Pionicer Newspaper of Ocean County. 5 Vents a Copy

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Pionicer Newspaper of Ocean County. 5 Vents a Copy PIONICER NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. 5 VENTS A COPY TOMS RIVER, 31. J, FRIDAY. APRII. », 1920 KWABIWUKW IS» VOLERE To .NUMBER js " , . OF WORK FOB REN “JOE" THORFNON IS -TOO H AILS SHOT TO PIKt'F.S NO ONI OPPOSED DAM AT *>1) TEAMS IN THIS SECT 10 X POOt TO RTS HtH CONGRESS" llltt Iti: 1*0 8 ITS REPORTED BV OCEAN lOt.NTV BANKS I’lHUt HEARING VESIERDAT Bank Assets Deposits In the past month or ho the xnmrently there 1» no lack of work In some parts of the Third Consrea-1 malls have again loom all shot to nvrtt and teams in this section of slonal district they have a brand new Lakewood Trust Company $2.!»20.T;m>.70 $2 553.463 10 No one appeared yesterday to op- First N'attonal, Toms River 1,180,387.81 1,124,76012 pieces, It has been as iliilicult to fsvse the project of damming Toma ■ . «hore In addition to the ordinary and bona fide reason for uppoal.i* i get mall mailer through as It »a» “ok of aprlna. which 1c enough on "Joe" Thompson of New Ksypt for Ocean Co. National. Pt. Pleasant 1.113,716.28 961,368 JO River at the public hearing In ibo Peoples National, Lakewood ■ 1,153,488,27 959,294.84 •luring the curly months of tots, courthouse on Tbi vday, April 8. at , ms and the rmtda to keep teams the Republican nomination for coo- when the war paralysed the mall ' i teamsters busy, there are a nutn- gress this fall. The «lory la being Trust Co,. Toms River ,920,336.89 750,711.18 10,30 a. 111., when Col. J. P. Jeiv. j, of Tuckerton llank 701,371.72 612,576.81 service. Dally reports nach the the 1!. S. Army f e ln s tn c e iu ,:|, tils >*'■ nt hi* Jobs in operation, some of circulated that “Joe is too poor to Courier of failure of paper* hi two assistants, engineers Ueorso W. h -h take laborers, some team*, and run for Congroas." The story goes on First National, Oarneaat .....- ..... 561,183.50 160.091.53 reach subscribers. 1>.■ can only First National. New Egypt 570,214.0» 496,603.01 1’. Miller snd «tin. E Snyder, jravo *lu' 1° "ay. "You know it takes a man with say tin- papers lire sent out from Total 17,922,052,85 $9,470,389.95 public hciirlug A mom those win* vt'nrk on the big dam at Toms River money to put up a succeaaful (Uhl In Toms River 011 Friday, If they do spoke Ivor of Mi. darn »• flew. ist beglnmn*. Henderson Bros, of this close district.” It Is admitted that not arrive In reasonable time, send U . Hi " •—” ■" ■----- ’— *■ * — ■*“ campaigner, and that .George II Holman. Arthur »del phi brought down sixteen Joe Is a ready ID ID K IM ttS t II t IHil'S county was enrroai kina at the eastern ns a postnI, and If possible nc will ol <’ M. té well. H K. A I*. ics and mules last week, be can make a speech and rouse en- AGAINST SUPERI ISOI! HOI.81 AN end more than the feet, the encroach­ moil you a duplicate. Meantime K. S11 voer. Win. F. Wld- n steam shovel They will naia. to Con ment dwindling down to almost noth­ put tile matter lip to your post- ! them i s’lt-'U K 3 E'rlti of ilio ing at the west end. Frank T. llol- muster and insist Unit In- linii out ill.- Elia-trtc to., and WtU- I«' what 1» I be matter. II Is his busi­ tlve. Hut ness lo do so, bul lie will sldyslep "Is dispensing with Um Hoad Supervinor John Holman atid the will ke a large num- managers the custom of read In county engineer will hold a conference II if he can. Make him lóenle the too poor" to long established <tf laborers, teams, and also a big the minutes, the reby gaining much next week with Mr. Haines to ascer- trouble, noil If won't happen soon t'rltchlow of the Dcpart- is said to be working again. _______ i c oi nivcuwiiw,meehaulea, as the »--■—plan -----calls- This story time. In order I o dispense with «he tutu what he desires done to make his ment servatlon nod D. velop- < . ieel sheet piling In the center of both ways,. am,and common folk ->arc - «tf- of the minutes, the! property as It was before it w as en- meni, gave ie states attitude 011 the dam down below the sand and ing that it might be well to be repre ' ''dious reading t . 01 t . SMOKER, 1.0IS OF Hoard has instructed Clerk Parker to rrnarhed upon, FI N. .1 A//. \ M l, ) t> , PEI' subject, wli h I* so far distlnclly fu- U deposits into the clay bottom sented In Congress once by a poor prepare four copies of his minutes. The Hoard authorised by resolution, Yorahle. All th.he local men a*r< ed t lint r the river valley; and also there la man like themselves, who might have sending a typewritten copy to each the purchase of uu Underwood type- there was no commercect on the strcani, ' tie a cement face to the dam. ce- some Ideas of their struggles to make member. and one to the solicitor of writer, not to exceed $100. for the of- Lois of fun, jag* and pep was de­ veloped at the Chamber of Commerce that it was too wlft. shallow and tor- ’ spillway, powerhouses, etc. both ends inret, because he too had the Board for their approval. At the flee of Surrogate U. S. Grant, fp at the Naval Air Station, near extierieneed them. !heK'workl ls^s^ed !n -C W Pwlth°beUer H AS A TTIM D I. M s S T l SCHOOL ^ube. I.win and Leighton are ad- NINE TEARS WITHOI X B1SSINA. „rtlslng In the Courier for fifty car- ------- - iM-utera and ten cement finishers. The On Faster Sunday Miss Mary Ander- Thc report of the bill committee was usalnst tlieft of the • ui or loss by fire v* “ "* " state would luspee! tbe building of tho Hethleheni Steel Co. la putting oil soil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char es handed up for first business and re- or accident, will cost the county $114 j dam from the foundation up with Jeal- ?i,el erectors, and there seems to be P. Anderson, was awarded the priae celvcd the careful attention from the for one yesr. 1 At the business meeting arrange- 0,1(4 order that It might bo ] rail for as much unakllled labor as as the pupil In (he Methodiat duu- noard that such an imiK>rtant doeu- The matter of llghta on the Squan I meals were made to take a count of saf(, ,.h1 jervsy stated that If the iV v can get. day school with the longest attend- meni renutred the following bllljl be- Rridge, wihleh baa tvothered the Free- I **"' cars, wagons, bicycles .ind toot tVar Department gave Its consent to Scaside Park borough has r eon- ance without mlsaing. She has at- liinii ict|uiii *' •* . , , 1_1 j __ ,».i........... _. 1 IIUHU6fittinm irninv nvur fh»* \lain alnint .» < . »..< ^ HhOUld fttL©r- iract out for a new boardwalk to be tended nine straight years without a asary for tralflo .„mulcted before July 1 The winter break. Miss Mildred Roberts, daugh- rnment would ' (■td un all the work, and now the ter of Mrs. W. 3. Roberts, la second, Indication* arc that •oniractor Is having troubles of bis having eight years to her credit. contingent exoensos 1513.88; rox imim- n n j j. 1 ne -mmney >»»» imeiesui i - ----------- - - .......-• ■— ; me report will oe favorable. The only ,wu to et enough workmen lor bis There are alx pupil» with a record •I«, tv - lights and fuel $121.95; which has a plant at nelmar and serve Holman, A. 1). Nickerson, Dr, Saraurl Qpp^ainyg note was lb„ letter printed " of five years each: ,'llss iiargaU v rniintv qimi-rlntcndent ot ScuuOls Point Pleaaant and Hay Head, agreed Lovenmn. and C. N. Warner were made |„ t|,p courier of last week, and ad- K A (orson, the Ocean City con- u ran t, Uaugl.tei of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ml- .,... Iniaries of county officers to light the bridge It allowed to run :l committee to attend n hearing m-'dressed to ( ol. Jcrvey by Willis H. „.bo is building the first sec- Ham R. Grant; Miss Alberla. daughter tnherciilar hospital $t>9.57; Its mains along side Hie bridge, and 1 >'*hged by Judge Berry for the Free- ¡¡„y, Vvh > owns property just below 0f |be 1-ont Beach road, from of Mrs. Lydia Plait . Charlotte, daugb- - farm dem' onstrator‘ $166.08;--------- courthouse----- **—— supported by •-■• it.•* They’•'•—.. got..«• the pprntls- holder«, and to be given by the l’tib- t be dniii. Several letters were siihmlt- u"f City Junction north, for the ter of Mr and Mrs. C. ... Morris. „nd rounds $107 15; expense of conn- sion. but like most concerns of Its I I«® Utility Hoard on Tuesday, April ,(1(j i-irIZe*11 -S approving the dam. Freeholders Is »»» Iwhind with Ills Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. iv officers ill 51- hrlrtvcs ami railings kind, where the pnhllc has a part of 27, at the stall-house In Trenton. C. R. __________ - L rk He says ur lias been unable to B.
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