
How to get to Mar del Plata

Once in , Ezeiza Airport there is several ways to get from there to Mar del Plata. We recommend you the following:

Manuel Tienda Leon – Regular bus service from the Ezeiza airport to Mar del Plata As soon as you pick up your luggage and pass through the customs you will see several taxis and remise stands, go directly to the one of Manuel Tienda Leon and ask for the Bus to Mar del Plata.

Cost is around u$d 50-60 – Traveling time: 5.30 Hs. For more information you can enter their website: http://www.tiendaleon.com.ar

Retiro Bus Station – Regular bus service from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata If your arrival time doesn’t match Tienda Leon bus schedule, you can go to Retiro Bus Station (Central Buenos Aires Bus Station). To get there take remise or taxi, in one of the stands, cost should be around u$d 40-50. At your arrival to Retiro you will find a lot of companies, most of them offer buses to Mar del Plata, pick the one leaving the soonest. There are no big differences between companies, most of them have good service, comfortable seats and leave on time.

Cost is around u$d 40 – Traveling time: 5 Hs. Time table: every hour

Aeroparque - Flight to Mar del Plata Buenos Aires has two airports. Domestic flights operate from Aeroparque Jorge Newbery. Since you are arriving to Ezeiza you will have to change airports. Ask for remise or taxi, in one of the stands, cost should be around u$d 40-50.

There are two airlines with regular service to Mar del Plata: Sol Lineas Aereas and Aerolineas – Austral, with only 3 flights per day (in total).

Cost is around: u$d 200-300 – Traveling time: 1 hour – Time table:

Recommendations: 1- December and January are high season for tourism in and Mar del Plata is one of the most important summer resorts. Please try to book your tickets in advance, especially if you are coming with Tienda Leon or flying. 2- We highly recommend you use Tienda Leon as the safest and quickest transport system with the advantage of booking online your seats. 3- If you are taking a taxi to downtown Buenos Aires, Retiro or Aeroparque it is better to do it on the stands just after going through custom. 4- If you are going to retiro, be careful with your bags and personal items.