Reclaiming Luce Irigaray: Language and Space of the "Other"
Linguistics and Literature Studies 6(5): 250-258, 2018 DOI: 10.13189/lls.2018.060508 Reclaiming Luce Irigaray: Language and Space of the "Other" Zhang Pinggong The Faculty of English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China Copyright©2018 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License Abstract French feminist Luce Irigaray takes up some and women’s meaning-making in language. She argues essential conceptions of post-structuralist thinkers as a that this difference is shaped by the female body and rests start-point, and advances arguments on the logical in women’s capacity for decentred, multiple sexuality and oppositions based on male and female dichotomy. women’s language. She contends that women’s identity According to Irigaray, this dichotomy is explicitly related can be autonomous and explorable only within a radically to language. In order to subvert discursive hegemony of separatist women’s movement. Some essential concepts of patriarchy, it is imperative for women to invent and utilize feminist theory advanced by Lucy Irigaray will shed light a language strikingly different from that of the male. This on the understanding and criticism of own feminist theory innovative language, also known as “parler femme” or and, more generally, of the French school of thought on space of the “other”, can be employed to construct gender politics. Focusing on Irigaray’s tenets about women’s subjectivity. Irigaray prioritizes language over sexuality and language, the author of this essay attempts to social conscious and ideologies, considering physical and discuss the essential themes of this “French side of the spiritual difference between women and men as divide”, indicating that although the theories of the French instrumental for women’s sovereignty and identity.
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