Music in Southern California a Tale of Two Cities San Diego
Music in Southern California A Tale of Two Cities San Diego: Cradle of Cali fornia Music A NY WESTERNER BROWSING through books and cory is to be studied as one of the many aspccts of the dissertations in large libraries catalogued under ML Kulturgeschichte of chis glorious country. 200. 7 and ML 200.8 classifications finds Eastern ln contrast with Maine, New Hampshire, New cities and states well represented, but not Pacific Jersey, Missouri, and other states east of the Rock Coast cities or statcs. More than a dozen books deal ies, California lacks any state music history what with the rnusic history of Boston alone. The various soever. True, among cities, San Francisco benefited phases of New York City music history are even from a Works Progress Administration History of better represented. Music Project that, between January 1939 and 1942, George Thornton Edwards's 542-page Music ond resulted in seven mimeographed cornpilations of un Musicions of Maine (Portland, Maine: Southworth equal value and reliability. Edited by Cornel Lcn Press, 1928), Louis Pichierri's 397-page Music in gyel, these seven volumes-Music in the Gold Rush New Hompshire 1623-1800 (New York City: Colum Era (1939), A San Francisco Songster 1849-/939 bia University Press, 1960), and Charles H. Kauf (1939), letters of Miska Hauser 1853 (1939), man's 297-page Music in New Jersey 1655-1860 Celebrities in El Dorado 1850-1906 (1940), Fifty (Rutherford/Madison/Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson Local Prodigies 1906-/940 (1940), Eorly Master University Press, 1981), illustrate what has been Teachers (1940), and An Anthology of Music done for Northeastern states.
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