Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to present this catalog of Model Engine and Machinery Kits and Accessories to you for your consideration. We are pleased to include our Stirling Engine Line and our Gas Engine Line. We hope you enjoy them. TM TM MOTOR CO.® TM PM RESEARCH, INC.TM A Division Of PM Research Inc. SOLAR ENGINES A Division Of PM Research P.M. Research Inc. 4110 Niles Hill Road Wellsville, NY 14895 585-593-3169 Website: Email:
[email protected] Copyright © 2020 P.M. Research Inc., All Rights Reserved TERMS & CONDITIONS Our products are satisfaction guaranteed! If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with any of our products, return it in its original condition within 30 days of receipt of merchandise and we will replace it or refund your money. We (P.M. Research, the seller) make no other warranty, expressed or implied. We make no warranty of fitness for any purpose, nor of merchantability. Since we cannot control the manner or use of our products after their sale, we will not be responsible for any consequential or indirect damages. Casting metal is not a perfect process and it is unavoidable to occasionally find a flaw beneath the exterior surfaces of castings. Small flaws can easily be filled, but if you find a serious flaw in a casting that you purchased from us, please return it for evaluation and replacement. We accept checks or postal money orders. Please enclose payment with your order. Allow three to four weeks for delivery. To expedite your order, please pay with postal money order or credit card.