the Most Beautiful. And I bear witness that there is no Lord other than Allah. Glorified is He, beyond human understanding, Most Perfect.”

And his qasida Gauthiya is universally popular. It is chanted from Rabat to Lahor and from Mombasa to Toronto. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh passed away on 11 Rabi-ul-Akhir 561 A.H/1166 C.E, at the age of 91. Those in the Qadiriyya tariqa recite Holy Quran Kareem and do Zikr on that night. In the Indian sub-continent, it is called Gyaarween shareef, or the blessed eleventh night of the month. Qasida Gauthiya is also recited. In it, ShaykhAbdul Qadir Jilani gives us some of the secrets of his own spiritual stature. Consider the spiritual force with which the opening lines burst upon you:

“Saqaanil hubbu kaasaatil wisaalee Faqultu likhamratee nahwee ta’aalee”

When we read the classics of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh like Sirr al-asrar, Futuh al-ghayb, Ghunyat al-talibin, Al-Fat’hu Rabbani, and qasida Gauthiya and recite the awraad and salawaat that he recited, we begin to understand why he is considered to be the Gauthul A’zam (greatest saint). But the initiate sometimes wonders why he revealed so many spiritual secrets when most other Shaykhs are reticent. To answer that question, we will need to turn to Sayyidi wa Imami Mawlana Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad, Rady Allahu Anh. In Gifts for the Seeker, he explains that Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Rady Allahu Anh had received permission to divulge these spiritual secrets-“for the man who receives such permission is under an order which he can but obey-and the secret of the permission granted in such matters is itself one that cannot be divulged.” (Gifts for the Seeker, translation by Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi, p.11). 135

“Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum”

Spread of Islam through Sufi Saints

Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Rady Allahu Anh as the model of a Sufi saint, through his nasiha, azkaar and salawaat, through giving a living reality to Islam, in his complete surrender to the Will of Allah and in his showing of tawakkul (trust in Allah) and through his teachings and preaching converted more than five thousand Jews and Christians to Islam while more than a hundred thousand ruffians, outlaws, murderers, thieves and bandits repented and became devout Muslims and gentle dervishes, explains Shaykh Tosun Bayrak alJerrahi al-Halveti in his Introduction to Sirr al-asrar, p xxxi. And the halaqa of Zikr (Zikr congregations) which he instituted have continued to attract millions of people to Islam through centuries and will continue to do so, Insha-Allah, till the Day of Judgement, Aameen.

A few examples suffice to illustrate this. The first example is that of Mawlana Mu’eenuddin Chishti Rahmatullahi alaih who acknowledged Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani as his Shaykh and spread among the Hindus. He achieved such a high spiritual stature that he is called Sultanul Hind (the sultan of saints in the Indian sub-continent) and all the saints in that region are under his banner while he is under the banner of the Gauth-al-A’zam. In the same way Shaykh Uways ibn Muhammad Rahmatullahi alaih of became a Calipha in Tariqatul Qadiriyya at the shrine of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani in Baghdad and spread Islam in the whole of Eastern Africa through congregations of Zikr. And Shaykh Hamzah Fansuri, considered to be the greatest saint in Indonesia and Malaysia proudly proclaimed that he learned Islam from Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani.

It can truly be said that the mureedeen and muhibbeen (loving disciples) of Shaykh barakaat Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh have spread Islam throughout the world through Zikr. The (blessings) of zikr are truly unending. May Allah Ta’ala make us among the Zaakireen, Aameen.

And the granting of awliyah (the stature of a saint) by Allah Ta’ala to the Zaakireen (those who remember Him), aabideen (those who worship Him) and muhibbeen (those who love the Holy Prophet) is in all instances mediated by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam, Shaykh Abdul 136

Qadir Jilani and one’s own Shaykh. After all the awliya and the ulama (learned) are the Caliphatullah, vicegerents of Allah. And one must always aspire to awliayah so that one becomes ‘Aarif Billah (knower of Allah). Allahummaj ‘alna minal ‘aarifeen, Aameen Yaa Rabbal Aalameen.

“Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum”

His Aqeeda: His aqeeda (beliefs) was that of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal Jam’ah based on the Holy Quran, and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam. All the Sufi Saints through centuries have expounded on and lived by this aqeeda. Its cornerstone is Tawheed (Unity of Allah), its nurturing is with Asma ul Husna and (love) of the Holy Prophet; its daily life is governed by shariah (sacred Muslim law); its growth and spread is through nasiha (good advice), zikr of Allah Ta’ala and salawaat and salaam on the Holy Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam, its peak is jihad and its ultimate is Fillah (annihilation of oneself in the Love of Allah Ta’ala) after which Allah Ta’ala showers you with Baqa Billah (spiritual life everlasting) in His Ridha (pleasure).

So you start with Ridhal Waalidain (in the pleasure of your parents) and end with Ridhallah (pleasure of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta’ala). And the Sahabah (companions) of the Holy Prophet are referred to as Rady Allahu Anhum WA Radhu Anh (Allah is well pleased with them and they are pleased with Him). And according to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, his own position is equal to the dust under the feet of the Sahabah. If that is the case, what of the stature of the blessed Sahabah of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi WA Sallam? Their spiritual stature derives from the fact that they were blessed with the opportunity of beholding the Holy Prophet with the eyes of imaan (faith). That being the case how can anyone be capable enough to explain in full the sifat (attributes) of Mohammad-e- Arabi, Rasule-Rabbil Aalameen, and Rahmatullil Aalameen. Only Allah Rabbul Izzat is well aware of what he bestowed on His beloved Prophet, Allahumma Salli WA sallim alaih.

“Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum”

His Daily Life and Teachings of Imam


Shihabuddeen Umar Bin Muhammad Suhrawardi Rahmatullahi alaih in his universally acclaimed classic Awariful Ma’arif refers to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani as “Our Shaykh”. He writes that according to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, the Shaykh has to cultivate these qualities:

“Of Allah Rabbul Izzat (to cover up and forgive) Of Sayyidina Mohammad Mustafa Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam (to intercede and to accompany) Of Sayydina AliRady Allahu Anh (to be knowing and brave)” (Awariful Ma’arif, translated by Wilberforce Clarke, p 162)

Imam Ibn Kathir Rahmatullahi alaih described the admonitions of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani saying: “He enjoined the people to do what is good and abstain from what is evil. His admonitions addressed caliphs, ministers, and people in authority, judges, companions and the masses. Standing on the pulpits of the mosques, he reprimanded them in the presence of witnesses as well as during his public addresses. He disavowed the civil appointment of any unjust person, chose Allah’s blessings over anyone else’s wrath, and was not affected by any reproach.”

In his book Zail Tabaqat Al-Hanabila, Ibn Rajab quoted Shaykh Muwaffaq Al-Deen, author of the book Al-Maghni, saying: “I have never heard of anyone having as many noble deeds and miraculous blessings () as those attributed to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani”. Dr. Muhammad Haroon of the Raza Academy has described this in detail in “The World Importance of Ghaus al Azam Hazrat Sheikh Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jilani”. To gain baraka (blessings), let us at this juncture recall one of these miracles. It is related that as it was cloudy, the new moon of Ramadan had not been sighted and people were confused whether or not to fast the next day. They came to Ummal-Khayr and asked if the child had taken food that day. As he had not, they surmised that the fast had begun. His mother relates; “My son ‘Abdul Qadir was born in the month of Ramadan. No matter how hard I tried he refused to suckle in the daytime. Throughout his infancy he would never take food during the month of fasting.” (Sirr al-asrar, Introduction by Shaykh Tosun al- al-Halveti, p xiii)

Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Rady Allahu Anh had four wives, each a model of virtue and devoted to him. He had forty-nine children, twenty-seven sons and twenty-two daughters. Four of his sons, Shaykh Abdul Wahhab, Shaykh Isa, Shaykh Abdul Razzaq and Shaykh Musa became famous for their education and learning. This is how Sheikh Tosun al-Halveti explains 138 about the daily life of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Rady Allahu Anh: “He himself had given all of himself to Allah. His nights passed with little or no sleep in secluded prayer and meditation. He spent his days like a true follower of the Prophet in the service of humanity. Three times a week he would deliver public sermons to thousands of people. Every day in the morning and the afternoon he gave lessons in Holy Quranic commentary, Prophetic traditions, theology, religious law and Sufism. He spent the time after the midday prayer giving advice and consultation to people, whether beggars or kings, who would come from all parts of the world. Before sunset prayers, rain or shine, he took to the streets to distribute bread among the poor. As he spent all his days in fasting he would eat only once a day, after sunset prayer, and never alone. His servants would stand at his door asking passers-by if they were hungry, so that they could share his table.” (Sirr al-Asrar, p XLIV)

“Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum”

Qasaid on the Shaykh:

Given these realities of history, is it any wonder then to find that more qasaid (poems) have been written in praise of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rady Allahu Anh than on any other saint? Gulzare Tayyiba in Urdu for example contains 17 poems in his honour while the Diwan (in Arabic) in Taraqatul Qadiriyya has 27. In a short article like this, it is not possible to do full justice to all the poetry in honour of the Shaykh. It suffices to give a sprinkling from Champay Dhee Bootee of Sultan Arifeen ShaykhSultan Bahu in Punjabi, from the poetry of Shaykh Hamzah Fanzuri of Indonesia in Malay, from the salaam of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan in Urdu and from the Diwan in Tariqatul Qadiriyya in Arabic, in that order.

We begin with the translations of the abyaat (couplets) of in Champay Dhee Bootee, a classic in Kalaame Ma’rifat:

“Talib Gauthul A’zam waalay Shale kadhe na howan pandhe hoo Jendhe andhar ishq dhee ratte Rayn sadha kur landhe hoo Jenun shawq dha howay Lay khushyan nit andhe hoo Dhono jahan naseeb tunhande Bahu 139

Jere zati alam kamadhe hoo”

Followers of the Gauthul A’zam:

“Would God, they are never ill Those who have one grain of loving, Ever are in pang and chill. Lured by chances of a meeting, Hopeful in their joyous drill”

Lucky in both worlds are Bahu! Lover’s who gain Allah’s Will. (Sultan Bahu, Champay Dhee Bootee, (The Jasmine Plant), p 33)

(Translation by Maqbool Elahi, The Abyat of Sultan Bahu, p 103)

Next, let us savour the following four lines in Malay form Shaykh Hamzah Fansuri as given in Syed Naguib al-Attas’ Some Aspects of Sufism as Understood and Practiced Among the Malays, p 22

“Hamzah nin asalnya Fansuri Mendapat wujud ditanah Shahar Nawi Beroleh Caliphate ilmu yang ali / Daripada Abdul Qadir Sayyid Jilani”

“I Hamzah who am of Fansur a son, At Shahar Nawi my being have won The knowledge sublime I acquired, from one Called Abdul Qadir Sayyid of Jilan.”

A’la Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan wrote Salaams on the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam in which after profuse salutations on the Holy Prophet, he also sent salaams on the AhleBayt and the SahabahRady Allahu Anhum, as well as on the Imams of madh-hab, the awliya and the saleheen, Rahmatullahi alaihim ajma’een.

Consider just two verses from A’la Hazrat on the Gauth-ul-A’zam to appreciate his love for the Shaykh.

“Gauthul A’zam Imam-ut-tuqaa wan-nuqaa Jalwae Shaane Qudrat pe lakhon salaam Jis ke mimbar bane gardane awliya 140

Us qadam ki karamat pe lakhon salaam” (Hadaiq-i-Bakhsheesh, p 149)

“Gauthul A’zam Imam of saints and the pious A million salutations on him who was pure by nature The one for whom the necks of saints became a pulpit A million salutations on the miracle of his feet”

It is fitting to the end with the chorus of the Qasida in Arabic in the Diwan of Qadiriyya.

“Bi Rasulillahi wal Jilan Wa Rijaalin Min Bani Adnaan Salaku Fee Manhajjir-Rahmaan Bi Rasulillahi Wal Jilan.”

“For the sake of the Holy Prophet and Shaykh Jilani And those in the tribe of Adnaan They have treaded the Path of the Merciful Lord For the sake of the Holy Prophet and Shaykh Jilani”

(O Allah hear our prayers)

Tazkiratul Awliya (the Zikr of the friends of Allah) is truly unending. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala forgive us and give us the hidaya (guidance) to live Islam according to the Holy Quran and the Tasbih of Rasulullah, Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam as explained and exemplified by Gauth-ul- A’zamShaykhAbdul Qadir Jilani, Rady Allahu Anh, Aameen Yaa Rabbal Aalameen.

“Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum.”

Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) is a direct descendant of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and 17th Direct Spiritual Successor of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). Seven Hundred years old Sufi Dynesty, Azimpur Dayera Sharif’s 43rd Spiritual Successor His Eminency Sheikh Shah Sufi Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) is maintaining the Qaderia Sufi orders (Tariqa).


Sultan-ul-Hind Garib-e-Newaz The Great Sufi Saint of the Asian Continent Hazrat Khawaja Mainuddin Chisty (RA)

Figure 25: Dhorgha-e-Azmir Sharif, India Current Religious Leader Sayed Golam Kibria, Hossein Manzil

On the illustrious list of these great Sufi Saints who preserved the spirit and promoted the cause of Islam by their strict religious devotion and amazing spiritual powers under all sorts of cruel persecution like the holy Prophet himself, the name of Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chishti of Ajmer stands high in perpetual glory. For the spiritual salvation and moral uplift of the people of Hindustan by peaceful means and universal love; In fact, this lonely saint actually changed both the map and the course of Indian history at a crucial period of her destiny not by sword or cannon but by the sweet and melodious spell of his spiritual sway plus unparalleled moral and religious character, a revolution which ushered in quite a new era of peace and prosperity for millions of Indians, and a revolution which the march of history and the present civilization cannot afford to forget in the interests of mutual love and peace for which the people of the world are so intensely thirsting today.

Because mutual goodwill and confidence between man and man and nation and nation are once more rapidly deteriorating, and because the world is searching for a lasting peace against the forces of Satan that have once again raised their monstrous head under the intoxication of new kind of scientific materialism, the teachings of Hazarat Khwaja Munniuddin and 142

Islam must, therefore, be revived in the interests of world peace, as much as other recognized religions.

We are sure, these lessons will prove of immense value in easing the political and religious tensions and restoring the waning faith of man in God and Religion without which there can be no lasting peace in the world.

Life of Sufi

The life of a Sufi is the “life of the spirit” regulated strictly in accordance with Islamic theology and traditions. To attain his first lesson is unshakable belief in the existence of God and unconditional surrender to His will. This entails a strenuous life attended by rigid austerity and self-denial. He has to undergo a course of training in regular prayers and meditation to attain the Divine Knowledge and realization of Truth. This particular knowledge is passed on ‘in secret’ by one Sufi to another having the requisite qualifications i.e. one who does not think evil does not see evil, does not hear evil and does not speak evil. Without this Divine Knowledge, one cannot fathom the hidden mysteries of the Nature and those of the soul. To sum up the whole object of Sufism is to attain the highest spiritual perfection.

A Sufi will be distinguishable from others on account of his detachment from his parents, children, wealth, power, position and comforts. His ignorance vanishes in the effulgence of the ‘Divine Light’ of the most High, the Lord of the entire Universe. In such an ecstatically devotion there is neither pain nor sorrow for him as he is overwhelmingly dedicated to the will of the Almighty God. Thus a Sufi saint is the Spiritual King, far above all temporal kings, disguised in the patched robes of a humble .

Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chisty (May peace of God be upon his soul) was one of the greatest Sufi saints the world has ever known. His spiritual influence and benedictions have been, and are still a perpetually source of inspiration courage and guidance to the afflicted humanity, irrespective of caste creed or religion.

Sufi Silsilas

The Sufis are classified into four prominent silsilas (categories) or lines, viz. Qadaria, Chishtia Suhraward and Naqshbandia.


Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chishty belonged to the second ‘silsila’. There is no fundamental difference between these silsilas except in matters of minor details. They are all within the framework of the Islamic law as laid down by the Holy Quran and expounded by Hadith but the rituals applied for obtaining the communion or ‘raza’ of God are different just like the modern Universities where student take different courses for obtaining a particular class of degree. The Chishtia ‘silsila’ does not enjoin any indifferent belief from that of the other Hanafi Sunni Muslims. Their belief is based upon the Holy Quran. A study of the lives of Chishty saints, including Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin and his spiritual preceptor Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni reveals that they preached and held purely Quranic beliefs. According to Shariat, every Chishty saint has to follow the Quranic laws strictly.

The Sufi ‘silsilas’ however, are not sects. They grew up because people went to Sheikhs or ‘murshids’ (religious masters) for spiritual guidance and training who invested those of their disciples whom they regarded as spiritually fit to cater for the spiritual and moral needs of others Traditions, no doubt, grew up differently in different ‘silsilas’. What is common between the various Sufi ‘silsilas’ is confined to few spiritual practices like auraad (verses from Holy Quran) ‘sama’ (audition) certain festivals, institutions like veneration of the shrines, the etiquette of visiting them and the devotion to certain leading personalities of the order. One special features of the Chishtia order, which is particularly observable among the early Chishty saints of India, is their love for all humanity. They sought to inculcate among their followers an attitude of broad sympathy for the common man irrespective of caste, creed or nationality. They stressed more on humanitarian of caste, creed or nationality. They stressed more on humanitarian obligations of Muslims than on any other point. And that is why Khawaja Muinuddin Chishty attracted lakhs of people to the vast circle of his devotees in India in a very short time.

Regulation and Practices

There are certain regulations of Sufism which are called ‘Adraak’ and ‘Ehsas’ in Sufi parlance. They are also known as ‘Arkaan Tasawwuf’ or ‘Arkaan-Baatani’ i.e. the rules and discipline for the acquirement of the hidden wisdom or knowledge. They are divided into the “hidden wisdom” or knowledge. They are divided into the following three categories:


(1) “Knowledge” i.e. the ‘divine Knowledge’ attainable through the rigid discipline of ‘Shariat’. (2) “Amal” i.e. action under the above discipline with unflinching faith and devotion. (3) “” i.e. the resulting reaction from ‘Amal’ or the action. A Sufi aspirant’s first important step to act upon the above course is to seek a religious preceptor or ‘murshid’ who should be a practical master of the said Divine Knowledge and its training experience. His preliminary lessons start with (i) Liturgical practices and exercises with unswerving devotion to certain Quranic verses which are infused with the Divine Knowledge in order to grasp their spiritual interpretation and values. (ii) A rigid control over his soul called ‘’ which starts with renunciation and self-mortification.

Training In Sufism

When a person decided to become a mystic or Sufi, he was expected to go to a Sheikh or Murshid (master) and spend with him as much time as was deemed necessary by the Sheikh for his spiritual development. During this period of apprenticeship which, in most cases, lasted a lifetime the Sheikh used to instruct the disciple to perform mortification (Mujahedas) so as to gain control over his appetitive soul, i.e. ‘Nafs’. This was done by performing service like hewing of wood, drawing of water from the wells and so many other menial services in the Khanqah (the monastery or chapel). Even Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chishty himself had to pass through this hard and rigorous course of probation when he was under training for a period of 20 years with his Pir-o-Murshid (master) Hazrat Khawaja Usman Harooni. Every Sufi saint had to perform these hard services for his ‘Pir’ before achieving the robe of Caliphate (succession).

Stages Of Mysticism

According to the Islamic standard of judgment, the seeker after Truth, as stated above has to pass through many stages before he can actually feel himself in combination with the Truth being the ultimate object. The elementary condition is to have an unshakable faith and a firm resolve in doing or not doing a thing that is termed ‘niyyat’ (intention) in Muslim theology which is followed by repentance and penitence. The next stage is called “Mujaheda” (probation of striving). When it reaches its zenith then

145 the revelation process begins which is known as “Mukashfa” (the uplifting of veil). At this stage the attainments of the saint (or Sufi) are so exquisite that he emerges his identify in the will of God, the creator, and the reactions are visible and affect the code and conduct of human beings. The effort by which each stage is gained is called ‘haal’ (state). It is a state of joy or desire and when the seeker is in this condition he falls into ‘wajd’ (ecstasy).

Basis Of Sufism

Early history of Sufism reveals that this particular branch of Divine knowledge originated and developed under conditions of strict discipline of quietism, seclusion, renunciation and incessant devotion to prayers under the guidance of a ‘Murshid’ or spiritual preceptor. In the popular sense, Sufism is known as mysticism in the West but it is not at par with the conception which the word ‘Sufism’ actually carries in Islamic parlance. One of the advantages of this cult is that its follower speedily discovers all the mysteries of Nature for the benefit of mankind. Its greatest gospel is to Live and Let live’ and to bestow undiscriminating affection upon all mankind. It caters for the real peace and spiritual needs of the people who are generally sick of the material world and seek a spiritual asylum. To be brief, unless one is a God’s chosen man endowed with the inherent natural spark of Divine love, pity and religious devotion, and is also fit for the necessary hard Mujahedas (probation and striving) one cannot become a prefect Sufi.

Brief History Of Sufism

The origin of the term Sufi is rather complex, but in general it signifies one who wears the garment of ”suf” i.e. wool. In the beginning it was a mark of personal penitence though some early Muslims, like Ibn Sirin (died 729 AD) criticized the ascetics for wearing Suf in imitation of Jesus Christ. He said, “I prefer to follow the example of the Prophet who dressed in cotton.” In the second century of Islam a particular group of ascetics of Kufa were generally called al-Sufiya due to their dress. But, by 4th century wearing of woolen garments became the recognized badge of the Sufis of Iraq and hence the term was commonly applied to all Muslim mystics. In the same century, groups of these a sites used to assemble to recite aloud the holy Quran and other religious pieces which practice gradually took on a liturgical character called Zikr evolving into spiritual concerts named Sama


(now popularly called in India) with their attendant perils of extreme ecstatic nervous.

Gradually a change was coming over the general character of Sufism. Its basis was” fear of God and His wrath to come” with the mystical element of love and adoration. According to a woman saint, Rabia alAdawiya (died 891 AD) The mainspring of mysticism is Love. She said, “Love of God had so absorbed me that neither love nor hate for any other things remains in my heart.”

Sufism In 12th Century

While Imam Ghazali (Departed 1111) and Abul Qasim Al Qashari (Departed 1072) laid the basic foundation of Sufism, it was Ghaoth-ul-Azam, Mahboob Subhani Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadar Jilani (PBUH) (Departed 1166) who helped to give it a real practical shape by instituting the famous “Qadaria” silsila of Sufis in Baghdad in the 12th Christian century which did wonders in raising the cult at Sufism to a glorious pitch in the succeeding generations. Sufism under Hazrat Jilani’s spiritual and moral spell created a marvelous revolution which brought the whole of Afghanistan and its adjoining parts in Islamic fold in a very short time. This was one of the greatest miracles of Sufism in the at a very crucial period. The number of converts after Hazrat Jilani’s every preaching meeting often exceeded 70,000 necessitating the employment of as many as 400 writers for the registration of these converts. Other Sufi saints of this century were Sheikh Najeebuddin Abul Qahir Suhrawardy, Sheikh Akbar mohiuddin Ibn Arabi (1156 - 1240) and Hazrat Sheikh Shahabuddin Suhrawardy (1144- 1234), the last named being the founder of another famous “Suhrawardia” silsila which Sheikh Saadi embraced in his later years of life. Their services to the cause of Islam proved exceedingly invaluable and their innumerable writings and speeches helped to rejuvenate the waning spirit of Islam, serving the cause of Sufism itself as a guiding star for all future generations.

Doctrine Of Sufism And Its Need

After the departure of the Prophet the overpowering influence of his religion and sacred traditions dominated the lives of his succeeding descendants and the Caliphs. During the early period of Islam there was no necessity of any new cult like Sufism. But, as time passed on a revival of the Islamic influence was deemed necessary and Sufism took it up in right 147 earnest. The term Sufism denotes nothing but a direct interpretation of the cardinal principles of Islam and certain spiritual practices to be observed in this process. Its originator Abu Ishaq Shami was the first Sufi who preached this cult which was in conformity with all the basic principles of Islam. Wealth Despised One of the cardinal principles of the followers of Sufism is the hate of all wealth pomp and show. All great Sufis have always therefore refused to accept any money or presents from any quarters whatever, and they never went to the glittering courts of any monarch which made them bold, selfless and independent of all secularism, thus distinguishing them from the class of the Ulama, who so often succumbed to these temptations. On the contrary, if any ruler or rich person sought an interview with them they either refused it flatly or gave them illuminating sermons, bluntly reminding them of their misdeeds and instructing them to realise and follow their duties and responsibilities to the cause of Islam and the Holy Prophet’s Shariat. Once Calipha Abu Muzaffar Yusuf of Baghdad approached Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (PBUH) for a blissful advice with a present of 10 bags of gold mohurs; This great Sufi saint contemptuously refused to accept the money but when the Calipha insisted upon its acceptance he picked up two of the bags one in each hand, and squeezed them. And as he did so human blood flowed out of them! The great saint said: “Abu Muzaffar, don’t you feel shame in offering me this blood of the poor people?” The Calipha was dumbfounded and went away in a shameful disgust.

During the 13th century AD Sufism had gained greater popularity among the masses as the result of the persistent efforts of the above named Sufi saint. Under the rule of the Ummayads and the Abbassides, secularism had usurped the real spirit of Islam and had economic, political and social fabric of Islam to pieces resulting in the ultimate downfall of their power itself. Baghdad, once a flourishing capital, was in the grip of debasing frivolities and revelry. Unbalanced secularism had caused unprecedented pillage, arson, murder and all round destruction at the hands of Mongols and Tartars. Although this condition was generally attributed to the intruders’ invasions but as a matter of fact it was primarily due to the deterioration of the spiritual and moral character of the Muslims from top to bottom.

Attendance At Shrine When these Sufi saints left this world their devotees put up impressive buildings over their tombs (Mazaars) most of which are attractive monuments of architectural beauty and subdued oriental splendour where Muslims, Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, and their beneficiaries pay 148 loving homage to their immortal glory all the year round, and receive all sorts of benedictions even to this day. On the occasions of their death anniversaries, which are called , the gatherings in many cases run from thousands to lakhs, according to the popularity of the saint. Religious ceremonies are performed on these occasions and the poor and the needy are fed liberally. Of the numerous Sufi saints of India, Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chisty of Ajmer, (the founder of Sufism in this country) Hazrat Makhdoom Allauddin Saabir of Kalyar and Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakar of Pak Patan are the most celebrated. But each Indian province from North to South and East to West has one or more monumental shrines of its own Sufi saints whose benedictions have left an impressive mark upon the people of those parts and whose blessings they still enjoy year after year.

Divine Love The next important feature of Sufi belief was divine love. From the time of Rabia Al-Adawiya (departed 801 AD). It had become the mainstream of Sufism while in India it had become the dominant feature of the popular Bhakti movement. Love they said was both the causes as well as the effect of gnosis. A person was likely to achieve gnosis as a result of divine blessing only when he had devotion for God. While a person who had achieved gnosis could not help being overwhelmed and overpowered by cosmic emotion (jazba) and divine love. Love, according to them was emotive force of life in fact raison d’être. This powerful emotion dominated every thought or sentiment, contemplative life, theology, ritual thought of heaven and hell and all else. “The heart of a mystics is a blazing furnace of love which burns and destroys everything that comes into it because no fire is stronger than the fire of love”, says Khawaja Muinuddin Chishty. Love implied an illuminating life a state of continued communion with Reality (haal). The object of life was indifferently described as apologetic vision (sometimes used in spiritual sense at others in a physical sense), nearness to God, annihilation (fana), everlasting life in God (baqa) and ultimately absorption or union (wassail). It was only on the achieves tranquility by falling into the sea? Thus when the lover finds the beloved he no longer wails.”

The natural outcome of such an outlook was a religion of ecstatic fervour and intoxication (Sukr). Such an attitude of mind could best be produced by and then find satisfaction in liturgical practices (AzkaarZikr-e-khafi, zikr- e-jail), spiritual concerts or audition (sama), and other forms of auto hypnosis. Because of the efforts of Khawaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki, Sufi Hameeduddin Nagauri and Sheikh of Delhi, ‘sama’ 149 became a cranial feature of the Chishty silsila and brought it in occasional conflicts with the orthodox Ulama.

The mystic belief in gnosis and love is usually accompanied by characteristic ethics. The Sufis had fully followed and systematized certain ethical concepts before Islam came to India. The Indian Sufism merely reiterated these beliefs although there was difference in the degree of emphasis. The basis of the Sufi attitude is that the Veil which hides Reality from mankind is that of Bashariyat, (creature hood). The nature of man consists of sensual, intellectual and spiritual features. Intellect, according to them performed a restricted function. The central pivot of spiritual life was the Qalb (heart) or the Rooh (soul). They were regarded as ethereal in nature and hence capable of communion with God. This function however could never be performed until the heart was purified of the dirt of sensual or lower self called in Sufi terminology the nafs (appetitive soul). The struggle against nafs regarded as wholly evil, therefore, became one of the main concerns of the Sufis. This implied an outlook of renunciation, penitence, asceticism, poverty, self-mortification and quietism-in short, other worldliness. This other worldliness was never interpreted strictly and the Chishty product recommended more an outlook of another- worldliness than actually going away from society.

The idea among the nobler minds in the world of Islam, that there is a deeper and more inward sense in the words of the Holy Quran arose not from the wish to escape from the rigour of ‘ texts and dogmas’, but from a profound conviction that those words mean more, not less than the popular expounders supposed them to convey. This conviction combined with a deep feeling of Divine pervasion, a feeling originating from and in perfect accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran and the instruction of the Prophet led to the development among the Muslims of that contemplative idealistic philosophy which has received the name of Sufism. The appeal of which among the Mohammadans was probably assisted by the prevalence of Neo-Platonic ideas. Imam-al-Ghazzali in the East and Ibn Tufail in the West were the two great representatives of mysticism among the Muslims.

Ulema – Sufi Clash

At first the leaders of mysticism were supposed to be the Ulema or orthodox religious teachers but by the end of 3rd century they were replaced mostly by middle classes, specially from the mixed half Persian 150 and half Arabian population of Baghdad, who followed Sufism. Against the political revolutionary aims of Shia’ite propagandists the Ulema protested vehemently. Their programme of reform included the awakening of religious conscience of individuals and the spiritual revival of the social organisation of the community. These social implications were reinforced by the labors of Sufis in preaching and converting, firstly members of their own class or followers and secondly carrying on their missionary work for Islam in other distant lands. For all times and in all countries these Sufi ascetics were the most active and powerful propagandists of Islam and it was none but Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chishty of Sanjar who introduce the Chishtia silsila (order) of Sufis in India and did such a wonderful service to the cause of Islam.

For the above reasons the orthodox Ulema began to suspect the new social implications of the Sufi movement in Islam and a rift seemed to be widening between Sufism and orthodoxy. Serious attempts were made to silence the Sufis and on failure an example of punishment was set of one prominent Sufi Mansur al-Hallaj, who was charged with heresy in having identified himself with God and was cruelty executed in the beginning of the 4th century. This punishment was not inflicted by any violent fanatics but by pious upholders of the ancient Faith like the Good Wazir’ Ale-ibn- Isa. Repression however proved futile and the Sufi movement continued firmly based as it was on both the open and ‘secret’ teachings of Quran and the moral standards of Islam. Despite the adverse views of the learned layers, the tendency towards the neglect of the ritual prescriptions and the outside influence clashing with the traditional outlook of Islam the strength of Sufism lay in the satisfaction which it gave to the religious instincts of the people, instincts which were chilled or starved by the rigid and impersonal teachings of orthodox Ulema but which found more relief in the directly personal and emotional approach of Sufism.

It must be remembered that this popular character and appeal of Sufism arose out of the ranks of the people themselves and appealed to the people whose main reading matter was furnished by short lives of the saints often replete with their miraculous deeds. It was the unceasing labours of the mystics ascetic or Sufis that gave to Islam its widespread permanent hold upon the masses and that plated such a conspicuous part in spreading the Divine Message among new and fertile lands rather than the slow work of purely orthodox Ulema or their system of propagation.


During the 4th and 5th centuries, Sufism grew in strength in spite of the frowning Ulema it was in this period that the Zikr and Sama from their simple congregational recitation and meditation over the Quran began to show more definite liturgical tendency marked specially by the recitation of chants and litanies. But it was not this difference alone that marked off Sufism from the orthodox services as similar liturgical ceremonies were commonly performed in the mosques as well. The hostility of the theologians was however due partly to their fear that the Sufi Zikr might replace the mosque as the center of religious life. There was also a more deeper and selfish reason for the conflict, the traditional exclusive claim of the possession of sciences of theology and law and their position as the sole authoritative exponents of the Islamic doctrine-sciences which they had built up by infinite trouble and whose acquisition involved long and arduous study. They maintained that it was by their means that the substances of Faith had been preserved against both heretical innovations in doctrine and the attempts of the secular arm to override its privileges and obligations.

Naturally the theologians were proud of their system and jealous for the maintenance of their authority. They held that it was by this method alone that they were able to propagate Islam and promote its cause and that any relaxation would open the way to heresy and corruption both spiritual and material. But the Sufis rejected these claims bluntly and even derisively. According to them there was only one way to knowledge which lay through the direct and personal experience called “Marifat” culminating in momentary union with or absorption into the Godhead and not through the rational and second hand knowledge or ilm of the scholastic type. They thought, theology instead of assisting their process. Actually hindered it. The conflict between the doctrinaire and the seeker or follower of the Inner Light therefore seemed irreconcilable.

Sufism Triumphed

The outside influences and doctrines implied in Sufism in these formative centuries, were also suspected by the Ulema. Apart from the various orthodox rules and concepts of Islam the exaltation which the holy Prophet Mohammad enjoyed also appeared to be eclipsing against the overwhelming veneration accorded to Sufi sheikhs in their lifetime and their elevation to sainthood after death. Nothing could, therefore be more intolerable and repugnant to the primitive ideas of Islam and the system of their maintenance by the Ulema but in the teeth of Holy Quran. Tradition, 152 rationalism and orthodox theology the worship of Sufi saints irresistibly crept into the Islamic fold, and eventually swept everything before it. As time went on popular elements of Sufism established themselves more and more firmly in the Islamic fold. More and more religious minded people also joined the ranks of Sufi mystics who sought not metaphysical knowledge of religion but living experience of God. During the 5th century there was a marked drift towards Sufism of some of the ablest thinkers of Islam. Ultimately principle of compromise between orthodoxy and Sufism was inevitably sought with the result that a celebrated theologian Al- Qushari (departed 1072 AD) wrote a treatise urging the cause of the higher Sufism and the acceptance of the doctrine of ecstatic communion with God. The actual revolution is however linked with the name of Imam al- Ghazale (departed 1111 AD) who stands high in his religious insight and intellectual ability and who dived deep into mystics sciences and philosophies. He changed his convictions again and again in his long religious experiments and research. First, he revolted against the casuistry of the theologians and incessantly sought ultimate reality through all the Muslim religious systems and philosophies of his time.

After a prolonged bodily mental and intellectual struggle he finally fell from sheer philosophic agnosticism upon his personal experience of God which he found only in the Sufi path. To his school of thought belonged such Sufi giants as Maulana Rum the author of the celebrated Masnavi (one of the most authentic works on Sufism) Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi, Maulana Shibli, Maulana Fariduddin Attaar, , Shamsuddin Haafiz Shirazi (one of the greatest Persian Sufi poets in the East) Sheikh Sa’adi and others. Both Imam al-Ghazali and the stalwart Al-Qushari forged a synthesis that ultimately accommodated the essential principles of Islam between orthodoxy and Sufism which were thus tied to one and the other forever though their paths remained different.

Sufism In India From Iraq and Persia, Sufism perpetrated into India with Hazarat Khawaja Muinuddin Chishty where it found a very congenial soil to prosper after some stubborn opposition. With its advent a large number of Sufi saints sprang up all over the land, doing invaluable service by their solacing influence to the afflicted humanity irrespective of caste or creed. It was this in-discriminating service to the cause of the suffering humanity and peace that won the hearts of the people of India and made the Sufis highly popular among all classes of people from a peasant to the prince. Not only this but even after their death, they are still held in high reverence, a thing which is unknown in other countries. This unflinching 153 devotion is of course not with out any reason; there must be “something” very real and serious to come and end it?

Meritorious Contribution Sufism in spite of its loftiness in religious ideals has been less fastidious and more ready to accept alien practices and ideas provided they produced good results. Blended with Sufism the orthodox couch was undoubtedly refreshed and strengthened and in fact acquired a more popular character and attraction in Islam. Sufism in Western Asia, North Africa, won over large multitudes to Islam. Central Asia, India and Indonesia. In the wake of Sufism, Shia’ism also suffered an eclipse and lost much of its original influence. On the whole Sufism has made a meritorious and invaluable contribution to the promotion and prosperity of Islam in the world.

Sufism Defined

Sufism implies “Iqtida” i.e. to adhere strictly to the laws of Shariat. It means highly pious and enlightened way of life which may be expressed in conformity with thought and action as explained below: (PBUH) `Qualan’ i.e. expression through ‘Shariat’ or the Divine Law (ordained for the harmonious conduct of man in this world with promise of his salvation in the next.) (b) `Failan’ or ‘Tariqat’ i.e. expression through human activity and discipline under the said Divine Law or ‘Shariat. (c) “Haalan” or Haqiqat i.e. the ‘state ‘ acquired by acting upon and passing through Qualan and Failan stages reaching the zenith of the spiritual perfection. While the Qualan and Failan stages can be analysed or expressed through the human faculties, the expression of Haalan ‘Haqiqat’ or ‘Reality’ is beyond the scope of all human conception and is therefore inexpressible and indescribable because human intellect or faculties are restricted to a ‘limit and transcend no more. This is the highest and final stage of Sufism in which the aspirant is face to face with the ‘Divine Light ‘ and ultimately merges his identity with God Supreme. It is therefore a state, the secrets of which have never been divulged to the humanity at large without Sufism entitles.A Persian couplet describes this ‘state’ as follows “Aan raa ke Khabar shud Khabarash baaz nayamad.” i.e. nobody ever heard of them who dived deep into the secrets of God or the mysteries of Nature.

Ma’Arifat (Spirituality)

The Sufis emphasized that ultimate Reality could be grasped only intuitively (Ma’arifat or gnosis). It was veiled from the human eye and 154 intellect, and constituted a mystery which could be apprehended by none but the advanced spirits. Although they described in vivid details how Ma’arifat could be achieved they never concerned themselves with the nature of the Reality. There are clear traces of belief of pantheism and of monism, although in general they believed in a transcendental omnipotent God as the Creator of the universe.

The intuitive or esoteric experience or Reality implied that parallel to the orthodoxy or “external” theology, there was also an “internal” or spiritual interpretation of the Holy Quran and of the actions prescribed by the Law. This spiritual interpretation was necessity subjective, intuitive and esoteric. But this is a very delicate point to be discussed by a layman. Only the advanced Sufis or Saints, who are now rare, can interpret them satisfactorily in the light of their own practical experience. No one in the present scientific civilization can either understand or convince easily the average man on these delicate points.

Philosophy Of Sufism

“The Practice” According to Islamic conception a Sufi is one who is fired with Divine live and who as a true devotee of God and is constantly impatient to seek nearness to HIM. The quest of a Sufi centers round the exploration or probe into the mysteries of the nature. He is wholeheartedly engrossed in seeking out the myriad truths of the TRUTH, and concentrates on the hard task of reconciling his action to his thoughts. This is an extremely difficult process. He has, first of all to suppress or subdue his worldly desires inherent in the soul of man called Nafs in order to attain purity and steadfastness in his character. After attaining this stage, he enters the second phase of building up his external and internal character through mental exercises as the result of which the knowledge of the hidden mysteries of Nature or God is revealed unto him. To summarize the whole process of Sufism, the true path of a Sufi’s salvation lies through the thorny wilderness of renunciation, self-mortification on and annihilation of the Nafs by incessant devotion to God. Thus a Sufi aspirant has to under go a rigid test in morals and by acquiring a perfect knowledge of the Holy Quran and Islamic theology. Also strict adherence to the Muslim law of jurisprudence called ‘Fiqah’ and ‘Hadith’ which deal with the moral, social, economic, and political aspects of Muslim life, he reaches his goal ultimately.


Shariat And Tariqat

The basis of the teachings of the early Sufis was a clear distinction between the real and the apparent, between the external and the internal, between the formal and the spiritual. The codes of beliefs and behavior prescribed in the two were the Shariat which they called ‘external science’ and the Tariqat (the path or way) or the ‘internal’ or “spiritual science”. The starting point of the spiritual progress, they argued was the Shariat but their distinctive contribution to the religious life of the Muslims was the emphasis which they laid on Tariqat. They bypassed the abstract and colorless scholastic discussions of faith and ritual, and supplemented the inspiring orthodox attitude of commands and prohibitions with an “emotive principal and a living religious experience.” In orthodox Islam, these features had become subordinated. By emphasizing them the Sufis sought to restore the religious balance and brought Islam into greater harmony with the prevailing Indian traditions. Hazrat Shah Sufi Bahauddin Naqshband (RA) Founder of Naqshabandi Sufi Order

Figure 26: Mazar Mubarak, Shaikh‐ul‐Islam Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband (May Allah’s blessings upon him) in , Uzbekistan

The designation of the Naqshbandi Golden Chain has changed from century to century. From the time of Salman Parsi (RA) to the time of Bayazid al-Bistami (RA) to the time of Sayyidina Abdul Khaliq al- Ghujdawani it was called at-Tayfuriyya. From the time of Sayyidina ‘Abdul Khaliq alGhujdawan to the time of Shah Naqshband it was called the Khwajaganiyya. From the time of Shah Naqshband through the time of Sayyidina Ubaidullah al-Ahrar and Sayyidina Ahmad Faruqi, it was called Naqshbandiyya.


Naqshbandiyya means to “tie the Naqsh very well.” The Naqsh is the perfect engraving of Allah’s Name in the heart of the murid. From the time of Sayyidina Ahmad al-Faruqi to the time of Shaikh Khalid alBaghdadi it was called Naqshbandi-Mujaddidiyya. From the time of Sayyidina Khalid al- Baghdadi until the time of Sayiddina Shaikh Ismail Shirwani it was called the Naqshbandiyya-Khalidiyya. From the time of Sayyidina Isma’il Shirwani until the time of Sayyidina Shaikh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghestani, it was called Naqshbandi Daghestaniyya. And today it is known by the name Naqshbandiyya Haqqaniyya.

The Spiritual Inheritors of the Prophet

Historically speaking, the Naqshbandi tariqat can be traced back to Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA), who succeeds the Prophet (PBUH) in his knowledge and in his role of guiding the Muslim community.

What distinguishes the Naqshbandi School from other Sufi orders was the fact that it took its foundations and principles from the teachings and example of bright star figures in the firmament of the Prophet (PBUH). These great figures were: Salman al-Farisi, Jafar as-Sadiq, Bayazid Tayfur al- Bistami, Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani, and Muhammad Baha’uddin Uwaysi al-Bukhari, known as Shah Naqshband–the eponymous Imam of the tariqat.

Behind the word “Naqshband” stand two ideas: naqsh which means “engraving” and suggests engraving the name of Allah in the heart, and band which means “bond” and indicates the link between the individual and his Creator. This means that the Naqshbandi follower has to practice his prayers and obligations according to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and to keep the presence and love of Allah alive in his heart through a personal experience of the link between himself and his Lord.

Besides firmament of the Prophet One of them was Salman al-Farisi (RA). His origin was Isfahan in Persia and he was the one who advised the Muslims to dig a trench in the battle of Ahzab. After the Muslims seized al- Mada’in, the capital city of Persia, he was made Prince and governor of that city and remained there until his death.

Another star was Jafar as-Sadiq. A descendant of the Prophet (SM) (PBUH), he rejected all positions of honor in favor of retreat and spiritual learning 157 and practice. He was called “The Inheritor of the Prophetic Station (Maqam an-Nubuwwa) and the Inheritor of the Truthful Station (Maqam as Siddiqiyya).

The oldest recorded occurrence of the term safa was in reference to his student, Jabir ibn ayyan, in the middle of the second Hijri century. He was a mufassir al-Quran or master in exegesis, a scholar of hadith, and one of the greatest mujtahids (qualified to give legal decisions) in Medina. His Tafsir is partially preserved in Sulami’s haqa’iq at-tafsir. Layth ibn Sad, one of the most reliable transmitters of prophetic traditions, witnessed Jafar’s miraculous powers as the latter was able to ask for anything, and God would grant it to him on the spot.

Another star was Bayazid Tayfur al-Bistami whose grandfather was a Zoroastrian. Bayazid made a detailed study of the statutes of Islamic law (sharica) and practiced a strict regimen of self-denial. All his life he was assiduous in the practice of his religious obligations. He urged his students (murids) to put their efforts in the hands of God and he encouraged them to accept a sincere and pure doctrine of , knowledge of the Oneness of God. This doctrine, he said, imposes five obligations on the sincere:

 To keep obligations according to the Holy Quran and Follow Ahle-Bayt;  To always speak the truth;  To keep the heart free from hatred;  To avoid forbidden food (haram);  To shun innovation (bid`a).

Bayazid said that the ultimate goal of the Sufis is to know God in this world, to reach His Divine Presence, and to see Him in the Hereafter. To that effect he added: “There are special servants of Allah who, if Allah veiled them from His vision in Paradise, would have implored Him to bring them out of Paradise as the inhabitants of the Fire implore Him to escape from Hell.”

Yet another star in the firmament of the Prophet (PBUH) was Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani, who was born in the village of Ghujdawan, near Bukhara in present-day Uzbekistan. He was raised and buried there. He studied Holy Quran and the Islamic sciences of both external and internal knowledge until he reached a high station of purity. He then traveled to Damascus where he established a school from which many students graduated and

158 went on to become masters of fiqh and hadith as well as spirituality in their time, both in the regions of Central Asia and in the Middle East.

Abdul Khaliq continued the work of his predecessors by formulating the (remembrance of God) passed down from the Prophet (PBUH) according to the Sunnah. In his letters he set down the code of conduct (adab) that the students of the Naqshbandiyya were expected to follow.

It may be mentioned here that, The Naqshbandia Sufi order did not have any connection or relation to So-Called first Caliph Abu-Bakar Siddique. Abu-Bakar had no spiritual relation with the beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad SM (PBUH). Abu Bakar was the self-proclaimed Caliph, he disregarded the order of the Holy Prophet, The declaration of Ghadir E Khum as Hazrat Ali (RA) was bestowed Spiritual Successor by the Holy Prophet. Hazrat Ali RA was the founder of Spiritual kingdom and Sufism, without Hazrat Ali RA, there is no chain of Spiritual relation with the Holy Prophet. Author and Editor of this book are not a supporter of Shia Sect, the controversial Shia sect are not proper Muslims. Brief details of the Imam of the Tariqat Hazrat Shah Baha’uddin Naqshband (RA)

In this constellation, we come finally to Muhammad Bahauddan Uways al- Bukhari, known as Shah Naqshband, the Imam of the Naqshbandi Tariqat without peer. He was born in the year 1317 C.E. in the village of Qasr al- carifan, near Bukhara. After he mastered the sharicah sciences at the tender age of 18, he kept company with the Shaikh Muhammad Baba as- Samasi, who was an authority in hadith in Central Asia. After the latter’s death, he followed Shaikh Amir Kulal who continued and perfected his training in the external and the internal knowledge.

The students of Shaikh Amir Kulal used to make dhikr aloud when sitting together in association, and silent dhikr when alone. Shah Naqshband, however, although he never criticized nor objected to the loud dhikr, preferred the silent dhikr. Concerning this he says, “There are two methods of dhikr; one is silent and one is loud. I chose the silent one because it is stronger and therefore more preferable.” The silent dhikr thus became the distinguishing feature of the Naqshbandiyya among other tariqats.


Shah Naqshband performed Hajj (Pilgrimage) three times, after which he resided in Merv and Bukhara. Towards the end of his life he went back to settle in his native city of Qasr al-Arifan. His teachings became quoted everywhere and his name was on every tongue. Visitors from far and wide came to see him and to seek his advice. They received teaching in his school and mosque, a complex which at one time accommodated more than five thousand people. This school is the largest Islamic center of learning in Central Asia and still exists in our day. It was recently renovated and reopened after surviving seventy years of Communist rule.

Shah Naqshband’s teachings changed the hearts of seekers from darkness to light. He continued to teach his students the knowledge of the Oneness of God in which his predecessors had specialized, emphasizing the realization of the state of ihsan (excellence) for his followers according to the hadith of the Prophet (PBUH), “Ihsan is to worship God as if you see Him.” When Shah Naqshband died he was buried in his garden as he requested. The succeeding Kings of Bukhara took care of his school and mosque, expanding them and increasing their religious endowments (awqaf). Succeeding shaikhs of the Naqshbandi Tariqat wrote many biographies of Shah Naqshband. Among them are Mascud al-Bukhari and Sharif al-Jarjani, who composed the Awrad Baha’uddan which describes him and his life’s works including his fatawa (legal decisions). Shaikh Muhammad Parsa, who died in Medina in 822 H. (1419 C.E.) wrote Risala Qudsiyya in which he talks of Shah Naqshband’s life, his virtues, and his teachings.

Shah Naqshband’s literary legacy included many books. Among them are Awrad an-Naqshbandiyyah, the Devotions of Shah Naqshband. Another book is Tanbih al-Ghafilin. A third book is Maslakul Anwar. A fourth is Hadiyyatu-s-Salikan wa Tuhfat at-Talibin. He left many noble expressions praising the Prophet (PBUH) and he wrote many legal rulings. One of his opinions was that all the different acts and kinds of worship, whether obligatory or voluntary, were permitted for the seeker in order to reach reality. Prayer, fasting, zakat (paying the poor tax), mujahadat (striving) and zuhd (self-denial) were emphasized as ways to reach Allah Almighty.

Shah Naqshband built his school on the renewal of the teachings of the Islamic religion. He insisted on the necessity of keeping the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Sunnah. When they asked him, “What are the requirements of one who follows your way?” he said, “To follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).” He continued saying: “Our way is a rare 160 one. It keeps the Urwat ul-Wuthqa, the Unbreakable Bond, and it asks nothing else of its followers but to take hold of the Pure Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and follow the way of the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet (PBUH)) in their ijtihad (efforts for Allah).

“The Naqshbandi School is the easiest and simplest way for the student to understand tawhid. It urges its followers to seek a state of complete worship of Allah both publicly and privately by keeping the complete code of conduct of the Prophetic Sunnah. It encourages people to keep to the strictest modes of worship (cazima) and to abandon exemptions (rukhsa). It is also free from all innovations and deviations. It does not demand of its followers perpetual hunger or wakefulness. That is how the Naqshbandiyya has managed to remain free from the excesses of the ignorant and the charlatans (mushacwazan). In sum we say that our way is the mother of all tariqats and the guardian of all spiritual trusts. It is the safest, wisest, and clearest way. It is the purest drinking-station, the most distilled essence. The Naqshbandiyya is innocent from any attack because it keeps the sunnah of the beloved Prophet (PBUH).”

We are presenting to the general public, by order of our Sheikh, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, fortieth in that Golden Chain of the Naqshbandi Masters, an all-too-brief book filled with the light of these Pure Masters, their aphorisms, their teachings, their way of life, and their exemplary saintliness. We hope that it will bring the reader a taste of the lives of these Shaikhs, who light our way to the knowledge of Reality and Truth, to the Love of the Beloved Prophet (PBUH), and to the ultimate goal of all, which is to reach the Divine Presence of our Creator.

“My work is to weep at night in remembering my Beloved; my sleep is to remain absorbed in thoughts of my Beloved.” “In vain do eyes stay awake if not to behold You. In vain do tears flow for another than You.” “The lovers die at every moment, for their dying is not of one kind.

The lover has received two hundred spirits from the Spirit of Guidance, and he sacrifices them all at every instant. For every spirit he receives ten in return –read the Holy Quran: Ten the like of it *6:160+.”


Hazrat Mujjaddid Alf - Sani (RA) Mujadadia Tariqa, Sirhind Punjabi

Figure 27: Founder of Mujadadia Sufi Order, Sir-Hind, India

Khwaja Imam-e-Rabbani Mujadid Alf Sani Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi (RA), Imam-e-Rabbani Mujadid Alf - Sani Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi is commonly known as the Revivalist of the Second Millennium. His pedigree is following:

Ash-Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi (RA), Ibn ash-Shaikh Abdul Ahad son of Zainul Abidin son of Abdul Hayee, son of Muhammad son of Habibullah, son of Rafiuddin, son of Naseeruddin, son of Sulayman, son of Yusoof, son of Ishaq, son of Abdullah, son of Shoab, son of Ahmad, son of Yusoof, son of Shaikh Shihabuddin, known as Farukh Shah , son of Nasiruddin, son of Mehmood, son of Sulayman, son of Shaikh Masood, son of Shaikh Abdullah Waizul Asghar, son of Abdullah Waizul Akbar, son of Abul Fatteh, son of Ishaq, son of Ibrahim, son of Nasir, son of Syedna Abdullah (RA), the son of Amir-ul Mo’mnin Caliph of the Prophet (PBUH).

Shaikh Ahmad (RA) was born on Shawwal 14, 971 AH., or May 25, 1564 A.D., in Sirhind, India. He received his early education from his father and later learned from a many Shaikhs of his time. He learned the Holy Quran under the able guidance of his father. Then he went to Sialkot and got education of Islamic sciences from Molana Yaqoob Kashmiri. In the meantime he was also benefited from spiritual guidance of his father. In his prime youth, he became a spiritual leader himself and was allowed to train followers in all three Orders — Suhrwardia, Qadiria, and Chishtia.

His father passed away in Jumadi-al-Thani, 1007 AH., or January 1599 A.D., at the age of 80. Next year, he proceeded for pilgrimage to Mecca. He

162 came to Delhi en route to Mecca. Here he heard the praise of Khwaja Baqibillah (RA) who had been sent from Samarqand to India by Shaikh Muhammad Umkanki with fore tiding that “A man from India is going to appear. He will be the Imam of his century. He will be trained by you.” Hazrat Imam-e-Rabbani (RA) subordinated in allegiance to Hazrat Baqibillah (RA) and in mere seven days, he rose as the Imam of Naqshbandia Order. He then proceeded for Hajj. After returning, he settled in Sirhind. He often used to visit Delhi to get more beneficence from Hazrat Baqibillah (RA).

Those were the heydays of . King Jehangir was on the throne with the legacy of his father’s innovative Deen-e-Akbari. Poor Muslims were unable to resist the tyrant might of Mughal rulers. It was the time Shaikh Ahmad (RA) dared them and tried to stop the forced implementation of that false cult. He had to suffer prison for four years in Gwaliar Jail for not prostrating before king Jehangir but did not budge. He not only struggled to bring an end to Deen-Akbari but also undertook a gigantic reform movement to purge Muslim society from the traces of Hindu rites prevailed among Muslims.

On Friday, 10 Rabi-al-Awal 10,1010 AH., Allah Exalted rises him to the status of the Revivalist of the Religion. It is related to him that once he was in meditation, he visioned Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) arrived and congratulated him on his new status and put the turns of turban on his head. Next year Shah Sikandar Qadri, who was direct descendant of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) came to him and put the cloak of Hazrat Jilani on him saying that Hazrat Jilani had revealed him in a vision to do so.

He had numerous followers in India and elsewhere with whom he made constant contacts through letters. These letters are called ‘Maktoobat-e- Mujadadia’ and form the most authentic reference on Sufism.

He passed away on Safar 28, 1034 AH., or December 12, 1624 A.D., at the age of 63 and 63 days. His funeral prayers were led by his successor on the seat of The Naqshbandia order and his elder son Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Saeed (RA). He was laid to rest in Sirhind. Later on his son Hazrat Muhammad Sadiq built a shrine over his august grave.

Imam Rabbani (RA) was the Shaikh in all the four prominent orders of Sufism: Naqshbandia, Qadria, Chishtia and Suhrwardia. He preferred Naqshbandia, because of its supremacy among other orders. 163

He was succeeded by his elder son Hazrat Shaikh Muhammad Saeed (RA).

It may be mentioned here that, The Mujadadia Sufi order did not have any connection or relation to So-Called second Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab. Umar had no spiritual relation with the beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad SM (PBUH). Umar was the self-proclaimed Caliph and made the conspiracy to establish the Calipha E Rashidun, he disregarded the order of the Holy Prophet, The declaration of Ghadir E Khum as Hazrat Ali (RA) was bestowed Spiritual Successor by the Holy Prophet. Hazrat Ali RA was the founder of Spiritual kingdom and Sufism, without Hazrat Ali RA, there is no chain of Spiritual relation with the Holy Prophet. Author and Editor of this book are not a supporter of Shia Sect, the controversial Shia sect are not proper Muslims. Most Influential & Greatest of All Scholars A Great Sufi Saint Hazrat Imam Al-Gazzali (RA)

Figure 28: The pen case which belonged to Hazrat Imam al-Ghazali in the 11th century, as preserved in the Cairo museum

The great Islamic scholar, Sufi Saint Hazrat Allama Hujjat-UlIslam/Saif-Ul- Islam The Great Imam Al-Ghazali, Direct descendant from the Prophet of Islam. He wrote several hundreds of books, which are very resourceful book for the benefit of mankind. Imam Gazzali also writes about Abbassiya Caliphs specifically about Caliph Al-Mamun. He also wrote several books distinguishing the minterpretion of Hadith by so called Hadith compiler Bukhari; According to His Eminency Hazrat Shah Sufi Dr. M N Alam’s research of last 45 years, visiting more 187 countries since 1974 to 2018.


His Eminency wrote the following book manuscripts for the benefit of Mankind the Authentic History of Islam. The most influential gigantic book “The Encyclopedia of Prophets & Islamic rulers of the World”, “World Heritage & Records of Sufism”, “Christian King Ashama (Negush) of Ethiopia”, “The Authentic History of the World Herald a Golden Age” and “Modern Prophet Dr. Alam’s prediction of Peace & Destruction” and most importantly, “The Ahlul-Bayt, The Assassination of the Eleven Imams, The Collapase of the Caliphate”.

Before Imam Al-Gazali passed away in 12th century, the so-called fanatic muslim groups in Baghdad, Iraq, Tehran, Iran the Sunni and Shia complex, completely destroyed the real books of Sufism written by Imam Al-Gazali, which is why the True path of Islam “Sufism” could not spread around the world. On the other hand, Even the great Sufi Masters of Sufism and founder of Qaderia Sufi Order Hazrat Abdul Qadir Zilani (RA), Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband (RA) founder of Naqshabandi Sufi Order, along with Hazrat Khawja Moinuddin Chisti (RA) Founder of Chistia Sufi order except Hazrat Mujjadded Al Fesani (RA) founder of Mujjaddeia Sufi order, fought against the fanaticsm of Islam patronized by the Great hypocrite Akbar Mughal Emperor, and others of Akbor Dynasty except Emperor Aaurongojeb.

It is quite unfortunate, no one understood the REALITY of Islam when prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) established his new religion to eliminate all the darkness of Arabian desert as well as for Whole Mankind as the Final Messenger of Almighty God. It is still very painful that, the British Empire ruled the Asian Continent for over 400 years, before that Ottoman Empire (So-Called Muslim) ruled the World more than 900 years and even before that, the Abbassiya Empire’s so called great ruler Harun – Ur-Rashid’s Bastard son Al-Mamun have killed all Imams of his era and destroyed the reality of Islam and true ideology of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) by compiling Hadith and misinterpretation of Hadith by so- called Imam-Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud & Nessaye compiler of so- called Hadith were non-Arabs. Later on, Imam Abu-Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Malek and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal fought for the reality and protested against Abbassiya Caliphs but unfortunately they all were detained and killed one by one thru food poisoning.

After a long gap only Imam Al-Gazali of Tus of Persia on 12th century he started his open protest with his PEN. Imam Al-Gazali compiled several hundreds of books protesting against Ummaiya and Abbassiya Caliphs 165 specially Al-Mamun bastard son of Abbassiya Caliph Harun Ur Rashid. It should also be noted that, Imam Al-Gazali wrote several books on Sufism with the guidelines of Sufis according to the Holy Quran and Authentic Hadith. But unfortunate reasons after his eternal rest many of his important manuscripts and books were burned and destroyed by Mongols, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire as well as the British Empire in their Era.

When Saudi Monarchy were established by King Abdul Aziz Al Saud 3rd Modern Kingdom directly patroned by the British Empire Queen Elizabeth- I; They completely eliminated the main theme of Islam and created their own understanding of the translation of Holy Quran. They also re- established So-called Imam Bukhari’s misinterpreted Hadiths along with other so-called Hadith under their control. They also started the Wahabi and Selafi movement by the leadership of their so-called grand sheikh Abul Wahab Al-Najdi, a direct descendant of Iblis, whom patroned and controlled by so-called 3rd Kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Al- Saud. Later on this Kingdom also encouraged and administered other Muslim sects like Sunni, Jamaat Islami and Tablighi Islamic groups of the world from that era to current day.

All Sufi masters and founder of Sufi orders as well as leader of the toriqas has been declared abandoned by the Saudi Monarchy and British Empire. The descendants of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) were completely thrown out and decimated from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Holy city Mecca and Medina. They also destroyed the Holy grave of Prophet’s first wife Hazrat Khadijatul-Kobra (SA) in Mecca of Govt. grave (Jannat-ul- Moallah) as well as the Jannat-ul-Baqi the graves of Prophet’s beloved daughter’s grave/Dome, Shaheeds of Battle of Uhud including Great Hamza’s grave along with several graves of companions of Prophet. Finally, they tried to destroy the Prophet’s Holy Dome in Medina, but they could not succeed at all, because there are 70,000 angels that are protecting and saluting as safeguard from the Almighty Allah to his Beloved Prophet (PBUH). It should be noted that, those individuals who tried to destroy Prophet’s dome by the order of King were either killed by the Python snakes, which led them to stop. But they started a different way of conspiracy.

Finally, King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud once a day had a miraculous dream by the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) in his Medina King Palace. In the dream, he was directed the Prophet to establish the greatest Mosque in the World, Medinatul-Monwara and 166

Mecca-tul-Mokkarrama as custodian of both the Holy Mosques. Accordingly, King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz miraculously changed his attitude and gratitude. He reconstructed and redeveloped the center of Earth Holy Mosque Mecca-tul-Mokkarrama with modern facilities and spent billions of Money from the Kingdom and given attention to reconstruct the Holy city Medina-tul-Monawara Prophet’s Mosque and other historic Mosques in Medina by the leadership of Chief Imam and deputy custodian of both the Holy Mosque, Sheikh Shobhail Bin Abdullah Najdi and Wahabi Alem. In accordance of His Eminency Dr. Alam Sheikh Shobhail bin Abdullah visited Azimpur Dayera Sharif and inaugurated the Sufi Holy Mosque in the time of Sufi Dayemullah (RA) in 1985. At that, time the deputy custodian of both Holy Mosques proposed Sufi Dayemullah (RA) funds to develop the Dayera Sharif Mosque but Sufi Dayemullah (RA) along with His Eminency boldly refused his proposal in presence of Sheikh Taha renowned Islamic scholar of Holy Mecca. Finally Sheikh Shobhail visited prof. Dr. Ibrahim along with His Eminency Dr. Alam and donated the Ibrahim memorial trust fund to develop the diabetic hospital in 1985. At last Sheikh Shobhail bin Abdullah as he spent Seven days with His Eminency in Dhaka in February 1985 expressed his deep appreciation for the remarkable contribution for the cause to spread the reality of Islam and humanitarian service to the Mankind as he also mentions his Son-in-law current king of his time King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s contribution to redevelop of Both the Holy cities.

It is very painful for the author the book to express that, according to his research the reality of current situation of Islam, questions “Why the Prophet’s Family Member’s Dome are destroyed?” His research explains all the Imams and Founder of Sufi Orders and Masters of Sufi Saints had expired. As well as conspiracy sponsored started by the Abbassiya Caliph AlMamun towards the 900 years ruled Ottoman Empire, 300 years of Mughal Empire, including the 400 years of British Empire all worked to destroy the backbone & Reality of Sufism. Even there are thousands of Khanqah and Shrines in the name of socalled Sufi orders maintained by the illiterate non-practicsioner socalled Sufi saint and Sheikhs in the name of Qaderia, Chistia, Nokshabandiya and Mojjaddedia Sufi order. Therefore, now days Majority of the Sufi Khanqas completely collapsed and they are begging for Money and exploiting general people. In the meantime, Jamat- e-Islam of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Indonesia, Malaysia along with their partner Selafi movement and Tabhligi movement patronized by the Jewish and Saudi Monarchy current King Salman bin Abdul Aziz. Their activities led to the misconception of general people to misguide from the 167 reality of Islam. According to His Eminency’s opinion controversial chaos and complexities will be completely eliminated by the Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and Hazrat Isa (PBUH) to restablish the truth of Islam and co-create heaven on Earth in accordance of Holy Quran.

Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (1058–1111), was born and died in Tus, in the Khorasan province of Persia. He was an Islamic theologian, jurist, philosopher, cosmologist, psychologist and mystic of Persian origin, and remains one of the most celebrated scholars in the history of Sunni Islamic thought. He is considered a pioneer of methodic doubt and skepticism, and in one of his major works, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, he changed the course of early Islamic philosophy, shifting it away from an Islamic metaphysics influenced by ancient Greek and Hellenistic philosophy, and towards an Islamic philosophy based on cause-and-effect that was determined by God or intermediate angels, a theory now known as occasionalism.

Ghazali has sometimes been acclaimed by secular historians such as William Montgomery Watt to be the greatest Muslim after Mohammad (PBUH) (traditionally among Muslims, the greatest Muslims after the Prophet, according to authentic hadith, is the generation of his contemporaries). Besides his work that successfully changed the course of Islamic philosophy—the early Islamic Neoplatonism developed on the grounds of Hellenistic philosophy, for example, was so successfully refuted by Ghazali that it never recovered—he also brought the orthodox Islam of his time in close contact with Sufism. The orthodox theologians still went their own way, and so did the mystics, but both developed a sense of mutual appreciation which ensured that no sweeping condemnation could be made by one for the practices of the other.

Ghazali contributed significantly to the development of a systematic view of Sufism and its integration and acceptance in mainstream Islam. He was a scholar of , belonging to the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence and to the Asharite school of theology. Ghazali received many titles such as Sharaful A'emma, Zainuddin Hujjatul Islam, meaning "Proof of Islam". He is viewed as the key member of the influential Asharite school of early Muslim philosophy and the most important refuter of Mutazilites. However, he chose a slightly different position in comparison with the Asharites; his beliefs and thoughts differ, in some aspects, from the Asharite school.


Ghazali was born in 1058 in Tus, a city in Khorasan province of Persia. His father, a traditional Sufi, died when he and his younger brother, , were still young. One of their father's friends took care of them for the next few years. In 1070, Ghazali and his brother went to Gurgan to enroll in a madrassah (Islamic seminary). There, he studied fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) next to Ahmad ibn Muhammad Rādkānī and Abu'l Qāsim Jurjānī. After approximately 7 years studying, he returned to Tus.

His first important trip to Nishapur occurred around 1080 when he was almost 23 years old. He became the student of the famous Muslim scholar Abu'l Ma'ālī Juwaynī, known as Imam alHaramayn. After the death of Al- Juwayni in 1085, Ghazālī was invited to go to the court of Nizamul Mulk Tusi, the powerful vizier of the Seljuq sultans. The vizier was so impressed by Ghazali's scholarship that in 1091 he appointed him as chief professor at the Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad. He used to lecture to more than 300 students, and his participation in Islamic debates and discussions made him popular in all over the Islamic territories.

He passed through a spiritual crisis in 1095, abandoned his career, and left Baghdad on the pretext of going on pilgrimage to Mecca. Making arrangements for his family, he disposed of his wealth and adopted the life of a poor Sufi. After some time in Damascus and Jerusalem, with a visit to Medina and Mecca in 1096, he settled in Tus to spend the next several years in seclusion. He ended his seclusion for a short lecturing period at the Nizamiyyah of Nishapur in 1106. Later he returned to Tus where he remained until his death on December 19, 1111. He had one son named Abdu'l Rahman Allam. Ghazali wrote more than 70 books on the sciences, early Islamic philosophy, Islamic psychology, Kalam and Sufism. His 11th century book titled The Incoherence of the Philosophers marks a major turn in Islamic epistemology, as Ghazali effectively discovered philosophical skepticism that would not be commonly seen in the West until René Descartes, George Berkeley and David Hume. The encounter with skepticism led Ghazali to embrace a form of theological occasionalism, or the belief that all causal events and interactions are not the product of material conjunctions but rather the immediate and present will of God.

“The Incoherence of the Philosophers” Main article: The Incoherence of the Philosophers


The Incoherence of the Philosophers marked a turning point in Islamic philosophy in its vehement rejections of Aristotle and Plato. The book took aim at the falsafa, a loosely defined group of Islamic philosophers from the 8th through the 11th centuries (most notable among them and Al-Farabi) who drew intellectually upon the Ancient Greeks. Ghazali bitterly denounced Aristotle, Socrates and other Greek writers as nonbelievers and labeled those who employed their methods and ideas as corrupters of the Islamic faith.

The Incoherence of the Philosophers is famous for proposing and defending the Asharite theory of occasionalism. Ghazali famously claimed that when fire and cotton are placed in contact, the cotton is burned directly by God rather than by the fire, a claim which he defended using logic. He argued that because God is usually seen as rational, rather than arbitrary, his behaviour in normally causing events in the same sequence (ie, what appears to us to be efficient causation) can be understood as a natural outworking of that principle of reason, which we then describe as the laws of nature. Properly speaking, however, these are not laws of nature but laws by which God chooses to govern his own behaviour (his autonomy, in the strict sense) – in other words, his rational will.

However, Ghazali did express support for a scientific methodology based on demonstration and mathematics, while discussing astronomy. After describing the scientific facts of the Solar eclipse resulting from the Moon coming between the Sun and Earth and the Lunar eclipse from the Earth coming between the Sun and Moon, he writes:

“Whosoever thinks that to engage in a disputation for refuting such a theory is a religious duty harms religion and weakens it. For these matters rest on demonstrations, geometrical and arithmetical, that leave no room for doubt”.

In his defense of the Asharite doctrine of a created universe that is temporally finite, against the Aristotelian doctrine of an eternal universe, Al-Ghazali proposed the modal theory of possible worlds, arguing that their actual world is the best of all possible worlds from among all the alternate timelines and world histories that God could have possibly created. His theory parallels that of Duns Scotus in the 14th century. While it is uncertain whether AlGhazali had any influence on Scotus, they both may have derived their theory from their readings of Avicenna's Metaphysics. 170

In the next century, Ibn Rushd (also known in the West as Averroes) drafted a lengthy rebuttal of Ghazali's Incoherence entitled The Incoherence of the Incoherence; however, the epistemological course of Islamic thought had already been set.

“The Deliverance From Error”

The autobiography Ghazali wrote towards the end of his life, The Deliverance From Error (Al-munqidh min al-ḍalāl; several English translations is considered a work of major importance. In it, Ghazali recounts how, once a crisis of epistemological skepticism was resolved by "a light which God Most High cast into my breast...the key to most knowledge," he studied and mastered the arguments of Kalam, Islamic philosophy. Though appreciating what was valid in the first two of these, at least, he determined that all three approaches were inadequate and found ultimate value only in the mystical experience and spiritual insight (Spritual intuitive thought – Firasa and Nur) he attained as a result of following Sufi practices. William James, in Varieties of Religious Experience, considered the autobiography an important document for "the purely literary student who would like to become acquainted with the inwardness of religions other than the Christian" because of the scarcity of recorded personal religious confessions and autobiographical literature from this period outside the Christian tradition.

In this work, Ghazali expressed support for mathematics as an exact science, but argues that it cannot be used as a form of proof for religious or metaphysical doctrines due to their non-physical nature. He argues that religion and metaphysics are not in need of mathematics in the sense that poetry is not in need of mathematics or in the sense that philology or grammar can be mastered without any knowledge of mathematical sciences. He also argues that every discipline has its own experts and that an expert in one discipline, in this case mathematics, may fail miserably in other disciplines, in this case religion and metaphysics. Ghazali saw the practical usefulness of mathematics and condemns those who reject the mathematical sciences:

A grievous crime indeed against religion has been committed by the man who imagines that Islam is defended by the denial of the mathematical sciences, seeing that there is nothing in revealed truth opposed to these

171 sciences by way of either negation or affirmation, and nothing in these sciences opposed to the truth of religion.

“The Revival of Religious Sciences”

Another of Ghazali's major works is The Revival of Religious Sciences (Arabic: Ihya 'Ulum al-Din or Ihya'ul Ulumuddin). It covers almost all fields of Islamic religious sciences: Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Kalam (Islamic theology) and Sufism. It contains four major sections: Acts of worship (Rub' al-'ibadat), Norms of Daily Life (Rub' al-'adatat), The ways to Perdition (Rub' al- 'muhlikat) and The ways to Salavation (Rub' al-'munjiyat). It is said that he used Abu Talib al-Makki as one of his sources. He then wrote a brief version of this book in Persian under The Alchemy of Happiness (Kīmyāye Sa'ādat).

In this book, he classified the mathematics and medicine of medieval Islam as praiseworthy (mamdūh) sciences and considers them to be a community obligation (fard kifāyah). He writes:

“Sciences whose knowledge is deemed fard kifāyah comprise all sciences which are indispensable for the welfare of this world such as: medicine which is necessary for the life of the body, arithmetic for daily transactions and the divisions of legacies and inheritances, as well as others. These are the sciences which, because of their absence, the community would be reduced to narrow straits”.


Ghazali was responsible for formulating the Ash'ari school of atomism. He argued that atoms are the only perpetual, material things in existence, and all else in the world is “accidental” meaning something that lasts for only an instant. Nothing accidental can be the cause of anything else, except perception, as it exists for a moment. Contingent events are not subject to natural physical causes, but are the direct result of God’s constant intervention, without which nothing could happen. Thus nature is completely dependent on God, which is consistent with other Ash'ari Islamic ideas on causation, or the lack thereof.

In atomic theory, Ghazali alluded to the possibility of dividing an atom. In reference to the wide divisions among Muslims, he wrote: "Muslims are so

172 good at dividing that they can divide the atom. If you see two Muslims, probably they belong to 3 parties."

In the fourteenth century, Nicholas of Autrecourt considered that matter, space, and time were all made up of indivisible atoms, points, and instants and that all generation and corruption took place by the rearrangement of material atoms. The similarities of his ideas with those of Ghazali suggest that Nicholas was familiar with the work of Ghazali, who was known as "Algazel" in Europe, either directly or indirectly through Ibn Rushd.

It must be noted that Al Ghazali never wrote about protons, neutrons, physics of colliding atoms or the formation of molecules. His theory only pertains to the idea that things can be broken down into very small parts, as it exists for a moment. His writings never reached the level of detail which modern physics has.

Cosmology and Astronomy

The relevant written scripts are The Incoherence of the Philosophers, Islamic cosmology, and Astronomy in medieval Islam.

Al-Ghazali's criticism of Aristotelian physics and Aristotelian cosmology played an important role in the development of an independent astronomy over the next several centuries. From the 12th century onwards, Islamic astronomy began becoming a science primarily dependant upon observation rather than philosophy, primarily due to religious opposition from Islamic theologians, most prominently Al-Ghazali, who opposed the interference of Aristotelianism in astronomy, opening up possibilities for an astronomy unrestrained by Aristotelian philosophy. For example, his Ash'ari doctrine influenced the theologian Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149–1209) to reject the Aristotelian notion of the Earth's centrality within the universe and instead propose the notion of a multiverse consisting of countless worlds and universes, "such that each one of those worlds be bigger and more massive than this world as well as having the like of what this world has." Al-Razi also criticized the Aristotelian notion of solid celestial spheres and suggested these may be "merely the abstract orbit traced by the stars."

The theologian Adud al-Din al-Iji (1281–1355), under the influence of Al- Ghazali's Ash'ari doctrine of occasionalism, which maintained that all physical effects were caused directly by God's will rather than by natural 173 causes, rejected the Aristotelian principle of an innate principle of circular motion in the heavenly bodies, and maintained that the celestial spheres were "imaginary things" and "more tenuous than a spider's web". Under such influences, Ali al-Qushji (d. 1474) rejected Aristotelian physics and completely separated it from astronomy, allowing astronomy to become a purely empirical and mathematical science. This allowed him to explore alternatives to the Aristotelian notion of a stationary Earth, as he explored the idea of a moving Earth. He concluded, on the basis of empirical evidence rather than speculative philosophy, that the moving Earth theory is just as likely to be true as the stationary Earth theory and that it is not possible to empirically deduce which theory is true.

Biology and Medicine

Ghazali's writings are believed to have been a source of encouragement for the study of medicine in medieval Islam, particularly anatomy. In The Revival of the Religious Sciences, he classed medicine as one of the praiseworthy (mahmud) secular sciences, in contrast to astrology which he considered blameworthy (madhmutn). In his discourse on meditation (tafakkur), he devoted a number of pages to a fairly detailed anatomical exposition of the parts of the human body, advocating such study as a suitable subject for contemplation and drawing nearer to God."

In The Deliverer from Error, Ghazali made a strong statement in support of anatomy and dissection:

The Naturalists (al-tabi'yun): They are a group of people who are constantly studying the natural world and the wonders of animals and plants. They are frequently engaging in the science of anatomy/dissection ('ilm at-tashriih) of animal bodies, and through it they perceive the wonders of God's design and the marvels of His wisdom. With this they are compelled to acknowledge a wise Creator Who is aware of the ends and purposes of things. No one can study anatomy/dissection and the wonders of the utilities of the parts without deducing this unavoidable inference— that is, the perfection of the design of the Creator with regard to the structure of animals and especially the structure of humans.

His support for the study of anatomy and dissection was influential in the rise of anatomy and dissections carried out among Muslim physicians in the 12th and 13th centuries, by the likes of Ibn Zuhr and Ibn al-Nafis,

174 among others. Ibn Rushd, a critic of Ghazali, also agreed with him on the issue of dissection.


In cosmology, in contrast to ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle who believed that the universe had an infinite past with no beginning, medieval philosophers and theologians developed the concept of the universe having a finite past with a beginning (temporal finitism). This view was inspired by the belief in creation shared by the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Christian philosopher, John Philoponus, presented the first such argument against the ancient Greek notion of an infinite past. His logic was adopted by many, most notably; Muslim philosopher, Al-Kindi (Alkindus); the Jewish philosopher, Saadia Gaon (Saadia ben Joseph); and finally Ghazali. They proposed two logical arguments against an infinite past, the first being the "argument from the impossibility of the existence of an actual infinite", which states:

"An actual infinite cannot exist." "An infinite temporal regress of events is an actual infinite."

• An infinite temporal regress of events cannot exist. His second argument, the "argument from the impossibility of completing an actual infinite by successive addition", states "An actual infinite cannot be completed by successive addition." "The temporal series of past events has been completed by successive addition."

• The temporal series of past events cannot be an actual infinite. Both arguments were adopted by later Christian philosophers and theologians, and the second argument in particular became more famous after it was adopted by Immanuel Kant in his thesis of the first antinomy concerning time.


In Islamic logic, Al-Ghazali had an important influence on the use of logic in Islamic theology, as he was the first to apply the Avicennian system of temporal modal logic to Islamic theology.[27] He also established the application of three types of logical systems in Islamic Sharia law and Fiqh jurisprudence: reasoning by analogy, deductive logic, and inductive logic. In cases that have multiple legal precedents, he recommended the use of 175 inductive logic, stating that the "larger the number of pieces of textual evidence is, the stronger our knowledge becomes."

Psychology In Islamic psychology and , Ghazali discussed the concept of the self and the causes of its misery and happiness. He described the self using four terms: Qalb (heart), Ruh (spirit), Nafs (soul) and 'Aql (intellect). He stated that "the self has an inherent yearning for an ideal, which it strives to realize and it is endowed with qualities to help realize it." He further stated that the self has motor and sensory motives for fulfilling its bodily needs. He wrote that the motor motives comprise of propensities and impulses, and further divided the propensities into two types: appetite and anger. He wrote that appetite urges hunger, thirst, and sexual craving, while anger takes the form of rage, indignation and revenge. He further wrote that impulse resides in the muscles, nerves, and tissues, and moves the organs to "fulfill the propensities."

Ghazali was one of the first to divide the sensory motives (apprehension) into five external senses (the classical senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch) and five internal senses: common sense (Hiss Mushtarik) which synthesizes sensuous impressions carried to the brain while giving meaning to them; imagination (Takhayyul) which enables someone to retain mental images from experience; reflection (Tafakkur) which brings together relevant thoughts and associates or dissociates them as it considers fit but has no power to create anything new which is not already present in the mind; recollection (Tadhakkur) which remembers the outer form of objects in memory and recollects the meaning; and the memory (Hafiza) where impressions received through the senses are stored. He wrote that, while the external senses occur through specific organs, the internal senses are located in different regions of the brain, and discovered that the memory is located in the hinder lobe, imagination is located in the frontal lobe, and reflection is located in the middle folds of the brain. He stated that these inner senses allow people to predict future situations based on what they learn from past experiences.

In The Revival of Religious Sciences, he wrote that the five internal senses are found in both humans and animals. In Mizan al Amal, however, he later stated that animals "do not possess a well-developed reflective power" and argued that animals mostly think in terms of "pictorial ideas in a simple way and are incapable of complex association and dissociation of abstract ideas involved in reflection." He wrote that "the self carries two 176 additional qualities, which distinguishes man from animals enabling man to attain spiritual perfection", which are 'Aql (intellect) and Irada (will). He argued that the intellect is "the fundamental rational faculty, which enables man to generalize and form concepts and gain knowledge." He also argued that human will and animal will are both different. He wrote that human will is "conditioned by the intellect" while animal will is "conditioned by anger and appetite" and that "all these powers control and regulate the body." He further wrote that the Qalb (heart) "controls and rules over them" and that it has six powers: appetite, anger, impulse, apprehension, intellect, and will. He stated that humans have all six of these traits, while animals only have three (appetite, anger, and impulse). This was in contrast to other ancient and medieval thinkers such as Aristotle, Avicenna, Roger Bacon and Thomas Aquinas who all believed that animals cannot become angry.

Ghazali wrote that knowledge can either be innate or acquired. He divided innate knowledge into phenomenal, (material world) and spiritual (related to God and soul), and divided acquired knowledge into imitation, logical reasoning, contemplation and intuition. He also argued that there are four elements in human nature: the sage (intellect and reason), the pig (lust and gluttony), the dog (anger), and the devil(brutality). He argued that the latter three elements are in conflict with the former element and that "different people have such powers in different proportions."

Ghazali divided the Nafs into three categories based on the Holy Quran: Nafs Ammarah(12:53) which "exhorts one to freely indulge in gratifying passions and instigates to do evil", Nafs Lawammah (75:2) which is "the conscience that directs man towards right or wrong", and Nafs Mutmainnah (89:27) which is "a self that reaches the ultimate peace." As an analogy between psychology and politics, he compared the soul to that of a king running a kingdom, arguing that the bodily organs are like the artisans and workers, intellect is like a wise vizier, desire is like a wicked servant, and anger is like the police force. He argued that a king can correctly run the state of affairs by turning to the wise vizier, turns away from the wicked servant, and regulating the workers and the police; and that in the same way, the soul is balanced if it "keeps anger under control and makes the intellect dominate desire." He argued that for a soul to reach perfection, it needs to evolve through several stages: sensuous (like a moth which has no memory), imaginative (lower animal), instinctive (higher animal), rational ("transcends animal stage and apprehends objects

177 beyond the scope of his senses") and divine ("apprehends reality of spiritual things").

He stated that there are two types of diseases: physical and spiritual. He considered the latter to be more dangerous, resulting from "ignorance and deviation from God", and listed the spiritual diseases as: self-centeredness; addiction to wealth, fame and social status; and ignorance, cowardice, cruelty, lust, waswas (doubt), malevolence, calumny, envy, deception, and greed. To overcome these spiritual weaknesses, Ghazali suggested the therapy of opposites ("use of imagination in pursuing the opposite"), such as ignorance & learning, or hate & love. He described the personality as an "integration of spiritual and bodily forces" and believed that "closeness to God is equivalent to normality whereas distance from God leads to abnormality."

Ghazali argued that human beings occupy a position "midway between animals and angels and his distinguishing quality is knowledge." He argues that a human can either rise to "the level of the angels with the help of knowledge" or fall to "the levels of animals by letting his anger and lust dominate him." He also argued that Ilm al-Batin (esotericism) is fard (incumbent) and advised Tazkiya Nafs (self-purification). He also noted that "good conduct can only develop from within and does not need total destruction of natural propensities."

Ghazali had an important influence on Medieval philosophy, among Muslim philosophers, Christian philosophers, and Jewish philosophers like Maimonides.

Islamic World

Ghazali played a very major role in integrating Sufism with Islamic law (Sharia). He combined the concepts of Sufism very well with the Shariah laws. He was also the first to present a formal description of Sufism in his works. His works also strengthened the status of Sunni Islam against other schools. The Batinite (Ismailism) had emerged in Persian territories and were gaining more and more power during Ghazali's period, as Nizam al- Mulk was assassinated by the members of Ismailis. Ghazali strictly refuted their ideology and wrote several books on refutation of Baatinyas which significantly weakened their status. Ijtihad is the process through which Islamic scholars can generate new rules for Muslims. Ijtihad was one of the recognized sources of Islamic knowledge by early Islamic scholars – that is, 178 in addition to Holy Quran, Sunnah and Qiyas. While it is not widely agreed that Ghazali himself intended to "shut the door of ijtihad" completely and permanently, such an interpretation of Ghazali's work is believed to have led Islamic societies to be "frozen in time". Works of critics of Ghazali (such as Ibn Rushd, a rationalist), as well as the works of any ancient philosopher, are believed to have been forbidden in these "frozen societies" through the centuries. As a result, all chances were lost to gradually revitalize religion – which may have been less painful had it been spread over a period of centuries.

Whether the actual outcome of "freezing Islamic thinking in time" was the goal of Ghazali is highly debatable. While he himself was a critic of the philosophers, Ghazali was a master in the art of philosophy and had immensely studied the field. After such a long education in philosophy, as well as a long process of reflection, he had criticized the philosophical method. But only taking Ghazali's final conclusions, while lacking a comparable education (and a reflection process) in the area, and as a result being unable to trace Ghazali in his thought process, only exacerbates the probability of the misuse of Ghazali's conclusions.

This traditional view, however, has been disputed by recent scholarship, which has shown that scientific and philosophical activity continued to flourish in the Islamic world long after him. For example, Dimitri Gutas and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy consider the period between the 11th and 14th centuries to be the "Golden Age" of Arabic and Islamic philosophy, initiated by Ghazali's successful integration of logic into the Islamic seminary Madrasah curriculum. Emilie SavageSmith has also shown that Ghazali was a source of encouragement for the study of medicine in medieval Islam, and that his support for the study of anatomy was influential in the rise of dissections carried out among Muslim physicians in the 12th and 13th centuries.


Margaret Smith writes in her book Al-Ghazali: The Mystic (London 1944): "There can be no doubt that Ghazali’s works would be among the first to attract the attention of these European scholars" (page 220). Then she emphasizes, "The greatest of these Christian writers who was influenced by AlGhazali was St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), who made a study of the Islamic writers and admitted his indebtedness to them. He studied at

179 the University of Naples where the influence of Islamic literature and culture was predominant at the time."

Ghazali's influence has been compared to the works of Thomas Aquinas in Christian theology, but the two differed greatly in methods and beliefs. Whereas Ghazali rejected Greek metaphysical philosophers such as Aristotle and saw it fit to refute their metaphysical teachings on the basis of their "irrationality", Aquinas embraced non-Christian philosophers and incorporated ancient Greek, Latin and Islamic thought into his own philosophical writings.

"A careful study of Ghazali's works will indicate how penetrating and widespread his influence was on the Western medieval scholars. A case in point is the influence of Ghazali on St. Thomas Aquinas — who studied the works of Islamic philosophers, especially Ghazali's, at the University of Naples. In addition, Aquinas' interest in Islamic studies could be attributed to the infiltration of ‘Latin Averroism’ in the 13th century, especially at *the University of] Paris."

The Above research of Hazrat Imam Al-Gazzali were done by His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) and, which he received from several sources, specially Library of Imam Al-Gazzali in USA also Several Qoutions has been taken from Algazzali.org (Library of books of Imam Al- Gazzali for everyone to read from).

Nuclear Catastrophe Will Occur (A prediction by scholars)

Over four thousand years ago, in the time of Prophet Noah (PBUH), the first civilization was destroyed by biblical floods, giving rise to the second civilization on Earth created by Prophet Noah’s (PBUH) three sons. Similarly, during the second civilization, most human beings will be destroyed by disasters such as fire because of their sinful practice of atheism, sexual violence and indulgence, just as happened to the fate of men and women during the time of Prophet Noah (PBUH). Very few religious and pious men will be saved from this nuclear destruction before the start of the third civilization. The vast research on 39:53 Ayat (sentences of the Holy Al-Quran) suggests that after 1401 Hijrah (the year 1981) humans will begin destroying their own civilization. Fifteen Hijrah began on 10th November 1981. After the year 2008 (1427 Hijrah/2008 AD) the world will go to apocalyptic collapse and ruin and the human community will establish a peaceful third civilization, which will continue to progress for a thousand years. During this time, utopian 180 ideology of peace and love will permeate the world leaving no room for discrimination amongst each other. Men and women will always think selflessly toward the peace of others. In fact, the world could be compared to the original Eden of 6000 years ago. According to the Holy Bible (old), "They shall be done on Earth as it is in the Heaven."

As mentioned above, mankind will live indiscriminately towards race, religion and color to build up a virtuous and peaceful Heaven. How and by whom will it be possible for all human beings to live together in peace encompassing those of the same faith? How will it be possible for different nations to believe in secularism? Is it believable? The answer from ordinary people will be negative, but for the wise it is much more possible. Before explaining how it is possible I will explain whether or not there are any reasonable and believable documents in favor of the great leader’s arrival. Every learned Muslim knows that a reformer will come for mankind, as the demonstrator of Islam, named Imam Mahdi (PBUH). He will establish a philosophy of monotheism (Tawhid) in the world, and circulate within a geographical region, following the footprints of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). People will again live peacefully and in brotherhood, accepting Imam Mahdi (PBUH) as world leader.

He will become involved in several crusades with the Jews and Christians before establishing a utopian world. With the blessing of God, The Almighty, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will set mankind free from The Curse of the Babel Tower that was placed upon the Emperor of Babylon, Namrud 4500 years ago. The Almighty God will perform his promise, "I must make Islam victorious upon other religions" and consequently dismiss jealousy, anger, ideological discrimination and all problems arising from race, religion, color and language.

Prophecies in Other Holy Books about The Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH):

It is found that through research and deliberation of different Holy Books of the world, that a savior blessed by God, the Almighty, will come. It is mentioned in every religious book (Hindu, Jewish and Christian), that there is a belief of one worldwide true religion that will be successful in inviting peace into the hearts of men and women.


Emperor Namrud's Dream:

Emperor Namrud had a dream that a child would be born in the genealogy of His Holiness Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the last prophet of mankind and descendant of Prophet Abraham (PBUH). He will uproot all aberrant and created religions that sprouted from Namrud's ideology of the world. God, the Almighty, will help and direct him greatly in this affair, by destroying all evil powers and prejudices in an incomplete world. He will educate the whole world in the teaching of the Doctrine of Oneness, and change whatever world weapons exist to productive instruments. During His reign people will stop thinking of war, for there will be no need. World peace will be established through his leadership, which will start immediately after the year 2004 AD and continue for forty years thereafter.

A Prediction by Jamshed, the Disciple of Persian Pastor Zeurthurst:

The prediction (labeled Zamsafenam) by the famous Persian Pastor and astrologist Jamshed, the disciple of Zeurthrust, states that when all the heavenly bodies remain in a certain position, an Arab will be born. He will have an ideal tall and well-shaped physical structure and will follow his forefather’s religion. This child will establish the religion of true justice worldwide. The inhabitants of the world, irrespective of nation and color, will worship the only One Creator, and be united in brotherhood under his leadership.

The Kolkee Puran: Sacred Book of the Hindu Religion:

The arrival of the hermit person and his acts to establish world peace is also mentioned in the Kolkee Puran the ancient Hindu religious text. Around thirty five hundred years ago on about the fifth and sixth page of the Kolkee Puran, a picture of the worlds situation before the arrival of this hermit person was drawn. The sacred book states that:

1. The world will be deteriorating in all aspects of life and there will be decadence in all points of moral character.

2. Children will become a problem to their parents causing nothing but pain and sorrow instead of happiness. 182

3. People will help dishonest evil man rather than the opposite. The activities of these men will also be rationalized by twisted logic.

4. The business of intoxication and drug trafficking will spread out all over becoming popular and accepted.

5. People will respect rich and influential persons even though these persons do not deserve respect.

6. There will be widespread practice of accepting interest and bribes. The persons engaged in these activities will be respected.

7. The pious, honest and righteous will prefer staying home rather than establishing their positions in society.

8. Students will dishonor their teachers with words, works, behavior and attitude. They will think it a credit to disrespect their religious leaders and teachers.

9. People will take subscription from Dishonest People.

10. Children will marry demonstrating their own preferences without their parent’s permission. There will be illicit relations between boys and girls as a result of promiscuity, and they will do it without hesitation.

11. Inexperienced, ignorant and dishonest persons will become group, state and society leaders. They will mislead the innocent people by their own abdicated doctrine and ideology.

12. The unemployed people and the poor engage themselves to become pastors, deceitful religious leaders and will cheat the people into performing ineffective religious activities.

13. There will be less production of grains and scarcity of food, but there will be crops in lands with irrigation. There will be no rain but many clouds, moreover there will be either an excess or lack of rain.

14. Women of respectable families will become intimate with outsiders and strangers, and in some cases love them more than their husbands.

15. In all cases the states will impose taxes on citizens and as a result the miseries of the people will have no bound.

16. Enjoyment, happiness and contentment will cease. On page one of the Kulkee Puran, the Holy book of the Hindu religion, it is said that once the

183 above situations occur, a man from the family of the Prophet (PBUH) will appear on Sumble Island (located in the secluded Arabian Desert).

Max Mueller, a noted German historian, described this Arab on Sumble Island. His father’s name will be Vishnubhat or Vishnugash (means Abdullah - servant) and the mothers name will be Sumati (means Amena - honorable lady). That person will preach his ancestors religion. Once this child reaches maturity, he will remove the leaders, who denied the people freedom and honesty from this universe. He will establish the religion consisting of the monotheism, honesty and kindness. The world will be void of war leaving only peacefulness through his leadership.

A Discussion On Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in Light of The Holy Quran and Sunnah Of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)by Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Dr. M N ALAM (MA) (Islamic Researcher and Scholar)

Apart from the Holy Book of Torah and the old testimonial of the Bible, the last great Prophet of Islam, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), predicted the arrival of this great leader. He has said that the second civilization of mankind will not come to an end until Imam Mahdi (PBUH) (the demonstrator to will-way) will be born in the midst of his descendants. Imam Uzzaman-Ki Amad and Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will be born before the death of Turkey’s second president (page 21, Imam-Uz-Zama-Ki Amad). We know that the name of Turkey’s second president was Ismat Enuns, who lived until 1972. Therefore, it can be said that Imam Mahdi (PBUH) was born around or after this time. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) foretold that Imam Mahdi (PBUH) would be born in a section of Fatima (SA), known as Sayed. He would resemble our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and even the name of the parents would be similar to those of The Prophet (PBUH). His physique, manners and behavior will resemble those of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and he will be born from a peasant family in Holy Medina Sharif on Monday at dawn. It was said that he would be born before the end of Hijrah 1400, which corresponds to the year 1980. His education will include Gods teachings (Elme-Luduni) and he will start preaching to people at the age of forty years.


Eight hundred years ago Sheikh Nyamatullah (may God bless Him) of Kashmir foretold that Imam Mahdi (PBUH) would be born some time near or after Hijrah 1380.

Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA), the Head Pastor of Baghdad, foretold that the birth of Mozaddet Al-Fasani (may God bless Him) would occur four hundred years after his death. In fact this event occurred exactly four hundred years as prophesized. He predicted that once Hazrat Mujjadded Alf - Sani (RA) had reached maturity, a world leader and reformer named Ahmed would come, also four hundred years after his departure, which happens to be the beginning of the 17th Hijrah (2002 AD). Therefore, it can be expected that Imam Mahdi’s arrival will inevitably be after the year 2020 AD.

Hazrat Shah Sufi Abu Bakar Siddique, a religious leader and inhabitant of the Holy Furfura Sharif, has told the young people of Medinipur, Noakhali and Laxmipur that the next reformer (Mujadded) would be Hazrat Mahdi (PBUH). At this time Furfura Khanqa is totally demoralized, there are no practice of real Sufism, currently it is totally occupied by Wahabi followers.

The Hindi book Chetabani declares doomsday to be imminent, at two thirds of the 15th Hijrah, when Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will arrive. The famous Indian Sadhu Rishi Arobindo Ghosh also stated that ancient knowledge and civilization will be removed, leaving nothing but the "will" to improve. We must prepare ourselves for the New Age.

The Chetabani further states that when global war will come, a "great being" will emerge destroying all firearms, carrying nothing but a sword. All creatures of God, The Almighty, will respect and obey his leadership, as He will make the universe a heaven through constant victories and one greatest international military force.

A famous London astrologer, Sheror cited that between 1960 and 1988 the situation of the world would be chaotic. In the spring (Baisakh) of 1998, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will be born as a new age begins and falsehood halts (after 2020 A.D).

Four hundred years ago the renowned French astrologer and prophesier Nostradamus, predicted the arrival of a world spiritual leader at the end of the current century. Through his leadership, the ideology of only one creator will

185 be spread out, removing the Christian religion. It is also stated that this leader would be a follower of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). It must be noted here, that Nostradamus had not mentioned the name of this leader, but from his description he resembles Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Finally, we will learn of the birth and arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) through the prediction of a person, who has foretold the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy and other incidents in China, Russia, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. She is an internationally renowned psychic, Jean Dixon. The innumerable predictions given by Hazrat Shah Sufi Dayemullah, a famous spiritual leader, greatly resemble those of Jean Dixon. She has foretold the future and has written, "The Phenomenal, Jean Dixon" (1965) and "My Life and Prophecies" (1970). In her book "A Gift of Prophecy", on pages 162-173 she writes that a child has been born on 5th February, 1962, in a peasant family. When the child reaches maturity he will use his religious and spiritual power to unite all people in the belief of one God. At the end of the present century, he will oversee the whole world. In 1980, Jean Dixon writes that the people of the world will have a hint as to his presence and near or after 1991 he will be the holder of the greatest power. Dixon does not mention the name of this child, but from her description it resembles Imam Mahdi (PBUH). From Jean Dixon's word, this child of the East wills posses spiritual powers to change people’s beliefs. This could only be Imam Mahdi of Prophet Abraham’s descendant (PBUH).

On page 172 of her book, Dixon reveals the ancestry of the child as, "...the child born in a humble peasant family is a descendant from an Egyptian Pharaoh and his queen...” She herself, questioned, who this pharaoh was, describing him as Joseph the Great, grandson Prophet Abraham (PBUH). It appears that the Pharaoh and this "child savior" have some connection with a prophet of God from the family of Abraham (PBUH).

Abrahams (PBUH) descendant was Ismail and then Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), whose descendants were Fatima (SA), Hassan (RA) and Hossain (RA). All of which, are Imam Mahdi's (PBUH) ancestors. There is a strong similarity between Hazrat Mohammad's (PBUH) prophecy and Jean Dixon's prediction.


On describing Imam Mahdi's (PBUH) Character, Dixon Writes:

1. This child’s birth and childhood will be like Jesus Christ (PBUH). (Dixon is a Christian and thus the reference to Christ).

2. Whenever I tried to look at this child deeply, who has been sent to mankind as a gift, I see great intelligence, wisdom and power in his eyes.

3. The child has been born with the capability to lead the world. "Thus the coming of the child is backed by the image of the rising sun, symbolizing the tremendous force at the disposal of this child who is to lead the world."

4. Just as Christ (PBUH) was taken from Herod to Egypt for his safety, this child of the East (Imam Mahdi) will be taken to Egypt as well. Why, Dixon cannot tell. She says, however, "...I do know that there are forces working around him, which protect him" (Page 204, My Life and Prophecies). We know that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) prophesied that the child, Imam Mahdi (PBUH), would be born in a farming village of Holy city Medina. Thus, Dixon's descriptions are accurate to the point. It can be held that, due to civil war in Arab territories, the child was sent to Egypt for his safety, world and the learning institutions will close down. Young people will take lessons from him and will work united as he embraces the world in his palm.

5. Mankind will feel the spiritual power of this great person from 1980 A.D (1401 A.H) and by or after 1992 AD people will be able to feel his super power.

6. Just as Hazrat Isha - Jesus Christ (PBUH) knew his importance at 12 years old; Imam Mahdi's (PBUH) power will influence him at 19. Dixon says that at that time the child of the East will be conscious of his life's aim and objective. His supremacy and power will increase day after day. Before disclosing himself however, he will work quietly, surrounded only by devoted followers as early as the age of 10. "We shall not necessarily hear of him at that time (1973-74) but at this age he will become aware of his mission in life. He will then expand his influence and those around him will finally form a small nucleus of dedicated followers by the time he attains the age of 19 (1981 AD or the first of the fifteenth century Hijrah 1401)." He will work quietly with them, until he is finally disclosed (page 205, "My Life and Prophecies").


7. There will be no royal indication of his arrival. No king or emperor has come to welcome this great man, born in an auspicious moment. His arrival is the answer to the prayer of the unrest and tensed world. The inhabitants of this world will gradually feel the super power of this great person and in the next ten year the situation of the universe will be changed to only one ideology without any war and suffering, combining all social, economical and political view points. It is worth mentioning here that by the dramatic failure of atheistic communism and socialism, people will be inclined towards democracy. She also said that the power of the child of the East will increase tremendously by or after 1999, and only after nuclear destruction will the world realize the object of his arrival.

8. When the age of the child reaches thirty years, Christianity will be abolished from the earth.

To the Readers:

Any further discussion of the arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) would be redundant. Just as Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is the "expected world reformer and leader", the nuclear war is the expected punishment to the atheists and the aberrant. Therefore, the atomic war, before Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) arrival, is an inevitable prediction, which according to Jean Dixon is to take place within or after 1994. One can begin by analyzing the situation of the world before and after the benchmark period of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) arrival. I had a formal conversation with Jean Dixon in Washington D.C. in the first week of August 1994. I was hoping this meetings detailed information would bring positive news for mankind.

The World Before and After the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

It is said that Imam Mahdi (PBUH) bears a striking resemblance to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Not in the sense of being a prophet, but as a Muzadded (world reformer) for the world state. The world-peace plan will remain in his hand, as he becomes an honored world-leader, eradicating corruption, mischief and prejudice from the world. The situation of the world before and after the arrival of this savior is as mentioned below: 188

1. The rulers will use state property as their own. The persons governing the state will not think it illegal to use and enjoy state property.

2. Payment of Zakat, according to Islamic provision, will be considered fine (In Muslim state).

3. The deposited property will be used without prior permission of the owner. Deposits (Amanat) can be defined as work, in accordance with the liabilities imposed upon one, in words or practice.

4. Husbands will be controlled by their wives.

5. The children will be disobedient of their parents and will make friendship with dishonest persons.

6. The most incompetent, illiterate and inexperienced persons will be the heads of state. They will control society and the state. Ordinary people will respect them in fear of torture and oppression. People will not dare to protest their atheistic work; rather they will act in favor of them.

7. Religious teachings will become a profession in exchange of money.

8. The businesses of prostitution, gambling and drugs will be profitable.

9. The practice of music, dance and different past-times will have increased.

10. Adultery and frivolous carnal relations will increase in the name of women's liberty and progressiveness.

11. The so-called educated persons of modern times will consider the pious and honest persons of the previous age as foolish.

12. Religious teachings will be decreased. The famous intellectuals will be ignored. Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and Temples will be well built and decorated but direction towards the righteous path will no longer exist. Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and learning institutions will be managed under the leading of illegible and dishonest men.

13. Human beings will be shameless, the strength of faith (Islam) will be weak and they will not hesitate in performing evil actions.


14. The persons seriously involved in movies, dance and music will be nothing but corrupt. Females will earn money, dancing nude in front of males. Falsehood, hypocrisy and deceit will be considered as intelligence. Honest people will be considered as worthless and ones good character discouraged.

15. Distant relations will be preferable to close ones. In- laws will be more respectable then the actual parents.

16. There will be quarrels in Mosques and Churches over issues having nothing to do with Namaz (prayer).

17. Atheistic, autocratic and wicked people will take over the power of the state. Honest leadership will be removed from the world.

18. Atheistic, autocratic and wicked people will be more advanced than the Muslim. Muslims will leave their own tradition and culture to nourish non- Muslim culture.

19. The universe will be in a state of anarchy on account of torture and oppression.

20. The misinterpretation of religion, abstaining from religious learning and Careless relations with Allah (God) (Shirk) will be seen. Some people will earn money by showing false grave (Mazar) and will take donations, gifts and offerings demanding them as a pastor or spiritual leader.

21. When the indications mentioned above will occur, the non-Muslims (Jews, Christians and idol worshippers) will occupy Muslim states by force. They will torture and oppress the Muslims in many ways and occupy the ruling Asian, African and European Muslim countries along with the Middle East.

22. There will be various changes in the natural position of the animal and plant kingdoms, along with massive climate changes. Muslims, who believe in God, will await the birth and arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), while nonbelievers and people of other religion will wait for a savior. The true Muslims will respect His arrival. The Muslims, who are wise and endowed with intuition, will speak with Imam Mahdi (PBUH) through their latent power, while ordinary people will stay ignorant of his existence. After many moons have passed, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will arrive for the necessity of the world.


Situation Before Nuclear War

Various Christian scholars of the western world, by analyzing their religious books, have come to the conclusion that human civilization is moving into the third phase through an interim period. Through a study of different books and a fruitful analysis by research organizations, it has become known that the current civilizations will be destroyed after the year 2020 AD and mankind will enter into an exceptional third civilization. Scholars have discovered through research, that mankind has been passing its interim time to step into a new era since 1914. The Year 1914 has been designated as the beginning of the end.

The year 1914 was not an ordinary year. According to God's timetable that year ushered what the Bible calls the last days. (2 Tim 3.2)

Various important historic heads of state and prominent journalists designated the year 1914 as a different type of year.

"The last completely 'normal' year in history was 1913, the year before World War I." --- Times Herald Washington D.C. March 13th, 1949

"If the human race survives into the next century we may well conclude that the day the world went mad was August 4th, 1914." --- London STAR (August 4th, 1960)

"The year 1913 closed a long era of general peace and began a new era of violence, in which the Second World War was simply an episode. Since 1914, the world had a new character; a character of international anarchy... thus the world war marked a turning 172 point in modern history." --- H.R Treve Roper, British Historian, August 1st, 1954

"If there was a tear that marked the end of an era and beginning of another it was 1914." ----- A.L Roase Oxford Historian, June 28th, 1969

"Since 1914, civilization has constantly deteriorated. Nowadays it is on the verge of collapse." --- New York News, November 20th, 1960

The year 1914 was not an ordinary year. This can be understood from the above-mentioned observations. 191

From page 179 of "Babylon the Great has fallen" (Alexander Hislop), the limit of prophetic time of the prophets in the eyes of religion, is near three hundred and sixty years. Hazrat Daniel (PBUH) told about his seven years of peacefulness, while explaining the dreams of Nebuchand Nazar, the King of Babylon. If we multiply 360 years by 7 we get 2520 years. If we deduct 1914 from 2520 we will reach back to the year 607. This is the year King Nebuchand set Holy Jerusalem under fire along with the mosques of Muslims. He made the people worship a gold idol and pressured them into spreading this religion. It is known that God the Almighty, fixed a certain time for the Namrudians to become counted for that incident. Mankind will be advanced in science and knowledge within this time, but like Namrud and Nebuchand, it will be completely destroyed from this universe after the fixed time. This time started from 607 B.C. and ended by the year 1913. According to Cent Methun, this grace period will be continued for one generation. It is deducted from the above-mentioned information, that eighty five years from 1914 to 1999 makes 173 a generation and the 25 years from 1974 to 1999 has been designated as the last days of present civilization.

"The Last Days", we are familiar with this phrase not only from the Holy Al- Quran, but also from the Bible. In the Bible, it is mentioned that, "...in the last days perilous time shall come." (2 time 3.1)

Jesus Christ (PBUH) indicated in his speech, that nuclear war, among other horrors, would be seen throughout the world before global cataclysm. Jesus Christ (PBUH) has also given a list of these indications to his disciples. The last day will start and end when these indications are seen. He also cited that at the end of these indications he, Jesus Christ (PBUH), would come again in bodily form.

"Then Jesus began listing the worlds shaking events, that would constitute a sign marking the beginning and duration of the last days..." and what shall be a sign of coming back to Earth in bodily form as promised in Acts (1/1 1st Math 24/3).

Prior Indication of Destroying the Present Civilization Mentioned in the Bible: 1. The nations and states will become involved in Conflict with one another. 192

2. There will be famine in many places of the world. 3. Epidemics and disease will rampant in many places of the world. 4. Earthquakes will occur in many locations of the world. 5. Disorder and anarchy will prevail over the entire world. 6. Children will be disobedient and ungrateful toward their parents. 7. People will become selfish, self-centered and will attain a materialistic ideology. 8. The number of pious people will be inferior to those, who are shallow minded with a love for luxurious life. 9. The fraudulent activities of fake saints and priests will emerge and spread. 10. The world will lose its proper balance and will become unworthy of living.

The Tibetan religious book and the Kolkee Puran depict a similar picture about these last vital days. The world inhabitants are now passing through the last and crucial days that will be over by or after 2020 and then after the year 2020 will move towards a new era of civilization. The Foresight of the Last Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH):

Regarding the general condition of the world immediately before the destruction of modern civilization:

1. Most of the people will have faith in the existence of God, but will disregard his presence and undervalue it because of their belief that everything is created through evolution and by Darwinian natural selection.

2. Even a large number of Muslims will disobey the teachings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and also the holy path shown by him. They will follow the path led by the devil and will do activities inconsistent with the Shariya (Islamic Law). Even then, they will think that they are in the right path and deserve Heaven as a reward of doing such acts. These "so-called" Muslims will dishonor and disobey the last prophet and his followers. They will, however, receive monetary aid from anti-Islam forces that will mislead believers by addressing them as anti-progress fundamentalists.

3. People around the world will be attracted towards materialistic education and will discard religious education.


4. Most of the people will read novels concerning adventurous romance or crime and sin oriented books instead of reading religious books.

5. The real intellectuals and honest people will be in distress because they will be deplored of proper honor. Their good suggestion will be discarded and they will be sometimes penalized by death sentences in spite of the fact that they actually hoped for human prosperity and welfare.

6. The ruling class, even if it is worthless and undesired, will turn into the autocratic ruler hacked by unskilled and ignorant students and workers. Due to lack of religious education, all these leaders will bring disaster for the people rather than welfare.

7. Dishonor and disrespect shall increase by children toward their parents and the elderly. Students will be disobedient toward their teachers and will misbehave with them. Their respect toward religious teachers and preachers shall decrease.

8. The number of children, who are born from Wedlock, shell increase, as will premarital sex, homosexuality and frivolous sex.

9. Dust and fume shall increase throughout the world (before the ultimate destruction) due to the product of industrial revolution - vehicles, vessels, trains and buses. The world environment will be unbalanced, and ecological instability will make living unsuitable.

10. Such problems shall emerge throughout different states of the world, which cannot be immediately resolved by governments.

11. Blood shedding, killing, famine, draught, earthquakes and similar natural disasters will occur in many places around the world.

12. The above incidents will occur from the beginning of 14th Hijrah year. For further information see "Tafrihol Askiya Ahwaul Ambia" (2nd Volume pages no.450-485)

13. Religious leaders shall beg from people for improper reasons in the name of religion. One thousand and four hundred years ago, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) pronounced some prophecies, which have turned into reality. For instance, a few of them have been cited below regarding the ultimate nuclear war and the end of modern civilization. People will have no doubt in their minds about the philosophy of Islam, and will show their allegiance and

194 surrender to the Almighty to follow the path described by the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and avail the opportunity to die as a Muslim.

The Prophecies are as follows:

1. Eitna (Anarchy) will be created among the Arabs regarding religions and other matters. This means that the Arabs shall be unmindful toward the basic teachings of Islam and shall be attracted toward other futile (Bidati) ideology. The Arabs shall drift away from the ideology of Islam. The above fore sayings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) turned into reality verbatim.

2. Being influenced by the socialist and communist oriented state, China, Russia and the present Arab world (esp. , Syria, Iraq, Libya and U.A.E.) are fighting to form an so-called Islamic democracy in the light of their anti- God ideology.

3. Before the birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), Turkey shall be involved in war with Europe. (Page 21, Imam Ujjamauke Amad). From the beginning of Hijrah year 1400 (1873-1980) Turkey shall be governed by a king for a thirty two year period. Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan ruled over Turkey from 1877-1919. At the end of his ruling period, Turkey was engaged in war and as a result the Islamic- Dynasty was broken into pieces. During the First World War in 1919, Mustafa Kamal Pasha evicted the last Emperor of Turkey named Abdul Hamid Khan and became the first president of Turkey.

4. The Arab states will revolt against the Turkish Empire (Tafsirul Asfia Fil Aual Ambia, 2nd Volume page No. 450). The European Community during the time of the First World War instigated the Arab states to revolt against Turkey, thereby dividing the Muslim Empire. Those knowledgeable in history know that during the First World War the Europeans conspired to diminish the integrity of Islamic nations. As a result, the Turkish Empire was broken into pieces, which rooted the seed of separation between the Muslims of the world.

5. As the British were fatigued and economically damaged due to the Second World War, they sought assistance from the world's greatest capitalist force, the Jews, to reconstruct their damaged economy. The Jews promised to meet their needs if the British would comply with one condition: to give the sacred lands of the Arabs (i.e. Palestine) to them as the price for aiding and rebuilding their economy. As it has been mentioned earlier, after the First World War most of the Arab states were either officially controlled or under Europe’s subtle manipulation. Especially Britain and France took active roles in the domination of the Arab states. The fore saying of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

195 regarding the betrayal of Europe and the construction of Israel, which was written about fourteen hundred years ago, was proven to be true and accurate.

6. Rome shall be defeated by the European greater force. This foresight was also realized during the Second World War.

7. Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and his son Mohammad Bin Salman, Dubai Sheikh Maktoum and Mohammad Bin Zayed are direct descendants of Yazid working to destroy the True Reality of Islam today with the cooperation of Wahabi and Selafi Movement Reemergence of Jesus Christ & Imam Mahdi PBUH is awaiting to eliminate Descendants of Yazids.

Figure 29: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) standing in front Of Baitul Aksa of Jerusalem and took his life’s risk to reopen the Holy mosque’s entrance as one of the peace negotiator for Palestine & Israel Conflict as UN World Peace Envoy 1988.

Dome of The Rock This rock is located near Masjidul Aqsa in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. Until the plight of Prophet Noah (PBUH), this rock had been hovering in mid-air for 4000 years, which is inconsistent with the formulas of science. No object can float in mid-air in a normal stage, because according to Newton's Law of Gravity the Earth’s magnetic force attracts any object. By the grace of Allah, the almighty, the rock had been floating for 4000 years 196 until its descent. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had performed the journey to heaven (Meraj) from this rock, as it accompanied him until he reached space. This rock is kept in an enclosed space. On doomsday, God, The Almighty, shall be seated on this rock and carry on the judgment. The Arabic name of this rock is Kubbatus Sakhara. In 1988 His Eminency Dr. M. N. Alam saw the rock with his own eyes when he went to visit the Al Aqsa Mosque as a representative of the U.N. The scimitar of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the rope of Hazrat Ali (PBUH) are preserved with care. The Holy Al-Quran written by Hazrat Hasan (PBUH) is also kept in the Dome of the Rock Museum. According to Sufi Cosmology the Day of Judgment will occur here.

The Events to Take Place Before and after The Birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) as Foretold by Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)

1. The occupation of the Holy land of the Arabs by Israel, the defeat of the enormous Arab forces to the small State of Israel, with the help of other strong powers. The reasons of the defeat have been mentioned as follows:  Greed toward Earthly luxuries and attraction for liquor and women.  They shall be nonchalant towards a religion and shall opt for capitalism/communism.  The Muslim brethren (who preach of Islam) shall be tortured.  They shall be afraid of war and death for the good. The above- mentioned predictions have been proven true by the aggression of the sacred land of the Arabs and Jerusalem by Israel in the Israeli War of 1967.

2. Jerusalem will be out of the Muslims control. The foretelling of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) after the birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) said that Jerusalem and all other Muslim oriented areas would be out of control. This premonition proved to be true in 1967.

3. Syria and its allied powers were defeated. Hazrat Ali (PBUH) has foretold that Syria and its allied powers (Iraq, Egypt and other states) shall be defeated by Euro-Americans (Russians). The 1967 war also proved this.

4. A non-Muslim state in Asia shall be converted into a Muslim state. The majority shall oppress a Muslim minority nation on the Asian continent.


5. A non-Muslim ruler shall suddenly convert to Islam.

6. After the Cultural Revolution in the Chinese Communist Party, it shall declare itself an Islamic Republic after a serious internal blood-battle. The Islamic spiritual leader Azimpur Dayera Sharif claims the Third World War, the arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and ultimately the Qiyamat (Day of Judgment) are in the light of the Holy Al-Quran. The Predictions of Hazrat Shah Sufi Dr. M N Alam (MA)

1. A day shall come when the Islamic countries shall be in a complex position. Muslims shall be oppressed and their inclination toward westernization will destroy them.

2. Great cities will emerge with towering skyscrapers, which will eventually be destroyed for their own sins. When the inhabitants of these cities call themselves the most civilized beings, Allah, the almighty, will destroy them. The civilized lifestyle they conceived of shall comprise alcohol, gambling, and explicit sexual activities between both sexes. These signs have already manifested in New York, Chicago, Washington, San Francisco, Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, London, etc.

3. He has also said with much astonishment, that this catastrophe shall take place after the year 2020.

4. At this time Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall make Hazrat Isha (Jesus Christ (PBUH)) reappear as a Muslim. After their holy arrival, peace shall emerge over the world for a limited time and they co-create heaven on earth.

The appearance and the disappearance of our last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) shall be the first sign of Qiyamat. The divine blessing of Nobuat has completely stopped as a consequence of his arrival. The following signs are indications of doomsday and catastrophe in the universe:

When people shall claim property as their own obtained by Jihad, consider Zakat a burden, regard friends as close relatives, gather education other than Islam, disobey parents and males spoon-feed females. When alcohol shall be drunk as water and descendants speak ill of their ascendants, an earthquake shall occur. As these symptoms emerge the Christians will have stronghold over all. Ultimately, one group of Christians and Muslims shall fight against

198 another group, leading to the defeat of the Muslims and Christian domination over the Khyber Pass. At that time, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall reside in Holy Medina and hastily proceed to Holy Mecca where he shall finally be found in a place situated between the black stone (Hazre Aswad) and prophet Ibrahim's (PBUH) prayer place adjacent to Kaabah. People will take lessons from him as the word spreads that he is the Calipha (server) of Allah. A man called Habibullah shall come with a strong army to join him from khorashan. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will then return to Holy Medina with a large contingent proceeding towards Holyland to fight Christians at Damascus. After four days of fighting the Muslims shall be victorious. The infidels shall have no interest in keeping their kingdom as the Muslim expands.

Meanwhile, a false rumor shall spread that a man named Dajjal has emerged among the Jews. He will declare himself god and Custodian of Heaven and Hell. He will be accompanied by 170,000 Jews; along with Saudi Monarchy and Arab leaders, many countries will try to occupy Holy Mecca and Holy Medina. But Allah, the Almighty, will keep these two holy places under the custody of the Angels. At that time, there shall be three earthquakes in Holy Medina as distraught Muslims reinforce ties with the Dajjal. Dajjal will kill a hermit person but by the grace of Almighty he will come back alive. This Sufi Saint of Medina will declare that Dajjal is the king of devils. From there Dajjal shall go to Damascus, Syria. When he nears Damascus, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall already be present there and prepared for war against Dajjal. At that time Jesus Christ will be received by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) along with dignified personalities from around the world in Holy Ummaiyya Mosque in Damascus, Syria.

The next morning, Jesus (PBUH) shall climb a horse and strike toward Dajjal and his gangsters with a spear in his hand. Near the gate of Loud the Dajjal will perish as the Muslims will finish killing off Dajjal’s soldiers. Then Jesus (PBUH) accompanied by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will enter many cities and co-create heaven on Earth, by the grace of Allah, the Almighty, there shall be no non- believers; There will be only One God, One Moon, One Sun, and One Nation. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will bestow the governing power to Jesus Christ as Universal Leader. He will lead the mankind for forty years based in Jerusalem; Glorius Holy Quran will be the Universal Constitution of Jesus Kingdom. After Jesus (PBUH) passes away he will be buried in the Dome of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). In his place, an efficient person named Zahzah shall take over, and then another person shall become Emperor. The ways of the 199 world shall take the adverse path until, finally one day, fume from the sky shall rain on the surface, by which the Muslim shall suffer from cough and the non- believers will become senseless. After a few days, a night in the month of Zilhajj (the month of pilgrimage to Holy Mecca), shall be so lengthy that every person and animal will become restless. The people shall turn mad and frightened until after three nights, the sun will rise from the west to perform a solar eclipse. At that time no prayer and forgiveness shall be accepted. The sun will set in the west after coming into the position of midday. Then as usual it will rise in the East. After a short period a peculiar type of animal shall emerge from the mountain of Safa & Marwa of Mecca, as a result of an earthquake. It will travel throughout the world at heavy speed and with the stick of Prophet Moses (PBUH) draw a line on the forehead of every believer. It will put a seal on the chest or shoulder of all non-believers with the ring of Prophet Solomon (PBUH), after which they shall become ugly. As a very gentle breeze blows from the south something shall come out of the underarms of the believers and therefore they will die. After the death of all Muslims the strength of the Habashi infidels shall expand all over the world. They will destroy Holy Mecca and pilgrims will be stopped. Then the Holy Quran will not exist in people’s hearts anymore. Nobody will be scared of Allah and no person on Earth will pronounce the name of Allah, the almighty.

Afterwards, a fire will spread out and people will go to Holy land. After three or four years later passes, suddenly, one Friday morning a horn shall be blown. Eventually, the noise shall drop and slowly people will die. The sky and the soil shall crack; the mountains shall be diminished into cotton; the suns and moons shall be lightless; the sea shall heavily inundate and the universe will come to an end as darkness reigns for 120 days.

After 40 years in this state, Hazrat Israfil (Angel of Destruction) (PBUH) shall blow the horn once again. The sky and the ground will be reformed as before, and the dead shall come alive to gather in the field of Hashar. The sun shall come very near and sweat will secrete in proportion of sins. People will become restless from hunger and thirst. For the righteous people the field of Hashar shall become flour and their thirst quenched by the water of Hawze Kaosar. The people shall approach Prophet Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus for recommendation, but will get refused by them. Finally, the people shall come to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), who will be empowered as Attorney General of Mercy to advocate for people of the universe, then the Day of 200

Judgment shall begin. The Arash (sphere) of Allah shall come down at this time. The Day of Judgment shall commence and everyone will be informed about the amount of virtue and sin they possess. Difficult tests shall be commenced for human kind. Good souls shall pass the hard tests very quickly and proceed to heaven while the bad souls fall to hell. The persons, whose good tasks and sins are equal, shall be placed in Arafa, a place in between heaven and hell. Allah, the almighty, will listen to them and whomsoever has even a pinch of faith will be taken to heaven. It is the non-believers and the infidels that shall be the fuel for the fire in hell, eternally. At last, death will come in the shape of a Ram to be slaughtered and will not attack anyone. Finally, from a Hadith described by Hazrat Husaifa (PBUH) we can derive a clear concept of Doomsday (Qiyamat) and Catastrophe.

Once we were all in a discussion when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) came and asked, "What are you all talking about?" "About Qiyamat (Day of Judgment)", we answered. Then he said, "Until the signs have emerged, there shall not be Qiyamat." He described the signs as “fumes, a devil, the peculiar animal, the rising of the sun in the west, descending of Jesus Christ (PBUH) from the sky, Yazuz and Mazuz, and the three earth quacks in the east and west. Lastly a fire shall chase all persons from Yemen towards the field of Hashar”.

The Classification of Signs

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has classified the signs into two divisions of Alamate Sogira (small signs):

1. The rulers of a country shall regard the country's revenue as their property. 2. Zakat shall be paid with heavy hearts. 3. People shall treat trusted property as their own. 4. The husband will be dependent upon the wife. 5. Children shall disobey their parents and have bad associations. 6. People will receive Islamic education to achieve earthly pleasure. 7. Characterless, greedy persons shall become leaders. 8. Social discipline shall decrease. 9. The wicked persons shall be respected in fear of any injury. 10. Alcohol shall be drunk publicly. 11. Musical instruments shall be in abundance. 12. Illicit sexual relations will increase.


13. Descendants shall criticize their ancestors and curse them.

After the expression of these signs, the following signs will soon emerge:

14. Storms in the color of fire. 15. Erosion of soil. 16. Rain of rocks. 17. Transformation of the Earths structure.

In another Hadith the following Alamat-E-Sogira (small signs) were described:

1. Abundance of babies born to slave mothers. 2. The receiving of administrative power by illiterate, insolent, wealthy people. 3. Misusing of genitalia. 4. Gossiping and playing games in the Mosque. 5. Abuse of words in place of discussion. 6. The increasing practice of homosexuality. 7. To be able to fulfill every demand of humanity through science and technology. 8. Lack of religious education. 9. Lying will be regarded as an art. 10. To lose trust and faith in people. 11. To receive irreligious education. 12. Disappearance of shame and disgrace. 13. The attack on Muslims by non-Muslims. 14. The amount of unfair task and torture will be rampant making it difficult for self-protection. 15. The spreading of false religions and illegal activities. 16. The economic condition of the Arabs will improve and they shall be totally indifferent to religion not regarding anyone as human being. 17. Green vegetables shall grow in the deserts of Arabia. 18. The Arab youth will be addicted to wine/alcohol and women.

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall arrive after the Third World War:

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall proclaim his peace mission immediately after the Third World War. In other words, the destructive nuclear war shall create a

202 field for his arrival. It is known by reading the Hadith and other books of Islamic scholars that Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall fight the devil with a sword.

In this era of advancement and technology, there are various types of arms - nuclear and chemical bombs, missiles and submarines.

Is it believable that even with these modern arms and ammunition Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall fight with a sword? It so, happen that Allah, the almighty, can make everything possible. If we read the history of mankind, we observe that at the peak of any civilizations success, its morality goes down. Eventually the entire entity is destroyed by any means possible (flood, earthquake, and aggression by another state). The rise and downfall of mankind is also mentioned in the Holy Al-Quran. The scholars have come to a conclusion, that when any atheist civilization arrives at its ultimate success, it is the rule of nature that the Almighty Allah shall plunge it into the grip of destruction. I believe that the present civilization and culture has reached its ultimate limit only to await catastrophe. It seems that the way the world is advancing, something horribly grandiose is bound to happen.

In 1955, permission to use the Atom bomb was asked to the Nobel Prize winning scientist, Albert Einstein, as he lay in his deathbed. "If at any time the Third World War takes place, what kind of arms and ammunition do you think shall be used?" He answered, "I cannot say anything about the Third World War, but if there is ever a Forth World War, then the people shall use bricks, stones and sticks. No nation shall survive the Third World War".

It can be deduced from the premonition of Einstein that after the Third World War, there shall be no firearms, which we know today. The fact that Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall arrive after the Third World War is also indicated in the "Chetabani", the famous book of Sheror, the Londoner astrologer. He has said that from 1996 to 1998 the world shall be in a tumultuous state. In 1998, the month of Baishakh, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) shall arrive and in the next year the "last days" shall come to an end welcoming the New Era. According to the premonition of American astrologer, Jean Dixon, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will disclose himself arter the year 2020. Because Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) received prophet-hood at the age of 40, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will become a representative of Mohammad at the same age.


The Promised Mahdi (PBUH) and The Present Middle East:

It is known that in order for something to occur, a suitable surrounding is required. By reading the history of the prophets it is known, that before sending each prophet to perform his duties, God, the almighty, has created the necessary surrounding for them in their own nations. The situation in Arabia was such, that it was possible for Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) to perform his duties. If we look at the political, economical and social situation of the Middle East, it seems that the almighty Allah is creating a field for Imam Mahdi (PBUH) to appear there. From there he shall take over world leadership.

Position of the Middle East from an Economic Point Of View:

Middle East’s political, economical and social environment prior to the birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is completely different from the environment of his birth. Economically, no Middle Eastern country was prosperous before 1962. The only source of income for the desert country Saudi Arabia was dates. Saudi Arabia is one of the richest nations today. The key to the world’s economy is now in the hands of the Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia. They have unlimited oil, gas and gold. It is believed that half of the world’s gold is in Saudi Arabia.

In order to discuss the political situation of the Middle East, we have to look back at the past. The sole objective of this so-called Islamic ruler is only to remain on the throne. It is a matter of great regret that there is no proper Islamic Rule or Insaff (justice) in any of the Middle Eastern countries. Those, who are governing the Middle Eastern countries by self-declaring it as Islamic Rule, are in fact very distant from the proper procedure of Islamic Rule. Their clear introduction is given in the following.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and his son Mohammad Bin Salman, and Dubai Sheikh Maktoum and Mohammad Bin Zayed are direct descendants of Yazid working to destroy the True Reality of Islam today with the cooperation of Wahabi and Selafi Movement. Reemergence of Jesus Christ & Imam Mahdi PBUH is waiting to eliminate the Descendants of Yazids.


It is especially mentioned that after the arrival of the world peace Emperor Imam Mahdi (PBUH), the so-called Saudi Monarchy and other Kingdoms of the Middle East shall abruptly come to an end. Only their failures and wrongs shall be written in history. Jesus (PBUH) shall join Hazrat Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in the Ummaiyya Mosque of Damascus, Syria. Then they (peace be upon them) shall establish Allah The Almighty’s rule.

CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF JERUSALEM (All dates are approximate)* See reference. 4128B.C.

Creation of Adam (PBUH) in Paradise, in the beginning, according to the Sacred Scriptures of the Holy Traditions. Adam and Eve were brought together by the mercy of Allah in the Arabian Desert following a long period of preparation in paradise. Immediately thereafter, they created the first house of worship and called it Holy Ka’aba. And surrounding this Holy Ka’aba they created a city and called it by the name of Holy Mecca. And to better remember the paradise into which they had been born, they created in the desert a second Holy City with green gardens, flowers, great fields of olive and fig trees and other splendors. They gave to this flowering place of the soul the name Jerusalem and dedicated it to the family man. By the time of Adam’s death, at approximately 1000 years of age, he had more than 4000 descendants. This first human civilization spread through Asia and the Middle East, and ended with the great flood during the time of Noah (PBUH) (Flood receded in 2472 B.C.)

2427 B.C.

The Prophet Noah (PBUH) established the second human civilization, and re- established the animal kingdom with the survivors of the flood. Today Adam’s seed has populated the Earth with nearly six billion souls. And now, as before, man’s holy quest for spiritual perfection and an enduring peace is his highest purpose.

1900 B.C.

Abraham enters Jerusalem. Melchizedek, King of Salem, welcomes and blesses him. 205

1300 - 1240 B.C.

Moses leads the Israelis from Egypt; his followers led by Joshua, arrive in Cannan. Joshua defeats the King of Jerusalem, who is the head of the alliance of cities, but the city remains Jebusite.

1000 B.C.

David wrests Jerusalem from the Jebusites and makes it the capital of his kingdom.

970 B.C.

Solomon succeeds David as King of Israel.

950 B.C.

Solomon’s Temple is completed (The Holy Mosque AlAqsa)

928 B.C.

Shishak of Egypt sacks the city.

721 B.C.

Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria conquers Northern Israel and tiny Judea is all that remains of the Empire of David and Solomon.

701 B.C.

Sennacherib, King of Assyria, lays siege to Jerusalem but is repelled.

587-86 B.C.

Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquers Jerusalem, destroys Solomon’s Temple, exiles the Jews to Babylon, and for all intents and purposes, Judea ceases to exist.

539 B.C.

Cyrus of Persia topples the Babylon Empire, Jerusalem is freed, Nebuchadnezzar’s victims are released, and the descendants of David are allowed to return to Jerusalem. Construction of the second Temple is begun 206 under Sheshbazzara, a descendant of the House of David and governor of Judah, and is continued by his nephew Zerubbabel.

515 B.C.

The rebuilt Temple of Solomon is inaugurated.

445 B.C.

Nehemiah completes the fortification of Jerusalem.

332 B.C.

Alexander the Great of Macedon conquers the Persian Empire but leaves Jerusalem untouched.

312 B.C.

After a series of battles between Alexander’s generals, Ptolemy wins control over Jerusalem and takes Jewish prisoners to Alexandria.

312-198 B.C.

Rule of Ptolemaic Dynasty.

198 B.C.

Antiochus III drives the Egyptians from the city.

198-169 B.C.

The Seleucids rule Jerusalem. Antiochus IV marches on Jerusalem to impose conformity of worship, the Jews are forced to conform to the Greek world and to give up circumcision and their codes of cleanliness and diet. They are forced to worship Zeus. The temple is pillaged. Antiochus IV erects a Pagan altar and sacrifices pigs before the idol of Zeus. The scroll of the law is torn up and burned.

164 B.C.

The Maccabes rise in rebellion and drive the Seleucids from the city and the temple. They cleanse, purify and rededicate the temple.


63 B.C.

Pompey and the Roman legions conquer Jerusalem. They defile the temple and dedicate it to Imperial Rome.

40 B.C.

The Romans are driven out and the city is briefly ruled by Mattathias Antigonus, the Hosmonean King. The Romans re-conquer the city.

39 B.C.

Herod is chosen by the Romans to be King of the Jews. (Herod’s father was an Arab, who had been forcibly converted to Judaism and so he was readily adapted for Roman uses. Mark Anthony made him a Roman citizen, and thus his son, Herod, learned Roman politics.) Emran appointed custodian of the Holy Temple of Solomon (Al-Aqsa Mosque).

35 B.C.

Allah accepts Emran and his wife’s prayers and grants them a girl child named Mary. Emran dies 3 months before Mary’s birth. Mary’s mother, keeping a promise to Allah, turns her daughter Mary over to Zachariya (PBUH) for service in Solomon’s Temple (Mosque Al-Aqsa).

33 B.C.

Prophet Zachariya (PBUH) is killed by his followers.

32 B.C.

Prophet Yahya (PBUH), son of Zachariya (PBUH), was also killed by his followers.

20 B.C.

Herod’s Temple construction begins.

0 A.D.


By special gift of Allah, the Virgin Mary bears a son. This child is named Jesus (Hazrat Isa (PBUH)).

33 A.D.

Jesus’s Trial and His departure from the world to Heaven.

66 A.D.

Gessius Florus’ troops loot the temple’s treasury, slaughtering worshipers and rabbis. This touches off the revolt of the population of Jerusalem.

70 A.D.

Titus captures sacks and destroys the second temple. Thousands upon thousands are killed, and again Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Romans. (615 years after the Babylonians plundered and razed the first temple, the second fell and none has risen since.)

132 A.D.

The Jews, led by Bar Kokhba, drives the Romans out and again make Jerusalem the Jewish Capital.

135 A.D.

The Roman Emperor Hadrian destroys Jerusalem and builds on its site a city with new walls called Aelia Capitolina, with a temple on Mount Moriah dedicated to Jupiter. Hadrian bans the Jews from Jerusalem and all Jews who defy the ban are executed.

324 A.D.

Constantine of Byzantium conquers Jerusalem.

325 A.D.

Constantine the Great embraces the Christian faith, thereby inaugurating the first Christian rule over the city. He marches under the flag of Jesus, uniting the eastern and western Roman empires. The city of Jerusalem is rededicated. His mother, Helena makes a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and identifies the sites

209 for the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of the Church of the Nativity.

336 A.D.

Constantine builds the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. (This was the rebirth of Jerusalem, both as spiritual center and as an objective of religious pilgrimage.)

570 A.D.

Birth of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), Prophet of Mankind and Peace in Holy Mecca.

614 A.D.

The Sassanid Persians led by Khosrau II push south through Palestine to the Sinai and Egypt, conquering Jerusalem, butchering 60,000 Christians, selling 35,000 into slavery and demolishing the Christian shrines.

621 A.D.

Miraaj Event - The prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), the beloved prophet of God, was cordially invited with honor and dignity to meet Almighty in His kingdom. No Prophet had chance to meet Almighty God before. Only prophet Moses had the chance to speak to the spirit of Almighty God at the Mount Sana (Tur). On the way Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) stopped over Jerusalem and led spiritual prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the presence of more than 124,000 souls of departed prophets.

622 A.D.

Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) emigrated to Holy Medina on the invitation of its wise and distinguished Tribal leaders, who acknowledged him as the Prophet of God. He built a Mosque in Holy Medina. This was also the beginning of the Islamic Hijra Calendar. He established the first Islamic State in Holy Medina.

623 A.D.

Muslims were instructed by the prophet to turn towards the Holy Kaaba in Holy Mecca during their prayer instead of Jerusalem (Baitul Moqadas) as was 210 the practice heretofore. The prophet gave the covenant of Holy Medina to govern the relations between the Islamic State and its inhabitants, between the State and its non-Muslim citizens and the rights and duties of the citizens and the State.

628 A.D.

Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) signed the Peace Treaty of Hudaibya with Holy Mecca’s emissaries under which Muslims were allowed to go to the Holy Kaaba for the annual pilgrimage in restricted numbers. Muslims won the battle of Khaybar in the same year. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) wrote to the Heads of many States to enter the fold of Islam.

629 A.D.

The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius returns to Jerusalem, massacres the Jews, expels the survivors and restores the ruined city.

630 A.D. Mecca surrenders to Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and during the next seven years, the Empire of Heraclius begins to fall to the rising Arab Nation.

632 A.D.

Prophet Mohammad’s (SM) (PBUH) last Hajj, pilgrimage at the Holy Mecca and his historic sermon on Mount Arafat on the outskirts of Holy Mecca. Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s declaration of Ghadir E Khum to bestowed Hazrat Ali (RA) as the successor; Before the Departure of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) to Heaven (Prophet of Mankind and Peace in Holy City Medina).

638 A.D.

Khalid Bin Walid captures Jerusalem, He was the greatest Military Commander in History of Islam and builds the first Mosque on the site where Solomon had erected the first temple. As People of the Book, Christians are exempt from payment of a poll tax.

687 A.D.


Ábd Al-Malik orders the erection of the Dome of the Rock (the oldest Muslim Sanctuary still standing in Jerusalem) for the purpose of attracting pilgrims to the Holy City.

691 A.D.

Dome of the Rock completed. Christians and Muslims coexist peacefully and their pilgrims share the Holy City.

1077 A.D.

A fierce band of Turkish nomads called Seljuks swarm through Persia, Iraq and Egypt, finally seizing Jerusalem. For over twenty years the Christians are prevented from worshiping in the Holy City.

1096 A.D.

In retaliation, the first crusaders depart for the Holy Land. Their number is made up of Christians from England, France and Germany. Over 100,000 foot soldier pillage and battle their way across Asia, without order or discipline, less than ten percent reached Jerusalem.

1098 A.D.

By the time the crusaders reach the Holy city, the Egyptians of the Fatimids Empire have recaptured the city. The Fatimids had always given Christians the freedom of the city.

1099 A.D.

The crusaders led by Godfroi de Bouillon capture Jerusalem, butchering its defendants and inhabitants, men, women and children alike, and defile the Mosque of Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock. De Bouillon becomes the defender of the Holy Sepulcher.

1100-1118 A.D.

Reign of Baldwin I, first ruler of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. Plaster is applied over Arabic inscriptions and the Dome of the Rock is transformed into a Christian Church. Muslims and Jews are forbidden to reside in Jerusalem.


1187 A.D.

Saladin, vizier of Egypt, is determined to restore the Dome of the Rock to Arab rule. Through daring political and military maneuvers, he becomes King of Egypt and Syria. Finally, he achieves his objectives and captures Jerusalem. He restores Muslim and Jewish inhabitation of the city.

1192 A.D.

Saladin and Richard the Lion-Hearted sign a five-year truce, ending the third crusade and giving Christians the right to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem.

1193 A.D.

Saladin dies.

1229 A.D.

The two succeeding monarchs, Sultan Al-Kamil and Frederick II of Germany, briefly changed over the Holy City to Christian rule. Warfare again sweeps the city and Arabs again recaptured Jerusalem. For nearly seven centuries Christians would not again govern Jerusalem.

1250 A.D.

The Mamelukes rise against the Ayyubid Caliphs in Cairo, seize power in Egypt and turn Palestine into an Egyptian province, beginning a 267-year reign of Egyptians, during which sovereigns briefly sit upon the bloodstained throne.

1260 A.D.

The Tartars pillaged the city.

1267 A.D.

The Mamelukes take control of Jerusalem and inaugurate a period of architectural beautification of Muslim Jerusalem. They also rebuild the walls of the city.

1400 A.D.


Muhammad II, a Sultan of the Ottoman Turks, successfully besieges the city of Constantinople.

1517 A.D.

Salim I (Muhammad II’s grandson) captures Jerusalem from the Mameluke army. According to the original writs of Úmar, he gives the Christians jurisdiction over their holy shrines.

1537 A.D.

Suleiman the Magnificent, successor of Salim, begins his campaign to rebuild, beautify and fortify Jerusalem.

1816 A.D.

A decree of the reigning Sultan allows the Jews free entrance to Palestine. From this time on, the Jewish population increases rapidly.

1827 A.D.

United States opens the first diplomatic mission in Jerusalem.

1839 A.D.

British Consulate is established in Jerusalem, extending protection to the Jews.

1847 A.D.

The Catholic Church is renewed in Jerusalem.

1854 A.D.

Turkey, England, France and Russia fight the Crimean War ostensibly to settle the question of jurisdiction over Jerusalem’s holy shrines.

1860 A.D.

The first Jewish suburbs are built outside the wall.

1896 A.D.


Theodore Herzl publishes The Jewish State, a pamphlet that details a plan for the establishment of an autonomous Jewish State in Palestine under the authority of the Sultan.

1897 A.D.

First Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland. The creation of a homeland for Jews in Palestine is proclaimed as the goal of the Zionist movement. There is a tremendous upsurge of Jewish migration to the Holy Land.

1917 A.D.

The British enter Jerusalem. The Ottoman army surrenders to the British. The Balfour Declaration puts Great Britain on record as favoring “a national home for the Jewish people.” This declaration is the supported by France, the United States and Italy.

1919 A.D.

The awakening Arab nationalism is voiced, with the Syrian Congress declaring its opposition to further Zionist migration.

1929 A.D.

Savage attacks on Jews in Jerusalem, Hebron and Safad rekindle religious antagonism. The ancient Jewish communities of Safad and Hebron are almost wiped out.

1937 A.D.

Publication of the Royal (Peel) Commission, recommended the partition of Palestine.

1939-1945 A.D.

World War II, Six million Jews are killed by the Germans. British government issues White Paper in 1939, limiting immigration of Jewish refugees.

1945 A.D.

Germany surrenders and 30,000 Jews are released from Nazi concentration camps. 215

1946 A.D.

Underground, illegal immigration to Israel of Jewish survivors of the German concentration camps commences.

1947 A.D.

United Nations votes partition of Palestine and creates Israel as the New Jewish State.

1948 A.D.

The British withdraw from Palestine. The State of Israel is proclaimed with Jerusalem as its Capital. War engulfs the area and Jerusalem is partitioned.

1951 A.D.

The King Abdullah of Transjordan, the early advocator of the Arab Confederation was assassinated in the Mosque AlAqsa.

1956 A.D.

War, The Sinai Campaign.

1967 A.D.

Six day War: Israelis seize Golan Heights, Sinai, Gaza, The West Bank and old Jerusalem from the Arabs. The city is under Israeli rule. Forty-four Islamic Countries established the Organization for Islamic Conference (O.I.C.) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for the purpose of freeing the Holy Al-Aqsa from Israeli occupation.

1973 A.D.

Yom Kippur War

1974 A.D.

“The Signs of Destruction” The statement made by Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (RA), Religious & Spiritual Leader of Sri Lanka.


1979 A.D.

Israel and Egypt reach a peace agreement. A timetable is set for returning captured lands. The process of returning the lands and normalizing of relationships is begun.

1980 A.D.

A letter was written in February 1980 by Sufi Mohammad Raheem Muhaiyadden, religious and spiritual leader of Sri Lanka, to the leaders of the world working to establish peace in Jerusalem.

1982-83 A.D.

The Conference on the Question of Palestine, in 1982, the Committee began work as the preparatory body for the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, which was meant to ensure universal commitment to the establishment of a Palestinian State within the framework of the Committees recommendations. The conference was convened in Geneva, Switzerland, in August/September 1983, with representatives of 137 States as well as the PLO taking part. It adopted a Declaration on Palestine, which established guidelines for international efforts on the question of Palestine.

1986 A.D.

The International Conference on World Peace was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the auspices of Dayemi Complex Bangladesh and empowered by the U.N. General Assembly in 1986. In recommendation #8, this conference urges that effective measures be taken against unlawful occupation of Holy Mosques of Al-Aqsa, Al-Quds and Al-Sharif and their return to rightful owners.

1988 A.D.

The Middle East Peace Mission, initiated by U.S. President George Bush together with King Hussein of Jordan, King Hassan of Morocco and President Assad of Syria, recognized Palestinian rights in U.N. Security Council Resolutions. Additionally, in February 1988, Hazrat Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah, 42nd descendant of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and seventh Caliph of the Holy Dayera Sufi Dynasty, submitted a historic eleven-part peace proposal to the United Nations via his special envoy, Sheikh Shah Mohammad


Nurul Alam, who undertook to travel to Jerusalem at the risk of his life. This delicate and hazardous mission was accomplished with the courageous help of Reverend Vernon Nichols, President of the United Nations N.G.O. Committee on Disarmament and Reverend Sue Nichols, President of the United Nations N.G.O. Committee on Religion. Both of these good Samaritans are Directors of the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office and Representatives of International Organization for Religious Freedom in Germany. On November 15th, 1988 the Leadership of Mr. Yasir Arafat declared the State of Palestine, Capital in Jerusalem. Until 1993, 94 countries have recognized the State of Palestine. Over 1000 International NGOs have also supported the State of Palestine.

1992 A.D.

During the Gulf War President Saddam Hussein of Iraq attacked Israel. India has established diplomatic relationship with Israel in 1992. Twenty-five years of occupation. On June 5, 1992 to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory of The West Bank, The Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, the Committees Chairman Keba Birane Cisse (Senegal), forwarded a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for circulation as a General Assembly and Security Council Document. The Chairman’s letter stated that the occupation maintained by increasingly repressive policies and practices continued in violation of International Law and Security Council resolutions and in total disregard of international efforts to achieve a just and peaceful settlement of the conflict. Israelis refusal to recognize Palestinian rights presented an insurmountable obstacle to such efforts. The Palestinian people had paid dearly for the occupation with the loss of their life, loss of land and natural resources, and severe restrictions on their political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights, the letter continued. Every aspect of Palestinian life was controlled by the Israeli military authorities through some 2,000 military orders enacted during 25 years of occupation. Human Rights Organizations had reported that from December 1987 (the beginning of the Intifada) through March 1992, at least 1,032 Palestinians had been killed—most of them by shooting— and more than 121,000 had been injured by Israeli forces.

1993 A.D.


In recent years the United Nations Security Council adopted numerous resolutions toward achieving peace in the Middle East. Realization of the peace has eluded Jerusalem to the present day however, and prognosticators since ancient times have predicted major events for the time just ahead of us. Today, Sheikh Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam, 8th Caliph of Holy Dayera Sufi Dynasty, 43rd spiritual successor of the Prophet of Islam (SM) (PBUH) delivers a prophetic revelation warning of the threat of World War at the threshold of the third millennium. His vision of hope for mankind, however, anticipates the coming of a unifying succession of leaders from the traditions of each of the world’s great religions. According to his words, this Spiritual Dynasty will commence after the year 2002 A.D. in Jerusalem, and will herald the beginning of the millennium of peace upon the Earth.

2014 A.D.

Israel wages war against Palestinians

2018 A.D.

Donald J Trump 45th President of United States declares Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

2020 A.D. (Approximately)

After this year the Great Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and establishment of the New World Order in Jerusalem will take place. He will lead humanity into the Golden Age creating Heaven on Earth. After this year, Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa (PBUH)) will appear from Heaven at the City of Damascus, Syria and there will no longer be any destructive intent, nor any need for weapons of mass destruction.

2031 A.D. (Approximately)

Jesus Christ will lead the New World Government approximately till 2052.

2072 A.D. (Approximately)

King Jahjah, another leader, will come into power and lead humanity to continue the Spiritual Dynasty until 2102 A.D.

2102 A.D. (Approximately) 219

A leader from Africa will emerge and thereafter, descendants of his Holy Dynasty will lead humanity for the next 900 years. After this time confusion and chaos will again come about. Eventually, the Holy Mosque (Holy Ka’aba) at Mecca will be destroyed and 7000 years of human history will come to an end on planet Earth.

3002 A.D. (Approximately)

In the month of Arabic calendar year, the 10th Muharram, Doom Day. The Angel Israphil (PBUH), Angel of doom, will (as desired by the almighty God) completely destroy the planet Earth along with 18,000 other planets. By December 3002 A.D. the Day of Judgment will begin at Holy Jerusalem in front of the Dome of the Rock. The Almighty God will establish His Supreme Court, Court of Lords. He will appoint Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) as the Attorney General (Prophet of mankind, mercy and peace). The Board of Jury will be consists of the 4th Kaliph of Islam (Spiritual King) Great Hazrat Ali (RA), Fatima (SA) (Daughter of Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)), Hazrat Hassan (RA), and Hazrat Hussain (RA). The Sufis/Saints of Islam (Awlias/ Swalehins) will be empowered to recommend for mercy.

Table 3: Millennium Proclaimation


5960 The Septuagint Creation 4173 Nostradamus Creation 4004 Bishop Ussher Creation 3952 Josephus Creation 3949 Venerable Bede Creation 3761 Abraham Judeus Creation 3102 Beginning of the Kali Yuga 2170 Reputed building of the Great Pyramid 46 Julius Caesar Introduced Julian Calendar 0 Birth of Jesus Christ Beginning of Christian Calendar 33 AD The Crucifixion 70 Destruction of the Jewish temple 156 Montanus Declared himself an incarnation of the Holy Ghost and prophesied the coming of the Millennium 365 Early Christians Believed to be the End of the World


400 St. Augustine Condemned astrology and prophecy in city of God

525 Dionysius Exiguus the first use of years AD 553 Church Outlawing of concept of reincarnation by the church

622 Mohammad The and the beginning of the

794 Charlemagne Holy Roman Empire Established 1000 The Millennium, End of the Seventh shemitah beginning the Jubliee year

1033 The Millennium 1000 years after the Crucifixion

1066 Conquest Comet predicted the end of the world

1152 Hazrat Shah Sufi Sufi Prophecies Nyamatullah 1496 The Millennium 1524 Stoffler The Millennium 1555 Nostradamus The first seven Centuries published 1559 Nostradamus The death of King Henri XI 1582 Pope Gregory Gregorian Calendar introduced 1583 Bishop Jewel The Millennium Prophesied 1643 Earl of Essex Declared Himself John the Baptist and Predicted the Second coming of the Christ

1656 The Year between Creation and the flood-a millennium

1666 The Millennium of the Great Beast 1681 Bossuet Proposed Using years BC 1707 French Prophets The end of the World 1750 Shora Atahvoalpa The world will be lost in darkness 1752 England adopted the Gregorian Calendar, losing ten days

1781 William Herschel Uranus Discovered 1792 Napoleon Egyptian invasion 1822 Champollion Decoding of the Rosetta Stone 1844 Dane Rudhyar Announcement of the Age of Aquarius 1846 Let Verrier and Galle Neptune discovered 1847 Harriet Livermore End of the World 1859 John Taylor Discovery of the Prophecies of the Great Pyramid 1865 John Menzies First Chronological time scale of the Great Pyramid 1886 CT Russell The Divine plan of the ages


1889 Nostradamus Beginning of the Cycle of the Moon 1895 Aline Bailey First channeled the Master Koot Hoomi 1898 Hindus and Buddhists End of the Kali Yuga 1904 Aleister Crowley Beginning of the Aeon Horus 1905 Gerald Massey Beginning of the age of Aquarius 1911 Theosophists Krishnamurti channeled the Lord Maitreya, signaling the beginning of the age Aquarius

1915 Morton Edgar Humanity enters on the to the plane of perfection

1916 Carl Jung Vision of the Seven Sermons to the Dead 1919 Alice Bailey first contact with Tibetan 1924 Helena Roerich Transmissions from Master Morya 1925 Davidson Decoding of the Great Pyramid 1930 Percival Lowell Pluto discovered 1931 Alice Bailey According to Djwahi Khul we entered the age of aquarius

1936 Edgar Cayce Earth’s axis begins to shift 1943 Edgar Cayce Atomic, space or Spiritual age begins 1945 Alice Bailey Receives the great invocation, Final stage of christ’s 300 years mission begins

1950 Henry Adams (1903) The End of the World, Catherine Emmerich 1953 Davidson An event which will forever alter humanity 1958 Edgar Cayce (1934) The beginning of the Forty-year period of natural disasters

1962 Gabriel Jogand (1890) Birth of the Antichrist Willaru Huayta Age of Aquarius begins in February

1965 Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo 1968 Edgar Cayce New Land will appear in the Caribbean 1975 Dane Rudhyar Avatar of the New Age will appear Alice Bailey Trans-Himalayan Lodge inaugurates the psycho- scientific ego and Cofucius will reincarnate

1980 Innocent Rissaulty The start of the career of the Antichrist 1980s Nostradamus The fall of communism (IV, 32) The Blunt of Scandal (VIII, 87) The Papal Bank Ambrosiana Scandal (VI, 9)

1982 Alice Bailey In the Spiritual hierarchy we are in solar system 11 Earth Chain-II, Globe IV, Round IV, Root Race V


1985 Jean Dixon (1978) Comet will strike the Earth 1987 Jose Arguelles The Harmonic Convergence 1989 Ross Peterson (1977) Earth upheavals until 2030 1990 Edgar Cayce Japan will fall into the sea as a result of volcanic activity Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. Pele leading to earthquake in Southern California, Nevada and South America

Nostradamus Third King of the North will Appear (Epistle) Coming power of the European common market (IV, 32:V, 51)

1990 Alice Bailey Teaching of Shambhala will be given out and the Atlantic charter formulated

Nostradamus US/USSR alliance formed (VI, 2; 11. 89) Elizabeth Clare Cataclysm destroying most of Humanity Prophet 1991 Nostradamus Middle Eastern war involving a man with three water signs (Saddam Hussein) (VII, 70:V, 23).

The Fall of Margaret Thatcher (VI, 59:VI, 74)

Breakdown of USSR (IV, 50) Commonwealth of Independent States (V,2:1 X, 51:VIII, 17:VII, 97)

Competition between Russian leaders (1X, 36)

The renaming of St. Petersburg and the return of Christianity in Russia (V, 78), War in Yugoslavia (IV, 82 : VI, 96)

1992 His Eminency Dr. Declared Millennium Prophecies to the global year Hazrat Shah Sufi M. N. 2000 at Earth Summit, Global Forum, Rio De Janeiro, Alam Brazil Max Toth End of the Traditional dating of the Great Pyramid 1993 Uranus/Neptune conjunct in Capricorn Nostradamus Russia/US War (IV, 95), Islamic unrest in formar USSR (III, 95) The Third Antichrist Alus emerges in the Black Sea area of Russia, or from China (V, 96 : V, 54) 1994 Nostradamus Droughts lasting forty months followed by floods which could initiate a great war (I, 16:I, 17) 1995 Max Toth Kingdom of the Spirit arises; Natural & Electrical storms plague humanity Nostradamus French or Spanish papal candidates considered, An unsolved Pope Elected, Friction from the Albanians


Edgar Cayce Eruption of Mt. Taal in 1995 Causes Catastrophe

Mid 1990 Nostradamus Creation of a Palestinian State (III, 97) War of Christianity vs. The Antichrist (V, 62), Arabian (Islamic) dominance of southern Russia’s refugee problems in Europe (VI,80), Antichrist defeats the West and the Russian Commonwealth (VII, 59). Water and red hail cover the Earth’s surface (VII, 77) 1996 Sun Bear Three years of the Worldwide starvation begin

Nostradamus Great heat, burning winds, famine due to ozone layer depletion, environmental catastrophes (IV, 67). Destruction of Slavonia (IV, 82), Racial differences degenerate into strife and bloodshed; War Between China and Russia (VI, 10)

1996 Sufi Dayemullah Sufi Prophecies 1997 Carl Jung New Age Begins Edgar Cayce (1940) New York City, Connecticut, South Carolina and inundated, Great lakes empty into Gulf of Mexico, Second, American Revolution From Human Rights movement Nostradamus Recapture of Gibraltar (V, 35), World War III Begins

1998 Edgar Cayce (1934) Culmination of forty years of disasters, US Coast inundated

1998 Edgar Cayce (1941) Japan inundated, Cayce’s incarnation as Liberator of the World

Nostradamus The Antichrist places an Antipope on the throne of St. Peters; Great wars and battles; many deaths leading to a thousand years of peace (preface). Prince Charles becomes King and extracts his revenge for his brothers (X, 26). End of the British Monarchy (VIII, 97), Raids, great fires and wars caused by meteors; New York city is destroyed by burning sky, widespread fires which cannot be stopped, a king enters the city (V, 8;IV, 92) 1999 Nostradamus The Great King of Terror arrives (X, 72) Blood pestilence reddens two rivers (VI, 98). Pestilence Famine and natural catastrophes, Armageddon Astrologers Grand Cross of Planet in August Edgar Cayce Axis shift creates catastrophe, Prof. Hideo Itaka The End of the World in August Alice Bailey Consolidation of the forces of evil and materialism on earth, the transition between the age of Pisces and Aquarius

C.T. Russell (1916) Time of Doom when God’s Divine plan will be revealed

7th Day Adventists The End of the World Criswell (1978) The End of the World 224

Goodman (1976) Worldwide Armageddon Fatima (1919) Worldwide Armageddon Jehovah’s Witnesses End of the World 2000 Edgar Cayce Great alignment of planets in solar system. Major earthquakes in Turkey and Yugoslavia, Sections of the US Fall in to the Sea, Gulf stream changes course, Parts of British Isles submerge- London on coast. North Sea lands rise. Scandinavia inundated, Hawaii and Japan break away, New climate established, End of the World Age, beginning of the New Age, The Second coming.

Hebrew Scholars The Next Shemitah When Utopian peace will reign. Jean Dixon (1978) Geography of earth will be totally altered, Extensive floods Herman Kahn (1974) Total Dominance of the Japanese economy A. Woldben Age of Aquarius Alice Bailey Living Christ will resurrect 2000 Nostradamus End of the world age, The birth of the grand Messiah, the Second coming and the ascent of Christianity (V, 96 and others) The New Arabian Empire will attack Iran, Egypt and Turkey (V, 25) Innocent Rissault Final Schism of the church and the Destruction of Rome

2000 His Emineny Dr. Hazrat Sufi Prophecies Sufi M N Alam 2000 St. Malachy End of the World Garabandal End of the World Fatima The Second Coming Margaret Hone The New Age A. T. Mann The Millennium, transition to a new world age

2000 Dr. Sylvia & Sarah Compiled, edited and prepared final document of the Mehnert Millennium Prophecy Thesis

Dr. Parker Creaston Thesis So-called “Prophets” make Propaganda and Father Constantine False Prophecies Confusing mankind, stating the “End Garakas of the World” by May 2000 Rev. Roger Cleypoole Rev. Edith Rodale Father Vincente Donatello His Eminency Dr. Shah Sufi Dr. Hamid Sayed M N Alam Advises them to restate Father Janos Soltesz Rev. Sandra Wayans their prophecies and come with their proper Dr. Otto Kahn Knowledge and Dr. Jonathan Doering information to Prof. Joan Merchen mankind and to stop confusing human society Prof. Rabbi Herzl Brian Kingsley with their statements Rosenblum Prof. Hong Tran Hoa Jim Bakker Dr. Robert Calke


2001 Edgar Cayce Axis shift of the warth will be complete G. Barbarin The Millennium 2002 Nostradamus Dreadful war followed by the reign of a new King

2012 T & D McKenna Resurrection into the light of humanity Jose Arguelles Baktun of the G Transformation of matter, collapse of global civilization

2013 Willaru Huayta End of the Calendar 2019 His Eminency Dr. Eminency's Proclaimation of Millennium Prophecy Hazrat Sheikh Shah Statement Heralds a Golden Age & Arrival of Imam Sufi M N Alam (MA) Mahdi (PBUH) & Reemergence of Jesus Christ (PBUH) After Year 2020 2019 Tayeep Erdogan Decleraed to Create the Muslim United Nation or Dr. Mohammad World Federaton. Mahathir & Other Islamic Leaders 2020 Adrian Duncan Age of Aquarius 2023 A. Woldben Manifestation of the fourth Ray, The world federation of Nations will be formed Max Toth Final Collapse of Humanity 2034 Max Toth Sign of the Messiah’s coming 2040 Max Toth The Second coming, the Messiah is incarnated

2060 Dane Rudhyar Age of Aquarius 2100 Edgar Cayce Cayce’s own future incarnation in Nebraska 2116 Max Toth The Death of the incarnated Messiah 2135 Max Toth Third incarnation of the Messiah 2160 A. Woldben Beginning of the Age of the Aquarius 2250 Nostradamus (1556) End of the cycle of the Moon 2265 Max Toth Fourth incarnation of the Messiah 2537 St. Vincent The Millennium 2813 Robert Hand Age of Aquarius begins 2827 Nostradamus Calculated end of the World 3002 His Eminency Dr. Day of Judgment Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA)



The Vedas and the Puranas:

The words "Allah", "Rasul" and "Mohammad" are mentioned in the principal religious texts of the Hindus, The Vedas and The Puranas, and other religious texts.

It is written in The Arthyavedas: "Tasya illale Mitrabarenu Raja Asmat tani dibyami punastang dudhyu Habyami milang karab illalang Allarasulmammadadakang Barsya alla allam illollati illalla" It is written in The Vabishya Purana: "Etasmitare mlecha acharjena samanitya: Mahamad iti khatya sishyashakasamnittaya: Nripashayebam Mahadebang marussthalalnibashinam Gangajalayschya sangsnapya panchagabashamanayta Chandyanaduvirvarchya tustaba manasha haram Vojaraja ubachaNamasta girijanathamarushthala nibashine Tripusurnashaya bahumayaprabartine. Tang mang hi kinkkaranang biddhi saranatha supagatam."

That is: "At the particular time, a personage named "Mohammad", living in a desert area (Arabia), will appear with His disciples. Oh! The Lord of Arabia, Lord of the Universe! To You I address my words of praise. You know many ways to erase all the darkness from the earth. To You I pay my respects. Oh! Holy Personage! I am Your vessel; I entreat You to give me a place at Your Holy Feet."

It is stated in The Alloupanishad: "Hotarmidra hotarmidro mahasurindra Allya jestangshrestrang paramang purnang Brahman allam allarasulmahammadakang barasya allo allam Allah bukme kakam allabuk nikhatkam."


That is: "Allah is the bearer of all good qualities. He is complete and omniscient. Mohammad is the Rasul of Allah. Allah is full of light; He is undiminishing, one, forever and selfcomplete and self-created."

It is written in the Artha Vedas:

"Idang jangna upanfstruta narasangsha shangbisyate Shasting sasang nabating cha kauram arushmengshu damtahe." That is: "All men listen carefully! The Praised One will appear from amongst you and we will find Him among sixty thousand enemies." There is no doubt the reference here is made to Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) because the word "Mohammad" means the Praised One; additionally the population of Mecca at the time of The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was about sixty thousand. From the above examples, it can be seen that the Aryan saints, through meditation, had divined the nature and advent of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) many thousands of years ago.

In Buddhist Texts It is written in the principal religious text of the Buddhists, "The Digha-Nikya":

"When people will forget the Gautama Buddha, another Buddha will come, who will be called Maitreya. That is, the Buddha of compassion and peace."

Another example from Sinhala states: "Ananda said to the Blessed One: " Who shall teach us when Thou art gone?"

The Blessed one replied: "I am not the first Buddha who came on this earth, nor shall I be the last. In one time another Buddha will arise in the world a Holy One, a supremely enlightened one, endowed with wisdom in conduct- He will proclaim a religious life. Holy perfect and pure such as I proclaim--." Ananda said: "How shall I know Him?"

The Blessed One said: "He will be known as Maiyreya." (The Gospel of Buddha by Carus, pp.117-18)


There is no doubt that this Buddha of peace and compassion is The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). In The Holy Al-Quran, The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is described in an exact manner. It is said about The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon him): He is "Rahamtullill Alamin". That is: "He is the signifier of compassion and benediction for the whole universe."

In Persian Religious Texts:

The Jindebesta and The Dasatir are the principal religious texts of the Parsis. The prediction of the advent of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is clearly mentioned in The Jindebesta. In fact the name Ahmed is given there. Below are the original text and its translation:

"Noid et Ahmad dragoyeitim from Spetame Zarathustra yam dohmam Vangnim afritum. Yunad hake hahi humananghad hvakangghad Hushyanthnad hudaenad."

(Zend-Avesta part 1. Translated by Max Muller, p.260)

That is: "I am announcing Oh Father Zoroaster, The pure Ahmad (blessing to the just) will indeed appear, and from Him you will receive instructions in honest thought, honest speech, honest acts and pure religious teaching."

There is a similar predication in The Dasatir which can be summarized thus: "When the Parsis, forgetting their religion, will have descended to the nadir of depravity, a Great Being will be born in Arabia whose disciples will conquer Persia and the fierce Persians. Instead of worshipping fire, they will pray facing Prophet Ibrahim’s Holy Kabbah Hall; the Holy Kabbah Hall will become free of idols. This Glorious Personage’s disciple will come as a blessing to the world."

"They will capture Persia, Madaen, Tus, Balkh and other Holy Places of the Persians. Their Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) will be a speaker and will pronounce many fabulous words."

In The Original Tawrat, Received by Prophet Moses from God:

Many future predictions are chronicled in the Jewish religious text, The Torah:


"The Lord! The God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of the brethren like unto me. Unto him ye shall hearken." --- (Duct.15. 18)

Elsewhere it is stated:

"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, and will put my words into his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him."

The Original Bible (Old Testament):

There are many proofs given in the Bible about the advent of The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Below are a few examples:

"And this is the record of John the Baptist, when Jews sent priests and laits from Jerusalem and asked him: "Who art thou?" And he confessed and denied not: "I am not the Christ." And they asked him: "What then? Art thou Elias?" And he said: "I am not." "Art thou THAT PROPHET?"

And he answered: "No".

And they asked him and said unto him: "Why baptizest thou them. If thou be not Elias the Christ not neither that Prophet?"

John answered them, saying: "I baptize with water but there standest one amongst you whom ye know not. He, it is who coming after me is preferred before me. Whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloose." (John: 13-16)

From the above quotes, it can be clearly seen that, apart from Christ and Elias, the third Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) who will be coming is, without doubt, The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him), because after Christ, the next Prophet and the last Prophet is The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him).


Jesus Christ Himself has said:

"If you love me keep my commandments: and I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Parakletos (Comforter) that He may be with you forever." (John, chap.14: 15-16)

Elsewhere it is stated by Him:

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I go I will send Him unto you." (John. 17:7-8 (page No.5)

"How be it when He, the spirit of truth is come, He shall guide you unto all the truth, for He shall not speak from Himself but whatsoever He shall hear, these shall He speak, and He will show you things to come."

Who is this Paraklete? Is it not clearly suggested that He is the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him)? After Christ, no other Prophet appeared apart from Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him); besides, the word Paraklete means “The One who brings peace or Greatly Praised”. Both of these phrases describe the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Therefore, there is no reason to doubt this fact.

The coming of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is mentioned in many places in The Holy Quran; below are a few examples: And then God The Almighty promised to all His angels: "Verily, everything I have given to you is the truth. Therefore, there will come a Prophet who will prove to be true whatever is with you. Believe His words and assist Him". He said further: "Do you accept my words?" and they said: "Yes we do." Then He said: "Then bear witness. I too am bearing witness with you." -- (Sura Al-Imran, The Holy Quran, Ayat no. 81)

What can be gleaned from all these predictions about the future? He whose praise and advent have been announced long ago in many ages in many nations, He whom God has sent on this Earth as the Greatest Prophet and the Best Example to mankind, is not like an ordinary man. It can never be. Therefore, we cannot judge Him with the standards and norms for a common man. Many times in His life (Peace Be Upon Him), we will see examples of supernatural incidences, many of His actions (Peace Be Upon Him) will seem 231 fabulous and extraordinary. Therefore, we need to try and understand it calmly and with careful scrutiny.

The condition of various nations and races of the world at the time of Prophet Mohammad’s (SM) (PBUH) birth:

The Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was born on August, 570 AD, on 12th Rabiul Awal, during the early morning. Below is a description of the religious, ethical and social conditions of the world at the time of the advent of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). At the time of His birth, a deep darkness had descended on earth. The light of truth had been snuffed out in Arabia, Persia, Egypt, Rome, India and other civilized nations of the world. The Jabur, the Torah, the Injil and the Vedas had been twisted and transformed from their original intent and context. As a result, man had forgotten the Creator and had begun to worship the objects of His creation. Monotheism had all but disappeared. Nature worship, idol worship, image worship, priest worship and the worship of demons and spirits had become the principal religious practices of mankind. There was no political, social or ethical discipline. The Earth was burdened and sickened with injustice, cruelty and iniquity.


The conditions in India, the most remarkable stage on earth where civilization played out its acts, were very precarious. The original religious practice of worshipping a formless Brahman had become almost extinct in India. Even though in some of the psalms of the Vedas the words Aj, Akayam and Ekmebadityam that are unique and monotheistic were mentioned, the Aryans worshipped many gods and goddesses. A notable contemporary writer has stated:

“Worshipping visible objects and scenes of nature was the religion of the Vedic ages. Considering these objects and scenes to be animate, the believers in order to receive blessings of food and wealth, sons and relatives, in order to be delivered from pain and grief, and to be protected from enemies, prayed before sacred fires anointed with ghee and offered somaras, a potable made for the gods. In this context, Vedisim can be considered to be polytheistic.”


“Just as natural scenes had become deified, so had been many material and inanimate objects: rain and storm, thunder, lightening, dawn, night, along with water, rivers, mountains, medicine, cattle and weaponry.”

Later in the Vedic ages, the practice of “Barnashram”, that is voluntary exile to the forest at ones declining years, had come into practice. Hindu society was then divided into four castes: the Brahmins, the Khsatryas, the Vayshyas and the Sudras. Because only the Brahmins were allowed to read the Vedas and become priests, the non-Brahmins had few religious rights and access and were deprived of many social and political rights and privileges. The Sudras were not only not allowed to read the Vedas, in fact, hot lead was poured into their ears to kill them if they even as much as listened to the Vedic chants. The Hindu religious personage Manu has said:

“Jo Hyasya dharmacharjyasthe kashayibadishati bretam. Shohashangtatang nam tamah naha tenyaba majjati” (Manusanghitah: 4/81)

That is: “A Brahmin who instructs a Sudra in religious practice, will descend to hell with him.”

The condition of women too was very precarious. In ancient India, the status of Aryan women including Sita, Sabitri, Ahyalya and other famous Aryan women was very low. They had no social rights according to the Vedas, and were considered as vessels of men with no social rights or status. Forced marriages to demons and ogres and other heinous practices were proof of their condition. The worst and most inhuman and criminal practice was “Suttee”, whereby a widow was forced to accompany her dead husband to his funeral pyre and was burnt alive. Society harbored a very low opinion of women’s nature and character. Manu himself has said:

“Nasti strinang krya mantraybiti mamrmobyabasthita Mirindria hyamandrashchya strijohayatamita sthiti.”

That is: “Women cannot be absolved by religious rights; therefore their inner selves can never be pure.”

Thus a great deal of sin and dirt had accumulated in many layers of Indian society.



The condition of China was even more serious than that of India. Confucius and Tao were the two recognized religious leaders, but the exact nature and meaning of their religious teaching are difficult to delineate. From ancient times, the Chinese had practiced nature worship, priest worship, and ancestor worship. In summary, their principal religion was the worship of man. Little had changed when Buddhism was introduced in China. The Chinese became practitioners of the religion of detachment. Worshipping the image of the Buddha and man were the principle aspects of their religion.


From ancient times the Persians practiced fire worship. The religious leader of the Persians was Zoroaster, and they believed all good and evil in the world was controlled by deities ascribed in their religious texts. The God of benediction was Ahir-Majda, and that of evil or malediction was Aharman. These two were in constant conflict day and night. Ahir-Majda was victorious and consequently the worship of Ahir-Majda was the principal tenet of Persian religious practice.

In time, this religion too had disappeared, and idol worship with all its sinful and evil ramifications established itself amongst the Persians. Persia was drowning in a sea of depravity and superstition.


It deeply saddens one’s heart to contemplate the condition of the Jews. In the beginning they were in God’s debt and under His protection. The Almighty had sent Prophet David, and Prophet Solomon, Prophet Moses and He had brought forth the religious texts, the Jabur and the Torah to save and deliver them. But even after being the beneficiaries of such great and divine blessings, the Jews are, because of their sins and evil deeds, defeated and homeless today. Betrayal and cruelty are the primary aspects of their character. Not considering their other victims, they did not fail to betray Prophet Moses, Prophet Christ and Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) among others. They greatly harassed Prophet Moses, tried unsuccessfully to murder Prophet Christ by crucifixion and even tried to assassinate Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH).


It can therefore, be seen to what fearful state their ethical and religious depravity had descended to. It is not necessary to further describe the extremely grave internal condition of a race from whose hands even the Great Prophets could not escape. In accordance with The Holy AlQuran, the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims are all descendants of Prophet Abraham, and are therefore, cousin brothers.


Prophet Abraham’s (PBUH) grandson Prophet Jacob’s (PBUH) other name was Israel, the Chosen of God. Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim Khalilullah), although he was the son of the Emperor Nimrods chief priest, spread the words of monotheism and protested strongly against the ruler. For this the idol worshipping Emperor Nimrod, angered, cast him into the fire. With the limitless Grace of God, the father of Jews and Christians, the Father of the Muslims, Prophet Abraham, came out of the fire unscathed. Leaving his ancestral home Iraq, he traveled on foot to Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, preaching the words of the true believer.

In His old age, as desired by The Almighty, He had to slit the throat of His loving son Ismail as a sacrifice to God. Thus Prophet Abraham (PBUH), from the beginning to the end of His life had set an example of unswerving sacrifice and unquestioning belief. As reward for His devotion, many Prophets were born amongst His descendants who also ruled the world in various ages. Another son of Prophet Abraham, Prophet Isaac became famous and revered amongst all the prophets, and His descendants came to be known as the Israelites. This branch of Prophet Abraham’s family, with the Grace of God, became established as the rulers of the world for a long period of time. One branch of this family came to be known as the Jews; it may be mentioned here that a descendant of Prophet Jacob was called Yehuda.

Prophet Abraham, after preaching in Iran, settled in Syria, and later his grandson Jacob went to Egypt. With the Grace of God, Prophet Jacobs other son Joseph became the ruler of Egypt; he brought his parents, brothers and other relatives from Syria to Egypt. Thus the Israelites started living in Egypt and their descendants settled all over the country.


Almost four hundred years later, the Israelites lost their power in Egypt, and the rule was transferred to the Pharaohs who proceeded to treat the Israelites as slaves. Later, driven by the fear of losing their power and hegemony, the autocratic Pharaohs cruelly murdered all the male children of the Israelites.

With the Grace of God, Prophet Moses was not only saved from being killed by the Pharaohs, but he was brought up in the royal Pharaoan household. After He became a Prophet, Prophet Moses gathered all the Israelites to save them from the cruel hand of the Pharaohs, and one night left Egypt with them. Together with his soldiers, the Pharaoh began to chase them; however with the Grace of God, the sea parted to make way for the Israelites. When the Pharaoh followed, the same waters came together again, drowning the Pharaoh and his soldiers.

After crossing the sea, the Israelites came to the desert in the Sinai area. To provide them relief from the effects of the relentless sun and extreme thirst, clouds for shade, hail for water to drink and food called Manna and Salwah were sent forth. Even after receiving these gifts from God, the Israelites, made idols of cattle and other animals and began to worship them after Moses, as commanded by God, had brought Him to Mount Sinai. When Prophet Moses returned, they repented and were forgiven by God for their sins. Yet again, when Prophet Moses commanded them to fight for their faith, they refused and declared: “Prophet Moses you and your followers may fight; we shall not move an inch from our place.” Because of this mentality, they roamed homeless like Bedouins for forty years. Even Prophet Moses was called to the Gates of God. However, later the Israelites regained their power and began to rule Palestine.

Later, the Israelites again began to act against God, and as punishment, a cruel ruler named King Jalut was sent forth to govern them. Unable to withstand the cruelties visited upon them by the ruler King Jalut, they repented and supplicated to God. Consequently, following a brave man named Talut, the Israelites became free of King Jalut. After King Jalut, under the leadership of Prophet David and then Prophet Solomon, the Israelites created a state of great wealth and prosperity. (In accordance of The Holy Quran, Chapter King David, (Prophet Dawud (PBUH)).


After Prophet Solomon’s rule, The Israelites, consumed with their great wealth and prosperity, began again to disobey the laws of God, descending to the lowest depth of depravity. Their spiritual leaders, following the wishes of the powerful, continued to provide support for the wayward acts of their rulers. Thus such iniquitous acts began to spread roots extensively to the corners of life and society. With the outward appearances of the true believer, they continued to descend far in the opposite direction. Cruelty towards the weak, interest based commerce, prurience and obscene orgies became the daily norm of their society.

In order to lead them to the correct path, God the Almighty sent forth thousands of prophets to earth. They appeared on earth and attempted to save the sinners who had delved to the deepest depths of sin and iniquity. But sinfulness and aberration had made them totally desperate, so they did not hesitate to mistreat the prophets in a most unjust and heinous way. In fact, they did not hesitate to cruelly murder many of the prophets who were sent to earth by God Himself.

Below are some the sinful acts committed by the Jews:

1. After the rule of Prophet Solomon, the land of the Israelites became divided into two states called Yehudia and Israel. Because of mutual enmity and a consequent desire to destroy each other, the two states began to form alliances with outside factions. Prophet Harun, with instructions from The Lord, warned the Israelites of the attendant dangers of their policies, but the contemporary ruler of Israel, instead of heeding the admonitions of Prophet Harun, imprisoned him.

2. Thereafter, Prophet Ilias started a movement against idol worship and entreated the people to return to monotheism. The Israeli ruler Akhiab, to please his Egyptian wife, ordered to have Him killed, but with the Grace of God, The Prophet escaped and was compelled to seek refuge in a mountain near Sinai.

3. For committing the crime of speaking the truth, the above mentioned Akhiab imprisoned Prophet Ilias and deprived him of food and drink.


4. After the Assyrians destroyed Israel, the condition of the land of the Jews became desperate; they had willfully killed thousands of Prophets. Yet attending to their predicament, they continued to gleefully defy the Laws of God. Prophet Jesus gave them warning, and after traveling to the remotest corners of the land, He entreated them to return to the Holy Ways of God, but, instead of paying heed to his admonitions and teachings, the Jews continued to taunt, harass and even assault Him physically. In order to suffocate Him to death, they had tied Him up and strung Him up in a tank full of mud.

5. Obscene acts performed against all standard of decency and decorum became more prevalent everyday in the court of the Israeli ruler Herod. The Prophet Yahiah protested against such sinful practices and warned the public of the consequences, and the king had him murdered, and presented his head to one of his favorites.

6. Prophet Jesus fell in disfavor with the religious and political factions of the Jews when He spoke the truth about their acts against the dictates of God, who conspired against Him for entreating them to come back to the ways of God. When the Jews could not persuade and change Him from preaching and following the ways of The Almighty God, they proceeded to prepare a case against Him with false accusations and had Him condemned to death. At the same time, at a gathering of rabbis and politicians at the court of King Pilatus, it was announced that one man will be freed because of the religious holidays. When the King inquired whether The Prophet Jesus or the criminal Barabbas was to be freed, the crowd shouted: “Give us Barabbas” condemning the Prophet to death.

These examples are taken from the Bible; there are many more examples in The Holy Al-Quran of the heinous acts committed by the Jews.

Jews, Zionism and The State of Israel

Another descendant of Prophet Jacob was Yehudah. Later one of the branches of his family began to call themselves the Jews. However Zionism began at the end of the nineteenth century. The Jews, cursed by God, were dispersed all over the world, and had no home of their own. In the last century, Jewish leaders around the world started a movement from Mount 238

Zion to establish a Jewish State, and this movement came to be known as Zionism. On 29th August 1898, The World Jewish Congress convened in Switzerland, where the following agenda was agreed upon:

1. The Jews must work, from an established plan, in the fields of agriculture and commerce. 2. To unite all Jews, organizations are to be created at both local a national level. 3. A work plan was to be formulated to engender strong feelings of nationalism amongst the Jews.

Needless to say, the Jews were working diligently according to the above three sided Plan, while the Muslims were spending their lives in luxurious ease. As a result of this, the State of Israel was created on May 14th, 1948. This has been the focal point of the most barbaric act in history, and the powerful United States and Great Britain had provided full Support for the creation and establishment of the State of Israel.


The condition of the Christians too in the sixth century was very precarious. The teachings and dictates of Christ had been so twisted in the hands of the Fathers and the saints that Christ himself, had he returned to earth would not have recognized His own religion. Christ had taught monotheism, but the Saint Paul, Peter, and other principal Christian religious leaders had transformed it to the religion of the Trinity. Christ had come to earth to preach against idol worship, yet the Christians worshiped His own image. Additionally, His Mother Mary too was deified and worshipped as an idol everywhere. Even the statuary images of Saints Paul and others were established in the Church. It became ingrained in the heart of every Christian, no matter how grave the sin he committed, he would be absolved of it if he were to utter the name of his Savior, Christ. In time, a self-governing state was established in Rome, and the Roman Pope had the power to absolve and judge the sins of all Christians. Any reader of history is well aware of the dreadful practices of the Popes in the name of religion and God. They assumed that the key to Heaven was in their hands. However great a man’s sin is, he could obtain a deed for Heaven from the 239

Pope, with the right amount of payment; he will then have had nothing to fear, for his passage to Heaven was assured. Needless to say, because of these practices, there is no parallel in history to the flood of sin and iniquity that flowed through the Christian world at that time.


The condition of the Arabs was worst of all. Thievery, robbery, warfare, murder, cruelty, injustice, drunkenness, abduction of women and all of the sins that one could name, none was absent from the Arab character. Idol worship was rampant and cast its evil shadow all over Arabia. In the Holy Kaabah that Prophet Abraham had built, three hundred and sixty statues of deities were instituted and worshipped by the Arabs.

The condition of women was very serious; they were treated like domestic animals. After the father’s death, his rejected wife was subjected to use by her stepsons for prurient purposes. Often female babies were buried alive. Married women could be divorced at anytime at the whim of their husbands. Later, a woman could marry more than one husband simultaneously, creating chaos and havoc in society.

Slavery was practiced in Arabia; slaves were bartered openly in the markets and bazaars like cattle and goats. At times, humans were sacrificed in the Kaabah. These were the common features of the Arab character and society at the time. This was the fearsome state of affairs in the dark ages. Men in all the civilized nations and races had become beasts. The faint cries of religion and ethics had disappeared amidst the disastrous dance of the human brutes. To save mankind from this disastrous state, God The Merciful sent the Crowning Jewel of all the Prophets, His finest creation, The Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) to Earth as a blessing to all creation.


If the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is the greatest Prophet, then He must necessarily be the last Prophet. 240

It can be concluded from the light of philosophy, that the greatest and the last must converge to one point. In other words, he who is the greatest must also is the last; and, he who is the last must necessarily be the greatest. Finality is an essential part and is ingrained in completeness. When the moon increases gradually, it proceeds both to finality and completeness. There is nothing exceptional in the full moon. The gradual growth of the moon ends with its completeness. Therefore, it can be concluded that the moons final appearance is also an expression of its completeness; it is not difficult to realize that what is the finality of expression is also its grandest state. What follows its apex is its imitation not it’s surpassing. Further that which has attained completeness cannot proceed towards further completion. If any circle is fully round, it cannot be any rounder; a straight line cannot be any straighter. Similarly, it can be concluded that if The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the most complete creation, then no other Prophet who is more complete can come after Him.

In accordance with The Holy Al-Quran, The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the Greatest Example to mankind. There is, however, another proof from the laws of creation that Prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon Him) is The Greatest Prophet of all.

In discussing the theory of creation of the vast universe, it can be seen that there was nothing at all in the beginning, only The Formless, Silent, Infinitely Great God the Almighty. Therefore, the origin of creation cannot be but God Himself. But God in revealing His own identity has said: Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim "Kulhu Allahhu ahad, Allahus samad, lamyalid, walam yulad, walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad." (Surah Ikhlas)

That is: "Say that God is One and Unique; No one is born of Him, and He is born of no one. There is nothing or anyone like Him. He is without parallel." Here God has defined Himself as Ahad; the word Ahad means a pure and silent uniqueness without multiplicity. Yet creation is multiple and diverse. Then how is it possible for the universe to originate from an Entity who is Ahad? There must be a mediator between the two.


When God felt the desire to create, a predetermined glorious thought must have come forth and manifested itself. This emanation is known as Nuri Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) or The Light of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). This Light is the reason behind the creation of all objects in the visible and material world.

The plan and design for the creation of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) existed before creation, because The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the center point of the primary purpose of creation. Therefore, He was created first from the glorious light of God. This was very natural. In other words, it can be said that the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was born before all creation. Just as an artist gives expression to the design in his imagination step by step, so did God gave expression to the thoughts of His primary creation gradually. This is the reason why Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had to appear last. All else was created first for the manifestation of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) who is the principal reason for all creation. Without Him, God may not have created anything. God the Almighty Himself has stated in the Holy Al-Quran: "Without You, I may not have created the sky or the stars."

However, a picture can never achieve the ideal of excellence if only the principal design is presented by itself; it requires a background, a setting. If one draws a beautiful picture on an empty canvas, surely it will not be very pleasing. It has to be set against a background of light and dark, a chiaroscuro where the cataracts flowing from the mountains will dance, the flowers in the garden will be smiling, the bird’s Koel and Papia will be singing, where the open blue sky will reign glorious overhead, the full moon and the stars will twinkle through the clouds. The principle design has to be dressed in a similar manner in its beauty and sense, in its hues and fragrance. God too had done the same.

Almighty God did not at first manifest the primary objective of His creation, but created everywhere its background. Above was the vast, blue sky dressed in billions of stars and planets, below a beauteous earth carpeted with soft green grass; elsewhere, there were rivers and rivulets,

242 enormous lakes, and mountain ranges touching the sky. Thus He arranged the scenery exquisitely and at last expressed the picture of His mediation and thought, The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The moon and the sun, the sky and the wind, the mountains and the rivers, the birds and the beasts all understood for whom the vast universe was being so beautifully ornamented and arranged, and whose hues were coloring their inner and outer selves. All of creation was waiting for the coming of the ever-wished for, yet to appear Guest. Thoughts of Him, dreams of Him awoke in their eyes, and His footsteps resounded in the secret chambers of the corners of their being. Just as, before a flower blooms, the dream of the flower awakens in each branch, each leaf of a tree, so had thoughts of Him, His shadow, His form, His compassion awakened everywhere in the universe, even before He appeared. The sun and the rain, the light and the wind, surrender all the powers and treasures of their being to the flowering tree to help it blossom. Just as the bird Bul Bul waits silently in the garden in expectation of the flower, so had the universe and nature waited for the coming of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Everyone knew that He would appear. In the Vedas, the Puranas, the Jabur and the Tawrat there were clear signals of His coming: The Prophets Adam, Moses, and Christ had announced the prophetic words of His advent. Thus He was born before appearing on Earth. He came before he was coming. That is why the rays of His glorious light were playing on Earth and in the sky.

To see it from another angle of the theory of creation, the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was Gods most complete creation. We can see that in all things created in the universe, there is the origin, the growth and the end. A child is born as a tiny being and grows gradually until he reaches his culmination point, after which he no longer grows and starts his descent. From then on he diminishes and then bids adieu forever. A tree starts as a tiny sapling, and then grows gradually until it reaches its full mature form. After this it is encroached by old age and one day finally dies. The moon too increasing gradually, reaches its fullness after which it no longer grows, and starts to decay until the time of the full moon when it completely disappears. Thus each creation traverses a circle which can be called the cycle of life. From birth will come gradual growth, 243 and then descent that will lead to the ultimate flood and annihilation. This is the law and the fate of creation. Now, one may ask whether creation has reached its final culmination point. In answer it can be said that, indeed creation has reached its apex and is on its downhill course.

The time of the culmination point of creation was 570 AD, and it happened through The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The signifier of the culmination of creation is the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). How beautifully The Almighty Himself has expressed this truth: "And He (The Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him)) has reached the pinnacle of creation." It is most befitting to compare Him to the sun. In the sky of universal creation, He was bright and glorious like the midday sun. Therefore, the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is beloved of everyone and anyone can relate to Him. He is a part of both the living and the inanimate worlds.

Man is the greatest aspect of creation, and mankind initiated the meditation and the path to fulfillment. Additionally, in this race of men, there has to be one who is the greatest and most complete, and He is the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). In Him, everyone has found the meaning and fulfillment of life. At the time of His birth, there arose in each planet and in each man a strong sense of delight and joy. It was awakened in each fairy and angel, in each bird and beast, in each vine and tree, in each fruit and flower. In the sky and in the wind came a sense of recognition and delight, which was nothing but a sense of joy and gratitude, a sense of bliss from being aware of one’s self.

This is the true idea of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him). He belongs not just to Arabs, not just to Asia but to the whole world; he is not just for the Muslims, not just for mankind but for all creation. He is not just an ideal human, not just an ideal Prophet but is the ideal creation. One can therefore see in the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) a universal self. If the Muslims say that He is their Prophet and He is the Greatest Prophet, then, this will not be His true and complete description.


We have to understand that He is not just a Prophet for the Muslims, because He is Rahamatullil Alamin, He is a blessing for all creation. Just as Muslims can call Him to be their own so can Parsis, Hindus and Christians. He is a paradigm and a pathfinder for everyone. Prophet Mohammad as said that mankind is the crowning creation of God, and the most beloved of all; the descendants of Prophet Abraham, Christians, Jews and Muslims are all cousin-brothers.


King Negash, Christians renowned King of Abyssinia, Contributed to the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and His followers:

(Most powerful Christian King became Muslim 1500 years ago by the influence of the founder of Islam, the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), the first refugee Asylum proclaimed and introduced to the world history)

There is a common and established image and understanding about the spread of Islam in the world. Several people including intellectuals who write on the issue assume that Islam is a militant religion. Samuel P. Huntington, for example, in his so called thesis of “clash of Civilizations”, described Islam as a militant religion starting from its origin. However, one can find Ethiopia, the first country, which allowed the migrants of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) to exercise their faith peacefully. His Eminency Dr. M. N Alam 43rd direct descendant of the Prophet of Islam, President of the World Spiritual Assembly, UN Head Quarter, New York, USA, Permanent representative of the UNECA, since 1985 and 2004 visited this country. He has been here for the great respect of King Nejash and his contribution for the Prophet of Islam. His Eminency expressed that, Ethiopia is a shelter for the good people as well as for the bad people. This shows that this country is an umbrella for those who were following the doctrine of Islam and for those who couldn’t find a place in their home place. During that time the king who ruled Abyssinia was a Christian king. This paper deals with biography of this great king Nejash. He was the

245 contemporary of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). It was during his time that Arabian society including near and dear relatives of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) refused to accept Islam, which was introduced for the first time then by the last prophet of Islam and mankind. Because of this, the Prophet of Islam sent his people to Abyssinia. The king received them and asked about their faith, they answered that it is a monotheistic belief by peacefulness and recited some verses of the Holy Quran. His Eminency Dr. Alam’s opinion is that “human being is a crown creation of God. Descendants of Abraham, the Jews, Christians and Muslims are cousin brothers”. The king was convinced by Islamic teaching in accordance of the holy Quran and allowed them to practice their religion in the Abyssinian territory. So that today, in Ethiopia there are approximately 55% Muslim population while there are 20% Muslims in the African region. Since then Islam has been practiced peacefully in all parts of Ethiopia. Till now there is a 100% freedom of the practice of Islam due to the current government’s effort of religious freedom in the country. In the later days, the King Nejash himself was convinced by Islam and became Muslim.

“The first Muslims in Ethiopia were refugees from Mecca, persecuted by the new leading tribe, the reactionary . They were honorly received by the ruler of Ethiopia, whom Arabic tradition was named Ashama ibn Abjar, and he settled them in Negash. Located in the northern Tigray province, Negash is the historical center of Islam in Ethiopia and parts of ” Berry (1991).

Due to this, The Prophet of Islam ordered all Muslims not to declare Jihad on Ethiopia. What makes Islam peculiar in Ethiopia, unlike from the rest of the world, is that, in the first place it was preached, spread and accepted peacefully throughout the whole territory of Ethiopia. Secondly, Islam always co-existed in peace with other religions. That is why that one can find family members in Ethiopia who exercise different religions in the same roof.

For centuries, the Abyssinia then, now Ethiopia had been remembered as an Orthodox Christian state. There was no separation of state and religion,

246 secularism. This makes the perception towards this state is that; Ethiopia is a state of Christians. It is true that several brutal rulers of the kingdom slaughtered Muslims. It is also true that Muslims were considered as secondary citizens. In addition, forceful conversion of their belief to Christianity was evident particularly during the reign of King Yohannes 4th.

This kind of system and perception towards the system does not only have domestic consequences. In addition, the perception and understanding of the international community towards Muslims has been blurred. People know Ethiopia by its Christian kingdom and Christian kings. Due to lack of the separation of state and religion, also, the history of this country was recorded by the church.

King Nejash:

Since Ethiopians evacuated from Yemen, the relationship with the Arabian Peninsula was interrupted. According to several Arabian authentic history and resourceful record, between the years 575-630 A. D., there were two attention seeking kings in Ethiopia. The first king was ruling the state of Abyssinia or the Habesha people before the Holy Al-Quran came in to existence as a guiding document of human beings. The second one lived during the era of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). The former one was known by the name Abhar while the latter’s name is Ashama Ibn Abhar. Ashama had a friendly relationship with the Arab world.

After a successful coup d’états on the throne of king Abhar, he was assassinated. Architects of the coup brought his brother to the throne (who was the uncle to Ashama). Due to the fear of revenge from Ashama for his father’s death, they excluded him from rivalry to power. According to Abu bakar Bin Abdurahuman, Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) one of the wife said, “Except Nejash (Ashama), Abhar had no child at all. But his uncle who became a king had twelve sons and daughters. They were all members of the Habesha Royal family. The coups d’état and assassination was also based on this calculation of lack of children except one Nejash”. The young Nejashi was obliged to live with his uncle. During his childhood, he was smart and able to attract the attention of his uncle. This success

247 and attention seeking created insecurity within the coup makers. They demanded his uncle to avoid him or warned that they will kill Nejash. The king (his uncle) refused the plan of the assassination. And he suggested them to make Nejashi far away from the territory of their state. They took him to the market and sold him as a slave for 6 dirham and send him by boat to abroad. During the same night, the king was dead by a wave while he was praying in order to get a rainfall. All the sons of the king were unfit to the Palace. There were demands to appoint Al-Nejash as a king. Most people agreed on the suitability of his ability to become the king’s successor. “The responsibility of the kingship can only be accomplished by the boy who was sold this morning. If you are concerned for the Habesha people, bring him back.” Suggestions were strong like this.

By hardship they somehow found Prince Nejash and bring him back to the capital city. They gave him the throne. And he stayed as a king of Habesa until he passed away by the 9th year of the Hijra (Muslim calendar), as Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) migrated from Mecca to Medina. There are several names that are sited in different historical documents. For example Pankhurst and Hancock call him Armah. Tadesse identified him as AL-Asmaha, son of Abjar and father of Arma. Munnro Hay refers to him as Asmaha Ibn Abjar. And others called him as Ashama, the Kings local name. His Eminency Dr. Alam 43rd direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) acknowledged the information from the Hadiths and several references of Islamic scholars quoted as the king Nejash as a great King of Abyssinia became a Muslim in the beginning of the 7th Century from the Prophet Mohammad influence. After the king received Islam, the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) put his name as Ahmed Al- Negash. His family members also accept Islam. And he died after 15 years and he left his to which is found 60 kilo meters north of Mekele. He established spiritual kingdom with Negash’s new vision of Islam to preach Islam around the Abyssinian territories and across the African countries of Algeria, morocco, South Africa, Mauritania, Cameroon, Zambia, , and other African territories. King Nejash died in 630 AD in his spiritual kingdom of Negash town and he was laid down in front of the Negash mosque with Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)’s important Sahabahs. They were trying to cross to Mecca but due to their old ages 248 they are sick by the undesirable mysterious diseases. So that he couldn’t attend Hajji (pilgrimage) and had no chance to meet the Prophet Mohammad directly. But his near and dear children and relatives succeeded to meet the Prophet in Medina, 630kms from the Holy city of Mecca. When the Prophet received the messages of the death of King Ahmed Al-Negash Prophet with his Caliphs and followers celebrate the prayer Gayevi of Janaza in Holy Medina Mosque. He preached Islam about 15 years in the African territories including Abyssinia. So that today 55% Muslim in Ethiopia. 95% in Cameroon, 65% in Nigeria, 80% in Sudan, 25% in Kenya are Muslim citizens.

R. Rudol Unf (western scholar who studied the Arabian and Ethiopian History), in his book, 2nd edition page 249: stated that “Historians agreed that, there was a king during the Era of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) in Ethiopia by the Name Asmaha (Armaha II). There are archeological findings of coins minted by his name. The text on the coins reads as ‘king Armaha, the kind and peaceful one.’ Asmaha (Armaha II) is another name of King Nejash. The administration of the king prevailed justice and peace in the territories.

The First Migration to Ethiopia:

In the book written on the biography of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), Ibn Eshaq said the following:

“The Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) realized that he could not protect his followers from the attacks, and said ‘go to the Habesha, there is a Christian king there. There is justice in his kingdom. Habesha is the land of truth. Therefore, go there until we achieve victory with the help of Allah’ ”. Amu Aymen, an Ethiopian woman, had influenced the decisions of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). She was the slave of Abdullah Bin Abdul Mutalib. She was there when Abdullah married the prophet’s mother, Amina. In addition, Amu Aymen was behind Amina when she gave birth to the Prophet. While Amina went to visit her relatives in Medina, Amu Aymen feed her breast milk to the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). Amina could not come back to Mecca, rather passed away while she was in

249 the middle of her journey. Since then, Amu Aymen along with Arabian mother Halima became the second mother of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). She nourished the Prophet while he was living with his grandfather Abdul Mutalib and his uncle Abu Talib. The Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) witnessed this after He became matured by saying “she has been my second mother”.

This historical attachment made the Prophet (SM) (PBUH) to love and to have a positive attitude towards Habeshians. Therefore, Islam was introduced to Ethiopia before the majority sections of the Quraysh societies in Mecca accepted it. The Prophet sent his relatives and intimate friends to Ethiopia (Habesha) due to the above-mentioned strong attachments that created confidence to him on the king and his people. By the leadership of Uthman ibn Affan, the third Caliph of Islam and son in law of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) along the Prophet’s daughter, 120 people among them 26 are women, left Mecca for Abyssinia. Habesha became the first Diaspora for Islam. It was not a simple incident; rather there was prior trade and economic ties between the Habeshans and the Arab world. 251 The first march (Hijra) in 615 AD had a group of eleven men and four women. The list of the Sahabahs (RA) who migrated to Ethiopia in the first migration includes the following.

1. Uthman Ibn Affan 2. Rukya Binte Hazrat Mohammad(SM) (PBUH) - The wife of Uthman 3. Abu Huzeyfa Bin Outba. 4. Shelet Bint Seid-wife of Abu Huzeyfa. 5. Zubeyr Bin Al-Awam 6. Musab Bin Oumr 7. Abdurahman Bin Awuf 8. Abu Selemah Bin Abdul Ased 9. Amu Selemah- wife of Abu Selmah 10. Ousman Bin Mezun 11. Amir Abin Rebiah-Leader of the group 12. Layla Bint Abi Asmah –Wife of Amir 13. Jafar Bin Abu Talib


In the second migration to Ethiopia (Al-Nejash) there were 83 men and 11 women who started their life in Ethiopia.

How Nejash Treated the Immigrants?

The Quraysh Messengers:

Fearing the spread and preach of Islam in Ethiopia, the Quraysh people send delegates to Ethiopia (Al-Nejash). Two persons were selected.

1. Abdullah Bin Abi Rabiah. 2. Amr Ibne As. They also came up with lots of gift to Al-Nejash and the priests. During this time Abu Talib was disturbed because his son Jafar was in Ethiopia. Therefore, Abu Talib (the Prophet’s (SM) (PBUH) grandfather) sent a message to Al-Nejash in a form of poem, which demanded the safe living of the Muslims in Ethiopia or return back them.

Abdullah and Amr demanded Nejash not to accept those Muslims who betrayed their society and their traditional belief. And the priests supported them because of the gifts that they brought in. The king (Nejash) sent delegates to the Muslims who were living in Ethiopia and Jafar (the spoken person of the Muslims) answered the questions by going in presence to the king.

“We were ignorant, we believed in the gods, we ate dead animals those which are not halal, we performed adultery, we commonly had conflict with our relatives, abuse women, and we didn’t like our neighbors. But Allah (SW) sent us the messenger and made us one under the umbrella of Islam and the Glorious Holy Quran” said Jafar. The king asked Jafar if he has any document, which is given from Almighty God to Mohammad (PBUH).

He said, “YES” and read them “Surah Maryam” from Holy Quran, the chapter of description of Jesus Christ and his Holy virgin mother. King Nejash cried and the Priests also cried and Nejash said, “This has similar source with the message that was brought by Jesus Christ. My religion and your religion Islam are almost same. I am very glad to say that to my 251 council of Ministers, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) followers and relatives may stay in Abyssinia in peace as long as they want. God Bless them”. The film, “The Message, the Story of Islam”

Then, Nejash refused the demands of Amr and Abdullah Bin Rabiah and expel them immediately from Abyssinia. According to sources the king said to them “If you have given a mountain of gold, I would not give up these people who have taken asylum with me”. Then, King Nejash cut of the relation with Abu Sufian who was the Quraysh leader. Considering the actions of that king at that point in time, we can say that, King Nejash is the one who introduced political asylum, care for refugee, human rights protection and care for the human nature irrespective of any prejudice or bias.

Their Relation after Islam achieved Victory:

The relationship between Nejash and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) created a very tight friendly and peaceful relationship between the Muslims and Christians in Ethiopia.

According to several sources the Holy Quran also acknowledged the actions of Nejash. And the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said that: “In the Holy Quran, we found the positive contributions of Christians. It is concerned with king Nejash and his colleagues”.

The Letter Exchanges between King Nejash and the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH):

The relation between King Nejash and the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) has dated back to the early years of the expansion of Islam. Through time there was exchange of messages between the two. Their relation became stronger due to the influence of Amu Aymen and Billal ibn Rabah on the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). One of the letters of the Prophet of Islam reads as follows:

“In the name of Allah the most merciful the most beneficent, from Mohammad the Prophet of Allah to Al-Negashi the king of Al -Habesha


(Abyssinia), greetings I thank Allah the Almighty the all dominating and I witness and testify that Issa (Jesus) is the Spirit of Allah and His (Allah’s) Holy Word (Kun Fia Kun) which He gave to Maryam (Mary) the virtuous, and created Him (Jesus) from His Holy Spirit. And I am inviting you very honestly to accept Islam and become a good Muslim. And rule in peace and prosperity to the Habesh-Abyssinia with peace and believe in Allah the Almighty only without any partner to obey him and follow me and what was revealed to me for I become the messenger and Prophet of Allah. I have sent my cousin designated as a special envoy Jafar and my beloved Muslims. When they come to you, receive them well and stay away from arrogance and call you and your solders to believe in Allah. And I have given my message and may Allah’s blessings fall on those who follow the straight path”.

It is necessary to ask why the Prophet (SM) (PBUH) had chosen Abyssinia. There can be two main explanations. The first reason is the influence of Amu Aymen, a slave Habesha (Abyssinian) woman who shaped and nourished the Prophet during his childhood. According to several sources Amu Aymen is the most important figure to the Prophet of Islam. The second reason is what we can call the “Billal effect”, who was another slave from the same origin and a slave bought by the Arabian king Ummaiya and cunning crown prince Abu Sufian and cunning Princes Hinda, the cruel and unmerciful women at that time. They tried to destroy the kingdom of Islam, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his beloved followers. The Great Billal is the first person to make the prayer call (Azan) for Muslims. He upgraded himself from being an ordinary slave to become commander in chief for the . He was very strong, obedient, brave, and innocent person. He made history and dedicated all of his life to the Prophet of Islam. His works are wake up calls for all the Habeshan people. According to His Eminency Dr. Alam direct descendant of the Prophet of Islam, in the visit of the grave of King Nejash on the 11th of January, 2009, “the Great Billal is now rest in Damascus, Syria”.

Therefore, these two personalities played their own role to influence the Prophet’s perception towards the Habesha (Abyssinian) land. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) directed his followers to left Mecca immediately

253 towards to Abyssinia. The Prophet cousin, the Great Hamza supported this journey which was led by Jafar Bin Abu Talib along with Uthman ibn Affan and Prophet Daughter Rukya and other 121 most influential Muslims left from Mecca to Abyssinia, to King Nejash, who was the Great Christian King who has a knowledge, spirituality, capacity and qualified in all testimony of bible which originated by Almighty from Allah to Jesus Christ. There is a prescription and declaration about Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s arrival with the glorious Holy Quran. The Holy Quran also indicates the human being is a crown creation of God. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim are cousin brothers who are the descendants of Abraham. According to these main religions, Jesus Christ will emerge and co creates heaven on earth with Imam Mahdi (PBUH). King Nejash understood that and in a humble way received the followers of Islam. And with dignity and status and assured them to stay in Abyssinia with peace as long as they want, and he converted to be a Muslim. According to Islamic literatures King Nejash is remembered among the first non-Arab African Muslim next to Billal and Amu Aymen.

His Eminency followers Dr. Selahadin and Dr. Meskerem Melaku (Meryem) to send official proposal to the UN Secretary General from the World Human Rights Council to record King Nejash’s contribution to world as the first political asylum offer. This was the first political asylum in world history. Unfortunately, the UN does not recognize this history. His Eminency argues that, Nowadays 55% of the Ethiopian people are Muslims. In accordance of His eminency Dr. Alam’s statement the Muslims of Ethiopia are neglected politically, officially and mentally by the Christian rulers for the last 1400 years.

There were several letter exchanges between King Nejash and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The letter that was sent to the Prophet from King Nejash stated the following.

“In the name of Allah the most merciful and the most beneficent, to Allah’s Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), from Al-Negash (Abyssinia) Armaha the son of Abhar the king of Al-Habesha (Abyssinia). A greeting, the Messenger of Allah, there is no true God but Allah who guided me to accept Islam. I have received your letter and what you said about Issa. In the name of the 254

God of the skies and the earth that Issa is exactly what you said he is in your letter. And we have received your cousin Jafar, chief of the delegation and his companions, I witness that you are Allah’s Prophet and messenger. In the name of Allah, the Almighty I have sent you my son Arha son of Al Asmha the son of Abhar. If you wish I will come to you myself and I give my word that what I said is the truth”.

What we can see from this letter is that King Nejash has an interest to go and visit the Arabia as a Muslim ruler of Abyssinia. The final seat of King Nejash is found in “Negash” town of northern Ethiopia, which is named after the name of the great king. This town is found in the Plateau of the Wukro area which is located 60 kilo meters north of Mekele town, the capital of the Tigray Regional State. His Eminency visited the area with so much hardship by crossing the road from Addis Ababa to Negash. He Prayed Salatul Zuhur and Asar in the 12 & 13 of January 2009.

Several historic record and findings suggest that, King Nejash came to the south from his Palace which was situated between “Atsbi” (East of Negash) and Hawzien (west of Negash). Negash town is found in exactly equidistant from Atsbi and Hawzien. There are also arguments that King Nejash’s seat was in Aksum, one of the Ancient civilized areas of the world, before he came to the Negash area. This shows the seat of King Nejash was located in the Northern part of Ethiopia. The marching to the south was to cross to the holy city of Mecca. In his last years King Nejash stopped his political leadership and started to serve the Almighty Allah. And he had a plan of fulfilling one of the pillars of Islam by visiting the Holy City of Mecca for pilgrimage. However, King Nejash found the area of Negash comfortable to live with a suitable weather condition. Local residents and religious leaders witness that King Nejash stayed in that area for 15 years. It is in this location that King Nejash’s soul rests in peace. Even if king Negash could not make the journey to the holy city of Mecca, one of his sons was able to reach and reside there. Another son was dead while he was trying cross the Red Sea.

The settlement of King Nejash in the Negash area was accompanied by the Sahabahs who came from the Arabia. The grave of those Sahabahs is found in there. Total of 15 descendants of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) 255 were dead in Negash town, 10 men and 5 women. 12 of them rest together with King Nejash’s body. King Nejash was dead by 630 AD. Three of the Sahabahs rest in the same compound but outside of the house in which King Nejash’s grave is found. The local residents have only the record of the name of those three:

1. Hazrat Mussa Bin Harris 2. Sharif Abdullah 3. Alley Bin Nadla

His Eminency Dr. Alam 43rd decedent of the Prophet, as the capacity of the President of the World Spiritual Assembly and Chief of the Mission of the WHRSC and UNECA Civil Society Representative tried to find out the history of King Nejash. In the month of Muharram 11th January, 2009, after 4 years of search, finally find out the King Nejash’s mosque and grave accompanied by Dr. Selahadin and his secretary Dr. Meskerem Melaku (Meryem), the gift of King Nejash.

Islam and Ethiopia have known each other since the birth of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. Ethiopians were among the first Muslims. This true history has not been recorded and properly handled. Therefore, it is the obligation of every citizen to search for the true history of Ethiopia. This article is just the beginning of the search for this history. It concentrates on the beginning of Islam in Ethiopia. The pioneer to introduce Islam to Ethiopia is the then, powerful Christian king Nejash. We conclude the biography of king Negash, his connections to Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) early years of the spread of Islam, and his influence on the rest of Africa to spread Islam. The King Nejash’s Mosque, found North of Mekele town (10 kms) North of Wukro town, in the Negash town. THE LAST SPEECH OF PROPHET MOHAMMAD (SM) (PBUH):

During the greater part of the 10th Arabic calendar year, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was engaged primarily in sending His emissaries to various Kings and Emperors, also in receiving representatives from

256 different groups. He had also established a system of tax collection from subject nations and groups.

In this year, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) had faced an extremely difficult challenge in His personal life which He overcame through enormous patience and forbearance. His son Ibrahim had passed away at the age of seventeen or eighteen months. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was deeply saddened by his death and wept copious tears sitting next to his death bed.

In time, the 10th Arabic calendar year too was coming to an end, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) made plans to go to Holy Hajj (pilgrimage) that year at the end of the month of Jilkad. His plans were announced to the public. Immediately, a great wave of zeal and preparation came about, and thousands of faithful Muslims made plans to accompany Him to Holy Hajj.

Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) decided to have His family accompany Him. This was His last Holy Hajj, and is thereby known as the “Holy Farewell Hajj.”

On the way, thousands of Muslims joined Him in this historical Holy Hajj. He arrived at Holy Mecca on the fifth day of the month of Jilhaj, with one hundred thousand faithful followers.

Arriving at the gates of Holy Mecca, He sighted the Holy Kaabah Hall. Immediately, His voice was filled with piety and He raised both His hands and began to pray thus: “Oh God! Kindly make this place forever pure and forever great, and ameliorate the happiness and peace, the respect and status of all the believers who come to pray here.” Thereafter, the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) came to the Holy Kaabah with His one hundred and twenty thousand disciples and circled it seven times.

The day of the Holy Hajj arrived. The outskirts of The Holy Kaabah resounded with the praying voices of thousands of believers. What heavenly scene was manifested that day without images, without priests, only the presence of The All Powerful, Formless Creator, His Prophet and the fellow companions (Sahabahs).


The Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) together with the faithful journeyed towards Mount Arafat, in Holy Mecca, where Prophet Adam and his wife Eve first met after being expelled from Heaven and being separated for three hundred and sixty years. Then standing on Mount Meena, facing a vast populace of believers, He uttered the following pronouncement for the benefit of all mankind (the spot where He stood and gave His last speech during His Holy Farewell Hajj, has a structure named “Jabale Rahamat”, to preserve and carry on even today His true and Holy remembrance. This spot is exactly where Prophet Adam and Eve were reunited by the Mercy of God, in reference of beloved Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) Prophet of Mankind & Peace “The First Creation in Heaven”).

“Oh my beloved followers, Listen carefully to what I am about to say today. I fear I will not have the opportunity to be able to meet with you at Holy Hajj again.”

“Oh my fellow Muslims, Forget all the practices of the past dark times, and learn to follow the light of the new path. From today, all the false superstitions, iniquities, injustices and sins of the past are absolved and canceled.”

“Remember that all Muslims are brethren. No one is greater or lesser than the other, and everyone is equal in the eyes of God the Merciful. Do not forget the women. Just as men have rights over women, so too women have rights over men. Do not be unjust to them. Remember you have accepted the women in your life with God as your Witness.”

“Beware! Do not be overzealous about religion. This has brought on the destruction of many other races. Know that the life and possessions of every Muslim is sacred, as sacred as is this day. Each one of your life and possessions is sacred. Beware all Muslims! Do not disobey your leaders. Even if a dutiful habeshi (Abbysinian) slave becomes your ruler, and if he leads you according to the dictates of The Holy Book, follow him without hesitation. Always be just to your vassals and slaves, and do not mistreat them. They should eat what you eat, and they should wear what you wear. Do not forget that they too are human beings.” 258

“Beware! Do not let the sins of idolatry touch you. Do not steal or lie or go into the path of depravity. Keep yourself free from all uncleanness and lead a Holy life; always tell the truth. Remember! One day you too will have to return to the Creator, and on that day you will have to answer to Him for your actions and deeds. Do not boast about your ancestry. The wrath of God will descend upon him who conceals his true origins and boasts of a false ancestry out of pride.”

“Oh my followers, if you follow what I am leaving you, you will never falter. What is this treasure? These are God’s Holy Quran and The Ahle- Bayt.”

(The Ahle-Bayts are the descendants of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) Hazrat Hassan, Hazrat Hossain, Hazrat Fatima, and the Fourth Caliph, The Great Hazrat Ali (Peace Be Upon Them All). “Know for certainty that there will be no other Prophet after me. I am the Last Prophet. Those who are present here are to carry my words I have said today, to other Muslims who are not here.”

His visage became increasingly resplendent with a glow. His voice became deep and gentle with feeling. Looking up at the vaulting sky, He said: “Oh My Creator! My Lord! Have I been able to send Your message? Have I been able to fulfill my duties?”

From thousands of voices, came the words: “Absolutely! Absolutely!” Then with an entreating voice, again He said: “Oh My Lord! bear witness! They are saying that I have fulfilled my duties.” Overcome with feeling and piety, He became silent and His countenance glowed with the light of Heaven.

With this the last Ayat of The Holy Al‐Quran is expressed: “God the Almighty said: “Oh Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)! You have completed your deen (duties) and have fulfilled your nyamet (obligations) towards me. I accept Islam as My true religion, and The Holy Quran is a complete code of human life.” *SURAH Al‐Maaidah:3+

The Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) became silent and meditative briefly. The vast group of believers too became silent. Then He opened his eyes, and with a loving glance toward the faithful, declared: “Farewell”. An 259 unseen and indescribable pain of separation cast its shadow in everyone’s heart.

The sermon ended, and the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) asked Bilal to give the call to prayer. After the call was over, he performed the noon and afternoon prayers, making only two Rakats for each.

When the disc of the sun had disappeared, the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) took Usama (radiallahu 'anhu) up behind him and wended ahead slowly, holding the halter of his camel in a way that his head, lowered in submission to God, almost touched the saddle. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was repeating the Talbia: At Thy Service, O Allah, at Thy Service and asking the people to proceed slowly and gently. He kept raising his voice in Talbia until he came to Muzdalifa. There he ordered Bilal (radiallahu 'anhu) to give the call for prayers and performed the sunset prayer before the camels were rested and unloaded. He recited the night prayer after the camels were relieved and then went to take rest and slept till dawn.

Having performed the dawn prayer early in the morning, the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) mounted on Qaswa and came to Mashar al‐Haram, the sacred site in Muzdalifah, where he faced the Qibla, supplicated God and declared His Greatness until the morning light was clear. Thus he glorified God before the sun had risen. Then he left Muzdalifa with Fadl b. Abbas (radiallahu 'anhu) up behind him on top of his camel, chanting the Talbia all the way. He asked Ibn Abbas (radiallahu 'anhu) to pick up seven small pebbles for Rami Jimar. (73) When he came to the middle of the valley of Muhassar, he urged his camel to go fast and passed the plain quickly for it was the place where punishment was inflicted upon the army of Abraha. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) came to Mina and from there to the Jamratul Aqaba (74) There he threw the pebbles after the sun had fully risen and ended it with the recitation of Talbia.

Returning to Mina, the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) delivered a resolute address in which he dwelt upon the sacredness of Yaum An‐Nahr (75) and the significance Allah has assigned to the day. He elucidated the honor and distinction conferred by God on Mecca over all the cities of the world and 260 called upon the people to follow whoever guided them in accordance with the Book of Allah. Then, asking the people present there to learn the rites of pilgrimage from him, the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) urged them not to revert to the ways of the infidels, beheading one another after him. He asked those present to convey everything he had told them to those who were absent. Thereafter, he said: “Worship your Lord, offer prayers five times a day, and observe fast for a month (in Ramadhan), obey those of you who are in authority and you shall enter the Paradise of your Lord.

The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) also said something to his companions on this occasion which alluded to his valediction and hence the pilgrimage came to be known as the Hujjatul Wada.” The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) then went to the place of sacrifice in Mina and sacrificed sixty‐three camels by his own hand the number of sacrificial camels being analogous to the number of years he remained alive. He ordered Ali to sacrifice the remaining excess number to make up a total of one hundred camels sacrificed in his behalf. The offering having been completed, he sent for the barber, got his head shaved and distributed his shaved hair among the people. Then he returned to Mecca on his mount and went round the Kaba again. After that he came near the well of Zamzam and drank its water without sitting down, and returned to Mina on the same day. He spent the night at Mina where he stayed until the sun had passed the meridian; then he proceeded to stone the Jamrahs and starting from the first one he went on to throw pebbles on the middle Jamrah and finally on the last one. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) delivered two sermons at Mina, one on the Day of Sacrifice which has been mentioned earlier and the next on the day after.

The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) remained at the place to perform the stoning of the Jamrahs on the three days after the Day of Sacrifice, known as Ayyam‐I‐Tashriq. (76) Thereafter he set forth for Medina. (77)

Having arrived at Ghadir Khum, (78) the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) addressed the people again and said: Whoever loves me should love Ali also. O God, hold him dear who is attached to Ali and be hostile to him who bears ill‐will to Ali.(79)The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) stopped over for the night at Dhul Hulaifa. 261

When the outskirts of Medina appeared, he raised his voice to say, Allah is Great, three times and then said, There is no God but Allah. He is One, without any partner, to him belongs the dominion and the praise and He has power over all things. (We are) the returning and the repenting and the submitting and the worshiping; God has fulfilled His promise and helped His bondman and alone routed the confederates. (Zad al‐Ma'ad, Vol. I, p. 249)

The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) entered Medina in the broad daylight.

Eternal Rest

After the religion brought by the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) had been made perfect and complete, God set down the revelation:

“God the Almighty said: “Oh Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)! You have completed your deen (duties) and have fulfilled your nyamet (obligations) towards me. I accept Islam as My true religion, and The Holy Quran is a complete code of human life.” *SURAH Al‐Maaidah: 3+

The Prophet of God (Peace Be Upon Him) had delivered the message truthfully. He had spared no pains nor did any hardship or sacrifice shake him. He had brought up the people who could be trusted to live up to the spiritual heritage of the prophets of God ('alaihimus sallam), who could shoulder the heavy responsibility of carrying the banner of Faith and Truth and to guard the message of God against every interpolation and mutation. God had even affirmed that they were capable of the obligation laid on them in the Holy Quranic verse that says,

“Ye are the best community that hath been raised‐up for mankind, ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah.” *AL‐ 'Imraan 110]

The Holy Quran contained Gods pure and holy truth, the source of inspiration and conviction to these people, which enjoyed the assurance of God from being eclipsed or from undergoing any corruption in its text.


“Verily We reveal the Reminder, and verily We are its Guardian.” [Surah Al‐Hijr 9+

On the other hand, Gods help and victory came to invigorate the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) who saw the people entering the religion of God in large numbers. Delegations from Arab tribes followed one after another in rapid succession to pledge their allegiance to him. The lightning speed or the geometric growth, with which Islam gained converts, promised its victory over all religions of the world. Even God in Surah an‐Nasr made an allusion to the rapid success of Islam.

When Allahs succor and the triumph cometh And thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah in troops. Then hymn the praises of thy Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him. Lord! He is ever ready to show mercy. [Surah An‐Nasr 1‐3+


In the period of The Ummaiyah Dynasty, a ruler named the Great Omar bin Abdul Aziz tried to establish Quranic rule on this planet, but he was immediately murdered. After him, there has been no one who has even tried to establish Quranic administration or Islamic rule in the Islamic countries. Regrettably, since the first four Caliphs (Peace Be Upon Them) till the present time, no country has established a true Quranic administration and constitution. Some Arab countries like Saudi Arabia are playing games in the name of The Holy Quran rule but are not really following the true Quranic administration. The Great Sufi Saint Sheikh Nyamatullah of Kashmir predicted, in His fifty two Persian poems, that there will be no true Quranic administration in contemporary Saudi Arabia. They are using the Quranic administration to further their interest and consolidate their power. According to the prophecy, the so called rulers will be banished from the planet forever and their names will appear as the most oppressive on earth. At the time of the coming of The Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and Christ (PBUH), the Middle East will be the focal point of the legacy of the Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and Jesus Christ (PBUH) peace mission. After the coming of The Imam Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him), the true Quranic administration will be established based on the Holy Al- 263

Quran. At that time the world will be created as Heaven on Earth. People of all colors and races will benefit with peace on earth. This enormously significant event is expected to take place after the year 2020.

The Grandsons of the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH) were Hazrat Hassan (RA) and Hazrat Hossain (RA) who was also the children of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s daughter Fatima (SA) and her husband The Great Ali (RA). These three great personages, Hazrat Hassan (RA), Hazrat Hossain (RA) The Great Ali (RA) from Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s family tried to institute the Quranic administrations, law and order in the Islamic world, following the footsteps of their Prophet (SM) (PBUH). These three Supremely Holy Persons (RA) were also assassinated by their false followers and the fanatic Jews.

Conspiracies, which have started Immediate after Prophet’s Eternal Rest From Earth to Heaven

The ultimate conspiracy against Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and Islam had started right after his departure. Three long days had passed, but unfortunately the power hungry munafiqs of the ummah were seriously involved in quarrel over who will take the leadership of the Ummah. They totally had disregarded the declaration of Ghadir-E-Khum as well as the burial of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH).

Holy Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH) had stated at Ghadir E Khum “He for whom I am His Master & absolute guardian, then ‘Ali is his master & absolute guardian. “O Allah befriend whoever befriends him and be an enemy to whoever is his enemy.”

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) 43rd Direct Descendant from the Holy Prophet States, “The Ghadir E Khumm declaration clearly states if anyone were to replace Prophet’s leadership, its Hazrat Ali (RA) not any one else, Either you side with Hazrat Ali RA and be recognized as part of the Ummah or You don’t and not be recognized as part of the Ummah, hence its unfortunate For Abu Bakar to fall in the trap of Umar and his associates like Talha, Zubair, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur


Rahman Ibn Awf, Abu Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah as well as Abu-Sufiyan and Hinda.

When the Munafiqs finally came to realization that three days had passed, and finally cunning Umar had taken baiyat along with his gangsters such as Talha, Zubair, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Abu Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah, Abu-Sufian under so-called close companion Abu Bakar because of his long term friendship with Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), along with the reason of him leading 17 waqt of prayers while Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was sick on his bed as well as him being the father in law of Prophet.

ONLY Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu Talib was the only person who did not get involved with the chaos and conspiracies but instead he immediately with the cooperation of his two sons Hassan & Hussein (RA) along with his beloved wife Fatima (SA) as well as Bilal (RA), Abu Ayub Ansaari (RA) and other very few prophet’s companions got together and immediate after Prophet’s expiration from this world to Heaven started Prophet’s Holy Funeral program in the room of Prophet’s wife Aisha, which was the Holy Prophet’s Mosque in accordance of his desire.

It was and still very sad to state that, Prophet’s so-called near and dearest influential associates did not consider the Prophet’s direct declaration of Ali being the next Caliph and guardian of islam. His Eminency Dr. Alam 43rd Direct descendant of the Prophet (Author of this book) had elaborately discussed this matter and the misinterpretation of Hadith along with Ayaat 56 of Surah Ahzab in his Book Title: “The Ahlul-Bayt Peace be Upon Them, “The Assassination of Eleven Imams, The Collapase of the Caliphate. ISBN# 97806-15-63451-7.

Figure 30: Book Banner “The Ahlul Bayt” 265

Hazrat Ali (PBUH) was completely silent about the proclamation of leadership. But Hazrat Fatima SA, did not stay silent but opposed the fact that Abu Bakr being the so-called Islam’s leader and self-proclaimed Caliph. She complained about it all her lifetime and challenged Abu Bakr “Oh my father’s near and dearest friend Why did you stay Silent to gain this type of Authority? Those who selected you as Caliph were not true in accordance of my Father’s declaration; however I will not accept you as Caliph at all. You have seized my land (Garden of Dates Tree), which was given to me by my Holy Father as a gift for my devotion and humble service to my father’s new religion”, “why you seized my own property from me? You and your associates will face trial on the Day of Judgment in accordance of my complain at the court of the lord, where my Holy Father will be the Attorney General for Mercy, I will not forgive You”.

Finally Hazrat Fatima (SA) had passed away after six months of the Prophet’s expiration and now resting at Medina (Jannat-tul-Baqi) next to her son Hazrat Hassan (PBUH). Also Hazrat Ali (PBUH) left Medina to Kufa (Iraq) as desired by the Holy Prophet. Later, Hazrat Bilal (RA), Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari along with other true followers of Hazrat Ali (PBUH) proceeded to Kufa, Yemen and Syria. The Great Ali (PBUH) never opposed at all about the leadership of Abu Bakr as Caliph instead helped him a lot to facilitate his administration for one year for the greater interest of Islam.

Point to be noted that, Soon Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will proclaim his emergence and eliminate all the false proclamation of the So-called Muslim Rulers as well as misinterpretation of Hadith by the so-called Imam Bukhari along with other non-arab Hadith compiler and writer. It should be mentioned here that, The Holy Prophet’s Last Farewell Speech at Arafat, land of Holy City Mecca he clearly stated to his beloved followers that, “Oh My followers, If you follow the Glorious Holy Quran along with the great heartiest respect and love towards my Ahle Bayet (Descendant’s of Prophet) (Qitabullah Holy Quran) then you will never be distressed, destroy, misguide or be lost”. But unfortunately the so-called son of Abu Sufiyan, Muawiyah (Son of Bitch) and his successor Yazid ibn Muawiyah had completely illegally Killed Prophet’s family to destroy the REALITY of


ISLAM from this universe, although they did not succeed. But up to today’s world, Majority of the follower of Islam are following the YAZIDI & NAJDI ISLAM (Nawzubillah). So that, the current situation of the World are inviting for the THIRD WORLD WAR with the Almighty God’s destruction.

Please note that, the current Saudi Arabian Monarchy are the follower of Nazdi/Ohabi and YAZIDI ideologies. In accordance of His Eminency Dr. Alam’s prediction that the current King of Saudi Arabia King Salman ibn Abdul Aziz is the last king of Saudi Arabia and Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will be next leader/guardian of the Muslim World accompanied by the Jesus Christ (Hazrat Isa A.) and punish the immoral Prince Mohammad Bin Salman as wells other Princes’ of Saudi Monarchy.

Figure 31: Current Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Along with his Immoral Son Mohammad Bin Salman HISTORY OF MUSLIM RULERS & CALIPHAS AT A GLANCE:

The First and Last Prophet of mankind and peace Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) of Mecca, was born in 570. He was bestowed by Almighty Allah by the Holy Quran as the last and final prophet of mankind in 610 A.D. He worked in Mecca with an aim to establish the Islamic State. At length, it was founded Darul Islam or Islamic State in Holy Medina in the Arabic Month of Rabiul Awal, in the Year 622 AD. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) departed in 632 AD, in Hijri Year 11. The Holy Prophet SM (PBUH) had bestowed his successor-ship to Hazrat Ali (RA) at Ghadir E Khum.


Table 4: Muslim Rulers

Year Caliphs Significance

11–13H Self-Proclaimed So-called Calipha – E – Abu Bakr 632-634AD Rashidun

13-23H Self Proclaimed So-called Calipha – E – Umar Ibn Al-Khattab 634-644AD Rashidun

23-35H Uthman Ibn Affan So-called Calipha – E – Rashidun 644-656AD

The Only Ruler of the Islamic World, Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Bestowed by Prophet Mohammad SM 35-40H Talib (AS) (PBUH), thru declaring Martial Law to 656-661AD Ahlul-Bayt Establish rule of Law and the reality of Islam

From 632 A.D to 661 A.D, under the Muslim Army leader Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (RA) and Hazrat Ali (AS), conquered and occupied Al-Hirah, Damascus, Hims, Balabakk, Basra, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Al

Ahwaz, Al Madain, Jerusalem, Egypt, Iran, Ajarbaijan, Tripoli, Hamajan, Asbahan, many roman territories, Sapur, Tripolitania, Andalus of Spain, Cyprus, Khurasan and Nisapur.

Compelled to sign peace treaty with Hazrat Hasan Ibn 40-41H Mu`awiyya ibn Sufiyan for better interest of Ali (AS) 661-661AD Islam by Conspiracy of Mu`awiyya Ibn Abu- Ahlul-Bayt Sufiyan’s Gangsters

Self – Proclaimed Sufyani Ummayad Bustard Son of Abu Sufiyan So called Hadith 41-60H Empire Writer, Major Contributor of Fitna in Islam 661-680AD Mu`awiyya Ibn Abu- Destroyed the Reality of Islam Sufiyan

Brutally Murdered Ahlul-Bayt Hazrat 60-63H Yazid Ibn Hussain (AS) at the battle of Karbala 680-683AD Mu`awiyya Destroyed The Sanctity of Al-Medinatul Munawara

Marwanid Got the title of “Thread of Evil” from the 63-65H Ummayad Empire People of Medina-tul Munawwara because 683-684AD Marwan Ibn Al- he use to curse Hazrat Ali (AS) from the Hakam pulpit

65-86H Abdul Malik Ibn

684-705AD Marwan


86-96H Walid Ibn Abdul Malik 705-715AD 96-99H Sulayman Ibn Abdul-

715-717AD Malik

He finally stopped the cursing of Ahlul-Bayt from Damascus Mosque, Syria. 99-101H Umar Bin Abdul Aziz Then he was compelled to leave Damascus 717-720AD to Jerusalem but murdered by followers of Yazid ibn Muawaiya

101-125H Hisham Ibn Abdul

724-743AD Malik

126-126H Yazid Bin Al-Walid (An

744-744AD Nakis) 126-127H Ibrahim Bin Al-Walid 744-744AD

127-132H Marwan Bin

744-750AD Mohammad (Al Himar)

During the reign of Ummaiyah Dynasty (Caliphate) Libya, Sudan, Many Territories in Asia, North Africa, roman territories, Tazakhistan, Bukhara and other Regions, Abbasid Empire Sindh and Panjab, the entire Andalus, parts of France, Khawarizim and Samarkhand, Kabul and Tas Territory came under Muslim Rules. 132-136H Abu Abbas Al-Saffah 750-754AD

136-158H Abu Ja’far Al-Mansur 754-775AD

158-169H Al Mahdi 775-785AD 169-170H Al Hadi 785-786AD

Tortured and misbehaved with the Ahlul- 170-193H Harun Ar Rashid Bayt Family members by the conspiracy of 786-809AD his fanatic groups

193-198H Murdered by his Elder Step Brother Al- Al Amin 809-813AD Mamun for the power of the throne


Murdered Many Ahlul-Bayt Family 198-218H Members and compiled many fabricated Al Ma’mun 813-833AD Hadiths in cooperation of Al-Farghani & Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud

218-227H Mutasim Billah 833-842AD

227-232H Wathik Billah 842-847AD

232-247H Mutawakkil Aalallah 847-861AD

247-248H Muntasir Billah 861-862AD

248-252H Mustayeen Billah 862-866AD 252-255H Mutaz Billah 866-869AD 255-256H Muhtadi Billah 869-870AD

256-279H Mutamid Aalallah 870-892AD

The above Caliphs founded the City of Baghdad and the City of Samirra. They also reconstructed Masjid Al Haram. During rule of Caliph Mutasim Billah, in the War to rescue a Muslim Women, 30,000 Roman soldiers were killed by Muslim Force and other 30,000 were arrested. Also, the Amuriah Territory came under Muslim Rule.

279-289H Muaddid Billah 892-902AD

289-295H Muktafi Billah 902-908AD

295-320H Muktadir Billah 908-933AD 320-322H Al Quahir Billah 933-934AD 322-329H Ar Radhi Billah 934-940AD 329-333H Muttakki Billah 940-944AD

333-334H Mustakfi Billah 944-945AD 334-363H Al Muti Lillah 945-974AD


363-381H Al-Tai 974-991AD 381-422H Quadir Billah 991-1031AD

422-467H Quayeem Bi Amrillah 1031-1075AD

467-487H Muktadi Bi Amrillah 1075-1094AD

487-512H Mustazhir Billah 1094-1118AD

512-529H Mustarashid Billah 1118-1135AD

529-530H Ar Rashid Billah 1135-1136AD 530-555H Muqqtafi Li Amrillah 1136-1160AD 555-566H 1160-1170AD Mustanjid Billah

General (Commander-in-Charge) - Uddin Al Ayubi constructed the Wall of 566-575H Mustadhi Bi Amrillah Cairo, defeated the crusaders in the Battle 1170-1180AD Field of Hittin in Palestine. He also made Al Quds and Syria free for Muslims. 575-622H Nasir Li Dinillah 1180-1225AD 622-623H Az Zahir Bi Amrillah 1225-1226AD

623-640H Muntansir Billah 1226-1242AD

640-656H A dinar was coined under his rule Mustasim Billah 1242-1258AD

From 1258 to 1261, there was no Caliph. That time Halaku Khan (Tatar Force) occupied Baghdad and killed 01.60 Millions of Muslims 656-659H along with the Caliph. At length, Al Muzaffar Quds defeated Tatar 1258-1261AD Force in present Palestine. Verily Al Mustansir Billah was the last Caliph of Baghdad. 659-660H Mustansir Billah 1261-1261AD From 1262 to 1301, many Tatar Groups were converted into Muslims. Ibne Al 661-701H Ahmar re-occupied 32 Cities in Andalus of Hakim Bi Amrillah 1262-1302AD Spain. Malik Al Mansur defeated Tatar Force in Syria & rescued Tripoli from occupations of the crusaders.


701-740H Al-Mustakfi I 1302-1340AD 740-741H Wasik Billah 1340-1341AD 742-753H Hakim Bi Amrillah 1341-1352AD 753-763H Moutadid Billah 1352-1362AD 763-785H Mutawakkil Aalallah 1362-1383AD 785-788H Wasik Billah 1383-1386AD 788-791H Mustasim Billah 1386-1389AD

That time Bulgaria came under Muslim 791-808H Mutawakkil Aalallah Rule, France & Germany were defeated by 1389-1406AD Muslims.

808-833H Mustayeen Billah 1406-1430AD 833-845H Muotadhid Billah 1430-1441AD 845-854H Mustakfi Billah 1441-1451AD 854-859H Quayeem Bi Amrillah 1451-1455AD 859-884H Mustanjid Billah 1455-1479AD 884-903H Mutawakkil Billah 1479-1497AD 903-923H Mustamsik Billah 1497-1517AD 923-923H Mutawakkil Aalallah 1517-1517AD

Starting of Usmania Dynasty

923-926H Selim (The First) 1517-1520AD Muslims occupied Belgrade in Yugoslavia, Rudis, Budapest in Hungary, Algeria, Tabriz, Tunisia, Crete Island, South France. Vienna & Malta Island were surrounded by 926-973H Solayman (The Muslims. Austrian & Spainish Soldiers were 1520-1566AD Second) defeated by Muslims. Austria paid Zizia (Non Muslim) Revenue. The largest Church (Hagia Sophia) was converted into Mosque where Caliph Solayman prayed Jumma Salat or Weekly Friday Prayer.

973-981H Selim (The Second) 1566-1574AD


From this period, due to non-joining of 981-1003H Murad (The Third) Caliph himself directly in the battles, the 1574-1595AD Islamic State gradually became weak.

1003-1013H Mohammad (The

1595-1603AD Third) 1013-1027H Ahmed (The First) 1603-1617AD

1027-1028H War between Russia & Muslim State, War Mostafa (The First) 1617-1618AD against entire Europe by Muslims.

1028-1032H Osman (The Second) 1618-1622AD 1032-1033H Mostafa (The First)

1622-1623AD 2nd term 1033-1050H Murad (The Fourth) 1623-1640AD 1050-1557H Ibrahim (The First) 1640-1648AD 1057-1098H Mohammad (The First) 1648-1687AD 1098-1102H Solayman 1687-1691AD

1102-1107H Ahmed (The Second) 1691-1695AD 1107-1115H Mostafa (The Second) 1695-1703AD 1115-1142H Ahmed (The Third) 1703-1730AD Russia and Austria were defeated by 1142-1168H Mahmood (The First) Muslims. Belgrade & many other Territories 1730-1754AD were returned to the Muslims. 1168-1171H Osman (The Third) 1754-1757AD 1171-1187H Mostafa (The Third) 1757-1774AD 1187-1203H Abdul Hamid (The

1774-1789AD First) Napoleon Bonaparte occupied Egypt in 1798. In 1799 Napoleon was defeated in Akka of Palestine. In 1801, Napoleon again 1203-1222H was defeated in Alexandria, Egypt. Britain & Selim (The Third) 1789-1807AD Russia attacked Muslim State. Muslims surrounded Bosporus defeated British & British left Egypt. In 1807, France & Russia signed on Peace Treaty with Muslims. 1222-1223H Mostafa (The Fourth) 1807-1808AD 273

1223-1255H Mahmud (The Second) 1808-1839AD

1255-1277H Abdul Majid (The First) 1839-1861AD

1277-1293H Abdul Aziz 1861-1876AD

1293-1293H Murad (The Fifth) 1876-1876AD 1293-1327H Abdul Hamid 1876-1909AD

War between Muslims and Italians in Tripoli. In the war of Bolkan between Muslims and Greece, Bulgaria & Sarbia, Muslims lost all Bolkan Territories. In the 1327-1336H First World war Muslims were defeated and Mohammad Rashad 1909-1918AD the Islamic State was reduced gradually. Through the Balfour Declaration Promised the undertaking to establish Jewish State for Jews in Palestine by active cooperation of British Empire.

Mohammad Wahid 1336-1341H Uddin 1918-1922AD (The Sixth) Last Ottoman Empire’s Leader destroyed by 1341-1343H Abdul Majid Wahid the British Empire and replaced by Arabian 1922-1924AD Uddin Desert Robber Saudi Monarchy Ibn Saud Al- Abdul Aziz

Abu Bakar was Misguided by Umar To be The First Caliph of So-Called Calipha – E – Rashidun

Why did Abu Bakar, had seized Hazrat Fatima (SA)’s only Date Garden that was given by the Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)? Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) had given this Date garden to Hazrat Fatima (SA), in an Official Deed, signed by the Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), Witnessed by Hazrat Ali RA, Hazrat Hasan, Hussein RA. Abu Bakar had completely destroyed the reality of Islam by proclaiming to be the So-Called First Caliph of Islam and disregarding the Ghadir E Khum Declaration by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad SM (PBUH). He fell into the trap of munafiqs of Islam as well as Self proclaimed second Caliph Umar.


His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) 43rd Direct Descendant of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) asks the following questions to the whole Ummah:

Where did such title Calipha -E- Rashidun or So-Called Ashare-Mubashara came from? And Why?

Whom even given such authority to identify such titles?

Did Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) gave such titles to Abu Bakr, Umar or Uthman?

Did Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) ever declared a list of ten rightly guided Individuals?

Answer is NO.

It is crystal clear that, if you ever commit a crime you must feel the need to hide it, hence such titles came into the limelight of the Muslim Ummah. His Eminency again states that, why is there a need to be recognized as Sunni or Shia? There is none, if you LOVE, RESPECT and HONOR the Great Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as well as his crown Family (Ahle-Bayt) than you do not need any titles like Calipha-E-Rashidun or to be part of the Ashare-Mubashara.

In the Holy Quran Surah Mumin, Allah the Almighty declared the title of “Mumi`n” for Believers Who will enter Jannah in accordance of the Holy Quran Chapter Mumi`n. It is totally needless to proclaim the so-called title “Ashare-Mubashara” to be qualified to enter Jannah. The proclaimers of the so-called “Ashare-Mubashara” titles are Munafiquns, this group are not a Muslim according to their suspicious activities for the Muslim Ummah, during their regimes.

Immoral & Suspicious Activities of Umar, So-Called Second Caliph & Agent of Abu-Sufiyan ibn Harb ibn Ummaiya

During the advent of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s new religion “Islam”, Abu-Sufiyan had hired Umar with 1000 camels to kill the Holy


Prophet. At such gruesome time, On one side it was Abu Lahab ibn Abdul Mutalib and on the other it was Umar, in mecca, So Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) raised his hand to Almighty, “Oh Allah, accept either one of them for the cause of Islam”, Almighty Allah granted Prophet’s prayer by giving a temporary chance to Umar between two gangster of satans, but unfortunately he could not maintain his dignity in Faith and proper rule of Islamic Sharia & Religion. Umar had always shown his dissent to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s decisions. So, One Day Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had asked Umar, “Umar what do you want?” in response Umar replied “You, ya Rasul Allah”, Prophet had asked again, “What do you love the most?” in response Umar replied “I haven’t been able to love you more than myself and my wealth”, Prophet responded, “True, Your Statement is True, Continue your effort, but I know who are you and what do you want”. It may be mentioned here that, If someone wants to attain the outmost imaan, he/she must love Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his Ahle-Bayt more than their own self or anything in this world, in accordance of the Holy Quran.

Upon the Farewell Pilgrimage, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had given a declaration of successor-ship at Ghadir E Khum, in Which munafiq companion Abu Bakar, Umar along with their gangsters like Talha, Zubair, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf was present, but they did not mention or acknowledged such important declaration once for their own interest during the chaos (Saqifah) that took place after Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s departure to heaven. Right after Prophet’s departure under Umar’s leadership in his own house with gangster associates like Talha, Zubair, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Abu Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah by direct influence of Abu-Sufiyan and Hinda started the conspiracy of the Islam’s Successor-ship. They have wasted 48 hours in Umar’s house with no leader being chosen. Finally Umar came into Abu Bakar House again wasting another 24 hours but not once did they think about the Prophet’s Body or the Janazah. Even Ayesha was witness to the Umar’s whole plan and conspiracy.

Finally, He raised his sword and shouted “I take baiyat under Abu Bakar because Abu Bakar led the prayer while Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was

276 on his death bed for 3 days, and he is the father-in-law of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)”, accordingly all the the munafiqs Ayesha, Talha, Zubair, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Abu Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah as well as others swore in their allegiance to Abu-Bakar. It should be noted that, Hazrat Ali RA never attended their so-called counsel. Hazrat Ali RA was always inside the Prophet’s Holy House during this chaos. Unfortunately, Ayesha never attended Prophet’s burial because she was associated with Abu Bakar and Umar’s Conspiracy. After selecting Abu Bakar as the caliph, they finally stormed towards Hazrat Ali RA in Prophet’s house, only to find Hazrat Ali (RA) had already completed the burial of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as desired by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and prophesied during his lifetime.

Important point to note, the following most influential people did not take baiyat (oath of allegiance) to Abu Bakar.

1. Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib 2. Hazrat Abu Ayuub Al-Ansari RA 3. Abu Buraidah Al-Aslami 4. Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari 5. Al-Bara Ibn Azib 6. Hazrat Ali RA 7. Ammar Ibn Yasir 8. Hazrat Bilal Ibn Rabah 9. Fadl Ibn Abbas 10. Farwah Ibn Amr ibn Wadqa Al-Ansari 11. Hazrat Fatima (SA), Hassan Ibn Ali & Hussain Ibn Ali (RA) 12. Hazrat Hudhaifah RA 13. Khalid Ibn Sai’d 14. Salman Parsi

During the So-called Caliphate of Abu Bakar, Umar was the Chief adviser to the administrations. Abu Bakar known to be closest companions of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), unfortunately even he neglected the Ghadir E Khum declaration of Prophet’s successor to be Hazrat Ali RA. When Abu Bakar was poisoned by gangsters of Umar and on his death bed,

277 he had selected “Umar” as his successor to Calipha, by conspiracy of Umar’s Associates.

During the Battle of Ohud, Umar was one of the individuals who broke the ranks of the soldiers to collect booty of the war, leaving Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) totally vulnerable to enemy attacks. When the enemy attacked, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had lost a tooth along with 72 Sahabahs, whom were martyred because of Umar’s conspiracy. It was recorded by Imam Muslim about Hazrat Awais Al-Qarni RA of Qaran, Yemen. He couldn’t meet the beloved prophet due to his service towards his ill mother. When he heard of the incident of Prophet’s lost tooth at the battle of Ohud, Out of Love, respect and honor of the Beloved Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), he took off all of his tooth. Accordingly, During Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in his lifetime, directed Hazrat Ali RA, to find this beloved companion and pass him the Gift of his Personal Spiritual Cloak (Holy Jubba), also directed Hazrat Ali RA to ask Hazrat Awais Al-Qarni to pray for the Muslim Ummah. During the Umar’s Calipha When Hazrat Ali (RA) and Umar set out to visit Hazrat Awais Al-Qarni (RA), Umar was very curious as to Why Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had chosen this Man from Qaran, Yemen for such honorable Gift and Why Not Him. When they finally arrived and met him in his house in Qaran Nagar, Yemen; they waited for him to finish his prayer. Upon finishing his prayer Hazrat Awis Al-Qarni Came to meet them, and asked them “who are you peoples, I am receiving beautiful fragrance from my beloved Prophet of Medina”, And Hazrat Ali RA humbly replied “I am from the Prophet’s Family, and I have a special gift for you From the Holy Prophet”, And than Hazrat Awis Al-Qarni Asked Umar in strong voice, “Open Your mouth Umar, and he did, Upon seeing all of his tooth in place” He reminded him of the Battle of Ohud and showed him his mouth where there were no tooth. That’s the type of Love, Honor and Respect Hazrat Awis Al-Qarni had for beloved Prophet Mohammad SM. Hazrat Awais Al-Qarni’s life teaches us Musims to earn the highest ranks of close companion of the Holy Prophet, by showing such Love, Respect and honor for the beloved Prophet Mohammad SM.

One of the greatest injustice caused by Umar was his decision to replace Khalid Bin Walid as a Commander in Chief of Muslim Army. It is recorded in

278 history, Khalid Bin Walid was known as Sword of Allah “Saifullah” (Title and designation as Commander in Chief of Muslim Army Given by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) for the Battle of Mu’tah) but “how dare Umar siege such power from Khalid bin Walid?” If it wasn’t for Khalid Bin Walid, Islam wouldn’t have reached Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Europe or the Western World. Upon witnessing Khalid Bin Walid’s success, Umar felt fear that he might loose his position as a Caliph because of his own immoral activities. But Khalid Bin Walid felt no shame in letting go of his title as Commander in Chief to a normal soldier like Abu Ubaiyada, because he became a true Muslim and Mumi`n as well as he declared as Commander of Muslim Army, He said, “I had some boundary and limitation, but now I am free of the boundary and limitation”. Accordingly, he continued as simple soldier himself and he conquered many non-muslim territories including Holy Jerusalem. It should be mentioned here that, Umar could never claim the victory of Jerusalem if it wasn’t for Khalid Bin Walid’s bravery and his tactical warfare intelligence. Umar’s entry into Jerusalem was also a eye- wash to the enemy, Umar had fear for his life hence he made himself look like a slave rather a Leader of Muslim Ummah upon entering into Holy Jerusalem gate. Khalid Bin Walid’s only mistake was in the beginning of the advent of Islam and the Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), when fought alongside Abu-Sufian, but he gave all his life to rectify himself. After Prophet’s departure, he was always on the battle field for the cause of spreading Islam. He departed on 642 in Emesa, Syria during Umar’s Calipha. Although he had a dream to being a Shaheed he died a normal death. Islamic History can’t not be written without the mention of Khalid Bin Walid, this small paragraph doesn’t hold the honor to write his legacy.

After Abu Bakar gave his daughter Ayesha to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as a wife. Umar also had a cunning thought that he should also try to attain the title as a Father in law of the Prophet. Hence he got his daughter Hafsa married to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), after her husband died and she became a widow. Hafsa along with Ayesha always made conspiracies against Prophet Mohammad SM. They were so cunning with their activities against Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), that Once Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) left them and stayed at the Mashjid till a verse was revealed, “Why do you forbid yourself from what Allah has made lawful for you? (66:1)”. 279

It is confirmed that, When Self-Proclaimed Second Caliph Umar was injured from assassination attempt, he personally had declared six members “So-called” counsel for the selection of the next Caliph, which consisted of the following “So-callled” munafiq Sahabahs Talha ibn Ubaidullah, Zubair Ibn Al-Awam, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, but to bring legitimacy for such “So-Called” Counsel Umar was compel to add Hazrat Ali (RA) and Uthman for eye-wash. But Hazrat Ali (RA) never accepted such recommendation of Umar, because he had always been the Crown of Ahle Bayt as well as Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) bestowed him as the Calipha-Tul Muslimeeen at Ghadir E Khum. Umar the second Caliph was killed for his misconduct by one of the businessman of Medina name Persian Piruz Nahavandi.

Before the advent of Islam, Munafiq Ummaiyad Clan was very powerful influential clan among the Quraiysh. But after Islam had matured into a strong powerful administration during Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s lifetime Ummaiyad clan’s power had diminished into ashes. It was Umar and followed by Uthman that revived the Ummaiyad clan into powerful cunning force again by appointing all Ummaiyads as well as other immoral Muslim Munafiqs into various important powerful administrative positions.

Amongst most of the heinous crimes of Umar, his ultimate crime was appointing Muawiyah Ibn Abu-Sufiyan to be the governor of Syria. Even though there were several accusations of Muawiyah Ibn Abu-Sufiyan, Umar had always over looked his immoral activities. According to Tabari’s VI History book, “Once Umar had visited Muawiyah Ibn Abu Sufiyan in Damascus to confront him of his activities; unfortunately, Muawiyah always baffled Umar with his so-called wise words. It was very apparent that Umar was helpless against Muawiyah ibn Abu-Sufiyan.

According to His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA), A true Muslim with iman can never be afraid to meet his creator, except if he knows he had done immoral activities that he feels guilty off. And certainly Umar had such fear in his heart when he was dying on his death bed. He asked his Son Abdullah to ask Ayesha to seek permission to be buried next to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). Upon hearing such request Ayesha 280

(Prophet’s divorced Wife) the “so called mother of Muslim Ummah” a title given by Umar himself and Umar’s gang member, couldn’t say no. Moreover, it is crystal clear that their reason to be buried next to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) gives unconditional validity to their so-called Caliphate-ship. As History unfolded their illegitimate Caliphate continued to be filled with lies which were backed by So-called hadiths that were compiled by Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud or Mishkat. His Eminency states the graves of Abu Bakar and Umar should be excavated to move elsewhere in order to make room for Imam Mahdi and Hazrat Isa (PBUH)/Jesus Christ in the time of Imam Mahdi; because of their immoral activities and various crimes against Islam also their so-called invented title Calipha-e-Rashidun as wells as their so-called proclamation of “Ashare-Mubashara”.

Authentic History of Ayesha So-Called “Mother of Muslim Ummah” The Divorced Wife of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH) There are various version of Information regarding Ayesha’s Marriage to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). It is certain that, she was the Third Wife to be wedded to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s first beloved wife Hazrat Khadija Tul-Kubra’s (SA) departure to Heaven caused tremendous heart ache to Holy Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). Prophet had wonderful Love and Honor for his beloved wife Hazrat Khadija Tul-Kubra (SA), for which Prophet didn’t even think to marry for very long time. Upon witnessing such depression of Holy Prophet, some munafiq as well as Abu Bakar Siddique the so-called close companion to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), had roamed around Arabia to find a bride. Unfortunately there were superstitions amongst the Arab to not marry to any Widows. At such situation, one of the munafiq had suggested why Abu Bakar doesn’t marry his daughter (Ayesha) to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). Upon receiving such suggestion, Abu Bakar with his self-ambition the so-called close companion to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), had approached the Holy Prophet and asked “Oh Prophet of Allah, I have a request for you, if you can accept my daughter as your lawful wedded wife, I would be honored”. Upon hearing such request, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) replied “Ya Abu Bakar, are you sure, she is

281 still young as child”, But Abu Bakar insisted strongly. It may be mentioned here that, she was nine years old at the time she was married to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), by the time she was brought into prophet’s house; she had already reached her puberty or physical maturity.

Ayesha had always given Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) hard time. She had jealousy issue with Prophet’s wife Zainab bint Khuzaymah RA, Once she had conspired with Prophet’s fourth Wife Hafsa binte Umar Ibn Khattab to collaborate against Zainab bint Khuzaymah RA; Although Zainab use to be very rich but much older than Ayesha and Hafsa, She would always strive to make the best food for Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). Zainab bint Khuzaymah RA had told Prophet, “Ya rasulallah, All I ask is that, You have breakfast in my house in the Morning”, She use to make a Honey Smoothie drink that Prophet use to love. Out of jealousy Ayesha and Hafsa made a plan to tell the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) that his breath had bad odor after coming from Zainab’s House. This made Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) so angry and asked Ayesha “Oh Ayesha weren’t you the one that said My Sweat use to smell better than Yemeni Fragrance Oil?, Weren’t You the one that collected my sweat to wear around outside?, Now Today I have bad breath?” After that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) left his home stayed in Masjid till Allah the almighty had revealed a verse “Why do you forbid yourself from what Allah has made lawful for you? (66:1)”. Finally they both confessed of their plan against Zainab bint Khuzaymah RA.

Ayesha had lot of hatred and jealousy towards Hazrat Ali (RA) because he always spoken the truth as well as understood all of her cunningness. She could not tolerate the sight of Hazrat Ali RA, Hazrat Fatima SA along with Hazrat Hassan and Hussein RA. Whenever Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), along with Hazrat Ali (RA) would return home from War or other important duties, Ayesha would never greet Hazrat Ali (RA) out of jealousy, there were times she didn’t even greet the holy Prophet because he was accompanied by Hazrat Ali (RA). But Hazrat Fatima (SA), would always wait eagerly for them, she would not ever miss a chance to greet them. When they came from outside she would always bring fresh dates and water for them.


Ayesha’s Close associates were mainly, Talha ibn Ubaidullah, Zubair Ibn Al- Awam, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf. All four of them along with other influential munafiqs like Abu Sufiyan, Hinda and their son Muawiyah Ibn Abu Sufian, Abdullah Ibn Ubaiyy as well as Marwan Ibn Hakam were involved in most of the conspiracy in Mecca and Medina that took place during Prophet’s lifetime as well as after Prophet’s departure. After Prophet’s departure she would go to Mecca in the name of Pilgrimage which was sponsored by the State treasury to meet Abu Sufiyan, Hinda as well as others to conspire against Hazrat Ali (RA).

Ayesha was also direct influence and witness to the conspiracy that kept Hazrat Ali RA from being The First and the rightful successor to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s successor-ship, which Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had declared at the Ghadir E Khum. She directly conspired with her father Abu Bakar and Umar along with Talha ibn Ubaidullah, Zubair Ibn Al- Awam, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Abu Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah right after the Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s departure to heaven. Certainly, Ayesha was direct witness and collaborator to the Umar’s whole plan and conspiracy to ignore the Ghadir E Khum declaration by Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH).

Ayesha’s ultimate conspiracy and heinous crime was the Battle of Camel, which took place in direct involvement of her close associates like Talha ibn Ubaidullah, Zubair Ibn Al-Awam, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf. She was so cunning that she totally disregarded Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s prophecy. Before Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s departure, in presence of Abu Bakar, Hazrat Ali RA, Hazrat Fatima SA Prophet called in Ayesha and stated “In my absence one of my misguided wife will cause great Fitna that would cause the destruction of this Ummah, at that time, I am giving Ali My son-in-law the authority to divorce that misguided wife”, Prophet SM (PBUH) Signed and Sealed the declaration and handed it over to Hazrat Ali RA. Ayesha asked Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) “How will we know who will be that misguided wife”, In response Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) responded, “When that misguided wife goes on a caravan and rest near Basra at a place called Haw’ab, and She will hear 22 dogs bark at the same time”. However, this

283 incident did in fact take place when she conspired with Talha ibn Ubaidullah, Zubair Ibn Al-Awam and Marwan Ibn Hakam on the Battle of Camel for suspecting Hazrat Ali RA for the Murder of Uthman. Unfortunately Ayesha was misguided by her associates like Talha and Zubair upon hearing the dogs barking, they conveyed it wasn’t 22 dogs it was only 6, so she continued with her caravan to the Battle of Camel. And Finally, when she was confronted by Hazrat Ali (RA), and Hazrat Hasan (RA) read out Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s divorce declaration she was reluctant to head back to Medina. His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) states, How can Ayesha be considered to be Prophet’s wife after such declaration, in fact she was not Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s wife. After the Battle of Camel, this brought over 20000 Muslim casualties along with such division in the Muslim Ummah, which still to this day could not be recovered and certainly will not be recovered until the arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and reemergence of Jesus Christ (Prophet Isa) (PBUH).

There are over 5000 fake hadiths that were transmitted in the name Ayesha the so-called “mother of the Muslim Ummah”, along with Abu Huraira (Father of Cat). Because of their close companionship along with their gangsters like Abu Sufiyan, Hinda, Muawiyah Ibn Abu Sufian, Umar Ibn Khattab, Talha ibn Ubaidullah, Zubair Ibn Al-Awam, Saad Ibn Waqqas, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf they were able to declare titles such as “Calipha E Rashidun” along with “Ashare-Mubashara” as authentic but in reality those titles were the ultimate Bida’h for the Muslim Ummah. An Important point to note, Ayesha was married to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) at the age of 9 and at the time of Prophet’s departure she was merely 18 years old, She was definitely physically mature but under no circumstances it is acceptable to comprehend that she understood the Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s decisions in Religious jurisprudence, Sharia or Spirituality to have such authority to transmit those so-called hadiths. It should be noted that, after her death it was Abu Huraira (Father of Cat) that prayed her Janazah and none of the Prophet’s close family members were present during her Janazah.


Ayesha the “so called mother of Muslim Ummah” a title given by Umar was permitted to be buried inside Prophet’s House. It may be mentioned here that, How can Ayesha give such permission to Umar or her father to be buried next to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). She did not inherit the whole house of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), there was also other wives of the Prophet as well as Hazrat Fatima (SA) whom are the legal inheritor of Prophet’s property. This action of Ayesha is totally illegal.

His Eminency states the grave of Ayesha should be excavated from Prophet’s Wives grave area in Jannatul Baqi in the time of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), since she does not hold the title of Holy Prophet’s wife because she was divorced.

The above information gathered and collected from the resources of His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA), 43rd direct descendant from the Holy Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). His Eminency States, there is no Sunni, Shia, Selafi, Wahabi, Tabhlighi, Jamate-Islami, Ahle-Sunnah Al Jamah or any of the 72 sects. All you need is to LOVE, RESPECT and HONOR the Great Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as well as his crown Family (Ahle-Bayt) to be accepted by Almighty Allah.

Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s wives and their characteristics

List of Prophet’s Wives:

1. Khadija Tul-Kubra binte Khawylid SA – Meccan Quraysh

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) married her when she was a widow, when she was at the age of 40. She was married twice, but both of her previous husbands had passed away. She had two daughters, she was the ONLY billionaire in the Arab world at that time, but she had no peace. When she decided she would not marry again due to the Arabic Superstitions. During her father’s last days he made her promise to remarry again. After her Father had passed away she became totally alone, and she met up with one of her cousin name Waraqa ibn Nafal a Priest to consult about her marriage. He instructed her to meet heavenly man named “Mohammad” (Prophet SM (PBUH)), to whom she suddenly fell in love with. She was the most beloved out of all the wives of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), Hazrat Fatima SA was also their child. If it wasn’t for Hazrat Khadija Tul- 285

Kubra (SA), Islam probably wouldn’t be as established as it is today. She played the important anchoring role for the advent of Islam and Holy message of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), Didn’t marry for long time due to her departure to heaven. It may be mentioned here that, She was the only wife that Prophet really loved and honored, all the other wives that prophet married were for all different reasons or Allah’s direct directions.

2. Sawdah bint Zam’ah ibn Qays RA – Abyssinian

After five years Prophet (PBUH) finally married Sawdah, who was a widow and had a child, to Look after Hazrat Fatima SA. She was one of most kind and charitable wife of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). She was still alive when Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) had departed. She died at very end of Umar’s Calipha.

3. Ayesha Binte Abu Bakar – Meccan (Divorced)

She was queen of all conspiracies and brought a complete destruction to the True Islam. She was 9 years old when prophet married her. Later she was divorced by Hazrat Ali (RA), a power of authority given by Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), in presence of Abu Bakar and Hazrat Fatima SA because of her conspiracy of Battle of Camel against Hazrat Ali (RA). She lived for another 40 years after Prophet Mohammad SM’s departure and played huge role in opposing Ghadir E Khum declaration.

4. Hafsa binte Umar ibn Khattab (RA) – Meccan

She was a widow, and married to Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) when she was 19 years old. It was thru her Umar had family ties with Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). She wasn’t as cunning as Ayesha. But she always conspired with Ayesha against Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). She was married to Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) for 8 years, and she lived another 34 years. Although she didn’t directly support Ayesha in the Battle of Camel, she also didn’t oppose Ayesha.

5. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah RA – Abyssinian

She was a widow; she was one of the wives that wasn’t a Quraysh. She was only married to Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) for a year and she passed away.

6. Umm Salamah bint Abi Umayyah RA – Meccan 286

She was married to Abu Salamah first. They were among the early converts to Islam. They were tortured very severely by the Quraysh. Later they migrated to Medina after Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s instruction. After Abu Salama was seriously injured in the battle of Ohud, he prayed for her to be married with better man than him, hence Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) married her on fourth Hijri. She was one of most intelligent wife of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). She acted as Prophet’s adviser to construct the treaty of Hudhaybia. She also played a huge role during the Battle of Camel against Ayesha. She was a strong supporter of Hazrat Ali RA. She also had her son fight in the ranks of Hazrat Ali RA against Ayesha. She died at the age of 84 in 64 hijri. She was buried in Jannatul Baqi next to all the other Prophet’s wives.

7. Juwayriyya bint al-Harith (RA) – Meccan

After the Muslims Battle with Banu Mustaliq, Muslims had captured the whole Banu Mustaliq Tribe. There was only one casualty whom was the husband of Juwairiyya bint al-Harith. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) married her and set her free. Upon seeing such action by Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), the entire clan of Banu Mustaliq let their wife live free and converted to Islam. She continued her life as pious Muslim and always use to indulge herself in prayers. She died in 50th hijri, long after Prophet’s departure.

8. Zaynab bint Jahsh (RA) – Meccan

The Marriage between Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and Zaynab Binte Jahsh has been directly commenced by the Almighty Allah. At first, she was married to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s adopted Son Zayd Ibn Harith, but that marriage didn’t work out due each of their social status. After their divorce and She Completed her waiting period. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) received revelation to marry Zaynab (al-Ahzaab 33:37). She was amongst the pious wife of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH), she passed away during Umar Calipha.

9. Umm Habiba Ramla bint Abu Sufyan (RA) – Meccan

She was amongst the early converts to accept Islam. She was first married to Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh. After the Quraysh persecution they had migrated to Abyssinia, they had a daughter. Unfortunately, Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh converted to Christianity which led her to divorce. She continued to lead a simple life, made several dua to have better husband. Finally, in the first

287 hijri Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) had sent proposal to marry her because of her lonely situation. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was kind enough to consider her situation. At the wedding Abyssinian Christian King Negus had given 400 dirhams of dowry. She had migrated to Medina in 8th Hijri.

10. Maria al-Qibtiyya (RA) – Egyptian

She was an honorable and respectable woman; she was princess of Egypt, She was sent as Gift to Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). After their marriage she only spent three years of her life with the Holy Prophet (PBUH), they had a Son named Ibrahim. Unfortunately, Almighty Allah brought him back to Heaven, while the munafiq’s were disrespecting the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH); Allah Revealed “Indeed, We have granted you, [O Mohammad], al-Kawthar. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone+. Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off” (Holy Quran 108:1-3). After Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH)’s departure, she had lost the two most important people in her life. She lived five years after Prophet’s departure. She died in 16 AH and she was buried in Jannatul Baqi.

11. Safiyyah bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab (RA) – Medinan

She was from Jewish tribe Banu Qurayza. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) married her after the battle of Khaybar. After converting to Islam, she continued to be pious and faithful believer.

12. Maymuna bint al-Harith (RA) – Meccan

She married Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) in 7th Hijri. She was widow as well. She was amongst the pious wife of Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH). Prophet Mohammad SM (PBUH) married her upon Maymuna’s request. Almighty Allah had revealed verse “Any believing woman who dedicates herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her, that is only for thee and not for the believers. (Holy Quran 33:50).

13. Rayhana bint Zayd (RA) – Medinan

She was from Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir, She was married to a man from Banu Quraiyza. When the Muslims defeated Banu Quraiyza, her husband died, hence she became a Widow and prisoner of War. But Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) Set her free and later married her after she became Muslim.


HAZRAT ALI Ibn ABU TAALIB (RA) 'Ali ibn Abee Taalib was the cousin of the Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him as well as his son‐in‐law because of his marriage to Fatima (SA) the daughter of the Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him. He entered the religion of Islam when he was only nine years old and he was the first boy to accept Islam. 'Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) emigrated from Mecca to Medina and he fought alongside the Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him in the Battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, the Battle of Al‐ Khandaq and all of the other battles except for the Battle of Tabuk because the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him ordered him to stay with his family. Moreover, in many of the battles, the Messenger of Allah gave 'Ali the responsibility of carrying the flag of the Muslim Army and he became well known for his valor and bravery.

THE MIGRATION OF 'ALI IBN ABEE TAALIB (RA) FROM MECCA TO MEDINA Ibn Ishaaq said: "And ('Ali) was the last of the Muslims to arrive in Medina because the Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him ordered 'Ali to stay behind and sleep in his bed (in order to deceive the pagan Arabs of the Quraysh and delay their pursuit of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him).

THE VIRTUES OF 'ALI IBN ABEE TAALIB (RA) In a hadith narrated upon the authority Sahl ibn Sa'd (May Allah be pleased with him) who said: "On the day of Khaibar, the Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him said: "Tomorrow I will give this flag to a man through whose hands Allah will give us victory. He loves Allah and His Messenger, and he is loved by Allah and His Messenger." The people remained that night wondering as to whom would be given (the flag). In the morning the people went to the Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him and every one of them was hopeful to receive (the flag). The Prophet said: "Where is 'Ali ibn Abee Taalib?" It was said: "O Messenger of Allah he is suffering from eye trouble." He said: "Send for him." 'Ali was brought and the Messenger of Allah spat in his eye and invoked good upon him and 'Ali was cured as if he never had any trouble. Then the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him gave him the flag. 'Ali said: "I will fight them until they become like us." The Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him said: "Proceed and do not hurry. When you 289 enter their territory, call them to embrace Islam and inform them of Allah's rights which they should observe, for by Allah, even if a single man is led on the right path (of Islam) by Allah through you, then that will be better for you than the nice red camels."

His Characters were a comprehensive and graceful account of the noble qualities, merciful disposition and distinctive traits of the 'prophet's character has been left by Hind b Abi Hala. He says: Whatever he said, it was always explicit and in plain terms. His speech was never long‐winded nor unnecessarily concise. He was kindhearted and soft‐spoken, never harsh or cool in his behaviour. Neither he humiliated anyone nor did he like to be treated with disrespect. He always had appreciated every provision; even if it was small in quantity he never deprecated it. As for the edibles he never disapproved nor praised ; nor he showed anger about anything of the world or what it stands for. However, whenever one failed to meet one's obligation to God, nothing could cool down his indignation until he had paid back in full measure. But, for the wrongs that were done to him, he would never become angry.

"When he pointed out something, he did so with his whole hand; and when he was astonished he turned his hand over. In speaking with another man, he would strike the palm of the left on the thumb of his right hand. Angry, he would avert his face; joyful, he would look downwards. His laughter was but a smile, and when he laughed, his teeth used to appear white as hailstones."

"He was predisposed to refrain from unseemly language, curses and revilings and deeds shameful; in no wise he said or did anything improper; he never raised his voice in a market place, nor returned evil for evil; rather, he was given to forgive and forget. Never in his life he laid his hands on anyone except in a fight for the sake of God, nor did he ever strike anybody with his hand, neither a servant nor' a woman. I never saw him exacting retribution for any offence or excess expecting when the honour of God was concerned or the limit set by Him was transgressed, in which: case he would be more enraged than anybody else. If he had the choice between two courses, he would choose the easier one, When

290 he came to his house, he behaved like a commoner, cleaned his garments, milked the sheep and performed the household chores.

"Hazrat Ali (RA) was not given to idle talk; he spoke only when he was concerned and comforted the people instead of giving them a scare through his speech. If a man of rank or nobility called upon him from another tribe, he showed him due honour and appointed him to some respectable post. He was always as cautious in his dealings with the people as he was overcareful in forming an estimate about them, although he never denied anyone his courtesy and sweet temper. He kept his companions always posted with the events and happenings and used to ask them about their affairs.

"He commended what was good and deprecated what was bad or vile; strengthened the one and weakened the other; was always moderate and steadfast without going back and forth; never allowed anything to escape his attention lest others should become negligent or get distracted; took care to possess the means for meeting every contingency; and was never found wanting in doing what was right and proper but in no wise he ever exceeded the limits. Those who kept his company were all virtuous; he was the best in his estimation who was the most benignant and courteous to all; and he was the most esteemed in his eyes who excelled others in benevolence and kindliness and in doing a favour to others. Hazrat Ali (RA) would stand up with the name of God on his lips and so he sat down. Wherever he went, he sat down in the rear and instructed others to do the same. He paid such attention to everyone attending his meetings that everybody thought that none attracted his notice like himself. If anybody asked him to sit down or spoke of his affair, the Apostle listened to him patiently and gave heed to him until he had finished his talk and departed. If anybody asked for something or wanted his help, he never allowed him to leave without disposing of his business or at least comforted him with words kind and sweet. Such was his grace and kindness to one and all that everybody took him as his father. In regard to what was right and proper he regarded all on the same plane. His were the gatherings of knowledge and edification, of seemliness and modesty, of earnestness and probity. Neither anybody talked in a loud

291 voice, nor censured others, nor cast a reflection on anybody, nor found fault with others; all were equal on even ground, and only those enjoyed a privilege who were more pious and God‐fearing. In his meetings, the elders were held in reverence, the young ones were treated kindly, those in need were given preference by all and the wayfarers and strangers were afforded protection and looked after." Further he says: "Of cheerful disposition, the Apostle of God was always bright and radiant; he was tenderhearted and sweet tempered; not stern by nature, he never spoke harshly; nor was he accustomed to speaking loudly; nor to saying anything unseemly or lewed; nor yet he found fault with others; he was not stingy or miser; if he disliked the request made to him, he simply ignored it and instead of refusing it outright he gave no reply. From the three things he always kept aloof; one was squabble, the other, arrogance, and the third, dabbling in a futile task. And, the three things he spared others were that he never spoke ill of anyone, nor maligned anybody, nor pried into anyone's failings. He gave tongue only to the things which were decent. When he spoke all those present listened to him attentively lowering their heads as if birds were sitting on their heads. Others spoke only when the Apostle had finished his talk, nobody joined issue with others in his presence and when anybody said something others kept quiet until he had finished his talk.

Hazrat Ali (RA) used to smile on the remarks which made others laugh and expressed surprise over things which astonished others. He always gave heed to the wayfarers and used to put up patiently with the rudeness of strangers until his companions diverted the attention of such persons. He used to say: 'Help those whom you find in need.' He gave ears only to such tributes as were modestly worded and never interrupted nor cut in the talk of others. If anybody exceeded the limits, he either forbade him or got up to cut short such prattle.

"He was the most generous, kindhearted, truthful, clement, lenient and amiable.

One who saw him for the first time was overawed, but when one kept his company and came to know him intimately, one became attached to him like an inseparable companion. Those who had seen him say that they 292 never saw a man like him either before or after him May God have peace and blessings on Him."

God had endowed him with an impressive personality. His features displayed a harmonious blending of a lovely elegance and grace, sublime splendour and impressiveness. Stated by Hind b Abi Hala, "He was self ‐ respecting, graceful and splendid pleasing to the eyes set on him. His face had the brilliance of a full moon." The Conspiracies at the Time of Holy Quran Compilation with The Great Hazrat Ali (RA) To His supreme sacrifice, somehow in Medina Great Ali (PBUH) met up with Abu Bakr and showed him the large skinned Book of Glorious Quran, written by Ali (RA) after the lifetime of Prophet (PBUH) in order the way Quran was revealed with the chronological order of Makki and Madani Surah, which is not available in the current Quran. Aged Abu Bakr took up upon his shoulder by the Munafek whom was his adviser at the time of his Caliphate. Accordingly, he was misguided by his advisors and he disrespected also disregarded most honorable and knowledge great Ali (PBUH). Also Prophet’s youngest daughter Fatima (SA), wife of Ali (PBUH) also died with angriness towards the first Caliph Abu Bakr’s activities; So that, Ali (PBUH) was planning to leave Medina to go Kufa after 6 months of Prophet’s departure to avoid all the confrontation from infant stage of Islam. It is clear that, Munafeks voluntarily were active against the reality and the truth of Islam by the so‐called followers and revolutionary group and so called supporter and Caliphs of Islam Abu bakr, Umar and Uthman.

By this time, Abu Bakr have died with his one year term of his Caliphate, Umar Ibn Khattab became the next Caliph by Abu Bakr’s decision. During his long Caliphate time of Islamic history he did not pay any attention towards the compilation of Holy Quran, because he knew that this glorious matter was well kept with great Ali (PBUH) at the time of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). And Umar knew about this confidential matter of the glorious Holy Quran.


In Hijri 45, Umar Ibn Khattab was killed by the Munafekun of his near and dearest follower. They again and again disregarded Ali (PBUH) by the Ummaiya Dynasty’s leader Muawiyah by whom selected Uthman Ibn Affaan so ‐ called Calipha of Islam. The conspiracy of Ummaiya dynasty which was long reigns during the time of Prophet. The cunning culprit Marwan, a close relative of Uthman was appointed as his Chief Secretary. This culprit with his cunning group of Ummaiya completely destroyed the real truth of Islam. Finally, they also killed Uthman then Ali (PBUH) was furious and had no choice but to establish the true Islam religion by declaring martial Law under his direct guidance of Muslim Army to reconstruct and redevelop the Islamic World. He was the active Muslim leader for four years. Finally, Ummaiya leader bastard Muawiyah declared a war against Hazrat Ali (PBUH) with his 164,000 so called army at the Battle of Siffin. There were strong fights for three nights and three days at the battle of Siffin near border of Syria. Bastard Muawiyah made a very big conspired game with the book of Almighty to the great Ali (PBUH). He had put the Holy Quran on top of the Sphere and Shouted “Ali Do you not believe this Quran?” (Hazrat Ali was the witness to almost all the Holy Quran Ayats that were revealed to Holy Prophet, but He understood the game of Muawiyah) So, Upon witnessing such incident Hazrat Ali (RA) replied “Muawiyah I do not Believe “That” Quran of yours”, Upon hearing this many of the fighters from Hazrat Ali’s rank moved away, later they were titled the “Kharijites”. And those Munafek group (30%) of Ali’s Soldier at the battle filed accused Ali (PBUH) and charged why he were fighting with Muawiyah.

Cunning Muawiyah had signed a treaty with great Ali (PBUH) that Ali (PBUH) will stay as the Fourth Caliph of Islam till he die and after that, in accordance of that treaty Muawiyah would be next Caliph of Ali (PBUH). After that, grandsons of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) the Great Hassan & Hussein (PBUH) would be next Caliph of the contemporary Islam world. But there is neither room nor chance for the bastard son of Muawiyah Yazid (Kullu Shaitan) to be selected as Caliph. Cunning Muawiyah very soon had broken the treaty already in the Hijri 60‐61, by killing Ali (PBUH) in the time of prayer at the Kufa, Mosque, and than he killed all of the Prophet’s grandsons Hazrat Hassan Ibn Ali and Hussein Ibn 294

Ali. As a punishment from Almighty Muawiyah’s horse had betrayed him threw him off his shoulder and killed him. But the conspiracy of Ummaiya delimma was continued by Muawiyah’s bastard son Yazid.

In four years of Ali’s Caliphate time, he could not succeed to pay attention to Print Quran for the distribution to the large number of Muslim community. By this time after assassination of Ali (PBUH), the bastard Yazid became self proclaimed Caliph. The whole Muslim world’s armies were under his command. Finally, he invited Hazrat Hussein (PBUH) towards Kufa by writing 12000 letters from Kufa and Karbala. That was the last conspiracy of the Munafekun. Together the river Euphrietes and Tygris of Karbala Hazrat Hussein AS was surrounded by the 22000 armies of Yazid, but there were only 82 members of Prophet’s descendants with Hussein (PBUH). One garrison army of Yazid consisting 22000 Munafek Army of Yazid praying together under the leadership of Ibn Zia governor of Kufa and on the other hand in the camp of Hazrat Hussein (PBUH) there were only 82 members. They destroyed the Hussein (RA)’s army including his child except his teenaged boy Zainal Abideen; because of his illness he was saved. The tragedy of Karbala had ended by the supreme sacrifice Hazrat Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his family members and some army.

The great Sufi Saint of Baghdad “Bab A Shiekh” Ghauthul Al-Azam Hazrat Abul Qadir Zilani (RA) and grant Sufi master of Qaderia Sufi order. Another Sufi saint of Azmir India Hazrat Khaza Mainuddin Chisti (RA) stated that, “The Yazid is not a human being, but he is a lier, bastard so that, he can achieve false proclaimation of Caliphate by killing Hazrat Hussein (PBUH). Today Shiya, Sunni complexity arrived in Islamic world by the Ummaiya Dynasty. These processes have been acknowledged and strengthen by the Abbassiya Caliph Al‐Mamun to introduce false Hadith by the bastard Abu Huraira and Bukhari. The prophet grandson and Ali could not succeed to establish the true Islam and its reality. We are trying to present here, the true history of Islam for the inhabitants of this Universe. Please read carefully and understand the reality of Islam.

It is clear that, there is no any special group of sects in Islam. During the time of cunning Muawiyah and his son Yazid also a group of misguided 295

Ummaiya Caliphs made a long term conspiracy to destroy the Islam for their own interest, they had created among the real Muslim sects like Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, Selafi by the patron ship of devil with active support of fanatic Jews and Christians. In accordance of Holy Quran there should be no sects in Islam. Islam considers the glorious Holy Quran and Ahle Bayet as a complete code of human life. Imam Mahadi (PBUH) the last Imam of Islam will lead the humanity with the Holy Quran by the active cooperation of Prophet Isa (PBUH). There is no dispute among Muslim scholars, whether they are Sunni or Shia, concerning the fact that the Commander of Believers, Ali (PBUH), possessed special transcript of the text of Holy Quran which he had collected himself, and he was THE FIRST who compiled Holy Quran. There are a great number of traditions from Sunni and Shia which states that after the death of the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH), Imam Ali (PBUH) sat down in his house and said that he had sworn an oath that he would not put on his outdoor clothes or leave his house until he collects together the Holy Quran.

There are also traditions from the Imams of Ahlul Bayt which tell us that this was done by Imam Ali (PBUH) by order of the Holy Prophet (See al‐ Bihar, v92, pp 40‐41, 48, 51‐52).

This transcript of Holy Quran which compiled by Imam Ali (PBUH) had the following unique specifications: a) It was collected according to its revelation, i.e., in the order in which it had been sent down. This is the reason that Muhammad Ibn Sireen (33/653 ‐ 110/729), the famous scholar and Tabi'i (disciples of the companions of the Holy Prophet), regretted that this transcript had not passed into the hands of the Muslims, and said: "If that transcript were in our hands, we would found a great knowledge in it." Sunni References: ‐ at‐Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101 ‐ Ansab al‐ashraf, by al‐Baladhuri, v1, p587 ‐ al‐Istiab, by Ibn Abd al‐Barr, v3, pp 973‐974 ‐ Sharh Ibn Abi al‐ Hadid, v6, pp 40‐41 ‐ al‐Tas'hil, by Ibn Juzzi al‐Kalbi, v1, p4 ‐ al‐Itqan, by al‐ Suyuti, v1, p166 ‐ al‐Sawa'iq al‐Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al‐Haythami, Ch. 9, Section 4, p197 ‐ Ma'rifat al‐Qurra' al‐kibar, by al‐Dhahabi, v1, p32


It is according to this transcript that Sunni scholars relate that the first Chapter of Holy Quran which was sent down to the Prophet (PBUH) was Chapter al‐Iqra (al‐Alaq, Ch. 96). Sunni References: ‐ al‐Burhan, by al‐ Zarkashi, v1, p259 ‐ al‐Itqan, by al‐Suyuti, v1, p202 ‐ Fathul Bari, by Ibn Hajar al‐Asqalani, v10, p417 ‐ Irshad al‐sari, by al‐Qastalani, v7, p454 As you know the Chapter al‐Alaq is not at the beginning of the present Holy Quran. Also All Muslims agree that the verse (5:3) was among one of the last revealed verses of Holy Quran (but not the very last one), yet it is not toward the end of the present Holy Quran. This clearly proves that although the Holy Quran that we have available is complete, it is not in the order that has been revealed. These few misplacements were done by some companions on purpose at worst, or out of ignorance at least. It was for this reason that the Commander of Believers, Hazrat Ali (PBUH) frequently stated in his sermons:

"Ask me before you lose me. By Allah, if you ask me about anything that could happen up to the Day of Judgment, I will tell you about it. Ask me, for, by Allah, you will not be able to ask me a question about anything without my informing you. Ask me about the Book of Allah, for by Allah, there is no verse about which I do not know whether it was sent down at night or during the day, or whether it was revealed on a plain or in a mountain."

Sunni References: ‐ al‐Riyadh al‐Nadhirah, by al‐Muhib al‐Tabari, v2, p198 ‐ at‐Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101 ‐ al‐Isabah, by Ibn Hajar al‐ Asqalani, v4, p568 ‐ Tahdhib al‐Tahdhib, by Ibn Hajar al‐Asqalani, v7, pp 337‐338 ‐ Fathul Bari, by Ibn Hajar al‐Asqalani, v8, p485 ‐ al‐Istiab, by Ibn Abd al‐Barr, v3, p1107 ‐ Tarikh al‐Khulafa, by al‐Suyuti, p124 al‐Itqan, by al‐Suyuti, v2, p319 b) This transcript contained commentary and hermeneutic interpretation (Tafsir and Ta'wil) from the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH) some of which had been sent down as revelation but NOT as a part of the text of Holy Quran. A small amount of such texts can be found in some traditions in Usul al‐Kafi. These pieces of information were the Divine commentary of the text of Holy Quran which were revealed along with Quranic verses. Thus the commentary verses and Quranic verses could sum up to 17000 verses. As Sunnis know, Hadith al‐Qudsi (the


Hadith in which the speaker is Allah) is also direct revelation, but they are not a part of Holy Quran. In fact Holy Quran testifies that anything that Prophet said was (either direct or indirect) revelation (See Holy Quran 53:3‐4). The direct revelation includes the interpretation/commentary of the Holy Quran.

In addition, this unique transcript contained the information from the Holy Prophet about which verse was abrogated and which was abrogating, which verse was clear (Muhkam) and which was ambiguous (Mutashabih), which verse was general and which was specific. c) This unique transcript also contained references to the persons, places etc., about which the verses were revealed, what is called "Asbab al‐Nuzul". Since the Commander of Believers was aware of these facts, he frequently said: "By Allah, no verse has been sent down without my knowing about whom or what it was revealed and where it was revealed. My Lord has gifted me with a mind which has a quick and retaining understanding, and atongue which speaks eloquently." Sunni References: ‐ Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu'aym, v1, pp 67‐68 ‐ at‐Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101 ‐ Kanzul Ummal, by al‐Muttaqi al‐Hindi, v15, p113 ‐ al‐Sawa'iq al‐Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al‐Haythami, Ch. 9, Section 4, p197

After he compiled this transcript, Imam Ali (PBUH) took it and presented it to the rulers who came after the Holy Prophet, and said: "Here is the book of Allah, your Lord, in the order that was revealed to your Prophet." But they did not accept it and replied: "We have no need of this. We have with us what you possess." Thereupon, Imam Ali (PBUH) took the transcript back and informed them that they will never see it again. It is reported that Imam Ali recited the latter part of the following verse of Holy Quran: "And when Allah took a Covenant from the People of the Book to clarify it to mankind and not to hide its (clarification); but they threw it away behind their backs and purchased with it some miserable gain! And what an evil was the bargain they made!" (Holy Quran 3:187)

By "its clarification", Hazrat Ali meant the unique divine commentaries. The Commander of Believers then concealed that transcript, and after him it was passed to the Imams who also kept it 298 concealed. It remained concealed with the Imams, one after the other to this day, because they wished to be only one sequence of Holy Quran among the Muslims. Otherwise if people have had two different sequences, it might later result to some alteration in Holy Quran by the fanatics. They wished people have strictly one sequence of Holy Quran. The Holy Quran and its commentary which were collected by Imam Ali (PBUH) will be available for the Imam Mahdi (PBUH). If the transcript of the Commander of Believers had been accepted, that would have been the Holy Quran with unique commentary in the hand of people, but it turned out to be otherwise.

This gives the meaning of the traditions in Usul al‐Kafi which say that no one but the Commander of Believers and the later Imams had the Holy Quran in the order it was revealed, and that the Holy Quran which they had contains "what can be understood of the heaven, etc." and "the Knowledge of the Book, all of it," because they were the commentaries and interpretations noted in the transcript of Imam Ali (PBUH) directly from the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH). To Allah alone belongs all Might and Majesty, said: "And I have sent down on you a Book in which is the clarification of ALL the things." (Holy Quran 16:89)

Sometimes the word "tahrif" is used in some traditions, and it must be made clear that the meaning of this word is changing of something from its proper place to another place, like changing the right position of sentence, or giving it a meaning other than its true or intended meaning. Therefore, it has absolutely nothing to do with addition or subtraction from the text. It is thus with this meaning that the Holy Quran states: "Some of the Jews distort (yuharrifuna) words from their meaning" (Holy Quran 4:46).

This meaning of "tahrif", i.e., changing of meaning or changing the context, as it appears in the Holy Quran, has not only been applied in the Muslim community to the verses of the Holy Quran but also to the hadith of the Holy Prophet, even by rulers who have been prepared to use Islam to their own personal advantage. It is this "tahrif", with this meaning, that the Imams of Ahlul‐Bayt have constantly sought to oppose. As one example, Imam al‐Baqi (PBUH) complained about the situation of the 299

Muslims and their corrupt rulers, and said: "One of the manifestations of their rejecting the Book (of Allah behind their backs) (see Holy Quran 2:101) is that they have fixed its words, but they have altered the limits (of its command) (harrafu hududah). They have (correctly) narrated it, but they do not observe (what) it (says). Ignorant people delight in their preservation of its narration, but the knowledgeable people deplore their ignoring to observe (what) it (says)."

Shi'ia references: al‐Kafi, v8, p53, al‐Wafi, v5, p274 and v14, p214 306

This use of "tahrif" is taken as a definition for the word wherever it appears in the hadith of the Imams, similar to what Holy Quran (4:46) has used. It is necessary to emphasize here that all grand scholars of the Imami Shia are in agreement that the Holy Quran which is at present among the Muslims is the very same Holy Quran that was sent down to the Holy Prophet, and that it has not been altered. Nothing has been added to it, and nothing is missing from it. The Holy Quran which was compiled by Imam Ali (excluding the commentaries) and the Holy Quran that is in the hand of people today are identical in terms of words and sentences. No word, verse, chapter is missing. The only difference is that the current Holy Quran (collected by the companions) is not in the order that was revealed. The completeness of Holy Quran is so indisputable among Shia that the great Shia scholar, Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn al‐Husain Ibn Babwayh, known as "Shaikh Saduq" (309/919‐381/991), wrote: "Our belief is that the Holy Quran which Allah revealed to His Prophet Mohammad is (the same as) the one between the two covers (daffatayn). And it is the one which is in the hands of the people, and is not greater in extent than that. The number of Surahs as generally accepted is one hundred and fourteen...And he who asserts that we say that it is greater in extent than that, is a liar." Shi’i reference: Shi’ite Creed (al‐I’tiqadat al‐Imamiyyah), by Shaikh Saduq, English version, p77.


The Conspiracies against Islam & Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his Direct Descendants

When it really began: By the order of Almighty Allah great Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) had started his Journey towards the Holy City Medina, which was occupied by the Jewish community. At that present time, Medina was the only place for those Jewish inhabitants. After great Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Medina Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) had performed the five times towards the Holy city Jerusalem of Mosjidul Al-Aqsa, Al-Quds, Al-Sharif, Rock of the Dome (Qubba-Tus- Sakhara) as Kiblah (Islam’s First Kiblah). He had continued this for 16 straight months from the day of migration from Mecca to Holy city Medina.

Once a day, During Salatul Johr (Noon Prayer) The Almighty Allah had directed the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) to change his Kiblah in place of Jerusalem Bytul-Moqaddes to Holy Kabah of Holy city Mecca.

Please note that, during that very day’s Night time those “Jewish community” were very angry at Prophet because of his change of Kiblah from Jerusalem to Mecca. It should also be noted that, from that very night those immoral Jewish inhabitants of Medina had started their conspiracy, chaos and complexities against the great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) through Muslim community of Medina.

The Great enemy of Islam Abu Sufiyan, greatest leader of the rival group of Quraysh also near and dearest family member of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) accompanied by those fanatic Jews from Medina made several conspiracies to kill the Greatest Prophet (SM) (PBUH) and his associates step by step to destroy the newborn faith towards Almighty Allah of Islam. Finally those Jaheli Jewish inhabitants of Medina had joined with Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s greatest enemy and Prophet’s nearest family relative Abu Jahel, Abu Lahab, Ummaiya, Abu Sufiyan and other who had the motive to kill Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and destroy his new message of Islam from Almighty Allah. 301

Those fanatic Jews lost their only homeland Medina (Yathrib). So, those inhabitants of Medina compelled to migrate to European countries especially Germany and Russia. It’s a good point to be noted that, those fanatic Jews for their own characteristics, their close relative Christian leader Adolf Hitler had an extreme theme to eliminate them all from this planet Earth. Adolf Hitler had killed over more than 100,000 Jewish residents of Homburg, Germany during the time of Second World War II.

Those fanatic Jews of Medina had invited this type of destruction of genocide among them because of their ill motive to kill greatest Prophet of Mankind Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) as well as his message of Islam. In accordance of the Author of this book His Eminency Dr. Alam States that, if those descendant of fanatic Jewish community does not correct themselves as Prophet Abraham’s ideology then they will be completely eliminated from this Planet Earth on the Era of Twelfth Imam Hazrat Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and establish peace & justice for all Mankind. His Eminency also pointed that, as he is the US citizen, he has been very carefully monitoring the Jews communities who are engaged in Medical profession, Judicial Profession and legal practice like attorney at Law, CPA are still now very honest, sincere dedicated and best human beings in the world. They are also considerably the best follower of Prophet Abraham and Prophet Moses Ideology. But unfortunately those fanatic Zionists Jews are directly engaged themselves in the International Politics and they are misusing their religious ideology to misinterpreting the religion Islam to the World by their media channels. His Eminency assures that, if those fanatic groups of Jews and Christians will be punished if they do not change their attitude, gratitude as well as their mentality towards the Crowned Creations of Almighty God that Jewish, Christians & Muslims are direct descendants of Abraham (PBUH) in accordance of Holy Quran.

The Great Enemy of Islam Abu Sufiyan the great leader of Quraysh tribe and his bastard son Muawiyah and Yazid by force broken several treaties from the time of Fourth Caliph Hazrat Ali (PBUH), Imam Hasan (PBUH), Imam Hussein (PBUH) and Imam Joinul Abdeen (PBUH) as well as their descendants were killed one by one during the Era of Muawiyah so-called Muslim leader, and they also had continued with their same ill motive to

302 destroy the backbone of Islam also to kill Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s family by the active cooperation of fanatic Jews and fanatic Christians of that present time. They have killed all eleven Imams and the leaders of the Mazhabs, Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A.), Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R.A.), Imam Shafi (R.A) and Imam Malek (R.A).

Please note that, Islam’s so-called proclaimed Calipha, bastard son of Abu Sufiyan, Muawiyah ibn Henda (son of bitch) accompanied with fanatic Jews as well as the fanatic Christians had formed into two groups Ummaiya Dynasty and Abbasya Dynasty. The only correct and righteous Calipha was from Ummaiya Dynasty and his name was Umar bin Abdul Aziz. This Calipha was only in charge for two years. During his era he had tried to clean up many immoral activities had done by the previous so-called Calipha of Ummaiya dynasty. But his era to fix all the nonsense activities of Muawiyah and his followers ended very quickly by the active cooperation of fanatic Jews and fanatic Christians.

The Bastard son of Abu Sufian Muawiyah, whom killed Greatest Prophet’s Grandson Hazrat Hassan (PBUH) by food poisoning & Yazid ibn Muawiyah killed Prophet’s other Grandson Hazrat Hussein (PBUH) at the battle of Karbala along with Prophet’s near and dearest family members.

Birth and Childhood of Imam Hassan (PBUH) In the mid of the month of Ramadan, the 3rd year of Hijrah, a son was born in the small mud house of Hazrat Ali (PBUH). The Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), on behalf of Almighty God, named him Hassan. Hazrat Hassan (PBUH) was brought up in the lap of his father Hazrat Ali (PBUH) and mother Hazrat Fatima-Tu-Zohra (SA) and was educated from the school of his grandfather Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH).

Imam Hassan (PBUH) had a great worth and status in the eyes of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). Such as, one day he Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was on the tribune, delivering a speech to the people, he heard the voice of his weeping. He came down from the tribune, went to calm him down, and then returned to his place. When the people asked him the reason for this act, He (SM) (PBUH) said, "Whenever I hear the voice of his weeping I get restless". The Prophet Mohammad 303

(SM) (PBUH), having offered his prayer along with the people would lift Imam Hassan (PBUH) into his lap and would say, "Whosoever loves me, must love this child as well". Sometimes, he (SM) (PBUH) lifted this child upon his shoulder and said, "It is hoped that God will purify this Ummah through him". Or he would say, "Whosoever loves Hassan (PBUH) and Hussain (PBUH) he loves me and whosoever nurses grudge and has enmity against them has enmity with me". "Hassan (PBUH) and Hussain (PBUH) are the two chiefs of the youths of the paradise". Then Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) said, Hassan (PBUH) and Hussain (PBUH) are the two earrings of the Empyrean, paradise of God takes pride and potentates due to them.

Awareness and Courtesy of Imam Hassan (PBUH): One day, an old man was performing ablution. His ablution was futile and invalid. Imam Hassan (PBUH) ought to make him aware of his fault but how? If he said to him you are wrong possibly his heart might break and he got annoyed and did not accept it. He along with Imam Hussain (PBUH) decided to create a scene and ask the old man to make the judgment. Imam Hassan (PBUH) addressed Imam Hussain (PBUH) and said, "I perform a better ablution as compared to yours." Imam Hussain (PBUH) said "I perform it better than you do." Both of them approached the old man and said, "You come and see our ablution and decide who performs a better ablution." Both of them got busy with performing ablution and ended it in a correct and nice way. The old man understood what was the secret of their act and became aware that they meant him to find out his fault, in this way. So he said to them "The ablution performed by both of you is correct, I am an old man, who did not know how to perform the ablution correctly. You made me aware about my fault. I am much thankful to you."

Piety and Purity of Imam Hassan (PBUH): Imam Hassan (PBUH) was the most pious, devout and ascetic worshiper and adorer of God. Whenever he went to Mecca for pilgrimage, he would go walking on foot. Whenever he performed ablution or stood for his prayers he saw himself in the court of God and his body started trembling he said, "The time has come for me to submit the deposit of God to Him."


When he came to mosque, he would raise his head, in the prayer place, towards the sky and say, "Oh God this is your guest standing in your court. Your defaulter servant has come towards you. And he hopes that you will forgive his bad deeds, by virtue of your kindness and forgiveness."

The Fortitude and Forbearance of Imam Hassan (PBUH): One day he was crossing a street riding a horse. On the way he came across a man who was one of the friends of "Muawiyah". When that man knew he was Imam Hassan (PBUH) he started using an un‐respectful language. Imam Hassan (PBUH) stopped and listened to him and then facing him said, "I think you are a traveler and stranger and not a local person. You have been provoked by the enemies about us and their false words about us have made you cynical and pessimistic about us. If you have a need I may fulfill that need. If you are hungry, I will order to feed you. If you require a dress and clothes, I will order to dress you up. If you don't have residence to live in I will take you along with me to my house and extend hospitality and give you treatment. When that disrespectful person heard those words from the Imam (PBUH), he got very much ashamed and repented. He was so upset and uneasy about what he had done that he started weeping and apologized and said, "The words of your enemies had affected me. Before this (event) you and your father were the greatest enemies of mine among all the people. But now that I have witnessed this courtesy of yours, you are the most respectful and gracious to me among all the people.

I became aware that you are a family who has the capability of becoming the heirs of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). Till the time I am living I will be a friend and devotee of you and would defend your right. So he did what he had said.

The Charity and mercifulness of Imam Hassan (RA):

1. A person came to Imam Hassan (PBUH) and said "poverty and bad luck is torturing me. You are a family of chastity, purity and infallibility. Get me saved from this cruel enemy?" Hazrat Imam Hassan (PBUH) called his servant and said, "How much money do you have available?" He replied "five thousand Dinnars" He said, "Give all of this money to this man so that 305 it may become the capital of his business and life and he may relieve himself off and get rid of poverty and resource less ness.

2. One day, Imam Hassan (PBUH) went to the house of God. In the very condition when he was busy praying he heard a man addressing his God and saying, "Oh God, I need ten thousand Dirhams to get it shaped as the capital of my life and you the merciful one give me this boon and blessing". The moment Imam Hassan (PBUH) returned back, he sent the said amount for him.

3. A poor and distressed man came to Imam Hassan (PBUH) and recited a rhyme meaning thereby, "I am left over with nothing, not even a single dirham. You can perceive my condition fully well and know it. I have nothing left with me to sell except my honor. I know you are the purchaser and buyer of it." The Imam Hassan (PBUH) at once called his servant and said, "Whatever money you have got with you, give it to this man."

The servant gave ten thousand Dirhams to him. Hazrat Imam Hassan (PBUH) asked the servant to make excuse as well, because, he did not possess more than that amount to be given out to him. He advised him to take that money and use it for his life and running the wheels of it and possibly getting rid of poverty and distress.

These few stories exhibit this fact that in the same way Imam Hassan (PBUH) was thoughtful and considerate about the dooms day of the people, he was careful and considering about their Worldly affairs, for, the World is connected and patched up with the justice day. And the hunger and poverty stricken man cannot think about his dooms day. We must fully know that the Imam Hassan's helps and aids to the people as were not of the sort to encourage people about begging. Instead, these were extended in a manner to extend job and activity chances for them.

Imam Hassan's (RA) Caliphate: On the 21st night of the Ramadan of 40th Hijra his father Hazrat Ali ibn‐e‐ Abi Talib (RA) passed away making all the people sorrowful and grieved. Imam Hassan (RA) who was 27 years of age came along with the people to the mosque and climbed the tribune and said, "Last night, a man, who was

306 unique in knowledge piety, conduct and character among the previous ages people as well those to come in future, has gone out of you. He participated in the battles along with the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and strived hard to guard Islam. He was a person who was the thorn of the eyes of the enemies and the fruit of the heart of friends. And he did not spare and accumulate anything from the wealth of the world for himself, except for seven hundred Dirhams by which he wanted to provide a servant for his family."

At this moment, the Imam (PBUH) wept bitterly and the people too wept. Then he spoke about himself. So that the people may know that the Imamate has been handed over to him and that people might not go astray and did not get misled. He said, "I am the son of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), Ali (PBUH) and Fatima (SA). I am the flame of the lighted lamp of Prophet-hood. The family (Ahle-Bayt) from which God has kept the dirt, contamination and pollution away.

Then Abdullah Ibn‐e‐Abbas stood up and said "Oh people this is the son of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and your Imam, beware, that he is the right heir and successor of Hazrat Ali (PBUH). So take the oath of allegiance and loyalty for him".

People moved in shape of groups towards Imam Hassan (PBUH) and took the oath of allegiance for him. Imam Hassan (PBUH) made it a condition that they would fight anyone against whom he fought and whenever he deemed it fit to make peace, they would also accept it. All of them accepted it, and willingly agreed and submitted to his Imamate. The Conspiracies of Muawiyah: Muawiyah had established a government and dominion in Syria and for years he had played tricks with cunning ways and means against Hazrat Ali (PBUH). He killed the friends of Hazrat Ali (PBUH) and brought into existence the perverted group and sect of Khwaraj Now, when he heard that people, after the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (PBUH), took oath of allegiance to elect Imam Hassan (PBUH) for the caliphate post as the successor of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). This thing was very hard for him to tolerate. He sent spies to Kufa and Basra to find out and 307 get him informed about what was going on. And thereafter, they may plot and hatch conspiracies against Hassan (PBUH) if they deem fit and suitable they might start subversion and sabotage and create chaos, and disorder.

Imam Hassan (PBUH) gave the order that the spies should be arrested and killed. Then he wrote a letter to Muawiyah: "Oh Muawiyah! You send spies and set your hands upon subversion? I presume that you intend to fight a war and you like war. If it is so, then I am also ready for it and the war is at hand. Do wait "Insha Allah".

Muawiyah! I am surprised over you that you are the candidate for a job, which you don't deserve and are not worthy for it. Neither you have any superiority in the religion nor have you left any good effect, mark or impression from yourself as a monument and memorial. Muslims have taken oath of allegiance for me (caliphate). It would be to the interest and benefit of Islam that you too accept this act (caliphate) like the rest of the Muslims. Oh Muawiyah! Do not move the untrue and illusive (Batil) ahead, and you also take the oath and allegiance of faithfulness to me like the others, and do consider the blood of the Muslims respect worthy. If you do not accept my advice and wish to create disorder and chaos and spill the blood of Muslim I will quickly attack you along with the other Muslims, and will put you on trial.

Muawiyah in reply to the Imam Hassan (PBUH) wrote: In the same way as Abu Bakr, due to his experience and expertise took the caliphate from Hazrat Ali (PBUH), I am more deserving than you and have more experience and it is better that you be my follower so that you get the caliphate after myself, and I will give you, whatever is the income of Iraq. Muawiyah not only denied and turned his face from taking the oath of allegiance, he also sent spies to kufa to martyr the Imam Hassan (PBUH). Thus the Imam Hassan (PBUH) was forced to wear armored Jacket under his clothes and then stand for offering the prayers. Once when one of the agents of Muawiyah threw an arrow towards him the arrow got ineffective due to the armored Jacket and so the Imam Hassan (PBUH) remained safe.


War Begins: It did not take long that Muawiyah, on the pretext of bringing into effect Islamic unity, gathered a huge army and mobilized it to fight the Imam in Iraq. When the news of the movement of Muawiyah's army reached the Imam Hassan (PBUH), he invited the people to the mosque. He climbed the tribune and after the praise of God and the salutation to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) said, "Muawiyah has moved towards Iraq along with his army. It is your turn to get ready for the war and defend your honor and religion." But those despicable, vanquished and comfort loving people did not give a response to Hassan (PBUH). Adi Ibn‐e‐Hatim stood up from among the people and very sadly addressed them saying, "What kind of people are you. What does this dead silence mean? Why do you not reply to the Imam Hassan (PBUH) and the son of your Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)`? Are you not afraid of subject and suffering? Be afraid of God's anger and torment and chastise and obey the order of your Imam Hassan (PBUH). Get up and manly press your weapon in your hands and defend your honor, respect and religion. So that the God and Imam Hassan (PBUH) is pleased with you.

These words alerted a group so they announced their readiness to take part in the battle. Adi Ibn‐e‐Hatim told the Imam Hassan (PBUH), "We are ready and waiting for your order." Imam Hassan (PBUH) said, "I am proceeding towards the Nakheela Camp and whosoever is prepared and willing may go to that place, although I know that you will not practice upon your promise and Muawiyah will deceive you.

Disobeying the Imam Hassan (PBUH): When Imam Hassan (PBUH) reached most of those who were shouting the slogans of "war", "war" were not present there and had gone back and turned their back upon the promise they had made with him. Because those who had participated were comprised of:

1. Khawarij who had come to fight against Muawiyah and not for the sake of obeying the command of Imam Hassan (PBUH).

2. Those materialist and world adorers and greedy ones who were after the war booty. 309

3. Those who had participated for the sake of accompanying and following their tribal chiefs and not due to any religious inspiration.

This is the reason Imam Hassan (PBUH) addressed them saying, "You betrayed me, like you had betrayed my father, who was your Imam before me. I don't know whether you will fight siding with Imam or someone who absolutely does not believe in God and His Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH).

Then he selected a man named Hakam as the army commander and put four thousand men under his command so that he moves to the city of Ambaar and stays there and applies restraint to the forces of Muawiyah till getting further orders. But Muawiyah deceived him by giving him money and making false promises. And he joined his army along with his two hundred men. Imam Hassan (PBUH) selected another man from the tribe of Bani Murad as his successor and said, "Although I do not have trust upon you. But this is a trial, you may also proceed." When Muawiyah came to know about his arrival, he sent his delegates with five thousand Dirhams for him and promised to give him a governorship. He was too deceived by Muawiyah and joined him.

Imam Hassan's (PBUH) Grief: When the news of joining of tribal chiefs with Muawiyah reached the Imam Hassan (PBUH), He was much affected and shocked and said, "Did I not say several times that you do not have any faithfulness and trustworthiness, and your conduct with me is that of artifice, and cunningness? He then decided to gather an army himself and move. By the efforts of his friends nearly four thousand men gathered. Imam Hassan (PBUH) along with "Sabaat" went to Madayan and sent twelve thousand men under the command of Obaidullah bin Abbas and his helper Qais bin Saad, as a leader and fore runner to meet and resist Muawiyah, so as to test their spirit and strength of devotedness. Muawiyah sent his agents along with one million Dirhams among the forces of Imam Hassan (PBUH) to get Qais deceived but Qais did not yield to his desire and answered them, "tell Muawiyah you cannot take my faith from me and I will not desert and leave Hazrat Hassan (RA) by any of your artifices and frauds."


The agents who got disappointed by Qais and went towards the real Commander Obaidullah bin Abbas and lured and deceived him and he along with a group of his followers joined Muawiyah at the nighttime. When the army men of Imam Hassan (PBUH) became commander less, Qais took over the Command and lead the Jamaat prayers. Qais was fighting fiercely and ferociously and had made Muawiyah harassed and fearful. As a result, he sent a few spies among the army men of Qais, so that they may make this propaganda that Imam Hassan (PBUH) has entered into peace treaty with Muawiyah and you are fighting for no reason. By this way Muawiyah succeeded in separating and detaching the group of Khawarij from the Imam Hassan's forces and in deceiving them to attack the Imam Hassan (PBUH) and what he desired did materialize.

The Rioter Khawarij: This stupid and silly group did believe in what spies of Muawiyah told them and disobeyed the orders of Imam Hassan (PBUH) and they raised a hew and cry that Imam Hassan (PBUH) had also become an infidel like his father (Maaz‐Allah) and had joined hand with Muawiyah. Suddenly, a platoon attacked the tent of Imam Hassan (PBUH) and looted whatever they found, to the extent that they even pulled out the carpet of Imam Hassan (PBUH) from beneath him.

Imam Hassan (PBUH) was forced to leave that place and he rode upon horse and a group of his friends were all around him. One of them (the attackers) rushed out of his hiding place and injured the Imam Hassan (PBUH). Imam Hassan (PBUH) was carried to one of his friend's house and provided medical care and treatment. It came to that, most of his governors, secretly and confidentially, wrote letters to Muawiyah saying we are at your command and disposal as soon as possible come to Iraq, we will arrest the Imam Hassan (PBUH) and hand him over to you. Muawiyah sent all those letters to Imam Hassan (PBUH) along with a covering letter saying, "These people did not remain faithful to your father and they will not remain on your side either. I am ready to sign a pact with you and overlook the war.


Why Imam Hassan (PBUH) accepted the Truce? The adventurer Khawarij and the dishonest friends of Imam Hassan (PBUH) made it inevitable for the Imam Hassan (PBUH) to accept truce with Muawiyah. But truce did not mean that Imam Hassan (PBUH) colluded and put up with Muawiyah and agreed to his cruel and brutal activities. But it meant to make a no war pact with Muawiyah for a certain period. Because, if Muawiyah became victorious he would have smashed and destroyed all the hopes of Islam and that could have destroyed the foundation of Islam and killed all the true Muslims. Besides, the Roman Empire was seeking a chance to attack the Islamic lands, and this mutual difference of Muslims was the best opportunity for it. Thus Imam Hassan (PBUH) who was smoldering with pain spoke to his untrue and unfaithful friends, "I know that you would practice craftiness and artifice, a group who do not have neither shame nor religion have unconditionally handed themselves over to Muawiyah, woe to you, By God, Muawiyah will not fulfill his commitments. I wanted to establish for you the religion of the right but you did not help me. You started moving on the path of opposition and confrontation and committed dishonesty with me, which forced and obliged me to sign the treaty. By God, if I had friends and helpers I would not have surrendered the work to Muawiyah because, I consider the caliphate to be prohibited for Bani Ummaiyad. You will soon taste the bitterness of the conduct of Muawiyah, day and night. After the Imam Hassan (PBUH) was forced to make truce with Muawiyah, he wrote a letter to him saying, "I wanted to revive the right and put an end to rescinded and vanity and establish the ruler ship of God and the sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) but people did not agree and accompany me. Now, I am making a truce with you upon the conditions, which I know that you will not fulfill and comply with. But soon you would repent, but that will be a time when it will not be of benefit to you.

Then, he sent his cousin Abdullah Bin Harris to see Muawiyah so that he should get him committed upon the conditions, which he had presented after a negotiation with him, and write down the agreement, and treaty of truce.


A part of the truce treaty is as under: ‐ 1. The blood of his followers must remain respect worthy and their rights must not be confiscated and crushed. 2. Filthy language must not be used against Hazrat Ali (RA) & his followers. 3. Muawiyah should practice upon the Book of God (The Holy Quran) and respect/honor the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his direct descendants. 4. The friends and companions of Imam Hassan (PBUH) must remain safe and secure from his mischief's and brutalities wherever they live and no one has the right to resist them. 5. Imam Hassan (PBUH) does not call Muawiyah, Ameerul Momineen and will not take his name in the Khutbas (sermons). 6. Muawiyah must not hand over the caliphate to anybody after himself.

The Breaking of the Pact: After the peace pact was conducted, Muawiyah focused his attention upon Kufa and held the Juma prayer congregation at Nakheela. He evidently and clearly said in his Jumma speech "Oh people I did not fight against you so that you should offer your prayers and keep fast, instead, it was for the reason that I rule over you although you do not like it. I will crush all the conditions of truce pact conducted with Hassan bin Ali (PBUH) under my feet. But the conduct of Muawiyah in certain matters showed that he was strongly embarrassed and harassed due to the influence of Imam Hassan (PBUH) so that sometimes he was obliged to put into practice few of the points of the peace pact.

So that once when Ibn‐e‐Ziad the governor of Kufa followed and chased (to punish) one of the friends of Imam Hassan (PBUH); Imam Hassan (PBUH) wrote about the incident to Muawiyah, who at once reprimanded Ibn‐e‐ Ziad about this event.

Finally Muawiyah Decided to make Yazid his successor: But the pact, which he had signed with Imam Hassan (PBUH), stopped him from this act. He decided to poison the Imam Hassan (PBUH) so that the way to the succession of his son Yazid should become open and clear. And then make the people forcibly take oath of allegiance (for Yazid's). Therefore, he contacted "Jodah bint Asash" the wife of Imam Hassan 313

(PBUH) and deceived by luring her and sent a poison for her, with the message that if you make your husband take this poison you will get a prize of one hundred thousand Dirhams from me. Besides, I will select you as the wife of Yazid and you will become the wife of the caliph of Muslims.

The dishonest hand poisoned the Imam's Utensil (food): The womanly scruples regarding the money and fame blinded the eyes of the wife of Imam Hassan (PBUH) and made her accept the suggestion of the cunning fox and commit such a dishonesty which history will never forget. Although Imam Hassan (PBUH) had said several times that I will get martyred by my wife. And people had requested him that if it is so then divorce her and turn her out of your house. But Imam Hassan (PBUH) replied, "She has not yet committed any crime and if I turn her out of the house, I would not have done a right thing. Because, she will make this step an excuse and will say, Imam has turned me out of his house without any fault. So that by this means she may cover her crime up and show her work as correct. Beware; Muawiyah will not let me go. If I leave my wife, even then she will not abandon her dishonesty except this that she will carry her program forward under the cover of her being oppressed.

Finally on the 28th day of Safar, 50th Hijrah when the weather was extremely hot and the Imam Hassan (PBUH) was fasting, Jodah bint Asash, poisoned his milk pot and presented to him for breaking the fast.

Imam Hassan (PBUH) drank a portion of the poisonous milk and then addressed her, "Oh the enemy of God and Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) you have killed me. By God, you and Muawiyah both will become abject, despised and helpless." And the same happened as he had foretold, and predicted. Jodah bint Asash was turned out of Muawiyah's court with humility and not very long had passed that she died. And Muawiyah too died of a terrible life taking pain.

Imam Hassan (PBUH) passed away having faced pain and discomfort, And he was buried in the graveyard of Baqi in Medina. God and Prophet's blessings be upon his pure soul.


Imam Hussain (PBUH) Hazrat Imam Hussain (PBUH) was born on the 3rd of Shaban 4th Hijrah in Medina Munawarra. His father was Ali (PBUH) and mother was Fatima (PBUH). When the Prophet (PBUH) heard the news of Imam Hussain's birth he (PBUH) became very happy and came to the house of Fatima (PBUH). Asma, the maidservant of Hazrat Zahra covered the child in a white cloth and brought him to the Prophet (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) picked the child up in his lap and recited the Azaan in his right ear and Aqamat in the left one. As if, apparently, he (PBUH) made the ears of his son familiar and acquainted with the name of God for the first time. On the seventh day of the birth, an angel came from the God and he said, "Just as Haroon was the brother, sympathizer, and helper in each and every difficulty of Moosa (PBUH) similarly Ali (PBUH) is your sympathizer helper and brother in each and every matter of yours. Therefore, keep the name of this child upon the name of Haroon's son "Shabeer," which translated into Arabic becomes 'Hussain'. Thus the name of the second child of Fatima (PBUH) was also selected by God.

On the 7th day of the birth Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) got a sheep slaughtered as the Aqeeqa and distributed it's meat among the needy and poor.

The Prophet (PBUH) quite often hugged Hussain (PBUH) taking him into his lap and used to weep bitterly, saying, "A very big tragedy will be met by my son Hussain". The brutals and bloody men of Bani Ummaiyad will slay my dear son. I will not pray for them on the dooms day.

The Love of the Prophet (PBUH) The Prophet (PBUH) loved Imam Hussain (PBUH) very much. His companion Salman Farsi describes, "I saw that the Prophet (PBUH) had picked up Imam Hussain (PBUH) upon his knee and was kissing him saying, "Oh son, you are the Imam son of Imams and father of nine Imams, who would be from your generation and the last one of them is Mehdi. "One can estimate and guess the amount of love the Prophet had with Imam Hussain (PBUH) from this sentence of his "Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain." The one who is the friend of Hassan and Hussain is my friend and the one who is their enemy, is my enemy. 315

Hussain (PBUH) the Best Helper of his Father and Brother Imam Hussain (PBUH) spent six years of his life with his grandfather the Prophet (PBUH) and thirty years along with his honorable father Ali (PBUH). He shared each and every problem and grief of his father. He always defended his father. Once he went to the mosque and saw Umar delivering a speech on the tribune of his grandfather. He immediately said, "get down from the tribune of my grandfather and father. What have you got to do over there?"

During the reign of his father, Imam Hussain (PBUH) playing upon his life used to be busy defending Islam and fighting against the tyrants and brutal.

He fought against the enemies by the side of his father like his brother Imam Hassan Mujtaba (PBUH) in the battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Neherwan.

He, after the martyrdom of his father, legally took the oath of allegiance for his brother and accepted him his leader and Imam. And whenever someone asked him a question he used to send him towards Imam Hassan (PBUH). And wherever he deemed suitable he himself would give the answer. Briefly speaking, he considered the defense of his brother something necessary for himself. The Rule of Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufiyan When Imam Hassan Mujtaba (PBUH) was martyred due to the conspiracies of Muawiyah, Imam Hussain (PBUH) got the post of Imamate and caliphate at the age of forty‐six.

Imam Hussain (PBUH) knew that all the miseries and sorrows of Muslims were due to Muawiyah who wanted to uproot Islam by his frauds, cunningness and craftiness. Therefore, Imam (PBUH) did not think it was suitable to fight him openly, as Muawiyah was apparently Muslim and showed himself to be the supporter of Islam and Muslims. Therefore, Imam Hussain (PBUH) knew that if I declare a war upon him I would meet the same fate as my brother did. So he started the movement of awakening the people from the dream and slumbers of ignorance, and 316 unawareness. Hazrat Hussein (PBUH) wanted to reveal the true identity of Muawiya by slowly informing the people. Ultimately, Imam (PBUH) may make them work for the welfare of Islam. Along with the training of the Momins (faithful), with which Imam was busy, he occasionally opposed Muawiyah. And always gave teeth breaking and strong answer to his scurrilous language particularly when he started making people take the oath and allegiance of faithfulness for his ignorant, silly, impure, and bad character, degenerate, and undutiful son Yazid. The Imam (PBUH) too started openly and publicly opposing him and wrote many such letters to Muawiyah by which he disgraced him very much. One of his letters reads: i) Oh Muawiyah! You are the claimant of the caliphate and to be the successor of my grandfather? Did you not slay Hajar bin Addi and his companions in the land of Azra. You are a criminal, a killer. Then how do you claim to be the leader and caliph of my Ummah? ii) Oh Muawiyah! Did you not declare Ziad publicly your brother and the illegitimate son of Abu Sufian about whose father the Muslims are unaware? (That who is his father and who is not?) As such, by declaring him to be your brother, you have yourself admitted the dirtiness and uncleanness of your family. Then how can the caliphate be your right? iii) Oh Muawiyah! The most shameful act of yours is that you have made such a silly, stupid unable and unworthy person a ruler of the Muslims whose characterless ness, excesses and aggressions are not hidden and concealed from anyone. As such, you want to destroy the religion of God and make the Muslim ummah a toy by forcibly making them take the oath of allegiance for him (Yazid). “Muawiya mean’s Son of a Bitch”, This name was given by his father Abu Sufiyan since Muawiya was a Bastard (not his son). Ref. (Dr. Shamimul Hasan of Bangladesh)

Allah (SWT)’s wrath fell on Muawiyah and parts of his body became paralyzed, and he became delusional. It was under this state of delusion that Muawiyah acknowledged he had ordered the murder of many companions of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and their children for the sake of his tyrant son Yazid.


Muawiyah was a nefarious politician. He was the son of Abu Sufyan, the leader of Mecca, who spent his whole life opposing Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) in Mecca. He was also the leader of every pagan army that fought against the Islamic armies. Muawiyah’s mother was Hinda, who martyred Hazrat Hamza (RA), Prophet Mohammad's (SM) (PBUH)’s uncle and chopped his body into pieces, which didn’t satisfy her appetite, so she tried to eat his heart. Muawiyah never accepted Islam in his heart. After the conquest of Mecca by Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), both Muawiyah and his father Abu Sufyan accepted Islam as a necessity of the time with a loathing heart.

After the murder of Uthman, Muawiyah rebelled against the fourth elected caliph Hazrat Ali (RA). All Historians have mentioned in disgust that Muawiyah (the governor of Damascus) back stabbed Islam when he made a thirty year peace treaty with the Roman king, rather than fighting for Islam, according to which Syria came under the rule of Roman empire and Muawiyah agreed to give thirty thousand coins, fifty Arab slaves and fifty Arab horses to the Roman king every year.

All of the Muslims of that era disliked this gesture of Muawiyah and cursed him."

After the battle of Jamal was over, Imam Ali (PBUH) returned from Basra to Kufa in Rajab of 36 A.H. He decided to transfer the capital of his government to Kufa from Medina because it was more centrally placed in the Muslim Empire, and he could halt Muawiya's progress into Iraq.

Before marching towards Muawiya, Imam Ali (PBUH) tried to settle matters peacefully by sending Jarir, chief of Bani Bajila and the governor of Hamdan, to Syria as an envoy. However, Jarir became so engrossed in the entertainment that Muawiya put his way, that he wasted his time in Syria. He finally returned three months later with the useless message that peace could only be negotiated if the murderers of Uthman were brought to justice. Malik al‐Ashtar accused him of having wasted time in effeminate pleasures with Muawiya, who purposely kept him long enough to mature his plans of hostilities. Jarir left Kufa and joined Muawiya.


Imam Ali (PBUH) decided that matters could be only decided by war, so he marched without delay through the Mesopotamian desert to Riqqa at the banks of the Euphrates. After crossing the river by constructing a bridge they came across the Syrian outposts at Sur al‐Rum. There were a few skirmishes between the armies but the Syrians gave way and in the month of Zilhaj of 36 A.H., the army of Imam Ali (PBUH) came into sight of Muawiya's main forces, which had already camped at Siffin.

At Siffin, Muawiya had stationed his general, Abul Awr, with 10,000 men on the river to stop the access to water for Imam Ali's (PBUH) army. Imam Ali (PBUH) sent Sasaa Bin Sauhan al‐Abdi to Muawiya that this action was not necessary because, after all, the people whom he was refusing water were also Muslims. He further assured Muawiya that if the situation had been reversed, the river would have been open to both armies. However, Muawiya sent back a message that the murderers of Uthman had not allowed him any water when they had laid siege to his palace, and Muawiya was avenging that action.

Imam Ali (PBUH) knew that this situation would be intolerable and he launched an attack under Malike Ashtar. The brave commander secured the river after heavy fighting and Abul Awr was dislodged from its banks. Having control of the river, Imam Ali (PBUH) kept to his word and allowed unlimited access to Muawiya's side.

Imam Ali (PBUH) divided his army of 90,000 men into seven units each commanded by brave warriors. Muawiya similarly divided his army of 120,000 men into seven columns. Everyday one column from each army would engage one another in combat.

The battles were mostly restricted to single combats or small groups fighting because Imam Ali (PBUH) was trying to avoid the serious loss of Muslim lives that would have resulted from a full scale battle. The month of Zilhaj ended in this manner and the month of Muharram, in which fighting is forbidden, set in. During this month, Imam Ali (PBUH) tried hard to resolve the crisis by negotiation, but to no avail. He pointed out that he was ready to punish the murderers of Uthman if Muawiya would point them out. However, Muawiya did not wish the matter to end so easily, 319 because it was the issue of Uthman's unavenged death that had enabled him to gather such a large army.

In the month of Safar fighting was resumed. For a week, fierce battles raged all day. Everyday the conflict got more severe and bitter. In the second week Imam Ali (PBUH) came to the battlefield for the first time. After a series of single combats, in which he overcame every opponent with his awesome skill, no body would come to fight him.

He was forced to disguise himself to get anybody to challenge him. On one such occasion, an unsuspecting warrior from Muawiya's side attacked Imam Ali (PBUH). The man was struck with a single sweep of Zulfiqar with such force by Imam Ali (PBUH) that the upper half of his body was severed from the lower half. Those who watched thought that the blow had missed, and it was only when the horse moved and the two halves fell to the ground, that people realized what had happened.

Day after day the loss of lives increased, especially in the ranks of Muawiya. However, Imam Ali (PBUH) also lost several distinguished Companions of the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH) from his side. Amongst them were Hashim bin Utba and Ammar Yasir.

Ammar, who was 93 years old, had been informed by the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH) that he would die fighting rebels and enemies of Islam. This was well known by all, and when he died there was some commotion in Muawiya's army. He managed to quieten them down by saying that, since Ammar had been brought to fight by Imam Ali (PBUH), it was he who was the cause of his death. He said that Imam Ali (PBUH) therefore was the rebel that the prophecy talked about, and not Muawiya. This incredible argument was accepted by his men and war continued until the 13th night.

On that day the commander‐in‐chief of Imam Ali's (PBUH) army, Malike Ashtar, attacked the enemy ferociously. His shout of Allahu Akbar, every time he killed a man, was heard no less than 400 times.

The hero of the battle began to bring on victory when Amr al‐Aas on Muawiya's side said, "Call the enemy to the Word of God”.


Muawiya eagerly accepted these words and his men raised 500 copies of the Holy Quran on their spears, saying that the Holy Book would decide their differences. This trick had a strange effect on some people in the army of Imam Ali (PBUH), who dropped their weapons and agreed that the Holy Quran should decide the matter.

Imam Ali (PBUH) stepped into the battlefield urging his men to continue fighting and ignore the tricks of Muawiya, but they disobeyed. The war thus came to an unsatisfactory end, and it was decided that one representative from each side should meet to reach a final decision. Imam Ali (PBUH) wanted Abdullah bin Abbas or Malike Ashtar to represent him, but his men insisted that Abu Musa Ash'ari be chosen instead. Muawiya appointed Amr al‐ Aas to represent him. Abu Musa had neither wit nor tact and was no match for the cunning Amr al‐Aas.

In the meeting that took place some months later, Abu Musa was badly tricked by Amr into giving up the rights of Imam Ali (PBUH), and it is as follows.

Decision of the Arbitrators:

The time for arbitration having come, the arbitrators proceeded to Dumat‐ al‐Jondel or Azroh, each with a retinue of four hundred horsemen according to the agreement. Many a leading Chief from Mecca, Medina, Iraq and Syria went there to watch the proceedings, which were to decide the future of Islam. Abdallah bin Abbas, who accompanied Abu‐Musa to preside at the daily prayers, while having a discourse with Abu‐Musa upon the topic of arbitration, urged him to beware of the crafty ways of his astute colleague and to keep particularly in his mind the fact that Ali had no blemish to render him incapable of government, nor Muawiya any virtue to qualify him for it. When Abu‐Musa reached Duma, Amr bin Aas received him with great respect.

A private conference was held between the two alone in a pavilion erected for the purpose. Amr was already well aware of the weaknesses in Abu‐ Musa's character. He treated Abu‐Musa with utmost respect and civility till he brought him completely under his influence. Having won his

321 confidence, he made him admit that Uthman was foully murdered. Then he asked him why the avenger of his blood, a near relation of his and an able administrator viz. Muawiya should not be taken as his successor. To this Abu‐Musa replied that the succession should not be determined on such a basis which would give preference to Uthman's Sons as legitimate claimants; but that they must above all things take care lest a mutiny should be kindled or civil wars break again. Upon this Amr bin Aas asked Abu‐Musa to reject both Ali and Muawiya, and let the Faithful elect a third. This is the simplest and safest solution of the problem. 'I agree,' said Abu‐ Musa, let us go forth to pronounce.

A tribunal was erected from which each of the arbitrators was to declare publicly his decision. Abu‐Musa wished Amr to go up first, but Amr, alleging reasons to give preference to Ali's man, overcame all his scruples and insisted upon Abu‐Musa going up first. Abu‐Musa ascended and addressed the people thus: 'Brethren! I and Amr bin Aas, both of us, have given full consideration to the matter and have come to the conclusion that no other course to restore peace and to remove discord from the people can possibly be better than to depose both Ali and Muawiya in order that people may have their choice of a better man in their stead. I therefore depose both Ali and Muawiya from the Caliphate to which they pretend, in the manner as I draw this ring from my finger.' Having made this declaration Abu‐Musa came down. Amr bin Aas now took his turn and went up to announce what he had to declare. 'You have heard,' he said, 'how Abu‐Musa on his part has deposed his chief Ali; I, on my part, do depose him too and I invest my chief Muawiya with the Caliphate and I confirm him to it, as I put this ring upon my finger. I do this with justice because Muawiya is the avenger of Uthman and his rightful successor.' So saying, he came down.

This arbitration took place in the month of Ramadan, 37 A.H. or February 658 A.D. Muawiya thus managed to escape certain defeat at Siffin. The damage done at the battle was great. Muawiya lost 45,000 men and 25,000 men were killed on the side of Imam Ali (PBUH).


Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan (July 23, 645 ‐ 683) was the second Caliph of the Ummayad dynasty and ruled for 3 years from 680 CE until his death in 683 CE. His reign is notorious for fighting and killing Hazrat Hussain ibn Ali (PBUH) and his family on the day of Ashura. He tortured the family of the Holy Prophet. He snatched the hijab of the women and ripped of the earrings of Bibi Sakina, the daughter of Imam Hussein. He showed no mercy to the beloved household of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He brutally murdered and killed Hazrat Hussain (RA) at the Karbala (who was the beloved grandson of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)) and his munafiq soldiers destroyed Medina and the Mosque of Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) the following year and the demolition of Ka'aba in Mecca the third year. Another event of his era is Ibn al‐Zubair's revolt. He is object of animosity to a large fraction of Muslims, most notably the Shias but also the vast majority of Sunnis; the Shia reject him as an open enemy to Islam and condemn his role in the Battle of Karbala which resulted in the martyrdom of Hussain ibn Ali (RA). The Sunnis condemn his actions but typically do not excommunicate him.

Hazrat Hussain (RA) did not give his oath of allegiance to Yazid considering him not suitable as Caliph of Islam for being Fasiq‐o‐Fajir. Hazrat Hussain (PBUH) was living in Medina with his family, but Yazid considered him a threat to his rule and ordered his governor either to take oath from Hazrat Hussain (PBUH) by any means or execute him. Hazrat Hussain (RA) refused this demand and hence was pushed to a limit that he finally decided to leave Medina. He first went to Mecca with an intention to perform Haj. But even at this holy place he couldn't do it with peace as Yazid conspired to kill him in Kaaba during Haj. So Hussain had to cut short his plan and performed Umrah instead of Haj.

At the same time Ubayd‐Allah ibn Ziyad, governor of Basrah, executed one of Hazrat Hussain's (RA) messenger and then addressed the people and warned them to avoid the insurgency. Hazrat Hussain (RA) departed towards Kufa despite many warnings and mid‐way, Except Hazrat Jainal Abedin (PBUH) all male members of his family were killed at the Battle of Karbala. 323

The complications of Yazid's accession to the Caliphate didn't end there. Many Sahabah and fellow Muslims refused to give their oath of allegiance to Yazid simply because they saw it as usurpation of power and not the proper way of choosing a Caliph by the Shura or Council. The most prominent among these resistors was Abdullah ibn Zubayr.

The beast Ibn Ziyad at Kufa got the information of Imam Hussain's getting out of the control of Hurr and also learnt that Imam Hussain (PBUH) had camped near the river Euphrates known as the Al‐Qama.

On the 3rd of Muharram Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad sent an army counting four thousand led by Umar’s son of Saad Abi Waqqas were the first to move towards Karbala. His orders were to get Imam Hussain (PBUH) to surrender to Yazid. When Imam Hussain (PBUH) refused, Umar son of Saad told Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad to send more troops. Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad ordered all the men in Kufa to come out and join the army to fight against Hazrat Hussain (RA). Anyone not doing so would be killed. Whoever brings the head of Hussain will get a great prize and I will make him the Governor of Al‐Ray province.

Regiment after regiment began to pour in on the plain of Karbala from all sides until they were thirty thousand (30,000) and ultimately the enemy's forces compelled Imam Hussain (PBUH) to shift his camp from the bank of the river to the interior of the burning desert. Hussain's brother, the lion‐ hearted Abbas (PBUH), objected to this demand from the enemy, claiming priority of occupation and the right of the son of the Holy Prophet, the Holy Imam Hossain (PBUH), to stay where he had first camped. When the enemy wished to march towards the Holy Imam Hossain (RA)'s camp, the brave Abbas at once drew his sword and stood firm and shouted to the men: "If you advance one step forward, you shall lay headless there." Do you not see that truth is not being practiced and wrong not being discouraged? The righteous believer is the one who aspirers towards righteousness. I alone consider death to be a prosperity, while living with the oppressors is nothing but undesirable. Imam Hussain (PBUH)

Knowing the bravery, valor, and prowess of the valiant son of Ali, the Lion of God, none cared to step forward. But Imam Hussain (PBUH) called his 324

Brother saying: "Brother Abbas! Let not bloodshed be initiated from our side. Let them occupy any place they like. They call themselves my Grandfather's followers. Let them enjoy every comfort they want. We shall suffer for them, being away from the water. When God is with us, Brother, what if, the river is far away from us."With these words, Imam Hussain (PBUH), in order to avoid bloodshed, issued orders to shift this camp several miles into the interior of the burning desert and it was immediately done. Also Imam Hussain (PBUH) did not want the people to think that the battle in Karbala was about water.

No room for any criticism left:

If the Holy Imam Hossain (PBUH) had stayed at Medina and got slain there, it would have been said, why did he not migrate to Mecca to take shelter in the Great Sanctuary there? He did go to the Kaaba and if he had stayed there to be killed by Yazid's agents, it would have been said why did he not leave the holy place to avoid bloodshed in the Great Sanctuary? Imam Hussain (PBUH) left Mecca too, even though it was the very eve of the pilgrimage. And if he had gone to Kufa it would have been said why he went to a place where his Deputy Muslim had been killed, and when he knew the situation there. Imam Hussain (PBUH) avoided going to Kufa. Imam Hussain (PBUH) also availed of the opportunity given by Hurr. Now when the enemy became cruel, heartless and aggressive, he avoided bloodshed by shifting his camp into the interior of the desert, abandoning the bank of the river to the enemy. Imam Hussain (PBUH) besieged at Karbala: When the whole plain of Karbala was full with Yazid's regiments and the Imam Hussain's camp was totally surrounded by the enemy's forces, Son of Saad the Commander of the Brute armies met Imam Hussain (PBUH) on the banks of the river and demanded 'allegiance' on behalf of the tyrant Yazid and said:

"If you pay homage to Yazid, everything will go well for you and whatever worldly comforts and privileges you desire for, will be at your

325 disposal. Otherwise, it will end in a brutal massacre of yourself and all your dear ones here."

Imam Hussain (PBUH) firmly refused to pay the 'allegiance' saying:

"Tell Yazid to tempt with the worldly comforts to those who are after this World. I am the Imam, the representative of the Apostle of God. I shall never yield to the one who believe not in God and who defied the Word of the Lord, in word and deed, and who spread godlessness on the earth. Let any calamity befall on me and my dear ones, the will of the Lord shall be followed. Hussain will cheerfully meet any catastrophe but never surrender Truth to falsehood."

Water supply to Imam Hussain's camp cut off: At last on the 7th Muharram 61 Hijra the Commander of Yazid's forces received orders to cut off all sources of supply to the Holy Imam's camp and not allow even a drop of water to reach any of the inmates therein. It can better be imagined than described what the condition of Imam Hussain's camp would have been under the scorching Arabian sun. The camp was in the midst of the burning desert, with the heat‐waves blowing from all sides. The unavailability of water, with nothing to feed even the young children, the wriggling of the babies for milk which the poor mothers, who were themselves suffering from the killing thirst, could not give, caused distress. What a torturous situation it must be, and how did those Holy ones suffer all these unbearable tortures, it is very difficult for any human mind to conceive, but all these are facts which the Holy Imam Hossain (PBUH) and his Godly companions suffered with wonderful fortitude and patience. Over and above all these tortures, the sight of the enemy's forces preparing all around for the massacre and a brutal destruction, along with the ladies and the children in the besieged camp. Hurr remembered how kind Imam Hussain (PBUH) was when he needed water. He asked Umar son of Saad to give water to Imam Hussain's camp or at least to the children, but Umar son of Saad showed no pity.

Note: Abbas the Standard Bearer, had already come to receive the nickname 'Saqqa' (water carrier), as earlier, on one or two occasions, at nights he had been able to pass through the enemy's ranks to fetch water 326 for the children. It was not the case that they had not drunk any water for three days and nights. Access to water had been closed for three days and nights, but during this time they had been able to get some water on one or two occasions, including the night of 'Ashura', when they had taken bath and washed their bodies.

Enemy decides to attack: All efforts of the enemy through temptations, promises, persecutions and tortures, to persuade the Holy Imam Hossain (RA), to yield to Yazid were in vain. Even the killing heat of the desert and the thirst of three continuous days suffered by himself, his faithful companions, the helpless ladies and even the innocent infants and the babies, could not move the Holy Imam Hossain (PBUH) to effect the least change in the strength of his will re‐ establish the Truth paying any price the task might demand. On the 9th of Muharram a final warning was sent to Imam Hussain (PBUH) from Umar, son of Saad that if he did not surrender, he would be killed. Imam Hussain (PBUH) refused to bow down to his threats. The enemy's forces advanced towards the camp of the Holy Imam (PBUH) to affect a brutal massacre of all the inmates therein. Imam Hussain (PBUH) sent word to the enemy's Commander, Umar, son of Saad through the brave Abbas (PBUH) with the request for a night's time to spend it in his last prayers to the Lord which was at first refused but ultimately with much reluctance granted.

Hussain (PBUH) Against Yazid (Kullu Jahnnami) Although Imam Hussain (PBUH) did not leave any stone unturned in disgracing and belittling Muawiyah even then he did not fight or clashed with him.

Nonetheless, after the death of Muawiyah his incapable son Yazid being a proud and thickheaded person posed himself as the leader of the Muslims. And started making the Islamic personalities takes the oath of allegiance for the sake of establishing and strengthening his government.

He wrote to the governors of the cities and as such wrote a letter to Waleed who was governor of Medina that "Immediately take the oath of allegiance from Hussain (PBUH) And if he refuses to do that then cut down his head and send it to me". 327

Muawiyah had several times insistedly warned him that you might dash against anybody except Hussain (PBUH), in which case you would get destroyed. The ruler of Medina summoned Imam Hussain (PBUH) and informed him about the letter of Yazid. He said "I am ready for the martyrdom because only Yazid's becoming the caliph of Muslims is the death and disintegration of Islam".

When Imam (PBUH) observed the worsened condition and atmosphere of Medina he along with his companions migrated to Mecca under the dark cover of the night. His mere act of migration from Medina was a great objection upon the people's taking oath of allegiance for Yazid. Imam Hossain's (PBUH) migration not only created a hue and cry in Medina, but it also set up an atmosphere of discussion and objections against Yazid in Mecca. And the hue and cry raised to the climax when Imam Hossain (PBUH) addressing a gathering of the pilgrims raised his voice against the obnoxious, dirty, and impure government of Yazid.

This stand and pledge of Imam Hussain (PBUH) made the people of the whole area completely aware and understand that the caliphate of Yazid is not correct and taking oath of allegiance for him is dishonesty to Islam and Muslims.

The Invitation of Kufis When the news of the migration and objection of Imam Hussain (PBUH) upon the Yazid's regime reached Kufa. All of them (Kufis) got themselves prepared to invite him to Kufa and elect him for the caliphate and the leadership of Islam. They sent messengers along with letters, rolls and scrolls, and formally invited Imam Hussain (PBUH) to visit Kufa.

But, because of the fact that Imam Hossain (PBUH) knew about the unfaithfulness of the Kufis and he himself had witnessed their untruthfulness towards his father and brother so he sent his cousin 'Muslim bin Aqeel' to Kufa so that he might observe the whole affair closely and invite Imam Hossain (PBUH) if he deemed fit and suitable. Muslim bin Aqeel moved towards Kufa as desired and ordered by Imam Hossain (PBUH) and when he reached there he met a warm, noisy, grand

328 welcome. Thousands of people took oath of allegiance and offered prayers behind him.

Muslim bin Aqeel wrote a letter to Imam Hossain (PBUH) asking him to immediately move. Imam stayed back at Mecca uptill the 8th of Zil Hijj and spoke to the people and aware them of the vicious activities of Yazid. Then he moved towards Iraq.

Termination of the Imam's Representative's Affair When Yazid got informed about the movement of Muslim bin Aqeel and oath of allegiance being taken by the Kufis, he at once sent Ibn‐e‐Ziad, who was the most evil of his companions, to Kufa with full fledge powers.

Ibn‐e‐Ziad, who completely knew about the spirit and the character of the people of Kufa, took advantage and made the most of the weakness and debility and feebleness of their faiths and double‐faced ness hypocrisy and cowardice. And by terrifying and harassing scattered and dispersed them from around Muslim bin Aqeel. And turned the events to such an extent that even those who had written invitation letters to Imam Hossain (PBUH) put on the war dress and got ready to fight the representative of the Imam Hossain (PBUH).

"Muslim bin Aqeel" was forced to fight the agents of Ibn‐e‐Ziad all alone. After showing surprising and astonishing bravery he was arrested and martyred. From the very night Imam Hussain (PBUH) had departed from Medina he had been giving the news of martyrdom and said, "Whosoever is ready to lay his life on our way and make haste to meet God may join us."

He again spoke to his friends and companions about Jihad (holy war), and martyrdom at Mecca, To the extent that even when the poet Farzdak met him on the way and gave him the news of "Muslim bin Aqeel's" being martyred. He said, "Muslim bin Aqeel" has met the blessings of God and ended his mission and has laid the burden of the mission upon our shoulders. We hope to be able to carry this burden and weight up to its destination.


Hazrat Hussain (PBUH)’s Mission Hazrat Hussain (PBUH) described his aim about this mission was to fight Yazid's regime and to uphold and put into practice (Amer bil Maroof and Nahi anil munkir), to order the correct and right and to stop and refrain from the evils and to stand up against the brutality and cruelty. This was the mission God had entrusted him. His grandfather the Prophet (PBUH) and his father Ali (PBUH) had several times described their son's is being martyred.

Imam Hussain (PBUH) himself, by virtue of the knowledge of Imamate, knew that this journey would end with his martyrdom. But Hussain (PBUH) was not the one to be afraid of martyrdom and death, and overlook the command of God. He was the Imam who considered calamity as magnanimity and nobility and martyrdom as bliss and blessedness.

Ultimately, he moved toward "Karbala" and he himself and his companions were all martyred. His family members were taken prisoners. But they gave the message of those martyred to the people in the streets, and bazars of the cities and thus put the agents and paid servants of the Bani Ummayaid to disgrace and shame.

The face of Hussain and his Companions on the Ashoora Day

Hussain's (PBUH) face glittered and shone like light He gave hope and courage to his companions. The same Imam Hossain (PBUH) whose grandfather the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Hussain (PBUH) is the lamp of guidance and the escape boat of the ummah". Hussain (PBUH) spoke loudly, "Oh people of the world! You must know that I have not taken steps for the battle and did not draw my sword. An unclean, dirty character man from the criminal family of Ummayad named "Yazid" made me choose one of the two either I draw my sword and defend my honor and religion or surrender to shame and humility. But do know, beware! That surrendering with shame and humility is far away from our family. I am obliged to choose the first way.”

Then he stood by the soldiers of Yazid forces and said, "It is not expedient and wise, both for your world and religion (the justice day) to kill me and 330 fight against me. So, if you have taken the decision to fight me. It is better to compose and form a committee and take views from everyone. Then see who says fight against the son of the Prophet (PBUH) who is the one gone astray and ill fated, miserable that accompanies and sides with you for killing me? The governor of Iraq, son of Marjana, is an unclean and power seeking person. He wants to make you helpless. I know you will repent after me being martyred and will rebuke each other. Therefore, before taking steps for the battle, think and ponder about the result of your action. Be aware, God is my supporter and I am not harassed and bewildered by any coming event. I have heard from my grandfather that World is the paradise of the infidel and the prison for the faithful. Death is the beginning of our joy but it is the start of your misery. There is only one bridge between this world and the other world and that is death. If you initiate and take steps towards battle, we would also stand up along with our friends and worthy sons for defense. If we are victorious it will not be anything new for us and if we are killed world knows that we are not defeated.”

"Oh helpless people! The informed and knowledgeable people try and endeavor to provide themselves with a lamp, so that they do not loose their way, and I am the lamp of this ummah. But you want to put your lamp off. Do you know against whom do you fight? You are not fighting against me but you fight against God! Against your Holy Prophet (PBUH)."

After the speech of Imam Hussain (PBUH) an enthusiasm, humming, and murmuring movements took place in the army of the enemy. The war provokers saw that if they would not start the battle, Hussain (PBUH) will shatter the army by his speech and will finish all their planning. Therefore, the order for the battle to be started was issued.

Hussain (PBUH) called out, "Oh my worthy and great friends rise up, this is the time for the combat”. His friends like Habib and Zuhair were happy that Imam issued the order. Each one of them requested the other to be allowed to go for battle first, hence take the lead.


The family members of Imam (PBUH) such as the Qamer‐e‐Bani Hashim (Abbas [A.S.]), , Qasim and all the rest got prepared for the battle. They attacked the flanks of the enemy like tigers. Whosoever came their way would be killed. Imam Hussain (PBUH) himself showed such a bravery, courage and manhood that as Ibn Sheher Ashob wrote; he slew two thousand men of the enemy.

Whenever and whichever of the friends and relatives was martyred, Hussain (PBUH) would become stronger, and more resolved and determined. One of the soldiers of the enemy said about the astonishments and wonders of Ashoora, "on the day of Ashoora instead of becoming broken and sorrowful whenever Hussain (PBUH) lost a person by martyrdom his face would glow and shine more than before and he became more determined and stronger in the battle and combat”.

The thirsty and hungry, but selfless and dedicated, holy warriors showed such bravery and ferocious fight that son of Saad the Commander of the enemy shouted, "If you want to fight like this, all of you will be killed by the swords of Hussain (PBUH) and his companions". Therefore, he ordered all the arrow men, who were nearly four thousand in number, to throw arrows simultaneously and harmoniously. The battle got flared up and reached a climax whosoever out of the Imam's companions would fall down he would utter these words, "Oh God do accept our sacrifice."

"The blessings of God be upon thou souls, oh movers and travelers of the way of God and Hussain (PBUH). Oh the venture some defender of the Holy Quran's path. Hussain (PBUH), wherever blood flew out of his body, he would raise his hands towards the sky and say, “Oh God, who is the source and stock of my hope and aspiration, I depend upon you. My hopes are focused upon you. Oh God! Accept these sacrifices from us."

Finally, as per the tradition of Shiekh Mufid, Hussain (PBUH) and his great honorable companions were martyred on Saturday the 10th of Moharram, of 61 Hijrah, and laid to rest side by side, to each other. They gave the lesson of honor, dignity, manhood and bravery to the future generations.


Figure 32: Mosque of Imam Husain (May Allah be pleased with him) in central Cairo. According to one narration, the head of Imam Hussain was brought here from Karbala and buried here. The sacred mantle of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) with his sacred blood when he was martyred in Karbala.

Why Hussain (PBUH) Should not be forgotten? The one whose martyrdom, grief, pain, sorrows and children's captivity were all only for God will never fade out of the memories. Instead, by the pace of time and age his love, fascination, and charm will grow in the hearts of people. And each year the love and fascination of the people with respect to that "pure and chaste revolutionary" increases. Hussain (PBUH) spent 57 years of his prolific life for the sake of God's love and God's search. Many times he traveled, to the God's house for pilgrimage, on foot.

He was very fond of prayers confessions and supplication talking intimately. So far so, that on the last night of his life, he asked for respite only that he might sit all alone and make confessions and supplications, to his God.

One of his companions said about Arafat prayers and supplications of Imam Hussain (PBUH), On the 10th day of the month of Zil Hijj Imam Hussain (PBUH) stood in the burning and scorching desert of Arafat facing Holy Kaabah and prayed with painful and aching heart, "Oh God! I turn my face towards you (focus my attention) and give evidence about your being God. O God! You created me and continuously remained along with me and provided me with sustenance and livelihood with several kinds of blessings and bounties. Praise is for the God; nothing can change whose desire and stop His munificence and generosity." "Oh God adjudge and fix in my soul the independence and freedom from desires and faith 333 and confidence in my heart, and sincerity in my practice and light in my vision and awareness in my religion."

Hussain (PBUH) in the Hearts of Friends The respect and regard which people had and still have in their hearts for Hussain (PBUH) is due to this that he lived with the people and did not consider himself distant and segregated from them. As such, one day, he was passing through a way, a group of poor, oppressed and afflicted people was sitting with a food cloth, spread with a certain quantity of dry bread upon it before them and they were eating it. They invited him to sit along with them and eat that food with them. Imam (PBUH) accepted their invitation and sat down besides the food cloth and took the bread with them. Saying, "God does not like the proud ones."

Imam Hussain (PBUH) has hundreds of such examples and specimens of character, which keeps his memory and martyrdom alive in the memories of the people. With every passing year, people strengthen and deepen their relations with Hussain (PBUH).

Otherwise Hussain (PBUH) did neither possess magnificent palaces nor had soldiers or many types of servants. He never closed and blocked the ways and roads to stop the movement of people like the tyrants and imperialists, and Shrine of Holy Prophet (PBUH) was never vacated for him.

One of his friends said about him "Hussain (PBUH) had the signs of scars of callosity and hard flesh on his back" When his son Imam Zain ul Abidin was questioned about it he said, "These are the callosities and signs of hardened flesh which is due to my father's carrying sacks of food at night time, to the houses of widows and orphan children and poor families."

One of the scholars says about Hussain (PBUH), "In the history of humanity we come across men who were prominent and distinguished in one human quality, a few in bravery, a group in piety and another one in generosity, but Hussain (PBUH) was not distinguished and eminent in one quality and few qualities instead he was distinguished in all the qualities and ethics and possessed all the human perfections and accomplishments included in his personality”.


Yes, such is the person who is the heir of Mohammad's (PBUH) Prophetic mission. Who is the heir of Ali's (PBUH) justice and bravery? Who is the heir of his mother Fatima's (PBUH) modesty and chastity?

He was the reflection of all the merits, accomplishments. Self sacrifices, piety and God's love.

What day is the Ashoora? Ashoora was a formal Arab Eid day in the days and era of ignorance. People used to keep fast and hold ceremonies of joy in the same manner as Nauroze was considered to be the Eid day in Iran.

In the Arab history, Ashoora day (10th of Moharram) was the historical and customary Eid, when the various tribes of Arab put on new clothes and decorate the cities. Still, a group of Arabs, who is known as the "Yazidi" group celebrates this day as a joyous festival.

When the incident and anguish of Karbala took place in the year 61 Hijrah, the mode and line of tendencies, and views of Arab and the Muslims was changed. Moharram, which was taken to be as one of the (Haram) prohibited months. War and killing was prohibited in it because the martyrdom day of the best of the sons of Adam i.e. Hussain Ibn‐e‐Ali (PBUH) and for the Shias it became a day of sorrow and grief, the day of honoring and celebrating the memories of the martyrs.

In the very first year of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (PBUH) his friends nearly thousands in number gathered around his grave and recited alleges. From the ushering of the era of Bani Ummayad and Yazid unto this day, hundreds of thousands of the friends of Ahl al‐bayth (PBUH) celebrate the mourning meetings and caravans move towards Karbala.

Those whose cities are away and at long distance from Karbala shape their cities as Karbala and hold mourning gatherings.

The Fatimydes of the Egypt announced the Ashoora as the day of mourning of Imam Hussain (PBUH). As such, men and women gathered around the grave of Umme Kulsum (PBUH) and mourned and recited the

335 alleges. All along the Fatimyde Era in Egypt Ashoora remained the official and formal day of mourning and grief.

Moez ud duala Delmi ordered that Ashoora be celebrated officially in Iran and entire population and government officials must refrain from work and celebrate the mourning rituals.

This is the very reason why the mourning rituals in Iran, Egypt, Iraq and India have brought about a spiritual movement and ideological change among the Muslim masses so that today's movement of Muslims is the sequence of the same. With every passing year, it is becoming more fruit full. Hoping that a day will come when people will mend their perverse nesses and misbehaviors and make up their deficiencies and faults and enhance their strength and values.

One of the scholars says about it "Mosques are the relics and vestiges of the Prophet (PBUH) but the monasteries of mourning and Hussainias (centers of mourning) are the relics of the Ahle-Bayt (PBUT).

The Shias prattle and tell their secrets to God in the mosques and in the mourning centers they prattle to the lovers of God and those who were martyred for Him and on His way.

All along the passage of history no power could stop the movement of the Caravan of Hussain (PBUH) and history has shown that during the entire length of thirteen centuries this enthusiastic movement could not be hushed up and cooled down. For the same reason, because the martyrdom of Hussain (PBUH) and his friends took place on such a day then Joyous ceremonies and decorative measures, joyous and happy celebrations, and lightings and keeping of fast became prohibited and haram on that day.

Ibn‐e‐Kaseer writes, "Ashoora was announced as the public and national mourning day in Baghdad in the approximates of 400 Hijrah. People used to keep cold water and cold drinks on the highways and through fares for the thirsty ones to drink and to commemorate the thirst of Hazrat Hussain (PBUH) and people of Iraq used to become mournful on the Ashoora day just like the departure day of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to the Heaven.


Who was the Winner of the Karbala Movement? Although a group of simple people think that Yazid won the Ashoora battle and Hussain (PBUH) was defeated. But by studying the history deeply and thoroughly they would appreciate that the situation was reverse and opposite of it. For, winning and succeeding does not mean that a person must remain unharmed and intact and the enemy be killed. But it means success in achieving one's objects and goals and aspirations and ideology although one is killed. Defeat does not mean being killed and loosing life in the battlefield. But it means the death and annihilation of objective, aspiration and belief.

Hussain (PBUH) himself and his friends were martyred in the Ashoora's tragic event, his family was taken prisoner, their properties were plundered and looted but the aim and objective of Hussain (PBUH) remained alive, because, his aim was the spreading and expansion of Islam and stopping the cruelty, tyranny and aggression, which has been carried forward during the entire length of history and millions of men are the holders and carriers of the flag of this belief and aspiration. Hut the aim of Yazid was annihilated and perished; because his sole aim was not killing Hussain (PBUH) and his friends instead it was finishing Islam and the end and termination of the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam. Since Hussain (PBUH) was on that track and way, Yazid thought by killing Hussain (PBUH) and taking his family as prisoner the story will finish and his ends will be achieved.

Not knowing and unaware of this fact that God himself is the guard and custodian of Islam and Holy Quran and the teachings of the Prophets. The tyrants, arrogant, and powerful of the history who always stood up against the Prophets and fought them, killed them or banished them, had the same obnoxious aim but none of them succeeded neither Nomrod and Pharos nor anyone else of them. What success can be better and clearer than this that many centuries have passed and there is no name and signs of those tyrants of the history among the people. But the Prophets of God and the, religious leaders still have their places in the depth of the hearts of the informed, aware, and human loving people. People praise them regarding their greatness and they do not cherish the memories of the

337 kings. Today we observe that the graves of religious leaders and the real movement makers of history have got devoted lovers who travel long distances after bearing the inconveniences and discomforts, to bow down to their graves and tell their secrets to them. But the graves of the tyrants of history do not have any visitors because they do not have anything to give it to anyone.

After, the catastrophe and calamity of Karbala the signs of the triumph of Hussain (PBUH) and defeat of Yazid became evident and clear, because where ever the remaining family members of Hussain (PBUH) would set their feet people would exhibit their emotions, of love and attachment with them and curse their enemies, to such extent, that even the family members of Yazid did not give him any respect. Instead, a few of his near relatives raised objection and rebuked, reproached and blamed him.

Brief Sayings of the Imam Hussain (PBUH) 1. Imam Hussain (PBUH) said on the day of Ashoora: "People are the servants of the World and touch the religion by their tongues. Till such time that they know that religion does not carry any harm for them, they would move and spin around it. But when the test comes then the real religious ones are (to be seen) actually very few in number." 2. Imam Hussain (PBUH) told his son Imam Zain ul Abidin: "Avoid being cruel to anybody who does not have any helper except God." 3. During fare well to his son on Ashoora day he said: "Oh my son do not weep, do not shed tears on my leaving, your distress and calamity does not come to an end. But that will be the beginning of your discomforts, agonies and grief's. Be strong, because God is your supporter. Beware, after I pass away, do not say a word before the enemy so that your worth comes down." 4. Worst of the people is the one who gives (surrenders) his dooms day for his world (material gains). 5. Do not perform any good work for the sake of people's praise and do not abandon it for fear of shame. 6. Those who worship and adore God do not worship others.


7. Whatever my brother Hassan (PBUH) did during his life was upon the command and order of God. And that which I do is also upon the order of God. 8. Do not say a word, which may make you repent and force you to make excuse.

Childhood wish of Imam Zainul Abideen / Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (PBUH) In his childhood, our 4th Imam, Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) once fell very ill. Like any father, his father Imam Hussain (PBUH) too showed affection towards him and asked, "How are you feeling my son? Is there anything you wish to have so that I can provide you with it?" As a small child, he (PBUH) responded, "O father! My wish is only one that Allah (SWT) should place me amongst those who are ever pleased and satisfied with whatever HE destines for them".

Thereupon his father embraced him and said, "You have indeed spoken words of knowledge (Ma'rifah). Your answer is similar to that of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), when Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was thrown into fire (by Nimrood), Angel Jibrael met and asked him if he had any wish to which Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) replied: 'Indeed but not from you".

Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH): The Secret Helper of the Poor and Needy The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as ablution (Wudu), praying, supplicating, pilgrimage (Hajj), etc, is a stranger to the society. Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his life in worship. The life of Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) however, contradicts this view.

Despite his long unique prayers and supplications, our 4th Imam, Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) was never ignorant of his society, its needs, and the realities of the time. In fact, in regards to interactions with society, he was a role model in the social and moral duties.


Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) always remembered the saying of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): that if a Muslim did not think of the needs of his Muslim brothers then he was not a Muslim.

This is why when it was dark in the night and all the people were sleeping, Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) would get up, put some food in a sack and carry it on his shoulders to the houses of the poor people.

When Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) went out at night it was dark and everyone will be sleeping but Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) would cover his face just in case anyone was up, so that no one could recognize him.

Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) looked after about 100 families like this without them even knowing who it was that was helping them.

Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) had a poor cousin. Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) used to go to visit him every night and give him some money while he could not see Imam's face. That man used to say, "Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) does not consider his poor family members; may Allah (SWT) punish him." Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) heard these words many times and never said anything; he continued to be anonymous with his patience. After Imam's martyrdom, his cousin did not receive any charity and then realized that the generous man who used to help him was Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH). Thus, he went to Imam's cemetery and cried there.

Muhammad Is'haq narrates: Many of the poor citizens of Medina had experienced the generosity and kindness of Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH). Yet, they never found out it was the Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) as he would visit them during the nights, until Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) passed away, and that anonymous man never came to them any more. It was then that they found out that that anonymous helper was Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH).

Abu Hamzah al‐Thomali also narrates: During the night, Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) would carry food on his shoulders for the poor and needy people. He would say, "Giving charity in secret will subside the anger of Allah (SWT)."


Ibn Sa'ad who died around 200 A.H. has narrated: There were many poor people who would come to the Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) for help, and before they even asked for anything, the Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) would give them what they wanted. Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) would then say, "Giving charity is received by Allah (SWT) before it is received by the poor."

It was from the examples mentioned above that when the Imam Zainul Abideen (PBUH) was martyred, and some were helping in washing his body (giving him Ghusl), they noticed the wounds on his shoulder and back. They asked about it, and found out that the wounds were the result of carrying the food for the poor.

Moral: When you do something good you should not tell everyone because Allah (SWT) can see and HE is the one who will give you reward (Thawab) for what you have done. In fact Allah (SWT) says that HE will give you more Thawab if you do good and do not tell anyone.

UMMAYADS, the first Muslim dynasty (661‐750) The Ummayad house was one of the major clans of the Quraysh tribe. Technically, Uthman, the third So-called Caliph was the first Ummayad caliph. During his tenure (644‐655), he appointed members of his clan to various posts; in particular, Muawiya b. Abi Sufyan was given the governorship of Syria. Upon the accession of Hazrat Ali (PBUH) to the caliphate, Muawiya refused to pay him allegiance, and in 658 the Syrians acknowledged Muawiya as caliph. That same year he gained control of Egypt; Following Hazrat Ali's departure in 661, he subdued Iraq and then formally established self proclaimed caliph.


Table 5: Family tree & Ummayad dynasty’s Rulers

The first lines of Ummayads were the Sufyanids (descendants of Abu Sufyan) who ruled from 661‐ 684. Under Muawiya (661‐680) the capital of the Muslim empire was transferred to Damascus. He is credited with raising a highly‐trained army of Syrian soldiers which was used to expand Muslim authority east into Khorasan and west into North Africa. Muawiya also led excursions into Anatolia beginning in 672 which culminated in an unsuccessful three‐year siege of Constantinople (674‐677). He retained the administrative structures left by the Byzantines and Persians but consolidated his authority by appointing kinsmen to key posts. Before his death, Muawiya secured allegiance to his son, Yazid, thus introducing dynastic succession to Muslim rule. 342

Yazid's reign (680‐683) was marked by rebellions led by Husayn b. Ali at Kerbala and Ibn al‐ Zubayr at Mecca, both of whom refused to recognize Yazid's authority. Upon the death of Muawiya II (683‐684), civil war broke out between two Arab factions, the Qaysites and the Kalbites, the latter of whom supported the candidacy of Marwan b. al‐Hakam. His ascendance to the caliphate in 684 established the Marwanid line of Ummayad caliphs. As he died a year later, the task of reunification was placed in the hands of his son, Abd al‐Malik.

During Abd al‐Malik's reign (685‐705), order was gradually restored to Iraq and Arabia; Ibn al‐Zubayr, who had taken advantage of the civil war in Syria to extend control into Iraq, was defeated in 692. Arabic was made the official language of administration, and Byzantine coins were replaced with a new Islamic‐style coinage. Under his sons, Walid I (705‐715) and Sulayman (715‐717), the empire expanded westward to Morocco and Spain, and eastward to Transoxiana. Constantinople was besieged, again unsuccessfully, for one year (717‐718). This period also marks the building of several grand palaces and the famous Ummayad mosque in Damascus.

With the death of Sulayman, power was transferred to his cousin Umar b. Abd al‐Aziz (717‐720). He enacted fiscal reforms which placed all Muslims, Arab and non‐Arab (mawali), on equal footing. His successor, Yazid II (720‐ 724), caused a renewal of the hostilities between the Qaysites and the Kalbites by openly favoring the the former. During Hisham's long reign (724‐743), the Muslim empire reached the limits of its expansion. Discontent with the Ummayad regime manifested itself with the rebellion of Zayd b. Ali in 740, while Berber revolts in North Africa that same year effectively cut off what is today Morocco and Spain from Ummayad rule. Under Hisham's successors, Walid II, Yazid III, and Ibrahim, a series of rebellions paralyzed the caliphate: Kharijites seized Kufa, and feuds between the Qaysites and Kalbites erupted.

The last Ummayad caliph of Syria, Marwan II (744‐750), attempted to restore order, but by this time the Abbasid revolutionary movement had gained momentum in the eastern provinces of the empire. In 749 Abu al‐ Abbas al‐Saffah was proclaimed the first Abbasid caliph; the Ummayads were massacred in 750. Only one Ummayad, Abd al‐ Rahman, escaped: he 343 fled to Spain where he established the dynasty of the Ummayads of Cordoba.

Figure 33: Calipha Al-Mamun Ibn Harun-Ur- Rashid Al-Farghani

Friends of Iblish Caliph al Mamun & Associate in Crime AL FARGHANI, Chief Astrological and Astronomical Advisor along With So-Called Sahih Bukhari Hadith Writer Imam Abu Abdullah Al-Bukhari Brief Biography of Calipha Al-Mamun:

In 802 Harun al‐Rashid father of al‐Ma'mun and al‐Amin ordered that al‐Amin succeed him and al‐Ma'mun serve as governor of Khurasan and as caliph after the death of al‐ Amin. Al‐Ma'mun was reportedly the older of the two brothers, but his mother was a Persian woman while al‐Amin's mother was a member of the reigning Abbasid family. After al‐Rashid's death in 809, the relationship between the two brothers deteriorated. In response to al‐Ma'mun's moves toward independence, al‐Amin declared his own son Musa to be his heir. This violation of al‐Rashid's testament led to a civil war in which al‐Ma'mun's newly recruited Khurasani troops, led by Tahir bin Husain (d. 822), defeated al‐Amin's armies and laid siege to Baghdad. In 813, al‐Amin was beheaded and al‐Ma'mun self proclaimed caliph throughout the empire.

Internal Strife When & How Al-Mamun Murdered Islam’s Imams There were disturbances in Iraq during the first several years of al‐ Ma'mun's reign. On November 13, 815 Mohammad Jafar claimed the Caliphate for himself in Mecca. He was defeated and he quickly abdicated asserting that he'd only become caliph on news that al‐Ma'mun had died. Lawless in Baghdad led to the formation of neighborhood watches. When

344 in A.H. 201 (817 CE) al‐ Ma'mun named Imam Reza the Seventh descendant of Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) his heir, this was not accepted by people in Baghdad. This was a political move by al‐Ma'mun since most of Persia was sympathetic to the Hashemites. Al‐Ma'mun's opponents in Baghdad gave allegiance to Ibrahim ibn al‐Mahdi. His forces fought Kharijites, al‐ Ma'mun's and arrested the neighborhood watch commander Sahl ibn Salamah.

Imam Reza informed al‐Ma'mun of happenings in Baghdad and al‐Ma'mun set out for the City of Peace on the day the fast ended, April 12, 818. At Tus he stopped to visit his father's grave. On the last day of Safar in 203 AH, al‐Ma'mun poisoned Imam Reza through grapes in Tus. Imam Reza was buried beside the caliph's grave. Following the death of Imam Reza a great revolt took place in Khurasan, Persia. Al‐Ma’mun wept and mourn for Imam Reza and tried to show himself innocent of the crime. But for all he did, he could not get himself acquitted and prove his innocence. Al‐ Ma'mun wrote to Hasan ibn Sahl, his governor in Iraq, the Hijaz, etc. informing him of his grief on the Imam's death. The governor fell ill and al‐ Ma'mun appointed Dinar ibn Abdallah to replace him. Some of Ibn al‐ Mahdi's commanders deserted him, and he died.

Wars with Byzantine Romans Theophilos wrote to Al‐Ma'mun. The Caliph replied that he carefully considered the Byzantine ruler's letter, noticed it blended suggestions of peace and trade with threats of war and offered Theophilos the options of acknowledging divine unity, paying tax or fighting. Al‐Ma'mun made preparations for a major campaign and died on the way while leading an expedition in Sardis.

Al‐Ma'mun's relations with the Byzantine Romans is marked by his efforts in the translation of Greek philosophy and science. Al‐Ma'mun gathered scholars of many religions at Baghdad, whom he treated magnificently and with tolerance. He sent an emissary to the Byzantine Empire to collect the most famous manuscripts there, and had them translated into Arabic. It is said that, victorious over the Byzantine Emperor, Al‐Ma'mun made a condition of peace be that the emperor hand over of a copy of the


"Almagest". Point should be noted that, this was the time when Al-Mamun gathered all the Hadith writer like Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Nesayee, Ibn Mazah, Muslim and Abu Dawuds etc.

Al‐Ma'mun's Reign Al‐Ma'mun conducted, in the plains of Mesopotamia, two astronomical operations intended to determine the value of a terrestrial degree. Almanon crater, on the Moon, has been named in recognition of this caliph’s contributions to astronomy.

The mihna, or 'ordeal,' is comparable to Medieval European inquisitions only in the sense that it involved imprisonment, a religious test, and a loyalty oath. The casualties of Abbasid inquisition would not approach a fraction of those executed in Europe under similar circumstances. In the effort to centralize power and test the loyalty of his subjects, al‐Ma'mun required elites, scholars, judges and other government officials to undergo the test, which was a series of questions relating to his own theology and faith. The penalty for failing the mihna could include death.

The So called ulema that Al Mamun captured and appointed them as teachers at the major Islamic law schools became YAZIDI ISLAM (present day) as a religion of legalism from the view point of Al-Mamun. Doctrinal differences between Sunni and Shi'a Islam began to become more pronounced. Ibn Hanbal, the founder of the Hanbali legal school, became famous for his opposition to Al-Mamun. Al‐ Ma'mun's simultaneous opposition and patronage of intellectuals led to the emergence of important dialogues on both secular and religious affairs, and the Bayt al‐ Hikma became an important center of translation for Greek and other ancient texts into Arabic. This Islamic renaissance spurred the rediscovery of Hellenism and ensured the survival of these texts into the European renaissance.

Al‐Ma'mun, in an attempt to win over the Shi'a Muslims to his camp, named the eighth Imam, Ali ar‐Rida, his successor, if he should outlive al‐ Ma'mun. Most Shi'ites realized, however, that ar‐Rida was too old to survive him and saw al‐Ma'mun's gesture as empty; indeed, ar‐Rida died. The incident served to further alienate the Shi'ites from the Abbasids, who 346 had already been promised and denied the Caliphate by al‐'Abbas. Later Ma'mun, fearing an uprising, had Ali Ar‐Rida poisoned.

The Abbasid empire grew somewhat during the reign of al‐Ma'mun because of his ideology to ignore Holy Quran by inventing his own mythology of Islam by inventing Hadith by the active cooperation of Bukhari, Authentic Hadith, Abu-Dawud, Ibn Mazah and others.

Al‐Ma'mun's Ending Politically the position was less rosy. Al‐Ma'mun was unable to recruit sufficient forces to replace the old 'Abbasid army that had been destroyed in the civil war, and he became increasingly dependent on his younger brother, Abu Ishaq, who had gathered a small but highly efficient force of Turkish mercenaries, many of them slaves or ex‐ slaves from Central Asia. When al‐Ma'mun died in 833, Abu Ishaq, under the title of al‐ Mu'tasim, succeeded him without difficulty. Al‐Mu'tasim was no intellectual but rather an effective soldier and administrator. His reign marks the introduction into Iraq of an alien, usually Turkish, military class, which was to dominate the political life of the country for centuries to come. From this time Iraqi Arabs were rarely employed in military positions, though they continued to be influential in the civil administration.

Harun Ur-Rashid’s bastard son Al-Mamun, whom did not believe in Holy Quran, so that in his reign, He have worked very dynamically and chosen most cunning Hadith Compiler and so called Shohi Hadith writer non-Arab Imam Bukhari and others, whom also misinterpreted the Holy Quran to reestablish the Yazid Ibn Muawiyah’s ideology through the socalled Hadith writer like Bukhari and Hadith books like Authentic Hadith Sharif, Muslim Sharif, Abu-Dawud Sharif, Nesayee Sharif, Ibn Mazah Sharif all together misguiding as well as misleading the Muslim Ummah since the Hadith was compiled at the time of Ummaiya & Abbassiya reign.

Death One Day Al‐Ma'mun was sitting on the river bank telling those with him how splendid the water was. He asked what would go best with this water and was told a specific kind of fresh dates. Noticing supplies arriving, he asked someone check whether such dates were included. As they were, he 347 invited those with him to enjoy the water with these dates. All who did this fell ill. Others recovered. He encouraged his successor to continue his policies. Al‐Ma'mun died near Tarsus and the city's major mosque contains a tomb reported to be his. He was succeeded by his half‐brother, al‐ Mu'tasim.

“So Called Imam, The Notorious Bukhari (194 ‐256) Hijri”

Figure 34: In 1996, His Eminency Dr. Alam Has visited the So-Called Hadith Writer, with the Religious Minister of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Kuwait, Jordan and Russian so-called Religious Leader Zia Uddin Baba Khan

His Eminency also proclaimed Soviet Russia would be divided & All Muslims would be free.

His Early Years So‐Called Imam Abû `Abdullâh Muhammad ibn Ismâ`îl al‐Bukhârî was born on the 13th of the Islâmic month of Shawwâl, 194AH, in the famous city of Bukhara, of the land "beyond the canal" ‐ present day Uzbekistan ‐. The father of Bukhârî, Ismâ`îl ibn Ibrâhîm ibn Mughîrah al‐Ja`fî, During infancy his father passed away and his mother took on the entire responsibility of bringing him up. Bukhârî was by born blind. He had recourse to many famous and skilled doctors of his time but their treatments made no difference. His mother cried out for help in the court of Allâh the Almighty, for her child and begged for the restoration of his eyesight also security of her bastard child Bukhari. At last, "the river of mercy flowed over her," and Almighty Allâh accepted her invocation and restored the sight of her son 348 because Every mother’s prayer are accepted, even the Almighty accepts prayer, if the mother is a prostitute. This is the Will of God in accordance of Holy Quran.

It is very painful to state that, the prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) the founder of Islam, when he started his new religion in Holy City Mecca by the order of Almighty God, God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus as well as the God of Devils, Prophet’s family members, cousin brothers and close relative like Ummayya, Abu Zahel, Abu Lahab, Abu‐ Sufiyan, Henda (Wife of Abu Sufiyan), Mughira Ibn Hesham, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufiyan, Yazid Ibn Muawiyah as true follower of devil by the influence of fanatic Jews and Christains had been trying to destroy the back bone of new religion “Islam”.(In Accordance of Holy Quran, Surah Kalam, those who criticize directly or Indirectly to Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), he is a Bastard in accordance of Holy Quran. (Sura Kalam, Chapter Mughira Verse 1‐16).

AL QALAM (THE PEN) (Revealed at Mecca ‐ contains 52 verses ‐ 2 sections) Allah ‐ beginning with the name of ‐ the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

*Qalam 68:1+ Nuun* ‐ by oath of the pen and by oath of what is written by it. (Alphabet of the Arabic language; Allah and to whomever, He reveals, know their precise meanings.) [Qalam 68:2] You are not insane, by the munificence of your Lord. [Qalam 68:3] And indeed for you is an unlimited reward. [Qalam 68:4] And indeed you possess an exemplary character. *Qalam 68:5+ So very soon, you will see and they too will realise ‐ *Qalam 68:6+ ‐ That who among you was insane. [Qalam 68:7] Indeed your Lord well knows those who have strayed from His path, and, He well knows those who are upon guidance. [Qalam 68:8] Therefore do not listen to the deniers. [Qalam 68:9] They wish that in some way, you may yield, so they too might soften their stand. [Qalam 68:10] Nor ever listen to any excessive oath maker, ignoble person. [Qalam 68:11] The excessively insulting one, spreader of spite. [Qalam 68:12] One who excessively forbids the good, transgressor, sinner. [Qalam 68:13] Foul mouthed, and in addition to all this, of improper lineage. 349

[Qalam 68:14] Because he has some wealth and sons. ( Walid bin Mugaira, who cursed the Holy Prophet.) *Qalam 68:15+ When Our verses are recited to him, he says, “These are stories of earlier people.” [Qalam 68:16] We will soon singe his pig‐nose.

Anybody criticizes the Holy prophet like Walid Ibn Mughira, The Almighty God declared in the Holy Quran Surah Al‐Qalam (Verse 1 to 16) that, “if anyone criticizes Prophet and his mission is a Bastard along with nine other bad characteristics”, in accordance of Surah Al‐Qalam. Mughira was one of the most influential leader of Holy City Mecca. Mughira and his followers main function everyday was to loot and rob merchandise and properties also abuse women of pilgrims those who use to come to Mecca for pilgrimage in accordance of Holy Quran Surah Quresh. There are two Surahs such as Surah Al‐Qalam and Al‐Quresh to explain about Mughira and his followers Punishment from Almighty Allah as well as to message to correct theirself. Resembling Walid Ibn Mughira the enemies of Islam and Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) are as follows: Abu Lahab, Abu Jahel, Ummaiya, Abu Sufiyan, Henda, Muawiya, Yazid Ibn Muawiya, Marwan, Abbasiya and Ummaiya Dynasty’s so‐called Islamic Rulers Al‐ Mamun EXCEPT Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz. It may be mentioned here, the cunning Jews and Christians had made a long term conspiracy to eliminate Islam after the battle of Jonge Ahzab in Medina and immediate after Prophet’s departure to Heaven.

Primary Education and Interest in Hadîth When Bukhârî reached the age of ten and after acquiring his elementary education, Almighty Allâh inserted the interest in the science of Ahadîth into his heart and he obtained admission in the Hadîth class of Bukhara. He obtained his educations after vigorous study. A year later, he had such a good retention of the text and chains of transmission of Ahâdîth, that sometimes teachers got their corrections from him. Please note that these are false proclaimed and fabricated information to misguide the universal truth and literate / Knowledgeable / intellectuals. All the of the abovementioned proclamation of Bukhari as well as Abu Huraira are all false, fabricated cock and bull story.


How it is possible at ten years old blind bastard dare to teach their teacher, it is the camouflaging game of the Abbassiya ruler Al‐Mamun to upgrade the Bukhari’s status for his personal use to strengthen his position of self proclaimed Caliphate. Al‐ Mamun had killed several direct descendants of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) such as Imam Muslim, Imam Reza and Imam ibn Hanbal. He imported the bastard Bukhari, when he was exiled by the Government of Uzbekistan Territory.

Point to be noted here, Whom actually gave him his proclaimed knowledge? The author of this book stated that as follows, Bukhari was born in Uzbekistan as blind. His so called father died but he was a bastard child given birth by his Mother even she faced awkward situation with this child, she cried and cried every moment for safety and security of the child and open his eyes. Finally, almighty God accepted her prayer, at the age of sixteen, he was no more blind cured by his mother’s prayer. People had asked this child, “who was your father?” again he falsely proclaimed his father’s name and he created chaos and complexity around the city where he was born. Finally the Ruler of Uzjbekistan deported Bukhari along with his mother from Uzbekistan but he managed to reach Baghdad. Bukhari’s cunningness and malpractice ideology again got him thrown out from Baghdad city. A Arabian robber bought him to Holy City Mecca. When this was taking place the present day Abbassiya emperor was Al‐ Mamun (198 – 0218 A.H.). A marchent from Syria bought him from Mecca in exchange of 5 Dinar as a slave for personal use but later sold for 7 dinar to the Abbassiya Ruler’s counsel members, whom later placed him to the self proclaimed Seventh Caliph Al‐Mamun. By this time Abbassiya Caliph Al‐ Mamun took the interest upon him by the influence of his astrological adviser Al‐Farghani to write and compile hadith such as Bukhari, Abu Dauwd, At‐Authentic Hadith, An‐Nasa'I, Ibn Majah in the name of so‐called “Seha‐Sitta”. Among all few hadithes are bogus and non‐authentic, false fabricated and groundless. Even though they have used some prominent ideal person like Imam Ibn Hanbal, Imam Malik, Prophet’s divorced wife teen aged Ayesha.

All the hadith was written and compiled after 195 years of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) departure. Another number one criminal was a

351 fanatic Jew Abu Huraira Munafek Muslim friend of Muawiyah and his associates. He had given thousands and thousands of False statement to prepare Bukhari’s false Hadith book named “Shahi Bukhari”.

His False Proclamation of Memory The false proclamation made by the Abbassyia Rulers after 195 years of the holy departure of Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) founder of Islam. Enemy of the Prophet family members made an long term conspiracy to compile and write the hadiths by the Non‐ Arab cunning pick-pocketer like Bukhari, Abu Dawud, Tirmizi and other so called hadith compiler. The Imam Muslim was one the Prophet’s direct descendant, When he became one the most renown scholar in Holy Quran and Hadith, even at that time there was no Arab Scholar from Medina or Mecca to compile the real Hadith. The Situation of Prophet’s descendants were not allowed to peacefully live in Mecca or Medina. Because He found out about the Abbassiya rulers conspiracy to compile many false Hadith book such as the compiler name, Bastard and blind Bukhari, Tirmizi compiled by another cheater Sammael Tirmizi, Abu‐Dawud compiled by Mr. Abu Dawud, Nassae by Ibn Nessae, Ibn Majah and Muslim compiled by Imam Muslim whom was mentally upset and angry at near Medina Mosque, he arranged one room and sat their with his writing tools, food for one month (dry dates) also water supply along with animal skin. At first He did not sleep for first seven days, by very hardship he examined the Bukhari’s false Hadith book as well as the so‐called real book which was named “Shahi Bukhari Sharif”.

Imam Muslim, as Islamic Scholar an inhabitant of Medina studied in Egypt and Parsia to acquire vast knowledge of Holy Quran and Hadith, He immediately rejected all the Bukhari’s compilation of so called Bukhari Sharif and started compiling his own authentic Hadith book, but he did succeed to write a single page. He was killed by the Abbassiya Ruler Al‐ Mamun. Please note that currently, the Muslim Sharif was not written compiled by Imam Muslim. All of the Prophet’s descendants escaped from Medina and Mecca towards Indonesia, Malaysia, Syria, India, Pakistan, Burma, Sudan, China, Afghanistan, Shemarkand Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Taskan, Turkey, Iraq and other Muslim territories.


Bukhârî was a man of devil attitude also a friend of Iblis. Bukhari’s false proclamation about his early period of acquired knowledge of memorized seventy thousand Ahâdîth and later in his life, this figure reached three hundred thousand. Of these, one hundred thousand were sahîh (rigorously authenticated) and two hundred thousand were not sahîh (hasan, da`îf, etc).

Please note that, in accordance of Bukhari’s proclamation at the age of 21, he was a slave of Al‐Mamun Seventh Caliph of Abbassiya Dynasty. He proclaimed that, when he was correctly compiling the hadith for the authentication “before starting to compile each hadith, at first he took full shower for his self purification, secondly he took Odhu/ablution and than he prayed two Rakat Nofol prayer for his protection finally to establish connection with Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) spiritually his final step was to meditate 3 to 4 hours to compile each hadith by the approval of Prophet thru his spiritual connection. It should noted that, he authenticated on the abovementioned process app. 9,000 Hadith out of 600,000 Hadith.

We have a question now:

How many years did slave Bukhari was alive? 62 years At which age did he start compiling? At the age of 21 At which age did he finish his research, compilation and authentication of Hadith? About 15 years from the time he started compiling the hadith at the age of 36.

Bukhari had presented the so‐called “Shahi Bukhari” to Calipha Al‐Mamun with the direct influence of the devils and cooperation by the fanatic Jews and Christian authority concerns.

If you can think with Your general common sense, with mathematic knowledge please come forward and have your own theory of explanation. According to Bukhari from 600,000 false hadith, which was compiled by

353 him and again corrected from them 240,000 correct hadith book name “Shahi Bukhari”.

Suppose it takes 4 hours to correct ONE hadith, Now my concern is, how can he correct app. 9,000 hadith from 600,000 within 15 years or to till he lived? Even if he were an angel he could not have finished the compilation of the Hadith in 15 years or his lifetime of 62 years because he was thrown out by the half brother Mutasim Billah the Eighth Caliph of Abbassiya Dynasty. Mutassem Billah had understood Bukhari’s camouflaging game and he recalled him to his court along with Al‐Mamun’s chief astrological adviser Al‐Farghani also immediately ordered the chief justice to exile them to their own countries within seven days. If they did not obey the Caliph’s order, they shall be killed if they were found anywhere in Baghdad. Accordingly, Bukhari at the age 36 escaped from Baghdad towards Mecca secretly and he never gave his real identity to anyone. He was also attacked by many incurable diseases like Leprosia, kidney, heart again blindness. By this time his mother had passed away, now there were no one to pray for him, even no women had accepted him as husband because all the diseases. His face had become ugly even the devil was scared of him because his contribution is more than the Devil (Iblis)’s contribution against Islam.

Finally, a Uzbekistan group of Hajjis introduced and caught him and asked for his identification. There were literate middle age and old age pilgrims, some of them had known about Bukhari and they cordially invite him to return back to his home land Uzbekistan. He understood that the correct government will withdraw his detention order in exchange of big amount of money thru the pilgrims. Finally, at the age of 47 he returned back to his mother land with blindness and other incurable diseases. He spent last 15 years of his life with very hardship and sufferings of many diseases which led him to Jahannam at the age of 62. His grave is at Bukhara, Uzbekistan getting burnt day by day by the hell fire.

During the farewell speech by the founder of Islam Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) proclamation and declaration on his last speech he said, “Oh My followers! The Glorious Holy Quran is the fundamental complete CODE of human life, if human being as well as my followers follow the Holy 354

Quran’s ideology they should not be misguided”. Secondly, He said, “If you love me, follow me with the Holy Quranic Ideaology YOU MUST LOVE MY AHLE-BAYET (Descendants of Prophet).

But Yazid Ibn Muawiyah had killed all the family members of greatest Prophet at the battle of Karbala to establish his own ideology of Islam by misguiding the people by so-called Hadith.

Please note that, at the time of Prophet’s last pilgrimage and even at the time of his fare well speech there were NO BOOK OF HADITH, so where did we get this Hadith? Even where and how this Hadith did got complied? WHY EVEN A NON-ARAB LIKE BUKHARI, Trimidhi, Abu-Dawud, Ibn Mazah and Nesayee COMPILES HADITH?


MUSTAFA KAMAL PASHA: (The western spy, Kafer, Betrayer against Islam) “Mustafa Kamal Pasha” took over rule of Turkey from the Calipha Abdul Majid Wahid Uddin in 1924. He abolished Caliphate with the help of verily Western Powers. The episode was not ended there. Kamal imposed the ordinance to record Holy Quran in Turkey Language in lieu of Arabic. The Islamic Shariah Courts were abolished. Females were forbidden to wear Islamic Dresses, Ayasafia Mosque was converted as Museum, Legendary Fez caps were forbidden & ordered to wear Western Caps so that it creates trouble to pray Salat. Islamic Studies were stopped in Governmental Institutes. Hajj / pilgrimage were not allowed. Muslims 355 were ordered to change their Islamic Names, utmost efforts to change of Heredity Laws imposed by Allah and to destroy all Islamic Cultures and Ideologies.

That time, British Foreign Minister said: “We must put an end to anything which may bring about any Islamic Unity between the Sons of Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate, so we must also, ensure that, the Muslims never unit intellectually or culturally”. Right at That time one Christian Baptist Mission reported to the congenital Pope about their failure to convert Muslims over to Christianity. In reply, the Pope said, “Our Mission is not to convert the Muslims, rather to keep them away from Islam”.

There were peace and justice during first four Caliph’s ruling period which was as per Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Tariqa or Way although Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman did not follow Prophet (PBUH) Ghadir E Khum Declaration. There after it became Dynasty Ruling: Ummaiya, Abbasia, Ottoman etc. After that, the Mankind became the victim of Tyrant rulers and Oppressors, like the Ruler Kamal Ataturk who abolished the Caliphate’s Rule. Then again the true Caliphate will be established by the last Worldwide Mujadded or Re-constructor, Hazrat Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) clearly demonstrated about the advent of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in this Hadith as: “Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will take over the Charge of Caliphate at the age of 40 years. Before his advent, there will be a Lunar Eclipse & Solar Eclipse in the Holy Month of Ramadan. In that year we will see the advent of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), (ref.: Meshkat Sherif. So, it can be said without stint or hesitations that verily Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will be the Leader or Imam of Caliphate).

A Small Description of the Rulers of the Monarchy in Saudi Arabia: Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) has said,”…my disciples shall be divided in 73 divisions.” The followers, who were present asked, “Oh! Prophet (SM), (PBUH) who is that group that shall proceed to Janna (heaven)?” “That

356 group that will follow the Glorious Holy Quran and have love towards me as well as my family members (Ahle-Bayet).”

The capital of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh, the previous name of which was Najd. Prophet Mohammad’s (SM) (PBUH) birth place and work place are respectively Holy Mecca and Holy Medina. The name Saudi Arabia was given in the name of the leader of the Tanaiza sect, of the Daria areas in Najd. King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud is the founder of the country. Najd is situated in the centre of Saudi Arabia, east of Holy Medina tul Monwara surrounded by date tree fields. Najd is famous in the Arab world from political and economical aspects. The inhabitants of this province are religious and consider themselves as learned. That is why according to them, the leader of the Arab world must be from them.

Let’s see what Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) says about Najd. “I give our Syria and Yemen prosperity and success.” The inhabitants of Najd present their request, Oh Prophet of Allah, mention about the prosperity and success of our Najd area. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) prayed a few more times without mentioning Najd and told the inhabitants, “Chaos and trouble will be created in Najd and evil will strengthen from here.”

Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) has stated in a Authentic Hadith that, “Evil forces will come out of Najd. Oh Muslims! Don’t you fall into their traps and always be careful from their attempt of deceit. They will talk like the prophets and in the name of Islam they will harm your faith and religion. Always try to protect yourselves from their attitude of deceiving.”

In another Hadith He has said, “Oh Muslims! Always protect yourselves from ill motives and the deceit of deceitful dwellers in Najd. The moment they get the opportunity they will deceive you from the well protection of Islam.”

Another Hadith stated that once, when our Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was distributing the goods of relief (Ganimat) among the people, a man named Abdullah of Bani Tamil Tribe said “Oh prophet of Allah, the almighty, distribute it equally.” The prophet said he should be destroyed. “If I am not fair, then who will be?” Umar at once said excitedly,


“Oh prophet permit me, I will chop off the head of this betrayer (Monafique).” The prophet said, “Let him go, a group will emerge from him. The external appearance of the people will be so pious that their way of prayer will seem insignificant.” (Authentic Hadith).

Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Nazdi was born in the Bani Sinan genealogy of the Bani Tamim community in 1703 A.D. at the Noyeina area of this cursed Najd province. After having primary education at his father’s place, he went to Holy Medina. He had his higher education in Baghdad. In Holy Medina he had his teachings under the auspices of two teachers, named – Hazrat Sindhi and Soleman Al Qui. Ibne Wahab Najdi once being sentimental over the attitude of the teachers towards the prophet uttered: “Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was merely a favorite prophet. His duty was to bring the Holy Quran, and he did that. His duties have been performed. Why will there be any reason for respecting him so much?”

With regard to this comment, he was forbidden to say anything about the prophet. This insolent attitude toward the teachers is testimony of how ill tempered Ibne Wahab was. According to Hadith, the insolent are deprived of Allah’s blessings.

In 1749, Ibne Wahab Najdi appeared at 47 years of age as a learned (Aleem) of the Khawraji group to misdirect Muslim society. First a little brief information on the Kharajee:

After the battle of Siffin between Hazrat Ali and Muawiyah in Hijran 36, a group of people separated from Ali’s group and assembled at Harwa. They claimed to be pious and declared Hazrat Ali (PBUH) a Kafeer. But Hazrat Ali was one of the Family Members of Prophet (PBUH). They declared that it was valid to kill Him (Ali) and rob his property. Afterwards, they assassinated Hazrat Ali. They are known as Khawraji in history. Their doctrine states, that it is not permitted to obey anybody except Allah, the almighty. One cannot even obey the prophet (SM) (PBUH).

It is known to everyone that the basic two subjects of Islam are, first, Tawhid of Allah and second Resalat of the Prophet (SM) (PBUH). They are determined to establish Tawhid ignoring Resalat. And this is the

358 fundamental difference between the pure Muslims and Khawrajis. Musailama Kazzab Najd, the ascendant of Abdul Wahab Najdi, claimed to be the Prophet after the death of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and consequently was killed by the Muslims. Cunning Wahab, not repeating the mistake of his ascendants, involved himself in the so-called reformation of Islam in order to misguide Muslim society.

According to Holy Al Quran and Hadith, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is the nur (splendor)(Light) of Allah. But Wahab said that the Prophet was an ordinary man like other men, who died after his prophet hood, was decomposed and mixed with soil. Prestige and honor were confined to his life. It is not necessary to show respect toward him, since he is now dead (Nauzubillah). He also said that, since Muslims worship saints and graves, all the Muslims except Wahab and his followers are Kafeer and Mushriq; it is accepted to kill them and to loot their properties. In this plea he started a movement to reform the religion of Islam in the whole Najd area, which was later known as the Wahabi Movement. The followers of his doctrine are called Wahabi. According to the very words of Holy Quran and Hadith, Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is alive in his grave. Hence, he is called Haiyatunnabi. He is just as alive as he always was. Wahab Najdi has said as a contrast, that Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is a dead Prophet (may Allah excuse us).

Allah says in his Holy Quran – “…those, who become baiyat – that is keeping their hands on your (Prophet Mohammad’s (SM) (PBUH) hands, become baiyat keeping their hands on my hands.” Hence, Muslims consider it valid and essential to become baiyat to the Wali-Allah (saints), who acquired baiyat, but Wahab Najdi declared it illegal.

The prophet himself used to visit graves respectfully and pray near them. He told the Muslims to do the same as he did, “…those, who will visit my grave and pray there, my recommendation for him in the hereafter would be Wajib (mandatory).” Hence, every Muslim desired to visit the holy Prophets grave, but Ibne Wahab declared it illegal (vicious) and uttered it “the big idol of Islam.” He claimed that a stick in his hand was better than the dead Mohammad (PBUH). Wahab said, he could kill a snake with the stick, but the dead Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) could not help you 359

(Nauzubillah). According to the Holy Quran and Hadith, if anyone dishonors or neglects the Prophet (SM) (PBUH) he becomes Mordud. Therefore, Ibne Wahab Najdi and his followers are Mordud (according to Hadith). By the interpretation of the Holy Quran, Hadith and the support of Ijma and Qiyas, it is established that Milad-Mahfils (praying adjacent to the Prophet (SM) (PBUH)) was virtuous. Wahabi still prohibited it in Islam.

The misguiding reformation of Islam by Wahab was protested by the then Muslim society. Consequently, cunning Wahab changed his technique. He invited the luxurious leader of the Taniza group of the Daria region. He made Ibne Saud his disciple, who later married the daughter of Wahab Najdi. Ibne Saud and Ibne Wahab combined their armies to fight the ferocious Bedouins. This force played an important role in manipulating Muslim society into accepting this reformation. Muslims who denied the reformation were killed.

“Before being Wahabi (misguided Muslim), I was Kafeer (nonMuslim). My parents and ascendants were Kafeer now I have become a Muslim.” - ---- Abdul Wahab Najdi

In 1765, after the death of the first Ibne Saud, his son, Abdul Aziz, expanded the Wahabi (misguided Muslim group) state from Najd to Kuwait. He accepted the doctrine of Wahabi like his father.

After establishing Wahabism in Najdi and Kuwait the Wahabis kept eyes on the Muslims of Holy Mecca. In 1791, they attacked Holy Mecca, but by strong resistance of the Muslims they could not enter the city.

Consequently, the Wahabis changed their technique. A deceitful Wahabi entered the Mosque of the city in disguise of Muballeg and preacher. Until 1802 the Wahabis again attacked Holy Mecca. Because of help from the inside of the city they were successful. In 1803 they captured Holy Mecca.

Soon after the capture, the Wahabis started killing Sufis and Prophets Descendants, contending that they were grave and saint worshippers. In 1804 Holy Medina had also been captured by the Wahabis. The fate of the Sufis and Prophets descendants of Holy Medina was the same as Holy Mecca’s inhabitants. All the graves of the Sahabahh's were broken and 360 mixed with the soil. But at the protest by the Muslims of the world, including Egypt and Syria, they repaired the graves. The Muslims fled to Yemen, Syria and Iraq in order to be safe from the Wahabis.

Though the Muslims captured Holy Mecca and Holy Medina in 1812, the two cities went under the control of the Wahabi’s and in 1924 the Wahabis administered them. At the end of the 19th Century, Prince Abdur Rahman, the son of King Faisal, was exiled in Kuwait for internal conflict in the royal family. During the exile, he wanted to re-establish the Saud Dynasty and Wahabi concept. Although he could not materialize his desire, his son, Abdul Aziz Ibne Saud (with the help of the British) took the state power of all of Saudi Arabia. He then established the concept of Wahabism across the kingdom he ruled. Subsequently, with the blessings of the petrodollar in the Middle East, the economic condition of the Wahabis prospered, as did the international assimilation of their concept.

In the Holy Quran, Allah, the almighty says, "A group of people will say they believe in Allah but Allah says no. They are non Momins (without Iman)." The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) foretold that a group of apparently Muslim people would appear and severely harm Muslim society and the religion of Islam. They will have two methods for their evils: Spread false Hadith and make it a skill to tell lies.

This is a brief history of Saudi Monarchy and how they destroyed the Islamic Ideology in accordance of Holy Quran and established their Ideology of “Wahabism, (i.e. Abdul Wahab Najdi’s ideology)” throughout the world. A Conspiracy Led by British Empire

A British Army General William W. W. Hunter had published a book called “The Indian Musalmans” ISBN# 81‐716‐769‐0‐1, in the time of British ruling in India.

He stated that, he purchased all of the above mentioned Muslim fanatic groups from Indian Continent, Middle‐East and African region in exchange of money to misguide and mislead them with their own philosophy by the direct influence of the devil (Iblis). In their long term ruling period of Indian

361 continent, Middle‐east and African region, they had trained up fanatic group of Jews, Christians and Hindus to become so‐called Islamic Scholar to destroy the back bone of the truth of Islam, it should also be noted that, those so‐ called Islamic Scholars have played a huge role in the British empire to appoint them as the Principle/Director of Islamic Studies and governmental Islamic Institutes with their own curriculum to malpractice theology of Islam for the elimination of the truth and the reality of Islam. So, that all of this fanatic Islamic groups have become very strong with their wrong ideology of Islam by the sponsorship of British Empire. In accordance of Dr. Iyas Ali’s (of Bangladesh) Phd. Thesis, Those so‐called scholars have translated the Arabic Holy Quran into Bengali Urdu, Hindi and English for example Dr. Girish Sen (Indian) Migrated to Bangladesh also a list of So‐called renown Islamic Scholars, translator of Bengali Holy Quran and Sia Sitta. The first principal of the Aliah Madrasah was Dr. A. Sprenger, M. A. and the last English principal was Mr. J. M. Botomely, B. A. who ended his tenure in 1927 AD and thus the period of seventy seven years (1850‐1927 A.D.) Islamic Institutes were being governed by the English principals; which was very unfortunate and illogical in terms of Madrasah education in Asian Continent, as it was intended to produce a limited number of graduates for serving the colonial government as Law Officers. Being deprived of official support Madrasah education declined in the nineteenth century.

Table 6: Principles of the Deoband Madrasha

1. Dr. A. Sprenger M. A. 1850‐1857 2. Sir William Nassanlees L.L.D 1857‐1870 3. J. Staklip, M. A. 1870‐1873 4. Henry Ferdinad Blockkman, M.A. 1873‐1878 5. A. E. Galf, M. A. 1878‐1881 6. Dr. A. F. R. Hornel, C. I. E. Ph.D. 1881‐1890 7. H. Prothero, M. A. 1890‐1891 8. F. J. Roe, M. A. 1891‐1892 9. Dr. A. F. R. Hornel, C. I. E. Ph.D. 1892‐1892 10. Dr. A. F. R. Hornel, C. I. E. Ph.D. 1892‐1895 11. F. J. Roe, M. A. 1895‐1895 12. Dr. A. F. R. Hornel, C. I. E. Ph.D. 1895‐1898 13. F. J. Roe, M. A. 1898‐1899 14. F. C. Hall, B. A. S.S.C. 1899 15. Sir, Eari, Stain Ph.D. 1899


16. H. A. Stork B. A. 1900 17. Lt. Colonel G. S. A. Ranking, M.D.I.M.S. 1900‐1901 18. H. A. Stork B. A. 1901‐1903 19. Sir, Edward Denison Rass, Ph.D. 1903 20. H. E. Stepleton, B. A. B. Sc. 1903‐1904 21. Sir, Edward Denison Rass, Ph.D. 1904‐1907 22. Mr. Chapman 1907‐1908 23. Sir, Edward Denison Rass, Ph.D. 1908‐1911 24. Mr. Alexander Hamilton Harley, M. A. 1911‐1323 25. Mr. J. M. Botomely, B. A 1923‐1925 26. Mr. Alexander Hamilton Harley, M. A. 1925‐1927

In accordance of Holy Quran & Shahi Hadith our Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) predicted, “After the 1400 Hijri Calendar…my disciples shall be divided in 73 divisions/sects.” The followers, who were present asked, “Oh! Prophet (SM) (PBUH), who is that group that shall proceed to Jannah (heaven)?” “those who guided by the Holy Quran and true follower of Ahle‐Bayet” they will be true and real Muslims and they will stay in paradise with Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and the other 72 sects will go to hell with their King Iblis, Dajjal and fanatic groups of Jews and Christians.

It is very painful to state that, the prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) the founder of Islam, when he started his new religion in Holy City Mecca by the order of Almighty God, God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus as well as the God of Devils, Prophet’s family members, cousin brothers and close relative like Ummayya, Abu Zahel, Abu Lahab, Abu‐Sufiyan, Henda (Wife of Abu Sufiyan), Mughira Ibn Hesham, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufiyan, Yazid Ibn Muawiyah as true follower of devil by the influence of fanatic Jews and Christians had been trying to destroy the back bone of new religion “Islam”. They have killed many innocent new true believers and followers of Islam by force with the influence of the devil. By this time, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and along with his companions migrated to Medina by the order of Almighty God. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was welcomed very warmly by the residents and tribes of Medina (Ansaar) along with the follower of Jews and Christians. Since the migration of Mecca to Medina the Holy Prophet (SM) (PBUH) worshiped God facing towards the Al‐Aqsa Mosque, which was built by the Prophet 363 and King Solomon of Jerusalem. But after the 16th Month, one day at the time of Noon prayer in Medina by the order of Almighty God, Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his true followers (PBUT) turned their face towards the Holy Kabaah of Holy city Mecca, K.PBUH The king of Devil, (Iblis), had taken this opportunity with his full will and power to influence the fanatic Jews and Christians of Medina as well as some tribal groups of Medina to work against the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s new religion by the cooperation of Prophet’s family members Abu‐Sufiyan, his wife Henda and his son Muawiyah subsequently by the influence of devil the Ummaiya Dynasty and the Abbassiya Dynasty except Ummiya Calipha Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz all the rulers worked against true Muslim leadership and Ahle Bayet. By the active cooperation of devils and influence of so‐ called Jews and Christians murdered Fourth Caliph Ali Ibn Abu Talib (RA) along with 12 Imam of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s family.

It should also be noted that, in the time of Muawiyah the so‐called Muslim ruler and self proclaimed Holy Quran Writer along with the fanatic follower of Jews and Christians made a long term plan and conspiracy against the Holy Prophet’s Grandson Hazrat Hassan & Hazrat Hussein (PBUH); killed them but they could not eradicate the true ideology of Islam. They also destroyed the Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Ahle Bayet Domes of the Saudi Arabian Holy Places. Finally, they wanted to steal the Prophet Mohammad’s (SM) (PBUH) Holy body from the dome of the Holy Prophet’s (SM) (PBUH) resting place, to devil’s Kingdom. At that time, a strong ruler of Arab World Nur Uddin Jongi of Egypt directed by Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) to take appropriate action against the robber of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Holy body and he identified them by the Spiritual power of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), because Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is alive in his resting place, and eventually He killed all of them and protected the Holy Prophet’s Dome and true Islam. After that whoever tried to speak the truth and tried to establish the real ideology of Islam, they all were killed or forced to migrate. Finally, the current King of Saudi Arabia Salman Bin Abdul Aziz and his son Mohammad bin Salman is a very close friend of Iblis and western super power.

In accordance of His Eminency Dr. Alam’s Millennium Prophecy Statement, the Saudi King will receive exemplary punishment in his term 364 by the Almighty God along with all devil forces of 72 misguided or misled Islamic groups all will be punished and destroyed by the messenger of Almighty God great Imam Mahadi (PBUH); along with active cooperation of Prophet Isa (PBUH) (Jesus Christ). They will reveal the rule of law, Peace, prosperity, Justice and co‐create heaven on earth as well as eliminate all fanaticism from this universe.

His Eminency’s Fight Against Enemies of Islam

Figure 35: Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie was born in Bombay, India, to a middle-class Urdu speaking family. At the age of fourteen Rushdie went to England and studied at Rugby School, England. By the patroned of Jews and Christians he wrote the controversial book “Satanic Verses in 1988”. One should know that he is a Bastard by birth. In accordance of Holy Quran, Author of this book His Eminency urging to the World Community to Punish him by the law of the land, Also His Eminency send a note verbal to Queen Elizabeth II and her Night Award to this Devil on 17th June 2007, Rushdie is a friend of Devil.

Letter 1: His Eminency Dr. M N Alam’s condemn letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as follows:

WORLD SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY (WSA) (A CONFEDERATION OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE WORLD’S RELIGIOUS LEADERS) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 605, New York, NY, 10163 USA President – His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam 43rd Direct Descendant of Great Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH) E-Mail: [email protected]


Sub: The World Spiritual Assembly New York USA is Condemning Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s recent declaration of “The Knight” Award to Controversial So-Called Writer and Enemy to the World Muslim Community “Salman Rushdie”.

The World Spiritual Assembly (WSA) New York Headquarter USA presents its compliments to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom. The WSA NY Headquarter USA is condemning the declaration of the Knight Award to the So-called Writer and most controversial person to the World Muslim Community whom criticized the Founder of Islam and Beloved Prophet of Almighty God His Holiness Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH). I believe and hope that your Majesty is must be aware of the Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH). Your Majesty is also aware of the immoral activities of so-called writer Salman Rushdie and his controversial book “The Satanic Verses” which created chaos and complexities around World’s Muslim Communities. Salman Rushdie has been migrated from India to England and currently residing at UK as refugee. A group of Muslim’s enemy somehow convinced your Majesty for their own interest to misuse your Majesty’s power, position and respect to declare the prestigious Award of United Kingdom of “The Knight” to the controversial and So-called Writer Salman Rushdie.

Please note that, the Government of Iran have officially declared the death penalty of “Salman Rushdie” for his controversial book “The Satanic Verses”. Millions of Muslims around the World are angry at Salman Rushdie’s immoral activities. And I am deeply shocked and condemning your Majesty’s declaration of the Knight Award to the International controversial person and enemy to the World Muslim community Salman Rusdie and I on behalf of the World Muslim Community also as I am the 43rd Direct descendant of the Founder of Islam The Great Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH) urging your Majesty Queen of United Kingdom to immediately Withdraw or Cancel your Knight Award from Controversial Person and Enemy of World Muslim community “Salman Rushdie”.

It may be mentioned here that, Your Majesty’s humble mother Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth I is still alive and I am always praying for her good health. The first man of mankind Prophet Adam (A:) (PBUH) enjoyed the heaven with his life partner Eve but suddenly Eve became ambitious and voluntarily disobeyed Almighty God’s order and convinced and misguided by Satan (Devil), So Almighty God was angry and expelled them from Heaven and threw them to the Planet Earth. “What was the Reason? 366

Your Majesty please find out the reason”. We are the descendants of Prophet Adam (A:) and Prophet Abraham (A:). In accordance of the Holy Quran “The Human beings are Crown creations of Almighty God and Jewish, Christians and Muslims are cousin brothers”, “but why today we are fighting each other?” and Which is creating chaos and complexities around the World and so the World has become unrest and has no peace and also the situation of the Third World War is knocking the Door. Your Majesty’s humble mother and Your Majesty took over responsibility as Queens of United Kingdom for more than 100 years and ruled the World successfully. We the people of the World Community respect your Majesties as Queen and Symbol of the World. The geographical territory of your Kingdom in this planet was very large which almost covered the Globe. For your Majesty’s kindness and compromising attitude your Kingdom has been divided into more than 200 countries.

The People of this unrest World still acknowledge your Majesty as symbol of Peace and Symbol World. But I am assuring you now you are going to be most controversial and be contempt by the World Muslim Community for your declaration of the Knight Award to Salman Rushdie. I am urging your Majesty personally to avoid more chaos and complexities among the World Muslim community by withdrawing or cancelling this controversial Knight Award from Salman Rushdie and deport this person from the United Kingdom immediately.

This World Spiritual Assembly’s condemning letter will be displayed in the WSA’s official website for the attention of the World Muslim Community until your Majesty gives her proper attention against the enemy of the World Muslim Community “Salman Rushdie”.

Your Majesty’s kind cooperation, consideration and personal attention in these regards will be highly considerable by the World Muslim Community and me.

The World Spiritual Assembly (WSA) New York Headquarter USA avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom the assurance of its highest consideration.

Dated: June 17, 2007 (WSA, NY) His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M. N. Alam President World Spiritual Assembly 43rd Direct Descendant of Great Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH) 367

New York, NY-10163, USA

To, Her Majesty The Queen Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA CC: To all head of States, Emperors, Kings of Muslim of the World CC: Press & Media of the World

Letter 2: His Eminency’s Appeal letter to Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz & other Relevant letters to curb down present day associates of Shaitans of the World WORLD SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY (WSA) (A CONFEDERATION OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE WORLD’S RELIGIOUS LEADERS) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 605, New York, NY, 10163 USA President – His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam 43rd Direct Descendant of Great Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH) E-Mail: [email protected]

Ref: 786/WSANY/USA/09 Dated: Dec 30, 2009


An Appeal: The Dignity, Respect & Honor must be maintained for The Two Holy Mosques Mosjidul Harmayen at Mecca-tul-Mokarrama & Mosjidul- Nabawi of Medina-tul-Monwara, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the concerned authority with immediate effect.

The World Spiritual Assembly (WSA) New York Headquarter USA presents its compliments to His Royal Highness King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, the custodian of two Holy Mosques Masjidul Haramayen of Holy Mecca and Mosjidul-Nabawi of Holy Medina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The World Spiritual


Assembly (WSA) is the World Federation of Muslim Religious & Spiritual leaders of the World based in New York, United States of America. The WSA New York Headquarter USA has the honor to inform you that on behalf of the World Muslim Community, a high level Religious & Islamic community leaders has been designated to the Mosque of Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) (Mosjidul Nabawai) & Mosjidul- Haramayen of Holy Mecca. These religious and spiritual leaders are from different parts of the Muslim World with the Scholastic knowledge on Islam in accordance of The Holy Quran & authentic Hadith. They also have the status of Grand Mufties of the World. They have observed many immoral activities while they have visited both of the Holy Mosques, Mosjidul-Haramayen in Holy city Mecca and Mosjidul-Nabawi in Holy city Medina of KSA.

The purpose and reasons of this most important letter with the Note- Verbal to the honorable King His Royal Highness Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz is fee-sabillillah, but if the honorable King and custodian of the two Holy Mosques does not pay any attention to the following information of this letter, he will be compelled to answer to the Almighty Allah and Allah’s beloved Rasul Sallellahu Alaihe Wasallam (SM) (PBUH) and also Wala-Ibad- diallahi Soalehin as well as to the true Muslims of the World for his incompetency and irresponsiveness as Custodian for the Holy Mosque of Mosjidul-Nabawi & Masjidul-Haramayen of Holy Medina & Holy Mecca.

In accordance of the recommendation of our high level Muslim leader delegates with the status of grand muftis headed by His Eminency Dr. Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam admitted into the Holy Prophet’s Mosque for their Itequf at last Ramadan 10th of September, 2009. They also have visited and stayed at Mosjidul-Haramayen in the Month of Ramadan nine days from 27th August, 2009 to 5th of September 2009. The honorable delegate members of WSA stayed at the Holy Prophet’s Mosque about nine days as well, till the final Jamaat of Eid-ul-Fitr. They have found the following immoral activities inside the Holy Mosques:

Ajnabee (Visitors) from different parts of the Muslim World such as Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and specially Pakistani cleaning staff members (of both the holy mosques) are fully destroying the dignity, respect and honor of the Mosjidul Haramayen of Holy Mecca and Holy Prophet’s Mosque Mosjidul-Nabawi.


1. Our delegates found out that, one of the most important ignorance is made by the disqualified people (Jahel) as they are performing their so-called Omrah hajj. They are admitting into the Holy Mosques with their cell phones being on as well as without any proper ablution. After their immediate entrance, they tend to follow the Pakistani cleaning staff members at both of the mosques and they converse on the cell phone even without any trouble in the presence of the authority like Police and guards. Most of the time those ignorant and disqualified individuals from the abovementioned countries along with local and other Arab country’s pilgrims are sleeping in the mosques, as if they consider the place like their hotel room. Only by force of the authorities they wake up from their sleep and immediately join the prayer, again without any ablution.

2. Our delegates had pointed one more ignorance and dangerous disregards towards the Almighty Allah’s house (mosque), the abovementioned disqualified individuals those who perform their so-called Omrah Hajj and local Arab residents, “without any reason almost everyone is using the “chair” (which are available at every gate for immediate use for the disabled person) even though they don’t have any physical problems. Because these individuals are “Kullu Jahel” and they don’t have proper knowledge “how to show proper respect towards Allah and his beloved Prophet’s Mosque Mosjidul-Nabawi & Mosjidul Haramayen.

3. Our delegates also reported that, the Pakistani, Indian and Bengali staff members of the Mosques and nearby hotels are openly selling phones and phone cards, which are directly encouraging those ignorant individuals. Those Kullu Jahels are always having unnecessary business, political, personal as well as terroristic conversation with the people they accompany with. They are also having domestic and international conversations on cell phones, in the Holy Mosques constantly without facing any trouble from the authority. It is very dangerous and threat for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Most of the Political aliens are encouraged and directly contributed by former Pakistani Prime Minister Newaz Sharif, whom was exiled from Pakistan and currently residing in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a country of Peace and Prosperity. Our Muslim community leaders questions His Royal Highness King Abdullah, “Why he have given shelter to the former Prime Minister of Pakistan as well as other criminals? This individual have looted the country’s wealth and destroyed his political career. During his ruling period, he had misused his power for his personal gains, and finally he was exiled from Pakistan.


Saudi government should pay strong attention towards the activities of former prime minister when he arrives in Medina-tul-Monwara.

4. It was also pointed by our delegations that, People that comes from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Afghanistan, after their visa gets expired they use the Mosjidul-Nabawi and Mosjidul Haramayen as their permanent shelter years after years. These people are also pick- pocketing, men in the open mosques and women stealing from the women’s camp in accordance of the crime report of Holy Medina & Holy Mecca Police department.

5. There are several Markets, hotels and restaurants around the Holy Prophet’s Mosque in Medina and Mosjidul Haramayen in Holy Mecca owned or ran by the illegal inhabitants from Yemen, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh under the direct Kofil/Partnership of several Saudi Arabian citizens. Those so-called businessmen and their associates are dangerous and threat for the Holy Mosques’ dignity and honor.

The Moral responsibility and duties of the Honorable Royal Highness King

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz as custodian of the Holy Mosques (Mosjidul- Nabawi and Mosjidul Haramayen of Holy Medina & Holy Mecca) is requested to look into this most important matter for immediate solution to eliminate all the nonsense and illegal immoral activities done by the so called Omrah Hajjis as well as the illegal occupants from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Myanmar. Also permanently take administrative strong actions to eradicate the Pakistani staff members and cleaners of the Holy Mosque of Prophet and Mosjidul Haramayen to re- establish the dignity, honor and peaceful environment for the true Muslim’s attendance at the Mosques immediately. The Malaysian and

Indonesian Muslims are much better personnel to replace the cleaning staff members in place of immoral Pakistani staff members.

His Royal Highness King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz is also requested to make the arrangement during the time of Umrah Hajj & Regular Hajj to issue Visa with the proper guideline for the visa applicants. The applicants must be literate enough or must get short training to maintain the dignity, honor and proper respect for the two Holy Mosques, Mosjidul Haramayen at Holy Mecca and Mosjidul-Nabawi at Holy Medina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All Saudi Arabian Embassy authorities must be cautious and careful 371 to issue visa for the following country’s applicants (Turkey, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Myanmar) “Jahels & young adults should not be allowed for Omrah Hajj visa”.

The World Spiritual Assembly (WSA) New York Headquarter USA avails itself of this opportunity to renew to His Royal Highness King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, the custodian of two Holy mosques Masjidul Haramayen of Holy Mecca and Mosjidul-Nabawi of Holy Medina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the assurance of its highest consideration.

Dated: December 30, 2009 (WSA, NY)

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam President World Spiritual Assembly 43rd Direct Descendant of Great Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH) Citizen of United States of America PO Box# 605, New York, NY-10163, USA

To, His Royal Highness King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz The custodian of two Holy mosques Masjidul Haramayen of Holy Mecca, Mosjidul-Nabawi of Holy Medina Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

CC: To the Hon. Governor His Royal Prince Khaled Al-Faisal of Mecca- tul-Mokarrama, For Necessary Action CC: To the Hon. Governor His Royal Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Majed, of Holy Mosque Mosjidul-Nabawi, For Necessary Action CC: Sheikh Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais an-Najdi Chief Imam of Holy Mecca, Mosjidul Haramayen, Deputy Custodian of Two Holy Mosques, Makkha-tul-Mokarrama, KSA, For Necessary Action CC: Sheikh Abdur Rahman Al-Huzaify, Chief Imam of Holy Mosque, Mosjidul-Nabawi, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, For Necessary Action CC: To The President Barrack Hossein Obama President of USA, For His kind attention CC: To the Hon. Secretary-general H.E. Ban Ki Moon United Nations, For his kind attention CC: H.E. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of OIC, For His kind attention


Letter 3: To the Prime Minister of India to curb down the so-called religious leader Mr. Zakir Naik of India WORLD SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY (WSA) (A CONFEDERATION OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE WORLD’S RELIGIOUS LEADERS) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 605, New York, NY, 10163 USA President – His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam 43rd Direct Descendant of Great Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH) E-Mail: [email protected], Website: http://wsany.tripod.com

Ref: 786/WSANY/USA/10 Dated: Jan 18, 2010

NOTE VERBAL To, The Hon. Prime Minister Govt. of India Doctor Manmohan Singh Prime Minister Secretariat New Delhi, India

Subject: An Appeal to the Government of India to Curb Down the immoral activities of so-called Islamic Scholar self-proclaimed Muslim Religious leader as well as lecturer Doctor Zakir Naik, Citizen of India; Founder & Owner of so-called Peace TV channel and President of Islamic Research Foundation of Mumbai, India with immediate effect. “If the Government of India does not pay any attention to take the appropriate action against this Great Enemy of India and Mankind, then the Govt. of Doctor Manmohan Singh will be compelled to pay proper compensation to the Muslim World and to the fellow citizens of India”.

The World Spiritual Assembly (WSA) New York Headquarter USA presents its compliments to the Honorable Prime Minister of India Doctor Manmohan Singh, New Delhi, India. The World Spiritual Assembly (WSA) is the World Federation of Religious & Spiritual leaders of the World based in New York, United States of America. The WSA New York Headquarter USA has the honor to inform you on behalf of the World Religious & Spiritual leaders that, the Indian citizen, so-called doctor Zakir Abdul Karim Naik was born in Maharashtra, India on October 18, 1965. It is reported to us that, he is a Bastard and abandoned child of his parents. Somehow he got 373 awarded the ordinary doctor certificate although he does not practice it at all. Sometime in early 1980s he was sponsored by the most wanted criminal and terrorist Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Accordingly, he had started the alleged Peace TV Channel in India. He also has organized and established an Islamic Research Foundation at Mumbai, India. He has been sponsored by various terrorist groups such as Tamil Nadu of India, Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka, Shiv Sena Terrorist group of India, Al-Queda and Taliban of Middle-East. Point should be noted that, his backbone was generated and gradually developed by Osama Bin Laden great terrorist of Saudi Arabia and Saddam Hussein of Iraq as well as by the active support of the Saudi Arabian so-called fanatic religious group Ohabi (Najdi) from since long.

Zakir Naik is actively supporting and preaching his so-called Islamic ideology which are composed and sponsored by Osama Bin Laden. This individual is actively engaged and utilized to speak against the Great Prophet of Islam Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) founder of Islam Religion as well as against the Great Sufi Saints of India like Khaja MainUddin Chisti (RA) of Azmir Sharif, and Nizamuddin Aoulia of New Delhi, India.

Since 1980, this bastard Zakir Naik had started the so-called lecture programs with the alleged Islamic point of view of Osama-bin-Laden. Now, he gradually became the so-called Islamic scholar and self-proclaimed Islamic leader of the World. He has established the so-called Peace TV Channel & Islamic Research Foundation to facilitate all of his immoral and terroristic activities to disrespect and disregard the founder of Islam, Greatest Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) as well as his direct descendants like Great Sufi Saint of Azmir Sharif Khaja MainUddin Chisti and Hazrat Nizamuddin Aoulia of New Delhi along other great Sufi Saints of Indian continent and Middle -East. The purpose of his preaching of Islam’s so-called ideology and the tactics is to start chaos and complexities inside the Indian Muslim groups along with Sufism as well as to the Prophet of Islam.

It should be noted that, the so-called doctor Zakir Naik is the perfect representative of Shoitan (Satan). As he being the so-called doctor he never practiced even an hour in his lifetime. It is reported to us that, by the curious group of Muslim groups of India had observed his character, life, lectures as well as his daily activities. He is mal practicing the Holy Quran along with other religious books like Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and 374

Judaism. This individual has no good relationship with his family or his parents not even with his close relatives. Being a Muslim, He never prayed five times in his lifetime even he doesn’t believe that Praying five times is one of the important Pillar of Islam. He is actively working for the terrorists groups among the Indian Territory and Asian Continent. It should be also noted that, India is a great country with the largest democratically based institutions in the World.

As you are the Prime Minister of Government of India Doctor Manmohan Singh from the small minority and conservative Shikh Family, Successfully leading the most largest democrat country of the World, because you are honest, knowledgeable, loyal as well as careful administrator. You have succeeded the founder of India’s ideology, and you have really achieved the goal of Sri Gandhi.

As you have the faith in Shikh Religion, a very small group of religious platform. We acknowledge you as you are the dreamer of Modern India and also as a good moral person to urge you, please carefully observe and investigate about this so-called Doctor Zakir Naik thru your intelligence bureau.

It should also be noted that, last couple of months this individual Zakir Naik’s speeches had been very aggressive and fabricated for that reason he had been identified as a complete hypocrite and representative of Osama Bin Laden and various terrorist groups of India, Sri Lanka and Middle- East. He chose this focal time to start chaos, complexities and riots among the Hindu, Muslim, Shikh along with the peaceful fellow citizens of India. Recently, thousands of demonstrating groups of Islam had condemned many of his speeches along with his interviews on the Peace TV. He also intentionally utilized one of the innocent Shikh minority group leaders’ opinions about very sensitive matter of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and Great Sufi Saints of India as well as of the World. Please note that, Zakir Naik had responded very dynamic way to the innocent Shikh minority group leader’s question to start chaos and complexities directly or indirectly towards your administration.

Accordingly, the whole world’s Muslim communities as well as many of the Indian Muslim groups have protested and condemned his speeches and his interviews also have urged the Government of India to take appropriate action against this notorious individual but the government of India did not respond. If the government of India stays silent, the huge quantity of 375 fellow citizens of India will be compelled to join in the riot to bring destruction to your administration. If you will not take appropriate legal action against this satanic individual Zakir Naik, then you will not find the proper exit to save yourself. We the World Spiritual Assembly Religious & Spiritual Leaders urging you as you are a moral, loyal and honest administrator of India to curb down all the immoral satanic activities of Zakir Naik with immediate effect.

The Honorable Prime Minister Doctor Manmohan Singh is cordially requested to look into this matter very carefully and personally for an immediate positive solution. Please note that, the Government of USA had already been notified about this individual’s profile along with the details of his immoral activities.

The World Spiritual Assembly (WSA) New York Headquarter USA avails itself of this opportunity to renew to Honorable Prime Minister of India Doctor Manmohan Singh, New Delhi, India the assurance of its highest consideration.

Dated: January 18, 2010 (WSA, NY) His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam President World Spiritual Assembly 43rd Direct Descendant of Great Prophet Mohammad SM. (PBUH) Citizen of United States of America PO Box# 605, New York, NY-10163, USA

CC: To the Hon. US President Barrack Hossein Obama The White House, Washington D.C. **For His kind attention & immediate action


Direct followers of GREAT Shaitan (Iblis) and descendant of Yazid ibn Muawiyah as follows:

Figure 36: Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and his son Mohammad Bin Salman, along with Sheikh Maktoum and Mohammad Bin Zayed are direct descendants of Yazid working to destroy the True Reality of Islam today with the cooperation of Wahabi and Selafi Movement Reemergence of Jesus Christ & Imam Mahdi PBUH is awaiting to eliminate Descendants of Yazids

Figure 37: Chief Imam of Mosjidul Haramain and Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh of Saudi Arabia are Wahabi, Najdi Alem WSA advises Them to Learn Holy Quran Properly also Must be respectful properly to the Founder of Islam & Last Beloved Prophet of Mankind & Islam in accordance of Holy Quran Surah Ahzab 56 or else You must pay at the court of Allah & his Beloved Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) as well as to Imam Mahdi PBUH. DO NOT MISGUIDE AND MISLEAD THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY


Figure 38: Zakir Naik Direct Descendent of Yazid ibn Muawiyah This person true identity was revealed hence he was kicked out of India, along with his god-father Saudi Kingdom also has disowned him, now he is in house arrest in Malaysia, Soon Dr. Mohammad Mahathir will hang this bastard.

1400 Years Ago, After the conquest of Mecca Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) While doing Tawaf, had Prayed for the People of Sham (Syria) and Then People of Yemen, Finally a third group came from Najd, requesting prayer, Prophet denied and Said in strong voice “The Horn of Shaitan will rise from Najd, which will cause greatest fitna amongst his Ummah”. Hence in 1740s AD Abd Al-Wahab along with Ibn Al-Saud made a pact to spread their Wahabi and Selafi version of Islam across the Arab Peninsula, which destroyed the back bone of Reality of Islam. After the 1920s, The Wahabi and Selafi movement had spread in the Indian Sub- Continent, primarily thru institutions like Deoband Madrasha, Qawami Madrasha and organizations like Jamate Islami, Tablighis as well as public figures like Zakir Naik, Kamal Uddin Jafri, Mijanur Rahman Ajhari, Tareq Monowar, Amir Humza, Delwar H. Sayedi, Ahmed Shafi, Junaid Babu Nogori, Mamunul Hoque, Abdur Razzak, Shifat Hossain some little childs Called “Shishu Bokta” of Bangladesh are being misled by the corrupt businessmans. The Wahabi and Selafi version of Islam lowers the identity and dignity of Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), Allah the Almighty declared war against those who disrespects the Holy Prophet, also confirmed they have birth problems along with having several diseases, in accordance of Surah Al-Qalam, Holy Quran. It is crystal clear they are supporters of ISCKON and fanatic Jews followers whom are working directly to destroy the real truth of .


Figure 39: Images of So-Called Islamic Speekers, Muftis and Followers Of Yazidi Islam, Their Name Mentioned Above

It Should be mentioned here that, those who are proclaiming themselves as Muftis, Maolanas and Public Speakers but continuously disrespecting the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his family members, Almighty Allah directly burns their faces, hearts and minds. And They Do NOT have any light (Nur) on their face; hence they look like dogs, Pigs and direct descendants of Shaitan (Kafer). Those mentioned above should be punished in accordance of the Islamic Sharia for disrespecting the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his Family Members (Ahle-Bayt). 379

There are so many Sufi Dorbars and Khanqas in Bangladesh which had been occupied by the so-called followers whom are actively destroying the True and Real teachings of Sufi Saints. Some of those of Khanqa, Dorbars and so-called Pirs are Hashmatullah of Aat Roshi from Faridpur, Dewanbagi from Aaarambagh Dhaka, Shorshina and Chormonai from Barishal, Kutubbagh from Farmgate Dhaka, So-called Pir from Saydabad Bus Terminal Dhaka, Anjumane Rahmania Sholo Shahar, Paichlaish, Chittagong, Joinpuri So-called Pir and Dorbarsharif from Maymanshing, Maizbhandar from Chittagong, Controversial Toriqot Federation, of Kakrail Bangladesh, Baitus Sharaf Dorbar, Dhoniwala Para, Kodomtoli, Chittagong, Tazul Islam Bishaw Dorbar of Amantola, Mithachora, Chittagong, So-Called Pir Ahmedullah 44 Azimpur Boro Dayera Sharif Dhaka, Bangladesh also so many others.

After the Battle of Karbala in 61 Hijri, The Muslim Ummah got divided into Two Groups. One Group under the leadership Hazrat Hussein (PBUH) had only 83 members at Karbala (Whom are at the Right path) and the other Munafiq group consisting of 22000 members under the leadership of Yazid ibn Muawiyah (Whom were misguided). Yazid’s munafiq group had killed and murdered 77 members from Ahle-Bayt. Only Hazrat Zainul Abideen (PBUH) and Zainab Binte Abu Talib (PBUH) along with their family members were alive to distribute the true reality of Islam Today.

In Lifetime of Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), Prophet openly declared that, after His departure to (Jannah) Heaven, there will be two groups, Under the leadership of Hazrat Hussein (PBUH), Which will be the beacon of true Islam and follower of his Family (Ahle-Bayt), in another group Yazid Ibn Muawiyah Which will have the misguided 72 sects of followers such as Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Selafi, Tabhlighi, Jamate Islami, Ahle-Sunnah, Ahmadiya, Kadiyani, Rafidiyas, Khawaraji and other sects whom will be directly going to Jahannam (Hell Fire). His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam States, If you want to be a True Muslim, You MUST show Proper Love, Respect and Honor for the beloved Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and his Family Members, With Your attitude, gratitude and actions.


List of World Leaders Whom are Tyrant and will be Curbed Down by the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and Jesus Christ (PBUH)

Figure 40: Leaders of the World, Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyanhu, Xi Jingpin, Vladimir Putin, Aang Sun Suu Kyi, Narendra Modi

Following are the Tyrant Leaders of the World: Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyanhu, Xi Jingpin, Vladimir Putin, Aang Sun Suu Kyi, Narendra Modi as well as their associate Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, Dubai Sheikh Maktoum and Prince Mohammad bin Zayed; they had been working to distablize the World Security and Peace by totally disregarding the United Nations Human Rights Charter. The UN World Federation only carrying out the mission and interest for single super power USA as well as their associates like Israel, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE and India. So the World Communities has completely lost their interest and trust about the UN as World Federation’s leadership towards World Peace & Security. A Case will be filed at the International Criminal Justice Court at Hague, Netherlands against the abovementioned tyrant leaders along with Bashar Al-Asad of Syria, Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh for their immoral activities and genocide against innocent population of the World. 381

Biography Of His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA), 43rd Direct Descendant & Spiritual Successor From The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)

Revised on 12/01/2019 by World Spiritual Assembly, NY Figure 41: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam

His Eminency Dr. Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam, Religious and Spiritual Leader of The Muslim World, 43rd Direct Descendant & Spiritual Successor from the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), President of World Spiritual Assembly, NY, USA, Custodian and Chief Calipha of 700- year old Sufi Dynasty, the Holy Dayera Sharif, Dhaka, Bangladesh, World Peace Envoy, United Nations NGO Permanent Representative, Founder of Seven International Orphanages in Bangladesh, Founder, World Human Rights Service Council, NY, USA, Founder, Secretary-General International Organization for World Peace, Disarmament, Development and Human Rights, New York USA Founder President, World Spiritual Institute, NY, USA, President and Chief of the Mission World Human Rights Service Council, New York, USA, Founding Member of London Diplomatic Academy and its United Nations Representative, NY Honorary professor, European University Madrid, Spain, and Iowa, USA and Chancellor, European Union University, Iowa, USA, Member of Advisory Council of Ansted University in Malaysia, Vice-President, CODE International, Madrid, Spain. Pioneer Spokesman and scholar researcher of "The Millennium Prophecy Heralds a Golden Age, Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), World Peace Mission, founder U.N Peace Messenger Organization, three times designated for the Nobel peace Prize between 1989 and 2000, designated first Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and Permanent Representative of The Conch Republic to the United Nations and designated special representative of President of The Anjouan Islamic Republic to the United Nations June 2001 to December 2001. His Eminency Dr. M N Alam is Honorable Minister Plenipotentiary to UN of the International States Parliament for Safety & Peace since 2001. In January 16, 2001 His Eminency Dr. Alam awarded by Ansted University British Virgin Island, United Kingdom. He has been awarded for the following prestigious 382 recognition: 1. International Academy of Culture and Political Science Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences 2. International Association of Educators for World Peace Diploma DHonnaur. 3. Institute of International Affairs Certificate of Honor. 4. Institutes for International Relations and Intercultural Studies Diploma in International Relations. 5. World Peace Academy Academician. 6. Center Cultural Copt Orthodox Academic Doctor. His Eminency also appointed as Chairman Department of Comparative Religion Albert Schweitzer International University, Switzerland since December 4, 2000. In November 11, 2002 His Eminency has been awarded as commander of World order Peace The Medal of The World Order Science-Education-Culture by the European Academy of Information along with UN Secretary-General His Excellency Dr. Kofi Annan in Madrid, Spain.

His Eminency Dr. Alam is the World Peace Envoy and Founder Director General of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh (DCB), established in 1969, and its Permanent representative to the United Nations since 1982. He is also the founder President of the World Spiritual Assembly (WSA), New York, established in 1990. In addition to all of these organizations, His Eminency is the founder and Secretary General of Bangladesh United Nations Association (BUNA), established in Dhaka, 1972.

H.E. Mohammad Nurul Alam, son of the late Mohammad Sirajul Islam, was born on February 28, 1953, at 36 Bar Street, British , City of Rangoon, Myanmar. His Eminency and his family members had left his birth place from Rangoon (British Colony Burma) and return back to his motherland at 14 Haitkandi Union, Kachua, Southeast Haitkandi, famous house of Raza Miah (Sufi Saint Raza Miah who migrated from Medina to preaching Islam in East Bengal, The British Indian Subcontinent) Mirsarai, Chittagong, East Pakistan currently Bangladesh on 14th January, 1958. He has been a social, religious and humanitarian worker since boyhood. He is born in a respected Muslim religious & spiritual family. His father is the 42nd direct descendants from the Last Prophet of Mankind & Peace Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH).

Through religious and spiritual capacity, His Eminency Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam became the spiritual successor of the Dayemi Sufi Dynasty Since 1977 and received his spiritual training from His Holiness Sheikh Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah (R.A.), the religious and spiritual leader and the Master of the Four Sufi Orders, trained H.E.M.N. Alam in spiritual and religious practices for Fifteen years. During his pilgrimage to Makkha in 1987, His Holiness Sheikh Shah Sufi Sayed Dayemullah (RA), the 42nd 383 direct descendant and spiritual successor to The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), bestowed 43rd spiritual Successor ship upon H.E. Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam. He also designated H.E.M.N. Alam as Official Chief Calipha and custodian of Dayera Sharif, a Sufi Institution and dynasty originated from the Holy Prophet of Islam Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) and followed by his worthy followers. After passing away of Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah (R.A.) in 1995, His Eminency Mohammad Nurul Alam has become the custodian of the seven hundred years old Holy Dayera Sharif Sufi Dynasty. He is also rendering social welfare, humanitarian and voluntary services already started by H.H. Mahisawar (R.A.), one of the direct descendants of the Holy Prophet of Islam who lived his life for the cause of humanity seven hundred years ago in South East Asia, especially in India, Bangladesh, Mynamar, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.

His Eminency S.S.M.N.Alam, in serving the cause of neglected humanity, looks after more than 100 educational institutions including high schools, colleges, vocational training centers, madrashas, mosques, as well 15 orphanages housing several hundred parentless children in Bangladesh. His Eminency M.N.Alam has served as the Managing Director of Dayemi Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Joint Motawalli of Sufi Nurullah WAQF Estate since 1987. He is also the Founder-Chairman of the Bangladesh Youth Hostel Association. He has been an Executive Member of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) Oxford, England and an executive member of the IARF South Asia Coordinating Committee India until 1997. During His Eminency's leadership, the IARF was granted consultative status with the U.N Economic and Social Council (ESOSOC). Currently, he is the President of the IARF Bangladesh Chapter. Mr.Alam is the only representative of the Muslim world who attends, on behalf of The Dayemi Complex Bangladesh, the World Peace Congress, organized by IARF since between 1982 to 1987.

During his lifelong work toward peace and human rights, he has been associated with various national and international organizations rendering valuable services for the welfare of mankind. In December 1998 on the day of the observance of 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he was designated As Secretary-General and Chief of mission of the World Human Rights Service Council, New York, for the support of mankind and refugees. Former US President Bill Clinton and Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan are some of the distinguished personalities of the World who have acknowledged this humanitarian 384 effort in 1999. In the same year, His Eminency becomes a Founder Member of the Diplomatic Council of the London Diplomatic Academy, UK.

Since 1982 H.E. Mohammad Nurul Alam has been acting as the permanent representative of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh to the United Nations in New York, Vienna, Geneva and five Regional Economic Commission offices in Thailand, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Iraq and Chile. Under H.E.M.N. Alams leadership, the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh acquired consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations as well as associate status with the Department of Public Information (DPI), and UNICEF. Also the Dayemi Complex, Bangladesh, while working towards peace in the Middle East since 1982, has been given Associate Status with the Palestinian Rights Division of the United Nations. H.E.M.N. Alam has coordinated many international conferences in support of the United Nations in Dhaka, Bangladesh and worldwide from the office in New York. He also visited the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and risked his life to negotiate peace between the Palestinian and Israeli authorities. This peace initiative included an eleven-point peace proposal for Palestinian and Israeli authorities, which was adopted in the International Peace Conference held in Dhaka under the auspices of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh and authorized by the United Nations General Assembly. The Peace proposal has been acknowledged by the Secretary-General of The United Nations as well by President Ronald Regan, Mr.Mikhail Gorbachev, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Chief Imam of the Holy Kaba in Mecca, the Chief Justice of Saudi Arabia and other Heads of State. For these and other services and for contribution towards world peace, the Secretary- General of the United Nations designated the Dayemi Complex, Bangladesh as The United Nations Peace Messenger Organization in 1986.

His Eminency Dr. Alam has visited Soviet Union in 1986 by the special invitation of Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev to attended the International peace conference at BAKU as speaker His Eminency predicted The all Muslim states and territories should be free and independent from Soviet Union.

H.E.M.N. Alam has traveled extensively in the interest of world peace, visited more than 186 countries including Israel and, South Africa and has attended over 700 conferences, seminars and congresses where he presented his Thesis "The Millennium Prophecy Heralding a Golden Age". Many influential leaders such as former U.S Presidents Bill Clinton and G. W. Bush and the U.N. Secretary General Dr. Kofi A. Annan have acknowledged the Millennium Prophecy. The Secretary General has 385 recommended His Eminency to forward the Millennium Prophecy Statement to the permanent US representative to the U.N. for discussion to bring it to include it in the agenda of the U.N. Security Council and U.N. General Assembly. Accordingly, His Eminency has submitted the Prophecy to the White House, Washington, D.C. as well as to the President, U.N. General Assembly andU.N. Security Council.

The International Organization for World Peace, Disarmament, Development and Human Rights nominated His Eminency S.S.M.N. Alam, who has devoted his life to the cause of world peace, as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. In 1996 by the World Spiritual Assembly, New York, designated him as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Price and also the World Human Rights Service council jointly with the friends of United Nations Organizations, U.N. Office, New York, USA designated his name for the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize. Finally, in 1st February 2010 World Human Rights Service Council, UN Office New York USA had designated his name as Pioneer Spokes of Millennium Prophecy Heralds A Golden Age.

The World Spiritual Assembly and its international forum held in the New York City in July 1989 have conferred three honorary Ph. D. degrees (Doctor of Comparative Religion, Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy in Spirituality) upon H.E. Nurul Alam. European Union University Iowa, USA and Ansted University, British Virgin Island, United Kingdom, Malaysia have conferred Honorary Ph. D. Degree Dr. in Philosophy and Spirituality to H.E. Nurul Alam in July 2000. His Eminency has received more than twenty-five honorary Ph.D. degrees from very respected educational institutions around the globe.

The American Biographical Institute awarded him with the International Culture Diploma of Honor, and designed His Eminency Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam as lifetime Deputy Governor. This organization also listed him in 5000 Personalities of the World 5th edition and on the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership. The Order of International Ambassador, and the Presidential Seal of Honor are also among the numerous recognitions awarded for his lifetime achievements. He is also listed in Who's Who in the World - 11th Edition, in 1993 and 17th Edition of Millennium Edition dated January 2000, and also is listed Who's Who in the East, Millennium Edition, 1999, a publication of Marquis Who's Who in the World, USA, International Who's Who Intellectuals - 12th edition and was named "Man of the 20th Century". His Eminency was awarded with the 20th Century Award for Achievement for his outstanding contribution 386 towards world peace through the Millennium Prophecy by the International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England. He is also listed in the 1000 Leaders of World Influence 9th Edition, an American Biographical Institute publication which includes a summary of The Millennium Prophecy. H.E.S.S.M.N. Alam also appears of the 10th edition of 500 Leader of Influence of the World. This book also provides detailed information on the Millennium Prophecy.

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) has been designated by the competent authority of the Conch Republic as First Ambassador to the U.N. in August 2000 and heads the diplomatic mission in New York City for recognition of the Conch Republic and designated special representative of President of The Anjouan Islamic Republic to the United Nations June 2001 to December 2001. His Eminency Dr. M N Alam is Honorable Minister Plenipotentiary to UN of the International States Parliament for Safety & Peace since 2006. His Eminency has been awarded The Medal of The World Order Science-Education-Culture by the European Academy of Information as commander of World Peace. He also has been designated full time Professor of European Academy of Information on March 12, 2002, in the World Conference Madrid, Spain.

His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) President of Millennium Trade Link USA Corporation, a Religious & Spiritual Leader, Philosopher, Historian, an International Diplomat Since 1985 at the United Nations, as well as researcher of Millennium Prophecy, Pioneer Spokesmen and author of several books as follows “The Encyclopedia of Prophets & The Rulers of the Islamic World”, “The Millennium Prophecy Statement, Herald a Golden Age”, “Modern Prophet Dr. Alam’s Prediction for Peace & Destruction”, “World Heritage & Records of Sufism” & “The Christian King Ashama (Negush) of Ethiopia”. Currently The 2nd Edition of “The Millennium Prophecy Statement, Herald a Golden Age” is underway for publishing and expected to be published by December 2019.


References / Notes:

 Holy Quran  Old Testament of Bible  Jabur  Torah  The Gospel of Buddha by Carus  The Vedas & Purnas  Transliteration from Fuyudhaatur-Rabbaniyya  Sirr al-asrar (The secret of secrets).  Futuh al-ghayb (Revelations of the Unseen).  Ghunyat al-talibeen (Wealth for Seekers).  Al-Fat’hu Rabbani (The Endowment of Divine Grace).  The Incoherence of the Philosophers  Shahi Bukhari, Shahi Muslim  My Life and Prophecies – Jean Dixon  Babylon the Great has fallen - Alexander Hislop  Tafrihol Askiya Ahwaul Ambia" 2nd Volume  Zend-Avesta part 1. Translated by Max Muller  The Indian Musalmans” ISBN# 81‐716‐769‐0‐1  Samih Atef El‐Zein. Isaac, Yacob, Yousef, Ayoub, Shouaib. Published by Dar Al‐Kitab Allubnani. Beirut, Lebanon, 1983.

Books and pages: at‐Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101 ‐ Ansab al‐ashraf, by al‐ Baladhuri, v1, p587 ‐ al‐Istiab, by Ibn Abd al‐Barr, v3, pp 973‐974 ‐ Sharh Ibn Abi al‐Hadid, v6, pp 40‐41 ‐ al‐Tas'hil, by Ibn Juzzi al‐Kalbi, v1, p4 ‐ al‐Itqan, by al‐Suyuti, v1, p166 ‐ al‐Sawa'iq al‐Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al‐Haythami, Ch. 9, Section 4, p197 ‐ Ma'rifat al‐Qurra' al‐ kibar, by al‐Dhahabi, v1, p32, al‐Bihar, v92, pp 40‐41, 48, 51‐52, Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu'aym, v1, pp 67‐68 ‐ at‐Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101 ‐ Kanzul Ummal, by al‐Muttaqi al‐Hindi, v15, 388 p113 ‐ al‐Sawa'iq al‐Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al‐Haythami, Ch. 9, Section 4, p197, al‐Kafi, v8, p53, al‐Wafi, v5, p274 and v14, p214 306, (al‐I’tiqadat al‐Imamiyyah), by Shaikh Saduq, English version, p77

 The Millennium Prophecy Heralds a Golden Age & The Authentic History of the World, By His Eminency Dr. Hazart Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) ISBN: 97805-786-2640-6  World Heritage & Records of Sufism by His Eminency Dr. M N Alam ISBN: 978-0-615-37164-1

(*) Please note that, the most of the information of Chronological History of Jerusalem was cited from Raheem Bawa Muhiyaddeen’s (RA) letter to the Head of the states in 1980. He had many visions of mass- destructions. (*) Please note that, the most of the information of Chronological History of Jerusalem was cited from Raheem Bawa Muhiyaddeen’s (RA) letter to the Head of the states in 1980. He had many visions of mass-destructions.

Interviews with: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam in New York, March, April and May 2009.

Note **: Information was taken from the article of DR. Selahadin Eshetu, University Lecturer From Ethiopia, under direct supervision of His Eminency Dr. M. N. Alam.

Website References: https://encylopedia.com http://www.gharibnawaz.com/ http://naqshbandi.org/about/origins.htm Sufism and Shari'ah: A study of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi's effort to reform Sufism, Muhammad Abdul Haq Ansari, The Islamic Foundation, 1997

Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi: an outline of his thought and a study of his image in the eyes of posterity], McGill-Queen's University Press, 1971, p.xiv Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 38, No. 1 (1975)


(SM): Sallalla Hu Alaihe Wa Sallam. Used only After Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH). (A) / (AS): Alaihi Wa Sallam (Used only after Prophets, Jesus Christ, Moses, Noah Etc. (SA) – Salimullah O Aaji, (Used after Prophet’s Wifes or Daughter)

(RA): Radi Allahu Anhu, used for the Companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Means “God is pleased with them, they are also, pleased with God”. (RA): Rahama Tullah Alai, means “Allah give Him peace”

(PBUH): Peace Be Upon Him/Her

(MA): Madda Jilluhul Ali. (God give him Peace and Holy Life).

Mailing Address: P.O BOX 605, New York, NY 10163, USA E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Tel# 609-233-8164, Fax: 212-591-6257 United Nations, New York, USA Website Address: https://www.worldspiritualassembly.org https://www.DayemiComplexBangladesh.org


Acknowledgment by The Author:

Contributions Acknowledged For the Historic Book “Millennium Prophecy Statement Heralds a Golden Age, Authentic History of the World, Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), Reemergence of Jesus Christ To Co-Create Heaven on Earth, ISBN# 97805-786- 2640-6 by the Author His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) for Editor Shah Mohammad Rafiq, Executive Assistant to His Eminency Dr. M N Alam and Associate Editor and Compiler Golam Ali Humza, Special Assistant to His Eminency Dr. M N Alam. Both of their hard work to collect and edit authentic historical data from around the globe, especially from Mecca, Medina of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as Indian Sub-continent’s many Spiritual leaders historic places and libraries. Since 2010, They have collected authentic Information from the internet through Google and other sources to compile and edit the historical research of the Millennium Prophecy Statement Book. Both are American Citizens, come from the Prophet’s Holy family, pious with status of His Eminency’s Caliph and engaged in spiritual Practice as a Good Muslim. I wish their success of life. Ameen

- His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) 43rd Direct Descendant From The Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) of Islam President, World Spiritual Assembly, New York, USA Author & Researcher of “Millennium Prophecy Statement, Heralds A Golden Age And Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) & Reemergence of Jesus Christ (PBUH)”


Figure 42 392

Figure 43: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) praying At the Mosjid-ul Aqsa in Jerusalem


Figure 44: His Eminency At the Gate of Moshjid-ul Aqsa/Rock Of the Dome with Local Palestinians after re-opening the Gate of Moshjid-ul Aqsa in 1988

Figure 45: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) Praying inside the Rock of The Dome, Next to the Hanging Rock that took Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) to the Miraj


Figure 46: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) detain by the Brazilian govt. and surrounding by the tank and military Rio de Janeiro Brazil. During in 1992 after the proclamation of The vision of the "Millennium Prophecy".

Figure 47: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) attending general assembly and addressing The vision of the "Millennium Prophecy" in the UN General in New York.


Figure 48: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam (MA) giving statement About The vision of the "Millennium Prophecy" to the NBC Television Network

Figure 49: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) at Sheraton Hotel addressing The vision of the "Millennium Prophecy" statement


Figure 50: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) proclaiming The vision of the "Millennium Prophecy" in Washington DC in 2000 at the International Muslim conference

Figure 51: His Eminency Dr. Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) attending 28th IARF World Congress in Bangalore, India and addressing the Millennium Prophecy Statement


Figure 52: Resting place of Hazrat Ali (RA)

Figure 53: Resting Place of Hazrat Hussain (RA)


Figure 54: Jannatul Muallah, Resting Place of Hazrat Khadija Tul-Kubra (SA) and Many Prominent Sahabahs (PBUT)

Figure 55: Jannatul Baqi Resting Place of Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) and Closest Sahabah’s of Propeht Hazrat Mohammad SM (PBUH)


Figure 56: Holy Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH)’s Dome at Holy City Medina-tul- Munaowara, KSA

Figure 58: Mashjidul Haramain at Holy City Mecca Tul-Mokkarama Where Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will Proclaim his Advent For the Peace Mission of Mankind, along with Jesus Christ PBUH (Nabi Isa AS)