“There is no Deity except Allah; Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is The Messenger of Allah” IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, MOST GRACIOUS & MOST MERCIFUL “The Almighty God Certainly HAS BEEN, IS and WILL CONTINUE to Send Infinite Love and Affection to His Beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) along with his Special Angels who are Directed by the Almighty God to Continuously Salute with Respect, Dignity and Honor to the Beloved Holy Prophet for His Kind Attention. The Almighty God again Commanding to the True Believers to Pay Respect with Dignity and Honor for Their Forgiveness and Mercy from the Beloved Holy Prophet of Islam and Mankind.” - (Al‐Quran Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:56) “Those who dies in the Path of Almighty God, Nobody shall have the doubt to think that they are dead but in fact they are NOT dead but Alive and very Close to Almighty, Even Their every needs even food are being sent by Almighty, but people among you will not understand.” - (Al‐Quran Surah Al-Imran 3:169) “Be Careful of the Friends of Almighty God, They do not worry about anything or anybody.” - (Al‐Quran, Surah Yunus 10:62) “Those who dies or pass away in the Path of Almighty God, nobody shall think about Them as They are dead, But people can not understand Them.” - (Al‐Quran, Surah Baqarah 2:154) Author: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) 2 His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam’s Millennium Prophecy Statement Authentic History of The World Arrival of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) with Reemergence of Jesus Christ (A) To Co-Create Heaven on Earth Published by: Millennium Trade Link USA Corporation Library of Congress, Cataloging in Publication Data Copyright@ 2019 by His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam Editor: Mr. Rafiq Ahmed, Executive Assistant to His Eminency Dr. M N Alam Chief Operation Officer of Millennium Trade Link USA Corporation Associate Editor & Compiler: Golam Rabbani, Executive Assistant to His Eminency Dr. M N Alam Vice-President Millennium Trade Link USA Corporation ISBN# 97805-786-2640-6 3rd Edition: December 2019 USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East & Asia Email: [email protected] World Spiritual Assembly, New York USA President & Author: His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi M N Alam (MA) 3 Notes from the Author: Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) is the crown of all the Prophets and Beloved Prophet of Almighty God. He was the first one that Allah the Almighty Created from his own light (Nur). The whole Universe along with the Sun, Moon, Earth and 18000 planets were created including First Man Adam (PBUH)’s life was also given from the Light of Nur-e-Nabi, Safi-UlMajnabeen, Awaleen, Akherin, RahmatullilAlameen & Nurri Min Nurr-Allah. He WILL be Attorney General for the MERCY of WHOLE Creation & Mankind at the Court of the Almighty God on Judgment day. All true believers believe that mankind in the present has come into existence through the first man and woman, Prophet Adam (PBUH) and Eve (PBUH). The complete code of life bestowed by God, The Almighty, for the auspicious, righteous mode of living of Adam (PBUH) and Eve (PBUH) is called Islam. Islam is the code of life for all mankind, prescribed by God, The Almighty, and communicated through His Chosen Prophets. Since Prophet Adam (PBUH), more than one hundred twenty four thousand prophets have been chosen to serve innumerable communities in different times. Prophet Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) was the First & Last Prophet for the Mankind and the Viceroy of God the Almighty for all creation. Therefore, Islam is the first, last and only religion, and in essence it is the scientific and practical philosophy of life. The Glorious Quran is the Complete Code of Human life and God’s creation. The basic tenet of Islam is to surrender absolutely to God, and to conduct life in accordance with the provisions of The Holy Al-Quran and the prescriptions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) & Ahle- Bayet, and to inevitably get protection and happiness in this life and the next. At the Historic battle of Karbala in one tent there were 22000 misguided munafiq follower of Yazid and another there were only 82 true descendants of Ahle-Bayet by the leadership of Hazrat Hussein (PBUH). But Yazid’s Munafiq army had killed all 81 member of Ahle-Bayet except Hazrat Zainul Abideen (PBUH). 4 Currently there are 73 sects in Islam, which was already Prophesized in Authentic Hadiths by Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH), and was acknowledged by the Fourth Caliph Hazrat Ali (PBUH) in Prophets Lifetime. Prophet also stated that, “All of the sects of Islam will eventually proceed to hell fire except One that will lead him and his descendants (Ahle-Bayet) with the proper guideline of Holy Quran”. Currently the Saudi Monarchy and their associates along with some fanatic groups of Jewish and Christians had been working along to sponsor Wahabism, Selafism, Tablighi and Jamaat-e-Islami sects along with so-called Muslim terrorist group Al-Quida, ISIS, Hejbut Tahrir and Jabat Al-Nasra, whom directly destroying the backbone of Real Truth of Islam. The Author and Editors of this book is not at all follower of Sunni, Shia or any other sect but a divine follower of the path of Ahle-Bayet and representing the virtues and values of Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) with the guideline of Holy Quran. But it may be mentioned here that, there are several references had been used from Sunni & Shia Scholars but which was later revised by His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam 43rd Direct descendant from the Prophet of Islam. Out of approximately six billion people in the world it is surprising that more than five billions do not admit Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as the Last Prophet chosen by God the Almighty, for the Mankind, nor do they accept the Holy Al-Quran as a divine revelation. Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) is the sole demonstrator and exhibitor of the righteous path for all mankind and creation also should be seen as omnipresent. It may be relevant to mentioned that, those five millions of Muslim may come from the 22000 Yazidi Munafiq followers of the Battle of Karbala, on the other hand the true and devoted Muslim followers in Islam had came from the survived blood of Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen Ibn Hussein (PBUH) from the Historic battle of Karbala. But that shouldn’t sadden us, if one do gets the opportunity to realize that us Human beings are the crowned creations of Almighty God but yet without the revealed knowledge of Almighty God, We are completely blind, which was sent by one hundred twenty four thousand Prophets Since Prophet Adam (PBUH), to serve innumerable communities in different times, which undoubtedly proves Satan the enemy of Allah as well as us Mankind actively working since the creation of Adam & Eve. Just as the Almighty sent several thousands of Prophets to reveal the bright knowledge but when humans drowns their self into pride, greed, jealousy and luxury and becomes visible mirror image of satan and starts activities against the Almighty and his messengers. 5 After the destruction of 1st civilization by Nuh (PBUH) biblical flood it was the People of Aad & Samood of 2nd Civilization (Current Civilization) that started worshiping of statues instead of Oneness of God, also proclaimed they were the only righteous Superior than anyone, eventually they were destroyed by the curse of Almighty God in the time of Prophet Hud & Prophet Shueb for not accepting the God’s messages. Thereafter it was the capital of the world at around 1800BC, which was Babylon, present day Baghdad. Babylon once was the best of best developed city of the World, but unfortunately, the people of Babylon refused to follow the God of Abraham and Abraham’s message because of their arrogance and belief of being the Superior among all. So Almighty God punished them and Babylon was destroyed. Also in the time of The Grandson of Genghis Khan, Hulagu Khan, sieged Baghdad, the capital of the world at the time, in 1258, there were 90,000 to 1,000,000 peoples killed by the Mongols. The Abbassiya Caliph Mustasim Billah was captured and starved to death in his own treasures room, who was the descendant of Yazidi Munafiq follower, whom that betrayed Grand Son of Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) The Mongol conquests led to ~60,000,000 deaths total. Later on, in 1401, Timurlane, captured Baghdad, killing 20,000 more people. Timur ordered that every soldier should bring 2 human heads to him. Timurlane’s conquest led to the death of 20,000,000 people. In World War I, Which lasted almost 3 years (1914-1918), and 10,000,000 – 30,000,000+ people were killed. Mostafa Kamal Ataturk was the key player, very swiftly took over Ottoman Empire with the help of British Military force and destroyed the Caliphate ship of Islam even though the Calipha-E-Rashidun were the only real Caliphs of Islam. World War II lasted 6 years (1939-1945), killing 40,000,000 – 72,000,000 people. Hitler was declared an enemy of the world by the Allies. Hitler killed 6 million Jews alone. If you went back to the lineage of those Jewish peoples you would have found the blood of the betrayer who created several conspiracies against the Great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) (PBUH) in Medina and their descendants still creating conspiracies to diminish and eliminate the real truth of Islam. A point to be noted, The author of this book is not an enemy of any religion, not even having any personal grounds to publish such real fact but for the spread of the real truth which is “The human being is the crowned creation of Almighty God.
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