SufiNews from Europe TRANSITIONS Dear sufi friends We are very grateful for the opportunity to present this 9th edition of Sufi News. Thank you to all who have contributed on the theme Transitions! In Nature, in our contemporary world, within our sufi communities and within ourselves, changes are natural and inevitable. They are a natural part of evolution, and it is our choice to welcome them as guiding lights or try to fight against them. Murshid says in the Gayan: “Every loss in life I consider as the throwing off of an old garment in order to put on a new one; and the new garment has always been better than the old.” Our next topic will be on Sufism and Religion. Please send your contributions to
[email protected] We welcome your poetry, drawings, photos and texts on this topic In service and love, Marit and Alia Contents Interview with Pir Zia A Woman’s View Under the guidance of Noor-Un Nisa Hazrat Inayat Khan on the Rose Pir Vilayat and the Alchemical tradition Transitions Crises and transitions “The Friend remains the same, however s/he is dressed!” Transition Making the Basket Beautiful Spread the Message, serve Humanity The Camp The camp 2015 The sufi message in Spain Events and links SufiNews from Europe may be downloaded at Layout and photoes: Marit Lundby. Editor:Kirsten Alia Arnesen.
[email protected] Many transitions are taking place in these times concerning religious oppositions, the climate change and women’s rights. As Sufis, we accept the different world religions as expressions of Unity.