1 of Matthew
1 The Portrayal of Joseph the Carpenter in the Gospel of Matthew The account of the nativity of Jesus in the Matthew is relatively short and may be briefly summarized. In ch. 1, the readers are presented a genealogy ofJesus as well as accounts of the marital relationship ofJoseph and Mary, Joseph's fear and concern at the discovery of Mary's preg nancy, his struggle with this discovery, Joseph's first dream (directing him to accept the child of Mary as of the Holy Spirit and to name the child, 'Jesus'), his acceptance of Mary and her pregnancy, his abstention from sexual intimacy with Mary, the birth ofJesus, and Joseph's naming of the child. In ch. 2, in tum, readers are presented the accounts of the adoration of the Magi, Joseph's second dream (directing him to take Mary and the child and flee to Egypt), the flight into Egypt, the residence in Egypt, Joseph's third dream (directing him to return to the land of Israel), and the return of the family from Egypt to Galilee. Finally, there is also reference to Joseph later in the Gospel (Mt. 13.55), within the pericope concerning the rejection ofJesus in the synagogue in Nazareth (13.54-58). Although this reference is brief, it is important, and also war rants further examination. Thus, readers are introduced to a fascinating portrait of the Joseph in the Matthean nativity that invites acknowledging and analyzing three main issues, through the means ofliterary and narrative analyses: (1) the ways Joseph is presented and represented, (2) the respective characteris tics and roles that are attributed to and associated with him and, in tum, (3) when and how he is juxtaposed with Mary, and the child, as well as other narrative figures.
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