2021 ♦ 1 Barnicle Lau Clarke Lechner Gerencsér Lugones Goldberg Martín Hancock Rodríguez Herzog Mina Hilton Piñero King González Roth Jones www.sciphijournal.org ♦
[email protected] 1 CONTENTS CREW Co-editors: Ádám Gerencsér 3 Editorial Mariano Martín Rodríguez 4 « The Curriculum Vitae Of Simon» Communications: Gina Adela Ding Richard Lau Webmaster: 6 « The Furry And The Damned» Ismael Osorio Martín E.E. King Illustrations: Gordon Johnson; Pixabay.com; Alex 8 « The Minotaur’s Rebellion» Antropov (cover) Ben Roth Contact:
[email protected] 10 « Sokath, His Eyes Uncovered!”, or, Is The Universal Translator A Myth?» Twitter: @sciphijournal Mina Editorial office: Brussels, Belgium 15 « The Existence Of God» Leopoldo Lugones We are deeply grateful for the support of Translation by Álvaro Piñero González our part-time and ad hoc volunteers, both in Belgium and abroad. Introductory note by Mariano Martín Rodríguez 18 « Some Facts Regarding The Temple Of The Bearded Man At Chichen Itza » Paul Goldberg 22 « Sailing The Seas Of Time: What If We Took Alternative History Seriously?» Jim Clarke 29 « Should Murder Be Legalized?» Carlton Herzog 35 « Infinity Child» James Hancock 39 « A First Look At Post-National Olympics In Science Fiction» Madeline Barnicle 42 « Until The Bubble Pops» Robert L. Jones III 46 « The Rise And Fall Of Collective Consciousness» Anthony Lechner 49 « Black Hole» Alicia Hilton 51 « Yesterearth’s Morrow» Ádám Gerencsér 2 Editorial Lectori salutem. Science-fiction, like any drama with existential issue of the year, the line-up closes with a story implications, is better read from the safety of a couch penned by our co-editor Ádám reflecting, as usual, on than ‘lived’.