(GLWR(GLWRUU -R 6ZDEH 1/ $VVRFLDWH (GLWRU 3HQQ\ %HUQVWHLQ 86$ &RQWHQWV $$UUWLWLFFOHVOHV 55HFHLYHHFHLYHGG The Unexplained Powers of Animals Rupert Sheldrake ‘In it for the Animals’: Animal Welfare, Moral Certainty and Disagreements Nicola Taylor Cultural Studies as a Means for Elucidating the Human- Animal Relationship in Zoos Randy Malamud $$QWKUR]QWKUR]RRRORJLFRORJLFDDOO99LVLRQLVLRQVV An interview with Bernard Rollin on his vision of the human-animal relationship Jo Swabe &HQWUHV RI 55HHVHDUFVHDUFKK The Anthrozoology Institute, UK %RR%RRNNVVHWFHWF Reviews of Sanders’ Understanding Dogs; Beyond Violence: The Human-Animal Connection PYSETA video Plus, info on books Hot off the Presses and News from the Net *UHHWLQJV IURIURPP00HHHWHWLLQQJV 1999 Delta Society Annual Conference 0HHWLQJV RI 'LVWLQF'LVWLQFWWLRQLRQ 22IIIILFLFLLDODO ,6$= %XVLQH%XVLQHVVVV KWWSZZZVRWRQDFXNaD]LLVD]KWP ,6$=1HZVOHWWHU -XO\ 1XPEHU $$UWLFOUWLFOHHVV 5HFH5HFHLLYHGYHG THE UNEXPLAINED POWERS OF ANIMALS Rupert Sheldrake 20 Willow Road, London NW3 1TJ, UK
[email protected] www.sheldrake.org For many years animal trainers, pet owners hundreds of animal trainers, shepherds, blind and naturalists have reported various kinds of people with guide dogs, veterinarians and pet perceptiveness in animals that suggest the owners, I have been investigating some of existence of psychic powers. Surprisingly these unexplained powers of animals. There little research has been done on these are three major categories of seemingly phenomena. Biologists have been inhibited mysterious