1111 1VI1 V/V 1 V/JL/nJ.1 = AKRON EDITION ===== PROTECT OUR GOOD NAME Vol. 34 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1945 No. 4 GOODYEAR'S COAL MINES PLAY IMPORTANT ROLE IN WAR EFFORT — m OPERETTA "NEW 3,600 TONS SWOON," WILL BE Where Goodyear Takes Out Mountains Of "Black Diamonds" ) OFFERED IN MAY TURNED OUT Complete Auditions For Casting EVERY DAY Scheduled For Next Friday Night In Theater Responds To Call Of U. S. Government To Supply Goodyear-Akron Oper- Many Ohio Dealers "eSociety, rested from its arduous but highly successful Far beneath the earth's sur- presentation of "The Desert face, in the hills of Harrison Song," will hold complete audi- county, near Adena, O., more tions for the casting of another than 500 Goodyear coal miners popular R o m b e rg operetta, work in the underground pas- "New Moon," next Friday eve- sages so others might have heat ning in Goodyear Theater, start- and light and power. Producers ing at 7:30 o'clock. of this vital mineral for war Goodyear employes, and many plants and railroads since the lovers of music in Akron, ac- war began, the Goodyear mine, claimed this group's presenta- through dealers in dozens of tion of "The Desert Song" one Ohio cities, is supplying coal for of the finest ever given by ama- domestic purposes in the pres- teur performers. ent emergency. Officers of the society decided The Goodyear mine produces to call for auditions for the new more than 3,600 tons of this show immediately, so other tal- valuable black potential energy ented employes and members of BB^'^^^^ J B^ " ■ ft each day. Of this amount, close their families will have every to 1,600 tons is used at Good- opportunity to participate. If year Plants 1 and 2 in Akron satisfactorily cast, the show B ,A ■ ■■W^ 3 ■■■■■■■■ ■(■■■■y ■n^BiLltw IcbjbbbbI^Db^BqeSBbbbbW. .-<*.■ every twenty-four hours. Plants will be presented around May 1. at Jackson, Mich., and St. Louisiana Territory Marys, O., each require more than three thousand tons per a story Moon," about month. Nearly 6,000 tons go to the Louisiana Territory in the Goodyear Aircraft every thirty year 1800, requires a cast of days, and the branch plant about seventeen singing, danc- at ing Muncie, Ind., and the warehouse and speaking principals, in Detroit come in for their and a male and female chorus. share of the precious "black All parts in the new operetta diamonds." will be cast by audition. Upper left: This attractive entrance to Goodyear's mine is characteristic of the cleanliness and Add to these the requirements Professor Francesco DeLeone safe working conditions Upper right: Production is speeded greatly will again take over the helm that prevail on the inside. by of American and Canadian rail- the use of Goodyear-made conveyor belts. The belt shown here has been in use four years. Lower roads, plus the demands of as director, with the able as- left: Emery Takacs, belt operator, dumps the coal from the conveyor into waiting mine cars. Lower numerous war sistance of Emil D'Zomba. It plants, and this has right: At the mine tipple the coal is loaded on railroad cars, shipped to war plants, dealers, and wartime activity becomes an im- been announced that the railroad yards. contribution Friday night auditions will be portant indeed. the only ones held for lead Now Goodyear has responded parts. However, all chorus as- to a directive from the govern- Drafted At 44, Is ment to supply pirants are asked to be present ) dealers in Akron for the opening rehearsal next Friars Will Hold DO YOU KNOW? and vicinity with much-needed Friday. Those who aspire to Killed In Crash fuel. More than fourteen dealers singing Rehearsal Tonight 5 Gertrude Hall, Dept. 379, each are sent an average of parts in the operetta : boats, Plant is extremely \ are asked to bring their own Singers, dancers, end men 3, { sixty tons of coal every week. and comedians will converge in J anxious to get in touch with 5 An Akron man, Private Sam In addition, coal from niusic for audition purposes. anyone the Goodyear Theater tonight for 5 who is in corre- A. Zaharopolos, brother of Gus (Continued on Page 2) the opening rehearsal of the [ spondence with a member {' A. Polos, Dept. 131A, general 1945 edition of the Goodyear I of the U. S. S. Bunker Hill. ; compounding, has been listed by Friars minstrel show. All Good- J Gertrude can be reached on " the war department as one of t PILLIOD HAS SOME ! year and Aircraft men who are Bell phone HE-2433. I the eighteen army men killed THRILLING STORIES FEW RESERVATIONS j I " talented in this type of enter- l . i January 10, in the crash of an LEFT FOR FROLICS tainment are requested to be American Airlines passenger ) t plane near Burbank, Cal. A £ if... m 1 3 First Lieutenant Charles I present. WOULD PLAY CHESS? A few reservations for i Pilliod, home Rex Kerschner, director of Private Zaharopolos, during the midwinter fr o s, " on leave, ) says Employes interested in play- li c ) \ has some interesting tales j the theatricals, rehearsals World War I, worked in Good- scheduled for Goodyear to will be held to a minimum, due ing chess are invited to attend year's gas mask and curing heels women \ i tell about flying "over ' rationing heavy the meeting of the Goodyear departments. the week-ends of ! the hump." He also piloted to and work He was drafted January 27 and February ) j \ schedules. All men employes, Chess Club tomorrow evening three years ago at the age of ( a B-29 on several missions Goodyear 10 at the Girl Scout lodges, " i over J whether or not they are former at 7:30 in the Hall forty-four and was stationed Tokyo. Formerly em- ( eligible community military police are still available. Tickets t ployed in Dept. 105C, pro- / members of the club, are room. J. M. Adal- with the at available at the activities } {\ duction squadron, "Chuck" to participate in the show. man, a professional chess teach- Kelly Field, Texas. He was office. The fee, including \ 3 the plant J The show will be presented er, will be on hand to give free brought to the United States transportation, visited last week i in Goodyear Friday instruction. Goodyear will meet from Greece by his only food and { s to chat with his friends. ( Theater on brother, lodging, is only $3. J j and Saturday nights, April 6 Firestone in a chess tourna- Gus. Their parents died while t and 7. the boys were very young. J 2 ABSENTEEISM HITS NEW LOW AS DRIVE TELLS PRESIDENT THOMAS OF NEED SO JOHN BULCHIK SPRINGS SURPRISE FOR TIRE BUILDING GETS UNDER WAY OF EQUIPMENT TO GARRY ON WAR Mary Bulchik, Dept. 155, Records Show That Workers In Vital Departments Had District Calls bicycle tires, was disap- Chief Lynn Of Cleveland Ordnance day Good Attendance Marks Through 1944; Now Go Message Major pointed the other when Attention To Received From she arrived home and found Go Into 120-DayCampaign In Earnest General, Urging All-Out Production no letter in the mailbox from her son, Private John By their good attendance rec- paign swung into high gear. requirements of the vari- , iand their employes, who com- Bulchik, Camp Campbell, production ef- Many interesting facts have The the industry-ord- ords and all-out ous theaters of war operations i prise with us Ky. But when she opened forts, Goodyear tire workers are been brought to light by the substantially in- nance team, to give a response saw a soldier's emphasis placed on this four- have been will be the door and demonstrating their willingness creased in many categories of | to this appeal which coat hanging in the hall she and ability to help meet the month campaign for perfect at- and other materials, | heard not only in our own coun- knew "Johnny" was there. fighting men on tendance. Records reveal that munitions army, in that of our needs of our and these increases will call for try and but He had kept his ten-day the battle fronts. Work inter- workers in such vital depart- substantial setups in the actual enemies. leave as a big surprise. ruptions and absenteeism hit a ments as general compounding, procurement programs. "Let us close ranks and go new low as the 120-day cam- the mill room, the calender A letter received by President forward to victory." room and the liner room, showed E. J. Thomas of Goodyear from an aptitude for steady attend- Colonel E. A. Lynn, chief of the ance all through the year of Cleveland ordnance district, 1944. quotes the following letter from Goodyear Man Met Linforth In "Sub," Has In Dept. 122, synthetic rubber Major General L. H. Campbell Who J cleaning and cutting, eight men Jr., chief of ordnance, Washing- Visiting In Akron worked every scheduled day Chat With Vice President While j during the year just passed. Six "You will recall our meeting, men in the crude rubber divi- our district sion perfect at which all of chiefs It's cry from had attendance my I a far the inside time, eight and our division chiefs of submarine, during that and enP office were present in Cleveland of a combat one ployes in general compounding on the 19th and 20th of this | hundred feet below the surface were on the job every day. month. We stressed just one j of the ocean, to the office of In the mill room—Dept.
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