Calamity for Wild Orangutans in Borneo

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Calamity for Wild Orangutans in Borneo et21/1 oge Sees—e eaica ouce as ao a ami- isao wo ee o ou e Aima Weae Isiue a see as is easue o yeas—waks wi e Seeses og May See ou aecia- io o M Sees o age 13 May ese was a ieesig caace; se was aoe y e Seeses ae a aumaic eay ie as a say o og Isa Se ie i 199 vr pht b ln Mr rtr Maoie Cooke ai i eick uciso eeo G ewe Cisie Sees Cyia Wiso Oices Cisie Sees esie Cyia Wiso ice esie eeo G ewe Seceay eick uciso easue Sntf Ctt Maoie Ace Gea ea ee ey M aaa Oas "Tamworth Two" Win Fame by Cheating the Butcher oge aye The two pigs shown above, ickame uc Cassiy a Suace ig Samue eacock M o Was M wee e suec owiesea uic symay i auay we ey escae om a Mamesuy Ega aaoi soy eoe ey wee o e saug- Intrntnl Ctt ee Aie e Au a M - Meico We ey saw ei oe kie e ime gige-cooe igs eue G Aikas M - Geece saugeouse wokes wo case em o e miues i uc wigge Amassao aaak usai - agaes oug a oe i e wa a Suace oowe ey e swam acoss e Agea Kig - Uie Kigom ie Ao o a sma woo ey se si ays o e u uig wic ey Simo Muciu - Keya cause quie a o o meia a uic aeio as we as comica eos o Gooeo Sui - Cie aee em Ms umiiko ogo - aa Kaus esegaa - emak ey wee eeuay caug uc (acuay a emae was coee i a AeeyYaoko - ussia ie wie Suace was aquiie y e SCA I ig o e ooiey e ocie escaees a wo ei owe cage is mi aou aig Stffnd Cnltnt em saugee a ey wi ie ou ei ies i a aima sacuay eay Comue Cosua o Geie Assisa o e Oices iae aeso am Aima Cosua ...But Slaughterhouse Conditions Are No LaughingMatter ye uciso Wae Camaig Cooiao oug e amwo wos sow a a ay eig saugeouse Cay iss Eecuie ieco coiios ae ayig u ay & G ewma e saugeouse om e augo Mai Oe Seceay wic e igs escae was amog 7 saugeouses a mea as "ame Gea isso Wiie Cosua a same" ae i auay y iis goeme isecos o oems wi aick oa uicaios Cooiao ygiee oo saey a aig eie ike Amiisaie Assisa u coiios i saugeouses i e Uie Saes geeay ae wose y iko eia M a a ei Euoea coueas ee is wiesea aiue o osee o aoaoy Aima Cosua eoce ee e mos uimeay oisios oe umae SaugeAc as e eie iick Amiisaie Assisa umae amigAssociaios Gai Eisi eeae i e ook Slhtrh (see Aam oes eseac Associae soy age 1 a see aso e a 1997 A WI Qrtrl. e Wie Wiie Iesigao C / E AIMA WEAE ISIUE QUAEY WINTER 1998 VOLUME 47 NUMBER 1 O x 60, Whntn, C 2000 • phn: 20222, fx: 202848 • l: nllfr., U: http:.nllfr. e tl t4444 ouma imaes Cims esee a ooae iscage 4 ew USA Comai ie Agais Couso 5 Aes i e Wi eae Oe Aoe "ie oes" 5 ew ook o imae Cae uise y AWI 5 Caamiy o Wi Oaguas i oeo 6 am Aimas "amwo wo" Wi ame y Ceaig e uce 2 Caeme ose i Wiey Sui 1 Oosiio o og acoies Is isig i e Wes a Miwes 11 "Ogaic Saas" Goeme/Iusy Wiewas 11 Slaughterhouse: Eose Gais Aeio Coooaio o Isecos 1 1 Wiie aeig Ac o oec ios a iges 8 Saoos ae us Eagee Aeoes Oe Wiie a isk 9 aia ee-Sie oess O-Gow oggig 1 Moe oue o Maam 1 , th frt trnt ( tr n p 4 ego a Aoogiss Suace i Wiewae Iesigaio 1 ime Saes o a agai o US 1 Gou Seeks Ways o oec Euoes Woes 1 y o e oece a as 1 1 ue aig eom Wo Come om ague Weak Ageemes 1 Aeciaio oge Sees 13 eas o Waes Waes esee ee a e Iis oosa 1 Aciiss u e ug o Soic omame o Waes 1 5 A drn b Albrht rr f n Indn rhn Usig A Soa "Ucoscioae" r, dtd 8 ( tr n th hn nd r Says oe Wae eseace 1 rdt bln At, p 8 Printed on recycled paper. , Note to World Wide Web users: back issues of the AWI Quaey and other publications, are now available online at . 9// AGE 4 • WIE 8 AWI QUAEY CIMS ESEE A OOAE ISCAGE "My ultimate wish for the Air Force chimpanzees is the same as it is for all the other chimps in labs... to know the grass and sun, and to know freedom and peace." — Dr. Jane Goodall by Adam Roberts In the 1950s, the United States Air Force took 65 infant chimpan- zees from the wilds of Africa to use in America's burgeoning space program. As the race for space exploration accelerated, a three-year old "astrochimp" named Ham was rocketed into space on January 31, 1961. Later that year, five-year old Enos took a similar dangerous adventure. Soon thereafter, John Glenn led another historical Ameri- can primate mission into outer space. Now, almost four decades later, John Glenn is retiring from the Senate and preparing to return to space aboard the shuttle, but what of the original chimpanzees and their offspring? 142 chimpanzees, currently "owned" by the Air Force, are up for grabs—but not necessarily to the highestbidder. The Air Force has issued a "Request for Proposals (RFP) for Divestiture of the USAF's Primate Research Complex (PRC)," including the chimpanzees it owns. TheAir Forcewill examine proposals that allow the further utilization ofthe animals "for scientific research or medical research purposes" as well as those that aim to "retire and provide adequate care for such chimpanzees." The latter plan—retirement for h h tth—n ht hpnz thrt n Gdll ll n xprn f "xtr trrr"—ftr n in th theseAmerican heroes—is the only acceptable option. Mrr p pl. The Air Force has not shown a preference for either more research or justified retirement. It only specifies that the chimps will be given to The National Academy of Sciences has recently determined that there whoever presents "the best opportunity for the Air Force to divest itself should be a chimpanzee breeding moratorium for at least five years. of the PRC and chimpanzees while assuring the continued well-being of Sadly, Minnie died on March 14, before getting the well-deserved the chimpanzees." These chimpanzees have served the country well and opportunity for a peaceful retirement. deserve an honorable discharge from military service. They should be There are, ofcourse, many other notable chimpanzee inmates deserv- retired to an appropriate facility where they can thrive without the threat ing to be free from further servitude. According to the Air Force's of further laboratory experiments. behavioral profile sheets, for instance: Beth, #1327, "likes apples, ba- To meet the chimpanzees' long-term needs, a number ofcompassion- nanas. Offers fruit, biscuits, and other food to people. You must takewhat ate individuals have created a non-profit organization, the Center for she offers you or she gets very upset. Also has to touch caretaker's face for Captive Chimpanzee Care. The center, whose board ofdirectors includes reassurance.... Understands human language. Talk to her a lot." Doug, renownedscientists such as Dr. Roger Fouts and Dr. Jane Goodall, intends #750, is "Very athletic, likes to climb, loves magazines, paper, mirrors.... to bid on the Air Force chimps and retire them to a sanctuary created He can leap a long distance.... Likes to roughhouse, likes to observe specifically for their care. According to Dr. Fouts, "TheAir Force has an humans, apparently sees images in photos well.... He is very observant, ethical obligation to honorably retire these involuntary recruits to a very smart, likes to interact with humans." sanctuary where they can live out their lives in peace." Since so many ofthe chimpanzees are already in Coulston's facilities, Interestingly, one of the criteria for evaluation of proposals for these it is difficult for other bidders, such as the Center for Captive Chimpanzee chimps is a "suitable" historical record that demonstrates that "the Care, to get all information related to the medical care and health status offeror can competently care for each chimpanzee the offeror might of the individual animals. It is very tough for bidders to plan for the receive." Furthermore, preference is to be given to those individual chimps' long-term carewithout this crucial medical information. Thirty- bidders "who have a documented history of compliance with public seven members ofthe US Congress sent a letter to theAir Force asking that law and regulations and/or a history of responsive correction of all relevant information about all an i mals be made "readily available" in noncompliance pertaining to the care and use of chimpanzees." order to "carryout the divestment in a truly fair and competitive manner." The well-financed Coulston Foundation, owner ofthe largest chim- New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan has also shown concern for panzee colony in the world, surely will bid on the Air Force chimps in an the fate of these research primates. In a letter to a New York middle school, effort to profit by keeping these animals in some kind oflaboratory research. Moynihan wrote: "I am strongly in favor of the humane treatment of In fact, Coulston already leases some of the animals from the Air Force for animals during andafier relearch programs" (emphasis added).
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