PLACES AND PEOPLES IN CENTRAL ASIA AND IN THE GRAECO-ROMAN NEAR EAST ¥]-^µ A MULTILINGUAL GAZETTEER COMPILED FOR THE SERICA PROJECT FROM SELECT PRE-ISLAMIC SOURCES BY PROF. SAMUEL N.C. LIEU FRAS, FRHISTS, FSA, FAHA Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge and Inaugural Distinguished Professor in Ancient History, Macquarie University ¥]-^µ ANCIENT INDIA AND IRAN TRUST (AIIT) CAMBRIDGE, UK AND ANCIENT CULTURES RESEARCH CENTRE (ACRC) MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY, NSW, AUSTRALIA (FEBRUARY, 2012) ABBREVIATIONS Acta Mari = The Acts of Mār Mārī the Doc. Addai = Doctrina Addai, ed. and Apostle, ed. and trans. A. Harrak trans. G. Howard, The Teaching of (Atlanta, 2005). Addai (Chico, 1981). Akk. = Akkadian (language). DPe = Inscription of Darius at Persepolis Amm. = Ammianus Marcellinus. (E), cf. OP 136. Anc. Lett. = Sogdian Ancient Letters, ed. DSf = Inscription of Darius at Susa (F), H. Reichelt, Die soghdischen cf. OP 116-135. Handschriften-reste des Britischen DSm = Inscription of Darius at Susa (M), Museums, 2 vols. (Heidelberg 1928- cf. OP 145-465. 1931), ii, 1-42. DTXYJ = Da Tang Xiyuji 大唐西域記 (= A?P = Inscription of Artaxerxes II or III at Daito Sekki) by Xuanzang 玄奘 (Kyoto Persepolis, cf. OP 15-56. 1911); also T 2087 (Vol. 51) 868a- Arm. = Armenian (language) 946c. Arr. = Flavius Arrianus. DZc = Inscription of Darius at Suez (C), BS = Bei Shi 北史 ed. Li Yanshou 李延 cf. OP 147. 壽 (Beijing, 1974) DCESSZFSZ = Daci’ensi Sanzangfashi BW = B. Watson trans. Records of the zhaun 大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 (i.e. Life grand historian (Han dynasty) by Sima of Xuanzang 玄奘 ) T 2053 (Vol. 50) Qian, 2 vols. (Hong Kong, 1993). 220c-280a. Chin. = Chinese (language). EI = Encyclopaedia Iranica (London, CIS = Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, Costa Meza et al. 1982-) Pars secunda. Tomus III: Inscriptiones Elam. = Elamite (language). palmyrenae, eds. J.-B. Chabot et al. FH = F. Hirth, China and the Roman (Paris, 1926). Orient: researches into their ancient CPD = A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary, ed. and mediæval relations as represented D. MacKenzie (Oxford, 1971). in old Chinese records (Leipzig and Ctes. = Ctesias. Hong Kong, 1885). DCBT = W.E. Soothill and L. Hodous FHG = Fragmenta Historicorum (eds.) A Dictionary of Chinese Graecorum, ed. C. Müller, 5 vols. Buddhist Terms (London, 1934). (Paris, 1841-70). DB = Inscription of Darius at Behistan, cf. GMM = Geographi Graeci Minores, ed. OP 116-135. C. Müller, 2 vols. et tabulae (Paris, Déd. = J.T. Milik, Dédicaces faites par 1885). des dieux (Palmyra, Hatra, Tyr et des Gr. = Greek (language). thiases sémitiques à l'époque romaine Hdt. = Herodotos. (Pari, 1972) Hebr. = Hebrew (language). DFG = D.F. Graf (with L. Dreyer), ‘The HHS = Hou Hanshu 後漢書 ; ed. 范曄 Roman East from the Chinese (Beijing, 1965). Perspective’ in Palmyra and the Silk HS = Han Shu 漢書 , ed. Ban Gu 班固 Road = Les Annales Archéologiques (Beijing, 1962). Arabes Syriennes 42 (1996) 199-216. Isid. Char. = Isidore of Charax, DMT iii = N. Sims-Williams et al . eds. Mansiones Parthicae, ed. and trans. Dictionary of Manichaean Texts, Vol. W.H. Schoff, Parthian Stations of 3 (Turnhout, 2004) Isidore of Charax (Philadelphia, 1914). DNa = Inscription of Darius at Naqš-i- JEH = J.E. Hill, Through the Jade Gates Rustam (A), cf. OP 137-138 to Rome –A Study of the Silk Routes A Multi-lingual Gazetteer during the Later Han Dynasty 1st to 2nd königli. Gesells. der Wiss. Zu Centuries CE (Cookstown, 2009). Göttingen, NF III, 2 (Berlin, 1901) Josh. Styl. = Chronicle of Joshua the Pth. = Parthian (language). Stylite, ed. W. Wright (Cambridge, Ptol. = Claudius Ptolemaios, 1882). Geographica, ed. and trans. A. JTS = Jiu Tangshu 舊唐 書 , ed. Liu Xu 劉 Stückelberger and G. Graßhoff, Ptolemaios, Handbuch der 昫 (Beijing, 1975). Geographie, 3 vols (Basel, 2006) Khot. = Khotanese (language). RGDS = Res Gestae Divi Saporis, ed. and KhT = Khotanese Texts, ed. H.W. Bailey, trans. P. Huyse, Die dreisprachige 7 vols. (Cambridge, 1945-85). Inschrift Šābuhrs I. an der Ka‘ba-i KT = The Kül Tigin Inscription, ed. T. Zardušt (ŠKZ), 2 vols. (London, 1999). Tekin, A Grammar of Orkhon Turkic SD = B. Gharib ed. Sogdian Dictionary (Bloomington, 1968) 231-242. (Tehran, 1995). Lat. = Latin (language). SEG = Supplementum Epigraphicum LXX = The Septuagint (in Greek). Graecum (Leiden, 1921-) Manich. = Manichaean. 史記 司馬遷 Men. Prot. = Menander Protector. SJ = Shiji , ed. Sima Qian (Beijing, 1960). Minshu = Minshu 閩書 (The Book of Min), SJFZ = Shijia fangzhi 釋迦方志 , T 2088 compiled by He Qiaoyuan 何喬遠 , (Vol. 51) 948a-975a. punctuated edition by a committee of Skj. = P.O. Skjærvø, An Introduction to the Research Centre for Classical Manichean Sogdian, (Cambridge MA) Works of the Xiamen University, 5 www.fas.harvard.edu/~iranian/Manicheism/Manicheism_I_Intro.pdf vols (Fuzhou: Fujian renwen chubenshi SNCL = (suggestion made by) Samuel 褔建人文出版社 2000). N.C. Lieu. MMTKGI = W. Sundermann, Mittel- Sogd. = Sogdian (language). iranische manichäische Texte kirchen- SS = M. Back, Die sassanidischen geschichtlichen Inhalts (Berlin, 1981). Staatsinschriften (Leiden, 1978) Nest. = Nestorian. Syr. = Syriac (language). Nest. Mon. = Nestorian Monument at T = Taishō shinshu daizōkyō 大正新修大 Xi’an, ed. Y.P. Saeki, The Nestorian 藏經 (Tokyo, 1936-) Monuments and Relics in China, 2nd Theoph. Sim. = Theophylactus edn. (Tokyo, 1951) 1-12 (Chin. text Simocattes. section). Thphn. = Theophanes. NT = The New Testament (n Greek). Txt. Sogd. = Textes sogdiens (Mission OIr. = Old Iranian (language). Pelliot en Asie Centrale, 3. Série, Paris OP = R.G. Kent, Old Persian, Grammar, 1940). Texts, Lexicon (New Haven, 1952). Uigh. Xuanzang = A. von Gabain, Die OT = The Old Testament (in Hebrew). uigurische Übersetzung der Biographie Palm. = Palmyrene (Aramaic) (language). Hüen-Tsangs, SPAW 1935, VII. PAT = D. R. Hillers and E. Cussini (edd.) W&A = J. Markwart, Wehrot und Arang Palmyrene Aramaic Texts (Baltimore, (Leiden, 1938). 1996). W-G = Wade-Giles system of trans- Pe. = (Middle) Persian (language). literation of the Chinese language. Pesh. = The Peshitta, i.e. The New WS = Wei Shu 魏書 ed. 魏收 (Beijing, Testament in Syriac (London, 1966) 1974) Petr. Patr. = Petrus Patricius. XPh = Inscription of Xerxes at Persepolis Ps. Mos. Xor. Geog. = J. Marquart, (H), cf. OP 150-52. Ērānšahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Moses Xorenac‘i, Abhandl. Der 3 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East - XTS = Xin Tangshu 新唐書 ed. Ouyang Xiu 歐陽脩 (Beijing, 1975). ZZTC = Zizhi tongjian 資治通監 ed. Sima Guang 司馬光 (Shanghai, 1956). ZFZ = Zhu Fan Zhi 諸蕃志 , compiled by Zhao Rugua 趙汝适 , ed. Han Zhenhua 韓振華 , Zhu Fan Zhi Zhubu 諸蕃志注 補 (Hong Kong, 2000). 4 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer (I) English Abarshar (Pe. ‘the upper, i.e. northern Alexandria (2) (city on the Gulf of Issus, lands, later province of the Sasanian mod. Alexandretta in S. Turkey) Empire round Nīšāpūr) Gr. Ἀλεξάνδρια RGDS (Gr.) 15 Pe. (1) ’prštry (Abaršahr) RGDS (Pe.) Pe. ’lhsndly’y (Alexsandariyā) RGDS 3 (Pe.) 9 Pe. (2) ’bršhr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) Pth. ’lyhsndry’ (Alexsandariyā) RGDS MMTKGI 2230 (Pth.) 7 Pth. ’prhštr (Abaršahr) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Amida (ancient city in N. Mesopotamia, Pth. (2) ’br šhr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) now Diyarbakir in S.E. Turkey) MMTKGI 669 Syr. ’myd Sogd. ’βr šxr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) Gr. Ἄμιδα Proc. Pers. Ι.17.24 MMTKGI 396 Lat. Amida Amm. XVIII.6.17 Gr. πάντα τὰ ἀνατάτω ἔθνη (lit. ‘all Amu Darya, the (river) see Oxus. the nations in the upper parts’) RGDS Ana(tha) (island-fortress on the (Gr.) 4 Euphrates) Abirādu (a village in Elam) Gr. (1) Ἀναθώ Isid. Char. 1, p. 2 OIr. Abirāduš DSf 46. Gr. (2) Ἄναθα RGDS (Gr.) 12 Adiabene (region in E. Mesopotamia) Pe. ’nty (Ānāt) RGDS (Pe.) 7 Gr. Ἀδιαβηνή Strabo XVI.1.18 Pth. ’nty (Ānāt) RGDS (Pth.) 5 Syr. ḥdyb Thom. Marga 51 Anthemusia(s) (Hellenistic foundation See also Assyria. and region in N. Mespotamia, anc. Ākaufaka (a province of the Achaemenid Batna (q.v.)) Persian Empire - Kohistan) Gr. Ἀνθεμουσιάς Isid. Char. 1, p. 2, OIr. Ākaufakaciya- adj. XPh 27 Ἀνθεμουσιά Strab. XVI.1.27 Alan Gates (place-name) Lat. Anthemusia Plin., NH V.(xx).86, Gr. αἱ πύλαι Ἀλανῶν RGDS (Gr.) 3 Amm. XIV.3.3 Pe. ’l’n’n BBA (Alānān dar) RGDS Antioch (on the Orontes, metropolis of (Pe.) 2 Roman Syria, mod. Antakya in S. Pth. ’l’nn TROA (Alānān bar) RGDS Turkey) (Pth.) 2 Gr. (1) Ἀντιόχεια Proc. Aed. II.10.23 Alans, the (a steppe people who lived Gr. (2) Ἀντιόχια RGDS (Gr.) 15 north of the Caspian) Pe. ’ndywk (Andiyōk) RGDS (Pe.) 9 Gr. οἱ Ἀλανοί Thphn. chron. 94.24 Pth. ’ndywk (Andiyōk) RGDS (Pth.) 6 Chin. Alanliao 阿蘭聊 (JEH) HHS 88 Syr. ’ntywky Doc. Addai 52. Albania (region in the Caucasus) Chin. Andu 安都 WS 102 Gr. Ἀλβανία RGDS (Gr.) 3 Antioch(eia) in Mygdonia see Nisibis. Pe. *’ld’n (Ar(r)ān) RGDS (Pe.) [2] Apameia (city in Syria, mod. Qal‘at Pth. RGDS (Ardān) (Pth.) 2 el-Mudig in Syria) Aleppo (major city in Syria) Gr. Ἀπάμια RGDS (Gr.) 13 Gr. Βέρροια RGDS (Gr.) 13 Pe. ’pwmy’y (Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pe.) 8 Pe. hlpy (Halab) RGDS (Pe.) 8 Pth. ’pwmy’ (Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pth.) 6 Pth. hlpy (Halab) RGDS (Pth.) 5 Apamaea (city in Syria, mod. Qa‘alat al- Alexandria (1) (capital city of Hellenistic Muḍīq in Syria) and Roman Egypt) Gr. Ἀπάμια RGDS (Gr.) 13 Gr. Ἀλεξάνδρια Pe. ’pwmy’y (*Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pe.) Pe. (Manich.) ’lxsyndrgyrd M2 I R I 27 8 (MM ii, p. 302) 5 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East - Pth. ’pwmy’ (*Apōmiyā) RGDS (Pth.) Pe. hryw (Harēw) RGDS (Pe.) 2 6 Pth. hryw (Harēw) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Arabaye see Beth-‘Arabāyē. Aristia (town or village in Roman Syria, Arabia (region/kingdom: a province of mod. ar-Rastan in Syria) the Achaemenid Persian Empire and Gr. Ἀριστία RGDS (Gr.) 16 later of the Roman Empire) Pe. *’lstwn (Aristōn) RGDS (Pe.) 10 OIr. Arabāya DB 1.15 Pth.
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