ISSUE No. 14 Published by ‘The British Harpsichord Society’ JUNE 2020 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION 1 A word from our Guest Editor - DAN McHUGH 2 FEATURES • Of keyboard Duets and Chess: REBECCA CYPESS 4 Sympathy and Play in the Enlightenment Salon • Jurow Reflections DAN McHUGH 11 • Writing for the Harpsichord: one Composer’s View MARK JANELLO 16 • Cadence patterns in Bach recitative: FRANCIS KNIGHTS 24 a Guide for Continuo Players • Taking a Walk with Bach: PENELOPE CAVE 34 Interpreting Bach’s 2-part Inventions • A musical celebration: Mark Ransom (1934-2019) Various Contributors 35 A Concert, a Poem and Memories IN MEMORIAM • Elizabeth de la Porte (1941 – 2020) PAMELA NASH 50 • Kenneth Gilbert (1931 – 2020) HANK KNOX 51 REPORT • BHS Recitals at Handel & Hendrix in London 55 Please keep sending your contributions to
[email protected] Please note that opinions voiced here are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the BHS. All material remains the copyright of the individual authors and may not be reproduced without their express permission. INTRODUCTION ••• Welcome to Sounding Board No.14 ••• It is now a long eight months since our last edition, back then none of us could have foreseen the strange world in which we now live, with all concerts cancelled or at best postponed. Now, making music together is only possible with the aid of technical wizardry and with the audience firmly placed on the other side of a computer screen. The Covid 19 pandemic has certainly had a huge impact on all the Arts but especially on the Music industry.