Wandering Warrior Martial Arts™, Cain Morano, pfsslc.com,
[email protected] The Heart of PFS: The RAT By Cain Morano PFS, Progressive Fighting Systems, is the second generation evolution of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee’s personal expression of martial arts research was called JKD, theoretically nobody except for Bruce Lee can be said to perform JKD. However, the material that Bruce Lee discovered and refined according to the Taoist philosophy was given to Dan Inosanto, who then further researched and expanded it. This first generation of JKD, Dan Inosanto’s personal expression of JKD, is typically referred to as JKD Concepts and Inosanto Kali. Dan Inosanto has many great students, but one stands out from the rest. This student is Paul Vunak, who left the Inosanto Academy as an instructor with Guro Dan Inosanto’s blessing and encouragement. When Paul Vunak struck out on his own to form Progressive Fighting Systems, it was for the benefit of Jeet Kune Do. PFS is the next evolution of JKD concepts, a streamlining of ‘the blend’ down to the principles of training for violence and not art. While Vunak maintains some of the more artful aspects of JKD to preserve the original teachings, he has fleshed out a collection of techniques more compatible with the aggressiveness and simplicity of what he feels JKD is meant to express. PFS is based on the blend and theory of JKD but is taken a step further, a step out onto the street. His system is so effective in high pressure tactical situations that the Navy hired Paul Vunak and partner Tom Cruse to train their special warfare operators, the SEALs, for three years.