1884 BoekjeAfricanStudiesdef14-06-200009:23Pagina1 African StudiesCentre 1999Afrika-Studiecentrum Annual Report 1999 1884 Boekje African Studies def 14-06-2000 09:23 Pagina 2


Afrika-Studiecentrum/African Studies Centre

Address: African Studies Centre PO Box 9555 2300 RB Leiden The Netherlands

Visiting address: Pieter de la Courtgebouw Wassenaarseweg 52 2333 AK Leiden The Netherlands

Telephone: Office (+31) 71 527 3372/3376 Library (+31) 71 527 3354

Fax: Office (+31) 71 527 3344 Library (+31) 71 527 3350

E-mail: Office: [email protected] Library: [email protected]

Website: http://asc.leidenuniv.nl

You can also access this annual report via our website. 1884 Boekje African Studies def 14-06-2000 09:23 Pagina 3


1. Introduction 4

2. Research 6

3. Library and Documentation 15

4.Visiting Fellows Programme 18

5. External Communication 22

Appendix 1: Members of the Governing Body 26

Appendix 2: Personnel 27

Appendix 3: Research Activities 30

Appendix 4: Publications by Staff Members 39

Appendix 5: Publications by the Institute 53

Appendix 6: Seminar and Conference Programme 56

Appendix 7: Networks 60

Colophon 64 1884 Boekje African Studies def 14-06-2000 09:23 Pagina 4

1. Introduction

1999 was a year in which major investments department will be formulated. were made to improve the quality of the ASC as an information provider and employer.The library To our regret, the Chairman of the Board of underwent major changes in the accessibility of Governors, Professor Pieter Kooijmans had to its information sources (see Section 3) and more step down for health reasons in 1999. We deeply attention was paid to training ASC employees in appreciate all the time and effort he put into the areas such as presentation skills. ASC and for the genuine interest he always External relations with NGOs, policy makers showed in our activities and research. We and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were intensified extend to him our best wishes for the future. and in October the ASC organised a meeting for We are delighted that Elizabeth Schmitz, a former the members of the Parliamentary Committee mayor of Haarlem and the former Deputy on Foreign Affairs to discuss issues including Minister of Justice was willing to take over the democratisation, education and health. chairmanship and we look forward to working with her as we enter the new millennium. The management structure of the ASC became more transparent through the introduction of We trust that this Annual Report for 1999 gives new procedures and the working environment an impression of the many and varied activities improved because of, amongst other things, the taking place at the African Studies Centre. introduction of exhibitions of African paintings and photographs in the ASC corridors (see Box in Section 5). Round-table discussions with the theme groups, library and documentation department, and the supporting staff were organised to discuss bottlenecks and ways of improving the functioning of the ASC. Investments in quality will continue to take place in the year 2000. Major plans concern the restructuring of the ASC website and the refurbishing of the library.

Internal debates about the ASC's future research profile started in 1999 and we are now on our way to introducing new research themes. In the year 2000 external advice will be sought and by the end of the year the new research profile will be defined. The new theme groups will start functioning the following year. Alongside the formation of these theme groups,policies regarding the external relations of both the library and documentation department, and the research

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Malinese Citizens Interrogate extensive and all the proceedings were broadcast their Government live on television to ensure maximum coverage of the event.After the recommendations of last On 10 December I participated in the annual year's jury, we visited two prisons and the jury 'Espace d'Interpellation Democratique' in Mali, an members were asked to give their view on the unusual but very positive system of population conditions under which prisoners were held. participation. In 1994, the President of Mali, I realise that the prisons were cleaned and tidied Alpha Oumar Konaré, wanted to focus attention for our visit but we had the opportunity to talk on human rights in the country. He chose 10 to individual prisoners and were provided with December, the day the International Declaration figures about the number of inmates (1,000) and of Human Rights was signed, to give his people the number the building was supposed to house the opportunity to discuss the human rights (400). situation in Mali with the government face to To invite an international jury to offer a govern- face.This year an independent committee selected ment advice on a topic as emotive as human rights 38 letters of complaint from the people about is an unusually brave step to take. The 'Espace issues such as the judicial system, access to land d'Interpellation Democratique' is unique and I and housing, child abuse, violence against women, doubt whether we will see such participatory and infrastructure problems. democracy in any other African country in the On the day itself, the international jury, of which near future. Mali provides a good example of I was a member, listened to the letters being how democracy can become rooted in African read out by their authors in the presence of all society.And who knows ... maybe, one day, other government ministers.The ministers responded African and non-African governments will follow and the jury came up with suggestions on how their example. to improve the situation. Media attention was Gerti Hesseling

Some of the members of the international jury in Mali

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2. Research

In 1999 three theme groups were in operation Appendix 7) and other also spend considerable at the ASC: amounts of time supervising PhD and Master • Conflict, Conciliation and Control in Africa, students. • Globalisation and Sociocultural Transformation in Africa, and Conflict, Conciliation and • Society and Resources in Africa: Resource Control in Africa Management and Social Security in a Changing Natural Environment. Dr Jan Abbink, anthropologist Dr Deborah Bryceson, economic geographer This chapter elaborates upon the work of each Dr Rob Buijtenhuijs, anthropologist and group and detailed descriptions of the research political scientist activities of individual theme-group members Dr Stephen Ellis, historian are listed in Appendix 3. Dr Piet Konings, sociologist of development More information about the research themes Dr Ineke van Kessel, historian and theme groups is provided in Trends in Dr Klaas van Walraven, political scientist Africanist Research at the ASC which is available from the ASC secretariat. The research theme group Control, Conciliation and Conflict in Africa was set up in 1997 as a Research at the ASC is funded by the regular framework for research into political and social ASC budget and through external projects.The developments in Africa after 1989-90, a time of regular budget is provided by the Netherlands emerging movements of mass protest and political Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands reform in (Sub-Saharan) Africa and at the end of Ministry of Education and the Netherlands the Cold War. At this juncture, we saw the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. In 1999, 39 rise of new political and social dynamics which per cent of the ASC's funding came from raised the hopes of the African people living external sponsors such as the Netherlands under authoritarian and violent regimes and, at a Israeli Research Programme (NIRP), the Special very different level, those of donor countries and Programme on Research of the Netherlands financial institutions for economic and political Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NUFFIC, and the liberalisation and for overall development. The WOTRO Foundation. wave of high expectations has passed and crisis on the continent persists, often taking on new forms, The ASC further contributes to the teaching such as the restoration of (new) authoritarian of African studies through guest lectures at governments, violent trans-border conflicts, universities, research institutes and NGOs. The ethno-regional tensions, and the deepening institute does not run its own courses but economic crisis. makes regular contributions to other course The theme group addressed these problems in programmes, for example in the Department of general studies on political restructuring and in Cultural Anthropology at the University of case studies in several crucial regions such as Leiden. Some ASC staff members held teaching West Africa, East Africa and countries like South posts at Dutch and African Universities (see Africa, Chad, Ethiopia and Cameroon.

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As well as dealing with theoretical questions 'conciliation', perhaps due to the fact that there about the interpretation of political and social are, as yet, few successful examples of mediation processes in Africa, an informed empirical and lasting reconciliation. In this respect, it is description of what is actually happening is remarkable that the efforts (or the interference) sought in the work of the theme-group members. of the international community have not had a This involves dealing with specific processes, more positive impact on peace and conciliation in institutions and persons on the African political African conflicts. scene but also looking at locally expressed This is again borne out in the Great Lakes crisis forms of 'political action'. as well as in the Ethiopian-Eritrean war (where the UN and Western powers have apparently The group has devoted more attention to the failed to recognise and even-handedly deal with two themes of 'control' and 'conflict' than to a relatively clear-cut case of armed aggression).

De-Agrarianisation and Rural and economic liberalisation policies, along with Employment (DARE) Research various regional factors, have triggered a huge, Programme unplanned income diversification response in African rural areas. Currently peasants are poised Published macro-economic statistics largely fail between an active search for viable income to capture the centrifugal forces associated with sources while retaining the security of their peasant occupational experimentation in Sub-Saharan subsistence fallback - however meagre that may Africa over the last two decades: livelihoods are be. Each DARE case-study represents a delicate drawing on a proliferating range of sources. balancing act as people succeed, to varying extents, DARE case-study findings (see listing of DARE to cobble together their livelihoods somewhere Working Papers in Appendix 5 from Nigeria, in the spectrum between farm and non-farm, Ethiopia, , Congo-Brazzaville, Malawi, family and individual, and rural and urban contrasts. Zimbabwe and South Africa provide comparative Sensible policies that confront the uncertainty data on changing economic and social patterns in and daily dilemmas of depeasantisation are needed. a wide variety of rural settlements. As neo-liberalist thinking recedes, a number of Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs donor agencies have adopted a 'sustainable rural and coordinated by Deborah Bryceson in colla- livelihoods' approach. In this context, DARE boration with African research associates and research findings have direct relevance. The institutions listed in Appendix CHECK,the DARE issue of rural labour displacement, with all its programme has documented African rural dwellers’ occupational and spatial implications, is now rising cash needs, and the increasing incidence of being placed on the policy agenda. Enhancing the non-agricultural income diversification amongst employment chances of increasingly marginalised them leading to a proliferation of income earners rural peasant farmers is an enormous develop- within rural households, decreasing rural isolation mental task.The future of African rural dwellers and more pronounced social stratification in the lies increasingly in labour-force participation study areas. outside of rural agriculture. Continent-wide structural adjustment programmes Deborah Bryceson

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The general findings of our research support members of the theme group contributed, the idea that political and economic ‘liberalisation’ emphasises similar points.) The intersection of and ‘democratisation’ require certain systemic politics with ethnicity and criminal activities, the political,social and economic conditions,which are precariousness of security (public order, regime far from being present in most African countries. stability, ethno-regional insurgency) and the Also, these concepts are much more problematic increasing use of violence as a political means and contested (also in local political arenas) than are topics frequently dealt with in the research assumed by the involved actors in African countries of theme-group members, and they deserve on the one hand, and donor countries and inter- further long-term study.Theme-group publications national agencies on the other. have also insisted that issues of power and its Predictably,many contextual and historical factors exercise, growing informality and unaccountability about the power differences, socio-economic of (elite) politics and economics, and inequality, inequality,and the political culture shaping African marginalisation, and external dominance in the realities have been disregarded or bypassed in study of socio-political change in Africa need to donor discourse as well as in certain political be addressed in efforts to explain African realities science studies focusing on contemporary issues. and to eventually influence them in a more (A volume on elections and democratisation, constructive way. published in late 1999, and to which several

Work for the Truth Commission on this subject that the Truth Commission's research department had asked me whether I was delighted - for purely selfish reasons as I would come and help analyse some of the well as from sympathy with its work - when a documents on the armed forces and the various senior researcher with the South African Truth security forces with a view to preparing one and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) asked section of the Commission's report. (The final me in 1997 if I would go to South Africa to help report has been published but I don't think the Commission in its work. more than two of my sentences actually made it It is hard not to sympathise with the Truth onto the printed page!). Commission and its work, although I was to It was a fascinating and rewarding experience. I discover after arriving in South Africa that it is spent one period at the TRC's Durban secretariat also highly controversial, and much criticised in 1997 and later went to Cape Town, the TRC from most points of the political compass. My Headquarters, to help with editing some early selfish reason was simply to have access to drafts. I made some new friends, learned a lot some of the vast amount of information handled about South Africa, and was pleased to have by the TRC, which would help me develop my been able to make some contribution, however own knowledge of the role played by the South small, to one of the world's most interesting African security forces in that troubled period attempts at investigating human rights abuses by of South African history between 1960 and a defunct regime. 1994. It was because of my earlier publications Stephen Ellis

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Theme-group members of necessity follow a Globalisation and diversity of approach, reflecting the different Sociocultural Transformations research traditions in (regions of) Africa, but in Africa share a common underlying orientation. This is the dynamic and processual approach to ‘politics’ in Dr Jan Abbink, anthropologist Africa and the focus on historical and sociological Dr Anneke Breedveld, sociolinguist ramifications, as well as on international political Prof.Vernie February, literature historian dimensions.Thus, not only issues of institutional Henk Meilink MSc, economist change and political transition and related topics Thera Rasing MA, anthropologist like federalism,‘civil society’ and administrative- Elly Rijnierse MA, political scientist structural change in various countries are discussed, Dr Nina Tellegen, human geographer but also ethnicity (and its politicisation), the impact Prof. Wim van Binsbergen, anthropologist of religion and religious identifications, the effects and philosopher of violence and civil war, the ‘criminalisation’ of Dr Rijk van Dijk, anthropologist the , and the changing roles of labour and Prof. Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, jurist trade unionism are dealt with. The research focus of this theme group is The projects in this theme group are concerned globalisation, broadly defined as a process of with processes and conditions of political change intensifying contacts between cultures and social and ‘democratisation’ in Africa, but a recent formations in the economic, political and cultural extension (in August) was the inclusion of the domains.This process forges new and pervasive De-agrarianisation and Rural Employment project links of interdependence between various localities. (DARE) headed by Deborah Bryceson.This has It is fuelled by the tendency towards reducing added a kind of political-economy approach to the costs of space and time and has transformative the research programme of the theme group. and dislocating effects on human collectivities in Members of the theme group were sorry that socio-cultural, ideological, and political-economic Rob Buijtenhuijs decided to retire in March.The senses. Globalisation is a result of modern industrial theme of democratisation that he worked on technology, with its unprecedented mastery of for so many years is now being further developed space and time in transport, communication, by Klaas van Walraven who we were glad to information, and the media.The impact of globali- welcome in October.While most of the group's sation does not depend only on the distribution research projects, outlined in Trends in Africanist of technologies around the globe (or, in our Research at the ASC (1997),are still in full swing, case, in Africa),but on the diffusion of globalising several have been completed and others will be phenomena in the domains of politics, economics finalised in early 2001. and cultural exchange, making them frames of reference for increasing numbers of people. These phenomena redefine social and cultural ideals by challenging people’s local identity.The socio-cultural transformations resulting from

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globalisation at virtually all levels of society – into the trafficking of young Nigerian girls to the now largely informed by the dynamics of world Netherlands, provoked a debate on the Western, economic markets – are the focus of our study. hegemonic perspective implied in the concept Economic aspects of globalisation feature in our of globalisation. The theme group has been far programme as they provide a relevant framework from blind to this as is shown in its research on for the analysis of socio-cultural manifestations Ghanaian and Congolese Pentecostal churches, of globalisation. girls' initiation rites, and ecstatic healing cults. These religious expressions appear to provide 1999 saw a further broadening of the group's the organisational and conceptual means not so research themes. New themes that emerged, much by copying the Western interpretation but such as the study of Islam and an investigation by tracing a new, anti-hegemonic, South-based

Voodoo on the Doorstep: Magic than it was equipped to deal with. The police Policing in the Netherlands wondered where they could find expert knowledge on 'voodoo' and where they could It must surely have been a strange experience find expertise on how to treat these girls so for ordinary Dutch police officers. Perhaps even that the 'voodoo' influences would become a nightmarish ordeal. In the process of investigating powerless and no longer be capable of keeping the trafficking of young girls from Nigeria to the them enslaved in the sex industry? No better Netherlands, images of sinister powers from a place to turn to for knowledge of such powers 'Dark Continent' were created before their very originating from Africa, the police figured, than eyes.They found themselves investigating exotic the African Studies Centre in Leiden. And so it packets containing obscure items, they went to happened. For the first time in its history the interview young ladies apparently tormented by Centre became part of a national police enquiry fears of 'voodoo' and became engaged in reporting into the presence of Africans in the Netherlands ritual activities of foreign origin. Despite multi- and the plight of a specific group of minors.The cultural affirmative action in Dutch police training, report, written by Rijk van Dijk, Thera Rasing, this involvement with alien forces of strange Nina Tellegen and Wim van Binsbergen, entitled African rituals had never been anticipated. Some Een schijn van voodoo ('A Semblance of Voodoo') young Nigerian girls had approached the Dutch quickly moved to dismiss notions of Africa as the police asking to be rescued from those who 'Dark Continent'. It ventured to 'de-exoticise' were exploiting them in the Dutch sex industry images of sinister African rituals and identified and who were threatening them with 'voodoo'. 'voodoo' as a Western preoccupation with the Criminal activity and magic appeared to have occult.The fact that while researching 'voodoo' joined hands in coercing African minors into the the report included police perceptions as a Dutch prostitution business. Magic policing matter of investigation must again have been became required. A 'voodoo' police team was a strange experience for the Dutch officers set up to investigate enchantment: a venture involved. into unknown territory and a problem larger Rijk van Dijk

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trajectory towards and through modernity. on Africans in the Netherlands. Although Modernity on a Shoestring (1999) was published as research on the African continent and in close the theme group's collective volume. Outside association with African institutions and colle- the religious field, the same emphasis was laid in agues continues to be the mainstay of its the research on Surma responses to globalisation research, the theme group was able to make a in Ethiopia, African traditional leadership, the valuable contribution to understanding both the South African philosophy of Ubuntu, the fate of 'bi-directionality' of the process of globalisation Benin farmers in a global political economy, the (affecting Africa and the West) as well as the social and economic condition of Africans in exploitative manifestations of these social pro- Western Europe, the impact of information and cesses. communication technology, the ramifications of Afrocentrism, and the fate of a Zambian ethnic Whereas the theoretical potential of the concept festival. Acknowledging the realities of African of globalisation must not be overestimated in economic decline under the impact of globalisation explaining the variety of phenomena in Africa has made the theme group aware of the euphoria covered by this type of research, the theme so often attending the Northern discourse on group did significantly contribute to its theory. globalisation. In addition to existing themes, the Important insights were presented on the study of African Islam has provoked considerations formulation of a transcontinental theory of the of a non-Western-oriented form of globalisation person as ‘dividual’; globalisation as a field not by recognising Islam as a globalising force which primarily of accommodation and access but of often finds itself in opposition to the West. conflict, exclusion and class formation; the theory A national working group on Islam in Africa was (including the so-called ‘prototype’ theory) of ethnic initiated by the theme group and an international identity in the context of globalisation; virtuality conference was organised in October in colla- as a key concept in the study of globalisation; boration with the Institute for the Study of Islam intercultural hermeneutics as a prerequisite for in the Modern World. a globalising world;and the explosion of the all-too- easy juxtaposition of ‘the West and the rest In response to requests from the government (especially Africa)’ in the context of information and from within Dutch society, several members and communication technology. of the group embarked on a new research topic which, although in line with the theme group’s research focus on globalisation, had not been envisaged in its formal research programme: the study of illegal immigration and forced prostitution in the Netherlands involving minors from West Africa. Here the staff gained considerable experience in applied research tuned to the expectations, requirements and media routines of Dutch society. For most of its fifty-year history the ASC has not been involved in such research Women of a Catholic lay group in Mufulira, Zambia

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Society and Resources in Africa comprises four themes: tenure of natural resources, resource management, livelihood Dr M.E. de Bruijn, anthropologist strategies and social security. Research is being Dr T.Dijkstra, agricultural economist conducted in the drylands of West and East Dr D.W.J. Foeken, human geographer Africa and in the coastal zones of East Africa, Prof. J.C. Hoorweg, social psychologist, with both rural and urban areas being covered. social ecologist The programme has an interdisciplinary W. Klaver MSc, nutritionist perspective and will have an important comparative K. Nijenhuis MA, human geographer, jurist element as well. It will also have a spin-off for Dr M.M.E.M. Rutten, human geographer the formulation of policy in the field of ecology Dr J.W.M. van Dijk, forestry expert, and management of resources. anthropologist Provisional results from the NIRP research project Environmental problems are intertwined with on drought planning and rainwater harvesting the social and economic crisis in Africa. Major for arid-zone pastoralists, 'The Turkana and environmental problems in Sub-Saharan Africa Maasai (Kenya) and the Negev Bedouin (Israel): concern drought and desertification, land degra- Social Constraints and Opportunities' (NIRP dation and deforestation, urban decay, and coastal project 92-1.3),suggest that the Maasai pastoralists degradation. Despite the large potential of do not prepare themselves for major catastrophes. natural resources in Africa, environmental This does not mean, however, that the concept degradation in combination with population of securing one's livelihood is absent.The leading growth, economic stagnation and political conflict principle is to try to save as many animals during result in processes of resource decline and periods of drought as possible. Many Maasai try impoverishment. Inequality between population to predict the onset of a drought and its severity, groups is both the result and cause of environ- especially by 'reading' the movement of the mental problems. The complex relationships stars and the Pleiades. Forage collection for between ecology on the one hand and society pods, grasses, leaves and bird nests is mainly on the other play an important role in the failure practised during a drought. Human food is also of many development efforts in Africa. The stored, but the consumption of some traditional research programme presented here intends to foods (sour milk, cheese, and meat which has highlight the relation between resources and been dried and preserved in fat) is declining. society, situating ecology in a historical, political and social context. Changes in the management In West Africa growing resource scarcity is leading of resources is a central issue in the programme. to increasing resource competition and problems It covers natural resources (land, water, cattle, with respect to the management of the last ‘open’ trees, etc.), human resources (labour, capital, resources, a problem compounded by recent indigenous knowledge), and social resources (social efforts of West African governments to decen- relations, commercial networks) all in relation tralise administrative authority to lower levels to the natural environment. The programme in the bureaucracy. Whereas this development

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has definitively led to more democratic political ORSTOM) with the University of Ouagadougou, systems and societies, it has also promoted the a research project has been set up to investigate scramble for natural resources, especially land resource conflicts in small valleys. and water resources. Small valleys form a good arena to study the complexity and dynamics of The current project on the Impact of Climate resource conflicts. With the French EHESS Change on Drylands in the Sahel (ICCD), in (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) which members of this theme group participate, in Marseille, ISH in Bamako, ISH in Niamey and has made considerable progress, particularly in through a collaborative project of IRD (Institut the methodological field. An innovative local- des Recherches pour le Développement, formerly level decision-making model and an overall

On the Road An hour later and people from a neighbouring village have come to help. They push and pull A dirt road somewhere in rural Uganda. and try to save the cabbages while the spinning A truck loaded with cardboard boxes full of hot wheels of the truck cover them with mud. Some peppers,and gunny bags filled with white cabbages. organised and a lot of disorganised action later The heavy load overflows into the cab where the and the truck is free. The villagers are thanked driver,a trader from Kampala and a researcher from and return home with mud, shillings and cabbages. Holland try to stay calm. It has started to rain. A boy walks up to the researcher and gives him A tropical shower changes the dirt road into a a small dirty notebook.The researcher recognises mud bath.The truck no longer follows a straight his own handwriting. The notebook must have line, but behaves like a drunkard, moving sideways fallen out of his pocket. Most of the notes can and backwards from left to right, hitting bushes, no longer be read, but somewhere in the corner and diving into potholes filled with muddy of a page the words 'high transport costs' are water.When the road makes a sharp bend the just legible. inevitable happens.The driver turns the steering Tjalling Dijkstra wheel but the truck does not respond and slides sideways in the direction of a deep gutter. The truck starts to tip and bags of cabbages topple to the ground. The truck sinks further into the gutter.The passengers ready themselves for a roll but then the vehicle stops moving and comes to rest on its side on top of a few bags of cabbages. The driver, trader and researcher climb out.The researcher looks decidedly ill, the others look merely shaken.The rains cools them down, and they inspect the truck.They push but without success.This is going to be a long day. Agricultural marketing research in Uganda

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methodological framework for the assessment Although there has been some research undertaken of the socio-economic impact of climate change on urban agriculture in Africa, knowledge of the were developed. The results will be published in topic is still incomplete and fragmentary. A project 2000. Contacts have been established with other in Nakuru town Kenya was thus started in June/ July groups in the Netherlands doing research in this 1999 with a general survey among 600 households. field in the Sahel, and possibilities are being investigated to continue the efforts within a new institutional framework.

A development-oriented research project, 'Perspectives Nomades', has been started in colla- boration with SNV-Mali.Within the framework of a rural development programme in northern Mali (Menaka), a research unit was set up to contribute to the knowledge infrastructure and project planning. The supervision of this unit was in the hands of the ASC.The results so far have convinced both SNV and NEDA (Bamako) of the value of this type of independent (non-commercial) back-stopping and analyses of their own functioning and organisation. Meanwhile, another study on agricultural land in relation to land rights and fallow systems is being carried out in Mali, notably in the semi-arid central part of the country.

In East Africa,the natural resources of the Kenyan coast, especially the southern part of it, have been plundered due to tourism, and exploitation and corruption under the liberal conditions.The founding of the Coast Environmental Research Station (Moi University, ) is an important contribution to gaining more knowledge on the fragile balance between natural resources and human activities. Under the guidance of an ASC staff member, the station has supported a range of studies by Kenyan and Dutch students, and a second Coastal Ecology Conference was organised in 1999.

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3. Library and Documentation

1999 was a year in which regular library and session in October,it was decided to digitise the documentation activities continued and major currently used UDC-based index, available in project activities were undertaken. Emphasis was card form in the library. Systematic analyses - the placed on establishing cooperation with different next step - would then have to show whether organisations, and automation activities played a this UDC-based system is an acceptable basis crucial role in a variety of forms. for a word-based system. At the end of December, the digitisation of all the approximately 12,000 cards from the UDC indexes was carried NWO projects out by Ingressus. In 2000, the decision on a future word-based system will be made and the actual In 1998,the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific conversion activities are expected to commence. Research, NWO, granted the library and documentation department a subsidy to improve the national and international accessibility of its OPAC and library matters information resources. To this end, two interrelated project activities were 1999 can be considered a transitional year for defined. The first was to make all library and the ASC On-line Public Access Catalogue documentation resources available in electronic (OPAC). During the year, new terminals were form through the retrospective cataloguing of installed offering access to the web version of material acquired before 1988.The second project the library catalogue, while the old DOS-based involved making all ASC resources more easily version of the OPAC remained available and accessible through the conversion of the UDC- accessible as well.The terminals giving access to based classification into a more user-friendly the web OPAC also offer access to a number of word-based indexing system. other internet-based information resources. However, the information offered to the public In March 1999,a contract was signed with Ingressus, via this initial test version is going to be revised a Dutch company in Rotterdam, to carry out the and adapted in the year 2000. on-line retrospective cataloguing project. The ASC systematic card catalogue was transferred During 1999, the transition from a DOS-based to Rotterdam where Ingressus personnel started to a Windows-based version of the PICA the actual cataloguing in April. By December, (Netherlands Centre for Library Automation some 45,000 titles (23,600 books and 21,600 and On-line Services) library software used by articles all with abstracts) had been processed library staff became a reality which subsequently and were added to the library’s on-line catalogue. required a review and adaptation of hardware. The project is to be continued - and concluded - in General office software was also moved to 2000. Windows.

Initial activities related to the second project activity started in late 1999. Based on a brainstorming

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Over the year, the ASC’s academic journal Cooperation between documentation and research holdings were reviewed. The number of new took shape in 1999 as one of the documentalists journal titles focusing on Africa and/or published started working on a thematic bibliography on in Africa has been growing rapidly, thus requiring the problems of dry areas in West Africa, in the library to reconsider selection criteria regarding cooperation with researchers from the ASC's acquisition and inclusion in the collection. SRA theme group. This experimental activity is After comparing journal holdings of, for example, up for evaluation after its expected completion the Leiden University Library, the library of the in May 2000. Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam and the library of the Netherlands Institute for Southern In 1999, the ASCs cooperation with the Africa in Amsterdam, subscriptions to some of National Inquiry Services Centre, South Africa the more general development journals were (NISC) was extended. Under the extended cancelled, and subscriptions were taken out for contract, the ASC delivers not only book and a number of new journals, mostly published in journal titles, but also titles of journal articles. Africa. Based on the new agreement, the ASC is allowed access to the NISC African Studies and the South The library welcomed some 5,000 visitors and African Studies on-line databases, accessible via the registered 8,513 loans in 1999. Many others Internet from the ASC library. access the library catalogue via the internet on a regular basis. In December, the ASC signed an agreement with IBISCUS - Système d’Information pour le Développement - in Paris, to become an IBISCUS Documentation activities partner. It was agreed that, as of 1 January 2000, IBISCUS and the ASC would exchange journal In 1999, the documentation section was involved article titles with abstracts from a limited number in several projects in addition to its regular of journals, initially for a trial period of one year. documentation activities.Regular activities include the abstracting and indexing of library material as well as the provision of abstracts of journal Travels, contacts and seminars articles and chapters of edited works for the production of the department’s abstracts journal For the second time, the department attended African Studies Abstracts. In 1999, the 30th volume the Zimbabwe International Book Fair in Harare. of this journal was published, comprising a total Two documentalists attended meetings and of 1,687 abstracts. lectures, renewed and established contacts with library colleagues, writers, publishers and book Early in 1999, one of the ASC documentalists sellers, and visited libraries and documentation was invited to edit a section in the quarterly centres in the region (see Box). journal Politique Africaine.An overview of topical journal articles is presented in this section called Within the framework of AEGIS,the head of the La Revue des Revues. department visited the library of the Nordic

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Africa Institute in Uppsala. Association for Professionals in the Library, During the year, contacts with members of the Information and Knowledge Sector) and its sec- Africana Librarians Council in the US were tions, for example, the NVB working group on extended and discussions on issues of mutual Social Science Information (SWI). In addition, the interest continued via e-mail. Staff regularly attended department participated in Leiden University meetings and seminars in the Netherlands on Library meetings and in those of the Platform of library and documentation issues.These included, Librarians of Non-Western Collections (OBINC) among others, meetings of the NVB (Netherlands in Leiden.

Books by Bike as study circles, seminars and workshops attract adults and offer them the opportunity to parti- The Zimbabwe International Book Fair was held in cipate in the lifelong continuing education process. Harare in the first week of August.In conjunction Community libraries in Zimbabwe can be seen with this, the Rural Libraries and Resources as an alternative 'university' for the people. Development Programme,an organisation founded Because many of the communities these libraries in 1990 with the aim of establishing and developing serve are so widespread, donkey-drawn mobile library and information services among Zimbabwe's libraries, book boxes and book delivery bicycles rural communities, organised a field trip to Nyanga are used to take the materials to people living in to see two rural libraries in Zimbabwe's beautiful remote areas. Eastern Highlands, the Nyanhundu School and Zimbabwe recognises the important role of Community Library and the Nyajezi Community community libraries in rural development. As Library. information resource-centres they are a veritable A group of about fifteen visitors to the Book tool in empowering literate and illiterate men and Fair,mainly librarians, were very cordially received women, and they are hopefully contributing to by the two communities with dancing, live music higher rates of literacy among future generations. and lots of food. We were taken on a tour around the libraries which are located in classrooms, and Tiny Kraan and Katrien Polman listened to introductions by the enthusiastic school principal in Nyanhundu and the teacher-librarian in Nyajezi. They explained their acquisitions and lending systems and told us how much they depended on gifts and donations. Both emphasised the important role the libraries play within their communities. Many villagers are involved in running the centres and community members sit on the Library Management Committee. The services of community libraries are extensive. Children come to borrow reading books and magazines, to listen to book talks and stories and to participate in library-based games and activities. Activities such A Zimbabwean book bike

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4. Visiting Fellowship Programme

Kassahun Berhanu and Piet Konings in the Biesbosch

In 1999, twelve researchers participated in the where he became a senior lecturer in the ASC's visiting fellowship programme. Three Department of Sociology at the University of were guests of the library while the others were Botswana in Gabarone. At the ASC he worked associated with one of the theme groups.Their closely with Dr Piet Konings on a joint project on stays varied in length from four weeks to nine 'Political Change and Regionalism in Cameroon'. months.They used their time at the ASC to collect In addition, he pursued his research on 'Press information and to work on manuscripts and Cartoons and Politics in Cameroon', a topic on discuss their work with Dutch and African which he gave seminars at the University of colleagues both at the Centre and elsewhere in Oxford and at the ASC. By the time he left the the Netherlands. ASC, he had completed a manuscript on 'Media and Demo-cratisation in Africa', published three Dr Francis Nyamnjoh papers and written a number of book reviews. University of Buea, Cameroon 11 July 1998 - 25 February 1999 Professor Adebayo Williams Dr Francis Nyamnjoh is a sociologist and specialist Centre of West African Studies, in mass communication studies. He used to head Birmingham, UK the Department of Sociology and Anthropology 5 January - 29 June at the University of Buea in Cameroon. In Prof. Adebayo Williams is a Nigerian scholar, October 1999, however, he moved to Botswana journalist and novelist. Originally he was a specialist

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in the field of African literature but he has developed The information collected from the ASC library a wide interest in political developments in Africa will ultimately be integrated into a SQR discussion in general, and Nigeria in particular. At the ASC, document, which will be published for public he worked on a project entitled 'Intellectual and professional comment as part of the policy Formations and the Closed State: Rethinking and White Paper Process. the State-Civil Society Problematic in Africa'.He The visiting fellows worked mainly in the ASC made two trips to Nigeria to monitor the library but also accessed information at the Van presidential elections and to watch the handing- Vollenhoven Institute and had discussions with over ceremony in Nigeria after sixteen years of ASC staff members in an effort to adopt a multi- military dictatorship. He published three papers dimensional approach. At the end of their stay, and gave several lectures and seminars. they presented their findings to ASC staff members at an internal seminar. Sam Khandlhela, Danie van der Merwe While in Leiden, the three visiting fellows, in and Bongiwe Sibisi spite of the weather, developed an appreciation Department of Constitutional for the Dutch way of life and biking, and also a Development, South Africa rather unhealthy appetite for stroopwafels! 7 January - 4 February Anthropologists Sam Khandlhela, Danie van der Kassahun Berhanu Merwe and Bongiwe Sibisi, who are all part of a Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia South African national research team on the 15 March - 16 June Status Quo Report (SQR) on traditional (and from 1 October - 15 January 2000 leadership, were invited to do research in the as a research associate) African Studies Centre library on traditional Kassahun Berhanu, a lecturer in the Department leadership in Africa. The SQR research was of Political Science at Addis Ababa University, initiated by the Department of Constitutional was a visiting scholar at the ASC for three Development (Chief Directorate Traditional months to work on the conclusions of his PhD Affairs) in 1998 as part of policy formulation and thesis entitled 'Returnees, Resettlement and the White Paper Process by the South African Power Relations: The Making of a Political government on traditional leadership. The Constituency in Humera, Ethiopia'.This project comparative study researched in the ASC library was undertaken in conjunction with the Free runs parallel with extensive SQR research University, Amsterdam, and supervised by Prof. amongst traditional communities in South Martin Doornbos (ISS), Dr Philip Quarles van Africa.The experience of other African countries Ufford (VU) and Jan Abbink (ASC). The thesis on traditional leadership since their independence will be defended in April 2000. During his stay, is considered a valuable resource on which South he also wrote a paper on conflict in Northeast Africa can draw. Nine African countries from Africa and gave a seminar presentation on his West, Central and Southern Africa were selected research. as focus countries and a general bibliography on the subject in all African countries was compiled.

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Abdirizak Arale Nunow Professor Pat McAllister Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 22 January - 1 October New Zealand Abdi Nunow stayed almost nine months at the 5 July - 25 October ASC in order to finalise the manuscript of his During his four-month fellowship at the ASC, PhD thesis entitled 'Market Dependence among Prof. Pat McAllister from the Department of Somali Pastoralists in Kenya', a research project Sociology at the University of Canterbury in funded by the Netherlands-Israel Development Christchurch was able to consolidate and Research Programme (NIRP). Under the guidance extend the work he had been engaged in as part of Prof. Jan Hoorweg (ASC) and Prof.Ton Dietz of the ASC's DARE research programme. He (University of Amsterdam), he managed to realise incorporated research results derived from earlier the planned output. During his stay he also had fieldwork and wrote a paper entitled 'Subsistence intensive discussions with the members of the Production or "Scratching about in the Soil"? Society and Resources in Africa theme group to Agricultural Yields in Transkei' which deals with which he was attached. He gave a seminar on the nature and value of subsistence cultivation 'Livestock Commercialisation and Food Security in Willowvale District, Transkei, and with the for Pastoralists in Northeast Kenya'. policy implications of the findings. The themes with which he was concerned during his stay, Dr Boureima Alpha Gado namely Transkei agriculture, cooperative work, University of Niamey, Niger beer-drinking and rural identity form the subject 27 March - 25 June matter of a longer manuscript entitled 'Building Alpha Gado spent three months at the ASC the Homestead: Labour and Beer in the with the Society and Resources in Africa theme Transkei, South Africa'. group. During his stay he worked on a research project entitled 'Climatic Variations and Rural Ibrahim Mouiche Livelihood Strategies in Africa', a study on food University of Yaounde II, Cameroon insecurity in a variable environment in the Sahel 12 July - 28 December region of West Africa from a historical point of view. Ibrahim Mouiche is a political scientist who He produced a paper on 'Climate Variability,Food lectures at the University of Yaounde II in Insecurity and Survival Strategies. Niger Peasants' Cameroon.At the ASC,he started writing his PhD Responses to Food Shortages: A Historical thesis on 'The Role of Traditional Authorities in Perspective', which he presented during the the Democratic Process in Cameroon:The Case seminar on climatic variability on 17 June.After of the 1996 Municipal Elections in West Province', he left, cooperation with Dr Gado continued in under the supervision of Prof. Peter Geschiere the context of a research programme on the and Piet Konings. He gave a seminar on 'Ethnicity 'Impact of Climatic Variability on Development' and Multipartyism in Northern Cameroon' and (ICCD) in which three ASC staff members are produced two articles on ethnic politics in participating. Africa which were accepted for publication.

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Dr Augustin Nsanze The staff of the ASC were deeply saddened to University of Burundi, Burundi learn of the sudden death of Professor Isaac 11 August 1999 - 1 March 2000 Sindiga on May 29 1999. Prof. Sindiga spent the Augustin Nsanze is an historian. He used to be a first half of 1997 at the ASC as a visiting research lecturer and research director at the University fellow before returning to Kenya to take up his of Burundi before being forced to seek political new position as Principal of Kisii College, asylum in Kenya. He is now a member of the Egerton University. We had all come to know scientific committee of the Nairobi-based him as a very friendly person, a real gentleman, UNESCO/PEER research project on the history a man of great wisdom, and as a devoted and of Burundi. At the ASC, he worked on the productive scholar.The book he was working on completion of a book entitled Burundi: Le Passé while in Leiden entitled Tourism and African au Présent. He also finalised the proofreading of Development: Change and Challenge of Tourism in his doctoral thesis which will be published soon. Kenya was published in 1999, after his death. In addition,he gave a seminar on 'Crises Politiques et Minorités dans la Région des Grands Lacs Africains: Les Cas du Burundi et du Rwanda'.

Other fellowships Apart from the regular visiting fellowship pro- gramme, the ASC is able to offer Africans residing in the Netherlands the opportunity to make use of office and support facilities. Mrs Duran-Ndaye Tshiteku was the first person to accept this opportunity.She was at the Centre from 1 January to 21 March. Mrs Duran is of Congolese birth and has an MA in Ethnic Studies from the Free University in Brussels. During her three-month fellowship at the ASC she prepared a PhD research proposal under the joint supervision of Prof. Wim van Binsbergen and Dr Rijk van Dijk, entitled 'Crushing the Past Underfoot: Strategies of Congolese Women in Identity Transition'. After the completion of her fellowship, Mrs Duran continued her relationship with the Globalisation theme group as an associate member.When her application proved unsuccessful, she decided to start on her research project anyway, and she presented the theme group with an extensive and rich preliminary report on her research findings at the end of 1999.

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5. External Communication

One of the central aims of the ASC is to encourage All conferences were well attended. Bi-weekly the dissemination of a broad range of information seminars were organised and in total 26 gatherings on African affairs through publications, seminars took place.Webs of War,a study day on conflicts in and conferences, interviews with journalists for West Africa,is an example of a seminar which was radio and television and our website. not only of interest to academics but specifically In recent years the ASC has developed into an targeted at NGOs, the press, and others interested important information centre on African issues in this region. For a detailed overview of all in the Netherlands. Apart from students and seminars and conferences organised in 1999, other academics who were always able to find us, see Appendix 6. a large number of NGOs, journalists and other people interested in Africa now know of the Requests for information ASC and call the library or the secretariat for more information on a wide range of issues. Journalists call the ASC almost daily with questions concerning topical issues such as a particular war or a new government. Other Seminar and conference requests come from students, NGOs and programme organisations. Callers are referred to members of staff specialised in a particular field or to In 1999 the ASC organised three international others outside the institute. Callers and visitors are conferences in the Netherlands, one on land also made aware of the database of Africanists in tenure, one on the role of Islam in Africa and the Netherlands which can be accessed via our one on international migration. In addition, the website. ASC funded the De-agrarianisation and Rural In 1999 the ASC was invited by the parlementary Employment programme's final conference at committee on foreign affairs to participate in a Rhodes University, South Africa, and the Coastal discussion around issues related to Africa. The Ecology Conference in , Kenya. It was ASC organised a subsequent meeting at the Centre also involved in the organisation of a conference for members of the committee to discuss topical at the International Institute for the Study of issues such as democracy, education and health Islam in the Modern World (ISIM). in Africa.

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ASC Website address (http://asc.leidenuniv.nl) which will hopefully make it easier for people to find us. The ASC's website contains information about A start was made with the restructuring of the the institute, its staff, research fellows, and the site in 1999 to make information more easily seminar and conference programme. It also accessible and to develop the site into the ASC’s provides access to the ASC library catalogue. ‘business card’. Further improvements will take From mid-1999, the ASC has had a shorter website place in 2000.

Wines, Politicians and international organisations whose functioning in Chandeliers security issues has, however, generally been unsatisfactory and poorly understood.Yet, their Sometimes one's interest in African politics can controversial record is rarely taken as the point lead to 'fieldwork' in the Netherlands itself. In of departure for Western or UN involvement in December 1999, I was invited to a lunch at the African peacekeeping. Hence, the banality of American Embassy in the Hague, where the 'African solutions to African problems' was, State Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary once again, articulated as the cornerstone of for African Affairs was making a stopover en Western policy to Africa's predicaments. Jeter route to Washington. The Assistant Secretary, argued that, after Somalia, direct American Howard Jeter, has been active as the Special involvement in African peacekeeping was totally Presidential Envoy for Liberia and had just attended out of the question. the annual ECOWAS summit in Lomé. Jeter, an As during other occasions at which I met repre- African-American from South Carolina, gave an sentatives of the diplomatic class, I was glad not account of his recent travels and told us of his to be a member of this high fraternity. concerns about the security situation in the As a scholar,I could question the basic tenets of border areas of Liberia and Guinea-Conakry. Western policy and so I did.The true diplomat, He also recounted the problems that confronted however, is not easily shaken by contrary the implementation of the peace accord in Sierra arguments. My viewpoints met with benign smiles Leone. on the faces of polite listeners. Naturally, I had The luncheon took place in true diplomatic style, no illusions that I could change American foreign with delicate food, excellent wines and immacu- policy in one afternoon. But, if necessary, the lately dressed diplomats sitting under shiny political scientist should point to the problems chandeliers. Notwithstanding his experience and in the solutions of the politician. African-American background, Jeter gave his audience a thoroughly American perception of Klaas van Walraven Africa's political and security problems. In my view, US policy towards Sub-Saharan Africa is based on a mixture of indifference, lack of strategic interests, and support for Africa's

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Media Exposure Interviews given for radio, newspapers and television covered a wide range of topics from Mandela's visit to the Netherlands, the war in Sierra Leone,Africa's debt burden, elections in Nigeria and South Africa, to the Eritrea-Ethiopian war. Most radio and television interviews were directed at a Dutch audience but some were conducted in other languages.Gerti Hesseling and Elly Rijnierse were, for example, interviewed about the socio- cultural development of Africa in the new millenium by the French Africa department of the Dutch world service. Apart from interviews, short articles of ASC staff were published in newspapers. For example by Stephen Ellis on the relationship between Africa and the rich countries in NRC Handelsblad and on 'peace' in Sierra Leone in Trouw. Others wrote articles in magazines such as Onze Wereld, Internationale Samenwerking and Zuidelijk Afrika. Ineke van Kessel, for example, wrote an article in Zuidelijk Afrika on the African renaissance as South Africa's new government ideology (see Appendix 4).

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Exhibitions include Baboucarr Etu Ndow from Gambia, James Ntra from , Samba from Senegal, The ASC has begun regularly exhibiting the Marthe Nso Abomo from Cameroon and Sam work of African artists.These exhibitions aim to Kajende from Kenya. give African artists living in the Netherlands the One of the high points was an exhibition of opportunity to promote their work, and to create photographs by the well-known Peter Magubane a more African atmosphere in the corridors and the from South Africa during the summer of 1999. library of the ASC. Visitors include staff members, His photos focused on the apartheid struggle seminar and conference participants, and students and the political participation of women in present- of the Faculty of Social Sciences where the ASC day South Africa.The exhibition, which was part is located. In addition, people from outside come of a NiZA (Nederlands instituut voor Zuidelijk to see the paintings which they have heard about Afrika) campaign, was opened by Jansie Niehaus, through announcements in the local press. the wife of the South African ambassador in the The first to exhibit paintings at the ASC was Netherlands.Thandli Vilakazi sang some beautiful Ebath N'Gbala from Ivory Coast.The colour and songs and everyone present joined in the singing style of his paintings matched so nicely with the of the South African national anthem. house style of the ASC that one of his works was purchased and now hangs in the secretariat. Marieke van Winden Subsequent artists who have shown their work

Thandli Vilakazi singing the South African National Anthem at the opening of the exhibition of Peter Magubane’s photographs

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Appendix 1. Members of the Governing Body

Members of the Board B.H. Evers of Governors on Tilburg University 31 December 1999 Professor G.E. Frerks E.M.A. Schmitz (Chair) Netherlands Institute of International Relations Former Deputy Minister of Justice, Clingendael,The Hague Former Mayoress of Haarlem Judge, Zwolle Law Court Professor P.L. Geschiere Leiden University Professor G. Lycklama à Nijeholt Institute of Social Studies,The Hague Dr P.R.J. Hoebink University of Nijmegen M.M. Monteiro Personal Services Overseas,The Hague Dr A.H. Pieterse Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam M.J. van den Berg Member of the European Parliament for the Dr R.J. Ross Social Democratic Party Leiden University

E.W.Wits Professor C. Schweigman Heineken,Amsterdam University of Groningen

Professor J.D.M. van der Geest Members of the Academic University of Amsterdam Advisory Council on 31 December 1999 Dr L.B.Venema Free University,Amsterdam Dr W.E.A. van Beek (Chair) Utrecht University Professor L.C.Winkel Erasmus University, Rotterdam Dr E.A. Baerends University of Groningen Dr J.J. de Wolf Utrecht University A.R. Defoer Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam Professor M.E.Wuyts Institute of Social Studies,The Hague Dr J.H.B. den Ouden Wageningen Agricultural University

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Appendix 2. Personnel

Personnel as of 31 December 1999

Director Dr G.S.C.M. Hesseling jurist, legal anthropologist

Supporting Staff C.S.Abdoel Wahid-Jiawan administrative staff (26.6 hrs/wk) K.K. Dorrepaal assistant to the administrator, publications manager J. Nijssen administrator A.S.R. Reeves editor (4 hrs/wk; salary paid by DGIS) Dr N.W.Tellegen public relations coordinator (19 hrs/wk) E. van der Kamp-Rombouts staff consultant (16 hrs/wk) L.E.A. van Dijl administrative staff M.W.J. van Hal-Klap administrative staff (17.1 hrs/wk) M.C.A. van Winden head of secretariat (32 hrs/wk) W.Veerman programmer, computer manager W.J. Zwart-Brouwer administrative staff (15.2 hrs/wk)

Library and Documentation Department P.C.J.M. de Rijk librarian; head of department (30.4 hrs/wk) M.M.O. Boin documentalist (16 hrs/wk) E.M. Eijkman documentalist (26.6 hrs/wk) C.J.M. Kraan documentalist (30.4 hrs/wk) A.S.C. Peters assistant librarian (30.4 hrs/wk) K. Polman documentalist M. Smit assistant librarian (28 hrs/wk) C.M. Sommeling documentalist (26.6 hrs/wk) M.B. van der Lee assistant librarian (22.8 hrs/wk) M.C.A. van Doorn documentalist A.A.M. van Marrewijk assistant librarian (30.4 hrs/wk) P.G.Verkaik-Steenvoorden assistant librarian (30.4 hrs/wk)

Research Staff by Theme Group Conflict, Conciliation and Control in Africa Dr G.J.Abbink anthropologist (19 hrs/wk) Dr D.F. Bryceson economic geographer Dr S.D.K. Ellis historian Dr P.J.J.Konings sociologist of development

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Dr W.M.J. van Kessel historian (32 hrs/wk) Dr K. van Walraven political scientist

Globalisation and Sociocultural Transformation in Africa Dr G.J.Abbink anthropologist (19 hrs/wk) Dr J.O. Breedveld sociolinguist (salary paid by WOTRO) Professor V.A. February literature historian H.A. Meilink economist T.S.A. Rasing anthropologist (salary paid by WOTRO) E.A.M. Rijnierse political scientist (salary paid by WOTRO) Dr N.W.Tellegen human geographer (19 hrs/wk) Professor W.M.J. van Binsbergen anthropologist Dr R.A. van Dijk anthropologist Professor E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal jurist

Society and Resources in Africa Dr M.E. de Bruijn anthropologist (30.4 hrs/wk) Dr T. Dijkstra agricultural economist (32 hrs/wk ) Dr D.W.J. Foeken human geographer Professor J.C. Hoorweg social psychologist, social ecologist W. Klaver nutritionist (15.2 hrs/wk) K. Nijenhuis human geographer, jurist (salary paid by WOTRO) Dr M.M.E.M. Rutten human geographer Dr H.L. van der Laan economist (from 1.5.97 employee at own request) Dr J.W.M. van Dijk forestry expert, anthropologist (30.4 hrs/wk)

The following members of staff were appointed in 1999 A.van der Laan from 01.07.99 to 29.02.00 research (externally funded) Dr K. van Walraven from 01.10.99 researcher

The following member of staff left the Centre during 1999 Dr R. Buijtenhuijs on 28.02.99 researcher

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The following visiting fellows were appointed by the Centre in 1999 Professor P.A.McAllister from 05.07.99 to 25.10.99 South Africa Mr K. Berhanu from 15.03.99 to 16.06.99 Ethiopia Dr B.Alpha Gado from 27.03.99 to 25.06.99 Niger Mr R.S. Khandlhela from 07.01.99 to 04.02.99 South Africa Mr P.D. van der Merwe from 07.01.99 to 04.02.99 South Africa Mr I. Mouiche from 12.07.99 to 28.12.99 Cameroon Dr A. Nsanze from 11.08.99 to 01.03.00 Burundi Dr F.B. Nyamnjoh from 11.07.98 to 25.02.99 Cameroon Mr A.A. Nunow from 22.01.99 to 01.10.99 Kenya Mrs B. Sibisi from 07.01.99 to 04.02.99 South Africa Professor A.Williams from 05.01.99 to 29.06.99 Nigeria

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Appendix 3. Research Activities

Conflict, Conciliation and she finalised her book entitled Disappearing Control in Africa Peasantries: Rural Labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America, edited together with Cris Kay and Jos Jan Abbink Mooij. She neared completion of her work on a Jan Abbink carried out research on ‘Democracy book entitled Africa through the Drinking Glass and Ethnicity in Ethiopia’, seeing Ethiopia as an jointly edited with Nina Tellegen. In November,she interesting test case of political change in Africa. organised an EU-funded conference in conjunction This has yielded several articles and chapters for a with Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford, on 'Migrant planned book.The subject has become volatile and Families and Human Capital Formation in controversial within Ethiopia and is complicated Europe'. Select papers from this conference will by the outbreak of war between Ethiopia and be published in a volume that she is currently editing Eritrea.He also co-edited a book (with G.Hesseling) jointly with Ulla Vuorela entitled Testing Boundaries: on election observation and democratisation in Transnational Families and Social Networks. Africa. Abbink's second project is a history of Wolayta, a once powerful South Ethiopian kingdom. Rob Buijtenhuijs This project on the reconstruction of Wolayta Until his retirement in March 1999, Rob Buijtenhuijs history and identity through the prism of the was working on his research project on political present is based on interviews and on the unpu- change and democratisation in Chad, based on blished papers of a German anthropologist who intensive fieldwork.This had led to several articles did research in the 1950s and 1960s. It deals and a major book, entitled Transitions et élections with the construction of identity and historical au Tchad 1993-1997, published in 1998.The various memory, and ties in with the debate on culture publications resulting from this project have and ethnicity in a federal state officially committed yielded a detailed and authoritative study of Chad's to ethnic self-determination. Abbink was a member process of democratisation with a comparative of the theme group for half his time (see also importance for the study of other cases of political the section on Globalisation), was acting head transition in Africa. The book shows that the when Piet Konings was absent and became process of political reform or democratisation more involved in theme-group administrative is complicated and hesitant, with the threat tasks. of armed conflict constantly lingering in the background. The military force of the incumbent Deborah Bryceson president seems to be an essential factor limiting Deborah Bryceson's research involved further the full potential of the process towards demo- analysis and the writing-up of research findings cratic reform. The theme group recognised of the ongoing DGIS-funded De-agrarianisation Dr Buijtenhuijs's wish to retire but is sorely missing and Rural Employment Programme covering 15 one of its most prominent members. rural case studies in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa. This was Stephen Ellis presented at the final international conference In 1999 Stephen Ellis was mainly preoccupied of the research programme held in June in East with the completion of his project on the history London,South Africa. On a related research theme, of the civil war in Liberia (1989-97). This was

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successfully concluded in November with the anglophone identity, consciousness and organisation publication by C. Hurst and Co. in London and within the francophone-dominated state. It also New York University Press of his book The Mask documents current anglophone struggles for a of Anarchy: The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious return to federalism or for outright secession. Dimension of an African Civil War. He also worked Finally it describes the various strategies of the on a more general project considering comparative current regime to deconstruct the emerging issues of the ‘criminalisation’ of the African state. anglophone identity and solidarity. The project He and fellow French researchers looked at the ties in with a newly emerging literature on underlying economic and trade flows in and out movements of ethno-regionalism, federalism of Africa that impinge upon processes of state and decentralisation in Africa. The second project, formation and collapse, and at elite strategies of addressing general issues of the relation criminal enterprise and alliance in a world between organised labour and government in where liberalisation and privatisation of state democratising or liberalising African countries, assets and resources lead to a growing relevance resulted in a book and several articles and book of ‘informal’ networks and power centres, chapters. subverting processes of democratisation, gover- nance and state recovery.In addition, Ellis published Ineke van Kessel more on a previous project on South Africa’s One of the two projects Ineke van Kessel has counter-revolutionary war and its political worked on is police-community relations in transition. He made progress on two new research South Africa. The second is on the role of the projects, one on religion and politics in Africa media as related to the democratisation process and the other on the history of . In in Southern Africa. Several articles and book September/October he visited Madagascar, chapters were written related to the second attending a conference in Tamatave and giving project. The project on the police in South lectures at the University of Tamatave. Africa will be completed in 2001, while the research on the media will continue beyond that Piet Konings date. In the past year van Kessel also completed Piet Konings served as the CCC member on the the editing of a book based on her PhD thesis ASC Management Team and he was also a (0.2) on the UDF of South Africa for publication by member of the De-agranianisation theme group. the University of Virginia Press. She also co-edited His research centred on two projects: a study of the book Afrikanen in Nederland published in regionalism and political change in Cameroon, January 2000. A brief trip to South Africa at the and one on wage labour and trade unionism in time of the general elections in June resulted in Africa during economic and political liberalisation. the publication of several articles. In September, His main research project was entitled 'Political she participated in a conference in Ghana on Change and Regionalism in Cameroon, with the mass media and, while there, did some Particular Reference to the Anglophone Problem'. preliminary research in Elmina into the history This project, undertaken in cooperation with Dr of African soldiers (‘Belanda Hitam’) recruited Francis Nyamnjoh,analyses the construction of an for the Dutch army in the East Indies.

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Klaas van Walraven in Material Culture Traditions of Southern From July-October 1999 Klaas van Walraven Ethiopia'.The first project is nearing completion completed research for the 'Conflict Policy and was directly related to the problematics and Research Project' undertaken by the Netherlands themes of the Globalisation theme group. Institute of International Relations Clingendael, Several articles and book chapters related to at the request of the Netherlands Ministry of this project were written. A sequel to this Foreign Affairs. It involved writing two research research was new fieldwork in Ethiopia in reports on interventions in African conflicts,as well November-December, evaluating the impact of as the supervision of project staff. Van Walraven foreign Christian missions among the Suri. The also helped in the drafting of research project second project has been redefined to reflect proposals to be submitted by the Clingendael new realities 'in the field' and its focus has shifted Conflict Research Unit to the Dutch Ministry of from the rural Ethiopian context of production Foreign Affairs and the Ford Foundation. In and use to the urban, for example, the tourist October, he joined the ASC research staff and market for ‘ethnic art/artefacts’. More attention began research on processes of democratisation will be paid to ‘souvenir dealers’ and buyers in in Sub-Saharan Africa. This research project, Addis Ababa, with research continuing in 2000. originally begun by Rob Buijtenhuijs as 'Demo Abbink also continued his involvement in the III', involves a survey of the literature on democracy Encyclopaedia Aethiopica Project at the University and democratisation, an analysis of the issues in of Hamburg as a co-editor/consultant.With Rijk this area, and the drafting of overviews of recent van Dijk, Abbink spent time fund-raising and or current relevant developments in African organising an international conference to be countries. Van Walraven continued with research held with African scholars on ‘Discontents of on African international relations, international Globalisation’ in collaboration with two African organisations and their role in Africa, and multi- partner organisations. lateral interventions in conflicts. He also remained active as the ASC's consultant to the Clingendael Anneke Breedveld Conflict Research Unit. He published books on Anneke Breedveld has been working on her post- the ECOMOG intervention in Liberia, and on doctoral research on the linguistic construction the Organisation of African Unity. of ethnicity among the Fulbe in Mali and Cameroon. She published articles on the meaning of keywords in the discourse of Fulbe ethnicity, i.e.on ethnonyms Globalisation and Pullo and Fulbe, and on certain social emotional Sociocultural Transformation terms associated in Fulbe discourse with ethnicity in Africa such as yaage 'shame, shyness', and semteende 'shame, being reserved'. She was also involved in Jan Abbink the Islam working group and as an organiser of Jan Abbink continued work on two projects: the conference 'Transformation Processes and 'Globalisation and Conflict - the Case of Suri Islam in Africa', which provoked her to investigate Society, Ethiopia', and 'The Global and the Local the ethnic horizons of conversion, and also led

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to a state-of-the-art article on Dutch research continues to focus on the effects of structural on Islam in Africa. Her keenest interest lies in adjustment programmes (SAPs) on food security the study of the relation between language and and food entitlement in Kenya. He has completed culture, explored in her seminar on 'Social and published an analysis of the impact of the Interaction and Language Use in African Societies'. liberalisation of the Kenyan maize market and its She is planning to publish the results of both this implications for national food security. His second seminar and of the African Islam conference. research project focuses on the consequences for Sub-Saharan Africa of the drastic and accele- Vernie February rating changes in global patterns of trade, capital Prof.Vernie February's project of organising an and aid. With expected further progress in the international conference on Ubuntu, planned to liberalisation of the global trade system, Sub- take place in South Africa in 2000,received support Saharan Africa is likely to be even more marginalised from Wim van Binsbergen and associate theme- in the world economy.To counteract these adverse group member Dr Ramose Mogobe from Tilburg developments, African governments have come University. In 1999 they undertook a lecturing to revive their former attempts to create ‘trade tour in South Africa in preparation for the competitive regional integration schemes’. In conference.A South African and Dutch research this context, Meilink and co-author Piet Konings group was organised at Durban Westville under analysed the history and prospects of Africa’s the leadership of Prof.Pitika Ntuli which submitted regional trade integration schemes in a published a SANPAD application in the summer of 1999. article. February has also been involved in the organisation of a new South African institute on multilingualism, Thera Rasing has discharged his obligations as Professor of Thera Rasing has been attached to the theme Literature at the University of the Western Cape, group on the basis of her WOTRO-financed and has served on the editorial board of a series research project on 'Girls' Initiation Rites in an of translated literature from South Africa. He Urban Roman Catholic Community in Zambia: delivered two papers for the theme group on Interaction between Local Tradition and Global the Muslims of Cape Town - the first on their Religion', supervised by Wim van Binsbergen. contribution to social justice, and the second on She continued to work on a first draft of a book their participation in South African culture in manuscript resulting from this research and general. He has started a series of lectures on dealing with present-day manifestations of girls’ creolisation with specific reference to the South initiation rites in Zambia which in the past were African context and other creole areas, notably branded as ‘pagan’ in Roman Catholic circles. Surinam and the Antilles.He is working on a reprint Today, the church is seeking to incorporate of Creole Drum, the first full-length anthology of these rites by Christianising them. Rasing's Creole literature focusing on Surinam. research focuses on initiation rites performed by Catholic women. She has studied a church lay Henk Meilink group in an urban area which clearly exemplifies As an economist, Henk Meilink's main research the process of interaction between local traditions

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and a worldwide religion. In addition, Rasing linkages with groups and developments in the contributed to the research project on the respective countries of origin. Tellegen co-edited smuggling of young Nigerian girls into the the book Afrikanen in Nederland with Ineke van Netherlands, in the second half of 1999. She Kessel and wrote a chapter for it on the position co-authored the report 'A Semblance of of Africans in the Dutch labour market. In June Voodoo' that resulted from this research. she attended the final conference of the DARE programme in South Africa where she presented Elly Rijnierse a paper entitled 'Where There is No Town. Income Elly Rijnierse has been attached to the theme Diversification in Rural Malawi'. During the latter group since the second half of 1999 through her half of 1999 she was mainly occupied with research WOTRO-financed PhD research project on activities relating to the project investigating the 'Changing Ideas on Democracy in Benin (1990- cultural background of Nigerian girls who are 1996): A Transnational Process', supervised by smuggled into the Netherlands to work as pros- Wim van Binsbergen and Gerd Junne. The aim of titutes. Tellegen also participated in an EU-financed this research is to consider the study of democracy conference on 'Migrant Families and Human in a global context from various scientific disciplines. Capital Formation in Europe' in November Fieldwork for this research was carried out at 1999. an earlier stage in Benin among cotton farmers and their parastatal marketing organisations. In Wim van Binsbergen the theoretical framework, which is formulated in As leader of the theme group on globalisation, a preliminary way as a result of the research process, Prof. Wim van Binsbergen has continued to three basic forms of democracy are distinguished. work on the theory and method of research on The aim of this typology is to facilitate context- cultural globalisation especially in connection specific analyses of the democratisation process with virtuality, Information and Communication in Benin.The applicability of this typology is tested Technology, ethnicity and religion. In 1999 he in view of the interaction with global democratic co-edited Modernity on a Shoestring: Dimensions of developments, with regard to historical studies Globalization, Consumption and Development in Africa of such processes as well as its relation to policy- and Beyond. Within the context of WOTRO's oriented analyses. A specific notion of global programme on ‘Globalization and the Construction democracy will thus be deduced from this of Communal Identities’, he and Prof. Peter framework. Geschiere organised an international conference on 'Commodification and Identities: Social Life Nina Tellegen of Things Revisited' in June. He and Mogobe Nina Tellegen has been a member of this theme Ramose have joined Vernie February in planning group since September 1999. She combines her a conference on ‘Ubuntu:Ways of Being Human tasks as the ASC's public relations coordinator in South Africa Today’ and they completed a joint with those of a part-time researcher on African lecture tour in South Africa in April. entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. The aim of A project on 'Africa’s Contribution to Global this research is to explore their networks and Systems of Knowledge: An Epistemology for

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African Studies in the Twenty-First Century' previous research project on youth,democratisation provided a link between his research at the ASC and religion in Malawi. Together with Wim van and his chair in Foundations of Intercultural Binsbergen, he supervised Mrs Duran-Ndaya Philosophy at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Tshiteku in her preparation of a PhD research where he gave his inaugural address, entitled proposal on the strategies of women in identity ‘Culturen bestaan niet’: het onderzoek van transition in Congo. In the second half of 1999 interculturaliteit als een openbreken van vanzelfs- van Dijk was the chairman of a research project prekendheden,in 1999.He has served as President on the trafficking of Nigerian girls involved in of the Dutch/ Flemish Association of Intercultural the Dutch sex industry.This project, conducted Philosophy and initiated a new monthly research in close collaboration with a national police seminar on 'Spirituality as a Focus for Intercultural research team, resulted in a report entitled 'A Philosophy'. He also organised a conference on Semblance of Voodoo'. Van Dijk became involved 'Transformations and Islam' which was held in in Dutch governmental deliberations concerning Leiden in close cooperation with the Institute policy development with regard to asylum for the Study of Islam in the Modern World procedures relating to minors and advised (ISIM). Van Binsbergen initiated the Working Deputy Minister Cohen on these matters. Group on African Teenagers,which investigated the smuggling of Nigerian girls into the Netherlands. Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal Prof. Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal continued Rijk van Dijk with his ongoing research project on the state Rijk van Dijk combined his ASC position as a policy and chieftaincy in post-colonial Africa. Viewed worker for external relations with his WOTRO- from a point of power and authority, the African financed post-doctoral research project on 'The state tries to co-opt and marginalise chiefs within Stranger's Scenario: Ghanaian Intercontinental its bureaucratic models as mere auxiliaries. Labour Migration, Popular Culture and the Studying how they develop new strategies to Pentecostal Strategy' which focuses on specific cope with political, administrative or legal changes religious organisations that cater to the migratory shows the transformations chieftaincy is undergoing processes between Africa and Western Europe. while chiefs are vying for representation in a new In June he was appointed as a full-time researcher pluralistic political landscape. In a number of at the ASC. Much of 1999 was devoted to bringing articles and edited volumes, van Rouveroy stressed together insights gained by preparing a manuscript that traditional authority produces a unique linkage entitled 'Diaspora of Desire. Ghanaian Pente- between the contemporary state and civil costalism and the Transcultural Subject'. Van Dijk society in Africa in the areas of democratisation, also published articles on the subjects of dispute settlement, local administration and Pentecostalism, transnationalism, diaspora culture, mobilisation of natural resources: all important gifting and reciprocity, and co-edited a number aspects of the globalisation process. He edited a of books, including African Chieftaincy in a New volume with Rijk van Dijk on African Chieftaincy in Socio-Political Landscape and Modernity on a a New Socio-Political Landscape. Van Rouveroy Shoestring. He continued to publish articles on his has begun organising, as a sequel to earlier

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conferences on these and related issues, an diversification and non-traditional agricultural international conference in Burkina Faso for which exports in Africa. He made his second trip he successfully applied for support from the Dutch to Uganda in order to take stock of existing Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as from the experience with non-traditional exports. Fish, Burkina government. flowers, fruit and vegetables, hides and skins, vanilla, and organic cotton were some of the commodities studied. Together with Laurens van Society and Resources der Laan and Aad van Tilburg, Dijkstra edited a in Africa book published by Ashgate in the ASC Research Series entitled Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Mirjam de Bruijn and Han van Dijk Africa: Contributions from the Netherlands. He also For Mirjam de Bruijn and Han van Dijk, the final wrote a chapter for this book on potato marketing editing with Victor Azarya and Anneke Breedveld in Kenya, and a chapter on horticultural production of the volume Pastoralists under Pressure? dominated and marketing in Kenya for another edited volume the first three months of 1999.They also continued Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in Africa. In addition to work on the project 'Impact of Climate to his scholarly publications he published in Dutch Change on Drylands'.A great deal of effort was magazines dealing with developing countries. invested in a regional assessment of an area in central Mali of the relative importance of climate Dick Foeken variables in relation to economic and institutional Besides his ongoing work with Jan Hoorweg on factors,the setting up of a study on the development The Kenya Coast Handbook (to be published in of urban centres in relation to climate change, 2000 by Lit Verlag,Germany), Dick Foeken spent the development of a farmer's decision-making most of his research time on two projects model in high-risk environments, and a metho- concerned with urban agriculture.The first one dological framework for the assessment of climate is entitled 'Urban Farmers in an East African change. The results of this study will be published Town:The Case of Nakuru, Kenya' and is a joint in 2000. They were also involved in the supervision project with the University of Nairobi. In June/ of development-oriented research for SNV- July 1999, the first fieldwork stage took place Mali. A mid-term review of the results as well as consisting of a general survey among almost 600 a methodological document were prepared,based households. The second project, 'Sustainable on the work of local researchers and field trips. Urban Agriculture in Tanzania', is a NIRP-funded In addition, they co-edited a special section in co-production with the Sokoine University of the first issue of the new journal Mande Studies, Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania, and with Tel and Han van Dijk co-organised the ASC conference Aviv University, Israel. It also started in 1999 'Land Tenure Models for 21st Century Africa' with preparations being made for the first with Marcel Rutten. fieldwork stage in two towns, namely Morogoro and Mbeya in Tanzania.The fieldwork itself will Tjalling Dijkstra take place during the first months of 2000. Tjalling Dijkstra continued his work on export

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Jan Hoorweg Karin Nijenhuis Jan Hoorweg is seconded to Moi University, Karin is a new face at the African Studies Centre. Eldoret, Kenya, where he holds the position of She is an environmental lawyer and geographer. Visiting Professor at the School of Environmental In July she started her PhD research on the Studies (MUSES). He is stationed in Malindi as 'Dynamics of Entitlements to Transition Zones the coordinator of the Coast Environment between Agro-pastoral and Sylvo-pastoral Land Research Station (CERS). MUSES hopes to become in Semi-arid and Subhumid Mali'. After a short one of the foremost centres of environmental introductory period at the ASC in Leiden, she studies in East Africa. The ecology of the East went on fieldwork to Douentza in the semi-arid African coast with coral reefs and mangrove part of Mali. Her research is financed by the forests, two threatened ecosystems and other Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement unique habitats such as coastal forests and of Tropical Research and is being supervised by dunes, must receive major attention. The objective Prof.Ton Dietz of the University of Amsterdam, of CERS is to stimulate and facilitate research Prof. Leo de Haan of the Catholic University of into coastal ecological issues. Among the many Nijmegen and Han van Dijk at the ASC. activities being carried out in 1999, two stand out.The first is the start of the fieldwork for the Marcel Rutten NIRP-funded research project on 'Resource Entry and analysis of data collected for the Diversification among Fishermen along the NIRP-funded research project 'Drought Planning Kenyan Coast'. The second activity was the very and Rainwater Harvesting for Arid-Zone successful 'Ecology Conference II' in Mombasa Pastoralists' continued and the Maasai section of (25-26 November), with 30 presenters and 63 the report was finalised. A Maasai drought participants. coping strategy, filmed by Rutten, was shown in a TELEAC/NOT television series. Alongside NIRP Wijnand Klaver activities, the editing and writing of chapters for For his planned paper on 'Child Growth in a book on the 1997 Kenyan general election Sub-Saharan Africa', Wijnand Klaver undertook continued.The book contains a number of papers secondary analysis of data on child growth from presented at a three-day conference held at the a 3-year seasonality study in northern Benin ASC from 28-30 September 1998 and is expected (1989-92) to graph and curve fit the dynamics of to appear in 2000. In addition, a conference, held monthly weight and height growth of children. In from 8-10 September at the Ministry of Foreign addition, comparative secondary analysis was Affairs and the Institute of Social Studies, was done of anthropometric results of a series of organised on 'Land Tenure Models for 21st nutrition studies undertaken by the ASC in Century Africa' in collaboration with the World Eastern Africa. The latter analysis is part of a Resources Institute and with financial backing review of all nutrition studies carried out by the from HIVOS and the Royal Netherlands ASC in Uganda and Kenya since the late 1960s Embassies in Nairobi and Dakar. Speakers were and which is to be published in 2000. invited from a wide range of backgrounds but were primarily drawn from the African NGO

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community and academia. Finally, preparation for a 'Tourism in Africa' conference planned for 2000 included the filming of an eco-tourism project and the writing of a contribution for the 'Encyclopaedia of African History'.

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Appendix 4. Publications by Staff Members

Scholarly publications, MacMillan / New York: St. Martin Press. non-specialist publications, papers, posters, reports 'Introduction: Rethinking Democratization and and book reviews Election Observation in Africa', in J. Abbink and G. Hesseling (eds), Election Observation and Abbink, G.J. Democratization in Africa, London - Basingstoke: 'Violence, Ritual and Reproduction: Culture and MacMillan / New York:St. Martin Press, pp. 1-17. Context in Surma Duelling', Ethnology, 38 (2), 227-42. 'The Organization of Elections in Federal Ethiopia: Retrospect and Prospect', in J. Abbink '"Ethiopia - The Heritage of an Empire". Notes on and G. Hesseling (eds), Election Observation and an Exhibition' (review article), Aethiopica, 2, 291-96. Democratization in Africa, London - Basingstoke: Macmillan / New York:St.Martin’s Press,pp.150-79. 'The Production of "Primitiveness" and Identity: Surma-Tourist Interactions',in R. Fardon,W. van with W. van Binsbergen, 'International Election Binsbergen and R. van Dijk (eds), Modernity on a Observation: A Discussion on Policy and Shoestring. Dimensions of Globalization, Consumption Practice, in J. Abbink and G. Hesseling (eds), and Development in Africa and Beyond, Leiden and Election Observation and Democratization in Africa, London: EIDOS (European Interuniversity London - Basingstoke: Macmillan / New York:St. Development Opportunities Study group), Martin’s Press, pp. 257-76. pp. 341-58. 'Ethiopia', in World Encyclopaedia of Political Systems 'The Elusive Chief: Authority and Leadership in and Parties, 3rd edition, G.E. DeLury and D. Kaple Surma Society (Ethiopia)', in E.A.B. van Rouveroy (eds), New York: Facts on File Inc., pp. 348-52. van Nieuwaal and R. van Dijk (eds), African Chieftaincy in a New Socio-Political Landscape, 'Eritrea', in World Encyclopaedia of Political Systems Hamburg: Lit Verlag, pp. 49-74. and Parties, 3rd edition, G.E. DeLury and D. Kaple (eds), New York: Facts on File Inc., pp. 340-43. 'Artefacts as "Daily Art" in Me'en Culture.The Life and Work of Bogine Shala and Gelta Foroshowa', 'Doing Justice to Clastres' (letter), Anthropology in R.A.Silverman (ed.),Ethiopia:Traditions of Creativity, Today, 15 (4), 21. Seattle/London: University of Washington Press, pp. 26-45. 'Ethiopian Islam and the Challenge of Diversity', ISIM Newsletter, 4, 24. 'Ethiopian Studies in Japan: The 13th ICES in Kyoto', Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 41, 141-45. Review of I.Taddia,Autobiografie Africane.Il Colonialismo nelle Memorie Orali, in Aethiopica, 2, 276-79. with G. Hesseling (eds), Election Observation and Democratization in Africa, London - Basingstoke:

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The Total Somali Clan Genealogy: A Preliminary Development Perspective', Review of African Political Sketch, Leiden: African Studies Centre Working Economy, 80, 171-89. Paper no. 41. ‘Urban Local Dynamics’, in C. Stein (ed.), 'Regional Variation in the Cultural Systems of Development and Urban Africa, Centre d’Estudios Southern Ethiopia', invited session chairman and Africanos, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 253-56. presentation of the paper 'Surmic - Omotic Interactions: Constructions of Power and 'Methods for Tracing Rapid Market Change: Authority', Harris Manchester College, Oxford Urban Grain Supply Networks in Tanzania',in B. University, UK, 5-6 January 1999. Harriss-White (ed.), Agricultural Markets from Theory to Practice, London: Macmillan. 'Paradoxes of Power and Culture in an Old Periphery: Surma 1974-1998', paper presented with P. Seppala and M.-L Tapio-Bistrom, 'Maize at seminar 'Ethiopia and its Peripheries', Marketing Policies in Tanzania, 1939-98: From Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Basic Needs to Market Basics', in H.L. van der Laan, Oxford University, 8-11 September 1999. T. Dijkstra and A. van Tilburg (eds), Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Africa, Aldershot: Ashgate, Breedveld, J.O. pp. 19-42. 'Prototypes and Ethnic Categorisation: On the Terms Pullo and Fulbe in Maasina (Mali)', in V. with C. Kay and J. Mooij (eds), Disappearing Azarya,A. Breedveld, M. de Bruijn and H. van Dijk Peasantries? Rural Labour in Latin America,Asia and (eds), Pastoralists under Pressure? Fulbe Societies Africa,London:Intermediate Technology Publications. Confronting Change in West Africa, Leiden: Brill, pp. 69-89. ‘Peasant Theories and Smallholder Policies: Past and Present’, in D.F.Bryceson, C. Kay and J. Mooij with C. Angenent, 'The Ethnic Horizon of (eds), Disappearing Peasantries? Rural Labour in Conversion to Islam in Nkambe, Cameroon', Latin America,Asia and Africa, London: Intermediate paper for ASC/ISIM Conference 'Transformation Technology Publications. Processes and Islam in Africa', Leiden, 15 October 1999. ‘African Peasants’ Centrality and Marginality: Rural Labour Transformations’, in D.F.Bryceson, 'Emotions and Social Interaction in Fulbe C. Kay and J. Mooij (eds), Disappearing Peasantries? Societies in Mali and Cameroon', paper for ASC Rural Labour in Latin America, Asia and Africa, seminar 'Social Interaction and Language Use in London: Intermediate Technology Publications. African Societies', Leiden, 28 October 1999. ‘Disappearing Peasantries? Rural Labour Bryceson, D.F. Redundancy in the Neo-liberal Era and Beyond’, ‘African Rural Labour, Income Diversification in D.F. Bryceson, C. Kay and J. Mooij (eds), and Livelihood Approaches: A Long-Term Disappearing Peasantries? Rural Labour in Latin

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America, Asia and Africa, London: Intermediate with H. van Dijk, 'Insecurity and Pastoral Technology Publications. Development in the Sahel',Development and Change, 30 (1), 115-39. Review of S. Geiger, TANU Women: Gender and Culture in the Making of Tanganyikan Nationalism, with H. van Dijk (guest editors), 'Mobility in the 1955-1965, in Journal of Commonwealth and Mande World', Mande Studies, 1, special section. Comparative Politics, 37 (1), 141-43. with H. van Dijk, 'Introduction: Changing Review of S.M. Wangwe, H.H. Semboja and P. Frontiers', Mande Studies, 1, 9-12. Tibandebage (eds), Review of Transitional Economic Policy and Policy Options in Tanzania, in Journal of with H. van Dijk, 'Fulbe Mobility: Migration and Modern African Studies, 37 (4), 572-74. Travel into Mande', Mande Studies, 1, 41-62.

African Rural Labour, Income Diversification and with C. Angenent, A. Breedveld and H. van Dijk Livelihood Approaches: A Long-Term Development (eds & transl.), De Haayre: Vertelling over een Perspective, Leiden:African Studies Centre Working Nomadisch Koninkrijk, Rijswijk: Elmar, Bibliotheca Paper no. 35. Africana.

Sub-Saharan Africa Betwixt and Between: Rural with H. van Dijk, 'Inleiding', in: C. Angenent, A. Livelihood Practices and Policies, Leiden: African Breedveld, M. de Bruijn and H. van Dijk (eds and Studies Centre Working Paper no. 43. transl.), De Haayre:Vertelling over een Nomadisch Koninkrijk, Rijswijk: Elmar, Bibliotheca Africana, de Bruijn, M.E. pp. 7-26. with V. Azarya, A. Breedveld and H. van Dijk (eds), Pastoralists under Pressure? Fulbe Societies Review of Th. Bierschenk and P.-Y. Le Meur Confronting Change in West Africa, Leiden: Brill. (eds), Trajectoires Peuitles au Benin: Six Etudes Anthropologiques, in Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines, 'The Pastoral Poor: Hazard, Crisis and Insecurity 153, 186-88. in Fulbe Society in Central Mali', in V. Azarya, A. Breedveld, M. de Bruijn and H. van Dijk (eds), Review of E. Silla, People are not the Same. Leprosy Pastoralists under Pressure? Fulbe Societies Confronting and Identity in Twentieth Century Mali, in Africa Change in West Africa, Leiden: Brill, pp. 285-312. Today, 46 (2).

with H. van Dijk, 'Ressources Vivrières de Base Review of B. Haring and R. de Maaijer (eds), ou Elevage? Deux Projets de Développement chez Landless and Hungry? Access to Land in Early and les Fulbe Eleveurs du Mali Central', in R. Botte, Traditional Societies, in FOCAAL, 34. J. Boutrais and J. Schmitz (eds), Figures Peules, Paris: Karthala, pp. 445-62. ‘Mobility Dilemmas: Ecological Displacement of Fulbe Pastoralists, Central Mali’, paper presen-

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ted at the international conference ‘ 'Ingezamelde kleding en schoenen komen goed and the Transformation of Society: Loss and Terecht:Tweedehands Nike's niet aan te slepen', Recovery', organised by InDra, Soesterberg, 21- Internationale Samenwerking,July/August 1999,42-43. 24 April 1999. 'Oude schoenen goed voor Afrika', Onze Wereld, 'Islam, Mobility and Practice of Fulbe June 1999, p. 14. Pastoralists, the Case of Central Mali', paper presented at the conference on 'Transformation Review of H.C.C. Meertens, Rice Cultivation in Processes and Islam in Africa', African Studies the Farming Systems of Sukumaland, Tanzania: A Centre, Leiden, 15 October 1999. Quest for Sustainable Production under Structural Adjustment Programmes, in NVAS Nieuwsbrief, with H. van Dijk, Rapport de Bilan du Programme November 1999. de Recherche ‘Perspectives Nomades’, Octobre 1998 - Decembre 1999, Leiden: African Studies with N.Tellegen,ASC Annual Report 1998. Centre. Ellis, S.D.K. de Rijk, P.C.J.M. with J.-F.Bayart and B. Hibou, The Criminalization 'The INASP Directory of Organizations and of the State in Africa, Oxford: James Currey / Networks in Rural Development: Africa. Pilot Portsmouth NH: Heinemann. Edition, July 1998', Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor, 7 (1), 32-33. The Mask of Anarchy: The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimension of an African Civil War, Dijkstra,T. London:C.Hurst / New York:New York University with H.L. van der Laan and A. van Tilburg (eds), Press. Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Africa: Contributions from the Netherlands,Aldershot:Ashgate. with J.-F. Bayart and B. Hibou, 'L'Afrique du Sud à la Veille d'une Consultation Décisive', Politique 'Horticultural Marketing in Kenya: Why Potato Africaine, 73, 137-45. Farmers Need Collecting Wholesalers', in H.L. van der Laan,T.Dijkstra and A. van Tilburg (eds), 'Vérité Sans Réconciliation en Afrique du Sud', Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Africa: Contributions Critique Internationale, 5 (October 1999), 125-37. from the Netherlands.Aldershot:Ashgate, pp. 169-84. 'Elections in Africa in Historical Context', in J. 'Commercial Horticulture by Kenyan Abbink and G. Hesseling (eds), Election Observation Smallholders', in D. Grossman, L.M. van den Berg and Democratization in Africa, London - Basingstoke: and H.I. Ajaegbu (eds), Urban and Peri-urban Macmillan / New York:St Martin's Press, pp. 37-49. Agriculture in Africa,Aldershot:Ashgate, pp. 53-65. 'Staatsinrichting in Afrika: Import of Eigen Kweek?', Internationale Spectator, 53 (5), 294-98.

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'A Golden Age of Archives',NVAS Nieuwsbrief,2 (3), Perspective', ASC/Ministry of Foreign Affairs 4-5. Ambassadors' conference, 13 January 1999.

'Mafias, Milices, le Crime et l'Etat en Afrique', in Paper on 'War and Business in Liberia',Webs of M. Serceau (ed.), Panoramiques: L'Enfer des Mafias, War study day,African Studies Centre, 25 March Paris: Editions Corlet, pp. 128-31. 1999.

'Afrika verandert fundamenteel door Oorlogen', 'Natural Resources in Liberia's War Economy,' NRC Handelsblad, 20 January 1999. paper read to African Affairs seminar, Oxford, 3 June 1999. ‘Westen is in Afrika blind voor de waarheid’, NRC Handelsblad, 19 May 1999. February,V.A. ‘Klein Begin is Aanhou Wen', in H.P. van Coller ‘Geen echte vrede in Sierra Leone’, Trouw, (ed.), Perspektief en Profiel — ‘n Afrikaanse 16 July 1999. Literatuurgeskiedenis I, Pretoria:Van Schaik.

'Relatie rijke landen en Afrika in impasse', Foeken, D.W.J. NRC Handelsblad, 14 September 1999. with A.M. Mwangi, 'Urban Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition in Low Income Areas in Review of M. Prou, Malagasy, un Pas de Plus,Vol. Nairobi', African Urban Quarterly, 11 (1-2), 170-79. III, in Journal of African History, 40 (2), 345. with R.A. Obudho, Urban Agriculture in Africa: Review of J.-R. Randriamaro, Padesm et Luttes A Bibliographical Survey, Leiden / Nairobi:African Politiques à Madagascar, in Journal of African History, Studies Centre / Centre for Urban Research, 40 (1), 149-50. ASC Research Paper no. 58.

Review of C.Allibert (ed.), Histoire de la Grande with T. Dietz, 'Of Ethnicity, Manipulation and Isle Madagascar, in Journal of African History, 40 (2), Observation: The 1992 and 1997 Elections in 348. Kenya', in J.Abbink and G. Hesseling (eds), Election Observation and Democratization in Africa, London Review of M. Israel, South African Political Exiles - Basingstoke: Macmillan / New York:St. Martin’s in the United Kingdom, in Journal of Modern African Press. pp. 122-49. Studies, 37 (4), 738-39. 'Coping with Urban Poverty through urban farming Review of Les Drogues en Afrique Sub- - A case study of Nairobi, West Asia and Africa,6, Saharienne, by Observatoire Globale de pp. 54-58 (in Chinese). Drogues, in Politique Africaine, 75, 184-85. Review of B. Mbiba, Urban Agriculture in Paper on 'African Political Systems in Historical Zimbabwe. Implications for Urban Management

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and Poverty, and J. Smit,A. Ratta and J. Nasr,Urban Multicultural Challenge, Fribourg: Institut du Agriculture. Food, Jobs and Sustainable Cities, in Fédéralisme, pp. 289-325. African Urban Quarterly, 11 (2/3), 277-78. 'The "Anglophone Problem" and Chieftaincy in with A.M. Mwangi, 'Urban Agriculture:The Case Anglophone Cameroon',in E.A.B.van Rouveroy van of Nairobi', paper presented at workshop on Nieuwaal and R. van Dijk (eds), African Chieftaincy 'Growing Cities Growing Food: Urban Agriculture in a New Socio-Political Landscape, Hamburg: Lit on the Policy Agenda', Havana, 11-15 October Verlag, pp. 181-206. 1999. with F.B. Nyamnjoh, 'Construction and Hesseling, G. Deconstruction:Anglophones or Autochtones?', with C. Lund, 'Traditional Chiefs and Modern paper presented at the African Studies Association Land Tenure Law in Niger’, in E. van Rouveroy van conference, panel: 'Negotiating the Boundaries Nieuwaal and R. van Dijk (eds), African Chieftaincy of Belonging: Democratization and Issues of in a New Socio-Political Landscape, Hamburg: LIT- Autochtony', Philadelphia, 10-15 November Verlag, pp. 135-54. 1999.

with J. Abbink, (eds), Election Observation and Meilink, H.A. Democratization in Africa, London - Basingstoke: 'Maize Marketing in Kenya, 1976-1996', in H.L. MacMillan / New York: St Martin Press. van der Laan,T.Dijkstra and A. van Tilburg (eds), Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Africa: Contributions 'Tweesporenbeleid bij ontwikkeling Afrikaanse from the Netherlands,Aldershot:Ashgate, pp. 43-65. curricula: Afrika-Studiecentrum reageert op Peter Crossman', Transfer, Januari 1999, pp. 24-25. 'Hard op weg naar zeven miljard mensen', Metro, 13 July 1999. 'Participation et Gestion Locale de Ressources Naturelles', paper presented at the conference 'A Selection of Basic Statistical Data on Sub- ‘La Participation Introuvable’, Pau, 18 Juin 1999. Saharan Africa's External Debt',paper presented at the seminar 'Lifting the Debt Burden. 'Buitenvrouwen en buitenmannen.Verhalen van Consequences for Africa', ASC, 16 December binnenuit’, review of C. Notermans, 'Verhalen in 1999. veelvoud.Vrouwen in Kameroen over polygynie en christendom', in Roodkoper, Maandblad voor Rasing,T.S.A. cultuur, religie en politiek, 4 (5), 45. 'Globalization and the Making of Consumers: Zambian Kitchen Parties', in R. Fardon, W. van Konings, P.J.J. Binsbergen and R. van Dijk (eds), Modernity on a 'The Anglophone Struggle for Federalism in Shoestring: Dimensions of Globalization, Consumption Cameroon', in L.R. Bastia and J. Ibrahim (eds), and Development in Africa and Beyond, Leiden and Federalism and Decentralization in Africa; The London: EIDOS (European Interuniversity

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Development Opportunities Study group), Rutten, M.M.E.M. pp. 227-47. 'Explanatory Frameworks for Non-Sustainable Natural Resource Management Practices: A with R. van Dijk et al., Een schijn van voodoo. Culturele Critique of the "Perception" Rationale', in K. von achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes Benda Beckmann and H.W. Finkler (eds), Papers voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: een verkenning. of the XIth International Congress 'Folk Law and Leiden:African Studies Centre. Legal Pluralism: Societies in Transformation', hosted by the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, 'Catholic Church Policy of Inculturation and Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 18-22 Initiation: The Struggle between a Global August 1997,April 1999, pp. 237-58 (also publis- Church and Local Women', paper presented at hed in Russian). the WOTRO seminar on 'Globalisation and the Construction of Communal Identities',Amsterdam, 'The Kenyan General Elections of 1997: University of Amsterdam, 7 May 1999. Implementing a New Model for International Election Observation',in J.Abbink and G.Hesseling 'The Creation of a Local Female Domain', paper (eds), Election Observation and Democratization in presented at the seminar of the theme group on Africa, London - Basingstoke: MacMillan / New Globalisation and Sociocultural Transformation, York: St. Martin Press, pp. 295-320. ASC, Leiden, 23 June 1999. 'Nederlandse Geografen over Afrika', Geografie, 'The Struggle for Initiation Rites between 8 (3), pp. 14, 29, 34-35. Catholic Priests and Lay Women', paper presen- ted at the promovendi seminar, Erasmus 'Drought Planning and Rainwater Harvesting for University, Rotterdam, 22 October 1999. Arid-Zone Pastoralists:The Turkana and Maasai (Kenya) and the Negev Bedouin (Israel): Social Rijnierse, E.A.M. Constraints and Opportunities.', NIRP project 'The Politics of Survival.Towards a Global,Long-Term and 92-1.3 - Maasai Report, Leiden: African Studies Reflexive Interpretation of the African Contemporary Centre. Experience', Leiden: African Studies Centre Working Paper no. 36. Tellegen, N.W. with R. van Dijk et al., Een schijn van voodoo. 'Transnational Institutions: Pioneers in Shaping Culturele achtergronden van de handel in New Forms of Democracy. Benin Compared to Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie, the Netherlands', Paper presented at the 2nd Leiden:African Studies Centre. workshop on 'The Political Influence of International and Transnational NGOs',Catholic 'Necessity or Opportunity? That is the University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen Centre for Question. Rural Enterprises in Malawi 1983- Business, Environment and Government (NICE), 1993', Seminar at the Institute of Social Studies, 22 September 1999. The Hague, 18 January 1999.

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'Position of Africans in the Dutch Labour van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and R. van Dijk Market. Some First Impressions', conference on (eds), African Chieftaincy in a New Socio-Political 'Migrant Families and Human Capital Formation Landscape, Hamburg: Lit Verlag, pp. 97-133. in Europe: Home Areas and Economic Vistas', African Studies Centre, Leiden, 19 -21 ‘Mary’s Room: A Case Study on Becoming a November 1999. Consumer in Botswana, Francistown’, in R. Fardon, W.M.J. van Binsbergen and R. van Dijk 'Where There is no Town. Income Diversification (eds), Modernity on a Shoestring: Dimensions of in Rural Malawi', Paper presented at the conference Globalization, Consumption and Development in 'Between Town and Country: Livelihoods, Africa and Beyond, Leiden and London: EIDOS Settlement and Identity Formation in Sub-Saharan (European Interuniversity Development Africa', Rhodes University, East London, South Opportunities Study group), pp. 179-206. Africa, 28 - 30 June 1999. ‘Globalization, Consumption and Development’, with T. Dijkstra,ASC Annual Report 1998. in R. Fardon, W.M.J. van Binsbergen and R. van Dijk (eds), Modernity on a Shoestring: Dimensions Van Binsbergen,W.M.J. of Globalization, Consumption and Development in ‘Globalization and Virtuality:Analytical Problems Africa and Beyond, Leiden and London: EIDOS Posed by the Contemporary Transformation of (European Interuniversity Development African Societies’, in B. Meyer and P. Geschiere Opportunities Study group), pp. 3-9. (eds),Globalization and Identity: Dialectics of Flows and Closures, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 273-303. ‘Enige filosofische aspecten van culturele globa- lisering: met bijzondere verwijzing naar Malls ‘De ondergang van het westerse subject: Felix interculturele hermeneutiek’, in J. Baars and E. Guattari en de culturele antropologie’, in H.A.F. Starans (eds), Het eigene en het andere: filosofie en Oosterling and S.Thissen (eds), Chaos ex machina: globalisering, Delft: Eburon, pp. 37-42. het ecosofisch werk van Félix Guattari op de kaart gezet, Rotterdam: Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus ‘Paulin Hountondji’, in J. de Mul (ed.), Eric Claus University, pp. 73-86. Twenty-One Twentieth-Century Philosophers in Bronze, Rotterdam: Millennium, p. 108, also: ‘Paulin ‘Culturen bestaan niet: interculturaliteit die van- Hountondji’, in J. de Mul (ed.), Eric Claus eenentwintig zelfsprekendheden openbreekt’, in Y. Schaaf, in twintigste-eeuwse filosofen in brons, Rotterdam: collaboration with F.Wijsen,K.Ferrier,B.Broeckaert Millennium, p. 108. and H.Visser (eds),Van nature godsdienstig, Special Issue,Wereld en zending, 28 (2), 38-45. ‘The Janus Situation in Local-Level Development Organization in Africa’,in P.Spliethof, R. de Hoogh ‘Nkoya Royal Chiefs and the Kazanga Cultural and N. van Leeuwen (eds), Decision-Making in Association in Western Central Zambia Today: Community Forestry, Proceedings of the seminar Resilience, Decline, or Folklorisation?’, in E.A.B. on ‘Decision-Making in Natural Resources

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Management, with a Focus on Adaptive Manage- ‘Divinatie en traditionele geneeskunst in ment’, 22-24 September 1999, Wageningen: Zuidelijk Afrika’, paper presented at the study International Agricultural Centre, pp. 177-86. day on Inclusive Science organised by the Centre Leo Apostel, Gent, Belgium and SOA, with R. Fardon and R. van Dijk (eds), Modernity on Free University, Brussels, 5 March 1999. a Shoestring: Dimensions of Globalization, Consumption and Development in Africa and Beyond, Based on ‘Reconciliation: A Major African Social an EIDOS conference held in The Hague 13-16 Technology of Shared and Recognised Humanity March 1997, Leiden and London: EIDOS (European (Ubuntu)’, paper read at the ‘Seminar on Culture Interuniversity Development Opportunities and Globalisation’, Human Sciences Research Study group). Council, Pretoria, 21 April 1999.

with F.A.M. Wiggermann, ‘Magic in History: A ‘Cultures do not Exist: Exploding Self-evidences Theoretical Perspective, and its Application to in the Research of Interculturality’, paper read at Ancient Mesopotamia’, in T. Abusch and K. van the ‘Seminar on Culture and Globalisation’, der Toorn (eds), Mesopotamian Magic: Textual, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, 21 Historical, and Intepretative Perspectives, Groningen: April 1999, and at the Colloque, Ecoles des Styx, pp. 3-34. Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, in collabo- ration with Université Laval (Québec, Canada) with J.Abbink,‘International Election Observation: and MSH, Paris, 17 May 1999. A Discussion of Policy and Practice’, in J.Abbink and G. Hesseling (eds), Election Observation and Keynote address, conference and convenor’s Democratization in Africa, London - Basingstoke: concluding remarks, ‘Commodification and Macmillan / New York:St Martin's Press, pp. 257-76. Identities’, Amsterdam: WOTRO programme ‘Globalisation and the Construction of Communal ‘Culturen bestaan niet’: het onderzoek van Identities’, 11-13 June 1999. interculturaliteit als een openbreken van van- zelfsprekendheden, rede in verkorte vorm uit- '"We are in this for the Money": The Sangoma gesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van Mediumistic Cult of Southern Africa: Limitations bijzonder hoogleraar grondslagen van intercul- and Potential of an Interpretation in Terms of turele filosofie, Rotterdam: Faculty of Philosophy, Commodification’, paper at the conference Erasmus University, Rotterdamse filosofische stu- ‘Commodification and Identities’, Amsterdam: dies, XXIV. WOTRO programme ‘Globalisation and the Construction of Communal Identities’, 12 June with R. van Dijk et al., Een schijn van voodoo. 1999. Culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: ‘The Janus Situation in Local-Level Development een verkenning. Leiden:African Studies Centre. Organization in Africa:Some Reflections Inspired by the Situation in Kaoma District, Western

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Central Zambia’, paper for the Wageningen ‘Enige filosofische aspecten van culturele globalisering: International Conference on 'Decision-Making Met bijzondere verwijzing naar Malls interculturele in Local Management of Natural Resources', hermeneutiek’, paper presented at the Nederlands- 22-24 September 1999. Vlaamse Philosophy Day (Theme: Globalisation), at the Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University ‘Islam as a Constitutive Factor in so-called of Tilburg, 30 October 1999. African Traditional Religion and Culture: The Evidence from Geomantic Divination, Mankala ‘Les Chefs Royaux Nkoya et l’Association Board Games, Ecstatic Religion, and Musical Culturelle Kazanga dans la Zambie du Centre-ouest Instruments’, paper for the conference Aujourd’hui: Résiliation, Déclin ou Folklorisation ‘Transformation Processes and Islam in Africa’, de la Fonction du Chef Traditionnel?’, paper African Studies Centre and Institute for the presented (in absentia) at the Colloque sur Study of Islam in the Modern World, Leiden, Nouvelles Perspectives sur la Chefferie en Afrique, 15 October 1999. Paris, Centre de Recherches Africaines, 29 November 1999. ‘In Search of Spirituality: Provisional Conceptual and Theoretical Explorations from the Cultural Van der Laan, H.L. Anthropology of Religion and the History of with T.Dijkstra and A.van Tilburg (eds), Agricultural Ideas’, paper for the Research Group on Marketing in Tropical Africa: Contributions from Spirituality, Dutch-Flemish Association for the Netherlands,Aldershot:Ashgate. Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden, at the Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 29 'Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Africa. October 1999. Obstacles to Systematic Study', in H.L. van der Laan, T. Dijkstra and A. van Tilburg (eds), Agricultural ‘Theoretical and Experiential Dimensions in the Marketing in Tropical Africa: Contributions from the Study of the Ancestral Cult among the Zambian Netherlands, Aldershot:Ashgate, pp. 1-17. Nkoya’, paper for the Research Group on Spirituality, Dutch-Flemish Association for Van Dijk, H. Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden, at the Faculty of with V. Azarya, A. Breedveld and M. de Bruijn Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 29 (eds), Pastoralists under Pressure? Fulbe Societies October 1999. Confronting Change in West Africa, Leiden: Brill.

with P. Geschiere, ‘Outline of a Modes-of- 'Ecological insecurity and Fulbe pastoral society Production Approach to Ideology, Belief and in the Niger Bend', in:V.Azarya,A. Breedveld, M. Ritual’, paper for the Research Group on de Bruijn and H. van Dijk (eds), Pastoralism under Spirituality, Dutch-Flemish Association for Pressure, Fulbe Societies Confronting Change in Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden, at the Faculty of West Africa, Leiden: Brill, pp. 237-65. Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 29 October 1999.

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with M. de Bruijn, 'Ressources Vivrières de Base 1998 - Decembre 1999, Leiden: African Studies ou Elevage? Deux Projets de Développement Centre. chez les Fulbe Eleveurs du Mali Central',in R.Botte, J. Boutrais and J. Schmitz (eds), Figures Peules, Van Dijk, R.A. Paris: Karthala, pp. 445-62. 'The Pentecostal Gift: Ghanaian Charismatic Churches and the Moral Innocence of the Global with M. de Bruijn, 'Insecurity and Pastoral Economy', in R. Fardon, W. van Binsbergen and Development in the Sahel',Development and Change, R. van Dijk (eds), Modernity on a Shoestring: 30 (1), 115-39. Dimensions of Globalization, Consumption and Development in Africa and Beyond, Leiden and with M. de Bruijn, (guest editors), 'Mobility in the London: EIDOS (European Interuniversity Mande World', Mande Studies, 1, special section. Development Opportunities Study group), pp.71-89. with M. de Bruijn, 'Introduction: Changing Frontiers', Mande Studies, 1 , pp. 9-12. 'Secret Worlds, Democratisation and Observing in Malawi', in J. Abbink and G. Hesseling (eds), with M. de Bruijn, 'Fulbe Mobility: Migration and Election Observation and 'Democratisation' in Africa, Travel into Mande', Mande Studies, 1, 41-62. London - Basingstoke: Macmillan / New York: St Martin's Press, pp. 180-210. 'Dryland Ecology, Resource Variability and Socio-cultural Transformations', in proceedings 'Pentecostalism, Gerontocratic Rule and of the seminar 'Acts of Man and Acts of Nature: Democratization in Malawi: The Changing Different Constructions of Social and Natural Position of the Young in Political Culture', in Resource Dynamics', Bergen, The Netherlands, J. Haynes (ed.) Religion, Globalization and Political 22-24 October 1998. Culture in the Third World, London: MacMillan.

with C.Angenent,A. Breedveld and M. de Bruijn "Plunder Hell to Populate Heaven": The Extractive (eds & transl.), De Haayre: Vertelling over een and the Insertive in the Ghanaian Pentecostal Nomadisch Koninkrijk, Rijswijk: Elmar, Bibliotheca Diaspora, The Hague, WOTRO Working Paper Africana. Series, no. 9.

with M. de Bruijn, 'Inleiding', in C. Angenent, A. with R. Fardon and W. van Binsbergen (eds), Breedveld, M. de Bruijn and H. van Dijk (eds & Modernity on a Shoestring.Dimensions of Globalization, transl.), De Haayre: Vertelling over een Nomadisch Consumption and Development in Africa and Beyond, Koninkrijk, Rijswijk: Elmar, Bibliotheca Africana, Leiden and London: EIDOS (European Inter-uni- pp. 7-26. versity Development Opportunities Study group).

with M. de Bruijn, Rapport de Bilan du Programme with E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (eds), de Recherche ‘Perspectives Nomades’, Octobre African Chieftaincy in a New Socio-Political Landscape, Hamburg: Lit Verlag.

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with E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, 'Migrant Families and Human Capital Formation', 'Introduction:The Domestication of Chieftaincy Leiden, 19-21 November 1999. in Africa: From the Imposed to the Imagined', in: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and R. van Van Kessel,W.M.J. Dijk (eds), African Chieftaincy in a New Socio- with B. Oomen, '"One Chief, One Vote": The Political Landscape, Hamburg: Lit Verlag, pp. 1-20 Revival of Traditional Authorities in Post-Apartheid South Africa', in E.A.B. van Rouveroy van with T. Rasing et al., Een schijn van voodoo. Nieuwaal and R. van Dijk (eds), African Chieftaincy Culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse in a New Socio-Political Landscape, Hamburg: Lit meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: een Verlag, pp. 155-79. verkenning. Leiden:African Studies Centre. 'Stability or Democracy: on the Role of 'Plunder Hell to Populate Heaven:The Extractive Monitors, Media and Miracles', in J. Abbink and and the Insertive in the Ghanaian Pentecostal G. Hesseling (eds), Election Observation and Diaspora', paper presented at the WOTRO Democratization in Africa, London - Basingstoke: seminar series, 5 March 1999. Macmillan / New York:St. Martin’s Press, pp. 50-75.

'The Moral Life of the Gift in Ghanaian 'Zuid-Afrika's rol in Afrika: vredestichter of Pentecostal Churches in the Diaspora: Questions (wapen)handelaar', Internationale Spectator, 53 (5), of (in-)dividuality and (in-)alienability in Transcultural 304-309. Reciprocal Relations', paper presented at the conference 'Commodification, Objects and 'Weg met de Chief' (interview met Mahmood Identities: Social Life of Things Revisited', Mamdani), Onze Wereld, 42 (3), 41-43. Amsterdam, 10-12 June 1999. 'De stoelendans van oppositie en regering: hap- 'The Musical Politics of Transnational Pente- pen naar de vette worst', Zuidelijk Afrika, 3 (1), costalism in Ghana', paper presented at the African 20-23. Studies Association, panel 'Religious Discourse and Political Expression in the Fourth Republic, 'Van Regenboognatie naar Afrikaanse Renaissance', Ghana', Philadelphia, 11-14 November 1999. Zuidelijk Afrika, 3 (2), 11-13.

'Confronting the Past and Post-colonial Identities 'De Afrikaanse Renaissance van Thabo Mbeki', in Africa: The Case of Pentecostalism', paper Roodkoper, 4 (6), 34-37. presented at the African Studies Program, Indiana University, 17 November 1999. 'Ethiek kun je niet eten: veel leugens en laster in "vrije" Afrikaanse pers', Internationale Samenwerking, 'Religion, Reciprocity and Restructuring Family November 1999, pp. 8-9. Responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal Diaspora', paper presented at the conference

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'Spraakverwarring over nieuw ontwikkelingsbeleid', Role', in E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and Internationale Samenwerking, November 1999, p. R. van Dijk (eds), African Chieftaincy in a New 10. Socio-Political Landscape, Hamburg: Lit Verlag, pp. 21-48. 'Voorhoede of vandalen', Onze Wereld, 42 (12), 28-34. with M. Reijne, 'Illusion of Power. Actors in Search of Power in a Prefectural Arena', in J. Monthly overview of Africa for Onze Wereld. Rösel and T. von Trotha (eds), Dezentralisierung, Demokratisierung und die Lokale Repräsentation des 'Is Democracy Good for Women? The impact of Staates, Koln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 167-85. democratic transitions in the representation of women in the national parliaments of Southern with R. van Dijk (eds), African Chieftaincy in a Africa'.Paper presented at the conference 'Women New Socio-Political Landscape, Hamburg: Lit Verlag. on the rise in politics', ISS, The Hague, 14 December 1999. 'The Domestication of Chieftaincy in Africa: From the Imposed to the Imagined', in E.A.B. van Review of E. de Temmerman,Afrika: Continent in Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and R. van Dijk (eds), beweging, in Internationale Spectator, 53 (5), 312. African Chieftaincy in a New Socio-Political Landscape, Hamburg: Lit Verlag, pp. 1-20. Review of S. de Boer,Van Sharpeville tot Soweto: Nederlands regeringsbeleid ten aanzien van 'La Chefferie Face à la Modernité: Premiers apartheid, 1960-1977, in De Journalist, 104 (12), Jalons', paper presented at the International 18 June 1999, pp. 44-45. Colloque, 'Rois et Chefs dans les Etats Africains; de la Veille des Indépendances à la Fin du XXè Review of A. Sampson, Nelson Mandela: The Siècle, Eclipses et Résurgences', Paris, 8-10 Authorized Biography in Onze Wereld, 42 (9). November 1999.

Review of A.C. Jordan, De wraak van het voor- Van Walraven, K. geslacht, in Roodkoper, 4 (8), 36-37. The Pretence of Peacekeeping: ECOMOG,West Africa and Liberia (1990-1998), The Hague: Clingendael Review of V.Shubin,ANC: A View from Moscow, in Research Series, Study no. 10. Zuidelijk Afrika, 3 (3). Dreams of Power:The Role of the Organization of Review of L. Zweers, De Boerenoorlog: African Unity in the Politics of Africa, 1963-1993, Nederlandse fotografen aan het front, in Onze Aldershot: Ashgate / Leiden: African Studies Wereld, 42 (12), 64. Centre, Research Series no. 13.

Van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, E.A.B. Containing Conflict in the Economic Community of 'Chieftaincy in Africa:Three Facets of a Hybrid West African States: Lessons from the Intervention

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in Liberia, 1990-1997, The Hague: Clingendael Occasional Paper.

The Netherlands and Liberia: Dutch Policies and Interventions with respect to the Liberian Civil War, The Hague: Clingendael Occasional Paper.

Conflict Policy in Some Western Countries: Some Explorative Notes, The Hague: Clingendael Occasional Paper.

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Appendix 5. Publications by the Institute

ASC Research Series food grains, export crops, cattle and horticulture in nine different African countries. Dreams of Power.The Role of the Organization of African Unity in the Politics of Africa 1963-1993 ASC Research Reports by Klaas van Walraven, vol. 13 Dreams of Power is the first study to provide a Urban Agriculture in Africa.A Bibliographical Survey systematic reconstruction of the OAU's ideological R.A. Obudho and Dick W.J.Foeken, vol. 58 groundwork and to consider its role in the political This bibliography is a comprehensive compilation psychology of state elites. It discusses the OAU's of works dealing with urban agriculture in Africa internal functioning, the former struggle against published up to 1998 and aims to serve as a apartheid and colonialism, conflict management, practical tool for those interested in the subject. and the OAU's role in representing collective Also included are titles on urban food security, African viewpoints in global fora. nutrition, urban food distribution, street foods and the urban environment. Tourism and African Development: Change and Challenge of Tourism in Kenya by Isaac Sindiga, vol. 14 ASC Working Papers Isaac Sindiga's book is a contribution to the debate on tourism and Third World development The following working papers give the results of and addresses the issue of whether tourism is a studies undertaken within the ASC's De-agraria- viable development strategy for Africa.It documents nisation and Rural Employment Programme the development of tourism in Kenya and examines (DARE), funded by the Dutch Ministry of the results of international tourism on the Foreign Affairs. They document the changing environment and on Kenyan society. Recom- nature of land and labour allocation between mendations are put forward for alternative tourism different generations within rural households strategies which could also be applicable to with special emphasis on the evolution of other African countries. non-agricultural labour activities.The papers listed below cover contributions from Nigeria and Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Africa. South Africa.The four Tanzanian working papers Contributions from the Netherlands were published in 1997/8 as were ones on by H. Laurens v.d. Laan, Tjalling Dijkstra Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Congo-Brazzaville. and Aad van Tilburg (eds), vol. 15 As practical expertise in Africa and systematic Sub-Saharan Africa Betwixt and Between: Rural research on African agriculture have grown, Livelihood Practices and Policies specialisation has become both necessary and by Deborah Fahy Bryceson possible. This volume reflects the specialisation ASC Working Paper vol. 43 in marketing and offers contributions from Dutch economists, geographers and scholars of agricultural marketing on topics such as staple

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Cocoa Farming and Income Diversification in South- African Rural Labour, Income Diversification and western Nigeria Livelihood Approaches: A Long-term Development by Abdul Raufu Mustapha Perspective Joint Centre for Research and by Deborah Fahy Bryceson Documentation, Kano and African Studies ASC Working Paper vol. 35 Centre Working Paper ASC Working Paper vol. 42 No Visible Means of Subsistence: Rural Livelihoods, Gender and De-agrarianisation in the Eastern Cape, If the Drumming Changes, the Dance Also Changes: South Africa De-agrarianisation and Rural Non-Farm Employment by Leslie Bank and Linda Qambata in the Nigerian Savannah Joint Institute of Social and Economic by Kate Meagher Research, Grahamstown and African Joint Centre for Research and Studies Centre Working Paper Documentation, Kano and African Studies ASC Working Paper vol. 34 Centre Working Paper ASC Working Paper vol. 40 Agriculture and Co-operative Labour in Shixini, Transkei, South Africa Income Diversification in the Semi-Arid Zone of Nigeria: by Pat McAllister A Study of Gigane Sokoto North-west Nigeria Joint Institute of Social and Economic by M.A. Iliya Research, Grahamstown and African Joint Centre for Research and Studies Centre Working Paper Documentation, Kano and African Studies ASC Working Paper vol. 33 Centre Working Paper ASC Working Paper vol. 39 De-agrarianisation and the Urbanisation of a Rural Economy: Agrarian Patterns in Melani Village in the Not Farms Alone:A Study of Rural Livelihoods in the Eastern Cape, South Africa Middle Belt of Nigeria by Cecil Manona by Mohammed-Bello Yunusa Joint Institute of Social and Economic Joint Centre for Research and Research, Grahamstown and African Documentation, Kano and African Studies Studies Centre Working Paper Centre Working Paper ASC Working Paper vol. 32 ASC Working Paper vol. 38 Two further working papers were published in De-agrarianisation and Rural Employment in Igboland, 1999 by ASC staff members: South-eastern Nigeria by Barth Chukwuezi The Politics of Survival:Towards a Global, Long-term and Joint Centre for Research and Reflexive Interpretation of the African Contemporary Documentation, Kano and African Studies Experience Centre Working Paper by Elly Rijnierse, ASC Working Paper vol. 37 ASC Working Paper vol. 36

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This paper reflects on a theoretical framework presented by Patrick Chabal and Jean-Pascal Daloz in their book Africa Works:Disorder as Political Instrument and proposes some additional tools such as making a distinction between industrial and reflexive modernity and Active and Passive Trust. The similarities and not the differences between Africa and the West are highlighted.

The Total Somali Clan Genealogy: A Preliminary Sketch by Jan Abbink ASC Working Paper vol. 41 This guide to the 'total Somali clan genealogy' was prepared to assist researchers, lawyers, students and refugee organisations in their queries on Somali clan relations.

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Appendix 6. Seminar and Conference Programme

Seminars Rubber in German Colonial Africa: Gender in Oral Traditions Plunder or Trade? Thursday 7 January Thursday 11 March Anita Mooijman Prof. Peter Geschiere, University of Leiden The Roles of Women in Hausa Folk-Tales Rubber and Cannibalism. The Germans, the Maka Jan Jansen, University of Utrecht and the Rubber Boom in South Cameroon 1900 - 1914 Gender in the Sunjata Epic: A West African Narrative Frans Huijzendveld, Free University,Amsterdam Environment, Manihot and the Market.The Rubber Research and Policy in the Sahel towards Boom in German East-Africa 1890 - 1914 2050 Friday 22 January Webs of War: Armed Conflicts in West Roy Stacey, Director Club du Sahel Africa Thursday 25 March Democracy in Nigeria: Retrospect and Roy van der Drift, INEP,Guinea- Prospects Democracy: Legitimate Warfare in Guinea-Bissau Thursday 11 February Eduardo Costa Dias, African Studies Centre,Lisbon Prof.Adebayo Williams,Visiting professor at the The Regional Dimension of the Guinea-Bissau Conflict ASC Paul Richards, Agricultural University, Wageningen War and Peace in Sierra Leone Africa Works - Disorder as Political Rob Buijtenhuijs, ASC Instrument: Thirty Years of Civil Wars in Chad The New Controversial Book by Patrick Han van Dijk, ASC Chabal and Jean-Pascal Daloz Political Unrest along the Niger-Mali Border Round-table discussion Klaas van Walraven, Clingendael Institute Thursday 25 February The West African Dimension of the Civil War in Liberia Prof. Patrick Chabal, University of London Adebayo Williams, ASC Jean-Pascal Daloz, Centre d'Etudes d'Afrique The Role of Nigeria in Conflicts in the Region Noire, Bordeaux Tom Kamara,consultant/journalist Deborah Bryceson, ASC Carrying the Burden of the Cold War: Libya's Rijk van Dijk, ASC Stabilization Schemes Stephen Ellis,ASC The Absurd War: Causes and Meanings West Africa's Wars and Struggles for Regional of the Ethiopian-Eritrean Conflict Dominance Monday 8 March Brook Hailu, Addis Ababa University Livestock Commercialisation and Food Ayalew Meshesha, Addis Ababa University Security for Pastoralists in Northern Kenya Thursday 8 April Abdirizak Arale Nunow,Visiting fellow ASC

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Refugees in Africa: Challenges of Climate Variability, Regional Economies Studying and Interacting with Forcibly and Local-Level Strategies Displaced People Thursday 17 June Tuesday 20 April 1999 Jan Verhagen AB-DLO, Agricultural University, Organised in cooperation with the Institute of Wageningen Social Studies (ISS),The Hague Boureima Alpha Gado,Visiting fellow ASC Mohammed Salih, ISS Variation Climatiques Insecurité Alimentaire et Strategies Statement on Southern Sudanese Refugees in East Africa Paysannes. Les Responses du Paysan Nigerien: David Turton, Director of Refugees Studies Perspectives Historques Programme, Oxford University Fred Zaal (with Johan Brons), AGIDS, University Do We Need Refugee Studies: Some Conceptual of Amsterdam and Methodological Issues in the Study of Refugees Responses to Climate Change and Natural Resources and Forced Migrants Degradation in the Sahel, An Analysis at Village and Jacques Willemse, SHO, Utrecht Regional Level Refugees and NGOs in Central Africa Decentralisation and Traditional Leaders Plundering the Forest:The Criminal in Togo Economy of Electioneering in Kenya Thursday 24 June Thursday 22 April Miriam Reijne,Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten, François Grignon, Institut Français de Recherche International Project Union and Emile van Rouveroy en Afrique, Nairobi, Kenya van Nieuwaal, ASC Different Actors in a Prefectural Arena in their Old Spirits, New Persons. Rose; Healer and Search for Power in Central Togo Diviner in West Kenya Video presentation Traditionalist, Nationalist and Christian Wednesday 26 May Discourses on Land Rights:A Case Study Prof. Carla Risseeuw, Leiden University from the Ghana-Burkina Faso Border Thursday 2 September Constructions of Diversity in Post-Colonial Prof. Carola Lentz, Institut für Historische Eritrea: History, Languages and Literature Ethnologie, Goethe University, Germany Thursday 10 June A joint seminar on Eritrea, organised by the Cameroun et la Démocratisation ASC and the Centre for Non-Western Studies Thursday 23 September (CNWS), Leiden University Ibrahim Mouiche,Visiting fellow ASC Yemane Mesghenna, Asmara University Ethnicité et Multipartisme au Nord-Cameroun Ghirmai Negash, University of Leiden Tabapssi F.Timothée, CNWS Sandra Ponzanesi, University of Utrecht Les Chefferies Traditionelles Bamiléké à l'Epreuve du Prof. John Markakis, University of Crete, Greece Pluralisme Politique

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Labour and Beer in the Transkei, South Convenors: Aad van Tilburg, Agricultural Africa: Xhosa 'Work Parties' in Historical University,Wageningen, Mirjam de Bruijn, ASC and Institutional Perspective Thursday 21 October Lifting the Debt Burden. Prof. Patrick McAllister,Visiting fellow ASC Consequences for Africa Thursday 16 December Social Interaction and Language Ted van Hees,Eurodad Use in African Societies Laurens Jacobs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thursday 28 October DMO/AS Chair: Felix Ameka, MPI Nijmegen/University of Henk Meilink,ASC Leiden A Selection of Basic Statistical Data on Sub-Saharan Gerrit Dimmendaal, University of Leiden Africa's External Debt Greeting Strategies among East African Pastoralist Groups Conferences Anneke Breedveld, ASC/University of Leiden Between Town and Country: Livelihoods, Emotions in Social Interaction in Fulbe Communities Settlements and Identity Formation in in Mali and Cameroon Sub-Saharan Africa Ivo Strecker and Jean Lydall, Johannes Sunday 27 - Tuesday 29 June Gutenberg-U. Mainz Organised by the Institute of Social and Elements of Language and Social Values among the Economic Research in East London, South Africa Hamar of Southern Ethiopia in collaboration with the ASC. Speakers: Said Adjumobi, Agnes Andersson, Crises Politiques et Minorités dans Leslie Bank, Simon Bekker, Deborah Bryceson, la Région des Grands Lacs Africains: Branco Cavric, Catherine Cross, Vali Jamal, Cas du Burundi et du Rwanda George Jambiya, Ndalahwa Madulu, Liisa Malkki, Thursday 18 November Cecil Manona, Patrick McAllister, Kate Meagher, Nsanze Augustin,Visiting fellow ASC Abubaker Momoh, A.C. Mosha,Victor Muzvidziwa, Kayombya Jean Damascène, journalist Isak Niehaus, Francis Nyamnjoh,Poul Ove Pedersen, Rachel Slater, Andrew Spiegel, Nina Tellegen, African Traders and Trade Networks Mohammed-Bello Yunusa Wednesday 8 December Chair: Prof. Leo de Haan, Third World Centre, Land Tenure Models For 21st Century Africa Nijmegen University Wednesday 8 - Friday 10 September Prof. Barbara Harriss-White, Oxford University An ASC/World Resource Institute/Ministry of Fred Zaal,AGIDS, University of Amsterdam Foreign Affairs/HIVOS conference. Pastoralists, Traders and the Livestock Market. Speakers: Peter Anyang' Nyong'o, Hans Binswanger, A Case of Integration. Terefe Boshere, John Bruce, Andrew Corbett, Paul Quarles van Ufford, AGIDS, University of Lamba Davinder, Klaus Deininger, Anantha Amsterdam Duraiappah, Shereen Essof, Frans Huibers, Karim The Wealth of Relations Hussein, Andile Mngxitama, Fannie Mutepfa,

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Mozes Mwangi, Michael Ochieng Odhiambo, Joseph Coastal Ecology Conference 2 Okune, Alain Onibon, Shamshad Rehmtulla, Thursday 25 and Friday 26 November, Jesse Ribot, Mandivamba Rukuni, Marcel Rutten, Mombasa, Kenya Volker Stamm, Issa Sylla, Godber Tumushabe, Organised by the Kenya Wildlife Service (Marine Lissu Tundu, Adri van den Berg, Han van Dijk, Programme, Mombasa) and Moi University Smokin Wanjala, Jane Weru, Richard White (Coast Environment Research Station Malindi). Funded by the Dutch Embassy, Kenya Wildlife Transformation Processes and Islam in Service and the ASC. Africa Speakers: J. Abuodha, W. Ayemba, P. Boera, Friday 15 October M.Diwayu, T.Dzeha, B.Fulanda, A.Kaka, F.Kamau, Organised in conjunction with the International E. Kimani, A. King, D.Kirugara, M. Litoroh, Q. Luke, Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern Prof. J. Lugogo, S. Maende, D. Malleret, S. Mangi, World (ISIM). Prof. S. Manohar, T. McClanahan, R. Mdodo, Speakers: Caroline Angenent, Anneke Breedveld, T.Munyao, C.Muthama, M.Muthini, M.Mwakumanya, Louis Brenner, Mirjam de Bruijn, Marc de Mey, J. Mwangi, G. Mwayuli, K. Mwendwa, D. Obura, Dick Douwes, Frauke Jäger, Marloes Janson, J.Okeyo-Owuor, N.Otieno, J.Rasowo, Prof.M.Tole, Kirsten Langeveld, Khalid Masud, J.Tunje,W.Yabann. Lamin Sanneh, Wim van Binsbergen, Ed van Hoven, José van Santen, Karin Willemse Islam and the Electoral Process Friday 10 - Sunday 12 December Migrant Families and Human Capital Organised by the International Institute for the Formation in Europe: Home Areas and Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) in Economic Vistas conjunction with the ASC. Friday 19 - Sunday 21 November Speakers: Masykuri Abdillah, Amiq Ahyad, Organised in conjunction with the Centre for Menderes Cinar, Renaud Detalle, Burhanettin Cross-Cultural Research on Women, Oxford, Duran, Toyin Falola, Andree Feillard, Thomas and funded by the EU. Blom Hansen, Zoya Hasan, William Miles, Speakers: Nadje Al-Ali, Nina Ascoly, Rohit Barot, Mochtar Pabottingi, James Piscatori, Martin van Ginette Beets, Reynald Blion, Stacey Burlet, Bruinessen, Haka Yavuz Betty de Hart, Umut Erel, Semra Eren-Nijhar, Farida Abu Haidar, Miza Izuhara, Loes Keysers, For more information about seminars and con- Cathie Lloyd, Daniella Merolla, Ana M. Morais, ferences see our website: Bridget O'Laughlin, Catherine Quiminal, Sophie http:// asc.leidenuniv.nl Sermage, Tracy Simmons, Nina Tellegen, Mahamet Timera, Rijk van Dijk, Ineke van Halsema, Ulla Vuorela, Patrick Wurster

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Appendix 7. Networks

Institutional Ties of the ASC In Europe

In the Netherlands The ASC is a member of the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS), a network The ASC receives its core funding from the Ministry of 10 African studies centres in Europe. In 1999 of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, AEGIS became a foundation registered in the Nature Management and Fisheries, and the Netherlands.The ASC hosts the foundation and Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and provides administrative and accounting support operates under the administrative umbrella of to the AEGIS secretariat based in London. The Leiden University. It participates in the following main aims of the AEGIS foundation are: 1) to two research schools: Research School for promote and achieve cooperation between African Resource Studies for Development (CERES), and study centres in Europe; 2) to stimulate academic the Centre for Non-Western Studies (CNWS).The research into social and cultural aspects of African ASC accommodates the secretariat of the communities; and 3) to promote the study of Netherlands African Studies Association (NVAS). social sciences and humanities in Africa and the Nine Dutch universities and three scientific distribution of knowledge in the aforementio- institutes have seats on the Academic Advisory ned areas. Council of the ASC (see Appendix 1). The other centres are: The Library and Documentation department of Centre of African Studies, London the ASC is a member of NVB - Netherlands Centre d’Etudis Africans, Barcelona Association for Professionals in the Library, Institüt für Afrika-Studien, Bayreuth Information and Knowledge Sector. There is a Centre d’Etudes d’Afrique Noire, Bordeaux formal agreement between the Library and Centre of African Studies, Copenhagen Documentation department of the ASC and the Centro de Estudos Africanos, Lisbon Leiden University Library, Department of Dipartimento di Studi e Richerche su Africa e Information Technology,concerning the maintenance Paisi Arabi, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples of the ASC library catalogue. The Library and Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala Documentation department participates in a Brussels Centre of African Studies, Brussels. formal consultation structure between Leiden University Library and the libraries of the socalled The Library and Documentation department of 'small faculties and para-university institutes', the ASC participates in the Working Group on and also in OBINC - the Forum for Librarians of Information Management of the European Organisations with Non-Western Collections in Association of Development Research and Training Leiden.The department has developed working Institutions (EADI) in Geneva.The department has relations with the Library and Documentation also worked out an agreement on the exchange department of NIZA (Netherlands Institute for of information with IBISCUS, Le Système Southern Africa) and with the Royal Tropical d'Information pour le Développement, in Paris. Institute, both in Amsterdam.

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In Africa Studies,Addis Ababa Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute, London At an institutional level, the ASC has continued its Consultant/field expert , Encyclopaedia Aethipica formal cooperation with the University of Tanam projects, Hamburg in Madagascar.No new memoranda Chairman, NVAS of understanding were signed in 1999. Bryceson, D. Each of the theme groups has its own contacts Senior member of Cross Cultural Centre for with research institutes in West, East and Research on Women, Queen Elizabeth House, Southern Africa. The De-agrarianisation and University of Oxford Rural Employment Programme, part of the ASC Co-convenor, CERES Working Programme 2, Control, Conflict and Conciliation theme group Rural Transformations (until September 1999) and funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,has formal links with the following de Bruijn, M. academic institutes: the Organization for Social Advisory Board of MANSA (Mande Studies Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa Association) (OSSREA), Addis Ababa,Ethiopia; the Centre for Research and Documentation (CRD), Kano, Ellis, S. Nigeria; the Institute of Resource Assessment Chairman, South African-Netherlands Programme (IRA), University of Dar es Salaam,Tanzania;and on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) the Institute of Social and Economic Research Research associate, Institute for Security (ISER), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Studies, Johannesburg Africa. Fellow,Africa Institute, Pretoria Member of editorial board, Journal of Contemporary The Library and Documentation department African Studies has working relations with libraries in Kenya Member of editorial board, African Affairs, from (Moi University School of Environmental Studies) 1993 (editor, 1998- ) and Madagascar (Bibliothèque Nationale). In 1999, Member of editorial board, Journal of African History cooperation with NISC - National Inquiry Services Series editor, African Issues, James Currey Centre, South Africa - was extended. publishers Ltd.

February,V. Membership of External Committee member of Cenesa (Ministry of Boards and Committees Education in the Netherlands) - a programme for coordinating education between South Africa Abbink, J. and the Netherlands Member of editorial board, Focaal Member of editorial board, Podium Co-editor, Northeast African Studies Board of the Committee on South Africa, Research associate, Institute of Ethiopian Nederlandse Maatschappij der Letterkunde

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Advisor to Ilwimi Centre, University of the Agricultural Research and Development/S.E.Asia Western Cape Dutch Forum for Development-Oriented Agricultural Research Foeken, D. Board of WOTRO Programme on Nutrition and Konings, P. Health in Developing Countries Member of editorial board, Polis, Cameroonian Steering Committee, Africanists-on-line (up to Political Science Review mid-1999) Member of editorial board, Journal of Applied Social Sciences Hesseling, G. Member of editorial board, Journal of Development Board of Trustees of the Institute of Social and Women's Studies Studies,The Hague Board of AEGIS Polman, K. Representative on the Members' Council of the Steering Committee, Africanists-on-line (from Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam mid-1999) Advisory Board of the Communication Assistance Foundation (CAF/SCO) Rutten, M. Supervisory Board of the International Course Treasurer, Netherlands African Studies on Local Level Management of Trees and Forests Association (NVAS) for Sustainable Land Use (IAC,Wageningen) Board of the 'Fondation Jean-Claude Berberat' Van Binsbergen,W. (projects in Mali) Co-director,WOTRO programme on Globalisation Board of the 'Fondation Internationale du Banc and the Construction of Communal Identities d'' (Mauritania) President, Dutch-Flemish Association for Scientific Advisory Council of 'Parc National du Intercultural Philosophy Banc d'Arguin'(Mauritania) Member, Faculty Committee on Selection and Steering Committee for Higher Education and Promotion, Psychological and Anthropological Research, DOV-Benin Faculty, Catholic University Louvain, Belgium Committee of Recommendation of the Foundation Chair of Department of Intercultural Philosophy, of Rural Development, Senegal Department of Philosophy, EUR Advisory Committee of HIVOS Van Dijk, H. Hoorweg, J. Management Team CERES Working Programme 1 Malindi District Environment Management Committee Van Dijk, R. Board of the Malindi Green Town Movement Board of Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS) Klaver,W. EU Liaison Group for AEGIS Dutch Support Group, Users Perspective with Member of WOTRO programme on Globalisation

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and the Construction of Communal Identities Van Kessel, I. Van Kessel, I. Board of the South Africa-Netherlands Programme Onze Wereld monthly magazine for Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) Member of editorial board, Zuidelijk Afrika Van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, E. Advisory group for evaluation of Africa Programme Professorial Chair, Department of Law, University CAF/SCO of Leiden

Part-time Employment/Posting Elsewhere

Dijkstra,T. Larenstein International Agricultural College, Deventer/Velp

February,V. Professorial Chair,University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Hoorweg, J. Professorial Chair, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya

Klaver,W. International Agricultural Centre,Wageningen

Konings, P. Consultant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada External Evaluator of Labour and Employment Programme, ISS,The Hague

Tellegen, N. Teaching and training health workers in qualitative research techniques at the Hogeschool Leiden (on a freelance basis).

Van Binsbergen,W. Professorial Chair, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

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Annual Report 1999, African Studies Centre

Editors: Ann Reeves and Nina Tellegen

Photographs: Tjalling Dijkstra, Gerti Hesseling,Tiny Kraan, Thera Rasing, Marieke van Winden

Layout and cover design: PrintPartners Ipskamp, Enschede

Printing PrintPartners Ipskamp, Enschede