ALENDALUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS "TheSouth 'sForemost College Weekly" Orientation introduces urges freshman into Hobble students toband together Volleyball takestwo ofthree»t borne ♥ community orservice. tobringdown Arm of Doom. Gran TorinodoesRichardsonField. tournament. Established 1914 News 4 Opinions 7 — A&L9— Sports 14 1 i Davidson ranked eighth Schooltabbedtop 10by U.S.News & Report World Mr By Naresh Nagella ]It is not a big jump really. The NewsEditor <overallscore last year wasa 90.2. This year wehavea 91." — Davidson—can now officially Thebiggestchange,he said,is andagain becalled a top 10 ini the alumni .giving category. liberal arts school. DavidsonI faresbetterunder thenew Thecollegejumpedthreespots scoring< system, which now only from last year's ranking to No. 8 <countsthepercentageofalumni who amongnationalliberalartscolleges graduatej anddonatemoneyinstead in thelatestissueof theU.S.News of( counting anyone who went to and WorldReport. <school atDavidson. The school was also tabbed Davidson scores favorablyin eighthfor the 1994-95 schoolyear, mosti categories,except forfaculty The change in ranking does iresources in which it only ranks notreflectamajorjumpbyDavidson 28th. Ahigher rankingherecould in any of the categoriesthe maga- easilymakeit vaultintothetop-five zine uses,butactuallyrepresentsa nationalliberalarts schools. change inscor- ■ Kelton ing technique ■J believes. j Davidson centage score a would move college receives is rounded to the even furtherup the charts"if U.S. nearest whole number. News wouldcount tutorialsandin- This switchcreatedasix-school idependentstudies in theirlist." logjam in the eighth slot, as Davidson would, turn, Bill GUluz in re- ♥First-year students take off in the annual Cake Race Tuesday-evening. Neil DavidsontiedwithBowdoin,Bryn <ceiveabetterscoreintheclass size < Burt, of Ridgewood,N.J., set a new record time of 8:18 for the 1.7-mile trek. Jill Mawr, Claremont McKenna, category, which contributes to the Neumayer,of Manchester,Conn., was the first female finisher at 10:18. Middlebury, and Washington & 1faculty resources score. Lee. Theschoolexperiencedasurge < The magazine placed ofapplications—the last timeit was Students adjusting to coed housing Swarthmoreatopitsrankings, with rankedi eighth theschool'shigh- Amherst,Wellesley,Williams, ranking By Jessica Goodson andJenny Hapgood tion tobecome numerically feasible. Kurt Holmes and estt ever. News EditorandStaffWriter says the Residence Life Office has "moved fairly Pomonaroundingout the top five. Keltonhopesthat highschool Haverford and Carleton were sstudents do not basetheir college in response to student suggestion, despite " The creationofcoeddormsis setbacksgeneratedbyover-enroll- sixthand seventh. decision( primarilyontheU.S.News . "Overall, the culmination of an 18-month ment. the score didnotre- 1list. inresponsetorecom- Butthemovetooffercoed ally change," Director of Institu- "Peopleshouldnotmakeabig undertaking < mendations made at the Student ——;—————" residence "was completely inde- tional Research John Kelton said. deal out of small differences." he LeadershipRetreatinMay 1995. Students believed pendent of the need toplace many of our incoming "Now we aretied with six schools isaid. "Wehave not beendoingtoo then that coed dorms wouldbe an effective formal freshmen, whowereaccommodatedthroughsummer foreighthplace. Averagethatand muchi differentlythese last (couple <of) step towardimproving genderrelations oncampus. renovations,"Holmes added. weareat tenanda half.That isnot yearsandour(rank)haschanged too far awayfromlast year's rank. <quite a bit." A yearanda halfis the timeithas taken integra- See Cover Storyonpage4 Director of Career Services leaves Davidson unexpectedly By Naresh Nagella The changes leave in the de- ingas well." a replacement and maintain ser- tomakesure wecontinuethat.[The News Editor partmentonly oneAssistantDirec- While it does seem a little vices at theoffice. search for a new director] could tor at Career Services, Tony strangethatJordan "Wehavehired careercoun- take threemonthsorit couldtakea After yearsofhelpingstudents Butchello,whospecializesingradu- left in the begin- selorsinaprivatepracticeinChar- year." maketherightjobchoices,Director ateschoolandpre-professionalpro- ningof theyearin- lottetohelp withresumes, career ofCareerServicesCarol Jordanhas grams. steadof duringthe advice,interviewpreparation,and INDEX made acareerchangeof herown. Butchello says the school is summer, Dean of the guidance our students need," LastThursday,sheleftthede- trying itshardest tomake sure stu- Students Tom headded. SGA NOTES 2 partment tobecomeExecutiveDi- dent needs are met. Shandley stated,"It Shandley has set no firm ELSEWHERE 5 rector of Internships and Career "We definitely willkeep pro- Pi is not good for timelineto finda replacement. EDITORIAL 6 Programs at Queens College. Her vidingservices,"he saidthis week. Carol Davidson,but she "Carolhas adone agoodjob OP-ED 7 was madetwo ago "Our first tomeet hadno over at the department the last 12 decision weeks goalis theneeds Jordan control for ARTS & LIVING 9 and follows the departureof Bill of the students. Seniors are our that. It has to do years and has maintained a high SPORTS 16 Felty, an Assistant Director in the priority.TheCounselingCenterand withQueens, nother." levelofprofessionalism and stu- department. theDeanofStudentsoffice is help- Shandleyis busy tryingtofind dentsatisfaction,"he said."Iwant First ClassMail m not being able to walkdown the hall in a towel,and always remember to U.S.PostagePaid It'shard Permit#1 close your door when you're changing, Davidson,NC 28036 Freshman Harriet Weatherbee on livingincoeddorms 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN News TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 S O A New chemistry professor brings z intellect, _ £_ imagination industry,, ; , , and By Jenny Hapgood istheworld'slargestchemicalcom- erable business contacts. He will StaffWriter pany in the world. attemptto"exerciseandmaximize" There,Brownreceivedanedu- these contacts as he highlights the David Brown joined the cation in thechemical industryand industrial application ofchemistry Davidson faculty this year and spent 11 years working as a re- tohis students. teaches a section of Introductory searchchemist andsupervisingand For example.Brown and his Organic Chemistry. aidinginterns. In 1989, Brown students were set to go to Mount Vamanos! transferred toCharlotte andcontin- Hollytoday. "Iwant toshowthem ued his success with Hoechst howorganicchemistry is done,"he explained. "Iwanttousemyiridus-. The Vamanos Van, which makes hourly runs to Cornelius and Celanese. trial to bring the Thursday,Friday, andSaturday nights, beginopera- But Brown realized his job background real Huntersville will of tionthis weekend. wasn't as perfect as he once be- world chemistry to the class- lievedit tobe. For more information, contactChris Turtle. room." "The further Iclimbed up(the In his first week of teaching. New blood corporate ladder), the further Igot Brown feels the most difficult as- from the students and interns," he pect ofhis workis adjusting to the said. freedom and theresponsibilities of Anna Rosa de la Torre, J.J. McCarthy, and John Potter were "Ilove tohelpthembring their his new job. introducedas threenew senatorsinthelastSGA meeting. projectstogether,andafter 11 years "There's a special challenge They" representConnor,KappaSigma,andPhiGammaDelta, will industry, enough." that comes with teaching ex- respectively. inthe I'dhad these With that realization, Brown tremely talented people,"he said. left hisjobatHoechstCelanese and "They are geographicallydiverse, Electionsinformation of at exceptionally DavidBrown joined the array professors bright,andtheykeep Davidson. meonmy toes. Iwant tochallenge filing wasset new Thecandidate deadline for Sept.9.Six freshman After graduating with a "Davidsonhas an outstanding them and expose them to things willbeelected 15, as junior, senators Sept. willsophomore, andsenior Bachelor'sDegree fromBerryCol- student body," Brown answered they haven't seenbefore." members, Honor Council andindependentsenators. legeinGeorgia.Brown went on to whenasked what attractedhim to After ayear.Brown willknow CampaigningwilloccurSept.11-15. Candidateswillgivespeeches receivehis Ph.D. in Synthetic Or- Davidson. "You don't find stu- if he willcontinue his teaching at in frontof theUnion Sunday. ganic ChemistryfromEmoryUni- dents of this caliber at practically Davidson. ForBrown, the reward versity in Atlantain 1986. anyotherschool.Ilike smartpeople, lies in,asheputit."seeingstudents Compiled Culp by Ann Following graduate school. and it is an honor to work with the succeedinwhaftheywant todoand Brownbeganworkingfor Hoechst students and with (fellow)profes- knowing that Ihad a role in it is CelaneseCorporationinRhodeIs- sors." especiallymeaningful to me. Got nowhere to go ona land. The Hoechst parent com- Brownbrings many strengths "Iwant tohelpstudentsrealize Thursday,Friday, or Saturday night? pany,basedinFrankfurt,Germany, toDavidson,especially his consid- their dreams." Axe you a freshman withouta car? Griffith gets a make over By Jessica Goqdson on.Griffith street, bypassing the bridge that crosses RIDE THE VAMANOSI/AN! NewsEditor lanes oftraffic. Currently silt is beingremovedfrom thepond to In front of Richardson Dorm, 7 p.m. to 3 a.m., Inresponsetocomplaintsfromneighborsandina uncover its natural bottom. Shallow waters caused every hour on the hour. general effort to improve the primary,entryway to problemsinthepast withanovergrowthofprimrose, a
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