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William Blake .,, '•I I I• 1J I I 11~ -· II I It~ I "I 1 rj.. I 1'111 .., l:l111i1l II' I i!1 ".IU - I. I ' 'I l ~ ,11 I ~ ii ·1 ... u",,.11 '"·' I '" 111 lit TH E COMPLETE POET R Y AN D SELECTED PROSE OF John Dorine & TH E COMPLETE POET R Y OF William Blake )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) WITH AN INTRODU C TION BY Robert Silliman Hillyer ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))~~ THE MODERN LIBRARY NEW YORK Contents INTRODVCTION by Robert Silliman Hillyer THE COMPLETE POETRY AND SELECTED PROSE OF JOHN DONNE THE POEMS SONGS AND SONETS The Good-morrow 3 Song 3 Womans Constancy 4 The Undertaking S The Sunne rising 6 The Indifferent 6 Loves Usury 7 The Canonization 8 The Triple Foote 9 Lovers infiniteuesse Io Song II The Legacie I 2 A Feaver I3 Aire and Angells I3 Breake of Day 14 The Anniversarie IS A Valediction: of my name, in the window 16 T wicknam Garden 18 A Valediction: of the booke I9 Communitie 21 Loves Growth 21 Loves Exchange 22 Confined Love 23 The Drearne 24 A Valediction: of weeping 25 Loves Alchymie 26 The Flea 26 v CONTE NTS vii vi CON TENT S S4 The Curse 27 Raderus The Message 28 Mercurius Gallo-Beligicus S4 Ralphius SS A Nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day 29 The Lier SS Witchcraft by a Picture 30 The Baite 30 The Apparition 3I E LEGIES The Broken Heart 32 A Valediction: forbidding mourning 33 I. Jealosie s6 The Extasie 34 II. The Anagram S7 Loves Deitie 36 III. Change s8 Loves Diet 37 IV. The Perfume S9 The Will 38 V. His Pidure 6I The Funeral! 39 VI. Oh, Let Mee Not Serve 62 The Blossome 40 VII. Natures Lay Ideot 63 The Primrose 4I VIII. The Comparison 64 The Relique 42 IX. The Autumnall 6s The Dampe 43 X. 'Ihe Dreame 67 The Dissolution 44 XI. The Bracelet 68 A ]eat Ring sent 44 XII. His parting from her 7I Negative Love 4S XIII. Julia 73 The Prohibition 4S XIV. A Tale of a Citizen and his Wife 74 The Expiration 46 XV. The Expostulation 76 The Computation 47 XVI. On his Mistris 78 The Paradox 47 XVII. Variety 79 Farewell to Love 48 XVIII. Loves Progress 82 A Lecture upon the Shadow 49 XIX. To his Mistris going to Bed 84 Sonnet. The Token so XX. Loves Warr 8S Selfe Love so H EROICALL EPISTLE EPIGRAMS Sapho to Phil~s Hero and Leander S2 Pyramus and Thisbe s2 Niobe s2 E PITHALAMIONS A Burnt Ship s2 Fall of a Wall s2 On the Lady Elizabeth and Count Palatine (I6I3) 89 A Lame Begger S3 Ecclogue (r6r3) 92 Cales and Guyana S3 Epithalamion (16I3) 9S Sir John Wingefield S3 Epithalamion made at Lincolnes Inne (after rs92) I OO A Selfe Accuser S3 A Licentious Person S3 S ATYRES Antiquary S3 Disinherited S4 I04 Phryne I. Away thou /Otldling motley humorist S4 II. Sir; though (I thanke God /or it) I07 An Obscure Writer S4 III. Kinde pitty chokes my spleene IQ9 Klockius S4 viii CONTENTS CONTENTS ix IV. Well,- I may now receive, and die 112 To the Countesse of Bedford: V. Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe 118 Honour is so } ) Upon Mr. Thomas Coryats Crudities 120 Thouglt l be dead (c. 16II·I2 157-I58 In Etindem Macaronicon 122 To the Lady Carey (c. I611-12) I59 To the Countesse of Salisbury (I6I4) I61 I63 VERS E L ETTERS To the Lady Bedford (c. 1609) To Mr. Christopher Brooke: AN ANATOMIE OF THE WORLD The Stonne 123 The First Anniversary (I611) The Cahne 125 To the Countesse of Huntingdon (c. 1597) 126 To Sir Henry Wotton (c. 1597-8) I29 THE PROGRESSE 01' THE To Sir Henry Goodyere (c. 1605-8) I3I SOULE To Mr. Rowland Woodward (c. 1599) I33 18I To Sir Henry Wootton (c. 1597-8) 134 The Second Anniversary (1612) Henrico Wottoni (1599) 135 To the Countesse of Bedford: EPICEDES AND OBSEQUIES Madame, Reason is } Madame, you have reftn'd (c. 1607-8) I35-137 Elegie upon Prince Henry (I612) 196 To Sir Edward Herbert (1610) 139 Obsequies to the Lord Harrington To the Countesse of Bedford: (1614) I99 T'have written then (after 1609) I40 Elegie on the Lady Marckham (I609) 205 This twilight (after 1600) 142 Elegie on Mistris Boulstred (1609) 207 To the Countesse of Huntingdon (c. 1614-1 5) 144 Elegie: Death [Lady Marckham, To Mr. T[homas] W[oodward]: 1609?] . 209 All haile sweet Poet } Elegie on the L[ord] C[hamberlam] Haste thee harsh verse (1596) 2IO Pregnant again (c. 1598-1608) An Hymne to the Saints (I625) 2II At once, from hence To Mr. R[owland] W[oodward]: EPITAPHS Zealously my Muse l 2I3 Muse not S (c. 1597-1608) 149 On Himselfe Omnibus 2I3 To Mr. C[hristopher] B[rooke] (c. 1597-1608) 149 To Mr. E[dward] G[ilpin?] (c. 1597-1'608) 150 THE PROGRESSE 01' THE SOULE (I60I) To Mr. R [owland] W[oodward]: If, as mine is Kindly, I envy !(c . 1597·16°8) 150-15I DIVINE POEMS To Mr. S[amuel] B rooke?] (c. 1597-1608) I52 To E[arl] of D[orset] 232 To Mr. I. L.: To the Lady Magdalen Herbert 232 Of that short } 233 1 608 La Corona Blest are your (c . 597·I ) 152-153 Annunciation 233 To Mr. B[asil] B [rooke?J (c. I597· Nativitie 233 I6o8) 153 Temple 234 To Sir H[enry] W[otton] (1604) 154 Crucifying 234 To Mrs. M[agdalen] H [erbert] (c. Resurrection 235 1604) 155 Ascention 235 x CON TEN TS CONTENTS xi Holy Sonnets That a wise Man is known by much laughing I. Thou hast made me 236 That the Gifts of the Body are better II. As due by many titles 236 than those of the Minde III. Oh might those sighes 237 That Virginity is a Vertue IV. Oh my blacke Soule 237 Why Puritans make long Sermons? V. I am a little world 237 Why hath the common Opinion af- VI. This ls my playes 238 forded Women Soules? VII. At the round earths 238 Why is Venus-star multinominous ... ? VIII. If f aithfull soules 239 Why doth the Poxe soe much affect to IX. If poysonous mineralls 239 undermine the Nose? X. Death be not proud 239 Why are Courtiers sooner Atheists ... ? XI. Spit in my face 240 XII. Why are wee by all 240 MISCELLANEOUS PROSE XIII. Wlzat if this present were 24I XIV. Batter my lzeart 24I Newes from the very Countrey • 292 XV. Wilt thou love God 24I The Character of a Scot at the first XVI. Father, part of 242 sight 293 XVII. Since she whom I lov'd 242 The True Character of a Dunce 293 XVIII. Show me deare Christ 243 An Essay of Valour 295 XIX. Oh, to vex me 243 Preface and extract from Bia8anato~ 297 Five Prayers from Essays in Divinity 303 The Crosse 243 Resurrection, imperfect 245 Upon the Annuntiation and Passion 246 MEDITATIONS FROM 'DEVO­ TIONS UPON EMERGENT Good Friday, I6I3. Riding Westward 247 The Litanie 248 OCCASIONS ' Upon the Translation of the Psalmes 256 SERMONS To Mr. Tilman 257 A Hymne to Christ 259 Passage from a Sermon to the King at The Lamentations of Jeremy 260 Whitehall, I625 Hymne to God my God 27I Passages from a Sermon of Commem- A Hymne to God the Father 272 oration, 1627 Passages from Six Sermons, I634 L A T I N P 0 E M S A N D T R A N S L A­ Passages from Eighty Sermons, I640 T I 0 NS 273 Passages from Fifty Sermons, 1649 Passages from Twenty-six Sermons, I66o THE PROSE Death's Duel PARADOXES AND PROBLEMES A Defence of Womens Inconstancy 277 That Women ought to paint 279 That Good is more Common than Evil 280 That it is possible to finde some Vertue in some Women That Nature is our worst Guide CONTENTS xii1 xii CONTENTS Visions of the Daughters of Albion 663 America 669 THE COMPLETE POETRY OF Europe 678 WI LL/AM BLAKE The First Book of U rizen 686 The Book of Ahania 701 ... The Book of Los 708 POETICAL SKETCHES The Song of Los 713 Vala, or The Four Zoas 717 Miscellaneous Poems 493 King Edward the Third 510 Milton 837 Prologue to King Edward the Fourth 527 Jerusalem 893 1020 Prologue to King John 527 For the Sexes: The Gates of Paradise A. War Song to Englishmen 528 The Laocoon Group IO:Z:Z I025 The Couch of Death 529 On Homer's Poetry and on Virgil 1026 Contemplation 530 The Ghost of Abel Samson 53I E PIGRAMS, VERSES, AND SONGS OF lNNOCENCE AND OF FRAGMENTS 1029 EXPERIENCE Songs of Innocence 535 M ARGINALIA Songs of Experience 547 Epigrams and Verses on Reynolds 1042 To Venetian Artists 1045 POEMS AND FRAGMENTS Poems written in a copy of "Poetical Sketches" Poems from MSS., c. 1 793' Lines for the Illustrations to Gray's Poems Poems from MSS., c. 1800-3 Dedication of the Illustrations to Blair's Grave 602 Poems from MSS., c. 1810 6o3 THE EvERLA~rtNG GOSPEL DIDACTIC AND SYMBOLICAL WORKS There is no Natural Religion 6I9 All Religions are One 620 Tiriel 62I The Book of The! 632. The French Revolution 636 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 650 A Song of•Liberty 66I AN ANATOMIE OF THE WORLD This World, in that great earthquake languished; For in a common bath of teares it bled, Which drew the strongest vitall spirits out: But succour'd then with a _peri;~l exed d~bt, Whether the world did lose, or gaine in this, (Because since now no other way there is, But goodnesse, to see her, whom all would see, All must endeavour to be good as shee,) This great consumption to a fever tum'd, And so the world had fits; it joy'd, it mourn'd; And, as men thinke, that Agues physick are, And th'Ague being spent, give over care, So thou sicke World, mistak'st thy selfe to bee Well, when alas, thou'rt in a Lethargie.
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