Journal of Greek Linguistics 15 (2015) 91–121 Dative by Genitive Replacement in the Greek Language of the Papyri: A Diachronic Account of Case Semantics* Joanne Vera Stolk Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo, Norway
[email protected] Abstract Semantic analysis of the prenominal first person singular genitive pronoun (μου) in the Greek of the documentary papyri shows that the pronoun is typically found in the posi- tion between a verbal form and an alienable possessum which functions as the patient of the predicate. When the event expressed by the predicate is patient-affecting, the possessor is indirectly also affected. Hence the semantic role of this affected alienable possessor might be interpreted as a benefactive or malefactive in genitive possession constructions. By semantic extension the meaning of the genitive case in this posi- tion is extended into goal-oriented roles, such as addressee and recipient, which are commonly denoted by the dative case in Ancient Greek. The semantic similarity of the genitive and dative cases in these constructions might have provided the basis for the merger of the cases in the Greek language. Keywords Greek papyrology – cognitive linguistics – dative – genitive – pronouns – possession construction – case syncretism – affectedness – semantic extension * This article was presented at the 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oslo, August 5th–9th 2013. I would like to thank the participants for their contribution to the discussion as well as Anastasia Maravela, Mark Janse, Trevor Evans, Eirik Welo, Dag Haug and two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on earlier drafts of this article.