"TheSouth 'sForemost College Weekly" Orientation introduces urges freshman into Hobble students toband together Volleyball takestwo ofthree»t borne ♥ community orservice. tobringdown Arm of Doom. Gran TorinodoesRichardsonField. tournament. . Established 1914 News 4 Opinions 7 — A&L9— Sports 14 1 i Davidson ranked eighth Schooltabbedtop 10by U.S.News & Report World Mr By Naresh Nagella ]It is not a big jump really. The NewsEditor

By Jenny Hapgood istheworld'slargestchemicalcom- erable business contacts. He will StaffWriter pany in the world. attemptto"exerciseandmaximize" There,Brownreceivedanedu- these contacts as he highlights the David Brown joined the cation in thechemical industryand industrial application ofchemistry Davidson faculty this year and spent 11 years working as a re- tohis students. teaches a section of Introductory searchchemist andsupervisingand For example.Brown and his Organic Chemistry. aidinginterns. In 1989, Brown students were set to go to Mount Vamanos! transferred toCharlotte andcontin- Hollytoday. "Iwant toshowthem ued his success with Hoechst howorganicchemistry is done,"he explained. "Iwanttousemyiridus-. The Vamanos Van, which makes hourly runs to Cornelius and Celanese. trial to bring the Thursday,Friday, andSaturday nights, beginopera- But Brown realized his job background real Huntersville will of tionthis weekend. wasn't as perfect as he once be- world chemistry to the class- lievedit tobe. For more information, contactChris Turtle. room." "The further Iclimbed up(the In his first week of teaching. New blood corporate ladder), the further Igot Brown feels the most difficult as- from the students and interns," he pect ofhis workis adjusting to the said. freedom and theresponsibilities of Anna Rosa de la Torre, J.J. McCarthy, and John Potter were "Ilove tohelpthembring their his new job. introducedas threenew senatorsinthelastSGA meeting. projectstogether,andafter 11 years "There's a special challenge They" representConnor,KappaSigma,andPhiGammaDelta, will industry, enough." that comes with teaching ex- respectively. inthe I'dhad these With that realization, Brown tremely talented people,"he said. left hisjobatHoechstCelanese and "They are geographicallydiverse, Electionsinformation of at exceptionally DavidBrown joined the array professors bright,andtheykeep Davidson. meonmy toes. Iwant tochallenge filing wasset new Thecandidate deadline for Sept.9.Six freshman After graduating with a "Davidsonhas an outstanding them and expose them to things willbeelected 15, as junior, senators Sept. willsophomore, andsenior Bachelor'sDegree fromBerryCol- student body," Brown answered they haven't seenbefore." members, Honor Council andindependentsenators. legeinGeorgia.Brown went on to whenasked what attractedhim to After ayear.Brown willknow CampaigningwilloccurSept.11-15. Candidateswillgivespeeches receivehis Ph.D. in Synthetic Or- Davidson. "You don't find stu- if he willcontinue his teaching at in frontof theUnion Sunday. ganic ChemistryfromEmoryUni- dents of this caliber at practically Davidson. ForBrown, the reward versity in Atlantain 1986. anyotherschool.Ilike smartpeople, lies in,asheputit."seeingstudents Compiled Culp by Ann Following graduate school. and it is an honor to work with the succeedinwhaftheywant todoand Brownbeganworkingfor Hoechst students and with (fellow)profes- knowing that Ihad a role in it is CelaneseCorporationinRhodeIs- sors." especiallymeaningful to me. Got nowhere to go ona land. The Hoechst parent com- Brownbrings many strengths "Iwant tohelpstudentsrealize Thursday,Friday, or Saturday night? pany,basedinFrankfurt,Germany, toDavidson,especially his consid- their dreams." Axe you a freshman withouta car? Griffith gets a make over By Jessica Goqdson on.Griffith street, bypassing the bridge that crosses RIDE THE VAMANOSI/AN! NewsEditor lanes oftraffic. Currently silt is beingremovedfrom thepond to In front of Richardson Dorm, 7 p.m. to 3 a.m., Inresponsetocomplaintsfromneighborsandina uncover its natural bottom. Shallow waters caused every hour on the hour. general effort to improve the primary,entryway to problemsinthepast withanovergrowthofprimrose, a \ . Davidson, the town board has committedto a two- nuisance tolocalswholive nearthe pond. " phase project to revamp eight acres of the Griffith Spillways willbe addedunder Griffith Street to "Make Buster's dreams come true! Streetarea,includingthepondandnearbypark.Town promote drainageintopipes whichhave alreadybeen planner Tim Keane hopes that the renovations will laid. Sediment dams.are also under construction to make this area moreattractive to students, residents, preventfuture build-upof silt. ■ and visitors. ProjectplannerLeamonBriceestimates thatphase The town was given $77,000 from the North one willbecompletedbytheendofOctober,when the CarolinaParksandRecreationTrustFund forrenova- 100-day contract isup. tionoftheparkontheconditionthatthetownmatchthe PhasetwoWillbeginshortlyafter, withprojects to grant.In addition,Bruce Parkerdonated$50,000for clear jogging trails in and around the park. A large theinstallation of a boardwalkalongside thepondin playgroundas wellasadditionallandscapingisalso on phaseone.The boardwalk willconnectthe sidewalks the agenda.

SeanLutmer Post office expands facilities

By Jeff Goldman mately 500 moreboxes. New par- StaffWriter cel lockershave also been added, increasingthepostoffice'scapabil- The DavidsonPostOffice be- itytohandlecarepackagesandother ganrenovations this summer. largeitems. The facility isbeingexpanded In addition, work crews in- tobetterhandle theincreased load stalled a new stamp machine, al- createdbyrecent expansionin the lowingthe purchase of stamps 24 town and surrounding areas, ac- hours aday. cordingtoassistantpostmasterTed Mostofthe major renovations Klopfer. are now complete. The primary Thelobby has beenexpanded changes currently takingplace are mtT to roughly twice its original Size sanding,repainting,andputtingina K 5^ ' anddesks willbe addedas well. new floor. . WillBradshaw ♥The pondon Griffith Street,between lnterstate-77 currently The P.O. box room has been They are expectedtobe com- andMain Street is beingmodified tohelp with the removal of built-up algae. remodeledand nowholdsapproxi- pletedby theend ofOctober. silt and A I THEDAVIDSONIAN News TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER2, 1997 3 U.S.News rankings too arbitrary to take seriously 1.Swarthmore (Pa.)College 100.0 2. Amherst(Mass.) College " 99.0 3. Wellesley(Mass.) College By Naresh Nagella there hasn'tbeenmuch ofadiffer- tors to academics, theyshould not 97X3 4. Williams (Mass.) College News Editor ence inthe qualityof educationon go totally for in 97.0 unaccounted a 5. (Calif.) 95,0 campusduringthe last four years.. rankings system that says it can — (Pa.)College The "Davidson The Eighth Classeswerejustaswell-taught choose 6.Haverford 94.0 — differentiate between and 7. Carteton Wonder ofthe World" T-shirtscan anddemandingin1995-96 when whichcollegesarethe "best." (Minn.) College 92.0 — Bowdoln (Maine)College onceagainbe wornwithconfidence Davidson waspegged21st asin Such anadjective is toobroad 8. 91.0 8.BrynMawr (Pa.)College 91.0 in the accuracy ofthe statement. the year before, when the school for rankings that significantly ' 8. ClaremontMcKenna (Calif.) " 91,0 After a two-yearleave of ab- wasdubbedthenation seighth-best. weight its calculations toward a Coll. 8. (N.C.) Cottage sence,Davidsonre-ascendedtoits school's finan- Davidson 91.0 [ 1 8.Mlddlebury College 91.0 previoushighofeighthplaceinthe Similarly, cial resources (Vt.) 8. Washington & Lee(Va.) College 91.0 most recent U.S. News andWorld the rankings do II I and attempt to — Reportcollege rankings. not even take — judgetheratherambiguouscategory U.S.News & WorldReport After falling to21st twoyears into account quality of life a of "academic reputation." ago andthenrisingto 11thlast year, factor many students consider in do, The rankings though,help ofeducation.Higherprofessorsala- paring schools based on its ques- Davidsonhas againrisentoNo. 8. choosing a college. While a areas which indicate few in rieswouldattractandretainthebest tionable standardsof whatmakesa Atfacevalue,ourroller-coaster Swathmore mighthave betteraca- Davidsoncanandshouldimprove. talent.Smaller classsizesandlower collegethe so-called best. ride through the rankings would demics anda higheraverage SAT, The college in faculty — ranks 28th student to faculty ratio inother Ifanything,revisiting thismile- indicatethatmuch has changedon theyalsoget maybetwomonthsof resources — a number that com- — words, more professors would stoneshouldteachstudentsandfac- campus for the schbol to re-enter moderateweatherina typicalschool pares professors' salaries, student- undoubtedlylead toabetter,more ulty that the second timeis not so thecompanyoftheliberalartselite. year. to-facultyratio, andclass size. thoroughacademicenvironment. much of a charm. But Davidson's recent yo- Why is such a possibledeter- ItisherewhereDavidsondevi- The rankings' saving grace is Given the school's recent ex- yoingexposestheinherentflawsof minant not factoredinto theequa- ates most significantly fromits fi- that it judges all schools the same perience with the magazine, it is the U.S. News & World Report's tion? Is that not a disadvantage? nal ranking. Many people would wayandistherefore fairandconsis- doubtful thatDavidson'spride will system ofranking. Eventhoughtheweatherandschool agree that an improvementin this tentin that respect. Still, thatonly swelltoomuchbecauseofthisyear's Most students wouldtell you location shouldbe secondary fac- area wouldlead to a better quality meansitsucceedsinaccuratelycom- particularniynber. ■ Word OL1 the Street: How important is the U.S.News & World Report ranking to you? Compiled by Sarah Ogden

Heather Lynn Lorch Eric Ponder Fitz Sturgill Stephanie Kohler David Yancey Freshman Freshman Freshman Freshman Freshman Lancaster, Pa. Neenah, Wis. Charlottesville, Va. Atlanta, Ga. Winston-Salem, NX. "It totally matters to me. Maybe "I didn't review a lot of national "Itmatteredtomy mom, but not to "Itmattered alot for mebecause of "I thinkit's alwaysnice, butIdon't that's superficial that its ranking publicationsabouthowitwasranked, me." the expenseinvolved. It meantalot think it'dbe a deciding factor." andreputationareimportant tome, That didn't really matter much to to my parents, too, just because but..." me." they'repaying allthis money."

I Classes starting this weak In tha Charlotta ,area SGA andHonor Call ■HMBMi I1-BOO-KAPTEST to roserve your space CouncilElections today. " Freshmen Student Government AssociationSenators " Independent Senators " Senior Honor CouncilMembers " Junior Honor Council Members " — -— SophomoreHonor Council Members 1-800-KAP-TEST Ifyou're interested inrunning, sign upin the Dean of Students office inChambers by Tuesday,Sept. 9 at 5p.m.

Any questions? CallPAUL DRYDEN(x6164)

" - . ■ Elections willbe heldMonday, Sept. 15th. A THEDAVIDSONIAN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 " Orientation introduces freshmen to service learning By LizNeiheisel actuallybeinginvolved inanactiv- Staff Writer ity. :— Associate Dean of Students Close to550Davidsonstudents LeliseMarsicanosaid,"Wewanted and facultyjoinedtogetherAug.23 incoming students to understand for aday ofhardwork as they par- how important service is at ticipated in this year's Freshman Davidson,toboth thestudentsand Orientation serviceproject. the community, and the informa- Introducedthree yearsago by tionsessionswereineffectiveatcon- former Service Coordinator veyingthat idea." ■Mh BfoocIDrive Katherine Turner, the program New Service CoordinatorBill places incoming freshmen in 10- Abrams workedwiththeHarmony person groups and sends them on committee, a group of faculty' and their way toone of over35 loca- staff,incoordinatingSaturday sac-. tions in and around Davidson to tivities. provide service to their new com- Afternumerousphonecallsand munity. hours of planning, the service de- Inthepre-serviceinformational partment settled on specific sites session, the goals for theday were whichincludedclean-up attheAda identified as "achance tobecome Jenkins Community Center, serv- better acquaintedwith faculty and ing lunch at the Union to the Up- Bill Gulu: staff, the surroundingcommunity, townMen'sHomeless Shelter,and ♥Svice Coordinator Bill Abramsand Ben Kinnaman pose with food collecd by the concept of community service gathering foodfor the Loavesand freshmen for Loaves and Fishes. and service learning,to form rela- Fishes project,run throughout the tionships as a group,and to have Davidson community service of- vice project was overwhelmingly yearstudents outside their halls. with theirgroup's results. fun." fice. positive,a reflection of the85% of "The day was abondingexpe- "Initially,Ididn't think we'd While the service component Criteriaforsitesincludeda two- students whoreportedbeingactive riencenot onlywith other students get much done," said freshman ofOrientationisnot anewconcept, hourproject,adesignatedsitecoor- in community serviceon their ad- but with the whole community," RobertTrottman,whospenttheday thehands-onapproachdefinitelyis. dinator, a focus, and most impor- missionapplications. freshmanCatherineHamiltonsaid. landscaping. In earlier years, the Orienta- tantly,a realneed fortask-oriented Manystudentsappreciatedthe "It gave memy first chance to get "But Iwas surprised by the tionservicecomponentfocusedon service.. opportunitytoseethe town and its involved." amount we accomplished as a learning about service rather than Freshmanresponse to theser- citizens, and to meet other first- Otherstudents wereimpressed group." Coed dorms SigmaPhiEpsilon come to campus mm rrl garners national award By ChristineLarned collectivec academic, athletic, and1 Story page Ii Cover from front Belk is really a i] | Staff Writer civicc accomplishmentsof eachSig When the Class of 2001 ap- credit to the 1Epchapter. The award is offered pliedlast winter,they werenot yet numbers rather . Few people have probably everye two years so the distinction awareof the shift tocoedhousing. than pointed heard of the "Buck Cup," but for" rremainscurrent. Only upon enrollment, when first planning by one campus fraternity it signifies The 1997 BuckCupis thesec- yearstudents receivedtheir room- staff. For in- excellenceamongallits chapters. ondc consecutive cup Sig Ep has mate preference cards, were they stance,men ccaptured andthirdithas wonover- who WillBradshaw Davidson'sSigmaPhiEpsilon presented with thecoed or single- live on second ♥Guys hang out inRichardson, chapterseizedtheprizedBuchanan all.a sex option. eastBelkmaybe previously an all female dorm. Cup atthenational SigEpconclave Italsoreceivedthe awardat the Because RLO did not want to living directly inPhoenix,Ariz. I1995 meetinginOrlando. inconvenience students whochose across the hall from womenspan- As far as easing tensionsbe- TrippFranklin,the fraternity's "I'm proud for the brother- Davidson with the understanding ning second west and center. In tweenmembersof theoppositesex, president, accompanied fellow rhood," Franklin said. "The entire thatthey wouldliveinasingle-sex fact,thecloseproximityofmenand coed housing is well on its way membersRyanMcClellan and Ja- rhouseearned the award. dorm,thosestudents whooptedfor womenhasmadeforsomedistract- towarditsgoal. AsJuniorChristina sonMcMullen toPhoenix tovie for "Weareallgladtogetrecogni- single-sexdorms wereguaranteed ing situations. Beidermann, a hall counselor on thehighlycompetitiveandesteemed tiont forthishighlyrespectedaward."' residencyineitherCannonorLittle "It'shardnotbeingabletowalk first westBelk,noted,"Coedliving award among the the 278 national dormitories. towel, downthehallina andalways expands friendships more so .than SigEp chapters.— The number of students who remembertocloseyourdoorwhen ever becauseit erases the tabooof Only39 about10%— .ofthe We apologize for the chose single-sex housing was so you'rechanging,"freshmanHarriet havingvisitors in freshman halls." chaptersreceive theaward. Tuesday printdatethis "astoundingly low," though, that Weatherbee said. Hall counselor Paul Dreyden, Accordingly, the Buchanan many who wantedcoedliving ar- JessicaBlackburnadded,"You agreed:"I'venoticedthedifference Cup is thehighest awardany chap- rangementshadto settlefortheless have to be prepared for anything betweenthis yearandmyfreshman ter can win. popular single-sexdorms. becauseyouneverknow whenguys year.Theinteraction betweenmen Togetthe award,thefraternity Theprinter,like The tieredeffectof dormslike might wanderby." and womenis vastlyimproved." had tocompleteanapplicationthat everybodyelseinthis makes Davidson's own look like country,takes Labor Day Mad Libs. The criteria that the off. committeescrutinizespeersinto the core of the fraternity. In The committeeexamines the Whoknew? the Archives... ; — i ! . L : Coed dorms comparable to Davidson admitting women

By David Johnston for the 1972-1973 academic year; our lives," exchange student about where the womenshouldbe Writer of 57, Staff those 29 were working to- GrangeRoller,ajuniorfromMary housed.ThenDirectorofHousing wardtheir diplomas. Baldwin,told the Davidsonian at ScottyNicholls wasthe most vo- Amongthenumerouschanges Womenhadattendedclasses at the time. "So we've decided to cal proponentofhousing themon that the beginning of the school Davidsonsincethe fallof1970 un- come to a monastery forayear." 3rdand 4thLittle. Thisplan was year brings, traditionally there is der the auspices of the Eight Col- Throughout 1971, the met withoppositionfromthe stu- one extremely visible departure legeExchangeprogram. Thepro- Davidsonianchronicledthenumer- dents,most notablyGray Wilson. pastyearsat grammade possible for from Davidson. it students ous petitions, bills, and debates "Thefacilities inLittlearetoo This yearmarks the first time fromeightsingle-sex schools inthe which traveled about thecampus. adequate,"hewroteinhiseditorial coeddorms canbe foundcampus- Upper South to attendclasses at a In the springof 1972, thecollege on April 28, 1972. "Several in- wide, integra- school the spearheadedby the for oppositesex for one Trustees voted unanimously to stallments will lie fallow in the tion ofhistorically-maleBelk year. dor- Participating along with open the school up to coeduca- restrooms." mitory. Davidson were Hollins, Mary tional instruction the following Hopefully,this year thecoed Twenty-five yearsagothisfall Baldwin, Randolph Macon year. Atargetof100students was living arrangementsinthe dorms marksthe firsttimethatfemalestu- Women's, SweetBriar, — Hampden- set. willservetobettertheCollege dents diploma Sydney, — wereadmittedas can- Randolph-Macon, and Theimpending arrivalof the as didthechangesof 1972 with to the college. Fifty-seven Washington &Lee. didates undetermined number of coeds a minimum of "fallow install- womenstudentsmovedoncampus "We've been in convents all sparkeddebate atthe"monastery" ments." THEDAVIDSONIAN News ■ Service greatly enhances the Davidson education-— —— — MichaelBradyoftheDavidsonian D:How does your experiencere- soapparent.Thosethings tomeare recentlysat down withnewService latetoyourpurpose oryourgoalfor relativelysimple,andthemostpro- Coordinator Bill Abrams '97. this job, for this office, and for foundreasonIdothisjobisbecause Compiled by StephanieMlynar Abrams discussed hismission,his DavidsonCollege? oftherelationshipsitbringsmeinto goals and his vision for his new and the ways it helps me to chal- role. A:IthinktheeducationatDavidson lenge people. canbeenhanced greatlybyservice learning, joining your academic D:Sois itsafe tosay thatthemost PrincessDiana diesin car accident The Davidsonian: What philoso- experiencein classrooms with ac- engagingaspect of the job is the Anaccident lateSaturdaynightina Paris tunnelclaimed thelives phy do you feel you'rebringing to experienceinthe tive community. relationships you build with stu- ofPrincess Diana andherromanticcompanion,EmadMohammed al- thisposition? The idea is to take into your rela- dentswhilethey'rehere,andknow- Fayed.Reportsindicate thatherMercedes600sedanwasbeingpursued tionships and into the community ingthat,on agrander scale, you're byphotographersonmotorcycles.Ofthe fouroccupantsinthevechicle, Abrams:Iamverymuchconcerned thingsyou learnand tomake your- affecting service in general? only her bodyguardsurvived,while thechaffeur died onimpact. with questions of how to under- self areflection of the things you stand peopleandhow tounderstand believe. A: Ithink that it very rrrtich trans- More deaths in Algeria the natureof life. Ithink that lifeis latesintosomething larger.Itdefi- Morethan300 peoplewerefoundmassacredintheirhomesFriday largely abouttheeducationyoure- D: What are your du- day-to-day nitely actsonthelevelof individual in Algiers, Algeria, furthering the problems between the Algerian ceive in both an academic setting ties?What doyoudo tocoordinate relationships. Ithink that's how governmentandthe groups seekingtogaincontrol ofthe and an experiential Islamic North setting. service oncampus? thingsbegin. African nation. Asservice coordinator,Icome There's an organizationcalled The conservativeIslamicgroupsareseekingpowerofthe govern- intothepicture whenwetalkabout A: Basically my is as anadvi- role Campus Outreach Opportunity ment andimplantation ofIslamic lawswhich require womentocover experience and about diversity of sor to individual students, but a Leaguethat wasstartedbyoneper- theirheads,banalcohol,andmakeIslam themandatoryreligion.More experience.Iamhere toencourage son who drove his car across the than60,000peoplehavediedinAJgeriasince 1992. Since June,attacks people to challenge themselves to EastCoast talkingwithpeopleabout by Islamic militants have increased dramatically. There has been workina community that has very service. He was a visionary who speculationthattheAlgeriangovernmentisincitingmassacrestojustify different things to offer from the began simplecommunication, with its execution ofIslamic supporters and togainthe supportof Western Davidson campus. The reason I individual relationships. nations. chose this job has to do withper- Ithink thateveryoneinherently sonal philosophy. is, That essen- has a responsibilityto their com- Bosnian broadcastingcausing problems tially,therelationships weconduct and Ithink munity, about half the In Bosnia, broadcasting is now being used as an "incendiary andthe wayweactinourdailylives people in the world make a con- message" transmitter, as statedby NATO. BosniamSerb leadersare very much reflects ourcharacter.I sciouseffort to fulfillthat responsi- accused ofbroadcasting violentmessagesthathavecaused attackson amheretoaskpurposefulquestions " bility. NATO forces.James Rubin, the State Department spokesman,stated andtoadvise students onhow their Alotofpeoplestill float,how- that"there wasclearly acoordinateduseofmediatoincite violence." lives relate to community and on ever,and don'tnecessarilyengage withBillAbrams The UN was attackedby KaradziesFriday with stones. No one was what community means in their themselves intheircommunity. seriously injured.The UN stated that it "will not hesitate to take lives.Iask thequestion,"What is a largepartofmyjobis alsotoadvise necessarymeasures,includingtheuseof force,againstmedianetworks person's responsibility within a different service groups. For in- D:Do you foresee any challenges or programsinciting attacks" as statedby NATO SecretaryGeneral community." stance,myrolewithReachOutisto during theupcomingyear? JaviarSolana. advisetheofficers ofthatgroupand D: What service experiencesmoti- individual programs on how to A:Mychallengeis tobeanadvisor, vatedyou tobe ina positionofthis manage volunteers,how to recruit to be a resource, to help people sort? volunteers, how to conduct their developavision. operation, to set goals,develop a WhenIwasastudent,Icamein Primetime reprimanded A:Likemanypeople,Ididn'thave mission,andset objectivesonhow with a huge idea, and Isat down ABC's PrimetimeLive,along withCapitalCities-ABC, was re- atremendousamount ofexperience toreachthosegoals. with a group ofpeople that brain- with community service when I Then Ihelp them evaluate at stormed it and made it happen.It cently sued by Food Lion for undercover work done at Food Lion grocery stores. A jury ABC guilty of fraud, trespassing, and came toDavidsonCollege. the end of. the semester where turned into a two-week program found $ ,402 $5.5 Imanagedvolunteersandulti- strengths and weaknesses lie.Ide- with over 20 activities that were breachofloyalty.Itawarded 1 incompensatorydamages and $5.5 mately became vice president of ally,every studentthat goesout in dedicatedtocommunityawareness, millioninpunitive damages.The millionwasdue toABC's lying to videotapeinside the Reach Out,but it was not untilmy thecommunitywillhavetheoppor- issue awareness, and service supermarket. The judgereduced the punitive senior year that Iparticipatedin a tunity to sit with other peoplethat projects. damagesbecause itsgrandiose figure was "suspect." Instead,Capital $314,000. long-termproject where Iwas di- do the same thing and reflect on Thisbfficeis heret6 helpstu- Cities-ABC willpay a totalof ABC claimsthatitwasmerelydoingitsjobbybeing andhonest toits rectly involved with a local com- their experience. dentsdevelopavoiceand tobelieve faithful munity. Iassist studentsin theirplace- thattheiractionsmakeadifference. viewers.ItalsoclaimedthattheFirstAmendment protectedthemfrom being sued.FoodLion statedthatits foodpracticesare as shownin Then Ibegan tutoring at ment, and wetalkaboutthings that Students shouldknow thisoffice is not sold, Alexander Middle School and I are important to their first experi- always open and is a resource for videos where rats ate food that was later and rotten meat was — displayed as by the use dyes. droveatruck for whatisnowcalled ence structure and the relation- everyone. fresh of food CommunityFoodRescue.Iwantto shipbetweenstudentandtheagency We're in the basementof the helpotherstudents experiencethat where they volunteer.. Union opposite the bookstore. I USDA may increase itspower beef, immersionwithinacommunity. Ihelppeopleseeclearlyallthe welcomepeopletocome meetwith TheUnitedStatesDepartmentof Agriculture,whichinspects things thatcanbe confusingornot meand talkabouttheirinterests. pork, and poultry, is seeking to increase its power to recall meat products, impose higher fines, and shut down plants. Thisfollows a recent outbreakofE.Coliingroundbeef. As ofnow,theUSDA cannot shut downunsafe plants orrecallmeat. It canonlywarn customersof affected meat, withdraw itsinspectors,thus stopping meatproduction, or work with other non-governmentalagenciesto suggestoradvise a W$t ©atritraonian needs anAds person. meatrecall.

i . ■ If youare interested inmaking business contacts,making money for a great cause (us),and puttingsomething extremelybeneficial on your resume,contactMichael Kruseat x6346or Wyt Batritoontan. Austin Dean at x6735. Doyouhave thelove? $ This is a paidposition $ Write for "TheSmith'sForemost CollegeWeekly."

Contact Michael Kruseat x6346. 6 THEDAVIDSONIAN Op-Ed TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 CFje Batubgonian ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS


. Editor inChief AssociateEditor MICHAEL J. KRUSE MATTHEW EIRICH

Founded in1914 "The South'sForemostCollege Weekly" Letter to the Editor W)t Sabibgonianis now availableonthe WorldWide Web at: Editor'sNote: The coverletteraccompanying whatfollows states: "The enclosed" letter is beingdistributedto the top 100 biologygraduateprogramsin the country. Princess Diana killed late night in was in a high-speedcar chase Saturday To the Editor: Paris, tragicallyending alifeoften hampered by extremeexposure to thepublic eye. — Iam writingin thehopes that you will makePh.D.graduates andpostdocs whoare Di traveling in a Mercedes sedan with her— new romantic fling, Emad seekingacademic employment aware ofasituation they may want toavoid. Mohammedal-Fayed,adriver,andabodyguard was the chasee. The chasers Twoyears ago,Iwas denied tenureat Davidson College inDavidson,N.C., under were anywhere from five to seven motorcycling members of the paparazzi, the extremely suspicious circumstances. While theprobability that oneof your colleagues — will seek employment at Davidsonseems small, the potential professional devastation hounding— groupof free-lancephotographerswho tracked oratleast attempted totrack her everymove from themomentshe marriedPrinceCharlesin 1981 that could resultif theydo has been asufficient motive for me to write to you. Ialso suspect thatsome aspects of bad to tothat of herultimate demise. "Thugs with cameras," as a CNN guest put it. my experienceare generalizable other small private colleges. "Itis momentslike these whenIam deeply, deeply ashamed of my profes- Despite having unprecedented success obtaining extramural research funding, sion,"Paul Callan of the LondonExpress said onNBC. gettingpeer-reviewedpublications, anddespite having the mostpopular courses inthe Indeed,thepresshasbornthebruntof theblame for thisunspeakable death. Biology Department,of which Iwasa member, Iwas denied tenureatDavidsonfor no "Ialwaysbelieved that the press wouldkillher inthe end,"Di'sbrother,Earl apparentlegitimatereason. Spencer, quoted saying was as intheNew York Times. "NotevenIcouldimagine Particularly— disturbing wasDavidson'srefusal—togiveme any rational (sic) for their that they wouldtake such adirect hand inher death,as seems tobe the case." decision written, verbal, formal or.informal in direct violation of the AAUP "Happy now?" a bus driver yelled while driving by a pack of reporters in guidelines on promotion and tenure procedures. Iappealed my case during whichI London. showedbeyondreasonable doubt that libelousstatementson the part ofa minorityofmy But what is theroleof thepress? And to whatextentdoesapublicfigurehave colleaguesintheBiologyDepartment hadinfluencedtheTenure Committee's decision. a realistic right to living alife of privacy? Despite amountainof evidence'thatmy tenureprocesshad been tainted,the Appeal Profes- Chapter 4 of the Associated Press' Libel Manual, entitled "The Right of Committee failed touphold my complaint. A further complaint to Davidson's sional Affairs Committee concerningthe libelous letters that hadbeenplacedinmy file Privacy," states, "When a personbecomesinvolvedin anews event,voluntarily (copies of which came into my possession) producedno action. As a young assistant or involuntarily, he forfeits theright toprivacy. Similarly, a person somehow professor, Ididn't have the financial resources to fight Davidson in court and have involvedinamatteroflegitimatepublic interest,evenifnotabonafide spot news exhausted all other recourse[sic]. ■ event, normally canbe written about with safety." Please make your colleagues aware of the fact that due-process and academic TheAP'sexplanationisvagueatbest,butitdoesraisequestionswhich cannot freedom do not exist at Davidson, nor probably at many other small colleges of be overlookedinthis situation: What makesnews news? Whatmakes an event Davidson's ilk. Davidsonisaninstitution that espousesa strongChristianethic andyet newsworthy? Can somebody's mere existence truly be considerednews on a treats its well-intentioned employees,likemyself,in adastardly fashion,denying them continual basis, as was thecase with— Di? evenasimple verbalexplanationiftheyaredismissedbecause theylegallycan getaway Thepress cancover anevent or non-event,inthis particular scenario— withit. Davidson avers in its official documents, and the tripe of its administrators, a withimpunityifthematter— is,as the APsays, "oflegitimatepublicinterest." And Di's life was just that "of legitimate public interest." The Sun's daily commitment to excellence and diversity while cultivating mediocrity and demanding conformity. Myexperienceis not unique;similar recently in circulation of 3.8 millionand TheMirror's 2.3 million attest to that: situationshave occurred fully English andPsychology Departments, said, Davidson's supporting my view that this is an That theblame shiftsfrom the press tothe public. institution-wide problem. We, by buyinglow-life tabloids,indirectly fund the deeds and of — misdeeds AtDavidson,job candidates can expectto have the amount of institutional support —these photographers, whomake aliving and,inmany instances,a lavishone available to themgrosslyexaggeratedand thepotential difficulties ofappeasing senior by snappingpictures whichoften sell for millions— of dollars. colleagues(mostofwhomresentresearchandfiercely guardthestatusquo)understated. Itisunfairtothrowalltheblame atthepress althoughcalling themembers Onceemployed, you willbegivenno credible feedbackonyour progresstoward tenure of thepaparazzi "press" isaninsult to all genuine journalists worldwide. (my renewal letters prior to the tenure decision were very positive) and the real The tabloids, and news outlets in general,run on the same basic supply- expectationsoftheinstitution willremainobscure.The tenureprocessis totallyshrouded anddemandprinciple. We demand, they supply. in secrecy toallude accountability. Youcan expectdespicable treatment from tenured Tofindamore viable culpritfor what transpiredinthatParis tunnelSaturday colleaguesand administrators alike including verbal abuse and psychological harass- ment. Nor does the facultyhaveanyrealpower(or will) matters, night, look in the mirror. /) to change sincea few s influential (rich) trustees control theinstitutionby fiat. Promotion decisions arenotoriously arbitrary,or actually counterproductivegiven thatobsequiousnessismorehighlyregardedthanachievement! Moreover,the struthious administrationdoes nothave thecourageor desire tooverturnpromotion decisions that ,more often thannot,are motivatedby pettyinterpersonalpolitics. Inshort,Davidson isprobably thelast placeone wouldwant toseekprofessional excellence inteachingor research,thoughtheir posturingandpropaganda tothecontrarycan foolyou for a while. Chr Cabibtlonianispublished weeklyonMonday during theacademicyearbythestudentsof Iwouldbemostgratefulif youwouldpasson thegist ofmyletter whocould " to those DavidsonCollege. Onecopyper student.Pleaseaddressallcorrespondencesto: Clir benefitfrom thisinformation. Iwouldbehappy todiscussthe pitfalls ofemployment at Sabibtfoman,P.O,Box 219,Davidson,NorthCarolina28036. Phone (704) 892-2148 or -2149. Davidson or smallcollegesingeneral with anyone whoisinterested. Our officesarelocatedonthe thirdfloorof theGreyStudentUnionbuilding. Opinions expressed inletters to the editors or commentariesdonot necessarilyreflectthe viewsoftheEditorialBoard Sincerely, of Ehf fiabibgonian. Subscriptionscost $40per year. Advertisingrates are availableupon DavidM. Coppola request. Copyright isheld by the TrusteesofDavidsonCollege. THEDAVIDSONIAN Buster's take on old age Cracking the code First offIjust want to tell y'allthat theVamonos happen-every-monththing,andfathersprobablyshow Congratulationsoncompleting the first weekofschool!Each year will Van be running 7p.m. to3 p.m.this Thursday to theirsons whatacondomisandallthat. Allthis maybe the first weekof schoolis filled withmanyobstacles, fromdrop/add to Saturday. Ifyou arevan-certifiedand wouldlike tobe happensaround the agesof 13 to 18. fights with former roommatesoveronce-shared furniture in storage. a volunteer driver, receive one of the V.V.T-shirts Iwaspretty excited whenIwent throughpuberty This year, a new obstacle has risen before us. If you have not (check last month'scoversofElleorGQ), andridefree this pastJune, andmy dadtoldmeaboutthebirdsand noticed,twogateshavebeenconstructedoncampustoblock traffic,one for the whole semester, give meacall(x6633). thebears. And then today,Iwenthome topick up a next toDuke and theother next toLittle. Notonlyis thisinconvenient, There willbe alotof flyersupadvertising thevan, microwave thatSanta's helpershad madelastChrist- as we cannot drive throughcampus (for emergenciesonly,ofcourse), butif you miss those,it leavesevery hour onthe hour masfrom wood,snow,reindeerhair,andothernatural it alsocreates a possiblefirehazardand is ageneralinsult tostudents. resources. Forthesereasonsandothers,wemustactquickly. Wemust findthe Todaywasanother right ofpassage.Thisone was code,for our verylives' maybeat stake! Bybanding togetherwecando <: reallyterrible. Myfamily and Ihad talked a bit about it! it this summer. My father said that "it's kinda like Here's theplan:eachgate is controlledby acodepanel. Thecode you're dyin' son," cackling because his head's so panelis arrangedjustlike atouch-tone phonedisplay,havingthedigits bushy that some cultures would use hishair to make zerothroughnine plus the star andpoundsignsallarrangedinrows of microwaves. With allthat, though,Ididn't think that three. fromthe frontofRichbyBelk parkinglot. Ihope that my motherwouldreally goaheadand acknowledgeit. Thecode couldconsist of any amount of thepanel'skeysinany youand yourfriends andallwilltakeadvantageofthis Thedealis,Iseemtobehavingarecedinghairline, combination.Opening thegatecouldbeassimple aspressingthepound opportunity. andso whenIwenthome today,itwasn'ta toilet seat key,but we must pre- The other part of my columnis opinion. Iknow or condoms or anything fun to chew on, but parefor the j^^.j^^M^iimff^^^iii^u^amm worst. The that everyonewantsme totell you abouttheVamonos ROGAINE!!!Idon'tknow whatyouthink aboutthis, code could j consist of Van,butIhave somethingtosayaboutritesofpassage but thisain'tthekindathingIwanttobethinkingabout all the panel's initiatedbyparents. Iguess whenyou'relittleandyour at 21. twelve keys. If no parents giveyou yourfirstlittle toilet, thatis sort of a And then whenyourmothergoesout andbuysyou keysarere- peated in rite ofpassage. not onebut twobottles ofthis stuffthat'sHairClub for thecodethe number of At age three or so, you'reresponsible enoughto MeninaBottle,it shakesyouupabit.It'sjust not right. possiblecombinationsare 12! (twelvefactorial)or 479,001,600 (Hey, usea toilet,andevenif you don'trealizeit at thatage, I'm not cracking on bald men or balding men or Ididn'tbarelypasscalculusfor nothing!). But, as wemust accountfor it'sprettyexcitingtohaveyourveryowntoilet.Idon't anythinglike that. I'm just saying that being given thepossiblerepetitionofkeys, thepossiblecombinations are 1212,or have mine anymore, but two of my rdommates do Rogaineis not thekindofriteofpassagethat Iwant to 8,916,100,448,256 (8.9 trillion). under theirbeds. . go through. With thehelpofeverystudentoncampus, wecandoit. Ifwedivide After the toilet thing, in your teens, the mothers Guessthat'show it goesthough. They'llprobably it equally,each of us only has to enter 5,507,165,193.5 (5.5 billion) andthedaughtersgothroughthebig what's-going-to- give me acane forChristmas. combinations. Let's assume it willtake,at most, tenseconds toenter eachcombination.Ifit takestenseconds toentereachcombination and Princess Diana: Mourning a mystique wedonot count leapyears,that'sonly about245,000 yearsperperson. Ifwearelucky,wewillhit theright combinationinthe firstbilliontries Learningof Princess Diana's ity. We thought weknewheruntil CNN recollected her most power- or so, so ourmission won'taffectour gradesor thegradesofthe 9,784 death,the world awokeSunday toa her absence made us realize just ful image of Diana: The princess generations ofour descendants who willhave toattendDavidsonand collective loss. Some knew of the how misguided we were. She did holdingthe hand of ahospitalized continue the fight if theright combinationis the verylast one wetry, paparazzi-induced car crash the not knowus,and weonlyknew her AIDSpatientbeforeany otherpub- Allthis assumes thatthe samecode works for the gate infront of night before; image. We lic figure daredtodo so. Little,thatthecodeistwelvekeysorless,and thatthekeepersofthegate news of her mourn the loss We have also seen Princess willnot change the code duringour operation. All these arepossible critical condi- ofa mystique. Diana's devotion to motherhood. complications. How smart is our enemy? We cannotbe sure. So we tion spread Prin- ■She foughtfor adivorcesettlement shouldbepreparedtoincreaseourefforts manytimesover. It willtake through cessDianaused guaranteeingherrelationshipwith longer, but through our Wildcat spirit and determination we will Davidson's themedia'srole. Princes Williamand Harry. succeed! campus Satur- in creating this Somewillmostrememberher Bycrackingthecode,not onlywillwebeavengingourselvesofthis day night, but few consideredher mystique toher advantage. As the provide the only infringementonour freedomby the administration,but we willcome death a possibility at the time. most belovedmemberofBritain's moments ofnormalcyinher sons' togetheras a studentbody,unitedandreadyforany adversity— a force Later that night I before royal family, her interviews and public lives. tobe reckonedwith! CNNdecipheringtheunimaginable, photographs onlystrengthenedpub- Iwent tosleeplast night hop- Ofcourse,ifthisideadoesnot work,allisnot lost. Thereisanother sick withthe knowledgethatthose lic sympathy forher duringthees- ing something might change by unifyingforceoncampus,theCollegeUnion!Itspurposeis tobringall stillunawareofherdeathinhabited trangement and separation from morningbutinsteadawoketomore membersofthestudentbodytogether(staffandfaculty,too,iftheygive adifferentrealitythanmyown.But Prince Charles. Diana wasthe hu- news and coverage because noth- us the code). whatactuallychangeswhena pub- man face of apublic divorce. ing had. Theunifyingevents this weekaretheChildhoodFilmFestival(six lic figure dies?Peoplemoveon. Butphotographsalsorecorded Princess Diana is dead. moviesin all!).Coffeehouse. Jumpin' Java,a Women'sIssues Recep- Yet something is gone with her compassion and dedication to Inlosing oneperson, wehave tion,and, ofcourse,theFabulous 50sDance. Check yourUnion Board Princess Diana's death. We are the unfortunate. alllosteverythingshe meanttoeach calendarfortimesandlocations. Havea great week,andI'll seeyouat affected by our assumed familiar- One Londonerinterviewedby ofus. the Union!

Iama freshman. Iwillboldly No, Idid not ask specifically havingextendedthe offer "to give letus call himJoe Freshman, who oneof the rooms. We did. in fact, and openlyadmit this to all. who for this privilege;Isimply stated sexualfavors"for a swap fromhis has spentaconsiderableamount of havetoinformhimthathecouldnot inquire,asIamproudtobea fresh- that Iwas indifferentto thegender plushfirstfloorBeHcTesidencetoa time onOurhall. Idon'tjust mean attendourhallprograms,andwe're man in the Class of 2001andespe- of thosewithwhomIlived(except- larger,more spacious room. That he walks through and says hello starting towonderifweshouldpost cially glad to be among the femi- ingmy ownroommate). Yet in reallysays it all. ■ nowand again. visitinghours. nine genderof that class. the pastweek,Ihavecometoappre- Secondly, there's something He lives on ourhall. Though He is anhonorary3rdCannon For you see, Ihave quickly ciate themany perks oflivingin a freeingabout runningupanddown he claims a resident of 2nd "gal." cometorecognizethemany advan- single-sex dorm, particularly the thehallin yourunderwearor towel Richardson,manyofmyhallmates, Somebelievehe'sinlovewith tages ofbeing a only female orpajamas.Unfortunately,thethird includingmyself,have considered severalindividualsonourhall,while female fresh- sing le- sex reward of this others think he man on this dorm. Firstand arrangement justplainenjoys foremost, makesitimpos- campus. Not we "For you see, Ihave quickly come to recognize the the spacious only are there have some seri- sible to relish rooms.The fact twelve more ously large this one. many advantages of being a female freshman on this is, Cannon at- males than fe- rooms. Not to It appears campus. Not only are there twelve more males than tracts guys. I malesin the Class of 2001,but an dismisstheequalvantagesofWatts, that single-sex femalesin theClass of 2001,butaninformalsurvey given don't know informalsurvey given by my hall Akers, Irwin, Knox, Little, or dorms have a bymyhall(weasked around)showedthatmanymenin why,butI'mnot (we asked around) showed that Sentelle,buthonestly,weareknown certain lure this class are single andready to mingle." fightingit. And many men in this class are single forour rooms. about them. I forallinterested and ready tomingle. L Andineachroomone willfind would venture parties,welook And not to gloat in my own yetanotherexampleofcutting-edge tosaythatnearly forwardtomeet- realmof satisfaction,butIhave yet interior design, utilizing the vari- every freshman guy looking for a checkingwithRLOabouthisactual ingyou. another piece of vitally important ousnooks andcrannies, lofts, stor- placetogoaround8 p.m.has atone statusas astudentofDavidsonCol- Regardless,Ilook forward to news: Iam aCannon girl. agespace,andofcourse,underbed timeoranother wanderedaimlessly lege. my years ahead at Davidson, Iam one of those mysterious storage. down our hall. And some have He's thereinthemorning after whetheritbe inCannon or another girls whocohabitate withotherof Toprovemypoint:last week's stayed, for a while. class, in theafternoon after lunch, abode. Andmaybesomeday,I'llbe theirkind ontheupperlevelsofthe Davidsonian article about initial Toillustrate this, let megivea both before and after the evening braveenoughtocreepthrough— halls final female dormitory on freshmanimpressionsquotedDavid real-life example. Over the past meal, and well intothe night. He ofthosescary co-eddorms when Davidson'scampus. Farnum, for betteror for worse,as week,therehasbeenonejndividual. has evenbeen spottedsleeping in everyone'snot at lunch. 8 , THEDAVIDSONIAN Opinions TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER2, 1997 Chelsea made the right choice My summer experience IreadanarticleintheCharlotte how miserablewouldithavemade ing thatyourconversationis being This summer,Iwasfortunate toEric,Ifounda campthat fitme Observer the other day about a us all! Just think, you wouldhave recordedandsentdirectly toimpor- enoughtowork asacampcounse- perfectly.CampGlenkirkemploys young womanwhohas "grownup undercover agents, snipers so to tant peopleinWashington?Orper- lor at Camp Glenkirk in what is known as small-group rightunderournoses."Attheageof speak, all over campus. Then the haps evenmore awkward, what if Gainesville, Va. Okay, so now camping. Two counselors, one 17,ChelseaClinton ispreparing to news shows would come. Hard Chelsea brought a boy home to everyonewhohada high-paid in- maleand onefemale,leadasmall venture out ofthe White House for Copy and The National Enquirer "sleepover?"Do you excuseyour- ternshipinsomeofficeislaughing group of no more than 14 kids. the first time on her own. InSep- would-be contactingyouonadaily self politely or do you pretend to atmeandmy skimpysummer sal- Instead of the typical summer tembershebeginsclassesasafresh- basis ifnotknockingonyourdoor fallasleep,hopingtodiscover some ary and how Icouldnot possibly camp, where a group breaks up manatStanford -togetanypiece piece of knowledge that you can havegained any valuable experi- (somedoarchery whileothersplay University. of information sellto ACurrent Affair for several ence for my future career. Well, badminton and others makebead Lastsemes- you could pos- million. you're half-right. necklaces), allactivities aredone ter, the buzz sibly sell them. Imagine Chelsea Clinton on Beinga camp counselor this ina group. Glenkirk alsokeeps it aroundthiscam- Does she seem Patterson Court. Is that possible? pastsummer,Ibelieve,wasoneof simple, whichleavesroomfor alot pus was tha't to be having Could you ever picture Chelsea thebestdecisionsIhaveevermade. of creativity. Davidson had fun? Does she goingto"Pimp and Ho," or"Any- Not only And made Chelsea's short list.Several missSocks? Whatcoloris hertooth- thingForMoney."That scaresme. did Ihave thatis whyI peoplesweartheyspottedherdash- brush? Didshereallyparticipate in TryenvisioningChelseagettinginto theopportu- love this ing across campus one Saturday thebody paintinghallmixer? afightat theOutpost.Itjustcan'tbe nity to im- camp so morningin the fall. In addition,a A worse scenario of course done. pact the ' much. It storysurfacedabouta womanwhose would occur if Chelsea was actu- Iguess Iam just trying to say livesofchil- brings to- roadside trash container had been ally yourroommate.TheFBIwould that Chelsea just didn't belong at dren, but I gether chil- pushed away from the curb ofher haveanimmensefileonyoubefore Davidson. This place is too small alsogottobe outdoorsallsummer dren of all different backgrounds Main Street abodeas aprecaution- yougraduated,andyouwouldprob- and Ihate tosay it,but ina strange and work with over20 othercol- andhelpsthemtolearntogetalong ary measureby theSecret Service. ably feel quite awkwardwhenher way too perfect for such a disrup- lege-agestudents whocare about and work with oneanother. Ibe- The truthofthematterremainsthat mom anddadcalledtoseehowshe tion. many of thesamethings that Ido. lieve teaching concepts such as thecollege neveracknowledgedan was doing.What if Chelsea was a I'mthankingallmylucky stars Back in February,Ithought this tochildrenismuch easierthan official visit by the President's downright slob?Do you callRLO thatshe'snot here,not beingmylab alongthelines ofmany othercol- teachingadults alreadysetintheir daughter. and tell them that you are sick of partner, not scoring a touchdown lege students. Ibelieved that I ways. Regardless, what amazed me having a psycho roommate that ontheflickerballfield,andnot run- neededaninternshipinmy fieldto Being a counselor definitely wastheexcitementsurroundingthe steals allofyourcookiesandleaves ningnext tome withher shirtoffon help get a jump on my future. I wasnot easy. Idealt with a wide possibility of Chelsea Clinton at- dirty laundryonthefloor,or doyou Self-Selection night. thought I'd try to find an intern- rangeof problems. My campers tendingDavidsonCollege.Imean. keepsilentandnot complain,know- Thank youGod. ship in Charlotte and live at ranged from fourth to 12th grade, Davidson. So Imoseyedon over so Ihad to deal with everything A salute to the men inbrown to theCareerCenter andattended from a camper who messed his a or two and poked pants at least In the wakeofthe recenl UPS decidedtopursuehigherprofits in- feet? One-fifth of American chil- workshop once aday tohome- strike. Iaskedmyself why strikers stead of providing better jobs to dren grow up in poverty and 43 aroundon theircomputer. Ifound sicknesstoguys tryingtosneakoff a few strike. more people. millionAmericansdon'tha~vehealth which seemed interesting to the girls" cabin. The driversmade$20 an hour, Since the workers know that care. and wrotedown theinformation.I NowIrealizethatcampcoun- figured — they couldlook forward to a nice before agreeingto work, it is only Don"t weknow in thebaek of I'dsendout someresumes seling is not for everybody I and letters springbreak. know pension,andmostofthemhadgreat fairforUPSnot togivethemraises. ourminds that things.could bebet- cover over peoplewhowouldrathernot benefits. ter? So. whenIleft withmyapartment- work with children or prefer to Still, Eric, for his these 160.000peoplede- The strike taught me a simple mate. home in Alex- stay inside. 1 don't think there's andria, cidedtosimultaneously stop work- lesson."People withpower should Iwas prepared to find a anythingwrongwithofficeintern- ing, lose their salary tor however help those withoutit. summer job. ships at all; theyprovideexcellent However, very long,andrisk theirstandardof liv- Iamnotsuggestingweallstrike while in Virginia. experienceandcan be educa- believe, ingforsomethingtheybelievedwas in- order to combat all of what is Eric needed to speak with the di- tional. Ido though, that rectorof experi- right. They wanted their fellow wrong with America. . thesummercampat which one can gainjust as much workers, he had workedthe doing some- part-time who mostly But that question is a secondary But wedoknow that evenpas- previous three ence and education summers, worked 35-39 hours a week and one. sive support helps.Thepublic sol- andhe letme tagalong. thing such as camp counseling. dollars, Well,1 ended interviewing non- were paid eight to nine to It doesnot takeaway from the idly backed the teamsters during up with Somepeopleblowit off asa havebetterpayandtheopportunity fact that these workers gave up a their strike. thedirectorthatdayandwastoldI serious summer job that is easy could tobecomefull-time. verysecure lifefor somethingthey The strike in retrospect dis- workthere that summer. andis of little worth. UPSpaidtheirdriverswellbut believedwas right. played how powerfully and use- Ineverendedup sendingout Butfrommyexperience,Ican refused to treat their mail sorters We should admire that. The fully trade unionism can succeed thoseresumes. Idecidedthat an promiseyou thatattheright camp, to'work outside with similarly. Likemanyothercompa- will tochallenge authorityis now whenthose whoare willingto take opportunity being acampcounselor nies, they would ratherhire many not asprevalentasit wasin,say,the therisks for questionable gain. childrenwasanexperienceIwould Eric once told me,."the to.ughest part-time trulyenjoyandvalue. And,thanks job workersandpaythemless 1960s. In the UPS strike, it's nice to you'llever love." instead of hiring fewer full-time True, things are better now. know that the good guy gambled workersand pay themmore. UPS But is everythingreally thatper- and won. You can't have your latte and drink it too attributing Let's stop our be- In order to understand these Council members werethreatened council members and, by exten- fromtherighteously-minded. liefs and behaviorto the teachings events,anexplanationofGreenville withtheloss of votes in the.forth- sion, the religiousminority to rid Please be aware qf the senti- of "THE FAITH" and instead call County and its people is in order. coming election, and two of these GreenvilleCounty ofthesinful gays ments aroundyouandtowhatthose theyreally thoughts themwhat are: The county is one of paradoxes. members turnedtheirbacksontheir and lesbians, whocontribute much sentiments maylead. Ourcountry and acts ofbigotry. Truly Chris- The government is controlled beliefs to vote for this resolution. to the economic and'intellectual istryingtoenddiscrimination. Why tians are acquiring a pompous, mainly by vocal right-wing reli- Thisis proof thateventheleast growthof ourcounty? must humans feelthreatenedby the smug,hypocriticalstereotypewhich giousconservatives. Greenvillians importantpoliticianwillignoretheir You can't have yourlatte and very quality that makes this world is latte, totally the opposite of Jesus's want their conscience to drink it too. real andinteresting— diversity? teachings. but they not ■ — do remainin a po- This resolutionis ashot in the One more word to those who Fear is the prime motivator wantit served to sition ofpower. foot, better yet, the head. It is at willcall meblasphemous and may fear of those who think or appear thembyagayor ______^___ So whatdoesall leastanembarrassment butis at the be feeling a rush of smugpity for different. Ifeveryonewerejustlike lesbian. Now mean, ofthis and mostaforeshadowingofthebattles mebecauseIdonotunderstand"the else, everyone we would live ina thecountycoun- I I whyis this anti- that willbe wagedduring our pro- waysof theLord." stagnant worldwithoutnew ideas cilhas declared gay resolution fessional lifetime. Turn your finger on yourself. andinventions. that the gay/lesbian lifestyle is in- sofrightening? This opinionsets aprecedent It's time to question from where There wouldbenoonetochal- compatible with — the morals and Aresolutionisnot alaw itis forpotentiallyclosed societies and yourbeliefscome,theBibleor your lengeourideas,nooneforcing to values weas want us that Greenvillians "a formal expression of opinion, goesagainst theBillof Rights and own fear of those who do not fit think,noone to neighbors. will, forcingus form our inour or intent voted byan official theConstitution. your tightlittlemold. 1996, own opinions. During the summer of body orassembled group,"-accord- Oursocietyis workingtoward How canyoucondemn some- Religionis issue, avolatile as both Greenville and Spartanburg ingto Webster'sNinthNew Colle- plurality andacceptance,not rejec- oneelse when you are yourself a is sexualpreference,and whenthese countiesdraftedananti-gayresolu- , giateDictionary. tion. We aretryingtoburysegrega- sinnerand a hypocrite? two issues collide, tion; — the worldbe- only the county council of However, these councilmem- tion let's not resurrect it in the Let's not close our minds to comesdownright ugly. Greenville wasignorant enoughto bers areexpressingtheopinionofa name of sexual preference rather ideas and beliefs that may chal- In my Greenville, county of passit. vocalbut smallminority and mis- thanskincolor. lengeourimage of the world. Lis- S.C., theyclashed sum- was, is, duringthe The county and com- representing others. This anti-gay resolution is ten whileyouargue,andallowoth- issue, merof1996.Unfortunately,asmall- pletelydividedonthe butthe Ifaresolutionis anexpression merely a thinly-veiledattempt at erstohaveopinionsthatdifferfrom mindedreligiousinterpretationwon. Christian Coalition was unified. of intent,thenis it theintent ofthe segregating the queers and dykes yourown. 9 THEDAVmSONMN /\RTS & i^IVING TUESDAY. SEFTEMBER2. ,997

nO funks up Davidson

By Weslky Goldberry campus-widepartyof theyear. Arts andLivingEditor The band providedbothaural V%111 and visual entertainment, as the night playedhost brasslinevariably synchronizedthe Thursdayto this year'sinstallment of movement of their instruments, a theannual"welcomeback" commonpractice of collegiatepep concert, a burgeoning tradition at bands. Their soundand ensemble /, yi Davidson College. Anotherrelated were compared to several 70s mm mrm tradition isthatthe"welcome back" groups, including (among others) concert never fails to start at least theJ.B.'s,JamesBrown's funk era 15 minuteslate. Anticipating such backupgroup."Theyremind meof a lag, most students strolledonto Dr. Teeth and the Electric May- the premises of Richardson Field hem," sophomoreMuppetenthusi- towardssundown.The weather was ast Will White said. pristine;sunlightcascaded through By the end of their first hour, the clouds casting shadows of the the near end of Richardson Field scampering frisbee-ers on the far wascrawlingwitha sundry assort- endof the lawn. ment of students, recent alumni, GranTorino began playingat andat leastonephilosophy profes- 8:15 p.m. to a highly polarized sor. crowdofnearly 30 people;"There Themost amusingmoment of are hardly any girls here." noted the concert came when the lead sophomore Steve Johnston. De- guitarist very quietly played the spite the barren, crowd, the band openinglineof "Sweet Home Ala- started off quickly andloudly with bama."causingthestudentsnearest a veryenergeticbrandof funk that the stageto leap twice ashighinto transcended both "P" and "G" theairastheyhadall eveninglong. varities. Perhaps a bit nauseated that their Gran Torino, a nine-member Skynyrdallusionevokedmoreex- musical ensemblenative to Knox- citement in the Davidson faithful ville, Tenn.. comprises itself of than their ownrepertoire,the lead drums, trombone, saxophone,two singer exclaimed. "You guys are trumpets, several guitars, and vo- sick!" (SisterHazelpulledthesame cals. prank atDavidson last fall.) Near the conclusion pf their Gran Torino diminished the first song, the lead singer shouted tempo towards the middle of the Wi// Bradshaw somethingonly slightly set, often intelligible as they doduring.public ♥Gran Torino's Bob Marleyimpersonator wails out into the nighton his saxo- at the audience,but it included the performances. phone. The band welcomed students back to Davidsonfor the new academic year phrase"DavidsonCollege"andcan However, students wereboth with its performance Thursday night at Richardson Field. be roughly translated, "We're not less enthralledand somewhatcon- gonnakeepplayingunless you get fusedby their slowerstuff. Arenditionofthesmoothjazz confessed. dentsheaded forthepublicitytable up off yourrears anddance." A fewhundredcollegestudents tune "Feels So Good" didn't actu- FortunatelyGranTorinopicked tonotcha spotonthegroup'smail- Catering to their mandate, the stoodbewilderedas theyattempted ally feel that good to many in the upthepacelate intheconcert,much ing list, certifying the band's tri- growingswarmofcollegiansstood todiscern theproperdancingtech- restlesscrowd. "IfIwerestanding tothereliefofthe audience,playing umph. The 1997 "welcomeback" upand leaptaboutenthusiastically, niqueforsuchmoderately tempoed ona ledge,this song would make for well over 90 minutes in total. soireewasadefinitesuccess.Maybe injectingsomeoctane intothis first music. medoit," sophomoreJoshBennett After the encore,abeeline of stu- next year it'llevenstart ontime. Shine plays to a crowded 900 Room Iwas initiallyskeptical about AustralianpianistDavid Helfgott, into the depths of madness as an notedthatthestructurepfthemovie desperation,andhumor. Also,one going tosee the movieShine. Idid whobeginshisstudyofmusicinhis adult, and to the triumph of his resemblesthat ofa piece ofmusic must not forget Armin Mueller- not wanttoseeanotherlow-budget, early childhood and continues rediscovery of music as a grown by slowingdownat moments and Stahl whoplays Helfgott'sbrutal, "indie"film thatpoured oversym- throughout his then speeding up to a frantic cli- overbearingfather. Peter. youth. max. At notime didIfindmyself Hecomes veryclose to steal- His talent playingwith— theIndiglo featureon ing theentiremovie with his com- quickly sky- my watch a would-besignthata plexity;his fierce love andprotec- rockets as he movieis too long. tion of David strays into brutality eventually be- The cast, which includes andextremeoverprotectionexpos- gins participat- Geoffrey Rush, Armin Mueller- ing his own failures and his con- inginmajormu- Stahl, and Noah Taylor,is sensa- stantneed forlove. He attempts to bolism and imagery leavingthose sic competi- tional. Rush gives a remarkable relivehis ownlifethroughDavid's ofus whodidnot choosetomajorin tions, in which performance as the mentally un- with disastrous consequences. English completelyhelpless. Iwas nothingshortof stableadultDavidHelfgott,deserv- Enough cannot be said about this not sure that Shinecould everlive a first-placefin- edlytakinghomeanOscar forBest superbcast. uptoitssixOscar nominations,one ish will please Actor. Shine is not just a movie for for BestPicture, inthe 1996 Acad- his father. He masterfully captures the peoplewhoareinterestedinmusic. emyawards theheavypraiseit Director frantic,rattlingspeechofHelfgott, It is the story the and www.fHmcntic.cont remarkable of received from legions of critics. Scott Hicks ♥Helfgott (Noah Taylor) wrestles with his consumingpassion for music, triumph of human spirit over ex- However, after two mesmerizing skillfully Rachmaninoff and the great confusion through treme odds. hours,Irealized that Iwasconvert chronicles the whichhe struggles to find love. For thoseof you who missed tothelegionsoffansandcriticsthat lifeofHelfgottfromhisearly years man. The structure of the movie NoahTaylorportraystheado- its two showingsat the900room,it praisetheremarkable movieShine. as childprodigy,to thebrink ofhis deftly interweaves thepastandthe lescentHelfgottwithasimilarskill, is definitely wortha trip to Block- Shine is the true life story of musical stardom as a young man, presentofHelfgott'slife.Onecritic lacingthecharacter withinnocence. buster. 10 THEDAVIDSONIAN KjC TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997

Man... orAstroman? stellar!

By Carrie Morris CDs?" And,"doyouthink the leadsinger is as hotas AssociateArtsandLivingEditor Ido?" However, Iheard one observant spectator comment on the fact that "these guys are good, the Back to theFuture features stolenplutonium Perchedat the900 roombar,I energy is high andconsequentlyirate Libyans at theOutpost was given whatIconsider to be a andthemusic is Q 9:30p.m. (free admission) choice spectator spot for the full Ifun, but I experienceof theinsane,energetic wouldn't want Q ProjectLifeholdsits firstmeetingof the year anticsofthose whocallthemselves to hearit inmy *jg? inthe UnionConference Room7:00 p.m. "Man...or Astroman?" They ap- car...theexperi- pear dressed in the punk-roek/as- ence is the tronomicalstyleofanindustrialmix thing." And I ofplastic and duct tape,set against W\ would have to CarolHousesale enjoys a showcase on an entertainingbackdrop ofbright I 1 SSvi agree. Ileftthe theUnionPatio9:00a.m.-5:00 p.m. satellite dishes and aslide show of show pastmoonexcursions,thisbandof Bt^- exhiliaratedand Coffeehousehas mad doughnuts and mechanicallymovingmen(oneun- wfj0* charged and in 900 8:15 >— cannilyresemblingSpock)blasted happytobealive coffeefor purchase the Room ] their highenergy surfer-rock to a inaworldwhere a.m.-11:15 a.m. Cl crowd fully responsive to their this music is wavelength present and ac- Cynthia Lawinggives a piano recital in t-n Little Debbie's showered the I P..- countedfor...but HodsonHall 8:00pm.-9:30 p.m. |> crowdand the lead singer(?) to see them live know,theoneinbrightorange,even is to lovethem, venturedout into thecrowdwitha To sweat with ■ Footloosestarring the one and only large,circular, metal tray to serve the masses (or KevinBaconshows for FREE ("Free? the delights up personally to the rather, serve Did somebody say 'Free?'")in the Out- fans. ' t li e m . Photos byAmberWorrell ". post 9:30p.m.-ll:30 p.m. As a .bar caffeinatedbev-. ... tender for the erages and evening, Iwas watch them giventhechance sweat together) WALTmakes itself available for ques- to meet the isthe waytoex- tions/comments /concerns /ultimata/ crowdmoreper- "p e r i e n c e etc.on the UnionPatio11:00a.m.-2:00 sonally while M an...o r h p-m- satisfying their Astroman?" < liquid desires I'mnotsure that Q throughout the their absolute Say Anything withJohn Cusack shows show. magnitude and M in the 900Room 7:00 p.m. . This gavea luminosity ■ ■ clearerperspec- would reach z Women's soccer takes on Clemson at tive totheentire one's vision if Q " p.m. event. A few I onlyheardblast- Eti RichardsonField 7:00 things Iheard ing out ofanim- last night went HUIH Jfl p e r s o n a 1 Weird Science completes the evening's something like + Man... or Astroman? entertains the crowd Inthe speaker double feature inthe 900Room9:30 this... "I love 900 Room Saturday night. system. so go p.m. these . see 'em. You guys...they rock!" And, "Are you guys selling the wouldhave to workhardtobe disappointed. Women's IssuesReception holds down 2 thefort inthe 900Room 7:00p.m. 2 po Sixteen Candles withMollyRingwald GA 1he StuGfrit Body (earlyFacts ofLife phenom))hits the big screen at the Outpost 9:30p.m.

Coffeehouse features coffee (of things!) WelcomebacktoDavidson! Thisis thebeginning house. all supplemented bydoughnutsin 900Room of a weeklycolumn that willdealwith student health Mitch Shores is a sophomore from Mount Airy, the 8:15 a.m.-ll:15 concerns and issues. We will be working with the N.C. He currently anRA ahd involved with Health K_^ a.m. Student Health „ ■ Occupations exhibits, them, Centerandserv- |HH^ ~2^— ~^r—^hm Students of Q Art a couple of sit prettyin the ing as liaisons America and Visual Arts Center (VAC)10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. betweenthestu- ProjectLife, dentsandhealth, Lindsay FerrisBueller'sDay Off starringBenStein center staff. Meyers is a ("Anyone?")blatantly subvertsauthority in Youmaysee us sophomore the900 Room9:30 p.m. speaking in PE fromLakeJack- 101classes,hall son,Texas.She programs, and V is involved with Men'ssoccer reinstatesitsrivalry with awareness jp^ tour guiding, UNCC atRichardsonField 7:00 p.m. weeks. WarnerHalleat- We are: ing house, and 50sDance willnot featureRenelvis this " 3 Eric the AIDS year butshould stillbe a lot of Borgstrom is a awarenesscorn- funin senior history mittee. VailCommons 8:00p.m.-12:00 a.m major from Al- Wewel- exandria, Va. : come sugges- BmGidJ. He is involved ♥From left to right: Shores,Meyers,Marks, tions, com <| Jumpin'Java has free coffee, tea,crack- in the volunteer Borgstrom. " ments.andques- ers,newtons,"chickins inbiskits," and fire department, tionsdirected to much,much more at FIJI,andthe rugby team. The StudentBody andus, thehealth advisors. Please the Outpost 7:30 Amy Marks is a senior psychology major from send them anonymously to The Student Body, c/o P p.m.-12:30a.m. Atlanta.Sheisinvolvedinclubsoccer andRuskeating Mitch Shores,P.O.Box 4180,Davidson,NC 28036. - THEDAVIDSONIAN ARTS SL \^YV\NGTUESDAYTUESDAY,- ' SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER22,'1997 U At the ClubsClubs The day that cocoa met frosted im f * — —— " C4\>f' O*M Musicintwo hours orless 1 1 r 11 1 ft'F^ 1 w m ATftlf\\wMv IH MV Compiledby Wesley Goldsberry and my life nearly changed FT \~£ W~£ A A lI'J Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept.23-Sept 22) Tuesday, 2 Sept. Inthe beginningthere wasthe What unpleasantmadness was Abread-freelifeleadstogargantuanherdsofunhappiness. pizzabar. Then,for a while, there this,Ithought, whereis the prom- Do notnot be seduced by false prophets discounting the FatCity:The Newcastle wasnothing. ised cocoa taste?!? Where is the , importance offa pasta!' Boys This past week, however, sugarandchocolaterushforetoldin , Millenium Center, Win- markedanother innovationin Vail the Book ofTony? Who stole the LuckyPlace for Love: Wendy's ston-Salem:ston-Salenr SquirrelNut Commons thatmayjustusherinan "Grrrreat!" part,reducingthis toa era of Zippers'/:„_,„.,. ,.,/w/w/B,oRitmoBio■>:,. Ritmoi),,,.,,, sweeping reform and un- cerealabout which onecould only \ jl_^ /o~~* i-a r\~+ ii\ heard of upheaval. Seldom do I say"They're?"Perhaps,Idecided, Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22) actuallylookat whatIamgettingto therewasadelay,andIneededonly Juggling too many interests proves detrimental to your eatintheCommons because,aftera for the milk to work itsmagic and sociallife. Concentrateonsimplicity, andallwill fallinto Wednesday,Sept.3 while,it alllooksthe same. release the demoniacalflavorhid- place. The one exception,other than ing within, taunting me. "«r, LuckyPlace for Love:the Cafe Caffe Cafe: JD Wilson ice cream,isthebreakfastcereal. In Iwaited. DoubleDoor:TheRuffians general, the selectionpresentedin Ihad some waffle. (Which,by ' FatCity: Like Hell w/ theCommonsisquitegood,withall this point, was stone cold. Ifully Scorpio(Oct. 23-Nov.23-NOV. 21) " nianner crunchy,sugary cereals intend to license the Davidson UblischTTKlicr-ViUDiiscn of " on li tl i -hi. l. «.-r i ... i-i tu en r ■ Beall you canbe! The week willbear bountifulopportu- that aTegreatl...y tomyhklng- Th's waffle formula companies / FatraiTuesdays:Tiiesdavs-luesaays. DeadueaaLetterImetieretter Saturday mough something needinganinexpensiveheatshield- nity; don'tdon lsquander achance to challengestatus quo. Office m^ wasamiss. Icould ing matieral, as I Lucky Place for Love: Second Rich Tremont:Bio Ritmo seemat the Lucky J have yet to eat a Charms had al l^^'^^^.-.J waffle here that ready been de- : was hot enough to Sagittarius (Nov.(NOV. 22-Dec.22-DeC. 21) Thursday,Sept. 4 voured, and, not meltcrock.) Drought ends! Do not work overly hard andmiss out on S»sa£___i£___iiJ Drought being desperate whenIreturned fruitful, life-changing opportunites. Go and meet the enought0 snort the my attentionto the Caffe Cafe: MandylEvans peoplepeopie you've only dreamedof talking to. colorful owderv remains> lcast bowl,Iwassurprisedtofindthatthe DoubleDoor:Cashmere P Love, ■ LUCKyLuckyPlaceriace rorfor Love: thetne saladsaiaa baroar r , , . /An . . about_for analternative. milk hadturnedbrown. Undoubt- JungleLords" w/ Aqualads . _, . ., ,. o^ /-. rp ThatwaswhenIhappenedupon edly this was ...... the sign Ihad been .. . ., .._ * Jack StrawStraw's:s: GranTorino lTi f A i. i i Jack :■■_ , , them. At first Ithought. therehad waiting... for! As Itenatively low- T .... . fnnwi^nm /TV»^ - 00"Tan- \Q\ CapricornCa riCOrn ((Dec.DeC 22-Jan.22 Jan 1919)> MoonRoom: The Nudes beensomebizzareaccidentthathad eredmyspoon,Inoticedsomething P mutated theGoldenGrahams into incredible.The milkhadaquireda Bewareoffallings objects;theroofmaybecavinginasyou flakes. Thinkingthattoofarfetched, cocoaskin! Iproddedit tobe sure, sleep! Avoidbagels andallthingspurple untilthe coastis Friday, Sept.5 Iconsideredthepossibilitythatthe and therewas nomistaking it, this clear. highly publicized,° utterly diverse wasmilkonecouldpractically walk LuckvLuckyPlace for Love:Love' the Batcave Amos':Amos':JupiterCoyote classof 20 lhaddemanded darker on. Baha:Baha* "Electronica" w/ DJs cornflakestomaintainracialequal- After some difficulty,Iman- flakes, Matt Bolick and Devin ity(apossibility thatIhave not yet aged to hoist a spoonful, Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) entirelydismissed). skinandall,tomymouth.Themilk take soon Jack.i. Straws:Straws-> Theii Zen/ah Donot smallthingsforgranted,forsomeday they ... It was not untilIsaw the label now had a weak cocoaflavor,like ..... - ., , t. Tricksters willwl11blossom intointO fullgrownWneucalyptus trees. Be patient, taped to the bin thatIactuallybe- somethingyou'dmake' foryourkid "B" Magnolia StreetPub, lievedit 77,^wereCocoaFrosted brother whenyou re saving all the and waittill the time is right to make yourmove.move. Spartanburg: Southern Flakes. Iwas takenaback. Was it syrup for yourself,so that you can Lucky Place for Love: the post office Culture on the Skids not onlydaysprior that Ihad seen drink it straight fromthe bottle. the first commercials, heralding The were I , Tremont:It CouldBe flakes lifeless. could _^ Nothing/Black Plastic/ their arrival? Could it be that discernnoneofthesignaturesweet- PiscesPlSCeS (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Liquid Gang Davidson had secured one of the ness thatusuallygracesthe normal Whatever youdo, doNOTset footin thelibrary,lest some " - piggy's,Ziggy's, Winston-Salem: ver> first shiPments? Was this fl varietv horrible tragedybefall yourrelatively normallife. Beware , , ■ nally oneofthelong-promisedim- Drained of any flavor they rr . o. x ■ 7 f Testament w/ Stuck Mojo. ,,. ■ , of stagnant° ...air! _ ., , provementsId.heard.murmurs <■ might. havehad, theu remaining efew . . T of and Strapping YoungLads fromPresidentHaselden? driftedlistlesslyinmy bowl. LuckLuckyy Place for Love: the tennis courts Myheart pounding,Ireached AsItookthemtotheconveyor, for the scoop toput some intomy Icould swearIcould hearthem not (Mar Aries (Mar.■ 2121-ADr-Apr." 19^19)) Saturday,Sept. 6 bowl. At thismoment, however,I snap-crackle-and-popping.butcry- \ V paused. This seemed entirely too ing,moaning,and begging for me Too muchpartying will cause pain and suffering inother - gi t Remember, Amos': Athenaeum w/ The g°°d to De true ______t0 f° r ve nem areasoflife. allthingsinmodesty:Tempering Goodies Hedging my andputthemout funwith slumber,food, and academics willpayoffinthe - slowly of theirmisery- Fat City: Slick Pelt w/ , bets l "Grabbingmy spoonas Isat,I long-run. scooped out a be Crime Scene 13 took Q moment to thank Lucky for Love: theinfirmary half scoopfuU M^ Place JackStraw's: Grinch w/ whatever higher power was scooped |isteningforthediverse.gimmick- 'J'ZllZfault < but lwas Thetkaihe Chocolaten,".«i«^ HippiesHin"^ , them slowly drjven chj|drens cereQ| markef too disap- Taurus (Apr.(Apr 20-May 20) Record ExchangeOpen carefully, into " pointed to \.r ■* , thntthat hndhgdmademnrip thlsthis Pnossible0SSlble' A you Stage:12-GaugeSlug (2 my waiting, shoulder their serendipitous windfall will leave breathless and p.m.) yearningbowl. burden as well. content. Maximizeprocrastination potential,anddon'tbe SouthendBrewery:The Itook the Lookingback,I afraid to beg for extensions. Magpies b°wl over tome MilkMaster 300, suppose it was a valiant effort by Lucky Place for Love: the Lake Tremont:Comeon andsetme dialt0 2%1not wantin8 theCommons staff torock theboat to menakes- Fearinga ow" ~andperhapsredefinehow wesee ThunderchildThnnrWhiMLUCDfT>ReleaseKeiease crush P _ J myeyesas bT&lMliSt but it was m abject ( 20) Party Gemini (MayMay 221-Jun.1-JUn. Iletthe smooth,creamy whiteness failurein theend. Reclaim what wasputonhold over thesummer. Fearnot! the roughbrown flakes If only they had thoroughly flow over Don't hesitateand wastepreciousous time. Ithenrushedtofindatable,not researched the matter, and chosen r Sunday,Sept.7 wanting to miss a single phase of one of the moreproven chocolate Lucky Place for Love: Sentelle the inevitable crunchy-to-mushy breakfast cereals, such as— Cocoa Fat City:Latino Chrome gauntlet that waitedfor me in the Puffs, Cocoa Krispies,or dareI Cancer (Jun.TJunV 21-JulyMvy 22)22")) Knucklehead's:TopCat nextmoments.Grabbingmyspoon dreamit,yes, yes,darnall,Imust! _ ** - ~ Chocula, You willregain controlofa chaoticsituation. Keep your Record ExchangeOpen lsat ltook a moment t0 fo"* Count this tragedy higherpower wasHsten- could havebeen averted. : headclear,anddon'tbe deterredby whatothershavesaid. StaStage:'TTexasX VampiresV res whatever ingfor thediverse,gimmick-driven As itstands,Iwilllookforward «JmSLnHSouthendsoumenanL»prv.Brewery:nrewery. Lucky Place for Love:BlockbusterPavilion children's cerealmarket that had to theday when theCommons will Lawing Michelle made tms Lifting thefirst entice me tocome tobreakfast on spoonfultomy mouth,Ishuddered weekdays by offering a cereal so Leo (July 23-23-Aug.Aug. 22) with anticipation. Iput it in, and compelling that Iwould wakeup Relationship that once needed space will reignite with new to extra early and stumble in just to suctioned off this creation blazing flames ofpassion. This isIT!m my tongue,and stopped. have some. & , LuckyPlace rforLove:T thetu footballc .u ufieldc 1j 12 THEDAVIDSONIAN Sports TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 Chemistry,hardworkmeantmore thanindividualtalent Themedia's take on the1992 VMI, Cover story frompage 16 toutedUCLA at theMetLife Clas- Marshall, 5-0 over — and 3-1 men's soccer team sicinLos Angeles. overAppalachianSt. Davidson Davidson toccor Sunday. (But)coachCharlieSlagle grueling,boxing-styleworkoutthat The Bruins were ledby goalie clinched its first Southern Confer- H» 1992 men'* .. media guide the Wildcats' hasbuiltanational poweronabelief has since takenonlegendarystatus BradFriedel,whostartedinnet for encetourneycrownsince1972and, on — Cln have competingin the accomplishedthiswithoutanysoccer FinalFour their campus, grew exponentiallyas the season Davidson toNo.9 in the nation. iormidfielder JohnSampersbanked on own were scholarships even though a practice by progressed,a glimpseof whatwas But two straight losses in late in the 10th off the goalpost,cata- and the allocated time the — schoolisinthemiddleof area of NCAA thatconflictedwithclasstime. tocome. October 3-0 atCoastalCarolina pultingthe Wildcatsintothesecond an — the countrythathasanumberofthe So, half the teamwentto classand Forty-eight hours after the sea- and3-2 atFurman threatenedto round. — nation'sstrongest collegiate skipped practice with Coac-h son-openinglossto theDemonDea- endthe festivitiesbefore theyever "I'llnever forget. As Sampers soccer teams." ChdrlieSlagle'spermission. cons, the Wildcats knocked off reallybegan. ran ontothe ball,Istartedrunning University of tenth-rankedCarolina 4-3. In the Knowingfull welltheNCAA's following him from midfieldbe- "Davidsonmeetsthe The USA Today:"Davidson one San Diego today's.4:30 p.m. homeopener,they battlednewNo. stinginess whenit cametohanding cause Ijust hadthis feelingthathe is In — up on San Diegoin the Cinderella semifinal, andmostoftheplayerswill 10 South Carolina to a 2-2 stale- out at-large bids to relative no- was going to make it," Spear — department.TheWildcats, go day mate, as Ukrop's 50th career goal namessuchasDavidson the1990 now the vice presidentofIntegrity whodon't throughanormalacademic offerscholarships, inthe playoffs before playing the most important with 28 seconds left in overtime Wildcats weredeniedan opportu- Sports Marketing located in are — — game gaveDavidson the dramatictie. nityafterfinishingtheseasonranked Davidson recentlyexplainedover for the first time on their home oftheirlives." field." Butit wasanotherweekuntilthe fifthregionally— Slagle joltedhis breakfastat theSodaShop. "And I New York Times on the team firstcaptured national atten- teamwiththiseye-openingscenario: wantedtobethe firstone tohim. I The TheCharlotte theState Richardson Field crowd: "All 8,100 tion. With a scoreless tie versus Win the lastfive games orplanon tackled him, jumped on him, and Observeron game: "It was a day In which seats In the stadium weresold out DukeSept.16inDurham,theWild- staying home come tournament outofthecornerofmyeye,Isawal1 teamworkcountedmorethantalent, beforeDavidsonmadethesemifinals. cats vaultedto No.16inthe polls. time. theDavidsonfans jumpingoverthe anddoingthings the hardwaypaid Today's official was Andexactlya monthlater, they And the all-or-nothingultima- fence andcomingtowardsus. crowd offmore hqndsomelythanbeingthe announced as 8,150, not counting registered the biggest win in the tum worked to perfection, as the "AndbeforeIcouldgetup, they — hometown historyoftheprogram thefirstof Wildcats won their final five con- favorite... theoverflowofstudentswhowatched good manyvictorieslabeledas such that tests byacombinedscore of25-4. "Therewasno reasontothink from the windows of the library — SeeCover Story onnextpage Davidson could beat N.C. adjacent year by knocking off "highly- With the last three — 9-1 over State tothestadium." Victories hadless to do withsoccer andmore to do with life — */ The patternis uncanny and un- exclusive.Onthecontrary,theyare Charlotte. Preston Yarborough is childreneveryyear,usingthe 1992 low human being goal-setting; deniable. irrefutablyconnected. anaccountmanagerforYarborough team as proofpositive that setting ■ Sampers, the team's third double- Andperhaps— that swhythiscom- littlekids showedupatRichardson Andstill are. digit goal-scorer, is now the vice munity the students, faculty Field fortheNCAA's YES (Youth me-is-this-a-dream— run tothe Final Cliff Castelloe,whonotchedsix president of Sampers Financial in members,— administrators, towns- Education throughSports) clinic. Four arenoweithersuccessful or goals andsix assistsas adefender, UpperMontclair,N.J. people reacted with suchover- Theirinstructors,at9:00a.m.on ontheir wayto becomingsuccess- isnowthepresidentofJingle King Rob Ukrop, Alex Deegan, and whelmingsupport. thatcold December morning, were ful. ProductionsinSantaBarbara,Ca- backupkeeperNeil Andrewshave When —all is said and done, the the 22 members of the 1992 Theyareentrepreneurs,they are lif. . continued their soccer careers as victories oneafteranotheruntil Davidson— College men's soccer gradstudents,theyareclimbing the MattSpear,"thegluethatkeptus professionals. the Wildcats found themselves in team ready and willing to teach corporate ladder at sales depart- together,"accordingtoSlagle,now Ukrop, whoenjoyeda16-game —theFinalFour on their home field their sport and, more importantly, ments, accounting Finns, and law servesas vicepresidentofIntegrity stint in 1996 on the MLS's New hadvery little todo withsoccer spread the word. offices. Sports Marketing right here in EnglandRevolution,nownot only itself. "Dreamhigh. Work harder,"as Theyaremakingit inlife justas Davidson. stars for his hometownRichmond This teampersonifiedeverything— Ukropsays. theydidonthesoccer field.Andthe Phelps Sprinkle is the creative Kickers,butgivesmotivationaltalks Davidson stresses: teamwork Indeed, in this case, nice guys two things are far from mutually director for Topics Magazine in to thousands of Virginia school- meaning cooperationwithyour fel- did finish first THEDAVIDSONIAN Sports TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 13

Men's soccer drops pair Wildcats fall to Gamecocks By DanielMot/ By Jay Cantrell , SeniorStaff Writer Sports Editor

Themen'ssoccer teamkickedoffits sesaon COLUMBIA, S.C. — Last year, the with a frustrating showing at the Wisconsin women's soccer team upsetSouthCarolinabe- SoccerClassicin Madison,Wis. hind the performances of freshmen Amy TheWildcats fell3- BalsingerandGinnyDye.This season,theGame- in a contests, 1 Wisconsin 3i 2 pairof — cocks returned the favor as their star rookie, losin8t0Wisconsin JessicaWorkman,scoredtwo to Wlldcalwirocro 2~1 goals leadUSC. I zj the{995NCAAcham Within the first 10 pions — in sudden minutes, S Carolina captainKelly death overtime Friday and to Wisconsin-* Schmidt went down Milwaukee Sunday. i 1 with a sprained left AgainsttheBadgers,the Wildcatsheld a2- ankle, leaving the 1advantagewith22 minutesremaininginregu- Wildcats witha holeto fill. lationas Andrew Holbrook scoredhis first var- "That was the difference," coach Kevin sity goal. Hundleysaid."WithoutKelly,theywerequicker But Wisconsin tied the game in the 78th than we were." minute,as DougWatsondepositedadeflection Davidsonstruck firstonagoalbyDye.The intothecage. playwas set up whenAmy Kanoff sent acorner Eleven minutes intothe first sudden death kick toBalsinger,whotapped it towardsDye. overtime period, Kareem Aal struck for the The Gamecocks scored two quick goals, game-winner. though, to takea2-1halftimelead. After the break. Wildcat rookie Mandy Kinane notchedher first careertally. Wildcats 2] Llndsey But the Gamecocks scored the eventual OnSunday,Wiscon- game-winnerless than two minutes later. sin-Milwaukee, who onFriday performed im- "At this level, when you make a mistake, pressively against Florida International, cur- they punishyou," Hundley added. rently ranked fifth in the country, defeated Schmidt's ankle willkeep her out indefi- Davidson despite goals from Phil Julien and AnnaJudy nitely.LeilaWormuth suffered anMCL injury DavidBuehler. ♥Rhina Roberts streaks by a defender in exhibition action Saturdayinpracticeand willalsobe out indefi- Wednesday night at Richardson Field. nitely.

Cover Story fromprevious page Chanticleer hadthe opportunity to the Wolfpack followed him. students watching from the topof sual observer,they figuredwehad all smotheredus. Iswear toGod,I winit withasinglekick,andwasin "It wasa realnicecompliment," Duke and through— the windowsof tohavescholarshipsandpeoplewho thoughtIwasgoingtodie.Sampers eachinstancedeniedby the5-foot- Ukropsaid. "Iasked them if they thelibrary intoa state ofhyste- barelyqualifiedacademically.But wasonhisbackandour faces were 9-inch Deegan, who stuffed wantedany." ria. that wasn't true. Soccer just hap- mashed together. It was scary. I Coastal's fifth, seventh, and ninth And, forthe mostpart,the strat- But the Toreros, battling the penedtobeoneextrathingtheydid rememberthatvery well, thinking, attempts. egy worked, as Davidson couldn't crowdjustasmuchasthey werethe while at school." 'This is hilarious. We're'actually ''Stoppingthree inarowwasjust put theballinthe back ofthe net. Wildcats themselves, responded— Whichis exactlywhytheexperi- goingtodiebecausewe'recelebrat- miraculous,"Spearsaid."Ithinkhe Problem was, State couldn't— withalmostback-to-back goals ence was—so special for everyone ing toomuch.'" sensedour strengthand we sensed scoreeither,asthe Wildcats— with the equalizerat 37:30— and the go- involved from students to pro- his. Imean, that was way, way some moreDeegan magic held aheadtally at 38:44 to take a 2- fessors toadministrators to alums God-like tendencies beyond normal." thehigh-octaneWolfpack incheck 1 halftimelead. to townspeople. The 22members The Wildcatsdidn'tlike Coastal Slagle went a step further: "We through twoovertimes. The game stayed that way until of that team were soccer players, Carolinaone bit. were lookingat Deegan's geneal- Finally,at the 131:47 mark in the61:34 mark, whenSan Diego's indeed, but they were also frater- The 1992 Chanticleers were a ogyat thatpointtoseeifhehadany suddendeath,Speartooka freekick AlexStreicekinadvertentlypushed nity brothers, student government sketchy bunch,questionable atbest. God-liketendencies." fromtheright corner. Inthemiddle the ball past Torero keeper Scott officers, and average Joes. They Several Coastal players had been "I just couldn'tbelieve we were of the pack, —the ball landed on Garlick intohis owngoal,tying the were studentsofDavidsonCollege suspended earlierin the seasonaf- " inthatsituation.Iwasstrugglingto Ukrop's chest virtually the first gameat 2-2. first, soccerplayers second. ter they werefound to have played keepmyselfincheckemotionally," timehehadbeenleftaloneallafter- "I waslookingovermyshoulder "We did it for them (students, professionally inEurope. Others' saidDeegan, who can be seen in noon — andthe superstar drilledit at thatpoint,"Slagle said. faculty,andadministrators),"Spear eligibility remaineddebatable,and clips muttering to himself before lowand through acrowd. "There was no question in my explained. "We were trained by many wondered out loud why the andaftereach kick. Game, set, match. mind that, when theyput the own them. We learnedfromthem. They NCAA hadevengranted theChan- "Luck wasonmy side. MaybeI "It's not really a dream come goalin, we weregoing to win this wereouridols,and wedidn'twant ticleers abid in the first place. made my ownluck,but luck defi- true,"UkroptoldtheRaleighNews game." to be idolizedby them. Inaddition, theyhad personally nitelyplayeda great part in that." &Observer."BecauseInevereven But San Diego endedup being "We werecarrying the flag for angered season Finally, Ryan onetoscore as only us Slagle before the after freshman dreamedabout this." ' the inthesecondOT. DavidsonCollege. Not for everbegan,vehementlyrefusingto NorthingtonconvertedDavidson's "We weregoinghomeanyway*,1 theToreros advanced to Sunday's and our coaches and our families reschedule the twoteams' Oct. 24 1Othtry,Deeganendedtheinsanity Slaglesaid after thegame. "To be final against powerhouseVirginia. andfortheotherathletes,but forthe meeting. As aresult, the Wildcats by tipping Billy Johnstone's shot playingis great." whole student body. We wanted were forced to travel, to Conway, onto thecrossbar,— whereithung for '22Educated Feet' them to feel like they werepart of S.C. a mere weekafter the UCLA asecond— "aneternity,"asDeegan From thelibrary TheCavaliersknockedoffUSD, it." tripandless than24hoursafterthey said before it finally spun onto Alex Yannis covered the Wild- but the storyline that weekend—re- And they did. Perhaps the had hosted Georgia Southern in a the top of the netting and stayed cats' run for the New York Times mained— the Wildcats, a team a Davidsonian'sMattBumsteadcap- league matchup. there. andhas since startedwritingfor the . team whichmesmerizedthena- turedthat sentimentbestinhis col- This, more so than even the "He realizeshe's won thegame New York/New JerseyMetroStars tionona four-weekrideofideals. umn onJan. 25. 1993. UNCC clash, was agrudge match. andstartssprinting aroundthefield ofMajorLeagueSoccer. With everything that is wrong "None of us will soon,if ever, "We couldn't stand Coastal," withmost ofthestudentpopulation *TheMetroStars' homeopenerin with college sports these days, forget the sound of a cannon-like Spear said. "They werereallybig following him," Slagle said. "It 1996wasagainsttheNew England Davidson's 1992 soccer team was thud, the lookof fearin a hapless jerks. Theywouldtalk crap toyou, wasquite a sight." Revolution,for whichUkrop then right. defender'seyes, and the image of hit you whileyou weredown, that "Iwasrunningforfearofgetting played and started. A crowd of "We did it in what Iwouldcall 1992's topscorer runningpast the kind of thing. trampled,"Deeganexplained. 48,000 showedup at the Meadow- theold-fashionedway,"Slaglesaid. crowd,pumpinghis fist orholding "We just thought there was no And Davidson,the seasonhav- lands. "These guys were all students. his armsout tous asiftosay, "That way we shouldlose to theseguys. ing by this point extendedbeyond After the game,Yannis'spotted There was nobody who was re- was foryou,Davidson.'"he wrote. They weren't worthy as peopleof evenitswildestdreams,washeaded Ukrop and struck up a conversa- cruited on scholarship,and only a "Nor will we forget that little moving on." forthe roundofeight. tion. coupleguys weregetting financial blurofyellowthatflew throughthe Butafter 150minutesofplayin "That was a great crowd," he aid." air in ways we thought only hap- miserableconditionson a muddy, Triple-teamed said. "But the loudest I've ever Theywere,asaNew YorkTimes penedinmovies,andsomehowkept almost icy surface at Richardson One game away from the Final heard acrowd was when youguys headlinesaid, "22EducatedFeet." the ball out of the goal... Field, Davidson andCoastal stood Four,State'sgameplanwassimple: (Davidson) scored your first goal Members of the team— attended "Youplayedoutourgreatestfan- deadlocked at0-0. Once again,the Shut down Ukrop, shut down against San Diego(in the national classFridaymorning thebiggest tasies on the soccer field. Every Wildcats wereforcedintoashootout Davidson. — semi)." game of their— lives less than 12 week,youfacedGoliath,youdrilled forthe rightto advance. Earlyinthe game,Ukrop the Thatgoal,aheaderbyBenHayes, hours away andmanytook tests, him,andyoutookus with you... And, ifit hadn't already,this is country's leading scorer that sea-— gavetheWildcatsa1-0lead amere a concept that, at the very least, "Maybethesoccer teamshowed where Davidson's storybook run son with31goals and 10 assists 7:51 into the contest and sent the intriguedthe nationalmedia. us a real lightin a place we never reachedmake-believe proportions. cameovertothe Wildcatsidelineto —Richardson Field crowd of 8,150 "Thatmadeit allthemoresatis- wouldhavethoughttolook.Thanks, On three separate occasions, a get some water. Threemembersof not counting" the hundreds of fying," Slagle added. "To the ca- guys. Youdidus proud." 14 THEDAVIDSONIAN wSPORTS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 ■ .

ByMichael J.Kruse and Brian Allenspach, and junior "As a team, they are a group Editor inChief BenEbong,whoredshirtedlastyear, that really cares about each other On topof that,reigningSouth- and is willing to make everybody Af., Themen'sbasketballteamdid ern Conference Freshman of the onthe floor betterby the way they MB its version of studying abroadon a Year Landry Kosmalski played in treateachother.Therearenoegos." seven-gameItalianexcursionAug. onlythe first twogamesbecauseof Wp^ 11-20. a naggingcase of tendinitisin his ... ■//{ B> And. according— to coach Bob knee. GuardBilly Armstrong was bj McKillop,— the trip despitethe2- alsohamperedbyabackstrainthat Chattanoogamen'sbasketball I5 record wasnothingbut asue- inmany gameslimited him tojust coach Mack McCarthy unexpect- K^-^H *"_^M cess. fiveorsix minuteson the court. edly resigned Aug. 2. leaving "It wasa wonderfulexperience "Everybody had moments of McKillop as the senior and most from a cultural standpoint and an brilliance,"McKillop said, noting prominent coach in the Southern educationalstandpoint,"theveteran that Stephen Marshall,—Davor Conference, coach said Saturday. "It was a Halbauer,and Armstrong— even McCarthy, who was one win terrificexperience from the stand- inhis limitedaction weremost shy of becoming the league'sall- pointsof teamchemistry,bonding, consistentlybrilliant. time winningestcoach, apparently and experimentingwithroles. Super scorerDavidBurns and decidedhewantedto takehistalent "Anything and everything we Marshall each notched 20-plus to the next level and that Chaira- couldhave accomplishedin three points twice. And sharp-shooter nooga wasnot theplace todoit. weeks, wemetourexpectations." Mark Donnelly scored 24 against "Mack has had a great run at Oftenplayingwithjustaneight- the Italian 22-and-under national Chattanooga,"McKillop said. "I a.nd even seven-man rotation, the team, as the Wildcats lostby ade- think he felt he needed to go to a Wildcats morethan held their own ceptivelywide 15-pointmargin. differentspringboardtoget" where against some of the most physical Davidsonpicked up both its he wants to go. professionals and finest amateurs wins versus- Viola at Reggio McCarthy has accepted a job —theEuropeancontinenthas tooffer Calabria. as assistantcoachat VirginiaCom- ♥Two field hockey playersbattleb le for the ball ina alevelofcompetitionMcKillop ButMcKillop andhis Wildcats monwealth, but will take over as practice last week. estimatedwassomewhere between tookmuchmore from the tripthan headcoach in1998-99. this country's CBA and NBA. just wins andlosses. HenryDickerson,McCarthy's iX iii 1 1 *~* Hi^ld hOCJCGV dropsCirOt")S tWO ue t0 an NCAA regulation "Ithinkwearegoing tobeable long-time associate head coach at Field hockeyJ a two stating that no individualcan par- touse thebench quite liberallythis Chattanooga, will take over the By Clayton Schloss ticipatein a summer event without year,"McKillopsaid,lookingahead Mocs and attempt to reload after StaffWriter havingplayedthepreviousseason, towhatshouldbeoneof thedeepest losingseveralkeyfifth-yearseniors Davidson was withouttheservices andmost versatile Wildcatbasket- thatproducedaconferencetitleand The fieldhockey team got off to an inauspicious beginning this ofincoming freshmenEmekaErege ball squadsin school history. Sweet 16berth last year. weekend,losingits firsttwogamesofthe season.The Wildcatsdropped their opener Friday to Virginia 11-0 and lost to Georgetown 9-0 Saturday. Volleyball starts season 2-1intourney Virginia, oneofDavidson'stoughest oppo- nents of the season,cameintothe boast- 1 ViralVirglnia 11 game By Chris Tuttle 10. just overfourdigsagameandended a WildWildcats 0 ing top 20 national ranking and a roster Writer Davidson then won the final the seasonranked fourth inthe"na- including three All-Americans.One of Staff them. twogames,15-6inthethirdand15- tion. Meredith Thorpe, netted four gouls for the , The volleyballteamclosedout 11 in the fourth. GinnyQuishadthreeoutstand- Cavaliers. itsseason-openingtournament with The Wildcats startedtheirsea- ing performances, playing every the of team, Despite impressive credentials theCavalier the Wild- a win overElon Saturday night in son on the right foot Friday night position cats played well, trailingonly 3-0 the half. at Belk Arena. The win clinched a with a 3-1 win over UNC one of the squad's most versatile "UVa wasareallytoughteam. Wecouldrun second-place finish for the Wild- Wilmington. They lost toCharles- members. Georgetown 9 with them, but it this we just didn't show catsinthe tourney,heldFriday and ton Saturdayafternoon. Marston alsonoted the "solid, Wildcats 0 weekend," defenderLindseyParker said. Saturday. Coach Lisa Marston was very confident" play of rookie Brooke also posed formidablechal- Georgetown a The College of Charleston pleased with the team's effort — Bentley. who made an"immediate lenge.LoriFoglianoandLaurenHilskyscored goalsapiecefor the two dominated the event, going un- "two good wins over two good contributioninher debut. Hoyas the firsthalf, but Davidson'sdefense stiffened thesecond in in beatenin three matches. Jeams," as she saidSaturday night. "As longas the teamstaysdis- allowingonlytwogoals. period, AgainstElon,Davidsoncruised She was most impressed with ciplined,they will stay effective," mistakes," "Hopefullywe willlearn from someof our goalkeeper throughthe firstgame, winning15- the "phenomenal" play of Gina Marston said. SaraGebhardtsaid. "Weleftourselves lotofroom for a improvement." 6. TheFightingChristians jumped Lawrence, who averagedover six Janet Duncan described the Wildcats willtry toput theirperformancebehindthem as they The outtoa9-1leadinthesecondgame, digs per gameinthe three matches. weekendevent as "a great way to rest of season. look aheadto the the though. The Wildcats mounteda Two years ago, then Wildcat begin what is going to be a great comeback,but ultimately fell 15- senior'MichelleAugustineaveraged year." Cookson,Franklin lead male harriers;Kiefer and Lannon to captain women - — — _ _. _!'._ -1!_i. ■!_.. ' _.A T"» A . A .T T\TO A I ■■ -MM-—T^^~ i^ T^ .. A . *t t-. ■ . ■■ By Andy Armstrong shin splints,but ran at UNCA. By Andy Armstrong son," Puckett said. Staff Writer The teamalso has tworeturn- Staff Writer Freshmen SmythBitterandJill " " ■ " ing sophomores who were unable Neumayerarealsoexpectedtocon- Themen's cross country team to compete all of last season. Pat The women's cross country tributethis fall. lookstoimproveuponadisappoint- Burchettmissedlast seasondue to teamislookingtotranslate astrong "One of the big questions is ing last-place finish at last year's injury,buthaslookedstronginpre- pre-seasonintoasuccessfulregular how thefreshmen will adjust from Champion- seasonworkouts. Alsoreturningis season and strong Southern Con- highschooltocollegerunning,and ships. Co-captains Josh Cookson VictorTalbird,whosufferedastroke ference finish. right now it is too early to tell," and Tripp Franklin are poised to atthebeginningofsecondsemester "We have goodreturning tal- Puckettexplained."We runessen- lead thesquad,butmany contribu- last year. Talbird, whobeganrun- ent,alongwithsomepromising new tially thesameschedule yearin and tionsareexpectedfromanoutstand- ninglightly acouple ofmonthsaf- talent," coach Beth Puckett said. year out, soour goalis toimprove inggroup of sophomores. ter the stroke, has been strong so "We would like to finish fifth or overthepreviousyearat eachmeet. "Theheartofthis team willbe far. sixth in the Southern Conference With20runnersthisyear,weshould the sophomores," coach GaryAn- ■ .Alsoexpectedtocontributethis this year,rightbehind someof the fielda tough top sevenor nine for drew said Friday. "I am excited seasonareThomasMcElveen,Brent Josh Cookson larger,scholarship schools: each meet. Hopefully, everyone about this season and feel thatthis Ferrell, WilliamElsenhower,Neil "Suzy Burr and Allie Curran willpeak at the Southern Confer- group of guyshas a chance tobeat Burt, andTimO'Keefe. arethe top two runnersright now, enceChampionshipsinNovember." some teams." The Wildcats will compete in but thereisa groupof six or seven The women ranthis weekend Aproblemcurrently facingthis eightmeetsthis year.Theonehome rightbehind them." atUNC Asheville,but the first full teamisinjuries.Cookson wasside- meetis the DavidsonAlumniOpen Thatgroup consistsofco-cap- meet is Sept. 6 at AppalachianSt. lined by an Achilles injury this InvitationalonSept.13.TheSouth- tainsKellyKieferandKatieLannon, Theone home meetis Sept. 13. weekend at theUNCAsheville re- ernConference championships are as well as BethBrewster,Maggie The womenfinish the season lay meet, and itis notknownhow Nov. 1in Statesboro, da.,and the Barbosa,and Clare Frey. with theconferencechampionships longhe willbeout.Franklin isalso NCAA South Regionals are two "Allhave worked hardinthe Nov. 1, followed by the NCAA battling an Achilles problem and weekslater atFurman. off-season, as wellas thispre-sea- South RegionalsNov. 15. i THEDAVIDSONIAN JPORTS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 15 Football squadlooks toposfback-to-back winningseasons Win standard ofseven not out ofreach By Michael J.Kruse cats' deepestposition. Ben Spivey, who paced last Editor inChief Fullback Eric Ferguson, who year's squad with four sacks, an- set Davidson rookie records last chors the defensive front,and Clif In this, the 100th year of the year with595 yards rushing and a Henry, Chad Wright, and Donnie program, the football team might team-leading10touchdowns,high- Johnsonmakeup three-fourthsofa actuallyhavesomethingtocelebrate lights a versatileground attack. formidable secondary. other than longevity. "Eric brings a whole new di- "As a whole team, this is the With 50 mension," tightest, most close-knit group of lettermenand15 Landis ex- guys we'vehad,"defensivecoordi- —startersreturning plained. "They nator said. "That's including ev- (opponent de- whatexcitesme." ery player who threw— or ran the fenses)are goingtohave topay an All ofwhichhas Wildcat grid- football in 1996 the Wildcats awfullot ofattentiontohimat full- ironfans,alreadygiddybecauseof have achance topost back-to-back back." thisseason'shistoricalsignificance, winningseasons forthe first timein Which will,inturn,openmore —thinkingseven,eight,evenninewins 38 years,andhave arealisticshot at and wider holes for LorenzoMoll, ridiculous numbers only two breakingtheschool'swinrecordof Nate Hagerman,and Bryan Kern, yearsagowhenDavidsonstruggled seven. throughamind- Coach Tim nu mb ing1 y Landis and his "The Wildcats will play their 100thyear of intercollegiate football close-but-no-ci- staff also wel- thisfall,andallsignspoint toaseasontocelebrate. Theskillpositions gar 1-8-1 cam- comedmorethan areparticularlywell-fortified,and15returningstartersfroma6-4club paign. 30 freshmen -* ( " to suggest Davidson will have back-to-back winning seasons for the "Be- I fl A. m whi Iff®au l&nmam " W ran ■btball M. %■ iHM summertraining first time in30 years. —Street andSmith's fore wecancon- camp,astheros- »—^ —^^^—^^— centrate on the ter—ballooned to win record, 84 the largestnumberin years. threetailbacks whoare all entirely we've got to have back-to-back "Even if it wasn't the 100th capableofcontributinglargechunks winningseasons," Landis said. year of football and we weren't of yardage. "That'sour No. 1 goal. If we going to Tampa, we'd stillbe ex- Nine of the 11 Wildcats who get six winsreal quickly, then we citedaboutthis season,"Landissaid caught a pass in 1996 also return, can adjust the bar." last week. headedby MikeHarrington,whose The players, though, are not Tommy Dugan, whose strong 21 receptionsweresecond-moston nearlyso cautiousintheiroptimism. playinlateOctoberandNovember thesquad. "The seniors keepupping the helpedDavidson close 1996 with The defense features a first- ante," Ferguson said. "The other ♥ Williams off his vertical leap during Marcus shows threestraight wins,ispoised tostart team line-backingcorps ofShreve day,somebodysaidthey wantedto a football practice. The Wildcats, whoreturn 15 recent at quarterback. But Matt Strader Ariail, Wes Thornton, and Chris go 11-0." starters and lettermen, a at 50 have shot back-to-back andShaunTyrancearepushing for Hess — last year's three leading "Ithinkplayersbelieveagain," winning seasons — something that hasn't beendone playingtime,creatinghealthycom- a group Landis calls Merrittsaid,"peoplebelieveagain, atDavidson in years. tacklers and 38 petition withinpossibly the Wild- "thebestinmytimeasheadcoach." andcoachesbelieveagain." CentennialSeason features celebratorySewanee game and trip toTampa By Michael J.Kruse Crowd— estimatesfromvarious Davidson athleticshistory." The slate concludes Nov. 22 schedule, and that's our bonus Editor inChief sources some morereliable than Not tomentionagrandoppor- with the much-anticipatedTilt in game." — ranged anywhere tunity topossibly Tampa Florida, which others have for his Wildcats withSouth DATE OPPONENT SITE TIME A century ofanything a big 2,500 10,000. willeffectively begin Davidson's is from to Theeventual lose focus onthe task at hand. Sept 13 M«iyvi!le CTam.)Coll. Rictariron 1:30 deal, and athletic department will definitely be it won't be that to playa I-AAschedule. the number some- "Hopefully, effort Sep. 20 UnivmilyofUieSoulk'RichiidMn 1:30 and football program are between, distraction," Eric The Bulls, aI-AA treating wherein probablyalittle much of a scholarship Srpl27 Emor* &Hairy Emory.Va. 1:30 year Fergusonsaid. "We're just focus- program in its inaugural year the Wildcats' 100th of inter- of Oct. 4 Ouilfofd Cottege Greensboro 1:30 collegiate gridiron competition as and the competition,boast transfers from ing in on practice getting Oct. II Wishinjlon&Uc LejtagMn.Va.2fl0 such. job done. We'll let the historical SouthCarolina,Kentucky,Purdue, Oct. 18 MedndiaCollege* Rickanbon 2M The season— thanksto careofitself." Florida State, MichiganState, and whole significance take Oct.25 Randotph-Maci Addaad,Va. 1:30 this year's Wildcats, a promising closerto 2,500 than 10,000. Other schedule highlights in- Duke. — Nov.I Hampden-Sydaey* Richardson IJO ihe potential to quite to FallBreakgame For the Wildcats, though, the bunch has be It all makes it easy cludethetraditional Nov.8 Danville.Ky. 130 memorable,buttheactualso-called versus Washington & Lee, a road gamewillrepresent abowlgameof overlookthegameitself. Nov. 15 BhdgcvuaCollege Richardson 1.30 to contest against Emory & Henry, sorts. Centennial Celebration will take "It's almost toomuch com- Nov.22 SoudiFlorida Tampa.FU. 7.-00 placeinconjunctionwiththeteam's prehend,"coachTimLandis saidin and a Homecomingmatchup with "It willbe agreat waytoendif Sept. Methodist, we six wins,"Ferguson "CentennialSeasoncelebration 20 game against Sewanee. anAugustpress release. "This will which dealt Davidson alreadyhave "Homecoming The itinerary includes a lun- be one of the great moments in itsonlyugly defeatlast season. said. "Ten games is our regular #Parenu'Weekend cheonat 11:30, aparade at 12:30, a at 6:00-, evening Hometown No. Name Pos. Ht. Hometown buffet dinner ac- No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Yr. ' Wt. Yr. at theUnion,and 59 ShreveAriall MLB 5-11 220 Sr. Lorton. Va. 7 Ponnie Johnson PS 6-0 175 So. Frederickshurg,Va. tivities receptions 35 GravAustin CB/P 5-11 177 |r. Monroe.N.C. 85 Wes Jones TE 6-4 217 Jr. Stuart, Va. for Davidson football alums from 90" TedBahnson DE 6-3 210 Fr. Advance,N.C. 80 Tarik Kahn WR 5-10 160 So. Philadelphia,Pa. 2\ Stan Baker WR 6-1 160 Jr. Athens. Ga. 24 Bryan Kern TB 6-0 186 Jr. Emporia,Va. . as far back-as the 1930s. 47 Freeman Reiser OLB 6-3 180 Fr. Columbia. S.C. 84 Brian Langley K 6-0 219 Jr. Acton,Mass. 52 Matt Berry OL 6-1 220 Fri Nashville, Terfh. 83 Karim Lawrence WR 6-0 165 Jr. Decatur, Ga. to secretary ,190 According football 92 |ef(Blake P 6-1 170 Jr. 'Bethlehem. Pa. . 67 John Lewis HE 6-2 Fr. New York.N.Y. Jeanette Scire,theparade— which 86 AndyBlanton WR 6-3 180 Fr. Newton,N.C. * 56 Joe Mahoney OL 5-11 245 Sr. Columbia. S.C. 41 Brian Bokor OLB 5-lfl 180 Fr. Clearwaler,Fla. 88 Marcus McFadden WR 6-3 205 Fr. Winston-Salem. N.C. willgo from Main Street to Con- 57 Brad Roland OF. 6-2 215 Jr. NewCanaan, Conn. 51 Brian McGee OL 5-11 215 Jr. Charlotte, N.C. \a Ellis Boyle FB 5-10 187 Sr. Ldemon. N.C. 99 Blake McNaughton TE 6-5 215 Fr. Kamuela. Hawaii cordRoadandthenintoRichardson \& BarryBragg SS 5-6 160 Fr. Franklinton, N.C. 6 Lorenzo Moll TB 5-10 175 Ir. key Biscayne. Fla. F)T Millville, Arlington'. — mas- 53 Brian Brown 5-10 210 Sr. N.Y. 17 Andrew Nash-Webber QB Pk 5-10 160 Fr. Mass. Field willfeature various 19 Ryan Butler OLB 6-0 142 So. Oak City. N.C. 28 Sandy Nehletl CB 5-10 168 Sr. Nashville,Tenn. cots from the area, including the 54 Andre(arelock HT. 6-2 220 Fr. Lancaster. S.C. 2 " Max Nelson SS 5-11 175 Jr. Claremonl,Calif. 65 Brian Cowan OL 6-2 230 Sr. Vidalia. Ga. 27 DaveNun . CB 5-8 165 Fr. Blue Bell. Pa. Panthers' Sir Purr: dozens of cars 78 Daniel Cowan C 6-0 '210 Jr. Cartersville,Ga. 45 DaveParker DE 6-0 200 Fr. Richmond.Va. 55 MlkeCowles OL 6-2 234 Sr. St. Petersburg.Fla. 42 Jeremiah Parvrn FB 6-0 185 Fr. Rocky Mount,N.C. which will carry former Wildcat 11 ( orey ( niwlord QB 6-2 160 Ir. Newton,N.C. J3 Mike Perraut MLR 5-10 209 Jr. Bethesda. Md. captains,mostnotably those ofthe '5 RyanCrawford CB 6-2 160 Fr. Newton,N.C. 49 Mark Rachal DE 6-0 178 Fr. Saint Louis,Mo. 18 |on DeBord WR 6-0 180 Ir. Washington,D.C, 79 Ned Robinson OL 6-6 325 So. Chapin,S.C. 1935 squad: jugglers, horses, and 48 EdwardDigglns FS 5-10 170 Fr. Compton.Calif. 16 DavidRosenberg WR 6-1 172 Fr. Wynnwood.Pa. 68 RowanPriscoll OL 6-1 212 So. Corinth, Vt 4 ErlcSapp WR 6-0 . 175 Sr. Miami.Fla. floats. 9 Tommy Dugan QB 6-3 195 Jr. Gaithersburg,Md. 62 Ben Sargent OL 6-3 270 Fr. Rincon, Ga. Carolina, « Edward Ellington K/P 6-0 165 Fr. Jackson. Miss. 73 Jerry Saunders OL 6-4 285 Fr. Winston-Salem. N.C. Little Miss North 8') Kelly Emerson WR 5-6 150 So. Gaithersburg,Md. 71 Steve'Sloan OL' 6-0 230 Sr. Annandale.Va. Miss Lake Norman, and Santa 26 EricFerguson FB 5-11 218 . So. Maggie Vajley,N.C. 64 Ben Spivey PI " 6-2 215 Jr. Columbus. Ohio 87 Alex Fernande/Tatum WR 6-1 170 Sr. Madrid. Spain . 74 Chip Stewart OC" 5-11 260 Sr. Hunlersville.N.C. Claus,ofallpeople,willalsomake 31 BryanFish FS 5-10 178 Fr. Sylva,N.C. 36 Adam Slockstill SS 5-11 170 Fr. Abilene. Texas 44 Chris Frederick DE 6-3 226 Jr. Paris, France 13 Matt Strader QB 6-0 175 Jr. Cherry Hill. NJ. appearances. 3 JohnGaither QB 5-7 145 So. Newton,N.C. 30 Kevin Strange CB 5-10 170 Fr. Roswell, Ga. Deaton, not 77 Ben Gates OL 6"-3 260 Fr. Asheville, N.C. 14 Ryan Stroker "" QB/P 5-11 170 Fr. Charlotte. N.C. Rock who has 37 RyanGist DT 5-11 210 Sr. Del Mar. Calif. 40 Wes Thornton OLB 6-0 205 Jr. Pittsburgh.Pa.. missed aDavidsonfootballgamein 10 NateHagerman TB 510 178 Jr. Ft. Myers,Fla. 91 Tom Ting DT 5-10 205 Jr. Richmond. Va. — 21 Richard Male CB ■ 5-11 174 Jr. Marathon. Fla. 12 Shaun Tyrance QB 6-1 215 So. Garner,N.C. roughly four decades a stretch 1 Michael Harrington WR 510 180 Jr. Ormond Beach, Fla. 81 Roland Williams WR 5-10 160 So. Corpus Christi, Texas 46 Bo Henderson OLB 5-11 195 Fr. Charlotte,N.C. 20 MarcusWilliams DT 6-0 230 Sr. High Point.N.C. that amounts toapproximately300 5 Clif Henry' c:B/p fvl 192 Jr- Moultrie,Ga. 43 Chad Wright SS 5-10 175 So. Maitland,Fla. consecutivegames — will as 8 Chris Hess OLB 5-11 205 Sr. Cullowhee, N.C. 82 Richard Wright TE 6-1 190 So. Durham. N.C. serve 76 MattHurt OL 5-11 210 Fr. Greenwood,Miss. 63 Jamel Wynn OL 6-1 232 So. Greensboro,Ga. GrandMarshall. 29 Ryan Hutlo , CB ,5-9 165 Fr. Lithonia, Ga. r 16 THEDAVIDSONIAN T^C #T^ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER2, 1997 Better than a fairytale 'Forfour weeks, Davidson became one 9

By Michael J.Kruse EditorinChief

Thisis thefirst in a series of articles com- memoratingthefifthanniversaryof themen's soccerteam'smiraculousrun tothe1992NCAA FinalFour atRichardsonField.

Lifeisnotafairytale. Weknow this— weare remindedonadailybasis— and weaccept this. But five years ago this semester, it sure seemedlike onehereatDavidson,as themen's soccer teamtreatedthecollegeand towntoone of the most jaw-droppingly improbable and heart-palpitating postseasonperformances in the historyof collegeathletics. After posting a 16-4-3 regular season, the non-scholarshipWildcats— "just studentswho happen to playsoccer," Main—St. Barber Ken- neth Norton toldtheObserver toppledUNC Charlotte,CoastalCarolina,andNorthCarolina St. to earna berth in the NCAA Final Four at their very ownRichardson Field.

Davidson beat UNCC in penalty kicks. Coastalin sudden deathPKs, andState in sud- dendeath overtime. Nearly420minutesoftournamentplay.Three Chanticleerpenaltykicks thatwouldhaveended the Wildcats" season,all of which wereturned away by sophomore goal-tending wonderboy AlexDeegan.A 1-0tripleovertimequarterfinal victory over State in Raleigh. All of which made possible a trip to their sport's biggest party. At their home field. On their own campus. Infront of their ownfans. This'was no fairytale. It was much, much better. "It energized the whole community," Ail- American striker Rob Ukrop said in a recent interviewinhis hometown ofRichmond, Va., wherehe currently stars for the minor league Kickers. "We brought peopletogether. This was what weweredoing forDavidson." And, ultimately, the performance united Davidsonin a waynever experiencedherebe- fore or since. Given the forum to do so, the soccer squad captured the nation's attention withits whimsicalride,allthe whileinstillinga new and overwhelmingsense of pridein the collegeandcommunity. As Deegan,now ateammate ofUkrop's in Richmond, putit, "For four weeks,Davidson became one."

Thepreludeto thepostseason It didn't take longat allfor Slagleto realize just whathe had on his hands — and whatit couldpotentiallybecome. In fact,the first practice inmid-August — a ♥Rob UkropIs capturedina state of euphoria after sending the Wildcats to the 1992 Final Four with See Cover Storyon page12 a triple-overtime goalagainstNorth Carolina St.

****** vjr»iTiai**"" T3r!wiTJ«Si|L,^ 896-6825 Counts. Shaheen 896-6130 J.C. 896-6827 Marek Camp, Morgan' , " Antorcha. Bllcharz. " , . Covell, Sarah 896-6736 Ariail, " Shreve Blue,Swan 896-6813 Campbell. Andrev^3he5*«'*tottjBK_~ __ Covlngton, Amanda " -m**^^ "" *"" -fc r Ariail. Jay Bryan 896-6834 Campbell,Briary' J**^^^^^t 896-6826

Armstrong,Billy 896-9586^1^. Boahmtef,Uz 6645 Cann«.-^wj|^^*' yBPfr^^1^ Chris 896-6369

Arutyunyan, Zhenya 896-6528 Bond,Katie 896-6075 |,. Carlofti, Gina 896-6726 Cratsenberg, Rick 896-6547

Aycock,David 896-6633 Bofdera Machelle 896-6433 Carolla, Margaret 896-6700 Crawford, Molly " Aycock, Tyler 896-6012 Borgstfom. Eric 896-6731 Carpenter,Seth 896-6573 Crawford, Ryan 896-6385 Bacon, Davey 896-6397 Borleske, Andy Carr. Annie Creekman. Dan 896-6625 Baetz, Jeff 896-6479 Boswell, Andy Carrlson, Henry - Creswell, Beth 896-6633 896-6459 ' 896-6115 Bagley, Chris 896-6418" Boswell Tim Carroll, Danielle 896-6726 Cross, Dax 892-3724 Bagwell, Brooke Bottinl, John Carson. Geoff 896-6443 Cross, Eleanor 896-6300 Bahnson. Tee 896-6477 Bougdanos. Michelle 896-6636 CarsweH, McNeill 896-6635 Crowder, Sakeitha 896-6319 Baiden.Kuuku 896-6047 Boular, Clay 896-9652 Carter.Ben 896-6191 Culbertson, Randy -896-6036 Bailey, David 896-6468" Bourgeois. Amy '896-6723 , Carter, Grayson 896-6141 Culp, Ann 896-6516 Bailey, Katherine " Bourn, Eric \.m,fc96-6499 1Julle 896-6093 Curran, Allie 896-6121 Bailey, Russell Bowden, Carter, Kelly 896-6050 Cutting, Douglas 896-6646 ' " Darisse 896-<>204^^| " Baird, James " Bowden,Jenny Lou 896-6629 Carter, Annette 896-6246 de Vegter, Laurie Baird, Kimberly Bower, Carlos %Sj. Carver, Rachaele 896-6341 deBree,Jordan 896-6320 Baird,Lauren 896-6174 Bowen, 896-6449 Case.Jeff ; " "deCastrique, Melissa 896-6280 Rachiel ' v " Baity, Josh 896-6825 Bow«rs,:£r1c 896-636'? Cashman, Austin 896-6174 Daily, Colleen Baker,Daniel 896-6637 Bowmari;Andrew 896-6490 Cosner,Dana ." .„ J96-6268 Dainty, Erin 896-6175 Baker,Heather 896-6584 Boyce, Ross 896^6589 . .^ilKiuley.Owen fW1^896-6580 Daly, Mike 896-6351 Baker.Janice 896-6107 Boyd, Adam 896-6601 "Y Cayton. Lauren "f 892-8591 Damanti, Saralyn 896-6336 Baker,Christian - " Boyer, Angle 896-6098 Ceci, Kim 896-6204 Dancik, Nick 896-6448 Baker,Stan 895-2905 Boykin, Billy 896-6157 Cecil, Nancy 896-6107" Darling, Jake 896-6737 Balbir, Alexander 896-6417 Boyle, Ellis 896-6829 Cefalu, Steve " Davenport.Bryan 896-6835 Baldwin, Aine 896-6713 Bozzone,Suzi 896-6100 Ch'ng, Toh Hean 895-9695 Davidson.Loralea 896-6832 Baldwin.Heather 896-6812 Bradford, Amber 896-6323 Chandler, Creecy 896-6634 Davidson, Sean 896-6436 Balsam, Samantha 896-6105 Bradshaw, Will 896-6573 Chandler, Robert 896-6930 Davis, Amanda 896-6249 Balsinger, Amy 896-6014 Brady, Michael 896-6384 Chandler..William 896-6399 Davis, Brittany 896-6483 Bangert, Julia 896-6592 Bragg, Barry 896-6187 Chaney, Donovan 896-6083 Davis, Liddy 896-6513 Bdnnermaa Priscilla 896-6663 Bramhall,"Matt 896-6833 . Chaney, Omari 896-6216 Davis, Brew 896-6388 Barbosa, Magdalena 896-6610 Brand, Adam 896-6831 Chapman, Keith 896-6471" Davis. Trey 896-6166 Barclay, Katie 896-6134 Brand, Vic 896-6512 Chappelle, Brooks " Davis, Joe 896-6575 Barfield, Stephanie 896-6496 Brantley, Christopher 896-6163 Charlton, Matt " Davis, Karen 896-6726 Barker, Kara 896-6051 Brantley, Elizabeth 896-6600 Chase, Brad " Davis, Karin 896-6175 Barr, Tristan 896-6412 Brautigam, Sarah 896-6173" Cheatwood, Claire Davis, Katherine 896-6234 Barron, Laura 896-6572 Brazda, Ginger Chemotti, Julia 896-6262 Davis, Kurt 896-6331 Bartch, Kristen 896-6640 Breeden,Cara 896-6295 Cherry, Tripp 896-6523 Davis, Paula 896-6296 Bartels, Joe 896-6124 Brewster, Beth 896-6268" Chevalier, Julie 896-6079 Davis, Sarah 896-6106 Bartholomay, Brian 896-6468 Briggs, Robert Chisholm.Kara ■ 896-6223 Davis, Whitney 896-6231 Bartlett, TOrrey 896-6481 Briggs, Scott 896-6499 Cho, Christine 896-6291 Dawson, Will Barton,Travis 896-6236 Bringardner, Chase 896-6382 Christensen, Kate 896-6464 Daymond, Patrick 896-6557 Bashford, David 896-6834 Britt, Amanda 896-6284" Christian, Whitney 896-6390 DeBord,Jon 896-6491" Baskln, Julie 896-6507 Brockwell, Greg Clapp, John 896-6608 DePlper,Geret Baxter, Stephanie 896-6414 Broennle.Ian 896^6519 Clark, Abby 896-6092 DeSimone, Mike 896-6721 Beadle,Tom 896-6725" Brooke, Chloe 896-6644 Clark, Cindy 896-6508 DeWItt, Beth 896-6629 Beam, Stowe Brooks, Coleman 648-6" Clark, Emily 896-6135 Deal, Dylan 896-6108 Beasley,Will 896-6229 Brophy, Kerry Clark. Peter 896-6666 Dean, Austin 896-6735 Beattle.Meredith 896-6279" Brosche. Mary Shell . 896-6240 Clary. Rick 896-6077 Dean, Cooper 892-7138 Becker,Steve Broughton, Gray 895-0721 Clasen, Liz . 896-6260 Dean, Brian 895-2016 Beebe, Allison 896-6567" Brown, Ashley . 896-6007 Clemens, Stuart 896-6710 Deaton, Bryan 896-6395 Beermann, Lexl Brown, Ben 896-6015 Clement, Frances 896-6501 Dederick.Beth 896-6276 Bell, Bruce 896-6438" Brown, Brian 896-6826" Clemmons.Anna Katherine 896-6149" Deeb, Timothy 896-6210" Bell, John Brown, Cameron Clifford, Matt Degasperi, Agatha Belser,Freeman 896-6493 Browa Heather 896-6620 Clifton, Blake 896-6148" Dellinger, Demian 896-6344 Benjamin. Lisa 896-6051 Brown, Jamie 896-6339 Clifton, David Deng, Aguil 896-6294" Benke,Meredith 896-6628 Brown, Jessie 896-6293 Coates, Andrew 896-6737 Denius, Beth Benn,Travis 896-6355 Brown, Kerry 896-6339 Cobey, Sally 896-6739 Dennis, Brent 896-6830 Bennett,Josh 896-6375 Brown, Matt 896-6388 . Coble, Allison 896-6644 Dennis, Jen , 896-6594 Benoit,Jessica 896-6274 Bruce, Talli 892-5788 Cochrane, MaryMargaret 896-6621 Dent, Karen 896-6800 2 Davidson College Directory Dervan, Luclan 896-6810 Fitzgerald. Erin 896-6076 Hall.Harrison " Hsleh. Steve 896-6627 Deschler.David 896-6506 Fitzgerald, Bo " Hamilton, Catherine 896-6606 Hubbell.Caroline " Devlne.Molly 896-6182 Flxel, Carolyn " Hamilton, Jake 895-1515 Hudson, Beth 896-6169 Diamond. Chad 896-6391 Fleck. Amanda " Hampton, James ■■" w 896-6184 Hudson. Will 896-6728 Dickens, Jon 896-6424 Fleishman, Amanda 896-6615 Hamrick.Jason 896-6801 Huff, B.J. 892-3121 Digglns, Edward 896-6655 Fleming. Elizabeth . 896-6128 Hance,Meredith 896-6600 Hughes. Jane 896-6271 Dlllbertl.Jessica 896-6145 Flinn, Anne 896-6334 Hancock. Lauren 896-6258 Hughes. Lindsay 896-6516 Dlxon, Dana 896-6807 Fly. Jonathan 896-6524 Hanf. Mark 895-3357 Hughes,Mia 896-6458 Dlxon, Etta 896-6180 Forbes, Shannon 896-6811" Hanger,Chris 896-6439 Hummel.Ian Dobey. Kim 896-6212 Ford, Anne Hanklns, Sarah 896-6647" Hunt, Christian 896-6550 Dobrin.Becky 896-6458" Ford, Benin 896-6557 Hansard, Valerie " Hunter. Stephanie 896-6443 Dodd. Melanie Ford, Dan 896-2683 Hansen, Whit Hurley. Matt 896-6155 Dodson, Robin 896-6313 Formey, Roxanne 896-6551 . Hapgood, Jenny 896-6087 Hurt, Matt 896-6595 Dolch.Terry 896-6703 Fortune.Will 896-6476 Happoldt.Emmi 896-6319 Hutchins. Scott 896-6370 Dplph,Allison 896-6097 Foster.Chad 896-6639 , Harbour, Jason 892-7138 Hutto.Ryan 896-6489 Donelson, Sarah Fowler,Douglas , 896-6294" 896-6515 Hardee, Lee . 896-6048" Hwang,Jeff 896-6737" Donnelly.Mark Foy,Patrick 896-6637 Harkey, Rob Hwang,Jl Hoon " Donowltz.Nick 896-6429 Franklin. Humes 896-6730 Hariing,Nick 896-6196 Hyder. Alan Doud.Sarah 892-8858 Fraser, Elizabeth 896-6198 Harmon.Michael 895-9736 lalacci.Brett 896-9630 Downer.Morgan 896-6606 Frazler. Maria 896-6809 Harp,Travis 896-6450 Ignatius,F"6ul 896-6833 Downs, Emily 896-6297 Frazler, Whitney 896-6231 Harper,Scott 896-6703 Inskeep.Adrienne 896-6700 Doyle. Sean 896-6416 Frederick.Chris 896-6321 Harrell, Jeff 895-8424 Isenhour, William 896-6230 " Freeman, " Drake.Marian' . Schaap Harrington, Mike 896-6457 Ishaq,Yasar 896-6329 Drlscoll, Keith 896-6632" Freeman, Lauren 896-6536 Harrington, Noel 896-6343 Ivy.Brice 896-6348 Driscoll. Rowan French. Adam 896-6211 Harris. Amy 896-6644 lyengar. Vljay 896-6735" Drolet, Cashlon 896-6496 Freret, Marjorie 896-6500 Harris, Rebecca 896-6298 Iyer,Aparna Drudge. Adam 896-6637" Frey,Clare 896-6592 Harris. Yu-jay 896-6579 Jackson. David 896-6322 Druesedow, Megan Friedewald, Carrie 896-6723 Hart, Wesley 896-6648 Jackson. John 896-6662 Drury, Chris 896-6068 Frlerson, Johnny 896-6641 Hart, Ashley 896-6427 Jackson, LaCrystal 895-9652 Dryden. Paul 896-6164 Fritchie, Karen 896-6103 Hartley,Vanessa 896-6059 Jaeger, Lea 896-6167 Ducharme. Alex 896-6392 Frost, Jonathan 896-6729 Hartwell.Brooke 896-6432 Jarchow. Andrea " Dudley, Nikki 896-6802 . Frye, Stuart 896-6423" Haselden, Foster 896-6012 Jenkins, McLean 896-6834 Dugan, Tom 896-6826 Fulford, Andrew Haskell, Caltlin 896-6235 Jenkins. Trlna 896-6433 Duncan. Janet 896-6736" Fulkerson.Hople 896-6598 Hassel, JoAnne 896-6150 Jenson.Dave 896-6046 Dunn, Trade Fuller, Amelia 896-6434 -Hatcher, Laura 896-6642 Jessup,Kim 896-6504 Dunwoody. John 896-6265 Fuller, Matthew 896-6670 Hauch. Kim 896-6620 Johnson, Donnie 896-6065 Durrett,Christian 896-6638 Gaddy, Will 892-6475 Hawk,James " Johnson,Elizabeth 896-6323 Dwyer, Eileen 896-6181 Galry, Terrence 896-6211 , , Hawk.John 896-6721 Johnson, Patrick 896-6618 Dye, Ginny 896-6195 Gaither.John m _j.TnfjW^iTnhnrt 896-6365 Johnson. Richard 896-6473 Eadie, Lorraine 896-6733 "Gamboa,— Stephen HawkinO«3BlM^. 896-6616 Johnson, Susan Eagan, Emily 896-6308 1 r 896-6236 Hayes, 896-6731 Johnston, David 896-6379 litf" faIi~ ChristoprisUl^,, p' > Earle, Cabot 896-6479 Lucy "^iff^^ 896-6131 Hayes, Chris l'^ifSwi8 »»*>W|^phnston. Gilbflrt .896-6023

Ellis, Matt 896-6735 Gibson, Lindsay 896-6636 Henrikson,Rob 896-6063 Joslin, Jennifer Emerson, 896-6440 Kelly 896-6581 Glesenschlag. Leila Henry. Cltf 896-6457" Joyce,Brian 896-6532 Emmett.Adrienne 896-6723 Giftjert, Brent 196-6511 Henry, Hope Judy, Anna - - 896-6314 England, Amanda 896-6622 Gilbert.Katherine Herbert, Taylor 896-6403 Judy, Meredith 896-6328 Erdin, Ben 895-9695 Gterier, Barrett jLfl Hercules, Asa 896-6349 Jung, Matthew 896-6009 * Erickson, Dane 896-6480 Gist,Ryan (>9&-6826 jR^Pndez- Denise 896-6736 Kalett, Alison 896-6435 Erickson. Stephanie 896-6261 Glazer, Josh 896^574 1 Susannah H96-6630 Kamath.Deepa 896-6832 Eriksson, Anna 896-6112 Gleason, Meaycin W^^k^Y^T^-Scott v 896-6021 Kamell.Mariam 896-6225

Escaravage, Cortney 896-6313 Go\$nW.Mf[ 896-6667 Hpf Chris 1ILWif?6-6725 Kanoff,Amy 896-6621 Escaravage, George 896-6825 GoldsbefryjKfefey W6-6383 ijfister. Robert '|j|B96-6384 Kanter Tina 896-6502 " Essah, Rebecca 896-6264 Goldstein, *thi 896-6066" v, Erich Kapioltas,Tom 896-6825 Esten.Jonathan 896-6553 Good, Nuricb ¥ Hicks, John 896-3950 Kaplan Ian 896-6229 Esteves.Rosalie 896-6095 Goodloe, Campbell 896-6054 Hlgglns, Harrison 896-6459 Kaplan Ted Eubanks, 896-6624 Paul 896-6080 Goodman. Mark 896-6539 High, Latasha 896-6310 Karnik.Rahul 896-6047 Evans, Geoff 896-6498 Goodnoe, Cariey 896-6451 mid, Jason Katzfey,Emily Evans, " 896-6480 896-6185 Laura Goodson.Jessica 896-6248 Hlldebrand, Charlotte 892-6548 Kaufman Dave 896-6327 Evans. McNair 896-6386 Goodwin, Luke 896-6354 Hill, Ben " Evans, Kaul David Patricia 896-6733 Gordon, Keith . Hill. LP. . Kavanagh. Mary Ellen Ewart, Grabill, Courtney 896-6593 Todd 896-6124" Hlllmann, Jennie 896-6058 Kazama Andy 896-6074 Ezelle, Travis 896-6656 Grady. Johnny " Hillyer, Kristen 896-6303 Kazmarek Jennifer Fair. Wlmberly 896h5609 Gramer.Meredith Hlnes. Alnsley 896-6235 Kearfott Dave 896-6633 Falconi.Sarah 896-6283 Grant, Carter 896-6437 Hlnson, Ella 896-6537 Keesee, Sean 896-6835 Faler. Byron 662-9668 Gravel, Paul 896-6091 Hirsekorn, Kurt 896-6493 Keith Chase 896-6805 Farnum.David 896-6133 Gray. Jason 896-6372 Hite, Heather 896-6278 Keith' Katie Farrell.Melissa 896-6151 Gray. Stephanie 896-6802 Hobble.Matthew 896-6801 Keller Katie 896-6060 Farrington.Dave 896-6068" Green.Brldgett 896-6088 Hobby, Jenny 896-6289 Kelling Porter 896-6720 Feldmeier.Kate Green.Brigand 896-6556" Hobgood. Allison . Kelly.Colin 896-6730 Fenton.Erica 896-6273 Green, Usa Hockert, Pam " felly. Caroline Fenton-Hathaway. " 896-6732 Anna Gribble.Donna 896-6325 Hodge. Daniel 896-6147 Kelly Carter 896-6702 Ferber.MIke 896-6623 Griffin.Ben 896^623 Hoekstra. Uz 896-6599 Kenchington. Lauren 896^6297 Ferebee.Kelly 896-6727 Griffin. Cara 896-6275 Hoffman.Lewis 896-6659 Kendrick,Catherine 896-6733 Ferguson, Lantie 896-6634 Griffin, Mike 896-6561" Hofmann.Peter 896h&357 Kennedy Adam 896-6359" Ferguson. Eric 896-6581 Griffin, Shauna Holbrook. Andrew Kent She'ryl Fernandez-Tatum, 896-6053 . Alex 896-6660 Grlswold.Andrew 896-6003 Holden,Sarah 896-6804 Kenyon John 896-6591 Fernando, Grizzle, Patrick 896-6353 Amy 896-6153 Holland.Anna 896-6312 Kern'Bryan 896-6324 Ferraro. Gubelmann, Tantivy " Jesse 896-6833 Holley,Dora . Kessler Jeff 896-6324 Ferrell.Brent 896-6327 Gulll.Dan 896-6646" Holmes.Chadd . Keteku Anita 896-6267 Ferrentino.Allison 896-6739 Guimaraes, Daniel Holmes, Bratton 896-6725 Khan Tarik Ferris, 896-6375 Jason 896-2016 Gul.Fahd 896-6362 Holt.Uz 896-6044 Khandker.Uzra 896-6161 Ferris. Maggie Gupta. Vaishali 896-6007 896-6616" Holthaus.Usa 896-6026 Khanna Gagan 896-6379 Fesenmyer. Kurt 896-6320 Gustafson, Erika Hong,John . Khouri Karina " Fetteriy. John 896-6102 Guttman.Jeff 896-6660 Hoover.Josle 896-6617 Kldd Matthew 896-6030 Field.Elizabeth 896-6722 Gwln, Mac 896-6019 Hoover, Margaret . Klefer Kelly 896-6316 Filak.Greg 896-6533 Gyves. Christopher 896-6810 Hopkins.Hunter 896-6575 Kiligcl' Cana 896-6495 Finch. Katie 896-6636 Hackman.Uz 896-6141 Horak.Rachel 896-6712 Kim 896-6443 Philippa Namee Finch. 896-6812 Hackman.Trevor 896-6659 Hosch, Ann 896-6711 Kim Tran Fink-Hendrlk Hadgis. 896-6314 896-6475 896-6550" Chrissle. Hotrabhavananda,Eddie 896-6595 Klnane.Mahdy 896-6599 Fischer. Jake Hagen, Ross 896-6120 House,Sarah 896-6277 King Ashley 896-6290 Fish, Bryan 896-6187 Hagerman. Nate 895-8424 Houser. Cam 896-6582 King Ashley 896-6281 Fisher.Angela 896-6073 Hagler.Sonya 896-6253 Housholder.David 896-6559 King Matt Fisher.Ann Harriott 896-6426 Haines.Charles 896-6071 Houston, Ashley 896-6059 Klnnaman " Houston, Ben 892 1275 Fisher.Cabell 896-6519 Hajar, Laura Bo 89d>-6091 Kinoglu. Asll 896-6474 Fisher.Elizabeth 896-6219 Halbauer. Hale 896-6057 Howard.Jennifer Fisher, 896-6098 Klrbv Yolanda 896-6578 Virginia 896-6643 Hale.Richard 896-6192 Howard,Kenneth 896-6810 Klrkpatrick. Ann Firten. " Hall, 896-6264 Karinda Candice 896-6295 Howland, Shannon . 896-6543 Klrkpatrick.Brett 896-6154 Davidson CollegeDirectory 3 Klzer.Catherine 896-6151 Mahoney,Joe 896-6619 Moore.Lee 896-6608 Patterson, Anne 896-6160 Klzer, Nora " 896-6736" Majure. Melanle 896-6241 Moore.Rives Patterson.Daisy 896-6475 KlelmaaRichard Malamlsura, Chris 896-6601 Moore, Jaime 892-5788 Patterson,Lindsay 896-6117 Klein, Pete 896-6352 Mall.Danielle 896-6806 Moore. John 896-6529 Patton, Aaron 896-6497 Kleinman.Jamie 896-6622 Mallos, Barrett 896-6499 Moore,Jody ■ 896-6346 Paul. Nick " Klotz. Jenny 896-6270 Malphurs.Elisabeth 896-6549 Moore. Allison 896-6811 Paulas, John 896-6330 Knlffln. Abby 896-6328 . Maney, Lindsay 896-6807 Moore,Beth 896-6200 Peay.Saklra ,896-8668 896-6090 Knight. Rob Marcotte.Addam 896-6057" Moore.Ryan 896-2031 Peck.Rachel 896-6325 Knoche, Eric 896-6102 Mardus, Randy " Moore, Sarah 896-6263 Peddle.Brian Knowles.Tommy 896-6008 Marenberg,Jennifer Moore, Shelly 892-6548 Peifer, Darcy 896-6305 Koenlg, Kristin 896-6482 Marie,Carlo 782-5663 Moore.Suzanne 896-6504 Penhallegon. Doug 896-6569 Kohler. Stephanie 896-6095 Markey. Michelle 896-6530 Mordini.Mara 896-6301 Penlck, Ted 896-6827 Kopeikln,Nlkl 896-6190" Marks. Amy 896-6738" Morefleld.Nan 896-6727 Pentz.Sarah 896-6250 Kosmalskl.Landry Marks.Clara Morehead,Ralph 896-6552 Perkins, Patricia. 896-6615 Kovacs, Mark 896-6347 Marquez.Lesslle 896-6495 Moretz.Matthew 896-6213 Perkinson.Justin 896-6168 Kraemer, " Markus 896-6322 Marranzlnl,Reglna 892-3121 Moretz. William Permar.Hayes 896-6431 Kraus, Justice 896-6203 Marshall, Stephen 896-6066 Morr. Stephanie 896-6049 Perny,Matthew 896-2683 Krause, Diane 896-6803 Martin, Wrenn 896-6465 Morris, Carrie 896-6803 Perraut,Mike 896-6394 Kreb, Whitney " Martin, " Chris 896-6506" Morrison.Beth ' 896-6254 Perry, Heather 896-6628 Krift.Bro Martin.Marcus Morriss, Laura . 896-6028 Petersen, Kirsten 896-6205 Kruse, Michael 896-6346 Martin, Cameron 896-6548 Morse,Jack 896-6330" Peterson, Dorothy 896-6645 Krutsch, Nancy 896-6622 Martin, Pete 896-6224 Mortlock, Dave Peterson, Hugh 896-6450 Kuhlman, Emily 896-6642 Martinez,Monica 896-6427 Morton. Mollle 896-6804 Peterson, Nick 896-6447 Kuykendall,Sam 896-6669 Martinlere.Meghan 896-6249 Moseley,Meredith 896-6720 Petrila. Yvette 896-6548 Kverno, Derek 896-6206" Marvin,Andrew 896-6574 Motz, Daniel 896-6577" Petty,Lee Ann 896-6284 Kynes,Lee Masell, Hilary 896-6275 Mucha, Meri Pfeiffer, Matt 896-6074 Lafranchl, Scott 896-6373 Massie, Sara 896-6271 Mueller, Emily 896-6836 Phade,Sachin 896-6830" Lake, Matt 892-7138 Mastin, Whltfield . 896-6262 Muffelman, Sarah 896-6043" Phelps,Cary Lamar,David 896-6456 Matthews, Doug 895-4961 Muir,Jonathan Phillips,Chad 896-6477 Lamoureux, Amy 896-6332 Matthews, John 896-6638" Murono,Toby 896-6214 Phllpott,Brooke 896-6828 Lamoureux. Karen 896-6172 May,Rachel Murray, Chris 896-6387 Pickrell, Molly 896-6565 Lampp,' Claire 896-6226 Mayerhofer,Brian 896-6525 Murray, Deya 896-6110 . Pietrowski,Michael 896-6399" Lampp, Emily 896-6226 McAllster, J.D. 896-6387" Muslla.Benson 896-6378 Piniak.Tim Lancaster.Christie 896-6622 McAllster.Katie Muslin. Emily 896-6159 Pltkin.Hallle 896-6617 Lane, Shakeem 896-6648 McCdbe,Mike 896-6510 Muwwakkll, Gee 896-6288 Pittenger,Kate 896-6805 Langley.Brian 648-6 McCall,Kate 896-6056 Myers. Amie " " Pittman, Bret 896-6445 Lanier, Amanda 896-6093 McCarthy,J.J. 896-6670 Myers.Ikenna 896-6094 Platner,Melissa 896-6078" Lannon, Katie 896-6316 McClane,John 896-6828 "" Nagella, Naresh 896-6835 Platt, Caroline Lanoha, Andy 896-6389 McCorkle, Beth tVTftiVjM**— J "tOTwWii hjjjMiii i 896-6257" Rummer, Susan 896-6629 Laramy, Tim 896-6021 McCullough, Greg Nash,SfepfttSta^ Plummer, T.J. 896-6418 Larned, Christine 896-6488 896-6518 Nash- - nwj'.^ w^||| jT- Webber. gdjfflfcAiMl Pocock, Becky 896-6143 Larson, AnSlfcifr Heather 896-6238 -^HJIBbuiilel, Andy\^ 896-6625 , Natta, Alns , /V^> Jotifrflr.DereJU-. 896-6437

Latterner, Margaret 896-6156 McEaddffuntei^8»S^\j«-65KE NeblettSandy 896-6335 Loren 896-6585 Lauria, Mandy . 896-6290 McElveen, Thornns Ntfakel Liz ' KflRGjSSSKr Pope,Jason 896-6625 Lawler,Heather 896-6642 McFadden,Barclay 89TO36^^*!>_M»ton, Katie 896-6635 Pope,Rob 895-3357 fcn^ 1 Lawrence, Gina 896-6064" McFaddeTi.Marcus 896-6656 Nelson, Keith Popovich,Julia 896-6467 Lawrence.Karim . McFadden-Gerber, Noel 896-6451 Nelson. Max Porath, Carrie -■ . 896-6172" Laws, Craig 896-6214 McFariand, Duncan 896-6828 **M Nesbit, Suzette Porter,Fritz Lawson, Margaret 896-6640 McGaughy, Caroline 896-6616 . Neuberr,Page 896-6441 Potter,John 896-6533

Leachman, Nate 896-6463 McGinn, Laura " 896-6432 Newhouse, Barry -— — 896-6728 Preston, Andy 896-6362 Leacock, Robert 896-6086 McGlnness,Kaky 896Hfc300~*o»»*'Newnarrv Michael 896-6438 Preston, Brad - 896-9586 Leal, Paola 896-6723" McGlntee, Tom 896-6589 Nickel, Arne 896-6099 Priestley,Thomas 896-6000 Leath, Eugenia McGlamery. Reid Niemrrz, Becca 896-6037 Prince, Jason 896-6164 Leavitt, Reid 896-6200" McGorty,Erinn Nixon, Adrienne 896-63tHB* Pritchard. Justin 896-6053 Leborgne,Felicia MqKfeehan.Robert 196-6!38 irfatthew 896-60M Pritchett, Travis 896-9630 " " Lee, Allen 896-6203 McWtlop, John 896-6476 Noble.Betsy 896-6103. Prifchett, Kate Lee, Dayna 896-6800 McKinley,Erin B3L63O6 ¥ WmfimK' Jenny 896-6507 Pruirt. Chris 896-6002 ' Lee, Michael 896-6810 McLaughlin, 196-672 Rachal, Mark 896-6602 " Charlie i"^j^orrc|Mjfnandh\ 896-6425 "Lee, Robbie McLauglln. Rebecca 896-6085*l^p" NaMSally , 8f*6194 Rachinsky, Meredith 896-6634 Lee, Robert 896-6453 McLean, Dafron \ NMnpn. Phoebe 1 sJSmif)ti-tA20 Rackley, Chris 896-6377 Seung McMillan, Allison Lee, 896-6627 Brandt 896-6139 ,i|pznesky,' f '■^W96-6643 Radeva. Jasmina Lentz,Sam 896-6023 McMullan, jpsob 896-6027 Nutt, Dave *W 896-6596 Radford, Renee 896-6551 Lentzsch, Carl 896-6444 McMurray, Sbllie 896-6534 O'Boyle, Amy 896-6572 Ragheb, Ragy 896-6154 Lesher, Aaron 896-6511 McNaughton. Blake 896-6390" O'Brien. Jen 896-6122 Ragland. Will 896-6040 Leslie, John " McRee, Lanier O'Brien, Megan 896-6078 Raley, Nathan 896-6619 Letizia, Andy 896-6568 Mead,Bonner 896-6620 O'Bryan, Edward 896-6215 Ramsden, Jeff 896-6664 Letizia, Angela 664-8042 Meadows, Anna 896-6804 ■ O'Connell, Tyler 896-6034 Rankin, Griffin 896-6111 Letzrlng, Jonathan 896-6221 Medendorp, Mark 896-6368 O'Dell, Catherine 896-6193 Rashed, Nena 896-6269 Lewis, Chris 896-6494 Melslahn,Doug 896-6659 OKeefe.Tim 896-6730 Rasulo, Jackie 896-6722" Lewis, Dan 896-6166 Menger, Ashley 896-6628 Oakes, Amy .896-6807 Rowlings, Phillip " Lewis, Jennifer 896-6298 Mensch, Nancy 896-6305" Obregon, Alex 896-6542 Rayburn. Lowell ■ " Lewis, John 896-6485 Meriwether,Steve Ogden,Joslyn 896-6586 Recknagel,Kirsten " Libersat, Jeff 896-6473 Merrill, Amanda 896-6520 Ogden,Sarah 896-6508 Reeder, Scott 896-6531 Lichtenwalter, Kim " Merrow, Ohler, Nathan Reese, Jason 896-6559 Owen 896-6462 " 896-6735 Ughf, Clnco 895-0721 Metzler,Chad 896-6639" Ohta, Yuka 896-6173 Reichstetter. Danlella 896-6085 Una,Jason 896-6625 Meyers, Brian Okey, Katherlne 896-6640 ,Reld. Uz 896-6527 Undenberg. Robbie 896-6010 Meyers, Lindsay 896-6037 Okulski, Alex 896-2683 .Rennick. Kelly , 896-6014 Lindsay. Shane 896-6191 Mlars.George 896-6489 Oliver, Bradley 896-6350 Reott.Mike 896-6142 Undsey, Drew 896-6446 Mlddleton.Irene- 896-6219" Orlando, Mike 896-6215 Reynolds, Carlo 896-6641 Unehan.Taylor 896-6605 Miga, Mike Osborne, Rebecca 896-6307 Reynolds-Kenneal, Jessica 896-6156 Livingston, Nancy 896-6028 Mignone, Joseph 896-2584 Osgood, Mike 896-6455 Rhodes, Andy 896-6129 Loman, Maryann 896-6189 Miles,Danielle 896-6545 Oster, Andrew 896-6146 Rice, Aaron 896-6561 Lonergan,Bob " Miller, Derrick 896-6835 Otis, Melissa 896-6084 Rice, Jim 896-6046 Lorch,Heather 896-6467 Miller, Jennifer 896-6732 Overbay, Mark 896-6623 Rice-Stitt, Austin 896-6069 Lorenz, Katherine 896-6258 Miller, Katherine 896-6303 Owens, Alice 896-6223 Rich,Rebecca 896-6474 Lorenzin, Alex 896-6244 Miller, Patrick 896-6403" Oxenfeld, Jennifer 896-6064" Richard,David 896-6721 Lothman, Laura 896-6428 Mills, Roger Pace, Courtney Richards, Emily 896-6630 Lotze, Nate 896-6400 Mlltich, Katie 896-6584 Padget, Anna 896-6309 Richardson, Cameron 896-6140 Louvet,Christopher 896-6655 Milutinovic, Ksenlja 896-6291 Padgett, Mamie 896-6054 Richardson, John 896-6666" Lowrance,Fred 896-6472 Minchew, Joy 896-6082 Paffenroth, Kathleen 896-6466 Richardson, Kristen Lucero, Jeffrey 896-6376 Mittelstadt.Jeff... _i» Page,Ed 896-6062 Richmond, Tyler . 896-6020 Lucius, Marian 896-6207 Mlynar, Stephanie 896-6125 Pallas, Lara 896-6274 Richter, Melissa 896-6634 Lukey, Ben 896-6356 Mochida, Natsuki 896-6627 Palma, Jon 896-6013 Rickers, Emily 896-6616 Lumpkin,Margaret 896-6239 Mohammed, Nejib 896-6086, Palmer, Katherine 896-6738 Rledley, Shannon 896-6207" Lundin, Cassldy 896-6461 Mohammed, Samia 896-6267 Palmer, Katie 896-6722 Rios, Austin Luss, Kendra 896-6042 Moheyuddin. Aisha 896-6263" Pancotto, Daniel 896-6230 Rissing, David 896-6436 Lutmer, Sean 896-6555 Moll, Lorenzo Parakh, Tehnaz 896-6803 Rissing, Erika ' 896-6803 Lynskey, Kate " Monroe, Justin 896-6662 Parker,Dave 896-6386 Rittenhouse.Amanda 896-6546 Lyon, Jenny 896-6549 Monroe, Megan 896-6299 Parker,Elizabeth 896»6809 Roach, Wesley " Lytle, Karen 896-6720 Monroe, Bill 896-6063 Parker,Katie 896-6806 Roark, Andy Macduff, Tavls 896-6402 Montague. Rebecca 896-6565 Parker,Undsey 896-6501 Robb, Megan 896-6413 Mackaronls, Mack 896-6737 Montgomery, Jesse 896-6498 Parks, Timitris 896-6440 Robblee,Jess 896-6738 Maddox,K'Nesha 896-6615 Montrella, Jessica 896-6736 Parvin,Jeremiah 896-6147" Roberson, Sarah 896-6598 Maddux,David 896-6728 Mooney, Erin 892-9917 Paschal, Justin Roberts, Jenny 896-6289 Lynsay 896-6802, Mooney, Glna 896-6442 Pastel, Jon 896-6624 Roberts, Josh 896-6731 ■ " Magnussen,Bob 896-6372 Moore,Amanda ■ 896-6521 . Paterson,Bill Roberts, Rhina 896-6585 4 Davidson College Directory Roberts. Luke 896-6710 Shevory. Lynn 896-6170 Sweeney, Heather 896-6642 Ware, Connor 896-6139" Roberts.Billy 896-6626 Shields, Kathleen 896-6179 Symes. Sandra 896-6836 Warrick, Michael . Robinson, Ned 896-6029" Shlngler, Emily 896-6605 Szabo-Szekemyes,Jennifer 895-0615 Wartchow, Robert 896-6602 Robinson, Grace Shlnn, Hallle 892-1755 Talblrd, Victor 896-6380" Wassum, Andy 896-2683 Robinson, Helen 896-6732 Shlpman. Brad 896-6430 Talbot, Tory " Watson, Elizabeth 896-6534 Robinson, Monlece 896-6169 Shore, Lynne 896-6811 Talley, Laura Watson, John 896-6596 Roblson, Lee 896-6420 Shores, Mitch 896-6374 Talvacchlo, Dom 896-6618 Watt, Aaron 896-6015 Rockwell, Ellen " Shottes, Paul 896-6526 Tanenbaum, Brian 896-6024 Weaver, Amanda 896-6212 Rodriguez,Cristina 896-6620" Showalter, Abigail 896-6732" Tanner, Ed 896-6083 Weddell, Brian 896-6639 Roe. John Shpritzer,Rena Tarr, Jeremy 896-6648 . Weddle, Elissa 896-6092 Roebuck. Jason 895-1515 Shuey. Kim 896-6628 Tarver, Jordan 896-6221 Weed, Jonathan 896-6013 Rogers. Katie 982-7969 Shuford, Eliza 896-6435 Tate, Sybil 896-6739 Weedn. Ashley 896-6723 Rogers, Wendy 896-6733 Shupe. Scott 896-6454" Taylor, Britton 896-6626 Weekes, Jeff 662-9668 Rolenc, Megan 896-6530 Shurley. Britton . Taylor, Iva 896-6088 Weller, Brian 896-6048 Romanowski, J.R. " Sicora, Andrew 896-6619 Taylor, Kim 896-6449 Weindruch, Emmett 896-6188 Roper,Hart 896-6002 Sim, MeeSun 896-6296 Taylor, Krlstlna 896-6812 Weinpel, Jarett 896-6830 Rose, Barrett 896-6646 Simmons, Emily 895-0600 Taylor, Laura 896-6286 Wellemeyer. Greg 896-6701" Rose, Zaldee 896-6042 Simmons.Jennifer 896-6836 Taylor. Kristen 896-6307 Wellmon, Chad Roseberry, Heather 896-6726 Simons, Thornwell 896-6218" Teachworth.Sarah 896-6630 Welsh, Annie 896-6140 Rosenbach.Laura 896-6332 Simpson. Brett Tharrlngton. Kelly 896-6205 Wenge, Klrsten 896-6428 Rosenberg, David 896-6137 Simpson, Peter 896-6801 Thleu, Thu 896-6732 Wente, Kristin " Rosenquest,Jay 896-2016 Slnger-Barnum, Ansel 896-6583 Thomas, Anil 896-6729" Wenzel, Derek Ross.David 892-8324 Singleton, Vonia 896-6800"' Thomas, Caro Werner, Tonya 896-6067 Ross,Mary Kathryn 896-6160 Slpllng, Jonathan " Thomas, Christina ■ 896-6259 West, David 535-0779 Ross.Rebecca 896-6111 Sisco. Claire Thomas.Erica 896-6813 West, Matt 896-6359 Ross, Tommy " Sisk, Allison 896-6177 Thompson,Bennett 896-6505 Westbrook, Kelly 896-6571 Rothemund.Linda " Skattum, Randy 896-6667 Thompson,Evans, 896-6547 Wetherbee.Harriet 896-6162 Rothermel.Sara 896-6500 Slember, Joseph 896-6659" Thompson,Bo 896-9630 Wheeler, Brooke 896-6126 Rowe,Leslie 896-6341 Slenzak, David Thompson, John 896-6410 Wheeler, Tommy Rowell, Rhonda 896-6727 Sloan,Carrie "" Thompson,Lori 896-6141 White, Charlotte 896-6716 " ■ Rowlson-Hall, Addie " Sloan,Stephen 896-6829 Thompson, Meredith 896-6647 White, Hadley 896-6812 Roy, Jessica Sloan,Stewart 896-6005" .' Thompson, Will 896-6564 White, Will 896-6370 Roy, Taylor B96-6621" Slocum, Maggie Thomson, Pete 896-6061 Whltehead, Van 892-3950 Ruane, Kelly " Smallwood, Jesse 896-6535 Thornbury, John 896-6366" Whitmire, Amy 896-6727 Rugglero, Susan " Smidowicz, Ola 896-6545 Thornton, Wes Whitt, Andra 896-6180 Ruiz.Jose Smith, Amy 896-6266 Thorson, Erica 896-6237" Wibunsin, Michael 895-1499 Rundell, Sarah 896-6256 Smith, Ashley 896-6162 Threadgill, Rix Wilbur, Jen 896-6542 Runnels, Ellen 896-6607" Smith, Ben 896-6834 Thunberg, Chris 896-6317 Wilhelm.Martin 896-Q430 Runyan, Dylan Smith.Jeff rnjll'l"^>*^i

Ryan, Stephen 896-6343 B^^jtBjhplllllK]2C!I!" TonkjtonCtel. Jeff Williams. Jill Ryser, Frederic 896-6338 Smith^SmithJl HjaV^^SdH -^li j^r j^|W»M!>-644h.^^Jl Williams, Jon 896-6317 Ryzhkov, Kostya 896-6337 Smithson.Brtanne .. **flf^Qta Alby* Williams, Katharine 896-6566 "^ ' Saintsing, Tim 896-6345 Snerhen.Aaron f" 896.6560 "'"W^'IkS90 673* Williams. Marcus 896-6829 Saju, Shelina 896-6311 Snyfctor. Irikft* gfl**JJI| if + afcpnne 896-6018 Williams, Mart 896-6000 Saldin,Rob 896-6001 Sobczak. Arthur SSM^^M&Jy -^^yiroytor,tinSfly 896-6334 Williams, Melissa 896-6096* Sale, Liz 896-6806 Sofla,Sarah 89tRnO3 -Jfi^ Traywick. Deaver Williams. Roland SaJo, Eric 896-6188 Sbtoefg, Jennifer "SN>CL_ * 1 ITTij^rii "W.^M Williams, Ronald 896-6400 ' " 89^716- h Iffffffi Th 896-6702 Salter, Jessalyn Soltys, Adam Trottmann, Robert 896-6133 Williamson, David 896-6639" Sanborn,Jennifer 896-6621 Scwersan, Aylin 896-6152ifc^ Truesdell, Karen 896-6247 Williamson, Laura Sanders, Adam 895-3357 Sparks, Joy 896-6800 896-6116' Willinghdm, Kirk 896-6492 Sanders, Blythe " Spears,Jen 96-4220 .''Molly 896-6334. Willmann, Brendan 896-6669 Sanderson, Katie " Spechar, Ina 896-6097 Turano, Cara 896-6705 Wilson, Brent 896-6494 Santen, Julie 896-6143 Splvey,Ben. 896-6505 . Turtey.Robin 896-6150 Wilson, Beth 896-6100 SantosDe Paz, Elena 896-6105 Splvey,SaraJane 896-6813 Tusccmo, Ambrose 896-6591 Wilson, Trey 896-6318" Santschi. David 896-6731 Spolnik, Stacy 896-6280. Chris 896-6472 Wilson, Lauren Santschi, Doug 896-6401 Spooner, Melinda 896-60SlftM^L^xFr- Marshall 896-6394 Wilson, Lydia 896-6252 Sargent, Ben 896-6393 Springer,Caroline 896-607: Uelsmann. Andrew 896-6485 Wines, Sarah 896-6183 Sauma, Mauricio 896-6582 Sramek.;|okub 896-6358 Unntkrishnan, ShaRni 896-6149 Wingate,Dan 896-6197 Sounders, Jerry 896-6588 Staab,Johannes 896-6564 Upadhya. Sheila 896-6125 Wipfler, Mike 896-6701 Sawyer, Jamil 896-6248 Staggers* Afcm 896-6730 iflpanski, Lauren 896-6302 Wippold, Rachel 896-6293 Sayers.Thirza " Stancil, Anne 896-6251 '"yagt, Lindsey 896-6144 Wiser, Andrew 896-6729 Scalera, 896-6460 Starr, Jennifer Tim " ■ Witmer, Sarah Clark 896-6119 Valdes, " 896-6287 Scanlan, Jay 896-6529 Staton, Matthew 896-6801 Valera, Beth 896-6232 Wolf, Rachel 896-6201 Scarbo, Mike 892-7138 Steadman, Walt 896-6831 VanDeest, Carrie 896-6809 Wolff, Ben 896-6008 Schaefer, Michael 896-6129 Stec, Christopher 892-9721 Vang, Her 896-6011 Wolfrom. Laura 896-6270 Schenck. Michael 896-6410 Steele,Shelton 896-6603 Vanica, Andy 896-6197 Wood, Asher 896-6618 Scheu, Mary Lee , 896-6537 Steffen. John 896-6808 Vanlerberghe, Jennie 896-6643" Wood, Jon 896-6646 Schlll, Katie 896-6278 Steffensmeier, Erin 896-6809 Vasavada,Natasha ' Wood, Alexis 896-6055 Schloss, Clayton 896-6526 Sterling, Andy 896-6632 Vaughn, Dave 896-6006 Woodall, Erin 896-6115 Schmidt, Ann 896-6610 Stevens. Kate 896-6635 Verma, Raja 896-6398 Wormuth, Leila 896-6067 Schmidt, Kelly 892-9917 Stewart, Phillip 896-6186" Vichot, Alfred 896-6453 Worrell, Amber 896-6167 Schmidt, Monica 896-6253 Stewart, Will Vignal, Celine 896-6072 Worthington, Lisa 896-6509 Schnell. Freddy 896-6728 Stewart, Chip 892-1571 Vogt, Jessie 896-6469 Wright, Chad 896-6361 Schoening, Kate 896-6018 Stilz.Ellen 896-6250 Waddell, Drew 896-6831 Wright. Richard 896-6052 Scholze, Peter 896-6827 Stockert, Nicolas 896-6146 Waddle, Laura 896-6301 Wulfsberg, Paul " Schuhart,Susie 896-6546 Stockstill, Adam 896-6706 Wade, Elizabeth 896-6178 Wynn, Jamel 896-6361 Schultz, Lauren 896-6126" Stokes, Walter 896-6045 Wade, Tyrone 896-6830 Yancey,David 896-6439 Schultz.Michael Stone, Robyn 896-6282 Wagner, Ashley 896-6106 Yarborough,Garland 896-6535 Schultz, Susan 896-6225 Stoops, Bill 896-6416 Wainschel, Ida 896-6135 Yard.Deanna 896-6543 Scibal.Kate 896-6587 Stormont.Charles 896-6731 Waits, Leah 896-6044 Yasrebl, Mona 896-6257 Scott, Jennifer 896-6113 Stovesand.Lara 548-0142 Waldman, Jeff 896-6524 Yeta.Slbeso 896-6222 Seddon.John 896-6456 Strader.Matthew 896-6562" Walker. Adah 896-6434 Young, Kathryn 896-6663 Seebach, Jeff 896-6641 Strong, Andrew Walker, Wilson 896-6833 Young. Martin " Seegers, Cindy 896-6649 Strange. Kevin 896-6461 Walker. Chris 896-6391 Yount, Ingrid 896-6114 Walker, Seifert. Meg 896-6276 Strangls.Gina „ K 896-6804 Courtney 896-6082 Yusi, Kurt 896-6061 Seifert,Ryan 896-6381 Straus, Sara 896-6617 Walker, Amanda 896-6832 Zant, Edwina 896-6269 Self, Strauser, Wall, Wesley 896-6424 Ann 896-6466 Benjamin 895-2016 Zeigler, Austin 896-6454" Senneff, Usa 896-6636'" Strecker, Romaln 896-6576" Walsh, Catherine 896-61?7 Zgonjanin, Lara Setina,Emily Stroble, Brad Walters, Chris 896-6382" Zogby. Sarah 896-6806 Sewell.Kellsey 896-6807 Stroker, Ryan 896-6481 Wang, Thomas Zvargulis.Kevin 896-6503 Shade. Jessica 896-6541 Stuckey. Marshall . 896-6523 Ward, Laura 896-6131 Shade, Matt 896-6637 Stumpf. Natalie 896-6118 I Shaffner. Brooke 896-6075 StunteJim 896-6206 Ii«nfti.<-i>«4 "VT,,w~.l^ — a. tr Shamsld-Deen.Jehan 896-6441 . Sturgill. Frtz . 896-6478 important INlimberS IO KllOW Sharp, Marie 896-6145 Suderman.Dara 896-6629" Sharp, Mary Bennett 896-6649 Suggs, David Campus Emergency 9-911 Shaw, Charlie Sugrue. Kerry 896-6306 896-6213" Town Pniir* 800^111 Shaw, John . Sukenlk. Ca^ 896-6005 : AOwnronce 8yZ-3131 Shea Hilary 896-6170 Summers.Benjamin 896-6729 Office-of Admissions_ 2230 2231 Help«e»p DeskuesK , 27432741 Sheaffer.Laura 896-6039 Summersgill. Julie 896-6195" BakerR . Front Desk "vT * Shearoa Laura 896-6141 Sundstrom. Aaron 2800 LakeCampus 892-5971 . College Shelton, Alicia 896-6609 Sutherland.Judson 896-6503" Book Store 2349 Library 2331 Sheridan.Becky 896-6312" Sutton, Erica College Union 2140 ResidenceLife Office 2188 Sherman, Lucy Swann, Jonah 896-6654 Davidsonian"k>"iu Sherrill.Jennifer 896-6541 Swanson. Alison 896-6315 2148 2149 2122