Trinity Support Asked for WSSF to Help Needy Students Abroad
TRI , , ft t Volume XLV HARTFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 17, 1947 Number 10 Trinity Support Asked for WSSF Boosters Club to Trinity Basketeers Overwhelm Sponsor Pre-Xmas To Help Needy Students Abroad Williams in Home Debut, 58-36 I Dance This Evening Kitchen Describes Large Crowd Expected I I Ron Watson High Scorer Conditions; Drive Debaters Defeat At Festivities; Pipes Stassen Interviewed As Ephmen Succumb I Begins in January Haverford in Octet to Entertain By "Tdpod" Reporter At State Armory Speaking in Wednesday's Chapel This evening at 8:30 an informal By Bill Wetter service, Mr. Wilmer J. Kitchen asked Opening Battle pre-Christmas dance will be held in At Yale Meeting 1 I Trinity's support in a drive to give Cook Lounge and Hamlin Dining Hall An estimated crowd of 1600 watched Taking the negative side of the On Monday afternoon, December 8, 400,000 students abroad direly needed to help get the vacation off to a flying Trinity bounce back from its defeat question "Should the United States food, clothes, shelter, and hospitaliza start. The dance will be sponsored by about one hundred collegiate and pro- by M.I.T. earlier in the week, to romp Adopt Universal Military Training?", tion. Mr. Kitchen, Executive Secre the increasingly active Boosters Club. fessional newspaper reporters gath over the Ephmen of Williams to the I the Trinity debating team of David tary of the Wedel Student Service Music will be by Ed Lally, his piano e1·ed at the "Yale Daily News" build tune of 58 to 36, at the State Armory Rivkin and Samuel Goldstein opened Fund, said that due to crop failures and his orchestra, and refreshments last Saturday night.
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