


Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge and Inaugural Distinguished Professor in Ancient History, Macquarie University



(FEBRUARY, 2012)


Acta Mari = The Acts of Mār Mārī the Doc. Addai = Doctrina Addai, ed. and Apostle, ed. and trans. A. Harrak trans. G. Howard, The Teaching of (Atlanta, 2005). Addai (Chico, 1981). Akk. = Akkadian (language). DPe = Inscription of Darius at Persepolis Amm. = Ammianus Marcellinus. (E), cf. OP 136. Anc. Lett. = Sogdian Ancient Letters, ed. DSf = Inscription of Darius at (F), H. Reichelt, Die soghdischen cf. OP 116-135. Handschriften-reste des Britischen DSm = Inscription of Darius at Susa (M), Museums, 2 vols. (Heidelberg 1928- cf. OP 145-465. 1931), ii, 1-42. DTXYJ = Da Tang Xiyuji 大唐西域記 (= A?P = Inscription of Artaxerxes II or III at Daito Sekki) by Xuanzang 玄奘 (Kyoto Persepolis, cf. OP 15-56. 1911); also T 2087 (Vol. 51) 868a- Arm. = Armenian (language) 946c. Arr. = Flavius Arrianus. DZc = Inscription of Darius at Suez (C), BS = Bei Shi 北史 ed. Li Yanshou 李延 cf. OP 147. 壽 (Beijing, 1974) DCESSZFSZ = Daci’ensi Sanzangfashi BW = B. Watson trans. Records of the zhaun 大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 (i.e. Life grand historian () by Sima of Xuanzang 玄奘 ) T 2053 (Vol. 50) Qian, 2 vols. (Hong Kong, 1993). 220c-280a. Chin. = Chinese (language). EI = Encyclopaedia Iranica (London, CIS = Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, Costa Meza et al. 1982-) secunda. Tomus III: Inscriptiones . = Elamite (language). palmyrenae, eds. J.-B. Chabot et al. FH = F. Hirth, China and the Roman (Paris, 1926). Orient: researches into their ancient CPD = A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary, ed. and mediæval relations as represented D. MacKenzie (Oxford, 1971). in old Chinese records (Leipzig and Ctes. = Ctesias. Hong Kong, 1885). DCBT = W.E. Soothill and L. Hodous FHG = Fragmenta Historicorum (eds.) A Dictionary of Chinese Graecorum, ed. C. Müller, 5 vols. Buddhist Terms (London, 1934). (Paris, 1841-70). DB = Inscription of Darius at Behistan, cf. GMM = Geographi Graeci Minores, ed. OP 116-135. C. Müller, 2 vols. et tabulae (Paris, Déd. = J.T. Milik, Dédicaces faites par 1885). des dieux (, Hatra, Tyr et des Gr. = Greek (language). thiases sémitiques à l'époque romaine Hdt. = Herodotos. (Pari, 1972) Hebr. = Hebrew (language). DFG = D.F. Graf (with L. Dreyer), ‘The HHS = Hou Hanshu 後漢書 ; ed. 范曄 Roman East from the Chinese (Beijing, 1965). Perspective’ in Palmyra and the HS = Han Shu 漢書 , ed. Ban Gu 班固 Road = Les Annales Archéologiques (Beijing, 1962). Arabes Syriennes 42 (1996) 199-216. Isid. Char. = Isidore of , DMT iii = N. Sims-Williams et al . eds. Mansiones Parthicae, ed. and trans. Dictionary of Manichaean Texts, Vol. W.H. Schoff, Parthian Stations of 3 (Turnhout, 2004) Isidore of Charax (, 1914). DNa = Inscription of Darius at Naqš-i- JEH = J.E. Hill, Through the Jade Gates Rustam (A), cf. OP 137-138 to Rome –A Study of the Silk Routes A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

during the Later Han Dynasty 1st to 2nd königli. Gesells. der Wiss. Zu Centuries CE (Cookstown, 2009). Göttingen, NF III, 2 (Berlin, 1901) Josh. Styl. = Chronicle of Joshua the Pth. = Parthian (language). Stylite, ed. W. Wright (Cambridge, Ptol. = Claudius Ptolemaios, 1882). Geographica, ed. and trans. A. JTS = Jiu Tangshu 舊唐 書 , ed. Liu Xu 劉 Stückelberger and G. Graßhoff, Ptolemaios, Handbuch der 昫 (Beijing, 1975). Geographie, 3 vols (Basel, 2006) Khot. = Khotanese (language). RGDS = Res Gestae Divi Saporis, ed. and KhT = Khotanese Texts, ed. H.W. Bailey, trans. P. Huyse, Die dreisprachige 7 vols. (Cambridge, 1945-85). Inschrift Šābuhrs I. an der Ka‘ba-i KT = The Kül Tigin Inscription, ed. T. Zardušt (ŠKZ), 2 vols. (London, 1999). Tekin, A Grammar of Orkhon Turkic SD = B. Gharib ed. Sogdian Dictionary (Bloomington, 1968) 231-242. (Tehran, 1995). Lat. = Latin (language). SEG = Supplementum Epigraphicum LXX = The Septuagint (in Greek). Graecum (Leiden, 1921-) Manich. = Manichaean. 史記 司馬遷 Men. Prot. = Menander Protector. SJ = Shiji , ed. (Beijing, 1960). Minshu = Minshu 閩書 (The Book of Min), SJFZ = Shijia fangzhi 釋迦方志 , T 2088 compiled by He Qiaoyuan 何喬遠 , (Vol. 51) 948a-975a. punctuated edition by a committee of Skj. = P.O. Skjærvø, An Introduction to the Research Centre for Classical Manichean Sogdian, (Cambridge MA) Works of the Xiamen University, 5 vols (Fuzhou: renwen chubenshi SNCL = (suggestion made by) Samuel 褔建人文出版社 2000). N.C. Lieu. MMTKGI = W. Sundermann, Mittel- Sogd. = Sogdian (language). iranische manichäische Texte kirchen- SS = M. Back, Die sassanidischen geschichtlichen Inhalts (Berlin, 1981). Staatsinschriften (Leiden, 1978) Nest. = Nestorian. Syr. = Syriac (language). Nest. Mon. = Nestorian Monument at T = Taishō shinshu daizōkyō 大正新修大 Xi’an, ed. Y.P. Saeki, The Nestorian 藏經 (Tokyo, 1936-) Monuments and Relics in China, 2nd Theoph. Sim. = Theophylactus edn. (Tokyo, 1951) 1-12 (Chin. text Simocattes. section). Thphn. = Theophanes. NT = The New Testament (n Greek). Txt. Sogd. = Textes sogdiens (Mission OIr. = Old Iranian (language). Pelliot en Asie Centrale, 3. Série, Paris OP = R.G. Kent, Old Persian, Grammar, 1940). Texts, Lexicon (New Haven, 1952). Uigh. Xuanzang = A. von Gabain, Die OT = The Old Testament (in Hebrew). uigurische Übersetzung der Biographie Palm. = Palmyrene () (language). Hüen-Tsangs, SPAW 1935, VII. PAT = D. R. Hillers and E. Cussini (edd.) W&A = J. Markwart, Wehrot und Arang Palmyrene Aramaic Texts (Baltimore, (Leiden, 1938). 1996). W-G = Wade-Giles system of trans- Pe. = (Middle) Persian (language). literation of the . Pesh. = The Peshitta, i.e. The New WS = Wei Shu 魏書 ed. 魏收 (Beijing, Testament in Syriac (London, 1966) 1974) Petr. Patr. = Petrus Patricius. XPh = Inscription of Xerxes at Persepolis Ps. Mos. Xor. Geog. = J. Marquart, (H), cf. OP 150-52. Ērānšahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Moses Xorenac‘i, Abhandl. Der

3 Places and Peoples in and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

XTS = Xin Tangshu 新唐書 ed. Ouyang Xiu 歐陽脩 (Beijing, 1975). ZZTC = Zizhi tongjian 資治通監 ed. Sima Guang 司馬光 (Shanghai, 1956). ZFZ = Zhu Fan Zhi 諸蕃志 , compiled by Zhao Rugua 趙汝适 , ed. Han Zhenhua 韓振華 , Zhu Fan Zhi Zhubu 諸蕃志注 補 (Hong Kong, 2000).

4 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

(I) English

Abarshar (Pe. ‘the upper, i.e. northern Alexandria (2) (city on the Gulf of , lands, later province of the Sasanian mod. Alexandretta in S. ) Empire round Nīšāpūr) Gr. Ἀλεξάνδρια RGDS (Gr.) 15 Pe. (1) ’prštry (Abaršahr) RGDS (Pe.) Pe. ’lhsndly’y (Alexsandariyā) RGDS 3 (Pe.) 9 Pe. (2) ’bršhr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) Pth. ’lyhsndry’ (Alexsandariyā) RGDS MMTKGI 2230 (Pth.) 7 Pth. ’prhštr (Abaršahr) RGDS (Pth.) 2 (ancient city in N. , Pth. (2) ’br šhr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) now Diyarbakir in S.E. Turkey) MMTKGI 669 Syr. ’myd Sogd. ’βr šxr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) Gr. Ἄμιδα Proc. Pers. Ι.17.24 MMTKGI 396 Lat. Amida Amm. XVIII.6.17 Gr. πάντα τὰ ἀνατάτω ἔθνη (lit. ‘all , the (river) see Oxus. the nations in the upper parts’) RGDS Ana(tha) (island-fortress on the (Gr.) 4 ) Abirādu (a village in Elam) Gr. (1) Ἀναθώ Isid. Char. 1, p. 2 OIr. Abirāduš DSf 46. Gr. (2) Ἄναθα RGDS (Gr.) 12 (region in E. Mesopotamia) Pe. ’nty (Ānāt) RGDS (Pe.) 7 Gr. Ἀδιαβηνή Strabo XVI.1.18 Pth. ’nty (Ānāt) RGDS (Pth.) 5 Syr. ḥdyb Thom. Marga 51 Anthemusia(s) (Hellenistic foundation See also . and region in N. Mespotamia, anc. Ākaufaka (a province of the Achaemenid Batna (q.v.)) Persian Empire - Kohistan) Gr. Ἀνθεμουσιάς Isid. Char. 1, p. 2, OIr. Ākaufakaciya- adj. XPh 27 Ἀνθεμουσιά Strab. XVI.1.27 Alan Gates (place-name) Lat. Anthemusia Plin., NH V.(xx).86, Gr. αἱ πύλαι Ἀλανῶν RGDS (Gr.) 3 Amm. XIV.3.3 Pe. ’l’n’n BBA (Alānān dar) RGDS (on the Orontes, of (Pe.) 2 Roman , mod. in S. Pth. ’l’nn TROA (Alānān bar) RGDS Turkey) (Pth.) 2 Gr. (1) Ἀντιόχεια Proc. Aed. II.10.23 , the (a steppe people who lived Gr. (2) Ἀντιόχια RGDS (Gr.) 15 north of the Caspian) Pe. ’ndywk (Andiyōk) RGDS (Pe.) 9 Gr. οἱ Ἀλανοί Thphn. chron. 94.24 Pth. ’ndywk (Andiyōk) RGDS (Pth.) 6 Chin. Alanliao 阿蘭聊 (JEH) HHS 88 Syr. ’ntywky Doc. Addai 52. Albania (region in the Caucasus) Chin. Andu 安都 WS 102 Gr. Ἀλβανία RGDS (Gr.) 3 Antioch(eia) in Mygdonia see Nisibis. Pe. *’ld’n (Ar(r)ān) RGDS (Pe.) [2] Apameia (city in Syria, mod. Qal‘at Pth. RGDS (Ardān) (Pth.) 2 el-Mudig in Syria) (major city in Syria) Gr. Ἀπάμια RGDS (Gr.) 13 Gr. Βέρροια RGDS (Gr.) 13 Pe. ’pwmy’y (Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pe.) 8 Pe. hlpy (Halab) RGDS (Pe.) 8 Pth. ’pwmy’ (Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pth.) 6 Pth. hlpy (Halab) RGDS (Pth.) 5 Apamaea (city in Syria, mod. Qa‘alat al- Alexandria (1) (capital city of Hellenistic Muḍīq in Syria) and Roman ) Gr. Ἀπάμια RGDS (Gr.) 13 Gr. Ἀλεξάνδρια Pe. ’pwmy’y (*Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pe.) Pe. (Manich.) ’lxsyndrgyrd M2 I R I 27 8 (MM ii, p. 302)

5 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

Pth. ’pwmy’ (*Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pth.) Pe. hryw (Harēw) RGDS (Pe.) 2 6 Pth. hryw (Harēw) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Arabaye see Beth-‘Arabāyē. Aristia (town or village in , Arabia (region/kingdom: a province of mod. ar-Rastan in Syria) the Achaemenid Persian Empire and Gr. Ἀριστία RGDS (Gr.) 16 later of the ) Pe. *’lstwn (Aristōn) RGDS (Pe.) 10 OIr. Arabāya DB 1.15 Pth. ’rstwn (Aristōn) RGDS (Pth.) 7 Gr. Ἀραβία RGDS (Gr.) 2, 23 Armenia (nation/ a province of the Pe. ’rb’yst’n (Arbyestān) RGDS (Pe.) 2 Achaemenid Persian Empire) Pth. ’rb’yst’n (Arbyestān) RGDS (Pth.) OIr. Armina DB 2.29, ethn. Arminiya 1 Gr. Ἀρμενία RGDS (Gr.) 3, 10, 41 (people) Pe. ’lmny (Armin) RGDS (Pe.) 2 OIr. (1) Arabāya* Pth. ’rmny (Armin) RGDS (Pth.) 1 Syr. (1) ‘rby’ Doc. Addai 49.19 Syr. ’rmn Acta Mari 11, p. 24 Syr. (2) ṭyy’, ṭyyt’ Josh. Styl. 19.19 Arshada (a fortress in ) OIr. (2) Tāzig (CPD 83 from Sem. Elam. ir-šá-da OP 171 Ṭaiyi’) OIr. Aršādā DB 3.72 Chin. (1) Dashi 大食 JTS 198 “Aryans” and “Non-Aryans” see under Chin. (2) Tiaozhi 條支 (?) (from Tāzig Iranians and Non-Iranians. or Tāzik) HHS 88. Arzanene (ancient Arzania, region north Arachosia (a province of the Achaemenid of Mesopotamia around the city of Persian Empire) Arzen) Elam. ḫar-ra-u-ma-ti-iš OP 213 Syr. arzwn Acta Mari 7, p. 12.11 Akk. a-ru-ḫa-at-ti OP 213 Gr. Ἀρζανάνη Proc. Pers. I.8.21 OIr. Harawatiš DSm 10, deriv. ethn. Lat. Arzanena Amm. XXV.7.9 Harawatiya Assyria (region/nation/ a province of the Gr. Ἀραχωσία Arr. Anab. V.5.2; ethn. Achaemenid Persian Empire) οἱ Ἀραχωτοί Arr. Anab. III.11.3 OIr. Aθurā DB 1.14 etc., adj. Aθuriya Chin. Wuyishanli 烏弋山離 (JEH) DSf 32 Syr. ’twr Acta Mari 8 HHS 88 Gr. Ἀσσυρία RGDS (Gr.) 2 Arbairā see Arbela. Pe. ’swrstn (Asūrestān) RGDS (Pe.) Arbela, Arbairā (ancient Arba’ilu, city in [2]. [4], [5], [21] Assyria, later a major centre of Pth. ’swrstn (Asūrestān) RGDS (Pth.) Christianity and chief city of Adiabene; [1], 3, 16 mod. Arbīl in N. ) ’’δwr’yk Elam. ḫr-be-ra OP 171 Sogd. SD no. 55 Akk. ar-ba-’-il OP 171 Chin. (1) (Budd.) Sulasatangna 蘇剌薩 OIr. Arbairāyā DB 2.90 儻那 (

6 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

Pe. bl’sk’n (Balāsagān) RGDS (Pe.) [2] Babylon (chief city of the the Pth. bl’skn (Balāsagān) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Achaemenid province of ) Arm. Bałasakan Ps. Mos. Xor. Geog. Elam. ba-pi-li OP 199 29.iv l.7 Akk. bāb-ilu, bāb-ilāni OP 199 Balkh (city, now in ) OIr. Bābiruš DB 1.14, Bābiruw DB Gr. Βάκτρα Hdt. VI.6.9.4 1.78, adj. Bābirwiya- DB 1.77 Chin. Xidun 兮頓 (the region of Balkh Gr. Βαβυλών Hdt. I.153.4, adj. and Sheberghan, JEH) HHS 88 Βαβυλώνιος Hdt. I.178.2 Barbalissos (city on the Euphrates in Babylonia (a province of the Achaemenid Syria, mod. Qal‘at Blis) Persian Empire) Gr. Βαρβαρισσός RGDS (Gr.) 11, 13 OIr. Bābiruš DSm 7, ethn. Bābiruš Pe. byb’lšy (Bēbāliš) RGDS (Pe.) 6 Syr. ’tr’ dbbyl (‘Land of Babyl(on)’) Pth. byb’lšy (Bēbāliš) RGDS (Pth.) 4 Acta Mari 6, p. 12.4/5 Barkol (city in mod. , China) Gr. Βαβυλωνία Strabo XVI.1.16 Chin. (Han period) Yizhi 移支 (JEH) Babylonian HHS 88. OIr. Bābiruwiya (der. ethn.) DB 1.77 Batnan (market-town in N. Mesopotamia, Bactra see and Baghlan. Hellenistic Anthemusia (q.v.) and Bactria (a province of the Achaemenid med. Serug and mod. Suruç in S. Persian Empire, later an independent Turkey) kingdom after Alexander) Gr. (1) Βατάνη Isid. Char. 1, p. 2 Elam. ba-ak- ši-iš, ba-k-tur-ri-iš OP Gr. (2) Βάτναν RGDS (Gr.) 17 199 Pe. btn’n (Batnān) RGDS (Pe.) 10 Akk. ba-aḫ-tar OP 199 Pth. btn’n (Batnān) RGDS (Pth.) 8 OIr. Bāxtriš DB 1.16, Bāxtriyā DSf 36 Lat. Batnae Amm. XIV.3.3 Gr. Βάκτρα Hdt. IX.113.1; τὸ Syr. bṭnn (Baṭnān) Josh. Styl. 83.4 Βάκτριον ἔθνος (lit. ‘the Bactrian , Berrhoia see Aleppo. nation’) Hdt. I.153.4; ethn. οἱ Beth-‘Arabāyē (i.e. ‘Land of the Arbas’ – Βάκτριοι Arr. Anab. III.21.1 region around Nisibis in N. Gr. (2) Βακτριανή Ctes. Ass. IV.1 (ap. Mesopotamia). See under Mygdonia. Diod. Sic. II.5.3), Strabo II.8.2, ethn. οἱ Birtha Aruban (?) (city on the Euphrates, Βακτριανοί Arr. Anab. IV.1.5 mod. Qreiye?) Chin. 大夏 (lit. “Great Summer” Pe. byrty ’rwp’n (Bīrt Arūbān) RGDS or “Great China”) SJ 123 (Pe.) 7 Badakhshān (region, mod. province of Pth. byrt ’rwp’n (Bīrt Arūbān) RGDS Afghanistan) (Pth.) 5 Chin. Guishuang 貴霜 (Badakhshān Birtha Asporakan (city on the and the adjoining territories north of Euphrates, later renamed , the Oxus, JEH) HHS 88. mod. Halebiye in the Rep. of Syria) Baghlan (city of Bactria, now name of Gr. Βίρθα Ἀσπωράκου RGDS (Gr.) province in Afghanistan) 12 Chin. Lanshi cheng 藍市城 (lit. “city Pe. byrty ’spwlk’n (Bīrt Aspōragān) of the blue market”) SJ 123 (= Bactra ? RGDS (Pe.) 7 BW), 藍氏 城 Lanshi cheng (lit. “city Pth. byrt ’spwrk’n (Bīrt Aspōragān) of the blue clan”, mod. Baghlan, JEH) RGDS (Pth.) 5 HHS 88. Balasagan (region/city in Albania in the Caḍota see Niya. Caucasus) (region/ a satrapy of the Gr. Βυρασαγηνή RGDS (Gr.) 3 Achaemenid Persian Empire, later a )

7 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

Elam. qa-at-ba-du-qa OP 178 Sogd. (2) γwmt’n (

8 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

164 Circesium (strategic town on the Euphrates in Roman Syria) Chin. (4) Tuobawei 拓跋魏 (name of a Gr. (1) Κιρκήσιον Proc. Pers. II.5.2 Turkic dynasty in N. China) Lat. Cercusium Amm. XXIII.5.1 Turk. Taβγač or Tawgač (

9 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

Pe. dwm’n (Domān) RGDS (Pe.) 10 Gr. Ἐλυμαΐς Strabo XVI.1.17 Pth. dwm’n (Domān) RGDS (Pth.) 8 See also Huzistan. Doura / Europos (Hellenistic city and Elbourz Mountains (place-name, mod. Roman military colony on the Middle Kūhhā-ye Alborz) Euphrates) Gr. τὸ Πρέσσουρ ὅρος RGDS (Gr.) 3 Gr. (1) Δοῦρα Νικάνορος πόλις Pe. plšhw’ly kwpy (Parišxwār kōf) Mans. Parth. 1 RGDS (Pe.) 2 Gr. (2) Δοῦρα RGDS (Gr.) 17 Pth. pryšhwr ΘWRA (Parišxwār kōf) Pe. dwl’y (Dūrā) RGDS (Pe.) 10 RGDS (Pth.) 2 Pth. dw’y (Dūrā) RGDS (Pth.) 7 Ethiopia (a province of the Achaemenid Gr. (3) Ευρωπός Persian Empire) Drangiana (a province of the Elam. ku-ša OP 180 Achaemenid Persian Empire) Akk. ku-ú-šu å 180 Elam. ṣir-ra-an-qa OP 211 OIr. Kūša DSf 43, ethn. Kūšāya, pl. Akk. za-ra-an-ga OP 211 ethn. As prov. Kūšiya. OIr. Zraka DB 1.16 Hebr. Kūš OP 180 Gr. (1) ethn. pl. οἱ Σαράγγαι Hdt. Euphrates (river) III.93.2 Gr. Εὐφρήτης (f.) Hdt. I.179.4, Gr. (2) ἡ Δραγγηνή Polyb. ΧΙ.34.13; Εὐφράτης (m.) Strabo XVI.1.21 ἡ Δραγγιανή Strabo XV.2.8 OIr. Ufrātuš DB 1.92 Dubala (a district in Babylonia) Elam. du-ib-ba- OP 191 Ferghana (region in mod. ) OIr. Duāblā DB 3.79 Chin. (1) 大宛 (Yuan from (W-G Tun-huang also known Yavana ? (OIr. for = ) or as Shazhou 沙州 in the Tang period, Prakrit , i.e. the Graeco-Bactrian city in the mod. Gansu province of empire, used of Ferghana and Bokhara) China) SJ 123 Chin. Dunhuang 燉煌 (lit. “blazing Chin. (2) Bahana 拔汗那 ZZTC 211 beacon”) SJ 123, HHS 88 Sogd. drw’’n Anc. Lett. II.23, drw’n Gandara (a province of the Achaemenid (ÿǝrwān) Skj. 108 Persian Empire) Gr. Θροάνα Ptol. VΙ.16.6 Elam. gán-da-ra OP 183 Akk. gan-da-ri OP 183 Ecbatana see Hamadan. OIr. Gadarā DB 3.66, ethn. Gadāraya see Orhai. A?P 12 Egypt (nation/ a province of the Gandutava (a district of Arachosia) Achaemenid Persian Empire) Elam. ir(for gán)-du-ma-qa OP 183 Elam. mu-iṣ-ṣa-ri-ḭa OP 203 OIr. Gadutava DB 3.66 Akk. mi-ṣir OP 203 (region) OIr. Mudrāya DB 1.15, pl. ethn. as Gr. Γεδρωσία Strabo XVI.4.2 prov. Mudrāyā, adj. Mudrāyā- Germanikeia (city in Roman Syria, now Gr. ἡ Αἴγυπτος Hdt. I.1.1 Maraş in S. Turkey) Syr. mṣryn Pesh. Matt. 213 Gr. Γερμανίκια RGDS (Gr.) 17 Chin. 海西 Haixi (lit. “West of the Pe. glmnwsy (Garmanos) RGDS (Pe.) Sea” = Egypt, JEH) HHS 88 10 Elam (kingdom) Pth. grmnyws (Garmaniyos) RGDS Elam. ḫal-tam-ti OP 175 (Pth.) 8 Akk. e-lam-mat OP 175 Gindaros (a large village in Syria OIr. hŪja DSe 21, hŪvja DB 1.14 administered from Antioch, mod. Ǧindaris)

10 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

Gr. Γίνδαρος RGDS (Gr.) 14 ibid. 47.11 Pe. gndlwsy (Gindaros) RGDS (Pe.) 8 Gr. Κάρρας RGDS (Gr.) 19 Pth. gndrws (Gindaros) RGDS (Pth.) 6 Pe. h’rn (Harrān) RGDS (Pe.) 12 Gold City see Jincheng. Pth. h’rn (Harrān) RGDS (Pth.) 9 Gourgan see . Lat. Carrae Amm. XVIII.7.3 Greeks (commonly referred to as Ionians Hecatompylos (capital city of Hyrcania, in Asia) site near mod. Shar-I Qomis or Komis Gr. (ethn.) οἱ Ἴωνες Hdt. I.6.2; (adj.) between the Iranian cities of Damghan Ἰωνικός Hdt. I.56.2 and Shahrud) Prakrit: Yona IEOG 409, p. 237 Gr. Ἑκατόμπυλος (lit. . “(city) with a Chin. Yuan 宛 (as in Dayuan 大宛 . See hundred gates”) App. Syr. 57, under Ferghana.) Ἑκατονταπύλος Diod. XVII.75.1 Guma (county/region in Xinjiang, Chin. Hedu 和 櫝 ? (JEH) HHS 88 Uighur: Guma Nahiyisi) Herat see under . Chin. Pishan 皮山 (lit. “skin-hill”, (city in Syria, mod. Menbij or mod. Pishan or Guma (JEH) HHS 88 Membij) Guzang (city) Gr. Ἱεράπολις RGDS (Gr.) 13 Chin. 姑臧 Pe. mnbwk (Manbūg) RGDS (Pe.) 7 Sogd. kc’n Anc. Lett. II.6 Pth. mnbwk (Manbūg) RGDS (Pth.) 5 Hindestan (i.e. Sind, India) (region) (city in Syria, now in mod. Syria) Elam. ḫi-in-du-iš OP 214 Gr. Χάμαθ RGDS (Gr.) 15 OIr. Hinduš DSm 10, der. ethn. Hiduya Pe. *hm’ty (Hamāt) RGDS (Pe.) 10 A?P 13 Pth. hm’ty (Hamāt) RGDS (Pth.) 7 Gr. Ἰνδία RGDS (Gr.) 4 Hamadan (Gr. Ecbatana, city, now Pe. hndstn (Hindestān) RGDS (Pe.) 3 capital of Hamadan province of Iran) Pth. hndstn (Hindestān) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Elam. ag-ma-da-na OP 212 Chin. (1) Shendu 身毒 (lit. “body- Akk. a-ga-ma-ta-nu OP 212 poison(ous)” - phonetic translit. of OIr. Hagmatāna (lit. “meeting place”), Hindu) SJ 123. loc. Hagmatānaiy DB 2.76 Chin. (2) 天竺 (= Northwest Gr. (1) Ἀγβάτανα Ctes. Assyr. (cf. India, Sind) HHS 88 Steph. Byz. Ethn. s.v. Ἀγβάτανα), Hindu Kush, the ‘Aκβάτανα Ptol. Geog. VI.2.14 Gr. τὸ Παραπαμίσος ὄρος Arr. Anab. Gr. (2) Ἐκβάτανα ( Arr. Anab. V.5.3 III.19.5 Lat. Amm. XXIII.6.14 Gr. (3) Ἀμιδαν RGDS (Gr.) 64 See also under Gandara. Pe. ’hmt’n RGDS (Pe.) 33 Hira see under Vologesias. Pth. ’hmtn RGDS (Pth.) 27 Huns, the Chin. Aman 阿蠻 (Ariana, Herat, JEH; Gr. οί Οὔννοι Zos. IV.3 Hamadan, DFG, see also ) HHS Sogd. xwn Anc. Lett. II.14 (?) 88. [xw](n)’nw Hami (city, mod. prefecture and city in Chin. 匈奴 SJ 123 Xinjiang) Huzistan (region) Chin. (Han period) Yiwu 伊吾 or OIr. . hŪja DSe 21, hŪvja DB 1.14, h h Yiwulu 伊吾盧 (JEH) HHS 88 ethn. Ūvja and der. ethn. Ūvjiya- DB Harran (Gr. Karras and Lat. Carr(h)ai - 1.75 city in N. Mesopotamia, now in S. Gr. (1) ethn. οἱ Σουσιανοί Arr. Anab. Turkey) III.8.5, οἱ Σούσιοι Arr. Anab. III.11.3 Syr. ḥrn Josh. Styl. 38.2; (ethn.) ḥrny’ Gr. (2) Οὐζηνή (i.e. Susiana) RGDS

11 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

(Gr.) 2, 35, ethn. οἱ Οὔξιοι Arr. Anab. Jade Gate, the III.11.5 Chin. Yumen (guan) 玉門 (關 ) (lit. Gr. (3) Οὐξία Strabo XVI1.17 “jade-gate (barrier)”) HS 96A; HHS 88 Pe. hwcstn (Χūzestān) RGDS (Pe.) [2], Khot. gūkimįni, gākimąni K1318 (cf. [21] JRAS 1939 85) Pth. hwzstn (Χūzestān) RGDS (Pth.) 1, Jaxartes see . 16 (city) Hyrcania (region - a district of the Hebr. (1) Yerūshālayim OT Jos. 15.8 Median Empire and later a province of Hebr. (2) Yerūshālām OT Jos. 20.10 the ) Gr. (1) Ἱεροσαλήμ NTpassim OIr. Varkāna DB 2.92 Gr. (2) Ἱεροσόλυμα NT, Strabo Gr. (1) Ὑρκανία Arr. Anab. III.19.8; XVI.2.34; ethn. Ἱεροσολυμίτης LXX ethn. οἱ Ὑρκάνιοι Hdt. III.117.1 Si 50.27 Gr. (2) Γουργάν RGDS (Gr.) 3 Pe. ’wlyšlym (Urišilīm) CPL 84 Pe. gwlk’n (Gurgān) RGDS (Pe.) 2 Syr. ’wršlm Doc. Add. 2.15c Pth. wrkn (Wurgān) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Sogd. (Nest.) ’wršlm C4 56 V.6 See also Iberia. Chin. (Nest.) wulishilian 烏梨師斂 Xuso (Xuting) Mishihuo jing ed. P.Y. Iberia (nation/region in the Caucasus, Saeki, Nestorian Monuments 25 (Chin. mod. Georgia) text section) Gr. Ἰβερία RGDS (Gr.) 3, 60 Jimasa (city near Dunhuang) Pe. wlwc’n (Wiruzān) RGDS (Pe.) [2], Chin. Jushi Houbu 車師後部 lit. 30 “Further (i.e. Northern) Jushi” (JEH) Pth. wyršn (Wiržān) RGDS (Pth.) 2, 25 HHS 88 India see Hindestan. Jincheng (city, mod. Lanzhou fu in Ionia (a province of the Achaemenid China) Persian Empire consisting mainly of 金城 the Greek cities of the Aegean coast) Chin. Jincheng (lit. “gold-city”) OIr. Yauna DSm 10, ethn. Yauna, ethn. JEH) HHS 88 pl. as prov. Yaunā Sogd. kmzyn Anc. Lett. II.23 Gr. ἡ Ἰωνίη Hdt. I.6.3; (ethn.) οἱ Jiuquan (one of the four commanderies Ἴωνες Hdt. I.6.2; (adj.) Ἰωνικός Hdt. of Hexi 河西 ) I.56.2 Chin. 酒泉 (lit. ”wine-spring”) HHS 88 Iran (kingdom/nation) Sogd. cwcn Anc. Lett. II.5 OIr. (1) Ērānšahr (lit. “land of the Aryans” Kabul (chief city of mod. Afgahnistan) OIr. (2) Ērānwēz lit. “home of the Chin. Gaofu 高附 (JEH) HHS 88 Aryans” CPD 30 Kampanda, Kapada (a district in ) Gr. ethn. pl. οἱ Ἀριανοί RGDS (Gr.) 1 Elam. qa-um-pantaš OP 178 Pe. ’yl’n (Ērān) RGDS (Pe.) 1 Akk. ḫa-am-ba-nu OP 178 Pth. ’ry’n (Ērān) RGDS (Pth.) 1 OIr. Kampanda- DB 2.27 Iranians/Aryans (people) Kapada see Kampanda. Gr. Ἀριανός, pl. Ἀριανοί RGDS (Gr.) Kapishakani (a fortress in Arachosia) 1 Elam. qa-ap-pi-iš-šá-qa-nu-iš OP 178 See also Iran. OIr. Kāpišakāni- DB 3.60 Kāpišakāniš Izala (a district of Susiana) Karakhoja (mod. name for a Chinese Elam. iṣ-ṣi-la OP 175 garrison town SE of Turfan) OIr. Izalā DB 2.53 Chin. Gaochang 高昌 (near mod. Gr. Ἰζαλάς Theoph. Sim. Hist. ΙΙ,1,1 Turfan) HHS 88

12 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

Karashahr (lit. ‘black city’, now capital of Yanqi Hui Autonomous County in Larmenaza (town in Syria, mod. Xinjiang, China) Armenaz) Chin. Yanqi 焉耆 (JEH) HHS 88. Also Gr. Λαρμέναζα RGDS (Gr.) 14 奄蔡 (lit. ‘Vast Steppe’ H&L, Pe. ’lmn’c (Armenāž) RGDS (Pe.) 9 JEH) HS 96B, HHS 88. Pth. ’rmn’š (Armenāž) RGDS (Pth.) 6 Karghalik (city/region, now part of the (region/kingdom) Prefecture in Xinjiang, China) Elam. pu-ú-ti-ḭa-ap OP 197 Chin. Xiye 西夜 lit. “western night” Akk. pu-u-ṭa OP 197 OIr. Putāya DNa 29 HHS 88 Gr. Λιβύη Hdt. Ι.46.3 Karmania see Carmania. Lob Nor (salt lake in Xinjiang, China) Kashgar or Kash (oasis city now in 鹽澤 Xinjiang, China, now known in Chin. (1) Yanze lit. “salt-swamp” Chinese as Kashi 喀什 ) SJ 123, HS 96A 蒲昌海 Gr. Κάς (?) RGDS (Gr.) 4 Chin. (2) Puchanghai lit. Pe. k’š (Kāš) RGDS (Pe.)3 “Puchang lake” HS 96A Pth. k’š (Kāš) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Loulan (city situated north of Lob Nor) Chin. Shule 疏勒 (JEH) HHS 88 Chin. 熡 蘭 CS 50 Keriya (town/region in mod. Xinjiang, Sogd. kr’wr’n Anc. Lett. VI.5 China) Lo-yang see Luoyang. Chin. (1) Qule 渠勒 (now south of Luoyang (Lo-yang W-G – ancient city and eastern capital of Tang China) Keriya (JEH) HHS 88 Chin. 洛陽 HHS 88 Chin. (2) 拘彌 Jumi (JEH) HHS 88 Sogd. srγ Anc. Lett. II.11,13,37, srγč’n Kermania see Karmania. SHBM ii 1.34 Khotan (kingdom/region) Syr. (Nest.) srg Nest. Mon. 21 于寘 Chin. Yutian HHS 88. Kohistan see Ākaufaka. Macedonia see Thrace. Ktesiphon see Ctesiphon. Maishan see Mesene. Kuganaka (a town in Persia) Makhelonia (region in the Caucasus?) Elam. ku-ug-gán-na-qa-an OP 180 Gr. Μαχελονία RGDS (Gr.) 3 Akk. ku-gu-na-ak-ka OP 180 Pe. syk’n (Sīgān) RGDS (Pe.) 2 OIr. Kuganakā DB 2.9 Pth. sykn (Sīgān) RGDS (Pth.) [2] Kushan (region/kingdom) Maka (a province of the Achaemenid Gr. (τὸ) Κουσηνῶν ἔθνος RGDS Persian Empire, cf. JAOS 56.217-8) (Gr.) 4 Elam. ma-ak-qa OP 201 Pe. kwš’nštry (Kušānšahr) RGDS (Pe.) Akk. ma-ak OP . 201 3 OIr. Maka DB 1.17, ethn. Maciya; pl. Pth. kwšnhštr (Kušānšahr) RGDS as prov. Maciyā A?P 29 (Pth.) 2 Gr. ethn. pl. οἱ Μάκαι Hdt. IV.175.1 Chin. Dongli 東離 (= eastern part of (a tribe on the Libyan coast?) the ) (JEH) HHS 88 Makran, Makuran (region of S. Iran = Kyrrhos (town in Syria and centre of the Achaemenid Gedrosia) region known as the Kyrrhestikē, mod. Gr. Μακαράν RGDS (Gr.) 4 Ḫoros or Qal‘at Nebi Huru near the Pe. mkwl’n (Ma(u)rān) RGDS (Pe.) 3 Turkish border) Pth. mkwrn (Ma(u)rān) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Gr. Κύρρος RGDS (Gr.) 15 Makuran see Makran. Pe. *kylwsy (Kir(r)os) RGDS (Pe.) 9 Margiane, Marw, Merv (region in mod. Pth. kyrws (Kir(r)os) RGDS (Pth.) 7 Uzbekistan)

13 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

Gr. (1) ἡ Μαργιανή Ἀντιόχεια Ptol. Nisibis) I.12.7, VI.10.4 Gr. Μυγδονία Polyb. V.51. Gr. (2) Μάρου RGDS (Gr.) 3 Syr. byt ‘rby’ (i.e. ‘Land of the Arbas’) Pe. mlwy (Marw) RGDS (Pe.) 2, 28 Acta Mari 8, p. 16 Pth. mrgw (Marγ) RGDS (Pth.) 2, 23 Mazūn see Oman. Nikopolis (city in Roman Media (nation/ a province of the Campestris, now Islāhiye in Turkey) Achaemenid Persian Empire) Gr. Νεικόπολις (sic) RGDS (Gr.) 30 Elam. ma-da OP 202 Pe. *nykplwsy (Nīkopolos) RGDS Akk. ma-da-a-a OP 202 (Pe.) 18 OIr. Māda DB 47 Pth. nykplws (Nīkopolos) RGDS (Pth.) Gr. (1) Μηδία Arr. Anab. III.19.3, 13 ethn. pl. οἱ Μῆδοι Hdt. ΙΙΙ.62.4 Nile (river) Gr. (2) Μαδηνή RGDS (Gr.) 3 OIr. Pirāva DZc 9 Pe. m’dy (Māh) RGDS (Pe.) 3 Gr. Νεῖλος Hdt. II.10.2 Pth. m’d (Māδ) RGDS (Pth.) 3 Nisibis (ancient Naṣibina, important Merv see Margiane, Marw. Roman frontier city in N. Syria, now Mesene (region of S. Mesopotamia) Nusaibyn in S. Turkey) Gr. (1) Μεσανηνή RGDS (Gr.) 2 Syr. nzybyn Acta Mari 7, p. 12.7 Gr. (2) Μαικηνή (error for Μαισηνή Gr. (1) Νίσιβις Strabo XVI.1.23 ?) Strabo XVI.4.1 Lat. (1) Nesibis, Plin. NH VI.42, Pe. myš’n (Mēšān) RGDS (Pe.) [2]. 23, Nisibis Amm. XIV.9.1; adj. Nisibenus 25, 26, 27 id. XVIII.10.1 Pth. myšn (Mēšān) RGDS (Pth.) 18, Gr. (2) Ἀντιόχεια ἡ ἐν Μυγδονίᾳ 20, 21 (Antiocheia in Mygdonia) Polyb. Syr. myšn Acta Mari 31 V.51.1 Meshike (region / town on the right bank Lat. (2) Antiochia, Plin. NH VI.42 of the Euphrates, renamed Pērōz- Niya (city in Xinjiang, China, ancient Šābuhr q.v. by after his Caḍota) victory over Gordian in 244 CE) Chin. (Han) Ronglu 戎廬 (region south Gr. Μησιχί(ισ?)η (region) RGDS (Gr.) of Niya, JEH) HHS 88 or Jingjue 精 絕 8; Μισιχή (town) RGDS 10 (JEH) HHS 88 Pe. mšyk (Mišik) RGDS (Pe.) 4 “Non-Iranians / non-Aryans)” (peoples) Pth. mšyk (Mišik) RGDS (Pth.) 3 Gr. Ἀναριανός, pl. Ἀναριανοί RGDS Mesopotamia (region) (Gr.) 1 Gr. Μεσοποταμία Strabo XVI.1.21, Pe. ’nyl’n (Anērān) RGDS (Pe.) 1 RGDS (Gr.) (Gr.) 23 Pth. ’ny’ry’n (Anērān) RGDS (Pth.) 1 Pe. mdy’nlwt’n (Mayānrōdān) RGDS (Pe.) 14 Oman (region/people) Pth. mdynrwtn (Maδyānrōdān) RGDS Gr. (τὸ) Μίζουν ἔθνος RGDS (Gr.) 5 (Pth.) 11 Pe. *mzwnštry (Mazūnšahr) RGDS Syr. byt nhryn Doc. Addai 1.18 (Pe.) 3 Chin. Tiaozhi 條枝 (phonetic translit. Pth. mzw[nh]štr (Mazū[n]šahr) RGDS of Tigar i.e. the “Tirgris” (?) DFG; = (Pth.) 2 Mesopotamia or Babylonia, incl. Orhai (Gr. Edessa - city in N. Characene and Susiana (?)) SJ 123. See Mesopotamia, mod. Urfa) also under Arabs. Syr. ’wrhy DA Mudraya see Egypt. Gr. Ἔδεσσα RGDS (Gr.) 19 Mygdonia (Hellenistic name for region in Pe. ’wlh’y (Urhā) RGDS (Pe.) 12 N. Mesopotamia around the city of Pth. ’wrh’y (Urhā) RGDS (Pth.) 9

14 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

Oxus (river, mod. Amu Darya) Pe. ststwn-y (Sadestūn) (lit. (city of) ‘a Gr. Ὄξυς Arr. Anab. IV.15.7 hundred pillars’) Cf. SS 259 Pe. Wehrōd (lit. ‘the good river’) EI Persia (nation/ a province of the I.996. Achaemenid Persian Empire) Chin. (1) (Han) Guishui 媯 水 lit. “Gui Elam. parš-ip OP 196 River” (BW) SJ 123 Akk. pa-ar-su OP 196 Chin. (2) (Tang) Wuhuhe 烏滸河 CTS OIr. Pārsa DSm 7, ethn. Pārsa 221b Gr. (1) Πέρσης Hdt. I.140.1 Gr. (2) Περσίς RGDS (Gr.) 2 Pamirs, the (mountain range) Pe. p’lsy (Pārs) RGDS (Pe.) 1 Chin. Congling 葱嶺 (lit. “onion- Pth. p’rs (Pārs) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Syr. byt prsy’ Acta Mari 31, p. 74 ridge”) HS 96A; HHS 88. 波 剌 斯 Paradan (region) Chin. (1) (Buddh.) Bolasi Gr. Παραδηνή RGDS (Gr.) 4 DTXYJ XI,37.1 Pe. p’ld’n (Pār(a)dān) RGDS (Pe.) 3 Chin. (2) Bosi 波斯 JTS 198 Pth. p’rtn (Pār(a)dān) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Peshawar (city, now in mod. Pakistan) Parga (a mountain in Persia) Sanskr.(?) Puruṣapura W&A 106 Elam. par-rak-qa OP 196 Gr. ethn. (τὸ) Πασκιβούρων (ἔθνος) OIr. Parga DB 3.44 RGDS (Gr.) 4 (nation/ a province of the Pe. pškpwly (Paškabūr) RGDS (Pe.) 3 Achaemenid Persian Empire) Pth. pškbwr (Paškabūr) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Elam. par-tu-ma OP 196 Chin. Fulousha 富樓沙 BS 97 Akk. par-ar-tu-ú OP 196 see Rekem. OIr. Parθava DB 1.16, adj. Parθava- Putaya see Libya. OP 196 Gr. (1) Παρθυηνή Mans. Parth. 1 Qennisrin see Chalkis. Gr. (2) Παρθία RGDS (Gr.) 2 Qilian (mountain range) Pe. plswby (Pahlaw) RGDS (Pe.) 2, Chin. Nanshan 南山 (lit. “southern [21] mountains”, JEH) HHS 88. Pth. prtw (Parθaw) RGDS (Pth.) [1], 16 Chin. Anxi 安息 (from Pth. dynastic Rakha (a town in Persia) name Aršak) SJ 123 Elam. rak-qa-an OP 205 Pasargadae (city) OIr. Raxā DB 3.34 OIr. Paišiyāuvādā DB 3.42 Rekem (Semitic name for Petra – city in Gr. ὁ Πασαργάδης (m. sg.) Hdt. Arabia) IV.167.1; αἱ Πασαργάδαι ( Ctes. Nab. (1) Pers. 35 (FGrH no. 90 F 66)) Nab. (2) Raqmu Pashkibour see Peshawar. Gr. Πέτρα Strabo XVI.4.21 Pērōz-Šābuhr (lit. “victorious is Shapur” Chin. Lijian 梨 鞬 (alt. name for Da – city on the left bank of the Euphrates Qin cf. the Seleukidae? JEH or = mod. Anbar) Seleukeia; Rekem, i.e. Petra, DFG) Gr. Πήρωσσαβουρ RGDS (Gr.) 5, 10 HHS 88 Pe. prywzšhpwhry (Pērōz-Šābuhr) Rephanea (city in Syria, mod. Rafniye) RGDS (Pe.) 6 Gr. Ῥεφανέα RGDS (Gr.) 14 Pth. prgwzšhypwhr (Pērōz-Šābuhr) Pe. rpnywsy (?) (Refaniyos) RGDS RGDS (Pth.) 4 (Pe.) 8 Persepolis (city, capital of Persis, now in Pth. rpnyws (?) (Refaniyos) RGDS the prov. of Fars in mod. Iran) (Pth.) 6 Gr. Περσεπόλις Strabo XV.3.1

15 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

Rhages (a district in Media, now Rai near Akk. gi-mi(r)-ri OP 209 Tehran) OIr. Sakā DB 5.21 Elam. rak-qa-an OP 205 Gr. (1) ethn. οἱ Σάκαι Hdt. I.153.4 Akk. ra-qa- OP 205 Gr. (2) ἡ Σκυθική Hdt. IV.58; ethn. οἱ OIr. Ragā DB 3.2 Σκύθαι Hdt. IV.57. Roman (and Byzantine) Empire, the, See also Sakastan. Gr. ἡ Ῥωμαίων ἀρχή RGDS (Gr.) 7 Sakastan (Sasanian province = Chin. (1) Da Qin 大秦 (lit. “Great Qin Drangiana in the Achaemenid period) (Dynasty)” or “Great(er) China”) HHS Gr. Σεγιστανή RGDS (Gr.) 4 88 Pe. skstn (Sagestān) RGDS (Pe.) 3 Pe. hlwmy (Hrōm), RGDS (Pe.) 4, Pth. skstn (Sagestān) RGDS (Pth.) 2 hrwm ’dyn štry (Hrōmāyīn šahr, lit. Samarkand (city in mod. Uzbekistan, aka “kingdom of the Romans”) RGDS (Pe.) Smarakanse) 16, 20 Gr. Μαρακάνδοι (ethn. pl. as place- Pe. (Manich.) hrwm (Hrōm) M2 I R i 2 name) Arr. Anab. IV,3,6 Pth. prwm (Frōm) RGDS (Pth.) 3, Chin. Samojian 颯 秣建 DTXYJ I,21.9 prwmyn hštr (Frōmāyīn šahr, lit. Sogd. sm’rkndh Anc. Lett. II.20 “kingdom of the Romans”) (eponymous chief city of a RGDS (Pth.) 12, 15 province of the Achaemenid Persian Pth. (Manich.) frwm (Frōm) Empire, formerly the kingdom of M216c+M1750 R 12 ) Turk. purum KT E4 Lydian Śfard- OP 210 Chin. (2) Fulin 拂林 JTS 198, also Elam. iš-par-da OP 210 (Buddh.) Fulin 拂 懍 DTXYJ 11, p. 37.9 Akk. sa-ar-du OP 210 (= T 2087, 938a25) OIr. Sparda DSm 7 Chin. (3) Lumei 蘆眉 (y (Sātal) RGDS (Pe.) 10 Pe. hrwm’dyn (Hrōmāyīn) RGDS (Pe.) Pth. s’ty (Sātal) RGDS (Pth.) 8 5 Sattagydia (a province of the Pth. prwmyn (Frōmāyīn) RGDS (Pth.) Achaemenid Persian Empire, name 4 literally means “having hundreds of Pth. (Manich.) frwm’y (Frōmāy) (lit. cattle” = Sittacaene? v. infra) “a Roman”) M1321 V 9 Elam. sa-ad-da-ku-iš OP 187 Rome see Romans. Akk. sa-at-ta-gu-ú OP 187

OIr. Θataguš, DB 1.17, ethn. Sagartia (a northwestern province of the Θataguiya A?P 11 Achaemenid Persian Empire) Gr. Σατταγυδία, ethn. pl. οἱ Elam. adj. áš-šá-kar-tia OP 172 Σατταγύδαι Akk. adj. sa-ga-ar-ta-a-a OP 172 see . OIr. Asagarta DPe 15, ethn. Segistan see Sakastan. Asagartiya- DB 2.79 Seleucia (1) on the Tigris (eastern capital Gr. Σαγαρτία of the Seleucid kingdom, remains at Saka (people and province or district = mod. Tell Umar in Iraq) Scythia, a province of the Achaemenid Gr. Σελεύκεια CIS II 3974(Gr.).1/2 Persian Empire) Syr. slyq Acta Mari 17 Elam. šá-ak-qa OP 209

16 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

Aram. (Palm.) slwky’ CIS II Susa (a city in Elam) 3074(Palm.).4 Elam. šu-šá-an OP 188 Seleucia (2) Pieria (port-city of Antioch- Akk. šu-šá-an OP 188 on-the-Orontes, mod. al-Kābūsīya or OIr. Čūšāyā DSf 22 Σελευκόβηλος, Seleucia ad Belum, Gr. (1) Σοῦσα ( Hdt. III.70.3, mod. Seluqiye on the Orontes) SEG vii 1.3 (dat. pl. Σούσοις) Gr. Σελεύκεια RGDS (Gr.) 15 Gr. (2) Σουίσα RGDS (Gr.) 17 Pe. slwky’y (Selūkiyā) RGDS (Pe.) 9 Pe. swšy (Sūš) RGDS (Pe.) 11 Pth. sylwky’ (Selūkiyā) RGDS (Pth.) 7 Pth. swšy (Sūš) RGDS (Pth.) 8 Sīgān see Makhelonia. Syr. šwš Acta Mari 31, p. 72.1 Sind see India. Chin. (Budd.) Sulasatangna 蘇剌薩儻 Sinzara (city, mod. Saizar on the 那 (

17 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

Tigra (a fortress in Armenia) Elam. ú-i-ḭa-ma OP 176 OIr. Tigra DB 2.39 OIr. Uyamā DB 2.44 Tigris (river) OIr. Tigrā- DB 1.85 Vologesias (a Parthian city in Lower Gr. (1) Τίγρης (f.) Hdt. I.189.1 Mesopotamia) Gr. (2) Τίγρiς (m.) Strabo XVI.1.21 Gr. (Palm.) Ὀλογασία, Déd. Pe. dglty Paik. 20§38 13.6.[23]; Ὀλογαισία Inv. X 112.7 Chin. Tiaozhi 條枝 (?) (see also under Aram. (Palm.) ’lgšy’ CIS II 3933.4 Arabs) Chin. 於羅 Yuluo (Vologesias, SNCL, Tuobawei see China. Charax Spasinou, JEH; Hira, FH) HHS Trans-Oxiana (region of C. Asia) 88. Chin. 康居 Kangju (region Tashkent plus the Chu, Talas, and middle Wakhān (region in mod. Afghanistan) Jaxartes basins JEH = Sogdiana? v. Chin. Xiumi 休密 (Western Wakhān supra) SJ 123 and Zibak JEH) HHS 88 Tun-huang see Dunhuang. “Western Region(s)”, the Tura (region, now in Uzbekistan) Chin. Xiyu 西域 HHS 88 Xiao Yuan 小宛 (lit. “little Yuan” or “Lesser Ferghana”, JEH) HHS 88 Yarkand (city and region, now in the Turan (vassal kingom of the Sasanian Kashgar Prefecture of Xinjiang, China) Empire, north of Makuran, term later Chin. Shache 莎車 (Suoche JEH) HHS used of Central Asia) 88 Gr. Τουρηνή RGDS (Gr.) 4 Yarkhoto (mod. name of city west of Pe. twr’n (Tūrān) RGDS (Pe.) 3 Turfan in Xinjiang, China) Pth. twgrn (Tuγrān) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Chin. Jiaohe 交河 HHS 88 Turfan (city and region, mod. Turpan or Yautiya (a district in Achaemenid Persia) Tulofan 吐魯番 in Xinjiang, China) OIr. Yautiyā DB 3.23 Chin. Jushi Qian 車師前 lit. “nearer Ye (major trading city in China) carriage-driver” (JEH) HHS 88 Chin. 鄴 Turks, the (people) Sogd. ’nkp’ Anc. Lett. II.13 Turk. türk bodun (lit. “Turkish people”) KT E6 Zabdicene (a Transtigritanian region) Chin. tujue 突厥 SS 84 Gr. Ζαβδικηνή Petr. Patr. Hist. frag. Gr. οἱ Τούρκοι Men. Prot. Hist. 10 14 (FHG iv 180) Tzin(i)stan see China. Lat. Zabdicena Amm. XXV.187.9 Syr. byt zbdy Acta Mari 8 Urfa see Orhai. Zazana (a town on the Euphrates above (city in Syria, mod. Horum Babylon) Huyuk) Elam. za-iz-sa-an OP 211 Gr. Οὔρινα RGDS (Gr.) 14 Akk. za-za-an-nu OP 211 Pe. ’wln’y (Urnā) RGDS (Pe.) 7 OIr. Zazāna DB 1.92 Pth. ’wrn’y (Urnā) RGDS (Pth.) 6 (Sem. lit. “ford or crossing” - a Uvadaicaya (a town in Pars) city commanding the most important Elam. ma-te- ṣi-iš OP 177 crossing on the Eurphrates in Syria) OIr. Uvādaicaya DB 3.51 Gr. Ζεῦγμα RGDS (Gr.) 14, Strabo Uvarazmīy see Chorasmia. XVI.1.22 Uyama (a fortress in Armenia) Pe. zwm’y (Zōmā) RGDS (Pe.) 8 Aram. huyaw Cowley AP 251 Pth. zwm’ (Zōmā) RGDS (Pth.) 6

18 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

Chin. Feiqiao 飛橋 (lit.”flying bridge”, i.e. Zeugma, DFG) HHS 88 Zibak see Wakhān Zuzahya (a town in Armenia) Elam. zu-iz-za OP 211 Akk. zu-ú-zu OP 211 OIr. Zūzahya DB 2.33

19 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

INDEX 2 Chinese-English

Alanliao 阿蘭聊 the Alans (JEH) HHS Gaochang 高昌 Karakhoja (near Turfan) 88. HHS 88. Aman 阿蠻 (Ariana, Herat, JEH; Gaofu 高附 Kabul (JEH) HHS 88. Ecbatana, Hamadan, DFG, SNCL) Guhu 孤胡 (lit. “lone barbarian”, mod. HHS 88. Dawan Cheng, JEH) HHS 88. Anxi 安息 (from Ar/nsak) Parthia SJ 123, Guishuang 貴霜 (Badakhshān and the HHS 88. adjoining territories north of the Oxus, JEH) HHS 88. Bahana 拔汗那 Ferghana ZZTC 211 Guishui 媯 水 (lit. “Gui River”, the Amu Darya, BW) SJ 123. Congling 葱嶺 (lit. “onion-ridge”) the Pamirs HS 96A; HHS 88. Haixi 海西 (‘West of the Sea’ = Egypt (?), JEH) HHS 88. Da 大月氏 see under Yuezhi 月 Han 漢 Title of ruling dynasty of China 氏 . (202 BCE - 220 CE), also used to Da Qin 大秦 lit. “Great Qin (Qin – title signify China vis à vis the non-Chinese of dynasty 221-207 BCE used also to SJ 123. designate China)” i.e. the Graeco- Hedu 和 櫝 (Hecatompylos?, JEH) HHS Roman Empire HHS 88. 88. Danhuan 單桓 probably around the Hexi 河西 (lit. “West of the River (i.e. the southern shore of (Lake)m Ebi Nur Huanghe) - Chinese territory west of (JEH) HHS 88. the Huang He JEH) HHS 88 Daxia 大夏 lit. “Great Summer” Bactria Hujiangu 呼 鞬 谷 (Hujian Gorge, ) (comm. op.) SJ 123. Dayuan 大宛 Ferghana (comm. op.) SJ Jiaohe 交河 Yarkhoto HHS 88. 123. Jincheng 金城 (lit. “gold-city”, mod. Dere 德若 place in the region of modern Lanzhou fu, JEH) HHS 88. Mazar – mod. Bazar to the west Jingjue 精 絕 Caḍota/Niya (JEH) HHS of Shahidullah (JEH) HHS 88. 88. Dianyue 滇越 Vietnam (?) SJ 123. Jinman cheng 金滿城 (lit. “city full of Dongli 東離 lit. “The Eastern Division” gold”, near Guchen, JEH) HHS 88. (i.e. of the Kushan Empire) (JEH) HHS Jiuquan 酒泉 (lit. ”wine-spring” - one of 88. the four commanderies of Hexi 河西 Dong Qiemi 東且彌 i.e. “eastern” Qiemi JEH) HHS 88. – kingdom to the north of the Pamirs Jumi 拘彌 (mod. Keriya, JEH) HHS 88. (Stein, ap. JEH) HHS 88. Jushi Houbu 車師後部 (lit. “Further (i.e. Dumi 都密 (the region of Termez, JEH) Northern) Jushi” Jimasa, JEH) HHS HHS 88. 88. Dunhuang 敦煌 SJ 123, HHS 88. Jushi Qian 車師前 lit. “Nearer (i.e. Southern) Jushi“ Turfan (JEH) HHS Feiqiao 飛橋 (lit.”flying bridge”, i.e. 88. Zeugma in Syria, DFG) HHS 88. Kangju 康居 Trans-Oxiana (BW) = Sogdiana? SJ 123.

20 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer

Lanshi cheng 藍市城 (lit. “city of the Samojian 颯秣建 Samarkand (city in blue market, Bactra, BW) SJ 123; mod. Uzbekistan, aka Smarakanse) Lanshi cheng 藍氏 城 (lit. “city of the DTXYJ 1.21 blue clan”, mod. Baghlan, JEH) HHS Shanshan 鄯 善 Charkhlik (ancient 88. kingdom of Loulan/Kroraina, capital Lijian 梨 鞬 (alt. name for Da Qin = near modern Ruoqiang, JEH) HHS 88. Seleukidae? JEH, Rekem, i.e. Petra) Shendu 身毒 lit. “body-poisonous” HHS 88. (phonetic translit. of Hindu) India SJ Liusha 流沙 (lit. “shifting sands” ?, JEH) 123. HHS 88. Shuangmi 雙靡 Shighnān (JEH) HHS 88. Liuzhong 柳中 (city north of Hami, mod. Shule 疏勒 Kashgar (JEH) HHS 88. Lukchun, JEH) HHS 88. Sibin 斯賓 Susa (JEH), Ctesiphon Liyi 栗弋 or Suyi 粟 弋 Sogdiana HHS (SNCL) HHS 88. 88. Shache 莎車 Yarkand (JEH) HHS 88. Lixuan 黎軒 Hyrcania (BW) SJ 123. Sulasatangna 蘇剌薩儻那 (

Nanshan 南山 (lit. “southern hills”, i.e. Tianzhu 天竺 Northwestern India, Sind the Qilian range, JEH) HHS 88. HHS 88. Tiaozhi 條枝 (phonetic translit. of Tigris Pishan 皮山 (lit. “skin-hill”, mod. Pishan or Huzi(stan) or of Tāzig, i.e. the or Guma (JEH) HHS 88. Arabs) the name is usually taken to Puchang hai 蒲昌海 (lit. Puchang Lake mean S. Mesopotamia or Babylonia, or Sea, mod. Lob Nor) incl. Characene and Susiana Pulei 蒲類 (formerly a kingdom near (Huzistan), or of the Lake Barkol, JEH) HHS 88. in general SJ 123, HHS 88. Puda 濮達 Paktiya (JEH) HHS 88. 烏滸河 Wuhuhe Amu Darya, river CTS Qiemi see under Dong Qiemi. 221b Qiemo 且末 Cherchan (JEH) HHS 88. 烏孫 lit. “crow-grandson” – a Qiuci 龜茲 Kucha (JEH) HHS 88. Tocharian-speaking people = Ἀσμίραιοι of (VI.16.3) 渠勒 Qule (south of) Keriya (JEH) HHS whose homeland was (mod.) Issyk-kol 88. and Semirechiye (JEH) SJ 123, HS 96A, HHS 88. 日南 Rinan (lit. “sun-south”, command- Wutanzili 烏貪 訾 離 (southeast of Ebi ery commandey south of Jiaozhi, JEH) Nur, JEH) HHS 88. HHS 88. Wuyishanli 烏弋山離 Arachosia (and 戎廬 Ronglu (region south of Niya, JEH) Drangiana) (JEH) HHS 88. HHS 88. Wuyi 烏弋 abridgement for Wuyishanli Ruoshui 弱水 (lit. “weak river” ? JEH) 烏弋山離 HHS 88. HHS 88.

21 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East -

Zihe 子合 lit. “son(s) agreeing” Shahi- Xiao Yuan 小宛 Tura (JEH) HHS 88. dulla (JEH) HHS 88. Xidun 月兮頓 (the region of Balkh and Sheberghan, JEH) HHS 88. Xiongnu 匈奴 lit. “fearsome slave” Huns (?) SJ 123, HHS 88. Xiumi 休密 Western Wakhān and Zibak (JEH) HHS 88. Xiye 西夜 lit. “western night”, Karghalik HHS 88. Xiyu 西域 Western Region(s) HS 96A, HHS 88

Yan 嚴 kingdom in the northern Urals (?) (JEH) HHS 88. Yancai 奄蔡 Karashahr (?) (H&L) SJ 123, HS 96B, HHS 88. Yangguan 陽關 (frontier pass south of Dunhuang, JEH) HHS 88. Yanqi 焉耆 Karashahr (JEH) HHS 88. Yanze 鹽澤 (lit. salt-marsh) Lob Nor SJ 123, HS 96A. Yangguan (lit. “Yang Barrier”) HS 96A Yiwu 伊吾 Hami (RAM, JEH) HHS 88. Yiwulu 伊吾盧 see Yiwu HHS 88. Yizhi 移支 Barkol (JEH) HHS 88. Yuezhi 月氏 lit. “Moon-tribe” or Da Yuezhi 大月氏 lit. “Great Moon-tribe” (?) Indo-Scythians (BW); (HWB; hence the Kushans, JEH) SJ 123, HHS 88. Yuli 郁立 mod. Fukang (JEH) HHS 88. Yuluo 於羅 (Charax Spasinou, JEH; Hira, FH, Vologesias, SNCL) HHS 88. Yumen 玉門 (lit. “jade-barrier”, frontier pass near Dunhuang and at the head of the Gansu Corridor) HS 96A; HHS 88. Yumi 扜 鰛 region near Khotan SJ 123 Yutian 于寘 or 于闐 Khotan SJ 123, HS 96A, HHS 88. Yutian Nanshan 於 窴 南山 (mod. Karakax Shan, JEH) HHS 88.

Zhongguo 中國 lit. “Middle Kingdom” vis à vis the barbarians of the Western Regions SJ 123.