Davidson's New Chief Fourteenth President of Davidson College, Mr
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See Interim ■Martins Administration 1931 Editorial Evaluated (Pag* Two) * iDnuiiUumian (Pag* Two) 3Ui£ The News and Editorial Voice of Davidson College VOL. XLVI DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 15. 1958 No 27 _ President Martin Will I College Treasurer Is Have Big Shoes to Fill Davidson's New Chief fourteenth president of Davidson College, Mr. r Martin, will Dr. John Rood Cunningham, succeed Mr D tiiui Martin was elected President of Davidson CoBegC b) the Board of Trustees in their regular to resigned "ved from 1941 1957 Dr. Cunningham semi-annual nMttag earls this afternoon to ir at the age of 64 become executive director Mr Martin becomes the fourteenth president of Davidson after serving as Treasurer and Husiness Man- Presbyterian Foundation. ager from 1961 to the present Cunningham PeSince Dr. r.imc President Martin will assume the duties of his office immediately Davidson the try on a per capita basis. On a f endowment has nearly fifteen by a five- increased from less than S>. per capita basis. Davidson leads The choice of President Martin was the culmination of months of deliberation 000,000 to S9.000.000. The top the South with eleven Rhodes man Trustees' committee appointed to choose a new president shortly after President Kmeritus John R Cun- faculty salary has more than scholars. ningham's resignation was announced on February 20. 19f)7 doubled. and the $130,000 Dr. Cunningham saw the con- The nominating rominittee. composed of Mr. 1) K l.aFar. chairman. Mr .1 Spencer l.ove. l)r James P. awarded in the student aid pro- struction of five major build- Dr .1 McDowell Richards, and Rev Fred ranks Davidson with the ings, renovation of two jllendrix. gram the Stair, its nomination to the Hoard of Trustees top ten coun- others, and the beginning of announced institutions in the nomination was the- library addition. He se- around two o'clock this afternoon The Icured for Davidson grants and [accepted by vote ot the Hoard, after which their ihoice scholarships from the Baker An Editorial 'was announced public)) Trust. I'nion Carbide Company. David Crier Martin was born November 11. ttlO, in ,md I'roctor Gamble, Burlinuton the Hoard was m Covinyton public Industries, the Kord Founda- The DAVIDSONIAN congratulates of Covtagton,Georgia lit; educated ,i K ..lid .it Mn\ gradu tion, and many others Trustees on its choice of I) Grier Martin as the neacl id*on. in at Davidson During the last year, under President ol Davidson College hi IflU with .i It s t> Director . tiiin In UBS he numi-l MM the leadership <>l Dr. C. .1 I'let lawit \ ., 1 11 t< tit lie wu Louise HcMicbael <■> Quitman, enpol anil Mr Martin, the col H mi a* fl Mr Martm h;i< proved during the past sin yean, . editor afl ■ ink avidsiiM \\ and "■ Georgia. Tbtj Iwve three clui tags received S400<H)0 lor a and i'sp»-< iall\ tins year, thai be lias the ability in n MR. O. GRIER MARTIN ber "I Ornicron'Delta K«p Ann: Hike Martin, a « nmr ..t new science building from the In As President teJUgence, and affinity for forceful action that will pa Hi- u.i ., member "i Sigma Davidson ihi-. ye»; 1> Qrter l);:n.i r'nuiulatinii. SUMUMM) from I be needed dui'iiu; the coming years, ii Davidson is to \iph;i Kp-iiitn social (raiernttyIMartin, Jr., whp will enter l>;i- the Given Foundation, ami six its potential. , ol th<- v\n A \ wtow I S»p teen (OMigJI xholarslups from| realize real member .t direct* i nd Stuan Man the Kichanl-on Foundation. A| In ways, Mr Martin may be consider new fraternity court and a new inan> built, "Couldn't Believe unique choice to follow in the footsteps <A John I 'lice are being and minister, i the language laboratory and Cunningham He is no and ha* no im| " '<< ith ihr bowing have string oi :n■.nit-nil. Perhap owe, this faculty project ■ beencompleted FacuJt) difference, not salaries They Crazy" will make a Imi to anyone who I 1)11 to Ifl ■ Weren't .mil have been tuition known and worked with the new President Abilitj ■'",r\ Tin Many uf these accomplishments " icouldn't believe they weren'1 crazy!" Thus new- :i way "t makin dent either witli . have tin nisehes in i the work n I'llblici-I (Continued On Page Four! Honorary .»f Mr Martin. ly elected president Grier Martin summed up his reaction \\ Itholll titles done, 1 minutes after he had been notified thai he was to follow Much has been but The man who will -it behind th< lai est desk in (Continuad On Pag* Four) in the footsteps <>t John Hood Cunningham ideal ooses Twenty Chambers Building foi the years t<> come wilJ have > Mr I) 11 LaFar walked (mm ill to match th is ol the t unnt . (litaryaboard and Blade, honorary Faculty, Trustees I'm meeting fraternity. ' the tee! room on upon oi ROTC Mlected ml floor In Mr . A crucial time is Davidson The era twenty for memhership in * Martin's: men office i" notifj him ol In-, clec transition has begun <>i this there can bt no doubt its ranks the tapping cere Council Clarifies at - 111" > both to The only question that remains erns the Inline mony held during drill Tuos tion returned the c Tr ii .*11111" I tIn- Martin meeting to Back day afternixin Initiation and tees path which the College will follow The path na glare ol ftaafa bttlba and the i < lection of officers were held iionai eminence and Southern predominence m the grind «>r thai Grier Martm is the maa night. Drinking Rule novia MNw lies "We are convinced that field of liberal arts education open, perhaps as Some lliirty miniiii later. lor the |ob. although he does not fit into any ol the pre- "r open as it has ever been. The decision now lies largely Cadets invited to join were _ Mr Martin in ;in int \ lew uilli president Davidson's student council, looking toward Hit (iner on.eived ideals of a Davidson ColitjfB John Renfro, I.aurcns Walker. tlM DAVIDSONIAN. Mated that in the hands of I) Martin The DAVIDSONIAN 1958-59 academic year. Monday night began a new dis So spoke Hr .1 McDowll John Kuykcndall, John Nix. Ihe had not had lime in (jaramp trusts that he will not long hesitate in his choke [Hichards. chairman <>l the; Mr D l< l.aKar. chairman ol Sam Sloan, Sam Clarke. Henry cussion of the student body drinkingregulation. a formal program for his ad- todaj pre-i<i.nii.,i eomraittce, Mr Martin will one disadvantage Board ol Truatecs, [t*« Brown, Vernon Broyles, Pete Interpretation and enforce- ministration When i|iie.stiMii.'(l face In assuming "****"*" -'ri '-'r"U(1 W l)rln II,. went 0B, "The COHttlt- « Andrews, Ed Duncan has in drinking rule In the status of til" present office lie knows too many people here at an man Ih-- Irvin. Mc- ment of the rule the past '' his new I,,, runtacl.,1 Mr Mart,,, al.-ut such OuUUnding Cormick. McGowan, besetting Tho statement adopted by th< BMNM, ho replied th;it bo:h '"'' ""' r'- l);1 Charles proved a problem for Davidson When the inevitable pushes and pulls COOM ,he we,:. '"« *»* '"■'" ■ " ■" MOW twu Craham McKinnon. Dave Me council follows: Hi.hi H.iiicv nd Dm i"i* t i Job tho council. between his administration and the faculty or Board and reached Us dcc.slun that vWWB Cott 1-ain. Jack Martin. Bill Price, Wo firmly baliova, indi- Iput would remain thftNtgfeoUl Bailay: Attempting once again of Trustees, we urge him stand his ground, despite same AMIioiikIi he is not' Daan I cafl W) un and Van Wood. to] vidually and as a council flii- \rar 'ih«Tc is ipoeaibiUty to <la> move Inward a solution of the " a minister or an educator, the ply thai I'm ju.il delighted I body, that Davidson Col- , uf chugs n'-^t y»n past associations, and to step on a few time honored Faculty members problem, tho group hoard ex and the Hoard ol think Mr Martm hu panonali elected to logo cannot afford to lot Aakvd abeul Hn Martif''.; toes, it necessary to implement his program for committee Sc.ibb.ird and Blade were Dr. tended discussion from mem the ini-i.is nit ih.ii qualifications t> aBd an oullook and an ..p alcohol bo brought upon 'lion to thr Mfl, BC '.ml. < 'oll< ( .1 1'ietenpol. Dr W (). hers and adopted unanimously weir kmportanl than lie precialion «l what Davidson tho campus or imbibed I haven't SMfl In'!' I Mlppo e more i'lakitt. anil ( aptain John a statement of intent drafted and w reel thai he will stands tor wWch will enable here Wo further believe she's probably real excited congratulates '" Mitchell. I'ietenpol anil I'uckott by outgoing councilman Hill Again, the DAVIDSONIAN Mi Mar mltill ever) expectation He i« niln wndef that tho academic atmos- Th<- new President watted to will be initiated next year. liondurant tin on his success and wishes tor him Hw best ol lor ol UlC highest Chrittlan efcat B«aty: phere and the reputation of tka front of Chambers t" I" Professor I ai« """ ,.icter and has the highest <-,l jy p| who year head of a com Davidson College are im- greeted h) the applau "f Mine in his new venture eascd that a mar officers for next will be liondurant.