Ronald Day Collection
Ronald Day Collection Lighter-Than-Air Books and Articles 1. Notebook of Dirigible articles 2. Notebook of Zeppelin articles 3. White, Airships for the Future 4. R.W. Knight, The Hindenburg Accident 5. Hook, Shenandoah Sage, 2 copies 6. Archbold, Hindenburg an Illustrated History 7. Time-Life, The Great Airships 8. Guetschow, Das Luftschiff 9. Althoff, Sky Ships 10. Payne, Lighter-Than-Air, 2 copies 11. Robinson & Keller, “Up Ship” 12. Smith, The Airships Akron & Macon 13. Brooks, Zeppelin 14. Richards, Giants in the Sky 15. Clausberg, Zeppelin 16. V. Schiller, Zeppelin 17. Hook, Sky Ship 18. Robinson, The Zeppelin in Combat 19. Florence, Zeppelin 20. Horton, The Age of the Airship 21. Dick & Robinson, Graf Zeppelin & Hindenburg 22. Meyer, Airshipmen, Businessmen and Politics 1890-1940 23. Rosendahl, What About the Airship? 24. Rimell, The Airship VC 25. Vaeth, Blimps and U-Boats 26. Vittek, An Assessment of Lighter-Than-Air Technology 27. Stoff, Dirigible 28. Fritzsche, A Nation of Flyers 29. Mooney, The Hindenburg 30. Allen, The House of Goodyear 31. Fuller, The Airman Who Would Not Die 32. Toland, The Great Dirigible Their Triumphs and Disasters 33. Deighton & Schwartzman, Airship Wreck 34. Nowarra, German Airships 35. Leasor, The Millionth Chance Story of the R101 36. Tittle, LZ 129 “Hindenburg” 37. Litchfield & Allen, Why Has America No Rigid Airships?, 2 copies 38. Launay, Historic Air Disasters 39. Cross Zeppelins of World War I 40. Percefull, Balloons, Zeppelins and Dirigibles 41. Larson, The Blimp Book 42. Tittel, Zeppelin Sammlung Heinz Urban 43. Eichner, My Zeppelin 44. Danner, Graf Zeppelin & Hindenburg 45.
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